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Displaying items by tag: Cutler

Monday, 09 December 2024 15:00

No Heroes, Part 5: Once bitten

No Heroes
Part 5: Once bitten

A Whateley Academy Tale

by null0trooper


"Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied"
— Leonard Cohen, "Everybody Knows"


Sunday, 07 July 2024 20:05

No Heroes, Part 4: A definition of stress

No Heroes
Part 4: A definition of stress

A Whateley Academy Tale

by null0trooper


"Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich"
— Leonard Cohen, "Everybody Knows"


Monday, 13 March 2023 12:00

Icejack's Very Sucky, No Good, Combat Final

Icejack's Very Sucky, No Good, Combat Final

A Whateley Academy Tale

by null0trooper

Fall 2015 Combat Final: Bystander vs. Icejack. Ooopsie!

We often see how Whateley Academy's combat finals go. But what comes after the grades are recorded, and the crowd's attention shifts to the next spectacle?

Part 3: Arabesque pour une Garrison Chinoise

A Whateley Academy Tale


Shadowing an office-bound employee should be child's play for an AI capable of tapping any electronic device the employee touches. Colombine has two weeks to learn the high-stakes game said employee is playing. How Benjamin plans to cash in his chips and who's looking over his shoulder remain a mystery.

Monday, 27 June 2022 04:00

Triptych, Part 2: Count Zero Concerto

Part 2: Count Zero in Concerto

A Whateley Academy Tale

by null0trooper

Just before midnight, January 6, 2017,
Elmendorf Air Force Base

"We are on standby for take-off. The seatbelt light is on. Passengers, please return to your seats if you haven't already."

Benjamin was still dead to the world, and if it weren't for his seatbelt, he would have slid out of his seat by now. Colombine amused herself by sabotaging Kota Kobayakawa's attempts to call out on his phone despite security restrictions. The various numbers he'd tried to reach could be extended into a useful exercise in social network analysis. Once they were clear of the air base and Anchorage, she let him try his luck with the extensive cell coverage in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.

Monday, 16 May 2022 16:00

So Not A Date (A Parents Day Incident)

So Not A Date
(A Parents Day Incident)

A Whateley Academy Tale

by null0trooper

Parents Day! A Whateley tradition devised to show families how their little monsters are settling in amidst the many challenges of an enriching academic environment. In some cases, the message is "See? Our buildings are still standing. Do you think you could do as well with that kid of yours for what you're paying?"

Benjamin Keeling's only visiting on a job. It's only a coincidence that he's visiting today, and it's not like he's checking up on anyone. Nope!