OT 2016-2021
Original Timeline stories published from 2016 - 2021
Odds and Ends (Part 1)
Odds and Ends (Part 2)
Whisper (Chapters 40-42 + Epilogue)
A Tenuous Blade
Odds and Ends (Part 3)
Hank 2: So Shalt Thou Show Me Friendship
All the Kings Horses ...
Learning to Hunt
Kayda 8: The Best Days of Our Lives (Part 1)
A Good Man (Part 1)
Pomp and Conspiracy
Kayda 8: The Best Days of Our Lives (Part 2)
The Boys of Summer
Kayda 8: The Best Days of Our Lives (Part 3)
Diamonds Are a Vamp's Best Friend (Part 3)
Veni, Vidi, Cutie
Hank 3: One Woe Doth Tread Upon Another's Heel
Kayda 9 - Crying for a Dream
Hank 4: Life's But a Walking Shadow
A Good Man (part 2)
Ashes and Steel
Elle 1 - Dawn of the Aurora (Part 1)
Elle 1 - Dawn of the Aurora (Part 2)
Imp 4: A Teacher’s Tail (Part 1)
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 1)
Imp 4: A Teacher’s Tail (Part 2)
The Boys of Summer (Part 2)
The Book of Darwin (Chapter 1)
Kayda 10 - There's No Place Like Poe (Part 2)
The Book of Darwin (Chapter 2)
Quick Imp-ressions
Round and Round (Part 1)
Small Mercies
A Little R&R (Part 1)
Murphy's Laws of Whateley
The Bear, The Bitch, And Everything (Part1)
Round and Round (Part 2)
The Bear, The Bitch and Everything (Part 2)
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 3)
Out on a Tether
A Little R&R (Part 2)
Blood-Sister, Blood-Brother
Round and Round (Part 3)
A Little R&R (Part 3)
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 4)
The Bear, the Bitch, and Everything (Part 3)
Imp 5: Head over Tail (Part 1)
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 5)
Imp 5: Head over Tail (Part 2)
The Bear, The Bitch, And Everything (Part 4)
Blast from the Past
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 6)
A Little R&R 2: Alyss in Wondercute Land (Part 1)
Siblings & Savages (Chapter 1)
Imp 5: Head over Tail (Part 3)
Siblings & Savages (Chapter2)
A Little R&R 2: Alyss in Wondercute Land (Part 2)
Hank 5: To the New Year!
Seeking Depth is Best
Siblings & Savages (Chapter 3)
Tea and Dagger
The Banshee's Tale
Mischief Managed
Danny 1 - What's New, Pussycat? (Part 1)
The Gates of the Garden
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 1)
Hank 6: To Companions, New and Old!
The Angel And Cecil Barrows
Danny 1 - What's New, Pussycat? (Part 2)
Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date (Part 1)
Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date (Part 2)
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 2)
Dague de L'esprit (Part 1)
Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date (Part 3)
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 3)
A Little R&R 3 (Part 1)
Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date (Part 4)
A Little R&R 3 (Part 2)
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 4)
Dague De L'esprit (Part 2)
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 5)
Shine 2 - My Fair 'Shine (Part 1)
Tales of Summer
Diamonds are a Vamp's Best Friend (Part 4)
The Evil That Men Do (Part 1)
Hank 7: And all who sail in her!
The Evil That Men Do (Part 2)
Fallen Angel - Warning
The Evil That Men Do (Part 3)
The Evil That Men Do (Part 4)
The Evil That Men Do (Part 5)
Amongst the Shadows
Brief Glimpses
To Seal Our Happiness (Part 1)
Shine 2: My Fair Shine (Part 2)
To Seal Our Happiness (Part 2)
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 1)
To Seal Our Happiness (Part 3)
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 2)
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 3)
The Last Ride
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 4)
Tea and Tears
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 5)
Mischief 3: The Remedy for Mischief
All Hallows Ball
The Garden of Good and Evil
Shine 2: My Fair Shine (Part 3)
Ribbon 2: All Knotted Up
All Hallows Ball (Part 2)
Roulette 2: Taking Another Spin
All Hallows Ball (Part 3)
Shine 2: My Fair Shine (Part 4)
Out Foxing
Charge of the Light Vignettes: 1 - Targets of Opportunity
The Porcelain Mask
Murphy's Laws of Spirit (Part One)
Shenanigans Too (Part 1)
Pillars of Foundation
You Don't Know Jak
Shenanigans Too (Part 2)
Imp 8: Imp-rints on an Aching Heart (part 1)
Imp 8: Imp-rints on an Aching Heart (part 2) 1
Knockoff 2 - Fight or Flight (part 1)
Scald-Crow 1: The Rocky Road to Whateley (Part 1)
Dissonance (Part 1)
Fox Tails (Part 1)
Scald-Crow 1: The Rocky Road to Whateley (Part 2)
Fox Tails (Part 2)
Scald-Crow 1: The Rocky Road to Whateley (Part 3)
Fox Tails (Part 3)
The Garden of Good and Evil: Song of the Dreamer
Knockoff 2: Fight or Flight (part 2)
Scald-Crow 2: Under Pressure (Part 1)
Inaba 1: Run rabbit, run.
Scald-Crow 2: Under Pressure (Part 2)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 1)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 2)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 3)
Inaba 2: Sucks to be you
Brief Glimpses 2
Scald-Crow 2: Under Pressure (Part 3)
Raptor: An Eye on Campus
Fox Tails (Part 4) 1
You can Choose Your Friends ....
Inaba 3: And in the Darkness Shall You Flee 1
Diamonds are a Vamps Best Friend (Part 5) 4
A Good Man (Part 3)
Displaying items by tag: Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell 3: A (Hell) Maid's Work is Never Done
Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell
So, you're dead. Kaput. Shuffled off the mortal coil. What happens next? Why, you go to your afterlife of course. But what's in store for you? Well, depending on how you lived your life, you will find yourself either among the ranks of the Damned or the Saved. But what if you want a bit more excitement in your life than just experiencing the afterlife that you earned? As it happens, both Heaven and Hell are looking for souls to become new Angels or Demons. You see, the two sides got into a bit of a war a few thousand years ago. Eventually a truce was brokered, but at the cost of strongest warriors on both sides. In addition, the population explosion on earth has naturally lead to a major influx in souls coming to their doors. Stir in a dash of magic potential, and you are bound to find yourself drafted to become the new Demon (or Angel) on the block.
The Heaven and Hell universe was introduced by Maggie Finson with her story 'The Recruiter' and is set in the In Nomine system.
WAU Disclaimer: The In Nomine Role-playing game is a Steve Jackson Games intellectual property. We don't own or have any say in the trademarks or property rights associated with the games or universe. These stories are not sanctioned or canon. Rather, they are simply set in that environment... similar to fan fiction or to building a campaign setting to share with friends.