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Wednesday, 09 March 2016 13:06

Tangled Up In Green (Part 15)

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Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Taping Thai

It had taken Wade most of the night to be able to find DNAmy's lair by checking energy usage patterns and had informed Kim while she had been on her way to school about the location of the hidden base. Kim had of course passed that bit of information back to Shego as quickly as she had gotten it. The ex-thief was busy emailing her resume to the school district at the time, as she had enjoyed teaching as Miss Go. It looked like they had several openings available and the thief did have the credits to teach either English or History. It was fairly exciting as was the information about DNAmy.

Once her portfolio was completed and ready to show the principal, Shego turned to getting ready for the little visit that Kimmie and she were going to be paying DNAmy that evening. Her gear was ready but she needed to run down to a store she frequented to buy the weapon she had told her Princess about. Making sure that Kimmie had the weapon that she needed to keep herself safe was important to Shego and there really was no time like the present to take care of such things.

After picking up the weapon, as well as a few other training supplies for her and Kimmie, including a plush teddy bear wearing a gi, Shego headed outside to her car to head back to the house. Leaning against it was a face she really had hoped she would never have had to see again, Betty Director. Shego closed her eyes and sighed unhappily, reminding herself that blasting the woman's face off was not legal to the best of her knowledge. "You're having me followed?"

"Of course. Wouldn't you in my position?" calmly replied the one-eyed woman, her arms crossed as if she wan't concerned about being attacked.

"Fine. What the hell do you want?" growled out Shego, counting to ten in her head in Chinese, hoping that would help.

The gaze Dr. Director gave with her one good eye her was pretty intense, but like Shego really cared at this point. She just wanted to punch the woman in the face and be done with it. "I want to talk to you over lunch if I may."

"Why?" asked Shego suspiciously.

"Because I have an offer for you and I wanted to at least fed you"¦"

"Before fucking me over?" finished the thief, irritated at this whole situation. All she had wanted to do was go shopping and she ends up getting accosted. Sometimes she just couldn't win.

"Shego, can we just talk while we eat? Is that really too much to ask?" sighed Betty, wanting to have this conversation somewhere else since if this kept going they would probably end up screaming at each other in the parking lot.

Shego grumbled and then glared at the head of Global Justice. She had finished counting to ten in her third language and was calm enough to no longer fight what was surely to be an inevitable conversation. "Fine, we can talk while we eat but you have to give me your word that once this is done you will drop all surveillance you have on me."

Dr. Director thought that over for a moment and then said, "I can manage that. So, I was thinking the Thai place down the street."

Shego gave a curt nod and put the bags into the car. The two of them walked alongside each other in silence until they reached the Thai restaurant a few blocks away. Shego didn't even look at the menu but simply ordered hot tea and Senlak Tom Yum, with an appetizer of Summer rolls. Betty ordered some Thai tea and Pad Thai, as every Thai place had those. After the orders were done the thief glared at the other woman. "Spill it."

Betty Director sighed and ran a hand through her short hair. This particular conversation had the possibility of going horribly awry at some point and she really didn't like that. She took and deep breath and said, "I want to offer you a job."

"Working for you? No, no way in hell. The only way I would even consent to working for you is if Kimmie decides to. Is that so wrong? I'm tired of all this crap and just want to do something different besides fighting the good fight for whatever side." replied Shego.

"Like when you helped Kim and Ron on their mission in Germany the other day?" asked Dr. Director, with one eyebrow raised.

"That was different. I am probably going to be all altruistic and shit and cover Kimmie's spot on Team Possible until she has recovered from the baby because she's my wife. But I really have no interest in playing hero anymore." Her irritation at the little bit of hero work she was already planning was clear in her voice. Her brothers had tainted the word for her almost past redemption.

"Look, could you at least think about it, or even this particular option, if you don't want to be a GJ agent, how about becoming a Special Consultant Operative. You would come in on jobs that you agree to take and that is it. You'd be paid per mission after it's over." Betty knew that Shego would be a tremendous asset to the organization, with her knowledge of the Underworld as well as her combat skills if she could manage to find a way to convince her. She really wanted the dark haired woman to agree to this proposition and was ready to offer almost anything to achieve it. The benefits in this case would be worth more than any cost.

Shego sighed, the idea sounded good if it weren't for the damn hero thing. As a consultant, she wouldn't actually work for the woman directly and she would have her ability to pick and choose missions. It might be nice, but she wasn't going to do anything like this without consulting Kimmie, as Shego knew that the red head would be pissed if anything like this were decided without her input. Her wife was not an idiot and she might manage to find a way to make this an even better deal. Thankfully the appetizers arrived, allowing the conversation to change away from the job offer and the main course arrived before things could turn back to that topic. That gave Shego lots of time to think about things, which she put to good use.

When the meal was about done Shego looked over at the woman with the eye patch and said, "Okay. I will consider it, but I am going to talk to Princess first. So that's it. If we decide no, then it's no, got it? There is no argument."

Betty was exuberant inside and merely nodded acceptance on the outside, because letting Shego know how happy this made her would be a bad plan. "Alright, Kim knows how to get a hold of me, so what ever the two of you decide, just call me and let me know."

"Fine. I assume you have the check?" Betty nodded so Shego stood up, finishing the last of her green tea. "Remember to drop the surveillance. Bye."

Shego's thoughts were turbulent as she walked away.


Her thoughts were turbulent as she counted to ten in several different languages trying with all of her might to remain calm. Kim wanted to strangle Bonnie and then maybe tie her unconscious and naked body to the goalposts just before game time with pom poms sticking out of uncomfortable places. That would be good or maybe she could even do something mean. Her hands clenched and unclenched, wanting to do nothing more than strike out at the irritating teen bitch, but she was struggling to keep her cool as it was important to her success of this mission. "Was there anything else you wanted Bonnie, besides being hurtful?"

"You're such dumb bitch, getting yourself knocked up like that. Haven't you fucking heard about birth control? It just makes me sick thinking about how much you have been bringing down this squad, for years. Well, now things have reversed bitch, and your skanky ass has been kicked to the curb. If I had my say, I would chase your Ho ass out of the school entirely. I might just do that anyway." Bonnie looked pleased with herself for making it through the fourth round of attacks against Kim. Possible looked angry but couldn't think of anything to say back. This served the pregnant moron right, as she had been asking for it for years.

"Are you through?" Kim was struggling with keeping her voice calm, as her mind was awhirl with come backs for everything, but it would invalidate the tape.

Bonnie just glared at her angrily, unable to think of anything new right then. Kim just kept talking as she reached into her pocket and pulled free her Kimmunicator. "Because I have your threats and stuff on tape."

All color left Bonnie's face when she saw that. She knew what such a recording could be used for after all, as she had used them a few times herself.  Her mind went blank with fear and she tried to say something. "Uh"¦"

"So, I have the tape and you leave me alone. You ever, ever give me any grief again and I will happily sue your ass for harassment. Are we clear?" Kim smiled like a shark, enjoying the look on her nemesis' face.

Bonnie nodded numbly. She hated this and wished there was more she could do but Kim had out maneuvered her, again. Slapping the girl would only play into the red head's plan. She grit her teeth and replied angrily. "Yes."

Kim leaned in closely, so she was in Bonnie's face and she whispered intently. "Now get your fucking ass out of my face Bon-bon, before I sue you into the poorhouse."

Bonnie scampered away, unhappily, like a puppy with it's tail between its legs. Kim however broke into a huge grin at the sight of her rival turning tail and running. Thanks to Shego she had managed to take out her in school nemesis in a truly classic manner. She wanted to rush home and tell her wife all about the happiness that this gave her, but unfortunately she had two more classes for the day. The high lasted well through the rest of the day and she felt like she was floating on a cloud when classes let out. It was enough and special enough that she wasn't even stressing about the possible genetic issues her baby might have. It was almost as wonderful a day as when she got married, well at least in retrospect, because the day had been a nightmare at the time.

She skipped home and Ron joined her once he had heard the good news about Kim's encounter with Bon-bon, the two of them hand in hand hair bouncing down the streets to the Possible house. The two of them even began singing "The Witch is Dead" when they were about a block away and they stumbled into the house giggling. Shego looked up from the couch when the two burst through the front door. The dark haired woman looked amused and a bit confused, "Good day at school?"

"The best!" exclaimed Kim, simply gushing with her excitement. "Your idea was great!"

Ron paused in his frolicking to turn and face Kim confused, "Wait, that was Shego's idea?"

Kim nodded enthusiastically, eyes wide like a little kid.

Ron looked excited at that and managed to keep himself from lunging and hugging the green girl with sheer force of will. "Shego, that was awesome!"

At this point the thief was utterly confused, having no context for the whole conversation. She just stared at Ron like he had grown an extra head, not counting Rufus of course. "What was?"

"The whole recording Bonnie idea. Great stuff!" crowed Ron, much to Shego's annoyance, as the blonde was close to her.

"So I take it she reacted well to the implied threat?" asked Shego, trying to calm down the two goofy teens, smiling at how giddy Kimmie was. Her wife really was cute when she acted this way. It was a good thing to know.

"It was lovely. She just shut her mouth and fumed. Made my day. The look of defeat on her face was so fulfilling. So how was your day?" asked Kim as she took a seat next to Shego, kissing her on the cheek.

"Not too bad overall. I did have a visit from Dr. Director though, which put a damper on my shopping."

Kim instantly sobered and sat up straight, concerned that GJ was obviously trying to screw with her wife. "What did she want?"

"She wants me to work for them." admitted Shego, obviously not pleased by the offer.

Kim started at her wife like she had grown an extra head. Surely she hadn't said what she thought the woman said. "What?"

"I can either work for them as a regular agent or I can work as a Special Consultant. They would then pay me by the mission and I would get to choose which missions I would go on. Those are the options that were put on the table." clarified the pale woman.

"That"¦that's not a bad deal," said Ron, thinking the offer over with his head cocked to the side. "That way you could have your life and your adventure too. Might not be a bad deal for you."

"Yeah, but working with GJ would be a lot like working with my brothers." countered Shego, but impressed with some of the buffoon's thinking.

Kim sat there and thought. It bothered her but she couldn't see anything too horrid in things. "Well, the consultant job might be doable, and since you could choose, if it was a bit too much then you could say no. That may be a viable plan."

"I know, but I am trying to get a teaching job right now. I actually like teaching and was looking forward to not having to fight like that all the time." It was not easy for Shego to admit that, especially with Ron there, though even she had to admit that he wasn't as much of an idiot as Drakken was.

"Well, I know you still need a bit of the rush, so why not get paid for it?" stated Kimmie, shrugging. "I have been thinking of that as well. Maybe not an agent as that would be tremendously limiting, but certainly as a consultant. We could travel to strange places; beat up strange people and save the day."

"Hrm"¦that might be worth it Princess but I would rather worry about this afternoon rather than the future. We'll get to that soon enough." said Shego, ruffling Kim's hair softly.

Kim nodded, all of the anxiety and worry over her baby resurfacing and all thought of Wade's call that morning gone from her head. "So, we know where she is, right?"

Shego nodded. "And I was waiting for you. I figured that if I went alone that I would be in trouble."

"Darn tootin, missy." growled Kim in the least possibly threatening manner she knew. "Are you ready? I can change and we can take off if you want."

"Sure. But first things first." Shego handed over the bag with the weapons in it as well as something to carry the escrima sticks in. Kim took the bag and seemed really excited. She squeed, hugged the green woman and then kissed her. Ron just stared as the whole thing had occurred.

Shego turned to face the blonde, as she could feel his questions on her skin and it bothered her. "Yes?"

"You"¦you bought her weapons?"

"Doy! I wanted her to be able to protect herself without closing as much in combat." She rolled her green eyes at the obviousness of things.

"I"¦that makes sense. Do you guys want me to come along?"

That caused Shego some surprise that Ron was asking. She thought about it, aware that this might be a bit more of a fight than normal. "I'm not sure, Kimmie and I are just going to talk to her and nothing else. If she sees you there she might think we are getting ready to apprehend her. Let me go change and Kim can make the final decision."

Ron just nodded while Shego headed upstairs with her wife. Once they were in the room Shego stopped Kim and said, "I got something for you and our daughter."

Kim's eyes grew wide at the sight of the bear and jumped up and down excitedly, hugging the taller girl several times over it. "This is so cute."

Shego half grinned, "I knew you would like it Princess."

Once Kim kissed Shego soundly for the present they started to get dressed for this visit. Shortly the red head was downstairs in her white battle suit with blue trim with the weapons slung across her back for an easy draw. She had practiced a few times already and she was as ready as she ever would be to use them. Since Shego only had needed to pull on her catsuit she was on her way down stairs fairly quickly as well. Kim was apparently chatting with Ron about wanting the mission to be just Shego and her. The rationale had to do with it being their daughter. Ron just nodded, having already covered this with Shego. "Okay, but I will be waiting. If you guys are late I will come in to save you, deal?"

The two women looked at each other and seemed to have a conversation with each other that involved no words. Kim looked over at Ron and said. "Sure thing Ron. If we are an hour late come in after us, but have the cavalry ready if that fails."

"Sure thing KP." Replied Ron, just a little sad and jealous that this was one mission where he wasn't going to be following his best friend.

Read 13352 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 21:49

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