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Sunday, 11 February 2024 19:00

Whateley Map and Locations in Gen 2

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Whateley Map DZ lr3

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Whateley Locations circa 2016


with additional descriptive text retrieved from wiki


referencing locations on map created by DanZilla in 2024


100-year-old Oak (22) – The oldest living tree on the Whateley Academy grounds. It is believed to be about 180 years old. It has a trunk diameter of 5 ft., and the branches reach 65 feet outward from the trunk. Its height is 104 ft.

Beck Library (42) – Campus library. The library looks unusually small for the campus, but that's because most of the library is underground, just like the bookstore. There are sections reserved for Historic and/or Mystic tomes that can only be viewed with permission. This building also houses the servers for the campus net, and the main firewall and gateway for Whateley’s outside internet connections.

The Brown Moose Café (50) – A restaurant for the residents of The Village and their guests. It has a rotating menu and top-notch food. It’s located in the same building as the Flying Blue Squirrel Bar.

Clearing (7) – A large clearing in the woods, there are plenty more like it, but this one is notable for its size.

Crystal Hall (33) – The Crystal Hall was The Senior Legacy of the Class of 1985, It’s an enormous 'glass' geodesic dome. (The “glass” is actually a highly durable bulletproof crystal.) The Senior class of 2007 later renovated Crystal Hall as their legacy. It now features three levels and expanded food preparation areas. The upper two levels are circular with high ceilings, like the floor level, but don't touch the sides of the dome, so it's still possible to fly around and between levels (on green flag days, at least). The central waterfall and pools have been redesigned to be higher than the top level, and every level has some waterfalls and pools. Three tall, slender trees rise through openings in the upper floors. The plantings on each level tend to be thematic. The ground floor food area was enlarged, with the specialty foods more separated from the main food lines for privacy. To move between floors, there are three options: one elevator, a winding staircase coiled around the central waterfall, and two pairs of escalators, one on each side of the waterfall. To the north side of the Crystal Hall are the Crystal Hall Kitchens and the servery while to the south side is the fixer’s patio.

Crystal Hall Kitchens (23) – The Crystal Hall Kitchens are praised by all who visit the Crystal Hall, for not only the quantity of food they produce for each meal but also the quality. They hire some of the top chefs to come in and prepare food for the school’s staff and faculty as well as the students in attendance. All food is supplied to the kitchen’s storage areas from daily deliveries, the greenhouses, and climate-controlled underground warehousing.

Dickinson Cottage (15) – A girls-only cottage on top of Dickinson Hill. It's exclusively for non-GSD students, although students with very mild GSD who can pass for baseline with minimal effort may also be lodged here. There exists a house vs. house rivalry between Whitman and Dickinson.

Dillon Chapel (24) – Currently maintained by Father Ignatius Verraco, who spends time between it and the Potok-Mahfouz Interfaith Sanctuary, this is the original chapel on the lands which has only been touched to keep it up. It has a basement and a ground floor.

Doyle Medical Center (46) – This eight-story rhomboid building was built in the Glass Curtain Wall style that was popular in the late 70s and early 80s and was outfitted as a state-of-the-art hospital. In addition to the offices and research facilities in the building, they handle the various accidents and injuries that happen at Whateley and occasionally elsewhere. It has a connection to the tunnel network beneath the school and a direct connection to Hawthorne Cottage.

Dunn Hall (29) – Dunn Hall is a vaguely L-shaped Brutalist concrete building. It houses the biological sciences as well as biology-oriented power research, the School House Restaurant, Foreign Languages classrooms, Several Photography studios and the Venus, Inc. clubhouse.

Emerson Cottage (18) – Emerson is a Boy’s Only cottage, located on Emerson Hill. It has a much more sober and scholarly culture than Twain. Emerson is a low-GSD environment. Interestingly, while there are rivalries between Emerson and Twain boys, it hasn’t developed into a house vs. house thing, as it has between Whitman and Dickinson.

Fixer's Patio (34) – There are stone and metal benches scattered around, numerous planters, and outdoor tables for meeting or eating with your fellow students. Commonly used by the cottage “Fixers” it has gained its name from. The Burger Factory is located at the Northwest corner of the Fixer’s Patio and is inset into the Crystal Hall.

Flags (36) – Near Schuster is a series of flags including, from the left, The United States of America flag, the Medawhila Tribe flag, the State of New Hampshire flag, and the Whateley Academy flag. The Whateley Academy flag is always flown with a surround of one of 3 colors - Red, Yellow, or Green. These denote the safety of whether the students and faculty can display obvious signs of mutation or other paranormal tells. Green, meaning it’s safe; Yellow, meaning caution, must be observed; and Red, meaning all displays of powers or other paranormal tells must be kept from visitors’ eyes. This also means that those with obvious GSD must take the tunnel system as they travel around the school.

Flying Blue Squirrel Bar (50) – An excellent bar which is in the same building as the Brown Moose Café. It’s owned and operated by Bobby Earl Fields aka Shine. A devisor with a knack for producing incredible spirits.

Fox Store (20) – The Fox Store has a log cabin theme built out of stained concrete and molded to have the right look. It's got a Native-American motif to its details including a Prominent Fox head over the doors and Hawks and Foxes elsewhere. Some of the details even look like stylized lightning bolts. The Ground floor carries an assortment of goods as could be found in any convenience store or small grocery store, but it is the underground floors that its customers are looking for more than half the time. It carries what could be the contents of any GoodMart™ big-box-store including clothing, groceries, and snacks; well-stocked bookstore; Magical paraphernalia shoppe; Electronics supply /retail store; and Sporting Goods store as well as a number of other esoteric goods among the multiple levels below. Students are encouraged to buy their uniforms from the store as well as Whatley branded leisurewear.

Garage for School Vehicles (3) – Any school needs a fair number of vehicles but when you take into consideration the special needs of the students as well as the climate conditions in the winter months you will realize why they need a building to house their fleet of buses, modified buses, cars, SUVs, and other assorted vehicles.

Greenhouses (12) – Two greenhouses are in the Northwest portion of the campus and are used for growing flora year-round. Several people have complained about the need for expansion, and it’s being looked into.

Groundskeeping aka "The Shed" (13) – A big two-story building with huge roll-up garage doors at the front and back, for all the trucks and self-powered equipment to go in and out. It has a shop floor for repair work on tools, sharpening the saws, and anything else. There are storage areas, so that seasonal equipment can be retrieved at the appropriate times. This includes things such as riding lawnmowers, riding leaf vacuums, snowblowers and even snowplows. A ‘tree surgeon’ truck is tucked away in a corner of the main level, along with the smaller gardeners’ trucks and equipment, and there are several snowmobiles. Upstairs, the second floor has offices, a lunchroom, a couple of small shops, and some extra storage spaces.

Guest Cottage (40) – A small structure that is the first thing you see after entering the campus. This hotel-like building is used for those guests of the school who need to spend the night for various reasons. It’s based on the layout of the Melville Cottage but only 3 floors tall with one basement level connected to the tunnel system.

Hawthorne Cottage (57) – Hawthorne is specially built to meet the needs of ‘extreme cases’- Bricks who can’t control their strength, Ultra-Heavy types, extremely trigger-happy blasters, human torches who can’t turn it off, ‘loud’ projective telepaths and so on. By necessity, Hawthorne is co-ed. It is connected to the tunnel system and has a direct tunnel to Doyle Medical Center. Some rooms are equipped for teleconferencing, as needed, for students unable to leave or attend classes regularly. It has five aboveground floors and has three underground floors. One of these is much taller than normal for rooms that need greater clearance. Every floor has a hazmat chute for disposal of hazardous wastes.

Holbrook Arena (5) – The stadium that would later come to be named Holbrook Arena after the first Champion, Harry Holbrook, was already part of the original Whateley Academy in the form of a classic Track and Field stadium. It was later extensively refurbished as part of a senior legacy. In its current form the stadium proper is designed as a multi-sports arena, capable of being changed into a basketball, ice hockey, swimming, football, or soccer venue or used for various public events. Below there are areas suitable for all kinds of sports, including racquetball, paintball wars and laser tag. There is a Dragon dojo here, which appears to be a named dojo for open use. The building also houses all paranormal gym-related and Physical Education activities such as Indoor flight training, above-human strength training, super speed training, etc.

Horse Trails (56) – There are three established trails that are named A, B and C. B and C are each longer than the previous one. A and B start on the same track, but B breaks off and completes a longer loop than the simpler A trail.

Indoor Riding Arena (59) – This building has easy access to the Stables and is perfect for exercising the horses when the New England winters get too harsh.

Jennifer Stevens Playhouse (43) – The oldest of the performance stages on campus. This playhouse was named after a deceased member of the Whateley Faculty who is dearly missed.

Kane Hall (26) – Kane Hall houses the Campus Security, physical sciences, and industrial arts. It has a brick smokestack-like tower along the north end. Atop the tower is the gleaming white dome of the campus observatory. Campus security is located on the first floor and three basement levels. Samantha Everheart's apartment is on an upper level of the tower. Beside the tower is the King Auditorium where the music classes take place.

King Auditorium (25) – The King Auditorium annex contains both the auditorium and the classes for all music related studies. This also includes classes for those students with siren or musically oriented powers.

Kirby Hall (39) – Kirby Hall is one of the historic buildings dating back to the original Whateley Academy. It is a barrel-shaped Tudor style building. It houses the rivaling Mystic Arts and Psychic Arts Departments. While the introductory mystic classes and the psychic classes are taught above ground in Kirby Hall proper the advanced mystic classes are taught below ground. Kirby Hall proper and the underground rooms together are called Kirby Complex. The entrance door to the underground part is concealed by magic and there is a rule against taking people past the door who can't find it themselves, being able to find the classrooms functioning as a de facto prerequisite for taking advanced classes. Due to the intense rivalry between the departments, both students and teachers of the psychic arts program have tried to locate this entrance, without success. They suspect the Mystic Arts Department to have more, larger, and better equipped classrooms than they have, a suspicion that is entirely correct. Beyond the advanced classrooms the underground part of Kirby Complex also houses the Mystic Arts department library and the teachers’ lounge.

Laird Hall (32) – All Physical Education classes for human normal levels as well as Survival / Escape and martial arts classes are taught in this building. The newest portion is known as the Eastman Annex and is used for martial arts classes.

Main Gate (41) – The main gate of campus is made of an unknown metal, and it bears a bronze plaque bearing the name of the school. Above it, atop a pair of columns that are stone and elaborately ornamented, is a pair of faceless gargoyles. Rumored to be Nighthaunts.

McFarlane Auditorium (19) – A Multi-Purpose auditorium used for functions that require seating for the entire student body and guests.

Melville Cottage (47) – Melville is a Coed cottage, located on O. Henry Hill. It resembles a luxury hotel more than a student dormitory. Melville has a very social — almost party — culture, and is a popular hang-out, even with students from other cottages. The ground floor has a coffee shop and salon which are available to the student body.

Northside Park (10) – A park located on the northside of the campus located beside Dickinson and Behind Whitman it has several picnic tables and is frequented by students from all over the campus. It has become a neutral ground for the Dickinson/Whitman rivalry, and this is stringently upheld by a few students.

Observatory / Sam Everheart's Apartment (27) – A brick smokestack-like tower at the Northeast corner of Kane Hall. For the first two floors of the tower there is a round stairway along the walls, followed by a spiral stair. Atop the tower is the gleaming white dome of the campus observatory (16” telescope). The dome also contains sophisticated satellite communications facilities. Cellphone antennae, direct-link microwave feeds, and other antennae are concealed within the body of the “smokestack”. Below the dome is an apartment for Rear Admiral Samantha Everheart / Hive. Round, due to the tower’s shape, it has three balconies and a very natural feel to it thanks to the help of a few of the students.

Outdoor Obstacles Arena (6) – Used as a flying course, for parkour practice, and a combat / military training area. The modular system across this entire field can simulate various destructible environments and when used in conjunction with holograms it’s almost like being there. It’s all covered with an inflatable Arena Dome that will keep the inclement weather from affecting operations or can be stowed and allow for good weather use as well.

Picnic Area x 2 (51, 62) – They have several picnic tables and are great places to relax with friends.

Poe Cottage (53) – Like Melville and Hawthorne, but unlike the other four cottages, Poe is co-ed. Poe is the GLBT (Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) cottage, although this fact is heavily disguised. The wards around Poe are very difficult to penetrate, and almost as difficult to detect. Protecting the Poe "secret" is a major factor. The House Mother, Mrs. Horton, is very strict that outsiders must sign in and out. Also, when outsiders are present the cottage color is red, meaning that residents should not engage in same sex displays of affection.

Poe's Secret Hot Tubs (52) – The Dead Oak Hot Tub Grotto is a legacy of the class of '83. It’s located on a trail into the trees that branches off the path from Poe toward Hawthorne. The entrance is in the stump of a large ancient oak, operated by pushing on a knothole. The locks on the door won’t open for the boys when the girls are using the grotto and vice versa, and there are precautions against eavesdroppers, cameras, snoops, and a host of other “unpleasantries”. From there a wooden ladder descends twenty feet into the grotto.

Potok-Mahfouz Interfaith Sanctuary (16) – Officially watched over by Father Ignacio Verraco. He largely leaves the daily issues in the hands of the student workers, and Rabbi Blum. There is one permanent room for Jewish students, one for Muslim students, one for Buddhists and an unofficial one for Hindu's. It has a courtyard/garden and several separate buildings around the courtyard connected by tunnels, and covered walkways.

Ramp to Underground Garage (30) – A ramp leading down to a door which opens into the Automotive Technologies Garage aka Gearhead heaven.

Ramp to Underground Warehousing (31) – A ramp leading down to a series of underground warehouses for storing all the goods a school needs delivered in large quantities. From there it is distributed using the tunnel network to wherever it needs to be. Where else did you think all the Semi Trucks disappeared to.

Range 4 (4) – Range 4 is the heavy weapons range and the location of the high security weapons vault.

Range 6 (1) – Range 6 is the JROTC training range. The attached bunker is also the hangout for the Grunts.

Remembrance Garden (9) – The Remembrance Garden is a large garden with paths and benches and a fountain, all surrounded by a high hedge. Roses and other flowers are maintained in remembrance of students, teachers and other staff who have died at Whateley Academy.

Riding Fields (60) – In addition to fields for riding and grazing there are also areas for Dressage, Steeplechase and Polo. It’s also rumored that some students have been lobbying for cowboy-type sporting events.

Schuster Hall (35) – A three-winged brick building at the center of campus. It houses administration, including the headmaster's office, a number of classrooms, and the school cafeteria in the form of Crystal Hall.

Security Garage (28) – A garage located next to the Security offices in Kane Hall, it contains Security’s fleet of carts, cars, SUVs, trucks, and Snowmobiles along with the equipment to do maintenance on them.

Senior Project G2Y1 (58) – It’s a Secret.

Stablemasters Residence (55) – A house built into the side of the stables, it has quick access to the stables for 24-hour care and attention. The rooms and hallways are extra-large.

Stables (54) – Large stables with plenty of room for horses, or the occasional other large animal; storage; an office for hoof care; a Veterinary office; a well-organized tack room; and a wash stall. It has a good ventilation system along with fans and skylights throughout.

Station (49) – Crafted to look like an old-time service station, this up-to-date station supplies the Village’s residents with a variety of fuels for their vehicles. In addition, it serves as the entrance to the mag-lev system connecting The Village with the Campus, terminating in Schuster Hall.

Statue of Noah Whateley and Fountain (38) – An intricate fountain with a Statue of Noah Whateley, the founder of Whatley Academy, in the middle of the Quad with the road into the school circling it.

The Nations (2) – The Nations is a Native American student group at Whateley formed to share Native American culture among the students of that heritage. This part of the campus has been set aside for their use and has a number of traditional dwellings along with a longhouse and a sweat lodge for ceremonies.

The Quad (37) – The Quad isn't a building - it's a large, square area in front of Schuster Hall that's paved with flagstones. There are stone and metal benches scattered around. There is an intricate fountain and The statue of the founder, Noah Whateley, in the center. Nearer Schuster is a series of Flags which includes the Whateley flag which is always flown with a surround of one of 3 colors - Red, Yellow, or Green. These denote the safety of whether the students and faculty can display obvious signs of mutation or other paranormal tells. Green, meaning it’s safe; Yellow, meaning caution, must be observed; and Red, meaning all displays of powers or other paranormal tells must be kept from visitors’ eyes. This also means that those with obvious GSD must take the tunnel system as they travel around the school.

The Village (61) – A small community of housing and businesses for Whateley Staff and faculty. It’s not mandatory to live there but it gives them close access to the school and each other. As you enter The Village you’ll see Whatley House, which is where the headmaster resides, and the park. Followed shortly by the Brown Moose Café and Flying Blue Squirrel Bar and the Station. From there the village spreads out on several roads.

Tunnel Entrance x 3 (8, 21, 48) – Quick access to and egress from the tunnel system.

Twain cottage (14) – Twain is a Boy’s Only cottage. It provides for students with GSD as well as more normal looking students as well. They try to match them up as roommates with one GSD student and one normal student to a room as much as they can so that they can “See how the other half lives”. In keeping with its mascot, Twain has a genially boyish macho culture. Its cottage signet has a sternwheeler design.

Village Park (45) – A large park for the use of the staff and faculty of Whateley Academy, their families, and guests. It has a fair number of picnic tables and grills for use as well as plenty of space for various activities. A set of tables is conveniently located next to the building housing the Brown Moose Café and Flying Blue Squirrel Bar.

Weisinger Aquatic Center (17) – The Aquatic Center was expanded in the late 2000’s to be not just a pool but also a place for experimental fluid dynamics and hydraulics. The building contains a massive waterslide system that doesn't follow ordinary physics, an anti-gravity pool, waterfalls to swim up, and other water attractions that are state-of-the-art and beyond. And, of course, it has a normal pool at the front for swimming class and tests.

Whateley House (44) – A Large Victorian Mansion, this house has changed hands with the headmastership of Whateley Academy. Currently, its exterior displays its Victorian heritage but internally it’s very modern and up-to-date.

Whitman Cottage (11) – Whitman is a Girl’s Only cottage. It provides for students with GSD as well as more normal looking students as well. They try to match them up as roommates with one GSD student and one normal student to a room as much as they can so that they can “See how the other half lives”. There exists a house vs. house rivalry between Whitman and Dickinson.

Read 7353 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 March 2024 21:05


1 year ago
is there a way to get this full size as the wiki kind of messes it all up as a "WebP" image that does not scale up right in my case of saving it? Can we get a JPEG file or ?
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1 year ago
I've added a second link at the top that you can download the original file from.
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Kristin Darken
Kristin Darken
1 year ago
Unless Dan's done something to change it since you posted, the file should be in PNG format. Right click on it and select open image in other tab, when it does, left click to 'zoom' in and then right click to save as. It should save in PNG format.
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