Wednesday, 09 March 2016 12:24

Tangled Up In Green (Part 8)

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Tangled Up In Green

Heather O’Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

A/N: Due to Gryffindor 620 begging for more and demanding a second chapter, I am posting early, to feed the crack fiends (and you know who you are). Thank you for all the wonderful responses. I look forward to reading them. Anyway, let the chapter commence…

linebreak shadow

Three Ring Circus

The Kimmunicator went off and Kim blushed, aware that math class was not the best time for such an interruption. She had enough issues with keeping up with the work as it was to add in upsetting the teacher. She apologized for this and headed into the hallway where she activated the phone. “What’s the sitch?”

Wade’ face filled the screen. “I just caught Drakken heading into the mall with his henchmen. I am still patching into the mall itself to get footage. Your ride is already waiting outside.”

As she hustled outside, a bit apprehensive as this would be her first mission since she knew about the baby, she noticed Ron joining her from another exit. It was good to know her sidekick was still there with her, despite all the drama with Shego. She felt like she could really trust Ron to be there for her. “Hey KP.”

“Hey Ron. Ready?” Kim asked, as she settled her mind into mission mode, trying to make sure she would be ready for anything. She realized that she was happy that Shego was no longer with Drakken as that would keep her safe comparatively. The green skinned thief had been her greatest threat and now the woman was her wife. That should shift the odds tremendously in her favor.

“Absolutely. Where to?” asked Ron, and he shook his limbs to loosen up.

“The mall.”

The helicopter got them there in a few minutes at full speed, which was nice and a local mission meant that there would be no reason to miss out on all of their classes. It dropped them both off on the roof by the skylight near the center of the vast building. This entry point would make it a lot easy to get to wherever she needed to be in order to get Drakken. Wade chimed in, “Kim, I have them heading into a jewelry store on the first floor.”

“On it Wade.” The girl who could do anything opened the skylight and hooked her rappel gun onto the edge. Both she and Ron leapt down, coming to a halt on the ground floor. They ran towards the store, with Kim noticing that she wasn’t quite as fast as she had been which meant that Ron was mostly able to keep up with her. About fifteen yards from the door they noticed a series of green flashes from inside. Kim’s face blanched and thought, ‘Shego…no…”

Ron blinked in surprise as well. Hadn’t Shego married Kim and thus became good? The two of them then hustled but skidded to a stop as henchmen started to run from the store, some of them smoking. When they saw Ron and Kim standing there their wailing grew more panicked and they scattered like birds, arms flailing. When the tide of red uniformed goons stopped the two looked inside and saw Shego with a foot on Drakken’s chest. Both of her hands were lit and her green eyes glowed angrily. Drakken meanwhile whimpered pathetically, hands covering his face protectively. “Please don’t hurt me.”


The flames instantly vanished and a look of shock covered the thief’s face as her face snapped over to look at the red head. “Kimmie?”

Both of them simultaneously asked, in the same tone, “What are you doing here?”

Ron rolled his eyes and went to check on the damage to the store. Girls…

“I…uh…” “Uh…I…” “You go first.” They both echoed each other again.

Kim started. “I got a mission saying that Drakken had been spotted here and headed over.”

Shego however blushed some, something she had been doing more around Kim lately than she had done in the rest of her life altogether. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. “I…I was getting you something?”

Kim blushed happily, pleased that Shego had gotten her something, and since Wade hadn’t mentioned the green woman it was clear that she had paid for it, especially based on the look on Drakken’s face. “What’d you get me?”

Shego smiled as Kim bounced up and down a little, clearly excited over the prospect of a present. Drakken tried to crawl away and so Shego leaned a little more heavily onto him. He groaned painfully. She looked down purposefully and then back up at Kim. “How about I give it to you after the trash has been taken out?”

The red head smiled and agreed, nodding happily. At that moment, several GJ agents broke into the store with their weapons out and aimed at Shego. Shego, for her part, just stood there and stared at them like they were all idiots. Kim and she looked at each other confused as they yelled. “Freeze Shego!”

Kim rounded on them, angrily, tired of all this crap. She had explained things to Dr. Director and this was just harassment. “What is the meaning of this?”

The lead agent never lowered his weapon when he spoke. “We are just apprehending a dangerous criminal, ma’am.”

“Oh for the love of…Do you know who I am?” asked Kim, getting even more upset. This was ludicrous.

“Certainly. You’re Kim Possible.” He replied, aim never wavering.

“And do you know her name?”

“Certainly. Shego. She’s a wanted villain.” replied the agent calmly, trying to figure out what Kim was hinting at.

“Now, do you know what her last name is?” The voice was deceptively sweet and Shego couldn’t help but smirk at the way Kimmie had set this idiot up. This was going to be very pretty.

“Uhm…according to the latest intelligence reports we have on her she doesn’t have a last name. She merely goes by the name Shego.” The confusion in the agent’s voice started to also show his discomfort with this line of questioning. He was used to being obeyed rather than countered, even if it was from the teen hero.

“Then your intelligence is wrong. She does have a last name. Possible.” The last word hung in the air heavily and its effects were very noticeable on various people when it hit.

Drakken gaped at Shego, turning his head to stare at her then Kim and back and forth, almost as if he were at a tennis match. The Agent however lowered his weapon and stared at Kim in disbelief. “What?”

“Call your Director and get out of here. Oh…and take that trash with you.” This last bit was cold and threatening, which completely impressed Shego. Her Princess had completely cowed those GJ agents with nothing but words. She was actually smugly pleased by that fact.

A short conversation with their boss later, the agents left hauling Drakken with them as the blue scientist was still open mouthed and staring back and forth between them as if his reality had come crashing down. Once they were gone, Kim dropped her glower and spun back to face Shego. She was all bouncy and happy again. “What’d you get me? Hunh?”

Shego looked around at all the customers and employees who were looking expectantly their way, waiting for the drama to unfold in front of them. “Uhm…Kimmie, can we do this elsewhere?”

Kim pouted a little but didn’t throw the whole might of the Puppy Dog Pout on Shego, as the woman had an excellent point. She looked at the crowd and then nodded. “Sure. Let’s go.”

The three of them left the mall, heading towards one of the mid-grade restaurants around. It was lunch time for the teens and Shego figured that most anything would be better than school food. It was Italian food, so Ron wasn’t his happiest but he had confirmed that he wasn’t paying which made him smile. Things couldn’t be that bad if he got to keep the money in his pocket. That could mean after school nacos after all.

After they had placed their order, Kim smiled beatifically at Shego, “So?”

Shego smirked, maybe she should just tease her wife for a little bit before handing over the presents? “Impatient much Princess?”

“But you said you got me something?”

Ron was familiar with the way Kim was acting as he had borne the brunt of it before. Kim was using her Kimmy wiles to get her surprise. It would be interesting to see how long Shego would be able to string his best friend along. That’s when he remembered that he was supposed to be glowering at her but she was buying him food. This was a conflict in his mind and he had no idea what to do. Rufus was happily munching away on a breadstick as if he hadn’t a care in the world. Ron wasn’t sure what to do, but he was there as Kim’s friend and sidekick, so he would stick to that, so no glowering at the moment.

“I did say that.” teased Shego.

“And you said you would give it to me when Drakken had been taken away.” Kim looked at her pointedly.

“That’s true. So you want your present?” Kimmie nodded happily, smiling.

Shego reached into the bag and grabbed the engagement ring. First things first after all ad besides she was looking forward to the look on Pumpkin’s face when she showed her. “Well, I realized that we did this marriage thing sort of backwards so I got you this.”

Kim’s eyes bulged when she saw the ring. The stone was beautiful and it made her start to cry. Shego took Kim’s hand and slid the ring on, as Kimmie wasn’t wearing any wedding band. Ron watched wide eyed as well as this occured. That looked expensive.

“Oh my God Shego. It’s beautiful.” Her eyes were getting wet with tears of happiness. She wiped them clear with her right hand.

Shego grinned at this. “That’s not all Pumpkin. When we were dragged off to the altar your parents bought us some basic rings, but I don’t think they fit us, do you?”

“You got us wedding bands?” asked Kim cautiously. So far the expenditure that Shego was talking about was substantial. It was more than she had ever expected and she was already a bit stunned by the engagement ring.

“Doy! When you see them you’ll know why?” With that she pulled out the rings and kept her hands closed around them. “Now close your eyes Pumpkin.”

Kim eyed her suspiciously, as if trying to figure out what she was up to. Shego smirked at that, “Well, if you don’t want it…”

Kim eeped and closed her eyes quickly. Ron was impressed by how well Shego had handled that. Kim had never really stood a chance against her nemesis in this regard. It was actually nice to see.

Shego kept the rings hidden while she took the other ring off of Kim’s hand. She then slipped on the engagement ring followed by the wedding band she had found for them. The two looked very good on Kim’s hand and she smiled at that. If only things came to pass as she hoped. There was nothing better in her mind than a happy marriage to her Kimmie.

Shego let go of Kimmie’s hand and sat back, swapping her old ring out for the new one under the table. When Kim opened her olive green eyes, she gasped in surprise. The ring was perfect. Her unshed tears spilled over at this point, streaming down her face as she smiled. “Thank you Shego. This…these are perfect.”

Ron nodded in agreement. Shego certainly knew her stuff. Both of the rings looked good and fit Kim and her. It was strange to realize that this was actually going on but there really was no arguing it. His best friend in the whole world was married to one of the strangest women ever. Life had certainly gotten much more bizarre than usual.

Shego’s voiced grew softer as she reached over and traced the pattern with one nail. “I got them because of the red for you, the green for me and the silver for our daughter.”

Kim reached out and took one of the other woman’s hands and squeezed it. “I love them.”

Kim felt like she should lean over and kiss the green woman and she began to rise up and forward but her thoughts caught up to her actions and she sat back down blushing. Ron stared at her confused but Shego had caught the various bodily cues and smiled. It would be so easy to love Kimmie, she thought, hoping that it didn’t show completely as that could give a bit too much power over her at this point.


Daytime TV was not a favorite of hers, as things were just too annoying but thankfully the Possible’s cable had all the channels she liked watching, including the Food Network. Her cooking had improved greatly since that channel had come on the air and she had watched a lot of shows, especially Alton Brown and Everyday Italian. It had taught her a great deal about things her mother had been too busy to teach her. It had enabled her to actually use money for things other than eating out and it was better for her as well. Her diet had improved greatly since she had started cooking on her own.

She heard the front door open and Kim came in with her school bag over one shoulder. “How was School Kimmie? Anyone notice the rock on your hand?”

Kim blushed and looked at the floor, obviously embarrassed about something. “I…I uh…took them off.”

Shego turned off the TV and turned to face Kim, somewhat upset with the turn of events. “Why? Are you embarrassed to be married to me?”

“Well, thing is, I just don’t want too many people to pry into things about my life.” Kim was fidgeting, channeling her nervous energy into movement.

“But Kimmie, everyone will know about us after today and what you told the GJ agents, that my last name was Possible now. Like it or not, we’re going to get completely outed.” explained Shego carefully.

“Outed?” stammered Kim.

“You and I are married; something that wouldn’t take too much work to find and we are both women. The way it looks is that we are a lesbian couple.”

“But…but…I’m not a lesbian.” Kim suddenly realized where things where heading with this situation and was beginning to freak a little.

Shego raised an eyebrow in question, thinking back to the kiss they had shared. Maybe it was too much to hope for that Kimmie would be able to actually love her. She sighed a bit despondently, “I know that Kim.”

Kim blushed an ever deeper red and couldn’t look at her wife. Was that disappointment in her voice? Was Shego a lesbian? That would explain a lot, but it also didn’t answer a lot. However, knowledge was a good thing in her opinion. And what about herself? Was her answer really true? The feel of Shego’s lips and how comfortable she had slept in the villain’s arms, those weren’t exactly things a straight woman would do or find pleasure in. But did that mean that she? That they? Kim closed her eyes and groaned a little to herself, she was such an idiot. “I…I…I’m sorry Shego.”

As the older woman turned to look at what Kim was talking about, the red head dug out the rings from her pocket. She held up her hand and put her rings on so Shego could see her do that. Kim had locked eyes with the older woman and her voice was unwavering. “I won’t take them off again. I swear.”

Shego’s chest tightened at those words, her heart up in her throat. She wanted to get back to some sort of upper hand as there were things she really wasn’t ready to share about herself, things that were threatening to overwhelm her if she didn’t respond correctly. “Well, Kimmie, could you take the emerald off on missions? The wedding band would be okay but the stone might break and that would be a shame.”

“What’s the wedding band made out of?” The teen hero asked curiously.

“Platinum. I have to be careful with my plasma is all, or I might melt mine but it should be durable enough for the two of us.” teased Shego.

“Really? I was worried, since I heard that gold is such a soft metal that it might bend and break, which was one of the other reasons why I wasn’t wearing the first band. This will stand up to fighting?”

“Yes. It will. You can punch me with it all you want.”

Kim stuck her tongue out at Shego and the thief felt playful and decided to do something about that. She bounded up and proceeded to chase Kimmie around the house with the red head giggling. Finally they ended up in Kim’s room with Shego trapping the younger girl under her. Their skin glistened with sweat and their breathing was only slightly labored from the exertion. Shego’s eyes searched Kimmie’s face, trying to see if it would be okay to bend down that little bit more to kiss her. She wanted it so bad but didn’t want to freak her wife out. To her great surprise, Kim surged forward and kissed her.

Shego’s mouth opened some and Kim grew more passionate in her kiss, straining forward to keep contact between them. Slowly Shego lowered herself to the bad and released the younger girl’s hands. Kim wrapped them around her wife and pulled the girl closer, holding their bodies tightly against each other. Shego broke the kiss and looked deeply into Kim’s eyes. “Are you sure you are okay with this Princess?”

Kim growled playfully and said, “Oh, shut up and kiss me.”

Shego happily complied, letting Kim set the movement of things. Kissing a girl was not the same as making out and certainly not the same as making love and pushing this might end poorly. She was content enough to feel Kim’s lips on her own. Everything had it’ own place and time.

If it hadn’t been for the Tweebs bursting into the house, chasing each other to their room, whooping and hollering, things might have progressed farther than they had. But afterwards, Kim did not tighten up when she was hugged and seemed to have no problem holding the pale hand. It was good enough for now.

Read 12278 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 August 2021 21:54

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