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Thursday, 10 March 2016 02:19

Maiden By Decree (Part 4)

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Chapter Four

A Potential Sister-in-Law, Others, and a Royal Decree

Or: What was I Thinking of When I agreed to this?!!

He was almost used to being on horseback when they reached the palace gates and were ushered inside by respectful grooms, one of which helped him dismount. The man’s hands on his waist as Deidre was easily lifted from the saddle and gently set to the ground felt nice, but not as nice as Garret’s. That random thought had him nearly throwing up all over again and he swallowed his rising gorge with a small grimace that he explained to the concerned groom with the comment. “Too much Lady’s Ease.”

Nodding wisely, the groom, a young man covered with muscle and a scent that was uniquely male mixed with that of straw, hay, and horse, smiled encouragingly. “I wouldn’t think one as lovely as you would require that concoction when you have the kingdom’s premiere knight staring daggers at me for simply assisting you to dismount, M’lady.”

“Oh, trust me.” Deidre drily replied. “I needed it, and think more might be a good thing just now.” And in the future, he thought.

Then it hit him. Garret was jealous? Of a groom who simply helped him get off the horse? That was something he wasn’t quite ready to assimilate, so he gave the boy a smile of thanks, and a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for your assistance.”

Sure enough, Garret was watching closely when Deidre turned to face him with a grin of his own. “What? I can’t properly thank a gentleman for assisting me, dearest? Surely that is no crime.”

That he had kissed another male, even if only on the cheek, was another thing Deidre chose not to consider, even if it had seemed a perfectly natural to do at the time.

Garret actually grinned back while offering his hand. “None at all, dear one. I was simply somewhat surprised that you did it is all.”

“You and me both.” Deidre grumbled with a toss of his head that said more about him and his gender than he cared to look too closely at before going on. “I told you I would do this, didn’t I? A real Lady rewards those who deserve it, doesn’t she?”

“Of course she does.” Garret agreed, linking arms with Deidre and guiding the youth towards the palace stairs. “So I am vindicated in my choice of ladies, don’t you think?”

“I just keep getting deeper and deeper into this, don’t I?” Deidre questioned with a sigh.

“You are quite lady-like already.” Garret agreed with a little smile. “Though from what I saw before all this, it was clear that you were more girl than boy. Argue that if you like, but the truth is already coming out.”

“You.” Deidre grumped quietly. “Are not helping me at all right now.”

“Of course I am, my love.” Garret chuckled. “You simply haven’t realized that yet.”

“Oh wonderful.”

“Yes it is, darling.” Garret responded while giving Deidre’s arm a squeeze. “You are already a lady to be reckoned with, dearest. Believe me on that one.”

“I’ll take that one with a grain of salt.” Deidre, still thinking of himself as Derek in a very weird position, answered. “I’m just trying to do things that won’t make a fool of me and you.”

“You are considerate of others, too.” Garret actually moved his arm around the boy’s waist and gave him a hug. “If you were truly a woman, I do believe I would still be smitten with you.”

“I suppose that was a compliment.” Deidre sighed.

“Oh, it was my so lovely lady.” Garret responded with another hug then linked arms again. “Now prepare to meet my sister, your future sister-in-law if things progress as I hope they will.”

“Let’s not get carried away here.” Deidre countered then fussily rearranged her skirts while giving Garret a look that held vanity and daggers. “If I’m going to actually meet the lady this gown was made for, I’m going to be sure it is settled properly and looks right.”

“The gown was made for you, dearest.” Garret said with a shrug. “Even if my sister commissioned it from your mistress. It looks far better gracing your lovely form than it would have on her, beautiful as she may be.”

“Oh, thank you for that.” Deidre answered drily with a lift of plucked eyebrows. “My poor sense of being male is having a hard enough time with all this.”

“Only the truth, my love.” Garret answered.

“Will you please STOP calling me that?” Deidre almost shouted while slapping his arm.

“Why should I lie about having found the love of my life?” The knight questioned innocently.

“Oh, shut up.” Deidre sighed. “I do not need to hear that kind of thing just now, trust me.”

“But hear it you will, my dear.” Garret took an unresisting hand and slowly kissed its palm again, noting the shivers that caused in his chosen with a small smile. “I confess that I am already smitten with you, and can only hope and pray to the gods that you return that feeling in time.”

“Don’t get your hopes up, sirrah.” Deidre answered quietly, but inwardly smiling at the attention and the feelings that aroused in him.

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“Garret!” A beautiful and petite lady lost her decorum and actually ran to greet the knight, at least as much as her skirts would allow. “You’ve brought your chosen!”

Deidre endured the lady’s scrutiny with an aplomb he didn’t think he could achieve along with a clumsy curtsey. “My Lady. I am Deidre and have to thank you for the lovely gown, the horse, and everything else.”

“My name is Jessica.” Garret’s sister answered simply with a twinkle of amusement in her clear grey eyes. “Use it, please. My brother’s intended has no need to use titles with me.”

“Uh, Jessica.” Deidre answered. “You do know what I really am, don’t you?”

“A mere technicality.” The lady replied with a sunny smile. “You are more a lady than many who were born to the position. I saw that when we caught a glimpse of you in the dressmaker’s back room. Incidentally, you were wearing this very gown. It is beautiful, and nicely compliments your own beauty.”

“I’m no lady, Jessica.” Deidre said with a little sigh. “I agreed to help your brother, and that’s all.”

“Time will tell.” Jessica answered with a little smile and toss of her head that reminded Deirdre of a similar motion he had used earlier that had the woman’s flaxen hair threatening to come loose from it’s carefully coiffed shape. “Garret is hard to ignore, you know. He is quite handsome, and gallant with the ladies.”

“I noticed.” Deidre sighed heavily. “Oh, forgive me for being impolite. My name seems to be Deidre now.”

“A lovely name for a lovely lady.” Jessica answered with a smile. “I do hope we can become friends, Deidre.”

“You know?” Deidre sighed at the other’s small nod then decided he may as well try to like this lady. “I hope so too. You have no idea of how humiliating it was for me to be looking up when I spoke with girls my own age. It will be refreshing to be with one who is eye to eye with me, so to speak.”

“Oh, I know all too well how it is to be so petite.” Jessica laughed. “For a lady, that is no impediment at all, but an advantage at times.”

“I’ll believe that when it happens.” Deidre replied with a small grimace.

“Oh, believe it now, my dear.” Jessica smiled as she gestured to Garret. “My brother, like any other sane man who sets eyes on you, will do all in his power to protect you.”

“Why?” Deidre was genuinely curious about the answer to that one.

“You, my dear sister to be.” Jessica grinned. “Are already a lady, I watched your progress to the palace and saw that. One to be cherished, and loved. In time that will come clear to you.”

“In the meantime.” Jessica favored Deidre with an evil little grin. “I will be teaching you how to be a proper lady for my brother and everyone else. But especially for my brother.”

“I can’t wait.” Deidre sighed.

“Oh, I’ll have my hands full, I know.” The lady chuckled as her eyes sparkled with mischief reminiscent of her brother. “But you will learn, my dear. I’ll see to that.”

“Isn’t anyone involved here besides me even a little bit concerned that I’m a boy under all this finery?” Deidre questioned plaintively.

“A very fortunate boy, then.” Jessica said with another toss of her head in dismissal of that. “To be given the chance to learn just how pleasurable being a lady of worth can be.”

“I’m doomed.” He muttered to the amusement of the real lady standing beside him.

“Come dear.” Jessica gently guided Deidre up the immaculate marble stairs. “You need to freshen up a bit before being presented to their majesties.”

“I’m going to be in front of the King? Like this?!!” Deirdre went pale at the thought.

“Of course you will be presented to the King.” Jessica answered matter-of-factly then added. “And to her majesty the Queen since you will be spending a fair amount of time in her company.”

“Oh, joy.” Deidre grimaced. “This situation just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?”

“Yes it does, dear sister.” Jessica answered with a little smirk. “In time, you will come to agree, I’m sure. Being a titled lady is far better than being some peasant girl, after all.”

“But I’m NOT a girl!” Deidre protested.

“Could have fooled me.” Jessica answered simply then winked. “And don’t worry about technicalities just now. I’m quite certain their majesties can handle that little problem.”

Little problem?” Deidre questioned incredulously. “Being a boy playing at being a lady is only a little problem?”

“A minor bump in the road.” Jessica assured him. “Nothing that a royal edict can’t fix.”

Nonplussed, the boy had no rejoinder to that one and simply closed his eyes and let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “If you say so.”

“I do.” Jessica gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “But now, come along. You need to wash your face of the dust from the road then redo your makeup before being presented to the King and Queen.”

“Oh, lovely.” Deidre grumped.

“That you are, my dear sister.” Jessica answered with a chuckle. “If only you were able to see that right now, but you will learn. I promise you that.”

“Can I say that I’m not really looking forward to that at the moment?”

“It doesn’t matter, dear Deirdre.” She replied with a negligent wave of her hand. “You are, and will soon come to not only accept the fact, but glory in it. You are truly a rare beauty and it would have been a terrible waste to force you to live life as a male. Believe me.”

“Oh, that makes things sooo much better.” Deirdre glumly responded then shook his head. “Lead on, Jessica. I know I can’t get out of this, so we may as well do the best we can with the situation.”

“Spoken like a true lady.” Jessica said with a warm smile. “As you are, though you haven’t realized that as of yet. But you will, dear one, you will.”

“I can’t wait.” Deirdre grumped.

“It will come, dear, it will come.” Jessica responded with a smile. “Once it does, you will wonder why you ever tried to fight the inevitable.”

“I’ll believe that when it happens, if you’ll forgive my saying so.” Deirdre answered a little tartly.

“You already respond like a woman, you know.” Jessica chuckled.

“Gods.” Deirdre sighed. “It isn’t bad enough that people who didn’t know me thought I was a girl dressed like a boy. Now I have to put up with being told I make a beautiful girl who has a knight enamored of me.”

“All true, dear sister.” Jessica answered with a smug little smile. “You can’t escape your fate, so you may as well do all you can to embrace it.”

“Like I have a choice?” Deirdre sighed.

“None at all, dear.” Jessica answered with another smile. “Now come, let’s get you presentable for your audience with the King and Queen.”

“Right.” Deirdre accepted the warm, wet, scented cloth Jessica gave him and started cleaning the dust from the procession he’d been part of that had accumulated on his face and hands. “Far be it from me to embarrass Sir Garret in front of royalty.”

“You’re learning already.” Jessica answered then reached behind her to bring out an elegantly carved wooden box. “Now, let’s get your makeup done properly, something you’ll need to learn to do yourself, but for now I’ll get it done.”

“Oh thank you.”

“Sarcasm does not become you, dear.” Jessica told him while opening the box and choosing colors that would flatter Deirdre. “Though it does add a touch of the gamin to the lady that you are.”

“Wonderful.” Deirdre sighed as Jessica began redoing his makeup.”

linebreak shadow

“The Lady Deirdre Hawthorn, daughter of Derek and Leila Hawthorn requests an audience with your majesties!” The herald shouted as Deirdre entered the throne room.

Derek performed the curtsey that Jessica had drilled into him with more than a few silent curses then raised his head to look at the platform where the thrones were. Daughter! He thought as the ranks of nobles assembled bowed or curtsied in response to his own.

“You may approach the throne.” Cedric, the King announced formally while waving Deirdre forward.

Deirdre hesitantly began to move forward, all too conscious of the still unfamiliar skirts and petticoats he was wearing and careful not to get himself tangled up in them. Tripping at this point would be far more humiliating than being presented to the King and Queen as a female.

The result was a view of a very self possessed young lady making her way to the throne.

At the foot of the staircase leading to the throne, Deirdre curtsied again, only raising his head to see if he’d done that properly.

“Welcome, Lady Deirdre.” Cedric smiled. “It is good to see the lady our beloved Sir Garret has decided to make his wife.”

“I am honored beyond words, your majesty.” Deirdre answered haltingly. “Thank you, my liege.”

Wife?!! Deirdre thought frantically. I hadn’t agreed to THAT!!

Deirdre curtsied again, surprised at how close to being a natural act doing that had already become and blushed. “I thank you again, your majesty.”

“You are truly a lovely flower, dear.” Cedric smiled. “You may come to me now.”

Deirdre steeled himself, using a hand to gather his skirts and mounted the stairs to reach the level the King was on. He noted Harald, the King’s sorcerer in the background, watching carefully, and curtsied again, not raising his head once that was accomplished.

The king reached out a hand and gently lifted Deirdre’s face to look at him. “Be welcome to our court, lady Deirdre. I do think you will grace us with your beauty for many years to come.”

Deirdre, it was useless thinking of himself as Derek curtsied again, with a tremor in his stomach. “I thank you for the welcome, your majesty. I will endeavor to see that I live up to your expectations while I am here.”

“You are truly lovely.” Evaine, the queen put in as she held out her hand for Deirdre to kiss. “It seems that Garret has outdone himself in finding you, dear.”

“Thank you, your majesty.” Deirdre answered hesitantly after kissing the offered hand. “I had never considered myself to be anything extraordinary up to now.”

“Such is the way of true beauty.” The queen responded with a smile. “I pray you, dear. Do your best to make Garret happy. He is greatly favored here and deserves the happiness you can bring him.”

“I hear you, my queen.” Deirdre answered with a little sigh while thinking that he was getting in deeper and deeper with this masquerade. “I will do my poor best with that.”

“I know you will, dear.” Evaine smiled while taking Deirdre’ s hand in one of hers. “Sir Garret of Chalmnessa! Come forward and join us.”

Garret ascended the steps, bowed to the monarchs then awaited what would come.

Evaine took one of his hands and placed it on Deirdre’s, waiting until he grasped the delicate hand he had been given.

“I am happy to announce the betrothal of Sir Garret of Chalmness to the Lady Deirdre Hawthorne on this day. Let all in attendance share the loving couple’s joy on this occasion.”

Joy was something that Deirdre didn’t feel at the moment, shocked by the queen’s pronouncement and working to get his head around the idea that he was now betrothed to a knight of the realm. Which made him a defacto lady whether he wished that or not.

Garret gave him a loving look, the gently raised Deirdre’s chin and face to look directly at him and planted a long, slow kiss on his betrothed’s painted lips to the cheers and raucous comments of those assembled.

Deirdre tried to avoid that, but only found himself enveloped in the man’s embrace and meeting his lips for the kiss. Worse, he actually felt weak kneed as it happened, and no matter how he protested, that weakness wasn’t because of revulsion. He found himself returning the kiss to the approval of the gathering.

“I’m kissing a MAN!” He frantically thought as the act was going on. “And liking it!”

“You two.” Cedric interrupted the chaotic, worried thoughts of Deirdre. “Are expected in a private audience. You know where to go, Sir Garret. I trust you can guide your lady to our privy chambers.”

“Of course, my King.” Garret bowed again. “We will await your presence. As well as yours, my queen.”

With a nudge from Garret, Deirdre curtsied again. “I will be honored at having a private audience with your majesties.”

“You have a keeper here, Garret.” Cedric quietly told the knight with dancing eyes. “She is magnificent.”

“I am happy that you approve, my King.” Garret answered just as quietly while gently nudging Deirdre again.

The stunned boy in women’s clothing responded by giving another graceful curtsey, and lowering his head. “I am honored that you find my poor self adequate for Sir Garret, your majesty.”

“Well said.” Evaine answered with a small grin. “Though you are far beyond being merely adequate, my dear. You are positively enchanting. I’ll look forward to getting to know you better during the year of your betrothal.”

“As I will look forward to that.” Deirdre answered past the lump in his throat that threatened to choke him.

“Well enough.” The queen replied with a smile. “I am certain we will share many fine conversations in the coming year and beyond, dear.”

“You do me too much honor, my queen.” Deirdre softly answered while wishing that the monarchs had laughed and dismissed him as nothing more than a boy in a dress.

“Sir Garret’s chosen lady.” The queen shattered that faint hope with her response. “Deserves all the honors either I or my husband can bestow.”

“Thank you, your majesty.” Deirdre managed to answer with the welter of emotions and absolute fear for his manhood threatening to overwhelm him. “I will always treasure your good will, for myself and for my intended.”

Now where in the Nine Hells did THAT come from? Deirdre wondered at his flowery response and calling Garret his intended with connotations of a future marriage that he had no real intention of letting come to pass. Maybe that Lady’s Ease hasn’t entirely gotten out of my system?

Whether it had or not was a moot point by then. Derek, now Deirdre had committed himself and knew there was no backing out now. Regardless of how he really felt about the situation he found himself in.

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“Welcome, Lady, sir knight.” Cedric greeted the pair as he and Evaine entered the small, comfortable room they used for private meetings. “I trust you have been shown the proper hospitality?”

“We have your majesty.” Garret answered as he cast an amused look at Deirdre. “Though I fear my lady has partaken of the offered wine a bit heavily.”

“Understandable under the circumstances.” Cedric chuckled as Harald, the court mage entered with a smirk on his wrinkled face. “Being presented formally to the King and Queen is one thing, but a private audience is something altogether different isn’t it, my dear?”

Deirdre swallowed as he realized that question had been directed at him. “Yes, your majesty, it is more than a little daunting.”

“No need to fear us, my dear.” Evaine put in with a smile. “You have quite charmed us already.”

Derek as Deirdre took another not so lady-like sip of the wine in his cup and gave everyone in the room a look that a hunted animal gives its pursuers. “But you don’t understand, your majesties…”

“Understand exactly what, dear?” Evaine questioned gently.

“I’m a – a boy!” He nearly shouted in frustration. “I’m no lady, never have been, never will be! I’m a male!”

“Details, details.” Harald shrugged. “Don’t worry your pretty head about that, my lady.”

The monarchs regarded him with something akin to loving amusement and commiseration from the queen. Cedric simply nodded then shrugged. Evaine moved forward to enfold Deirdre in a hug.

“Such things are not unheard of, dear child.” She assured him. “Especially when the possible fate of a kingdom balances on them. Rest easy with knowing that we not only are aware of that uncomfortable fact, but approve of what you are doing. It is a hard, but necessary thing you are facing, my lady. But it is one you must choose to accept without reservation here and now. If you demure, we will think no less of you, and you may leave in any fashion and attire you desire.”

“I appreciate that, your majesty.” Deirdre answered slowly then shook his head. “But I’ve been hearing similar things since Sir Garret first offered me the hilt of his sword.”

“All were pledges made in good faith, dear.” Cedric answered. “As my wife has said, you can decline this task and none of us will think the less of you. Giving up your manhood is a great price to pay for even the good of the kingdom. None of us here will try to force you into acceptance.”

Deirdre let out a sigh then nodded in acceptance of that. “All right. I know when I’m outnumbered here. I’ll do it. I’ve already said that, and won’t go back on my word, your majesties. Is that enough for you at the moment?”

“More than enough, dear.” Evaine answered with a wide smile. “You may have been common born, but possess more nobility than many born to the titles they hold.”

“Right.” Deirdre muttered to himself then took another pull from the cup of wine in his delicate hand before glancing at Garret. “Well, my betrothed, do you think your parents will approve of this match?”

“They will be overjoyed, my lady.” Garret answered quietly. “As I am.”

“How did I get myself into this?” Derek gave up on that name forever as he asked that question.

“Events move, people respond to them.” Evaine answered quietly. “You were clearly meant to be Garret’s lady that is clear enough to even a blind person, my dear. Now comes the hard part. Teaching you to be that lady.”

“Oh joy.” Deirdre muttered then curtsied to her King and Queen. “I live to serve your majesties.”

“Serve yourself, dear.” Evaine answered with a slow smile. “That will be quite sufficient, I assure you.”

“In doing that you will serve us quite admirably.” Cedric put in.

“Now that the big issues have been taken care of, your majesties, my lord and lady.” Harald spoke without the diffidence one would expect from a vassal speaking to his lieges. “I can help the lady become more comfortable with her new role, if all will permit that.”

“Why not?” Deirdre answered with a shrug. “I’ve gone this far. What else can happen to me?”

“Oh, quite a lot, my lady.” The mage responded with a tight smile.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Deirdre snorted then took another long drink of her wine. Noting that the cup was empty, she held it out with an entreating look. “Refill, please? I think I’m going to need it here.”

“You may at that, dear.” Evaine laughed as she herself poured more wine into the cup. “Just don’t make a habit of it, if you please.”

“Special occasion.” Deirdre grumped then took another long swallow.

“Aye, that it is, lady.” Harald answered. “I’ll be visiting you in your chambers later this evening. Do try to be at least partially sober when I do so, would you?”

“There isn’t enough wine in the world.” Deirdre sighed. “To get me drunk this evening. Trust me.”

That was met with general laughter as he took another drink and grimaced. That expression faded into rueful humor as Deirdre noted the amusement of those around him. “This is going to take a LOT of getting used to, you know.”

”I’ll be sure to help you all I can.” Evaine told the new lady with a grin.

“Thank you, your majesty.” Deirdre answered quietly. “I’ll look forward to it.”

“Like having a tooth pulled at the moment, I’m sure.” The queen chuckled. “But you’ll get into all the details of being a proper lady soon enough, I can assure you.”

“Hooray.” Deirdre stared into her wine cup for a moment then looked up. “I’ll do my best to learn all those details, your majesty.”

“I know you will, dear.” Evaine patted Deirdre’s cheek affectionately. “You were born for this after all.”

“I won’t argue with you about that, your majesty.” Deirdre quietly replied. “But forgive my saying I’ll believe that when I bed sir Garret willingly.”

“Oh, I’m certain that too will come.” Evaine grinned. “What woman can refuse the man she loves, after all?”

“I’ m not a woman, your majesty, no matter how I appear, dress or will deport myself in the future. That won’t change, you know.”

“Yes you are.” Cedric interrupted. “At least according to this royal decree I’ve just drawn up. I’ll have the proper seals and annotations added later.”

Deirdre numbly accepted the parchment and read what was on it out loud.

“By royal decree, the person once known as Derek Hawthorne, now the lady Deidre Hawthorne of the city Jahlmar, is now and forever to be considered a woman and lady with all the rights, privileges and duties of such from this day on. Signed, sealed, and sworn on this day.

Cedric of the Kerian line, Regis and Lord of the Realm.”

“Well, your majesty.” Deirdre handed the parchment back with shaking hand. “I guess that’s it, isn’t it?”

“Only the beginning, my dear.” Cedric answered. “Only the beginning. Now, my wife and I have taken up enough of you and your gentleman’s time for today. I look forward greatly to having your presence brighten our court.”

“Thank you your majesty, and your majesty.” Deirdre curtsied again, wondering if she would ever really get the hang of doing that without being in danger of tripping over her own skirts.

She, she! Allowed Garret to take her arm and gently lead her out of the royal presences.

“What have I gotten myself into here, Garret?” Deirdre plaintively questioned as they made their way down the hall away from the throne room.

“Into my loving embrace, hopefully.” Garret responded while pulling the newly proclaimed lady close to him.

“You know what I mean.” Deirdre punched the man’s shoulder and grimaced when that only seemed to amuse him. I’m no lady and you know it as well as I do.”

“That can be learned, my love.” The knight shrugged then grinned. “At least now you are officially the proper gender for the task.”

“On a piece of parchment!” Deirdre countered with a shake of her head. “Not where it counts. By birth and what rests between my legs I’m not.”

“You would go against a royal decree?” Garret questioned with a small frown that changed into another grin. “I doubt that even you would do that, my love.”

“So who am I to argue with that? Though I admittedly thought about doing just that.” Deirdre closed her eyes and shook her head in exasperation. “But everyone close to me is pushing, guiding, or dragging me by the ear into being your lady love. So, why waste time arguing at this point? Let alone trying to do that with someone as determined as my newly betrothed is about the matter.”

“Things will be fine, you’ll see.” Garret assured.

“Sure they will.” Deirdre acidly replied. “This is what I’ve always dreamed of being. Some sweet little princess being carried off by her shining knight.”

“Sarcasm does not become you, dearest.” Garret responded quietly.

“Me? Sarcastic?” Deirdre widened her eyes in mock innocence. “Surely not!”

Read 10732 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 01:10

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