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Wednesday, 09 March 2016 12:20

Tangled Up In Green (Part 7)

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Tangled Up In Green

Heather O’Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Mornings Tempest

“Just go sleep on the couch.”

“But Pumpkin, half of the bed legally belongs to me now. And the couch isn’t all that comfortable not when compared to the bed. I’ll just sleep, I promise. Look I didn’t molest you last night, did I?” argued Shego, dressed in her own green and black satin nightgown. One night on the couch had been enough for her and she honestly didn’t want a repeat of that. It might be good enough for butts but not for her back.

“Look, Shego, please, I don’t want to have to deal with this and you had your hand on my breast.” Kim blushed and then noticed that Shego had darkened as well. Shego was blushing? Over that comment? Why was she embarrassed?

“Kimmie, I didn’t do that on purpose. I fell asleep facing the wall, with my back to you, is it my fault that you cuddled against me?” countered Shego.

“Well…maybe you were the one who cuddled against me? Did you ever think that?” huffed Kim, crossing her arms. This argument was going no where and she didn’t like it.

Shego shook her head. Were they really arguing about who cuddled against who? That was completely screwed up. “Princess, all I want to do is sleep and even if I wanted to do anything more, your family is in the house and that makes me just a bit uncomfortable.”

Kim’s blush grew deeper. The thought of her and Shego…getting physical…was almost beyond her ability to comprehend, but her mind went back to that kiss and a feel of the older woman’s lips against her own. Her heart raced some at the idea which made Kim draw a blank as to what to say at this point. She opened her mouth to retort but nothing came out.

“Girls!” Both of them turned and looked at Kim’s mom who was standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. She did not look pleased. Neither of them dared to say anything at this point.

“Just go to bed and stop this bickering. Good night.” With that Anne shut the door and smirked. If Kim wanted to agree to being married then let her deal with everything that went along with it. The realities of marriage just might teach her the error of her ways. Besides, it wasn’t like Shego was going to stay involved in her life.

Both girls watched the door close and then looked at each other. They both blushed and turned away, either looking at the floor and the ceiling respectively, anywhere but at their spouse. Kim was grumpy with her mother sticking her nose into this and effectively ending the discussion. Was this really settled? No way, but there really was no other option right now but to let the green eyed woman join her in bed. She sighed, giving up for now. “Fine. Just come to bed and we’ll deal with this tomorrow.”

“Okay. Good night.” Shego took a chance and hugged the shorter girl, not wanting to go to sleep angry at Kimmie. She had gone to sleep too many times angry and it always affected her dreams.

Kim was tense but relaxed in the taller woman’s strong arms. It was so different, being held by them and not having to fear being thrown. Her head rested the woman’ neck and she sighed, feeling all of her irritation drain away. The hug was so nice and so wanted. The green woman made her so confused. Kim then turned her face up to look at Shego, whose eyes were soft.

Taking another chance, Shego leaned forward slightly and kissed Kim softly on the lips. Kim balked somewhat and the thief didn’t push things despite her body wanting nothing more than to throw the girl down and ravage her. Her body cried in desire and Shego reined it in.

While Kim stood there trying to cope with things, Shego crawled into the bed and turned to face the wall, just like she said she would. After a short wait, where Shego was cursing herself for pushing her new wife in ways she was sure wouldn’t be appreciated, Kim turned off the lights and climbed into bed, facing away from Shego. The girl’s voice was softer and seemed to be a bit confused when she said, “Good night.”


This time Kim woke up with her head resting on Shego’s left shoulder, barely a nudge forward from a satin covered breast, with her hand on the thief’s right breast. It was soft and fuller than her own, feeling different under her hand than her own did. She was holding another woman’s breast and she kind of liked it.

While things processed in her head she felt Shego stir. Once the neurons connected Kim yanked her arm away from the green breast a bit panicked. What was she doing? What would Shego think? However, Shego’s arm didn’t let the girl free. If she struggled too much the older woman would completely awaken and that thought made Kim blush. This would certainly end the ‘who was cuddling with who’ argument from last night.

Her stomach was not as jumpy this morning and thankfully it was only her bladder that forced her to move this morning. She groaned unhappily. She was warm and comfy and didn’t want to move. But the bladder waits for no one. She needed to say something. “Shego, I need to get up.”

The green thief, who had awoken before the hero again, sighed and let loose the red head. She had enjoyed waking up with a hand on her breast and Pumpkin’s hot breath against her other breast. She could certainly get used to waking up like that. Kimmie scampered from the room, without as much haste as yesterday. No sounds of vomiting were heard, which made Shego smile. Maybe there was a stress component to this that was making her sicker than her body actually was? It made sense with what everything she knew of stress related illness.

When the shower started, Shego put on a robe over her nightgown and headed downstairs, knowing that good coffee awaited her. It was a necessity for her waking up process. Maybe she should use some of her money to buy the Possibles some Jamaica Blue Mountain? They would certainly appreciate it and that would mean she would get some as well. And then she realized that she kind of wanted to get Kim something as a thank you for all the girl had done for her, despite the insanity that these last few days had been, something more than the pads that allowed them to keep fighting. She turned her thoughts to that as she entered the kitchen.

Dr. Mrs. Possible smiled over from the stove. She looked quite awake and maybe even chipper, which was not a good thing in Shego’s opinion. “Good morning Shego. How did you sleep?”

Shego blushed as she answered, knowing what exactly Kim’s mom was implying. “Uhm…quite well actually. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Want something to eat? I made oatmeal today.” How could she be so cheerful this early in the morning? She never really understood how someone could be a morning person, it just seemed so… unnatural.

“Okay…sure. I haven’t had any of that in years.” admitted Shego, trying to think back to when she had last had oatmeal and then realized that it was before she had been hit by the meteor. All those years ago and she had only eaten the maple and brown sugar oatmeal from the packets. It looked like Mrs. P actually made it from scratch.

Anne gave her a bowl filled with the warm cereal and a mug of coffee, and it looked like it was fixed the way she liked it. That surprised her, that someone might actually bother remembering something of such little importance like the way she preferred her coffee. This was yet another new sensation for Shego and one she might just actually come to like. What was it about this family, did they actually like each other? That was what it seemed to her anyway. The parents were involved in their kids’ lives and there was only basic teasing and nothing truly painful. That was something she really had no experience with.

The flavor of the oatmeal was great as there was brown sugar, cinnamon and pieces of real apple in it. She liked this better than either of the other two breakfasts that she had there in the Possible house. She apparently hadn’t been Miss Go long enough to taste this wonderful breakfast, if it was indeed in the rotation and that saddened her. Too many of the thoughts surrounding that incident were colored by sadness, as she hadn’t wanted to let that time go away. One of her deepest regrets had been burning the photos of her and Kim, but Drakken would only have only made her life worse if he had known about the pictures of her and Kim hugging and smiling. But here was a chance that things might be different and the in-laws had taken pictures of the whole ceremony, but had yet to share the pictures with either Kim or her yet. She was looking forward to seeing them, which was a bit odd.

The tweebs stared at her, a bit worried, as if something was riding on what they were saying. “So, you’re…”

“…our aunt now?”

This startled Shego as she hadn’t thought of the larger implications of marrying Cupcake, she had inherited this family. They were her brothers-in-law. Her eyes widened some in surprise before she answered. “I guess, but not Aunt exactly but more like a sister.”

“Hick-a-bick-a-boo!” They both seemed excited by this prospect. They then got this cautious look on their faces as things started processing. They looked at her warily, as if she were a wild animal waiting to strike. “Does this mean…”

“…that you’re going to…”

“…beat us up…”

“…as well?”

“Tweebs!” Kim’s voice was sharp and the two boys fled the room, going for survival over sustenance. It was a wise choice.

“Kimberly, get back here and have breakfast.” yelled Anne, trying to keep the morning carnage to a minimum. It was like this everyday, so she was accustomed to such events.

The red head came back into the room with the boys giggling in the distance. Shego couldn’t help but smile. This scene was so normal and showed how much these people actually cared for each other. It made her remember her own family and why she had been in the tree house in the first place and why she had gotten the largest amount of radiation from the meteor. Those memories seen in relation to everything she was seeing and experiencing now were overwhelming. Her eyes began to well up with tears and she rubbed her eyes with one hand, trying to will herself not to cry. It was not a fight she was winning.

“Shego? Are you okay?” Kim rested a hand on the pale skinned woman’s shoulder and noticed that the older thief was shaking a little.

Shego nodded, unable to trust her voice. She wanted so much to be left alone right now, so she could deal with this pain and shove it back into the damn box where it belonged.

Kim crouched down by her, red head lower than the dark haired one. She looked up with her green eyes showing caring and compassion. “Shego?”

“Kimmie, just…leave me alone right now, okay?” Shego pushed the younger away slightly. Kim didn’t move much as it wasn’t a serious attempt to move her.

The red head watched the other woman for a moment and then conceded. “Okay, Shego.”

Kim got up and got herself some oatmeal and tea, sitting down next to the dark haired woman who was still struggling to quiet her memories. The more she tried to shut them up the worse it got. Too many things had happened too quickly for her to stop this wave of emotion. She choked back a sob but Kim was certainly close enough to hear.

The red head rested a hand on Shego’s leg, almost making the girl jump. The younger woman’s voice was very concerned, it was so clear that she actually cared. “Shego?”

The kindness from Kim was almost too much for Shego and she had competing emotions battling themselves out in her, both the urge to start fighting Kimmie or to hug her tightly. Her muscles bunched, wanting nothing else but to swat the meddlesome teen when the fact that Kim was pregnant with her child crossed her mind. That thought shook her and with violence no longer an option she turned and clutched her wife, shaking with tears.

Kim looked worriedly at her mother, who also looked at the former villain worriedly. Kim’s mom gestured to Kim to stay there and care for the woman, which was utterly obvious. Kim nodded slightly, acknowledging that. Anne smiled encouragingly at her daughter and then mouthed, “I’m going to be late.”

Soon Kim was alone in the kitchen with Shego, who was shaking slightly, but not as hard as earlier. Kim was murmuring to her comforting words, running her hand down the richly dark hair with the slight green tint, as the green skinned thief had done herself for the red head. She just held Shego and sighed holding her. Shego sat up, a bit sad to get free of Kimmie’s arms and wiped her face. “Sorry.”

“For what?” Kim seemed honestly confused by that, which was another surprise for Shego.

“For crying.” Shego said as if she were incredulous.

“And? That’s no big.” dismissed Kim, since to her this whole situation was really no big deal. Emotions happened and when they did they needed to be taken care of.

Shego’s voice was soft when she replied, as if she was almost afraid of the answer. “Really?”

“Really.” Kim hugged the woman again. “It’s okay.”

Shego cried a little bit longer, leaning into the hug, happy to feel safe enough to let out some of the pain she had carried for so long. Life as a badass villain did not really afford one a chance to cry, not and be safe and despite the fact that she had her own room in Drakken’s bases she had never truly felt safe. Here though, she felt safe enough being held by Kimmie that she could let some of that loose. It was something she had never planned on. To her it felt like the badass mask that she had created was slipping.

When the woman quieted, Kim reached over and wiped some of the tears away. She didn’t ask why this had happened, figuring that if Shego wanted her to know that she would inform her. She was quite curious but recognized that this was Shego’s issue and if her wife wanted her to know she would be told at some point. It would be better to simply let it be for the moment. What Kim did though however had a stronger impact on Shego than the green skinned woman had expected. “Would you like some more coffee?”

Shego nodded. Kimmie had made that seem like it was no major issue and that she simply wanted to take care of her. When the girl returned with her refilled mug, it looked like Kim had also known what to do in order to make it the way Shego liked it. The woman held her mug with both her pale hands and silently thanked Drakken for this, for starting all of this into motion if for no other reason than how she felt right now. She knew she had liked Kimmie and even that there was some sort of sexual attraction, as she was a lesbian and happily so, but to actually feel love towards her, a warmth inside that was stronger than her plasma was beyond the pale. Maybe, just maybe, she would be able to be happy with her Princess and they could be a real family. It was a dream, but this one simple moment with the coffee took it from a wishful fantasy to something that might be achievable.

Kim looked at her softly. “Are you okay now?”

Shego nodded. “I’ll be alright Princess.”

“I’ll come straight home after school. Okay?” Kim really was worried about Shego. The woman seemed to be broken up over something and Kim honestly didn’t have anymore time if she expected to get to school on time but if Shego needed her she would just skip classes. “Call if you need me.”

“I’ll be here. Have a good day.” Shego smiled faintly, with little emotion.

Kim left, looking back and smiling at the dark haired woman before she hustled out the front door. Shego sighed and shook her head. This felt like she was going soft, being all emotional and weepy but just knew that if anyone threatened her Kimmie that there would be hell to pay. That wasn’t exactly the kind of thought someone soft would have. She took her mug of coffee up with her as she got ready to shower and head out for the day. She wanted to go shopping and that really couldn’t wait. She would try to reign her emotions in until she had the time to deal with them on her own.


Club Banana did have some nice deals and Shego picked up more civilian clothes, as she had never had much of a need for them before, but wearing her battle suit just didn’t seem appropriate anymore. She wanted to look nice, in something that had a bit more flow than the form fitting outfit. She was tired of dressing like a butch badass all the time and wanted to wear something that didn’t scream threat. The store had everything she would need and she made sure to increase her amount of lingerie and sleepwear, just in case. After all, maybe Kim would be interested in her enough to get some mileage out of them. If not, at least they would make her feel good.

Once done there she went and wandered around the stores of the mall, picking up some new shoes and trying to think of something that would be appropriate to get for Princess. The red head had done so much for her in the last few days and she wanted to give her something that showed what Shego felt about her. All the growing love and caring that was making her a bit more open day by day and was making her cry over the past. She looked down at her plain wedding band that the Possibles had purchased for them enroute to the wedding and narrowed her eyes in thought.

Something nicer might be in order. And what about engagement rings? Granted they had been engaged for only a matter of hours before things had gotten finalized but the principal held. Maybe get the girl who could do anything something she would never expect. That sounded good, to get both then. That meant a jewelry store. She knew there were several of them here as at one time or another she was fairly sure she had robbed all of them. She headed to the one that she felt was the best.

At this time of day there really weren’t that many customers in the Mall and that was fine by her. Not getting noticed and then for the screaming to begin would be all to the good in her opinion. She wanted things to be quiet and calm as her days had been a bit too exciting lately. So she instead turned her attention to the jewelry rather than stress.

Looking over the various emerald rings, Shego found something that seemed perfect. It was an emerald done in a princess cut, surrounded with diamonds set in a white gold ring. It wasn’t too over the top and looked like something that Shego would have bought anyway, for either herself or someone she cared about. She got some assistance and they did have a ring like that in Kim’s size. That made her smile and she had the salesman grab one.

As for wedding bands, Shego looked at all the available sets there, trying to find something that seemed to fit both Kim and her, which wasn’t easy. It was easy to find something for one or the other but both? Case after case she looked through, hundreds of rings before she found something that took her breath away. The ring looked like it had been made by weaving strands of leaves together, with one strand being red leaves, one being green leaves and the last silver. It was exactly what she needed. That was the ring she needed to get for Kim and her.

The ring was made of platinum and the strands had been chemically treated in order to permanently have those colors stained into the metal. And the ring was supposed to be quite durable, which it would have to be in order for either Kimmie or her to wear it and have it last. Both sizes were available and so Shego had them bag them up for her. This made her smile, aware that she had just found the perfect gifts for her wife. Her wife. Now there was a thought that warmed her inside.

As she was signing the sales receipt and collecting the small bag with the rings she heard a voice that was all too familiar call out, “Everybody lie down and be quiet. This is a robbery. Henchmen, I need all the diamonds. Now!”

Shego bowed her head. Of course Dr. D would ruin this day for her. She had been having fun, doing the things she actually liked to do but apparently she wasn’t allowed to enjoy herself. Letting out a big sigh, she turned towards the manically grinning blue idiot and the hordes of red clad henchmen he had to have hired from Hench Co that stood behind him. This might just prove to be fun after all and it would provide her a much needed release from the physical tensions of the day. Fighting these people might just let her get out some of the stress from this morning. A grin broke across her face as her hands burst into flames.

Read 12133 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 21:55

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