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Thursday, 10 March 2016 03:12

Maiden By Decree (Part 10)

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Maiden by Decree


Maggie Finson

Chapter Ten

How Much Longer Do I Put Up With This?

Or: Does Gritting my Teeth Count as a Smile?

Cedric King of Jhalmar chuckled quietly between formal presentations as he observed Deirdre’s dance with Laddin, and her ‘clumsiness’ during that dance.

“What has you amused tonight, dear?” Evaine, his wife and Queen questioned then added. “Since you always have detested these events it must be something noteworthy.”

“Oh, just Garret’s little hellion determinedly stomping at Laddin’s foot.” Cedric answered with a grin. “Every time the young man gets more – umm – familiar than the lady likes, she ‘accidentally steps on the arch of his foot, then apologizes profusely from the look of things.”

“And how many times has Deirdre gotten so clumsy?” Evaine raised an eyebrow and her eyes twinkled.

“At least three that I’ve seen.” Cedric kept grinning as he said that. “But from the way the poor lad is favoring that foot, I would venture a guess that there were at least two others I didn’t see.”

“Good for her.” Evaine approved with a chuckle of her own, then schooled her expression into the serious one most people seemed to expect of monarchs. “That boy has needed more than just his foot stamped on since he learned the difference between boys and girls. Now we have more well wishers, so smile, make nice, and please don’t growl at them. I thought the Lady Bridgette was going to soil her gown when she and Roric paid their respects to us.”

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Deirdre let out an exaggerated sigh when Garret offered his arm. “Do we really have to do this part?”

“Yes.” The knight answered with a shrug. “Mingling is part of being noble, at least in Jhalmar. Now stop pouting and come along. Besides, Mother and Father don’t really bite. That’s simply a convenient fiction to keep the riff raff away from them.”

“Gods.” Deirdre muttered as she accepted the man’s arm and allowed him to lead her back into the riotously colored throng she had gotten free of not so long ago. “I’m not even a real girl and already he’s taking me to meet mama!”

“Mother will like you, and I’m sure Father will be absolutely charmed when he meets you.” Garret assured then quietly put in. “Providing you get the thunderclouds out of your expression.”

“Oh, I’ll be nice, I promise.” The petite, raven haired beauty grumbled, then carefully put an obviously false smile along with a vacuous expression that anyone who knew her would find hilarious in the extreme.

Garret was not immune, but he did manage to give her a reproving look before bursting into laughter.

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“Mother, Father.” Garret bowed gracefully to the distinguished, and regal couple he had nearly had to drag Deirdre to meet. “May I present my betrothed, the Lady Deirdre of Jhalmar?”

Deirdre ruthlessly quelled her urge to run screaming from the meeting, managed to perform the most graceful curtsey she’d managed yet, and greeted the pair with respectfully lowered eyes. “My Lord, My Lady.”

“Deirdre.” Garret turned towards her and gently lifted her chin so was looking directly at the couple. “My father, Galland, Duke of Chalmnessa, and my mother, Grace, Duchess of Chalmnessa.”

“Charmed, and I am so pleased to meet you at last, dear.” Grace broke the stretching silence as she moved forward to take Deirdre’s hands in her own. “Galland and I have heard so much about you. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh.”

Deirdre accepted the greeting, and the contact with a brilliant smile for the still lovely matron. “Thank you, my lady. I hope everything you’ve heard isn’t too bad.”

“Only that you have a temperament that well suits my son and his needs in a wife.” Grace smiled, then gave Deirdre a quick little wink. “Garret does require a strong hand at times.”

“Mother!” Garret shook his head and sighed.

“Oh, stop protesting, Garret.” The woman laughed quietly. “I’ve pitied the girl you finally settled down to marry. That is until I heard of your present lady’s escapades. I have to tell you that so far I approve of her.”

“If, you’ll forgive my asking.” Deirdre gave the mother and son both quick looks then went on without waiting for the deep breath she really wished to take. “What exactly have you heard about me?”

“That you are beautiful, graceful, and will not take unnecessary guff from anyone.” Grace answered almost serenely then flashed a mischievous little grin. “I do wish I’d been here for that ‘discussion’ you had with Roric’s woman, I refuse to call that one a lady at all.”

“Oh, that.” Blushing, Deirdre actually shrugged. “Does everyone in the kingdom know about that? And she deserved everything I gave her!”

“I have no doubt of that at all, dear.” Grace laughed then added. “I won’t ask if you really did try to feed her that hairpiece she always wears. I’ve heard about that enough as it is with some of the local biddies warning me about my future daughter-in-law. I’ll just tell you that you shouldn’t have stopped.”

“I got thrown in the fountain. Twice.” Deirde sighed while answering. “That kind of distracted me.”

“I can see how that would happen.” Grace nodded with a grin that vanished as she looked past Deirdre’s shoulder. “And speaking of… Damn, I had hoped those two would decide to ignore us tonight.”

“Uncle. Aunt.” A cultured baritone greeted Garand’s parents as Deirdre turned to see Bridget on the arm of young man who’s smile held nothing of friendliness in it. The man seemed to be trying to dissect her with his eyes and Deirdre disliked him on sight.

“Roric.” Galland nodded. “I trust you are well?”

“As always, uncle.” The man nodded with a thin smile.

“And your father?” Grace put in without actually greeting the fellow. “How is his health?”

”Failing, I fear.” Roric shook his head and put on a worried expression that Deirdre knew right away was false. “He sends his love to both of you, and to you, Garret.”

“Tell your father that we are thinking of him.” Grace answered then addressed Roric’s lady. “Bridget. I hope you are well?”

“Oh yes, m’lady.” Bridgette responded as she gave a minimal curtsey while glaring at Deirdre. “I am very well, thank you.”

“M’lord.” Bridgette did the same with Garrand, then turned to Garret. “And you, cousin. I trust you are doing well?”

“Not a cousin yet, Bridgette.” Garret answered while taking her hand and placing a perfunctory kiss on its back. “But, yes, I’m doing quite well, thank you. You have met my own lady, Deirdre, haven’t you?”

Bridgette nearly let her pleasant expression fall, but managed to nod towards Deirdre. “Oh, yes, and I look forward to seeing the lady again. Hello Deirdre.”

“Your hair is lovely.” Deirdre told the other with a wicked smile then added. “You must tell me who does your makeup, you are looking quite good this evening.”

“Did you give her that black eye?” Grace leaned over and whispered, then grinned when Deirdre nodded.

“I’ll be sure to introduce you to her.” Bridgette answered with a smile that went no further than her lips. “I’m sure you’ll be delighted to have her at you’re your disposal in times to come.”

“Possibly.” Deirdre smiled as she pointedly glanced at the fountain in the ballroom. “I see the swelling has gone down, at least.”

“Yes.” Bridgette gave a smile laced with venom then shrugged. “But there are many ways to take care of allergies like the one that attacked me.”

“I’m sure there are.” Deirdre nodded in mock concern then added. “Just be careful that the cure doesn’t aggravate the allergy. That has been known to happen often enough.”

Roric had been watching Deirdre through the exchange, and his regard made her skin crawl. He finally took his lady’s arm with a smile that promised bad things for Deirdre. “It has been a pleasure, but I fear we should move on to other people now. My compliments on your lady, Garret.”

“I do NOT like that man.” Deirdre quietly told Garret once the couple had moved on.

“Better that you don’t trust him, or allow him near you.” Garret answered. “He means you harm, my love.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Deirdre answered then shuddered. “But I would harm him too, given the chance.”

“Me, too.” Garret agreed then added the caution. “Just be wary from now on. My cousin liked what he saw when he looked at you, and he isn’t known for being gentle with anyone who catches his eye.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Deirdre answered then watched the pair who had just taken their leave with a speculative expression that didn’t bode well for future encounters. “But I noticed without it.”

“That venomous bitch Brigitte seems to have plans in store for you, too.” Grace put in. “I wouldn’t let her get behind me if I were you, dear.”

“I don’t plan on that happening anytime soon, or ever.” Deirdre replied as she suppressed a shudder while watching the objects of their conversation moving farther away.

“See that you don’t, please.” Grace answered with a frown then turned to Garret. “Have you arranged to secure your young lady’s safety, my son?”

“Yes, mother, as Jessica has done, too.” Garret assured the woman.

“Just how many bodyguards disguised as servants did you saddle me with?” Deirdre questioned with a small frown.

“Only enough to see that you sleep in safely.” Garret assured her then thoughtfully added. “And to see that your food and drink aren’t – tainted.”

“Why don’t you just say poisoned and be done with it?” Deirdre grumbled. “I’ve nearly poisoned myself with my own cooking in the past, anyway.”

“That was accidental wasn’t it?” Grace questioned with a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

“I’m supposed to be irascible, crazy, and have a temper – according to the palace gossips.” Deirdre shrugged. “I’m NOT suicidal, really! Just a lousy cook.”

“Well, its fortunate then that you won’t be required to do any cooking in the future, isn’t it?” Grace chuckled.

“Very.” Deirdre agreed a bit tartly then grinned. “But I could test just how hardy your son actually is if I were turned loose in a kitchen, I’m sure.”

“She’s quite dangerous with chamber pots, as well.” Garret put in with a smirk then winced as his lady carefully set a heel on the toes of his highly polished boots but went on. “I fear for anyone who does manage to kidnap her if they are foolish enough to leave one of those in her prison. I have the lumps to attest to her skill in wielding those.”

“Keep it up, sirrah.” The dark haired beauty at his side answered sweetly. “I know there are several nice ones waiting in my chambers and have discovered where the ones in yours are kept, too.”

“Peace, dearest.” Garret carefully moved his foot out from under her heel while making placating gestures. “Good chamber pots are expensive.”

“I’ve only dented one, you know.” She answered with an injured tone then brightened. “But that’s the one I missed you with.”

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Garret’s parents were interesting, and enjoyable company for the hour the couple spent with them before moving off to circulate again.

“Oh, joy.” Deirdre grumbled as Garret led her away from the older couple. “More mingling and getting stared at, mentally undressed, and all that.”

“You’re doing great.” The knight assured her as they threaded their way through the crowd milling around the dance floor itself. “Just keep smiling and relax. This is supposed to be fun, you know.”

“Define fun.” She responded with a slight grimace. “Some people think a visit to the dungeon is fun, you know.”

“This is nowhere at all comparable with a visit to a dungeon.” Garret countered with a grin.

“Easy for you to say.” Deirdre grumbled. “You aren’t being ogled by every male in the building old enough to know the difference between boys and girls.”

“Well…” Garret countered with a smirk. “Not that I’m bragging here, but the females in the gathering are doing the same to me.”

“Not the same.” She shot back. “They aren’t planning on ways to get you alone and… oh, never mind, they probably are given the way people around here seem to be.”

Garret laughed at that and gave her a hug.

“It isn’t funny.” She snorted while trying to hold back a grin. “At least you can defend yourself against the women.”

“Dear.” Garret answered imperturbably. “There is no real defense for a man who has a determined female chasing him with evil intent. Though you are far from helpless in this either.”

“I don’t want to hear it.” She grumped then gave yet another well wisher a smile that was beginning to appear more than a bit strained. “I need to get out of here, Garret.”

Giving her a long, careful look, the knight nodded. “All right, I can see that you are just about at the end of your endurance here. That desperate gleam in your eyes is getting a bit frantic here. We’ll need to say our goodbyes, and pay our respects to their majesties then we can go.”

“Let’s make it fast.” Deirdre told him with a little shudder. “I don’t think I can take much more of all the stares tonight.”

“So I see.” He nodded, guiding her towards the royal dais. “Just hold things together until we say our goodnights to their majesties, can you do that?”

“Only just.” She gritted out. “I’m about ready to have a screaming fit here.”

“Another few minutes, dear.” Garret cajoled. “Then we can leave, I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

One more look at her pale face, and the rigid set of her shoulders convinced him. “Five more minutes and we’re out of here. That’s a promise.”

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Deirdre shook herself, then moved away from Garret once they had reached her apartments and the servants had moved away to get them refreshment. “That was a disaster.”

“I thought you did very well, dear.” Garret answered and was stopped from saying much of anything else by a dainty hand right in front of his face.

“Don’t call me that!” Hair flying out of its elaborate style as she shook her head, Deirdre glowered at the man then acted as if she was going to slap him. “This is allyour fault! You and that damned prophecy!”


“Don’t play stupid with me, Garret dear.” She nearly shouted. “I never wanted to be a lady, let alone a girl and now look at me! I couldn’t pass for a boy if I tried any longer! I know I made an agreement with you, and others, but I never in my life expected things to turn out this way!”


“Just LOOK at me, dammit!” She screamed while clenching her hands into fists and pounding against her skirted hips. “I look like a woman, I dress like a woman, I sound like a woman, and worse, I have breasts now! I should have run the other direction and kept going the day of the tournament when you chose me! Or skewered you with your own sword once you had me up on your horse with you!”


“No.” She warned him. “Don’t interrupt me here, I’m not near finished and I intend to get everything said here and now.

I went along with everything you wanted, the Jessica, my sister, and Katrina told me I needed to do to get through this year long farce of a courtship!” She grated out then drew in a breath for another tirade. “What have you had done to me? Things slipped into my food and drink to shape me physically into a person who should be a bride instead of a groom at a wedding? Or is it that idiot prophecy that I keep hearing about?

Which reminds me, darling.” Her eyes took on a decidedly manic and slightly dangerous gleam as she hissed out that last word before rushing on. “If you knew about that prophecy, and what it would do, how could you in good conscience even think of choosing some gullible boy for it to turn inside out, upside down, and shake the life out of?!! Not to mention the LITTLE detail of taking any hope of manhood from him while turning the poor mark into what looks like a beautiful girl?”


“Oh, just shut up and leave me alone.” She interrupted what he was going to say tiredly. “I’m going to my bed chamber and I expect to be left alone! Got that?”

“Perfectly.” Garret managed to get in before she spun around and flounced out of the receiving chamber and entered her bedroom. Her exit was punctuated by a solid slam of the door and a scream of feminine rage.

“Garret!” Jessica rushed into the room and looked around. “Where’s Deirdre?”

“She’s…” His answer was halted momentarily by a loud thud, a scream of pain mixed with rage, and clattering crash. Wincing, he finished. “Indisposed?”

Jessica nodded and looked towards the closed off bedchamber as sounds of things being shoved against it, various thuds, crashes, and curses emanated from it. “This sounds a bit more serious than simply being indisposed. What did you do to her?”

“Everything, evidently.” Garret shrugged then let out a heavy sigh. “She – and that’s the real problem here, I think, the she instead of he finally overwhelmed her – was quite vocal, and managed to cram more reasons into several minutes than I thought was possible for anyone to do.”

“Hmm.” Jessica closed her eyes in response to yet another series of crashes, thuds, and the sound of breaking glass. “It might be best to let her get it out of her system for a while.”

“I won’t argue with that sentiment.” Garret gave the direction of Deirdre’s bedroom a wary look and shook his head. “Truthfully, I’d worry about sending armed guards in there just now.

Another enraged scream was followed by several crashes and the tinkling of broken glassware or pottery as he went on fatalistically. I think she’s down to the vases now.”

Read 11405 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 01:09

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