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Thursday, 13 July 2017 22:17

Reckless Reputations

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  • A Second Generation Whateley Academy Tale

Reckless Reputations


E. E. Nalley

Cause there'll be
No more mountain climbing in the rain
No more Long hair clogging up the drain
No more Life will never be the same
Life after Lisa is not so bad at all

Bowling For Soup Life After Lisa

September 10th, 2016
Twain Cottage Rm 115, Whateley Academy

Nick lay on his bed with his earphones clipped to his ears as he strummed through the one of the songs he was trying to learn that matched his mood. Thanks to their precipitous arrival via the War Wagon he and AJ had been 'treated' to an hour long lecture in the Headmaster's office about decorum and what was expected of a 'Whateley Man'. Nick had stood for the entire hour, respectfully silent and doing his best to keep control of his mouth. To say the guy was some kind of pompous stuffed shirt did a disservice to the stuffed shirt crowd. Even Stronghold had walked out muttering, “What an ass hole,” under his breath.

“Hey! Wait! I've got a new complaint!” Nick sang to himself as he worked the chord and tried to get used to the odd fingering of it. “Forever in debt to your priceless advice...” Being honest with himself he really wasn't prepared to be thrown into the human world 24/7. Sure he'd done yacht deliveries, but that was being the odd guy out in a crew of five or so. And it was just a summer gig, this was his reality for the next nine months. He felt like a bull in a china shop, they were just so small and everywhere! They darted around and had no sense of personal space which wasn't a thing on a boat, but on land it was getting creepy.

And then there were the stares in the showers.

He snorted and sat up, snatching the ear phones from his ears. “You'd think they'd never seen a dick before!” he muttered as he put the wireless phones on their charger and turned off the amp before returning his guitar to its stand. He turned to let AJ know he was going out, but the young man wasn't on his bunk. Nick pulled on his hoodie and headed out. He had grown up a mere fourteen degrees north of the equator and while it had been in the seventies most of the month and even hit eighty a couple of times, this place was cold to him.

Nick eschewed the elevator for the stairs and paid no heed to the light by the door as he walked towards the Crystal Hall. There weren't a lot of students about as it was after the six main periods but still early for dinner. Most were getting rushed for clubs and what not. Nick hadn't decided if he wanted to join the ROTC program on the school and while it would make his father proud, Nick wasn't sure he wanted to be a soldier.

“Hey! You!” Nick looked around and realized only he could be the one being hailed. He stopped and turned to take in one of the little electric carts the security department used as it came to a stop next to him. A somewhat portly guard got out and pointed up towards the quad. “Are you blind, kid?”

“Naw, bro, just near sighted, but no fear, I got my contacts...”

“I'm not your 'bro,' Trigger,” the guard growled. He pointed down the trail towards the quad and its flag pole in front of Schuster Hall where three flags flew lazily in the late afternoon breeze. “Red flag.”

Nick followed his gesture, took in the red bordered school flag, then turned and shrugged. “So what?”

“Were you not paying attention at orientation, Mr. Ed?” The guard demanded. “Red flag, no GSD or obvious mutants where you can be seen...”

Nick crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance. “Right, so what the fuck, bro? I don't have GSD and I'm not an 'obvious mutant' so...” The guard reached to grab Nick's arm who backed off and raised his hands. “Look, bro, don't get grabby, huh? I got a thing about...” the guard wasn't listening as he grabbed the boys arm, but Nick snatched it away. “Don't... touch me, Bro...” he growled.

The guard pulled out his baton. “Oh, is that how it is, Silver? Fine...” Nick curled his hand into a fist as the guard raised his club, but before they could come to blows, a powerfully built, smartly dressed older man came walking up the trail from one of the maintenance sheds, having seen the growing altercation.

“Good afternoon gentlemen,” he greeted as though he hadn't just stopped a brawl right before it broke out. “What seems to be the trouble here?”

Seeing the Assistant Headmaster, the officer swallowed and returned his club to its holster on his belt. “Red flag violation,” the Guard replied. The former hero frowned.

“Thank you, officer, you may go.” The guard started to argue, but Falcon frowned one of his best Frowns of Heroic Disapproval. The guard left. Turning to Nick he asked, “Name? Sorry, I haven't had a chance to get to meet everyone yet, there's a paperwork nightmare we're dealing with since...the incident.”

“Nick Brennan, sir,” the young lad replied. Robert gestured to a one of the tunnel system entrances not far away.

“Let me walk with you, Mr. Brennan,” he invited as he neatly steered the boy towards the entrance and fell in beside him. “Where are you headed?”

Nick ducked his head to enter the building and clomped down the stairs. “I was going over to Laird Hall to the pool, I thought I'd take a swim before dinner.” Robert nodded sagely as they walked in the tunnel.

“Good idea! Getting into the habit of an exercise regimen will only stand you in good stead later on in life.” Falcon snapped his fingers. “Ah, yes, I remember now, there was some conversations about you, Mr. Brennan.”

The big freshman rubbed his mane in embarrassment. “Please, Mr. Turner, call me Nick, my dad is 'Mr. Brennan,'” he said sheepishly.

Robert smiled and took his glasses off his nose and put them in a carrier he returned to his breast pocket of his suit jacket. “If I recall this right he's technically Colonel Brennan, isn't he?”

Nick shrugged. “Only on Post. Dad works really hard separating work from family.” The former hero smiled and nodded.

“That's not an easy thing to do, he has my congratulations, be sure and tell him the next time you talk with him.”

“Yes, sir.”

“So, Nick, I need your help, son. I understand you have neither GSD nor are you technically an obvious mutant, but we have plenty of students who do, and with this Fullerton disaster a few years ago, well some feelings are running high, and it's not safe for them. I need your help to maintain that cover for them...”

The big lad shrugged and even though he looked away, one eye was focused on the administrator. “I'm not looking to cause trouble, Mr. Turner, but something like a hundred million people know I'm coming to this school. World wide that is, I don't know the US ratings, but its a good portion. Anyways, part of how my nation gets by without an income tax is that show and I'm going to be recognized. Hell, I already have been just coming up here! So unless you intend to confine me to the campus grounds, it is going to get out I'm here. And trying to hide me will probably make things worse, so I figure I'll be out and proud so to speak and nobody starts trying to see who's hiding behind the curtains.”

Robert rubbed his chin in thought, clearly impressed. “Nick, that is the best argued piece of logic I've heard in my admittedly short tenure here. I'll discuss your situation with the Headmaster and if anything changes I'll let you know. We may have to do something preemptively regardless. In the mean time, even though I know you are not a GSD sufferer or an obvious mutant, I'd appreciate you keeping a low profile until the Headmaster and I can figure out a good plan, alright? Can you do that for me, son?”

“I guess so, sir.”

Robert beamed as they arrived at the elevator up to Laird Hall. Pressing the call button he said, “I appreciate that, son, and stay out of trouble.”

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September 10th, 2016
The Pool, Laird Hall, Whateley Academy

Lisa Jenkins was bored.

She sat in one of the lounge chairs that surrounded the slightly better than double Olympic size pool in Laird Hall, in the school required one piece black and gold swimsuit, wishing she could wear a bikini to flaunt her curves and California tan. As a Junior she was one of the ranking members of Venus, Inc. the principal club she belonged to, but Lisa was a worldly young woman and what had held her interest her first two years of school needed more. Last year, Lisa had discovered the joys of being a woman and she admitted to herself she was pretty much hooked. The senior she had lost her virginity to, Halyard had been an accomplished Tomcat, taking her to places most girls would never experience and while he made her feel special and he had been genuinely affectionate, neither of them thought the other was 'The One' and that made for a friendly, unattached relationship that had helped Lisa blossom. While she hadn't been shy, no member of Venus, Inc was(!), her confidence was relaxed now and she had nothing to prove to anyone.

Which is what made it maddening.

Lisa had deeply enjoyed the friendly, casual relationship she'd had with Halyard and so far, her attempts to recreate it with some one else had been disastrous. One would be boyfriend had immediately latched onto her and started making wedding plans. She had practically had to take out a restraining order from security before he got the message, and the other, well, poor soul, maybe he'd find a girl who liked guys of...modest...size. Part of Halyard's charm and confidence had come from his Mother Nature and...

Lisa stopped, staring with her mouth hanging open in amazement.

Across from her just emerging from the boys locker room was a freshman (he had to be, she'd never seen him before) who was having an argument with one of the life guards. Finally he snatched away the towel he'd been wearing around his waist to show his was wearing one of the black and gold 'boxer/brief' swimsuits the boys had to wear. As he now wore nothing else it put his physique on display. First off he was huge, towering over the now embarrassed life guard, and even the teacher that walked near him. Lisa was six two herself and she liked her high heels, so a guy being tall was a must. Even though his skin was red his torso was chiseled like a Greek statue every muscle defined with a massive chest and a six pack you could probably cut paper on it was so sharp.

Of course there had to be a downside, and this Adonis had an interesting case of GSD she saw as her gaze traveled up to his head. Well, she wasn't looking for someone to take home to meet the parents and she couldn't help wondering if he looked like a horse was he...? He shifted his weight which turned his torso to face out into the room and the speedo revealed imprinted clearly down his right leg was his manhood.

One of the other girls slipped and fell into the pool from staring at the...ahem...stallion and his package. While the looks were nice, what kind of personality did this stallion have? The shaggy blonde mane fell everywhere and gave him a kind of bad boy look that had her intrigued.

This bore investigating.

Lisa stood and walked over to the towel rack to get a fresh towel. Of course there was a closer one in the other direction, but this took her by where he, disgusted with the whole fiasco with the lifeguard had left and he was in the pool, coming up for air and pulling his mane from his eyes. It was pure eye candy with the water cascading off his body and the muscles flexing.

There was a pleasant, somehow indescribably masculine smell about him as she walked by that got her further intrigued and their eyes met as she passed. His blue-green eyes were huge and suggested a caring, sensitive soul under that manly exterior. From the towel rack, she discreetly kept an eye on him as she picked a towel to her liking. She smiled as he turned to look over his shoulder at her.

There was a reason Lisa's code name was Lime Light. She was easily one of the most beautiful girls on campus and her shapely tanned curves, flowing blonde tresses and dark, mysterious eyes kept her in demand on the runway as well as giving her her pick of the boys. Now that she had his interest, she smiled a satisfied smile came over to the edge of the pool to watch her walk back. “Hey there,” she said with a wave as she dropped the towel within reach and slid gracefully into the water opposite him. “This seat taken?”

“It is, now,” he replied with a gesture of invitation. “I'm Nick.”

“Lisa,” she said, getting the suit and her upper body wet without soaking her hair. “I couldn't help you noticing me, like what you saw?”

His grin was casual as he put an elbow on the side of the pool and leaned on it. “Would have been rude not to watch a show put on for my benefit,” he shot back and Lisa's smile got a bit wider. His voice had a strange accent and was very deep.

Touché,” she admitted. “Where are you from, Nick?”

“A little island off the coast of Nicaragua, called Paradise.”

Lisa's smile became coy. “You're from Jurassic Park?”

Nick actually laughed aloud and shook his head. “Naw, girl, Ilsa Nublar is off the coast of Costa Rica, south of us. But, before you ask, no, I'm not a GSD kid, I was actually born this way. If you want the whole story there's a good recap under the link 'For those who came in late' at Wild Life dot com. Where are you from?”

“I will definitely check that out,” Lisa replied. “Me? Oh, I'm a Valley Girl, California born and San Fernando bred, oh my god! Can't you, like, totally tell?” She shared a chuckle with him. “So, Nick, what was going on with you and the lifeguard?”

The big lad shrugged expressively and made a dismissive gesture. “First they tell me I have to use the same swim suit like everybody else, then they get upset because it puts my junk on display and, sorry, I'm not giving up swimming.” He turned to look at the clutch of girls, helping their friend out of the pool who'd fallen in and giving Lisa envious glares. “What's their problem?”

Lisa's smile was carefree. “Who knows? There's plenty of petty girls around this campus.” She dipped under water and came back up with her hair slicked back in a blatant sexual display. Running her hands over her hair to keep it from her eyes, she asked, “So, Nick, thought about joining any clubs?”

The boy was beaming so he was smart enough to figure out she was interested, and smart enough to be coy about it. “My dad is the commanding officer of our defense force, so I was thinking about the ROTC program...”

Lisa waded into his personal space and ran a finger over his massive chest. “Have you given any thoughts to modeling?” He arched a skeptical eye brow and she continued without giving him a chance to respond. “Sure! With a bod like yours and as striking as you are, I can think of a dozen companies that would like you on their billboards.” She ran a fingertip around one of his nipples without touching it suggestively. “You're not shy, are you?”

He laughed again and cocked his head to one side as if trying to view what he perceived from a different angle. “I'm a lot of things, but not shy.” Lisa propped her elbows against the side of the pool knowing it would accentuate her bust.

“Wonderful,” she purred, “Why don't we take some body shots and I'll start you a portfolio to pitch to the club. The extra cash I'd think would come in handy too.” Intrigued, Nick hoisted himself out to the side of the pool and toweled off his face.

“Cash, you say? Lead on.”

linebreak shadow

September 10th, 2016
Venus, Inc, Principal Photography Studio, Dunn Hall, Whateley Academy

The 'club house' of Venus, Inc. was impressive. There were flood lamps with professional diffusers, 'umbrella flash' bulbs on stands and a runway stage with a double dozen pull down backgrounds. Nick wasn't a big photographer himself, but he knew expensive gear when he saw it and the SLR body with the digital back plate was more money than had been spent on his traveling to the United States, and the lenses she was changing out on seeming whims were collectively worth more than he'd ever held in his hands at one time.

Despite that, it was apparent Lisa knew what she was doing. From the wardrobe and props department they evidently shared with the Drama Club down the hall she had dressed him in a pair of floral printed knee shorts and a matching Hawaiian themed shirt she had him wear open, showing off his chest and abs. A huge Patton fan had 'wind' blowing through his mane, a squirt bottle got him 'sweaty' and a beach scene pulled down as a backdrop had him ready for romance novel covers, or so Lisa assured him.

It was moderately fun and she loaded some of the best shots up onto this massive monitor that Nick had to admit made him look good. “See?” she asked with a smile. “You are a natural, Nick! Now, loose the shorts and let's have a couple of underwear shots.”

Nick chuckled and shook his head. “Sorry, girl, nobody is going to hire me for that.”

“What?” she demanded with mock incredulity. “I thought you weren't shy?”

“I'm not,” Nick assured her. “But any pictures of me in my underwear will be porn. Trust me.”

Lisa licked her lips. “Show me,” she demanded. He looked over at the door. “It's locked,” she assured him. “And I have the shoot in session sign lit, so even someone with a key won't enter.”

Nick shrugged and pulled down his shorts, then stood up proudly. He's right, she admitted to herself. He was wearing spandex and cotton boxer briefs that stopped just above his knee. Imprinted clearly down his right leg was his manhood and while he would never get work for male intimates, never mind how desperately every such manufacturer would love to use him, it answered her curiosity and set her heart pounding.

“See?” he asked with a smile.

“Not yet,” she purred, reaching out to fondle him, while staring up into his eyes. He grunted, but he didn't pull away. “But I have hopes...”

“You guys do those kinds of pictures?” he asked sardonically. She put the camera down to free her other hand.

“No,” she replied, peeling down his shorts and setting him free. “You'll just have to use your memory...”

linebreak shadow

Lisa discovered modeling wasn't the only thing Nick was a natural at. Several times...

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September 10th, 2016
Twain Cottage Rm 115, Whateley Academy

AJ was puzzling over a 'find the mistake in the sigil' problem for his mystic symbology class. He was being serious as getting a sigil wrong in a summoning could be a life or death issue if it fails to contain what you're summoning. He couldn't help wondering if the old sorcerers joke of 'never summon anything bigger than your head' was in fact a cryptic warning when he heard the approach of his room mate. In fact, everyone on the floor heard the approach of his room mate. Through the door he distinctly heard Nicks basso voice echoing up the stair well.

“Fly me to the moon! Let me swing among those stars!” Intrigued and suitably distracted, he rose from his desk and opened the door. “Let me see what spring is like...On a, Jupiter and Mars....! In other words, hold my hand... In other words, baby, kiss me...” The doors of other rooms opened as the boys looked into the hall just in time to see Nick reach the top of the stair well. He was wearing his favorite T-shirt, a simple black one with with white letters that asked, 'What do YOU Think?' Over this was a particularly obnoxiously loud floral printed Hawaiian shirt he wore open and the cut off jeans that stopped at his knees, while over one arm was his hoodie and somewhere he'd gotten a gray felt Trilby he was holding down over his eyes as he danced up the stairs.

“Fill my heart with song,” he continued as he began to soft shoe down the hall. “Let me sing for ever more! You are all I long for, All I worship and adore...!” AJ was certain he had never seen anything as strange as a seven foot tall half man half horse teenager soft shoeing (hoofing? Horse shoeing?) down a hallway, belting out the Chairman of the Board in a Hawaiian shirt. “In other words,
In other words, In other!”

The other boys in the hall broke out in laughter, cat calls and general mayhem sufficient to draw the scowling face of their RA from his room. Nick was nonplussed and stopped before his friend with a goofy grin on his long face. “Hey, little bro! What's happening?”

AJ smiled and shook his head. “What, the hell, got into you?”

Nick took the Trilby off his head, let it roll down his arm, then tossed it like a frisby to land on the post of his bed. “Life is good, Little Bro! I do believe I'm going to like it here! Did you know there is a modeling agency club thing here?”

AJ rolled his eyes and followed his big friend into their room. “Finding out about a club has you in this mood?” he demanded.


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September 10th, 2016
Ladies Room, 2nd Floor near the Venus, Inc. Club House, Dunn Hall, Whateley Academy

Lisa sat and took care of her business while parts of her were still tingling. Not only had Nick been everything she might have hoped for, there were parts of him that left her breathless. And not only that, but the laid back, non-demanding way they had parted told her she had likely found her friend with benefits arrangement she had very much wanted. Smiling a silly grin as an odd thought occurred to her, she decided she would do her lover a good turn and fished out her cell phone and called up the schools message forum boards. Logging on, she browsed down to the sub section of the forum marked Girls Only! From there, she pulled up the leisure threads and from there, dating. Starting new thread titled simply Nick Brennan she rated it five stars and tapped out, “For a FANTASTIC time, see Nick of Twain Cottage! You won't regret it!!”

* Finis *

Read 13443 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 22:29

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