Wednesday, 09 March 2016 12:10

Tangled Up In Green (Part 5)

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Tangled Up In Green

Heather O’Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and have no connection to this what so ever. This is used without their permission and includes a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Marital Mayhem

“I now pronounce you both married. You may kiss your bride.”

Shego and Kim blushed when they looked at each other and leaned in towards each other, unsure about this. Shego reached out and pulled the red head closer, unwilling to let this get any more uncomfortable and their lips touched. It was awkward at first but then things softened and both women closed their eyes and just felt the kiss, both surprised by what was running through them. Shego felt her heart race and she felt ecstatic, as if something important had been achieved and the world only contained the two of them.

When they pulled apart, they were both looking each other in the other’s green eyes a bit dazed by the experience. Both of their eyes sparkled in a way that they hadn’t when this ceremony had started. They grinned shyly at each other, not sure what to say or do, but unwilling to let physical contact break between them. The hug turned into holding hands as things ended and it was time to leave.

Once the paperwork was signed and turned in to the Clerk, James and Anne led the girls out of the courthouse. Both of the young women had stunned expressions on their faces, with a bit of pleasure on them as well, which had the elders smirking. It was clear to both of them that neither girl had expected their bluffs to be called but neither was really complaining about it now.

“So, I’m Mrs. Possible now?” whispered Shego, stunned by that reality.

Kim looked over and smiled softly at the green girl who had actually gone through with it, tightening the grip on her hand. “Yeah. Shego Possible.”

“Better than my name from before.” muttered Shego.

“Oh…what was your name then?” asked Kim, aware that she had married a virtual stranger and her maybe ex-nemesis. She really knew nothing about Shego’s life before Drakken, except for a little of her time with her brothers in Team Go. It didn’t seem as if this really was a good place to start a relationship, but then again, their relationship didn’t start here but rather in combat.

“Uh…” She had been unaware that the teen would have been able to hear her. She squirmed a bit, as she wasn’t sure what to do, as her life had gone into a free fall since she had discovered Drakken’s stupid plan weeks ago. Her name had not been a source of anything but pain to her and she was unsure if she wanted to share that with the hero. However, she was married to the teen so she tensed, ready for anything and said. “Shelly Josephine Goodwin.”

“Really? Shelly?” Kim was flabbergasted. Shego had a real name? It seemed so bizarre in a way, especially since it was so very normal. But Shego looked nothing like a Shelly. Could that really be her name?

“Yes, that was my name. Look, could we just drop it? I hate that name. All it ever brought me was teasing and grief.” Kim could see a bit of a green glow forming around the girl’s hands and it was quite clear that she was serious.

“Okay, Shego, okay.” Kim was trying to keep the peace; sure that Shego was near the breaking point, from being civil and mostly polite since she had arrived last night. And if the name issue was this big of a button, calming the woman down was a good thing. Besides, she wasn’t wearing her gloves that made taking the plasma easier.

“Shego, Kim come on. We need to get home.” chided Dr. Mrs. Possible.

The two young women hustled to catch up with Kim’s parents, aware that the day’s madness had just begun for them and they did not want to let this steamroller run them over. Their lives were plenty messed up already and this just added another complication.

On the way back to Middleton Kim’s parents now rounded on the couple, staring at Shego. “Okay. Now that we have taken care of that, what are you going to do now?”

Shego fidgeted a little. Where had they learned their stares, especially Mrs. Possible. The look alone would be a good interrogation technique. “I don’t really know.”

“Are you going to keep working for Drew?” asked Mr. Possible, aware that she had worked for the idiot scientist.

Shego shuddered at the thought. That moron had gotten on her case for the last time. “No way. I quit when I found out about this.”

“Some other villain I suppose?” prodded Kim’s mom.

“No. I am sure Kimmie wants me to stop being evil so that’s what I’m going to do.” Kim just nodded, watching her parent’s technique.

“So what will you do then? How will you support your wife and child?” tossed in James, enjoying the tag team event.

“I have money and I can teach. I am fully accredited and should be able to get a position at the high school.” stated Shego, trying to find the ground under her feet, still tumbling due to the shear strangeness of the day. Was she really married to Kimmie?

‘Okay, that should work. Now…what are we going to do about you being a wanted criminal?” Anne turned things in an attempt to solving what she saw as the largest threat to the couple at the moment.

Shego deflated some. This was not something she had planned on dealing with as vanishing would have taken care of the issue, but now… “I have no idea.”

Kim smiled slightly. “I think I might just have a plan that can take care of that.”


Ron was happy about life. He had money for a Naco Grande Meal or two and he was headed to see his best friend in the whole wide world. The sun was shining, it was a beautiful day and Ron Stoppable was just giddy about being alive. He knocked on the door of the Possible house and waited, humming to himself.

Dr. Mrs. Possible opened the door and smiled at him. “Come in Ronald.”

“Thank you Mrs. P. Is Kim here?”

“She’s up in her room.” Mrs. Possible was sort of waiting for the yelp that Ron would give when he saw who was also in the room with Kim. How the two dealt with this should be rather telling. It was fascinating to see that Shego was actually trying to hold up her end of the deal. It would just take a while for things to clear up and the true state of affairs to become visible.

As he neared Kim’s room, he heard two voices raised in an argument. He rushed forward some, wanting to back up KP. “That’s your plan? They’re not going to buy it.”

“They will. It’s in the law codes. I can’t testify against you if I don’t want to. Trust me, this will work.”

Ron came in and saw Shego and Kim facing off, though not in fighting stances. His eyes bulged in shock and fear and he yelped, “Shego!”

The newlyweds turned surprised and watched as Ron stumbled and fell out of his pants while trying to get into a fighting stance. Shego rolled her eyes at this. Typical buffoon.

Kim hustled over and helped Ron to his feet. “You okay?”

“Yeah, but Shego!” He yelled the name and Kim slapped her hand over his mouth. He yelled a few more things into her hand before he quieted down.

“Ron, relax, she’s not here to fight.” Shego smirked at him and quirked an eyebrow at the Fearless Ferret boxers that he was wearing. Ron’s cheeks reddened.

“Fine. Then why is she here?” demanded Ron, pointing a finger at the pale skinned girl who continued to smirk at him.

Before Kim could figure out what exactly to say to explain all of this, Shego held out her left hand, palm down and waggled her fingers at the blonde. The gold band stood out against the greenish skin almost like a solar flare. This caused Ron’s eyes to bulge again and dart over to Kim’s hand. His eyes rolled back and forth between them and he tried to talk but only incoherent babbling came out. When what he saw there sunk into his head as well he did the only responsible thing for a sidekick to do in a situation like this. Ron fainted.

When Ron came to Rufus was waving air at him with a small piece of cloth, Shego was still there as was Kim, they both still had wedding bands on their fingers and that was too much for Ron. He leapt to his feet, flailing his hands in the air and screamed. “What is going on!?”

“Ron…calm down. Shego’s the parent of my child.” Kim was gesturing, trying to settle Ron down.

“Hunh?” Ron had known about the pregnancy but Shego? Wasn’t she a girl? He knew he wasn’t great with biology and stuff, but he was pretty sure that you needed a man and a woman to make a child and unless Shego had a big surprise for them, it shouldn’t be possible. “She’s what?”

“I’m the father dofus. Doy!” said Shego, with little emotion as what was the point expending any energy on the dolt.

“But…but…does that make you a guy?” The amount of confusion on Ron’s face was unobtainable by any lesser mortals, but the Master of Monkey Kung Fu had mad skills.

Kim could see Shego start to grow angry and she needed to keep things from erupting into a fight. “Ron, DNAmy was involved, and I am clearly pregnant. So not the drama.”

Ron nodded absently. That made sense, right?

“So my parents thought we should get married, so Shego could take full responsibility for this.” Kim kept her voice steady, aware that this would be the most difficult of all the explanations she would have to make, while unconsciously resting a hand gently on her belly, as if protecting the child. “We went to Massachusetts today and got married, so I guess I won’t be an unwed mother.”

Ron blinked and Rufus cocked his head in confusion, a long slow blink where he tried to process all of this information. It was clear that the processor was near overloading. “Let me get this straight, Shego is your wife and you are carrying her child?”

Kim nodded, waiting for Ron to fully process this. Jumping in now with anything would only confuse matters more than they already were. “Shego, the wanting to kill you Shego, the evil villainess Shego is your wife?”

“Yes buffoon. Just get a grip already.” Shego was already tired of this. Ron made her crazy because he was such a…slacker and reminded her so much of Drakken. True, he was better than the big blue dork in many ways but Ron Stoppable was a total idiot like her former boss.

“Shut up you.” growled Ron, which didn’t faze Shego in the least. He started slipping into a fighting stance.

“Look. Can we go to Bueno Nacho and just relax. Shego and I are going out to eat tonight with my folks to celebrate this blessed union and I just need to get out of here. Please Ron?” said Kim, trying to make it clear to Ron how much she needed to just get away from her parents.

Shego smiled, as it looked like this whole thing was enough to pull Kimmie from the depressive haze that had fallen over her. This was a good sign and maybe things would turn out alright in the end. Shock therapy was good for a number of things after all.

Ron nodded. “One quick question first. Does GJ know about this?”

“Not yet.”


The scene was repeated with Monique, only at a lower volume and with less drama, for which Kim was pleased. Thankfully Mon was able to cope with it faster than Ron had. “Okay, so you married green girl here. What about the fact that she is a bad guy? Aren’t you supposed to lock them up?”

Shego rolled her eyes. Sometimes this goody-goody BS was too much, doy. Kim shrugged and said, “Shego’s the other mother of my child. What do you think I should do?”

Monique had no response to that and shrugged as well. Shego was impressed because it looked like Pumpkin was sticking to her guns on this one which made her think that Kim actually believed what she was saying. Kim was still in a bit of a daze that Shego and she were now legally married and so was just going with the easy explanation points. It confounded her but made her happy inside as well, which she hadn’t expected. There really seemed to be no good way out of the problem but this solution seemed to suck worse than others.

The conversation eventually turned to more normal things, like school and clothes and such and Shego occasionally joined in whenever Kim was trying to drag her into the conversation, trying to get the thief to develop some sort of something with her friends. Ron mostly just glared at Shego as did Rufus, both of them there with arms crossed and looks of displeasure on their faces, trying to eat their nacos threateningly. It was amusing, at least to Shego.

Though time seemed to crawl to Shego, eventually it got late enough that Kim and Shego had to leave if they were going to make it back to the house in time to get ready. The green skinned thief glanced at the clock and smiled at their escape. “Come on Mrs. Possible. Your parents await.”

Kim and Monique hugged and Ron said a terse goodbye, still trying to intimidate Shego. The walk home was mostly quiet until Shego almost blurted out, “Look Kimmie, I said I’m sorry and everything and I promise I will take care of you. You…you know I don’t believe in doing things halfway. I’m your wife now and we have to deal with that, no matter how strange that is.”

Kim sighed, hugging herself. This whole situation was unlike anything else she had ever been involved in. Se was at a loss about everything. “I know Shego. It’s just…things are so confusing right now. I’m pregnant and still a virgin. I’m married to a woman who tried to kill me on numerous occasions. I’m…”

Shego interrupted her, breaking the flow of the young woman’s words. This was important and was a point that needed to be cleared up. “Uh…Princess, I never tried to kill you.”

Kim stopped in her tracks and stared in disbelief at the thief. “What? You’re joking right?”

“Doy, Kimmie, think about it. I can get my plasma to burn hot enough to melt steel. Do you really think that I was trying to kill you if I could just melt you with my plasma?” explained Shego. “I fought you hard, but I never tried to use my Plasma to kill you.”

Kim though about it, going over her fights, trying to see the lie in the words, something that would prove her…wife…wrong. As far as she could tell there was none. It shook her to the core. Just how badly had she misjudged Shego? “Fine. I’ll scratch off that one and I’ll just add super villain to the list.”

“Look Kim, I’m not denying who I was. I can’t escape that but this situation is something unexpected and special for both of us and I can’t fight you like this. It might injure the baby and I don’t want to hurt her at all or you.” As Shego’s voice softened, Kim was aware that this situation was enough to bring the once famous Hero out from the cold.

Kim reached out and laid a hand on Shego’s arm. “Shego, thank you for choosing to do this. It means a lot to me.”

“You’re not alone in this Princess. I’m right here beside you.” Shego took Kim’s hand and interlaced her fingers with the teen hero’s. “I’m not going anywhere.”


Dinner had been lovely. The whole family had gone somewhere fancy and even the tweebs were on their best behavior which was a bit of a surprise. The food had been delicious; at least it was until it was on the way back up. Shego had followed Kim’s frantic hustling to the ladies room and held her hair while the red head vomited up everything she had just eaten. When she sank to the floor, exhausted, she leaned back against Shego for support. The older woman sat there and stroked her wife’s hair gently, murmuring, “It’ll be okay.”

Kim nodded and after a few moments realized that she was starting to feel better, her stomach rebelling less. “Can you help me up?”

“Sure Pumpkin, any time.” Shego helped Kimmie to her feet and supported the girl as she walked unsteadily to the sink, where she washed her mouth out.

The two women walked out of the bathroom, Shego’s arm draped over the girl’s shoulder protectively. Anne Possible smiled to herself when she saw this. Now she really knew that Shego was serious about taking care of her Kimberly Ann. There might be something else going on there which worried her slightly, but since they were married it made it their problem and not hers.

They left the restaurant and the tweebs vanished upstairs as soon as they got home, they really wanted out of their nice clothes and to get back to playing with their rockets. Shego helped the still weak Kim upstairs and held her hair while something else wanted to come up. Kim was pale and this worried Shego some. Since Kim wasn’t really able to stand yet two green arms went under the smaller girl and lifted her. Shego carried Kim into her bedroom and lair her on the bed. Kim smiled up at her weakly. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem Cupcake. Besides, it’s my job now.” The two smiled at each other. The pale skin of Kim’s face made Shego think that she needed to do something about this. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” replied Kim faintly.

Shego hustled downstairs and found Dr. Mrs. Possible sitting drinking a cup of tea in the kitchen. “Mrs. Possible, could you take a look at Kim. She’s very pale and weaker than usual after that.”

As Kim’s mom went to get her medical bag, Shego went back to Kim. She was still lying there, but she was a bit too pale. Shego frowned in worry. Was this sort of thing normal? She knew very little about pregnancy so she had little clue at this moment, which she was not used to. Shego was a problem solver and to be so out of the loop on this one bothered her greatly.

After Dr. Possible managed to make sure that her daughter was alright medically speaking, she and her daughter-in-law had a moment in front of Kim’s room. Shego asked, “Is she going to be okay?”

“She should be fine. This has happened a few times before and it wipes her out for a bit afterwards. When I had the tweebs I was that sick as well and like Kim, I got sick this quick as well. But it will fade.”

Shego looked relieved, which made Anne smile. Then a look of consternation crossed the thief’s face as she just realized something. “Uh…where am I supposed to sleep?”

Mrs. Possible smirked at the thief. This was a perfect time to poke things and see what would happen. “You’re married, you figure it out.”

The red head walked away smirking happily while Shego stood there in disbelief.

The dark haired woman stared back into the room. Should she? They were married and all, but would Kim freak? Her mom had changed her into pajamas and tucked her into bed and the hero was sleeping. The bed was a full sized and could hold both of them comfortably. Would that really be alright? Would Kim start a fight over this?

Shego watched Kim sleep while she pondered this issue. The girl had relaxed some and didn’t seem like she had been in as much pain as she had been the night before. She was beautiful while she slept, her face relaxing and softening. It made Shego’s heart ache. This was her wife and she could live with that. Now only if Kimmie could feel about her what she was starting to feel about Pumpkin. That would make things perfect.

linebreak shadow

A/N: It has been pointed out to me that this story does share some things in common with the NoDroogs story “A Small Possibility”. I have seen the concept in a number of places and this really isn’t derivative of that excellent story. Sure we may have started from the same starting point but we went different directions quickly, as hopefully you have noticed. Please read and enjoy. Comments are always appreciatated.

Read 12733 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 21:55

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