Wednesday, 09 March 2016 12:44

Tangled Up In Green (Part 12)

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Tangled Up In Green

Heather O’Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

The Multiple of Shower

Anne Possible came up to look in on the girl’s, as she had gotten a call to come in early that morning to help a traumatic brain injury case that had come into the ER. She had some trouble pushing open the door, as she realized that there was a towel there for some particular reason. She looked into the darkened room and saw the piles of clothes scattered across the floor, obviously flung hither and yon and could smell the heavy scent of sex in the air. From the look of the two cuddled up against each other in the bed, it was clear that neither of them was wearing anything as the blanket had shifted and shoulders and part of a back were visible. Kimmie cub was smiling in her sleep, looking quite cute with the tousled hair.

With all this information rolling around in her head, she headed downstairs to get a mug of coffee to go and to ponder everything that was going on with her daughter and daughter-in-law. It looked like Kim was either lesbian or bisexual and a happy and content one at that. She was sure she could live with that as she had gone to Sarah Lawrence for her undergrad and had been a lug, lesbian until graduation like everyone else almost, but Anne would need to make sure that James could cope with it was well as he was a bit on the old fashioned side, which worked out in this instance. His way of thinking led to Kim and Shego being married and that was a good thing in her opinion.

The sound of the bedroom door clicking closed woke Shego, who had needed to sleep lightly for safety reasons when she had been with Drakken. She didn’t know who had looked in on them but someone had and since there had been neither flash photography nor any harrumphing, that left Kim’s mother. Maybe Kimmie was used to having her mom look in on her from time to time but it was a new and disturbing experience for Shego. Family had never meant support or caring to her but rather pain and discomfort, so she was now trying to learn what to do in trying to make this marriage work, since she already knew what not to do. Was looking in on your kids while they slept one of them? It seemed like spying to her, but this was still too new for her to be able to make any decisions but she had to admit that the Possible family seemed to be what she had wished her family to be.

Shego glanced out the window and saw that the sky was lightening. There really was no reason for her to be awake at the moment and she was being held by her Princess, whose naked body was warm against her back. Things were right in the world and she intended on keeping them that way if she could have her say. If she had to become a hero again in order to keep things that way then she could see herself a member of Team Possible righting wrongs and saving the day. Kimmie and the buffoon actually did a great deal besides just fighting villains and foiling plots to take over the world, things that might be a good thing to do. It was something to think about, especially as she wasn’t all that keen on Pumpkin getting into fights anymore. Someone would have to replace the teen hero while she was in the later stages of pregnancy and early stages of their daughter’s life and who else could really do it besides her?

She nuzzled Kim’s head and heard the girl moan happily from that. It boggled her mind that she was in bed naked with Kim Possible who was her wife. Of all her fantasies, of all the things she had imagined doing with the red head and her, nothing had prepared her for the reality of things, she had never imagined how truly wonderful it was. To actually have her, to have so many of her fantasies fulfilled, was a joy that words really couldn’t describe and it was almost humbling. It was incredible and only Kim Possible would have been able to make this crazy dream become real, after all she was the girl who could do anything. This was something that she enjoyed and was glad that she had sort of been forced to marry Kim. It had been the best thing she had ever been forced into in her entire life. She kissed the teen on the top of her head and settled down to get a little more sleep.

linebreak shadow

Kim woke first and lay there looking at the pale green woman who was next to her naked. It was odd to look at how soft Shego’s face was when she was sleeping. The woman had been her most dangerous foe over the course of her entire hero career to date. Nobody had ever really pushed Kim beyond what she thought she could do the way Shego did each and every time they fought. Even sparring with her ex-nemesis taught her something new each chance they had. For someone so strong, so vicious to look so soft was a miracle in her mind. It was a sight she felt like she never would get tired of and that made her smile.

Her belly turned some and she needed to get out of the bed, as her morning sickness tried to inform her that it was indeed the morning. She rolled out carefully, trying not to disturb her wife’s sleep. She giggled slightly at that. Her wife. Of all the strange and frightening things that had ever happened to her this was by far the strangest, counting Drakken’s bases, some of the villains and some of the things she had done or had doe to her. Her stomach lurched some, so she threw on her robe and put up her hair as she headed to the bathroom. She made it just in time to begin vomiting, which was better than the times she had forced herself to keep her jaws clenched as she hustled to the bathroom. It was just a little bit of vomit this time, but that didn’t make it any more pleasant. When she was done, she slumped against the toilet, exhausted, flushing to get rid of the remains. Shego came in and crouched down next to Kimmie, rubbing her back softly with one hand. “Princess, are you okay?”

Kim looked up at her as if the emerald eyed woman were insane. “I was vomiting, how could that be okay?”

Shego chuckled. “Okay, there is that. Better now though?”

Kim nodded, thinking that she just might be able to face the day at that point. “I think I want some peppermint tea though. That should help soothe my stomach.”

Shego nodded and helped the teen to her feet, running a hand over the girl’s hair softly. “Let’s get something on first, okay Pumpkin? No need to scandalize anyone.”

The rest of the family was up by the time they made it downstairs. The tweebs had apparently finished their meal and were off to play or blow something up or whatever the two hyper Possibles did. Kim’s father was still reading the paper while nursing his coffee and Mrs. Possible was still working on food after she had come home from the ER. Apparently she had made something and was keeping it warm for them. Shego got the food for the two of them while Kim made her tea and Shego’s coffee. They sat down next to each other and began to enjoy the meal.

Kim finished her meal first and headed upstairs to get dressed while Shego was luxuriating over another cup of coffee, enjoying the flavor and aroma. Anne looked over at the dark haired woman and smiled. “Shego, can I talk to you outside for a moment?”

This made Shego worried. What the hell was Mrs. P going to ask her about or talk to her about for that reason? She hadn’t done anything, had she? The very discombobulated thief followed the older redhead outside and stood there with her arms crossed.

Anne closed the sliding glass door and turned to face the woman who had fought her daughter for several years now and had often sent her home bruised and battered. But things had changed. “Shego, I want to make sure that you know that James and I are watching you. We want to make sure you do nothing to hurt our daughter. I also wanted you to know that I know what you and Kim were up to last night and I want the two of you to be careful. I don’t want the boys to be exposed to that and James might have some issues as well. Since you both looked so content I personally have no issues with things but please be safe. I am worried about both of you in this instance.”

Shego started at this, unsure how to respond. First she was being warned, then she was being informed and then this caring about her. The odd combination of things was making her head spin and she replied uncertainly. “Uh…we will.”

“Good. Now I figure that you and Kim might want to look for a place of your own. I am willing to help you if you want, as I have some friends who work in real estate. That should help make things easier. Given how things have…developed…with the two of you, you both should get some privacy.” This caused Shego to blush and got her all tongue tied. How was this woman able to do this, she was blunt and straight forward and Shego could barely look up at the woman. “A house might be an option, especially with the child on the way, so you would have the room you need. But that can be worked on.”

“Uh…a house might be nice.” replied Shego, unsure of exactly what one would say to a conversation like this and all of her conversations with criminals had never prepared her for anything like this.

“Okay. I think that can be managed. Thank you for taking responsibility for this, Shego. I know it couldn’t have been an easy choice for you to make. Welcome to the family.” Anne hugged the ex-villain and then headed back inside, smirking to herself once she was sure the thief couldn’t see her face.

Shego stood there and stared at the back yard trying to wrap her head around what had just happened. That had been…well awkward at best and it seemed that she wasn’t in any sort of trouble for sleeping with Kim, just a warning to be circumspect and an offer of assistance in finding their own place. Of everything that Shego had thought might have happened to have gotten her called out here, this was not even on her list of possibles. This damn family was always surprising her.

She headed upstairs and heard the shower running. Kim was probably in there getting ready to face the day. Shego grabbed her own clothes for the day and laid them out on the bed after she had made it. Once the shower was free she would be able to shower and change as well and then she and Kim could take off and do something she wanted them to do. Right now she was leaning towards flying as it was one of her great joys in life. She liked the idea of taking Kimmie out in her Jet ad showing her wife just what she could do in the air. She still had that and her car and stuff, but now it had been repainted and was at the airport. Her love of green and black was well known and it might be far too tempting for some idiot to try and stake out her plane in the hopes of catching her.

Maybe a flight might not be a good plan then, given the number of idiots in Middleton. But then what? The picnic had been Kimmie’s idea and now it was her turn to come up with an activity. What about the beach? That way she could fly and swim, which was an all around good idea to her. Besides she had seen photos of Pumpkin in her bikini, certainly a lovely site that was sure and there were plenty of places that would be comfortable warm. It could be fun and they might be able to just relax. If a mission occurred they would at least have her jet on hand to get anywhere. That might be a good idea. She would run it past the Princess and see what she said.

Kim entered their shared room, wrapped in her towel, and gave the green woman a quick kiss on the cheek. “Figured out what we’re going to do yet, Eme?”

“I figured we can head out to the beach. I can fly us there in my jet and we can just have some fun. What do you say?” Shego quirked an eyebrow suggestively at the red head.

Kim didn’t look all that sold on the idea, even frowning a little at the idea. “Uhm…Shego…my stomach is still a bit jumpy from this morning and I figure that a ride in a jet might be a bit too much for me right now. I’m sorry. The beach sounds fun though and I wish we could.”

Shego nodded, a bit sad that Kimmie was still feeling a bit under the weather. There went that idea. Surely she could come up with some other really fun idea for the two of them. “Let me shower and see if I can come up with something. I certainly don’t want to make you sick or anything.”

“Thank you. You know Eme, we could go to the mall, maybe watch a movie or something?” added Kim helpfully.

Shego considered that idea. It was tame, but it had been a lot of fun to shop with Kimmie while she had been under the influence of the Attitudeinator. Maybe doing something normal might be fun? It would certainly be a new experience for Shego, who preferred her dates to have some sort of action to them. So shop, lunch and then home, maybe throw in a movie. It might be a good plan after all. “That might be a workable idea. I would love to do that with you.”

Kim smiled as Shego went to shower and get ready for the day, while she pulled out her clothes for the day, grinning happily from ear to ear.

linebreak shadow

It had been fun shopping then and it was fun shopping now. Monique had certainly been surprised to see the two of them enter the store chattering happily, already holding a few bags each. The first thing the two had done was head towards the section of the store that held baby clothes and the two of them looked around, aware that in something like seven and a half months they would need to be buying clothes for their daughter. It was a sobering thought but they did have fun looking at some of the crazy options that existed for kids. It was a bit unnerving for both of them how alike their taste in clothing was, except for color preferences. They could agree on a lot it seemed, except for color, which was fine all in all.

Monique came over and hugged the girl who could do anything, up to and including marrying her female arch-nemesis who had impregnated her. It was a pleasant surprise to see Kim and Shego there. “Hey there girl. What are you guys up to?”

Kim shrugged, “Browsing. We’re going to need to get baby clothes soon enough, so we better try and find stuff we can agree on.”

“Okay. Makes sense. So spill it Red.” stated Monique, grinning widely.

Kim turned to face her, confusion on her face. “What?”

“Girlfriend, the two of you look like the cat that ate the canary. You did it last night, didn’t you.” accused Monique playfully.

“Wait, what?” Kim was surprised that she was unable to follow the chain of events. It seemed like her ability to think was slowing down some and it bothered her.

“You have that freshly deflowered glow about you Mrs. Possible and it shows. Same but different with you as well, Mrs. Possible.”

Shego chuckled as Kim sputtered and turned an almost brick red. This was almost like the time Drakken had tried to embarrass the hero out of existence. I wonder if that would have succeeded with this. Kim for her part worked her mouth opened and closed, trying to find words to say anything at that point. There really wasn’t anything there that could be said.

Monique wiped a few tears from her eyes as she had been laughing at the display Kim had made and then hugged the girl. “Congratulations Kim. I hope you two are happy. Oh and by the way, you do know that you can register here right?”

“Register? Like for the Baby Shower?” This actually got Kim excited and helped the blood to drain but Shego only rolled her eyes. She had never understood the whole baby shower thing but she did appreciate the whole people giving you free shit thing.

“Yep. Do you want me to get things started for you?” offered Monique, aware that this could end up being a nice bonus for her if it panned out, not that she was trying to take advantage of Kim like that, but still since Kim had a lot of friends and admirers.

“Please and thank you.” Kim bounced some as the African American girl walked off to grab the forms needed.

Shego meanwhile was still browsing through the clothes. They were so tiny, some of them and looked more like doll clothes than clothes for a person in process. Some of the outfits were absolutely hideous. Why someone would think to put their child in clothes like that was beyond her and made her eyes hurt. And what was up with the shoes? Since when do newborns need cowboy boots or dress shoes for that matter? Of course, there were some absolutely adorable things there, which she might mention to Kimmie, but certainly not in public. Someone might hear her say something and pfft, there would go her bad girl image. She had chosen the tough, butch girl look because it gave the message she wanted it to give, but it wasn’t really her. Well, not entirely. Truth be told she was a good deal more femme than she indulged in due to her career of choice and the necessities that went along with it. But maybe…maybe things were changing in her life now and perhaps she could actually dress like she wanted and not worry about that damn reputation? Wouldn’t it be nice?

Still, she wasn’t sure if she was ready to give that image up yet, as she had used it for so long. She had gotten used to it over the years, in fact had gotten it honed to a razors edge of perfection. It had gotten so good in fact that she had almost bought it herself, okay, she had bought into it. That damn beam of Electronique’s had woken a part of her that she had forgotten and unfortunately the box she had stuffed that part of her wasn’t closing anymore. It didn’t make her weak but rather it was more of who she was inside, when the lights were off and nobody else was around to judge her. It was the girl who had known loss and pain before that damn meteor smashed through the tree house cursing her forever. It was the girl who had loved both gymnastics and karate. Now there was a chance for her to be herself again, if she was really willing to take that chance and walk away for all she had known for the last eight years of her life.

Kim saw Shego looking rather thoughtful by some of the clothes they had been looking at. In fact, the girl was holding a small green and white outfit for a ten month old. The older woman looked distracted, with her eyes not really looking at anything. Kim walked up and laid a hand on the taller girl’s arm to get her attention. “Shego?”

The dark haired girl started a little at the touch, managing to keep from having a combat response by the narrowest of margins. She then sighed and turned towards her wife, the only person brave enough to do such a thing. “Yes, Princess?”

“Are you okay?” Kimmie really did sound worried about the older girl, as she had seen Shego rarely that disconnected from the world around her. It was like she was thinking something over and Kim was worried what that just might be.

“Sort of. Look, can we talk about this later? Club Banana is not exactly the place where I would want to have a really deep heart to heart talk, you know.” Shego squeezed the girl’s had to let her know she appreciated the care and to assure her that it was nothing bad per say.

“Okay. On the way home then, maybe at lunch?” asked Kim softly, feeling like she was walking on eggshells and had no idea why.

“That’ll be fine. Look…can we go. I’m not sure I’m really up for anymore shopping. Lunch would be nice and then maybe back to your house?” Shego smiled faintly, just wanting to leave at this point, to get away from the temptations before she had come to a decision.

Kim nodded slowly. She wondered what was going through her wife’s head at hat moment and why she looked so sad, like someone had just kicked her puppy. Well, maybe it was more forlorn than that but it still was a bit painful to even watch the face. The look made her worried for Shego and wish there was something she could do right now besides a really nice lunch and a chance for her to get away from all of these baby clothes. There was only one thing she could think of and it would only be a temporary measure at best, but when you only have a few know courses of action you need to take occasional chances. She stepped closer and hugged the young woman tightly, kissing her one the cheek.

Shego tensed when the thin arms wrapped around her but she relaxed when she realized who it was. Princess was only trying to help her relax and that was a good thing. She sighed and hugged her wife back, feeling the comfort that she had long forgotten about fill her. Her wife really was incredible, really could do anything it seemed and that thought made her eyes tear up and overflow a little. Shego wiped them before anybody could really notice the tears, but Kim did. She whispered into the pale green skinned woman’s ear, “I love you Shego.”

Read 12916 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 21:52

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