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Wednesday, 09 March 2016 12:06

Tangled Up In Green (Part 4)

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Tangled Up In Green

Heather O’Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and have no connection to this what so ever. This is used without their permission and includes a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Coffee and Confusion

The smell of coffee woke her. It was an expensive blend and Shego highly approved. The name of the blend eluded her but it was a popular higher end brand. She sat up from the couch slowly, yawning. When she realized that this wasn’t her apartment all of last night came at her in a rush shaking her. She wanted a shower, a toothbrush, coffee and to not have to deal with this. That this situation had the potential to turn very ugly didn’t comfort her and she was at a total loss as to what might or might not be said. Shego just sat there, on the couch, clutching her knees to her chest, preparing herself for what was to come.

Based off of the noises coming from the kitchen, the two parents were up as were the twins. Kim wasn’t up yet as far as she could tell and that kept her from getting up and moving. She was afraid of very little and unfortunately, this situation was on the list. Her thoughts warred in her mind and she finally decided to just sit there and wait for Kimmie. Thankfully, it wasn’t that much longer for Kim to drag herself downstairs in her pajamas and bathrobe, clutching her knees.

The girl for whom anything was possible made her way to the living room first and spotted Shego on the couch looking a bit lost. She nodded to the red head and turned to the kitchen. So the thief had stayed. That surprised Kim some but Shego had said she would do anything to have some sort of relationship with the child that she was carrying. She waved her hand as she headed over towards the kitchen and Shego caught up with her.

“Good morning Kimmie.” said Shego nervously, looking at the ghost of the girl she had fought time and again. Seeing her from a distance really hadn’t conveyed just how bad things had gotten and now faced with how Kim had been looking for several weeks she was uncomfortable. This was not something she was proud having a part of.

“If you say so.” muttered Kim, her depression over the recent events back in full swing after the excitement last night. The events of last night getting jumbled in the internal dialogue that had been playing for weeks.

“Uh…how we going to do this?” asked Shego worriedly.

Kim didn’t answer but simply walked into the dining room. Shego held herself back some, unsure of what was going to happen. This is why she preferred blasting things, there was no discomfort there. You blast, it breaks, nothing awkward or uncomfortable, not like dealing with people and messy emotions.

The tweebs noticed Shego first, looking at her quizzically. “Kim…why is your…”

“…arch nemesis here?”

“Mom, Dad, we need to talk.” Kim hadn’t really reacted to her brothers at all at that moment. The Possibles all stared at each other and then back at Kim. She needed to talk to them?

Her mother was the first to break out of the near trance and answer, taking in the two girls and trying to arrive at some sort of answer. “Well, alright. Did you want any breakfast?”

Kim nodded and Shego replied, “Yes, uhm…thank you. Can I get some coffee, please?”

“Help yourself.” said Kim’s father, still reading the paper. He had lowered it earlier but now he was back to scanning the editorial page.

Shego poured herself a mug of coffee and headed back to the table after she had fixed it just the way she preferred. She had no idea where to sit at the family table and she just stood there indecisively while her mind struggled to find a place. Kim’s mom said, “Shego, why don’t you take a seat by Kimmie-cub?”

Shego was surprised at how great that nickname was and filed it for later use. It would make a great taunt if she ever needed it. But now was most certainly not the time for something like that. She sat down next to Kim, who was drinking a glass of milk. Was being so close to Kim even a good idea at this point? What if the girl lost it and struck out?

Eggs, bacon and hashbrowns were the meal of the day and that surprised Shego. All she ever had for breakfast was coffee or maybe coffee and toast, this was much more than she was used to eating this early in the morning, but it was good. Kim was sort of mechanically eating and this worried Shego. Hopefully something could break Kimmie out of this funk like her appearance had last night, as it broke her heart and made her want to find Drakken and beat him until the frustration faded. She had been mostly okay last night, but adrenalin was a powerful thing and that probably had driven the depression away for a little while.

The tweebs zoomed off shortly after a rather pointed look from their mother and that left the four of them sitting there uncomfortably. Kim’s father lowered the paper, folded it, put it aside and asked, “So Kimmie-cub, you said we needed to talk?”

Kim didn’t want to do this but she had to. This whole thing with Shego was messed up and felt odd but what else could she do. She was just unsure she even wanted the kid, despite what she had promised to Shego last night. So, maybe the best way to do this would be blunt, like ripping off a band-aid. Then her parents could help her figure out what to do. “Mom, Dad…Shego’s the other parent of my child.”

Shego went wide-eyed, expecting something less blunt and with more information. There was just enough information there to be dangerous. The parents stared at Kim and then stared at Shego and then back to Kim. “That’s not possible.”

“Actually it is. DNAmy apparently mixed this thing up for Dr. D and it’s obvious that Kim is pregnant. That and anything is possible for a Possible, right?” Shego could feel her sarcasm rising and she wanted to keep it from coming out in this conversation, as it wouldn’t help in any way. Her attempt at levity failed ugly.

“Alright.” replied Kim’s mother calmly. “So why are you here?”

Shego kept herself from wincing at the venom in that word with some effort. She deserved that but now was not the time to mouth off. She swallowed, trying to calm herself down, and think clearly. The pale skinned woman said, “Well, since the child is half me I wanted to do something to help support Kim and her.”

“Her?” asked Kim’s father.

“Basic genetics. XX and XX cannot have an XY child. So it’s got to be a girl.” said Kim, her voice flat. It was too early in the morning and it really didn’t matter and it’s not like Kim really cared anyway.

Both parents caught the worried look that Shego gave their daughter. This was certainly becoming an interesting development and Anne wondered what deeper things were playing out in this scenario. James’ face grew serious and looked Shego in the eyes, asking, “What did you have in mind?”

“Well Mr. Possible, I…well…anything really. This is my fault and I want to do right by Kim.” Shego looked Kim’s father in the eye when she said that, making sure he knew that she meant it. He met her gaze briefly and then nodded.

“You know if you were a young man, the right thing to do would be to marry her. But you’re not.” replied James, shaking his head in disappointment. If only there had been an easy way to keep things respectable in this situation.

Shego cocked her head at that a bit confused. Was he for real? “Uhm…are you suggesting that Kim and I, that we…?”

This situation was so absurd that it pulled Kim out of her stupor and she smiled evilly inside. Shego had said she would do anything and this would be the perfect way to make her bolt and run, showing the villain for who she really was. There was no way that the older woman would want to do this and no way that her parents would allow it. It was a safe way to make Shego admit that she was lying and get the hell out of her life. That would allow Kim to go back to wallowing in depression. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

All the heads at the table snapped over to face Kim. Shego was stunned. Was Kimmie insane? Had this already driven around the bend? Princess and her married? This was ludicrous but intriguing and most certainly an impossible situation.

“You’re right Dad, if this had happened with a boy that would be the right thing to do. So what do you say Shego? You said you would do anything. Are you going to take responsibility?” Kim’s eyes bored into the villain’s with an intensity Shego had seen once before, just before being kicked into that radio tower. It was an uncomfortable view that brought up memories best forgotten and she could not bear to look at it.

Shego’s thoughts raced, panicking, trying to figure out what to do, knowing it was a challenge but unable to do anything about it. She had no clue what to do and her muscles were tensing to run, to get out of this place and give up on ever knowing her daughter. She was poised to erupt into movement when she heard herself mirror Kimmie by saying. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

It was hard to imagine the Possibles being any more surprised at this point given what was being discussed but they managed it. Shego was taken aback at what she had said as well, but the gaping mouths of all three Possibles were just amusing and helped her keep her composure. With some effort she managed to smirk at Kim like she usually did when they tussled. “I told you Princess, anything.”

Kim closed her mouth with a snap. Shego had said she would do anything and it looked like her plan had been turned around on her by the thief’s determination. So much for Shego running, but Kim was sure she had seen the muscles bunch under the woman’s clothes. She had been ready to run, she was sure of it. How had she misjudged this sitch so badly?

Her father cleared his throat and harrumphed, clearly thrown for a loop by the direction of the dialogue. “Yes, well…too bad it’s not legal here.”

However Kim’s mother’s eyes narrowed in thought. If Shego was really that invested in this process then maybe this would tie her to Kim strongly and maybe the fighting would end? Besides, surely bad people would hear of Kim’s condition and use this opportunity to try to hurt her little girl. However, who would dare face Shego besides Kimmie-cub? And besides, it was clear that Kim had tried to pull something over on Shego with this and her daughter needed to learn about standing by her word, even in crazy things. This had possibilities and with the speed of thought of a surgeon chasing down a bleeding blood vessel she thought everything through and smiled. “Well dear, anything’s possible for a Possible. We can head to Massachusetts and get this taken care of today. Then we can get everything else sorted.”

James Possible knew that look. His wife had it whenever she had something devious and cunning in mind and he knew it was best to stay out of her way in those cases. For all he blustered, she was the one to be reckoned with in this family and he was okay with that. He nodded, following her lead, no mater how uncomfortable it made him, aware that Anne would inform him of what she was thinking later. “Alright then, since you both are in agreement, let’s get ready and head off to get you two married.”


Wade’s image popped into the screen of the Kimmunicator. “Hey Kim, what do you need?”

“Wade I need transport for four to Massachusetts.” Oh my god…was this really going to happen. But she hated Shego and she didn’t want to get married, certainly not to her nemesis. However Kim had seen the looks on her parents’ faces and knew better than to mess with them on this. She might strike fear into the hearts of villains everywhere but her parents still intimidated her.

Wade nodded. That was a fairly easy request to fill. “Can do. Will Boston work?”

Kim nodded absently and she looked down at her pajamas, realizing that she didn’t want to get married in them. Maybe she had a nice dress she could wear? And what would she want to do with her hair? She shook her head. This was getting absurd. She was actually wondering about how she was going to look? But then again, her father was probably going to take pictures at the ceremony. She should make sure she looked decent just in case.

“I can have something there for you in ten minutes.” said Wade, after a brief moment.

“Please and thank you.”

“So what’s the sitch?” Wade seemed concerned and Kim realized that all of her friends had to be, given how she had been acting the last few weeks. However, there was no way she would be able to explain things at the moment, it would take too long to really cover everything in summary. That would be for after when this was a done deal, otherwise she would have to deal with her parents.

“It’s a family thing Wade. I’ll let you know later. And Wade…”

“Yes Kim?”

“Thank you for this.”

Her next call would be Ron, but first she needed to get dressed. Didn’t Monique get her something that would work for this?


The hot water ran down Shego’s muscular body and she sighed. She was leaning forward, letting the water soothe the tension in her scalp and neck. This whole thing was completely retarded. Her marrying Princess? That was just insane. But then again, she did care about Kim and did want what was best for their daughter however was that marrying her? Yet there was something about Kim that she just couldn’t get enough of. It was whatever had made her look forward to the fights, whatever had made her stand there and take the kick back there in the rain, whatever had driven her to leave Drakken after this last stunt, whatever made her day feel incomplete without seeing Kimmie.

Her mouth was what had lead her into this mess and what was she going to do? Run? That was the easy way out but then she would guarantee that she would never see the baby, at least in any way not involving binoculars. But to stay, to be shotgun married to her long time foe was…uncomfortable. This was getting her trapped into something she couldn’t easily escape and as she ran over the options over and over and over again, there was nothing that worked out better than this in the long run, even though this was the most disturbing choice of all. Shego had never even considered this result even in the realm of probable in her thinking over telling Kim. Despite her feelings about women could Shego actually do this? Could she marry Kimmie?

She turned off the water and wrapped her hair in a towel. She rubbed herself dry and looked at her clothes, wrinkled from sleeping in them. She really didn’t want to wear the same thing again, but since it looked like there was no other option she grabbed her clothes and got dressed. She looked terrible but there wasn’t another option available. When she was done she headed into Kim’s room and what she saw there made her freeze in the doorway.

There was Kim in a light spring dress, which held her curves snugly but not tightly. It’s color made Kim’s olive eyes leap out an even stronger green and her red hair shone more vibrantly. The teenaged hero simply looked beautiful. Shego just stood there and stared until Kim asked, “Yes?”

“Uhm…nothing…you just…you know…look good and all.” stammered Shego, aware that she was treading into an area with unsure footing. Why did this feel like a Death Trap?

“Thank you. Did you want to borrow something?” offered Kim, blushing slightly with the compliment. Shego complimenting her? That was another new one on her.

Shego looked down at her plain clothes and then looked at Kim. Yeah, she needed something else or else she would look terrible next to Kimmie. It would be the Princess marrying the pauper. “Thank you. Oh, hey…do you still have that dress we bought at Club Banana, Princess?”

Kim froze, remembering that fun day of shopping with Shego. Granted she had been under the influence of the Attitudeinator but Kim had felt a connection there, some thing that she hadn’t felt with anyone else. It had been one of the best shopping days she had ever had, even counting the ones with Monique. “Uh…yeah. It should be back in the closet.”

Kim was uncomfortable when Shego entered the closet to find the dress. Perhaps she needed to make her own escape now? “I’ll let you get dressed. I need to call Ron.”

Shego heard the door close and she looked towards the room, wondering what was going through Kimmie’s mind right now. Her own thoughts were racing a mile a minute, stunned that Kimmie had kept the dress and what looked like the other things they bought that day as well. Clean underwear was a good thing and so was the hose that went with the dress.

Kim meanwhile called Ron, rather than think about Shego anymore. The blonde sidekick’s face popped up shortly. “Hey KP, what’s the sitch? Wow you look nice?”

“Uhm…thanks. Look Ron, I won’t be in school today. I’ll let you know what’s going on after school. Meet me here and we’ll go to Bueno Nacho together, okay?” She hated not telling Ron what was going on. While their romance had fizzled neither of them had changed in terms of needing their best friend since pre-K. That kiss at the prom had been magical but nothing else had been. It was one of the few real disappointments in her life and one of the more serious ones in Ron’s.

“Sure thing. Is everything okay?” Ron was obviously concerned as well. Everyone knew something was upsetting Kim and making her depressed but no one had any idea about what to do about it. So far giving her space hadn’t done too well but what else could be done. KP had made it clear it was not something she wanted to talk about.

“Everything is okay. I have a bit of family drama to deal with today and this afternoon I’ll fill you in on what’s up. Deal?” bargained Kim.

“Sure thing. Talk to you later.” Kim smiled as Rufus waved bye from Ron’s shoulder.

“So Kimmie, how do I look?” Kim turned when she heard Shego’s voice purr at her from the stairs.

Shego looked incredible. The dress was something they had found at Club Banana that fit her like a glove and looked unbelievable, making her skin color exotic in a good way. Shego had her hair down but brushed until it shone a glossy greenish black and she had done something with her eyes that made them leap out like emeralds. She was beautiful. Kim murmured out, “Beautiful. You look beautiful.”

Shego blushed some, her pale green cheeks darkening and she looked away shyly.

Mr. Possible cleared his throat and the two young women started a little. Mrs. Possible smiled at them. Both of the girls looked wonderful. Maybe this plan would work.

Read 11878 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 21:55

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