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Saturday, 19 September 2020 16:08

A Brief Personal History of my Summer Mutation (Part 2)

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A Whateley Academy story

A Brief Personal History of my Summer Mutation




Part 2


I knew something was drastically different the minute I woke. I had a dream I couldn't remember, a vague feeling of being chased relentlessly down various darkened halls. I woke, entangled in my blankets, a scream hanging on my lips...and realized my comforter was between my legs.

And it was alone there.

Now all through this mess, I'd been holding out hope...even after I'd been diagnosed, little Myrc had still been there, loud and proud so to speak. Throughout the shrinking, the hair growth in obvious and embarrassing places (aqua colored, of course), and the general lack of muscle, my little soldier had been there, through it all, as the only thing not changed. I'd realized this was going to happen, especially after last night, but so fast? Even though alone, I surreptitiously checked myself… pubic hair, vulva, labia, clitoris. Yep, brand new anatomy, over night.

I didn't realize I was hyperventilating until Jeeves was there, Holding me gently but firmly and whispering things to me I only half understood. OK, I lied, wasn't even sure what language he was speaking… but it helped.

"OK, enough, let go of me please."

"Are you sure mistress Min? you still seem troubled."

"I am, but it won't get any better if I continue to fly apart. I need something to distract me; So how can you tell that I still seem troubled?"

"A combination of observing your heart rate and facial expressions, mistress."

"You can recognize those?"

"Yes, you did the programming yourself, mistress. I am sure the memory will resurface when needed. Are you ready for breakfast? I have a wonderful plate of Belgian waffles downstairs."

"I think I need to shower first, and find something to wear; rather do that before anyone comes to check on me."

"Of course mistress, I have taken the liberty of altering your previous clothing in order to properly fit you. I shall bring you a set."

"You sew?"

"I do mistress, however sewing was not the proper skill to use to properly outfit you; I had to resort to a gift ARNEE sent for you, for just this purpose."

"A gift? That alters clothes? Want to tell me what it is?"

"I cannot mistress, It is not permitted; I can say however that it had a finite use, and is therefore empty. You will recall eventually, after all, it is your creation."

"Oh, yes, I suppose you're right...."

"Mistress, your shower. You should make haste."

"Oh! Right,"

I'd been so caught up in thinking about possible devices to alter clothes that I'd been standing out in the hall half naked; what the hell was wrong with me? I bolted into the bathroom and slammed the door, almost leaping into the shower and flinging my stupid oversized shirt behind me.

However, it didn't take long to convince me to slow down. It took me awhile to wake up… much longer than normal; but once I did I realized my hair, my now fully eye matching aqua hair, was now down to my butt. Just yesterday, I had a bit of shag, but still hair that could be considered a boy cut. That didn't even make sense. Sighing, I looked for the soap. Hmmm, odd. No soap at all, nor the usual shampoo; instead there was some sort of lilac smelling body wash for sensitive skin, and shampoo with conditioner for extra body, also smelling of lilac. Neither had ever been seen in this house before, I was sure. There was also a brand new pink body washing pom pom thing, whatever those are called.

A soft knock I barely heard sounded on the door.

"That you Jeeves?"

"Yes Mistress Min. I have your clothing."

"OK, come in."

"I'll just place them next to the door, it may not be considered proper."

"Just a moment Jeeves; did you change the soap and shampoo in the bathroom?"

"Of course mistress Min; the soap would have been harsh to your new skin, and the shampoo will be much better for the altered ph of your hair. Please do use the new ones."

"Could you please let me know of any other such changes you would like to make in the future?"

"Of course mistress Min."

With my only other choice to go out smelling like… well, no idea what that smell was, but it was unpleasant, I used the body wash and shampoo. After taking far far too long to wash my stupid hair, I dried (gently of course, I learn), and cracked the door open. Good, no one here. I grabbed the small pile and darted back inside.

Why that… It was a dress! A gray goth style with black accents and lace, just like I'd see in one of Ricky's dumb animes; gloves, stockings, matching bra and panties, even boots. Where did that defective android get the idea that girls dressed like this?!? I put them on, not having any option. Admittedly, the bra took a minute, but I quickly grasped the concept of just reversing it around my waist then pulling it around and up. The dress was actually trickier; it buttoned in the back. Not seeing any option to handle that hurdle, I gave in.

"Jeeves, are you close?"

"Yes mistress Min, do you need assistance?"

"I need buttoned up as you well know, and we need to talk."

"Of course, mistress Min; I assume you are 'decent'?"

"Yes, come in."

He entered and I turned away from him.

"So where did you get your sense of style from? Are you aware that this is not what most females wear?"

"Why no mistress Min, I was not. Some of my education was rather limited. I learned most of what I know through my internet access while being built. There are a prevalence of images from women dressed such as you are now there."

Epic facepalm. My android butler, the cosplay fan. Well I guess it sort of made sense, somehow.

"I'm sorry if they are not to your liking mistress Min. Could you tell me if you feel any discomfort from them? The material was specifically designed for your physiology."

Well, It didn't seem right to lie; he had tried after all. Failed epically, but tried.

"They feel very comfortable at the moment; very soft."

"Min?" My mother...sigh was hoping to get coffee before she saw me like this.

"Jeeves here thought that I needed new clothes, so he converted mine… apparently he has warped ideas of what girls wear." I still wasn't used to looking up to her.

"I see… well odd as it is, it looks really good on you. But, you really need to dry your hair and brush it out, hair that long can get terrible tangles."

"I need coffee first, desperately."

"I'll take care of it mistress Min." Jeeves strode back into the bathroom while we went downstairs.

I had just finished my first cup of coffee and was eying those Belgian waffles, complete with strawberries and blueberries set on the side, when Jeeves came into the kitchen with mom's blow dryer and a pink brush I'd never seen before in hand. He plugged it in next to the coffeepot.

"Please turn around and eat mistress Min."

My mom's eyebrows were hitting the ceiling; I shrugged and turned around.

"What? I don't want to deal with it; I want waffles. Come on mom, he's eccentric as heck, but once I work the bugs out, I'm sure he will be awesome. He made waffles!" I shoved the plate (now half empty) her way.

She started eating them rather distractedly, downing coffee while Jeeves dried and brushed my hair. OK I admit it, it felt pleasant. Once he was done however, he fiddled with my hair some more, and bound it behind me somehow. Mom snorted.

"Eccentric, huh?"

"What? What did he do?"

"He just tied your hair back with a ribbon; bow and all."

I cursed, drawing a very dirty look from mom.

"I set him straight for now, but he doesn't know any better; lack of data on how girls dress. You still intend we shop today?"

"Right after we take you back to Dr. Halleck. Pretty sure you'll need clothes."

"Good, we can get Jeeves his data so I don't look any worse."

"Hah, actually the look suits you."

We were both surprised by the camera flash; I turned to see Ian sporting mothers' old Kodak, waving a photo in the air.

"Ian, you little worm!"

"Ha, who you calling little sis? You're tiny! Blackmail material!!!! wooo!" He ran as soon as I got up.

"dammit, I didn't have anything else to wear! Come back here!"

"Minerva Myrciel Campbell!" Dread froze me; no child ever wants to hear their entire name from their mother.

"That's twice Min… another time, and you're eating soap. Now sit down."


"No, you cursed. That's your punishment; deal with it."

I sulked, nursing another cup of coffee.

"What was all the yelling?"

"Good morning father."

Never had I seen a such a look on my fathers' face before. It looked almost like amazement, but there was a certain amount of poleaxed deer in headlights mixed into it too.

"Min, what in the world..."

"It was all I had to wear! Jeeves turned all my clothes into stuff like this. Hopefully this will be the last day I look this stupid, as well as the first."

"And you yelling at Ian was because..."

"He took pictures, the jerk!"

He stared at me a moment, before his eyes narrowed to their normal size and he grinned.

"One for the album, then."

"Father! If he gives it to you destroy it, or no waffles for you."

"Oh, waffles? Who made them, they don't look like your mom's work. Don't tell me you're cooking now?"

I snorted. "As if, Jeeves made them, and they are quite delicious."

He looked to mother for confirmation, and of course she nodded.

"Well then don't mind if I do; thank you Jeeves."

"You're quite welcome sir."

He chowed down in usual Campbell style; I was mildly surprised that no food flew anywhere.

"So Min… forgive me for asking this but um… how close are you?" She made a surreptitious gesture towards my slightly open legs, which I rapidly closed.

"I think I finished this morning, to be honest. I'm not entirely sure about internally."

My father choked.

"You alright father?"

He recovered quickly, with a thump on the back from Jeeves.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I just didn't think it would be so soon. It keeps sneaking up on me. Thanks again Jeeves."

"No problem Mr. Campbell."

"I'm sorry father."

He was hugging me again. How could all these people keep catching me by surprise like that?

"No Min, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant this is all so sudden, it's hard to adjust. It's my fault not yours."

"Sudden, and hard to adjust? You should try this side of things. Oh, to glaringly change the subject; I can fix the 'cuda to working condition if you want. I need to build something first, but I could possibly get it running in 3 days."

"No odd modifications? Just the basic car?"

"Of course, as you requested; just the engine, rebuilt to the original 1973 specifications."

"If you're sure."

"Absolutely; Ian get in here and eat these waffles before I do!"

The jerkbag in question slinked back into the kitchen like a whipped puppy. I wordlessly handed him the plate and my best glare. He dug in.

"We will be late Ian, I trust you can see yourself to school?"

"Mom, I'm not a baby."

"Sure you aren't. Well there is a plate in the fridge for dinner, but I don't expect us to be gone that long; if we are, I'll call."

"No problem, I'll be here."

"Ready Min? Let's leave these losers to do the dishes."

"I'm in! Run, before they get wise! Let's go Jeeves!"

I was out the door before they processed the words, and in the Durango before they could protest. By the time Mother joined me in front, Jeeves was in the back and I was surfing the web on my phone.

"Min, you jumped the gun a bit, I'd like you to go and get all those schematics you drew for X-ray's inspection, it could help. We are going to do a full powers testing if possible today."

"Jeeves, would you please go get them for me?" OK, so I didn't want to be bothered, I had an idea to use this web app to access my laptop from anywhere using the IP....

"Of course Mistress Min."

"What are you doing?"

"Oh I'm working on the phone's internet capabilities; I have an idea on how to access my laptop from the phone."

"You're programming on your phone?"

"Um, sure, shouldn't I be?"

"If you can, just try not to ruin either device..."

"Yes I know, I won't get another. I'll be good."

"Honey, can you look at me, please?"

I sighed and looked.

"It's very rude to not look at me when I'm talking to you, try not to do it again, OK?"

"I'm sorry, mother, it's just, this program needs finishing. I didn't mean anything by it."

I could understand her anger, but this urge to do things was like an itch. A supremely annoying itch in the back of my brain.

Jeeves came back with the requested documents and we both quieted, lost in our own worlds. I'd sneak glances every now and again, convinced she was angry. I hope I can make it up to her. Maybe if...

* * * * *

"Honey? Honey, we're here."

"Huh? Oh sorry, was thinking about stuff. Here already huh? Time flies I guess."

I saved the file on my phone and set it to vibrate, then realized I had no pockets to put it in.

"Jeeves, can you put this in your pocket for me?"

"Of course Mistress Min."

I looked around. Just excellent, everyone was giving me the hairy eyeball. Literally everyone was looking at me, some were even whispering and pointing! Stupid dress! I wanted to run or find a large coat to hide in or something.

"Steady Min, don't worry about them, you look fine."

"I wish I had a trench-coat or something, they are all staring at me."

"It's OK, let them stare. You look great."

"Can we just hurry please?"

We suited actions to my words, and were soon in the hospital; however we had to wait in the waiting room for 15 torturous minutes. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs to get them to stop staring at me. Of course, that would be counter productive. Instead I just shrank into my seat and ignored the stares by reclaiming and continuing the work on my phone. Silly phone processor limited my options, but I wouldn't give up!

"Minerva Campbell?"

I looked up to see the nurse standing over me. Crap. Back to the real world. I got up to follow her, and she still towered over me; grrr. Of course she was also had a few inches on mother; for some odd reason that made me feel better. Back into the office with the odd machinery again. It was still set up in the same corner as last week. X-ray, in the same beaten and slightly singed lab coat, (I think the singes were new), Dr. Halleck, and a woman who looked vaguely familiar, around Dr Hallecks' age. She also towered over both Campbells present. Dr. Halleck started off.

"Morning, Minerva, is it now? You remember my wife Dorothy?"

I did, Dr. Dorothy Halleck, psychologist and general practitioner… a very smart lady as I recalled. She handled all the female clientele of the Halleck practice.

"I do now, good morning, and how are you, DR's Halleck?"

"We are both well dear, thank you for asking. So, now for the million dollar question; how are you?"

I sent a rather pointed look at their resident geek.

"I'd be a lot better if everyone would stop staring. This was all I had to wear here, quit gawking already!"

X-ray snapped out of it and wilted under my glare.

"Sorry Minerva, but you just caught me by surprise is all."

"Never mind him dear, he's an idiot. So lets get started shall we? We have a long day ahead. I'll help you get ready for the machine; everyone else, kindly get out."

I liked Dorothy already.

"Not quite yet; everyone, this is Jeeves. Jeeves, Dr. Emmanuel Halleck, his wife Dorothy Halleck, and X-ray, a devisor friend of theirs."

"Pleased to meet you Jeeves, I hate to be abrupt, but we need to get things done. They can get acquainted outside."

"It is no problem at all ma'am; if you need any assistance Mistress Min, I will be within vocal range."

Once the door shut Dorothy motioned for me to undress, helping me with the buttons.

"Mistress Min? What is all that about?"

"Jeeves is a butler of sorts, I made him. He's a bit buggy but he means well."

So there might have been a bit of pride in my voice. I defy anyone to not be proud of building their very own android, no matter how buggy!

"hmm, is that so? What bugs have you noticed?" She asked as she started placing leads on me; I in the meantime put on a handy hospital gown.

"Well he is the one who converted all my clothes to this goth Lolita crap. Apparently he didn't have enough data on current fashions to know what a t-shirt and jeans were."

"Is that so? Well seems like an easy fix to make."

"Yes, I'm hopeful. He accepts my orders without question though, which is nice."

"Always is nice to find such loyalty in anything. Here, drink this; can't have you moving while in the machine, and you are pretty chipper."

I took it with trepidation; Sleeping all the time was getting old.

"Don't worry, It only lasts for an hour, maybe a bit longer for you. It's based on body weight."

Shaking the concern off, I downed the drug and climbed in. I wasn't entirely trusting however.

"Jeeves, please come back inside and watch over me."

The door opened.

"I am here Mistress Min."

"Good. Try to make sure X-ray doesn't take any nude pictures. Silly pedo bear."

"I will break him if he tries, mistress Min."

"Good." And I was out like the proverbial light.

* * * * *

I came out of it all at once, with none of the grogginess one usually associates with anesthetics.

"Safe to come out?"

"One moment Mistress Min."

I heard miscellaneous noises one expects to hear if a bunch of people shuffle out of a room.

"It's safe now, dear. One last thing has to happen before we go on to the next phase. By the way, call me Dorothy, I'd prefer it."

I crawled out to see that the doctors' examination bed had some sort of metal devices attached at the end, with straps. It looked like a medieval torture device.

"Um, no thanks, not into that sort of thing?"

"It's just a routine gynecological exam dear, nothing to be afraid of. I do this for your mother all the time."

"Just exactly what do you intend to do?"

"Dear… get up there. This needs to happen."

I wilted under her no nonsense tone. Sigh, the voice of authority. To take my mind off what I assumed was going to happen, I started asking questions.

"So, did X-ray say what the verdict was?"

"You appear to be healthy, aside from a rather severe form of anemia, for which you'll be receiving medication. We also suspect your eyes to be a little weak. We will be checking that shortly. We're good to go for the rest of the tests though; it seems you're all done."

"Anything else I should know?"

"Yes. You're really not going to like this part."

I didn't.

After an exceedingly long time frame; possibly the longest minutes of my life, I was led by Dorothy down a hall to a nondescript elevator, taken down to a rather modern looking reinforced dungeon, and forced to wear some weird black body suit that had some sensors pasted on the outside and a fanny battery pack. I was of course subjected to the most inane small talk imaginable all the while; most of which I ignored or responded in grunts and head shakes. I think I could almost prefer the dress, as while everything was covered I felt more exposed. I was then led to a largish room where there appeared to be an obstacle course set up. My mother and X-ray were nowhere to be found.

"So I feel the urge to make cat noises and steal valuable shiny things. Anyone else? Is there a tail on this stupid suit?"

"Yes, we know, no one actually likes those things,' Dr. Halleck responded. 'However they are necessary, as the suit monitors pulse, respiration, nervous system, and a few other bodily functions… as well as provides a small measure of protection."

"I need protection for this?"

He handed me a bike helmet. I handed him a glare.

"Where is my mother?"

"Talking over the machine results with X-ray. Take your position at the tape there. Ready?" He held up a stopwatch.

Sigh, today sucks. I nodded. At least I still had Jeeves watching over me.


The first part of the obstacle course was easy; standard basic training fare, and while I never played any sport using those as training, I knew the drill. Through the tires, under the bar, through the fake log, over the standalone wall, which was the first true obstacle. It took me two tries to get over that stupid wall, since I couldn't just jump and catch the top, and climbing the rope provided was difficult with noodle arms. The balance beam went a bit better, since even though it was a mere 5 centimeters across and 10 meters long, (roughly) I had no problem running across it.

Then I saw, in the last 3 steps of beam, the true horror. Another mini wall right at the end, with monkey bars on the other side. My mind kicked in, considering and discarding possibilities, and in the next step I decided to try something I never would have before. Before I would have simply slammed into the wall and then climbed over it… but slamming into something, especially chest first, proved a lot more painful recently. So I used the last step to twist and flip over the wall, rolling on top of it briefly before landing on top of the first bar, and running across. The next little hurdle, were hurdles.

I dropped off the last bar, twisted in mid air, and let my hands grab it on the way down to slow my descent, twisting again and sprinting. The first few hurdles were small, barely a jump at all, and I cleared those easily. The next several added height, a few centimeters at a time, till no matter what I did
I couldn't clear them. Dr. Hallek's voice crackled from a speaker.

"Bypass them Min."

Next up was a simple long jump in a sand pit. Pretty obvious, and I wasted no time. I jumped, right foot leading, hit the sand and dug in, and promptly fell forward on my hands. Getting up I saw all these weaving boxing (speed?) bags, with a line in between them. I weaved between them with ease; being able to judge their arc was nice. I did not think about how much space there was between them relative to how much I would have had a week ago.

Now as anyone who has played baseball knows… a pneumatic pitching machine makes a distinctive sound; the load up and whirr before a pitch heads your way haunts many a players' nightmares. So when I heard that clunk and whirr I instantly dropped. I heard the ball sail through the space my head had occupied, and hit the wall before bouncing back at me; too much bounce for a baseball....

"What the hell?!?"

"Sorry Min, last part of the test. We have to know if you're precognitive, and that is the best way to test for it."

"I could have been hurt, you know; pretty sure my skull isn't super dense."

"Now you know why I insisted on the helmet. I'm sure you've already guessed, but that was a tennis ball. No real damage could be incurred. This way."

He led the way to the a door in back, Jeeves bringing up the rear.

I gave him another fish eye when he opened the door, motioned me through, and said: "Ladies first."

Dr. Halleck didn't annoy me that much, usually. Was he trying to today or something?

I went through the door and it slammed behind me; It was armored on this side. I could hear both Jeeves and Dr. Halleck yell my name from the other side, and a faint pounding.

"Halt, mutant." You have got to be kidding me.

A 3 meter or so tall robot, looking vaguely like a walking marvel copyright infringement, unfolded itself from a niche in the hall and turned it's stupid looking head towards me. An intercom next to the door crackled.

"Min?!? Min! Somehow the security system activated, we can't get to you! You'll have to get the door open!"

"I think I'm going to be busy, Dr. Halleck." I responded, not sure he could hear me, keeping my eye on the bargain basement toys R us reject.

"The attack robot is on? Oh that's not good. listen Min it's set to kill intruders, you need to focus on opening the door, then I can shut it down through voice command!"

"not really an option at the moment."

All during our discussion the robot (and I use the term loosely) was getting closer. I could see the slightly armored power cable leading into the wall; hmm, a possibility...

The robot of course, had a laser; they always do. It popped out of it's arm, and that arm of course swung my way. The laser was of course too low powered to burn through the door. I had another idea while I dodged under it; sheesh was it slow! The servos running this thing made it seem like those
manufacturing machines they now use to make cars.

"Hey Dr. Halleck, you still there?"

"Yes Min, you OK? Can you open the door?"

"Can you try your voice command through the intercom?"

"Yes of course! Sentinel, stop!" No lie… he actually called it a sentinel. I'd be laughing if it wasn't so serious. The trash receptacle did not stop however, instead taking a glacial aim again.

"You'll have to modulate your voice Dr. Halleck, the intercom is muffling it."

Hmm, speaking of glacial, what was cooling that laser? it wasn't a pulse model, and that coolant did not look like argon...

While Dr. Halleck cycled through different tones in an increasingly hysterical and ineffectual manner, I launched myself forward and wrapped myself onto the arm with the laser on it. I'd have to time this perfectly.… as expected, the terribly slow robot threw an equally slow punch, which I avoided by simply dropping off its other arm. I took a kick for my trouble, getting me out of the danger zone for what happened next. The two broken ribs were a small price to pay.

I had just made it punch it's own laser, rupturing the nitrogen gas coolant tank and causing that arm to freeze and break off. This also had the added benefit of exposing the wiring leading into the torso. Heavy gauge copper, of course; I can work with that. I charged again, leaping up remnants of the punching arm as it came at me again, showering me with shards of brittle alloy. I dropped into the other side, grabbing onto the head while going fishing into the robots' shoulder with the other.

With the punching arm too short to get to me, the sentinel resorted to trying to fling me off by swinging around. I flew of course; weighing nothing at all, but not before I had twisted two crucial wires together… the power leads to the laser. This in turn shorted out the transformer in the torso that was being used to convert the power from the cable in the wall. I slammed into the wall, both stars and electricity dancing in my vision as the robot finally decided to shut down.

Shaking it off, I went to the door. A simple enough bypass, once I got the hatch off… I could have likely done it before the robot shot at me. If I hadn't been pissed off about the obvious set up.

"Min, are you OK?!?"

"Dr Halleck, I am less than happy with you right now."

Jeeves almost shoved Dr. Halleck aside in order to reach me, slipping an arm under mine and shooting the lab coated Judas a glare even worse than mine. His tone to me though, was tender.

"You're hurt; two broken ribs, a mild concussion, and a torn right deltoid. Should I carry you?"

"No, I can walk, but I won't turn down some help. you should see the other guy." I pointed behind me.

The good Doctor was already looking at the mess, shock and dismay on his face.

"You… broke him. No, worse, you totally trashed him! All you had to do was bypass the door and I could have shut him off!"

"Don't lie to me, Dr. Halleck, you could have shut him off any time. A more obvious set up you couldn't have made. Yes I broke him, and I'd do it again. If you had just told me about this, I would have done as you asked. I detest being lied to."

"The test was check you for devisor talent strength; it usually takes a high talent as a devisor to crack that door. You just displayed both the talents we are testing for however, for only a high level gadgeteer could think of a way to disable the sentinel so quickly as well. Which means the last test won't be necessary."

"What was the last test?"

"Disarming a nuclear device."

"...What? You have a nuke here?"

"A fake one, of course. The simulations must be as real as possible to encourage people to take them seriously."

"Of course."

We reached the end of the hall, through a room where a miniature fat boy was located. Dr. Halleck passed it without so much as a glance. At the other end we entered a control room of sorts, and I entered my mother's crushing hug.

"Oh thank god you're OK!"

"Mother… ribs."

"Ohmigod I'm so sorry! Are they broken?"

"I'll heal, I regenerate, remember?"

I looked past her to Dorothy and X-ray, spotting two people I didn't know behind them both. The first was a kind of grungy looking guy with a 5 o clock shadow, dirty blonde hair, and a weather beaten face. Perhaps 5 ft 10 in and medium build, currently fiddling with a zippo lighter. The second, was a bit over 6 ft, and pretty much a wall of muscle, reminding me quite a bit of my father save for his skin and hair color; both a rather nice dark mocha shade. He was wearing a pinstriped suit a few shades lighter than the first.

"So what's the verdict, do I pass? And who are the suits?"

They took their cue, the mildly grungy guy went first.

"Hello Ms. Campbell, I'm agent Leonard Sands, Mutant Commission Office. I'm a friend of X-ray's he brought in for this case."

"I'm Terrance Douglas, Central Intelligence Agency, and a friend of your family." They both flashed badges at me.

"Mother, they telling the truth?"

"Yes honey, they both are, I've known Terrence since your father served with him, and I know of Mr. Sands… he has a bit of a rebel reputation for the M.C.O.

"What she means is, in almost 30 cases since I started working for the M.C.O., not a single mutant I've been assigned to watch and evaluate has ever disappeared under mysterious circumstances."

"Bet that makes your superiors happy. So, my results?"

X-ray took over while I watched the suits and tried to look menacing; I knew I failed when they both gave me reassuring seeming smiles, both of which seemed mildly creepy. Jeeves moved a bit in front of me.

"Devisor 5, Gadgeteer 5, regen 2 EX 3; limited. You're the classic mad scientist type, you can build most anything, modify most anything, and happen to be very intelligent. The EX stands for Exemplar, it's basically a fancy way of saying you're superhuman in some way. In your case, it's your intelligence, memory, and your agility. You are fairly fast and agile, perhaps even well beyond Olympic levels, and your muscles are extremely efficient."

"But not nearly enough muscle there to make a good difference...that's it? no flying, or eye-beams, or mind bullets? Shesh, All I really got was the compulsion to take things apart and a medical condition?"

Dang, me and Ralph had a lot more in common than I thought! X-ray chimed in, with an expression that I'm sure was meant to be comforting but somehow still managed to hold some defensiveness.

"It's not as bad as all that, devisors can do many amazing things." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, like build giant walking cliches to torment people with. I'm so glad I broke your toy."

"How did you know I built it?"

"Oh come on, it has your signature all over it. Deny it if you can."

If he didn't know how easy it was to spot his silly tech, I wasn't going to tell him.

"I won't deny it, but I will ask why you found it necessary to completely destroy him rather than simply open the door."

"Your obvious set up pissed me off; so you pay in nerd tears, mothers' friend or not. By the way mother dear, they couldn't have set me up without your help… so I owe you one."

"I won't deny it honey, I'm sorry. It really is the only way to find out what you're capable of. Just please be gentler on me than I was on you."

"Ahem, well I hate to interrupt but, could you stand up straight?"

I stood up looking warily at X-ray, who had an odd looking box with a lens in front and a plastic card hanging out of the right side. A flash later and I was blinking my eyes.

"There you go, one state ID complete with picture, made to order."

"There is one last thing,' Leonard interrupted. 'all these files are going to be stored in both the CIA and MCO databases. We are your buffers to both agencies, everything will come and go through us. In order to ensure this, it's tradition that all files be given a nickname, such as Champion or X-ray here."

"A superhero moniker huh?"

"You don't have to pick right away, and it doesn't have to be a superhero name. It's just a code name to keep your real name off our paperwork, as a security measure. We'd actually appreciate it if you didn't go out trying to stop crime."

There was fat chance of that; I was distinctly unsuited for that life.



I shrugged.

"Mneme, pronounced neem… the muse of memory and knowledge. I read it somewhere. It's rather esoteric, so I doubt that it's taken by anyone."

"Uh… OK. Noted, and now the papers are processed. Now I don't normally do this, but I'm going to explain what it is I do. It's my job as a field agent to watch newly emerging mutants for any signs of going off the rails… insanity, rampant criminal behavior, etcetera. So if you build a machine to run around killing people or make a giant laser to carve your name into the moon, I'll be right there to stop you; understood?"

"Absolutely, since I have no desire to do any of those things, I should never see you again, right?"

"Err, not quite, I'll be checking up on you quite often, perhaps even following you around some."

"Don't worry, kid;' Terrence interrupted. 'my job is to watch Leonard here; any shenanigans and I'll disappear him. I or my partner, who couldn't be here today, will be pretty much following you all the time, for your protection. wouldn't do to let a Campbell fall to a bad end."

"Mr. Douglas, that would be so much more reassuring if you didn't work for the CIA… but I'll take what I can get."

Dorothy spoke up.

"alright dear, let's get you cleaned up, the showers are this way, and I have your clothes waiting."

"Good, can't wait to get out of this stupid thing."

Jeeves followed us down the hall, of course, and I don't blame his lack of trust. Once out of earshot, Dorothy slowly leaned towards me and whispered:

"Just one more thing dear, I know you're doing the best you can, but take my card. Program the number into your phone, and if you want to, for any reason at all, even if it's just to talk, call me. It can help. I have to go for now, but I hope to hear from you soon. Be well."

"I will Dorothy, thanks."

Once I showered again, (Sheesh can that stupid suit make one sweat!) I followed the rather conveniant signs back to the elevator, Jeeves in tow; I found mother waiting for me.

"So we're done here?"

"Yes honey, all done, now we can go shopping, unless you'd rather put it off?"

"No, lets just do it now, I'd rather get it done and over with." Seriously, this crap was cutting into the time I needed to build the 3D printer!

"How do you feel?"

"Tired and annoyed of course. My right side and head aches."

"I'll try and curb the natural instincts then. This shouldn't take more than a few hours."

A few hours? What the hell?!?

"Lets just check the measurements… let's see...."

Mother started shuffling through the pamphlet that X-ray had no doubt handed her.

"And the verdict is… weighing in at 95.8 pounds, as a 32c 20 32."

The facial tic under her right eye was new.

"Mother, you alright?"

"Min, do you know what those measurements mean?"

I took a shot in the dark.

"I'm really, really tiny?"

She shook her head and muttered something that sounded less than clean. I tried hard not to listen. No idea what she was on about.

At the door leading to blessed, blessed freedom, X-ray crouched like a four eyed gargoyle, waiting to pounce on the unwary. He had a bundle in his hands.

"I almost forgot something Min. Here, these are for you. Got to run, need to make another test robot. Don't be a stranger Mary."

The bundle turned out to be a light gray lab coat much like X-ray's, with many pockets and in my size, perhaps a trifle large. The second part was a small case in which a pair of thick lensed glasses with pale rose frames rested. I managed to make it till X-ray rounded the corner before bursting into tears.

"Honey what's wrong?" mother didn't quite hug me, no doubt fearing to aggravate my ribs. Jeeves crowded the other side.

"I'm fine mother, sorry… just kind of hit me again all at once."

How could I explain to her what those glasses and coat represented? In less than a week I had gone from all around cool guy (at least I thought I was) to useless nerd girl. So far the only thing useful to come out of this entire mess was Jeeves, and even he had bugs! Ugh, suck it up, 'min', tears are pointless. Life sucks and you deal. I pondered that statement while being helped into the Durango and all through the trip to the mall. Why did life have to suck? Could I at least save Ian from this, assuming he needed to be saved? What about any other people?

"Min, we're here." She reached over and stopped me, using a tissue to wipe my face before letting me go. Jeeves helped me out of the Durango before I could so much as swing my feet out.

"You plan on hovering like this all day?"

"Of course mistress Min. I'd also like to apologize for not stopping the incident at the hospital; I will not be convinced that such actions are in your best interests again."

"It's fine, mother was right, it needed to happen. It was my own fault for not doing the expected. I will relish the look of utter desolation on X-ray's face for a long time though. No offense mother, but X-ray seems like a jerk."

"He can be; he has a tendency to miss the trees for the forest sometimes. Come on, in here."

I looked, to see the most dreaded of all stores… the Gap. At least we were an hour away from home; not very likely anyone would see me go in there, if they did I'd never live it down!

My slight hesitation had cost me, as while Jeeves had stopped when I had, mother was already inside grabbing clothes seemingly at random. If I didn't stop her, I'd have more clothes I'd never want to wear. Shaking my head at her, I started grabbing subdued shirts and jeans, noting the measurements.

"you'll have to try all of them on honey."

"What? Why? The measurements are proper."

"Not all female clothes are made the same; what is the right size for one isn't the right size for another. Besides, you really should be looking for petite."

She pointed at the stack of shirts I'd picked up. I meanwhile, was vaguely put off by her two armfuls of clothing.

"Alright, so I need to try all of this on?"

"Yep. The changing rooms are that way, and be sure to come out after each change so I can judge."


Two hours and 3 shops later, Jeeves was carrying four bags stuffed to their respective brims with clothes, and mother was showing no signs of stopping.

"Mother, please… we both need food by this point."

She snapped out of her daze for a moment. Sheesh I hope I never get like that.

"You're right, your pick at the food court."

"Pizza of course, and in copious amounts."

By this time I was almost used to the stares...not. but I was doing my best to ignore them. The absolute creepiest were the old men… guys 30, 40 years old staring at me; one of them even licked his lips! I wasn't a steak! Though he might be a pedo bear....

"Min, what's the matter?"

"I should have changed out of the dress while shopping; I'm still getting all these creepy stares."

She shook her head and muttered again.

"Min, you know I love you right? About some things, you are completely clueless and I have no idea how that happened."

"Like what?"

"Oh no, if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you; more fun this way."

"...Whatever; Jeeves do you understand what she's talking about?"

"I am not at liberty to say, mistress Min."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Why not?"

"I'm not at liberty to say why I'm not at liberty to say mistress Min."

Buggy piece of....

"That reminds me, how is your power state? You aren't low at all? You've been active quite awhile."

"I am at 64% capacity mistress Min, thank you for your concern. I should be able to maintain operational capacity for another 73.21 hours with this charge."

"Wow, I need to take a look at how I built your power supply. Magnetic capacitor isn't it?"

"In part. It is a double system consisting of a magnetic capacitor and electromagnetic motor."

"Hmmm... I brought out my phone and started one of the apps I made.

"Min...finish your pizza, we have a few more places to go."

"Argh. Alright mother. Let's finish this torture, I have things to do."

"Torture is it? Heh heh heh… just one last place to go."

We finished and she led me to Victoria's Secret.


"You're allowed, being one of us. Stop forgetting."

She grabbed my arm and led me to a section with what were titled 'french cut panties', found my size and grabbed a few different packs in varied colors.

"Stay here."

That raised my eyebrows, and my hackles. But put I stayed.

She came back quickly enough, more packages in her hands.

"So what did you get?"

"Bras for the both of us, of course." She held them up… pretty innocuous, no frills types with colors matching the panties.

"This required me to stand here? And how do you know those will fit?"

"Simple, I've been helping you test fit on new clothes for hours. These are pretty much an exact match for what you have on right now. And Jeeves would have been pretty out of place, you did make him to look male."

I pushed off the wall and stumbled a bit. Surprise! Your body hates you, Min!

"Oh, true, true. So can we leave? I'm getting tired all of a sudden."

"Well I kinda lied; one more stop to go, but you can sit down at the food court and wait for me, I won't be long."

I sat and watched, Jeeves standing next to me.

"You can sit down too, you know."

"I think I'd rather stand close mistress Min, if you feel unwell."

"Alright, your call."

It was 20 minutes of people watching and a steadily increasing unease, before mother returned with a GNC bag.

"Let me guess; iron?"

"Yep, iron, a few other new essentials for you."

I tried to stand up, weaving into Jeeves. He steadied me, and we walked out. Mother was trying to talk to me, but I couldn't really hear her; I was a bit busy trying not to pass out. Jeeves had to bundle me into the car.

"You still with us, Min?"

It took me some time to process the question, and I nodded in response. Sooo tired, too tired to speak. Jeeves let the seat back and hovered in my vision as I drifted off during the ride home.

"Min? Can you wake up Min?”

I was sure I made some sort of noise; it was supposed to be a yes, but I felt like I was swimming in molasses. And then I was floating from the Durango to the house. I looked up into Jeeves' blue eyes as he looked down and smiled at me.

"It's alright mistress Min, I have you. Into the bed we go, to sleep, perchance to dream."

I drifted off peacefully, secure in the knowledge that Jeeves would be there.

I awoke slowly to softly playing music, some sort of pop in another language; and the smell of fresh coffee. I could feel my feet propped up on something soft and being massaged. turning my head a bit, I saw I was in my room, with coffee and coffee cakes on a tray next to my bed. Jeeves was lightly rubbing my feet. having propped them on his lap with a pillow.

"Good evening mistress Min. How are you feeling?"

"Fine, a bit tired. Passed out again, did I? I was hoping I was past that part."

"Unfortunately, your fatigue and lost consciousness are the result of your rather severe anemia, A condition that can only be alleviated through medication. I have of course prepared the fist dose, it lies next to the coffee."

"And the massage?"

"Is it satisfactory? One possible way to decrease time spent unconscious for the human body is to stimulate the blood flow in the extremities, most often the feet."

"It feels very nice. I suppose you'll be angry if I say I don't want meds?"

"Absolutely furious, mistress Min. Besides, if you do not, how can we get the work done?"

"Crap, you're right, we need to build the printer!"

I sat up slowly, having learned my lesson, and grabbed the 4 pills hidden by the coffee cup in my earlier inspection. Putting them all in my mouth, I quickly downed the entire mug to wash them down, picking up a cake to chew on.

"What time is it?"

"It is 11:04 pm, roughly. Your family members are asleep, and we should endeavor not to wake them."

"Agreed. I assume this is part of a fresh pot?" I asked, holding up the mug

"It is, of course. The rest is in a carafe in the kitchen, waiting for your use."

"Excellent. I should check my computer, the printer plans are on it."

I finally moved, swinging my legs away from Jeeves's tender ministrations and to the floor, crossing the room and allowing my lovely computer to scan my face. It opened and right there, still open, were the plans I needed. Unfortunately, they weren't entirely finished.

"Jeeves, can you work on the spigot and server apparatus? The schematic for those are done. I'll finish the mixing bin while you're doing that."

"Could you please oversee the operation mistress Min? I am fairly confident I can follow the plans, but I'd feel better if you were near."

I blinked, pulled out of my reverie by his plaintive tone.

"Oh, of course, I'll just bring the laptop with me. Could you bring the mug and cakes? those things are delicious."

"Of course, and thank you for the compliment mistress Min."

"Oh, you baked these?" I asked as I headed downstairs, laptop in hand and cord draped over my shoulders... I didn't want to be bothered packing it.

"Of course."

"I thought the pumpkin tasted fresh. Not quite the taste to go with coffee though I think?"

"I agree, but I have to work with what is available; strawberries are out of season."

I made it into the garage without any clumsy falls (thank goodness!) and set up at the workbench. Jeeves materialized beside me, filled coffee mug and cakes in hand. once he set those down, he took his coat off and grabbed my tools. We both got to work.

"Honey? You in here?"

I looked up, suddenly aware of my surroundings again; Jeeves was beside me, ratcheting a pesky bolt in the spigot frame apparatus. The schematics were complete, and I had an alternator in my hand which I was modifying. Mother was at the doorway, in her robe, watching with concern stamped on her face.

"I'm here, just woke up and decided to work on the machine I need to fix father's car. There any coffee left?"

"Yes, half a pot, I snagged some already. So what is this supposed to be?

"A three-dimensional printer. Some scientists made a printer that can make 3-dimensional objects out of a special paper. I decided the concept could be used for much more than just inanimate objects, and much more than paper. So the idea is to make this, and have it print an engine, then just bolt the engine in."

"And it will make moving parts?"

"Well, that is the theory involved. At worst, I can simply print all the individual parts at once, then put the engine together, but that will take much more time. Provided it works, we could be able to save money on all kinds of things too, and just make out own."

"Oh, I've no doubt it'll work, Have confidence. After all, it's built on a solid technological foundation, right?"

"Of course!"

"Why don't you put the tools down and have breakfast? Take a break?"

"Well, we are ahead of schedule...Jeeves let's take a break."

"Of course mistress Min. I'll make the breakfast Mrs. Campbell, no need to trouble yourself."

"Alright, Jeeves. What do you intend to make?"

"Eggs benedict, perhaps with some summer sausage on the side."

"Not sure we even have all the ingredients for that."

"You do, I have a complete inventory of all kitchen supplies."

"All? Even the cookware?"

"Yes, of course. Proper tools make superior products."

"Coffee coffee coffee coffee...."

Straight to the coffee maker, ignoring the small talk.

"Mistress Min, please stop."

I turned to Jeeves.


"You should cease coffee consumption now, in order to better sleep. Please, help yourself to the apple cider I left for you in the refrigerator. I insist."

Grumbling, I headed towards the fridge instead. "you know, I really should open you up and fix you. You aren't the boss."

"I am not; however I worry about your health, and you have already spent all night working on your printer. And as you stated, we are ahead of schedule."

"Sigh, good point. But I don't feel tired at all."

"Then allow me to make a deal with you. drink one glass of the cider, then drink a mug of coffee; alternate between the two for me, please? The coffee is a well-known diuretic, and you will need your fluids."

"Another good point; alright. Cider it is this time. The plans are done at any rate; think you can handle the grunt work now?"

"I can finish the frame and spigot construction; however I think you will have to complete the mixing tank."

"Good morning Minerva, Jeeves, Mary."

"Good morning father. Coffee is fresh and breakfast is on the way."

"Nice; how are you all this morning?"

"Pretty good, I have the machine needed to fix your car on the workbench as we speak. The Cuda should be ready to drive by Monday, and Jeeves is making a breakfast I've never had before."

"Great. I was thinking, that since it's Saturday, and I don't have to work, I'd show you how the basics of how to play that guitar."

"That would be wonderful father! Can we practice in the garage? It looks like it's going to be a wonderful day; We can leave the garage door open and enjoy it."

"Sure Min, sounds fine with me. Breakfast first, though, calm down."

I stopped; I had been on the way upstairs to get the guitar.

"No need to look guilty Min, just first things first. Besides you still need to wash up and change clothes. that dress still looks great, but I'm sure it needs washed."

Oh, crap; I didn't even notice I hadn't changed clothes. This dress was perhaps a bit too comfortable. I sat back down.

"Whoops. Oh well, like dad said, breakfast first. Speaking of, how long till breakfast?"

"An estimated 20 minutes for yours, mistress Min."

"Holy crap that is forever. Well, I can always work a bit if no one minds a computer at the table?"

"I don't really if you don't mind my nose in a paper; Mary?"

"I guess it's alright, after all, you are working on something for the family."

"Heh, right."

I wasn't about to tell her that what I was going to work on was the phone internet access protocol. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, right?

So I worked on my project, father worked on reading his paper, and mother worked on some needlepoint until a biscuit looking thing with a weird sauce on it was brought past my nose.

"Is that it? looks kind of like an egg McMuffin to me, with a weird mayonnaise on it."

"That is not too far from the truth, honey. Alright, computer off the table. You can set it on the counter there, it'll be safe."

I moved the laptop. Then looked around again.

"So how soon till the rest are done? I only see mine."

"The others' breakfasts are currently in the oven, an estimated time of 2 minutes between them all. I could not make them all concurrently."

"Ahh, I understand. I'm the lab rat then. Oh well, here goes..."

I took a small bite... and it tasted amazing. Very different than what I was used to, but an explosion of wonderful tastes nonetheless.

"You do amazing work Jeeves. I simply must look into where you got your chef training."

"The answer to all life's questions mistress Min; the internet."

"Ha! good one."

"Morning everyone!"

We all chorused a good morning to Ian, our resident Saturday latecomer.

" that is what's for breakfast? Looks nasty."

"It's wonderful, just wait till you get yours."

I suited action to words, scarfing the treat down, much to mothers' unspoken but still palpable disapproval. She was eating hers at a more sedate pace. Father's had just arrived in front of him, and he was staring at it as skeptically as I had mine.

"So what do you plan to do today Ian?"

"Thought I'd go out. Feeling the urge to get some sun."

He caught my incredulous look.

"What? I do go out. Just not that often."

"Might go out later myself, been going a bit stir crazy myself, and yesterday doesn't really count in my opinion."

"If you do, make sure to take your phone."

"I will, Jeeves has it. Pretty sure he won't let me go anywhere alone in any event. At any rate, I'm done; may I be excused early? I'd like to change now."

"Sure, go clean up before you start stinking."

A reprieve! At least I wouldn't have to sit around doing nothing, or dishes.

"I'll meet you upstairs as soon as I finish breakfast mistress Min."

Oh, right...we had Jeeves for that now. Humming my way upstairs, I picked some clothes out of my closet; a pair of jeans that mother called 'low riders', some of the underwear we picked out, a set of basic black, and a gray tee shirt. Once in the bathroom I threw the clothes on the sink counter and shut the door. Then I realized I still had to unbutton this stupid dress.

"JEEVES! Get up here please."

It took him less than 20 seconds to knock on and open the door.

"What is the matter, mistress Min?"

"I need help out of this stupid dress, of course."

"Ah. My apologies mistress Min."

"Yes, I tried to get them, but there is no give in the fabric."

He quickly unbuttoned me and took the ribbon from my hair.

"Will there be anything else mistress Min?"

"No, thank you. Sorry to have dragged you away from downstairs. I trust you didn't burn anything?"

"No mistress Min, I was just about to start dishes. I shall leave you now. Do not hesitate to call again should it be needful."


He left and I locked the door, peeling the offending garment off and throwing it in the hamper.

A long leisurely shower later I was feeling a bit less disgusted with the entire situation. I left my hair loose and a bit damp, simply dressing. the jeans seemed to fit like another skin, and even with the tee shirt they left a little midriff bare, but mother said that was the style, and I'd seen it around in school myself. Plus it was casual and would hold up to my engine work, should I choose to do more today. To complete the ensemble, I added the lab coat, as we had forgotten to buy a coat yesterday and while the fall weather was pleasant, it was also a bit chilly.

Glasses in hand, I hit the kitchen doorway looking for coffee. It was waiting for me, as was Jeeves, brush in hand. I quirked an eyebrow... he was too good at reading me. There had to be a trick to it. Mother had her needlepoint again, and father was finishing his paper, so I took that as my cue, retrieving my laptop and letting it scan me (it had locked in sleep mode after 5 minutes) then putting my glasses on and sitting down. Jeeves started brushing my hair.

"Wow, sis. That scan thing was cool. So what are you working on?"

"the three-dimensional printer, and A new internet protocol for cell phones, so I can access my laptop from mine and use it's processor and memory to work on things while away from it."

"Um... it's a laptop. Why not just carry it around?"

"Some places I can't carry a laptop, whereas a phone would be acceptable."

I meant school of course, though the parents didn't need to know that. Pretty sure Ian figured it out.

"Just remember to keep it on vibrate honey, most place that frown on laptops also frown on loud rings."

So mother knows as well... but doesn't care? How very odd.

"Sure thing. Now, father, teach me teach me teach me teach me teach me teach me."

"OK Min, sheesh. Go get your guitar and meet me in the garage."

"Be right there. Jeeves when you're done with the dishes, could you carry my laptop upstairs please?"

"Of course mistress Min."

I'm pretty sure I set a sprint record getting up to my room, then back to the garage...wonder I didn't run into anyone. But finally, I would be able to play an instrument! I was so pumped.

"Alright, here are the strings, top to bottom is E A D G B E....plucking them with your pick there, with the other hand on the frets in concert, makes chords. You ideally want to chain the chords in such a way as to make people not want to flee screaming from you. In order to do that, you'll need to be able to read the music, or be able to play it by ear. So here is the music score for what I'm about to play. read it, and see if you can match the notes to what I'm playing."

"Alright. Go ahead."

The door was open, music flowed freely, and all was right with the world for several hours.

Mid-afternoon, I had ditched my coat and was playing my lovely new guitar, pacing up and down. My father and I had determined that I had an exceptional ear for music (I could hear it once, and knew which chords were which), and reading music was as gentle a breeze as the one caressing my face and moving my hair. Such a wonderful day! Then it all turned to ash as I spotted Ricky headed up the drive.

"Oh, shit! Dad, hide me!"

He grabbed my arm as I was about to bolt inside, the traitor.

"I don't think so Min, you'll need to do this sooner or later; might as well be now."

"Jeeves. a little help?"

"I think not mistress Min, I agree with your father."

"You're traitors, both of you." Crap, too late now.

"Myrc? Is that you? That is you, isn't it?"

"Yes it's me, Ricky...but I go by Minerva or Min now. How's your week been?"

"Pretty good. We've missed you at the game on Thursday. Lost by 2 without our power forward."

"I've been rather occupied. Well, this is a bit awkward. Take a good look at the new me, and get it out of your system. I'm done for today dad."

I no longer felt like playing anymore as Ricky did indeed gawk.

"come on, let's take a walk."


We headed towards the park, Jeeves falling in behind us.

"So who is he?"

"That is just Jeeves, my butler."

"You rate a butler now?"

"Not really, but he's worried I'll keel over."

"What? you're still changing?"

"No, nothing of the sort. I finished yesterday. But this stupid body of mine got worse. I'm anemic now, which means I'm prone to passing out. No cool powers either. No flight, eyebeams, or mind bullets. The only thing cool to come from the entire thing is Jeeves."

"If I may interrupt mistress Min...your ability is your increased intelligence, which led to my construction."

"...What? Not sure I got that...but Min built you, you say?"

"Yes, I built him, Ricky, my amazing mutant power is the power to suddenly stroke off at odd times and build things in a type of sleepwalking daze. He's an android."

"That's actually pretty cool. Can you build more of them?"

I blinked.

"Yes, probably quite easily. Why? You want one?"

"My very own robot? Sure, who wouldn't?"

"Hmm, Never really thought about it. there might be a market for you Jeeves."

"Of course there is mistress Min, I am a marvel of modern technology."

"Ha! Good joke you suck up."

"....I don't get it."

"Of course not, Ricky, it's an inside joke. I built him out of car parts and junk."


Ricky turned around and poked Jeeves in the arm, leading to both of us quirking amused eyebrows at him.

"So let's hit the park, I'd love to see something resembling nature at the moment. Then afterward I'll show you my latest project, if you want."

"Sure. I'm fine with that."

There was silence for a few long moments as we soaked in the sunshine and fresh air. Then oh how rudely it was broken.

"So... are you really all girl?"

"I told you that already once Ricky. for pity's sake, yes I now have to sit down to pee. And before you ask about that, yes it is very annoying."

"Sorry, my bad, it's just...kind of a lot to deal with. We've known each other for years, and now you look completely different. It's a bit for me to take in."

"I'll tell you what I told my dad; you should try looking at it from this angle. Let's go this way."

I had spotted the park's basketball court in use, by some fellow teens I knew. Ricky was bad enough, I really didn't want to deal with some of the more donkey-like members of our local student body. So I led my little troupe deeper into the small copse of trees our park sported.

"that reminds me, did you tell anyone about my condition during the school week?"

"I told enough, it's the talk of the school. Everyone knows by now or they live under a rock."

"Good, should make this coming Monday at least a little easier."

"Not so sure about that one, but here's hoping. So... guitar huh? Didn't think your dad was ever going to teach you."

"Me either; but he relented. At least one plus for me. I seem to be a natural."

We basked in each other's company for some time, weaving among the trees and once again enjoying the silence (at least I was; Ricky still looked somewhat uncomfortable).

"Ugh, enough of this. I don't bite, you know, and I'm not contagious. Jeeves we still on schedule?"

"Yes mistress Min, we still have 41 minutes 23 seconds, estimated, before our actual progress meets the time projected."

"Good enough, time to go back. If you don't run off screaming Ricky, I'll show you what I'm making."

"Look Min, I'm sorry, it's just...."

"Save it please, just either follow or not. I don't need your apologies."

Once again awkward silence reigned in what would have been an otherwise pleasant time. We made our way home without further incident; the park was fully deserted as we came back through, and while the streets were somewhat crowded, adults were no problem...they were at least halfway tactful in their stares and whispers. Or so I told myself, head held high and back straight. It was beginning to get chilly again however, so I hurried my steps, wanting my coat. I may not like X-ray much, but his choice in outerwear was dead on.

As soon as we reached the garage I threw that thing on, and let my computer scan my face. I pointed Ricky at the screen.

" what I'm working on."

"Um, what is it?"

I looked again, and face palmed. Of course he couldn't read the schematic!

"It's a type of printer that prints objects. you put the material you want to make the item out of here...and then these spigots run around spitting out small amounts of it in a programmed pattern which makes the object."

"Um, wow...sounds pretty space age."

"No, not really, It's current proven technology, I've just taken it one step further; mine should be able to make moving objects or objects of more than one part. Like for example, an engine for the 'Cuda."

" mean this thing might actually move without being pushed in my lifetime?"

I grinned at him. "If I have anything to say about it, yes."

"Cool. So um, you're going to work on it now, right?"

"Yes, that is the plan. Jeeves, spigot 4 needs attached to the frame on that mid length axis, 22.4 percent angle."

"yes mistress Min."

"Mind if I just take this seat here in the corner and watch out of the way?"

"If you're quiet, not really. Knock yourself out."


"OK Jeeves, coffee time. Please get a mountain dew for Ricky as well."

Tools in hand, I got to work.

Sometime during that session, Ricky left...I couldn't say exactly when, or what he said if anything when he did. I know I muttered some kind of response when he did, but I don't think it was very coherent. But the important thing was the machine.

"Mistress Min, you should rest."

Jeeves was shaking me gently when I finally came back to myself, power screwdriver in hand. All at once the crushing fatigue of the day hit me. I blinked a bit, realizing the machine was almost complete.

"But Jeeves, We're almost done here! Barring any unfortunate setbacks, we can't be more than 2 hours away."

"I agree with your assessment mistress Min, but unfortunately you are at your limit. You must sleep. If you'd like, I can finish up the printer tonight in your stead. I can consult your laptop to finish it with your permission."

"Sure, go ahead. Though I reserve the right to look the thing over when I wake, to make sure. I'd rather not have it blow up on us."

"Of course mistress Min, but for now, let's get you to bed."

Jeeves escorted me through the silent house, almost completely holding me up as we walked. It was after midnight, and everyone else had long since gone to sleep themselves. Once to my room, Jeeves handed me some powder blue flannel pajamas and left. I put the garments on vaguely happy they weren't pink, each movement making me exponentially more tired, as I crashed. These high and low spells did seem to be getting better though, at least I didn't just pass out on the floor.

Jeeves came back with an insulated travel mug full of chamomile, and tucked me in. I had to remember to tweak him, some of his behavior was completely unacceptable....

"Mistress Min, please wake up, it is morning." Are you kidding me? Already?


"Mistress Min, it is 6:30 am, your normal weekday wake up time."

"It's sunday Jeeves, what the hell?"

"I am aware; however keeping a proper sleep schedule is fundamental to your health."

"There had better be coffee within arm's reach, or I am going to fine tune you...with a crowbar."

"There is mistress Min, and I have good news. I finished the project last night."

"I expected no less. Any unforeseen problems?"

"None at all mistress Min, it awaits your showered and dressed presence for it's shakedown trial."

"Heh. got what is for breakfast today?"

"Simplicity itself mistress Min, french toast, scrambled eggs, and sausage. It will be sitting in your usual place by the time you finish showering."

He left me to my thoughts, such as they were. I never had this much trouble waking up before; it must have something to do with my stupid blood. With that in mind I took the pills next to the coffee cup, threw them in my mouth and drank the coffee down. Hopefully enough of those would stabilize me. Grabbing
another tee shirt and jeans I made my way to the bathroom. I'd been lucky lately, every time I wanted to shower in the morning, the bathroom had been empty; normally it was a 50/50 chance Ian was in, as the 'rents had their own bathroom off the master bedroom.

Today, a knock proved Ian was inside. And I dared not go in, for even though I'd seen it all before, I was a member of the enemy gender now, and I was sure just barging in would get objections. So I settled for the next best thing.

"Hey Ian, get your butt out of the bathroom, I need to go."

"Hold your horses, wench. Almost done."

"A wench am I? what, are we back in the days of gas lights run by whale oil now?"


"Sterling commentary Ian, absolutely top notch. Don't forget to wash your hands now little brother, hate for you to catch something from yourself."

I heard some grumbling, then the sink tap turn on from my position against the door.

"So what is Ian doing this Sunday?"

"Not much sis, thought I'd lounge around and play some Halo."

"Hmm, almost sounds like fun... maybe I'll join you. Or maybe I'll try those games that came with my laptop."

The door opened so fast I almost fell.

"New games? PC games? Why didn't you say so?"

"Heh, same old Ian." I dodged past him and into the bathroom, rapidly shedding clothes. After a quick seat on the toilet (still annoying!) I made sure to check the shower settings, as Ian had gotten me that way once, and I do learn. Readjusting it (he's so predictable) I took my shower and patted dry. I was sure Jeeves would want to mess with my hair again, so I left it mostly alone. and hit the stairs.

Sure enough breakfast was there, and so was Jeeves, brush in hand. I headed straight to the mug of coffee next to the plate, nodding to mom and dad.

"Well, is today the big day? We noticed you working very late last night."

"Yes, Jeeves finished the final adjustments. I plan to check it over, give the machine a shakedown then start it up. The 'Cuda should have a working engine by
tonight, father."

"That seems a bit fast, are you sure?"

"Of course, early morning at the latest. It should be no problem at all, provided the printer works as expected."

"don't stress yourself honey, if you get tired, you stop today, alright?"

"Of course mother, I'll simply have Jeeves finish it, he proved capable enough last night."

I ate at a sedate pace, for once matching mother, rather than father. Jeeves toyed with my hair, and even Ian was quiet for once. A nice pleasant breakfast;
at least until Ian looked at me and snorted.

"Ha, sis, you really need to fix Jeeves."

"What now? Jeeves what are you doing now?"

"I am braiding your hair mistress Min. You intend to do engine work today, I'd rather not see your hair get caught in any moving parts."

"There you go, perfectly good reason for it. Though I'm still not sure if I want to chop it off or not, Jeeves is thinking ahead."

"whatever you say sis."

"And on that note, shall we abscond to the garage and check Jeeves' work? Not that I don't trust you Jeeves, but I was thinking of a few last minute improvements we could implement..."

"The schedule, mistress Min. We must consider the schedule."

"True, once school starts back up Monday I won't have much time at all for this. Oh well, just a few absolutely necessary ones then, won't take more than a few minutes."

I wasted no further time, opening my computer and checking the schematics against the reality. I made a few adjustments, pointing them out to Jeeves as I worked... a half a degree change on armature 4, a slight loosening of bolt 47 to make sure it had just a little give so the mixing tank could swing, some other small things. Then I started the diagnostic.

We all watched as the machine checked all its motors, flexing its armatures, turning the spigots on and off, rotating around it's object platform. Then my laptop beeped as it checked the connection to the printers CPU and the software required to run it. Not 2 minutes later it was done; everything had checked out perfectly fine and in the green.

"OK, it all checks out. Time to test it. Jeeves could you set the junk engine there?"

I got the engine specifications loaded while Jeeves picked up one of the junk engines father had brought me, a truck's V8 of some kind, and brought it close.

"Ready mistress Min?"

"All set, drop it in."

He heaved the engine, but as he neared, the mixing tank flexed, the top lid opening into serrated metal jaws. With a weird extension,the jaws lifted up and snapped around the engine; Jeeves barely managed to get his arms out of the way.

I looked from the unflappable face of Jeeves to the awed shock of my family which I felt better represented my own expression.

"'s not supposed to do that."

"Indeed, I'd advise not trying to directly place anything in the mixing tank, Campbell family. Mistress Min, you are not allowed within 8.2 feet of this tank unless the device is turned off."

"No arguments here."

I checked the laptop again. "Well at least the programming looks sound; it's already starting."

No sooner had I spoke then the mixing tank started churning, it's sides already beginning to glow with transferred heat.

"Minerva, what does the mixing tank use to generate that heat?"

"Nothing much father, just a boosted microwave convection; see the box off to the side?"

"...That was a microwave? Nevermind, my question is, is the tank capable of handling the type of temperatures it's generating to melt steel? and the melted steel itself?"

"Of course it is father! I mean I know the mixing tank is a little disconcerting, but it should absolutely work to well past the tolerances we are using it for."

I brought up my calculations on the laptop.

"See? Triple checked."

"...OK, if you're sure."

"Sure I'm sure! we can leave the machine to work if you'd rather; the hard part is done; now we just sit back and wait."

"Sounds good, your mom and I need to go for a bit again today, we should be back by noon. Um, could you leave Jeeves out here to make sure the house doesn't burn down
or melt or something?"

"Have some faith! but yes I can, was planning on it anyway. Have fun! Going to go read or something."

I grabbed some coffee and went upstairs while everyone else filed back in, leaving Jeeves to his lonely fate. I started with my new algebra and calculus texts. I heard Ian booting up his Xbox next door through the open doorways.

"Good luck in there Ian."

"Hah, luck is for people without skill sis, but thanks. Plan on joining me later?"

"Maybe, still thinking of some computer tinkering later. But for now, I want to make sure my integers are up to the tasks I need them for."

"Better you than me."

I buckled in, and hours passed. I was almost finished with the second text when I heard steps on the stairs. I could still hear the silly sounds of Halo, so
I knew it wasn't Ian.

"Who's there? Jeeves that you?"

"Yes mistress Min, I came to inform you that something seems to be wrong. The machine seems well behind schedule, and not performing properly."

"Oh crap, better check it."

I ran downstairs, passing Jeeves, visions of explosions dancing in my brain. What greeted me however, was far different. The three-dimensional printer was working fine, it had already printed about an inch of material. I watched it work for a moment as Jeeves joined me. It was simply working too slow. The precision was there, but the time taken to achieve it was way below projections.

"Oh crap, I'm an idiot. I know what's wrong, be right back. Just keep making sure it doesn't go all TNT on us."

I ran back upstairs, grabbing some speakers, my headphones, and the game discs for the laptop and ran back downstairs. I set the speakers into the laptop and cranked them up, using iTunes to create a playlist. Soon the strains of some nice remixes were floating through the air. I started loading one of the games "craft of war" on the laptop while bopping along, setting the game sounds to filter directly to the headphones while Jeeves watched. Checking the programming through my laptop again, I confirmed what I'd half guessed. The introduction of the music had actually sped up the machine, and it was now responding 49%

Jeeves said nothing, simply sitting down beside me and watching. Soon I was bopping to the music and moving little orcs around the screen, terrorizing the online world of Maisroth within the tutorial.

"What's with all the noise?" Ian yelled from the doorway.

"Nothing really, just the party is down here! Come in, and bring me some coffee! Your goddess demands coffee!"

"Whatever sis, coming."

He came back with the required sacrifice, looking around.

"So what's the deal? we starting a rave in the garage? And since when do you actually listen to crap like that?"

I pointed behind me.

"...Holy shit sis; it's dancing!"

I looked again myself. The spigots were wheeling around each other, armatures weaving in and out; even the mixing tank was shifting in time.

"...Yes I guess it is."

I went back to the game.

"So that's normal?"

"...Why wouldn't it be?"

"...Right. So is this the new Craft of War game? I so wanted to play this when it came up, but my crappy PC wouldn't run it."

"Well mine will, so sit back, I'll let you take a turn in a bit."

After the tutorial I went straight to online multiplayer, making and moving my armies with reckless abandon. It did not take me long to understand the mechanics and basic strategies involved in the game. So I was climbing in the rankings fairly quickly. Oddly, Ian did not utter a single peep once I'd gotten going, preferring to watch me, apparently.

"Sure you don't want a turn?"

"Positive, watching you own these guys is pretty enjoyable. More coffee?"

"No, I can't, made a deal with Jeeves. Can you grab me some of the juice instead?"

"Sure, coming up."

The next game started as he came back with the juice.

"No, you should scout. take one of your little miner guys, and move him all around the map so you can see where your opponent is, and what he's building. Vision is very important in a game like this."

"Ah, and I just build another miner to mine, cause this one likely won't live."

"Yep, that's it."

"Seems harsh; that poor little guy, I want to see him make it back."

"Well I'm not saying don't try it. It's just not likely, and his information will save all kinds of lil guys of yours."

We played a bit more; at some point, Ricky had joined us. I didn't even notice until he leaned over and said.

"So, what's that one doing?"

"Oh he's casting unhallowed soil, to buff my ghouls, and damage the other guys archers."

"Cool; Nice game."

"Yes, it's pretty fun. So what brings you over?"

"Just wanted to hang out; see what you were doing. Any more robots built after I left yesterday?"

"Nah, I did finish the printer though."

"Yep, I see that, it's just chugging away. Kind of weird seeing half an engine there though. I am assuming the mixing tank is supposed to be glowing and giving off heat waves like that?"

I minimized the game and checked.

"Well within tolerances. Jeeves?"

"All seems well, I am alert."

"Of course you are. All is well Ricky."

"Gotcha; you're getting attacked."


I almost lost the game; as it was I lost half my city.

"So I heard you got the new shooter as part of your software pack."

I pointed on the workbench, where the paper sleeve containing said game could clearly be seen.

"That's going in next, right after I win this."

"Hey, Ian, could you go get that controller you have?"

"Real gamers QWERTY, wimp."

"Whatever shrimp; just get it."

I glared at Ricky a minute, and he had the good grace to catch on and shoot me an apologetic glance.

"Whatever, I won, installing this thing now."

I checked on the printer again while the computer loaded the game. All was in the green, though the mixing tankw as nearing yellow. I checked the temperature and reduced the microwave pulse width accordingly. Then I simply attached the controller Ian handed me and got out of the way.

"I'm going to get some more coffee; Jeeves you want anything?"

"No mistress Min, I conducted maintenance last night; I am fine. Thank you for asking though."

"Suit yourself. Be right back."

I brought back my coffee, and two mountain dews, which I set in front of the resident game zombies, then settled back to watch the fun. Ricky was truly so awful at shooters, it was inspiring. I mean, how could anyone do worse? At least it was entertaining to watch. After about an hour of this though, we were interrupted by a slightly pleasant yet also somehow slightly annoying 'ding!'.

"Mistress Min..."

"Right, it's done! Just needs to cool a bit on top, then we can throw it in."

Ian and Ricky just stared at me.

"A microwave chime sis? Really?"

"Sure why not? I mean, it was just lying there, and it serves the purpose, doesn't it?"

"No sense of style at all."

"Whatever. Break time is over. Time to get to work again."

I shut down the printer from my laptop and grabbed a socket wrench.

"time to pull an engine; you two want to help?"

"um, sure. Just tell us what to do."

"All you too really need to do is hold lights and tools and such; I don't want to get blamed if you screw something up. I'd rather get blamed if I screw up."

"Fair enough."

And so we got to work, Jeeves and I handling the heavy stuff (mostly Jeeves there, he'd simply lift the front end of the car, allowing me underneath) and Ricky and Ian on light and tool handling duty, respectively. Though I almost had them switch several times...Ricky dropped the light more than once. Not something you want to have happen at all. He was our team's best ball handler for pity's sake!

"Dinner time! We come bearing pasta!"

"We're in here, on our way! Jeeves could you do me a favor and finish up? I'd keep helping but pretty sure mom would drag me away. As for after, well..."

"You are fatigued; I know.' He approached me and lifted my face to meet his eyes. "I'd be happy to mistress Min, there is no need to feel guilty; I exist to serve you."

How could he do that? He always knew what I was thinking, and what to say.

"Thank you Jeeves, would you like me to leave the music on?"

"No, thank you mistress Min; I appreciate the thought, but you might need your laptop."

"Alright. Let me know if there is something I can do to help."

I went inside and shut the door behind me, leaning against it.

"Something wrong honey? You look a little flustered." Mom looked up from placing plates on the table.

"No, everything is fine; dad, your engine is done, Jeeves is finishing up the install now. It should be ready to drive by tomorrow, easily."

"That's great! No problems on that front?"

"No it's done, and it's being tested now. The old engine is pretty much out."

"Wow, faster than I expected."

From the garage we heard a nice throaty roar. I smiled.

"I do good work."

Seeing the look of unbridled joy on my father's face almost made the entire past week worthwhile. Almost.

"Can't celebrate quite yet father; it'll be around 4 more hours before the Cuda is ready. But a working engine we do have. If you want, you can speed up the process by helping Jeeves, but I intend to get some sleep. I feel quite tired again."

"That reminds me, next Saturday we have an appointment with Dr. Halleck...a check up on your anemia, to determine if the medication is helping, or if more aggressive measures are necessary to get it under control."


As is our family tradition, once the plates were set conversation stopped and we focused on chowing down. I tried to emulate my mother this time, taking smaller bites, not resting my arms on the table. This earned a nod of approval as father and Ian pigged out, oblivious. As soon as I finished, Mother made shooing motions at me. I did not argue.

Instead I stuck my tongue out at Ian in passing, knowing he'd be the one to do dishes, and made my way to my room, shed my clothes, and buried myself in covers, dreading what morning would bring.

Sidestory - Ricky

You want to know about the Myrc days, huh? That's what I call them, the Myrc days. High glory days, when everything made sense. You asked her? Awww hell, that means another night drinking with her and watching bball. Not that I mind that...but sometimes she cries. I should force you to come cheer her up.

Well the Myrc days for me began in early middle school, when I had just moved to this hick town in the middle of nowhere from L.A. I was pretty bummed, moving to a place with nothing to do, and nowhere to go. I walked to the one park we had, the one near the school, and there he was. A guy that was almost a clone of me. same color hair, same size, and a basketball in hand, shooting hoops in the half court set there. He turned and with a casual, open air about him asked:

"Hey man, want to play?" That was it, no sizing me up, no aggression in his demeanor, no attitude. Just a kid being nice. I almost didn't know how to react, I'd seen it so rarely.

"Sure, you got first go, it being your ball and all."

He tossed it to me, i tossed it back, and we went for it. I could tell right away he was good, but I was better, having been growing up on basketball since I could walk. I ended up beating him without too much effort. And what does he do after such an embarrassing event?

"Hey man, great game. that was fun, never have I had my butt kicked so hard. We should do it again, but for now I have to go. You busy tomorrow?"

what? No anger at all? Just good game, I had fun?

"Sure man, same time tomorrow?"

"Around noon is when I'll show up. Sounds cool though, I'm usually here all day Sunday. See you later man, great game!"

And he walked off. Definitely an odd dude.

Since that time, we were mostly inseparable, playing basketball any time we could, hanging out, going to each others homes...our parents got to know each other through us, and also became friends. They often joked they didn't know which child was which, we were so similar and close. We knew everything about each other, and had no secrets. So that Thursday during practice when I saw him zoning out I knew something had to be wrong. So I did what any self respecting friend would do and threw a basketball at his face.

He caught it of course, and it brought him out of the clouds.

"You OK man? Bad thing to be distracted here."

"Yeah I'm fine, Just lost in thought."

"dangerous to do here; better focus."

"Yeah, you're right, don't want coach wondering why I have a concussion."


He still seemed a bit wrapped up, so I watched him. He was limping, and it was throwing his shot off. Did he pull something out on the field? Knowing him it would be very serious before it stopped him, guy was a tank. He made "no pain no gain" a motto and took it to extremes. Other than the limp though, he seemed to be OK, so I let it go.

The next day was the same old crap, school, dealing with idiots as soon as we got there. Huh? Oh yeah we always walked to school together, we lived a block away from each other back then. mutual protection and good conversation. Oh right, tell it like I remember it. OK, here goes.

Myrc met me on the corner, I was playing with a basketball as usual.

"Hey man, take a break, and tell me what you did for English."

I paused the ball work, and thought about it. English was a terrible idea.

"Screw that talk man, tell me if you managed to score the new Avenged Sevenfold album...that release you handed me a few days ago is amazing!"

"Ha, it's not new man, you are so behind the times. That's the third release, the album is a year old. But no, I haven't gotten around to burning you a copy yet; Had to finish that Macbeth paper Mrs. Holmes wanted. I'll do it later today...but I do come bearing rumors. That rumorhasit guy told me that Avenged Sevenfold is almost done with their self titled album, and it will be glorious."

"Nice, you going to be able to score it?"

"You know me man, I wont let it gather mold on a store shelf somewhere. So anyway, English? Macbeth?"

Now this was a downright unhealthy fascination in my opinion. Wonder what brought it on.

"you're that curious? I'll have you know my paper was on how smoking hot Lady Macbeth had to be to get the dude to keep killing everyone he cared about."

"You can't be serious; Mrs. Holmes is going to fail you if you keep doing stuff like that you know."

"Hey I'll have you know it was well thought out. And if you're going to be a critic, what was yours on?"

"Mine was on how his psychological demons and impatience led to not only a disaster, but the worst form of wish fulfillment Macbeth could ever get. How Macbeth couldn't stop his own descent into madness because he couldn't take a step back and recognize the form his insanity took."

Daaaa fuq? Where are the antennae? Did my friend get replaced by an alien while I wasn't looking?

"...whoa man, win, you'll get an A for sure this time!"

He blinked at me as if not even considering the if he wrote the paper for it's own sake! I shook my head. I had to be wrong, no way would Myrc do schoolwork just to do it, too much like...well, like work.

We both walked into the school in silence, heading for the first class of the day. Physics. Now the only physics I had to know is that if I threw stuff, it'd eventually come down, so don't stand under it if it's a heavy item, case closed. But the parental powers that be thought I needed more, so this class existed. It wasn't quite as bad as the next class, algebra, but it was pretty bad. Of course part of the reason it sucked was that stuck up SOB Gordo 'flash' Thompson.

I loved the guy like Hitler loved Jews. We used to be chill, you know, a friendly competition once in awhile, maybe some harsh words, but nothing worse really. OK, there were a few fights in middle school as he tried to pick on the new kid, but nothing serious, just standard crap...until he had the nerve to talk shit about my best buddy. That is just a no no in my book, by any standards.

So from that day on, it was on, so to speak. The fact that he was larger than me, almost freakishly large for 14, and outweighed me by some 50 pounds, did not factor into it at all. I had rage on my side. Add to that the fact that he was in the way, acting like a door while talking to his stupid friends.

"Hey fat ass, move, you're hogging up all the air." I got right in his face, Anytime, anywhere, you asshole.

"Hello Gordon, how are you today?" Seems like Myrc didn't feel like trouble today. Oh well.

"Doing pretty good pansy, you want to get Dicky over in your corner before I destroy him?"

Oh. Hell. No.

"Just leaving, Gordo, need to inform the zoo about the escaped gorilla that made it's way to science class. Later."

And there would be a later. But for now, Myrc rounded on me as we made our way to our lab desk.

"What the hell man, can't you leave your feud with Gordo on a slow boil? You know hes going to try and make trouble for us again now. Why you keep baiting that bear..."

"bah, let him try, I'll kick his ass."

"Except last time he almost had you dead till I helped...and it took us both to put him down,"

"Then it's a good thing there are two of us, huh?"

My grin matched his: "whatever...just don't see why you have to antagonize him so much; seriously, what did he do to you that was that bad?"

"You want to see the list again?"

"oh heck no."

"Mr Tanner, Mr Campbell, would you two like some alone time to discuss your issues? Like say, after class in detention?"

"No thank you sir, we're good."

"So I can start class now?"

"Sure thing, Sir."

"Thank you. So today class, it's time to start a week long project...I want kites made of homemade materials, no store bought items except the string, which I will provide. If it flies, you get an A; if not you fail. Time to learn about how birds, bats, and planes defy gravity, as stated on pages 111 through 154 in our texts."

So we read a little bit, we passed notes, we did the general messing around...quietly of course, didn't want to draw the weird stare of Mr. Welch, beloved physics teacher. But the class ended, and we shuffled to the doom known as algebra. Now I'm not saying math is a bad subject of mine...but Mr. Mullins could make a fortune selling tapes of his voice to lull people to sleep; it was better than any background track or white noise machine. The real problem is I was in the middle of the class, right within eye range. I envied Myrc his seat in back, he got to doze off in class any time he wanted, which was most of the time.

Of course, he also spent time talking to that Ralph kid. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Ralph, puke inducing hair notwithstanding... but he had an image that Myrc did not need to have rub off on him. And Myrc, being Myrc, couldn't care less. Can't do much about it though, he never listened. Oh well on to gym. We actually had the earliest gym class, and I had it with most of the scooby gang (the various sports teams). Unfortunately, I also had Gym with a certain blonde gorilla.

That and coach Reynold's idea of a fun time was dodge ball. I think he'd have us play dodge ball every gym if he could get away with it. Which honestly was fine with me, since with my ballwork, I could catch about anything...even Gordo's throws. He ended up sitting on the benches fuming while I led my team to victory, no big deal. A quick shower and off to geography, where we learned about France and the history of the Rhine river. Joy.

The bell rang for lunch after an eternity of an hour, and I joined the press of kids wanting sustenance. My locker was on the way to the cafeteria, so I had a bit of a jump on most everyone else. I grabbed my sack lunch and staked out our table, beating Bill there by about 3 seconds.

"Hey Bill! How are you man?"

"Pretty good Ricky, you?"

"can't complain. Got to knock Gordo out of dodge ball again."

"Man, you should leave him alone. He's going to kill you one of these days."

"He's welcome to try. I can't leave that bastard alone; he's the one who spread all those rumors about Myrc, I'm sure of it."

"You mean the gay thing? Man none of us believe that...I mean if he was, wouldn't he be checking us out? I AM pretty hot."

"Ha you wish. But yeah even if he was wouldn't change that he's a great guy...but he's not. He lusts after Pam, but doesn't ask her out."

"The entire school lusts after Pam. What's up guys?" Rich said, sliding into his usual spot.

"Just talking about how Gordo might be the rumor monger."

"That thug again, sigh. You got him on the brain man, let it slide."

"No way man, I will find the person who spread those rumors. And when I do, I'll ask them politely to stop. Very politely." I slammed my fist into my hand for the needed emphasis.

"Whatever man, no harm no foul. If it was Gordo and you can prove it, I'll back you all the way; but we need to be sure really doesn't sound like his style."

"He has style?"

About that time Myrc strode up from the lunch counter, a tray of glop in hand. He was still limping slightly.

"So...mystery meat that looks kind of like chicken nuggets, green crap that looks kind of like it might be vegetable medley, and mashed potatoes. 5 bucks says I don't barf it up."

"I'd take that bet, but I fear you're suckering me."

"Oh I am Rich, stomach of cast iron! I only fear corrosion."


"Corrosion, otherwise known as rust."

I chimed in: "You can eat that crap man? I think it moved."

"Unless you want to trade your lunch of the inevitable pbj Ricky, yes, I do intend to eat this crap. Pretty hungry today."

That wasn't going to happen.

"So how was Gym? Still pissed we aren't together for that. I have to deal with some upper class geeks and Gordo, and the only thing they ever want to do is try to pelt me in dodge ball."

"Heh. It was OK, till Monty stepped out of line, where is that...oh. he's hiding over there."

"What did he do now?" Bill chimed in. He fancied himself our on court team leader (which was ironic, cause no one really listened to him on the court, or at least I didn't).

"Oh was just harassing Ralph, which is stupid, cause Ralph is pretty tough. Pissing him off is like asking Gordo to a dance or three." Myrc glared at me a second, then grinned.

"And I bet you just had to step in, right?" Myrc was always stepping in, easy guess there.

"Well you know me, always looking for a reason with some people." He replied with a laugh. He turned to the rest of the table, sporting pretty much the entire team.

"So, first game of the rest of our winning season is tomorrow! You guys up for it!?!"

Of course we cheered loud enough to shake the cafeteria, drawing all eyes and not caring a bit.

The entire lunchroom buzz started up again, a steady drone of nothing talk that was soothing in its own way. All too soon the bell rang and it was back to the grind. Only this time, it was study hall. I did my best to do my homework, as getting it done now meant I didn't have to mess with it later. Our study hall teacher Mr. Mullins brooked no nonsense in his class, as he was fond of telling us, which meant I couldn't pass Myrc a note when I happened to look up from my math text and noticed Myrc's nose dripping blood like a faulty kitchen sink.

The bell rang while I was pondering pissing off Mr. Mullins, and Myrc broke for the door with his usual speed, his limp now much worse, and adding a roll to his walk. What the hell was going on?

Limping or not he made it to English before I did, and seemed fine, no more bloody nose. Except he was talking in class, about how much of a creep Macbeth was, or some such. Myrc participating in English class was well past normalcy. Our teacher, Mrs. Holmes, looked to be in shock as well, as Myrc politely argued with her about whether Macbeth's problems were his own fault or not...I think.

The bell rang as it tends to do, interrupting the class from the twilight zone. Myrc made a beeline to least that was still normal. We did weight training as much as possible, wanting to get a jump on the competition as much as we could. (Of course so did they, but we pretended they didn't.) Weight lifting was one of the few areas I beat Myrc in, not that I was jealous or anything.

"So ready to help me break 120 today?"

"Sure, ready to help me break 140 today?" He rolled his eyes...he was on to me! Don't think he cared though.

"You do that you'll need a different spotter; should I call for Gordon?"

OK maybe he did care a little. I punched him in the arm for that one; he grinned and shrugged it off. The real fireworks started the second we walked into

the weight room.

"So you two decided to show you're ugly mugs here today huh? Sure are brave."

Ahh, Gordon my favorite stress relief.

"Gordon, please give it a rest; we aren't here for you." Myrc, trying to be the peacemaker, even as people talk shit about him.

"Yeah Gordo, just go away and play with your knee pads or something." Darn right I went there.

"Flash! get out here, Coach Reynolds says scrimmage in 10!"

"Ok Coach H, just leaving."

I felt cheated. I mean sure, this is why we picked just after school to use the weight room, but we had a good fight brewing!

"You two going to be OK in here? need any help?"

"No sir, we got it, thanks."

"Ok, yell if you need anything. And shouldn't bait the bear, son."

"Yes coach H, sorry coach H." Why did everyone kiss Gordo's butt? I just couldn't understand it.

At any rate, I went directly to the music in the corner and the disc filled with such hits as "eye of the tiger" to boil the blood, while Myrc messed with the weights, setting them as he desired. I turned around after setting it up as the scorpions started up, to find Myrc already under the bunch, anger painted on his face.

"Ricky, double check this for me." I gave it a once over.

"It's right man, 110. Having trouble?"

"Wipe that smirk off your face, just wasn't set right I guess. And yes, I know I'm supposed to wait for you; since when has that ever stopped me, wise guy?"

"It's OK man, you can cuss, it's just us here." His mother was very strict on cursing.

"You know I don't like to do that," he reset himself on the bench. 'Though I might have to...did Gordo mess with the weights?"

"Move, let me try."

I lifted it easily. But then, I could always lift more.

"I don't know man, if anything it feels light. Seems fine. Try again?"

"fine, move, showoff."

He positioned again, one hundred percent correctly, got properly under the bar...and couldn't even move it. His confusion was an elephant in the room.

I had a brainstorm.

"Just go over there, and do something...don't look this way. I'll call you back when the bar is ready, think I see what's wrong."

I reduced the weights on my hunch, taking 40 pounds off.

"OK man, try this."

He came back and cleared the idea with some difficulty.

"OK, how light did you make it?

"70 pounds."

"70...!'He put the bar back and let loose with some of the harshest tongue tangling crap I'd ever heard. 'I was at 110 just a week ago!"

"You feel OK man?"

"Yeah that's the odd thing, no pain, no feeling of torn muscles, I feel fine."

"Well something is obviously wrong. You should see a doctor pronto."

"Yeah, safe to say I can't spot you anymore; I'll see if the 'rents can get me in to see Dr. Halleck."

"Sure you'd rather not just go to Logan? I mean Dr. Halleck is just a small town G.P. when you get down to it, used as a sports doc or no."

"Who would know more about some type of sports related injury? Dr. Halleck or some fresh college grad?"

"Good point, So you're sure it's sports related?"

He shook his head at me.

"No not at all, that's why I want to see Halleck, he's been my doc since I was born. Screw this, just going to wear the gym clothes home. They need washed anyway."

"Good plan; why waste the time, right?"

I think I'll just make sure Myrc gets home...when we split up after a walk home in silence, I shadowed him, and he made it home fine, even with that odd gait he picked up. Sighing with relief, I went home myself.

"Hi mom!"

"Hey son of mine, how are you?"

"I'm pretty good; but Myrc is sick. He said he'd tell his mom about it. Would you call her and make sure?"

"Sure thing, How bad is it?"

"Really really bad."

"Ok. Dinner is on the table. When you get done, finish your homework."

"Sure thing; dad home?"

"Not yet, hes working late."


Slightly bummed, I ate the sandwich and chips and opened my bookbag to do my homework. Not really coming out of the homework daze until dad clapped me on shoulder.

"Done yet? it's really your bedtime."

"Oh, crap...yeah I'm done, or close enough...stupid math. How was your day dad?"

"Same old same old...working late, pissing your mom off."

"Yeah I'd be afraid, haven't seen her lately. Off to bed, good luck."

I made my way to my room, picking my way through the mine field and to my bed, but sleep was a long time in coming.

"Mistress Min, time to wake and ready yourself for school."

I rolled over to see Jeeves smiling at me with a tray of coffee and croissants, both still steaming.

"I'm afraid I'm sick; you'd better call in for me."

He set the tray down and felt my head with the back of his hand, in a time-honored tradition. I really shouldn't have built that sensor in there...

"Mistress Min, other than a slight blood pressure differential, you are within tolerances. I refuse to call the school for you. Please get ready for school."

"Traitor." I dubbed him as he left, no doubt to ready breakfast for everyone else. I fired up my laptop while chewing, checking the latest news.

Sigh. I really did not want to do this.

"Min? Better get ready."

"Don't suppose I can convince you that I'm sick mom?"

"Not a chance, I already spoke to Jeeves. It won't be as bad as you think honey, I promise."

"Sigh. Alright, this is me getting ready. How's the weather look?"

"You might need a jacket, but it's sunny out. you should be fine with just a tee shirt later if you want."

"I do want; plain clothes are the order of the day.' I grabbed some, suiting action to my words. 'Seen what Jeeves did to my old clothes yet? You should look in my closet; it's positively shocking."

"Well since you invited me, I might. Got to admit he cooks a mean breakfast, though."

"Alright well, jeans and tee it is then. I'll be right down."

I barely beat Ian to the bathroom door and gave him the finger as I closed and locked it. He seemed a bit surprised, but let it pass. After a quick shower to wake up (relatively, this stupid hair was longer than ever, and this body seemed to be getting more sensitive each day; scrubbing was out.) I dressed and made my way downstairs for more coffee. Jeeves was waiting, brush in hand next to my usual spot, a steaming cup of bliss waiting for me.

Next to the steaming cup of bliss, which I took and sipped, were papers. The school identity of one Minerva Campbell, age 14, to be exact.

"You don't mind dropping those off do you? I need to do some errands today."

"No problem, I've got it."

I checked my clock inset on the microwave. It showed that the time was nigh, and the sword of Damocles was set to drop. Jeeves finished making breakfast for everyone else just before Ian appeared, looking far too chipper for a morning.

"Good morning, loving family! what's up?"

"You are Ian, please have some sympathy for those of us that aren't yet."

"But you're upright and everything sis."

"It's a foul and odious lie."

"Whatever. Thanks, Jeeves, looks great." Chewing loudly on a croissant he sat down, looking over at the stack of papers.

"You're going to be bored out of your skull sis."

"Oh, like I'm not bored to death in school already? You're talking to the person that championed the 'sleeping hall' idea."

"Never you mind, you'll see."

I dragged my feet some more, glancing between my apparently unconcerned parents until Jeeves snapped me out of it.

"It is time to leave mistress Min. If you wait any longer, you might not arrive on time."

"Ugh, ok."

I got up to leave; Jeeves already had my bookbag but did not hand it over. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"I shall accompany you, of course, to make sure you come to no harm."

I looked to my parents. Neither had looked up from their morning reading.

"Whatever, let's go then."

I led the way out into the sunshine, which contrasted the bitter chill nicely. In two steps I had turned around, only to find Jeeves handing me my lab coat, which I would have sworn hadn't been in his hands before. Shrugging, I put it on. Jeeves cleared his throat as I turned around. I looked back to see my
glasses in his outstretched hand. After a short nonverbal battle of wills, I took those as well and put them on.

Ricky was waiting for me at the usual corner, ball in hands and looking kind of lost.

"You ok? You seem a bit out of it."

"Yeah I'm fine, you're just a bit late is all."

"Blame this joker,' I pointed at Jeeves. 'I do." Yes, I knew that wasn't fair, but Jeeves took it in silence, as expected.

"Heh, what did he do, forget the coffee?"

"Something like that. Oh, before I forget, here."

I handed over the cd I'd had Jeeves make during the night.

"What's this?" He took it, admiring the cover art that Jeeves had made for it.

"That is Avenged Sevenfold, as requested. Things got a bit hectic around the old homestead, but I did not forget."

"Awesome, thanks man, I really appreciate it."

We walked along in a somewhat awkward but somewhat comfortable silence, interspersed with the staccato drumming of ball to pavement. I stopped as the school came into view, not realizing it till I felt Jeeves's gentle hands clasp my shoulders, starting me moving again. His breath tickled my ear.

"There is nothing to fear, mistress Min. I will not let them hurt you."

I steeled myself and walked up, following Ricky and maybe hiding behind him a little. I noticed I wasn't really late, the first bell was still maybe 5 minutes off, but everyone already seemed to be here. No parking spaces in the small lot, and what looked to be every kid in town just casually hanging out at the front door. I set myself and walked past the whispering crowd. I could pick out a few snippets, but nothing concrete or damning:

"Can you believe it? Shes..."

"Is she really Myrc?"

"What the... no way!"

Head held high, I ignored everyone till I reached the door proper, and there was the principal himself, Mr. Macenroe was waiting.

"Good morning Minerva, how are you today?"

"I've been better Mr. Mcenroe, and yourself? What brings you to the front door to mingle with the hoi polloi?"

"Well, I'm afraid it's about Jeeves. Since he isn't related to you, and not a listed guardian, we can't let him in... he will have to leave school grounds."

I took in his apologetic face, trying to keep my heart from jumping out of my mouth and running off back down the street.

"It is alright mistress Min, The day is pleasant, I will wait outside. Excuse me Mr. Mcenroe is it not? Those rules do not apply to catered or delivered meals do they?"

"No Jeeves they do not, we typically have some meal deliveries from some people who don't like our cafeteria, and some students leave to get take out as well."

"Then I will see you at lunch mistress Min."

He took my hand and kissed it farewell, whispering; "If you need me, simply call... I will be near." And he walked off, amid more whispers.

"Alright, Mr. Mcenroe, could you please take these? They are headed to your office anyway."

I handed him the paperwork from my coat and grabbed the book bag Jeeves was forced to leave.

"Sure, I'll see they get filed. Welcome back Minerva."

I waved at him as I walked past, not really trusting myself to speak. I had really hoped Jeeves could have simply stood in back, watching me, ready to bust me out of this madhouse at a word. Sigh. Oh well, first class of the day. I saw at our customary table a kite that looked suspiciously like something I'd made sitting on it, with a large A stuck to it with tape. When had I...?

"Hey. You got us an A after all, I didn't think that helicopter kite would fly at all." Ricky stated, walking in.

"I honestly don't remember making it, or giving it to you... but I must have."

"Yeah you were still pretty out of it. But it worked like a charm, the slightest breeze started the rotors, which made it all but fly."

"I don't doubt it at all, it's all proven technology."

I stared at the stylized sharks maw fondly. The paper rotor blades were in the teeth. The rest of the class filed in as I set it aside. their own faces mainly filled with varying degrees of dismay as they took in their own project grades. I looked away before I could reasonably be considered to have made eye contact with anyone.

"Good morning class, as you can see your final grades for last week's lab are completed; I was pleasantly surprised by many of you. Ah, miss Campbell, welcome back. I was most pleased with your project. The straws used for inner struts were inspired."

"Thank you sir, pleased to be back."

Hey a little white lie never hurt anyone, right?

"Alright class, settle down. To begin the week, we will now look at fish. Guess you all know what that means for lab on Wednesday, right? To start, anyone know what adaptations make fish at home underwater?"

...and cue boring lecture. Rather than deal with that I decided to just read my textbook; after all it couldn't be more boring than Mr Welch, right? Right? And somehow it wasn't. I admit I got lost in a world of fish adaptations for a time...and I suspect Mr Welch saw what I was doing and just let me read. The real mystery was Ricky, who was quiet the entire hour. I'd look up to see him looking everywhere but at me.

The bell rang and I sighed, knowing I had so much more of this torture to go. I packed up to go and waited for everyone else to leave, only then moving myself. No sooner Had I taken a step outside then I was aware of the entire physics class loitering just outside, and a few more besides. Of course my math class was all the way at the other end of the hall.

In short, crap was about to hit the fan earlier than I had hoped but about when I expected, and I was screwed. Not letting the stomach butterflies pop out my mouth and ruin their rather obvious surprise, I strode towards my second class, also ignoring the assorted stampeding of the entire school behind me.

"OK, if you're going to be jerks about this, you should at least try to be a little more subtle... this is down right unprofessional." I said loudly without turning around.

"I see you finally went for it, eh Myrc?"

At least my accuser was who I thought it'd be. Good old Gordan, you can always depend on him. I turned around, and at least one of those with him was a mild surprise. I expected Bernard of the mutant hate train fame, but I didn't expect Pam on the other side of Gordon.

"Excuse me?"

"You finally go for the whole gay crossdressing thing, right fag?"

He couldn't. He couldn't possibly be this stupid.

"I look like a crossdresser? You!" I pointed to someone I vaguely knew.

"Harry, do I look like I'm cross-dressing to you?"

Gordon slammed me into the lockers to my left painfully, knocking the wind from me and rapping my skull... I sagged onto him.

"Don't twist my words freak! Don't think I won't kick your ass cause you look like a girl!"

"Idiot, I AM a girl!' I wheezed. 'Furthermore, if I ever was gay I can't possibly be any more, I can only be straight or a lesbian! You win, ok? I can't fight you like this. So do your worst!"

When He let go I fell of course, and was just starting to look up into his shell-shocked face when Ricky plowed directly into Gordon with a tackle that would make 'Flash' himself proud. I had never seen him so pissed. I swear I heard bones break as Ricky pounded away like a piston, battering Gordon multiple
times before Bernard pulled him off.

I blearily looked around, noting faces as the teachers finally waded through, pulling the two combatants apart.

"hey you ok?"

"been better Margeret, how are you?"

Margeret 'maggie' Johnson, a rather tall willowy brunette who fancied herself a journalist offered her hand, concern writ on her face in neon, helped me up.


I turned to Mr. Welch, who was basically sitting on Ricky.

"Sir, he defended me, I'd appreciate it if you'd let him up."

Mr. Welch warily complied, asking the crowd in general and me in particular:

"Alright so what happened?"

"Gordon attacked me sir, Ricky came to my defense." I blurted, aware now that I had tears, actual tears, leaving hot damning tracks down my cheeks.

Mr. Welch heaved a heavy sigh.

"Really flash? Even after the this morning's assembly?"

"That's not how it happened, Mr Welch!" Bernard yelled.

"Then how did it happen Monty?"

"She punched first Mr Welch!"

Before I could get my outrage worked up to truly incandescent levels, my rage was derailed by the normally easygoing Mr. Welch's biting words.

"Son, don't take me for a fool. Get out of here now, and pray I forget your possible involvement. Anyone want to tell me the truth?"

"Sir, it happened just as Minerva said. I saw the whole thing... and so did most everyone here."

Maggie, to my defense! I'll never call her a hack again! I turned to Ricky; he was already beginning to show evidence of taking a few shots to the face himself, and was cradling his right hand with his left. But as our eyes met he grinned, and I had to shake my head.

"Ricky, I swear I can't take you anywhere."

"Sorry, you know me... any excuse at all for that bastard. I Think I got a date with our loving principal; see you in a bit."

"Yeah, don't forget the nurse too."

He waved as he left, escorted by Mr. Welch and a fuming Gordon, all practiced nonchalance. Picking up my bookbag I heard Mr Welch yell:

"Anyone still in the halls not named Campbell in one minute is late... Miss Campbell, take all the time you need; see the nurse if you feel the need."

"Thank you, sir, but I feel fine."

"Hey, come on." Maggie said, yanking me to my feet rather easily; I think my feet left tile for a moment. Maybe Maggie was a mutant?

"Where do you want me to go?"

"Hey hey, it's nothing like that!" She leaned in close, allowing me a whiff of what smelled almost like... cinnamon?

"I just thought you'd like to clean up before class, you know."

"Ahh, good point I suppose... so what did Mr. Welch mean about an assembly? I didn't get any notice."

"Uuuhh well, I probably shouldn't say but you'll hear about it anyway, sooner or later. The assembly was basically about you. I mean, they didn't mention you by name exactly, but everyone sort of knew it was. Mr. Mcenroe called an early morning assembly for 7:30 today, and regaled us all with ideas on what the word tolerance meant. Specifically, tolerance for others who may be different, and those who may be less fortunate than others."

I groaned so hard it sounded like a monster prowling the halls.

"Just freaking great, wonder if he wants to unload the other barrel now?"

Then I saw where I was being led. The girl's restroom, den of potential evil and beatings. Maggie hadn't let go of my hand... and when I slowed (a natural response I think) she yanked on it again.

"Come on, even with Mr. Welch's blessing we need to hurry!"

"Um, I don't think..."

She turned, assuming a classic annoyed pose, leaning away from me, tapping her foot and arms crossed.

"What? It's pretty obvious by looking at you that you aren't faking at all, you aren't dressed up or anything. You can't seriously be thinking of holding it all day either."


"Hah, no way girl, just won't happen. Come on, no one is going to object, they are all in class, remember?"

She grabbed my hand again, and pulled me inside.

The first thing I noticed was the smell... it was more pleasant then the men's room, but only barely. No urinals of course, a machine of some sort in the corner next to the hand dryers, sinks with large mirrors posted in front of them. The eggshell blue paint with pink accents was different though, and didn't really match the dirty white floor tiles. I looked carefully, there was indeed no one present save us.

"Come on, come on!" Maggie stood in front of the first mirror, damp paper towels in hand.

"You get your face, I'll get the dirt off your clothes, ok?"

"Um, sure."

I grabbed a towel or two and started wiping the tears off... thank goodness they weren't that noticeable. Maggie wiped my coat free of dirt (stain resistance for the win).

"Hold on a second, got a spider web or something on your jeans here." She yanked hard on my jeans, straightening them and wiping all the foreign substance away... whatever it was.

"So um, how did you get your hair braided like that? loose but with a ring holding it in place?"

"Hm? Oh Jeeves does it, no idea how."

"Drat, was hoping you could teach me, it looks amazing on you."

"Thanks, but It's really done that way cause Jeeves doesn't want me to cut it."

"That would be a crime, your hair is beautiful! So, is Jeeves like your butler or something?"

"Something like that; he's new, I only got him last week. Knows all sorts of things though."

"Right, we'd better go. Come on!"

Again with the hand grabbing. Now she was running down the halls! I had to sprint or be dragged, but we made it to Mr. Mullins' class. He didn't even bat an eye as we walked in late and sat down. But then I realized from my vantage, the blackboard was hazy and indistinct. Just great... I had lost my glasses then forgot about them!

"Hey." whispered Ralph from right next to me.

"What's up Ralph?"

"I believe these are yours." he whispered back, carefully looking away so as not to garner notice. He had my glasses, and they weren't broken! Whew"

"Thanks Ralph, they are."

I carefully checked them over for scratches, and finding none put them on. Now I could make out the blackboard, mistakes and all. Well that was annoying, Mr. Mullins had a 3 instead of a 2 for the solution. I turned to see Ralph looking at me, and remembered. Note passing time. I wrote it, rather astonished that my calligraphy had improved:

"You knew, didn't you?"

His note responded: "No, but I suspected; I'll explain later."

I nodded to him and turned to the blackboard once again, trying to focus. It was so odd... a week ago I'd be asleep, but I just couldn't calm down with that error glaring at me. It annoyed me to no end for some reason, and I just could not pin down why. The bell rang before I could figure it out.

This time I joined the throng quickly, hoping it'd be more difficult to single me out as a member of the herd. But as I passed the blackboard I quickly wrote that pesky 2 in it's proper place. There, harmony restored. Geography time, but this class I didn't have a book for, so I kept a wary eye out for assholes while pit stopping at my locker. I saw Maggie surrounded by a sea of girls and threw a hesitant wave as I passed, which she returned with a smile.

I was able to get to Geography without any further incidents thank goodness, sitting down and making myself as small as possible... which was pretty small. This was truly hostile territory; I had no friends of any stripe here.

Oddly enough that seemed to help, because other than feeling the entire rooms' worth of eyes on me in turns like a bunch of mini-suns boring into my skin, the class passed uneventfully as we learned about Poland (continuing on our rhine theme). It was a relief in a way, I was able to listen to Mrs. Carson drone and read. Soon this blissful solace ended, and I was faced with the class I'd been trying to forget: gym.

I didn't think I'd be allowed to participate at all, after all Ralph wasn't... but he was forced to sit in the Gym and watch while doing whatever it was he did, dodging the random 'accidental' ball thrown his direction; was that to be my fate?

I again did the vanish into the herd thing, only it didn't seem to be working very well; everyone was looking at me and whispering again; damn this hair! I didn't need to empathize with Ralph more! At the entrance to the Gym I saw someone I almost never had any contact with, assistant coach Ruth Howard, wife of coach Howard of basketball fame, and resident female coach handling pretty much all the teams that weren't coached by parents.

"Just who I wanted to see! good day to you Miss Campbell, unfortunately due to health concerns, yadda yadda yadda, you know what I'm getting at here, right?"

"Yes, I do, ride the bench cause you're afraid I'll go all crazy and kill everyone with my mad amazing skills?"

"Well actually, the opposite... you're anemic, you get a pass."

"Sigh... I'd have liked it more if you'd told me the other thing."

"I know Minerva; look at it this way though; at least you can get all your homework done before you leave school. That's always a plus, right?"

"I suppose... Thanks anyway. Good luck with your charges today."

"Good luck with your homework."

I waved and sat on the bleachers, getting out my geography; the only book I brought and slowest to read.

"Hey. Not there." Ralph, my partner in boredom?

"What do you mean?"

"You're in the first bleacher, a prime spot to have someone accidentally run over you or chuck balls at your head."

"The voice of depressing experience? Alright where do you normally hang out?"

"Around the side here, much harder to target you, they need to arc things, and they can't run over you."

"OK. So what do you normally do during gym?"

"Just hang out really, watch the fun from a safe seat."

"Sounds boring."

"Well there is something else I do, and you're going to find out anyway I think."

He pulled out an obviously lovingly crafted origami crane.

"Neat, so you learn to make these?"

"Yep. You want to try?"

"Um, sure."

He handed me paper and a book. 'Origami for beginners'.

"You go ahead and pick what you want and go to work, I'm not much of a teacher."


And that it what occupied my time, I made sad mutant creations best left unspoken, but dubbed frogs for convenience, while Ralph made some wonderful cranes from colored paper. When the bell rang I crumpled my own creations up in disgust and threw them out.

"Sorry, I kind of wasted your paper. I'll bring you some more tomorrow."

"No problem, it's cheap enough. That last frog didn't look bad."

"Heh yes it did, no need to sugarcoat it, it was awful."

"These things can't be picked up immediately."

"I guess so... lunchtime. See you later."

Quickly leaving before I could get surrounded somehow, I made my way to the front door. No Jeeves, I wonder where he was; I was kind of expecting him here, school rules or not.

Wait, that was an arrow the exact color of my hair, pointing outside! Pretty sure that wasn't there before. Cautiously I followed it, expecting Jeeves but ready for anything. Outside under a large maple tree, a somewhat sturdy folding table and cushioned chair were placed, with a covered plate, silverware, a bottle of something that might be wine, and a lit candle! And standing next to all of that was Jeeves.

"Jeeves? Is all this your doing?"

"Mistress Min, welcome! Of course it is my doing. Is there something wrong with my choice of location?"

"No, no, it's fine. Your elaborate preparations just took me by surprise is all. So what's for lunch?"

"Salmon spinach feta quiche with sparkling white grape juice. I apologize for the beverage, but you're underage."

"Alright, I'll pretend I knew what you just said. I'm trusting you here."

He moved the chair for me, I sat and he adjusted it, then uncovered the plate. He poured a glass of the juice while I picked up the fork, playing the butler role to the hilt. Looking around I could see we had gained a small hesitant audience, mainly comprised of girls. Heh, they won't dare start anything with Jeeves here! I was safe.

"How has your day been mistress Min? Everything all right?"

"Could have gone better, but not that far from what I expected. Wow, this is really good! I thought when you said spinach I'd be spitting it out."

"Thank you for your high praise mistress Min."

I eyed him suspiciously... I could have sworn that was a joke, but he was straight faced as ever. Was he British somehow?

"You're welcome. I think I'll bring my lappy tomorrow, too much free time to use it since I'm being kicked out of gym."

He crouched next to me, looking me in the eye.

"I am sorry mistress Min, I know how much such activities meant to you."

Now why was my vision blurring again? Damn it!

"It's ok, not your fault... just life, that's all."

"You are of course correct. Am I correct in assuming you do not wish to be disturbed?"

"You are correct; why?"

"Several of your fellow students are approaching this position; I shall keep them from disturbing you."

I paused with the fork in my mouth.

"Nothing permanent, understand? No need to make enemies yet."

"Understood, mistress Min."

I finished my lunch in peace as he dealt with the pack of girls swarming him, chattering animatedly. None of them were even glancing at me, which was good. Confusing, but good.

I finished with a good five minutes to spare, taking my time and enjoying the serenity. As soon as I started to move however Jeeves was there, pulling back my chair and helping me up.

"Thank you Jeeves, everything was wonderful. Am I to assume you'll be at this spot tomorrow?"

"Circumstances permitting."

"I approve, it's a good spot. Well back to the grind, you'll be here when I get out?"

"I'll be waiting at the door mistress Min. As always, should you need me, please call." He started packing up.

"Alright. So, um...what are all of you guys doing here?" I asked as I caught up to the pack of my peers.

"Oh nothing, we were just talking to your butler. So, what did he make you?"

"Spinach quiche; I'd recommend it. It was tasty."

"Come on or we'll all be late!"

My hand got grabbed again by someone I barely knew, but this time it was by Rebecca 'Becca' Hollingsworth, one of our cheerleaders. The tiny throng passed the doors as I looked back to Jeeves, who waved at me, smiling. what a traitor.

"Hey! relax. We aren't going to do anything to you."

The gang led me into the bastion of feminity named the ladies' bathroom. I managed to find a wall to put my back to. I wasn't just going to roll over again!

"Relax, relax... we aren't going to hurt you." Genine 'ne ne' Summerfield cut in while making calming gestures.

"Then why...?"

"Two reasons; one, we noticed you were avoiding this place and you were getting rather...antsy, shall we say? And the other well, has to do with Jeeves. So get settled first and then we just want to talk, OK?"

Damn was it that obvious?

"Umm, Ok."

I found the first stall and locked it, taking a breath.

"First thing Min; may I call you Min?"

"Sure, I'd prefer it." It was better than Minerva after all.

I took the paper and made a little seat ring (doesn't everyone?), unzipped and sat down. I half expected when I looked up to see them all staring over the top, but there was nothing of the sort. They weren't staring under the stall at me either, hmm. I finished up, cleaned up, and went out to wash my hands.

"So, what gives?"

"Well we'd like to know about Jeeves."

"What about him?"

"Where does he come from, how do you know him, things like that."

"Well he comes from junk. I have a mutant power; it's called devising. Basically it's a fancy word for saying I build things. Jeeves is one of the first things I built."

"Ahhh I see."

I took them in, half the group looked crestfallen, but the other half looked more intense, if anything.

"So wait, you built a handsome guy to cater to your every whim?"

"Well if you want to look at it that way... I'm not sure what I was thinking when I built him exactly, I don't always. Sometimes I enter a sort of trance when I'm about to build things; I think for him the idea was to build someone who could take care of me since my health is crap now."

I heard a few collective sighs, and Maggie jumped in.

"That's so cool! You have a real mutant power!"

"I know, not like that lame-o Ralph. love your new hair by the way, that shade is so beautiful."

Suddenly it was a dam broke to the twilight zone, and they were all whispering and gabbling like geese. I looked on in horror, but I was saved by the bell, almost literally.

"Oh shit, we've got to move girls, bell in one! come on Min!"

"Study hall this hour, right Min?" Genine asked as we hurried out.

"Yep, you too if I remember. See you there!"

I put on the speed and left her behind, weaving through the crowd to my locker and quickly grabbing the books I'd need. I made it just as the bell rang, as usual for me. Mr. Mullins didn't even bat an eye. the hour passed quickly, but by 3 minutes to go I'd had all my homework done... I'd tried to go slower, but I just couldn't. The bell rang and I flitted through the halls again, stowing my books and taking just my English text, a notebook, and my pen.

"Good to see you, Miss Campbell." Mrs. Holmes greeted me as I walked into her class.

"Your paper is on your desk... a very well constructed argument."

The paper I'd written last week, I'd forgotten about it! I turned it over as I sat down, staring at the A; such a high cost for something so simple, and I'd have been happy with it last week.

"Alright class, on to Hemingway. The old man and the sea, you're all supposed to have it read, so let's discuss it."

I'd not gotten that message so I pointed to the book when Mrs Holmes eyes roved my way. She nodded, so I tuned everyone else out and started reading. In perhaps 20 minutes I joined the discussion, story read confident I could hold my own. (Such a sad story though.) And at last the final bell rang! Merciful freedom! I was out like a shot, so fast I almost missed Mrs. Holmes parting comment of:

"Report due on old man and the sea by Friday! 500 words, no less!"

And the assorted groans which followed. Taking one last quick stop at my locker, I grabbed my bookbag, emptied it, and stuck just the English book and my notebooks inside then ran for the door. I ignored all the miscellaneous chatter and went straight to Jeeves.

"So did you see what happened to Ricky?"

"He was escorted into an ambulance and left. Were you involved in that mistress Min?"

"I might have been, indirectly."

"You are not injured, so I must assume you are telling the truth."

"That's how I heard it. Good afternoon Min."


I turned to see none other than Terry Douglas standing there, a rather attractive if blockish looking woman beside him.

"Don't DO that! You scared the hell out of me!"

"Sorry, sorry. May I introduce my partner Candice white?"

She obligingly flipped me her credentials, allowing me to verify them.

"He doesn't look sorry, Mrs. White, Could you thrash him for me?"

"That's Miss White, never married. And sure kid, I'll beat him once we're off duty. So how was the first day? Want anyone disappeared?"

"No, thanks. None of that please."

"Shes joking. You had us a bit worried though, you didn't even notice us this morning, just walked right by."

"Sorry, not a morning person. So to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"No visit kiddo, we're on duty. I just decided to break the agency character a bit and introduce my partner so you knew who she was. I did promise I'd do that, remember?"

"I do, so you're watching me now?"

"Sure are, and so is the neighborhood MCO." He pointed towards the school roof, where I could just barely make out a figure.

"that is Mr. Sands, of our recent mutual acquaintance. Wave to him."

We all waved.

"OK I'm done with all this for now, I just want to go home. This is been a strange and annoying day."

"Don't mind if we stay close do you? we are obviously heading that way."

Candice punched Terry in the arm.

"Idiot, where is your professional pride? Don't mind him Miss Campbell, he's overdue for a brainwashing refresher."

"Min please, and I don't mind."

"No, can't hear of it, you'll see more of us, or one or the other of us... it seems the director is too stingy to pay for two sets of field agents."

"Isn't that always the way of it?"

"Indeed; see you later Min."

I watched them walk off.

"So, you were aware of them the entire time, I hope?"

"I was mistress Min, they arrived within sensor range at 4:22 am and have followed you ever since, being no closer than 5 feet, and no farther than 329.7 feet."

"Well as long as you were aware, I'm fine with it."

A short silent walk later and I was finally home. Alone, as I'd beaten everyone else here. Normally I'd be practicing baseball or basketball, or playing, especially with my homework basically done, but I just didn't feel up to it. Ian was likely out having a ball.

"Are you alright, Mistress Min?"

"I guess so Jeeves. Just tired."

There came that hand again.

"Your blood pressure is low; you are likely fatigued. I think a nap is in order."

Without warning he picked me up, ignoring my protests, and carried me up to my bed. depositing me onto it he added:

"please do not move, just rest, I will be back shortly with a beverage."

Bossed around by my own robot butler! The nerve...! Well it's not like I could fight him, so rest I did.


To Be Continued
Read 12070 times Last modified on Monday, 20 September 2021 02:22

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