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  • Whateley Academy The campus location. Primary setting of the Whateley Academy Universe.
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 10:08

Generation 2 Announcement

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The Gen 2 


A couple years ago, I looked into the possibilities involved in bringing a number of new authors into the canon writing team. One of the largest concerns was the process of learning just how much is involved in the Whateley Universe backstory and the rough plans and plotlines gets more involved with every new idea and story that we release. An author joining the Canon team now has more than ten years of group history to comprehend while trying to integrate their own new ideas into things that have been in motion for years.What I wanted, was to be able to put a group of new authors in the position of being able to take what is publicly known (by having read the existing body of works), take a little guidance and background detail from current canon authors, and give them the freedom to tell their own stories without the influence of the characters and plot lines of the original stories.

To do that, I proposed a Whateley Academy roughly ten years into the future. Long enough that the existing students and anyone who ever attended a class with them to graduate and move on... but not so far into the future that we see their children entering the school. We might occasionally hear, cameo style, of a certain hero now operating out of Chicago... or New York, or LA. But only where we can confidently say that, for whatever reason, the original plotlines never kill that person off or do things to them that make it impossible to understand how the events in this later timeline came to be. So, teachers are older. Some have moved on to other jobs, or returned to their old ones. Buildings and some parts of the Academy campus are different, some completely rebuilt from the ground up... but we don't hear why or how this came to be. For all the students know, this is just the way it is... and if an upperclassman happens to mention that... oh, yeah, you couldn't even see this view from the old dorm... well, it doesn't change anything about what's there now.

And then I put out a request for applications which I left open almost a year before I had enough candidates to make a go of things. They were a motley bunch, most had never worked as part of a group setting before and had no idea how it might go. And since I'd never 'run' one and had only vague ideas about how I was going to run this one, we were all in for a rough ride. Fortunately, about the time we kicked off the project with inviting in the new authors; Elrod stepped up and grabbed control of the day to day running of the thing. In a sense, he was the drill sergeant and practical hands on NCO.. leaving me to be the completely oblivious officer type who set impossible goals, muttered random things that caused mass chaos for weeks before someone realized that it was just written upside down, and so on. Without El, we might still be announcing new G2 stories; but it'd probably be with a lot fewer authors and I'd probably be in prison somewhere.

The Gen 2 Universe might not be an alternative universe, but the Whateley Academy Universe is different enough in its tech evolution and politics from our own that when this group sat down and spent the time looking at how things would evolve differently from our own world such that their first school year (Fall 2016) is going to be very different from the Fall 2016 that faces us in less than a year; they discovered a LOT of work to do. But is wasn't all hard work and background universe building. They also had to go through a grueling vetting process by which the group itself, the original timeline canon authors and yours truly raked their character ideas through the coals.

End result? They're an interesting bunch of kids. They don't all mesh together and love one another. They're not crazy powerful and most of them aren't even going to be considered heavy hitters on the WA campus. It's not a balanced team, in general or for combat purposes. To achieve that sort of mix and balance, they're going to have to work outside the group. They don't all live in the same dorms or take the same classes. Put simply, they're not Team Kimba. But they are good kids. Some with their hearts in the right place... some, maybe lacking a heart at all. But among them, in duos and trios... and occasionally brought together through key connections... they're going to find themselves in the middle of something just as important and dangerous as the Original Timeline's battle with Mythos. Something that could mean the end of Whateley Academy itself.

And you can say much the same about the authors behind them. They aren't Babs and Bek, Starwolf and Maggie and so forth. They write differently, they bring different strengths to the table, and the issues that they want to write about are fifteen years more recent. But we've given them a platform to write about them and vouch for their ability to work within the Whateley Academy Universe as you know it (and we'll be just as aggressively reviewing and editing behind the scenes to be certain). Where you judge their stories, be sure to give credit to where its due.


The People

While many of the active Original Timeline Canon Authors will be writing in both timelines, each providing their own PoV character to the total mix (along with the hundreds of supporting characters than the G2 team has prepared to serve them); I'd like to begin with the introductions of the new authors. Most of them will be known to veteran members of our forums as almost all of them have been around for a while, including being participants in the fan fiction forums at one point or another. I've asked each of them to prepare a brief little into about themselves, about the character they will be introducing from the beginning, and how they feel about the Gen 2 Project. So, here they are:



Astrodragon Avatar DragonsFyre

Morgana Jones, Dragonsfyre: The problem with getting kidnapped to be used as a test subject for the experiments of a magic Cabal is that something always goes wrong. Well, to be fair the experiment almost worked, at least by the standards of success usually considered in these circumstances. Apart from the bit about being turned female, with a highly suspect set of DNA, and horns, as well as the ability to use magic. Nothing major, really. Well, there is the PTSD, and the slight issue of not-quite-controllable fire manifestation, but that just means the Power Testing wonks at Whateley consider you a fascinating test subject. Being packed off to a school on a different continent full of crazy dangerous mutants is just the icing on the cake.

BIO: Astrodragon has been writing on and off for 20 years, but has in the main decided in a rare attack of generosity to spare the world by not publishing most of it except for some Alternative Fiction stories. He is also, for his sins, the oldest member of the Gen2 writers. He has, despite what some of the others say, a perfectly normal sense of humour. For a Brit.

On the Gen 2 Project: The concept of how do you actually handle having your sex changed on you is one that's interested me for a long time, and showing it in the context of Whateley is a fascinating challenge, as it sorting out all the interactions with the other characters and students. Also to deal with the little problem of a different culture (in this case, American High School), while keeping things interesting and, hopefully, amusing.


Katie Lyn

Katie avatar

Bailey George (Grant), Backtrack

Bailey is not a typical teenager - raised by his single, paranoid-but-financially-successful mom who moves around a lot and homeschools him, resulting in a very limited social life. .Then Bailey mutates - changing his sheltered life even more - a radically different BIT, an ability to 'find' things, and a strange danger sense. Perhaps Whateley can give Bailey some critically-needed education in mutant powers and politics and a chance to socialize that he's been long denied, even though he has to do that from a girl's perspective now.

I inherited a love of writing from my grandmother who wrote and published songs and poetry. High school English intimidated me enough to give up writing as a career goal, though in my late 20s I published a poem in a college publication in a Lit course.

Fast forward several decades and with time on my after becoming disabled I took a course in copywriting. You know; the writings that come in the mail or on web sites that sells the virtues of a shiny new bauble. The big takeaway is to write at a 7th grade level and never let anything come between you, your reader, and your message/story. Finally I didn’t need perfection and $10 words to write.

Free-Time and the World Wide Web introduced me to the wondrous worlds of magic, transformations, and their universes. I have read all the writings of the established writers here and I hold it a privilege to be included. I am probably the oldest, least experienced, and the slowest of all.

I love history and believe that mythology hold more than a little truth in them as I believe they are a reflection of the World before the flood. The story of Atalanta called to me and we bonded. It has taken me 5 years to write the two books to date and more in the works but probably not at Whateley. I have dozens of unfinished works on my hard drive at 10,000 to 15,000 words each that I want to finish in time.

On the Gen 2 ProjectWhat drew me to Whateley were the characters of Team Kimba and how they interacted with each other. The creativity that went into in each character but despite their diverse backgrounds they formed a close knit team. I believe we have an equaling compelling story to tell in Gen 2 as another group of incoming freshman wreak havoc amid fun and games. And I do hope some of our readers are inspired to take up pen and paper to write their unique vision.



MageOhki avatar

Kenshin: A boy. A sword. An ancient code of warrior ethics. Still not complicated enough? Add in a mutation and problems with the local government. Then send him to Whateley, so the Japanese government can let them worry about Kenshin for a while. (Note ­ Kenshin is a Hank­type character ­ more than background, less than full POV.)

Hikaru When an ancient warrior ­goddess takes up residence in your head, forcing you to mutate and radically change, your life and the lives of those around you are going to take very unexpected turns. Even if you started out weary and not wanting a new adventure. (Hikaru is a full POV character)

MageOhki is a historian, political scientist, and a stubborn, old, irascible writer who freezes his ass off from October to April in the far north wastelands of the US. He's relatively new to writing in the Whateley universe, but is looking forward to the challenge of working with the Whateley team.

On the Gen 2 ProjectWith a background in the Japanese culture, Mage hopes to expand the Whateley Universe to Eastern Asia and Japan. New plots, new cultural elements, and a team of writers all combine to make this an adventure of using his imagination.



MaLAguA provisional avatar

Victor Rivera: Coming from a chaotic home, Victor Rivera fled his home trying to forge a new future for himself. But things are never as easy as they seem on paper. Unwanted incidents happen, mistakes are made, and people come and go. Going to Whateley seemed to be a break from his problems and uncertainty ­ some of which is uncertainty about exactly what kind of mutant powers he really has!

MaLAguA was born and raised in the exotic (yet rather rude) country of Peru where he was quick to gain a head start from the other kids by being enrolled and completing his education in a Peruvian British school. He eventually discovered his passion for writing stories (given that he used to be the kid that spaced out during class because he was dreaming in his little world), even though English isn't his primary language. From there on, he began to set off to new goals in creative writing. As of now, he has been writing for at least 6 years now with some big stories, a couple of short ones and at least two finished series under his belt. As with so many, he has been drawn to the Whateley universe, and he was selected to be part of the Gen 2 team..

On the Gen 2 ProjectI am to say, I am more than proud to have made it into the WU Gen 2 Cabal and at thesame time I know it will be a huge challenge especially for a writer who second­ guesses his own work. This will be the first time I have done something of this scale, working with such a talented team in such a well­known fiction universe is a nervously­exciting challenge. Like Neo, I am also a latecomer to the Whateley Universe, which sometimes times feels like a disadvantage and intimidating. Despite being uncertain of the future, I feel optimistic and extremely excited about this.



Nagrij avatar

Luke Del Bosque: Those of you who know my work, know that nothing pleases me more than taking tropes and smashing them to teeny tiny bits… then smashing the bits into powder. My current plans with Luke Del Bosque will be no different, and I invite you to look forward to them. Just watch where you step, and mind the bunnies. Sometimes they are invisible.

BIO: Simple, my pen name is Nagrij, I've only been writing (again) for about two years now. I write horror, TG, science fiction, fantasy, and pretty much anything else that catches my interest. Those of you who had read my past humble scribblings and liked them, expect to see more of the same. I say again because I used to write from around age ten to twenty. Then I took a very long hiatus, for reasons.

I'm fueled by coffee, sunflower seeds, and insanity, and my muse has ADHD. That said, I'm consistent and have no plans to go anywhere. I've written several Whateley tales which I am assured are good, and I'm getting better all the time. With other authors to look to for advice, such growth can only take place more quickly.

On the Gen 2 ProjectWhateley Generation two is a trip. A chance and a challenge to learn and add another setting to a rich and well loved world. From a fan's perspective, the challenge is simple: to show everyone else we appreciate the mandate we've been given and to learn from the first generation of writers going forward, to add depth and wonder, while taking away nothing that makes the world the success it is.

Like I said, simple. No pressure at all.



NeoMagus avatar

Tanya Wright, Invictus: When you're the child of a superhero, you get a different perspective on right and wrong and on keeping secrets. When a superhero group takes you under their wing after your mother dies fighting villains, you gain a protective family among her friends. And when you manifest with the same powers your mother had, and start to look like her, you get confused and start asking questions...

Who are you, really ­ your own self, or just your mother's replacement? Are you intended to follow your own path, or to pick up the fight where your mom left off? Did your 'family' protect you too much ­ shielding you from the realities of the world and leaving you naive, idealistic, and all too trusting? Maybe your mom's alma mater, Whateley Academy, can help you sort out these questions...or maybe it's just a hidden trap, intent on making you lose yourself to a destiny that was never meant to be yours.

BIO: NeoMagus brings youthful energy and his own unique talents to the Gen 2 team. A long­time fan of Superhero movies, comics, and gaming, Neo is a relative latecomer to the Whateley universe (he is young, after all), but has helped several fan-fic authors with their work, demonstrating his willingness to be part of a team. Though he's a Louisiana boy at heart, Neo currently lives in Memphis, TN, where he's attending college.

His favorite parts of Whateley? The Outcasts, the Bad Seeds, and the Parkour Hooligans. Neo likes the humor, the emotional depth, the imaginative characters, and the balance of wimsy and reality that the Whateley universe portrays, and hopes his own life experiences and interests will contribute to a strong 2nd Generation team and series of stories. As a younger writer inspired by C.S. Lewis and JRR Tolkien, Neo hopes to help inspire a new generation of aspiring authors. He hopes that the Gen 2 readers will enjoy the fresh character concepts, the different dynamic of a new core group of characters, and a glimpse of the world that's a little more "what the future could be."

To quote ElrodW , "Sometimes, Neo keeps me from running completely off the rails with wild ideas, and sometimes, the two of us are like symbiotes growing plots and schemes of increasing deviousness. He's fun to work with, and the readers are certain to enjoy his contributions to Whateley Gen 2."

On the Gen 2 ProjectGreetings, fellow Whateley fans! Though some of you know me well enough by now, the vast majority of you probably don't, since I've only been a part of this community for about a year now. Being a part of the Whateley Second Generation project is certainly a new adventure for me, as this is the first serious writing endeavor I've ever participated in, so I hope I'll be able to live up to all of your expectations or at least come close. We've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes for a while now, and I know that I for one am SUPER excited that we're finally getting close to an official launch. The rest of the G2 Crew and I can't wait to begin sharing with you guys just how much the world of Whateley has grown and changed, and also to introduce you to all of the new faces that we hope you'll come love as much as we do.


Souffle Girl

Souffle Girl avatar

Fiorella Persico, Calliope: The character I’ll mainly write about is Fiorella “Calliope” Persico, who already appeared in some of my fanfiction, but has been reviewed and revamped for canon use. Cally, as everyone calls her, is an Italian PSI­based mutant with Empath and Telepath powers.

Cally is also slowly changing from boy to girl under the effect of her Exemplar trait, and this made her realize she’s been transgender all along, she just didn’t know it before. Cally is artistic ­minded, warm, friendly, and loves playing guitar and singing. She has a twin brother who’s attending Whateley too, Francesco “Ariete” Persico.

BIO: I am a 28 years old Italian trans girl and I love reading, music, gaming, comics, role­playing games; in short pretty much everything that’s fiction. I’m a long standing fan of TG fiction, and of some of the Whateleyverse authors in particular, and I took up writing my own stories about a year and a half ago.

On the Gen 2 ProjectI like how the 2nd Generation allows us to play with the Whately setting with low­powered individuals, that will be less in the spotlight than 1st Generation characters. In my stories, I will try to concentrate more on character interaction and development than on action and superhero themes, leaving them to more talented people in that department.




Wasamon avatar

Erica von Abendritter, Eisenmadel: Erica's a girl with problems, not least of which is that she used to be a boy. But that's what you get for drinking your not‐mad‐at‐all grandfather's super enhancement serum. To be fair, he thought he was keeping it out of evil hands at the time. But that's all in the recent past. What's important is the more distant past, where her family line diverged from its Nazi science roots, and the present, where that past is coming back to haunt them all.

BIO: From an early age, Wasamon really detested school journaling assignments, so if this bio section sucks, there's the reason. He was much more interested in making up weird stories and fantastical worlds, and had a small atlas of the unreal put together by the time he was out of junior high.

Two decades later, he's got a few full novels, plenty of short stories, and even a play or two under his belt. While none of it's actually been published, a guy can still dream. He found himself in Whateley territory a couple years back after an odd trip through TV Tropes, and it's been a fun ride since.

He currently resides with his lovely, charming, and very patient (we hope!) wife in sunny Kumamoto, Japan.

On the Gen 2 ProjectHello, everyone! This is your man in Japan, Wasamon, writing in to say how hyped I am to be in on this project. It's been a blast working with everyone so far, and now that the fallout is settling we've got a great lineup in store. So I hope you all enjoy the show!



In addition to these wonderful new authors, some of the 'old' crew will be helping to populate and move along the Gen 2 plot line. These Full Time Cabal members will be contributing with the following characters:


Bek D Corbin

Dragonblade: I don’t really intend to do that much with AJ. He’s basically in G2 to keep my hand in. I freely offer him to other authors as a secondary character or facilitator for chaos. The two things to keep in mind about AJ are: First, AJ is Just Competent Enough to think that he’s a skills monster. He’s not. He’s overconfident, but not cocky. He simply overestimates his ability to handle various situations, and when he can’t, he improvises like hell.

Second, no matter what the Administration says, AJ is NOT a troublemaker. Rather, he has what I call a ‘Tenchi personality’: to wit, someone comes to him with a bad idea, he tries to talk them out of it, he points out some ludicrous alternative, not thinking that they’ll take him seriously, but then they do, and they either drag him along, or they blame him for it afterwards, ‘cause ‘it was his idea’.

While AJ will develop a not-entirely deserved reputation as a skirt-chaser, he’s not THAT into girls. Well, no more than any healthy het 15-year-old boy is.

BIO: He was born and raised around Jacksonville, a nice young man, not the kind to kill. But a jealous heart and a flashing blade sent him on the run through the Everglades….

No, wait a minute, that’s a song by the Kingston Trio…

Bek D Corbin is the primary creator and one of the founding authors of the Whateley Universe, and the creator of many of the noteworthy characters in that universe, as well as other single-shot and limited universes. Many of those character chase her around, trying to get her to finish all those stories she’s started. Bek is the victim of Enid, one of the most evil, vicious and perverse muses ever kicked out of AA for starting fights.


On the Gen 2 ProjectJust remember kids: Have Fun. If you don’t have fun with this, then what’s the point?  


E. E. Nalley


EE will have a Generation 2 character, but even a teaser would be a huge reveal, so you'll just have to trust that he'll be up to EE's usual standards.

BIO: E. E. Nalley, one of the Canon authors of the original Whateley universe, is responsible for Wallflower, STAR League Jr, and his Lit Chick Loophole, who now has her own series of stories with Kodiak. He's begun a collaboration with Elrod to increase the level of angst and character torture in both of their story series (which explains the simultaneous evil cackling heard from the Atlanta and Houston areas), and has expanded to write about Tansy. He's written much non-Whateley fiction, including his own Caregivers, Bek's Erinyes, Maggies Heaven & Hell, Circle of Friends, and a web comic "The Erotic Adventures of Buck and Bonnie".

On the Gen 2 ProjectOut of sheer jealousy for his multi-dimensional talent, he's been denied numerous Science Fiction award nominations, mostly because of his habit of saving Metropolis on weekends. He looks better in a cape than that other costumed figure, anyway, and his outfit - from the House of Jericho - is eye-catching as well: fuchsia supersuit trimmed in flourescent lime green, high-visibilty orange trunks with day-glow yellow piping, capital EE on the chest in royal blue that matches his royal blue cape and cowl. A bright yellow ostrich feather plume on the cowl completes the ensemble. Unfortunately, the more distinctive bright tropical print bermuda shorts and tie-dyed flourescent-blue paisley cape was declared an EPA superfund site, so he's a little less distinctive these days.



Note to self... and anyone else with something handy to take notes. Let's make sure E. E. understands the parameters of the project next time... *rolls eyes*



ElrodW avatar Cerulea

Laura Samuels, Cerulea: What do you do when you manifest as a mutant, you start making lots of unusual gadgets and devises, your skin turns light blue, your hair turns royal blue, you change into a cute girl, you get kicked out of your hoity ­toity prep school, and your father all but disowns you because he owns a restaurant chain popular with Humanity First? If you're Larry Thorson, you move in with your mom, change your name to Laura Samuels, and pack yourself off to Whateley Academy. Surely a school for mutants has got to be calmer than the chaos of the preceding year, right?

BIO: ElrodW is the author of around 150 stories in a writing career that spans 15+ years, including developing the popular universes of Bikini Beach and Morphic Adaptation Unit and the closed Operation Rescue universe. He has written science fiction, humor, and adventure tales, including stories in Bill Hart's Spells­R­Us and Morpheus' Twisted universes.

In mid­2014, the Whateley Canon Cabal invited him to join the Whateley Universe as a canon author, and the resulting adaptation of the fan­fiction story "Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight" was published as canon, followed by more adventures of the new canon character Kayda “Pejuta” Franks. He developed the existing background character Charge into a focus of her own stories, and with Morpheus, developed a new character, Charge’s sometimes ­infuriating Louisiana roommate Headrush. Working with EE, he added to EE's stories, incorporated EE's ideas into his own, and the two co­wrote Riddle of Sappho.

(It's scary how the two write together, like they share one creative mind overflowing with twisty, convoluted plots!)

El has 4 new characters to add in the fall class of Whateley, 2 of whom already have their initial stories published (‘Shine and Knockoff). In addition to continuing the diabolical collaborative Gen 1 efforts with EE and his own characters, Elrod will be bringing his creative talents to the Generation 2 Whateley universe as that series prepares for its debut.

On the Gen 2 ProjectWhateley Generation 2 is a unique and challenging opportunity. The legacy of Whateley Academy looms large, and it has set the bar pretty high. Still, having come late to the Generation 1 cabal, I had only limited ability to set the major plot lines. That's changed in Gen 2, and with the group of authors we have collected, we have created an incredibly fun, complicated, and hopefully exciting series of plots and stories that will meet the high standard set by the Gen 1 authors. Honestly, as we worked on the plots which are chock full of surprises, twists, and turns that WILL leave the readers slack­jawed in astonishment ­I really, really wanted to hog all the fun and write almost every single story myself ­ I see that much fun in them! The plots and stories we have in mind are tremendously compelling and fun.

But like my teachers always said, I have to share. The team has talent, and I'm already feeling the same collaborative union that I share with EE in Gen 1, so it's going to be fun. I will contribute stories and ideas, and hopefully, my teammates and I will help each other improve our story­telling skills, and maybe, inspire some of our readers to try their hand at writing.

Hang on, it's going to be a helluva ride!




Kristin Darken


Jimmy, Shieldwall: Jimmy is a Philladelphia street kid. Oh, he's got a home. A dad. He goes to school and mostly stays out of trouble, unnoticed. But when he doesn't have to be somewhere else, he's on the street. Watching people. Or down at the station. His mentor is a Detective there... and he's everything Jimmy thinks cops should be. Broggy cares about the kids on the street. He listens when people report something to him, and he does something about it to help people. 

But not everyone is a fan of cops these days. So it wasn't a huge surprise when, as the Chief was giving a speech to the Press out front of the station; a car full of punks took some shots at him. The surprise was, as Broggy rushed forward to tackle the Chief out of the line of fire; Jimmy manifested, and saved the Chief's life.

The Precinct rallied around the boy, doing what they could to keep the Press off him and looking into ways to get him off the streets where people now had a good chance of knowing he was a mutant. They discovered Whateley Academy... 

BIO: Kristin is the crazy face behind the current incarnation of the Crystal Hall web site and serves as a combination of administrator and publisher for the canon team. She is also an author and artist, being the creator of the Fling and GEO storylines, as well as another on campus PoV character who will soon be joining the student body at WA. Outside the Whateley Universe, Kristin is an esoteric/occult savvy writer and most of her work falls into that nebulous contemporary fantasy category... though mostly avoiding the Romance novel associations.

In the offline world, Kristin works in the stage theatre industry where the daily challenges range from pushing the Go button on cue... to composing orchestral soundtracks to underscore an upcoming play or live mixing up to 20 vocal and 8 orchestral microphones for a musical performance. Long hours, low wages, and getting further and further behind on student loan debts. 

Kristin is also known to play an MMO or RPG when time can be squeezed out of the day.

On the Gen 2 ProjectOnce upon a time, the Generation 2 Project was my baby. Getting support from the canon team, finding people crazy enough to want to commit to something this big, convincing those people that not only was the idea good and my methods sound... but selling them on spending a year of work preparing to follow those ideas and plans and build that world before they even got to reveal their characters and tell a story?

Maybe not the most sane idea I've ever had.

But now, the Gen 2 project is no longer mine. It hasn't been for a while really, even if I still provide oversight and cause chaos by insisting on certain limitations being kept from time to time. But its not. This project belongs in the hands of these authors who are going to use my wacky idea, their year full of hard work and universe building, and they're going to tell you some tales that will entertain you. Inspire you. And remind you of why we look for stories about heroes. 

Gen 2 was my baby, but she has been raised by this community of authors and because of their work; she is far more beautiful and strong and wise than I would ever have been able to make her on my own.




Bianca St. Claire, Glyph: A life lived in another’s shadow, an unspeakable tragedy, an impossible inheritance, and the future of the Family on her shoulders. Bryan St. Claire never asked for any of these, but growing up as the grandson of a notorious supervillain and mob boss, he was no stranger to the idea that his family had enemies. Due to one of these enemies, Bryan’s life is forever shattered, and now Bianca finds herself forced onto a path that she never wanted or imagined.

BIO: Morpheus is from the beautiful and wet Pacific Northwest, where he resides with his hyperactive muse, who frequently sits on his shoulder and cracks a whip. He posted his first story under the name of Morpheus in early 1998, and has written well over 300 stories since then, creating the Great Shift, Burkes Virus, Twisted, and the Legacy Universe, among others.

He began his foray into Whateley Academy with a series of fan-fiction stories, where he became addicted to writing in that universe. Upon being invited to join the canon authors, he created Ribbon and Roulette, as well as the beautiful, talented, and fabulous Imp. He currently plans to continue their adventures when the fall 2007 school year begins, along with those of Sphere and Absinthe.

On the Gen 2 ProjectA new take on an old classic. Whateley provides a rich background, filled with great characters and story opportunities. With a new generation, there is an opportunity to look at this all from a new angle, and perhaps to show something familiar yet new. It should be fun.



Obviously, there are lots of other things we could tell you about the characters and plot lines of the Gen 2 project at this time, but for now we're going to leave you with just a little simple information. Maybe, if you really ask nicely, the authors will put together a little more teaser information about the characters and their power sets, their likes and their program of study at Whateley. Maybe they'll share some idea of who is writing what sort of stories and what the first semester looks like for publications. In the meantime though, just know that the first Generation 2 Whateley Academy stories will be coming your way soon. 

What? You want more specifics? Ok. How about this for specific?


The First Part of the Whateley Generation Pilot story, written by Astrodragon with contributions from almost all of the Gen 2 team will be released for public consumption:

DECEMBER 28th, 2015!



Read 12009 times Last modified on Wednesday, 17 November 2021 04:44

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