Original Timeline Story List
Original Timeline
Unexpected Consequences
Enter The Chaka!
Mom, I Don't Feel So Good
Jade 2: Away From Home
Quoth The Ninja, Nevermore!
Tennyo 2: Another Day, We Were Going Where?
Fey 2: PMS and Other Problems
Jade 3: Being a Girl
Chaka: Duel Damsel
A Simple Game
Welcome to Poe 1
First Day and Other Interesting Things
Fey: Adjustments
Jade 4: Bottle a Jinn
First Assembly
Revenge of The Alphas
The Transfer Students
Destiny's Wave
Toni and the Tiger
Eat, Drink and be Merry
Tennyo: It's Nice to Have Friends
Tea and Synergy
The Boston Brawl
Blade Dancing
Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again
Lightning Crashes
Insanity Prerequisite (Part 1)
Hive 1: What's Buzzing You?
Insanity Prerequisite (Part 2)
Merry 3: Against Ill Chances
Time for an Unexpected Gift
Time for an Unexpected Gift: Epilogue (Gift 2)
Jade 5: Redefining Jade
Merry Descent into Madness
Panty Raid
Merry 5: The More, the Merrier (Part A)
Eating Dog
Merry 5: The More, the Merrier (Part B)
Insanity Prerequisite (Part 3)
Merry 5: The More, the Merrier (Part C)
Ask Not For Whom Belle Tolls
Merry 5: The More, the Merrier (Part D)
Merry 5: The More, the Merrier (Part E)
Hive 2
A Wellspring of Sorrows
Hive 3: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These)
Merry 6: Being Merry In Spite of It All (Part A)
Merry 6: Being Merry In Spite of It All (Part B)
Merry 6: Being Merry In Spite of It All (Part C)
Jade 6: Dreams and Awakenings
Reflections In An Evil Eye
Hive 4: Who Dun It?
It's Good to be the Don
Catgirl Madness
There’s an Angel in Father John’s Basement (Part 1)
There’s an Angel in Father John’s Basement (Part 2)
Upheaval 1: Instructor
Upheaval 2: Walking Alone
Upheaval 3: New Friends, New Problems
To The Mountain (Part 1)
The Devil's Dance (Part 1)
The Clue of the Unseen Switch
The Devil's Dance (Part 2)
Hobbies And Heckling
Legacy of Friendship
Jade 7: Over the Top
Dangerous Days
Dangerous Games
To The Mountain (Part 2)
So I'm a Freak. Sue Me.
Jade 8: Exams
Child of Confusion
Yet Another Day as an Outcast
Summoning Courage
A Single Fold
To The Mountain (Part 3)
To The Mountain (Part 4)
The Pushover
The Bad Seeds
The Christmas Crisis
BostonBrawl II - This Time It's Personal!
To Be Merry and Escape From It All
The OP
Call the Thunder (Part 1)
Ill Winds (Part 1)
Call the Thunder (Part 2)
Ill Winds (Part 2)
Call the Thunder (Part 3)
Ill Winds (Part 3)
Ayla and the Late Trevor James Goodkind
Chasing the Dragon
Call the Thunder (Part 4)
Ill Winds (Part 4)
Ayla 2: Ayla and the Blackmailer
The Problem with Power
The Turks or the Geek
The Braeburn Report
The Blood Oath
Ayla 3: Ayla and the New School
Ill Winds (Part 5)
Ayla 4: Ayla and the Tests (Chap 1)
Ayla 4: Ayla and the Tests (Chap 2)
The Big Idea
The Play’s the Thing
Ayla 4: Ayla and the Tests (Chap 3)
Ayla 4: Ayla and the Tests (Chap 4)
Ayla 4: Ayla and the Tests (Chap 5)
Ill Winds (Part 6)
Ayla 4: Ayla and the Tests (Chap 6)
Ayla 4: Ayla and the Tests (Chap 7)
Ayla 4: Ayla and the Tests (Chap 8)
Never Look a Gift Squirrel in the Mouth
The Three Little Witches
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 1)
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 2)
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 3)
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 4)
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 5)
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 6)
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 7)
Afternoon Tea With the Devil
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 8)
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 9)
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 10)
Summoning Tactics
Tales of the MCO
Petra 1: Rock and a Hard Place (Part 11)
Insanity Prerequisite (Part 4)
Parents' Day
Quoth the Ninja, 'What? AGAIN?', a Parents' Day Vignette
Ayla 5: Ayla and the Networks
Ayla and the Grinch (A Christmas Story)
Stress Fracture
Call the Thunder (Part 5)
Christmas Elves
It's All In The Timing
Jade 9: Sit In
The Book of Jobe
Ayla and the Great Shoulder Angel Conspiracy: (Chap 1)
No Beast So Fierce
The Second Book of Jobe (Part 1)
The Second Book of Jobe (Part 2)
The Second Book of Jobe (Part 3)
The Second Book of Jobe (Part 4)
Sara's Little Purple Book
Ayla and the Great Shoulder Angel Conspiracy: (Chap 2)
Have Yourself a Monkey Little Christmas
Ayla and the Great Shoulder Angel Conspiracy: (Chap 3)
Parkour Jam Hooligans
The Case of the Poisonous Patent
Ayla and the Great Shoulder Angel Conspiracy: (Chap 4)
Call the Thunder (Part 6)
Ayla and the Great Shoulder Angel Conspiracy: (Chap 5)
Ayla and the Great Shoulder Angel Conspiracy: (Chap 6)
Summoning Sweeties
Even Murphy's Law has Loopholes (Chapter 1)
Even Murphy's Law has Loopholes (Chapter 2)
Even Murphy's Law has Loopholes (Chapter 3)
Ultimate Disguise
Hive's Christmas Holiday (Part 1)
There's an Angel in Dickinson Cottage (Part 1)
There's an Angel in Dickinson Cottage (Part 2)
There's an Angel in Dickinson Cottage (Part 3)
Five Elements Dancing - Book of the Earth
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 1)
Even Murphy's Law has Loopholes (Chapter 4)
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 2)
Five Elements Dancing - Book of the Metal
Even Murphy's Law has Loopholes (Chapter 5)
GEO Vignettes
Five Elements Dancing - Book of the Water
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 3)
Have Your Self an Evil Little Christmas (Part 1)
Even Murphy's Law has Loopholes (Chapter 6)
Have Your Self an Evil Little Christmas (Part 2)
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 4)
Have Your Self an Evil Little Christmas (Part 3)
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 5)
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 1)
Five Elements Dancing - Book of the Wood
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 2)
Christmas Chicanery
Like a Brick
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 3)
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 4)
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 5)
A Fistful of Chaka
Crime and Chaos
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 6)
Five Elements Dancing - Book of the Fire
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 7)
Dream Quest of the Underage Taoist
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 8)
The Secret of the Forger's List (Chapter 1)
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 9)
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 6)
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 10)
The Power of Cute Compels You!
Rotten to the C.O.R.E.
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 11)
The Secret of the Forger's List (Chapter 2)
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 12)
Ayla and the Birthday Brawl: (Chap 13)
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 7)
The Secret of the Forger's List (Chapter 3)
A View to a Smell
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 8)
The Secret of the Forger's List (Chapter 4)
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 9)
Gong Hai Fat Choy (Part 1)
Gong Hai Fat Choy (Part 2)
Monkey of Constant Sorrow
Straight from the Squirrel’s Mouth (Chapter 10)
Test Tube Babies
Call the Thunder (Part 7)
Combat Boot
I Looked into the Abyss, and it Winked (Part 1)
I Looked into the Abyss, and it Winked (Part 2)
I looked into the Abyss, and it Winked (Parts 3 - 6)
Wednesday Morning, 5AM
To Know Your Heart
I looked into the Abyss, and it Winked (Parts 7 & 8)
I looked into the Abyss, and it Winked (Part 9)
I looked into the Abyss, and it Winked (Part 10)
Spring, and a Young Squirrel’s Fancy…
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 1)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 2)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 3)
Triple Threat
Tea with a Serpent (Chapter 1)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 4)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 5)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 6)
Tea with a Serpent (Chapter 2)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 7)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 8)
Envy and the Gilded Cage (Part 1)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 9)
Envy and the Gilded Cage (Part 2)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 10)
Envy and the Gilded Cage (Part 3)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 11)
The Kodiak in Winter
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 12)
There's Something about Billie (Chapter 1)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 13)
There's Something about Billie (Chapter 2)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 14)
The Widening Gyre
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 15)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 16)
Tennyo's Easter (Chapter 1)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 17)
Tennyo's Easter (Chapter 2)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 18)
Tennyo's Easter (Chapter 3)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 19)
Tennyo's Easter (Chapter 4)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 20)
Ecila in Normalland - Chapter 1: This Is Whateley
Silent Nacht (Chapter 1)
Silent Nacht (Chapter 2)
Ecila in Normalland - Chapter 2: This Is Madness
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 21)
Silent Nacht (Chapter 3)
Ayla and the Mad Scientist: (Chap 22)
Anecdotal Antidote Apocalypse
Tennyo Goes to Hell (Part 1) - Warning
Tennyo Goes to Hell (Part 2) - Warning
May Your Death Be Sweet
Silent Nacht (Chapter 4)
The Real MCO
Sun and Fun
What's Up Dork?
Saks and Violence
Whilst Any Speaks (Chapter 1)
Whilst Any Speaks (Chapter 2)
Whilst Any Speaks (Chapter 3)
Silent Nacht (Chapter 5)
Whilst Any Speaks (Chapter 4)
Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight (Ch 1)
Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight (Ch 2)
Charge 2: le Snob Francais
Steel Ribbon
Dancing in the Shadows (Part 1)
Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight (Ch 3)
Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight (Ch 4)
Roulette (Chapter 1)
Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight (Ch 5)
Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight (Ch 6)
Diamonds Are a Vamp's Best Friend (Part 1)
Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight (Ch 7)
Roulette (Chapter 2)
Dancing in the Shadows (Part 2)
Kayda 2: Trials of a Warrior (Ch 1)
Roulette (Chapter 3)
The Art of Being the Imp (Part 1)
Charge 1: La Belle de Chaniers (Ch 1)
Kayda 2: Trials of a Warrior (Ch 2)
The Art of Being the Imp (Part 2)
The Art of Being the Imp (Part 3)
Charge 1: La Belle de Chaniers (Ch 2)
The Art of Being the Imp (Part 4)
Kayda 2: Trials of a Warrior (Ch 3)
Kayda 2: Trials of a Warrior (Ch 4)
Charge 3: Point de'inflexion
Whisper (Chapters 1-12)
Mama's Boy
Kayda 2: Trials of a Warrior (Ch 5)
Kayda 2: Trials of a Warrior (Ch 6)
Whisper (Chapters 13-19)
Rise 'n Shine
Kayda 3: Two Spirits (Chapter 1)
North to Atlantis
Mission Imp-probable (Part 1)
Kayda 3: Two Spirits (Chapter 2)
Mission Imp-probable (Part 2)
Mission Imp-probable (Part 3)
The Kodiak Conspiracy (Chapter 1)
The Zica Encounter
The Kodiak Conspiracy (Chapter 2)
Kayda 3: Two Spirits (Chapter 3)
An Imp-perfect World (Ch 1)
An Imp-perfect World (Ch 2)
Kayda 4: Now the Real Learning Can Begin (Ch 1)
The Kodiak Conspiracy (Chapter 3)
Diamonds Are a Vamp's Best Friend (Part 2)
Kayda 4: Now the Real Learning Can Begin (Ch 2)
An Imp-perfect World (Ch 3)
Kayda 4: Now the Real Learning Can Begin (Ch 3)
An Imp-perfect World (Ch 4) 1
Kayda 4: Now the Real Learning Can Begin (Ch 4)
Kayda 4: Now the Real Learning Can Begin (Ch 5)
The Kodiak Conspiracy (Chapter 4)
The Kodiak Conspiracy (Chapter 5)
The Island of Dr DNA
A Pocket Full of Tansy
Whisper (Chapters 20-25)
The Back Side of Paradise
Date Night
The Riddle of Sappho (Prologue and Canto I)
First Imp-ressions
The Riddle of Sappho (Canto II)
The Riddle of Sappho (Canto III)
The Riddle of Sappho (Canto IV)
The Riddle of Sappho (Canto V)
The Riddle of Sappho (Canto VI)
Wine, Women, and Ayla (Part 1)
Whisper (Chapters 26-30)
As Beauty Does
Wine, Women, and Ayla (Part 2)
Hank 1: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
The Penance Factor
A Touch of Mischief
Whisper (Chapters 31-35)
Medicine Girl
Galatea Debutante
Whisper (Chapters 36-39)
Charging Buffalo, Hidden Dragon (Part 1)
Charging Buffalo, Hidden Dragon (Part 2)
Charging Buffalo, Hidden Dragon (Part 3)
Odds and Ends (Part 1)
Odds and Ends (Part 2)
Whisper (Chapters 40-42 + Epilogue)
A Tenuous Blade
Odds and Ends (Part 3)
Hank 2: So Shalt Thou Show Me Friendship
All the Kings Horses ...
Learning to Hunt
Kayda 8: The Best Days of Our Lives (Part 1)
A Good Man (Part 1)
Pomp and Conspiracy
Kayda 8: The Best Days of Our Lives (Part 2)
The Boys of Summer
Kayda 8: The Best Days of Our Lives (Part 3)
Diamonds Are a Vamp's Best Friend (Part 3)
Veni, Vidi, Cutie
Hank 3: One Woe Doth Tread Upon Another's Heel
Kayda 9 - Crying for a Dream
Hank 4: Life's But a Walking Shadow
A Good Man (part 2)
Ashes and Steel
Elle 1 - Dawn of the Aurora (Part 1)
Elle 1 - Dawn of the Aurora (Part 2)
Imp 4: A Teacher’s Tail (Part 1)
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 1)
Imp 4: A Teacher’s Tail (Part 2)
The Boys of Summer (Part 2)
The Book of Darwin (Chapter 1)
Kayda 10 - There's No Place Like Poe (Part 2)
The Book of Darwin (Chapter 2)
Quick Imp-ressions
Round and Round (Part 1)
A Little R&R (Part 1)
Small Mercies
Murphy's Laws of Whateley
The Bear, The Bitch, And Everything (Part1)
Round and Round (Part 2)
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 3)
The Bear, The Bitch and Everything (Part 2)
Out on a Tether
A Little R&R (Part 2)
Blood-Sister, Blood-Brother
Round and Round (Part 3)
A Little R&R (Part 3)
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 4)
Imp 5: Head over Tail (Part 1)
The Bear, the Bitch, and Everything (Part 3)
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 5)
The Bear, The Bitch, And Everything (Part 4)
Imp 5: Head over Tail (Part 2)
Blast from the Past
Kayda 10: There's No Place Like Poe (Part 6)
A Little R&R 2: Alyss in Wondercute Land (Part 1)
Siblings & Savages (Chapter 1)
Imp 5: Head over Tail (Part 3)
A Little R&R 2: Alyss in Wondercute Land (Part 2)
Siblings & Savages (Chapter2)
Hank 5: To the New Year!
Seeking Depth is Best
Siblings & Savages (Chapter 3)
Tea and Dagger
The Banshee's Tale
Mischief Managed
Danny 1 - What's New, Pussycat? (Part 1)
The Gates of the Garden
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 1)
Hank 6: To Companions, New and Old!
The Angel And Cecil Barrows
Danny 1 - What's New, Pussycat? (Part 2)
Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date (Part 1)
Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date (Part 2)
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 2)
Dague de L'esprit (Part 1)
Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date (Part 3)
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 3)
A Little R&R 3 (Part 1)
Imp 6: A Very Imp-ortant Date (Part 4)
A Little R&R 3 (Part 2)
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 4)
Dague De L'esprit (Part 2)
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice (Part 5)
Shine 2 - My Fair 'Shine (Part 1)
Tales of Summer
Diamonds are a Vamp's Best Friend (Part 4)
The Evil That Men Do (Part 1)
Hank 7: And all who sail in her!
The Evil That Men Do (Part 2)
Fallen Angel - Warning
The Evil That Men Do (Part 3)
The Evil That Men Do (Part 4)
The Evil That Men Do (Part 5)
Amongst the Shadows
Brief Glimpses
To Seal Our Happiness (Part 1)
Shine 2: My Fair Shine (Part 2)
To Seal Our Happiness (Part 2)
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 1)
To Seal Our Happiness (Part 3)
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 2)
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 3)
The Last Ride
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 4)
Tea and Tears
Imp 7: Imp-ervious to Reason (Part 5)
Mischief 3: The Remedy for Mischief
All Hallows Ball
The Garden of Good and Evil
Shine 2: My Fair Shine (Part 3)
Ribbon 2: All Knotted Up
All Hallows Ball (Part 2)
Roulette 2: Taking Another Spin
All Hallows Ball (Part 3)
Shine 2: My Fair Shine (Part 4)
Out Foxing
Charge of the Light Vignettes: 1 - Targets of Opportunity
The Porcelain Mask
Murphy's Laws of Spirit (Part One)
Shenanigans Too (Part 1)
Pillars of Foundation
You Don't Know Jak
Shenanigans Too (Part 2)
Imp 8: Imp-rints on an Aching Heart (part 1)
Imp 8: Imp-rints on an Aching Heart (part 2) 1
Knockoff 2 - Fight or Flight (part 1)
Scald-Crow 1: The Rocky Road to Whateley (Part 1)
Dissonance (Part 1)
Fox Tails (Part 1)
Scald-Crow 1: The Rocky Road to Whateley (Part 2)
Fox Tails (Part 2)
Scald-Crow 1: The Rocky Road to Whateley (Part 3)
Fox Tails (Part 3)
The Garden of Good and Evil: Song of the Dreamer
Knockoff 2: Fight or Flight (part 2)
Scald-Crow 2: Under Pressure (Part 1)
Inaba 1: Run rabbit, run.
Scald-Crow 2: Under Pressure (Part 2)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 1)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 2)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 3)
Inaba 2: Sucks to be you
Brief Glimpses 2
Scald-Crow 2: Under Pressure (Part 3)
Raptor: An Eye on Campus
Fox Tails (Part 4) 1
You can Choose Your Friends ....
Inaba 3: And in the Darkness Shall You Flee 1
Diamonds are a Vamps Best Friend (Part 5) 4
A Good Man (Part 3)
A Strange Fairytale (Part 1)
Knockoff 2 - Fight or Flight (part 3) 3
A Strange Fairytale (Part 2) 6
Sanguine: Into the Darkness
Beginnings: A Tink Anthology
A Strange Fairytale (Part 3)
Sins of the Father (Part 1)
Sanguine 2: From Darkness to Light
Short Tales
Sins Of The Father (Part 2)
Parish 1: Buy the Book
Parish 2: Off the Books
Parish 3: Hitting the Book
Tarnished Angels
ElectroCute 1: A Short Tail
Inaba 4: A Light On A Distant Shore
The Mark of Miss Scarlet! (Part 1)
Demon Haunted (Part 1)
The Mark of Miss Scarlet! (Part 2)
The Mark of Miss Scarlet! (Part 3)
Sweet Smell of Summer
Smile! (Part 1)
Aftermath: A Just Me Vignette
Little Stories of 2007
A Strange Fairytale (Part 4)
Old Habits...
Cat Fight!
Silver and Cold
The Dastardly Daughter
ElectroCute 2: 2 Cute, 2 Furry-ous
Ewe: On the Lamb
Whateley Map and Locations in Gen 1
Of Pranks and Finals
Of Pranks and Finals (Part 2)
Of Pranks and Finals (Part 3)
Just a Happy Christmas Story (Part 1)
Shenanigans 3 (Part 1)
Hiding in the Shadows of the Crescent Moon (Part 1)
Shenanigans 3 (Part 2)
Shenanigans 3 (Part 3)
Just a Happy Christmas Story (Part 2)
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 1)
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 2)
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 3)
Generation 2 Story List
Second Generation
Generation 2 Announcement
The Big Apple Comes With Calamari (Part 1)
The Big Apple Comes With Calamari (Part 2)
The Road To Whateley (Part 1)
The Road To Whateley (Part 2)
The Curse of the Dragon Queen
Islands in The Sun
Down the Rabbit Hole (Part 1)
Written in Blood (Part 1)
Written in Blood (Part 2)
The Big Apple Comes With Calamari (Part 3)
Down the Rabbit Hole (Part 2)
Written in Blood (Part 3)
Written in Blood (Part 4)
Blood Sisters (Part 1)
Down the Rabbit Hole (Part 3)
I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore (Part 1)
I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore (Part 2)
I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore (Part 3)
Blood Sisters (Part 2)
I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore (Part 4)
I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore (Part 5)
Glimpses of the Sun
I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore (part 6)
Myriad Meetings (Part 1)
The Writing On the Wall (Part 1)
The Writing On the Wall (Part 2)
The Writing On the Wall (Part 3)
Following the Path of Cute
Eisenmadel 1: Summer of my German Heritage (Part 1)
Good Cop / Bad Cop (Part 1)
Rises the Sun (Part 1)
Would the Last One Out Please Turn Out the Lights
Reinforce: Don't Call Me a Pretty
The Road To Whateley (Part 3)
Eisenmadel 1: Summer of my German Heritage (Part 2)
Rises the Sun (Part 2)
A Dragon Abroad (Part 1)
Dorms of Our Lives
Sunshine & Fury
Rises the Sun (Part 3)
Laura and the Village
The Autumn Leaves
Reckless Reputations
Meanwhile in Castle Groenwald
The Sorrows of Red October
A Dragon Abroad (Part 2)
The Haunting of Jennifer Kelly (Part 1)
The Hand You're Dealt
Dorms of Our Lives (Part 2)
The Haunting of Jennifer Kelly (Part Two)
Hunger (Part 2)
Like A Candle in the Wind
Glyph 3: Ink in her Veins (Part 1)
Glyph 3: Ink in her Veins (Part 2)
Glyph 3: Ink in her Veins (Part 3)
The Trouble with Karma
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 3
Flowers of the Sun
Tears and Fears (Part 1)
Tears and Fears (Part 2)
Khali In Mourning
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 4 (Part 1)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 4 (Part 2)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 4 (Part 3)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 4 (Part 4)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 4 (Part 5)
Dorms of Our Lives Season 4 (Part 6)
The Quantum Suicides (Part 1)
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted (Part 1)
The Quantum Suicides (Part 2)
Keeping Cool (Part 1)
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted (Part 2)
Keeping Cool (Part 2)
Ping Out
Class of 2020 - A Whateley Anthology
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted (Part 3)
Rises the Sun (Part 4)
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted (Part 4)
Dreams of Nightmares
Laura and the Fan Club (Part 1)
A Goldfish in the Ocean (Part 1)
Laura and the Fan Club (Part 2)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 5 (Part 1)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 5 (Part 2)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 5 (Part 3)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 5 (Part 4)
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 5 (Part 5)
Laura and the Babysitting Blues
Dorms of Our Lives, Season 5 (Part 6)
Goldfish In the Ocean (Part 2)
Laura and the Labs
Be-Wildered 1
Where There's Smoke There's Fire (Part 1)
Laura and the Chocolate Factory (part 1 of 3)
A Goldfish in the Ocean (Part 3)
Laura and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2 of 3)
A Goldfish in the Ocean (Part 4)
Laura and the Chocolate Factory (part 3 of 3)
A Goldfish in the Ocean (Part 5)
Under the Sea (Part 1)
A Goldfish in the Ocean (Part 6)
Bad Karma
Where there's Smoke there's Fire (Part 2)
Glyph 4: Putting Pen to Paper (Part 1)
Glyph 4: Putting Pen to Paper (Part 2)
Glyph 4: Putting Pen to Paper (Part 3)
Tales from the Dorm - The Questors of Wey-Talleigh 2
Where There's Smoke There's Fire (Part 3)
Glyph 4: Putting Pen to Paper (Part 4) 1
Born in Fire 1
Glyph 4: Putting Pen to Paper (Part 5) 2
Born in Fire (Part 2)
Born in Fire (Part 3)
Born in Fire (Part 4)
Making a Noise In The World (Part 1)
Where There's Smoke There's Fire (Part 4)
Making a Noise in the World (Part 2) 5
A Dragon's Tail (Part 1) 1
Cat And Mouse: Part 1 2
Rumble in the Arena (Part 1)
Making a Noise in the World (Part 3)
Rumble in the Arena (Part 2)
Parent's Day Panic
Rumble in the Arena (Part 3)
Rumble in the Arena (Part 4)
Fire Over Phoenix (Part 1)
So Not A Date (A Parents Day Incident)
Fire Over Phoenix (Part 2)
Triptych, Part 1: Solo Bransle for A Minor 2
The Last Freak Show
Triptych, Part 2: Count Zero Concerto
Triptych, Part 3: Arabesque pour une Garrison Chinoise
Maiden Starlight 1: Maiden Voyage
Home Sweet Homely
Slipping Away
Under the Sea (Part 2)
Weed 1: A Green Christmas
Misguided Genius (Part 1)
For Those Who Fell
No Good Deed
Sprite 1: A Little Problem
Cat and Mouse: Part 2
Icejack's Very Sucky, No Good, Combat Final
A Leprechaun Walks Into a Bar
Horse Play
Chain Gang (Part 1)
Carry On (Part 1)
Making a Noise in the World: Outro
Lady of the Ring (Part 1)
Alley Cat: Part 1
Flight of the Unladen Swallows
Maiden Starlight 2: Starstruck
Lady of the Ring (Part 2)
Lady of the Ring (Part 3)
Duty to the World
Lady of the Ring (Part 4)
Lady of the Ring (Part 5)
Lady of the Ring (Part 6)
A Dragons Tail (Part 2)
Lady of the Ring (Part 7)
Lady of the Ring (Part 8)
Another Star in the Night
Icejack 2: Back to School
Fire Over Phoenix (Part 3)
Turkey Day Tragedy (Part 1)
Turkey Day Tragedy (Part 2)
Turkey Day Tragedy (Part 3)
Turkey Day Tragedy (Part 4)
A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 1)
A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 2)
Stepping Out
Whateley Map and Locations in Gen 2
The Whitmaniacs
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 1)
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 2)
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 3)
A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 3)
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 4)
A Dragon is for Life, not just for Xmas
No Heroes, Part 1: New to the neighborhood
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 5)
Stepsiblings Fall Finals
No Heroes, Part 2: Hard wakeup calls
The World Knows Not
No Heroes, Part 4: A definition of stress
No Heroes, Part 3: Memory's crooked lane
Silent Mountain (Part 1)
Silent Mountain (Part 2)
Dragons in Winter
Tia versus the Gorn
Silent Mountain (Part 3)
Pop Goes the Weasel (Part 1)
Silent Mountain (Part 4)
Silent Mountain (Part 5)
Silent Mountain (Part 6)
Silent Mountain (Part 7)
New Year's Escapade (Part 1)
No Heroes, Part 5: Once bitten
New Year's Escapade (Part 2)
The Perils of Penelope (Part 1)
Pop Goes the Weasel (Part 2)
No Heroes, Part 6: Something to chew on
New Year's Escapade (Part 3)
Last Orders (Part 1)
Last Orders (Part 2)
Last Orders (Part 3)
No Heroes, Part 7: After the rain
Valentine Crush
Off-Campus Story List
Off-Campus Canon
Baker's Dozen
As Above, So Below
Silver Linings 1 (Part 1)
Silver Linings 1 (Part 2)
Silver Linings 1 (Part 3)
Silver Linings 1 (Part 4)
Silver Linings 1 (Part 5)
Razzle Dazzle (Part 1)
Razzle Dazzle (Part 2)
Razzle Dazzle (Part 3) 1
Silver Linings 2 (Part 1)
Loose Cannons (Chapter 1)
Loose Cannons (Chapter 2)
Loose Cannons (Chapter 3)
Loose Cannons (Chapter 4)
Silver Linings 2 (Parts 2-9)
Forging Anew
Silver Ghost, Golden Angel (Part 1)
A Glow in the Darkness (Part 1)
A Glow in the Darkness (Part 2)
A Glow in the Darkness (Part 3)
Professional Courtesy
Silver Ghost, Golden Angel (Part 2)
The Final Trump (Part 1)
The Final Trump (Part 2)
The Final Trump (Part 3)
The Final Trump (Part 4)
The Final Trump (Part 5)
Vegas, Baby, Vegas! (Part 1)
Vegas, Baby, Vegas! (Part 2)
Nerves of Steel (Part 1)
Vegas, Baby, Vegas! (Part 3)
Nerves of Steel (Part 2)
Vegas, Baby, Vegas! (Part 4)
Nerves of Steel (Part 3)
Vegas, Baby, Vegas! (Part 5)
Vegas, Baby, Vegas! (Part 6)
Evil Genius (Part 1)
Evil Genius (Part 2)
Evil Genius (Part 3)
Silver Ghost, Golden Angel (Part 3)
The Nefarious Three (Part 1)
The Nefarious Three (Part 2)
The Nefarious Three (Part 3)
TT0: Seeing is Believing (Part 1) 2
TT0: Seeing is Believing (Part 2)
TT1: Twisted Triplets (Part 1)
TT1: Twisted Triplets (Part 2)
Crystal Sights Files: The Catspaw (Part 1)
Crystal Sights Files: The Catspaw (Part 2)
At the End of All Things
Displaying items by tag: Origin Story
Parish 2: Off the Books
Parish 2: Off the Books
A Whateley Academy Tale
by null0trooper
If you think this is bad, you should see the other guy.
Parish 1: Buy the Book
Parish 1: Buy the Book
A Whateley Academy Tale
by null0trooper
"It's a place where a wish will be granted
Come, you'll see I'm right
It's a force that will live on within you
Dark as day is light"
—Epica, "Terra Sancta"
In a world already complicated by mutants, mad scientists, and magic, Mason Goodwin is about to learn that the best-planned rituals might not be where he finds himself.
Home Sweet Homely
Home Sweet Homely Home
A Whateley Academy Tale
by null0trooper
"Try imagining a place where it's always safe and warm
Come in, she said
I'll give ya shelter from the storm"
— Bob Dylan
Triptych, Part 2: Count Zero Concerto
Part 2: Count Zero in Concerto
A Whateley Academy Tale
by null0trooper
Just before midnight, January 6, 2017,
Elmendorf Air Force Base
"We are on standby for take-off. The seatbelt light is on. Passengers, please return to your seats if you haven't already."
Benjamin was still dead to the world, and if it weren't for his seatbelt, he would have slid out of his seat by now. Colombine amused herself by sabotaging Kota Kobayakawa's attempts to call out on his phone despite security restrictions. The various numbers he'd tried to reach could be extended into a useful exercise in social network analysis. Once they were clear of the air base and Anchorage, she let him try his luck with the extensive cell coverage in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.