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A Year and a Day (Arc 1.2)

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A Year And a Day

By ShadowedSin


Arc 1 - Consequences


Chapter 5 - Megaera’s Jealousy


Just After The Battle, May 2nd, 1998 - Hogwarts

Raine Potter

The great hall was quiet as a grave. Once where the students used to gather and feast and listen to their announcements, battle had scarred it. Where the Sorting of First Years into each of the Four Houses was announced and applauded, it was now a tomb. Raine sat on a long bench along what was left of the Gryffindor table. Tattered banners lay hanging along the wall. Above the staff table were the burnt remains of one of Voldemorts "Magic Is Might" tapestries. A massive M fluttered only halfway remained against the wall. Half of the staff table was gone, the chairs once seated for the likes of the Headmaster long turned to barriers or blasted apart in the battle. Their eyes narrowed as they spied the movement of others on the opposite side of the room.

It was a group of Aurors from the recovered Ministry, they were levitating bodies in for identification. One of them was the torn form of Headmaster Snape, his long black hair long limply from his head, and his robes were torn from when Nagini ended him. The pallor of his skin reminded her of Aunt Petunia's cheap china plates, and as they dropped him to the ground they rose. Raine felt wrong in their skin that night, like every night. It only got worse and as they  stumbled over to glance at the body they saw flashes of memory. The games played between Severus and their Mother, his love for her. And then one they'd ignored, of young Snape dressing up together with their mother. James harassed the freak after he caught them.

The memory made their blood boil. Boil for Snape to deny who she was, and then tamping down on it, again and again. Angry their father contributed to this and that in the end their mother didn't bother to reach out and help her friend. All because of one fucking word.

They were at the body now, and their eyes flicked over the body and sighed. A loud frustrated growl came from their throat and they had to readjust their glasses as they stomped their foot in rage. That sound drew their attention and a loud cough to make them look up. It was Draco, the boy who had tortured them for years. Well, more like acting as a half-assed rival who obviously survived abuse from their family. His hair was beyond unkempt, and his face was bruised from the battle. Tears strained his eyes, as he stood there staring at them. Raine considered just growling at him too, but they stopped. Their body rigid from indecision as Draco appeared to be trying to form words in his mind to put to his lips.

"Harry." Hearing that name just made them quake with rage....being -Harry- didn't feel right. They were NOT THE BOY WHO LIVED! Veins filled with acidic wrath, but something stopped them from screaming. From bellowing out all that rage pent up for years. He doesn't get it. I was abused for years, no one did a thing. I nearly died in that sodding cupboard.

"Draco?" they asked.

"...I'm sorry." The words came out of the youth's mouth in a tumble.

"For?" they asked firmly.

"For everything...for mocking you, Granger and Weasley." More started to come. "For mocking you and threatening your life. Merlin's balls Harry I just wanted to be myself and....I never could. I saw you, being the center of attention and I had to put you in your place."

"I never wanted it, Draco," they replied, turning to glance past the youth and noticed his mother speaking to an Auror.

"But you were always winning!" he said trying to make sense of it, "You killed Bloody Voldemort."

"I didn't want to be the Chosen One, Draco, I wanted to be just another fucking student," Raine bellowed drawing attention to the two of them. "I never got a break, Draco. First, it was being the Boy; then a fucking Basilisk; my framed Godfather coming for Pettigrew!"

Draco appeared quite unsure of how to respond. His cool pureblood mask shattered long before the Battle, and now Raine could tell something was more than off about the boy.

"You aren't the only one with abuse Potter," Draco said, "I should have seen it. Fuck. I should have known you would bloody understand."

"What are you talking about now...?" they said in confusion.

"Father....hell everyone in my bloody family!" he stated, "Fucking hell...I should have seen the signs."

" were?" they asked.

"Yeah...did you really think my father will hear of this was just a threat?" he said with a laugh.

"Dammit Malfoy," Raine sighed and felt someone embracing them from behind.

"Draco...what are you saying to my boyfriend?" said Ginny.

"Just," Draco wiped his face and said, "You two need to talk. I know that pained look Harry. It's not just the abuse...I can see you are in agony."

"What is he talking about?" Ginny said.

"Do. Not. Call. Me that." Raine finally braced against their girlfriend and said, "Draco...we can talk in a few weeks. Right now...Ginny and I need to have a long conversation."

"Sounds about right," Ginny said before pulling them away. Just before Raine turned away they saw the pain in Draco's eyes, the same pain they saw in Snape's in their mother's memories.

linebreak shadow

Early Morning, November 25th, 1998 - Hogwarts

Raine Potter

Even after seven years, Raine still found a genuine sense of wonder when the food magically appeared for breakfast. Dressed in a girls uniform for the day, they smiled as they uncrossed their legs while sitting and felt Ginny lean in. Ron, whose hair had long grown past his chin, was busily shoveling food into his mouth. A slow glare appeared on Ginny's face while her brother was oblivious to the entire table. This left Raine to eat their french toast quietly. Is Tisiphone gonna finally ask me out for a third date or what? Their thoughts suddenly fled to the other teen, the Princess of Slytherin House, Tisiphone Artemis Malfoy, or soon to be Black. A glance at their finger nails revealed the spelled to keep their colors. Not a single nail was chipped. Ginny reached over and ran a hand over theirs.

"Raine, did she send you a reply?" Gin asked.

"Yes, but mostly no," they replied.

"Be more precise please," she pushed.

"It means no, no she's ignored me," Raine hissed.

"Well, you did corner the poor thing after Potions about it," Ginny ate a bit of cheese and gave them a sideways look.

"We were getting on!" The protest from Raine grew louder.

"Yeah, and I never thought Tisiphone would have such a nice rack," Ginny smiled.

"Um......yes." Raine blushed bright red.

"You need to play nice," Ginny said, taking charge as she did these days.

"Yes - yes, her name means 'Vengeful Murder', I know." Raine rolled their eyes.

"That, and they are one of the richest heiresses in the bloody isles," Gin chuckled.

"All because her mom is good with investments," Raine said.

"I need to become an arithmantic accountant..." Ginny laughed, "Instead I was scouted by the Harpies."

"And you look great in the uniform," Raine said before eating a bit more.

"So, you need to ask her out again, do it between Potions. Slughorn already pairs you two together for some reason," Ginny commented.

"Good idea," Raine nodded.

"Mind if I ask you something?" Ginny segued into the conversation.

There was a moment where Raine could almost predict what their girlfriend was going to ask. A quick dart of the eyes to stare for two seconds at Ron, and back to meet Ginny's signalled they were on the same wavelength.

"Did you see Ron and Blaise snogging yesterday?" Ginny stated.

"Wait....." Raine froze as their eyes widened, "WHAT!"

That caught the attention of the rest of the Gryffindor table including Ron Weasely himself. Having two redheads staring at them made Raine blush bright red, making them wonder if they were going to get light headed. Dammit. I need to stop being so dramatic. Maybe Ron is right. Still, the image of Blaise Zabini and their best friend snogging was just confusing to their senses. What was even more curious though was Ron appeared to be hiding something. I mean, it feels like Tisiphone to a point. They thought for a moment before they heard a snap of Ginny's fingers. Her brown eyes bore into their own, and they sighed.

"Ron kissing Blaise is new," Raine said.

"Yeah, Won-won, is also different, he seems quieter." Ginny reached out and cupped Raine's chin. "Are you okay with how we are right now?"

"Yeah...I need a break from being the Chosen One." Raine blushed bright red and their eyes darted away to avoid eye contact. "I still have nightmares of dying and waking up."

"Madame Pomfrey gave you only a few vials of dreamless sleep, right?" she asked.

"Only three...but the dreams are getting more vivid and I wake up screaming." Raine spoke softly and leaned into Ginny's frame and felt her arms wrap around them. Ginny was dressed in a Hogwarts blazer and a pair of trousers, a counter to their own skirt. Both were easily pushing the wizarding standard of the uniform, but the Headmistress allowed it.

"Oi, you two gonna decide who's the boy and the girl yet?" yelled a Slytherin from the table over. The words caused Raine to flinch and Ginny rose from her seat with an arm still around their partner, her wand in hand.

"Anyone wanna say that to my face? I see you Nott!" she bellowed across the Hall.

"I'll duel you dyke!'' snapped a member of Nott's friends as Raine buried their face in the crook of Ginny's neck.

"Raine...why are you hiding?" she asked, still curious about the more demure personality of their love.

"I've been strong for so long I - just can't...." they shivered as screams and the sound of spellfire leaked into the periphery of their hearing.

"THEODORE NOTT IF YOU DON'T SIT DOWN I WILL SKIN YOU ALIVE!" screamed a feminine not far from the other side.

"Draco shut up!" barked Nott.

"MY NAME IS TISIPHONE BLACK!" the voice bellowed before there was a flurry of movement. Raine lifted their head and noted the slender muscular form of one Tisiphone Artemis Black standing up on the bench of the table.

"WIll all of you SILENCE!' barked the Headmistress as she rose from her seat.

"Yes Headmistress McGonagall!" all of the students replied.

Raine sat up now, feeling a bit safer than before. The spellfire sounds and the shouting are now gone from their hearing. Ginny rubbed the small of their back in slow circles as Raine caught the silver eyes of one particular fiery blonde. Tisiphone smiled across the way, winking at Raine in their far more rambunctious way. The teen was still unsure of how to ask her out. How is that I the great...wait I'm not the chosen one anymore. They blushed again, and leaned into Ginny, and felt the sharpness of their nails dig into their back. It was a possessive gesture making a small whine escape Raine's throat. The redhead responded by kissing their neck gently in front of everyone causing a frustrated gasp to run through the Gryffindor table.

"Jesus you two get a bloody room," snarked a sixth year.

Breakfast finished soon after leaving both teenagers to flee to their proper classes. Raine grasped her potions book while gliding down with Ron toward the Dungeons. Why do we even still have Dungeons? Shouldn't we call them the potion room? Maybe, something more like Potioneering Lab. Yeah, that sounds about right. Raine was still off in their own little world when they found themselves standing at the entrance. The lab itself was clean and waiting for them to begin. A series of cauldrons set in front of long two-person preparation tables sat quietly as the students began to file in. Raine remained at the back while Ron found a place sitting next to Blaise Zabini and the two appeared to soon be deep in conversation.

This left them to wait quietly as the tall lithe form of Tisiphone Artemis Black glided to the edge of the lab. Her hair hung down to her jaw in carefully brushed straight locks. Curling just ever slightly at the bottom, her rounded chin still possessed a bit of sharpness to it giving her an oval, angular face. Her lips were painted green that morning and were set in a solemn line below Tisiphone's just a tad hawkish nose. Liquid silver doe-like eyes met their own as Tisiphone's lips formed into a smile showing whitened teeth. The Slytherin was taller than Raine, by an inch, and was easily more muscular than them. Even if Tisiphone embraced her true self, it didn't mean a loss of strength in the transition of a body that felt right.

Raine stood there and tried to keep their jaw from falling open. Every time she saw her, she knew that Tisiphone was an overwhelming force of nature. It didn't help that her smile was second only to Ginny's. The tall woman gently turned the wizard around so they were facing toward the lab itself and guided Raine to their seat. Immediately, Raine's hands went up onto the table, as Tisiphone started to place out their things. All the young wizard could think of was the witch at their side, the fact that they were lucky enough to have two such people care about them.

"Today we will make Veritaserum," Slughorn opened to the class, "Ingredients are on the board, along with directions. You will present your finished potion at the end of class."

Almost immediately Tisiphone looked up, and laid out a piece of parchment. The blonde copied down the ingredients in a precise and meticulous manner only Hermione Granger could outdo. Raine watched and opened their textbook to the more descriptive instructions on how to properly prepare and when to add the ingredients.

"I'll retrieve the ingredients, can you light the cauldron?" Tisiphone stated and Raine gave a nod. She glided over to the front of the class, and just as she passed one of the Gryffindors, it appeared to be MacLaggen, attempted to trip her. His move only worked halfway causing Tisiphone to stumble, eliciting a growl out of Raine's throat.

"Really, McLaggen, trying to trip me like a two year old?" she asked, twirling on her heel to face him.

"Not everyone's a freak like you Draco Malfoy," the Gryffindor replied coldly.

"Still mad I didn't sleep with you, by Brigid's tits man, I'm a witch's witch," she stated flatly.

"You just can't cut your balls off and expect us to accept you Draco," the words were barely causing a reaction from the Slytherin.

"Whatever McLaggen," she replied before turning around and gathering up the supplies for the potion. As she made to pass McLaggen the boy once again tried to trip her, this time with a simple wordless Trip Jinx. Raine rose to her feet wand in hand just as Tisiphone fell forward, all of her supplies flying out from her hands. Immediately, Raine snapped out a quick featherlight charm to slow the ingredients just as Professor Slughorn glared at McLaggen.

"Using magic to trip a fellow student in my class?" he stated, scoffing at McLaggen.

"He's a Slytherin, a freak thinking he's a girl!" the boy protested.

"Fifty Points from Gryffindor, mister McLaggen, you may have been allowed back after the nightmare of last year. But if you push any further I will speak to the Headmistress to have you expelled!"

Raine was ignoring the exchange and was helping Tisiphone to her feet. Her hair was a little akimbo from the fall, but she rose easily and spent a minute regathering up the ingredients. Following after Raine the two sat down at their table near the back and returned to the actual focus of the class. Mister MacLaggen was busily glaring over his shoulder, but appeared to be quieted for now. The two partners were finally able to sit in silence and begin. Raine did her best listening to direct instructions from Tisiphone on the proper cutting of the Jobberknoll feathers.

"Strip them from the quill using a pair of tweezers? Isn't that a bit...overly complicated?" Raine asked while Tisiphone was pulling off the feathering.

"No, you can pull multiple at a time, but you want to get as much as possible," she replied, simply.

"Okay," Raine said, "We need to add a series of stripped Jackford, cut lengthwise and gently crushed underneath the knife."

"Reminds me of learning to cook Italian," Tisiphone said, her hands moving rapidly and on point to complete the task.

"You can cook?" Raine asked.

"Oh yes!," Tisiphone flickered her wand at the cauldron to light the fire, "Do you have the Vial of Ptolemy?"

Raine quickly scanned the ingredients, and gave a nod. Sure, even if Tissi had grabbed everything it was still a good idea to double check.

"Raine I'm going to ask you to stir as I add the ingredients, are you ready for that?" she inquired, gently.

"I think I can," Raine replied shakily. Their emotions started to boil as anxiety spiked in their belly. Already, they could feel their chest constricting from the tension forming around them. Should I ask now?  Raine's eyes peered over at Tissiphone while she was once again checking all of their ingredients. She came by and cast a quick "Tempus" to prepare for proper timing. They could do this! They could make the potion well, follow directions, and would get an O on the bloody assignment. Tissiphone drew her chair over near the cauldron and said, "Okay, I'm going to start adding the regents. I need you to stir slowly every five seconds widdershins."

Raine nodded, they would do this! The Blonde's hair was pulled back neatly with a hair tie and she sat up to hold the moonstone powder. A measuring spoon in hand, Tisiphone proceeded to add one spoonful every second stir for nearly a minute. Another cast of Tempus showed they were perfectly on time. The ravenhead was slowly counting off "One-one thousand" for the next stir and slowed after the blonde moved her to cease. Rising to her feet the young Black waved her wand and pointed it directly at the potion while incanting "Callidus Celsius" and in seconds a small floating notation of "100 C" appeared in golden numerals above it.

"It needs to be at One-Hundred-Twenty-One," Tissiphone murmured before modifying the flame using a simple fire manipulation charm.

"Doesn't the textbook say no higher than One-Hundred-Nineteen?" Raine queried, curiously.

"Yes, but what they don't mention is that if you increase the temp to One-Hundred-Twenty-One C it will melt the moonstone faster, and create a better bond with the Ptolemy," Tissiphone explained.

"Did Snape teach you that?" they replied.

" mother, she's a Potions Master, fully certified with her doctorate from Thames Valley University," she answered.

"That's brill Tisiphone," Raine said, their voice rising in excitement.

"Thanks Raine," the blonde blushed, "Please now stir clockwise twice and widdershins once every three seconds."

By now the potion itself turned a strange pearlescent color and just a few seconds later Tissiphone removed the cork and poured in the Ptolemy. Dark red liquid swirled in a spiral and not long after Tissiphone cast a quick time charm and added the Jackford Fern pulp. This time the potion burbled loudly as bright red dots appeared across the surface.

"Right on time," Raine nodded after checking the textbook and brought another shy smile to Tisisphone's lips.

"Wicked," she said, "Now we have to let it sit, one stir widdershins every minute." This time she incanted, "Tempero pars minuta prima!"

As before a small display of the current time appeared, this time instead of disappearing it remained as a charm illusion within view of the two students. Raine smiled at the enchantment and said, "Thank you!"

This time Tisiphone flushed pink down to her neckline, and Raine giggled a little at the reaction. Where once stood the silent and brooding dragon now appeared to be an entirely different person. Someone unafraid to speak their mind, and unfazed by their bloodline. The rest of the hour passed in complete silence except for the minor whispers of conversation from classmates. Raine busily was focused on her project, but every now and then, would peek at the blonde when she wasn't looking. She's changed so much physically and emotionally. Plus she's....kind of gorgeous. They were doing great, and from what Raine could make of their conversation appeared to have decent chemistry. Why am I waiting to ask her out! Oi, Gin's going to talk my ear off if I get cold feet again.

Time passed quickly in silence while Raine wrote down notes from the experience to apply forward. Ever since the sixth year when, holding Snape's old work book, Hermione had nagged her to pay better attention. It helped that Slughorn bore far less prejudice for the young Wizard compared to his predecessor. Still, just simple bits of information that can help were welcomed. Plus, teaming up with the daughter of a Potions Master did help quite a bit in the meantime. At the end of the time limit for work, the professor sampled the results.

"Potter and Black well done, correct color and consistency," he said after making his way through the other classmates. MacLaggen's barely reached expectations while Blaise and Ron appeared to have met them. Raine scanned the rest of her classmates and noted Neville appeared to be doing better than years prior. At least his current partner, Pansy Parkinson, appeared to have decided to work with him.

"Now we'll be testing these out in a month after they set, so for now we will continue with this month's project," the Professor intoned while tapping the board causing the text to switch. "For the rest of the term, you will be researching the serum itself and writing an ethical paper on its usage. You have a week to present your case, and you may partner in groups of three or four."

Raine blinked. This is too perfect. Slughorn appeared to watch them and Tisiphone and gave them both a smile. Is this a move to see who fits best in this year's Slugclub? The raven haired wizard peered at Tisiphone who was busily chewing on the end of her quill. They glanced over at Ginny who rose from her spot beside Milicent Bullstrode who sported a burn scar on her cheek. Ginny appeared to be having an in depth conversation about something. It was then Raine noticed more changes about Milicent. She appeared strong, the baby fat from years of youth replaced by a strong rounded jaw and neck. Raine wanted to speak to Ginny desperately, but the more they thought about it, the more sense it made to speak to Tisiphone right now.

The teen whipped around, turning hard on their heel causing them to feel a tad dizzy. Tisiphone appeared to be waiting for them and smiled as the wizard strode closer. A few more steps and they were nearly face to face with the heiress of House Malfoy. I'm the last of the sodding Perevells, a fucking master of death, I can ask out my second crush. Green eyes softened as they were met by silver. Tisiphone gave the young wizard a smile and fluttered her eyes.

"Hiya," Raine began, "I've been meaning to ask you-"

"Out to a day in Hogsmeade for a date?" Tisiphone replied, innocently.

"Wait, you knew I was going to ask!" Raine exclaimed.

"You aren't exactly subtle scarhead," she replied teasingly," And I'm not just asking you."

Ginny slid in beside Raine and they felt those strong arms envelop them. They loosed a sigh as whatever anxiety started to fade, as Ginny nestled their head against Raine's, the former Chosen one settled.

"I would really like it if you wouldn't call me that, Malfoy," they replied.

"Well, something had to get you out of your own little world," the blonde drew closer, causing Raine's breath to hitch in their throat.

"What do you say Raine," Ginny chuckled in the shell of their ear, "Do you want to go out with a fucking snake?"

"Oh two lions have the hots for little ole' me how terrifying," Tisiphone scoffed.

"Two lions and a snake, what a strange trio we'll make," Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes.

"So you actually want to go out with me and Ginny?" Raine asked, pulling the conversation back on point.

"I believe that was what I was asking," Tisiphone smiled.

"Three of us...all dating together?" Raine was finally realizing that their little dream was coming true.

"Yes, Raine, two beautiful women want you, and each other, that's what she is saying," Gin giggled loudly.

"Thanks for the compliment!" Tisiphone blushed to her collar bone.

"You three, I have another class coming, get out if you would, please!" Professor Slughorn said from behind them. The trio blinked at the old man before erupting in a fit of giggles. Slughorn rolled his eyes at seeing the three students, and turned to face the board. Raine was suddenly tugged by the two girls toward the door as they headed out to their next class.

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The Witching Hour, November 26th, 1998 - The Dreaming

Raine Potter

Raine sat in a strange place, it was the astronomy tower, but at the same time the sky above wasn't a sky at all. Instead it was a gloaming form of darkness, chthonic in its depths roiling with the burning of ghostly stars. All around them the scenery seemed the same as ever, but it was all darker and more sinister. The gloaming sky sat over a landscape of never ending shadow, a place where the darkness drifted across the ground like the fog of London. Their green eyes bore into the shadow, but nothing came from it. Yes, it was darkness, the very same stuff used by death eaters for their shadewalking.

Their eyes narrowed as they realized they weren't alone. Someone was standing right behind them, and they could feel the same darkness steaming off of them. Raine considered turning around and facing the other. I'm in a literal dark below, and there's likely a form of Voldemort behind me. This has to be some sort of twisted Legilimency dream or something.

"Raine Jaime Potter, child of Lillian Evans," a feminine voice said and clawed at their attention, "I have come to claim the price of the Wish you made."

Raine's eyes snapped wide open, as the words made them shiver. What wish could the voice be speaking of?

"You made a Wish when you died," she said, "You asked for a chance at happiness and safety."

"We all asked for that, it was a fucking Battle!' they spun around to face the voice.

"Aye," replied the woman they now faced. A woman with hair dark as the very night around them. Her eyes burned a dark green color illuminating her bluish skin. She was easily a foot taller than Raine, and her broad shoulders pulsed with hard won muscle. When she spoke Raine could see the sharpened teeth that filled her mouth causing her to think of a leopard. The woman was dressed in a blood red himation pinned by an obsidian starred pin.

"You asked for joy, but also vengeance for all the pain heaped upon you," she said, her head cocking to the side like an owl. Her bare feet dragged across the ground causing Raine to stagger back while she drew closer.

"Who the hell are you?" Raine glanced at her face and noted the perfection of her face, "Some kind of faerie?"

"Oh yes, and no," she replied and opened her hands and smiled, "I am a daughter of Nyx and Erbos, but my veins beat with the fallen castrated blood of Uranus."

"Uh of all the times for me to be terrible at Greek Mythology," Raine said uneasily and tried to slowly scoot around the tower balcony to avoid the woman.

"Let me make this clear to you Raine Potter," the woman was in Raine's personal space in an instant. Her entire body simply appeared and her clawed hand cupped Raine's face. "I am Megaera, the Rage of Jealousy, one of the Erinyes."

"That's a lot more random words I don't know, are you named that woman from Hercules?" they asked.

"While I do adore Sugan Egan, Porco Rosso was a magnificent work of animation," Megaera replied, "I do digress."

"You said I'm to pay a price, for a Wish?" Raine said.

"Yes, the same question my friends have asked you, Granger, and Black," she replied, "The very same question you, that blonde, and redhead are all dealing with right now!"

"What the hell is this? Parade of Ancient mythology?" Raine tore herself out of the woman's grasp.

"No, it's called magical wars draw our attention, the sons and daughters of Arcadia," Megaera mused, "And, when you are bound to our blood, you can call on us for a boon. Well, said boon has a price."

Raine gulped.

"And we have -much- to discuss."

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Chapter 6 - Sorry Means Nothing


After Lunch, November 28th, 1998 - Galway

Bellatrix Black

"So - you need to accept a few things." Erin sat across from her smoking a pipe, a long-stemmed thing straight out of The Hobbit. Bella blinked at how her memory remembered that one little book she read years ago. How did that muggle work get into our library? She let the random thought grow and bounce around in her skull as she tried to ignore Erin's pointed discussion. Days ago she’d defeated Rookwood's Inferius, and shown her skill in necrosorcery. It wasn't that powerful compared to others, but it was worth something. But instead of affirming her skill Erin had pressured further about her past. An unmitigated assault on her trauma, and one that made her more defensive as the discussion went on.

"What, that you're going to pester me to death like my mother?" she replied coldly.

"Nae Bella," Erin pressed her right knuckled to her lips, "No, I'm not goin' ta judge ye fer who ye ere."

"But you are for what I did?" she asked.

"Yes, lil faeling, ye did horrible tings. Ye ere a literal feckin' war criminal,'' Erin sighed.

"I KNOW THAT!" she screeched, "You think I don't see their faces at night? Hear their pleas even now" Tears filled her eyes and her face dove behind an arm to wipe them away. Sniffles came from her while the Goddess gave her a knowing unblinking stare.

"Welcome ta feelin guilty, par one o' understandin yer pat ta redemption," the Goddess said sarcastically.

"Do you need to be so bloody cruel?" she asked.

"Nae, I am...sorry." Erin sighed, "The bloody Sluagh wasted your emotions so badly I feel like I need to do a transfusion."

"Yes, the war goddess gives me emotions, make me even more of a blood-mongering sociopath!" she snarked.

"One, I dun ge blood lust, tat's Ares an' Babd!" Erin snapped, "Alsa, jus feck off Bellatrix."

"Can't fault me for a little -Black- humor," she chuckled.

"Mummy, that was bad!" Delphini spoke up while she was busily coloring a book where the three sat in the corner of a Cafe in Magical Galway. Ceantar Draídóra was one of the more fascinating parts of the large coastal city. Built along the aging waterfront, it was hidden among a series of now dilapidated warehouses and held an aging air of British Imperialism. Like most of the town, the main thoroughfare was standard, small two to four stories buildings filled with colorful storefronts. The big difference was the usage of magic for most of the utilities.

If Bella had not run away once and experienced Soho at the height of Martin Zevon, she would have likely never noticed the difference. For a moment she sipped her tea and watched Delphini. The plainspoken child was once again focused on her coloring, using a set of color-shifting crayons to work on her Arthurian coloring book.

"Bella," Erin chided her charge, "Do ye feel sorry fer wha ye did?"

"O' carse!" she snapped, her voice once again mimicking the other woman's accent. "I can sit here all day, and pine away for my sins. Lucifer's cunt."

"MUMMY!" Delphini protested suddenly.

"Sorry, my heart," Bella sighed and reached over and kissed the girl's knuckle.

"Well, ye realized sometin at least," Erin replied.

"That I feel bad, yeah, it's worse than someone teething my blood balls," the witch growled.

"An' ye seem ta undarstand, tat ye not only feel bad, bu' yer actions hert oters," the deity stated.

"Yeah, it was war though!" she deflected, "I wasn't in my right mind."

"Oh, nice dismissal, one step ferward an' two steps back, lass," Erin sighed.

Was the umpteenth session of the sort since Bella became the ward of the Morrigan. Erin seemed intent on cracking open every little scar of Bella's psyche and ripping her excuses apart like a hungry Harpy. Prometheus wept. She tried to contain it all, the pushes and nagging reminded her too much of her mother. Yet, there was a sense of epiphany after every few sessions. Combat spars were helping as well.

"Bella, ye were sayin pinin fer yer sins, eh?" Erin pushed.

"Aye," Bellatrix sighed and began to fiddle with the crayons on the table, "I don't think anyone will ever forgive me for what I did."

"Will ye ever forgive har fer da abuse she heaved upon ye?" came the question.

"Feck nah!" Bella barked, "That bint deserves to rot in hell."

"She's actually livin a hippy's life in France righ now," Erin stated.

"Are you shitting me?" Bella inquired.

"Nae," Erin finished her tea and set aside the mug before pushing a color book to Bella who gave her a quizzical look.

"Fucking...Salazar's taint," she said and leaned back in her seat. "Of course, she's been playing liberal brat after father died. Is she one of those hoity-toity neo-liberal types I keep seeing on your television?"

"Yea, she's mar irritatin dan Blair," Erin guffawed.

"I hate that woman so much," Bella breathed, "All she ever did was reinforce my father's beatings, and destroy me emotionally."

"Which is why we keep talkin bout dis over an' over again," Erin sighed.

At that juncture of the discussion, Delphini seemed to notice her mother's mixture of confusion and frustration. Without even asking she climbed into Bella's lap and found herself immediately enclosed in a hug. A quick peck on the cheek and the little girl felt her mother calm down. Dammit, I need to get better for her.

"Wha ye thinkin' just now?" Erin didn't let up this time.

"I need - to, " Bella fought through the desire to snap again, or deflect with a tangent. "Get better for my daughter."

"Oh Bellatrix Black," Erin rose and came to kneel in front of the woman. "Dere is no magical better, bu' we can foind ways ta help ye cope an' ta figh yer trauma responses."

"More gobbledegook, great," she said.

"Jus mean's, ye ere goin ta foind a place o' balance," Erin replied, "Ye can make a Telus an' summon a bloody Patranous in gaseous form. Tat shows healin."

Bella mulled over the Goddess' words once again, letting them sink in. She's right...and I can banish Inferni now. Again, Bella viewed her daughter and felt the creeping cold of her nightmares. The calls of Sirius, the Longbottoms, and even those she killed at the Battle. Her own niece, seeing Nymphadora's death waxy face made her gasp as she felt the pain in her chest and belly. It was strange to be out in the open, and nary an eye was batted at her presence. Why hasn't an Auror appeared to take me in? The waitress from earlier came by and refilled their tea before offering a little swish to her hips as she passed Bella. Nice arse on that one, would love to play it like a drum!

For the first time in a long while, she closed her eyes and inhaled. They burst open and were assaulted by a flurry of magical information. Aetheric winds wrapped around the waitress as she used levitation charms to bring along her teapot. A stain of ectoplasm covered one wizard like the spatter of blood. For a moment, she just watched as the witchsight let her see the touches of the unknowable around her.

"Ah, ye decided to open yer tird eye," the deity hummed.

"Its surreal, I haven't done this since...Tom made me search for Potter," she answered.

"Every toime we do dis Bella, your sorcery grows," Erin said and grasped her newly filled mug in her hands. "An' as ye grow, ye ere ready to be a Taoiseach."

"You keep calling me that...what do you mean by it?" Bella asked.

"I'll reveal da plan in the future, but I'll say this," Erin mused, "Ye ere of my blood Bellatrix Black, an' as such ye should hold the Mantle."

I feel like I'm in one of Meda's stupid Muggle Fantasy novels or that stupid little game she and Ted use to play. Bella crossed her legs and leaned forward. Drudges and Dragons or was it Dungeons and Dribbles?

"So what are we doing today?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Oh...we're goin ta speak ta a friend o' mine, bout some parchment." The goddess replied.

"Alright," Bella sighed, "And why?"

"Ye owe yer family an' apology, an its toime ta write it!" Erin said, rising to her feet and grasping the black cap she'd been wearing when they entered.

"Why still, they won't accept it," she murmured.

"Oh, bu Bella, sorry means nuttin, its fer ye to move ferward," the deity said before heading for the door.

More plodding along this pathway. She glanced at her daughter and took Delphi's hand as she ignored the fact the girl grabbed both coloring books. A smile came to her lips. She noticed the pile of coins left for the bill before she pushed through the door and felt Delphi tugging at her arm. Fresh sunlight shown upon the strange book with a wizard and elf on the front. And, in big plain letters it read "Dungeons And Dragons."

Huh, so that was the name.

linebreak shadow

Three O'Clock, November 29th, 1998 - Hogsmeade

Hermione Granger

The Hogshead was barely alive that afternoon, and only a sullen-faced Aberforth Dumbledore gave them any welcome when they entered. The tall bearded man was busily cleaning the bar with slow steady wipes of his hand. Hermione was reminded of Mister Miyagi from the Karate Kid as she watched the remaining Dumbledore at his work. Each movement was precise and after he finished a section he waved his wand over another and began again. She was tired from the side-along apparition and still felt her insides swirling in her stomach. Brigid, meanwhile, was at her full height and her too-perfect features on full display. Walking past each of the stodgy drinking old wizards and witches at one table and straight toward the innkeeper.

Aberforth noticed the faerie's arrival and approach out of the corner of his eye. He heaved a sigh of frustration to have his work interrupted and set aside the rag. Dressed in a simple blue button-up, and a black pair of trousers, his usual dark robes were cast aside over a chair up against the bar itself. Brigid gilded and stood and eyed the man, her eyes burning a deep red color as she let out a loud guffaw. Each and every person in the Inn felt the temperature begin to rise as a snap of magic caused everyone's ears to pop. The faerie placed down the walking stick she carried and used to cast magic on the counter earning a glare from Aberforth. Then as if still on a roll of pure mischief she grabbed a seat.

"What ere ye doing in here Bridget," the man's eyes narrowed, "I do believe I still have a horseshoe over the door to prevent your kind from entering."

Immediately his eyes darted to a large iron horseshoe bolted to the top of the doorway leading outside. What was strange though was the fact it was giving off a fainting hissing sound, and shaking in place.

"Pfft." The faerie replied, and gave a smile to the man who was steadily turning red faced. "I am Blacksmithing, Healing, and more combined."

"Iron forbids your entry," he replied starkly, "How are you not gasping in pain, sidhe?"

"Hiya Aberforth," Hermione interceded as the taller woman smiled, "Oh Abe, just get me six fingers in three shot glasses of the Islay's Best, and I'll shut up!"

Hermione watched the exchange as the faerie giggled with a hand pressed to her lips. Aberforth growled and whipped around to stalk out from behind the bar and into the cellar behind it. The walking stick on the bar top was shaking in time with the trembling horseshoe causing Hermione to wonder. Is she using some strange charm or enchantment to get around the Iron? She was the Brightest-Of-Her-Age, of course, Hermione Granger knew that faeries and their kin could be warded away by iron. Even steel apparently confused them in great quantities, but there was one bright little difference. Her mentor wasn't just any trooping faerie, she was the Faerie Queen of the Four Flames, Brigid, a real Goddess. So if someone could circumvent the rules of the game, it was a God.

The brunette took her sweet time finding a seat beside her teacher and leaned in closer to get a look at the walking stick. Brigid called it a Flescadh, some sort of Scottish wand only used by wizards and witches out in the Hebrides, the deep west of the Highlands, and the Orkneys. The thing was a shaft of pure black rowan wood carved with encircling scrollwork depicting a basilisk and ending sharp head. The eyes were set with amber, and she was curious about the core of the thing. Still, even after working with the Goddess for over a week, she refused to tell Hermione what made the large wand work.

"You know, I'm not going to tell you how it works," Brigid said, not even looking at her ward.

"Oh come on Brigitte," Hermione whined, "You've been waving that thing all over the place, and breaking magical theory clearly to annoy me."

"What part about Deified Being, do you not understand?" the Goddess replied.

"I dunno, how does it work?" she pushed further.

"It has a dual-core, a piece of my hair, and a dragon heartstring from a Wallachian Blackwing," she replied.

"Interesting," Hermione nodded and noticed Aberforth's return. He walked out from behind the stockroom door and proceeded to set down three shot glasses in front of the woman. In his hands, Aberforth carried an expensive-looking bottle of Scotch Whisky swirling with amber and gold. It wasn't firewhiskey, that was sure, the stuff in that bottle was something Hermione never saw before. Uncorking the bottle unleashed a smell reminiscent of Amortentia, the love potion, she smelled the sea, then spaghetti, and next sandalwood? She blinked as she found herself wondering what all of that could mean. Isn't a love potion supposed to smell like who draws your highest attraction or love? I don't know. The confused teen stared off for a moment before watching as Aberforth poured the color-shifting liquid while Brigid held two stacked fingers against each glass.

"What is that?" she asked.

"Heh...Faerie's Bite," she giggled, "Brewed by Scottish and Irish witches, this one is Islay's Best. It's got a bit of pixie dust in it to give it a real kick. Wanna try?"

She leaned toward Hermione and pushed a glass toward the brunette's fidgeting hand.

"No, I would prefer...a butterbeer please!" she snapped and turned to face the innkeeper.

"Oi...fine, I got some of that sceat somewhere," he gruffed and began to look around beneath the bar for a bottle.

"Lovegood should be here in half an hour, enough time for a little quiz," the Goddess said as her burning eyes met Hermione's. The muggleborn shifted in her seat as her sense of anticipation grew.

"Which witch was more influential to modern Europe, Queen Cristina of Sweden, or Lady Protectress of England?" the faerie asked.

"While Isabelle Cromwell was a powerful woman, her very existence has been obliviated from modern European history," Hermione stated and yawned. "Thus, Cristina, who openly explored magic and left for a convent to become a mistress theurge is far more important."

"Why is that?" Brigid asked.

"Cristina actually wrote something, she influenced Swedish history as well as that of Norse and Germanic Sorcery. It was her early works that split the Thule Society from the rest of Nordic Sorcery, and her apocrypha treatise "The Bonds of the Spear" which engendered the largest ongoing debate in thaumaturgic study."

"Ah yes, the belief that Magic stems from the bonds and intermarriage between the old gods, and a blessing gifted to humanity, to their chosen, from the godhead." Brigid chuckled.

"It is the one that makes the most sense if we take the modern Catholic and Protestant belief in magical origin," Hermione countered.

"Well said," the Goddess smiled before glancing over her shoulder and staring at the door. It was pushed aside as one dreamily appearing Luna Lovegood drifted into the Inn. Rather than seeing the two upon making her entrance, Luna wandered around the entire Inn before finding a seat beside them. In her hands, she held a muggle pen and a pad of paper. Every few steps she stopped and made a few notes.

"Hermione, what is the key to wandless casting?" Brigid inquired while Luna set aside her things on the bar top and asked for a butterbeer.

"A strong sense of intent, a clear expression of the incantation, and the proper focus of follow-through," Hermione chuckled.

"Well done, well done," Brigid smiled as she waited and Hermione rolled her eyes before muttering a word. Instantly, a glowing ball of aetheric energy appeared in her right hand and set it to float above them.

"Well done, the Lumos Sphere charm, a standard spell for sixth years," the Goddess beamed.

"It's been only a few weeks, and that's all I can do." Hermione sighed.

"In a few months you'll be doing wonders compared to your fellow students," Brigid replied.

"Hello Hermione, and Hello Brigitte Lyoncour," the blonde said, finally facing them both and tilted her head. "You both lack any wrackspurts, how strange."

"Your third eye is strong child," Brigid replied, "Are you ready to assist us."

"I do believe I am, the pictures you mailed me were quite fascinating!" the blonde chirped.

"Most excellent!" the Goddess exclaimed. Brigid brought her bag, an old aging brown leather rucksack, atop the bar and reached into it to retrieve the scroll.

"Father always told me one of our ancestors investigated Avalon," Luna smiled, "We have an old family journal in our archives, this scroll looks much like how Alexandra's daughter describes it"

Luna accepted the scroll and ran her fingers over the aging parchment. The wax seal holding the thing together seemed to sizzle under her touch as she pressed her thumb against it. Hermione's eyes widened as Luna pressed her thumb hard against the old wax and suddenly it began to melt on its own. Well, not really melting, she realized, it was liquifying and seemingly moving to just above to allow the scroll to be unfurled. An expression of pure mirth, a wild giggle escaped her mouth as she pulled the scroll open and a series of images and words began to shift atop its parchment.

"That's not Latin," Hermione mentioned as she watched the words on the page shift.

"No, British Vulgar Latin to be specific," Luna replied as she ran her hand over it, "Alexandra's daughter, Esmerelda, said the scroll would automatically adapt to the reader's native tongue. Though it could take a bit.

The print continued to shift from handwritten wording over time to something similar to the modern type. Hermione watched and considered what could create such a fantastical document. "Could a protean charm do this?"

"A modified one that is linked to a Translation Glamour, and the more complicated parts likely require various magical inks to create the effect," the Goddess said with a simple reply.

"Fascinating, I wonder if this magic is what led to the creation of that book you found me," Hermione mused.

"Correct, creating magical matrices in artifacts is a difficult art, easily replaced by modern electronics," Brigid mused.

"But aren't they still widely used in magical wireless and other objects?" Hermione asked. Luna, meanwhile, was scanning the document, her usual reverie broken by a hard fixed concentration.

"Yes, but that is the most basic applications and modifying with the use of charms," Brigid replied, "A complex matrix is like a modern computer program, it can incorporate hundreds of spell effects into one application."

"This sounds like faerie magic," Luna smiled.

"It is, we cannot handle electronics well because of our innate pull on ley lines," Brigid chuckled, "But long before humans had computers we were using aetheric construction to build entire magical computers if you will."

"Astounding, and you want to teach me this?" Hermione said.

"Of course, you have the mind for it, it's one reason I had an interest in another witch like you years ago," the Goddess stated.

"What does it require?" The question was filled with demanding curiosity.

"Oh, powerful witchsight, which you have, and she has as well," Brigid pointed at the blonde. Luna was now waving her wand over the parchment and said the words of her ancestor aloud. Buzzing filled the air around the scroll, its surface was flitting between numerous images and lines of text.

"Mine is broken though," Luna said quietly. "Ever since mum...passed away."

"You okay?" Hermione drew near and hugged her friend.

"This document has notes on the questing beast!" the blonde said happily, shifting the conversation jarringly again.

"Luna?" Hermione asked as she watched a strained micro-expression shoot across her friend's face. Luna's jaw tightened for a moment before she returned to focusing on the scroll.

"Hermione, this entire scroll is so amazing," she uttered nearly under her breath. "I can feel the beats of magic come from it."

"It really is," the brunette said as she felt her worry for her friend growing. Her...her usual dream feel is gone. Hermione considered just hugging her friend at that moment when a particular design appeared on the scroll. It was a cuff made of metal with a single ruby embedded in the center. What truly drew everyone's attention though was the animation showing the cuff extending into a full wizard's staff as tall as the user.

"The Staff of Morgana Le Fay," Brigid smiled from where she sat, "A powerful focus capable of usage as an enhancement to wandless magicks and to create magical vortices."

"Why do you want me to have this?" she asked her mentor.

"You wish to help the lives of other people, and specifically magical creatures," the deity replied. Hermione blinked for a second in all their discussions; she never mentioned that particular facet of her history.

"How did you...bugger, you're a goddess," sighed the brunette.

"This is not only the designs, but how to use it properly," Luna said with interest, "It uses a dual-core of questing beast whisker and dragon heartstring."

"I happen to have access to one such beast," Brigid chuckled.

Luna immediately turned to face the faerie, her eyes showing far more emotion than before. A massive curious smile splayed across her face. "What other animals do you -have access- to?"

"Oh....a Bicorn....and a few Nargles," the woman replied, coyly.

"See, I knew they were real!' the girl chirped before sitting up and nearly knocking over her drink. The blonde then jerked forward as she closed her eyes and her face flashed quickly with pain. Hermione watched as the blonde's shoulder jerked wildly and she shoved the bottle of butterbeer clear off the bartop.

"Dammit," muttered Aberforth as he used a charm to clean away the mess.

"Luna," Hermione leaned inward and held her friend steady before she could fall off her stool. "What is going on?"

"Oh nothing," she replied dreamily, her tone and poise returned to the usual Lovegood distance and daydream form.

"You just acted like someone was cutting into your shoulder," Hermione questioned, concerned, "What was that about?"

"Oh nothing, an old bite from a black shuck as a child!" she replied and grabbed one of the shot glasses sitting in front of the redhead. "What is this strange stuff?"

"Faerie Whiskey," Hermione replied as she still held concern for your friend, "Brigitte said it's a bit like Amortentia in how the scent works."

"Interesting, did they use bicorn hair in burning the barrels?" the blonde asked.

"Yes, directly from the mane," she smiled, "They have to be harvested by a non-virgin specifically since Bicorns react to the exact opposite sense of purity than their cousins."

"Fascinating!" Luna murmured before smelling and downing the entire glass by one gulp. Her eyes snapped shut as a perplexed look graced her face, and then she appeared to settle down.

"What did you two smell from it?" Luna asked before staring at her glass again and giving a small dreaming glance at the door to the inn.

"Lavender, Smoke, and Blood," Brigid replied, her eyes distant as if she was remembering a vivid memory.

Why do I feel like I'm in the middle of a daytime drama my mom would watch? Hermione stared at the other two women, and her eyes darted to Aberforth who ignored her. Is everyone picking up on something I'm not.

"Uh the Sea, Spaghetti Sauce and I guess Sandal Wood," she said with a blush.

"I smelled Sea Salt, Wine, and...Steak - rare." Luna mused in return before pushing the scroll over to her friend. "You should probably get this to Ollivander so he can make you one."

"How did you...okay never mind, bloody Ravenclaw deduction," Hermione sighed.

"I mean it's obvious, Brigitte is a blacksmith, not a jeweler nor is she one for making foci," Luna stated.

"She's a smart one, happy Rowena founded that House," she sighed, "One of my better students."

"It's always good to meet the Queen of the Four Flames, and She Who Quelled The Great Queen," Luna replied.

"I'm in the middle of another exposition dump aren't I?" Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose.

"No just two fae having a friendly conversation," Brigid replied and Luna's face paled for a second before returning to normal.

"Luna?" she asked and her friend stood up and headed toward the door. She turned around and gave a smile, "Sorry Hermione, but I really must be going!"

"Bollocks," Hermione said before staring at the Goddess, "Were you and her taking the piss on me?"

"No...just figuring her own reality," Brigid replied. The two were the only patrons left in the bar. Aberforth repoured the three shot glasses and glanced at Brigitte before leaving the bottle for her. Hermione asked him for a latte and the man obliged, turning around to work with a new-looking machine beside the well. Again, as she watched the goddess drink her liquor there was the faint scent of the Sea - and Spaghetti sauce. What could it all mean? That staff was Morgana's and Brigitte just admitted she tutored Rowena Ravenclaw. What could this all mean?

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Chapter 7 - Comeuppance


Morning, December 1st, 1998 - The City of London

Dailey Prophet


By Moira O'Dell

Reports from the previous night have been confirmed, infamous Death Eater and Dark Lord supporter, Lord Lucius Arcturus Malfoy, was slain last night by a muggle! Put under house arrest by authorities at the MLE, Malfoy had 'enjoyed' a characteristically easy life for an arrested criminal. Many blame his connections in the Vanguardist movement and support among powerful ministry figures of the pro-Pureblood Unionist Party of the Wizengamot for his lessened punishment. It was through extraneous interrogation and plea deals with top solicitors at the MLE Barristers Office, that a final agreement was made. The deal itself says a source at the Ministry would grant Malfoy limited freedom for permanent probation and seizure of half of his assets here in Britain as well as in Europe.

More recent developments, however, including rumors of increasing estrangement from his aristocratic wife, Narcissa Black Malfoy (youngest sister of infamous war criminal Bellatrix Black), have continued to increase in prevalence. Even more so the scandal of his son and now daughter's 'transition' from Draco Malfoy to the legal name of Tisiphone has proved even more of a slap to the infamous Pureblood Lord's fame. Now without the walls of his once-grand power center, and through waning support in the Wizengamot, Lucius Malfoy has been slain in a drunken theft gone wrong.

The Coroners Office of the MLE in London has issued a statement considering the death of Lord Malfoy a homicide, and that they are working with Muggle British authorities to locate and apprehend the assailant. Meanwhile the death of Lord Malfoy leaves his households seat in the Wizengamot in question as well as the inheritance of the title of Lord Malfoy.

Morning, December 1st, 1998 - Black Manor, Cornwall

Narcissa Black, formerly Malfoy

"Are you sure it’s all done?" her voice wavered from her usual controlled mask. Across from her Cissa faced her solicitor, her sister Andromeda. The older Black sister watched her younger sibling with careful eyes, and Cissa could still sense the strain in their relationship. Andromeda Black Tonks was the near spitting image of the oldest of the Black sisters, Bellatrix. They both had the family's signature cheekbones and sharp cunning brows. Eyes the color of obsidian twinkled back at her as she felt herself shiver. Once like her sister she too had hair as dark as night, and a smile that was yet truly earned. There were still words left between the two of them, and even worse their sister. Years of neglect had only rusted the relationship to the last thread until it would collapse. Only Narcissa's desperate plea and her admittance to her husband's long years of abuse convinced Andromeda to assist her.

"Yes...even before the Prophet article, it was all dissolved," Meda watched her as the two sat on the veranda of their family's coastal estate. Black Manor was half the age of the stone ring hundred yards away from it. Rebuilt and remodeled over the years from a Stone Ringfort in the Iron Age to a Norman Castle, it stood the testament of time. Just like the House of Black itself, the Manor was a reminder of what the sisters grew up with as well as the link of blood and magic they still had.

"...Don smiles on me," she whispered, inciting the name of the ancient Brythonic creator goddess.

"That or maybe Loki finally was done with Lucius bullshit," Andromeda sighed.

"I mean...the Malfoys are a Norman family," she replied, and her older sister gave a chuff.

"Last time I checked, weren't they proud Anglicans believing in the Holy Vitae?" Meda said with a wry grin.

"They are...but Lucius did give offerings to Loki and the Jotnar at times. He wanted to be clever, so why not honor the cleverest of the gods?" she answered with a question.

"Seems rather droll to me," Meda placed her hands on the contract in front of them printed out on muggle white paper.

"Why aren't we using a magical contract for all of this again?" She shifted in her seat and called for a House elf to bring her some tea.

"This is for the severance of the estate and will transfer Tisiphone's inheritance back to the Black Household," Meda waited, and as the elf appeared she asked for some coffee.

"Thank you, Mim," Cissa said to her servant before continuing, " think Alphonse would try something?"

"He's a Malfoy, bred and raised to be cunning and the worst example of Slytherin ambition," Meda replied.

"He was always a canny bastard...he and his wife used to always try to steal my silverware," she pinched her nose, "It was something out of that stupid little book series you use to read to me."

"What? Lord of the Rings?" Meda blinked at the reference, "Are you seriously comparing your inlaws to the Sackville-Baggins?"

"What else would I do? You're the friend who got me addicted to muggle fiction, to begin with," she giggled a little.

"Are we sisters again?" Cissa asked.

"You disowned me, Cissy, Bella threatened to kill me she and the others almost killed my daughter. They did kill my husband," Meda answered curtly.

"I...I am sorry Meda...I had my reasons," she replied carefully, her throat was already starting to feel dry. The tea brought by Mim only alleviated for a few minutes.

"Reasons which included giving your old mansion over to a genocidal maniac," Meda said.

"Lucius was the one who agreed to that...I hated Voldemort," she replied.

"Why did you let your s- I mean daughter, take the Mark then?" Meda inquired.

"I've known about Tisiphone's status for a long time," Narcissa said and rubbed her brow, "She suppressed it so well, but I knew."

Andromeda placed her tea down and stared directly at her sister. Narcissa met her gaze with an uneasy glance before rubbing her neckline. She knows I'm avoiding her question.

"WHY didn't you get away? I could have helped you Cissy!" she snapped. "Instead you stayed there."

"Lucius would have found us, he would have killed you and used his connections in the Wizengamot to cover it up," Cissy murmured.

"What did he do to you?" Andromeda asked, this time far quieter and gentler. The older sister's hands encompassed her younger siblings, as she noticed that Cissy was starting to shake. Behind them, the cerulean surface of a saltwater pool sat waiting for her, and Cissy's eyes darted to it.

"He did what Cygnus did to me, forced a collar around my neck," she gulped as she rapidly began to undo her robes and stood. Underneath she was wearing a two-piece black swimsuit. Her sudden movement caused Andromeda to rise as she watched her sibling walk around the table and stare at the pool.

"I always hated it Cissa" Andromeda joined her sibling and stood by her as the youngest of the three Black Sisters felt the increasingly dry air around her. Her throat was painfully parched at this point, and her body was craving the salt. She needed to let her body be fully immersed, so she could rest and let her thoughts trail away.

"He said he was going to let me be my real self," she replied as she sat down at the water's edge and ran a hand through her hair.

"I am sorry I wasn't there for you started," Andromeda admitted.

"I should have reached you...I could have asked Draco to find Nymphadora," she felt tears rimming her eyes.

"Cissy," she began, "What was Bella like when she came out of Azkaban?"

The change of topic was a little disturbing to Narcissa, but like most of the trauma in her life, she took it in stride. Years of molding from her parents, and abusive training from her husband meant her usual response to anything disturbing was to hold her mask. Hold it like a shield so her internal thoughts and mind could prepare her a reply.

"She was more than three-quarters dead Meda...that place made her insane," Narcissa kicked her feet in the water and sighed. "That Noseless bastard used all the same tricks father did to manipulate her. I should have seen it when she first started speaking to him."

"There's a lot we could do Cissy," Meda replied and gently placed her hand on her sister's shoulders.

"Hindsight is scried right?" she asked in return.

"I won't lie, Cissy, we hurt each other, and we've all made bad decisions." Meda replied, "I don't think you'd say I made it worse though."

"No your mud - I mean muggleborn husband was a good man," she sighed, "And your daughter is a wonder."

"She's still in a coma," Meda sighed.

"I thought Bella killed her..." Cissa held back even more of her emotions. Even IF Nymphadora Tonks had been on the other side fighting the Dark Lord, there was something twisted about her sister killing her own.

"She almost did," Andromeda whispered, "She froze during the curse, I saw it when Remus and Nymph were back to back."

"Why would she hold back against a blood traitor who married a werewolf?" Cissa asked carefully.

"I don't know...Bella always did have stronger beliefs in the power of our blood than even her beloved Dark Lord," Andromeda stated.

"She killed Siri, she pushed him into the Veil of Death!" Cissa exclaimed.

"Did she?" Meda asked, "Even during the first war Cissy, she never faced me. Hell, the one time she fought Ted she disarmed him and banished him on the spot."

"I've seen her kill multiple people, muggles, and purebloods, are you saying our war criminal sister has a soul?" she asked carefully.

"Why are you defending her?" Cissy asked, she still loved her sister, but in the wake of the war she knew how much damage Bellatrix did and she hissed as the air became drier.

"I'm not," Andromeda replied and leaned back until she was laying down staring up at the clouds above them.

"What did you think was going to happen to her after what father did?" Meda replied, "he locked you in a fucking tank for a week to make you follow orders."

"He got worse after you left," Cissa muttered.

"And you know what, that was shitty of me to do!" she said, glancing at her sister. "As soon as I got my solicitor's license I should have started trying to free you from their thumb! By Morgana's tits Cissy, I could have let you sleep on my couch."

"Lucius would have come for me," Cissy said and inched closer to the edge of the pool.

"Albus himself said I should've done it," she replied, "He was a confusing old man, who was bent on manipulating people. But, I think...I think after what he saw at that house Raine was staying at."

"So this was recent?" queried Cissa , "You waited until after I had been collared again and forced back into slavery to consider breaking me out?"

"No," Meda admitted, "I wanted to do it earlier, so did Ted. But the rest of the order refused to give any support because Albus didn't change his mind."

"I always hated that meddling old man," Cissa growled, "He spent more time playing chess with lives against Noseless than actually thinking about helping those around him."

"I honestly think he had a creature prejudice," Meda replied, "I honestly think if Siri hadn't loved Remus, Dumbledore would have sacrificed him in one of the first battles."

"Of course it's the shining knight of the Light who hates the Fae and all their ilk." She snorted before sliding into the water and letting its cool embrace cover her form. Andromeda stood up to watch her younger sister and just as Cissy snapped her eyes open she could see her older siblings distorted form above the surface. Instantly, as her eyes opened the nictitating membranes that kept them safe in the water covered them. The gills along her neck and her chest slid open and she felt the water rush into her body. Salt and sea filled her as she gasped and let out a rush of bubbles from her mouth. Her transformation to her watery form required only seconds and she felt the tingle along with her feet and hands. Thick webbing to allow her to swim faster appeared between her digits as her toes extended outward to form into a pair of finned appendages.

She was a daughter of the sea, of the finfolk who dwelled in their Finfolkaheem and it was through her mother's blood she was able to breathe underwater. And it was through that same blood that her husband and father before him controlled her. Narcissa moved through the water at a speed only a human could dream of as her swim bladder allowed her to remain at depth. Her eyes seemed to become larger to take in any necessary light and her hair grew longer as she dove to the pool’s full twenty feet of depth.

Being the blood of the Fae was part of her being, a native being of magic itself. As she came to rest on the bottom her body drifted lightly with the currents she created from her mad dash to get out her energy. Even at twenty feet down, her body didn't feel the pressure and all she could do was let the lack of sound permeate her being. Even as she rested she could feel the ley line that buzzed as a current of magic beneath the family estate. It was that very reason why Black Manor was built here at Land's End, or Pedn an Wlas in cornish.

I'm free, I can speak my native tongue again! She gave a kick and drifted over the pool floor as she noticed Andromeda's silhouette shifting above her, a pair of feet broke the surface as they started to kick. No more proper English dinners, no more suppressing my fucking first language! She lipped a few words in Cornish from her mouth and she nearly cried in the water at the nostalgia of it. Of Bella reminding her to work on her English as she grew older of both her and Andromeda code-switching to appease the English supremacists who ran Hogwarts.

"Fuck." She said in the water which came out as a minor gurgling sound. Speaking in the water was hard, and as she sat there she decided to do something different. As the aerated water passed over her gills she inhaled deeply to draw more in and then let out a loud single happy keening sound. RYDH OV VY!  A lilting melody burst from her mouth and filled the entire pool. She saw her sister's feet still and disappeared as a brunette head in a bubble charm appeared to stare at her. She swam up to her sister and broke the surface in a rush of water.

"You sound happy," Andromeda told her.

"I am Meda, for the first time in well over two decades, I'm finally free," she said, "I haven't been this happy since Tissi was born."

"I'm glad for you Cissy," she sighed, "We should have lunch soon."

"I agree." She smiled at her sister, there was much to do, but at least they had reached a greater sense of common ground.

linebreak shadow

Morning, December 1st, 1998 - Hogwarts

Andromeda Black Tonks

The rush of green flames around her signaled her arrival in her private chambers in Hogwarts. After spending the day speaking to her now divorced little sister, Meda Black Tonks was incredibly tired. She strode into her room and walked past the small table and modern kitchenette she had. The magical electrical appliances thrummed and showcased the woman's interest in the latest artifices. Sure, spells could do whatever she wanted, but a smart muggleborn four years ago had figured out how to power muggle devices using a continuous power charm. Now instead of having to use a series of spells to prepare food she could direct the food into various devices to assist. Having bloody toast like at home was a definite plus since she hated doing it the standard magical way. A flick of her wand sent the automatic teapot filling with water and heating itself up.

A cuppa would calm her nerves, the mint-chamomile mix was the best she had and was a gift from an old friend. The Black sibling sat down and stared at the briefcase she carried with her. Unclipping the fasteners she stared at the contract dissolving her sister's marriage and contacts with the House of Malfoy. At the base of the document were two signatures, Narcissa herself, and Alphonse Malfoy's signature. Of all the people to become Head of House, Alphonse was only a slightly less insufferable prat than his older brother. Years in France among their pureblood culture had dulled his British racism to be more accepting of half and quarterbloods. The man still used the mud slur more than she was comfortable with and during the negotiation it required all her patience not to hex him on the spot.

Goddess Ted, I miss you. While she waited, her dark eyes darted to something else in her briefcase, peeking out from under the dissolution contract was a small letter a white raven delivered to her a day ago. It was written in an archaic form of the alphabet which she expected to see in old Irish illuminations, what drew her attention however was the introduction.

It read:

"To Andromeda Cassiopeia Black,

Years ago, you made a Wish before you married your husband. To be with your sisters again in a happy family, and that they should find those who treat them as your late husband treated you. You made this wish near the Stone of Fal in Ireland after running away from your family home at Land's End. I know because I could feel you leaning against the stone as you asked the Gods. As pure of heart, and as strong you are, you have gained my attention. And, it is without careful consideration that I will tell you this. You will have your family Andromeda, and it will be whole again. By Kith and Kin, and the Old Ways, so mote it be.

Erin ni Ernmas, Blood of Danu, and Ancestress of Clann Ó Nóchtréaltaigh.

The letter itself was stranger than the message itself. Whatever the paper was, it wasn't the standard parchment of the wizarding world. Its texture was soft like silk and appeared to be almost taken from a single leaf of a plant. Yet, it was the standard bleached color. Even more so the words on the paper seemed to vibrate with magic as well as the stranger emblem embossed in pulsating ink at the base. A shield, with an argent, speckled sable raven on a vert background, her eyes noticed the words "Clann Ó Nóchtréaltaigh" embossed over it.

"What in the world?" she wondered as she shifted the paper to the side and leaned in her chair. A few moments later a knock came from one of the rooms in her apartment and out walked her family's House Elf, Whimzy, a young free elf she hired to help raise Ted.

"Baby Teddy was verrah good today!" she said in her Irish burr betraying her origins. Unlike British Elves, the ones who lived in Ireland were paid and bound to houses using legal contracts. Even as she was handed the baby she summoned two cups of tea and the kettle for the water.

"Thank you Whimzy, I couldn't survive without you," she stated.

"Mistress McGonagall came and watched the little Lairde for a day Miss!" Whimzy squeaked as she used her own magic to summon cream from the fridge and poured the tea mix into a small diamond-shaped diffuser.

"Excellent, how was the Headmistress?" asked Meda while she kissed her grandson's head.

"She appeared tired," Whimzy said as she poured the cream into her steeping tea, Meda frowned at the elf's overuse of the dairy.

"Ah, I should go visit her after tea then," she smiled as little Teddy's hair started to shift colors in his sleep from brown to blonde.

"Do you want me ta look aftar the little Lairde?" Whimzy asked.

"Yes...that would be fantastic Whimzy, I am so sorry I left him with you so much today" she sighed being a teacher wasn't easy.

"It's alright Miss!" Whimzy chirped, "Would you like to take him to see the Headmistress?" the elf asked.

"I wouldn't mind at all," she gently picked up the baby from his bassinet where Whimzy placed him. Transferring him to pram she began laying a few protection charms to keep himself. Even with how secure the Hogwarts castle was, a grandmother couldn't be too careful. The pram itself was a standard black stroller made to hold the baby while he slept with a cover pulled over it. She gathered a few items she owed to the Headmistress and placed them in the undercarriage of the pram.

Just before she left her residence Andromeda glanced at the table where her documents still sat. Her eyes fastened onto the letter and the details for her niece. Bramm an gath. Fuck it. Tissi needs to know and I don't think she wants to learn from Slughorn. With a roll of her eyes she added the documents she could share with Minerva to those in the pram. With a few moments of patience, she was out the door and locking it as she made her way to the stairs to reach the proper floor. Getting the pram up the stairs using the levitation charm could be a bit ungainly, but it did provide what she needed.

The actual trip from the faculty dwellings to the Headmistress' office wasn't a long one, but it could be a little arduous with the castle's habits of shifting around. Blinking a little bit the middle Black sibling breathed out slowly and glanced out the window. Another dreary day with heavy rain and wetness everywhere.

"Scotland." Was always how Minerva described it. That and dreek, an old Scots word specific to the type of rain they were experiencing.

Andromeda reached the gargoyle guarding the Headmistress' office in record time and let out a small huff. Even with all the walking, she did and dueling practice, she still felt out of shape after a few months of depression. Glancing at the wall she leaned into the gargoyle and smiled. Its leering face and outstruck tongue. A smile came to her face as she stared at the gargoyle and a sense of safety swept over her.

"Morgana's Trickery," she said and the gargoyle suddenly came to life. In one fluid movement, the stone artifice leaped to the side leaving the stairway up to the corridor open. Another levitation charm and the pram were on their way as they maneuvered through the spiral. Finally, she pushed the pram through the corridor into the Headmistress's office proper. As soon as she entered she noted that Minerva was vacant from her desk leaving the entire room empty.

Of all of the residences, this was the one that always seemed to hold the most personality. The circular room appeared larger on the inside than the outside, likely a result of a space-altering charm of some type. To her right sat a circular fireplace burning with ruby red flame. Atop the stone mantle was a small bowl covered in Norse filigree and she smiled at the variety of headmaster pictures arrayed around the room. Phineas black watched her with a knowing grin, which unsettled her and she noted that many of the portraits were empty at the moment. On both sides sat a pair of loveseats colored red and gold for the Headmistress's house, but above the mantle itself hung the banners of each House.

Behind her desk sat a fairly different image, the Shield and Badge of the McGonagall family, a roaring lion gold Lion on a solid rich scarlet background. The words, "Élève-toi avec honneur" or "Rise With Honor '' displayed underneath it. The brunette smiled and set the pram aside and picked up her grandson in her arms. I'm too young to be alone and be with a child again. Oh Nymph, I'll take Bella's fucking head off for what she did! Cool rage hit her as her grandson started to Fidget. Little Teddy's hair suddenly switched to bright green as his eyes open and he let out a small cry.

"Hush now," she said and started to bounce him in her arms. Even if she was alone she was still a more than capable mother. A second later and the flame burst to life and shifted to green as one Minerva McGonagall came out of the fireplace in a rush. The woman's long white hair was pulled back into an elaborate French braid and her robes swished with her movement. Unlike most witches of pureblood, McGonagall was a utilitarian woman. And dark denim jeans and a wine red blouse underneath the robes only added to the sense of modernity she gave off.

"Dammit!' she barked as she began to pull at her boots and said, "I just had to wear heels today. Bollocks."

"Well, your arse does look good in them," Meda mumbled with a slight giggle as she sat down with Teddy in her arms.

"Morgana's Tits," she sighed before turning around to face the younger woman. If one were to say to her that the woman of her crush as a young Slytherin would one day be one of her confidantes would have broken the young purebloods mind. Back during her time as the Transfiguration tutor and as the Gryffindor Head, Minerva's once black hair had only gotten more beautiful with age. A slender, but strong jaw that always seemed to have a wide smile, and eyes that sparkled with mischief met her. Even under the fitted shirt, she could see the woman's muscles moving, as the former Quidditch Captain still maintained a daily regimen with her best friend Madame Hooch.

"Hallo," she said while leaning forward and offering a smile to her friend. With a quick swirl of her wand, the woman's robes sailed over to the coat rack and allowed her to plop down in front of Meda in the opposite loveseat.

"What is it Meda?" she asked the informal, showing her growing friendship with the woman.

"I have some news about my sister," she began, "I do believe you saw today's Prophet article about Lucius."

"Ah yes," the Headmistress stood up and summoned a glass of Faerie Whisky for herself, "Couldn't have happened to a better man. May Fionbharr be gentle to him in Mag Mell."

"Did you know my sister was part finfolk?" she asked and watched her friend sip from the shot glass.

"I do remember she had to use the lake and salt baths, so I assumed aye," Minerva said.

"Well, Lucius used to collar her and purposely dehydrate her to make her follow his wishes," Meda said, "She told me today. Years after running away and not speaking to me she finally tells me about her abuse."

"Wow," Minerva sipped again before setting the glass aside on a small end table to her right.

"Yup," Andromeda sighed.

"Goddess," Minerva blinked and said, "Well, happily he was beaten to death by a muggle then."

"That's not what he deserved, but I agree," Andromeda said and crossed her eyes in a funny face at Teddy. The baby gurgled happily as he waved his hands and she made another face. His eyes suddenly switched color becoming luminescent green as he giggled again.

"You aren't just here to talk about that though," Minerva gave a knowing smile, "I can tell Meda, you're waiting for me to settle in. You're good like that."

"Aye," she replied, having picked it up from her friend.

"I have this," she walked over to the pram and retrieved the letter to give it to Minerva. The woman let out a loose snort of annoyance and summoned her reading glasses from her desk. After placing them on it required her a few minutes to read the letter at least thrice before Andromeda knew she would give a proper reply. She viewed the woman's eyebrows shot up and she set aside the letter before glancing at it again.

"Oh...I hope you aren't taking the piss with me," she growled.

"You know I wouldn't do that to you," Andromeda replied softly.

"If this is who I think it is, whatever you wished will come true," the Headmistress stated.

"Who is Erin ní Ernmas?" she implored.

"If my mind is not too addled from that damned war," she coughed before summoning the entire bottle of Whisky, "That's the modern name of one Faerie Queen, who most know as the Great Queen."

Andromeda required a few moments to dig up her old Celtic myths. Being Cornish by birth and from one of the remaining Old Families, she was required to memorize most of the complicated mythology of the Brittonic culture. All she could remember from the name Great Queen was - Oh by Merlin's balls.

"You're saying that the War Goddess, Mórrígan, from Ireland sent me a letter?" she exclaimed, Teddy promptly let out a small wail at the outburst and she was forced to rock him for a few minutes.

"I mean," McGonagall said, "We watched a madman resurrect himself and nearly take over the country. An ancient Goddess granting you a wish doesn't seem exactly that um - out of the ordinary."

"What is that O name she mentions in it?" she inquired.

"Well, one I speak Gaellic not Irish," Minerva sighed, "So I can give you an approximation."

"Okay so um, can you?" Andromeda asked.

"Fine - fine," she sipped another glass worth of Whisky and settled in. Andromeda watched as the woman spoke to herself and her eyes seemed to dart around as she likely was delving into her head. "It means the 'people of' - and the rest means 'night sky'."

"Thank you," Meda replied and stated sheepishly, "If it helps, I can sing some Cornish later."

"It would, actually," she replied and seemed to think about it, "How about you and Teddy stay for dinner. We got some fresh salmon recently and I've been wanting to try it with a wonderful bernaise."

"Oh?" Andromeda blinked for a moment, and thought, "I would be happy to have dinner. Wouldn't Rolanda be jealous though?"

"Why would she be?" McGonagall said.

"Aren't you two dating?" Meda countered.

Minerva started at Andromeda for a pregnant pause and two beats passed before she leaned back and let out a demonstrative sigh. One that brought her green eyes back into contact with Andromeda's.

"Madame Hooch and I are best friends, we played Quidditch together and were duelists for a while. She returned after being a hitwich and asked me for help getting the job here," she replied. "She's my sister, not my lover."

"Ah, I seem to have misjudged the situation," Andromeda mumbled.

"Pretty sloppy for a Slytherin," Minerva chuckled.

"I must protest Headmistress," the brunette pursed her lips together and hugged her grandson, "I am ambitious, but it doesn't mean that my skills aren't a little rusty."

"I'm offering you salmon dinner with fine wine, and you’re protesting?" Minerva laughed.

"When my good name is in question I do think," she tried to keep it up and said, "Yeah, I'm full of it."

"You're a Black, I remember Walburga being just as mouthy, hell your mother was just as bad," the silver-haired woman said.

"They are hardly quality examples of my family," Meda said, a little venom in her voice.

"I agree, Druella should be in Azkaban right now with what she did to your little sister," McGonagall said over her shot glass while taking another sip.

"Wait, how did you?" she asked, surprised.

"I put the pieces together after reading through notes Albus had on Bella, and your father's inclinations with Sea Fae aren't unknown," she stated.

"Fuck me."

"You haven't asked me to dinner yet." She replied, "I asked you, a second date, maybe."

"Fucking twat," Meda retorted and sighed, "Fine, when?"

"Hmmm." Andromeda watched the older woman stand up and stroll over toward her desk. A flick of her wand summoned a schedule and she heard the murmur of "Need a damn secretary."

"Why not hire one?" she asked quietly.

"Wot?" the Scot blinked.

"Hire a secretary," Andromeda said, "Most Muggle schools have them, and they help a lot with administration."

"That's my job though!" Minerva replied.

"Minerva, you are supposed to run the school and work with the faculty, yet let me be clear," Andromeda gently set down Teddy and sauntered over to the woman, and failed to notice how the silver-haired witch's eyes followed her hips.

"Okay, Professor Tonks," she stated, "Explain."

"Yes, Headmistress," the words come out in a slight stutter. "I believe hiring someone such as Miss Padma Patil, and maybe Miss Lavender Brown."

"Isn't Brown a werewolf now?" Minerva asked, curiously.

"Aye," replied Andromeda, "But, from what Ronald Weasley told me she was quite apt in maintaining their date schedule and possessed high marks."

"Would do her good to get off her family's estate, and she was always close to Padma," chuckled Minerva, and she glanced at the schedule once more and let loose a demonstrative sigh. "I agree, I'll en the official work tomorrow."

"And we'll do dinner on Friday then," she said and leaned over the desk to point her wand at the date. The Headmistress' eyes wandered over her form, which she failed to realize.

"Such a Snake," the Lioness mumbled before sitting up straight and dousing her forehead with a handkerchief from her desk drawer.

"See you then?" she asked as she picked up Teddy and walked him and the pram toward the corridor to leave.

"Most certainly, Professor Tonks," Minerva stated.

"Oh Minerva," she said carefully.


"It's Professor Black." She said before taking her leave.

linebreak shadow

One O'Clock, December 2nd, 1998 - Galway

Bellatrix Black

"DAMMIT!" The word burst from her mouth along with a string of curses that was immediately silenced by the Faerie sitting across from her. Dark eyes met burning emeralds as they both took a deep breath. We've been at this for nearly a week! She felt the frustration and rage seep from her bones, and burn like acid within her. Her hair was long enough to now sweep along her upper back and made a mess of things. Delphi helped her arrange it and even liked to brush her mother's hair as part of their bonding, but she was a child. Even now as the two women were busily working through a therapy session her daughter was playing with some strange colored connectable blocks Erin gifted her. The deity called them 'Legos' and said that they would keep her busy.

"Dis ain't workin' Bella," she heard Erin say in her frustration.

"You're a mind healer aren't you?" she retorted.

"I be the Great Queen, the Goddess of Sovereignty, Deat, Rule, an' Fertility," Erin said, slowly, "I be nae great healer like...a woman I once knew."

"Can we get her to do this instead maybe?" Bella ground out.

"No, she would silence any communication I made wit her," the Goddess appeared distant for a moment, "Such as she is already busy with her projects."

"Who is she?" Bella asked.

"NONE O' YER CONCERN," growled Erin as the faerie woman's eyes glowed with deadly intent.

"Alright," Bella replied, "So what do you want me to do?"

"We're goin ta Dublin an ye ere goin ta speak ta an experience Mind Healer," Erin replied and stood up. In an instant, the black dress she had once worn was now covered with a tasteful black fitted suit and pencil skirt. Bella was in a black sundress with a silver raven skull belt fitted to her form, the edge of the dress was covered in a fine patterned spider web. The two were quite the pair as the dark-haired goddess ushered them out of the sitting room of the castle. Like Black Manor, the lair of the Morrigan was a massive bunkered keep filled with various apartments and an assortment of rooms. The guards who watched the grounds number at least fifty and had their quarters along with the Elves who staffed the place. Right now, Bella was walking out of the small hardwood parlor that centered in the Goddess' rooms. A raven etching sat in the middle of the floor which was now covered in a vast carpet of legos. Delphini sat in the middle of it carefully building various spires and buildings using a practice wand.

"Delphi," Erin cooed, "Me dearest grandchild it be time ta go."

"What Granmam?" the girl replied her accent already having adapted to that of the deity.

"Your mother needs to see someone better than I so she can deal with the pain in her soul," Erin said and picked the small blonde up, although her hair was appearing darker by the day.

"Really mam?" the girl asked, and turned large dark eyes towards her mother. Bella flinched a little bit as she tried to summon the necessary strength to explain her abuse and agony to her daughter. Those large eyes bore into her soul and a sorrowful look came across Delphi's face as she reached out and Bella retrieved her in her arms. A small kiss came to her forehead as she felt her daughter snuggled against her neck.

"Mummuh," she chittered, "I know you can get better."

The little voice made her feel a mix of guilt and awe. She's the daughter of the most hated man in all of Britain, and yet she's so innocent. With a hug the woman put her daughter down and gently gripped a tiny hand on her own. Erin watched the entire scene before a lopsided grin appeared on her face showing shark-like teeth. Even in her human guise, the Faerie was a predator. A Goddess of war who reveled in violence, yet even as she watched the two, Bella felt no ill-will or danger stemming from the woman.

"Shall we get goin?" drawled Erin.

"Aye," Bella said and watched as the Goddess uttered a word and the fireplace in the parlor roared to life and the fire instantly gained a bright green color. Even after what felt like the hundredth time Bella found herself unused to the wordless floo ability of the Goddess. Erin was capable of traveling via apparition but could walk into any fire and flow where she wished without actual floo powder. Can others of her ilk do the same? Bella shook her head to push away the thought and walked after the deity who quickly disappeared in the fire. As soon as her feet crossed the threshold a pulling sensation filled her senses and soon she and Delphin were walking out into a large floo-station at the heart of Dublin-Town. Magical Dublin was much like that of its colonial cousin, London, in that a massive underground network of fires connected a varied collection of other sites across the entirety of magical Ireland.

The long hall was paved with cobblestones colored a deep rich brick-red, and along the stone walls were various magical images displaying current schedules and transportation routes updating across the Island. Erin waited impatiently near a small statue depicting an Irish Witch kneeling to a strange elfin figure in Iron. Both were fixated on the other. The elf in question was taller than the witch and was handing the witch what appeared to be a magician's stave.

"Morgana was such a brave woman," Erin smiled as they walked past the image and Bellatrix. Morgana, the disciple of Merlin who eventually opposed him in Camelot?

"You knew Morgana le Faye?" she asked.

"O' carse I did, I once knew har teacher," Erin replied and started to walk down the hallway and drifted to the right toward a stairwell.

"How old are you exactly?" Bella asked.

"Hmmm?" Erin turned and faced her and a frown was on her face, "I was born jus' aftar the construction o' Stone Henge."

"Wow grandmam you so old!" the little girl giggled causing the Goddess to chuckle herself.

"Who else did you know?" Bella asked as she caught up and padded beside Erin.

"I knew many, I was an advisor ta Lord Cromwell, an' cursed him an' his son when dey invaded me Island," she stated her eyes set forward.

"And you crowned the High Kings right?" Bella prodded.

"Oh yes, every King o' Éirinn was crowned at Lia Fáil." She stated and they trudged up the stairs to the street level of the city. As soon as they emerged from a glamoured exit the three of them immediately turned down the street and began a short, but brisk walk. Unlike the center of the city, smaller brick and mortar buildings met their gaze as a car zipped past them on the street. I hate those muggle carriages. She sighed and watched as her daughter's eyes were fixated on the damn automobiles. She loves them.

"We'll be meeting Doctor Mayhew in her office," she heard Erin state as the deity crossed the street in one swift motion. A car on its way to nearly striking her stopped magically in place with a glance from her which made a shiver run down Bella's back. She can cast magic without a word, with any movement, it's just part of her. Bella could feel her sense of confidence return as she strode across the street with Delphini easily keeping pace. A glare from the driver was quickly silenced as her dark eyes met his and he immediately turned away.

"You aren't better than him you know," Erin stated as they passed several small shops built by newly arrived immigrant families. Bella noted the Syriac Script along with the sign of one, a small woman was carefully arranging a series of fruits on a display near an assortment of vegetables. Next door was a local place known as "Kebab Boy" and she could feel her mouth water. Even as a pureblood, she was not at all uncultured. The massive multicultural history and colonialism of the British Empire had given much magical access to foods from across the world.

The thought of colonies and the conquest of others brought a sour taste to the woman's mouth. "I've been beating that into my head."

"Yes, well, unlike your mother, and father, we do it during sparring, and not because you didn't agree with me," Erin sighed.

"Thank you for...treating me like a person," Bellatrix said, "I know I'm a War Criminal, but..."

"Bella," Erin stopped and turned to face her, "You were groomed and indoctrinated from birth to think that way. You were never given a choice to think about anything else."

The ravenhead gave a slow nod as she glanced at her daughter who was watching the scene around them wide-eyed. It was the sins of her past, which made Bella -want- to be a better person. But, there was a lot she had yet to unlearn. Dammit. Genie you would have set me straight...fuck father for separating us! She stewed as Delphini broke free of her hand and took Erin's leaving her all alone. Great, even my daughter is abandoning me. Bella was a few steps behind them, but as they drew closer her mind wandered back to the muggles around her. Being in mundane Dublin reminded Bellatrix of all the shortcomings of the isolation of the Wizarding World. Sure, they had wireless, and she could listen to music on it if she wished.

But, even now as she walked past a shop she witnessed a small portable radio playing music from a cassette tape. Sorcerers couldn't take music with them or release it in that form easily. It all had to be approved by the ministry and even now she was unaware of anyone making music on a mass scale. Quietly, she decided to listen for a second.

"Another head hangs lowly

Child is slowly taken

And the violence, caused such silence

Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me

It's not my family

In your head, in your head, they are fighting

With their tanks, and their bombs

And their bombs, and their guns

In your head, in your head they are crying"

As the words filtered out from the radio she felt them gripping her and biting into her emotions. Bella remembered hearing about the violence in Ireland, as the singer's accent was still quite easy to deduce. But, what struck her so clearly was how the words reminded her of the War she just survived.

"In your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie

What's in your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie, oh."

Was that what we were? Zombies are controlled by the Dark Lord to do his bidding. The words reminded her of how she felt after escaping from Azkaban, and how deep in her tortured soul she had lost so much. Dementors tore away her emotions and rotted away her personality. Even now, as she drew away from the music and moved to catch up with her new family. Mortals aren't so bad maybe. Bella considered it as she found herself standing in front of a small three-story brick building. On one side was a massive mural depicting a woman in green fatigues, a black beret on her head, and a black handkerchief covering her face. 'Tiocfaidh ár lá,' was written below her as she held her gun away ready to aim it at the enemy.

Erin stared at the mural before turning back to face the building. Bella's eyes meanwhile lingered on the image as she remembered the history of violence she heard about in Ireland, and how it had come to Britain. Bombings and extrajudicial killings. Sectarian hatred bred from years of despair and division. I once thought we were better than them. She glanced and offered her hand to Delphin so both she and Erin could guide her daughter. But, I was a bloody fool. We're just like them. I just can kill more easily with my fucking wand.

"Dey ere everywhere, dese ere PIRA tings," Erin said before pushing the door to the building open.

"Our day shall come?" Delphini asked

"Years ago," Erin said, holding the door open for mother and daughter, "Ireland was a colony o' da British Empire."

"Colony?" Delphini asked, "Like the Americans?"

"Yes, bu' warse. Dey tried ta eradicate me people's language, an' their culture," she replied. "Dey were seen as subhuman."

At that word, her eyes stared at Bellatrix, and they burned with a blunt irrevocable fury. Her immediate response was to flinch, just the slightest, years of abuse and indoctrination causing her to take a step back. It's not about me. She realized, and felt herself at ease as she was led toward an elevator and the trio waited in complete silence. The electronic beep of the machine and the low hum of its engine as the car raised them two stories. A low beep reminded her she was in a mortal-made elevator and not a magical one. No words here in such a simple machine to "mind the gap."

The doors opened to reveal a simple hardwood floor hallway extending on the right and left. A series of hardwood doors framed by simple door frames broke apart the beige painted walls at regular six-meter intervals. Bella's dark eyes scanned the room and she shifted a loose lock of hair out of her vision. Delphin bolted from their grasp and glided down the right hallway soon followed by the two adults. If this were any other place she would have called out after her daughter. Whatever magical imprint left by the feelings of those who came and went emanated an aura of safety. There were touches of pain, and sorrow here and there. But there was also a sense of calm.

"Can ye feel it, Bella?" Erin said coming up beside her and watching Delphini wait in front of Dr. Mayhew's door.

"Aye," she replied, "It's not as bad as Hogwarts."

"Tat place sings wit ta blood o' it students," Erin growled, "Dey built it on my sacred groun' an' den Grodric had to do his horeshit."

More and more information was fed to her. And some of it - she couldn't make heads or tales most of the time. They strolled the last few paces to the door and opened it. Delphin immediately darted inside revealing a small entry room. Outside played the sound of moving water from a small enchanted speaker filling the outer room with white noise. Bella noted the lack of seagulls and thanked the Goddess for it. Of all the sounds she picked up from mortal machines. A few seconds later the inner door opened revealing a small room with forest green walls and a clean polished hardwood floor. A lone squishy love seat sat opposite a woman with a clipboard leaning back in an easy chair.

The finality of everything beginning struck her.

"Shall we start Bellatrix?" the woman asked in a slight accent.


"Erin, we'll be done in two hours there's a cafe down the street where ye can take lil' Delphini." The Deity seemed a little annoyed with the dismissal, yet appeared to let it roll off her back.

"One hour den," the Goddess stated before closing the door behind her with Delphini in tow. The little blonde turned to face her mother and waved before she walked out the door. The door closed with a quiet click. Bella found herself alone with Dr. Mayhew. She became very aware of how she was dressed that day. A black sundress with a silver raven skull belt fitted to her form, the edge of the dress was covered in a fine patterned spider web. She doffed the robe she wore on the way in and stretched out letting the black ballet shoes gently drag across the floor. All attempts to appear nonchalant though were easily dismissed by her therapist.

Doctor Mayhew was a friendly-looking woman of mortal birth, and still possessed the internal spark of magic all Sorceresses did. What unnerved Bella, however, was how the woman looked at her. Without an ounce of expectation; no judgment; and only interest in getting to know her. She parsed the sense out of the woman's body language, how easy and gently her brown eyes seemed to her. Plus, the relaxed status of how she sat.

"Shall we begin?" the Irishwoman asked.

"Uh yes," Bella said, hesitating where to start, "Let’s."

linebreak shadow


Chapter 8 - Listen To Me


Morning, December 4th, 1998 - Inverie, Scotland

Hermione Granger

The cool air outside the Bed and Breakfast was a welcome reminder of early winter at Hogwarts. That cool chill whisked her dark skin as soon as she exited the solar through a pair of french doors. Behind her rose the grey brick Bed and Breakfast owned by Murtagh Mac Calleigh and his wife, Mojgan, a second generation Pakistani woman. Both were wizards with Mojgan being a Hogwarts alum and a former Hufflepuff, and Murtagh attending the smaller Dalriada School of Sorcerery on Ioana. Hermione found the couple to be quite amenable, and both seemed familiar with Brigid. After arriving via a small local portkey just outside the village of Inverie they arrived just in time for a fine dinner and the entire bed and breakfast to themselves the night before.

Now Hermione was all alone, no Brigid to quiz or teach her, and ready for the upcoming challenge facing her locating one of the last living Questing Beasts in all of Great Britain. She eyed the woods just in front of her and the hills rising higher beyond them. Being under Brigids tutoring for the past month had elevated her magical sense, and gifted her with a greater connection to the world around her. Even as she gazed into the edges of the forest she could feel the thrumming of the local leyline as it channeled the natural geopneuma or spiritual energy that pulsed beneath her feet. If there ever was a place in Scotland or in Britain for a creature formed from ancient druidic witchery.

The frontier on the doorstep of the Mac Calleigh home spoke of years of careful symbiosis with the local magical creatures. She glanced down at the ground and noticed a small disillusioned location in the corner of her eye. Curiously she strolled to the location past a few tables set aside for guests. Her shoes scuffed against the ground as she fought the last vestiges of sleep in her system. A few steady steps put her past the charm's barriers to bring her to a small shrine hidden in plain sight. On the opposite side of a wall edging the patio border she found a fairy ring of toadstools. A single flat stone sat on the ground in the middle of the ring and on it sat a small wooden bowl filled with milk. An offering to the fae? Hermione knelt beside the little fairy ring and she felt a snap of energy sizzle at the edge of her fingers.

Immediately, a small light flickered into existence just on the edge of the ring itself. The light was perhaps three centimeters in circumference, and was a light periwinkle in color. It drifted near the edge of the fairy ring before floating toward the stone. At the epicenter of the light Hermione was sure she could make out a small humanoid shape with long iridescent blue wings. The tiny figure reminded her of the Cornish Pixies she encountered back in Second Year, but something about this one seemed far more sapient in intelligence. Hermione's eyes were so focused on the small will'o'wisp she didn't hear her mentor and partner approach behind her. And so when Brigid touched her shoulder the young woman nearly shot up in the air in surprise.

"By your own bloody tits, Birgitte, did you have to do that?!" she asked, blushing in frustration at the Goddess' responding giggle.

"Yes, flustering you is quite amusing!" quipped the deity.

"Stupid prat!' she sighed before trying to locate the little fae again.

"She's gone," Brigid replied and crossed her arms behind her head, "The little pix got her charge from the shrine and headed back to Faerie."

"And you know this, how?" Hermione asked.

"I'm a Goddess!" the woman replied, gaining a blank stare from the young woman. "Fine, she was a member of the Áes Becán, the little folk. She's likely scouting out the area to see if any mortals are around."

"Is she related to a Cornish Pixie?" Hermione questioned. Brigid gave a slightly annoyed sigh before replying.

"Hermione, Pixies are like Chimpanzees to Faeries like me and the Little Folk," the woman said, "I called her a Pix as a joke, but she would hex me for using it."

"Was it necessary to use a racial slur then?" her protege countered.

" was crass of me," the Goddess sighed, "You need to understand the differences between the various magical peoples and the lesser ones."

Brigid snapped a finger and an image of the small little faerie from earlier appeared.

"The Small Folk are the most common of the humanoid fae," the image twirled and became a larger image of a woman nearly as tall as a teenager, "And they can get as large as young humans."

A twirl of her finger shifted the image this time to a man with wolf-like ears and a pair of claws jutting from his hands, "The Lesser or Trooping Fae make up the primary population. We also call them Áes Discir the Wylder Folk."

"And your kind are?" Hermione asked.

"You often call us the Daoine Sidhe or the Tylwyth Teg," Brigid chuckled, "The People of the Mounds, the Good Neighbors are all the fun little names you humans give to us."

"Okay all hallowed one, what do you call yourselves?" Mione sighed.

"Oh little one," she seemed to grow two feet taller, her eyes burning red like embers in the night. "We have many names. The Old Gods, the Olympians, the Ennead, and the Children of the Great Mother."

"Give me a common one," Hermione said, as she felt the sizzle of magical energy in the air.

"In Old Irish we are Áes Síobhraí, the Fair Folk, in our tongue we are Dhíarhu Fé or the Fénsir." She smiled before an image of a tree appeared its great branches spreading out wide to the sky above. "We are the Children of the Tree of Fate, of the Great Mother. Our words for ourselves don't matter, what matters is the names mortals give to us."

"Well thanks for that lovely Tolkien-styled exposition there Galadriel," Hermione chuffed.

linebreak shadow

Afternoon, December 5th, 1998 - Inish Eile, Ireland


Waking up for Bellatrix required clawing from the nightmares that refused to leave. Images of dead floating around her in the sea, or the Dementors coming to suck out her soul. The images in her dreamscape were always so vivid and real. Every cut from the talons of the dementors leaving red gashes on her body as she awoke. Episkey allowed her some recovery anda little bit of respite. Still, the last three nights since her therapy were proving that her mental wounds were ready to be sliced open again. Years of exploitation and abuse were becoming fresh in her brain pan, as the witch tried once again to pull herself up for the day. Depression was a kneazle that refused to let up. By the depths of Donn's Darkness! She grit her teeth and hauled herself up out of bed, and noticed the three long red marks like newly healed cuts along her left shoulder. The burning pain took a few seconds to hit her brain and by the time she was sucking air through her teeth she was already on her feet.

One of the House Elves, one she was sure was named Tally, appeared in her room with a loud pop and began to magically open the curtains. Bella let out a long string of curses in both English and Gaelic (her newly acquired fifth language). When the Elf refused to even acknowledge her the woman switched to Cornish and began to wriggle out of her black nightgown. The diaphanous material was meant to magically cling to her curves when she didn't move, but there was one little problem. Whatever wards and enchantments existing to protect the Island itself were somehow disrupting the magic of her clothes.

She made it to the toilet by the power of the Gods, and nearly fell forward as she came to stand in front of the sink. Witch's legs finally then did give out as she had to catch herself on the sink, her chest heaving against the edge of the counter holding the sink basin. Slowly, she climbed up like a woman recovering from the last hangover of her life, except this was her day for the last three. By Arawn's balls, what keeps attacking me? She was sure that whatever her nightmares were, they were more than simple dreams. Something was attacking her, something that could get past the physical and magical barriers, maybe even the spiritual ones. Bella finally yanked herself up and leaned forward, head pressed against the glass as she stared at the sink.

Turning it on she splashed the ice cold water in her face and let herself gasp at the change in temperature. Finally, as she clenched her teeth together once again and licked her lips she let all of her senses finally settle. She swirled her tongue around her teeth, and growled when her teeth sliced into it. By the Nine Realms! And the deepest ABYSS! What was happening to her, she felt one of her teeth wiggle in the back of her mouth and gasped as it fell out. That was the fourth one! And the second time she had to regrow her teeth! First, after Bellatrix had first escaped from the Battle of Hogwarts, and now more improvements. She brought her eyes up to view herself and sighed. As predicted her eyes themselves were bloodshot, but were clearing quickly. Where once stood white sclera was turning a dull grey, and her pupils seemed to be shifting color.

Her eyes were a dark midnight blue, the color of the night sky. On the outer edge of the pupil was a ring of glowing white little dots. Are those stars? She blinked and drew even closer to the mirror and noticed another ring of starry light around her pupil which held a single central white diamond like glow. Her eyes were the night sky she realized and wondered what it all meant. Her once black eyes were now gone replaced, by this strange eerily comforting sight before her. What is happening to me? Bella blinked and inhaled letting air pass over her tongue as she sucked against her teeth once again. Stronger teeth, and even her eyes appeared to be sharper in their sight. What is she taking from me though?

Narrowing her eyes the woman brushed her hair back away from her ears so she could wash her face again. This time she felt the slight point to both and felt another shiver run through her body. The wish and its price. Was this what Erin meant all those months ago?

"You - yer entire self is the price Bellatrix." She gulped at those ghostly words coming back to her. Ghostly fingers flitted across her neck, talons strong and sharp enough to slash steel. Was she just another pawn to the Mórrígan? The thought stayed with her long enough to let her step away from the mirror. She let her mind work over the words.  "Jus like ye drove people to madness I will take fram ye an' make ye mine."

Her parents had taken her from a place she felt safe, Hogwarts, and forced her into a marriage with a manipulative and abusive husband. Tom Riddle then offered her salvation and gave her a daughter, but at the price of her very sanity. Staring back at the reminder of the dreams from the night before. Edges of the dream remained, flashes of a hand the color of pearl whose skin was almost completely translucent. The hands were clenched hard into the base of her robes while she tried to flee from the edge of the ocean. She canted her head to stare down at that hand jutting from the frothing waves. Seaweed and bits of a thick cord of kelp was wrapped around it as the dead muscle stiffly defied reality to hold onto her.

"Sirius let me go," she said in her dream and mimed in and closed her eyes. Bella knew that hand for its ring, the Signet ring of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black, the one her father once wore.

"Never Bella, you killed me dear cousin, and now I'll drag you down with me." Came gurgling from the shifting waves. A quick shake of her head banished those dark thoughts as she used a spell to clean her teeth. A few seconds ready she drifted back into her bedroom and noticed a piping hot cup of Blonde Roast coffee waiting for her. Ever since coming to live on the desmen of Inish Eile, things had changed beyond her physical appearance. After years of proper English breakfast the woman was now exposed to foods her parents would have pulled their hair out over. Coffee being one of them

"No daughter of mine will drink that American and Italian black piss!” Cygnus once growled at her when she stole off to a muggle cafe on one family trip to France. With a sigh she poured the provided cream and a little bit of sugar into the concoction from the provided dishes. Magical Coffee had a far higher kick to it than the usual sort mortals drank. A cup of the faerie infused liquid always had a strange added element to it. Increased energy and endurance for the day was a facet she was still curious to dissect. While not a potioneer like her youngest sister, Bellatrix was an accomplished Witch and definitely had the mind to understand the nuisances of modifying the coffee's properties.

That little tangent of thought brought her just in time to realize she was done and finished with getting dressed. Had she literally zoned out that long? A flicker of partial memories came back as she let out a sigh and turned to face her full length mirror. Another black a-line dress with a black pair of stockings covering her legs. Black ballet flats and a scarf to finish off her entire look. Per usual she brushed her hair herself without help from the House Elves who seemed intent on ignoring her for some reason. I this payment for how I treated the House Black Elves? House Black had never truly treated her family's elves with much respect or even proper handling. It was surprising any of them stayed after the death of her parents.

There was Mim, an old Elf perhaps at least a century old who followed her sister to Malfoy Manor. The poor thing ran around in 'doll clothes' transfigured from a pillowcase and somehow didn't consider herself free. Bella always found that wide-eyed elf a little strange, but she did care for the three sisters. Even when Bella knew her sister was being abused by Lucius it was Mim who tended to her. After being freed from Azkaban and in the haze of her dementia, she once witnessed the elf bandaging a cut along CIssy's head from a terrible 'fall'. He used a Cutting Charm on her, I knew it. The rage boiling up in her body caused her to grip the edge of the cabinet causing the wood to creak with her grip.

Her hands dug into the material as she could hear more and more of a groan from the black marble making up the top. Her finger nails started to burn. Well, the more apt description of what she felt was like a pair of nails being driven through each finger tip. As she squeezed the edge she felt a warmth cover her hands as she heard a series of wet plops on the ground. Absently she peered over her arms ignoring the red messing forming around her hands and looked. Ten small pieces of hardened biotin nail met her gaze as she sighed.

"Are YE bloody serious?" slurred quietly and reached down and picked up the remnants of her finger nails. What drew her attention though was the still bloodied hands. More pain lanced through her fingers as she tossed the now excreted nails into the sink and grabbed a towel to start mopping up the blood. As she picked it up she felt her fingers jerk widely and a soft tearing sound flitted from each finger tip. Staring at her fingertips she watched in stark awe as a long-tipped finger nail burst out of her once empty nail bed.

She grit her teeth hard as the last of her nails came in and noticed that even her toe nails had been replaced by black glossy dagger pointed claws. Bella flexed her hands and let loose a loud groan. Her entire body was now filled with agony as she could feel her bones shifting slowly and the joints grinding against each other. The Witch turned and reached for her Flescá to wordlessly summon it to her hands. Now with her hands covered in coagulating blood and she needed to meet her daughter and Erin for lunch.

linebreak shadow

Morning, December 6th, 1998 - Knoydart, Scotland


The wind whistled loudly as Hermione climbed the tree and felt her hands grip the branch above her before she pulled herself up. Her fingernails were tougher and sharper since she used the forestry charm given to her by Brigid. It appeared to her that her nails were now thick and pointed ending in dagger points. Honestly, it appeared she had a high end manicure that was, from her understanding, quite permanent until she undid the charm. The new "claws' ' as brigid called them gave her a much stronger grip and dug into the tree bark with the same ability as a panther. Happily, she used her increased upper body strength from hours of training with her mentor to easily bring herself up to the tallest branch and look out over the forest canopy.

For two days the pair made their way systematically through the forest of Knoydart. Fae creatures prowled the depths of the forest and as soon as both walked over the boundary stones hiding the magical part of the forest it all came to life. Passing under those ancient oaks on the border made her feel she was entering the graces of Avalon itself. Forest spirits danced in the boughs above them as the spirits of the trees themselves lurked as beautiful dryad-like Green Women. Hermione felt a shudder through the air as the magic around her connected every living thing to a single aetheric vibration. Standing atop the tree she felt that forest breath again and the leyline beneath it pulsed with pure unfiltered aether. The very essence of magic itself.

"See or sense anything?" she heard from below.

Hermione blinked and focused her eyes while clearing her mind, "Sensūs dīlātō!"

The immediate expansion of her perception whelmed her and she could hear the slight scratching of claws of a squirrel on a tree nearby. Hermione could smell the subtle change in humidity as the rain above was about to fall. WIth her sharpened perception she smelled the air and scanned the ground below. It came in bits and pieces, and wove itself into a tapestry. A bit of scratched bark on three aspens growing below the canopy, the smell of expelled venom, and the silence of the forest in one direction gave her all the information she needed. Hermione smiled as she uttered the counter charm, and dropped to the ground using a featherfall spell. Brigid was waiting for her carrying her Flescadh in one hand while leaning on it like any normal walking stick.

"Should you be letting your wand sink into the ground like that?" she inquired, sardonically.

"Oh, ye know," she drawled and slammed the but of the Flescadh into the ground. A pulse of fiery red energy swept across the grass illuminating a series of animal tracks on the ground, leading directly to where Hermione tracked the beast using her charm.

"If you could do that, why have me go up the damn tree?" she said, cleaning her nails with her right index finger.

"One, you need to learn how to track properly, especially if you want to gather magical ingredients," Brigid replied with a huff before setting off after the glowing red animal tracks.

"Two, what then?" she asked, chasing after the deity.

"Oh, we'll get to that," Brigid drawled again.

"You are such a fucking prat," Hermione swore as the two drew closer and closer to their prey. One would think the dark forest would loom over them in a dark fairytale fashion. Instead, it was alive with the movement of various creatures. More of the Green Women watched them from the branches of their trees, and a small troop of pixies was following them along their path. Every tree around them vibrated in time with the rest of the forest's magical aura. Their strong roots broke up the ground and spread far and wide. Already she could sense the mycelial network below them connecting the roots of every plant. It made the song of the trees all the louder to her enhanced senses.

"Yes, but I'm a smart fucking prat," she smiled and leaned against a tree, an ancient rowan which was pulsing in time to the frenzy of magical energy beating through the forest. Each movement of the rhythm drew them further and further into the darkest depths and to the foot of one of the mountains of the Knoydart region. The mountain looming over them was a Scottish Munro, a mountain over nine-hundred fourteen meters. This particular mountain was Ladhar Bheinn, two large humps of stone and earth that rolled up from the ground lazily. From the left the top of the first peak created a rather steep edge flowing down into the large steep glen below it. A low angled v-shaped dip exited between it and the second peak which sloped a few hundred meters higher on the right. Here, in the open grass covered ground of the highlands was where they had located their prey.

The trees receded fast as they got closer to the base of the mountain, the sheer sides of the mountain reminded Hermione of others she witnessed once when riding the Hogwarts Express. Now though she wasn't in the safe confines of the train, she was roughing it with a camp a few hundred meters behind them, and just her and Brigid out in the wilderness alone. In the crook of a large boulder and a large outcropping  was a barely noticeable cave entrance. A natural camouflaging spell appeared to be around it creating the illusion of unbroken ground, but with her witchsight Hermione could see it. A hole perhaps a meter wide, just enough space for the Questing Beast dwelling inside to enter and escape.

"Now we wait," the deity said and disappeared in a loud crack to retrieve their camping supplies. Hermione, now alone, found a seat on the grass and heather covered ground. Staring at the hole she tried to imagine the hybrid magical creature she was haunting. A furred animal with the head of a serpent, the body of a cheetah. hooves of a doe, and the back legs of a lion. From what she pieced together from her magical zoology study the Glatisant or "Questing Beast" was some sort of furred dragon relative. Is that why I need its Whiskers? She stared down at the wand in her hands with its dragon heartstring. The old girl had done its job over the years, but in the heart of hearts she could feel the flagging damage her wand gained during the war.

A few marks marred one side of her wand, burns from a particularly nasty hex. Another two notches from a knife fight with one Bellatrix Black, well, not a bloody knife fight. It was a torture scene, and just thinking about it caused bile to rise in her throat. Swallowing her wretch with a gagging breath she focused her mind on the task at hand.


To Be Continued
Read 13552 times Last modified on Monday, 20 December 2021 23:01

ShadowedSin is from the city of Bellingham, in the Pacific Northwest. Sin is a Queer Fictional writer focusing primarily on elements of empowerment, and one's personal identity. This is evident in the character of Scald-Crow who gains her powers in a deal to change her destiny. Her primary genres include Fantasy and Science Fiction with Whateley being the latest in multiple projects. ShadowedSin's skills include World Building, Language Creation, and more.


Other Works

ShadowedSin is a published author behind the ThreeFold Seer setting, the Land In The Stars and several others.

Fictional Works:

  • Born Again - A science fantasy short about a resurrected transgender youth.
  • Walk Between Shadows - A young researcher discovers a faerie plot to destroy her hometown.

Constructed Languages:

  • Crescent Tongue - The primary language found in the ThreeFold Seer series.
  • Amazo - Fictional language of the Amazons.
  • Elder Tongue - Language of the Faeries of Sin's Oak Cross multiverse.

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