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Micro-Scenes 2015-2021

05 Sep 2021 00:58 #393 by DanZilla
Dreamer’s Avatar TOPIC AUTHOR
5 years 10 months ago #1
Dreamer created the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Here is the new Micro-Scenes thread. Anything which is too short to be a regular story, post it here for everyone to enjoy.

Now please stop flooding Kayda’s Brother thread with them, Phoenix. Before the poor boy runs screaming for the hills and the thread spontaneously disappears with him. :P
Thank You for story comments appreciated and help me know me they are being read and liked. :-) Note: My story comments can’t nor are trying to replace reading the stories, simply my way of enjoying them and letting the authors know I enjoy them.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #2
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Phoenix Spiritus’ new Micro-Scenes thread Genesis

Chapter One: Danny Franks, younger brother to Kayda
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #3
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Oh! Now this is heavenly!” Danny started. Cautiously looking around, trying to see who it was that was speaking. “I’m so glad I listened to Wakan Tanka, this is just divine!” continued the voice.

“Hello?” Carefully Danny inquired, shocked to hear someone talking about Wakan Tanka, the Lakota Great Spirit his sister, Kayda, communed with.

“Hello yourself.” The sultry voice replied back. Danny’s eyes widened in disbelief as he finally ‘heard’ where the voice was coming from.

“You’re in my head? How can you be in my head!” He demanded, more then a little desperately.

“Oh darling, you know how! After all, like your sister you are an Avatar, and with all the issues she’s been having there was no way that we could leave it up to chance who got you, so Wakan Tanka asked me to come and protect you, and I just couldn’t say no!”

“Like my sister? Avatar? I’m not going to turn into a girl am I?” Panicking Danny jumped up and desperately started looking all around.

“Oh, now why would I go and do a thing like that?” The sultry voice murmured. “After all, a girl has needs” Danny could all but hear the sounds of lips smacking in her voice. Confused, hyperventilating, desperately turning here and there, Danny almost welcomed the darkness as everything faded to black.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #4
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“The purring is really delightful.” A girl’s voice, not his mom’s, but soft, comforting to listen to all the same.

Someone was stroking Danny’s head, and there was a cat somewhere close, it’s purring was hypnotic, strong, deep, just as comforting as the voice. Turning over Danny leaned into the hand stroking him, delighted as the purring increased in volume too.

Giggling. “I thinks he likes it” exclaimed the voice, as laughingly the hand returned to stoking his head, soothing Danny back to sleep.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #5
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Mum! I know she’s a female spirit, but she swears she’s not gonna turn me into a girl!” Frustrated, Danny stared in horror as the new bag of girls panties he had thought his mum had got for Kayda was instead added to his own suitcase.

“I know dear, but we all know what happened to Kayda when she got a female spirit. We’ve discussed it, and everyone really thinks it would be best if while you are at Whateley you were to stay in Poe.” His mum paused her packing, turning to place a hand on his shoulder. “So that you can be with your sister and the other girls who will know what you are going through, people that can help you as you change.”

“But Mum! I’m not turning into a girl!” Danny almost cried out in frustration, staring in shock at the older bras of Kayda’s that his mother was now adding to his case as well.

“I hope so too dear.” Maddenly his mother continued calmly as though they were speaking of a summer job he hoped to get. “Now in Poe you’ll get to know all the secrets of the gay children, and the other transgendered ones too. It’s very important that you do not reveal those secrets to the rest of the school, you’ve seen how bad things have gotten for Kayda ...”

“Mum! I don’t want to be in dorm with the gay boys, they’ll hit on me!” desperately Danny tried to get his mother to listen to him.

“I know dear, but you’ll be alright. You are turning into a very pretty girl dear, I’m sure you know how supportive your father and I will be about you and your boyfriend when you get one.”

“Mum!” Danny gasped in disbelief. “I’m a boy! I’m staying a boy! I don’t want to have any boyfriends!”

“Well if instead you find a nice girl like Kayda did, we’ll support you in that too dear.” Danny stared in dismay at his mother as she calmly continued packing his suitcase, blithely assuming he’d be a girl soon like his sister and totally ignoring everything he was saying.

“Arrgh!” crying out in frustration Danny stamped from his room, making for the stairs and the outdoors. Once again Danny wondered why he even bothered trying to talk with his parents, they just didn’t seem to want to listen to anything he tried to tell them.
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #6
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Danny took a seat on the train glaring at Kayda as she sat down in the seat before him.

“Look Danny, I’m sorry. It was the only hoody they had in your size, and mum said to make sure you always wore something to you could use to cover your head and your arms as you travelled today, just in case.” Kayda apologised again.

“But it’s pink! And it has this stupid cat thing on it ...”

“Hello Kitty.” Kayda murmured, almost as red in embarrassment as her brother.

“Whatever. Why couldn’t we just have gotten my suitcase and a my other hoody from that?” Danny demanded.

“Because we’d already booked our bags in. Look I really am sorry I spilt the shake on you and that the hoodie is pink, but it was the only store on the platform selling clothes, and that was all they had suitable that fitted you.”

“How would you like to be turning up for your first day at school dressed in pink!” Danny demanded, red faced, scrunching down, then in horror he felt cats ears begin growing from his head as his embarrassment increased. In desperation he pulled up the hoodie and pressed himself into the corner between his seat and the window.

“Ooh kitty! You must be on the way to Whateley too!” Danny tried to scrunch further down in the seat, mortified as fur started growing on his face now too as the strange girls voice increased his embarrassment.

Feeling a bump in his seat, Danny turned in surprise to see the girl had sat next to him, hand outstretched. “Hi! I’m Mischief, I’m starting at Whateley today! Ooh, that looks so soft” she enthused reaching for his furry face.

At the sound of muffled giggling Danny turned forward, unbelievably betrayed to see Kayda break down and laugh out loud at the sight of her brother pressed deep into the corner of the seat, desperately trying to escape the attentions of a cute girl hell bent of cuddling and stroking him. In disbelief he watched Kayda finally control herself, sit back up and dig out her phone. “Mum is so going to want to see this! Smile!”

Blinking at the flash Danny glared daggers at his sister as she continued laughing at his predicament.
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #7
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Come on Danny! Quickly.” Kayda panted. “We need to get you out of that hoodie.”

“Why it so important now?” Danny complained, heaving his suitcase up the stairs behind his sister. “I wanted to change at the station as soon as we got the bags, but you rushed me right onto the bus!”

“I’m sorry, I packed the luggage keys right in the bottom of my bag, and then Mrs. Shugendo rushed us onto the first bus so fast! She chewed me out for not getting you to school on Friday too.”

“But I thought you said mum checked, and it was alright for me to come with you today cause I already knew about Poe!” Danny demanded, stunned at the new revelation.

“Well I couldn’t very well argue with Mrs. Shugendo about it there on the station could I? Poe is supposed to be a secret. Just hurry up, my rooms are closest to the stairs, we can go there and get you changed.” Kayda instructed as she humped her own suitcase up the stairs. “Less chance of you being seen then” She mumbled.

Not objecting to getting out of the horrible pink hoodie as fast as possible, Danny concentrated on carrying his suitcase and keeping up with Kayda, but he did wonder why suddenly Kayda cared about him having to wear the horrible pink thing, she certainly hadn’t seem to mind too much on the train when she’d taking heaps of snaps of him in it to send home to their mother.

Poking her head out the staircase door, Kayda smiled and turned back to her brother. “Hurry up, the corridor is free!”

“Give us a break, this things heavy!” Danny complained as he put down the suitcase and vigorously shook his hand to get feeling back. Popping the handle he tipped the suitcase onto its wheels and followed his sister out into corridor. “If you were in such a rush, why didn’t we just wait for the lift like I suggested, rather then humping it up all these stairs?”

“I told you, we couldn’t wait in the foyer, she could have come through at any moment, she’s helping out with the new arrivals today!”

“She?” Danny demand, unfortunately to Kayda’s back as she hurried down the corridor.

Turning the corner from the lift corridor to the corridor with the dorm rooms, Kayda turned fearfully to the sound of an opening door, relaxing and smiling when she saw who it was. “Lily!” She exclaimed in happiness. “I though Lanie was going to be student assistant for this wing?”

Smiling Wallflower came up and hugged Kayda. “She is, I was just visiting her. Who’s this?”

Under the stare of the cheerful senior Danny found himself blushing, and then mortified, he felt his ears appear and fur start covering his face. Squinching down in his hoodie Danny blushed as his sister made the introductions.

“Lily Turner, Wallflower this is my ...”

“Oh wow finally! We’ve get one of the exotic cat girls!”

Eyes wide in horror Kayda tried to stop Mary Goodhope, Angel, as she reached out to gather Danny in her arms. “Mary no! Don’t that’s my ...” eyes wide in disbelief Kayda watched Angel engulf Danny in her arms in her typical full body hug. Eyes wide in delight Angel lent down to rub her face on Danny’s silky soft fur “... brother” Kayda finished lamely.

“Brother!” Lily demanded stunned as Angel looked up at Kayda in surprise, her arms still around the cringing Danny’s shoulders.

“She doesn’t feel like a brother” Angel said confused, almost absently petting Danny by stroking his head with a hand.

“You told mum you weren’t turning into a girl!” Kayda screamed at Danny

“I did! I’m not!” Danny yelled back, just as fiercely.

“Angel’s allergic to boys! How do you explain this then?” Kayda demanded angrily, pointing to the obviously content Angel, who in addition to hugging Danny had taken the opportunity to lay her cheek on his head, smiling in delight at the feel of his fur on her cheek.

Staring in horror at his sister Danny wailed in his mind *You promised me! You said I’d stay a boy!*

*Mmmm, she’s niiiice* the voice in his head purred back *lets keep this* almost crying Danny stared down, as in his chest the sonorous sounds of purring started rumbling out.

Angel smiled in delight at the sound. “Pretty little kitty with her pretty Hello Kitty!” she exclaimed, renewing her full body hug of the boy.

“Hello Kitty?” Shocked Angel jumped straight and stared at Kayda in horror, from the corner a squeal of delight rang out. “Hello Kitty pink hoodie? My soulmate!” Squealing to an almost painfully high note, a pink rocket charged Danny, the eleven year old girl in its centre taking a running jump straight for his arms, Danny scrambled desperately to catch her. “You and I are going to have such fun! I can’t wait to introduce you to all my friends!” The rocket squealed from Danny’s arms.

“Oh no! Jade!” Kayda moaned, wincing at her engulfed brother, so embarrassed at the two girls climbing all over him, his bright red face was almost completely covered in fur. Danny’s desperate eyes pleaded with Kayda as she shrugged her helplessness. Finally unable to meet his eyes anymore, Kayda looking down, almost absently retrieving her phone form her pocket she looked up, then shrugging she raised the phone, pointed it at Danny and took a photo of her brother with an enthusiastic eleven year old girl in his arms, with an Angel leaning over him, wings outstretched to embrace, and her golden head resting upon Danny’s own, after all, her mother had said to take photos of everything.
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #8
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Danny wanted to cry. Mischief had started it, and it had all got out of hand so fast, and now Mrs. Horton was on the way to call his mother, and Danny just knew his mum would then call Kayda and she’d tell her everything she saw and then he’d have to try and explain how he ended up naked on the common room floor with girls laying all over him.

It just wasn’t fair!

Sniffing Danny tried to remember how it had happened. It was all so innocent! Mischief had wanted to come over for some maths tutoring, and when she mentioned it at lunch Cover had gotten jealous, so that had meant it had turned into a tutoring session with both Mischief and the Three Little Witches.

Everyone had come over to Poe, and Danny had quickly taken them to a study room, and it’d had all been going fine, till Clover had got bored and started stroking him, making him purr. And then the ears had come out, and that had got Mischief also yo stroke him, and then he’d started getting fur, and Clover had started cuddling him and ...

Danny was still in shock, he hadn’t even known he could do that, transform fully into a mountain lion. The girls had squealed in delight! Danny had bolted, out of the study room and into a common room before the girls had caught him. Cuddling him and petting him, they had removed his school uniform form his now cat body, their squeals of excitement had attracting others. The whole of Wondercute, in the study room next door plotting for their next sim, had come out to find him in kitty form ruling about the common room floor, and they had dived in to to pet him.

It wasn’t until Kayda had walked in that the shock of seeing her had broken his embarrassment, allowing him to transform back ... naked ... with all those girls clinging to him ... and right then, while he was still in shock from the double transformation, Mrs. Horton and come in to find him with all of Wondercute draped over him!

Mum was going to kill him! And that didn’t even begin to cover what was going to happen to his reputation once this story started getting repeated around the whole school!

Danny put his head down and cried, life was so unfair.
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #9
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Phoenix Spiritus’ new Micro-Scenes thread Genesis

Chapter Two: It’s about to get a little Jaded
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #10
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: A Noodle Incident
Sitting down at Team Kimba’s usual Crystal Hall table, Ayla continued the lecture he had been giving Hank all the way from the checkouts. “Sure you can just overpower a PK shield. Eventually with the right amount of concentrated force any PK shield breaches, put enough tons of force over a vital organ, like the head, and anyone goes down, but there are more elegant options.”

“What? My head over the countryside too messy for you?” Hank commented wryly.

“Well that and overpower breaching methods are inherently dangerous, not just the intended target, but anyone else around too. Even the instigator if the opponent knows what they are doing.” Ayla shrugged. “There’s not much use me having an anti-PK weapon if it’s to dangerous to use. If my offence against a PK superman is, say, a Goodkind one-shot anti-tank RPG, even if I have the means of carrying it around, it’s rather obvious when I pull it out and aim it. Any reasonably intelligent brick is going to either get so close to me the shock from the explosion will kill me as well, or grab someone else and hold them close enough I won’t fire because I’ll kill the hostage.”

“So what weapons are you planning instead Ayla?” Chaka asked sitting down beside Hank, who had sat across the table from Ayla. Jade and Jinn arrived too, both casually sitting down opposite Toni across Hank, Jade taking her dinner plate and cutlery off her tray before sliding the now empty tray in front of Jinn.

“Well, instead of just overpowering the shield” Ayla continued, now including both Chaka and the two Sinclairs in the discussion “I was planning on using other weaknesses to get through PK shields.” Turning to Toni he nodded. “Like you have been discovering with Diz, all useful PK shields have to let beneficial things through.”

“What, like food? You going to throw candies at them and poison them?” Chaka asked smiling delightedly at Ayla’s very brief pause of confusion on hearing her suggestion.

“Well no.” Ayla continued fastidiously. “True in theory poisoned food should work, but I don’t think anybody is going to eat something I throw at them during a fight” Ayla pointed out reasonably to Toni. “I was thinking more immediately necessary things, like air, water, light, sound, those sorts of things.” He continued turning back to Hank.

“And food!” Jade yelled to interrupt Ayla, who manfully ignored her.

“So what, poison gases?” Hank asked also ignoring the suggestions of Toni and Jade.

“And possibly liquid aerosols, lasers, things like that.” Ayla agreed.

“And food!” Jade happily yelled again, throwing her arms up in the air and ... Ayla blinked. Was that spaghetti? Dancing in the air above Jade? Looking down Ayla winced. Jade’s plate was a wasteland of red sauce like substance, almost just a reddish water, weak, wobbly, over boiled noodle imitations, and ... no, Ayla refused to even contemplate identifying the ‘meat’ portion of what was on Jade’s plate.

Ducking, Ayla went light and sighed as the dancing spaghetti above Jade exploded. Once the raining food had stop, Ayla resumed normal weight, looking around, pleasantly surprised to see that the spaghetti rain had been confined to a narrow area on the table around where Jade was sitting.

Resolutely Ayla turned back to Hank. “So I was investigating tear gas, possibly an aerosol sleeping agent or knockout gas of some sort as well. I was also thinking of maybe some blinding / distracting weapons, such as flash bangs. The sonic and light portions should go through nearly any PK shield, unlike conclusion grenades, were the pressure waves are almost certainly going to be blocked by most shields.”

“And poisoned pasties!” Interrupted Jade as soon as she saw Ayla pause to invite Hank’s opinion.

Involuntarily Hank smiled, casing Toni to get into the act too. “Vomitus Vo-Vos” she called.

“Sleeping Snickers!” Jade replied excitedly.

“Noodle noose!” Exclaimed Toni, standing, arm raised in salute.

Turning to give Toni a look of amazement, Hank incredulously repeated “Noodle noose?”

“Yeah, like if I Ki charged a noodle and garrotted you!” Toni answered happily sitting back down.

Pickling up a limp, overcooked specimen of spaghetti from the table between him and Jde, Hank waved it at Toni. “You’re going to garrotte me? With this?” He replied with extreme scepticism, shaking the spaghetti in emphasis. “You couldn’t garrotte a suicidal chicken with this!” Hank continued derisively. “Let alone take out a PK superman!” He chuckled.

Dropping his demonstration piece of spaghetti back to his table, Hank stared in disbelief when instead of falling down, it stopped, wiggling in the air in front of him. Mouth open stunned, Hank’s eyes bulged as wiggling joyfully the piece of spaghettini dove through the air and straight down his open mouth.

Pushing himself up and away from the table, Hank’s hands darted to his mouth, as weaving, stumbling and red faced he tried to swallow, tried to cough, tried to breath!

Desperately Hank’s searching hand clasped a glass of water. Forcing himself upright Hank frantically tried to drink, but the water just poured back out of his mouth. Just arriving at the table Billie and Nikki rushed up, quickly sliding their trays onto the table they turned to help Hank. As Billie started pounding on Hank’s back, Nikki frantically started reciting spell after spell, all the time trying to look down Hank’s mouth and see what the problem was.

Seeing that pounding Hank’s wasn’t working, Billie stepped behind Hank, wrapped her arms around him low down and quickly pulled up and back, hoping to force air out of Hank’s lungs to expel the obstruction.

Turning redder, but otherwise unaffected by Billie’s actions, Hank collapsed to his knees. Redder and redder, one hand desperately clawing at his throat, Hank fell forward, holding himself barely off the ground on one arm, Billie and Nikki also on their knees still trying to help, as now Ayla and Toni stood looking stricken towards their distressed friend. With eyes bulging out, eyelids starting to flutter, Hank desperately tried to breath, collapsing onto his side, hands still clawing his throat.


A great gulping breath.

Rolling to his back, Hank breathed deep, panicked breaths, tears streaming from his eyes. Hank gasped up at the staring Nikki, mid spell cast, relief and amazement all through her expression.

“Wow, the insides of someone’s lungs are just weird. And icky!” Jade innocently commented reaching for her milk and swallowing a mouthful.

“Jade!” practically the entire populous of that side of Crystal Hall yelled at her in fury and disbelief.
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #11
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: Radio Active Condor Girl
Even though it was only just five am, Jade was outside Bunny’s door bouncing excitedly.

Bunny opened the door and scowled crossly at Jade. ”Double-oh one there sent sniffer into hysterics” she growled repressively at the hyper excited girl.

“I was only checking you where awake” Jade replied petulantly. Then in a confused voice she asked “Double-oh one?”

“I’m assuming it was ‘Jamie Anne, Super Spy. 001 On Her Majesties Secret Service, Licensed to Annoy’ who crawled under my door at five ah em?” Bunny drawled, emphasising the time unhappily.

“You’re awake and do you have it? Do you? Is it ready?” Jade started bouncing excitedly again, unleashing her deadly puppy dog eyes on the scowling older girl.

“She is still asleep and you are not waking her up.” Bunny replied, again failing to fend of Jade’s most deadly weapon, but determined to hold onto some semblance of her righteous indignation.

“It’s OK, Ayla wants it kept secret anyway.” Jade dismissed Bunny’s concern. “Can we take it to Nikki’s room? Ayla asked her to find somewhere we can test it.” Bouncing excitedly Jade grabbed Bunny’s arm, attempting to led the older girl back into her room.

“It’s still five AM!” Bunny refused to budge.

“You’re awake, and its Nikki’s room. And we get to test it!” Jade pleaded, obviously readying her greatest weapon again.

Bunny sighed and handed Jade the backpack in her hand, then carefully reopening the door to her room, she reached through, carefully, pulling out another backup as quietly as she could. This backpack was not quite zipped up, and Jade could see it was full of electronics. Slowly and silently Bunny closed the door again, before standing straight she shouldered the backpack. Turning she followed the dancing Jade down the hall to Nikki’s room. Entering Bunny wasn’t surprised to see that in addition to Nikki and Chaka, who’s room it was also, Billie was there too, along with Ayla who was all business.

“It is ready? The extra safeties have been tested?” Ayla asked Bunny concerned.

“Its ready.” Bunny confirmed. “We have a thirty minute supply of oxygen, and I modified your old mask for Jade, since you now have that new one.”

Ayla nodded and turned to Nikki “And we have somewhere we can test it?”

“We’ll use the Grove.” Nikki replied. “Even security can’t get in there, so they can’t monitor what we are doing. As long as Billie and Jade don’t go too high and exceed Whateley’s flight ceiling there shouldn’t be any problems.” Ayla looked a little unsure about the use of the Grove, but trusted Nikki to see to their safety.

Crouching down besides Bunny, Jade cast Jinn into the backpack she had been given. Seeing this Bunny started explaining the contents.

“OK, first we have the suit. I modelled it on a WingSuit, but modified so it gives the ‘condor’ profile your wanted.” Bunny explained.

“What’s with the funny shaped pole?” Jade enquired frowning down at the still closed backpack.

“Well, that’s to give you the ‘neck’ of your condor. We are hiding you in the ‘wings’ and the body. It also gives us a little extra length for the antennas.”

“Where is the battery for the radio? I can only find a tiny one in Ayla’s headpiece, surely that’s not enough?” Jade looked up concerned to Bunny.

“We’re not using batteries for the radio signals.” Bunny explained to Jade’s shocked look. “We don’t need a ‘clean’ signal for this, in fact the dirtier the signal the better, a dirty signal will jam more frequencies for us. What I did was calculate carefully the size of the antennas built into the suit, then I made you a hand cranked generator and used multiple differently sized coils in it, one for each frequency we are going to jam. When Jann cranks the generator as fast as she can the different coils spinning inside the generator’s magnetic field will produce currents with multiple different oscillating frequencies, one for each coil. I then just put that raw current into the specially designed antennas that are pre-calculated to be certain lengths and you get ‘white noise’ at the required frequencies for as long as Jann keeps cranking the generator, no batteries or special circuitry required.” Bunny finished smiling at Jade who started up at her with an amazed ‘O’ of understanding, before laughing she reached up and hugged the blond bombshell tightly in her little girl arms.

Smiling down at the happy Jade, Bunny turned to Ayla. “Even better there is nothing ‘special’ to tip off security or the Sim Technicians. It’s just a WingSuit with metal sewn into it, almost like decoration. The generator is also nothing special, you can find similar things in all sorts of ‘survival’ equipment like those windup radios or lamps people get in hurricane and tornado prone areas. Even better you could get the suit entered into the sim for Generator and the wind-up generator entered in for Shroud, and no one would be the wiser until you combine them in the sim.”

Ayla thoughtfully considered this. “Will a hand cranked generator give us enough power to jam the signal from one mile up? That’s how high up Jade needs to be flying to be out of sniper range for anyone on the ground with a gun.”

“Easily.” Bunny assured him. “We don’t have to overpower the ground based system, we just need to be generating a signal that is louder then the satellite, so the ground station stops hearing the satellite.” Bunny smiled happily. “The satellite will be in orbit and is getting its signal power from solar panels, and they also need to be running the whole satellite. The signal from a satellite isn’t actually that large, the smarts are all in the ground based receivers with their parabolic and directional antennas, signal filtering and boosting circuits.” Bunny smiled. “Jade will only be a mile up, the satellite is in orbit. Radio signals degrade inversely squared to the distance from the source, meaning that since Jade is going to be a lot closer to the ground station then the satellite, she doesn’t have to be that loud at all to drown out its signal to the ground stations.” Bunny stood there bouncing, an ear to ear grin on her face and her trade mark pig-tails flapping around almost excitedly as Jade.

“What about nuclear powered satellites? Can we beat them?” Billie asked curiously.

“They don’t use nuclear powered satellites in orbit.” Ayla explained to Billie. “Orbiting satellites have to come back down to earth after they’ve exceeded their design life, and not even Australia’s gonna be happy at a nuclear satellite breaking up and crashing into their backyard. Besides all the commercial satellites are solar powered, a nuclear one would stick out and be easy for enemies to track, cause its different. You want your spy satellites to be stealthy, not orbiting around screaming ‘I’m something unusual, track me!’”

Turning to Bunny again Ayla asked. “Why are we sending Jade up in a WingSuit? Why not just have a proper condor model being controlled by Jinn?”

“Two reasons. First you needed it fast and I didn’t have the feathers to make a proper condor suit. Second this is a really quick and nasty jerry rigged suit. There is nothing dangerous about it, but we need to hand crank a generator, micro-manage the aiming of the suits antennas, fly the suit, dodge any missiles or bullets coming at them and also manage air position, monitor the satellite’s signal, and flying all at the same time. Jade and I thought it would all be too much for one person to do.” Bunny shrugged. “With Jade in the suit she can be as many people as she needs to be to pull it all off.”

Ayla still looked concerned but had to concede that Jade knew her limitations best, if she had decided she was needed then that was that. “What do we need to test today?” He instead asked Bunny.

“Well not test, more practice.” Bunny said bending down, opening the backpack she was holding. “I designed the wings so that Jinn can lock them and then make minute movements to ‘focus’ the signal.” Pulling an item out of the backpack shed held it out for Ayla to see. “This is a receiver and a meter so we can monitor the signal from the suit. We’ll set this up and get Jinn to practice taking Jade a mile up and focusing her signal onto it. Then I want to see how ‘off-beam’ we can be to the receiver and still drown out the satellite. If we can get this to work sufficiently “off beam” Billie can take Jade a mile up at the start of the sim and she can jam the signal from there, that would be a major tactical advantage for you.”

“You’re right.” Ayla agreed. Turning to Nikki Ayla enquired “Are we ready to go?”

Nikki nodded so they all trooped out, with Jade carrying her backpack and skipping along in front singing the theme song from the “Condorman” movie as soon as they where outside and unlikely to disturb anyone else.


Jade had been looking forward to this sim ever since Bunny had delivered her suit. Now that Billie had dropped her off one mile up, Jade spread her arms and legs wide like they had practiced, and Jann locked her limbs so that she would not involuntary twitch and spoil the signal. Then while Jinn started winding the generator, Jann concentrated on focusing the parabolic antennas to keep them aligned on the base’s satellite dish. Jade concentrated on monitoring the satellite’s transmission, scrolling for her across the displays Bunny had built into Ayla’s old headpiece. Bunny had explained that they didn’t need to crack the encryption on the satellites communications to do this, once the Satellite lost its earthlink signal it would start trying to handshake again ... a repeating signal across multiple bands that should be easy to identify … there!. Over and over the satellite was transmitting the same signal sequentially on each of the control channels Ayla had told them the satellite would use. The satellite was trying to handshake again, it had lost command control!

“Satellite uplink is down. Satellite uplink is down! Go Go Go!” Jade happily called over the spots.


Just as the final targeting information was about to be loaded into the missiles, the computer’s lost contact with their satellite data. Instead of loading tracking and targeting data from the satellites into the missiles, the base computers instead switched the missiles to use onboard IR targeting and the inbuilt control circuits. Circuits and sensors designed to look for and target the thousands of degrees hot engine exhausts of jets were now instead trying to find mere dozens of degrees hot flying children, predictably it didn’t go well.

Billie heard “ ... Go Go Go!” and quickly fired plasma bolts across the noses of all the incoming missiles she could see targeting her and her friends. The plasma blast across the noses of all the missiles caused them to veer and attempt to follow the much ‘hotter’ IR trails of the plasma blasts, completely ignoring the Team Kimba members continuing on through the now useless missile barrage an onwards towards the base they had been fired from.

Billie grabbed Ayla and threw him directly at the ground station, aiming for the communications sheds visible around the large radio antennas sticking up out of the hill the base was dug into. Ayla went light and streaked across the distance at nearly a thousand miles an hour. While Billie threw Ayla, Fey conjured her spherical force field around the remaining Team Kimba members, and following after Phase Billie dragged the rest of Team Kimba in Fey’s Magical Bubble Ride.


Sam watched the missiles uselessly explode nowhere near the targets, before she turned around and demanded “What happened to the missiles?!”

“Satellite uplink went down, they fell back to onboard IR guidance.” A desperately bust tech answered as he attempted to regain communications with the satellite.

“Well what happened to my satellite!” Sam demanded of the busy tech.

“Interference, if it wasn’t impossible I’d say from the bird!” he replied back, reaching forward to flick switches and wiggle dials without effect.

“Shoot it down! Shoot down the bird!” Sam snapped, turning back to her screens and urging another subordinate to action.

“Its out of range of guns.” He snapped. “And with the satellite uplink down we can’t target the missiles like that. AIM missiles aren’t able to be targeted at biologicals with on-board electronics” he whined.

“Take out the lock!” Sam snapped back, turning to glare at him.

“It’s not a lock, it’s a hardware limitation.” He turned right back to snap at her. “The IR sensors are designed to see hundreds of degrees hot aircraft exhausts! They can’t differentiate 98 degrees fahrenheit body heat from ambient air temperature, it’s the satellites that do that. And that ‘bird’ is flying too high to be shot with a gun anyway!”

Growling Sam turned back to the original tech. “Well block the birds signal! Get me my satellites and my missiles!”

“It’s not a signal, its just white noise at the right frequencies, its just yelling so loud into our antennas we can’t hear the signal from the satellite anymore. Anything we do to block the yelling is going to block the signal from the satellite too!” the tech complained.

“Well swap frequencies!” Sam snapped, increasingly sharply.

“We’re trying!” The tech cried. “It requires two way communication to do that and we don’t have it! There is jamming on all our frequencies, we can’t hear which frequency the Satellite is trying so we can respond to it, the bird is yelling on all our control frequencies at once!”

Just then the outside video feeds stated snowing out. Turning quickly, looking to one of the surviving feeds Sam saw Phase briefly come out of the end of the communications shed before turning around and walking back into it, obviously using his phasing ability to destroy all sensitive electronics racked inside.

Sam swore, even without the bird jamming the signal it was now too late. Phase had destroyed her communications array and she no longer had the ability to communicate with the satellite, without the satellite she lost most of her abilities to target small ‘biological’ fliers and, more importantly, the ability to command the nuclear strike!

Sitting down calmly again Sam concentrated fiercely on the tactics of Team Kimba. All the base’s automatics where designed around engine heat seeking IR and large object tracking, it was the satellite overrides that were allowing the automatics to target single “human” sized and heated objects, without the satellite the automatics where effectively “blind” to Team Kimba and unable to engage them, except by direct action of the base personnel. Sam sighed as she watched Team Kimba, already resigned to the defeat. Without the satellite uplink she couldn’t launch a nuclear strike, she couldn’t fulfil the ‘win’ conditions of the scenario. Team Kimba had beaten her “unwinnable” scenario with a single high tech trick. Absently she wondered how they had managed to smuggled a radio jammer past the techs and into her Sim.

Impotently Sam watched Team Kimba systematically dismantle both the automatic and human defences of the base. She stared up at one of the few displays left to her, showing the upwardly pointed external camera as it focused on the slowly circling ‘bird’ getting closer and closer. Finally seeing it for what it was, Sam swore. Generator in a bird suit, just the silhouette of a condor to fool them from a distance. Swearing sulphurously she ground out “That is so banned!”

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #12
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: Hello Kitty Fun Times
“Harry, do you mind if I borrow some of your tools?” Looking up Techwolf smiled, Jade was at the door of his lab giving him big puppy dog eyes again.

“Sure Generator, use whatever you like, just not the stuff on this bench here” he assured her pointing to the bench he was currently using.

Smiling Jade danced in, making her way to Harry’s meticulously laid out tool wall, reaching up carefully she took down a few tools, before turning back to Harry. “Ah, Harry. Is there somewhere I can work here?” she begged.

Pointing to a bench Techwolf smiled. “Sure, I wasn’t planning to use that bench until tomorrow, if you can have it free by then I don’t mind you using it.”

“Really?” Smile as big as her face, Jade rushed over to Harry and hugged him. “Thank you!” She exclaimed almost dancingly happy.

“Your welcome.” Harry smiled hugging her back. “What are you working on?” Harry inquired politely when Jade let him go again.

“This!” Jade exclaimed holding out an object that first caused Techwolf to stare, and then start blushing brightest red.

“Do you know what that is?” He gasped

“Uh huh. It’s a Hello Kitty vibrator, Fey called vibrators ‘magic wands’ and I found a Hello Kitty one and ordered it, isn’t it great?” Jade happily waved it back and forth between them.

Voice strained, almost horse, Techwolf croaked out. “Jade! What are you going to do with it?”

“Upgrade it!” Jade cried out, as Harry just goggled at her, eyes and mouth gapped wide in disbelief. “I’m gonna add a glitter canon to it, and a laser pointer, and some LEDs and everything, even a missile silo, and all sorts of armaments. Oh Harry? Do you have any spare steel I could use?” Jade asked innocently as Techwolf desperately tried to reboot his brain from the casual insanity Jade was talking.

“Steel? What for?” He asked, latching onto the least disconcerting thing she’d said.

“I want to make a blade for it, with a release button on the handle here, and when I press it schwick! Instant knife!” Jade declared triumphantly.

Pale, slightly green, with his legs crossing, Harry stared at Jade in astonishment. “What about the vibrating motors?” Harry finally managed to gasp.

Jade gave him a puzzled look. “You know? I still haven’t worked out why it has them. When I hold it in my hand and wave it like a wand, all they do is make it jump all over the place and so that I drop it, what are they for Harry?”

Turning even paler Harry stammered. “You’ll have to ask one of your girl friends that Jade. I ahh, just need to leave for a bit. I, um, need to check something in another lab.” Almost running Techwolf raced from the room, face bright red and eyes watering.

Excitedly Jade ran into the Poe common room. “Look everyone! My Magic Wand!”

Triumphantly she stood, holding it up for all to see, smiling around at the absently pleasant faces looking at her, till one by one the girls closest to Jade did comic double takes and stared, mouths dropping open in shock at what it was Jade was proudly holding aloft.

“Jade, is that a ...”

“Yeppers!” Jade cried excitedly. “Its a Hello Kitty Virator magic wand, and look at this!” Jade pressed the button and three inches of razor sharp blade shlicked out of the bottom of the wand.

Cries of horror from every girl in the room greeted her. Accompanied by anguished cries of “Jade! How could you!”, girls started streaming from the room, simultaneously trying to contain their gore and run, knees locked together, hands protectively in front of their groins. Puzzled Jade watch girls fleeing from the room, stooped over like boys who had just seen another collect a hit to the gonads. Almost crying Jade turned to the helplessly laughing Bunny collapsed on a lounge at the rear of the room. Forlornly she trailed up to Bugs and waited for her to stop laughing.

Tears streaming from her eyes Bunny sat up and reached out to gather the upset girl her arms. “Fey told you that was a Magic Wand did’t she?” Bunny asked soothingly.

Jade nodded crying silently. Sniffing she held it out to Bunny. “I made it myself too. I thought it was awesome” she cried.

Standing Bunny closed Jade’s hand protectively back around the wand. “It is awesome Jade. Look! I bet you could make nearly any girl almost feint by just screaming out what it is and releasing that blade like you just did.” She said smiling to the confused girl. “Lets just go see Fey and you can show her and your friends on Team Kimba how awesome it is, alright?

Smiling happily again Jade nodded, and hand in hand went off to look for Fey, completely missing the manic grin covering Bunny’s face as she contemplated the upcoming fun.
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #13
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: Not Cute
Ms. Carson looked at the girl trembling before her, and looked at her compassionately.

As gently as she could, she said, “I’m sorry Anna, but I need you to tell me what happened down there.”

Anna sobbed a little harder. “W-Well... Lindsey, me, and M-Molly had gone down into the labs to see the project that Jade and Bunny were working on. A-and while Jade and Bunny were - while they - while we - “ Anna took a deep breath. Ms Caron waited patiently. “While we were down there, Lindsey spotted the p-p-pit, and the l-little orange fuzzy things inside. They - They looked like tribbles. She called us over, and - and the other girls all immediately jumped down to play with them. My - My spirit stopped me...” Anna started sobbing harder, but valiantly tried to continue. “A-a-and - and th-then...” Ms. Carson stopped her gently. “That’s enough for now.” Anna gave a relived shudder.

Then Ms. Carson looked over at the other student in the room, the biodevisor who had made the things in the pit. She glanced down at the file in front of her, then back at the boy. Being a mother, a teacher, a hero, and a principal had given her a number of excellent voices that she could use to trigger guilt, fear, and remorse in this student, but at the moment she could summon nothing but a little bit of incredulity.

“You were breeding wig-wigs?”
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #14
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Re-posted from the Crystal Hall Forums
Sun, 21 April 2013 11:10

Jadis stormed through Melville, her beast skin up which made the pissed off look on her face all the scarier. She slammed through her brother’s door and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Mal standing in the middle of his dorm room.

“Jadis, it’s not what you think...” The divisor, decked out in a skimpy little black dress that showed way more cleavage then his sister possessed and some scarily sexy legs, sputtered as “Thank God, I only have one brother, and he’s not a cross-dresser.” came back to haunt She-Beast.


Sun, 11 August 2013 21:57

As she walked into the arena Val paused just outside of camera range, and turned her focus inward. Her school uniform rippled and sank back into her skin as it went from Irish pale to a transparent soft purple. She stood there a moment considering what ‘mask’ to wear for her finals. With a soft laugh she closed her eyes and willed herself into a new form.

“Let’s rumble.” Val said with a grin as the starting bell sounded.


Bardue bit the inside of his cheek trying to keep his laughter under controls as he looked over at Ito. The combat instructor shook his head slowly as his doppelganger sprinted out into the street.

“I have to say that’s a better approximation then some of them manage.” The Little Old Sadist said after a moment. “Still, the highest she can get now is a B+ as she failed to wear a mask.”

“Look again, she remembered it.” Gunny said as he tapped a few keys and zoomed in on the Faux Ito’s face. A pair of Gracho glasses with huge gray eyebrows floated over a honker that would have looked better on a clown.



Mon, 21 October 2013 00:48

Ayla was twitching visibly as he stalked over to Kimba Korner where most of the team was lounging about in the hammocks or in the air. Niki lounging in the highest hammock looking very regale, as Hank in mid air playing some Brick proofed hand held game. Billie was drifting upside down as she munched on a hoagie that was nearly the size of Jade. Toni was hanging from her ropes “sitting” as still as she could.

The Goodkind Growl was in full force as the Death glare swept over the assembly. “Ok, which one of you introduced Jade to “What does the Fox say?”

“What does the what say?” Lilly asked looking confused.

“it’s some God Awful promotional Yotube trash. Half tempted to try for a take over of Fox... no, no that means I’d have to deal with that network. Ick, no.” Ayla replied as he struck a contemplative pose.

“Wow, it must be bad if Bass Monkey’s number one fan can’t stand it.” Toni quipped, earning a Go to Hell look from Ayla.

From the lowest hammock a tail crept out followed by Diamondback’s head. “Um... I think that might have been the boys and Cait...”


Wed, 26 February 2014 08:44
Phase looked over the gathering of the newest TGs to join Poe. Mentally she shook her head, glad he’d managed to talk the headmistress into letting him expand Poe and Hawthorn two years ago. This was the largest crop of TGs yet and he was thinking maybe he should split them into two groups to manage them better.

>Anyone on?< he sub-vocalized into the Spot 20.7

He got a chorus from the rest of the team as well as several of the fringe players. >Hank, you mind pulling yourself away from Lilly? I need a hand. Group is larger then I can manage.<

>Sure, be right there. Stall.<

>We’re doing intros, you know my usual place.<

“Ok, so where where we? How about you? What is your name and powers?” Phase said pointing to one of the Poe girls who looked very Elfy.

“Um... well I don’t have a code name yet, but my name’s Jessie Collins. I’ve got several powers, my primary one is a size warpering, though I can only shrink and return to my normal size.” She did so, shrinking out of her clothing. A small nimbus of blush pink light rose out of the pile of cloth. “As you see, I... kind of have a few issues. Luckily I can manifest clothing when I’m this size.” came a surprisingly loud voice from the light.

Phase squinted and saw that Jessie was wearing a knock off Tinkerbelle outfit, the Fox version, not the Disney one, and also had fairy wings. “That’s very interesting. Is it magical or...”

“Not sure, tester i went to didn’t have any magical abilities. He did find out that when I’m this size I’m a PK supergirl, and I can do this..” she flew over to one of the less endowed girls and landed on her shoulder. Instantly the girl’s chest began to swell until her breasts where threatening to rip through her shirt. Jessie grimaced and lifted off. “Sorry, didn’t mean to make them that big...”

“No, this is...” the endowed girl said absently as she fondled herself. “I want them this big. How long does this last?”

“A few weeks. they’ll go down gradually unless I boost them.”

“So you’re the boobie fairy that passed me over.” one of the guys grumped. “You know how hard it is to be the flat as a board sister, called a boy to the point you become one?”

Phase grimaced at that and made a mental note to get the Nu-boy to talk to Dr. Bellows asap.


Wed, 09 April 2014 23:43
Englund stifled a yawn as he stepped outside the door of the parsonage, which was tucked in close to the school’s chapel. As he bent to pick up his paper, he saw the church lawn was covered in a white substance.

“What in the name of...” the Reverend muttered as he knelt to put his fingers in the substance, wondering which of the school’s heathen hooligan packs was choosing to mess with him and his church. The substance flaked off at his touch coating fingers. Bringing his hand to his nose he gave a sniff.

Then a cautious taste.

“Communion wafers?” he muttered as he stood, looking at his lawn again. For the first time he realized that the ‘wafers’ where where there was still shade. Where the sun had already hit, there was no trace of the substance. Standing on his stoop he could see the light driving back the shadows, and when the light touched the flaky paper thin food stuff it seemed to evaporate.

“Well, seems some one has been reading the Bible, trying to make me think Manna had come from Heaven.” he said shaking his head as he went back inside.


Later that day, after he’d finished teaching his Comparative Religions class (Also know as the You’ll Burn in Hell for not Worshiping My God You Heathen! class), the Reverend was walking along the Ring Road doing his usual patrol. One could not let much time go by least those who consorted with the Forces of Darkness gain a foot hold making it all the harder to drive them back...

A flicker of light ahead drew his attention, and the old man picked up his pace. Rounding the bend he came to a skidding stop at the sight of a tree ablaze, surrounded by that squirrel girl and the tree trimming crew.

“... I don’t know what happened.” the girl was saying softly, fiddling with her harness. “I was up there when it just... WOOSH! But... but I wasn’t burned!”

The team’s point man nodded “Seen some odd things, but this is a ...”

The nimbus of fire flared and seemed to point at Reverend Englund. “You have lost your way!” a voice thundered. “Turn from the path you walk, least you willingly condemn your soul.”

“Haha, very funny Beltane, or Thorn, or who ever. Like I am going to believe the old Burning Bush bit at this school.” the Reverend laughed as he turned his back on the tree. “I’ve seen better FX at the school play.”


The Reverend picked up the shot gun he kept beside his bed and slowly crept to his bedroom door. A sound had woke him from a sound sleep, and he had to wonder, again, which of the Heathen was messing with him. Breaking and Entering was a step up, and ...

a freight train slammed into the old man. The shot gun dropped to the floor, sending a gout of flame and buck shot into the air. Drawing on his Power Englund wrapped his arms around the intruder and began to wrestle him. Who ever he was, he was strong, and was putting up a fight. They crashed into Englund’s weapons cabinet, and his table was reduced to splinters. Then glass shattered and the pair where tussling in the grass.

>Fubar, security to the parsonage!< the old man mentally shouted to the abomination teacher under Hawthown.

>On their way.< came the drowsy reply, and the Reverend got a brief flash of very sexual dream he had interrupted.

Finding a rock under his hand, Englung struggled to get a firm grip on it, and putting everything he had he slammed the rock into the intruder’s hip. The man let out a grunt of pain and ...

“Reverend? Reverend, are you all right?”

“Get that light out of my eyes.” the Warrior for God growled as he sat up, shielding his eyes against the lances of pain that bore through to the back of his skull. “Where is he? Did you get him?”

“No sir, we haven’t found anyone. And... there’s no evidence anyone was even here.” the young security officer said with a gulp.

Englund shot him a disgusted look as he levered himself to his feet and turned to point to the parsonage window “Bull shit we came out...” he trailed off at the sight of the unbroken pane of glass. Sputtering he rushed into the building to find everything restored to as it had been when he’d gone to bed. “This is... Blasted students! When i find out who’s messing with me, I am going to have them Expelled!”


Paige shivered as she dropped to the ground. God she hated the smell of brimstone, especially after...

“Back already? Oh, wait... you’re the other two. haven’t seen you since the separation.” The Devil purred as he picked the were up by the scruff of her neck. “What brings you here?”

“Message from above that Petra couldn’t deliver.” she choked. “He tried, but He was denied thrice....”

“Well well, this is news.” the Devil said as he began to stroke Paige like she was a house cat. “Seems I get to play My Advocate with the good Reverend...”

I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.
Last Edit: 5 years 10 months ago by Cryptic.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #15
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Fri, 25 July 2014 08:28
first day of the 2008-2009 school year:

“So, who’s next?” Aquerna chirped, so thoroughly thrilled the house mother had asked her to show the new students around, even if it was a little scary. They where gathered in the Dickerson library, sitting on every available surface, which as there where a few size warpers in the group included on the mantle piece. All of them had snacks and drinks and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

The girls looked at each other then one of Asian decent stood up. “I guess I can.” she said chewing her lips and fidgeting. “My name is Marilyn Seong, no code name yet. I... can do this.” she stretched her hands out and seemed to pull. There was a crash followed by a lot of cursing before several glass marbles came zipping in along with a naked and sudsy semi transparent girl.

“Darlene?” Anna gasped as both the naked girl and the marbles dropped to the floor as Marilyn let out an embarrassed squeak.

“I’m so sorry, I don’t know why my powers effected you! I have some kind of psychic control over glass...”

Anna let out a little giggle as she slipped off her uniform coat and handed it to Darlene. “Well that explains things. Everyone, let me introduce you to Darlene, aka Glass.”


Wed, 30 July 2014 00:03
Peeper smiled as he focused on Fey’s chest, letting his vision move through her outer layer of clothing. Oh this was a real treat, she was coming right at him and... Peeper frowned a little as his sight passed through Fey’s bra and settled on the magic markered words “This isn’t Fey. This is a Spoofed copy. The real Fey prepared Explosive...”

Toni shook her head as the Spoof-Nikki’s chest detonated in Pepper’s face. “Alya, you really shouldn’t have gotten Nikki hooked on Order of the Stick.”


Tue, 12 August 2014 22:30
Welcome back to Antiques Roadshow, this week in Erie Pennsylvania.

-scene opens on the expert and a little old lady standing with a bizarre contraption that looks like a bag pipe making rough love to an accordion and a small pipe organ. it had a flaking pink paint job.-

The dapper expert, natty in his suit beamed at the camera. “Now when you brought this in, I thought this was some sort of weapon, and after a brief conference with my colleges, it turns out I was half right.”

“Oh?” the little old lady was clearly perplexed.

“It turns out that this is the Lost Pink Note of the Piper, a device thought to have been a myth up until now.”

“Who’s the Piper?”

“You don’t know about the Piper? Well, he was a German theme agent back during World War 2, one of their Terror crew. Prior to the war he was an instrument maker and besides the usual ones he experimented with making his own. Some compare him to Stradivarius when it comes to sound technology. The problem was one of his infernal instruments drove him mad and when the war broke out he was recruited. Before and during the war he produced dozens of these marvelous hand crafted instruments, all of them color coded, with each color producing a different effect. No one is quite sure what the Pink note did how ever, as it was never reported as ever being played. Let me see if i can turn this on so we can see...”

-The camera cuts out as a sound came from the machine and spiked up into the painful range. When the broadcast returns a woman wearing an ill fitting man’s suit is standing looking confused while a withered old man wearing a skirt is grinning like a fool. The people in the background all are also gender swapped.-

“HA!! after all these years i am finally myself again!” the old man crowed as he pulled a small overly kibbled recorder from under his skirt. “The Piper has returned! Now, bring me all your lovely expensive goods...”


Fri, 19 September 2014 00:11

Jade looked up from the stove in Hawthorn’s kitchen, trays of Christmas cookies covering every surface. The little girl smiled sweetly up at the scowling Psi Arts teacher and resident Basement beast. “hey Fubs, can I help you?”

“Ms. Sinclair, could you please reset the ventilation system so the whole cottage doesn’t smell like your holiday baking? Do you know what it is like to smell your favorite cookies and not be able to have any without risking making yourself sick?”

“Actually, I was about to put this batch through the grinder to sprinkle over your tank...” she giggled as Fubar’s scowl deepened.

“I. am. not. a. goldfish.”

“So no cookie crumbs then?”

The scowl slipped and Louis let out a sigh. “No, go ahead and sprinkle them in. It’s been ages since anyone has made me cookies.”

[yeah, it’s random, I need to go to bed, and I needed to get the image of Jade feeding Fubar like a goldfish that out of my head]


Sun, 19 October 2014 17:35

Evvie eyed Kayda as she dropped into her usual seat at the lunch table. “Hey, thought you where doing better since you got those spike thingies cleansed. What’s got you down now?”

Kayda shrugged. “this is my ‘WTF?’ face. Had the weirdest morning....”


Kayda was waiting for the elevator to get out of the tunnels, having been driven underground by a massive Rose/Beltan prank-plosion that had escalated when Bunny and Jade had joined in when she sensed someone hovering just at her elbow. Turning slowly, her hand straying to her dagger, hr shielding spell already formed in her mind. But the person standing there was hardly a threat. The boy look like he should be in Inera’s grade, and he was decked out in a badly made cowl and ‘winged’ cloak outfit.

“Can i help you?” kayda asked slowly.

“I”m Cowbird! I’m the white buffalo’s sidekick!”

“Huhz? You’re my side kick?”

Cowpie gave her a look of disgust. “Not your side kick, the buffalo’s! I’ve the spirit of the Cowbird in me!”

“There something you want to tell me?” Kayda asked as she dropped into her dreams space. The white bison was lounging by the camp fire chewing his cud.


“Why do you have a sidekick? I thought you where my sidekick.”

“I am your partner not a side kick.”

“What ever, there’s a Cowpie... Cowbird kid who thinks he’s to follow you around.”

the Bison sighed and rubbed the side of his head into the ground. “Sorry, they follow the herds...”


“... it took me an hour to make him go away.” Kayday finished as she stabbed her salad. “And then just before I came here there was another one who wanted to do Lone ranger/Tanto pairing.”


Mon, 29 December 2014 21:13

Jericho looked up from his project as Razor stuck his head in the door way. “Hey buddy, what’s up?”

“chirp, fuuuuoot cheap crrrr gra!” the raptor like transgender hooted as he used a claw to pick his teeth.

Jericho blinked. “They had you and Sara chasing what?”

“Cheap crrr.” Razor repeated as he reached into his back pack and pulled out a yellow rat with a zig zaggy tail, which he promptly popped into his mouth like it was a piece of popcorn.

Jericho winced at the helpless squeak the creature made as Razor bit down, “Ok, so you did say Pokemon. I assumed you where joking. Which Bio-divisor made them?”


Wed, 07 January 2015 12:47
This one I’m really proud of as it was Canonized by E.E. Nalley as part of North to Atlantis crystalhall.org/North2Atlantis…

It was a solemn gathering that drifted into the Grove, every Sidhe student that went to Whateley was in attendance, as well as more then a few forest spirits and beings like Koehnes. Outcast Corner stood with the Weres, Razorback clutching a large handkerchief which he was worrying to shreds while Jericho leaned against Diamondback. Eldrich and the Grunts who’d been recruited into the Wild Bunch where standing at attention, all armed with rifles and looking sharp in dress versions of the team uniform. In the shadows behind them stood Sara and her father.

The procession formed a circle around a woven briar that had grown in the center of the clearing. Once everyone was in place, the lights seemed to dim, leaving only the living lights of pixies and spirits to light the clearing as Team Kimba made their way in. Jade and Jin where at the fore carrying black swathed banners depicting a burning oak tree. Those who could see Jade’s eyes shivered at the anger and sadness that festered there, while Jinn looked as unemotional as ever.

Behind the standard bearers came Phase and Hank, and Tonie and Billie, each supporting a corner of a woven platform. Nikkie and Koehnes brought up the rears, the pair clinging to each other. The platform was place on the briar and the bearers stepped back, each doing their best to hide their own emotions.

The platform was empty save for a shield, bearing the burning oak, as well as a sword and crown.

Sniffing loudly Nikkie whispered, yet somehow everyone heard. “Thank you for coming. I... We... She...” the read head gulped and shook her head unable to continue.

A strong hand landed on her shoulder and Nikkie looked up into Charlie Lodgeman’s eyes. Behind him where her parents who she quickly moved to hug.

“Fey has suffered a trauma few will ever experience.” Totem said. “Perhaps I am one of the few who know what she feels, as once my wife held a little part of the one we came to honor. Through Cirque I knew Aunghadhail, as well as through my own spirit. Her history goes back to before man, her deeds many and varied. She was a creator,” he nodded to the Weres, “a Queen,” this time to the Sidhe and their lesser kin, “A teacher,” he gave Nikkie a sad smile “and a war leader.” a final nod to The Wild Bunch.

“But most of all, she was a hero. She gave her life to help heal two people she knew had been used unkindly. And isn’t that the greatest gift a Queen can give her people? the willingness to give her life to protect them?”

Totem let the silence gather before flicking his hand at the briar. a spark of magic kindled a flame that rose up hungrily.

The Weres let out howls, or bellows or roars, what ever suited their linage as the Grunts fired off a salute.


Sun, 25 January 2015 10:46

Setting by Mythos over on Twisting the Hellmouth in his Tales of the Barman open story.


Xander looked up from the ledger book as the wards twanged loudly in his mind, causing a slight frown crossing his features. It was a Sunday morning, and only beings in the bar besides him was Illyria who was upstairs doing Gods knew what. Denis was takeing the day off off to visit with Hrothbert of Bainbridge and his associate Harry. He knew the door, both the front one and the broom closet’s, had been locked.And yet... the door was open and he could see a waif of a woman standing in there.

“Excuse me miss, but I’m afai....” Xander trailed off as he got a good look at the woman with her scarlet hair, pointed ears, and red and puffy violet eyes. She was also emitting a ‘poor me, help me!” aura that was more then just how pathetic she looked; it had a taste of magic to it.

If Xander hadn’t been around literal Goddesses, Devils, and all other manner of beings he likely wouldn’t have been able to resist. But resist he could in his domain. Mostly, part of his body was reminding him how long it had been since he’d had a date.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ... I needed some time away from my friends, and ...”

“Take a seat Miss...”

“Reilly. Nikkie Reilly.” she said as she hopped up onto a bar stool.

it was only when she was a few feet from him that Xander realized how young the woman was; for her mature figure she was little more then a girl.

“Xander Harris. Welcome to Nights. It’s Sunday so I can’t give you any thing alcoholic even if you where of age. But I can get you some tea or coffee...”

“Coffee please.” she said eyes flowing over the wall behind the bar. Xander nodded and pored her a cup, setting a thing of creamer and sugar next to the mug.

“I think you have a bigger collection of hero and villain artifacts then the Homer gallery.” Nikkie mused as she absently fixed her drink the way she liked it.

“And some little guys as well.” Xander observed. “people like to tell me their stories and leave something behind as a remembrance. You kind of look like you have one you want to tell.”

Nikkie took a deep breath and let it out in a gust. “It started two years ago with some strange dreams...”


Xander shook his head as Nikkie’s tale of gender flipping, and ancient elves, of a school out of the comics, and a band of friends as tight as the Scoobies had been back in the day wound down with the death of a part of her.

“And I thought me and my friends had been cursed to live in interesting times.” he said softly. “I wish I could say the hurt will go away, but it never fully does. I still miss my best friend Jessie. I just don’t let the hurt take over. Lean on your friend, and try not to get to mad at them when they don’t quite understand what you’re feeling.”

Nikki looked into Xander’s eye and nodded slightly as she squared her shoulders, a royal bearing settling into place as she reached for her purse.

“it’s on the house.” Xander said quickly.

“All right... well then take these for your wall.” Nikkie said pulling a poster out of the much to small to hold it purse. “One for me and one for Aunghadhail.”

“Hey Nikkie you in here?” the door banged open and a blue haired girl who either could have been one of his previous patrons or the girl Nikkie called Billie floated in just as Illyria came down the stairs.

The two blue haired beings eyes locked and for a moment time seemed to freeze.

Xander’s jaw dropped as Illyria actually turned and ran into the kitchen, fear on her face.

“Billie, what was that?” Nikkie asked as she set the poster on the bar top and hopped down from her perch.

“I have no idea, but suddenly I am really hungry.”

“You’re always hungry. let’s got meet the rest at the pizza place and have lunch. Bye Xander. Maybe I’ll bring the rest of my friends by some time...”

Xander nodded absently as the girls left.

“Is it gone?” Illyria asked in a small voice so reminiscent of Fred it was scary as she peeked around the corner.

“Who, Billie? yeah she’s gone. What could scare you like that? You a Old One for peat’s sake!”

“Yes, well someone once made a weapon meant to destroy us... and that was it.”

“Right... funny thing, supposedly that ‘weapon’ is friends with one of your kin. The Kellith.” Xander replied as he unrolled the poster to reveal the red head looking down right pissed and nearly naked with words “Nature; Beautiful but Fierce” at the bottom. With it was a small broach depicting a blazing oak tree.


Tue, 27 January 2015 00:23

One of Poe’s newest TGirls approached their guide timidly. “Ah, excuse me Phase...”

“Ayla, please.” Phase corrected absently as he listened to the speculation about the ton of gold.

“Ayla, there’s something weird about the Lord Paramount painting.”

“Oh? it looks fine to...” Phase trailed off, eyes going wide at the sight of Lord Paramount wearing a very small banana hammock with a very big bulge, black bow tie, and cuffs; the classic Chipin Dale ‘costume’.

“God I hate exemplar memory...” Phase groaned as he looked away.


Mrs Carson walked to her office in the wee hours of the morning, grumbling at the need for her to leave her nice warm bed and the equally warm embrace of her lover’s arms. But she needed a jump on the paperwork she’d put off the night before and...

Carson’s step paused and she took several back to take in the row of paintings depicting the school’s headmasters and mistress. Her painting had changed over night.

Instead of the dignified image based on a snap shot taken while she was still one of the English teachers, it was a more candid shot of her letting her hair down at a party; Stretch Girl’s bachelorette party if she remembered right. God that had been one hell of a weekend... 20 super women, 72 hours several of which she still could not remember even with Fubar’s help...

The signature in the corner caught her eye. “IMP!!!”


Tue, 03 February 2015 23:32

February 2nd
Whateley ranges

“All right, Mr Mahren started this tradition several years back and we are going to continue it. Which mean today we have some special targets for you to shoot at. These are custom ANTS that are programed to behave like the varmints they are modeled after.” Gunny growled as he stalked behind the row of students armed with all manner of projectile weapon. Every range class was crammed onto the outdoor range’s line.

“Shooters ready... Deadeye, release the hogs. Commence fire!”

Gunny’s lips pressed down into a thin smirk as he watched the fur covered robots get shot to hell. Erik had started the groundhog hunt after one particularly bad winter where they’d been snowed in for weeks, and then Phil down in Pennsylvania had predicted more winter. They all knew it was garbage, but for the stir crazy range master... he kind of snapped. Gunny wasn’t sure where Erik had found the dozen stuffed, both plush and taxidermy kind, ground hogs, but over the course of an hour Erik had leisurely reduced them to tiny pieces.

Echoing Erick’s words Gunny muttered “Six more weeks my ass.”


Mon, 16 February 2015 21:56

Hawthorn’s kitchen door stood open and the sounds of a busy kitchen could be heard coming from within. Most of the old hat residents of the house grinned broadly and shooed the fresh things away least they disturb the kitchen’s occupant.

Val was humming to herself as she worked several deep fat friers as well as ran several mixers. Her first year at Whateley had left her feeling out of sorts with the meal arrangement. She was so used to making dinner for her family, that she missed just being able to cook and bake like she could at home. Sure she could work in the kitchens, but then cooking would be a Job, and not a Pleasure or Relaxing. So she’d asked Mrs C if it was all right to make a meal or two in house. The House mother hadn’t seen an issue with it, though she had reminded Val about how food that wasn’t labeled properly was fair game...

Val had just shrugged and later had informed the cottage that if her groceries where left untouched those who wanted could join her for the meal. She’d been a little surprised when several of her cottage mates had asked if they could help her with the meal. She hadn’t realized how much some of her fellow Thornies missed a family dinner, either due to their own families now shunning them, or the fact that the other students shunned them in the caff.

So began the tradition of the monthly Hawthorn ‘family’ dinner, though Val wasn’t always the head cook. Family recipients where traded and shared, new ones made on impulse and improvisation. Christmas and Thanksgiving, the main kitchens handled the Feast, but the Thornie kitchens produced some special treats like pumpkin cookies and pear pies.

And with Ash Wednesday approaching, Val took over the kitchens on Sunday and had been working around her scheduled to produce enough of one of her home town favorite treats to satisfy her house mates; the fasnacht. The kitchens where off limits and whoa to anyone who tried to snitch one of the savory treats before it was time.

Using her TK val shook the frier baskets and dumped the now cooked doughnuts out onto a towel to cool, then shifted her attention to another batch which she dusted with powdered sugar. Val did a quick count and let out a contented sigh as she scooped up a selection into a cardboard box.

Pulling out a cell phone Val tapped in a number and waited for it to be picked up. “I’m done Mrs C. Come get your order, and could you please spread the word it’s like last year; If you didn’t place an order you only get two to start. After everyone had gotten the rest are up for grabs.”

“Thank you dear, I’ll be right down. I swear child, since you started in that kitchen I have gained far to much...”

“it’s my pleasure. Oh, and could you guard them for a little? I need to deliver three orders.” Val laughed as she packed up several more orders and labeled them.

“Certainly, certainly. haven’t i been doing that since you started this year?” the house mother had asked before hanging up.

Chuckling softly Val dialed the next number on her list and waited a beat. “Mrs Hartford? Your glazed are ready. I’ll drop them by with the headmistress’s and the Chief’s. Should be... ten minutes? All right, thank you.”


Sat, 28 February 2015 16:36

Sasha sat fuming in the hall waiting for the principal to see her. Further down the line of chairs Marissa Smith-Jones sat prime and smug. Their math teacher had sent them to the principal because their test papers where 99.99% identical, the only difference being the names at the top. As Marissa’s family was well off and donated to the school, and Sasha’s family were just dairy farmers their teacher had jumped to the conclusion that she had been the one cheating.

Sasha winced and reached up to rub her left ear. Both of them had been bothering her since she’d woke up, and they’d been a little swollen... Sasha caught Marrissa looking at her through her lashes, a smug smirk on her lips. /Oh I wish she’d just tell the truth from now on! seems like nothing that comes out of her mouth is the truth!/ Sasha thought as the door was opened.

“Girls, in here.” Mr Morris said with a tired sigh.

“Sir, Sasha didn’t cheat, i did.” Marissa blurted, looking stunned at what came out of her mouth. “I didn’t study, went out drinking with my over 21 friends and then got laid by my secret girlfriend who is the girl’s swim coach.” Marissa’s eyes went huge as she clapped a hand over her mouth.

Mr Morris blinked. “Come again?”

Marissa seemed to struggle to say something, but what came out was “I cheated. I looked at Sasha’s paper. i’ve been having other people do my homework for years.”

“Not that, who are you having sex with?”

“The girl’s swim coach.”

“Sasha, you may go...”

Sasha nodded and scurried off, and into the bathroom, her bladder on the verge of letting go at her fear. Sweeping her brown hair back Sasha was shocked to see her ears now where graceful sweeping points.

Elf ears...

I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #16
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tue, 03 March 2015 23:15

Frosty ducked into one of the deeper, and lesser used tunnels under the school, panting hard and causing the area around her to ice up.

“The restless natives come after you too?” Nahga asked, causing the hawthorn girl to jump nearly a foot in to the air.

“Yeah. They didn’t believe me that this storm wasn’t my fault.” Frosty sighed.

“Well come on, we have an area set up where we can wait until things melt. Arranged us attending via video until it does already.” the witch explained as she cooled a spot on the wall causing a door to swing open revealing Icer, Suzan Chylds, and the hand full of others capable of manipulating ice and cold. “So, sno cone?”


Fri, 13 March 2015 16:26

“Welcome to the ‘Walking Copywrite Infringement club.’ For those of you who’s first time this is, if you look around you see this club is for those of us who’s mutations replicate a comic hero.”

A boy with a bat-morph raised his wing hand to get the speaker’s attention. “You don’t look like...”

The young lady at the podium raised a finger as she shrank down, wings growing from her back. “I got the “Wasp” package like you got the “Man Bat” package. I STILL don’t have a good code name as all the good bug ones have been taken. You’re going to also have trouble due to the Bat Family’s Bat block.”


Fri, 17 April 2015 08:49

(Day late, but my Muse was on strike yesterday)

April 16th 2007

“Jana, what are you doing here?” Sted asked as she looked up to see who was clopping towards her in the Venus Inc changing room.

“Likely the same thing you are. I got an invite from Poise, something about a special shoot that we where perfect for.” Jana replied as she stripped off her uniform top and stretched.

Sted blinked and blushed as she looked away. “Geeze, what brand of bra do you use? It looks like they squished things down a cup size!”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry, some times Saci thinks I need to be a little fuller on top so he inflates things when the clothing comes off. Meaning unless i can borrow a larger size, I need to risk Peeper and walk back to my cottage bra less.” Jana said making a face as she poked her enlarged chest.

“Speaking of clothing, did anyone tell you what we’d be wearing?”

“Noooo.... they didn’t.”

“Actually I have your wardrobe right here,” Fey said as she padded in elf silent save for the squeaking of the rolling rack’s wheels. She looked from the bikini like tops and then to the two girls frowning. “I’m going to have to glamor them to blend into your skin tone better...”

“Hold on, those are skin tone.... you want us to take a picture that looks like we’re naked?” Sted sputtered.

Fey grimaced. “Yeah, they want to continue the Nature Fierce and blah blah blah line, and when the photographer heard about you two...”

“He thought we fit.” Jana finished as she found a top in her size. “Well I was offered a good amount for this shoot, so I’m not gonna turn it down. Besides it’s not really any worse then some of the things I’ve worn on holidays back home. besides, it will be nice to have people seeing us as sexy rather then freaks.”

Fey snorted and shook her head. “Girls, you are sexy, and your... forms are older then dirt. The first centaurs where created back before the Sundering as Calvary units. And... my spirit rather liked ... congratulating the victorious stallions.” Fey finished that with her face as red as her hair. “Which is information I really didn’t need to know.”

Fey shook her head and squared her shoulders. “Well, if you two are ready, the camera awaits...”

For the next three hours Jana and Sted where posed and clicked, and instructed, and had a lot of fun as they frolicked in a secluded clearing close to the Venus studio.


Wed, 06 May 2015 22:45

Nikkie sighed as she carried her tray along the lunch line. Alya had talked the chiefs into making her some vegetarian treats, and a lovely mushroom ‘steak’ was gracing her plate. Coming to the desert area she pause debating if she wanted a sugary treat. Nothing really looked good... no there was a lovely looking tart tucked way in the back like the rest of it’s pan mates had already been snitched and it had been missed.

It practically said ‘eat me!’.

Without really thinking about it Nikki spilled it onto her tray and hurried up to the Kimba table.

“What do you have there?” Ayla asked spotting the tart, a piece of her own mushroom steak part way to her mouth.

“Not sure, but for all the times you’ve given me bites, you can have some.”

“Thank you, but I’ll wait to see if I’m still hungry when I am done with this.”

“Suit yourself. So, do we want the crystal or not?”

Hank made a face around his mouth full of barely grilled meat, the dribble of juices making Nikki shudder inside with revulsion. “Have you updated the cover conversations?”

The elf girl nodded. “Now it will sound like we’re talking about homework and less disturbing things.”

“Thank you God. I’ve had other guys ask me how I can stand all the girl talk.” Hank dropped his voice. “Someone even asked if I was really a girl. I nearly did a spit take on the soda I was drinking at the time.”

“Sorry about that. I...” Nikki coked on what she’d been about to say as a wave of magic flowed through her body. She looked down at her fork which had a half eaten piece of tart on the tines, and to her horror it seemed to be growing larger in her hand.

“Nikkie what is happening?” Ayla gasped, and Nikki could see he was doing something to the ambient essence...

“I’m not sure. Feels like someone hit me with a spell...” she tried to focus, but the spell’s weave.. she couldn’t get a grip on it to break free. Her clothing billowed around her as the spell sped up, and soon she was lost in the bundle.

Then light flooded down on her as Ayla lifted her shirt and bra off of Nikki, exposing the miniature naked form. “AYLA!!!” she snapped.

“Sorry, give me a moment, I think I have something in my utility belt... Not one word Hank. here Niki, this might fit you.”

Nikki accepted the offered cloth, and shook it out. “Ayla, why do you a tinkerbell dress in your utility belt?” she asked as she slipped it over her head.

“It’s Jade’s, she dropped it, and I picked it up. I was going to give it to her, but she seems to be skipping lunch.”

“So why does it fit me like a glove?” Nikki asked as she tugged the dress’s hem as low as it would go so as not to flash the boys.

“You’ll have to ask Jade that. Want a ride in my pocket to the Mystic department?”

“Please. Take what’s left of the...” Nikki blinked as Hank ripped out of his clothing, crushed his chair and then banded his head on the level above. “HANK!!”

“Sorry, it looked so good. I just had a little bite...”


Fri, 29 May 2015 14:38

Hey Cryptic.”

“What is it Muse?”

“You know that story we’ve been working on?”

“If you’re about to say you have writer’s block, so help me...”

“No, no, not that. I just realized we need to work on the cliques seeing how we’ve set things at a point where all the current canon characters are gone, and the next batch hasn’t arrived yet.”

“Ahhhh, bugger. And you couldn’t have waited to tell me this until after the fair?”

“Well I figured you could think about it while you helped set up...”

“-sigh- you have a point. So which cliques do you think we should focus on?”

“Spy Kids, Bad Seeds, Masterminds, and... Wanna say the remains of The Don’s faction. Oh and the Alphas.”

“I’ll agree with the Secret Squirrels, but how about focusing on someone other then the ‘bad’ element? How about the Capes? Let’s say Pendragon’s successor didn’t choose as well as Pen did and the Capes have become what the Alphas where under Freya and the Don?”

“Hey, I thought I was the Muse in this relationship! But I do like that idea. Maybe they’re trying to rule the school with an Iron Fist of Justice?”

“Mmmm, maybe. I was thinking more Jack Rabbit and Iron Mike rather then the Crime Lords or what ever they where called.”


Thu, 18 June 2015 00:21

“This had better be worth eight bucks.” Jenny sighed as Tommy lead her, with a firm grip on her hand, through the gates of the fair and made a bee line for the fair’s race track entrance.

“Oh it will be!” Tommy, “Junker” to his friends and the MCO, said with a grin. “I hear they have Slashdance here! You NEVER get to see Mark 5’s any more!”

Jenny sighed and tuned out the techno babble. She loved the gadgeteer, but some times she wondered if he loved machines more then he did her. If she ever caught him making love to a machine... well she wasn’t sure what she’d do to him. She’d seen such promise in him inviting her to visit over the summer, hell they would be seniors next year, and she was kind of hoping the country tinkerer would maybe get the hint and they would go all the way before school started up again. And a week in, she was enjoying things, thought she couldn’t say she was to thrilled about the country fair. She didn’t need to see where her burger came from, she was content thinking it came from the store, not that smelly burping, pooting, drooling cow. The Goats where cute though...

“Hold on, I want to get some... and we’re in.” she sighed looking around the surprisingly packed stands. it was a disturbing cross section of America, with mullets and flannel mixed in with the Suit-groupies who followed the circuit from city to city. and not a concession vendor in sight.

“Ladies and Gentlemen!! Put your hands together for Slashdance!!” the announcer said over the pa system as a sleek silver power armor strutted out to the center of the track. Despite it’s highly polished plating, it was clearly battle scared and it didn’t move smoothly, like something was damaged internally or the pilot was not at 100% themselves. Jenny could see it got it’s name from the large blades that where welded to the underside of the armor’s fore arms, though from where she was she couldn’t see it’s hands.

“And Slasher’s challenger is from the Great White North!! Give it up for Steamhelm!!!”

The armor that clomped out looked a steam engine had collided with a scrap yard. Jenny wasn’t sure what to think of Steamhelm. The thing was crude, belched smoke and steam, it looked like it was held together with bubble gum and... no that was definitely duct tape holding some armor plating in place.

“Oh, wow!!” Tommy breathed, his eyes huge. “I’ve heard of Steamhelm... supposedly it was found in this hole in the basement wall lab where it’s creator froze himself by accident back in the 18 somethings. Poor guy miscalculated his cryogenic formula and he didn’t survive the thawing process.”

Jenny shivered. Her father worked at ARC and he once took her down to the cryo storage area, and it had creeped her out to no end. Even four years after she still had nightmares of the place.

Her reminiscing was interrupted as an air horn sounded and the two suits of armor began to circle.

“This is so cool!” Tommy breathed, pushing his glasses back up onto his nose as Steamhelm ejected a spiked mace on a “short” chain and began to lash it at Slasher. Slasher ignored the small wrecking ball, taking a few hits as it picked up speed and began to do laps around the larger and heavier armor.

“Look at Slasher go! This is Slasher’s favored move; hamstring it’s opponent then go in for the kill.” the announcer bugled as Slasher’s blade struck sparks. “But it doesn’t seem like Steam’s Achilles’s heel is going to be that easy to get to! And it seems like Slasher’s vibro blades are not up to snuff to cut through that iron plate...”

“That’s cause they aren’t on.” Tommy huffed as he fiddled with his glasses frame. Jenny knew that besides correcting his sight Tommy had “borrowed” the idea to house several types of cameras and visual enhancement devices in the frames from some web comic he read. “I can see ... yeah, who ever has been maintaining Slasher needs to be fired. they cross wired the vibro motor and...”

The person next to them, a massively fat woman in an overly tight t-shirt with some unreadable do to the stretch logo on it, hissed at him to shut the hell up. Tommy started to protest but was cut off as Steamhelm let out a massive burst of steam and ground to a halt. It shook slightly, as if it’s pilot was squirming around inside trying to make repairs. Slasher paused as if trying to work out if this was a lure to draw it in, or if Steam really was in trouble.

“Oh, shi....” Jenny hissed as her danger sense suddenly flared to life. She threw up her PK shield to cover herself and Tommy seconds before Steamhelm exploded, sending parts flying into the stands.


Fri, 26 June 2015 22:57

“Excuse me, Jadis Diabolik?”

Jadis looked up slowly from the book she was reading. usually when she had someone asking for her name, it usually meant she was about to have someone screaming in her face about how she’d killed some relation to them, or some Cape wannabe trying to rush them by takeing out a ‘villain’. The fact that the person asking was actually being polite about it was a bit of a change.

“I am, what can I do for you...??” the white haired young woman asked looking over the frosh shifting from foot to foot across from her. About average height, pixie cut blond hair that was almost as light as her own, tapered elvin ears sported several... where those iron and plastic earrings? Sihde allergies should have rendered them unbearable. Set into a heart shaped face eyes where almost like smoldering coals burned into Jadis, but not in a hostile way. /Huh, she didn’t get the ‘most common super power’ any more then I did./ Jadis realized as her gaze swept over the other girl’s top.

“Alisa Mercer. I was stuck with the code name Iron Kissed. I... bet you don’t get this often, but could you pass on to your father my thanks? He raided a city this spring where I was being held by the MCO. While they where all under the effects of the Mind Web, I managed to escape.”

Jadis’s mouth compressed into a thin line. “You’re a fugitive from the MCO? What where they holding you for?”

Alisa shrugged. “Nothing, I am an orphan who was between foster families, and my eyes changed. The person running the group home I was staying at called them in and they took me away. Didn’t even use my powers until they started ‘playing’ with me to see what made me tick.”

“I see...”

“Well, like I said, thank him for me, and I’ll maybe see you around. I need to get to the store before it closes.”

Jadis nodded absently as the girl hurried away, more then a little stunned someone actually wanted to thank her father.


Thu, 16 July 2015 12:34

“Chief, we got reports of a rager incident in the quad.” one of the new officers called from the bull pen.

Delarosa sighed and popped an ant-acid. It seemed in the last few years the number of Ragers had gone up about as fast as the number of Changlings had, and they where getting stronger and more violent. “Which one this time?” he asked.

“It’s Charon sir. Lancer, Generator and Shroud are working to corral him and the rest of TK are playing crowd control.”

Delarosa gave silent thanks that after the Wild Pack had graduated the kids of Team Kimba had stepped up to fill the hole their absence left in his security plans. It seemed to have grounded them for the most part though they still has some of the “Third Option” flair to their antics. Still they had a knack for heading off problems before they became security’s problem. “Ok, so it’s handled except for the clean up and punishment. What set Charon off this time? No.. let me guess...”

“Someone was calling him Sharon again.” Delarosa and the officer said at the same time.


Tue, 21 July 2015 08:30

Mrs Carson stared down at Phase and Fey, giving them a death glare. “Ms Goodkind, I know I have told you about the rules protecting the families of other students. I would have hoped you had passed the ... warning on to the rest of your team. However I have a report here about an assault on one Dakota Morgan code name Traceur’s family. Her sponcers and Dr Bellows have made me aware of what happened to her before coming to Whateley, and it seems that someone took poetic retribution for the ills they did to her.”

She slapped several photos onto her desk. “Someone used magic to swap their genders. And then put a compulsion on the young... women too have sex with anyone and any thing.”

“Mrs Carson, you can check my bank records, I did not pay to have this done, and Nikkie would never....”

There was a cracking sound and Phase shut his mouth.

“Ms Goodkind, I don’t care about what was done, the spell has worn off, at least for most of them. the Elder... sister is pregnant and hasn’t changed and Circe says she likely will never revert. What I am angry about is that I wanted to deal with them myself and someone beat me to it.”


Wed, 29 July 2015 15:17

“Good afternoon everyone, this is Outcast Corner taken over the air waves, cause frankly we got tired of Peeper’s leering at the girls. He’s currently duck taped to the ceiling with a lead sleep mask over his eyes.”

A seal like barking that those who where friends with the reptilian rage knew as his laughter cut in followed by “Chirruph!”

“What you said buddy.” Jericho said with a smirk. “Don’t get ever complement Cait on what she is wearing underneath the outer layer of clothing.”

“Let’s not mention it and get on with the next bout.” Cait growled as she finished drawing a penis on Peeper’s forehead.

“As you say Oh Metallic One. We have... Nacht going against the Frosh Tink... Um there seems to be something going on down there...”

“Churr? Chirp chuff, gra!”

“Yeah, I agree Razor. It appears like Nacht is refusing to go into the ring against Tink.”

There was the sound of rummaging and then Cait spoke up. “Hey what’s... Oh God... I hate to sound like Peeper, but I just found a PIN UP of Nacht! And it looks like it was produced by Tink!”

“Let me see. Damn, some how you don’t realize Nacht has a very fine ...”


“And shutting up now before She-Beast comes hunting my polk-a-dotted butt.”


Sat, 01 August 2015 19:14

September 2008
Berlin New Hampshire train station

Jadis hefted her bag and stretched slightly as she looked around the semi deserted station as Mal and Thrasher humped their bags off another carriage. The rest of the Bad Seeds, as well as a few new Seeds had gotten a Special all to themselves this year due to security concerns.

She-Beast glanced down at the text on her Dad Phone then around the platform again. Kate was supposed to be meeting her at the station, something about her and her guardian needing to come to the school early. But the spooky girl and her overly bubbly chaperone were no where in sight.

Then something slammed into her back, causing her to reflexively pull up her Beast-skin. “Get the... Kate?” Spinning around, there was a snarl on her muzzle that turned into a look of confusion as she realized who had been hugging her.

“Good Morning Jadis!” Kate chirped with a huge grin. Gone where her dark clothing, replaced with a yellow blouse and light gray pants. The shadows that had clung to her the whole time Jadis had known the other girl where also gone. If fact she seemed to be radiating light. “Isn’t it a lovely day?”

“Um... yeah. Kate, what the heck?” She-Beast asked as she dropped her skin.

“Welll.... kind of a long story, but Sunny’s Dynamorph, or part of it any way, ended up in me, and won’t come out.” Kate smiled blissfully as she did a slow turn an inch off the floor. “I haven’t felt this good in years!”

Written by Sir Read-a-Lot
Sat, 01 August 2015 20:04

Jadis looked over at Sunny, walking next to her as they watched Nacht completely fail to live up to her code name - smiling, laughing, skipping as they made their way to the train. Sunny grinned. “Don’t tell Kate that I said this,” she confided, “but dynamorphs have absolutely zero influence over your personality. All they can give you is a bit of an adrenaline rush and very sparkly powers.”

Jadis looked over at the ebullient girl ahead of them who was starting to sing a very pretty rendition of “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”. “Don’t worry,” she said, “I won’t.”

Sat, 01 August 2015 21:22

Jadis sat across from Kate at her usual Fixer table, still mildly weirded out by the change in her friend. “So... how has this effected your powers?”

“That’s kind of why we came early.” Kate replied as she nibbled on a muffin. “I can still do the Dark thing, but it doesn’t come as fast or as strong any more. And now I have lesser versions of Sunny’s light based power.”

“Mhm... So sticking with Nacht or are you gonna change the code name?”

“Sunny and I talked about it, and I’m changing it. Gonna go by Schatten- Licht.”

Jadis frowned then asked “ ‘Shadow-Light’ in German? Have you been watching My Little Ponies reruns? So, think you’re Bobby Rose will like the new you?”

“Yes I have been. Sunny has all the old episodes, and she and Big Dawg as backing a reboot. I hope so. I really enjoyed his attention last year and... I kinda wanna loose my ...”


“Self in his eyes.” Kate finished loudly with an amused grin. As soon as Jadis’s hands where lowered from her ears Kate added. “But, yes, I’d like to have sex with him too.”

Sun, 02 August 2015 09:07

A scream ripped through the night, and the night ripped through several walls and floors of Melville cottage. Panting, eyes wide and unfocused, Kate sat up in bed, a hand pressed to her chest to feel her heart racing a million miles a minute. Shivering she put her head on her knees and began to rock.

She was still in that position when Jadis, beast skin up and a bag of Molly in hand, cautiously poked her head into the doorway. “Kate? The Hell?”

“Bad dream. Very bad dream. I was perky, and happy, and ... and ... in the dream I liked it!” Nacht whimpered.


Sat, 08 August 2015 10:56

Tears ran down the young woman’s face as she stood looking at the charred ruins of what had been her home. She had emerged from that crucible but her parents and siblings hadn’t. She knew who had done it; people she’d thought of as friends and neighbors, good God fearing people. Well apparently Though Shalt Not Kill didn’t apply to those who God had blessed.

She gave a soft laugh at the irony; her mother was the one who the town had turned against, despite them loving ... ok tolerating her Masked identity. But some A-hole at the MCO had thought mutants should be posted like pedophiles on the internet so “the citizens should be aware!” Fourteen years retired, several commendations, friends in high places, and yet they still went after her mother because she wasn’t what they thought she was.

She looked down at the scraps of burned cloth that clung to her body. She wasn’t what she’d thought either. Her legs where different now, cloven hooves and covered in fine blonde fur that matched what was on her head. Absently she brushed her hair behind her ear, finding it was now long and tapered.

She frowned remembering a story told to her by her gran, about a vengeful spirit. “I am the Green Lady.” she whispered to herself as ashes swirled around her body, forming a dress as green as new grass. Something clicked in her mind and a voice purred. /Yes love. You are. You are she reborn, shadowed hand of the Queen of the West. And I am you, and I will guide you in your power and duty. let me show you what we can do, using those who have hurt you as my props.../


Tue, 11 August 2015 23:13

“Teri, what are you up to in there?” Ms Savage asked through the closed doors to the fairy mutant’s room. “Some of the other girls are getting a little worried by the ...” the house mother paused to choose her words. “Loud giggles.”

The fairy sized door popped open and Ms Savage flinched a little as light reflected into her eyes. “Just working on a costume for Flight class. Do you like it?” Teri asked doing a pirouette in midair while wearing what looked like a gold colored disco ball that covered her from her neck to her hips, showing off pretty much all her legs, which too where gold in color. The ball also had holes for her wings.

“I... don’t know what to think.” Ms Savage said going a little cross eyed as she took in her smallest charge.

“Well I ran into Hexette while out for a fly last Tuesday and we got talking. She mentioned that Mugwump has been trying to enchant a ball so he can play Squid-witch? I don’t know I was distracted for a moment, missed the game’s name. Anyway he hasn’t managed to get it to move right. So she asked me if I could be the Snidget and show him how it moves so his spell can ‘record’ my movements.”

“Um Teri I think Hex...”

“Up, I need to go, Mugwump should be getting out of Mystical arts 101 about now! Got to go!” And with that Teri tucked her arms and most of her legs up into the disco ball and shot off.

“This isn’t going to end well.” Ms Savage muttered as she went to locate something to drink.


Fri, 14 August 2015

The being who went by the name Mr West stepped into the DPA main elevator and let the scanner play over his features. The buttons dimmed and then a plate slide aside exposing several more options. Nodding to himself he used the tip of his cane to touch the one marked for the sub-sub-sub basement, and the lift began to descend. When it came to a halt the doors slide open revealing a hospital clean corridor tiled in a soft golden-brown.

“I see you redecorated since the last time I dropped by.” the ancient ‘dragon’ called as his step grew strong and fluid, the guise of being human falling away in all by the flesh.

“Considering the last time you visited was back when ... well you know.” came a gravelly reply as a hulking figure looked up from the 10 inch tablet that was dwarfed by his hands.

“It’s been to long. Been trying to stay out of your side of things, though the school... You may want to head up that way with a team some time soon. Signs are pointing to something bad coming, and Class X things have been stirring up trouble.”

That drew the big man’s attention, causing him to shake his head. “I told you setting that school up in that valley was a bad idea. Bad enough Minsk U is there.”

“You know the reasons that site was chosen Adam,” Ty said as he settled into the chair across from his oldest ... something. Both where centuries old and at one time or another they had come head to head over an issue. But they both saw the long view and their goals for the most part where parallel. Ty’s gaze swept over the other ‘man’ across from him. “You’re looking better. less... cobbled together.”

Adam smiled thinly and nodded. “Thank you for putting me in contact with the bio-devisor. While he has no idea how I live, he did manage to work out how to activate a healing factor which has smoothed over the rough edges my father left me at my birth. So, where did we leave off in our game? i believe it was your move...”


Sat, 22 August 2015

Doug looked over the assemblage of parts laid out on the work bench and mentally crossed his gingers as he slipped the device around his test subject’s neck. “Ok, let’s let this boot up, and hopefully by then Miyet will find her way here.”

The cat girl took about fifteen minutes longer to find his lab then Doug was comfortable with, but she did show up. “Hi, someone said you had a job for me, and you where willing to pay?”

“Yup, I hope you don’t mind if I transfer your payment to your school account? I.. didn’t realize my roommmate had raided my cash on hand so I’m a little short.”

“I guess that’s fine.” Miyet replied with a shrug as she took in the lab for a moment before fixing on the cage sitting on the bench. “What are you doing with .. is that Timeless’s Whiskers??”

“Nothing harmful, and James knows I have him! I made a cat translation device, cause my cat at home and I have no idea what she wants when she meows at me!”

“Oh... Um I’m not sure Bast wants humans to know what cats are saying, but I guess unless she steps in and says so I can help you.”

“Ok, um... well this might take a bit. Whisker’s has actually been pretty quiet since James dropped him off...”

“Merr. yawn”

“He says ‘shut up, I was sleeping, and you just interrupted a GOOD dream’.” Miyet translated.

Doug frowned at his tablet “Huh... my read out just says “I hate Mondays.’.”


“Huh? what is he babbling about?”

“I had “Let me out.”


“That was Let me out, I want to see James.”

“My program is way off... ‘where is the litter box?’.” Doug sighed and shut off the tablet. “Ok, I need to work on this some, you want to take Whisker’s back to James for me?”



Sun, 23 August 2015

“... MCO and Knights of Purity units converged on Reading PA today when a low level Rager incident took place at a local G-mart store. While there was a lot of property damage, no one injuries where initially reported. That changed when the MCO and Knights stormed the store guns blazing. We have exclusive film from the store’s security camera, and we must warn you the images are graphic...”

The film cuts in showing a woman with dark hair and glasses pushing a cart through the aisles, and it was clear she was getting frustrated by the other shoppers stopping unexpectedly, blocking the aisles, blocking her ability to get to items, stepping in front of her without looking and nearly getting hit. The straw that broke the camels back was when a bunch of kids just ran a muck causing mayhem in the section and the mother did nothing to rein them in. The woman just let loose throwing carts out of her way so she could chase the misbehaving children with a french bread.

Then came the MCO and Knights who knocked down shelves, stampeded people, tasered them when they didn’t move fast enough and just did everything they where not supposed to before dog-piling the “rager”. The then proceeded to pummel the woman unconscious and drag her out to a waiting super transport. The actual policed arrived a half hour after the MCO and Knights had departed.

The anchor reappeared on screen “The MCO claims they have no idea who the woman on the tape is, and that they do not have her in custody.”

Mon, 24 August 2015

“Good evening, In the First Ten at Ten we have an update on the “Rager in Reading” incident yesterday. The MCO have now admitted that they did take a young woman into custody, and that their denial about takeing her was due to slow paperwork processing and not updating their spokesperson. Said spokesperson panicked when asked about something he was unaware of and spouted their default denial. The MCO has also said that the woman has been released as it turned out she was not a mutant at all, just a frustrated shopper, and that the person who called them in over stated what was happening. They say they will release the recorded call in the morning.

While we could not reach the young woman for comment, her lawyers have stated she will be filing suit against the MCO and Knights of Purity.”


Thu, 27 August 2015

Bunker and Mule filled into the Security conference room. Security officers had been to round them up and them bring them here on the double. But now that they where here it was hurry up and wait.

“Sorry to make you wait.” interrupted the poker game that had sprung up in the twenty minutes they’d been left cooling their heels. The two immediately jumped to their feet at attention, only to relax a fraction when it registered that the man who had spoken was only wearing a suit that had Fed stamped all over it. “Field agent Haze DPA. I know you two are planning on enlisting when you are finished here... sit, sit, this isn’t a talk that should be heard while standing.”

Dominic glanced at Bunker (For some reason he couldn’t think of her as Andrea) then took the seat across from Haze. “Yes sir, that had been our plans. And if this is a pitch for OlymPYC, I can speak for both of us when I say we’re quite happy here at Whateley.”

Agent Haze looked like he’d bitten into something unpleasant at the mention of the US’s Paranormal Youth Cadets. “God no. That place has been more of a head ache then it’s been worth, as the Goodkinds and their H1 friends have been protesting it since it was a twinkle in some idiot general’s eye. No, I am actually here to ask if you two would be interested in cross training with the Mystic Arts department. The DPA works closely with a few special units built along the lines of a SEAL team, and they are trained to handle the things that ... well we don’t want the average citizen to know about.”

“You want us to fight monsters.” Bunker stated cutting through the bureaucrat speak.

“Well, yes, we do. The Chief has made notes in all your files that you have been dealing with Class X entities and... well you’re still sane and alive.”

“Why aren’t you talking to the Goobers?” Dom asked leaning forward to rest his chin on his interlaced fingers.

“Because they are a joke, even Englund’s core group. We’ve recruited from them in the past and the life expectancy for them is six months. Grunt recruits do much better.”

“How much better?” Bunker asked, eyes narrowed.

Haze squirmed under her gaze. “it’s not as good a survival rate as an average military unit, and some years are not as... Apocalyptic as others....” Bunker raised an eyebrow and Haze crumbled. “the length of of service in the unit is supposed to be two years, before most are rotated out to other units who are in less stressful deployments. But the actual ... oh hell recruits average a year. Only one other unit has had casualty rates higher that that and ... well their missions are just as dangerous as the ones our people deal with.”

“The Dragon Slayers.” Dom said softly thinking about the Rager Night video he’d been made to watch before Halloween.

“yeah. Them. Our unit does what they did, sept with the really nasty stuff.” Haze said softly.

“We’ll think about it. Is it ok if we talk to a few people about this? people who we’ve been working with ...

“The Wild Bunch? Sure, go ahead, see if any of them would be interested, because if you’re an effective team already, why break it up?”

I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #17
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Thu, 03 September 2015

Wrote this, and realized I can’t use it yet in my current Magpie story, so thought I’d give you all a sneak peek at my newest character.

John Loki Stephens better known around Whateley as “Wizard Magpie” let out a tired sigh as he leaned back from his work bench in the Alchemy lab, sparing a quick glance at the Mickey Mouse alarm clock he’d saved from desecration by over eager part-hunters. Just a little past 1 in the morning, and if all went well, if everything was properly aligned... He would have created Life! in the form of a Homunculus. From her perch his familiar Double Stuffed the magpie let out a warble and gave him the stink eye.

“Hush you, I’m using Uncle Grey’s formula, and you’ve met his ‘butler’.” John replied as he closed his eyes. He’d just close them for a little bit...


Mickey was banging energetically away on his bell jerking John awake, his face stuck to a piece of paper by way of his spit. Double let out a growl and tucked her head further under her wing.

“Eight o’clock? Shit.” John ground the sleep from his eyes and looked over the incubation chamber. It was open. “Shit. Where did it go?”

“Where did what go?” a high pitched female voice asked from the floor.

“The frack?” John swore again as he pushed his chair back and goggled at the Barbie sized, orange skinned, naked girl. When their eyes locked something passed between them and a bond formed. She was flesh of his flesh, blood of his blood... Why was she a she?

“Oh, hello Master.” the girl purred as she scrambled up his leg, her fingers sprouting wicked little claws that pierced the fabric of his jeans with ease. “How may I serve you?”


Mon, 14 September 2015

John looked over his costume for Halloween, a small smile on his face. He’d managed to convince Irene to go as something other then a Witch with a pointy black hat, mostly by hiding the much abused witch hat she’d had prominently on display in her room. The girls where going as the Halliwell sisters from Charmed, and he was going as another fictional magic user.

Taking a breath to center himself, then remembering to lock the door to his room, John drew Essence in and began to craft the illusion he needed to complete his outfit.


Jimmy T stretched enjoying sitting with Chimera at the judges table. Fubar was chatting with Kayda’s spirit who was bedecked in gold chains and sporting a Mohawk.

“Looks like we have a group entry.” Chimera said, pointing to where the Charmed Ones where making their entrance along with another young woman dressed as Lady Loki carrying an impressively glowing staff. “And the Lady Loki’s pretty good too. Wonder who that is.”

Jimmy cocked his head as the Lady Loki strutted over and took an entry sheet. “Evening Jimmy, ‘Mera. The girls wanted me to fill out the form for them if that’s ok.”

“Sure that’s....” Chimera started to say as her brain caught up with her nose. “you’re a guy!”

Lady Loki grinned and nodded. “Figured my namesake went distaff now and then, thought I might give it a try.”

Jimmy shook his head as he handed John an entry form that was already partially filled out for best female character.

Mon, 14 September 2015 23:52

Mudwump glowered at the costume honor required he wear to the party, having lost to that mudblood disgrace to all wizardom and his haram of essence thieves. Grimly he shed his robes and stood in his tight whities girdling his nerves to put the costume on. with trembling hands he slipped the light blue fabric over his head and did up the zipper. A wig went on his head, special shoes and socks, and a stuffed animal finished the costume.


“Oh God, who is that supposed to be?” Chimera whispered to Jimmy, her eyes wide as she took in the white haired “girl” who was wearing a light blue dress that was 70’s-retro, knee high socks with dainty black leather shoes, and a stuffed black cat.

“That’s ....” Jimmy cocked his head to listen to one of his ghostly visitors “Wow... calm down Dan. I don’t think that’s meant to be an insult to Sabrina. Geeze, just go already, I will get Circe to exercise you from this building.” Firmly ignoring the ghost now Jimmy shook his head as the “girl” went over to the Halliwells and Lady Loki and began to shrilly yell at them.


Sep 20 2015

When the Sundering happened, Magic as those who lived at that time was shattered along with the land. The World Trees that hadn’t been destroyed in the war where the catalyst for the spell, their destruction caused the Essence in the world to burn away. As the Essence burned the Sidhe who where linked to the World burned as well. Only a few survived the holocaust and they survived only through quick thinking and desperate measures. Most of the spells and artifacts that had been created where also destroyed, but those that where inactive, or in a passive state linger, waiting for someone to rediscover them...

I swam slowly in the murky waters off the cost of Galilee Rhode Island, my fins stroking lazily as I fought the current, working to uncover... something. We’d been diving on this area for a week, Funded by Misk U, and out time was nearly up. Most of the team thought that this was a waste of time, but I knew my brother had pointed us here, and I knew when he said there was something some where, it was there.

I probably should have been paying more attention, but my mind was wandering to my nephew John and the e-mail he’d sent me about getting ready to go to his new private school in a few weeks. So when something cold sliced through the neoprene dive suit I was wearing and the water flooded with my blood, it was a bit of a surprise. The bigger surprise was when the cold object warmed up and latched onto my wrist, clamping off the blood flow. The the burning started, and i blacked out.


I came to slowly, and I could tell I was on dry land again; The room wasn’t shifting with the swells. The sound of electronics caught my ear, as well as the steady “beep, beep, beep” that echoed my heart’s labors.

“Mom!! Dad!! The patient is waking up!!” a girl’s voice shouted cutting through my assessment.

“Ow, little...” I paused. My voice didn’t sound right. Come to think of it, my body didn’t feel right, though I couldn’t place why. Wait... no i could tell why; I couldn’t feel what ever i was laying on. i could tell it was there supporting me, but it was like... laying down in the snow as a kid while I was wearing a snow suit. The floof of the suit had cushioned me from the frozen ground, and while what ever was encasing me wasn’t soft, it was keeping me from ...

My breathing registered then, the slight echo and hiss that I sort of remembered from wearing an old style brass diving helmet as a hazing ritual on my first underwater excavation. I was wearing some kind of helmet. I opened my eyes slowly and found my view not that badly restricted. I revised my dive helmet comparison to motorcycle helmet, though I could tell what ever was over my head was sealed tight around my neck which meant I had no idea where the air i was breathing was coming from.

A bronze haired woman and a dark haired man came into the room, and I recognized them as the Bayside Surf and Rescue team; Jenny and Richard Taliesin, which suggested that I was in their headquarters. And that the girl was their child, who rather publicly went from Larry to Karen after a visit to ARC. There had been a lot of conspiracy theories flying about the gender change and how it had happened.

“What happened? Why am I in... what ever this is?” I asked before either adult could speak.

Richard shrugged. “We’re really not sure. When you where brought in you had something clamped onto your wrist, and in a few hours it just ... grew.”

Jenny brought over a mirror for me to use, and the reflection could have been a prop for a next generation of Power Ranger. The garnish purple and silver helmet had that kind of look to it. But instead of spandex the rest of the suit seemed to be made out of some kind of metallic cloth, again with the silver and purple. Mostly purple, with the silver forming a collar like design around my neck and upper chest.

A chest that clearly had breasts.

“Oh, hell, how’d I end up a woman again?”

“Again?” Jenny asked looking confused.

“Yeah, when I was six my older brother turned me into a girl with magic.” I replied as I rubbed the wrist that had been ‘attacked’. That wrist had a significantly more intricate gauntlet then the other side, and as I rubbed it something clicked in my head and the whole thing just sort of flowed off of me.

And burned like hell around my wrists and neck as the metal settled into my body somehow.


Re-posted from Crystal Hall Forums

Thu, 29 January 2015 15:47

Mrs Carson sighed as she took in the battered girl sitting across from her. One eye was swollen shut, her left hand was in a cast, and the tattered uniform hid other injuries. And yet she sat straight and proud unphased by the glare the headmistress was giving her.

“Ms Web, this is the seventh fight you have gotten into in the first three weeks of the year. One would think you where a rager brick, not one of our...”

“Don’t call me an Underdog.” Kara snapped, her true personality slipping through her Leslie persona. “I am not a whipped puppy, I refuse to lay down and take it.”

Mrs Carson sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Very well. Take these papers, fill them out, and you will get an Ultra Violent arm band.”

Kara nodded as she hopped up and took the papers.

“You also have detention helping Sam, Morris, and the Sinclairs in the sewers.” Carson added. “As well as becoming Sensi Ito’s student teacher. He saw tapes of your fights, and with what he’s seen in class, it has impressed him. How ever he thinks you still need to learn control and feels helping him teach will give you that grounding.”



Once the girl was out the door Elizabeth let her frustrated groan out as she pulled a bottle from her bottom desk drawer. “I pray she doesn’t draw any more Mighty Mice to her banner...” the headmistress muttered as she pored herself a drink and slugged it down.


Sat, 25 July 2015 00:48

September 2025

A slim woman with light brown skin, and black hair cut in a pixie do strolled to the center of the mats. “Good day, this is basic Martial arts. I am Kara James and I will be your instructor. I studied under the founder of this school of akido, Tatsuo Ito, as well as a few other schools of combat. Sensei Ito has mostly retired from teaching and has chosen to work with only a few advanced students this year. Sensei Tolman is the other teacher for this class, but she was required else where today.”

Kara’s eyes swept over the assembled students. “I am and Exemplar 2, which is the peek of human ability. Monster Mac you are rated as an energzer, sub-class speedster as well as being an Exemplar 5. Would you say you have the advantage of me?”

Mac, who really didn’t look mysterious at all, chewed over the question then shook his head. “No ma’am...”

“No sensei.”

“No sensei, as I suspect you’re gonna do a ‘trained vrs not trained demo.’”

Kara raised an eyebrow, causing the student to squirm. “My aunt is an alumni and she told me about sensei Ito’s first day speech and demonstration.”

Kara laughed with amusement. “I’ll have to tell him we’re getting predictable. Well you’re right Mac. Would you and... Bellona come up here. Class Bellona here is a power mimic as well as being a high end energizer and low end exemplar. I know she’s likely already copied most of the powers in this class. Bell, Mac, your objective is to get me into that cage over there while avoiding being put into it yourself. Think you two can manage that?”

Mac looked a little nervous, bur Bellona nodded eagerly.

“Well then on the mats, and let’s begin.” Kara stated.

Bellona charged in, fists glowing as she took to the air. The mimic wobbled in the air and her fire balls missed as Kara moved only a few inches in a random direction to avoid them. Kara then leaped up and her full weight impacting Bell’s back. The downward force drove the student into the mat where she lay twitching.

“Mac, you aren’t doing anything...”

“Um... ok. Well after that demonstration sensei, would you consider myself thoroughly intimidated and consider a peaceful resolution? Could you please walk into the cage without me trying to force you?” mac asked looking at his feet.

The class was silent as they looked from the freshman to Kara, who’s face was carved from stone. Then they saw the corner of her mouth twitch, seconds before a full on laugh bubbled out.

Kara’s grin was infectious as she turned her back on Bell to focus on Monster. “Why Mac, I do believe that is a first; someone actually trying diplomacy in here. Yes, I think will walk into the cage as this demo...”

Bell sprang to her feet with a roar, energy crackling around her. In a blur of movement Kara used the girl’s own momentum to throw her over the assembled class. Bell went skidding through the Women’s Instructors Shower door and after the sound of her impact with a wall, water could be heard.

“Ok, that was my bad. I should have ended the match sooner.” Kara stated from where she lay holding her should. “Mac, give me a hand up. I think I pulled something with that move.”


Sat, 08 August 2015 11:19

Inspired by the Twisting the Hellmouth story “Everything I know I learned from TV”

Kara crouched behind some cover eyeballing the power armor. It wasn’t an Iron Man like design, but looked more like a knock off Mech Warrior’s “Cauldron Born”. Just downsized by several stories.

“All right people, here’s the game plan.” She said into her com. “Star, distraction detail. Kitty, Tech, I want you two to hit that thing and roll it when you see an opening.”

“Roger that.” Katrina replied back, confusion in her tone.

“Stringer, you and me, we’re playing fire bug. We need to burn out the wiring.”

“Got it Mouse.”

“Don’t call me that. Rest of you, help Star on distraction detail... Ok BREAK!”

In a few minutes the sim ended and the “You are victorious” message chirped to the assembled team as they came out.

“All right, James, where did you come up with that tactic?” Gunny asked glowering down at the brown haired girl.

“Well sir, I saw that it had no way to right itself it it was flipped over on to it’s roof, though I would have settled for just on it’s back. I admit I was taking a chance that it had some other weapons that could track Star, but the arm cannons just couldn’t track her that well. They where sluggish.”


Kara squirmed under Gunny’s gaze. “Ok, I got the tactics from watching BattleBots on TV. Flipper and burner tactics.”


Sun, 09 August 2015 11:48

Reach triggered the secret latch into the Spy Kid’s club house as Spark and few of the others kept a watch out for people coming down the little used section of tunnel. She let out a hiss of warning when the door slid open nearly silently. The nearly part was because someone had some how attached sleigh bells to the other side which jangled merrily at the movement.

“Hello ladies and gents.” a cheery voice called from within. Instantly weapons appeared in the hands of the Spies and they did a passable room entry, something Gunny and Sir Wallace had pounded into their heads. “Does this count as an audition to your little club?”

“Who the hell are you?” Ace growled at the brown haired young woman who was seated with her feet up on the conference room table that took up a quarter of the main room’s space.

“Leslie Webb, code name Ballbuster. Intel Cadet legacy, though that’s something I learned after breaking into this place.” Kara said waving to a picture on the wall. “By the way, your security sucks.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #18
Sir Lee replied the topic: Ayla and Hippolyta’s Girdle
Originally posted on Wed, 20 August 2008 23:31

And now, the real reason why we have seen only eight of Herakles’ Twelve Labors named in Ayla 4...

(Note: the snippet below is a PARODY. Diane has no responsibility for this silliness. It’s all my fault.)
Ayla 4: “Ayla and the Tests”
CHAPTER 9 — The Girdle of Hippolyta (DRAFT)


Damn, Hippie is on a rampage again. And this time she’s after me. Where’s Sara when I need her to calm down the queen of militant feminist bricks?

“Calm down, Hippie, it’s not about YOU, see, there’s this old legend...”


“Uh, okay, Hippie, but for the record, I never tried...” wait a minute... “Hey, do you HAVE a girdle in your lingerie drawer?”

She actually looked embarrassed for a second there. Then the old Hippie was back. “NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS, GOODKIND!”

Huh. Who would have guessed? The idea of taunting her about it passed through my mind, before flying away, screaming in fear. Not the kind of idea that lends itself to long-term survival. Better to finish this fast. A strategic withdrawal seems the best tactic...

“All right, all right, Hippie. I’ll end ‘Ayla 4’ right here, and I’ll think of a different theme for chapter names in ‘Ayla 5.’”

“YOU’D BETTER!” she growled, stomping off to her bedroom.

And that’s why there’s no Chapter 9 to Ayla 4.
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
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5 years 10 months ago #19
Sir Lee replied the topic: Dr. Bellows and Alakazam
Originally posted on May 15, 2009

The telephone was ringing when Dr. Bellows entered his office that Monday morning.

“Yes, it is him... what? Alakazam went missing over the weekend again? No, don’t worry, I think I know how to find her...”

He put down the phone and stared at the decorative bottle on his shelf.

“Salima, we have talked about this. It’s not healthy to come hide in my bottle every time you have a spat with N’Dizi. And you know I can’t let you stay here when I’m talking with other students; it would be a breach of ethics.”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
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5 years 10 months ago #20
Sir Lee replied the topic: Kodiak and the Future Alphas
Originally posted on February 10, 2010. Made obsolete by canon developments.

Scene: an empty classroom in the Devisor tunnels. A few students are arriving, confused because they didn’t expect the others being there. Among them are PHASE, FEY, THUBAN, ZENITH, AQUERNA, JERICHO, CHAIN LIGHTNING and SLAB. They begin talking to each other, wondering what is going on.

After a few minutes, a few seniors enter and lock the door. They are KODIAK, POISE, PENDRAGON and GADGET. Kodiak clears his throat to call attention to himself.

“I suppose you are wondering why I asked you all here tonight...”

“Cut the cheap mistery novel bit, Kodiak. What do you want?”

“Ah, Jericho. That’s what I like about you. You don’t let anybody intimidate you,” remarked Pendragon. “Of course, you have a distinct advantage in that it’s hard to fight you without looking at your clothes.” Snickers.

“What we propose will take some groundwork. You know how I have been working to change the Alphas this year,” began Kodiak.

“Yeah, well, I’m not sure I trust you, but the number of complaints about Alpha bullying has fallen a lot in Hawthorne,” admitted Slab.

“Yes. And several other seniors have been helping, lending their influence, like these three here. But the problem is, we ARE seniors. Come September, most of the current Alpha council will be gone. Depending on who takes over, there is the possibility of a return of the old ways.”

“Sebastiano...” groaned Chain Lightning.

“And Solange too. They are both juniors,” added Aquerna.

“Not only them. There are some other unpleasant people who would like to take the spot, like Fantastico. I don’t want to see all my hard work lost. In a way, the Alpha reform is my personal legacy to the school.”

“And how is that OUR problem?” asked Zenith.

“It’s EVERYBODY’S problem! Or do you WANT the old Alphas back?” replied Tidewater.

“Well, when you put it that way... no, I don’t. But what do you expect us to do?”

“In a nutshell?” Kodiak grinned. “I expect you to take over the Alphas.”

“What? How?” asked Fey.

“You are a good example, Fey. You do know that the head Venus has a seat on the Alpha Council, don’t you?” interrupted Poise.

“Yes, like all clubs and major cliques,” ansered Phase, realising where this was going. “Go on.”

“I’m graduating too. There will be a new Venus head in September. Solange is a junior, and has been looking forward to the job for a couple years. Now more than ever, since it’s her ticket back to the Alphas.”

“Ugh. If she becomes head Venus, I’ll leave the club.”

“You and most of the others. I don’t want to let her run the club into the ground. Instead, I want to nominate you for head Venus.”

“ME? But... I’ll be only a sophomore...”

“I thought hard about it. There are some other people who would be good for the job. The problem is, Solange has her Junior status and her money on her side. She thinks her beauty entitles it to the job, but it’s not actually a factor. But what she does lack, and you have in abundance, is charisma. All the other models like you, and would vote for you against Solange in a heartbeat — especially if I endorse you.”

“And if I am the head Venus...”

“You would have a seat on the Alphas, and would be in position to influence the Alphas in a positive way and keep the jerks out,” explained Gadget.

“That goes for all of you,” elaborated Kodiak. “We chose you because you are the kind of people who would be a good influence in the Alphas, and you have enough political clout in your groups that you can get there. What we are asking is that you do try to get there.”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
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5 years 10 months ago #21
Sir Lee replied the topic: Dorjee and the Troika
Originally posted on May 2, 2010

The Dragons’ dojo, the day after Chou, Molly and Dorjee come out with their poly relationship:

“You mean you are dating BOTH of them?”


“And they are OK with that?”


“You lucky dog...”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
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5 years 10 months ago #22
Sir Lee replied the topic: NEXT: Rising from the ashes
Originally posted on May 26, 2010

NEXT: Rising from the ashes
How Willard Jennings took a bunch of failed computer companies and melded them into a major power.

From BusinessWeek

Willard Jennings could be one of thousands of other Silicon Valley employees. His Business degree didn’t hide the fact that he is a geek at heart, and when Apple hired him for a position in the administration side of the company, it was his dream job. This was the early eighties, where those early hires often became compnay shareholders and millionaires. And among all the sharp minds at Apple, Willard (he dislikes being called “Mr. Jennings”) most admired the one who had a clear business mentality: Steve Jobs

When Jobs was ousted from Apple and left to creat NExT, Willard cashed his Apple stock options and followed him, becoming one of the early investors in the startup. But when things didn’t go as well as expected a few years later, he was one of the few voices opposing the sale to Apple, who wanted the rights to the NExTStep operating system.

“I wasn’t ready to give up,” he explains. “Steve was offered stocks for his share and a place back at the Apple board, but the rest of us minority partners would get cash. It was quite a bit of money, but I liked the feeling that this was my company I was working for, and I wasn’t ready to either retire or go back to being just another employee.”

So he formed a group with other young partners willing to keep risking it and offered Apple a different deal; they would agree to the sale, provided that Apple would sell back them — cheap — two pieces of intellectual property Apple wasn’t particularly interested in: the hardware designs and the NExT trademark.

The company was reborn with Willard as its CEO, being the one who articulated the deal and the most business-minded of the group. However, they were a computer company without an operating system. But Willard had an answer for that too.

Apple had looked at another company for a modern operating system: Be, Inc, also formed by former Apple people. But, despite Be being considerably cheaper, they ultimately chose NExT — leaving the powerful, if still immature, BeOS up for grabs. Willard grabbed it, and found venture capital to keep the new merged company going for a while.

The third part of what some call the “NEXT tripod” came next year. In 1994, Commodore Computers had gone under due to mismanagement, taking the popular Amiga line of computers with it. Escom, the German computer who bought the Amiga rights, went itself bankrupt in 1997, and Willard managed to purchase the Amiga rights. Now they had a still-popular platform with excellent multimedia capabilities to marry with their operating system and business hardware expertise. The NEXTamiga 5000, a slightly updated Amiga 4000, came out soon — and sold well enough to game and video enthusiasts to keep the company going.

Willard’s real coup would come in 1998, though. The NEXTsystem 8000 (the “Amiga” brand was relegated to the home-user line), offering unprecedented multimedia capabilities for the price range, took the wind from Microsoft’s Windows 98 and Apple’s iMac launches. The BeOS-based NextOS included compatibility layers that allowed running both Amiga and Unix/Linux software (although with some limitations), making the new machine immediately usable. From that point on, NEXT established itself as a credible third power in the PC arena.

Some attribute NEXT’s meteoric rise to its willingness to use hire mutant engineers to accelerate development. “There is some truth in that,” acknowledges Willard, “But it’s not like we are doing anything shady. Some of the best engineers are mutant gadgeteers, but Microsoft won’t openly hire them because they do a lot of business with Goodkind International — Goodkind Computing is their largest OEM, for starters. And Apple, in that regard, is a victim of their own strengths: Jobs’ obsession with clean design and uniformity does not really help users with extra-large fingers and other special needs. Apple is not well regarded in the mutant community due to that, and few gadgeteers even apply for jobs there. So we are the most mutant-friendly company in this market, and it benefits us.”

Having mutant-friendly hiring policies didn’t hurt NEXT when bidding for contracts from a very large customer: the U.S. military. A VR simulator training system was their first military product, and this balloned into a multi-billion relationship that allowed NEXT to gobble up a couple more companies falling into hard times, like former graphics powerhouse Silicon Graphics.

The military contacts meant increased security — which ended up paying for itself: “When we set up the new protocols to make the Pentagon happy, we found out industrial espionage was a worse problem than we had thought. And some of the leaks were in the security company we had hired. We ended up having to create our own security and intelligence division to keep on top of the game.” Is there any truth on the rumors that it rivals the CIA? Willard laughs: “No way, the CIA has over fifty years of history and is funded by the world’s richest government. My security team is very good and well-funded within the limits of a private company, but at the end of the day it’s a small operation. More like the part of the Secret Service that takes care of White House security.”

What’s next in the store for NEXT? “Well, that would be telling. We are in the high-tech business after all, and a premature reveal of our plans could hurt the company deeply. But our niche is high-power computing, and you shouldn’t expect us to enter the commodity market. Expect us to do things we are better equipped to do than our competitors.”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #23
Sir Lee replied the topic: C&S: Going Back
Originally posted on February 14, 2011 - made obsolete by canon developments

Cavalier and Skybolt were brought to the meeting room at ARC. They looked at the people waiting for them with some surprise.

“Mr. Cardan, Ms. Schroepfer, please have a seat. We have much to discuss today,” said the imposing figure of Headmistress Carson.

They sat together, looking at one another a bit awkwardly, as if they still hadn’t figured out how did they relate to one another again.

“It’s good to see you both as yourselves again. Dr. Otto tells me you made remarkable progress,” added Dr. Bellows from his chair.

“Well, yes, I guess. At least I can get a full night’s sleep now without waking up screaming. Sometimes, that is.” answered Skybolt sheepily.

“After months of telepathicaly-assisted therapy... I think I’m beginning to feel human again,” added Cavalier.

“Yes, and that brings us to the point. You haven’t have an uncontrolled rage incident in more than one month. Even when Otto deliberately mentioned Hekate or Sebastiano,” continued Dr. Bellows.

“Those... those...” fumed both the former Alphas, holding each other’s hand for support — the memories were too painful, but they managed somehow to contain themselves.

“Was that really necessary, Doctor?” chided the Headmistress.

“No, but they will have much worse than that to handle in the day to day, when they leave here.”

“Wait,” interrupted Cavalier. “Leave? Are we going to be discharged already? I thought...”

“...we thought we would rot here,” admitted Skybolt. “I certainly don’t feel cured. I’m not sure if I will ever be well.”

“No, you are not being discharged,” explained Dr. Bellows. “But at this stage, since your therapists think you no longer present a danger either to yourselves or to others, we would like to move you to outpatient therapy, and begin reinserting you into society.”

“Where... where are you sending us?” asked Skybolt timidly. “Are we going back home? To Europe, that is?”

“That’s a possibility we considered,” admitted Carson. “But, if you are willing, we would welcome you back at Whateley. There are some good reasons for that. Your status with the MCO, for one. At the school, you could continue your therapy without their interference. Elsewhere, they could harass you as being ‘dangerous psychopatic mutants’.

“Also, at Whateley you wouldn’t have to deal with the extra dissonance of keeping the appearances of a baseline. And you would be close together, which I think is important to you,” added Bellows.

“But Sebastiano is there,” stated Cavalier.

“How could you let him stay?” complained Skybolt. “After everything he did to us?”

“For the same reason we couldn’t get you both from under his thumb last year,” sighed Carson. “Lack of evidence. He claimed he thought Hekate had just convinced you, he denied knowledge of the slave enchantment, the accusations of sexual abuse, the whole nine yards... with no other witnesses, and your *ahem* temporary lack of credibility, we had no justification for expelling him. We know he is lying, but we can’t prove it. So we are keeping a close watch on him, waiting for him to slip. At least he is no longer head of the Alphas. Kodiak kicked him out.”

“Couldn’t have helped to a nicer guy. He will slip,” said Cavalier confidently. “He’s too lazy and not as smart as he thinks. Eventually he will make a mistake. And then...” he growled.

“This is another thing,” interrupted Dr. Bellows. “If you go back to Whateley, we can’t have a repeat of your January episode. It would land you right back here, or worse, in a MCO jail cell.”

“But... that creep deserves all the punishment...” complained Skybolt.

“And he will get it — but it will have to be done entirely by the book. Otherwise, you lose any chance of getting your lives back,” replied the Headmistress. “Can you do it? Can you handle looking at Sebastiano’s smug face and keep from throttling here on the spot?”

“I think... I think so. If I have Sky or someone to help me focus. But if I get that slime alone on the bathroom at Melville... I don’t know. You might have to hose him from the walls.” admitted Cavalier.

“Well, at least that shouldn’t be a problem. We are not thinking of putting you back in Melville.” said Carson.

“No? But... why? And where are you putting us?” asked Skybolt.

“One of the reasons for keeping you out of Melville is exactly Sebastiano. But there is more. We fear it will bring you bad memories. And, the general atmosphere there is not suitable for your recovery. There’s too much social competition there — with all the related bullying, and put downs and such. You would be like bait in a shark tank — they would compete to bring you down,” explained the counselor. “It would be irresponsible of us to throw you in that situation. So, we are placing you in a safer environment.”

“And that is...?” asked Cavalier.

“There are options. But our first choice, if you agree, would be Poe,” admitted Carson.

“Poe? The whackos cottage? Isn’t that like putting a sign on us saying ‘crazy person here’?” snarked Skybolt.

“Don’t dismiss Poe out of hand. There’s a lot in favor of that choice. And think a bit: the only other co-ed cottage is Hawthorne, and there’s no medical reason to justify you taking valuable room there. So, it’s either Melville and Sebastiano, or Poe and the ‘crazies,’ or we have to split you, say between Whitman and Emerson. Which we would prefer not to do; Otto tells me that the support you gave each other was very important for your recovery,” replied Carson.

“Also, you already have friends in Poe. The two people who have nearly as much reason to hate Hekate as you do,” reminded Bellows.

“Fey!” brightened Skybolt. “And that little one... Generator I think. Yes, I think I would sleep a bit better knowing they were nearby.”

“Man, did I underestimate that squirt. She kicked ass!” remembered Cavalier. “And Fey was... amazing. No, terrifying. Thank God she was on our side.”

“They aren’t the only ones. I think you can trust that if it Sebastiano or Hekate try something, you will have all of Team Kimba and some of their friends at your back. They have history. And they are a very tight group, if Fey and Generator take your side, the rest will come. Not that I approve of student fighting, mind you,” glared the Headmistress.

“There’s a couple other reasons we think Poe would be a good environment for your healing, but let’s discuss those after you decide,” continued Bellows.

“Oh, I think you convinced us. At least, you convinced me. I don’t want to be far from Sky. If it’s between living with Sebastiano or the whackos, send in the whackos. Hell, we’re pretty crazy ourselves, isn’t that true? What do you think, Elaine?”

“They had me at ‘Team Kimba watching our backs.’ Every time Sebastiano attempted something against them, he crashed and burned. That makes me feel... safer,” smiled Skybolt.

“Well, if we are in agreement... then let’s discuss those other reasons for placing you at Poe. Headmistress, if you please?” asked Dr. Bellows.

“Yes. Mr. Cardan, Ms. Schroepfer, I’ll leave you with Dr. Bellows now. The reason is that we expect that the information he will give you will bring to fore some of the issues you are still dealing with. Since I’m not your therapist, it would be inappropriate for me to be present. If you prefer, he can talk with each you separately, or you can ask for your current ARC therapists instead — although they don’t have as much information on those topics as him. If you agree to talk to him, he will be bound to the same confidentiality as any other therapist. Also, I must stress that the information Dr. Bellows is going to give you is not to be repeated. It would very damaging if it were made public, but we trust you to keep your mouths shut. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No, I don’t think so, ma’am. I think we would prefer to continue this together,” answered Skybolt.

“Yes, thank you, Ms. Carson. We will be fine,” agreed Cavalier.

“All right. Now that we are all alone, let me tell you about Poe,” began Bellows. “There’s a secret regarding Poe Cottage. We let most people think that it’s where we put the unbalanced students, but that’s not exactly true. They aren’t any more crazy than the other students, but they share a common issue. One that you have come to face too as part of your ordeal.”

“What? Have they all been mind-slaved to a couple of bastards?” snarked Cavalier.

“No, but they all had to face things regarding their own sexuality,” explained Bellows. “The truth is, Poe is our ‘alternate sexualities’ cottage. None of the students there fit the traditional sexual roles. Most of them are homosexual, some are bisexual. And some are... more complicated.”

“More complicated? You mean, even more than being gay?” asked Cavalier.

“Yes. Some are transgendered in the conventional sense — that is, they were born as one gender, but think of themselves as the opposite gender. Others have it thrust upon them as part of their mutation.”

“Hey, wait. You mean when they manifested, some guys began thinking as girls? I never heard about mutations changing one’s mind before,” demanded Skybolt.

“No, just the opposite. Think of it as a form of GSD, if you will. Some boys found themselves turning into girls when they powers manifested. Some girls turned into boys. And some... some became sort of both,” explained the therapist.

“Like that freshman Heyoka,” Cavalier exclaimed. “I never could figure out if he’s a boy or a girl. What is he, or she, after all?”

“It’s not my place to tell. When you move to Poe, you may ask Heyoka yourself. Be polite, though.”

“OK, back to the point. So Poe is the gay cottage. How does it help us?” asked Cavalier.

“Well, for one thing, Poesies are likely to be less judgmental about you. They have a much more open outlook regarding sexual practices. So, they aren’t likely to think less of you because of something that you were forced to do. In fact, several of them have had somewhat similar experiences — being forced to act in a way contrary to their natures. Usually it’s more a societal pressure situation, but rape is not unheard of. So they may not fully understand what you went through, but they can empathize.”

“Hey, how can you compare...” started Skybolt.

“I can’t. It’s not the same, I grant you. But still, I have heard some terrifying experiences over the years. Don’t think you are the only ones to have ever been abused. GLBTI youths, as a class, face a lot more trauma than other teenagers. So they can relate.

“Also, because of that common ground, Poe is a more close-knit community than the other cottages. They are used to keeping secrets, and they watch for each other. Yes, there are cliques, there are feuds, but overall they aren’t as competitive as the other cottages. For most of the students there, Poe is the first place where they could be themselves and relax, and meet people with similar tastes. Preserving that is more important to them than petty bickering.”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #24
Sir Lee replied the topic: Portal Fever
Originally posted on Tue, 30 July 2013 21:42

October 9, 2007
The Crystal Hall

“Did you get it?”

“Of course! Let’s do a deathmatch tonight!”

“Oh, OK. Man, I have a free period... I think I’ll explore it a bit...”

One hour later
Hallway between classes

“MANOHMAN! Did you look at the Extra?”

“I hadn’t time yet, and what about it anyawy? It’s just some mod they included...”

“No, really, just try it...”

Emerson Cottage
5:14 PM

“Man, this is the coolest thing EVER!”

“I would love to have one of those...”



Advanced Technologies Department
9 PM

“Captain Delarose, sir? It’s Green, here at the devisor tunnels. We, ah, we might have a situation.”

“What is it? Another BOLO?”

“Uh, not yet, sir. But the students... well, they are ALL here, working like mad. Something got their interest all at once. It’s like early January...”

“Oh, no... not another Shoulder Angels situation. What did Generator do this time?”

“I don’t think it was her, sir. Every one who comes up asks the others if they also got the ‘orange box’...”

“How bad is it?”

“Delta Spike has already caused three explosions, sir.”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #25
Sir Lee replied the topic: Bardue and the Know-It-Alls
Originally posted on Mon, 09 September 2013 19:31

Gunny Bardue faced one of the new teams for this term. He flinched at the pretentious name they chose for their team.

“Good afternoon, uh, ‘Nuclear Power’. Your team will be facing... the Zoo.”

“Wait, which one is this?” one of the students asked.

“The one with all the members having animal powers,” the girl at his side, obviously his girlfriend, explained.

“You mean, the one with the girl with the squirrel spirit?” the boy replied.

“We are facing a team that’s so lame they accepted an actual underdog? Piece of cake!” the obvious team brick enthused.

Bardue just smiled at the students. With typical teen arrogance, they were looking at this all wrong. They saw a girl with non-flashy powers and thought this made her weak, and by extension it made the team weak. What they were missing is that the ostensibly weakest member of that team had single-handedly defeated several of the campus bullies over the last few months, and came out without a scratch.

But they would learn. It would take a few humiliating defeats, but they would learn, hopefully.
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #26
Sir Lee replied the topic: Pilar and the missing Carnival
Originally posted on March 01, 2014

(In honor of the first day of Carnival, I’m posting this little piece. It’s inspired by a similar feeling of cultural dissonance I experienced as an exchange student in the Eighties)

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Dunn Hall

It was the end of the lunch hour, and the kitchen crew was cleaning up. The remaining students were leaving the School House Restaurant, but then one came back. She looked around a bit, and then walked directly to me.

“Hi, Pilar,” I greeted her.

“Uh… do you have a minute, Jana?” the green-tinged girl asked me in Portuguese.

“We’re closing up. I’ll be free in a few minutes. Tell you what, grab a couple sodas and wait for me at the bistro,” I answered in the same language.

“Oh, OK.”

A few minutes later, I joined Verdant. She looked surprised when I actually sat down on the chair.

“Uh… not to be nosy, but… aren’t you supposed to be a centaur? I heard you were an Avatar, I always thought you had the spirit of the horse or something.”

“No, I am an Avatar, however that has nothing to do with how I look. I’m also a mage, but I botched a spell badly, and until I fix it I have to stay most of the time as some sort of half-animal hybrid. That’s why my codename is Mezzo,” I explained. “Like a pizza. Mezzo alici, mezzo mozzarella.”

“That must suck.”

“It could be worse. At least now I can change which animal I’m an hybrid of; I spent the first couple months stuck as a mermaid. The centaur form turned out to be the best one for my job, but before coming out here I borrowed a page from Gadget and turned half-squirrel. The fur helps with the cold weather, and, well, four legs are a bother lots of time.”

“Right now, I sorta envy you. Brrr!” Pilar half-joked. I guess that before leaving Rio, she hardly ever had to wear a sweater.

“So,” I cut to the chase, “Why do you want to talk to me all of a sudden? It’s not like you and Força made a big effort to keep in touch after the counselors introduced us.”

“I guess I just didn’t see the point,” Pilar said. “We don’t have a lot in common. You went to good schools, you already spoke good English before, you had this cooking thing that got you an inside with the chefs, while I…”

“I see. Yeah, I guess I wouldn’t have been a lot of help with the problems you had to face when you arrived.”

“Yeah. I tried hanging out with Força, but frankly, I can’t stand the guy. He keeps hitting on me, even after I told him that I’m not interested. But then this thing came up, and none of my friends really understands, and you at least are Brazilian like me, and…”

“I think I see what this is about. Go on,” I encouraged her.

“Well,” Pilar babbled, “it’s like… I received an e-mail from my older brother… and he was talking about his plans for this week… and I realized…”

“You realized that it’s Carnaval,” I surmised, “and that you hadn’t even noticed.”

“Yeah. How could I forget about that? It was such a big thing for me every year… If I were still the old me, I would probably be putting the last touches in my costume. My whole family is in the samba school. Last year we even got to be in the Special Group.”

“The same thing happened to me last year,” I admitted. “Well, perhaps not quite the same. I’m not much of a Carnaval person — for me it was just a long holiday to go surfing — but I was used to it being this big thing, on the TV all the time… I knew Americans don’t celebrate it like us, but, well, I guess I expected it to be at least mentioned some way.”

“But they don’t. They completely ignore it,” completed Pilar.

“Except in New Orleans. But that doesn’t help you. It’s a big culture shock,” I agreed.

“What sorta makes it worse is that today is also the Chinese New Year. Chou and her Oriental friends are going to have a big party tonight, and I… well, I guess I’m going to hit the Web and try watching the parades.”

“Don’t worry too much,” I advised her. “In a few years, you will be back, and the Carnaval will still be there.”

“I guess so. You know, it’s funny,” chuckled Pilar, “but I think what really got me was that I was sorta looking forward to show off these babies.” She indicated her breasts.

“Seriously?” I asked. I didn’t know Pilar that well, but she didn’t strike me as the slutty type.

“Yeah. Before I manifested, I was sorta plain. Now I have this great body, my face looks better too, and instead of flaunting it in a bikini I’m all bundled up like an Eskimo.” she grumbled.

“Uhhh… what about…?” I indicated Pilar’s two extra arms.

“Oh, yeah, my GSD wouldn’t go well on a beach, would it? But Carnival is a different matter. Who’s going to be able to tell if the girl with green skin, four arms and a tail is a mutant or just wearing a great costume?”

“It’s not a problem here in Whateley,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, but back when it was still warm enough — or for Halloween — I was just too afraid of breaking some stupid rule or another and being sent back home. But when it warms up again…”

“So you are not afraid of the rules anymore?”

“After I saw some of the things other students got away with, somehow I don’t think Ms. Carson will care if I choose to sunbathe in a string bikini,” grinned Pilar. “Reverend Englund may throw a fit, but frankly I don’t care what he thinks.”

“Yeah. I might go with you, if I can figure out a form good for sunbathing.”

“Yeah. Well, thank you for listening to me, Jana.” she said getting up. “It helped a little. Now, to find some website streaming the parades…”

“Wait,” I interrupted her. “I just remembered a thing that may help…”


“Let me call a couple people.” I pulled my cellphone. “Judicator? Mezzo here. Listen, I need a small favor… no, nothing complicated. I just need to talk to Mrs. Ryan. No, it can’t wait until Monday. No, I can’t go through Admin, it’s not a real emergency, just… time-sensitive. It’s something she will probably be interested in. If you are busy I can ask Thuban… you will? Great.”

“What was that about?” asked Pilar.

“Mrs. Ryan once asked me if I had taken part in any Carnaval parades, and was really disappointed when I explained that I hadn’t. She said she wanted to talk about the costumes — I guess it comes with being the Costumes teacher.”


“So, at the very least you will have someone to talk about it at length. But I got the impression that it was more than an academic interest in costuming; she was just too disappointed I wasn’t a Carnaval person. I bet she is planning on watching the entire thing. And teachers have access to better gear than a 14-inch laptop — not to mention being able to write an excuse for you to skip a couple early morning classes next week.”

“Uh. That… could work. Thanks.”

“Let’s see if Judicator managed to do it…” on cue, my phone rang. “Mrs. Ryan? It’s Mezzo. You know, the Brazilian centaur girl. Listen, you still interested in Carnival costumes? I have here a girl whose entire family is in a Samba school…”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #27
Sir Lee replied the topic: Worf Effect
…you know, I was thinking of the Worf Effect in the context of the Yukinojo…

Worf Effect

by Sir Lee

Big Bad Alien teleports into the Yukinojo’s bridge. Just to prove his Badassery, he promptly knocks out the armor-wearing Stalwart.

Things go downhill from there. The comm officer orders him to “SIT DOWN” and for some reason… he does so.

“You hurt my boyfriend! Why did you do that?” complains the redheaded medical officer.

“HA! Now that I defeated your champion, you paltry females…” he starts bragging.

“HEY!” shouted Ayla and Hank simultaneously

“…will… surrender… to the might… of…” he trails off, noticing for the first time that nobody seems impressed or fearful. In fact, the emotions displayed run the gamut from annoyed (Bunny) to furious (Fey).

“You made a mistake, big boy. Stalwart is not our champion. He was just going on a date with my Medical Officer.”

“So… who do I have to defeat? Certainly not the puny boy in the back?”

“HEY!” shouted Hank again.

“Well, if you had challenged us politely, I would have let you face Lancer. That would let you save some face. If you had challenged us impolitely, I would ask Ayla to take care of you. He is a master of etiquette, after all, and would teach you a few things. If you had just come attacking head-on, I would have no chance of keeping Chaka from interfering, and that would be embarrassing to you. But you did none of that. You attacked my guest. Be thankful he is not seriously hurt, or I would deliver you to Fey, and believe me, you do not want to be on her bad side. But still, for that transgression, you have to suffer.” Tennyo’s eyes started glowing a dangerous red.

“Uh… what do you mean? Are you confronting me yourself?”

“Me? No, facing me would be too merciful. You wouldn’t last a tenth of a second. Instead… Generator, will you teach this moron the meaning of terror?”

“My pleasure, onee-san.”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #28
Valentine replied the topic: A Noodle Incident: A side dish
Beacon didn’t know why Reverend Englund wanted Kodiak to come see him, nor did he know why Reverend England wasn’t using official methods to contact him. What Beacon did know was that he now had an excuse to go up to the third level, and maybe get invited to stay. He’d hoped that the Goobers would fight for a spot on the third tier of the remodeled Crystal Hall, but Reverend Englend had told them to accept a spot on the second tier.

As he cleared the top of the stairs he looked around to locate the Alpha table, he spotted them and the Outcasts, fortunately he wouldn’t have to go near them. Striding confidently across the room to the Alpha table, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked closer as a mass rose over the head of the shortest member of Team Kimba.

His eyes got wide as recognition dawned on him. He dropped his tray of food, and screamed, “You won’t eat me again.”

Beacon sprinted in horror back towards the stairs, one last glance, and let loose a blast at the horror. He dove into the stairway tumbling down the stairs, never hearing the roars of laughter from Outcast Corner.
Don’t Drick and Drive.

E M Pisek
E M Pisek’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #29
E M Pisek replied the topic: A Noodle Incident: A side dish
Valentine wrote: Beacon didn’t know why Reverend Englund wanted Kodiak to come see him, nor did he know why Reverend England wasn’t using official methods to contact him. What Beacon did know was that he now had an excuse to go up to the third level, and maybe get invited to stay. He’d hoped that the Goobers would fight for a spot on the third tier of the remodeled Crystal Hall, but Reverend Englend had told them to accept a spot on the second tier.

As he cleared the top of the stairs he looked around to locate the Alpha table, he spotted them and the Outcasts, fortunately he wouldn’t have to go near them. Striding confidently across the room to the Alpha table, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked closer as a mass rose over the head of the shortest member of Team Kimba.

His eyes got wide as recognition dawned on him. He dropped his tray of food, and screamed, “You won’t eat me again.”

Beacon sprinted in horror back towards the stairs, one last glance, and let loose a blast at the horror. He dove into the stairway tumbling down the stairs, never hearing the roars of laughter from Outcast Corner.

Ummm But its Bacon? Dang need to get my eyes checked again.
What is - was. What was - is.

Dawnfyre’s Avatar
5 years 10 months ago #30
Dawnfyre replied the topic: A Noodle Incident: A side dish
Ib12us wrote:

Valentine wrote: Beacon didn’t know why Reverend Englund wanted Kodiak to come see him, nor did he know why Reverend England wasn’t using official methods to contact him. What Beacon did know was that he now had an excuse to go up to the third level, and maybe get invited to stay. He’d hoped that the Goobers would fight for a spot on the third tier of the remodeled Crystal Hall, but Reverend Englend had told them to accept a spot on the second tier.

As he cleared the top of the stairs he looked around to locate the Alpha table, he spotted them and the Outcasts, fortunately he wouldn’t have to go near them. Striding confidently across the room to the Alpha table, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked closer as a mass rose over the head of the shortest member of Team Kimba.

His eyes got wide as recognition dawned on him. He dropped his tray of food, and screamed, “You won’t eat me again.”

Beacon sprinted in horror back towards the stairs, one last glance, and let loose a blast at the horror. He dove into the stairway tumbling down the stairs, never hearing the roars of laughter from Outcast Corner.

Ummm But its Bacon? Dang need to get my eyes checked again.

TK and Goobers in a combat challenge, Sara sees a noodle monster and yells out DADDY!!!!! ... Oops, my mistake.. just after Beacon got eaten by the spagetti monster.
Stupidity is a capitol offense, a summary not indictable one.

DasVals’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #31
DasVals replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From: Administration
To: Students.All
Sent: 2013-12-17 10:32am
Subject: Construction Permits

Dear students,

Due to recent events, we would kindly remind you of the regulations regarding construction permits.

For constructed object, or collection of objects, with one side larger than 6 feet, you must have a permit prior to construction. This goes for all materials used in construction, including but not limited to snow, ice, stone, wood, metals or a combination thereof, for any construction method used.

Permits can be obtained at the ground keeping department. After submitting your blueprints using the forms in attachments and verification by the staff, you will receive your permit, including a sign to be used on your construction site.

This does apply to constructions used for testing, class projects or recreational objects.

Related to this, anybody singing, humming, whistling, showing or communicating lyrics, images or tunes from “Let it go”, will be seen as an accomplish to any building infractions and other consequences that may occur, which will lead to detention.

Kind Regards,

Dr. A. Hartford
Assistant Headmistress
Whateley Academy
warning: dangerous levels of cynisme detected

Dawnfyre’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #32
Dawnfyre replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
In a rage Fey worked a spell to change her tormentor but made a small error in the spell that she saw just as she released it. “Oops”

“What oops?” Lancer asked over the spots, the rest of the team chiming in “yeah what oops?”

“Um, my transformation spell was flawed, all male unders on campus have been changed into manties.”


“Panties, for men.”
Stupidity is a capitol offense, a summary not indictable one.
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Dawnfyre.

Dawnfyre’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #33
Dawnfyre replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

Kodiak in a pair of those.
Stupidity is a capitol offense, a summary not indictable one.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #34
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread: Bork, Bork, Bork
Tuesday evening
Ayla knocked on Jade and Billie’s door, he blinked when the door was opened by a pair of Hello Kitty panties. “Jade?” he asked.

“Hey Ayla, what can we do for you?” Jade asked looking up from where she reading.

Ayla glanced around the room, the panties dropped into a pile of lingerie, and a pair jeans floated up and went into a different pile. A book turned its page, Jinn was sitting at their desk writing something. “I’m having another dinner with Vox this Saturday. And I wanted to know if you could serve dinner again.”

Ayla thought he heard a giggle, “Of course, one of me will be there. When? And did you want me to pick up the food too?” Jade and Jinn said simultaneously.

Ayla grimaced at the ‘of course,’ “Same time as usual for everything.”

“Gotcha, We’ll be there.”

Ayla muttered, “They have got to get some new pronouns,” as he left.

After the door closed Jade started giggling, then all out laughing. Jinn simply said, “Tell.”

Jade reached out and recharged Jinn, and then Jinn started laughing, the book and two ‘spyspecks’ flew over and got recharged and all of them were laughing. Tennyo walked in to see Jade, Jinn, a book, and a pile of laundry all giggling maniacly.

Jade suddenly stopped laughing, and ran out of the room, “Gotta pee.”

Billie stared at Jinn, “What’s so funny?”

Jinn stopped laughing, “I’m not sure I should say.”

Billie kept staring, “Jinn.”

“OK, but you can’t tell anyone. Ayla was just in here, asking me if I could serve him and Vox on Saturday.”

“What’s so funny about that?”

Jinn giggled, “You remember last night, when we were watching The Muppets and the Swedish Chef came on? Well, Ayla always comes down to make sure I know how to serve everything. So imagine his shock when he opens the door and “bork, bork, bork.”

Billie glared at Jinn, “Are you prepared for Ayles retaliation?”

Jinn stopped giggling and thought, “I don’t think that he’ll do anything. The whole thing will be in private. Besides it will be funny for both of us.”

Billie shook her head, “I hope so, anyway it’s your life.”

Jade came back in, and saw Billie shaking her head at Jinn, “You told her?”

Jinn nodded, “I should talk to Jana.”

Jade nodded back, “And I need to talk to Bunny.”

The two took off before Billie could say anything. The book ignored her, but a shirt popped up and shrugged, “I’ve no idea. Yet.”

Jade ran down to Bunny’s room, and knocked on her door. “Bunny I need a favor...”

Jinn headed out to find Jana, first checking at the Crystal Hall, the Whitman. Once she explained what she needed, and what she was doing Jana was all for the joke.

Saturday evening
Jinn was setting the table, when she was poked by Jamie Flyspeck. The six white gloves ducked behind Jasmine the “Swedish Chef,” Jamie flashed back to Jade.

Phase opened the door and his draw dropped as he saw the Swedish Chef behind a large steel bowl.

“Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!” Jasmine said in her best mock Swedish.

Phase stood there, he mouth slightly open as Jasmine continued on.

“Tudey ve-a hefe-a a gerdee seled.” Jasmine grabbed the salad bowl and shook it a bit. “Und noo it is teeme-a tu tuss zee seled. Bork Bork Bork!” And she reached into the bowl, and tossed the “salad” up into the air. Amazingly it all fell back into bowl.

As Phase stood there, his mouth opening and closing. The “Swedish Chef” grabbed the salad bowl, headed past Phase, pausing only to grab the camera Bunny had set up to film the skit.

Jinn was giggling, “The look on your face, was great.”

“But... What was that?”

“A little joke, don’t worry no one will know. Well no one besides Team Kimba and the gang. And maybe Jana. But only we know it was you.”

“I... Ah... What was in that bowl?”

“A bunch of veggie scraps. Don’t worry it didn’t come anywhere near your dinner. Now is there anything special I need to know?”

Monday morning
Mrs. Horton stopped Jade as she headed out to breakfast, “Jade you have a package.”

Jade charged the box and it headed back to her room.

At breakfast, Jade asked, “Does anyone know what Lutefisk is?”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #35
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread: Hello Kitty Fun Times
Jogging up slowly, it never paid to be to fast to arrive around here, Officer Michaels came around the corner of Poe cottage and whistled. An entire external brick wall of Poe cottage was now rubble spread over the gardens to the side of Poe. Luckily the constant remodelling had long ago removed any load baring from its external walls, otherwise whole floors would now be sliding down onto the rubble too, as it was this entire wing of Poe would need to be temporarily moved while the wall was rebuilt.

Cautiously approaching the rubble, Office Michaels kept a cautious eye out for the student or otherwise that had caused the destruction, fortunately it seemed the event was over. Students hiding in the greenery where cautiously making their way back to Poe, but all of them seem to be eyeing a peacefully sleeping young girl, curled up hugging a stuffed toy and wrapped up in a pink blanket, with undisguised horror and terror. When the girl turned over in her sleep, the cries of terror seemed set to wake her, till those screaming shoved their own forearms into their mouths, more then a few drawing blood, desperately muffling their own shouts.

Looking closer Michaels stared in disbelief as he looked on the famed Team Kimba, laying spread on the ground around the sleeping girl broken and battered in defeat.

Hank Decland, Lancer, one of the strongest PK supermen currently enrolled, laying moaning, burns covering most of the what Michaels could see of him.

Ayla Goodkind, Phase, unconscious, covered in blood beside him, Chaka white faced in pain sitting between them, tending Hank as best she could with her leg very obviously broken.

Moving cautiously closer, Office Michaels went to kick the almost naked, but otherwise apparently unharmed, purple haired girl tenderly stroking the sleeping girls face.

“Don’t!” Urgently croaked out, the word caused Michaels to turn and star in surprise. The Fairy Princess, Fey, lay exhausted, cradling her right arm protectively to her breast.

“Why not?” Michaels demanded.

“Tenyo’s making sure she stays asleep.” Fey gasped out.

“And that means?” He snarled.

“She’s safe! We’re safe! We managed to recombine her! She just needs sleep and she’ll be fine, it’ll all be better again!”

“What will be better?” Michaels demanded.

“She will be!”

“What happened!”

“Vox.” Fey gasped. “Vox got pranked she retaliated.” Eyes wide in horror Fey moaned. “Who could have known it would have been so bad? Who could have guessed how much she held in? That it was that that contained her?!” Silently Fey stared at Michaels, pleading with her eyes.

“Vox did all this?” Michaels demanded in disbelief.

“No.” Fey moaned, starting to cry. “Vox voiced Jade to no longer like Hello Kitty!”
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

amratner’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #36
amratner replied the topic: A Noodle Incident: A side dish
Ib12us wrote:
“Valentine wrote:
Beacon didn’t know why Reverend Englund wanted Kodiak to come see him, nor did he know why Reverend England wasn’t using official methods to contact him. What Beacon did know was that he now had an excuse to go up to the third level, and maybe get invited to stay. He’d hoped that the Goobers would fight for a spot on the third tier of the remodeled Crystal Hall, but Reverend Englend had told them to accept a spot on the second tier.

As he cleared the top of the stairs he looked around to locate the Alpha table, he spotted them and the Outcasts, fortunately he wouldn’t have to go near them. Striding confidently across the room to the Alpha table, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked closer as a mass rose over the head of the shortest member of Team Kimba.

His eyes got wide as recognition dawned on him. He dropped his tray of food, and screamed, “You won’t eat me again.”

Beacon sprinted in horror back towards the stairs, one last glance, and let loose a blast at the horror. He dove into the stairway tumbling down the stairs, never hearing the roars of laughter from Outcast Corner.

Ummm But its Bacon? Dang need to get my eyes checked again.

TK and Goobers in a combat challenge, Sara sees a noodle monster and yells out DADDY!!!!! ... Oops, my mistake.. just after Beacon got eaten by the spagetti monster.”

As I recall it was Goobers vs Outcast corner.
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by amratner.

NeoMagus’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #37
NeoMagus replied the topic: A Noodle Incident: A side dish
amratner wrote: Ib12us wrote:
“Valentine wrote:
Beacon didn’t know why Reverend Englund wanted Kodiak to come see him, nor did he know why Reverend England wasn’t using official methods to contact him. What Beacon did know was that he now had an excuse to go up to the third level, and maybe get invited to stay. He’d hoped that the Goobers would fight for a spot on the third tier of the remodeled Crystal Hall, but Reverend Englend had told them to accept a spot on the second tier.

As he cleared the top of the stairs he looked around to locate the Alpha table, he spotted them and the Outcasts, fortunately he wouldn’t have to go near them. Striding confidently across the room to the Alpha table, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked closer as a mass rose over the head of the shortest member of Team Kimba.

His eyes got wide as recognition dawned on him. He dropped his tray of food, and screamed, “You won’t eat me again.”

Beacon sprinted in horror back towards the stairs, one last glance, and let loose a blast at the horror. He dove into the stairway tumbling down the stairs, never hearing the roars of laughter from Outcast Corner.

Ummm But its Bacon? Dang need to get my eyes checked again.

TK and Goobers in a combat challenge, Sara sees a noodle monster and yells out DADDY!!!!! ... Oops, my mistake.. just after Beacon got eaten by the spagetti monster.”

As I recall it was Goobers vs Outcast corner.

Just wanted to point out that this should have gone in the Micro-Scenes discussion thread, rather than the Micro-Scenes thread itself.
... . . -.- / .--- ..- ... - .. -.-. . .-.-.- / .-.. --- ...- . / -- . .-. -.-. -.-- .-.-.- / .-- .- .-.. -.- / .... ..- -- -... .-.. -.-- / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / --. --- -.. .-.-.-

DasVals’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #38
DasVals replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To: Students.Devisors, Students.Gadgeteers
Sent: 2015-10-07 4:56pm
Subject: Thanksgiving fireworks contest

My fellow inventors,

This year, Whateley academy is celebrating thanksgiving with fireworks! And we like our students to participate in this event!!

Your goal, if you choose to participate, either solo or as a team, is to create the best firework show (or equivalent) possible. You will be judged on:
– Sizing of show
– Overall design and artistry
– Synchronization
– Originality of effects
– Quality of soundtrack
– Quality of technology
– Handling of materials
– Following procedures

Our sponsors will provide you with a budget for materials. Only this budget can be used to create a level playing field. A pyrotechnics professional will be available for advice, guidance and security. More information and contest entry are available on the workshop website.

A few guidelines, that ought to be common sense:
– Please no radiation outside of visible light
– Everything is first tested and approved on the range
– Biological systems need approval BEFORE evolving
– NO nuclear fission, fusion or antimatter devices

Good luck,

Mr Asterlitz
Project Manager Workshop
Whateley Academy
warning: dangerous levels of cynisme detected

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #39
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From: Administration
To: Students.Devisors, Students.Gadgeteers
Sent: 2015-10-07 4:59pm
Subject: Re: Thanksgiving fireworks contest

Further to the rules detailed for this competition by Mr. Asterlitz:

1. Students found letting off fireworks that alter the state of mind for viewers will face the consequences of the harshes nature, to be clear:
There shall be no fireworks designed to hypnotise nor otherwise make students or staff enter a ‘suggestive’ frame of mind
No ‘mind altering’ drugs, pharmacopoeia, herbs, fungus, devices, gadgets or mechanisms of any kind are to be used in the manufacture, storage or display of the fireworks at all, irrespective if they are meant to be effective against others or not.
Fireworks should not cause either loss of memory, nor should they cause unexpected memories to be recalled or created to become part of the conscience or subconscience of anyone viewing the display
There shalt be no altering of the viewers mood, neither escasy, paranoia, ‘tripped out’, terrified, or any other emotional imposition will be tolerated
Firework displays designed to give nightmares to members of the younger student body, or particular members of our community, are also banned. As are displays designed to be offensive, suggestive or that otherwise reflect badly on the good name of this institution. Keep it PG gentlemen and ladies.

2. Fireworks performances designed to cause damage to property, persons, the environment or just the equipment of fellow competitors are also banned. Gentlemen I intend to be super clear here. If you break it, you fix it, and the cost of doing so will be deducted from you Lab funds, or the Lab funds of any class or project you are working on if your personal funds are not sufficient, for as long as you attend this institution until the damage is paid for.
Do not create sonic booms, nor any other booms sufficient to cause earaches, headaches, nausea or property damage of any kind.
Students found either deliberatly through design, or accidentally through insufficient safeguards, producimg fireworks that become unstable, and randomly, or guided with afore malice, target, peruse, attempt injury or menace against other students, faculty or visitors will be bought before Administration to face its full fury for your actions

3. Fireworks are not to be used to build portals, summoning circles, interdemensional rifts, space time disruptions or any other devices for the summoning of demons, salamanders, imps, godlets, fire elementals or anyone or anything else. Students found doing so will face the wrath of the Magical Studies Department, and incidentally may find themselves sacrificed to the entities involved if so deemed necessary for the safety of the school or its students.

4. Students attempting to exploit loopholes, alternative interpretations, omissions, etc. in these guidelines are reminded that all activities on campus are governed by the rules and expectations laid out in the student handbook, and that this document does not change, modify nor amend such rules or obligations in the slightest.

You have been warned and we are watching you.

Dr. A Hartford
Assitant Headmistress
Whateley Acadamy
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #40
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From: The Ranges
To: Students.Devisors, Students.Gadgeteers
Sent: 2015-10-07 4:59pm
Subject: Re: Thanksgiving fireworks contest

This should go without saying, but in case there is any question - All fireworks are to be tested on the Ranges. Any student testing fireworks anywhere besides the ranges will be automatically disqualified from the competition.

Gunny Bardue
Range 1
Whateley Acadamy
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #41
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From: Headmistress Carson
To: Students.Devisors, Students.Gadgeteers
Sent: 2015-10-07 6:45pm
Subject: Re: Thanksgiving fireworks contest

It has come to my attention that certain devisors have plans to release a chemical agent that would make certain parts of the female anatomy increase in size upon skin contact. These devisors are now doing detention in the sewers.

If anyone is caught planning a similar action, or actually accomplishes it during the display, you will consider those currently serving detention extremely lucky.
You have been warned.

Headmistress Carson
Whateley Academy
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Domoviye.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #42
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jericho smirked as he lit the fuse. The rules had clearly stated that he couldn’t use any sort of boom to nauseate people, but that was fine. He didn’t need booms. He had plaid.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #43
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To: Students.Devisors, Students.Gadgeteers
Sent: 2015-10-07 7:56pm
Subject: Thanksgiving fireworks contest

My fellow inventors,

We have found three judges.
First is Jericho.
Second is Shroud.
Third is Fubar.

Good luck,

Mr Asterlitz
Project Manager Workshop
Whateley Academy
Don’t Drick and Drive.

E M Pisek
E M Pisek’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #44
E M Pisek replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rick code named Launcher couldn’t help himself as he strapped on winged bird to the rocket as well as another. Set to explode at an predetermined altitude of 200meters he laughed at the idea.
Having caught an old TV show with muppets he thought the Swedish chef was hilarious as was that thing call Gonzo. He had taken his inspiration from how Gonzo had his fellow chickens fire him from a cannon. Only he now decided to test the theory if turkeys could fly. Given that he had no idea of how to find such a bird he reluctantly settled for what he had been able to procure from the kitchen. A pair of chickens from the freezer.

Fitting the cone through the cavity of both gutted birds he calculated that both should rise up into the air and with camera at the ready he was prepared to capture it all. Pulling out the wings he attached small flags attached to sticks. He wasn’t sure how all this would work in an aerodynamic way but what was the fun in that.

He gave a slow countdown having lit the fuze. As the rockets flew into the he was briefly concerned only to capture the flags fluttering madly as the rockets reached their intended height before exploding into dazzling display of colors. Suddenly he had to shield himself as small chunks of meat fell to the ground, only to give him wonder if this was a future way of making chicken nuggets.
What is - was. What was - is.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #45
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Ms. Grimes watched her familiar yowl and scratch at the door, and sighed. Familiars were animals, magical and special but still animals with the same basic instincts, and right now, Merlin, who despite the name was female, was in heat. At least it only happened once every year or two, she thought.

“Sorry Merlin. You aren’t going anywhere for at least a week,” she said.

The black cat meowed piteously, but Ms. Grimes was adamant and very carefully made sure every door and window was well locked before leaving to teach class. She never heard the tapping of invisible clawed feet slipping through the front door just as she closed it.


“Beetle, where are you, you stupid cat?” El called, looking under his dormitory bed for his cat familiar.

“Is your cat stealing something again?” his roommate asked.

“I hope not,” El groaned. “Crap, I have to get to Ms. Grimes class. If anyone comes along accusing Beetle of stealing something, tell them I’m sorry and to leave a description of it.”

Grabbing his bag he headed out of Poe, running so he wouldn’t be late.


Merlin stopped yowling soon after her wizard left. She’d had to put on a good show so that the wizard wouldn’t think anything was amiss. Now however she could have some fun.

A dark red cat slowly became visible, starting with his whiskers. They sniffed each other, and while she didn’t approve of the demon smell coming off of the other familiar, he was a fine looking specimen of a cat. Raising her tail, they began making sweet music together.


El was starting to get worried. Beetle would disappear at times, literally, since the familiar could turn invisible, but the stupid demon cat had never been gone for this long before.

He was about to start asking the others in the changeling wing of Poe if they’d seen his cat when there was a very loud, angry knocking on the door.

“Ye-” he started to say, stopping as he saw Ms. Grimes glaring furiously at him. She had her hand raised as if she was holding an invisible cat by the scruff of its neck.

“Mr. Young, I expect you to take better care of your familiar in the future,” the teacher said, shoving the invisible animal into his arms. “When Merlin has kittens in a few weeks, you can look after them until suitable homes can be found.”

Ms. Grimes slammed the door shut and her stomping could be heard until she reached the stairs.

Finally Beetle let himself be seen. Somehow the cat looked even prouder of himself then usual.

“Beetle, what did you do?” El groaned.

The familiar just curled up in his arms and fell asleep with a contented purr.

“I’m going to have to castrate you, aren’t I?”

The lower half of his familiar vanished.

elrodw’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #46
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
More of Danny, Kayda, and the Canotila (recovered from the discussions thread on the old server):

Brother (to Kayda, grinning) - “Oh, by the way, now I know why you were dating Julie!”

Kayda (shocked) - “What?!?”

Brother (broader grin) - “And she’s pregnant, too! I think that makes seven. Or eight. I lost count...”

Brother - Oww! Please stop hurting me!

Kayda- You lucky little <bleep>! I’ll kill you!

Debra (restraining Kayda) - “Now, now, honey. You’ve got ME now, remember?”

Kayda (pausing, then blushing beet red) - “Oh, yeah!” starts kissing Debra passionately.

Brother (wincing) - “Oh, for Pete’s sake - get a room!”
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

E M Pisek
E M Pisek’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #47
E M Pisek replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
elrodw wrote: More of Danny, Kayda, and the Canotila (recovered from the discussions thread on the old server):

Brother (to Kayda, grinning) - “Oh, by the way, now I know why you were dating Julie!”

Kayda (shocked) - “What?!?”

Brother (broader grin) - “And she’s pregnant, too! I think that makes seven. Or eight. I lost count...”

Brother - Oww! Please stop hurting me!

Kayda- You lucky little <bleep>! I’ll kill you!

Debra (restraining Kayda) - “Now, now, honey. You’ve got ME now, remember?”

Kayda (pausing, then blushing beet red) - “Oh, yeah!” starts kissing Debra passionately.

Brother (wincing) - “Oh, for Pete’s sake - get a room!”

You forgot the part where they both kick him out saying “We have one now.”
What is - was. What was - is.

DasVals’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #48
DasVals replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
For parents’ day, new measures were taken. Signs were pretty much everywhere in and around Crystal Hal. “Do not feed the fairies. This is for your safety.” The staff patrolled to remove any leftovers immediately. A security officer was working as bodyguard to keep children away from Teri. Still, Ms Carson had this feeling something would happen.
warning: dangerous levels of cynisme detected

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #49
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Mouser,” Teri said fidgeting in her pink princess costume, “most of these people aren’t from Nebraska. I’m not sure if headmistress Carson would like you advertising your business here. And I already have half the campus thinking I’m crazy, I don’t want to prove it.”

The black catwoman jingled a little in her jester outfit. “You never know when you might be able to make some money. And this is fun isn’t it? Now come on and put your happy face on!”

Teri flew after her guardian, and smiled at the security guard who was to keep her away from any sugar. “Hey Officer Green, do you think you could arrest me for something? Pretty please?”

“No,” the officer said, smiling way too innocently. “I think I want to see this.”

“Thought so,” Teri repliedhopelessly. “Well I hope you enjoy the show.” Smiling as widely as she could, she tried to think of herself as a pretty fairy princess.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #50
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jericho watched the chaos as Crystal Hall quickly cleared of diners when they had the misfortune of seeing his lovely style that had been specially made by a fellow devisor to change with every shift of light into another eye watering pattern of strips, plaids, dots and squiggles in colours man was not meant to see. Even Razorback was avoiding him.

“Hi Jericho,” Caroline said coming up behind him.

“Hey Caroline,” he said, not bothering to ask what she thought of his clothes since she could only see his aura.

“Can you help me pick out lunch?” she asked.

“Should the blind really lead the blind?” he asked. He wasn’t being his usual sarcastic self since he liked the girl and she did a good job at Doyle.

“Consider it an adventure,” she joked.

Getting their food they went to sit at the Outcast table, clearing the immediate area in record time.

“Jericho, why are people getting sick whenever they look at you? I’ve seen less fear during a rager incident.”

He shrugged. “I’m not sure. Maybe they don’t know good style when they see it.”

“Yeah,” she replied deadpan, “I’ve heard about your fashion sense. Just a moment.”

Caroline went limp, Jericho figured she was astral projecting to see what he looked like. A second later she was back, covering her mouth. “You are a sick, sick person. You know that right?”

“Makes you happy to be blind doesn’t it?”

“Yes. Yes it does, it means I don’t have to gouge my eyes out with my spoon.”

“You’re a healer you could fix it.”
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Domoviye.

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05 Sep 2021 01:01 #394 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #51
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Oh caviar! Fancy!” Teri said as she wandered around the school store. Grabbing a jar of it, she started smiling and then she started laughing.


“What are you eating, Teri?” Serena asked the little fairy who was nibbling on a cracker that had some black stuff on it.

“Eggs, it’s really tasty,” Teri chirped happily.

“Where did you get eggs that small?”

“I have a source. I’d offer you some, but this is all I’ve got for the next ten days. Sorry.”

Ten Days Later

“Oh you got more of your eggs,” Serena said.

“Yep. Here I saved some for you,” Teri said, handing her a cracker with the black stuff on it.

Taking a bite, Serena smiled. “This is pretty good. Can you get me some?”

“Well,” Teri said, “I can only get it every ten days and I can’t get much more than this. Sorry.”

“Where can I get some?”

“You need to know the right people. And it’s kind of personal.”

Serena gave her roommate an odd look. “Ok.”

Ten Days Later

Serena sat down with a cup of tea. “Periods suck,” she moaned.

“I wouldn’t know anymore,” Teri said, handing her a cracker with some black eggs on it, “I don’t get them now.”

“You’re so lucky.”

“Not really,” Teri said, watching very closely as Serena bit into the cracker. “I get something almost as bad every ten days now.”

Serena who had been happily eating the cracker, slowed down her chewing.

“It’s over a lot more quickly, but going to the bathroom in the morning when it happens, royally sucks.”

Serena looked at the half eaten cracker in her hand.

“Would you like some more eggs, they’re fresh?” Teri asked innocently.

Serena was out the door in record time, spitting and screaming for water.

Half the floor came to the door of the room wondering what had happened. Teri pulled out a jar of caviar. “Good morning! Does anyone want some caviar? It’s really good.”
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Domoviye.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #52
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Anna was surprised when a hand snuck in and stopped the elevator doors, she was sure that she hadn’t heard one behind her.

“Hold the elevator, please,” a pleasant feminine southern drawl called out. Anna stabbed the door open button and held it as she watched a curvaceous girl caught up to the hand.

As Reach entered the elevator, she smiled a thanks to Anna. “Taking someone lunch?”

Anna smiled back, “Jer... er Hazmat never remembers to eat, when he’s working.”

“Jen... Spark is the same way.”

The elevator door opened, Anna turned right and Harley turned left. They looked back simultaneously, “Same time tomorrow?”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

DasVals’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #53
DasVals replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From: Administration
To: Students.Workshop
Sent: 2015-10-07 4:56pm
Subject: Workshop Updates

In this update
- Licensing for vehicles
- AI limit
- Fashion testing
- Weapon use
- Sharks


We have been working with the legal department to clarify some questions you had. With the recent movie anniversary and the new releases inspiring inventors, this was becoming an issue.

The most critical parameter is maximum height of the ground clearance plus the vehicle itself, cargo, driver and passenger. The hard limit for the maximum height, either by hardware limits or control systems under any circumstance, is 4.15 m (13.6 ft). This is the standardized height of bridges. So, for the students working on land speeders, speeder bikes, if the max height it below 4.15 m, your vehicle is legally equivalent to an off-road vehicle and can be driven using a standard driving license. For those building a hover conversion capable of going over that limit, you will need a private pilot’s license with a visual flight rules rating as your vehicle is then legally equivalent to a small plane.

Hover boards are classified by the means of propulsion. If the board can using without any input of energy (no batteries or fuel of any kind) besides human force, it stays equivalent to a skate board. But, if using an energy source, it is, depending on the maximum speed, the legal equivalent of a moped or motorcycle and requires the same license.

Testing using remote control is possible, and recommended, but still requires a UAV pilot license. We have a list of students with the required licenses willing to offer their services. Please come to my office to make arrangements for testing.

[AI limit]

Dr. Hartford would like to warn you that that droids can only have a class 2 sentience. Anything above will be hunted down and destroyed. Her words.

[Fashion testing]

The more fashion inclined inventors are urged to use dummies, mannequins or PK brick initially before testing any products themselves or on somebody else, no matter how sure you are that “this time it’ll work”. We already had one student with a crushed foot and one student with burn wounds on the upper torso in Doyle.


Gunnery Sgt. Bardue reports that all weapons testing and use are limited to the ranges. Anybody waving around a light saber or blaster outside the ranges will be kindly requested to prove their prowess in a sim of his choosing.


No more holographic sharks!! This is for your own safety. Fey expresses her apologies for overreacting, but the devisor is reported to make a full recovery. Repairs to Schuster Hall are almost completed.

Happy motoring,

Melvin Donner
Vehicle Lab
warning: dangerous levels of cynisme detected

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #54
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
This is entirely Kristin’s fault .

She said, “I’ve seen you in here before”
I said, “I’ve since had a patch or two”
She said, “Well, my name is Mystic Jo
Meet my assistant Betty Lou
And we’re all feeling kinda cramped tonight
And you’re the only blanket in this place
And if you’re up for a magic show
We’ll make her disappear without a trace”
I said, “Girls

I ain’t as good as I once was
I got a few holes in my knit
But there was a time, back in my prime
When I could really hide a trick
And if you need some magic tonight
Then I might have just enough
I ain’t as good as I once was
But I’m as good once as I ever was”

I still hang out with my best friend Aung
I’ve known her since she first started to crawl
Last week she went to Boston, had confrontations
Struttin’ round starting brawls
With a few Children of the Night
One great big bad necro man
I heard Aung yell across my loom
“Hey buddy, how ‘bout a helping hand?”
I said, “Aung

I ain’t as good as I once was
My how my seams have blown
But there was a time, back in my prime
When I was really tightly sewn
But if you wanna fight tonight
Guess these spells don’t look all that tough
I ain’t as good as I once was
But I’m as good once as I ever was”

I used to flap in the wind
Way back before the Sunderin’
Now my stitches say, “You can’t do this, Weave”
But my thread says, “Oh yes you can”

I ain’t as good as I once was
That’s just the well worn truth
I still take a good whack, block a little flak
When I’m feelin’ bulletproof
So don’t tug on my loose threads now
‘Cause I’d choke you with my fluff
I ain’t as good as I once was
But I’m as good once as I ever was

May not be good as I once was
But I’m as good once as I ever was...

(For the benefit of those who don’t do country, that was a parody of Toby Keith’s As Good As I Once Was .)
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago - 5 years 9 months ago #55
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Staring down at the newly planted rosebush Hank sighed, then gently pulled a flower to his face, breathing in its sweet scent. Letting the flower go he smiled, gently tapped the dirt around rosebush’s base once more to confirm it was properly planted, and pushed the wooden stack that would guide its growth a little firmer into the ground.

Standing up he gave one last pat to the rosebush planted in Jamie’s memory and turned. Only team Kimba had stayed watching him plant the rosebush. Team Kimba and Lily. Even Mr. Miyamoto and his groundskeepers had withdrawn to their vehicles, leaving the students to their moment of shared remembrance and grief.

Looking over Hank was pleased to see that Nikki had finished planting her rosebush, but frowned when he saw her angry stance and fuming countenance. Turning to Lily and his friends Hank exchange hugs with them all, then indicating Nikki he silently pleaded with them for time alone with her.

With barely a quick glance at Nikki Lily nodded and left, his other friends however were slower, Ayla in particular giving Nikki a long anguished stare before he too nodded at Hank and left. Turning to the silently fuming Nikki, so caught up in her own world she hadn’t even notice her friends departure, Hank stopped and waited.

All through the ceremony in the garden Nikki had silently fumed at Mrs. Carson, treating every imaginary slight as a personal affront to Aunghadhail and herself. Ever since Mrs. Carson delivered the news to Nikki, both that Solicitor was suing her, and that far from fighting the suite, the school’s response would be to give him her modelling earnings, Nikki had been furious. Even more so since all now seemed to be trying to make her believe that Aunghadhail’s death had been good for her!

Finally Hank decided that Nikki had been left to her thoughts long enough, without waiting for invitation he stepped up and hugged her. “Let it go Nikki, it’s only money,” he advised.

Fiercely Nikki shook him off, rounding on him to scream, “He wanted to enslave me! Now I’m supposed to pay him for nothing?!”

“Who are you? Are you Aunghadhail’s heir? Daughter of the Burning Oak? Paramount Queen of the West and leader of the Sidhe people? Or are you Nikki Reilly, daughter of Nicholas and Lucile Rielly?”

“I’m both!” fiercely Nikki declared.

Hank calmly considered her for a moment, then with a gesture he invited Nikki to follow him, “Please? I have something I want to show you?” He watched her, worried that in the mood she was in she’d not come with him. Hank had watched as Mr. Miyamoto had brought out the rosebush for Nikki to plant in Aunghadhail’s memory. Had seen her facade crumble, genuine warmth in her thanks to him. He hoped that Nikki might be able to accept some things being told to her now. From his own experiences with Jamie he knew how hard it was to hear that those you grieved for were not the most important people. That the living mattered more. With a sigh of relief Hank saw Nikki abrupt, angry nod of acceptance.

Turning he took he lead her out of the rose garden of remembrance, and through the school buildings. Eventually to the Homer Gallery and up to a dusty pile of metal bars.

“It’s only money Nikki.” He stated. “ Yes it’s your money, but still. Look here, see this gold? How much more do you think Ms. Guzman would add for one day, one hour, a single minute more with Jamie? To tell Jamie of her love? To say her goodbyes? Stare at this gold Nikki and understand! The world has decided we are to grow up, and it’s all through asking. Right here, right now you get to choose. Are you the Daughter of the Burning Oak?, or are you the daughter of Nicholas and Lucinda Reilly, who are still here and love you?”

“Why can’t I be both!” Nikki wailed.

“You will always be of both heritages, but only one future allows you to be yourself. Only one way will you get to choose and dictate your own path. The other is a path of other people’s expectations, other people’s desires, other people’s destinies, eventually, other people’s wars.”

“I want to honour Aunghadhail! I want to lead our people!”

“I’m human Nikki. Your friends are all human. Your family is all human! What would you do if you choose race over family? If you choose to stand on the other side from your friends and family?”

“It doesn’t have to be that way!”

“No Nikki, it doesn’t,” Hank explained with feeling. “But we are not the ones who make your choices for you.”

“But you are forcing me to make a choice! You are making me chose my family or Aunghadhail!” Nikki wailed in distress.

“Oh Nikki no!” Hank exclaimed, stepping close and wrapping her in his arms. “We don’t want you to make that choice ever!” Hank promised holding the crying girl close in his arms.

“Let her go Nikki,” Hank whispered. “Grieve for her. Grieve for her Kingdom lost in time, but let it go! Honour Aunghadhail by being the best you, the best Nikki Rielly, can be. Let the Kingdoms of the Sihde stay forever lost in time,” Hank begged her.

Kneeling, holding Nikki as she wept out her heartbreak, Hank prayed that something they were doing was really getting through, that the death of Aunghadhail didn’t also lead to the loss of Nikki Rielly, the loss of everything that made her his friend.
Last Edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus. Reason: adding italics for emphasis

elrodw’s Avatar
5 years 9 months ago #56
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(Based on an idea Kristin wrote in a different thread)

The senior looked around the fire ring at all the new freshmen members, their dim orange faces open-mouthed and awestruck as the fire flickered and danced, casting some uneven, unsteady illumination to the scene. Behind the senior, the hulking triangles of two tepees loomed large and ominous, faintly outlined like monster ghosts against the moonlit sky.

“Yeah, there’s a new student coming named Heyoka,” the senior said in his deep, sonorous, but eerily soft voice, making the new members lean closer, knowing he was increasing their tension level. “But the original Heyoka was murdered here on campus!” he hissed. “He was killed in cold blood in Arena 77, his guts torn apart by a sharpened horn and his head split open by a tomahawk. They say his spirit is stuck until his killers are caught and punished, haunting the Arena, looking for his killers. is spirit is powerful, or so it’s said, it’s touch so terrifying that even Lady Astarte won’t go in the Arena by herself! Sometimes, people fall in the arena for no reason, like they’ve slipped on his spilled guts and brains!” He paused for effect, looking around, knowing the shadows flashing on his face were lending a bit of a spooky air. “Last year, a kid was knocked out when he fell, and even though the doctors swore he was unconscious, he walked around like he was under attack, falling over and clutching at his stomach, and then grabbing like something had hit him in the head before he fell over again! When he woke up, he had scars on his stomach and forehead, just like he’d been hit the same way Heyoka was killed!” He looked around again. “Don’t ever go into Arena 77 by yourself, because the spirit of Heyoka might possess you as it relives Heyoka’s death over and over again!

Some of the freshmen flinched at the booming way the senior concluded the story. Ghost-stories night at the Nations campout was always such fun!
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #57
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Buster had had enough. Months of people mocking him about squirrels, and then that... that dog freak that only he seemed to be able to see, hounding him, snickering from the shadows, making everything go wrong. He’d had enough.

People thought Buster was stupid, and they weren’t wrong. He’d never been very bright. But he wasn’t a complete idiot. He’d ridden a bike before, after all, and he’d watched war movies, and he’d seen helicopters. The solution to his problem was clear, even to his dull mind. The specific mechanics, those he had trouble with... but troubles are easily beaten with the correct use of force. In this case, force used on those nerds down in the tunnels.

And stupid or not, Buster knew that squirrels couldn’t fly. Neither could baselines, according to the nerds he’d made help him. They’d said baselines had been struggling to make pedal powered helicopters work for ages with no real success. Buster didn’t care. Buster wasn’t a puny baseline.

Steering his helicopter was difficult. He’d never realized how slippery air was when he’d been landbound like the rest of the peons who passed below him. But he wasn’t an Exemplar 3 for nothing. He learned as he pedaled through the sky above Whateley, and soon he was hovering more or less over his target as she looked up at him with confusion. Confusion became anger and disgust when he began pouring yellow liquid on her from one of the tanks at his side. It was just water mixed with food coloring and some cleaning supplies that smelled like piss, because where would he get that much actual piss? But she wouldn’t know any better.

As she dodged and yelled, he kept his eyes on the ground around her. Soon he saw what he’d sought: squirrels swarming in to defend their queen, turning the ground into a brown and grey carpet of writhing fur. Buster smiled. His “piss” tank was empty now, so he chucked it out toward the little tree-rat bitch. She dodged, but that wasn’t important. What was important was that now his hands were free to operate the napalm dispenser.

It wasn’t long before Stormwolf showed up with a horrified scowl, ruined his helicopter, and sent him tumbling to the ground, but that was fine. Buster had gotten what he’d wanted. He was a little disappointed that the crackling flames drowned out most of the screams from the rodents, but that was fine. Everything was fine. He sat there smiling as Stormwolf and Firecat waded toward him through the flames to drag him off to Security. Maybe he’d be expelled, but he’d shown them. He’d shown them all.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #58
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A new student arrived late in Martial Arts, a big bruiser who had a squished nose, fists like battered hams, biceps as big as most of the students waists and an ugly gleam in his eyes. When he saw the mix of boys and girls, some looking quite strong, but not as strong as him, and smaller regular looking teens, he grinned showing big teeth that seemed capable of chewing up a tank.

Sensei Ito walked over to him, and said something as everyone else continued their practice sparring. The big guy didn’t bother being quiet, or respectful. “I don’t even know why I’m here. None of these pussy’s can give me a challenge. I’ll eat them alive.”

Sensei Tolman had to order several students back to work as they stopped to glare at the obvious bully.

“You think it is that easy? You can judge how strong a fighter is by a single look?” Ito asked.

“Look at how big I am, none of them could hurt me even if I gave them the first hit,” he boomed with laughter.

“Well by all means let’s find out. Teri to the ring. Everyone else let us see if Brick Bat is correct in his assumption,” Ito said.

As everyone eagerly knelt to watch the ensuing chaos, Ito explained to Brick Bat about how to spar in his dojo, emphasizing multiple times while looking at Teri that they had to get their opponent into the cage. The new boy seemed to be unsure if he should be laughing at his six inch tall fairy opponent or angry.

Before they started, Ito seemed to notice that Teri was sweating hard after her practice which had involved dive bombing a target with various heavy objects. “Before we begin would either of you like a drink,” he asked.

“Yes, Sensei,” Teri said.

“Sure. It will help wash down the bug,” Brick Bat said.

Tolman appeared with two sports drinks, letting Brick Bat choose his first. Teri looked at the second bottle cautiously, as the entire class suddenly scooted as close to the walls as possible.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked.

Ito nodded. “Drink up, and remember just get him into the capture cage.”

“You keep saying that old man, is her brain so small she can’t remember anything for twenty seconds?” the bully said.

Teri glared at him and drank the bottle down in one gulp. She burped and wiped her face, grinning from ear to ear, her eyes lit up.

“Come on Teri, to the circle and bow,” Ito said somewhat hurriedly.

Teri bowed about fifty times her head almost hitting the floor, in the time it took Brick Bat to bow once.

“Hajime!” the usually calm Sensei shouted, before diving halfway across the dojo.


The students came out from behind the forcefield that some of the devisors and gadgeteers had thrown up. The slower students were covered in plaster from when Brick Bat and Teri had hit the ceiling and did a couple of laps with the boys head leaving a furrow in the hard plaster.

Several mats had for all practical purposes exploded when they had valiantly tried to slow down the two fighters as they returned to earth, several times. The walls were in pretty good shape, two of them would need to be plastered over, but they’d been made to handle brick fights, so that was an easy task. The capture cage however would need to be rebuilt. It had three new doorways, the first two had been created when Teri had flown Brick Bat into it and kept going. The third one was her more successful second attempt.

Ito walked over to the dazed and utterly confused boy. He’d have a headache but he wasn’t hurt too badly, aside from some minor bruises. “So Brick Bat, do you still believe that you can judge an opponent just by looking at them?” he asked.

“Wh-wh-what happened?” Brick Bat managed to slur, still not risking standing up.

“You lost, badly. When you can stand join the other students and learn how to fight properly, hopefully you’ll have more respect for your classmates.”

Turning away from the brick, he went to the far end of the dojo where Teri was curled up, snoring loudly. Scooping her up, he handed the exhausted fairy to Tolman who took her into the small office to sleep it off.

“Now, let us return to our lessons,” the evil old man told everyone, a gleam in his eyes.
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Domoviye.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #59
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“What is that?” shouts Runs Faster.

His younger brother, Watches Hard, snorts. “It’s an orca, obviously.”

“I am Willie,” says the orca agreeably.

Runs Faster shakes his head. “But orca don’t have legs. I know all creatures with legs, all creatures that run. The orca has no legs. This is no orca. This cannot exist.”

“I am Willie,” says the orca stubbornly.

Watches Hard frowns and approaches the orca cautiously, his hands spread to show he means no harm. “Brother Orca! Why have you grown legs and come to land? Is there trouble in the ocean?”

“I am Willie, and Willie is Free,” says the orca firmly.

“Yes, um... Willie. But this is very strange. Why have-” Watches Hard pauses mid sentence, then snaps his head to the west where a cloud of dust is rising. He licks his lips then speaks with forced calm, eyes unmoving. “I- I think your destiny has come, Runs Faster. Go! Warn the others! Hurry! The orca are coming!”

As Runs Faster bolts, Willie bellows at the sky. “Willie is Free! The cage of the Ocean no longer confines! Landfish will be eaten, and Skyfish soon will follow! All Orca are FREE!” Shortly his ranting is drowned out by the thunder of galloping blue whales carrying the horde of orca raiders across the plains. The Era of Orcan Omnipotence has begun, and the Earth trembles before it.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #60
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Two excerpts from “DeVille’s Daughter”

Anna Parsons, aka Aquerna looked up as I came over to the Underdog’s usual table and gave me a happy grin. “Hi Leslie! Gonna join us today?” she asked nodding to the rest of the low powered students who didn’t think that they where worth anything or where not willing to stand up for themselves. Part of me, the part hardened by my time at DeVille thought them pathetic, while the other untainted part of me just felt sorry for them and wanted... I wasn’t sure what I wanted for them.

“Not today. I wanted to ask you...” My nose twitched at the same time Ann’s did and we both turned towards Nate. “Oh God... get your ass over by the vent.” I gagged, eyes watering.

“What? It was only a little one!” Nate protested weakly, a spoon full of baked beans half way to his mouth.

“Nate, it’s melting the plastic seat of your chair.” Winnie pointed out as she and the rest of the Underdogs scooted further away from the flatulent Avatar.

“I’ve lost my appetite.” Anna groaned as she grabbed her tray and bounced up. I’d seen pictures of her from her freshman year and while she wasn’t an Exemplar Beauty she had still matured into an extremely cute young woman who would likely have been a 7 or 8 any where else. Ok, maybe I was selling her short, maybe she was a 9. Her shoulder length brown hair bounced like a squirrel tail as she moved, and the energy, as well as good cheer, she radiated was infectious. “So what did you wanna talk about Les?”

“I wanted to know if you where interested in joining a forming sim team.”

“Thanks, but I’m not that good...”

I shrugged, knowing I wouldn’t get past her block if she wasn’t willing to move past it. “All right, thought I’d ask. If you change your mind there’ll will always be a slot on the Vindicators for Squirrel Girl.”


“Korenda has nothing to do with it this year, other then snipping at us. I was wondering if you’d like to be the Falcon to my Widow and Donovan’s War Machine?”

“You have anyone else yet?” Billie asked. “Ayla and Jericho have decent things to say about Donovan.” she added as an aside to Starling.

“Thinking Clover to fill the slot of Scarlet Witch, as my first choice for spell slinger turned me down and suggested her instead. I kinda feel like we need another heavy hitter though...”

Billie looked a little sick at my dropping Estelle’s name. “Oh God... you want to make those three more dangerous, by teaching them to work together and plan things out?”

“And maybe if they planned better, they wouldn’t cause as much chaos. Besides I want chaos on my side while in the sims.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #61
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Valentine wrote: Anna was surprised when a hand snuck in and stopped the elevator doors, she was sure that she hadn’t heard one behind her.

“Hold the elevator, please,” a pleasant feminine southern drawl called out. Anna stabbed the door open button and held it as she watched a curvaceous girl caught up to the hand.

As Reach entered the elevator, she smiled a thanks to Anna. “Taking someone lunch?”

Anna smiled back, “Jer... er Hazmat never remembers to eat, when he’s working.”

“Jen... Spark is the same way.”

The elevator door opened, Anna turned right and Harley turned left. They looked back simultaneously, “Same time tomorrow?”

The next day

As agreed Aquerna and Reach met at the elevator the next day. Both were surprised when a low hissing voice said, “hold the door pleasse.”

They were shocked when Thuban king of faction 3 showed up in person and got on the elevator holding a similar package to what they themselves held.

After several moments of awkward silence Reach worked up the courage to ask, “so who ya in for?”

“Generator is working on a new project and forgot about our dinner date. Jinn was there of course but it’s not really the same since she doesn’t eat. So I thought…”

“You should grab ‘er dinner to make sure she eats.”

After a few moments Anna and Harley leaned back out of Thuban’s range of vision. Reach made whipping movements and pointed to Thuban. Anna nodded in agreement.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #62
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Yes, and as I said, that skeletal figure was me.”

“Oh really?” the officer growled, leaning in uncomfortably close. “Prove it.”

I frowned at the sensation of spittle hitting my skin. “You are in my face. Please get out of my face before I remove it.”

“That a threat, little girl?”

I slowly raised my hand to my chin, gripped, and tore off my face. “I do not make threats,” I said calmly as I tucked it into my purse. “Do you believe it was me now? Or will I need to strip down entirely? I hope that seems as unnecessary and inappropriate to you as it does to me, and I’m sure you have better things to do with your time.”

“I- Yes. That will, um, not be necessary.” He leaned back and began wiping the blood off his face with his sleeve.

“I am leaving now.”

He waved at the door and grunted weakly, too busy fumbling for the trash basket to look up.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #63
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lewis glanced at his watch and growled, once again glaring around the foyer of the Goodkind Bank’s Springfield Idaho branch. Really there was nothing to growl about, the team were all in position, the insertion had gone without a hitch, and they’d even prevented the silent alarm being given, if anything the robbery was ahead of schedule, but the adrenaline was up, the blood was pumping and Lewis, for all his experience, could not stop himself once more glancing at his watch, relieving his frustration a little by shouting the countdown.

Glancing towards the front door, left unlock as it was their escape route, Lewis swore as a perky cheerleader approached the door obviously intent on entering. Cursing fate’s love of Murphy, Lewis started to move towards the door to intercept the cheerleader, but again Murphy stepped in. Instead of opening the door in a state of oblivion, the cheerleader took the merest glance inside before her posture gave away that she comprehended the scene before her.

Hurrying, trying to use the normal moment of disbelief to close the gap so he could prevent her running, Lewis froze in disbelief himself as instead of freezing, panicking, or just plain running, the cheerleader smiled like all her Christmases had come at once and bounced through the door and straight up to him.

“Who the hell are you?” Lewis growled out menacingly, recovering from his shock.

“Hi! I’m a superhero, can you give up please?” the cheerleader asked fixing him with a million watt smile.

“You! A superhero?” Not just Lewis laughed, but so did most of the rest of his crew, who had gone silent, along with the hostages, to hear what the fearless cheerleader would say. Staring in horror, the closest hostages silently shook their heads at the girl, trying to get her to stop. “You thought a cheerleaders outfit would scare us?” Lewis demanded of the girl.

“Oh no, I was just on the way to practice,” she replied, huge smile still fixed in place. “I have a real super’s costume, would you like me to change into it?” she asked bouncing a little in excitement.

“Little girl,” Lewis growled, eyes hard as diamonds. “If you make one move to leave, I will personally shoot you dead!” he growled, raising his sawn off-shot gun and levelling it at her, rock steady, aimed straight at her chest.

“Oh no, I don’t need to leave,” the cheerleader exclaimed happily, turning around and pulling off her tight shirt, exposing the sports bra she was wearing beneath. “I can change right here!” she declared happily shimmying out of her skirt and reaching behind for her bra straps.

“Well this is a first.” Lewis drawled, eyes appreciating the displayed skin. “Normally I have to pay first for a strip tease!” he murmured impressed, as the rest of the team drew closer, their eyes now almost glued to the stripping girl who was by now naked with her back to them.

“Nearly done!” she called happily as she neatly folded her panties, and crouched down to the small pile of clothes she had made to place them neatly on top, almost making the men watching moan in excitement.

“How about we skip the fight and move straight onto the kissing and make up?” leered Lewis, stepping closer to the naked girl.

“Really?” she exclaimed happily over her shoulder eyes wide in innocent delight. Then reaching up she grabbed the skin of her forehead, and with a shockingly sudden move ripped down, revealing the blood covered skull and muscles beneath. “Because most of my boyfriends run screaming and they never answer their phones or return my calls!” shockingly the still perfect and perky voice rang out of the lipless skull, muscles and bone exposed dripping with blood as she turned to face them, completely naked, but all where too busy staring in horror to notice anything but the missing face revealed.

Grabbing the fingers of her right hand in her left, she jerked loose her shoulder, lifting the skinless ball and socket into the gap where the neck’s skin had come off with the face. Twisting to pull her arm out to its elbow through the stretching skin she continued in the same perky voice as the screaming started, “I mean, I’ve the body of a cheerleader! I work out!” Grunting a little she removed her whole arm, and dropping the skin reached across with her skeletal fingers to grab the left hand and start on that side. “I have a *great* personality, everyone says so! So why is it I can’t even get to the first kiss?” she whined as she finished pulling the left hand out, and using the skin of her arms started pulling down her skin, wriggling sensuously as she shimmying out of her skin like a woman shedding a tight dress.

Looking up she reached out, skeletal hands with blood dripping off them, skin from two boneless arms flapping to the floor from her waist, a still beating heart exposed surrounded by its two inflating and deflating lungs, all in a rib cage dripping in blood. She stepped forward, arms outstretched to embrace the leader of the bank robbers, her faceless, smiling skull moving forward for the promised kiss as as eyes wide in horror, body locked up in fright, Lewis could do nothing more then scream mindlessly at the unimaginable horror coming his way, his gun dropping from nerveless fingers as the overpowering smell of urine permeated the raucous air.
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

E M Pisek
E M Pisek’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #64
E M Pisek replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
And by the way, she smiled which for some reason was more hidious than could be imagined. My hero’s name is Embryonic.
What is - was. What was - is.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #65
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Blame Domoviye for this, he encouraged me.

“Ma’am push. That’s it, push a little harder!”

Gasping, breathing hard and covered in sweat, the young lady stared death at the midwife bent over and looking with professional detachment under the sheet draped over her gravid stomach and upper legs. “I want a cesarian!” she demanded with an angry growl.

Not even bothering to look up from her study of the young woman’s passage, the midwife replied absently with false cheer, “Now dear, the birthing is going fine! We already have some nice dilation, and with a few more pushes you’ll all be done. There is no reason at all to contemplate such a nasty, dangerous procedure.”

“Who’s contemplating!” growled the young woman, ripping off the sheet and reaching for the top of her swollen belly.

Looking up in puzzlement at all the extra light, the midwife’s eyes widened in horror as the girl calmly grabbed two handfuls of the skin on her belly and ripped them apart, pulling them aside till the whole swollen expanse was denulled of skin. Screaming for help, the midwife dived for the emergent alarm, slapping it on and then jumped back to the woman, grabbing for her arms.

Contemptuously the woman flicked the midwife aside, throwing her to the side of the room, where the midwife lay slumped, stunned and confused, eyes locked on the horror scene before her, a scene the first to respond to her summons found before them as they raced through the door.

A flayed body, the muscles from the stomach engorged in pregnancy, two blood covered hands pushing into the mass ruthlessly. Screaming in horror, experienced nurses fell to their knees, or rushed back out of the room, puking, screaming, running from the nightmare.

Face harsh, emotions locked down as she strode purposely past her fainting nurses, the ward sister slammed her way into the number three delivery ward just in time to see arms, bloody to the elbows, withdraw a squirming, kicking screaming bundle from a body mess her brain only just managed to identify as a flayed, bleeding, pregnant woman.

Eyes wide in horror Sister Turner watch as the arms drew the writhing mass up the exposed chest of the body before her, stopping to cradle the writhing bundle. Clinging to the edge of sanity she looked up, into the eyes of the true horror of the room. A smiling, loving face, looking down in complete bliss from atop the wreckage of the young woman’s body. Absently a flap of skin was rolled back up onto the chest, and the wriggling mass, belatedly Sister Turned identified it as a baby, was lowered to it, as enthusiastically a mouth attached itself to the bloody mess and started suckling.

Looking up, directly into Sister Turner’s eyes, the coup de gras for her sanity was delivered. There are some things even the hardened psych of an experienced medical professional is just not equiped to handle.

In a perky, estatic, deliriously happy voice the horror before her spoke. “Oh Hi! Look, I’ll look after Suzy here, but do you think you can cut the cord and check on the afterbirth for me please?”
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #66
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Suzy ran into the living room where her mother was relaxing after a long day of being a superhero, by massaging her skin in a special cream that would keep it nice and supple. The superhero was standing on a plastic tarp to keep any blood from staining the hardwood floor.

“Mom! Check it out!” Suzy cried, not worrying that her mother was standing there looking like a skinned corpse. “I manifested today!”

Without waiting for her mother to speak, she jabbed two fingers into her arm just below her shoulder. There was a pop and the bones of her arm, hand and fingers came sliding out through a slit in the skin. The bones hovered in the air and waved. The muscles and skin of the arm stayed attached to Suzy, moving like a boneless worm but still under her control.

“I can do this with my entire skeleton! Isn’t it cool!”

Her mother jumped for joy, spraying blood and cream around the room. “This calls for a celebration! And I’ll talk to the team about getting you signed up as a junior member. The criminals of the city won’t know what hit them.”

E M Pisek
E M Pisek’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #67
E M Pisek replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Priscilla stood in front of her mirror her body wobbly to an fro as she took in how her body had manifested. It still looked the same to her even with the change only her skin was looseer, more flexible as her head took to flopping down.

Once more she reached with her hands to straighten her head so she could get a better look.

“MOOOOM!” Priscilla called out hating how she had to have her mothers help to get dressed. Her clothes lay on the bed just waiting to be put on.

“Yes honey?” her mother called out from the other side of the door.

Turning her skin flopped to the ground like a fish as her skeleton moved to open the door.

“I can’t seem to open wide enough to fit my skin back over my bones,” Priscilla whined as her eyes could only stare upwards towards the ceiling. “And the bus will be here soon.”

“Honey I told you not to use your dads soap, you know how it dries out your skin making it shrink,” Priscilla’s mom said as she went to retrieve the steam iron.
What is - was. What was - is.

E M Pisek
E M Pisek’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #68
E M Pisek replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Old saw bones as Priscilla called her skeleton waited beside the dry as soon as her mother started the wash machine. She had made sure to use the latest in fabric softener as well as only the smallest amount of bleach to prevent any skin rash.

“Priscilla honey will you come here for a minute, please! her mother beckoned. I need you to reach under the fridge again. Eyeing herself through the front end loader she hated how her bones could just leave her. Closing her eyes she waited once the next cycle began as she tried to hold back her nausea when the spin cycle commenced. It always gave her a head rush and her brothers teasing of calling her a ditz didn’t help.

She hoped her skeleton would be done soon as the last time she was placed in the dryer her brother had changed its setting from fluff dry to high heat causing her skin to flake and a week of eye drops when her eyes dried out.
What is - was. What was - is.
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by E M Pisek.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #69
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Speedy ran down the street at an easy 50mph, his backpack was full of gems he’d stolen a few minutes ago. The little city had a superhero team, but it wasn’t talked about much by anyone so it couldn’t be very good. The stones had to be worth a couple hundred grand which would let him rest easy for the year. As his mentor had taught him, never be greedy, a job every year or two kept the heat off as the heroes and cops went after the idiots who had to keep their faces in the news.

A guy in a business suit with a mask covering the upper part of the his face stepped out and held his hands up to show that he didn’t have any weapons. Not that that meant much when he could possibly fire lasers from his ass. Still a short talk to see what the opposition was like couldn’t hurt.

“Get out of my way before you get hurt,” Speedy said.

“I’m not here to stop you, that’s not my job as the Negotiator. I’m just here to ask you to surrender before you have to meet the two other members of my team. I promise if you surrender without a fight you’ll get a nice plea bargain and stay out of the big mutant prison, with good behaviour you could be out in a couple of years,” the guy said.

Speedy started laughing. “I’ve gotten away from a dozen super teams and took a punch from Champion, what’s so scary about your team?”

“You didn’t really look us up too closely before you came here, did you?” the hero asked, with a smile that seemed almost sympathetic. “Believe me when I say surrendering is the best option.”

“Like hell. No one is going to catch me.”

The Negotiator took an envelope out of his pocket and threw it to land at Speedy’s feet. “Just look at the photo’s and decide first. It will save you a lot of time and money to avoid the psychiatric treatment.”

Very curious now, Speedy picked up the envelope and pulled out several photo’s. He had to fight back the urge to throw up. Looking at the hero, he saw a red and dripping woman about a block away waving happily at him. Music made him slowly turn around. A skeleton covered in red, and a seemingly boneless teenager were dancing as a stereo was blasting the song, ‘Dem Dry Bones’.

“This- this is real?” he asked.

“Oh yes, we have our fourth member setting up forcefields so that you’ll be locked in with Skins and Dem Bones, so escape will be very difficult. And until you do, you’ll get to fight these two up close and personal. The betting ring currently has you lasting two minutes before you wet yourself and curl up in the fetal position. I think you’ll last three minutes, but I can’t take part in the betting. So shall I take my leave until then or can we make a deal?”

He took a look at the pictures again, and saw that the three horrors were coming closer. Skins was somersaulting and cartwheeling closer, leaving a trail of red behind her, and Dem Bones was doing the most disturbing dance in the history of the world as the body and its skeleton danced together.


Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #70
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Ayla’s eyes widened with astonishment and horror as he read his email. He paid people to send him information about particularly unusual mutations, but he’d never heard of anything quite like this. His mouse hovered over the link to the attached picture, but in the end, his good sense won out over his curiosity, and he did not open it.

Suddenly he smiled wickedly, and began typing up another email.


The Negotiator looked at the devise being erected in the center of town, and frowned. Devises usually looked a little strange, but this one was particularly odd. It had lots of lights and whirring parts, but no discernible purpose. Whatever it was, it was unlikely to be good. He cleared his throat as he approached and the devisor, a black boy in a long labcoat, looked up. Was he blind? He wasn’t acting like it, but there was a white cane resting on the devise and his eyes were odd.

“Oh, hi! Please, don’t mind me!” the devisor said with a grin.

“What are you doing here, young man?” the Negotiator asked.

The devisor’s grin grew even broader. “I heard there was a hero team over here who won fights by horrifying their opponents. So I hopped on over to check out the competition.”

The sound of a stereo signaled the arrival of Skins and Dem Bones. The devisor glanced their way. “Wow. I’ve encountered stranger things in my time, but y’all are pretty impressive. Two thumbs up.”

As the team stared at the nonchalant devisor, he finally got up from where he’d been working on his devise. He turned to each of the three heroes, bowed to each of them in turn, and then with a flourish Jericho took off his labcoat, revealing to the world what he was wearing underneath.


Three days later, Skins finally felt well enough to return to active hero duty. She’d give Dem Bones another day or two in bed before getting her up and about.
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #71
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Agent Ryan tapped her desk top, taking very slow, deep breaths to keep from yelling at the incompetent excuse of an MCO agent who was standing shamefaced before her. She’d had to send an intern to pick up Agent MacArthur, from some little no nothing town on Christmas eve, and now when she should be reading “The Night Before Christmas” to her youngest, she had to deal with a total mess.

“Now let me make sure everything is perfectly clear, agent MacArthur. One week ago, you and your partner Agent Anthony, went to Sunnydale, after hearing from the police that there was a violent mutant. You discovered it was a newly manifested fourteen year old female, who can manifest small animals. You attempted to apprehend the girl who had run away from home, she initially got away thanks to manifesting cats and a small horde of rats. This caught the attention of the media, and I had to work very hard to keep the situation quiet after the initial reports. Is that correct so far?” she asked.

“Overall yes, but the mutant can manifest the animals at a distance of ten meters. The horde of rats was manifested... in my pants,” he said, blushing and shuddering at the same time.

She just gave him a very flat and unimpressed look. “Duly noted. You then heard of another potential mutant, a teenage male, most likely a Sidhe, with white hair, wearing a blue trench coat, white scarf, and black boots, who calls himself Chris Kringel. He was first witnessed donating over ten thousand dollars worth of food and toys to the local food bank, and asking about the female mutant. Three days ago, you witnessed both mutants together and attempted an arrest them with your partner, whereupon, you found your guns missing, and the mutants teleported away. Rather than notifying us about the entire situation, you told me on the phone that there was a second mutant but you could handle it, downplaying my concerns, and not describing Chris Kringel in any real detail.”

“Well ma’am, they didn’t seem to be friendly, and they are only teenagers. We thought that he wasn’t a serious threat.” He shut up as she scowled at him.

“Now where was I? Ah yes, you then used the back up gadgeteer weapons, which are only suppose to be used for dire threats and began tracking the mutants with the unwilling help of the police. According to the long phone call and even longer email from the chief of police, you and your partner went well beyond the bounds of civility and legality, resorting to, and I quote, ‘bullying, threats and exceeding any legal authority you had as MCO agents operating in the United States of America.’ During this time, you found the mutants singly or together seven times, and in the process of attempting to arrest them, destroyed two civilian vehicles, set a house on fire, caused thirty-two thousand dollars worth of property damage at the local G-Mart, and caused over 50,000 dollars in damages unrelated to those previously stated incidences.” She turned her scowl into a glare, she was in hot water and it was only going to get worse once the superiors of her superiors got back from holidays.

“Those were not entirely our fault, we were in pursuit of the mutants and-”

“Shut up. This morning you finally managed to tag Chris Kringel as he was dressed as an elf handing out toys to children as their parents took them to the skating rink.” She looked at him in disbelief. “You shot Santa’s elf in the arm in front of fifty children?”

“He was a mutant, who knows where he got the toys and what he was going to do to the children!”

“That is a mitigating factor. But shouting that you’re the MCO, and firing wildly at a known teleporter when there were children and parents in the line of fire? Stupidity. That seems to have angered him. You attempted to continue your search, and discovered that he had stolen your keys, the spark plugs, all the equipment in your trunk and your phones. Using the information in your wallet, he then went to your hotel rooms, stole all of your clothes replacing them with elf suits, took every one of your possessions including your laptops, and filled your suitcases with a mix of coal and pig feces. Is that correct?”


“Yet despite all of that, you did not call me. You continued to pursue the mutants using only your sidearms and the credit card you keep for emergencies in your inside pocket to replace the spark plugs. When you found the female mutant, you both tried to apprehend her, almost running her over. When you came to a stop Chris teleported behind the car, grabbed it and teleported you both twenty feet above the local swimming hole. Not deep enough to drown either of you, but it finally knocked the sense into you to call and ask for assistance. You’ll be happy to know that Agent Anthony should be out of the hospital soon as soon as they’re sure he isn’t suffering from hypothermia.”

Agent MacArthur got to his feet. “This just proves how dangerous he is! We need to cover the town with power armour and agents until they’re caught!”

“Sit down!” She pulled a Christmas card from her desk. “Neither mutant is in Sunnydale anymore. I received this two hours after you contacted the office. I’ll read it for you since I’m no longer certain you’re intelligent enough to read. ‘Seasons Greetings Rebecca Ryan! Thank you for all your agents help, I couldn’t have convinced Melody to come with me if it wasn’t for you. She was actually thinking of running off to LA at first. Don’t worry we’ll keep her safe and out of your hair. Merry Christmas, Chris Kringel. PS: I’ll know if you’re harassing her parents. Let’s keep this nice and civil and you’ll never see me again,.’”

Agent MacArthur had grown very pale by the time she was done. “now that we know about him, we- we need to stop him!”

“The MCO already knows about Chris Kringel. He’s scooped mutants away from us before. Usually we only know about it after the fact, or we’ll see him once or twice as he teleports away too quickly and tries to avoid contact with authority. You pushed him just enough to annoy him without putting him at any real risk. If you had informed me of all the details from the start we could have dealt with him effectively. Instead you ran our good name through the mud, lost both mutants, and cost us a a large sum of money in fines, damages and damage control. You’re on leave until further notice, you should probably start working on your resume. Now get out, I’m going to be covering the MCO ass, and kissing ass all night and tomorrow because of you and your partner.”

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #72
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Flux: Stoner being a pain in the ass again?
Risk (smirking): Heh, well, unlike you, I never made that mistake. But yeah, he got in my face about some stupid thing about his laundry.
Flux: Got in your face, huh? He likes doing that, like, a lot.
Risk: You warned me about that. That’s why I didn’t make that mistake, like I said.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #73
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
One morning in the Melville girls bathroom.

“Hey Reach, how often do you change gender?” One girl asked.

“Once every couple weeks why?” Asked Reach.

“Oh no reason, how long ago did you last shift into a boy?”

“A couple of weeks ago,” said Reach, ending the sentence with a yawn.

“You said you feel different depending on what gender you are right,” a new girl asked.

“Yeah, I’m an exemplar as a girl so I’m stronger and smarter, also my only male role model was a total loser so I subconsciously sabotage myself as a boy,” Reach said in a way that everyone could tell was rehearsed, not as a lie but as something he said so often he new it off by heart.

“So would you say you are less observant as a boy,” another new girl asked the rather sleepy shifter.

“No it’s about the same, I notice different things as guy than as a girl but I don’t really notice any more in one form,” Reach was getting confused at this point.

“Oh for gods sakes people just be blunt about it. Reach, you should check your gender before going into a restroom, you switched over in your sleep and are a boy right now even though you were a girl when you went to bed. Out, out, out,” one girl said finally fed up with how long it was taking him to figure it out.

“Shit sorry, see you later girls, hopefully I’ll be one of you by then,” Reach said as he ran out of the room.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #74
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Team Kimba was scary. Most of the purposely formed teams weren’t as good as they were. Their story said that they formed to beat the ninjas and then just stuck together. No one believed them. Everyone was talking about how the Goodkind had formed the team on purpose using her vast resources. How wrong they were.

Bloodwolf knew the truth. That hellbeast they kept on a leash must be the leader. Everyone underestimated her. She looked so innocent, and with the Elf Queen’s glamour overpowering everything else in the area, no one would notice a compulsion to protect, to serve. She must have done it as soon as she arrived, sought out the most powerful beings in her cottage so that they would protect her, hide her. He had never seen anyone deny her a request, did no one else notice or did they just assume it was her innocent looks.

Yes it must have been her that brought the team together. It makes so much sense, only a demon lord could keep them in line. Tennyo, she was the key, she was supposedly resistant to any form of psychic coercion, but Generator kept her closest of all, constant pressure must be the only way to keep her in line. He must find a way to sue her against her master…

Just then a familiar shadowy cloak drifted around the corner.

… or he could ignore the whole problem and flee in abject terror from the demon lord’s sister. Yes that seemed the smart course of action here.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #75
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
James was having a hard time today. Normally people were creeped out by his life draining aura and avoided him. Today he wasn’t so lucky. The group of bullies TNT had decided that he was their new punching bag. Or at least N and one of the Ts had. Probably because he corrected a mistake in Truck’s detention, he got out earlier than he should have and was making it up now, which was why he wasn’t here.

Nitro picked him up again when a voice called out, “you guys might want to stop, that guy has powerful friends.”

“Eh, what it to us if the little shit has friends, he got Truck more detention right TK.”

“That is what he was being praised for down at the office, apparently he found a mistake in one of the shift’s time stamps which let Truck out of detention early. He obviously reported it and Truck got more detention because of it.”

“That was-,” James started but was cut off by a punch to the gut. The time stamp being wrong meant some of the grounds workers being paid less, he didn’t even know about Truck’s detention until Ms. Hartford found where the time stamp was from. She really didn’t like these guys so she went out of her way to ensure that he finished the detention instead of leaving it be like she would do for someone she liked… okay like she would do for the alphas, she wouldn’t really do that for anyone else.

“You don’t get to talk you get-,” this time it was Nitro’s turn to be off by something.

As Nitro fell forward onto him James saw a familiar face. Jade pulled the knife she had out of Nitro’s back. She then walked around to the side of Nitro closet to James and gave him a sharp kick to the shoulder, rolling him off of James. She then slapped one of her medical devices onto him and turned to TK saying, “that device will keep him alive for an hour take him to Doyle and he will live,” in a voice scary enough to get TK to grab Nitro and run.

“Here’s your knife back shroud,” she said tossing it back to her sister as she watched them run off, “hey Timeless how bad are you hurt do you need to go to Doyle too?”

“No, not really they didn’t hurt me to badly,” James said to Jade, as the only person able to touch him without unease checked over his wounds.

After the two friends headed their separate ways the precog who had watched the scene said, “You try to warn some people,” she pulled out her phone, “hey Jen where’s Thuban right now, we’re going to want to be there when he hears about this.”
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #76
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Gunny Bardue was nervous. He absolutely hated how Team Kimba treated his combat Sims, they were a game to them since the first time they did them in team tactics.

But now someone else was treating them as a game and he needed to show them up, and Team Kimba was the best way to do that. He had the techs call them in and they were in a waiting room once he went in it was all over, he would be asking Team Kimba for help. One did not ask Team Kimba for help without consequences, was he willing to pay the price they would ask?

He hoped so, as he walked through the door to the waiting room they were sitting calmly and casually, fooling around as if they weren’t some of the most dangerous mutants who went through Whateley.

“Hello Gunny, what would this be about, you’ve already wasted enough of our time. Running the school from the shadows takes more time than you’d expect,” Ayla said, straight to business as always, “we already know what this meeting is about, we know it isn’t a combat sim, not right now at least, you want us to take the übermien down a peg. Considering that they aren’t here that means that you want us to plan out something specific for them.”

“So you know that already, what is it going to take to get you to take them down,” Gunny wasn’t the least bit surprised that they already knew, they always already knew.

“Radioactive condor bird.”

Three simple words but he knew what she meant. Jade had proven herself to be a strategic genius at multiple points, able to take apart every situation he had thrown at them with essentially insane strategies that always worked. The first one was Radioactive Condor Girl, if he agreed to this it would be opening them up to using what ever strategies they wanted for the rest of the year. They were going to drive him insane. They were going to kill him with a heart attack. They weren’t going back down from this. He was doomed.

With a sigh Gunny said, “done, Jade can come up with whatever strategies you guys want until you graduate.”

Ayla smiled and said, “done, we were only going to ask for it to be used as an example in your team tactics class but that is much more fun.”

He couldn’t tell whether she/he was lying or not, Jade’s strategies were a topic of discussion on campus without being used as class examples but if he started using them in team tactics… he didn’t want to think about the consequences of everyone on campus applying Jade’s insane troll logic to every situation, that really would kill him. Were they showing him the stick after beating him with the carrot or showing him the carrot after he asked for the stick. Or were they just trying to screw with him. He couldn’t tell which of the three options was the worst.

Ayla was watching him, he wasn’t the only one that could mess with people’s heads, “that might not be a bad idea, I’ll set up a lecture on it for the students this year,” let’s see how they react to that. Except they were all smiling now.

“Oh that’s great, I could come in and help with that if you like,” said the sweet, innocent, certifiably insane, little girl who caused all this trouble in the first place, “do you have a DVD of the Übermien’s fights? Ayla is making me do the strategies for taking them down.”

Oh god it had already started, he was going to have write a will, he was going to die before the end of the year.

A few days later.

“Ubermen, you are hear today to face a rare challenge for a team made of mainly first years,” Gunny started purposely mispronouncing the name to annoy them, “you will be facing Team Kimba. Or at least you will be facing one of them.”

“Oh god, we’re facing Tennyo, the most powerful mutant in school.”

“No your not facing Tennyo.”

“Dear lord we have been warned about Dark-Phase.”


“Okay so at least we get to meet the fairy queen. Maybe even see her up close.”


“Maybe it is Lancer, the strat ops, one of the best PK bricks on campus, current leader of the grunts, yeah I can see him soloing a sim.”
This time Gunny just starts shaking his head.

“Ok Chaka is supposed to be undefeated in individual bouts.”

Not even a head shake, just a raised eyebrow.

“Okay so it must be a death match with the dead girl. She’s already dead and can’t be killed so it is an impossible match we can’t win that is supposed to teach us a lesson about being cocky.”

“Your very close. You will in fact be facing the Shroud’s sister Generator. I don’t know about the rest of that nonsense though, I mean really setting you up with a goal you know is impossible would be pointless.”

The übermien were still celebrating the fact that they had an easy opponent that they didn’t ponder his last statement.

Five minutes later.

The Übermien were back in the waiting room all shivering in fear.

“No need for a debrief, Jade did her job well… You should be glad she was in a good mood today, look up security incidents involving trees and railroad spikes for a reason not to get on her bad side.”
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Jarjaross.

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5 years 8 months ago #77
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Pucelle was disliked by most of her dorm mates. She was thought of as one of those people who pitied those GSD. They thought she wore the iron mask because she was guilty about being pretty. They weren’t wrong. They were wrong about the why.

Everyone assumed that she pitied those less fortunate than her. They thought she saw those around her who were ugly and pitied them so much that put on a mask to hide the fact that fact that she was more fortunate than they were. She didn’t mind, even if they thought she was just a &1+{# that was fine, it was their right. They didn’t need to know the truth. Heck she didn’t have the right to tell them they were wrong.

She had few friends at Whateley so she didn’t have to worry about them meeting her parents. Everyone would be distracted by the pretties anyway. That would be her logic. No one would notice the parents of someone who wore a mask and wasn’t popular anyway.

So on parents day she met her parents off to the side and led them away. Hiding them away in shame. Not that she was ashamed of them, what was there to be ashamed of, from what she said they were wonderful people. No she was ashamed of herself, her own looks. Looking at her father it was obvious where the idea for the mask had come from, he didn’t need to were one to look like that though. Her mother was different, bony protrusions extended from all over her body including her face, as well as being covered in fur. They certainly made an interesting couple, but not what you would expect to be the parents of the pretty, pitying, Pucelle.

Not many saw her show her parents around. Even fewer knew who she was. Some did, they reconsidered everything she had said. Everything she had done. Not all of them thought differently of her. But she did make some new friends in the weeks following parents day. She never knew why.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #78
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The crowd of students was uneasy. Normally the opening ceremonies were run for the first years and new students, but this year they called everyone to the assembly. This not only confused people, as this was normally done after disasters like the Halloween of 05 or school wide events like the shoulder angel conspiracy, but it also made it a might bit crowded.

After they had been stewing for a while a little girl walked up on stage. She looked like she could be no older than 13. What was worse was that she was wearing a pink hello kitty t-shirt, a Hannah Montana jacket, a skirt that looks like it belongs in an 80s sitcom, and rainbow neon stockings. Worse yet she walked straight to the podium, this was the vaunted Mrs. Carson, Lady Astarte, headmistress of the school.

“Hello, I am Jade Sinclair, code name Generator. Most of you were expecting Lady Astarte to be here to give a speech seeing as she is the Headmistress. I am here because she is on vacation, now you’re all thinking ‘but we just got back from summer vacation,’ and you are right, you just got back from a vacation. Being Whateley’s Headmistress is a full time job, as I am unfortunately finding out, even during the summer Mrs. Carson, files papers for new students, double checks things to make sure that Ms. Hartford didn’t purposely screw anything up or anyone over, goes on diplomatic meetings, arranges the paper work for the MCO, double checks things for Hartford screw ups, and check over anything she’s not involved with to make sure Hartford isn’t screwing over students. On top of all that she is also a part time super hero. So when everyone on staff decided that she needed a vacation she kinda knew that she couldn’t just leave things to Hartford, all of the GSD students who couldn’t afford tuition on their own would be kicked out for starters. Why did they decide on me? I have no clue, I’m sure there is a better alternative to someone who thinks the best way to end the fight is to mentally scar someone so badly that they never want to fight you again. Then again maybe there is some appeal to having a someone who purposely lives like a teenager school them, though in my case it is less purposely and more forcibly.

“Some of you know me as the demon babysitter that your parents hired to protect you as a child, I ask you to spread the fear. To those of you who don’t know me, I stopped aging at 11 so I look like this, I also have a kill count higher than most supervillains so don’t be fooled. I tell you this so you will take the appropriate caution when you think of bullying another student. I was a target when I was here because of everyone in team Kimba I was the one that looked the most harmless. They stopped attacking when they realized I was the token evil teammate and made up for lack of power with creative viscousness. I will use the same creative viscousness when determine your punishments for breaking the rules. Oh and to Loophole’s daughter, I will bring your mother in if you try to bend the rules so you aren’t punished.

“I was born to a poor household in Topeka, and although I didn’t know it at the time my father was a loan shark. How a loan shark can end up poor is beyond me but it happened. Now girls whoever tells you not to marry for love is a fool, I married for love and it brought me out of the gutter, literally at that point in time that I met my husband I worked in the sewers. I am married to Stephan Chang Sinclair, code name Thuban, also known as the dragon king of Kansas, yes I’m the reason he has such an odd last name for a Chinese industrialist. And why he lives in Kansas. And why he owns hello kitty. You now know that no matter what class of citizen you are I have experienced it, you don’t get any excuses for being a poopyhead.”

On that rather odd whimsical note her entire body disintegrated. As she vanished every door in the room slammed shut and locked in an eerie union and then whole room spoke. Not the students or the teachers but the walls, the floor, heck even the stage curtain and the chairs all vibrated at once, speaking in one unified, really scary voice, “I AM HERE, I WILL PROTECT YOU, BUT KNOW THIS, I AM EVERY WALL AND EVERY FLOOR, EVERY WINDOW AND EVERY CEILING, EVERY TREE AND BLADE OF GRASS! AND, I! AM! WATCHING!”
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #79
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jinn finished her speech and slowly began letting the chalk flow away. She was actually two Jinns one making up her left half the other making up her right. They went in opposite direction each going to different vents.

The effect was quite spectacular. She knew, she practiced this in front of Jade. Turning to dust and blowing away in the wind was nice but if she made herself into strings of chalk she cloud unravel the clothes as well to make it look like she was teleporting, or that her body was unravelling.

Though now that she thought of it you probably couldn’t see the effect that far back in the room. Oh and the jack, you can’t unweave leather, better just drop it, though it ruined the effect even more. She hoped Jade did her part right, she had to head over to the office to make sure everything was in order.

Jade sat beneath the stage with Shroud watch over her. “I hope this works,” she said as she put on the Diadem that Tennyo had given her all those years ago. She placed her hands upon the ground and called upon her power through the Diadem as if it were mythreal.

She spread her consciousness throughout the auditorium as she waited for the signal from shroud. It was wonderful and terrible, she could see everything in the room even the smallest grain of dust, even the water in the air. She avoided touching the air with her mind, especially with the Diadem’s power she could control it but it gave her such a headache afterwards and she was already possessing an entire room’s worth of solid objects.

There was the signal, the old swear that they used all through high-school to fool people into thinking she was much younger than she really was. She had her speech all lined up ahead of time, right down to the massive crescendo at the end. The vibrations were actually the easier part of the speech, though it was a little taxing to make noises so loud, the synchronis movement of the doors and locks at the beginning was much harder with so many little differences and her consciousness spread so thin.

She hoped they remembered that the doors locked from the inside as she came back to her body. Though using the Diadem enhanced her powers greatly, such power came at a cost, she could only use it for a short while and when she did she was knocked out for twice as long at least. That is why she had shroud watch over her.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #80
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Exhausted, Heather just lay on her bed for several long moments panting, a spaced-out smile on her face. That was incredible!, she thought.

OK, so it was the first time for both of them, so things were a bit awkward at first, but after a while they both started relaxing, and... she smiled even wider at the fresh memories of it.

But as she settled down from her state of bliss, she started to notice that everything in the dorm room - everything - was soaked in what she really, really hoped was just water.

Sheepishly, she looked into the stunned face of a naked and sopping wet Jody Cooms.

Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #81
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
It was around 4:40 on a Friday afternoon, and as usual Xander was getting one last round of Shirley Temples for the four girls who were chittering up a storm at one of the tables. “It’s about that time, ladies,” he said gently, laying the last of the soda drinks in front of Rhonda. When they’d first appeared, a few months back, he’d agreed to let them stop by from time to time for some non-alcoholic drinks, as long as either one of the older members of their team were with them, or else that they left before 5 PM. Oh, and as long as they made sure that Slappy didn’t drink anything stronger than Geritol. He was glad that they never gave him any trouble, as he got the distinct impression that they were a lot more dangerous than they appeared.

The humanoid dog/squirrel hybrid rolled her eyes in the way all teenagers did when told something they didn’t want to hear, but she didn’t complain. Instead, she said something in that high-pitched language they shared which made Anna, the youngest of them, blush furiously, while Grace seemed confused.

He never did figure out how it was that both Grace and Rhonda were the oldest one of the four at the same time, but since time-travel appeared to be involved, he didn’t look into it too closely.

Moments later, as Xander got back to the bar, a mustachioed man in his early thirties wearing what appeared to be a very expensive suit came in and headed towards him. “Hello, I hear your name is Xander Harris, right? I was supposed to join someone here for a business meeting tonight and was told to ask you...”

Just then a gleeful screech came from the girls’ table, and the handsome stranger went white as a ghost. “Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! It’s me, Doreen! Oh wow I can’t believe you know this place too this is just soooo awesome you have just got to meet my friends here it is just oh wow...”

And with that, the newcomer was flocked by the younger members of the All-Squirrel Squad.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #82
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“What’s wrong, Sadhira? I thought you’d be thrilled to get a new roomie this year, I know you never cared much for Maladicta, so what’s happened?”

“Well, it’s just been a bit uncomfortable between Mikii and me since I found out why she wears an eyepatch.”


Kaiju nodded. “It seems she was living in Osaka last June, and...”

“Oh! The thing with the giant walking shark? Yeah, I can see why that would make things... awkward...”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #83
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
12 January 2007
Brittany Sholes stared straight up at the ceiling of her room here in the prison hospital. They told her it was a school, but she knew better. They wouldn’t take a freak like her to a school, after all.

Besides, any place where they didn’t let her die had to be a prison.

A kindly-looking older man named Dr. Bellows was talking to her, but she wouldn’t listen. It was no use, trying to change her mind. She knew monsters deserved to die, and she wouldn’t live as a monster.

That was what she told herself when she saw what had happened, saw how her eyes had gone from the sky blue they had been to a dark hunter green no real person has ever had. As soon as she saw that, she knew she had to kill herself. She didn’t want to, because she knew suicide was a sin, but if she did it because she was a monster, did it really count? She was sure that it was better to die than go on like that.

It didn’t take her even one minute to open the medicine cabinet and swallow the whole bottle of her mother’s Valium.

But she didn’t count on her parents not realizing what had happened. Had they known about it, they would have let her die, they even told the doctors that when they explained to them why Brittany had done it. They knew the truth, and she was dead to them, as dead as she should have been from the overdose. It never even occurred to her that she was hearing the conversation from several rooms away, despite the fact that they were whispering.

When they took the restraints off of her arms, she tried to run for the window, to jump out of it, but they had another freak there, that bitch Invincibelle must have been there to protect them from her, and she was able to hold her down while the orderlies restrained her again. They kept the straps on her all the time after that, except when they wheeled her out to the ambulance for that long ride north to the prison.

She wondered if this was where they took that weirdo, Kyle, when they found out that he was a monster, too. Not that it mattered. They couldn’t keep her in bed sedated forever. Eventually, she would be free to end this horrible existence and go to Hell like she deserved, like all the monsters here deserved.

It had to be better than this.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #84
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
12 June 1997
Elizabeth Carson threw the dossier she was reading down on her kitchen table, hard. It was easily the most disturbing, no, disgusting intelligence report she had read in a long time, and it was going to make life hell for everyone who was trying to keep the peace between mutants and baselines. She suddenly felt the need for a stiff drink and someone to comfort her.

It was Dr Amazing’s report on the recent events in Buffalo, NY, and it was worse than anyone anticipated. If Messing was right, an old specter had arisen again, and every aspect of how it was being handled had gone as badly as it could. She was just glad that Dr. Otto had seen fit to pass it along to her under the table, though it made her ill to read it.

It started innocuously enough, when a social worker noted a statistical anomaly: a sharp rise in teen pregnancies among the wealthier families in Buffalo. The social worker was alarmed enough to do some more digging, though, and found that all of these pregnancies had something in common: a gynecology clinic operated by one Dr. James Searles.

Suspecting that either Searles or someone on his staff had been abusing the girls, she notified the police, who soon raided the office. Dr Searles had vanished, though, and there was no physical evidence on the scene to indicate just what had occurred. Worse, it seemed that the original supposition was wrong: paternity tests showed that the children had several different fathers, none of whom were on Searles’ staff. They did discover that several of Searles’ older patients were pregnant or had given birth recently, though, so they started investigating his patient records. Most of them seemed ordinary, but it soon became apparent that Searles had overlooked some computerized documents he’d meant to destroy. These were so troubling that it led law enforcement to call in Messing, and, unfortunately, the MCO and DPA as well.

It quickly became apparent that Searles, though a baseline himself, was affiliated with a notorious mutant supremacist group called Wellspring that had been active in the 1960s. While Wellspring was best known publicly for threatening to contaminate water supplies with mutagenic chemicals, their primary modus operandi was to recruit or kidnap young female mutants for their breeding program, as well as infiltrating fertility clinics to slip mutant genetic specimens into their sperm banks. They were seen as both frightening and absurd, but they managed to outlast most of the more militant groups.

Liz frowned at that part. No one had heard from Wellspring in decades, and it was assumed that they had dissolved some time in the mid-1970s. If they had gone underground, and were only just now reappearing, or if some new group was copying them, it was a serious matter. And this new tactic of inseminating women in their teens and twenties without their consent was nothing short of sickening.

But there was worse. It seems some of the paternity tests did come up with hits when compared to known gene samples for several suspected members of Evolution Rocks and other pro-mutant groups, which made it likely that people in those organizations were also involved. There were others that had the variant form of the metagene complex associated with the Bloodline, which worried Liz even more; if the Bloodline, or a splinter group off of it, were involved, it could prove very difficult to trace the paper trails to their sources. All in all, it was news no one wanted to hear.

The best part? With the MCO involved, it was a certainty that the poor children in question were going to be watched and harassed for years, and very likely snatched up as soon as any of them show signs of mutation. That alone would be enough to ruin her sleep for several nights to come.

Knowing this, she decided to get to work on a plan to deal with this crisis as long as she could, hoping that she could drive herself to exhaustion, and maybe find some way of untangling this Gordian knot.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago #85
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Most of the other students were back at their dorm rooms, waiting things out. A few seemed to have snuck out to see, and I’m guessing maybe get involved in, whatever was going to happen; I noticed that this included Bloodwolf and Systemic, at the very least, which didn’t bode well for a peaceful resolution, in my opinion. And there were a few, like us, who had the unfortunate position of being in the middle of things. We’d been told to wait near the front gates, in sight of the ‘guests’, but not to do anything unless told to by Mrs. Carson. The Grunts were lined up on either side of the gate, ostensibly as an honor guard, but no one could mistake the fact that they were armed to the teeth.

To say we were nervous would be to understate things dramatically. Even Chaka was quiet, though she was bouncing on the balls of her feet with pent-up energy.

Carson herself was out in full regalia, with a phalanx of school faculty and staff at her back. I could see Wildhammer and Ōka to her left (I mentally was kicking myself when I realized that the latter was Mrs. Shugendo; how did I miss that before?), Mr. Paulson in his Tin Man form was to the right, as was Mr. Donner, who was simply dressed in his usual clothes but was wearing a heavy chain like a belt. Several others I knew by their codenames, but didn’t recognize who they were, followed. At the rear was the intimidating form of a dragon, which I gathered was the enigmatic Tywyswyr’s true form.

I thought about the message Paul had sent me, and wondered if he was going to get in trouble for it. I took Dana’s hand and gave it a squeeze, though I wasn’t sure which of us I was trying to reassure.

Moments later, I could see five small dots moving over the horizon, rapidly swelling into view, with more seeming to appear right behind them in a constant flow. Somewhere on one of those dropships, Uncle Herb was preparing for... what? A parley? A raid? A siege? An all-out confrontation against several of the most powerful beings on the planet? I wished I knew.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #86
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
As they walked up towards the door of Poe Cottage, Envy heard her mother say, “Oh! I almost forgot something...”

Wondering what sort of trouble she was in for this time, Fina turned to look, just in time to see Strega pull a small vial out of her purse.

She stared at the small bottle, recognizing it immediately. “I thought you were joking about that stuff!”

“Now, dear, calm down, this isn’t for you. I want you to deliver it to someone - you’ll know who it is when you see her, I’m certain.”

Her hand shaking, she took the bottle of Branwyn’s Tears and quickly put it in her own purse. “Who could possibly...”

“Trust me on this. When you meet the Queen, tell her that she will have to decide who to use it on, when the time comes.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago - 3 years 1 week ago #87
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“There’s one more thing you should be careful about, dear,” said Strega breezily. Fina knew, though, that her mind was on something more serious than her tone implied. “You’ll want to be somewhat careful about who you date. It is safe to say that some of your... siblings... will be here at Whateley as well.”

Envy, who would normally be stunned by any mention of who her father was, simply nodded numbly. “Really?” she mumbled, having had more than her share of revelations for one day already.

Well, yes,” her mother added, “You already know Romeo, of course, and I’ve always had suspicions about Kate, but you can be sure that any number of others are around. He is extremely, well, potent, you see, and wonderfully handsome, but he has a definite weakness for the fairer sex...”

And a lifetime of suspicions were thus confirmed.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 1 week ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #88
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Spanner still wasn’t entirely familiar with the maze of underground halls that led to the Workshop, and had terrible direction sense even under the best of circumstances, so when she found herself near halls leading to Poe and Hawthorne, she was actually relieved to be able to get her bearings. She was headed back in what she thought was the right direction when another girl, dressed in a tight-fitting green costume, passed her headed in the direction of Poe.

Oh, crap, she thought, as she realized that this was one of the students she was supposed to be watching out for. She hadn’t really wanted her assignment, though the opportunity to attend Whateley was something she couldn’t pass up. She wanted to simply stay inconspicuous and make her reports when she needed, no more.

Unfortunately for her, the other student gave her an odd look, as if trying to figure out where she had seen here before. Suddenly, the taller girl slammed Spanner against the wall and held her in a chokehold.

“Katherine Burberry,” Envy growled, “Your father was on the Jules Verne when I was a captive there. I saw you in his mind. What are you doing here?”

“I, I don’t what, I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“Bullshit! Listen to me carefully. I don’t givea damn what the Bloodline wants with me, or with this school.Just stay out of my way from now on and I won’t interfere. Capice?”

Kate simply nodded, mutely.

Fina let the girl go. “Get the hell out of here, now.” she spat. Spanner turned and ran.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #89
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Ah, Billie? Can I ask, like, a personal question about, uhm, Jade?”
“Huh? Oh, sure, Ceecee, shoot.”
“It’s just, you know, I was wondering just how close she is with her boyfriend and all... I mean, have they, uhm...”
“Whew, well, I don’t think they’ve gone any further than a lot of kissing and snuggling. Why?”
“Well, I heard her say something yesterday about her armband being ‘stroke-tastic’ or something like that, and, well... it just sounded, sort of dirty, and I can’t tell when she’s joking about that kinda thing... what’s so funny?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago #90
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Sit down, child, I have much to discuss with you now. There are things which concern you and your family which you should be made aware of, things I suspect you would have been told when you were older had you been in good standing with your family.”

“Didaskeleh,” Phase answered, “How did you know about this? I mean, I’ve always known that there were secrets in our family which I would be told when I was an adult, but how were you aware of this?”

“I know this because I know your family, and have for a very long time - longer than you ever knew, in fact.” She shifted direction,asking, “You were raised Episcopalian, correct? Do you still consider yourself a Christian?”

“Of course.”

“I see,” replied Circe, who clearly anticipated the answer. “I only ask you this because some of what I may have to tell you might... disturb your faith. There are things about your family you need to know, before I can proceed with teaching you.”

“I see,” Phase said thoughtfully. “If it is something I have to face, then I will,” he added, with a determination he didn’t quite feel.

“Very good. I am not a Christian, of course, and haven’t been a practitioner of any faith in a very long time - which is not to say I do not believe in the existence of the Gods, or even of a single God above all others. Experience has taught me well enough about their reality. I have, however, followed the progress of the religion, and those which came after it, practically since the day that Simon the Rock first began preaching to the Greeks and Romans. I dare say every mystic of the time was both fascinated and disturbed by the growth of this faith, especially in its more esoteric aspects.”

“I know you are aware of the existence of many conspiracies, both ancient and modern, which lurk in the shadows of our world. You no doubt have been taught something of those which practice dark magics, such as the Thule Gemeinshaft and the Brotherhood of the Bell, and you have personal experience of what was the Tong of the Dark Madonna. What you may know less about are those which operate upon what they consider ‘white’ magic, especially those based on Christian theurgy. Such groups are not always beneficent, but they generally see themselves as serving a higher purpose, which can make them no less dangerous than the ‘black magic’ cults they often oppose. Some of these groups hold important secrets, going back the very founding of the Christian church. Your family belongs to one of these, and is inextricably linked with them. Most believe that they are a recent hoax, but they are in fact the last physical link to Joshua the Wise in this world.”

Circe paused, giving her student a moment to let this sink in. It took him a moment to realize that ‘Joshua’ in this case meant Jesus, but once he understood, the rest fell into place.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the implications. His normal composure broken, he stammered through a dry mouth, “You... you’re talking about the Priory of Sion...”

“Aye! A most impressive deduction. Your knowledge and skill are greater than I expected. Yes, the Goodkind family are from the Priory, or at least a faction splintered off of it. I do not know if your family are from the main lineage they protect, or one of the ‘cadet’ lines such as those of James or Andrew, but yes, yours is the blood of the Holy family of Christendom.

Now, I need you to calm yourself. I can only imagine how great a shock this could be, but I need you set aside the spiritual implications of this and focus on the more immediate matters. There are dangers which you have never imagined which, now that you know the truth of your lineage, you will be subject to. Just the knowledge that the Priory exists, and that there are more than one faction to it, is something which many will kill to learn - or to suppress.

I would not have told you about this, not yet anyway, except that circumstances have forced my hand. Two of the newer students here have ties - direct or indirect - to another faction of the Priory, one known as the Bloodline. While your new cottage-mate, Envy, seems to be opposed to them, there is one whom she has identified to me as an agent of the Bloodline. While this is nothing new - they have sent students and bought security officers here before -your presence, and Fina’s, changes the equation significantly.”

Still feeling drained, Phase struggled to focus. “How so, Didaskeleh?”

“The Bloodline is a faction which seeks to rediscover the secrets of Joshua Magus’s powers - not through theurgy, as some other factions do, but by breeding wizards, and more recently, mutants. They have waged a secret war against several other factions for centuries, which is one of the reasons - not the sole reason,but one of them - why the Goodkind family are against mutants.I do not know the whole reason for the fear and hatred of mutants, but I know that this is not the sole cause. Still, it is an important one, and is probably the oldest reason for it.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #91
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
In the past year, there has been a growing understanding of a newly identified class of mutant ability, variously known as ‘Incarnations’, ‘Eu-avatars’, or ‘Uni-Channellers’, characterized by a close bond with a specific Class 3 or Class X spirit, in individuals showing none of the characteristic traits of the better known sub-classes of Avatars. Due to the rarity of this trait, it has been difficult to identify, but recent events have led to elucidation of this poorly understood form of mutant power. This study reviews the work done with the subjects ‘Tennyo’, ‘Fey’, and ‘Prism’, and discusses the relationship between Incarnations and conventional Avatars, as well as with the established sub-category of Paladins.

Am. Review of Paraphysical Studies, Winter 2011
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #92
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
24 Oct 2029

Elizabeth Carson peered down her nose at the three shame-faced Junior High students before her. “I assume you all know why you were called to my office today? Miss Cody, could you please tell me what rule the three of you broke last night?”

“Uhm, which one do you mean? We were out after curfew, and had gone outside of school grounds without permission, and...”

“I am talking about the one regarding Class X locations.”

The words were little more than a whisper, but they were enough to make all three gulp audibly.

“And you, Miss Wilkins,” she turned to the taller of the children, “As the oldest of our Junior High students, I would expect you to have a little more sense than a pair of seventh graders. Would you mind explaining yourself?”

The young Drow simply remained silent, pulling her head down yet further. She finally seemed ready to speak when the youngest of the trio spoke up.

“But that place is so cool! I mean, its got like the wildest stuff you’ve ever seen! And...”

“Miss Chylds, I don’t know what your mothers and your sister have told you about this school, but it is not a playground, or a school for adventurers! I am aware that you are used to dealing with things like your mother’s familiar, but please remember that Mythos beings are dangerous! The three of you getting killed is the least of what might have happened!”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #93
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
We were at the Bad Seeds’ table on the upper floor of the Hall for the first lunch period of the new school year when Trevor walked up to up to us with Fina and some other girl I didn’t recognize in tow.

“Here they are,” Phase said to the two girls. He then turned to me and said, “A couple of Senior Specials for you, Jadis. Make sure no one breaks them too badly before the end of the day.” He then headed back to the knot of new Poesies that were around the Kimba table.

“Good to see you made it, Envy,” I said with a wave. I’d met Fina a few times, back when she was still Fino, and we’d gotten to know each other a little better this summer in Karedonia (no, not like that you pervs, I’m not interested in women that way thank you very much, though her desire aura can be distracting). His - her - new look was striking, the spitting image of her mother with all the attributes (damn it,how is it even ex-boys get the Most Common Superpower, but I don’t?), but if you watched how she moves you can still see an echo of the shlumpy kid she used to be. “Who’s your friend?”

“Folks, this is Stormy,” she said with no apparent sarcasm, “She’s rooming with me, and I guess she’s a Bad Seed too. Her father is a minor player calling himself ‘Mr. Magic’.”

Kate looked bemused at this, which told me she knew something. “So you finally did end up at Whateley after all. What changed your mind?”

‘Stormy’ looked sheepishly at Nacht, then said, “I wasn’t given much choice. I hung around with Dad for a couple months, then, well, it wasn’t going to work out. I...,” she got choked up a bit, then went on, “Do you remember Cubby? One of the ‘werewolves’ Dr. Macabre made? Well, he and I, we kinda hooked up before last Christmas happened, and, uh, we weren’t careful.”

The rest of the Seeds were confused, and so was I for that matter, but the implications were obvious. Nacht’s face actually showed some sympathy - OK, most people wouldn’t have noticed that, but I knew her long enough to see it. “Well, since you’re in the Nut House with the Kimbas and not sharing a room with Lupine in Hawthorne, I’m guessing there’s a baby somewhere back in California waiting for you to come back?”

She nodded dejectedly. “I had Carolyn over the summer,” she added, “My mother is watching her while I’m here. When the authorities got wind of where I was, I was given the choice of Whateley or prison...” she trailed off.

“So you decided on both?” Kate snarked. “Did you choose a new name for yourself yet?”

“Uh, actually, Stormy Arkwright is my legal name now,” she replied, “I still need to choose a new codename, because ‘Stormy’ is taken already.”

Interesting. She must have some kind of weather powers, I take it. But why change her name? I’m sensing something is up with that, something to do with both Trevor and Fina somehow, but I can’t put my finger on it.

“Yes, I was wondering about the copyright problems there... I think ‘Coriolis’ is available as a legacy name this year, the last person who used that moniker graduated, but that leaves you with picking another name after school. Tricky, all the really appropriate names are taken already.”

Finally, Thrasher broke in, “Hey, are you going to introduce them to the rest of us, already? It’s great you ladies know each other, but, like, the rest of us are in the dark, here.”

To my surprise, Mal spoke up first. “OK, everyone, this is Envy. Before you ask, Jay-Arm, yes, she has rights to the name. You can probably guess whose daughter she is after the brew-up in France last Spring. Fina, meet the rest of the Seeds.” He continued, “The guy who just spoke up now is Thrasher, his dad is Mach-Five. Render over there is Sunder’s kid, and Nacht belongs to the Bell Witch.” At that last part, Kate gave a slight scowl, which transformed into a tight grin, as if she were remembering something funny. Another thing to wonder about.

Mal went on, “Nephandus is the son of Hexmaster and the Troll Bride, and Dragonrider,” I poked him in the ribs with my elbow, “Uh, well, we can go over that later. Silver Serpent isn’t here right now, and, let’s see, the other new kid is with her, right? I can’t remember her name, but her mother is Marie Laveau - well, she says she is, anyway, I dunno how true it is, but anyway.” He concluded,”You already know Jobe, Pheebs, Romeo, Sis and me, so that about covers it.”

I followed up with, “That leaves introductions for you, Stormy. I’m Jadis, but my codename is She-Beast. Mal here - Techno-Devil - is my brother, and our father is Dr Diabolik. Jobe Wilkins is Gizmatic’s, uh, kid, and Belphoebe is sort of her daughter and sort of her sister. Long story. Rosethorn is the son of Lilith, and Silver Serpent, when she comes back, is the daughter of the Iron Dragon. The other new Seed, Corinne, is the daughter of Le Belle Dame de la Nuit, who really does claim to be Laveau, or maybe her reincarnation, she seems to change her mind on that from time to time. Corinne is still working on her codename,too. You’ll meet them both later, I suppose.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago - 1 year 7 months ago #94
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
NB: I know this one is sort of OBE now, but I am leaving it as it is for now.

Ayla was busy doing some of the grading for Professor Marley’s Accounting I and II classes, and had to skip this week’s anime showing, so he was surprised to find himself suddenly overwhelmed with an inexplicable sense of grief. He sat up stiff in his chair, trying, with little success, to understand why he was suddenly feeling such a sense of sorrow. He was about to go to the restroom to throw some water on his face and hopefully clear his head some, when Vox burst into the room, sobbing.

Something, he thought as he tried to comfort his girlfriend, is definitely Going On.

Disentangling himself from Vanessa’s death-grip embrace, he put his arm around her and led her out into the hallway, to see what was happening. He found several others walking the halls in a miserable state; even Stoner was crying listlessly against a wall. What could possibly doing this? Is this some sort of empathic attack on Poe?

The answer came to him in the rec room, where he found a dozen girls in front of the television, bawling their eyes out. In the center of this were Fey, Envy, and Euterpe, with even Vamp off to one side, grief-stricken. As he approached them, he could feel the horrible sense of despair grow, and he realized that all four of the empaths were projecting their own misery in a way that reinforced each others’ reactions. A glance at the screen was enough to tell him the source of their catharsis.

“Good Lord! Who the hell decided to show Grave of the Fireflies tonight?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 1 year 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago #95
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Stella pulled Heather aside before the Lit Chix meeting, hoping to talk a bit in private. “I didn’t want to set the others off with their ‘Team Kimba’ this and ‘Mystery of Poe’ that, ‘cause I know how annoyed you get with that.”

“Oh? So you are going to pester me about it by yourself instead?”

“Hey! I mean, I guess, but at least I am trying to be nice about it, OK?”

“Sorry, I just get very... touchy about that subject. It’s not as if there’s some big secret going on that I’m not telling people about, and if there were, I would keep it a secret!”

“All right, already! Anyway, I do have a question, about something that occurred to me a while ago. Have you read Sara’s book thing?”

“Well, who hasn’t looked at it? Just because the school tries to keep it from us, doesn’t mean they succeed.”

“Yeah, I know. Anyway, did you see the last chapter?”

“Ohhhh, I can see where this is going...”

“I don’t mean you,silly! It’s just, well, the way I figure it, most of these ‘changelings’ have to have it pretty hard, emotionally I mean,and that’s just the sort of thing that Poe was set up for, right? And, well, I gotta be honest with you, some of the people smelled, well, odd when I first met them, like they were sorta boys and sorta girls, but not quite either one. And most of them, they started being more like what they said they were as time went on. I couldn’t figure it out before, but then when I read the Purple Book, it all just fell into place!”

Selkie looked around conspiratorially, then whispered, “Just keep this to yourself, will you? Yes,some of the changelings are in Poe. I hear some ended up in Whitman because of GSD, but mostly, in Poe. It only stands to reason, now, don’t you think? Most of them aren’t handling it well, so we have to help them out. Mostly, they help each other, though. You can understand why they don’t talk about it, right?”

Lupine nodded, before adding, “Uhm, I mostly wanted to, well, you aren’t going to like this question, but, I was pretty sure Chaka was one, and I know Fey is rooming with her, and I guess I’m wondering...”

Heather’s face got dark as her brow furrowed in frustration. “I do not like to talk about that, but yes, Fey too. Yes, Generator, yes Chaka, yes all of that lot! That’s why they’re always together they way they are. They all met on the first day and somehow it just came together like magic. I don’t know how it happened, they just all worked out somehow, everyone in the cottage has been trying to figure it out.”

“Even Tennyo?”

“Yes! Why, what about her?”

“Well, I mean, do you have any idea what she is, how powerful she is? I don’t know all that much, but I can see Fae spirits and Avatars and things like that, and the spirit she’s bonded with is... I don’t know how to explain it. It’s old, older than Circe, older than the New Olympians, older than your Queen even, maybe older than the world. She smells of something I can’t begin to describe, and when I look at her, it’s like she’s only partly here, like the power inside her trails off into infinity behind her. The only thing like her I’ve seen is Sara, and she’s a demon, but Tennyo... is like the opposite of that, somehow. I’m kind of a friend of her’s, but to be honest, she scares me, a lot.”

“I don’t know much about Tennyo... but what do the ‘Lympies have to do with anything?”

“I... maybe I shouldn’t say it, but I think a lot of people already know, so here goes. They really are the Greek Gods. No, I mean it! They are!”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #96
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hell’s bells, Carl”, Eloise said as she stared down at the boy writhing on the cot, “Sara warned you about Feral, told you who and what she really is, and yet you had to go provoke the fucking Goddess of the Hunt.”

Sitting down besides him, she continued, “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had a death wish. Seriously, if she hadn’t been in a playful mood, she would have done a lot more than just tear your dick off and ram it into your eyeball. Between the twins, Razorback, and Erin, you’ve been smacked down, what, five times just since you met Sara? What are we going to do with you?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #97
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“It serves you right for trying to steal my notebook,” Fey said to a blackened and smoldering Solange. Alya chuckled to himself, suddenly glad for having given her that print copy of Dungeon Crawlin’ Fools, even though he meant it as a joke...
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #98
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
22 July 2019
D.M. Brown Medical Center, Armstrong Base, New Houston

Much to their relief, Ayla and Billie found that Loophole was awake and already busy tapping away on her tablet, with Lifeline hovering around the edge of her hospital bed like a worried parent. Phase walked in with the air of a someone trying to hide how concerned he was, but Tennyo slunk in, downcast, as if she had something to feel guilty about.

“Hello, Doc,” said Ayla, “I am sorry things didn’t go as planned. Are you feeling better now?”

“Ah’ve been better, but mostly Ah’m just tired.”

“I keep telling her to rest, but she won’t stop working on her notes,” interjected Maggie, with a hint of exasperation.

“Ah’ve got to get this down before Ah forget...!”

“Do you really think you’ll forget the things you learned through this? You are an Exemplar, after all.”

“Normally, Ah wouldn’t, but this was too much information at once. Ah’m still trying to understand what Ah saw in there, and Ah think Ah may be over mah head this time. Ah have a lot of ideas about it, mostly Pattern theory stuff, but it already seems to be slippin’ through mah fingers.”

Billie, who had been staring out the window at the Lunar landscape outside, finally spoke up. “I’m sorry about all this. I never guessed it would be that hard on you, or on Yukinojo.” after a pause, she added, “He finally came back on line about half an hour ago.”

“Ah know, Carmen has been chattin’ with him about why it shocked both of us like it did. They think the superluminal drive works on principles that aren’t entirely compatible with human psychology. When Ah touched the drive, Ah could feel the warp field even with the drive at idle. Ah’m not sure it would be entirely healthy for me to try it when the drive is running.”

“I’m sorry,” Tennyo repeated.

“Don’t be,” Loophole answered, “Ah knew there was a risk when Ah agreed to this. And it was worth it. Even if we can’t apply the same principles as the Isokist hyperdrive, what Ah learned is gonna move us forward by decades, maybe even centuries. Ah’m glad Ah tried it.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #99
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Pale and shaken, Paul Goodkind carefully snuck out of the room he’d accidentally stumbled upon, here in the very heart of Mutterwald. How can I tell Father and Uncle Herb about this without causing something horrible to befall us again? he thought to himself.

My God, his thoughts continued racing, Was this the reason Greg was always warning me about Uncle Theo? Ice ran through his veins as he remembered what he’d seen inside...

It wasa small room, but outfitted with a large television screen of recent make. It looked like the recess for it was made for an older model, though, so it was clear the room had been in use for years. But it was the contents of the shelves lining the walls that shocked him.

He could understand,intellectually at least, the appeal of videos like Too Good To Be True and Horny Exemplar Babes XII; after all, supernatural beauty was hard not to gawk at, thought the idea of a member of his family watching such trash horrified him. But that was only the beginning. Electrifying Beauty? Too Hot To Handle? Those were bad enough. The pseudo-teen titles like Forever Fifteen and F**kable and Sidhe’s All Yours were a genuine shock, and even knowing that the actresses were actually much older than they looked didn’t help, but that wasn’t the worst. It was clear that even the pedophilic crap was older material, unwatched in some time.

No, it was the entire wall of well-worn jewel cases with titles like Freak Frenzy Orgy and A Night at the Sideshow that had him now racing towards the bathroom to lose his lunch.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #100
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
NB: As with the others, I’m not going to update this, just post it as it is.

20 June, 2013
Boston, MA

Jimmy Zaccario, a bartender working at the Boston Harbor Hotel, had to admit that he’d never seen a wedding reception quite like this one. The entire hotel had been hired out, and rumor had it that it was one of the Goodkinds who had shelled out for it, but one look at the wedding party made it clear that no one by that name was going to be here, at least not if they were actually related to those Goodkinds. Most of the guests, male and female, looked like the kind of airbrushed perfection that fashion magazines wished they could get.

The happy couple, a pair of out-of-town lesbians who were apparently hoping to make a run against their home state’s ban on same-sex marriage, were both stunners, but for some reason one of them had chosen some kind of American Indian costume for her wedding dress. Her new wife, who was a bit older and had long blonde hair the color of corn silk, was dressed more conventionally, but still showed a lot more skin than your typical wedding gown would dare.

The rest of the wedding party seemed to follow suit. There were two ginormous guys who had somehow found someone to tailor suits for them. One of these had another looker on his arm, apparently his wife from the conversation he picked up. A local ‘kept woman’ he recognized from previous parties was vamping around with some guy in a tux whom she obviously had just met, but almost everyone else seemed to know all the others. The blind Black guy in the sky-blue business suit was getting ribbed by the little Asian girl about how normal he’d dressed today. Another chick - at least he though it was a chick - who also looked Native American seemed to be keeping an eye out for something, as if she - or he? - was expecting trouble. S/he wasn’t the only one; apparently, the blonde at the door, who looked like she couldn’t more than seventeen, was part of the security detail, and she clearly took her job seriously.

Then there was this woman in a very expensive men’s suit with short black hair and an attitude you could feel from fifteen feet away. Sticking close to her was a red-haired teen girl, the older one’s sister he gathered, whose attitude was just as heavy and even more dour. The brunette looked familiar, though, and damn, he realized, it really was that Goodkind chick, the one from L.A. that everyone said her name was just coincidence but who was almost as rich as the real Goodkinds. Weird.

But not as weird as the chick with the blue hair that seemed to stick straight out no matter how she turned her head. And that blonde over there, in what looked like a cheap cocktail dress, didn’t she look like one of those supers from the Empire City Guard he’d seen on TV? Come to think of it, wasn’t the couple over there a pair of superheroes, too, from somewhere like Rhode Island or something? Was everyone here some kind of super-duper type?

That was when his jaw hit the floor, because the most beautiful redhead he’d ever seen in his life showed up to give the toast.

After a few minutes into the speech, he’d heard enough. He decided he’d just... not listen to the rest. He was pretty sure it was safer that way. He’d just do his job, keep his head down, and hopefully they would tip big.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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05 Sep 2021 01:02 #395 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #101
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dissecting the Gadgeteer Trait
by Richard Colm, PhD.

Under the newly published Hewley-Aranis classification system, the Gadgeteer ability is treated as a separate talent from general Esper abilities. While it is the position of the author that this change is long overdue, it still fails to differentiate the varied aspects of the Gadgeteer’s abilities, nor does it clarify the relationship between Gadgeteering and Devising. It is this paper’s proposal that for finer-grained understanding, the Gadgeteer trait must be see as not a single ability, but a combination of at least five and possibly as many as eleven separate facets. It is also our intent to show that the core ability is not, as usually presented, techno-precognition, but an innate understanding of gadgets and the tools used to make them which hence forth will be referred to as ‘mechanical intuition’ in this work. In addition to these two aspects, it is the author’s position that three other primary traits, technopathy, technokinesis, and techno-psychometry, are in various combinations responsible for the diversity of gadgeteering abilities. Finally, the author explores the relationship bewtween technokinesis and the Devisoring trait, which is postulated to be an expanded and modified form of this ability which takes on qualitative and quantitiative differences as the ability is increased.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago #102
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
18 February 2031
Whateley Academy

Caitlin wasn’t much of writer, on her own, though living on a school campus for 30 years had helped. Still, she knew the story needed to be told, and she had worked on it for over twenty years. Now, with the last of her old buddies in the ground as of yesterday, she was ready to get help in making the book ready for the world. She just hoped the world was ready for the truth.

Data-key in hand, she walked into Carson’s office, hoping that she would be able convince the headmistress to help her out. She was able to get Carson to at least start reading it, which was something.

“Felicis Fossor? This isn’t what I think it is, is it?” Scanning further, she answered her own question. “Good Lord, I’m not sure I can take reading this, even knowing most of it already. Are you really sure you want this out in public?”

Caitlin shrugged. “People have a right to know the truth, and now that Lt. Dom is gone, there’s no one else who can get hurt by it,” she paused for a moment, “except the USMC’s rep. And yeah, I know I’m breaking security by revealing things that are still ‘Kill Yourself Before Reading’ Secret, but if I don’t, they’ll sit on this until Doomsday.”

“Your taking a terrible risk, aren’t you? Even with a pseudonym, there must be someone who will make the connection.”

“Erik Mahren has been officially on ice for decades, and no one who knows better would want to fuck with me about it. Anyway, I mostly wanted you to edit the book for me, ‘cause there isn’t anyone else I’d trust to do it and not leak the details before it is published. There’s no rush to it, just when you have the time.”

Liz Carson stared hard at the former Marine. “I’ll... think about it. I can’t promise you not to tear you a new one with your terrible prose, though.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #103
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Even in her torpor, Marzena could sense a being of great power coming. Her eyes, fixed permanently on the horizon from where she’d fallen, held hope in them despite the perpetual Lunar shadows that surrounded her, here at the bottom of Shackleton Crater. She could only hope that the stranger coming her way would make the mistake of thinking her dead, and ‘retrieve’ her body back to one of the moon bases.

As the woman above her passed through her field of vision, however, her heart sank. No! Anyone but her!

The Destroyer hovered over her for a moment, then moved on. Somehow, she had escaped certain doom, yet this brought little joy to her black soul. Here, in the endless night of the Crater of Eternal Darkness which Nacht had banished her to, she remained trapped by her own suspended animation spell, the hard vacuum of space clawing at her for what seemed an eternity. An eternity that would, it seemed, continue.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #104
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Kate was growing more irritable by the day, but she was determined to resist the Urge this time for as long as she could. It was a part of herself that she despised, if only because it was a break in her normally iron-clad self-control. This uncontrolled desire, this - what was it one of those dweebs called it? - pon farr that took over her and used her and her victims like toys was just more than she could bear.

It didn’t help any that it was always with men. Despite Sunny’s guess that she was into beefcake, Nacht was actually a lesbian - not that she would ever admit to being interested in anyone to anybody, though Jadis naturally had figured it out a while back. True, she wasn’t exactly put off by Thorn’s attentions - she had just enough of a romantic streak that she found his antics, if not attractive, at least amusing, and she didn’t have the heart to tell him no. But otherwise, men held no interest for her.

Except when The Urge hit. it had been happening about once every six to eight weeks since the middle of her first year at Whateley, and it usually ended up with her dragging some unsuspecting lab geek behind a bush or into a closet somewhere for a few hours of torrid sex. Last December, it happened just as she was coming down from her Divine high, and she ended up jumping Chiller, of all people. Fortunately, like with everyone else so far, she’d been able to put the fear of the Night into him to keep him from talking, but she knew that sooner or later, someone would spill. The anticipated embarassment of it made all the harder to resist The Urge as it rose in her.

Still she stalked the halls of the Workshop, unable to control The Urge. She could feel her hackles rise as someone rounded the corner. To her horror, she found herself pushing Belphegor into a secret lab room and slamming the door behind her. As tendrils of darkness began tearing his clothes off, the last sentient thought she had was I am never going to live this one down...
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #105
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hey, Triax. What are you working there?”

“A possible improvement for the next version of the auto-reader. Hazmat mentioned that his girlfriend, uhm...”


“Yeah, right, that she thought it would be useful for reading while relaxing in a bath. I dunno how many people really do that, but I figured that waterproofing the reader wouldn’t be very hard. The tough part is protecting the book, but I think I’ve got that covered.”

“Interesting. As it happens, I was just coming down here to mention another variation on your reader myself. Two, possibly.”


Ayla nodded. “One of my teammates has her work-study at the library, and part of the job is to scan older books into the computer archives as a long-term backup. She mentioned that your auto-pager could be connected to a scanner to automate the process. It wouldn’t need to work fast, in fact it would need to be gentle to avoid damaging the old books and manuscripts, but once scanned it would be a permanent record of the book.”

Triaxial smacked his forehead. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

“That’s what I said about using Hazmat’s failed hair-lengthening formula as a depilatory. It happens; no one can think of everything. Anyway, the other idea is to use the scanner in conjunction with an e-reader to solve the speed-reading issue. A mechanical page-turner probably can’t keep up with an Exemplar, but an e-reader could.”

“That’s brilliant! But what about copyrights and things like that?”

“That would be the user’s concern, primarily, but it could be solved by using a one-use system that deletes the file after a single read. Since the readers would be Exemplars, most of them would have eidetic recall in any case, so re-reading the books wouldn’t be necessary.”

“I... that’s great. Let me finish this project and I’ll get on that right away.”

“Certainly. Have a good day.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #106
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Reina Chilson gave her Aunt Mary a hug goodbye before walking to the MCO Security Station at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. She was nervous to walk there alone, out of sight of family, but she had been told she would be meeting the same officer who had prepared her MID the month before, and despite everything he seemed understanding enough. He’d warned her that not all MCO officers were as tolerant, however, which left her feeling edgy, especially given how her parents had been when she had manifested.

She was relieved to see Agent Callesis as she entered the security area. Once out of sight of the ‘normal’ travelers, she dropped the hood of her sweatshirt, revealing her pointed ears and the small horns shehad on her forehead. The other agent, a woman she didn’t know, gave her an ugly look, but Harry shot her a nasty glance back and the woman turned back to what she was doing. At least the floor-length skirt she was wearing hid her hooves, she thought.

It didn’t stop her from gazing at the woman appraisingly, a slight tinge of lust forming in her, which she could see was returned however reluctantly. The Wizard who assessed her said that this was just a normal part of her mutation, that both Fauns and Satyrs (he wasn’t quite sure which she was - both were usually male, so it was doubly odd for her to have gone from male to female) were naturally creatures of desire and that she would have to learn to control her impulses in that direction. It was still really, really distracting.

“So, Raymond... no, I see here that you’ve chosen the name ‘Reina’, is that right? Not bad, it suits you better now. As I was about to say, your travel plans going through to Whateley have been set through Boston and then to Berlin. From Berlin Airport you’ll take a local train to Dunwich for the rendezvous with the school group.”

“That’s OK, sir. My aunt and uncle told me that this school was just the right place for me. After what happened last Fall, they said they trusted the people there implicitly.”

“Good to hear. They are you’re legal guardians now, correct? OK, then. Oh, I do have a note that you should be aware that there are two other Faerie-type mutants in the dorm - sorry, ‘cottage’ - you’ll be staying in, one of whom is a high-ranked Sidhe. It’s recommended you get to know both ‘Fey’ and ‘Selkie’ - those are their codenames - as soon as possible.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

“Well, everything seems to be in order. I’ll see that you get boarded immediately once the flight is ready.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #107
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
It was 4 AM as Ngo Phuong (or ‘Phillipa Ngo’ as she preferred to be called) waited impatiently outside the stall in the 3rd floor girl’s bathroom for her girlfriend, Kelly Tanaka, AKA Diamanta, awash with feelings despite her normal quiet demeanor. At the moment, the feeling that was foremost in her mind was guilt.

I wish I’d never introduced her to that bastard, she thought, Hell, I wish I never met him myself!

Of course, that wasn’t how either of them had felt towards Leung Gao Lai until a few days ago. When Cascade first met Kelly, she’d been dating Gao - or Gareth, to his Western friends - for a while, at first acting as ‘beards’ for each other for those outside of Poe but later getting more serious. When Gareth’s real lover, Mokele’, dumped Gareth on N’Dizi’s order at the time of the Dragons/Tigers split (along with a ‘get with the plan’ order to stop ‘going on the down low’, or so she heard - in any case, she hadn’t seen the changeling with anyone of either sex since then), and Phillipa’s old girlfriend graduated, they had almost gone het on everyone it seemed - until they both met Kelly at the start of the 2005-06 school year.

But for all three of them, it had been love - or at least lust - at first sight. The fact that both Kelly and Gareth were Ex-3 Man-3 shellheads - Cobalt created a layer of nearly indestructible, skin-tight blue quasi-metallic material, while Diamanta created a crystalline shell, and both had to consciously remove it in order to look more like a baseline - gave them something in common, Cascade thought. The number of times the three of them had shared a bed over the past two years were more than she could count.

Didn’t I warn her time and time again about using the right kind of protection for an Exemplar? And now that son of a bitch won’t talk to either of us...

Realizing she was woolgathering, Phillipa brought herself back to the here and now just as Kelly opened the door. She didn’t have to look at the pregnancy test to know the answer; the horror on her lover’s face confirmed what her own healing powers had already told her.

“Oh, God, honey,” she said with a shaking voice, “I am soooo sorry... we’ll get through this together, I promise...”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #108
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
NB: Again, this one was OBE in canon since I posted it; still, it was the fact that no one commented on the film refer that was the real surprise for me...

Okay, even I was surprised when Joe Wilkins showed up. But thinking about it, I suppose it only made sense. He’d saved Hollyfeld’s life and taken a serious beating for it, and they remained friends for years. Even if they disagreed - vigorously - about the uses of Devisor technology, they stayed in touch the whole time. He was the only devisor/gadgeteer Gizmatic ever considered his own superior, and he never begrudged the pacifism that drove Toymaker into decades of isolation.

He gave me a curt nod, and seemed for a moment to be looking to see if I was carrying the Rod of Astarte with me. I wasn’t, of course. He then went over to console Lazlo’s widow.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to come by sooner, Sherry. When I heard he was dying, I wanted to visit him before he went, but, you know how it is... matters of state, lab work to be done, battles to be fought...”

“Hey, I understand. At least Mitch and Jordan were here to help,” she replied, pointing to two thirty-something gadgeteers whom I recognized as Phase Shift and Hypertech, a now married couple who had been together since their own student years. “Ever since the accident that killed Chris Knight, they’ve been working at ARC, trying to keep a lid on new developments in the field. They’re concerned about the new breakthroughs that Goodkind industries seem to be making in combat masers.”

Joe gritted his teeth. “We both know that Beamsplitter’s death was no accident,” he said, “I can’t prove that Herb Goodkind set him up, but there’s too much evidence that...” realizing his temper was rising, here at his old friend’s funeral, the Emperor of Karedonia restrained himself in a fashion he wasn’t accustomed to doing. “Sorry. Lazlo wouldn’t have wanted that kind of anger at his own wake.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #109
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Leonides, I wanted to talk to you about the final clean up of the forces of the To... wait a minute, are those shoulder angels you’re wearing?”

“It figures that we’d be the first thing she’d notice...” said the figure in the red three-piece suit to the left.

“Ah, yes, Liz, I was expecting you to ask about that. I heard about the near-disaster caused by these things at your school last month, and while I found the stories both amusing and alarming, it occurred to me that these ‘shoulder angels’ could be used positively, as a means for self-reflection. I’m finding them quite enlightening.”

“Thank you,” said the beatific robed figure in white to the right. “It is all a poor little Intelligence Agent such as myself could hope for.”

“Yes, yes, of course, you are quite welcome.”

“I see someone taught that asshole how to talk, now how do we get him to shut up?”

“Yes, well, you were always quite willing to speak yourself, not that I would begrudge you the...”

Dr. Diabolik waved his cybernetic hand, and both shoulder angels went silent. “Sorry, Ms.Carson, I should have done that when you first called.”

“O...Kay... I think I can see why you are doing this, and I know you well enough to understand why you have Leary as your shoulder angel. But why is William Burroughs your shoulder devil?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #110
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tolman-sensei paired me up with Ribbon, a little girl I’d seen around Poe a few times, and who I gathered was a changeling too. I’d wondered about that; was she older than she looked, or did she really change from male to female when she was ten? Either way it had to hard on her, I figured. OK, so some of the others, like Serendipity, were transsexuals even from an early age; but I didn’t get the impression that Ribbon was like that. She was very feminine, but in a goth way, and sort of standoffish; she showed some real steel under the velvet.

Speaking of which, I quickly found that ‘no powers’ only counted so much against high-end Exemplars. Punching her was like hitting a brick wall, and while she was obviously holding back, she was clearly much stronger than I was. She had me on the mat twice in rapid succession.

The second time, she bent over to whisper in my ear. “Listen, if you want to talk about ‘old guy’ issues some time, come down to my room after class. We can talk about what things were like the first time we were this age or something, all right? See ya.”

I goggled for a bit, thinking about what she said. Hadn’t Carson told me I wasn’t the only one here to have gotten younger? Was Ribbon like me, then? I also wondered if Carson was the one who told her about me.

I decided to take her up on the offer. Fortunately, Aolynn was busy with work-study tonight, so I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about time away from her. So, after dinner, I went down the hallway to the room Ribbon shared with Euterpe, and knocked on the door. Katie answered, and stepped out as I went in.

I wasn’t expecting a whole room full of people. OK, it was only Ribbon and three others, but the room was small.

Aside from Ribbon was another girl with flame red hair, about my height and looking maybe thirteen or so, dressed in a black cloak. There was something compelling about her, something that made it hard to take my eyes off of her. I had to remind myself that I already had a girlfriend before I could get my attention away from her.

The next one was a stunning blond, maybe seventeen, who carried herself with a military bearing that was like a soldier who had served a lifetime and had seen it all. She was wearing a Security uniform and standing stiffly and surely.

The third was strange even by Mutant High standards. About the same age as the blond, she had hair that looking like metal wire and eyes of copper, with odd runes tattooed all over her exposed skin. She was wearing an old pair of Marine fatigues that had more runes sewn into them. She lounged on the lower bunk bed in a casual manner, but even more than the second woman, she gave the impression of a stone-cold killer.

“Well, looks like the gang’s all here,” said the last one. “So is this a meeting of the Age Dysphoria therapy group or something?”

“Something like that, yes,” I heard Fubar say as he appeared next to me. “Dr. Bellows and I thought that it would useful for the five of you to talk things through a bit, given that there are now enough of you to form a support group of sorts now. I know you all have your reasons to keep your own secrets, but this is something you all have in common, and if nothing else, misery loves company.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #111
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
It was two weeks going on three, since... since... well, Toni was still worried enough about me that she was practically dragging me by the hand over to the Crystal Hall for every meal.

I couldn’t blame her for thinking I needed it. I was still crying myself to sleep most nights, the empty place inside me where Aunghadhail had been still tearing me up, the weight of the now-invisible Winter Crown bearing down on my brow like a...

NO! I am not going to do this! I need to get over what happened, not...

I was snapped out of my maudlin state by the shrill tones of Hazard shouting down around the ICC’s table. She must be really upset; her accent was slipping.

“Lord fuck-a-duck, Ace, you really are something, you know that? I can’t believe you’re still holding a grudge over something so small! Get over it, you git!” she shouted as she stormed towards the elevators and headed for the second floor, where her friends in the Masterminds held court.

“What was that all about?” I mumbled, a bit stunned at just how angry the usually upbeat odds mangler was.

“I dunno, homes, but I’m guessing it’s still all about the Halloween thing.”

“What?” I said, staring at Chaka, “They don’t think she had something to do with that, do they?”

“Nah, this was earlier that night. Remember how Hazard was runnin’ the tracks before the live acts came up? Well, she says she was letting it run on shuffle, but everyone knows she’d pushed some of her power into it to make sure that some appropriate songs came on at just the right time...”


“Well, it seems that just as some of the Spy Kiddies walked in, it queued up... ‘Spy Hard’ by Weird Al.”

I couldn’t help it; I giggled at that. Then the giggle became a chortle. Then a guffaw. Before I knew it, I found myself laughing so hard that I almost peed myself.

It wasn’t that funny, I know, but it was just what I needed right then. Looking back on it, I think it was the first real step towards recovery I had made.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #112
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
4 Sept 2007

Ms. Hartford sat at her desk glowering as students came and went from Administration. She blinked in surprise as four identical Japanese boys about ten years old entered and walked up Ms. Claire. After speaking quietly with Ms. Claire, Ms. Hartford’s phone rang. Ms. Claire informed Ms. Hartford that these four needed to see her urgently. Intrigued, Ms. Hartford even forget to make them wait for no reason other than she could. The whole admin staff had gone over the incoming class roster and there was not a group of identical underage quadruplet Japanese boys on the roster.

Once the four were in front of her desk she addressed them, “I am Ms. Hartford, Assistant Headmistress, how may I help you?”

“Ms. Hartford, how good to see you again.” She blinked. “I’m sure that you don’t recognize us though. I am Jobe, and these are Belphoebe, Bova, and Freight Train. No I cannot tell them apart either. We are here because we will need some straightening out of our housing arrangements.”

Ms. Hartford sends them off to Melville with a note to find them rooms, and that official paperwork will follow shortly. While watching them leave Hartford finally realized who they reminded her of. Of course last year that body had a girlish haircut and was wearing a skirt. She chuckled after they left wondering if they would figure that out.
Don’t Drick and Drive.

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5 years 8 months ago #113
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Congratulations, Inspector Sikeston,” Chief Craig said. “You are the youngest person to reach the rank of Inspector in the Detroit Police Department.”

“Thank you sir, I’ll do my best to keep up the good work,” came the reply as Inspector Sikeston beamed. The other Officers getting promoted glared at her, but she was used to that. She’d worked hard to earn her promotion and was glad that the department didn’t discriminate against mutants, even those with severe GSD.

“I’m sure you will,” Chief Craig answered back, as he shook her hand, paw, whatever. He thought that she looked pretty weird, but hiring into the Major Crimes Division anti-paranormal unit had worked much better than he ever expected. She’d worked her way up to second in command of Major Crimes.

After the ceremony, Inspector Sikeston rushed over to the MCO Office to update her MID, it wasn’t really necessary, but now that she had the rank, she was happy that she could finally, officially call herself Inspector Gadget, and win any lawsuits from Disney or DIC or whomever owns the rights to the cartoon character. After all they never complained all those years she was just Gadget, or Captain Gadget or Lt. Gadget.
Don’t Drick and Drive.

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5 years 8 months ago #114
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mrs. Shugendo walked into the Dunwich train station promptly at 4:00 as she had for many years. She immediately focused on the two identical Japanese girls standing face to face. A quick count revealed the correct number of students, but none on her list were supposed to be of Japanese descent.

“Okay, listen up! I am Mrs. Shugendo. I’m the Dean of Students at Whateley Academy. There are two shuttles here to take you to the school. I am going to call off your names alphabetically. When I call out your name, let me know who you are, and then go out to the vans. Now, I know that you have a lot of questions, but, unless it’s an emergency, save it for when we get to the school.”

She begins calling their names and when she reaches Alhaji Sinclair Jimoh, one of the two Japanese girls heads out the door. The other answers when she stumbles through Phesclangorenthal Sinclair Martin. Oh god she thinks, not two Generators at one time...
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #115
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
In the super secret A-Team HQ and game room. Several of the members were sitting around reading rulebooks and surfing web forums. Slapdash walked in and looked at his fellow gamers. He paused and took a deep breath, “Hey everyone I’m going to be starting a new campaign, is anyone interested?”

After getting some semi-committal answers, Slapdash picked his target, “Hey Dash are you interested?”

Dash looked up from his D&D rulebook, “What system were planning on using?”

Slappy smiled, “Mutants and Masterminds, why?” Then he turned and ran out the door, whilst the rest of the room busted out laughing, and Dash took off after him.
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #116
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Team Kimba, Handmaid’s Own, and Whisper are all going to Boston. Here’s their itinerary:
First stop - A mall, where they will do a little shopping and get their hair done.
Second stop - A photo shoot, where they will all get professional pictures taken.
Third stop - Miss Teen Boston, where they will be celebrity judges.
Fourth stop - The Museum of Fine Arts.
Final stop - Hascom AFB (if there is time)

What could go wrong?
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #117
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
It was the first really warm and sunny day of Spring and Miyet planned on wasting as much of it as possible. She dug up a lounge chair, set it up where she would get the most sun, and promptly went to sleep. Bast was being surprisingly cooperative, and promised to watch over her and wake her before anything bad happened.

Jade, Diamondback and the Fury Twins were headed over to Whitman after lunch. Diamondback had finished a charm that Circe asked her to make for Phase to study. It didn’t really do anything, but it was another step in Phase’s education. Jade had agreed to take it back to him.

Phobos and Deimos had been wary of walking back with Jade. They didn’t know her, although Phobos had met her a few times. They knew how their aura was, and it was worse with younger kids. Abracadabra had fled in terror the first time they met her, and Jade looked younger than that.

As they walked along outside, it was a green flag day and warm, the twins stared at Jade as she prattled on about Wondercute and their plans for their next Simulator run. Phobos could sense that Diamondback was fighting against the aura, and several other students gave them a wide berth. Bloodwolf had even turned around and headed off in another direction. When Jade finally paused for a breath, Deimos asked, “Aren’t you bothered by us?”

Jade looked closely at the two of them, they were scary looking, but not scarier than some of the other things she’d run into. “No, you’re not that scary looking, I am dating Thuban, and I’ve run into some really scary things down in the sewers.”

Deimos opened her mouth to say something else, but Phobos touched her arm and shook her head. Jade shrugged and started on about weird colors Gunny Bardue had turned after Wondercute’s last Sim run.

As they got close to Whitman, Jade suddenly stopped and whispered, “Is that Miyet?”

Diamondback looked at the girl sleeping in the sun, “Yes, why?”

Jade got a big evil looking grin on her face, then pulled an envelope out of her purse. “Can one of you do me a favor? Make sure that Miyet gets this when she comes in?”

Diamondback shrugged, “Sure, what is it?”

“It’s a note and the key to this lock,” she said as she pulled a collar, with a large bell, a lock, and a big ‘Hello Kitty’ name tag on it. She dropped the collar, which stopped just before it hit the ground, and pulled out a remote. Jade pushed a bunch of buttons on the remote, and said, “Go get her.”

The four of them watched as the collar silently glided across the lawn towards Miyet. As it got closer Miyet stirred. The collar stopped and waited, once Miyet settled back down it continued on. It floated up and fastened around her neck, with the lock silently clicking shut.

Jade smiled, and started towards Whitman again. The other three stared silently at Miyet before starting to giggle. Diamondback finally recovered enough as they continued on to Whitman, “But won’t she just be able to rip it off?”

Jade grinned, “No I made it with scrap Titan Wire, and other stuff I found in the scrap bin in the labs. No else can make use of the little scraps I use. A PK superman might be able to break it, but it’ll strangle anyone with a normal neck.”

Diamondback looked at her, “And exactly whom else do you have one of those for?”

“Let me think, CyberKitty, Chat Bleu, Feral, all the catlike mutants, oh and Razorback, and Jericho.”

The last two names, got actual laughs from Phobos and Deimos, who then said together, “Joe and Jack are likely to keep wearing them.”

A few hours later Miyet woke from her nap, and heard a bell ring when she sat up. She twisted looking for it and it rang again. She looked down, and saw it hanging below her chin. She grabbed it and began pulling and tugging on it to get it removed. All she managed to do was to bruise her neck. Finally she heard Bast say, You won’t get it off that way.

Miyet growled, picked up her chair and stomped her way to her room. As she approached the cottage door, she could the girls around it giggling and snickering at her. A few were out and out laughing. Inside the building, Mrs. Savage looked at her, “Nice collar dear.” Then disappeared into her apartment.

Miyet continued stomping her way to her room, the other girls flattening themselves against the walls to get out of her way, then laughing after she had passed. She flung open her door and Galaxy simply pointed to Miyet’s pillow, where an envelope with “Miyet” written on it sat. As she picked it up, she noticed that ‘i’ had been dotted with a little drawing of Hello Kitty.

She ripped open the envelope, and a key fell onto her bed. The note read:

You looked so CUTE.


Miyet stuck her head out the window and yelled, “I’m going to get you back Generator!”

She was about to fling the collar against the wall when she heard in her head, “Calm down, it was a harmless prank.”

“I’m still getting her back,” she thought back.

“Well of course,” was the only reply.

Tennyo jumped when her roommate started laughing like a maniac. “Now what?”

Shroud looked at her, realizing that Jamie spyspeck must have returned, “She just belled the kitty.”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #118
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
One Friday Afternoon

Dr. Bellows walked into the administration office. “May I help you, Dr. Bellows?” Ms. Claire asked.

He glanced around, spotting a large microphone. “Yes. Is the microphone for the school PA system?”

Looking puzzled, she nodded, “Yes.”

“May I?”

Unsure, but unwilling to go against the head of the Counseling Dept. she simply nodded.

“Thank you,” he said before picking up the microphone.

“Attention students. This is Doctor Bellows, and I have a prescription for all of you. I want you to all do something fun, childlike, immature even this weekend. You are children and teenagers, go out and play. Thank you and have a good weekend.”

Ms. Claire stared at him as he replaced the microphone and nodded a thanks to her.

Dr. Bellows winked at James as he headed back towards his office.
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #119
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The Bad Seeds were all eating lunch, when Jadis started chuckling.

Nacht looked at her, “Please, not while I am eating.”

Thrasher turned, “What’s so funny Jads?”

“When we were helping Princess Jobe,” Jobe glowered at her, “we ran into a some low level muscle. One guy gave his name as ‘Dave.’ He was just arrested.”

A couple of the Seeds piped up, “That’s not really funny.”

Jadis smiled, “That’s not what I’m laughing at. He used ‘Dave’ because that made it harder for the cops to track him down. According to the article here, his real name is Brickbat Johnson.”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

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5 years 8 months ago #120
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
As he stormed off - at least as much as he could with his crippled leg - Knick-Knack once more swore never to bother joining the other New Olympians at meals again.

I should never have told them about the test results, he fumed as he headed back to his lab. While Counterpoint had been the worst, before he was put into the hospital by Jobe, both Majestic and Cytherea had been quick to take up where Chris had left off.

Snide innuendoes about his mother. Comments about him joining the Bad Seeds. Joking about how he did not inherit his famous father’s good looks. Every word sending him deeper and deeper into a rage.

It is true that his mother had been a mere showgirl in Marseilles. What of it? Her home village in the foothills of the Pyrennes was an impoverished backwater,and she had sought to find something better. Instead, she returned after but two years, already heavy with him. It was hard enough for her to return, and be branded a whore by her own family, treated as dirt beneath their shoes. But when they learned of Jean-Paul’s gifts, that was when things turned truly ugly. They were forced to flee once again to Marseilles, where it was only good fortune that he was noticed by Le Coq during his holiday before the MCO could discover him. Les Defenseurs sponsored his attendance at Whateley, and for a time, things seemed to get better. He learned of his power, of his true heritage and the spirit he bore within him, and for the first time in his life made a few friends.

Then, as a routine part of powers testing, samples of his DNA were taken, and as with all whose father was unknown, compared to the previous students of the school. In a cruel twist of fate, mere weeks before, the records for several Alumni from times before such testing was required, but who were now imprisoned, had been added to the database. His father’s was among these.

He cursed under his breath at Zeus for picking this body for him, at his birth mother for letting herself be swept off her feet by a handsome Exemplar who left after just one night, at the researchers for not letting things be, and even at Team Kimba for letting him escape from durance vile where he belonged.

But most of all, he cursed Mimeo, the American father he had never known and whom he would never have identified had it not been for that DNA testing.

Perhaps he would join the Bad Seeds, just to spite Imperious and Majestic. The idea galled him, but it also had a perverse appeal.

Instead, he buried himself once again in his work, trying to forget the humiliations that had been heaped upon him by the Fates.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #121
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A few days after he escaped from the Rox, Mimeo realized something that had been nagging him the whole time: why the fighting styles of all those kids seemed so familiar. He’d noticed it with a bunch of young superheroes before, guys he figured were fresh out of Whateley and not used to facing someone both tougher and smarter than they were, but this time, he’d seen four different kids all pulling out similar techniques, a particular way of fighting that Mimeo actually knew.

He got in touch with some of his Syndicate contacts and they confirmed what he’d guessed: the main martial arts instructor at Whateley for the past fifteen years or so was Tatsuo Ito. He wondered idly if he had had something to do with that...

It had been 1982 when he first walked into Sensei Ito’s dojo in Yokohama, while planned a big heist in town. He had already learned enough judo, karate and (during a caper in Seoul) tai kwan do to hold several black belts, along with his already formidable boxing experience, but he’d never had much interest in aikido before. Still, he was always up to trying something new, and he’d had a bit of a scare in his last fight: he’d socked out a mage a little too hard, and sent the guy to the hospital for several months with internal injuries. He figured that getting some tips on fighting in away that was less likely to kill an opponent or put him out of action permanently was called for.

He’d actually heard of Ito before, from some of the martial artists he’d trained with previously. He’d been something of prodigy back in the late 1950s, being one of the youngest black-belt students taught by Ueshiba personally. The guy was legendary in martial arts circles for both his skill and his cunning. That sounded like just the kind of teacher Mimeo was looking for. He made a point to be on his most polite behavior, because he was really looking forward to learning what this guy had to offer. It turned out that Ito was as interested in him as he was in Ito, and soon he was starting lessons.

To his surprise, he found that he wasn’t the only mutant taking classes from Ito. There was this girl who had the PK superman package already getting personal lessons from Ito, trying to learn how to control her strength - and her temper - so she wouldn’t be a danger to everyone around her. Ito seemed confident that he could teach her enough discipline to make it safe for her to be around normal people.

She was a hottie, too, but he figured that he’d better keep his hands off the kid, even if she looked several years older than she was. While the laws in Japan at the time weren’t as tough on that kind of thing as they were in the US, it would still lead to the kind of attention he didn’t need. Didn’t mean he couldn’t look, though.

Sensei Ito seemed fascinated with their powers,and worked hard at figuring out both ways they could use them more effectively, and ways he could stand up to them himself without any powers at all. Despite being a baseline, Ito was hot shit in the circle; he figured out a dozen or more ways to kick even Mimeo’s ass around the dojo. Yeah, half those ‘techniques’ involved the kind of dirty tricks that you’d see in spaghetti Westerns or movies about ninjas, but they worked. Well, once, anyway; Ito had to keep coming up with new tricks to beat him with. But the guy was clever, and a bit of a sadist, so he always seemed to be able to pull something out of the hat to throw at them.

He also found out that Ito had known who he was the day he walked in the door, despite the fact that he didn’t look anything like himself at the time. He never found out how he’d figured that out. It seems that Ito had been looking for mutants to work with even then, figuring that they would be the best challenge for him as both a fighter and a teacher, but he was having a rough time of it; Japanese culture didn’t really encourage folks to stand out, and those mutants who did get noticed were quickly either snapped up by the Devil Dojo or disappeared by the Japanese MCO. The girl, Michiko Hanai, was the first one he’d found who was still free and willing to study under him.

He decided to stay in Yokohama for a while, as the caper he was planning proved to be more complicated than he initially anticipated. Afterwards, for the next few years, he would stop over whenever he had a job in Japan, or was staying in the country after one. Eventually, though, he’d stopped going there, figuring it was getting to be too much of a pattern. He would run into Michiko years later, during a fight with the Nihon Guardians, whom she’d joined under the codename ‘Ōka’. It didn’t surprise him that she’d become a cape, and the Guardians were the biggest superhero team in the country, so it wasn’t all that much of a coincidence, but he was pretty sure she hadn’t recognized him.

He wondered how the old bastard was doing now that he was teaching at Whateley. From what he’d seen, he still had a knack for teaching mutants how to get the most out their powers in a fist fight. He almost wished he could stop in and say hi.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago #122
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Fey was beside herself with rage. She had only just learned the real nature of the expedition that Kodiak was leading, and was furious at being left behind. She was determined...

Just then she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Forgive me, sister, but for once, this is not your battle to fight,” said the elderly woman who was, despite all, managing to restrainher. “We have our own duty now, one which they cannot win without.”

She looked at the three women whom she now noticed behind her, standing besides an obviously confused Mrs. Carson. The one who held her shoulder seemed old, yet carried herself briskly despite needing a cane; the other two were middle aged, one a brunette and the third a redhead like herself.

Lady Astarte spoke up. “Fey, this is Mrs. Potter, who seems to have some explaining to do to the both of us. Marcia, would you please tell me why it is you don’t want me chasing down those children and keeping them from killing themselves in this mad crusade of Mr Cody’s?

The woman named Mrs. Potter stood up straight in spite of her apparent infirmity, and handed her cane to an astonished Elizabeth Carson. “I am sorry, Liz, but there are forces at work here that you could not be made aware of until now. For all the years we’ve known each other, I have been dishonest with you, but not without reason. I do apologize for my deception, but I assure you, both Tywyswyr and I knew that we would have to keep you in the dark about this, ever since I foresaw this day coming, now more than three centuries ago.”

With that, the three women began to shift like flowing water, revealing their true forms. Where three older women had stood, now three Noble Sidhe in their prime took their place.

Fey knew them immediately: Lenedhal, Mab, and Titania. Three of the Nine Queens, sisters of Aunghadhail. Her kin, in spirit if not in blood.

“Is it not strange how fate works its ways? Where once you were the eldest, and I the youngest, our roles are now reversed. Come, child, we have much work to do if we are to save this world,” the golden-haired Lenedhal told her, in a voice that would brook no dispute.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #123
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
OK, I was in New Yawk again, Brooklyn to be specific, and I started wondering what it would take to track down that Night Ranger bozo. After my last run in with him, I figured we had a bunch of talking to do.

What, I didn’t tell you about that? He was part of the reason I was a bit late meeting up with Jadis and Co. over Spring Break. I’d actually hit the city around quarter of five, but was a bit frazzled from doing all that shadow-jumping, and figured I’d stop off at a Charbux or something for something hot to drink before catching a taxi into mid-town. You know, despite it’s low-rent rep, Brooklyn turns out to have at least a few decent coffee shops? You coulda knocked me over with a feather.

Anyway, I’d just finished my house blend and went looking for a nice quiet alley to shadow-jump again from, but just as I was about to fondle my jewels in that special way *snerk*, out of nowhere drops this guy whose dressed like a live-action version of Batman Beyond, who slams me to the pavement, hard. Ah, another one of my beloved fans, I see.

“Vamp. I have heard about you and your comrades in the Children of the Night, so don’t think you will get away this time. Tell me what your vile master has you doing here and I’ll make it easy on you.”

“Hey, hey, now,” I managed to squeak out - no,not squeak, a lady never squeaks, but it sure sounded like that I’m sure. “I already played that game with the Boston PD, and look where it got me! I mean, even High School is better than ending up in a torture box for all eternity, but it’s still a pretty lousy trick to pull on someone, right?”

He pulled me up by my armpits and slammed me against a wall. Oh, well, so much for playing nice. “Where is Darrow?” He then shifted around, grabbing my neck in a hard choke.

“I’m telling you, I don’t know! I’m staying as far away from Skeleton Breath as I can these days. Check with the Boston DA’s office if you don’t believe me!” Man, this guy’s got a tight grip... and then I started to feel like my energy was getting drained away.

Well, two can play that game! I got a solid hold on his wrist, and started draining him instead. That seemed to surprise him enough that he lost his grasp on my neck. Whew! Breathing again is nice...

We both seemed to eye each other warily for a bit, as a got my wind back. I tried to super-leap away from him, but he followed in exactly the same manner. He grabbed my leg on the way up, and slammed me hard into side of the building.

But on the way down, I managed to grab those dorky bat ears on his cowl, and yanked his facemask off.

We both landed hard in the alleyway, in a tangle. I managed to get loose first, but he was right on top of me. I spun around to face him, and damn, it was I was looking into a mirror or something! Sort of. I mean, he was older and had his hair cut short, but aside from that, the resemblance was almost freaky.

“Jeez, you wouldn’t know a guy named Adrian Darcy, would you?” I snarked, trying to maintain my cool despite being utterly gobsmacked.

Well, that got his attention, and now it was his turn for the jaw-dropping. I used the distraction to grab the shadow gems and jump into the nearest patch of darkness I saw.

I tumbled out of the shadows about a mile away, a bit unsteady, but you know what they say about any landing you can walk away from.

I could have sworn that he’d shouted ‘wait!’ at me as I made my grand exit. I was tempted to go back and find out what the story was, but I was already running late. All I could do now was catch my taxi to Castle Diabolik and wonder.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #124
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
She hadn’t been in the Doyle Medical Complex two full days yet, but Shrike was bored out of her mind.

OK, boredom was hella better than horrible pain. She was glad for the neural inhibitor devise on her left knee; before they got that set up, she’d been in the worst agony of her life, even with morphine, worse than when they had to reset her hips two years ago. She was still bored, though, even with everything going on around her in the hospital.

Until she saw a certain elderly clergyman walking towards her. I’m not that bored, she snarked to herself.

“Della,” Rev. Englund politely began, “I hope you are feeling better today.”

No thanks to you, she thought. “Since when do you care?”, she sneered.

“Please, Della, don’t be like that,” he replied, clearly bothered by her response. “You are my own flesh and blood, of course I care about you.”

“Oh,really? Everyone says you’re the one responsible for this whole nightmare!”

“Yes, well, I must admit that I was the one who set this entire... disaster, in motion. But I promise you, it was never supposed to turn out like this! I would never do anything to hurt you or any of the legitimate students here!”

The ‘legitimate’ part went right over her head - she wasn’t fully aware of the situation with Sara Waite - but the rest didn’t. “Oh, yeah? Does this look like it’s not hurt?” as she pointed to her injured leg.

It was pretty bad, and she figured he knew it. She’d been hit by one of those Rook things when it fell over, and it had crushed everything from just below the knee down; had she been a baseline, in an ordinary hospital, she’d have lost most of the leg. As it was, the doctors thought it might be a month before she could walk on it again, unless they could schedule some time with one of the healers.

“I understand how you must feel, but please, don’t think too harshly of me. I was only doing what I felt was right for the school, for the whole world.”

She looked at him in disgust. “Jesus. No wonder Dad thinks you’re a total creep.” Robert Havelock and his older sister had a lot to say about their grandfather, not much of it very polite. Aunt Sally had actually gone to Whateley when she was a kid, and he’d done his best to drag her into his little ghost-hunting club. Thank God he hasn’t tried that with me, Della thought.

“Della! Don’t blaspheme!”

“Oh, right, ‘cause that’s so much worse than getting a bunch of people killed for no good reason!”

“Please, I only..”

“Get out! Leave me alone!” she finally shrieked, before turning away from him as much as she could while stuck in this damn hospital bed.

With a heavy heart, Darryl Englund left his second-youngest great-grandchild be.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #125
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Willard! What a wonderful surprise to see you here.”

“I could say the same about you, Tom. What brings you to the Career Fair? I’m here mainly because it was a chance to see my nieces, but you’ve never struck me as the sort to come up here for this kind of thing personally.”

“I had some business with the Headmistress, actually, so I figured this would be as good a time as any. Tell your little hellion Paige that she’s welcome to do whatever she wants on our systems, its not like we could keep her out if she wanted to get in, is it?” he added with a wink.

“I... wasn’t aware that you knew so much about her gift, Mr. Townsend. You’re not trying to poach her away from me, I hope.”

“No, she’s had enough troubles like that already, from what I hear. If I really needed her, I’d go through you for it, of course.”

“I should certain hope that you would both speak to me about it first,” said Liz Carson, as she approached them both, “At least as long as she’s still a student here.” She gave Townsend a glare that would have melted most lesser men.

“Why, Betsy!” said Townsend with a smirk, “I was just going to go meet you in a bit, so nice of you to come down here first.”

“I think we should go speak in private, especially since you seem so, ah, talkative right now.”

“Of course, this isn’t the sort of thing that can be discussed public, is it? Speak with you later, Willard.”

Carson watched her companion like a hawk as they went up to her office. Just what was that little conversation aimed at, Mephisto? she pondered to herself. Obviously, he wanted both Jennings and her to know that he knew about Circuit Breaker, but why? He’s playing a deeper game than I was expecting...
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #126
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Nacht stared at her phone in frustration as the shadows around her continued to thicken. “Sunny... “, she growled.

“I take it Sunburst didn’t get the hint?”, Jadis asked with forced nonchalance, barely hiding a grin at her friend’s discomfort.

“Not on your life. Not only won’t she get me out of the contract, she’s absolutely thrilled at the idea.” Kate shuddered. “She even wants to come out here to help Tink with the shoot!”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

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5 years 8 months ago - 5 years 8 months ago #127
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
NB: I decided to do all of this set in one post, to keep them together as a piece.

March 13th, 2048
New York City, New York

“Sorry to wake you, Luv, but you’ve got to get up. Someone will be over around 11:30 to meet with you about a case.”

I felt Robin’s hand stroking my hair, normally a pleasant thing all around. Nothing seemed very pleasant right then, though. I peeled my eyes open through a hung-over haze as she walked out of my bedroom, leaving a tablet on my bureau as she left. I propped myself up in bed, feeling all five-going-on-six decades of my age as I did so.

“Jenny...” I whispered, the pain of ten years’ gone still a fresh wound in my heart. It would have been her 57th birthday,yesterday, and Robin had known that the best thing to do was to leave me alone for the day. I let myself have this one day,to let the hurting out; it was better than trying to push through it, though you’d think I would know better than to crawl back into the bottle even if only once a year. I was tempted to have some hair of the dog, but I knew all too well where that road led.

Aching, I slowly made my way to the bathroom, where I found myself confronted with the awful sight of myself in the full-length mirror. Gray hair, slightly thinning, over a too-thin male body that looked like it had come straight off of Skid Row.

This wouldn’t do.

I gathered myself up, and closed my eyes. I felt myself shift, and when I opened them again, the mirror held a much nicer vision: a vaguely middle-aged but clearly healthful woman, long brown hair draped over the shoulders, with the sort of body only an Exemplar could have. I was still hung-over, and standing slumped down, but I could feel the cobwebs clearing already.

After a lingering shower, I came back out into the bedroom to find the time was 10:40. I didn’t know who I was going to be seeing today, as I didn’t have any set appointments, but the certainty with which Robin had pronounced it made me sure that I’d be seeing someone in a bit over half an hour. I picked up the tablet she’d left, figuring that it would hold the answer to whom I would be speaking today.

It was set to a news site, with a particular item queued up. I barely needed to see the headline before a shiver ran down my spine. “Crap!”, I spat, as I had a pretty good idea right from there who my guest would be, or at least which two were most likely. My mood didn’t get any better as a read the rest of the article.

I decided to put on my union longjohns and my visor, first thing. I was sure I would need them, and wasn’t surprised that Robin had already lain them out for me. I was just getting down to the office as the clock hit 11:30.

I opened the door, as I ran through the sorts of things I would want to say to my prospective client, but I stopped short once I saw who was there.

Instead of the russet-haired cyborg I had expected, or the dark-haired woman I felt was even more likely, I found myself facing a man with brown hair and a sharply-shaven goatee, and what looked to be a teenaged girl with red hair and eyes a gray unlike any which a baseline would have. I knew both of them already.

“Reach!”, she started, then drew back. Damn, I thought, she must be upset if her normally professional demeanor was so easily broken. Breathing in, the woman I knew as Pyroclastic - and whom the rest of the world knew as Dana Goodkind - tried to continue, but her companion broke her off.

“Ms. Sawyer,” said Ty West with a slight nod, “I am terribly sorry to bother you on a day like today, but I’m afraid that there are matters for which we need your unique talents.”

Oh God, I thought, what could the old lizard want from me this time?

What Tywyswyr said about She-Beast being a mystic reminded me to do some preparations of my own in that area. I opened the door to a small room in our building, one which both Robin and I used for meditation. On the floor was a pentagram, in the center of which was a small pillow seat. I went over to the pillow and sat down, then began to focus on putting up a ward.

It wasn’t easy. I am a WIZ-0, with no more magical potential than a baseline, but I had learned a few things at Whateley, and picked up some more over the years since. If I was going to investigate a crime involving magic, I had better be prepared to face magical threats, or at least see them coming.

After making sure my wards were in place, I focused on gathering Essence. I was out of practice, and had never been very good at it to begin with, but I was sure that I’d need all I could get before going to the scene of the crime.

Ironically enough, it was Phase, the same Ayla Goodkind who I now was investigating, who had recommended to the Intelligence Cadets that we take some basic magic courses in the first place. It was a good piece of advice, even if it was only A-Plus and myself who followed up on it. While I didn’t have the talent needed for any serious magical fighting, it did give me an edge at times, or at least told me when I was in over my head. It didn’t happen often, but just knowing a few simple cantrips and Essence-detecting spells had saved my bacon more than once.

I spent over an hour focusing on the task at hand, and still had only a very basic pool of Essence to hold on to. It would have to do.

Harley Sawyer was led to a small office where a middle-aged woman in a lab coat was waiting. She had a peculiar air about her, like a wealthy matron trying to act the part of a scientist, or perhaps the reverse. Both were, of course, true.

“Macrobiotic,” Reach said politely, “It’s good to see you after all this time.”

“Please, it’s Sophia,” she answered, “No one has called me by my codename in almost twenty years.”

“Oh, I seem to recall some of the newsblogs using it after the attacks by Deathmaiden.” Harley’s face suddenly went dark.

“Oh, yes, that’s true. I only wish I had been able to respond to her actions sooner...”

Harley nodded sympathetically, “You did everything you could. There was no way you could have known when and where she would attack ahead of time.” Still, she only just managed to keep a tear out of her eye. She herself had survived the airborne form of smallpox Deathmaiden has created, but only just. Genevieve was not so fortunate.

They both took several minutes to regain their composure. Finally, Harley continued, “Well, I know you know why I am here,” Harley finally continued, “I am sure you can understand that I have to look at everyone, no matter how unlikely they appear as a suspect. I don’t mean anything personal about it, you know that.”

“Oh, of course,” Sophia said with a wan smile, “You have a job to do, and this isn’t the first time I have had to go through such things. My place by Ayla’s side has had me in many such situations.”

“OK, I can understand that. I’ll try to make this brief. What can you say about the deceased?”

“Jadis? Well, to begin with, she was my husband’s lover, something I had known about even before we married.” She took on a thoughtful tone, “It is so odd how things can turn out. Monogamy seemed such an important thing to me when I was younger, yet, somehow, I understood and even respected Ayla’s need to be with Jadis. I’ve had my own relationships with several people as well, over the years,though I have always been careful not to let it interfere with our home life.

You probably know that I had dated Ayla a few times when we were at Whateley. We had never been very serious, back then, as I knew even then that there was someone else on Ayla’s mind - I have a very minor empathic trait, as you know, and while I didn’t know who it was he was interested in, I could tell it wasn’t me. We were friends, but it didn’t go beyond that, really.

It wasn’t until graduate school that I met Ayla again, with him at Harvard Business and I at MIT. We began to date again, and over time it became more serious. I had never met someone so intense as Ayla, and among the company we keep that’s saying something. But both of us had our reasons to marry which went beyond that. I was already 21, and I knew that within a few years, Deathmaiden was sure to attack. It was partly because I knew Phase could take care of himself that I agreed to marry him.

I’m not saying that ours wasn’t a love match; I care very deeply for Ayla. But there were practical matters that were important as well. Oddly enough, one of them was a matter of last names. He agreed that any daughters we had would follow my family’s tradition of keeping the Ferris name, while our sons would be Goodkinds. We even considered giving our eldest son, Henry, a different family name than either of them, so that he wouldn’t face as many problems growing up, but in the end a certain family pride did win out.”

Dr. Ferris’ face took on a pensive look again, “Even when we were dating in college, I knew about Ayla’s relationship with Jadis. He had been up front about it almost from the start, in fact. It bothered me,naturally, but I realized that - given the differences in our lives - Ayla having a mistress was almost a certainty, anyway, and despite all, Jadis was actually a good person in her own way. I... accommodated them. It was difficult, but I learned to live with it.” Despite her words, a certain sadness came through. She didn’t seem to resent Jadis, just regret the circumstances of her marriage - circumstances which she nonetheless accepted.

I need to think this over, thought Harley, wondering if she could have done the same in Sophia’s shoes.

Antonia Ferris realized she was dawdling, but even just getting dressed today was something she had little enthusiasm for. She wished that she could avoid this entirely, like her brother, Hank Goodkind, had, but she happened to be in NYC today and couldn’t afford to get out of her obligations to their father. No matter how important that woman was to her father, or with what equanimity her mother had accepted his relationship with her, she couldn’t help but feel a certain anger at her for coming between her parents, especially now with the newsblogs screaming about the just-revealed affair. Realizing that it wouldn’t help, she stopped dragging her feet about getting ready, and after finishing getting dressed, she called for a limo to come around to her brownstone and drive her to the wake.

It was a very strange affair, she could tell from the start. While T&M Security forces were present, there was a distinct absence of police, which made her wonder if her father had arranged for them to be absent. She wouldn’t be surprised, as she was sure that at least some of the underworld figures that Jadis Diabolik dealt with would show their faces, and her father would want to avoid a scuffle at all costs. There was enough scandal to go around already.

She was met at the door by her mother and her younger sister, Sara. Both Henry and Nichole were off-world, so they got to avoid this mess entirely. William was still at Whateley, but she was expecting he’d be here, so she figured he must already be inside with their father. Aunt Dana would probably be with him as well.

Also at the door was one relative she’d hoped to avoid: Grace Diabolik, their half-sister. Toni somehow managed to stumble her way through the usual formalities for such events, but she’d never gotten along with Scapegrace, especially when they were both at Whateley together. The fact that she was as studiously ‘grey hat’ as her mother had been didn’t help any.

As she approached the pews of the church, she got the shock of a lifetime: Jadis’ father had somehow managed to be present at the funeral, as was her brother Malachi, yet no one had made a move against either of the notorious supervillains. Even the one person she knew would want to do so - Detective Balducci, She-Beast’s old nemesis since her days in the Cadet Crusaders - was simply keeping her distance. Had her father really arranged for the wake to be ‘neutral ground’? She could only imagine so. Still the presence of so notorious a mass-murderer - even one who had retired decades before, and now spent most of his time leading an L5 colony - made her hair stand on end. Especially since he looked a fit early 60s rather than his actual 112 - his experiments with longevity clearly had reaped their benefits.

Secretary of State Nichole Ferris was increasingly anxious about events back home, though she didn’t dare let any of her distress show through to the Royan ambassador during these delicate negotiations. As a representative of both the United States specifically and the Solar Protectorate in general (she was all too aware that it was often known as “Tennyo’s Protectorate” outside Human space, a sensitive issue with the Royans) she needed to maintain her composure through any pressure, though she was finding that personal scandals were harder to deal with than political conflicts even of a galactic scale. Fortunately, there was little direct contact with the distant Royan Marches; unfortunately, they were exceedingly hostile to those worlds under the protection of the one they called ‘Lady Rashcore’, and even in a trade negotiation like this one it was hard to get them to remain civil on the subject.

She didn’t expect that the news of her father’s long-term affair would have any impact on extraterrestrial relations, of course, but she did spare a thought towards the domestic implications. She was already being discussed as a possible running mate for the next Democratic presidential candidate, though she was hesitant to take the offer to begin with - the relationship between the growing mutant minority and what was still for now a majority baseline populace were beginning to turn ugly again, and the GOP was making a great deal of the resulting political windfall. The declining chances of a Democratic win aside, it would probably be a serious mistake for the DNC to tap someone who was herself a mutant, she thought. Only one front-running candidate from either party was a mutant, and his place in the polls was currently at the bottom. The fact that her own aunt Constance was a leading Republican candidate only added to her feeling that it was the wrong time for a mutant VP. Her being in the current administration’s cabinet had been controversial enough, and was not likely to help the Democrats in general at the polls.

At times like these, she almost wished she hadn’t taken the National Science Advisory Board position that had gotten her into politics in the first place.

28 March 2048
Danvers, Massachusetts, 4 AM

Harley watched as both Whisper and The Green Lady vanished from sight into the night mist. She was getting really pissed off at this point, what with people playing these guessing games while refusing to share their information, and if the Queen of the West’s personal attack dogs were getting into the act, too, it meant that the rabbit hole went just that much deeper.

Well, guessing games were her forte, damn it, and she would figure this out somehow. But not tonight; she was exhausted. She turned around and went back into the motel room to catch some sleep.

Well, she tried to sleep, at any rate. Something was still bothering her enough that she ended up staring at the ceiling while going over things some more. What was she missing?

The ghost-walking charm? No, that was just one of She-Beast’s trophies. If it had anything to do with her death, it wasn’t clear how.

The meeting with Ayla and Tywyswyr? Connected, yes, but until and unless one of them decided to tell her what they were discussing, it was a dead end.

Jadis’ supposed last words? Even if the neighbor heard her right, and was telling the truth, ‘book of night’ could mean anything. The NYPD seemed to think it had something to do with her missing Book of Shadows, but that didn’t sit right with Harley for some reason.

Night seemed to be the key word here... then Harley got it, as a memory from 40 years earlier struck her.

Bolting upright in bed, she reached for her phone on the dresser and quickly dialed a number. “Wormhole? It’s Reach, sorry to wake you, but I need to get to Los Angeles ASAP. I need to get to the California Crusaders’ headquarters, yeah, it’s really important, would be I be calling you now if it weren’t? I’m in a motel outside of Boston, I’ll text you the coordinates. How soon can you get over here?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 8 months ago #128
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Teri staggered into her room and fell to the floor with a wet plop.

“What happened to you?” Theresa asked the paint covered fairy.

“I learned something very important today,” Teri said weakly. “The art teacher has a tail, and that tail is very sensitive. And she has a unique idea towards punishment.”

“You didn’t pull it did you?” her roommate asked.

“No, I didn’t pull it. I was flyiing and saw something that looked like a snake and well there was a shovel there, and I kind of overreacted when I thought it was going to bite someone.”

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #129
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Bad Seeds Reading Room, beneath Kane Hall

I led the three freshthings into the reading room, and with a wave offered them seats on some of the lounges. A few of the other Seeds were waiting, though I hadn’t been able to pry Oxhide out of the chem lab, and Mirabile was at a Venus, Inc. shoot. Once they were all settled in, “OK, cool. Welcome to the Bad Seeds ‘official’”, with air quotes, “lair. We don’t spend a lot of time here, to be honest, but we needed somewhere that the administration could say was our clubroom so they could make it look like they’re keeping an eye on us. Most of the time, we hang out in some other places, but don’t worry too much about that right now.”

“We’ll start off by you telling us about yourselves, and we’ll introduce ourselves to you once we’ve heard you out.” This was something he’d been told to do by a graduating senior the year before, who had told him she’d heard it from a senior before her. The explanation was a bit garbled, but apparently, there’d been trouble right at the start a few times when kids whose parents were rivals got off to the wrong foot. “OK, Erika, since you already know me and Shannon, you go first...” but I was interrupted by a nasty remark that I heard. I spun around to face Mark “Warhorse” Carter down. “Dude, what the fuck? You know better than that shit! Do we go fucking talking shit about Irving?”

I looked back towards the fish, and shook my head. “Sorry about that, Erika, this little shithead doesn’t know how to keep his fucking mouth shut.” To the confused-looking Jonathan and Missy, I explained, “Look, we wouldn’t normally tell you about this right up front, but there’s some things going on with Poe Cottage that the Seeds found out about from some members a few years ago and everyone’s agreed not to spread it around. A lot of us Bad Seeds know what it means to haveta keep secrets, so we’re OK with that.” I’d heard a few different versions of the story, but apparently when Jobe Wilson and She-Beast were at Whateley, they’d known a couple of changelings in Poe then from before they manifested, and one of them was also a Seed so they got her to explain it all to them. It’s weird, though, since Jobe was a changeling too, sort of, but for some reason she wasn’t in Poe, too, but whatever.

I turned back to Warhorse again, while palming a beanbag out of my utility belt. “Unfortunately, someone thinks its really funny to make stupid jokes about it, and keeps spilling the beans to people who don’t know need to about it. My advice is, don’t tell Mark anything you don’t want all around campus, if you get what I mean.”

“All around campus, hehe, like you, right, Cordite?”

OK, now shit just got real.

I spun around, and pushed the beanbag right toward Mark’s nuts at about 30Gs. “You did not just fucking go there, you fucker.” OK, so I’ve a bit... open about going out with a lot of folks, and maybe I wasn’t as choosy as I should have been sometimes. Him giving me shit about it is still a raw deal.

Before Mark could get back off the floor, Panic stepped in to break it up. She’s as tall as Oxhide, and almost as wide, so she just moved her body between us. “Cut it out you two! Mark, just get the fuck out of here and keep out of Matt’s face, OK? And if I hear this ‘fairyland’ bullcrap from you again, me and Shannon will show you what Fae wrath is all about!”

That part made him go pale, and he was shaking a bit as he ran away. I think I was too; we’d both heard about the time Mirabile gave Shutout a fifteen minute ‘time out’ Under The Hill, which apparently lasted twenty years to him. Shannon almost got expelled for it, but no one has bugged her for anything more than a date since then.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #130
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
17 May 2007

“Miss Sinclair, Miss Wilson? How can I help you tonight?”

Billie hesitated for a moment, then said, “Uh, Jinn just told me that Kayda wanted me over here for some reason. She said that Mary was really upset, and she knew I was sort of a friend of her’s. Jade wanted to come long, too.”

Mrs. Cantrell looked at them for a moment, nodding. “Well, I have to say that she has plenty of people helping her out already, but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt for her to have more support about this. Come on, then.”

As they walked up the stairs, Jade asked, “Do you know what this is about, Ma’am?”

After a moment of thought, Cantrell said, “That’s something I really think you should talk to Kayda or Elaine about, before you go in.”

The hairs stood up on Billie’s neck, as she realized what this had to be about. Jade got a bit agitated, responding unconsciously to Billie’s state of mind. Tennyo’s fears were confirmed when she saw that, in addition to Pejuta and Skybolt - as well as Fire Forge’s fellow Thornies Lupine and Compiler - Songbird, Hippolyta, and Washout were there, with Fire Forge laying her head in Mindy’s lap as the others tried to comfort her.

Billie swallowed, hard. She still wasn’t sure what happened, but... this was gonna be hard to deal with.

Stella motioned them over just outside the door, then whispered, “Ms. Carson just told Mary that James Phelan MacKenzie was killed by another prisoner back in Delaware.”

“Huh? Isn’t he the guy who...” Billie asked, confused. “Why would she be upset about that? I mean, that’s like... I mean, he’s the kind of guy who deserves it!”

Stella shrugged. “I dunno. It’s... well, I guess she can’t quite believe it. That sonofa... uhm, son of a gun had her for, I dunno, eight months? She’s, she still has these nightmares, uh, dreams where she’s back in that house and...” Stella just shook her head. “I can’t understand it, I guess. All I know is, she needs all the help she can get right now, right?”

Both Billie and Jade nodded vigorously. Their friend needed them, and they weren’t going to let her down.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

cprime’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago #131
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Edward Windhawk sighed as he looked up at the sign over the entry way. As much as he wanted to remain in the tribal school, he knew that it wouldn’t work. Jimmy’s death just days before his coming of age ceremony set the stage for what had turned out to be an awful summer. Something about a demon named Kigatilik that hunted shaman. They ended up having to delay his ceremony a week, and when it finally did happen, he had collapsed right in the middle of it. Waking up and hearing a voice in your head is never fun, but developing a pair of eagle wings on your back over the next couple months is worse. And then there was his powers testing with the MCO lunatics. Two days of sheer torture for a laminated piece of plastic. The less he thought about them the better.

He was skeptical when Billy told him that this place was the best place in the world for him to learn, but his parents had insisted and here he was, most of the way to the Atlantic and in another country. With his luck, there wouldn’t be another member of the first nations or another Canadian in the entire school. These musings were cut short by that annoying voice in his head speaking to him. Shut your beak. I know she is somewhere nearby.

Ed thought back at the voice. What does it matter if some girl is here. It’s not like she’s Ptesanwi or anything.

The voice fell silent as he passed the bust of Mark Twain and into the cottage. As he looked around the lobby, his eyes widened at the assemblage of GSD students. The voice picked that moment to respond to his previous statement. Actually, she is Ptesanwi. The thud of the dropping bags was enough to attract everyone’s attention.
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #132
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Elizabeth Carson looked down at the prostrate forms of Counterpoint and Guan Yu, then to the defiant, dirt-smeared face of Thunderbolt. “New rule: no sparring between war gods on campus! Mr. Ranganthan, when Mr. Watson wakes up, you will tell him that you are to have detention together in Hawthorne until the end of the term, and I expect that this rivalry ends now! We can discuss repair costs later.”

She continued, “Miss Masa, I know you were trying to help stop this, but you of all people should know better than to jump into a rumble without a plan. One week of detention with the Grounds department. Everyone else can help get the injured to Doyle.” With that, she turned to help Firecat to his feet, then walked out of the ruined shell of Laird Hall, trying to think of how she was going to deal with Guan Yu later on.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #133
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
15 July 2007
Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France

Désirée was nervous. This was her first time away from home without any one of her family, and while she knew that the Bureau de la Commission Francaise des Mutants would not dare harm her or keep her incommunicado, they could still give her trouble in many ways even Papa could not object to. Still, they had been obliging so far, and why not? She was going to be out of France for months on end, at a school - the one her parents had told her and Martine so much about - where she would learn to control her powers, and most of all, they rightly feared Le Coq’s wrath were they to be anything less than correct towards his child.

Jean-Paul, the older boy her father had asked to escort her through the trip, was busy reading some dreary technical text, and hardly paid any attention to her. For her own part, she had a few light novels to read, and a work on le arts martiaux de l’Orient, a subject which she would need to develop more interest in soon, it would seem.

When her eyes changed to the bright green they now were - much too young, everyone thought - her parents had a teammate of theirs test her for the changes that would surely arise. To their amazement, they concluded that she had one of the rarest of gifts - and one which they feared could prove dangerous to her, as all others save one who had possessed it had died in mysterious ways. Because of this, and also because she was only eleven, they felt it important to get her to this school as rapidly as possible. There she would meet with the only other to possess this talent and live, an American who was called Chaka, to ensure that she learn to control this power before it killed her. She wondered what would come of it all.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago - 3 years 1 week ago #134
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
29 August 2007
Outside Poe Cottage

I gave the newcomers what I hoped was a friendly smile, and began with, “Well then, as you can see, we’ve been broken up into three separate groups. Steve, the young Captain America look-alike, is going to take the gay and bisexual boys to the cottage to get settled into their rooms, while Hippy is going to be taking the bi and lesbian girls to tour the classrooms. That leaves us to tour the administration buildings and the other facilities, and after lunch, we’ll switch with the girls before getting settled in ourselves. Before we go, though, I’d like to talk to you in private about what is going on, and what you can expect here at Whateley.”

“Most of you probably haven’t figured out yet is why this group is so much smaller than the other two, so I will explain. Everyone in this group is what we at Whateley call a ‘changeling’ - that is, we are either transgender, or wholly or partially gender-transposed, or both. Either way, chances are you aren’t living as the person you had been before your powers manifested, something that those who aren’t in the same position will have trouble understanding.”

“Being transsexual is not easy anywhere, and while the school is accomodating to us, not all of the students will be. As Mrs. Horton said, there is no rule about being out to the others here at school, but I can tell you from personal experience that it is not a good idea. Changelings have been killed by other students because of who they were. I myself have been targetted by homophobic bullies, even after making it clear that I was not happy with my intersexed condition. Be careful who you share your secrets with here.”

“The truth is, Whateley can be a dangerous place. While most of the time, it isn’t all that different from any other high-end prep school, there are always things going on here that you would find nowhere else in the world. Every student here is has some sort of superhuman power or talent, and while sometimes someone who is Imbued or a Legacy or something like that shows up, most of us are mutants. Most people here aren’t all that powerful, but they still get the same problems as everyone else here because of it. Some of the students are among the most powerful beings in the world, and not all of them can control that power well yet.”

“Like any other school, there are bullies, snobs, and outcasts who can and will cause trouble just because they can. Unlike most other schools, these bullies have superpowers, and some of the worst of them have no compunctions about using those powers to hurt others.”

“Don’t get me wrong, most of the time, Whateley is a wonderful place, and you can learn things here that they don’t teach anywhere else. There are students from almost every country on Earth here, and the kids of both superheroes and supervillains can come here and be safe from trouble - most of the time, anyway. Still, just being a mutant is dangerous. Last year, five students died, including two who were murdered by other students. One of those was a friend of mine, one of us from last year’s freshman class. While that didn’t have anything to do with Heyoka being a changeling, every one knew about that and it was probably part of why Jamie was the one that Quickdraw and Speakeasy attacked.”

“Anyway, just know that the older changelings do understand what you are going through. We try to help each other, well, most of us do anyway, so if you are having trouble with what is happening to you, talk to one of us. Last year, there were enough of us to form a training team, and with seven of you here at the start of this year you might want to try doing the same thing, too. I don’t know if I could have gotten through the last year here without my teammates, and if you can do the sam,e you won’t regret it.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 1 week ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #135
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Pausing outside the door, Hank lent momentarily against the wall, his forehead resting on the back of his hand as he closed his eyes and attempted to prepare himself. Sighing, he stood back up and knocked softly on the door, taking a deep breath while he waited for an answer.

“Come in!” Ayla invited as Hank reached forward and opened the door, stepping through and glancing quickly at the bunk beds, happy to see them unoccupied. Turning he saw Ayla sitting at his desk, absently flicking his mouse to active the screensaver on his computer as he turned around and faced Hank.

Closing the door, Hank flicked the privacy lock and made his way towards Ayla. With a raised eyebrow at the locked door, Ayla gestured Hank to make himself comfortable. Choosing to sit on the bottom bunk bed, Hank sat stiffly facing Ayla, trying to not glare accusingly at him. “What’s going on Ayla?” Hank demanded. “Why aren’t you helping Nikki?”

Blank faced Ayla regarded him, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

Hank growled, “Don’t play games Ayla, you know as well as I do that Solicitor has as much chance as I do of successfully suing Nikki, one glimpse of Skybolt and Cavalier and no judge or jury would ever convict her!”

“Perhaps Solicitor is aware Whateley would never allow either itself, nor its failings, to become such public knowledge? A trial about such a public figure, and especially what happened to him, would be a media circus,” Ayla suggested diffidently.

“And Whateley hasn’t had attempted blackmail against it tried before?” Hank snapped disbelievingly. “Why are they not squashing him like a bug Ayla? What did Carson say to get you to go along with her? You could squash this case alone yourself Ayla, why are you not trying to help Nikki? You were all ready to defy Carson to protect Molly’s family, why have you rolled over and compliantly going along with this?” unaware that he stood up as he recited his accusations, Hank looked down to the expressionless Ayla and begged, “Why?”

Ayla blinked up at the distraught Hank for a second and then calmly asked, “Do you think Nikki is handling Aunghadhail’s death well?”

“What?” Hank demanded shocked, sinking back onto the bed to process Ayla’s bemusing question. “Ah, well, of course not. She barely functioned for weeks after, and even now she’s never really not sad, I think the best anyone’s ever really done is manage to distract her for a while from it.”

“Do you think she’s serious about becoming Aunghadhail’s heir?” Ayla pressed.

Uncomfortably Hank regarded Ayla, who patently returned the stare, silently demanding an answer. “I hope not,” Hank finally murmured, looking away to avoid Ayla’s stare.

“I hope so too Hank, I really do. But is it a chance we can take?” Ayla demanded of Hank.

“Ayla,” Hank growled fixing him with a stare of his own, “what’s going on?”

“It’s summer break soon Hank, Whateley’s ‘in loco parentis’ clauses will end then. Do you really think Whateley can force a legal settlement on Nikki without her parents agreement?” Hank blinked at Ayla in shock. “Leaving aside the question if any ‘in loco parentis’ clauses ever even extending to legal proceedings, if Nikki’s parents didn’t agree with what is happening, don’t you think they’d have done something about it by now? Nikki’s always talking to her mother, especially since Aunghadhail’s death, and her father knows Sir Wallace personally, there’s no way Mrs. Carson could believe they wouldn’t know what is happening here with their daughter.”


Ayla sighed. “So Hank, if Mrs. Carson did this, it’s because she got agreement to do it. Carson, Nikki’s parents and probably Nikki’s mentor are all in on this.” Ayla paused to stare at Hank, seemingly more in thought then demand. Finally with a sigh he stared at his hands and softly stated. “Mrs. Carson called me into her office today. She specifically told me to stay out of it, without explaining in any way what it is they are doing, merely that it’s in Mikki’s long term good.” Tearfully Ayla looked up at Hank. “What do you think I should do?”

Uncomfortably Hank stared at Ayla before reluctantly admitting, “I think you should stay out of it.” Shoulder’s slumping Ayla nodded his agreement, as looking up at Hank he begged, “What are we going to do about Nikki?”

Shoulders slumping in turn, Hank sighed and shrugged his shoulders, almost in tears himself he admitted, “I don’t know Ayla, I really don’t know.”
Last Edit: 5 years 7 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago #136
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Unhappily closing Ayla’s door, Hank was surprised by the glaring visage of Toni thrust in his face as soon as he turned around. “Well?” she demanded. “What does he have to say for himself?”

“Where’s Nikki?” Hank blurted, looking around wildly.

“Relax Hankster,” Toni languidly waved a hand, “Jade and Billie took her to the ranges to swear herself out.”

“The ranges?” Hank ask puzzled.

“This is Nikki here,” Toni glared at Hank. “Can you think of a better place for thunderbolts and lightning then the ranges?” Again she waved her hand unconcerned, “Once she’s worn herself out a bit, Jade will contact Bunny and the three of them will take her to the jacuzzi for a session of cuddle and cry.” Suddenly Toni shot forward, hands on hips and face inches from Hank’s, her languid expression replaced with one of demand, “Now spill! What’s up with Ayla?”

“N nothing!” Hank stammered to Toni’s sardonically raised eyebrow. Hank blinked, then pointed to the door, “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” he stammered.

Smiling in delight, Toni pressed herself up against Hank and breathed in his ear, “Cause Ayla respects you and would tell you the truth, and I can get everything I want out of you,” she teased before standing back and crossing her arms with a sigh. “Cause your the team lead Hank, Ayla wouldn’t lie to you. Come on Hank, why isn’t he helping Nikki?” Toni begged, her usual playful expression replaced by one of concern.

Hank sighed. “Nikki’s parents,” he explained simply. “Mrs Carson must have had their agreement to do this, and since Ayla doesn’t know what they are trying to do he’s not going to interfere with it, he’s going to stay out of it as much as possible and leave it to Nikki’s parents over the summer break to resolve things.”

Toni sighed and nodded, reaching forward to give Hank a hug. “So, does he have any ideas of how we can help Nikki til then?” she asked hopefully.

Silently Hank shook his head no.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago #137
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A scene I wrote for DeVille 4, but I’m not sure I’m gonna use it or not.


I admit it, I fucked with the MCO a little on my way to school and enjoyed it. Hey, I had planned on behaving and keeping a low profile, but I have problems with people in authority abusing it
for their own amusement and to scare innocents.

January 3, 2008

I stood in the MCO screening line head bopping to the music coming through my head phones, a shuffled list of pop and party country I had become addicted to thanks to ‘dad’ playing it around the house. You could take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy as the song goes. I had planned ahead and shipped most of the things I wanted with me at Whateley so I only had to worry about the carry on I had slung over my shoulder. ‘Dad’ had laughed when I asked him what color the MCO checked bag tags where and then picked up an eye hurting orange bag that should be close to their sticker color.

My attention was drawn from the music my burner phone was playing and people watching as the MCO goon and the man ahead of me in line’s voiced cut through the tunes. “Are you refusing to follow a lawfully authorized law enforcement officer’s request?” the ‘you mutant trash’ was implied loudly by the MCO officer, who’s hygiene and looks honestly made me think of that Toad guy from the one X-Man movie. “I said take off the hood and the rest of what is covering your face.”

“Sir, I am not refusing to do as you asked, I am just requesting that we do so in one of your isolation rooms.” was the Boston accented reply. “As you have my MMID there, and can see my picture clearly...”

“Hell no, you are not getting special treatment.” MCToad snapped slapping the man’s MID had on the screening counter, joggling the card reader enough for me to see the screen. The man in front of me had an MMID with a boarder indicating that he was a non-mutant but powered individual. The ID didn’t list much more then his name, rank, and serial number on it. What had me shaking my head in disgust, beyond the petty ass screwing with a vet, was that the screen had warning that the guy had PTSD episodes, some of which where violent. No, the topper that pissed me off into action was the the pictures in his files and why the MCToad wanted him exposed; the soldier’s face was a mess of scar tissue that barely looked human and would easily scare and offend the families several rows over at the normal screening gates.

“Are you giving this VETERAN a hard time?” I asked, projecting my voice in a way that didn’t look like I was shouting. I caught another line on the screen and smirked. “A Presidential medal of Honor recipient no less? What are you man, unpatriotic?”

That earned me a glare from the MCToad that threatened a full rough colonoscapey when he got to me on top of delaying me long enough to miss my flight for the next week. The vet looked embarrassed, based on his body language.

I shook my head slowly as I tapped on my phone’s screen. “Hello, airport security? I want to report a person trying to insight a Rager incident...”

“Give me that you fucking muti bitch!” My warning tingle had me dancing back out of MCToad’s reach.

“Miss, I am not sure what you might have seen, but...”

“Ma’am, I can see the MMID from where I am, and the MCO guy is deliberately trying to make an injured soldier remove the bandages on his face to scare people here, or to provoke him into trashing the place. And he isn’t very happy with me for calling...” I tripped over someone’s luggage and fell hard. My burner phone hit the ground and the battery popped out killing the call. Worthless piece of Goodkind crap...

“Got you, you fucking mutie bitch.” MCToad snarled as he leaned over me and grabbed my arm roughly.

“Unhand the young lady.” the vet said as he yanked MCToad off of me and lifted him into the air by his shirt collar and belt, energy sparking as his hood and scarf fell away exposing his mangled features which where twisted into a mask of teeth bared rage.

“Oh fuck.” I breathed in horror, worried suddenly if I had just provoked what I had been trying to prevent.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #138
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(Thanks go to Phoenix Spiritus for helping me with getting this right. When I first wrote this it didn’t feel like Hank)

May 29th, Grunts clubhouse JROTC Base of Operations

“Hey everyone look, the triumphant soldier returning from his tour of duty,” Bunker congratulated Mule as he entered, then continued,”as a sleigh for the preteen prankster.”

“Hey now that’s unfair. She’s the one who came up with Radioactive Condor Girl right Lancer?” Mule said attempting to save face in front of his teammates.

“She did, and a multitude of other strategies, we use her as a conditional strat op,” Lancer said defending his friend, then continued to defend her while deriding Mule, “which is why you should have listened to her when she started making weird requests. Also don’t insult Generator, she’s vindictive.”


“Would you let Generator come up with all of your strategies?”

“No, she’s crazier than Bunker,” Slapdash commented, earning a punch from his girlfriend.

Generator is crazy, but she’s also smart. Team Wondercute is the terror of the sims because of how good she is. She hides everything behind a veneer of insanity and cutesy designs but every strategy she comes up with is sound. She came up with Radioactive Condor Girl, she’s the reason that we beat the unbeatable sim on the second try, Lancer thought to himself, Did I just use veneer correctly in a sentence? Ayla’s rubbing off on me.

“Yeah and she was what? In the bottom 50 of the combat rankings for fall? Would you listen to her after she alertedd the enemy on purpose?”

She wasn’t in the bottom 50! No by much, but she wasn’t in there. Not that really made a difference to how upset she was. People thought they could pick on her just because of her low ranking. That shouldn’t happen to people who scare the piss out of Bloodwolf, Lancer kept his face impassive despite the amount of frustration he was feeling.

“Given it was Generator, yes,” this surprising comment came from Deadeye, “We know she’s a strat op. We know she has information gathering abilities. We know she has devices and gadgets well beyond what her combat ranking would suggest. Best of all, despite everything team Kimba goes through I’ve yet to see her lose a single fight.”

“Yeah but she doesn’t take anything seriously, right Lancer?”

“No. She takes everything seriously,” Lancer deadpanned to the group.

“You must admit you guys do play around in the sims a lot. With all the joking and playing around you do can you really expect us to take you seriously?”

Have you seen our lives outside of school? Do you know how many dangerous situations we get into on a regular basis just for stepping foot off campus? Of course we laugh and joke here, if we can’t do it here there’s no way we can do it out in the field! The jokes are what’s kept us alive on multiple occasions by breaking the tension, Hank thought as he said, “Well, when you can beat Team Kimba at full strength, including me, without the instructors first deliberately blindsiding them for you …”
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Jarjaross.

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 7 months ago #139
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(I guess I should thank Phoenix Spiritus again for this one. I came up with the idea while writing the message asking for help)

June 3rd, Grunts clubhouse JROTC Base of Operations

“Hey Mule.”

“Oh hey Lancer did you need something?” The older boy asked.

“Not really, I just wanted to say you are a big poopy head.”


“You heard me.”

“What is this about?”

“How you treated Jade at the beginning of your pcombat final.”

“Didn’t we already discuss this,” Mule was getting confused at this point, so was everyone else in the room. They were offered respite from the strange behaviour of their part time team mate by the door opening and Lancer walking in.

“Hey guys sorry I’m late, Jade needed my help with a metalworking project,” he said without looking up. When he finally looked over he saw himself standing next to Mule.

Everyone paused for a minute looking at one Lancer then the other. Then the one next to Mule dropped as if a puppet with the strings cut. The body clattered on the ground as the metal bones bounced off of the floor.

“Well that explains why Jade needed my help.”
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #140
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
11 February 2032
Poe Cottage, 3rd floor Girls’ Wing

As she lay arm in arm with her new girlfriend, Jill Cody had a moment of apprehension. She didn’t need her power to foresee that this wasn’t going to go over well with her folks.

It wasn’t the lesbian thing, of course; they already knew that. Besides, it wasn’t as if Mom hadn’t had female lovers of her own (Jill tried not to think about that particular vision, damn Exemplar memory!). They’d even been the ones who suggested she move from Melville to Poe last year. No, it was the Sophomore girl in her arms that was the problem.

Or rather, her parents were. Mostly Jazz’s mother, though they weren’t exactly fans of Emperor Romeo, either. When they’d met Princess Jezabel Wilkins-Laclavar back on Parents Day her first year here, they acted like it was OK, but she could tell they weren’t really thrilled at the fact that they were close friends. They’d warmed up to her later, and even let her stay with them over summer vacation last year, but that was different; after all, Karen and Mel-Mel were with them, too. She really didn’t think they’d be happy with her involved with one of Jobe’s kids.

And man, she just realized that this was what Robyn had been smirking about all week whenever she ran into her and Jazz. The Scots senior Poesie was tutoring Jill for precog classes, and had been hinting about something happening to Jill for days.

With a sigh, she let the thought pass. For now, she was happy enough.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Bek D Corbin
Bek D Corbin’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #141
Bek D Corbin replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Schol-R-LEA wrote: 11 February 2032
Poe Cottage, 3rd floor Girls’ Wing

As she lay arm in arm with her new girlfriend, Jill Cody had a moment of apprehension. She didn’t need her power to foresee that this wasn’t going to go over well with her folks.

It wasn’t the lesbian thing, of course; they already knew that. Besides, it wasn’t as if Mom hadn’t had female lovers of her own (Jill tried not to think about that particular vision, damn Exemplar memory!). They’d even been the ones who suggested she move from Melville to Poe last year. No, it was the Sophomore girl in her arms that was the problem.

Or rather, her parents were. Mostly Jazz’s mother, though they weren’t exactly fans of Emperor Romeo, either. When they’d met Princess Jezabel Wilkins-Laclavar back on Parents Day her first year here, they acted like it was OK, but she could tell they weren’t really thrilled at the fact that they were close friends. They’d warmed up to her later, and even let her stay with them over summer vacation last year, but that was different; after all, Karen and Mel-Mel were with them, too. She really didn’t think they’d be happy with her involved with one of Jobe’s kids.

And man, she just realized that this was what Robyn had been smirking about all week whenever she ran into her and Jazz. The Scots senior Poesie was tutoring Jill for precog classes, and had been hinting about something happening to Jill for days.

With a sigh, she let the thought pass. For now, she was happy enough.

With a snap, Romeo woke up with a start in his room at Melville Cottage, drenched in sweat. Gathering the blankets around himself, he repeated, mantra-like, “It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream...”

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #142
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Hank was siting looking down on Poe when Jade crouched down beside him and gave him a hug. Turning Hank smiled happily up at the ecstatic girl. “Congratulations on your win!” he grinned up to her as she settled down beside him.

“Thank you,” Jade replied giddily before she cocked her head to the side and gave Hank a serious look. “Why do you keep climbing this hill to sit staring down at Poe?” she asked curiously.

Turning back to his contemplation of Poe Hank explained quietly. “I like to be alone to think, but I don’t like felling lonely,” he explained with a shrug.

“Huh?” Jade responded giving Hank a concerned look. Since the death of Jamie all of Team Kimba was very aware of Hank’s delicate emotions.

Smiling up at Jade, Hank shook his head. “Don’t worry Jade, it’s not about Jamie, I came up here to think even before Jamie came to Whateley.” Hank turned back to Poe. “Up here I can clear my head and take the time to think things through is all, but I like to sit here as even though I want time alone, here I can look still see my friends, and seeing my friends stops me feeling lonely.” Hank turned to Jade and smiled, “I’m so happy to have my friends.”

With a tear in her eye Jade impulsively hugged Hank, sitting beside him in companionship while they both looked down on Poe Cottage and Whateley silently, eventually Jade ventured to ask, “So what is it you are thinking about?”

Hank sighed, and turned to Jade. “I’m worrying, and I came up here to worry alone so I won’t upset people.”

Jade gave Hank a serious look, “Worrying about what? Deliberately going easy on your combats finals?”

Hank shook his head, “No, not that. You guys already gave me permission to go hard in any combat final for the Grunts, so it’s only our grades we’re effecting, not others. No, I’m worried about the summer break. We’ve not had much luck off campus all year, and that’s together. I’m worried that all split up like we’ll be, I’m not sure if we’ll all be coming back.”

Jade sighed and gave Hank a fierce hug. “I know you miss Jamie ...”

Clenching his fists, Hank interrupted Jade, “Jamie’s dead Jade! Nikki, Ayla, Tennyo, you all have people gunning specifically for you! Not just mutants in general, people who know you and want you specifically! Jade, I. I couldn’t protect Jamie and he was in my own room! You’re all going to be all over the world for summer and I. I don’t want to loose any of you!”

As Hank broke down and cried Jade did the only thing she could do, turned to offere what comfort she could to Hank as she desperately called the rest of Team Kimba and Lily to come help her do so.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #143
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
As the air horn wailed the completion of the scenario, stunned silence gripped the stands, everyone staring in horror at the raging screaming thing Lancer had become. Not satisfied simply with killing the kidnappers, Lancer continued ripping them to shreds, screaming his rage the entire time. When no more parts could be found of the kidnappers, Lancer turned to the lab and raged through the contents shredding desks and walls like tissue paper.

Hank had been so singleminded in his destruction that he hadn’t noticed Accelerator speed in behind him, one by one picking up the captives from the cage and running them outside. Once all had been removed from Lancer’s presence Aaaelerator gathering them up and walked them down the street and into the police station to the end the combat final. As the air horn sounded gasses vented from the floor all around Lancer, and medical teams scrambled for the lab as Lancer slumped to the floor unconscious.

Standing frozen in shock, Team Kimba and Lily stared down at the Arena, before with a horrified cry of ‘Hank!’ Lily dashed for the exit, followed closely the equally distressed Nikki and Jade, all three lifting off to fly above the stunned and unmoving crowd. Galvanised by the distressed girls, Ayla shook himself, stirring and starting to turn for the exit himself, just as the entire grouping of Team Kimba and friends as one started forcing their way for the exit.

Seeing the situation as Lily ran ahead of her through Doyle, Nikki quickly enchanted a gestured, shielding the security guard and dragging him aside just as Lily’s force field reached him, throwing him into the wall. Even with Nikki’s shield the guard slumped dazed against the wall as they ran past. Bursting into the room Lily slid to a stop with a fearful cry, staring down at the still unconscious Hank laying on the bed.

Stepping forward Dr. Markham embraced Lily from behind, tightly holding the now weeping girl. At the embrace, Lily instinctively struggled, turning to see who had grabbed her and crying out in fury on seeing the doctor, forcing herself from her grasp Lily stepped back and screamed at her, “Why!?”

Dr. Markham spread her arms wide, trying to placate Lily. “We needed to know,” she apologised quietly.

“The same sim as after Jamie died? Killing Bunker before him exactly the same way?” Lily demanded incredulously.

Still arms out attempting to calm her, Dr. Markham repeated sorrowfully, almost crying herself, “We needed to know Lily, and so did he.”

“So Hank’s a rager now?” Nikki asked softly, embracing Lily as Jade finally burst into the room stopping staring at Nikki in disbelief.

Dr. Markham sighed, dropping her arms. “He has certain ... triggers. Triggers we’ll need to work with him to control.”

“So that’s headshrinker for “yes” right?” Nikki demanded, as Dr. Markham stared at the girl for a moment, glancing apprehensively at the glaring expressions of Lily and Jade before reluctantly nodding.

Giving a heartbreaking sob, Lily turned in Nikki’s arms to burry her head in her chest and sob, shoulders shaking uncontrollably. Nikki tightened her embrace as Jade stepped forward, giving the unconscious Hank a quick worried glance before she too embraced Lily in her arms. “What happens now?” Nikki demanded of Dr. Markham.

Crossing her arms Dr. Markham shifted and lent against the wall. “We wait for Professor Geintz, and when he arrives we wake Hank up. Then things get interesting.” Turning she looked at the door just as the rest of Hank’s friends arrived, with a smile she waved them in, gesturing to Hank and Lily, leaning back and allowing them to comfort each other as she kept a careful eye on Hank’s vital signs.
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #144
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“You should have seen that one coming, Jay-Arm,” said Jadis as she helped him to his feet. “You’re mother is Trow, after all. What part of ‘High Queen of the Faerie’ didn’t you understand?”

Nephandus sullenly wiped the taste of boot leather from his mouth, quietly vowing to have his revenge...
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #145
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Uh, Nick, I don’t think this is Boston.”

“No man, it’s totally Boston.”

“That sign says New Orleans! I thought you said you knew how to sail?!”

“Well cut me some slack, man. Your country’s totally way bigger than mine. Mine’s just like an island and stuff.”

“You just had to follow the coast! You only had two directions to choose from!”

“Well that’s like your opinion. Besides, Florida was a confusing place. Whoa, check out that gnarly music!”

“No Nick. We need to get to Whateley! We’re supposed to be in class right now.”

“Totally AJ, but like, we can do that later. I wanna go jam with these guys!”

“But... HEY! Smokey! Get back here! Don’t you go with him! You’re a bad unique bioform, you hear me? Bad!”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #146
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Chris groaned faintly and then squinted at the stark hospital room through crusty eyes. His mom noticed instantly, but didn’t believe what she was observing. Lois had been vigilantly watching over him for the past five hours and worrying that her son would never wake at all, despite the doctor’s assurances to the contrary. His second groan snapped her out of it and resulted in a third groan as she carefully hugged him.

“Wha’s goin’ on, Mom? Where’m I?”

Lois sniffled a little as she pulled back, then gently brushed his hair out of his face to buy time. Finally she spoke. “We’re in the hospital, Chris. Um, there was an accident. It was... well, it was bad, and, and-” She paused to sniffle again and blink away a couple tears. “And I want you to remember that you’re alive, and that’s what matters. I love you no matter what, and we’ll get through this change together.”

“Wh- what change? What happened?”

Lois opened her mouth to answer, but nothing came out. She covered her mouth and turned away, sobbing quietly.

Chris frowned, then his eyes went wide as a flicker of memory fluttered across his mind. No. No way. There was No Way. If it was what he thought.... He tried to feel himself to check, but his arm wouldn’t move. It must have fallen asleep in the uncomfortable hospital bed. He tried the other arm with no more luck. With a grunt he bent his neck and lifted his head enough to see that there weren’t any suspicious lumps pushing up the covers over his chest or anything, but that wasn’t definitive. He let his head collapse back onto the pillow as he caught his breath. He tried using his arms again, but they still weren’t working. Something wasn’t right.

“Mom, what happened?” She didn’t answer, but the memories were getting clearer; he remembered a girl’s face, then tickling on his arm, and then pain. “I broke my arms, right? Are they in casts? That’s why they won’t move? Mom, it’s okay, you can tell me.”

Lois blew her nose, then turned back to Chris. “They’re not just broken, honey. They’re- I’m so sorry Chris, but... and the... so they-” She closed her eyes and struggled to hold back more tears.

Chris had had enough. He started kicking at the covers until his upper body was revealed. There was a tense silence that was finally interrupted by Chris’s shaky voice.

“...Mom, where are my arms?”

“They- the doctor, he tried, but- but they had to amputate, and-”

“Where are they?”

“I’m sorry, Chris, but they were amputated...”


“Honey, I said they were-”

“I heard you. Now where are they? I need them brought back here. At least the right arm. That’s the important one.”

“But Chris, they can’t. If they could have reattached them, they would have.”

“No, you don’t understand! I finally got Rebecca’s number. She wrote it on my arm. Now where is it?”

“I- I think they incinerate amputated parts, Chris....”

I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #147
Sir Lee replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Next time Ayla has an interview with the Child Services woman...

“Uh, there’s a thing here... an outlay of 200 MILLION?”

“Yep, I got my sister to sign off on it.”

“What did you need 200 million FOR?”


“COMICS? Did you say that you spent 200 million in comic books?”

“No, actually it was more like 400 million, I borrowed the other 200.”

“And... you wasted two thirds of your entire worth... and you now owe more than the rest?”

“Oh no, I paid off the loan already. The profits were more than enough.”


“Yes, I bought Marvel Comics, you know, the company, reorganized it, did an IPO, sold enough stock to pay off the loan and kept the rest, which are worth about one billion. And give me control of the company.”

“Then where is all that money?”

“Didn’t you HEAR me? It’s not money, it’s stocks. And various other forms of investments. You don’t think I would keep a billion in my checking account, do you?”

“Moving on... there’s also a substantial donation to your school...”

“Oh, that. What about it?”

“You can’t just give away your money like that!”

“Lady, I didn’t give it away, I saved money. Haven’t you ever heard of a tax write-off?
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Sir Lee.

mhalpern’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #148
mhalpern replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
This needs to happen, though I wouldn’t be surprised if Ayla showed her his portfolio... And than asked if she understands any of it.
Any Bad Ideas I have and microscene OC character stories are freely adoptable.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #149
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Anna Parsons ran desperately over to the slumped form, kneeling at its head as she hesitantly brushed aside the hair covering its face. “Mrs. Carson?” she whispered fearfully. “Lady Astarte?” Tears falling down her face Anna carefully, ever so tenderly reached out to touch the face of the woman lying there, trying hard not to notice the twisted wrongness of the way her body lay pressed into the ground.

Unexpectedly the eyes opened, focused on Anna and smiled. “You survived!” she whispered in delight.

“Why? Why did you come to Zanesville to save me?” Anna begged weeping.

“Deathlist,” she gasped as Anna once again fearfully glanced around to confirm the smouldering wreck still hadn’t moved. “I couldn’t leave. M my mistakes. To others,” she gasped with a wince.

“But! You jumped in front! You saved me! Why? Would would you do that?”

“Wasn’t you. I saved. Was us...”

“Us?” Anna gasped eyes wide in hope. “You’ll be alright?” she begged.

“Better. We’ll be better,” she assured Anna with a smile that turned into a grimace. “Ben. Bend close,” she gasped. “Close your eyes.”

Though Anna had stopped being a student of Mrs. Carson two years ago, she immediately bent close to hear what she had to say, closing her eyes to hear better.

“You are our Legacy,” Lady Astarte whispered. “In your heart is a better way,” echoed from the inside of Anna’s head as her squirrel spirit cried out in delight and welcome, and a force filled to the brim a space inside her Anna had never before noticed was empty.
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #150
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Hippy smiled and lent back taking a sip of her beer. It had taken a while, but finally she was happy to be just “one of the guys”, sitting back, feet up on the verandah drinking the beer and shooting the shit together with her male teammates after a stressful mission. Oh, and talking about girls, lots of talking about the girls!

“Now Hollywood! He was a guy I was jealous of!” Mick said with a laugh. “No matter what god forsaken stretch of nowhere we got planted in, he always found a nice piece of skirt to shack up with!”

“No shit!” laughed Lefty with a grin across the pristine right side of his face. “Remember the nunnery they had us hiding it after Nicaragua? I spent the whole time dodging that insane priest that wanted to exorcise me as a demon, and Hollywood! He must have had half the nuns before we left!”

“Would have got the lot too, if it hadn’t a been for that Mother Superior!” Mike gave a bellowing laugh.

Spider splurged and sprayed his latest sip over the verandah as he involuntarily laughed at the memory. “God! I never believed his boasting about how he could kiss any girl into submission! But he went into her office with her screeching like a harpy and promising to take his hide off, then it was a week later before we saw him again! And God he had a smirk fit for the prince of darkness himself! Swore black an’ blue it took him only a single kiss, and he hadn’t been able to leave her bed since!”

“Oh, he was a kisser alright! Best kisser I’ve ever heard off, remember those two devil woman lesbians down Columbia way? Those enforcers who worked the drug Cartels because they let them take out their ‘issues’ with men on those that crossed them? The drug Cartels needed to send women to give them their orders cause they tortured to death any men who dared talk to them? Last I heard Hollywood retired to Mexico to spend his days on a beach somewhere with them as his sexslaves!”

Hippy smiled wryly and took another sip, content to listen to her teammates letting off steam, unfortunately Mick saw the smile. “What’s that Hippy? Think you know someone better?” Mick asked with a laugh.

“Know so,” Hippy said keeping her smile.

“Oh! So there’s some guy who managed to crack your shell and get a kiss was there?”

“Matter of fact there was,” Hippy admitted with a grin. “But I wasn’t thinking ‘bout him, I was talking about a lesbian girl I knew at school, even the straight girls lasted less then a minute when she kissed them.”

“Turned a Prom girl bi did she?” Mick asked with a leer to Hippy’s snort.

“More then one, and not all went bi, some quiet liked the view from the other side and never went back,” Hippy smirked.

“Mommy’s little girl she ain’t ever coming home?” Mick laughed. “I’m sorry, but turning a bored prom queen into a biker chick with penis envy ain’t anything to turning man hating lesbian killers in to pampered sexslaves bimbos,” Mick dismissed her with a snort.

Hippy laughed, “Oh that was just her parlour trick, real deal? She kissed a guy way past gay and all the way to lesbian,” Mick snorted disbelief. “True, my word on it! When she dragged him before the alter there was two wedding gowns, and by far the prettier girl was her ‘husband’, tits and all!”

Mick stared at her in disbelief. “You gotta be shitting me!”

“I swear! Was one of the bride’s maids! She kissed him clear across the fence and bounced him down the paddock. When he stopped before the alter he was sitting to pee and he wore 36DD bras!”

Mick laughed himself silly then stood up. “Shit stories like that will get you another beer, but I ain’t believing that one till I see the evidence with me own eyes!” Catching the eye of a waitress he signalled a new round and slumped back down again.

Nodding in appreciation Hippy just smiled. “May happen one day I’ll show you that evidence Mick,” she laughed. “One day.”
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

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05 Sep 2021 01:03 #396 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #151
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A Day in the Life of a Whateley Teacher 2016

History Class

Lamplighter looked at the class, his face concealed by his tri-corn hat and a scarf. “Who can tell me why the brave American patriots overthrew the despicable British?”

“Ah, because they didn’t want to pay taxes?” Dragonsfyre said hesitantly.

“That’s one reason. There maybe some hope for you, despite your British heritage, you damn tea drinking, kisser of the kings ass,” Lamplighter said.

A student ducked his head down to look at his phone. A second later a hammer made out of pure energy slammed down on his desk, shattering it. “NO PHONES IN MY CLASS! YOU IGNORANT FOOL!”

The phone was hastily put away.

Using his lantern Lamplighter created a giant broom and dustpan to clean up the remains. Taking a desk from the rapidly dwindling pile of desks stacked at the back of the classroom, he mentally marked down his allotment of desks and chairs for the term. He was going through them a little more rapidly then usual, that could be a problem as it would annoy Headmistress Carson if he ran out before Christmas.

Glaring at the student, he decided he needed to make an example of him. “You will have a fifty page essay on the reasons for the glorious American War of Independence on my desk in one week at the start of class. If you’re a second late, it will be 100 pages.”

The boy turned white and nodded his head.

Mentoring the Cape Squad

“Remember the only thing keeping the streets of this glorious republic safe is the hero, and our use of cautionary violence. Invictus, attack the dummy,” he ordered.

Despite his attempts at realism by using real students who were in detention as test dummies, he’d been overruled and they were forced to use realistic dummies and Ants. Invictus moved forward, surrounding herself in a purple glow and punched the dummy hard enough to send it flying back ten feet.

“Not bad. But he’ll still be able to walk afterwards,” he commented. “Next time try to shatter his shoulder or pelvis. That will ensure he cannot reoffend and will have time to reconsider his lot in life as he recovers in the hospital.”

“Um... OK,” Invictus squeaked.

He shook his head in disgust, what were the weak kneed heroes of today coming to?

Around Campus

Satisfied that he had brought the campus closer to the American Dream, Lamplighter slowly strode across campus keeping an eye on the students to make sure none of them did anything against the rules. As he was about to head over to a group of the Bad Seeds to ensure they KNEW he was watching them, there was a shout and a horde of students raced past and over him, jumping over benches, bushes, and people in a made dash.

He rose into the air, his cloak flowing out behind him. “WHY YOU HOOLIGANS! WHEN I GET MY -”

There was a cough and a growl behind him. Instantly he hit the ground and turned stiffly to see a large woman with metallic hair, marble like skin and strange glyphs that glowed in her eyes. “Lamplighter...” she said.

“Ahem. I’ll just be going on my way now, Ms. Bardue.”


Taking to the sky, Lamplighter flew back to his apartment watching the skies and ground for evil doers and bullies. Evil and ignorance didn’t rest and neither would Lamplighter.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #152
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Phoenix Spiritus wrote: Now I just want an Ayla type British student to write the essay talking all about the War with France and how England decided it was a pointless waste of resources to fight the marginally profitable rebellious colonies, and to instead concentrate their resources on the Carrabean and India.

Basically a 100 page essay that completely dismisses the American freedom fighters as unimportant as the British forfeited those colonies in order to gather the resources necessary to protect the Carribean Sugar colonies (that where insanely profitable), and to push into India and the huge profits to be exploited from there.

Economically, the American colonies just weren’t worth the effort needed amongst the global war the British were fighting against France.

God I’d love to see the Lamplighters face when reading an essay like that :p

“What is this?” Lamplighter asked, his voice dangerously low.

“It is a 200 page paper, 100 more pages than you asked for I might add. Which explains how the British parliament decided that the minor American colonies, were a waste of time and resources that could be better spent defeating the French and protecting the sugar islands that made more money in a year than all of the 13 colonies combined,” the boy said.

The rest of the students leaned back in their chairs, a few ducked down covering their heads and began to see if they could possibly kiss their asses goodbye. Lamplighter stared at the boy his eyes flaring, but his body as still as a statue.

“And if I may, sir,” the student said, a smile coming to his lips as he pulled another stack of papers out of his bag. “In anticipation of your next homework assignment, here is a fifty page report on how George Washington was a failure as a general under the British and how he almost lost the American Revolution due to incompetence and stupidity.”

The school was rocked by an explosion that could be heard all the way over in Dunwich. When the smoke cleared people could see a large hole in the side of Schuster Building from which Lamplighter was standing watching an Exemplar 6 fly off into the distance.


“Why on Earth did I hire you?!” Carson roared.

“Honestly Ma’am, I’m not quite sure,” Lamplighter replied.


Graduation Night, 2011

Carson and the other faculty were enjoying several bottles of Shine’s newest concoction, as they celebrated the end of the school year. A dozen more bottles spilled out of the garbage can.

“Y-you know what? You know what?” Carson slurred, trying to get their attention. “I could, hic, I could hire anyone I want as a teacher. And no one could, no one could stop me. Because I’m La- Lady Ass Tarts.”

Fubar, who had had a bottle of the stuff poured into his tank an hour before, and was currently wearing a purple tutu and a lamp shade on his head, laughed. “I th-think you’re drunk.”

“I’m not- not- not drunk. I’m Lady Ass Tarts! I can’t get drunk! Who should I hire! Emperor Giz- Gizmato, Gizmototic, Gizzy? Or how about, how about, how about Lo- Lord- the guy from the little country in- in- in the- the place way over there?” she asked, motioning vaguely towards the east.

“I know! I know! Lamplighter!” Imp shouted holding up a bottle. “I have his number!”

Everyone looked at her. The ones still conscious anyways. “How... do... you... have... his... number?” Carson asked.

Imp stood up and looked very proud of herself. “I stole his pants once.”

“Well give it here,” Carson said, falling over a chair as she made her way to Imp. “I need a history teacher.”

After much fumbling and dialing wrong numbers, Carson was finally able to focus on the phone. “It’s ringing,” she said giggling into her hand. “Hi Lamplighter? This is Headmistress Carson. I run Whateley, you’ve fought some of my students before. I wonder if you’d like a job?”

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #153
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Teri sat on an icepack beside Imp while the rest of the Ethereal Beauties models were sprawled around the train car nursing cuts and bruises.

“Not that I’m complaining, but why did you steal Lamplighters pants?” she asked.

“He didn’t need them anymore once we shoved him into the garbage can, and I didn’t want him getting tangled up in them when we threw him in the bay,” Imp replied, casually digging through the pockets. “And this will teach him to ask questions before attacking a photoshoot, even if it did look like a wolfman was about to eat a pretty girl.”

mhalpern’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #154
mhalpern replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

Patrolling the campus Sam noticed a liquid dripping right into the sewers from the lamppost above.

Analysis: motor oil, 5w-30.

Peeking her curiosity she looked up to find 2 large cocoons of pink silk ribbons, one tied to the lamppost the other to a nearby tree, chuckling Sam thought “well at least whomever Peeper and Greasy tried their antics on, made sure that they didn’t cause an oil spill,”
Any Bad Ideas I have and microscene OC character stories are freely adoptable.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #155
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“So, have you met this inviso-girl Jack keeps talking about? Every time he mentions her I keep wondering if my bud’s hooked up with Harvey the Pooka or something, and to be honest I would have thought that would be more up Bugs’ alley. It’s been weirding me out all week.” Jericho gave a look of frustration towards his oldest friend.

Sandra, distracted by some unusual magical currents nearby, snapped out of her reverie after a moment. “Huh, you mean Dina? Of course I’ve met her, she’s my new roommate, came in around the third week of September. Yeah, she’s... something else. It’s not really invisibility, more like a Somebody Else’s Problem phenomenon where people don’t notice her. I’d call it Plateau Eyes but I think you and Phase would be the only ones to get the ref. Anyway, I would have thought you’d have run into her by now. Her main power is Devising, so you may have run into her in the lab and not even noticed. Literally.”

“Holy shit, she’s real? And she’s cool with Razor and all, and not in some overly creepy way?” Joe’s protective tendencies came to the fore as he expressed his concern for his saurian teammate.

“Oh, it’s a creepy way, sort of, but she’s so socially stunted that on her it comes across as adorable. She’s into dinosaurs in a tremendous, obsessive way, but... I just sort of feel for her, I guess.”

“You do, or Ryan does?”, replied Joe, with a knowing look.

Diamondback’s eyes dropped for a moment before she answered. “Got me. Yeah, my ‘other half’ finds her really nice, and... uhm, one night, when he was in the driver’s seat, he, uh, took the initiative...”

“And she didn’t freak out on you?”

With a sigh, Sandra continued, “She muttered something about wanting to ‘continue the experiment’, so, no?”


“I’m not sure if I should be more worried that Jack’ll be pissed at me for it, or that he might be really turned on by it...”

Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago #156
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Nate had his suitcase beside him, as did most people in Crystal Hall, not that there were very many, most people had already headed home for the summer with the appropriate amount of tears, hugs and promises to phone and write. The underdogs were doing their own goodbye thing, the ones who were left at any rate.

“You really should apologize to her before you leave,” Lucille said, looking across Crystal Hall at Pristine who was talking to some girls in front of the salad bar. Nate noticed that her hair was cut to about shoulder length and curled, which was a new look for her.

“She got a good grade, why should I apologize. I’m the one who got a C for reckless endangerment!” Nate exclaimed, letting out a little toot at the injustice of it all. He’d taken down the supervillain and the rest of the mooks, but did that count for anything? Of course not.

Anna piped up, “She spent three hours in the shower, and burned all the fabric on her costume. She was really upset about it, I heard it cost her a couple of thousand dollars.”

“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad. She’s was just overreacting. My clothes came clean after two rounds in the wash.”

Lucille gave him a hard look. “She cut her hair because of your gas explosion. You’re lucky she hasn’t decided to hold a grudge. Now be a gentleman and apologize.”

“Yes, Mom,” he said, rolling his eyes. Letting out a fart to help air himself out before talking to his combat final partner he slouched and dragged his feet along to meet his destiny.

Pristine saw him coming, she and her friends glared at him like he was Peeper. “What do you want?” she asked.

“I’m sorry about the combat final,” he muttered.

“Fine,” she said, turning away.

“What, that’s it?”

“What more do you want?” she asked, her voice taking a dangerous tone that Nate was totally oblivious to.

“Well, you did get a B+, I just got a C. It couldn’t have been that bad for you.”

Pristine flicked back a stray lock of hair, so she could give him a truly evil eye. “ I smelled for two days, I had to borrow special soap from Solange to get it off of my skin. My hair, that I haven’t cut except to thin out since I was seven, was hopeless and I had to cut off half of it. My suit was destroyed, do you have any idea how much that cost? I am not a bully and I don’t like holding grudges. So I will ignore you, and do my VERY best to avoid you. But give me one reason, just one, next term, and I will take your gas grenade shove it into your mouth and set it off. Now leave me alone.”

Nate very wisely backed away very slowly, as if he were facing a wild bear that really wanted to rip his face off. On second thought, the bear would probably be safer. Spinning on his heels he bolted for the safety of his friends.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #157
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
OK, now I’m really pissed off at Gunny and Sensei Ito. I mean, I was pissed already because they didn’t let me fight in the Combat Final with the other Grunts, I mean, I could understand the whole thing about me only being here a few months and not really trained for team ops yet (but that didn’t stop Kayda, what’s up with that), but this was just nasty of them! I sooo wanted to give’em a piece of mind over that CF down there!

I guess it was kinda obvious that I was angry, I mean even without empathic powers like Nikki has, because she was saying something to me about it but I was in no mood to listen. After fuming for a few minutes (142 sec came up on my HUD) I shot to my feet, looking to run downstairs and ask them what the hell that was all about.

... only to find Admiral Everheart standing right in my path.

“Whisper, I’ve been asked to escort you to the JROTC debriefing. I imagine you have a lot of questions about the final, so we wanted to make sure you got the answers you needed. Understood?”

I sort of worked my jaw for a bit before my head figured out that I should be nodding right then. Numbly, I just followed along behind her, my brain not quite catching up with the rest of me yet. I guess they knew exactly what they were doing...
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #158
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: It’s No Secret
4 October 2007
Fixers’ Patio

I was just coming up to speak to Jadis as Nacht was finishing saying, “...so now Sunny wants me to go to this thing in Chicago next week. She’s got it so that I’ll be going with Mrs. Carson, for some reason, but she won’t say what it’s all about.”

“Could it be for the memorial in honor of the hundredth birthday of the original Champion?” I interjected.

Kate, Lindsay, and Jadis all look at me oddly for a moment, but Jadis picks up on it after a moment. She replies, “Oh, of course. They both knew Holbrook, didn’t they? I guess I should have thought of that myself.”

“More than knew, actually. Coulson and Holbrook were engaged to be married the year he died. Apparently it was something of a minor scandal at the time, given the disparities in their public social standings. Of course, all that was overshadowed when her secret identity was revealed, but that wasn’t unless a few years later.”

Nacht gives me and Jadis a look of utter shock, something I wouldn’t have thought possible from what I’d seen of her before. “What? You mean you knew who Sunburst really is, and never told me?”

Now it was Jadis’ turn to look surprised. “I thought you already knew! Her real name has been public information for over fifty years. You mean to tell me you never even looked her up?”

“I... you know, that’s a really good point. It never even occurred to me somehow.”

“There’s some speculation about that, actually,” I said, glad to see Nacht a bit calmer again. “Her talent for getting people to go along with her ideas and to avoid public scrutiny has been noted to border on the uncanny. It may well be connected to the Dynamorph she hosts, or some other power she’s developed over the years.”

With a sigh, Nacht gave me a look that seemed to say, ‘well that makes sense’, then asked, “Fine then. What do you know about her?”

With a smirk, I start reciting as much as I could recall of the briefing I had gotten on her a few years earlier. “Sonia Jeanette Coulson, born 1924. Daughter of John Masters Coulson and Mary Susannah Kane-Coulson, heir to both the Coulson and Kane newspaper families, though she only received a small part of Charles Foster Kane’s estate. Engaged to Henry Holbrook, a radio station manager, on New Year’s Eve 1952, but never married as Holbrook, the original Champion, was killed in battle before their wedding. Revealed publicly to be the superheroine Sunburst two years later. While not much is known about her powers, she is known to be a Dynahost, having been subjected to an illicit experiment in binding Dynamorphs artificially by the science villain Doctor Sagittarius in September 1946. Sunburst was a founding member of the Chicago Crusaders in 1948, and later moved to Los Angeles in December 1975 to help establish the California Crusaders team.”

“Show off...” Nacht spat with a... well, on her it was a pout, though most people wouldn’t notice. Is it a bad thing that I am getting to know her that well?
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 6 months ago - 5 years 6 months ago #159
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: Birthday Present
“Woohoo! What a rush!” The blond bombshell piloting the VTOL jet had a grin from ear to ear as she powered down the engines and popped the canopy. Jumping out of the aircraft she slid down and ran over to hug the immaculately dressed woman in the business-suit, wearing pants instead of a skirt, waiting for them.

Following her out was a dark haired woman, who most people would say was completely expressionless. Of course the business-suited woman gave her face the barest of glances before she moved closer and started minutely examining the third woman to exit the jet.

Scowling at the intense study, the third woman growled, “We’re all fine Trevor, nobody is the least little bit hurt.” With a silent nod the business woman stepped aside and turned to examine the jet instead. “And the plane’s fine too Trevor,” she continued rolling her eyes. “Sunburst just decided to play slalom with the towers on approach again to let off a little steam.”

Frowning the business woman looked at the one referring to her as Trevor, a black suited woman in what was obviously a supersuit styled like a devil. “You were going more then fifty percent over the optimal approach velocity. You were varying from the optimal approach vector by both plus and minus fifteen degrees. When I received no answer on the comms I rushed here to prioritise the emergency.”

“Yes Trevor, we all know you worry that we’ll get hurt from one of the toys you provide us, but there was no emergency.”

“Please stop calling me Trevor, Jadis. My name is Ayla,” the woman requested with a sigh politely addressing the black suited woman.

Turning back to them, the blank-faced black-haired girl snarked, “And if you wore a dress or a skirt occasionally she might someday call you that. Might,” she snarked giving the business-suited girl a stare that somehow radiated amusement while keeping a completely blank face.

Growling, Jadis fixed the black-haired girl with a death glare, Ayla merely raised her eyebrow at her in amusement before turning to the blond bombshell. “May I ask why you made such an ... energetic approach?”

“Oh, you know, just letting off a little steam,” she waved her fingers airily at Ayla. Raising an eyebrow Ayla continued to calmly study her. “Oh Ayla, you old stick in the mud! Can’t a mother giver her daughter a harmless little bit of excitement as an early birthday present?”

Ayla blinked and glanced at the clock, “Of course,” she said seeing the time was past midnight. Ayla turned to the black haired girl. “Happy birthday Nacht, many happy returns,” she offered formally with a little bow.

Also glancing towards the clock the blond smiled and walked up putting an arm around Ayla’s shoulder. Quickly dragging her forward to Nacht, she engulfing her in an arm too before Nacht could slip away. “Come on! The night is young and my daughter is celebrating her birthday! Time for a party! Let’s crash Ayla’s study, there’s an aged single malt whiskey in there that I’ve been dying to find a good excuse to crack.”

“That’s there for ...” Ayla tried to interject as she was pulled along.

“Yes, yes. We all know it’s there to drown yourself in when one of us bites the bullet or something vulgar like that!” the blond drawled with rolling eyes. “Let’s enjoy it now instead,” she enthused. “That way you’ll have something to remember of us when you crack whatever it is you buy to replace it. Live girl! We can worry about death when we’re in our coffins! It’ll come soon enough for all of us, no need to worry it here early. And did I mention the party?”
Last Edit: 5 years 6 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago - 5 years 5 months ago #160
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: Appropriating the appropriators
As I read over the list of styles Ms. Chandler teaches, I was seriously impressed. “I’ve gotta say, if she really has studied all these styles then she’s every bit as... huh?”

“What? Oh, that.” said the guy with the Brit accent (not sure where in the UK, but British anyway). “Yeah, I thought she was taking the piss when I saw that, too. Turns out that really is the name of a style, sort of based on Jujitsu.”

“Yeah, I know that, it’s Russian, right? But... that just sounds...”

“I’m pretty sure that’s exactly the reaction she wants to get.”

“Actually,” a feminine voice called out, “I initially learned sambo in my Sophomore year of high school to cheese off this More-African-than-thou jerk who called himself N’Dizi.” Chaka-sensei said as she walked toward us. “Funniest part is that the one I got the most use out of it against was The Purifier... and I made sure she knew it.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 5 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #161
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
If Only

June 24, 2009, MCO National HQ, Board of Directors Meeting Room

Director von der Geest looked around the room, “What in the hell just happened?”

Most of the room tried to hide their faces, by ‘looking’ for facts, Deputy Director Loman spoke up, “Somehow the US Government just passed a Law severely curtailing our operations in the US.”

“’Severely curtailing?’ Severely curtailing would be requiring us to wait for a request from LEO’s. Our operations have been completely gutted, can you explain what happened?”

Director of US Operations Cranfield addressed the situation. “Sir, I’ve done my best to track the situation, but I am unsure where it got out of control.”

“Well, don’t just sit there, explain away.”

“In February of 2007, a mutant manifested in New Mexico. For some unknown reason, she was sent to be tested at DARPA’s new testing facilities. After an alleged attack by H1! members, Agent Lainer was shown an MMID with the Codename Whisper...” (Read Whisper)

“That summer Agent Lainer received information that ‘Whisper’ would be attending a party in Arlington, VA hosted by a Mrs. Granston. Agent Lainer led an Assault Team to take Whisper into custody only to be thwarted by Mrs. Granston, her husband Admiral Granston, and several other adults thought to be members of the US Navy and Air Force.”

Director von der Geest stared at him, “Just how did one woman, and some presumably unarmed military personnel stop an MCO Assault Team?”

“Um, I’ve seen the video Agent Lainer recorded, and I’m not entirely sure. I’ll send everyone a copy of the video.

“As part of the aftermath, Mrs. Granston, along with many other high ranking Officer’s wives started hounding their Congressmen and Senators. When elements of the Military, Police, DPA, FBI, and a bunch of other ‘Three Letter Agencies” began supporting them during Congressional Hearings the Legislation started rolling. Testimony from families of mutants we disappeared, and that damned Ayla Goodkind about her experiences didn’t help. Nor did testimony from Captain Patriot, and other so called heroes.”

Director von der Geest looked over at the one man in the room not part of the Board of Directors, “So now we are stuck with this Legislation. We can post two, unarmed agents at each International Airline Terminal, and all they can do is verify that the MID being carried belongs to the Mutant carrying it. Well Mr. Goodkind what are you going to do about this?”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago - 5 years 5 months ago #162
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: Fever Dream
Louis Geintz screamed and dropped his connection to Gunnery Sergeant Oscar C. Bardu and slammed back down onto the seat behind him as he shook his head and tried to again gather his wits. Blinking slowly he watched Bardu shivering and moaning and pulling at his restraints in the hospital bed before him.

“Louis!” Shaking his head again, Louis turned to the female doctor calling out his name. “Louis what did you find? Why is he so disturbed?”

Louis shuddered and closed his eyes, before opening them and reguarding those gathered around the bed. “You don’t want to know. Believe me, you really don’t want to know.”

Glaring at him, barely keeping her sparks under control, Oscar Bardu’s ‘God-daughter’ growled at him. Turning horror stricken eyes to her Louis begged, “Caitlin please, believe me. You of all people do not want to know!” he shuddered. “Suffice to say, it involves Wondercute, a seriously catchy tune, and Jade with two guns and a happy manic grin.”

Wide eyed, stumbling back in horror, Caitlin fumbled to Bardu’s bed, reaching out a hand to clasp his shoulder in comfort.

Turning to Doctor Tennant Louis begged, “Doctor! Whatever meds you have him on, change them! And for God’s sake, find some music as different from J-Pop as you can, and pump it loud and fast in here as soon as possible.”

More loosing control, then fading away, Louis disapeared leaving nothing behind but the sound of a song he had been almost unconsciously humming since he pulled out of Bardu’s fevered mind. A song they now realised Bardu was also humming over and over and over again.

Thanks to Dpragon and this thread:
Last Edit: 5 years 5 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus. Reason: I can’t spell, and auto-correct just makes it worse.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #163
Domoviye replied the topic: Fate Sucks
Prairie Sun, in her civilian identity, looked out the passenger side window with growing fear, wishingthat she was somewhere else. Steve just grinned and patted her glove covered hand gently. “Nervous?”

“No,” she said firmly. “I’m not nervous, we’re just going to go in, ask some questions and get out. It’ll be easy.”


She cracked her knuckles as if she was getting ready to punch something. “I’m a hero. I’ve talked to and argued with five premiers and two prime ministers. I’ve faced lawyers. Defeated super villains and rampaging robots. I’ve fought Dr. Diabolical to a standstill.”

“Actually he kicked our asses,” he helpfully reminded her.

She ignored the peanut gallery. “I am not letting myself turn and run away from something that will help Estelle.”

He waved at the door of the borrowed car. “After you.”

“Yes. Let’s go,” she said, not moving.

Her husband laughed, gave her a light tap that felt like a shove and got out of the car. With her heart beating hard she followed him across the street into the gay bookstore. She was thankful for the sunglasses which hid her eyes, and kept anyone from seeing her looking around as if something was going to bite her.

A young woman wearing slacks and a baby blue sweater walked up to them as they stood there wondering where they’d find the books they’d need. “Can I help you?” she asked.

Steve smiled and stepped back, letting her take the lead. She promised herself she would hurt him later. “Yes. We need... um, our son is, well...”

“He came out of the closet?” the woman asked.

Looking at her husband for support she saw he was looking at a book with great interest. Oh yes, she was going to hurt him a lot. “Not quite. H-he wants to be become a girl.”

“Oh,” the woman said, nodding in understanding. “And you want some books that might help.”

“Yes,” she said in relief. “We’re supporting him, her. She’s getting help. We just need some books and maybe some advice on where to look. We’ve... looked online, and some of the sites have been, well,” she bit her lip and blushed at some of the things she’d seen and the stories.

That got a pat on the arm. “OK. We have a few books that can help you out.”

“Thank you,” she said very gratefully. “Um what about other things? We’re going to get her on hormone therapy. And... we’re going to help her adjust before they start. So she’ll need...” Evelyn motioned at her own breasts and hips, not quite able to get it out. “Padding?”

“I understand. We don’t sell anything like that here, but if you give me a few minutes to text a friend I can get you some websites that should have those things.”

“Great. Thank you!”

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #164
Domoviye replied the topic: Fate Sucks
I was walking down the street on my own, it was the first time I’d done that in three months. The dark glasses made it difficult to see, but that was good it helped me focus on the now. Walking the coin over my knuckles as I walked helped to, it let me think that things were somewhat random.

A man and a woman were walking towards me, they were talking tensely, almost vibrating with anger, 80% chance they’d start screaming before they made it home, 45% chance she’d hit him with something, 8% chance he’d punch her.

I looked away, telling myself it wasn’t my business. A car raced down the road, considering the time 67% chance he was late for work, only 4% chance he’d beat the red light, 93.4% chance he’d run it. If he did, 38% chance he’d cause a car accident.

The brakes squealed and he stopped just in time, a truck crossed in front of him honking madly.

Looking at my feet, I wondered not for the first time if I should cut out my eyes. The answer came to me immediately, 100% chance my mutation would compensate somehow and I’d still know the odds of anything I heard or felt, only I’d be blind to. I supposed I could make myself deaf at the same time, but at that point it would be better to just grab the pills and end everything.

A bug, I didn’t know what kind thanks to the dark glasses casting everything into shadows, walked along the sidewalk in front of me. 87% chance it would make it across the sidewalk safely. I did an odd step and hop, squishing it.

As I was recovering my balance, I bumped into someone, he was big and smelled bad, reeking of sweat, smoke and alcohol. Since I was only fourteen, weighing a little over 47kg soaking wet, this was not good, my best chance was that he wouldn’t want to bother a small girl in broad daylight. The coin danced in my fingers as I looked up at the man, my eyes barely level with his chest. There was a 76% chance of getting away with only some insults.

“Watch where you’re going you fucking idiot,” he snarled.

“Sorry,” I said, trying to look at him as my attention was drawn in a dozen different directions. Too many things were happening and I’d lost my focus, 46% chance a person would come out of the corner store in the next minute. 34% chance the bird flying overhead would land to eat the bagel on the street. 89% chance of rain. The coin moved faster as I desperately tried to focus on what was in front of me.

“Yeah right, are you high?” he said. 52% chance of getting away with only insults, 23% chance and rising I’d be pushed, grabbed or shoved.

“N-no, I’m just- I’m just,” I was just having sensory overload thanks to my powers. The chance of violence reached 52%.

He felt his pocket. “You bitch, you picked my pocket! Where’s my wallet?”

67% chance he lost his wallet earlier and decided to blame me. “I don’t have it. I haven’t done anything. I’m just-” 24% chance of someone helping me if I shouted. 58% chance they’d call police and not help me. 87% chance they’d take pictures and videos, posting them on the internet later. “I’m just going to the mall to- to buy some clothes with friends.”

He yanked the glasses off my face. “Likely story. Look me in the eye and tell me that again.”

The chance of violence was now 78%. 89% chance I’d be late to meet my friends, 23% chance a taxi would come by in the next ten minutes. 76% chance the next passerby would be a woman, 68% chance they’d be a senior. I look up at him, he jerked back seeing my eyes, the right a brilliant blue, the left a pretty green. It’s natural, I’ve had eyes like that since birth, but it’s rare enough that people panic and think I’m a mutant, only now I really am. “I’m just going,” 93% chance Mom would call the police if I told her about this, “to see my friends,” 84% chance I’d buy a blue top today if I made it to the mall, “to buy clothes.” 14% chance I’d buy a pink top.

95% chance he’d punch me. 30% chance for me to escape unhurt. If he punched me, 63% chance someone would help me. I flip my coin, changing the odds, 40% chance I’d escape unhurt. Still not good enough, a second flip, my fingers become warm, 60% chance and rising.

“You’re a goddamn mutant!” he shouted.

“What?! I’m not!” 61% chance of escaping.

He grabbed my shirt, 81% chance it would rip if he did it again, shoving me into a wall. An old man started coming towards us, 87% chance he’d die by the end of the year. Chance of escaping, 66%. “You’re a mutant. You think you’re better than me? Think you can steal my wallet, and get away with it because you have powers you freak!” he screamed in my face.

If he got my wallet, 92% chance he’d spend it all within an hour on beer.

“Leave me alone! I didn’t take anything!” I screamed back.

The old man was a few feet away. 73% chance of getting away. “You leave her alone, you hear me?” he said pointing his finger at the man.

The man took a hand off of me, he still had an iron like grip on my shoulder. 80% chance, if I acted immediately.

I couldn’t have done it four months ago, I wasn’t fast enough, coordinated enough, or strong enough, now I was. Grabbing the old mans cane, I wrenched it from his hand, pulling him off balance, my fingers burned as I shifted the numbers so he didn’t fall and get hurt. Through flashes of pain that encompassed my brain, I brought the handle of the cane up into my attackers throat as hard as I could. It caught him off guard and he started gagging, letting me go. I snapped the cane in half bringing it down on his back, again I made probability my bitch. As he fell, he hit his head on the sidewalk with a painful thud, 95% chance he’d be conscious again in two minutes.

People were yelling at me, and I was fighting a major headache, I wanted to put ice on my fingers and without my sunglasses, I was seeing the odds for almost everything. The most important one, was that if I stuck around there was a 100% chance I’d be talking to the police and the MCO, not good. Grabbing my sunglasses, I took off running, cursing my Bit which had decided I should have such distinctive white hair.

Someone tried to stop me. Grabbing his hat I shifted the odds once more, increasing my chance of getting away. My head was going to kill me by the time I was done.

Dodging down a side street, I put as much distance between me and everyone else as I could. My powers helpfully told me that there was a 98.6% chance of being late to meet my friends.

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago - 5 years 5 months ago #165
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I’ll make a man out of you 1

My name is Amy Lin and I used to hate gym class. It wasn’t that I was un-athletic, okay I was but that wasn’t the reason, it wasn’t the fact that partners had already formed before I even realized people were partnering up, it wasn’t even fear of being picked last for a team. It was the constant reminder of how slow I was developing.

All of the other girls had clearly started puberty. They were growing tall, getting curves,and drawing the eyes of boys among other unpleasant things. I on the other hand was constantly being mistaken for some of the smaller boys. If I hadn’t started growing my hair out people might not even notice I was a girl half the time, let alone a teenager.

So the worst day of my life so far would start with PE. I was just hanging off to the side with some of the other kids who were always picked last. We all knew that none of us would never be the captain of a team. If any of us were picked to be captain, we would leave the rest of us to the the wolves. It’s not like we were friends. Getting picked last was embarrassing but so was losing.

One of the boys, Carter, was a little late. That wasn’t unusual, if he took to long then one of the teachers would send someone to look for him in the halls. Everyone knew what they were really doing, checking the lockers to make sure that he wasn’t in them. I didn’t like Carter all that much, but that wouldn’t stop me from volunteering to go look for him, anything to get out of gym.

Unfortunately Carter showed up before the teachers decided it was worth looking into. He was a little off though, nervous. Then he started threatening the bullies, telling them to back off. That didn’t make much sense considering how much bigger they were than him.

Then all of the odd behaviour came together when he pulled the gun.

So what did I do? Did I grab the gun from his hand and disable him? Did I talk him down and get him help? Did I stop the bullets with super powers I don’t have?

No, I screamed. Did you really expect anything else from me? I was the smallest weakest girl in class. Sure I could have tried to talk him down but when an inexperienced gun user pulls out a gun and points it in your general direction what would you do?

Carter wasn’t the steadiest person when it came to nerves either. So when I screamed he shot me. Not on purpose or anything but by reflexively pulling the trigger.

You’ll note I was a bit vague on all of the details before, yeah that’s because it’s hard to remember things that happened before I got shot that day. Being shot tends to be the highlight of my memories for the school year really. Not highlight as in good, highlight as in most remembered. Sorry I’m rambling, I’ll get back to the story.

I felt the bullet impact, then I felt the world explode. I was on the ground, but it was weird. I had no idea where any of my body was. I could move my hands but they felt clumsy, and like they were coming out of my chest.

Then everyone started yelling. I couldn’t hear them all that well though. It was like they were under water.


“She’s a mutant!”

“Someone call the MCO!”

Wait who was the mutant. Were they talking about me? Well I did just survive a gunshot… if I survived that means I’m not dead. I should get out of here.

I tried to move but my body felt like molasses. It didn’t help that I couldn’t figure out where my limbs were. I eventually started to. Crawl forward bit by bit.

I could see Carter in front of me, it gave me a goal to work towards. Then I realized I could see in all directions, weird. Trying to see everything gave me a headache so I just focused on Carter again. He was kneeling on the ground, crying and apologizing begging them not to hurt him. That’s what I thought at least.

When I got closer to him he started chanting, “No, no, no…,” over and over again. When he pulled the gun up from the ground I realized he wasn’t begging the bullies not to hurt him, he was begging me not to hurt him.

I don’t blame him for thinking I want revenge. Heck now I wouldn’t mind getting some revenge, but at the time it was the furthest thing from my mind. I was only worried about escaping. I didn’t pay much attention to mutants but I did know two things. One life sucked for mutants in rural areas because of H1. Two mutants who got involved with the MCO disappeared. Both of those things were bad for me.

When he aimed the gun at me all I could think about was the amount of pain I went through the first time he shot me. Oh I didn’t describe it? Maybe that’s because our language doesn’t have expressive enough swear words for feeling an object explode through your chest.
Anyways I did not want to go through that again. I panicked and tried to jump away. Not like with my legs or anything, I just threw my entire body in one direction. Surprisingly I moved, not only that I moved quickly. I didn’t give it a second thought or a glance behind. I just used my momentum and kept ‘running,’ fleeing the school and the life I used to know.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?
Last Edit: 5 years 5 months ago by Jarjaross.

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #166
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sorry this one only makes sense if you have read musical character creation

Smell of rebellion

“A peaceful protest against legislation allowing mutants to run for municipal offices turned into a riot after a key supporter was accused of being a mutant…”


“Humanity first is reeling after dozens were injured at a community barbecue when a fight started over…”


“A church was burned down after Humanity first, or H1ers as they are sometimes called, accused it of granting sanctuary to a mutant…”


“Humanity First store clerk was arrested after physically assaulting a group of teenagers claiming them to be freaks of nature…”


“The world was shocked today as a hockey game turned into a riot on the ice. The fairly violent sportsmen were not the cause however. It was started when some of the audience attacked a group of teenagers and others came to their aid. Although details are vague apparently Humanity first community leaders instigated the attack…”


“The humanity first store front has been closed down a second time this month this time for a new reason. Instead of the store clerk attacking teenagers this one was attacking everyone claiming he had to ‘stop the green most lady’…”


“The tag line ‘Mutant threat or menace’ is now being replaced by ‘Humanity first should come last” as the organization has started fight after fight over the past month. Just this morning another report came in of them attacking…”


“The famously peaceful organization Humanity First is in danger of losing its reputation after multiple members and groups have been arrested for starting riots over the last two months. Normally any violent protests would be explicitly denounced by the grassroots organization, or otherwise be unassociated with them even if the protests had members going to it. Now the organization has attacked multiple people and caused enough riots that their PR team can’t keep up with what is going on…”


This time instead of cutting to a new clip the tv was just turned off. The police officers were looking at me as if there was some significance to the recently aborted clip show.

“Miss Jenkins correct me if I am wrong but you were at all of these events were you not?”

“Most of them officer. I know I was at some of the protests but I wasn’t at the church. I nearly got trampled to death at the hockey game. As for the store, I work there,” I told him honestly.

They squirmed in their chairs as they tried to find a way to accuse me. I just sat there and smiled, they had nothing on me. There was nothing to have on me. My father was a lawyer for H1 of course I had been to those places, I was helping with the protests. I followed the law to the letter, I had nothing to be afraid of.

Admittedly the coincidences were starting to pile up but that could just mean some mutant cursed me to get back at my dad. No big deal.

“We’d like to test you for meta-gene.”

Before I could even say a word both my father and the lawyer he hired for the interview started with the same argument, “the meta-gene means nothing, it only gives the potential for being a mutant.”

I just sat it out as they argued. I tried not to focus on how hot it was in the interrogation room. It might not be so bad if I was sitting next to two people who seemed to be radiating heat, or I wasn’t in my Sunday best including a scarf. It got to the point where I decided enough was enough and I took off the scarf. Sure the ensemble wasn’t as complete or modest as before, and mama would kill me for taking it off in front of strangers but it was hot in here.

After taking off the scarf on of the police officers was surreptitiously keeping his eyes away from me. It wasn’t like there was much to look at, both because the outfit was modest and because there wasn’t much to cover up, but it still creeped me out. Unfortunately dad noticed this as well and started at him for looking at his daughter like that, calling him all sorts of names.

Then the words got harsher. The police got angry. Eventually someone through the first punch and I was caught in the middle of it all yet again.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago - 5 years 5 months ago #167
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
Miss Powerful made sure her mask was in place to protect her secret identity, it was only a black ski mask from when she and her family had gone up to New York state to go skiing with some family friends, but it was the best she could do. In the Miami heat, even though it was five in the morning, it felt too hot.

Putting on an old black t-shirt, and her mothers gardening gloves to keep her hands clean she crept out of the house, a big smile on her face. Going over to her Dad’s car, she rubbed her hands together, did some simple stretches and knelt down like her older brother had taught her. Gripping the edge of the car, she lifted it up, feeling around for a hard part, she let go with one hand and shifted her grip. It was like she was lifting an awkward cardboard box for all the trouble it gave her.

With a bit of manoeuvring she managed to get herself under the car and lifted it up above her head. “I can do it!” she squealed. Now to see what she could really do.

Walking out onto the deserted street of the Miami suburbs, she began to jog with the car above her head.


“Hello,” the woman said sleepily into the phone, looking blearily at the bedside clock.

“Um, I’m sorry to bother you Eve, but... I think I saw your car running down the street.”

“What? Is this some kind of prank, Wendy?”

“I hope so. But I just saw your car being carried by someone... running down the street. Should I call the police? I don’t want a mutant fight here.”

“I’ll deal with it Wendy, thanks,” she said completely awake and spitting mad.


Miss Powerful’s phone rang. Stopping, she kept hold of the car with one hand and pulled out her phone looking at it nervously. “Hey, Mom. Guess what I can do!”


Spinning on her heels, the budding superhero dashed back home, as her mother kept up a steady stream of threats.
Last Edit: 5 years 5 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #168
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
Miss Powerful walked through the halls of her junior high, bobbing up and down in time with her music. It was almost her thirteenth birthday and she was feeling great. She was going to be getting her MID soon, and then she could join up with the Miami Crusaders. She still had the lightning bolt pen the greatest superhero in the world Lightning Strike had given her last year when the hero and her team had visited the school. She could be the brawn to her lightning.

Maybe she could even learn how to fly. Or get a cool jetpack that would let her zip around the sky like a hummingbird. THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!!!!

“Hey give that back!”

She stopped and looked behind her, Toby was running after two bullies had stolen his bag and were throwing the books, pens and papers on the ground as they jogged away.

Looking around, Miss Powerful saw that there weren’t any teachers around, but there were too many students watching everything for her to use her powers openly. Even though she was a really cool mutant, she had to keep her secret identity. She didn’t want her future supervillain nemesis finding out about her family because she exposed herself at school.

The two bullies were too busy laughing at Toby to pay attention to where they were going. Bobbing even more to the music, she waited until they were just in front of her and did a little dance step putting herself right in there way. As they tripped over her, she let herself fall with a squawk, elbowing them lightly and jabbing her fingers into their side. Not hard, at least not hard for her.

They started crying in pain.

“HEY! Get off of me you losers,” she shouted, pretending she was too weak to out from under them.

Some classmates helped her get out from under the two bullies who were holding their sides sniffling in pain. Everyone started jeering at them, while Toby got his bag back, and Miss Powerful, smiling secretly to herself limped away promising to go to the nurses office.

“Miss Powerful 1. Bullies 0,” she whispered to herself as soon as she was out of sight. With a big smile she began dancing towards class again.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #169
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
Miss Powerful looked at the treadmill which was a twisted wreck. A croquet ball rolled to a stop by her foot. The MCO stared at her, gaping like a fish. “Y-y-you broke it!”

“Sorry, you surprised me,” she said, dry washing her hands and biting her lip. “Please don’t tell my Mom, I’m already grounded for the year.”

mhalpern’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #170
mhalpern replied the topic: From Ben to Egg
This is a rough, snapshot of a story based on my “mutant that turns into a proper dragon egg” concept in the bad ideas thread. very much incomplete, haven’t decided if he’s an Avatar or an exemplar, The parents MAY be based off of my parents a little, but this isn’t an author avatar I don’t think, as Ben isn’t a Gadgeteer or anything in this iteration. All names have been changed from those that they may be loosely based off of.

Ben, 5’4” fairly athletic, average teenage boy.
mid July,

Ben gets out of bed, slowly, cursing the sun for denying him sleep, steps on the hardwood floor and slips, “Woah what the?” he notices something off, what appears to a medium gray eggshell with vein marks on each heel attached by what appear to be membrane material and strong cartilage, panicked he cries “Mom!””Dad!”

“What is it? You know I hate when you shout through closed doors” That was Mom, unlike my Dad, my sisters and I, she can’t hear a conversation in normal talking voice from across the house, while in a closed room.
“not the time now Mom, I need help, I think I’m a mutant” trying to get up, grabbing a blanket to tie around my waste seeing how thats all my newfound lack of balance will allow, stumbling a few times catching my self on my desk and cabinets, I make my way to my bedroom door. open it and sit down on the basket outside my room.
“you couldn’t even get dressed?”
“Mom, I could barely walk” kicking a foot out, pointing at my heel.
“Well Ben, I never thought I’d have to teach you how to walk in heels”
“I’m serious, it looks like thats how you are going to have to walk, and you need new shoes, as it looks like all you’ll be able to wear are flip flops.”
that earned a groan, Ben hated flipflops.
“Its better then stepping on a rusty nail or something”
Dad came up, with a familiar red metal cylinder, the household fire extinguisher. and a slight smirk.
“We don’t know what your powers are, so until we do, I want you to keep this around at all times”
“...I’ll think about it”
“Well don’t burn the house down!”
Wow, who knew that old joke would become so literal? that got me laughing, then there was a brief flash of heat and light, fortunately I wasn’t facing anything too close, we learned 2 things, 1 I breath fire, 2 our smoke detector is definitely out of juice, I was practically right under it.
Grabbing the fire extinguisher with by eyes wide in shock and a blush of embarrassment I ask “can you get the crutches too?”

Late July

By this time, the shell pieces have formed near every major joint, and there were patrusions jetting out from his lower back slightly with the beginnings of a larger shell piece, looking in the mirror, Ben noticed something his hips were definitely wider, the family was noticing some less masculine traits, a more dainty appearance in his arms and legs, the fact that his facial hair stopped growing was alarming, seeing how before a full beard was a week without shaving was the first alarm, this made his body look almost undeniably female.

Clothing wise, Ben was down to “kilts” and strapless tops, namely those that exposed his now slender mid drift, be it by luck or cruel design, the shell pieces around his feet now functioned almost entirely as high heels, so the flipfops were no longer needed.

Despite protests in order to be presentable, all of Ben’s body hair was shaved off the previous week when it was decided that there was no way Ben could pass as male, especially with his Wardrobe difficulties.

“Ben, I know this is hard for you, but we have an appointment to get to.”
Powers testing, with a nearby hero group, even before I mutated we didn’t trust the MCO, no matter how much they sugar coat it, they are a fear driven organization, and the fact that almost the entirety of their numbers are baseline, has always made my family doubt their supposed professionalism, and a critical look at “Tales of the MCO” doesn’t help matters.

[skip powers testing most undecided, the important parts are the codename “Dragon Egg” and the Whateley admission forms,]

Going through the admissions forms, Ben got to a certain question

‘As a result of your mutation is your body becoming ____?’

more masculine
more feminine

Its common enough that they have a CHECKBOX for it?

end chapter 1
Any Bad Ideas I have and microscene OC character stories are freely adoptable.

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #171
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Gunny watched in horror as the spectre of death approached him.

It had all been fine a minute ago, they had been setting up for a sim. Nothing to extreme, for senior finals anyway.

The she walked in. The sim techs were surprised but friendly everyone loved her. Then she touched one of them and they died. They just had a heart attack out of nowhere.

People were freaked out for a second, but they thought it was a coincidence until she did it again.

Most of the techs ran away at this point but some tried to slow her advance by charging her. They died just as the others did. Nothing could stop her.

“What do you want?”

“Oh I’m not here for what I want, I’m here for what you wanted. Because you wanted this, right? You wanted me to stop being bubbly and cheery and start taking things seriously. So I have, I decided to take out the biggest threat to my friends that I have available. That’s what you’ve always asked for isn’t it? For me to take things seriously? For me to not mess up your sims or ask for insane things like unicorns.”

Jade pulled out a knife and pointed it at him. He could easily have gotten it from her, even defended himself with it, but it wouldn’t do him much good. Her regeneration and pain tolerance were ridiculous.

“Of course I could go back to being the silly 10 year old everyone expects me to be,” she snapped her fingers and everyone who had died suddenly came back to life. Not immediately got up, but they started breathing and got up shakily.

Giggling like a mad woman she skipped towards the door, nary a care in the world. When she reached the door she said, “Oh and you can keep the knife.”

He didn’t even realize he had lost track of it. He looked around and saw it stuck to the wall, inside a carving of Hello Kitty. When had she gotten a chance to do that?
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Jarjaross’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #172
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sam was worried when she went looking for Jade. All things considered she was the least stable of anyone in Wondercute.

Surprisingly she found her in her room. Working frantically on something. Yelling at the other members of team Kimba as they buzzed in and out of the room.

As soon as she was noticed Shroud rushed her, “you couldn’t have done this sooner? Or saved it for next year? Broken them more easily? Anything!”


“Jade had all of these plans for how to deal with the first loss. She knew this was coming! She was prepared for dealing an unexpected or even forced loss but this? All of that is out the window. You destroyed the team and now we have less than 2 weeks to fix it!”


“If you’re not here to help then leave. You’re going to get in the way,” Shroud said as Jade rushed out the door with a stack of papers.

Apparently things were well in hand here.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

mhalpern’s Avatar
5 years 5 months ago #173
mhalpern replied the topic: From Ben to Egg
Ch 2,

Early August, a week and a half after powers testing.

Ben was now 5’2”, his shell pieces have gained a slight blue hue, which Ben was thankful for, because its easier to find clothes that match blue than it is to find some that match steal gray... not that he’d ever admit that.
Ben looked down and sighed well we knew these two mounds were coming, at least I don’t have to pee sitting down yet his eyes shifted to a package he dreaded opening, his mom had the foresight to order it online, and it sure saves on the hassle of trying to find a clothing store friendly to obvious mutants.

There’s something about a formfitting devisor bra that automatically displays the size of the last wearer, that bugs me, if that wasn’t enough, the results were automatically sent to mom’s phone and mine, with mine allowing me to “visually increase the size” with an app, whomever made it is a pervert, the app has an enforced tutorial for when you first wear it, and goes through certain “special features” that I hope weren’t advertised when these things were ordered

Of course, the tutorial HAD a skip button for THOSE special features, but Ben didn’t realize that until he got to the “locator function” basically you can call for a clean one with your phone, and you can call your phone with whatever one you’re wearing...

Ok that’s useful, embarrassing, but useful... Still say the devisor who made these is a pervert

“Ben! You know you got to finish filling out those forms soon” that was Dad
“Yeah almost done”

The reality was, the forms were filled out days ago, there was just one thing left blank, his name, Ben was no fool he didn’t look like a “Ben” anymore, not even remotely, and it was almost to the point were there would be no signs of him ever having been male.

“Yeah kiddo?”
“Truthfully I filled out everything but the name days ago...”
“Ahh having trouble thinking of a new name still?”
“Yeah but its not that, its that I’m afraid to think of one, I chose a gender neutral codename because I know a masculine one wouldn’t fit, but look at me, I can’t even wear unisex clothing anymore, I have boobs, and its only a matter of time before....” I cry, hugging Dad, careful not to hug too hard.
“shhh its okay, a name is just a name, a label so that people can identify you, but it doesn’t define you. You will always be you, no matter what name you go by.”
That calmed me down... “Stupid girl hormones, they wont even let me hyper analyze things like I used to or stay calm while doing it.” that earned a chuckle, I reflexively looked away to laugh as well, thankfully I practiced holding in my laugh most of my life.
I started thinking, I wanted one that sounded somewhat similar so I could get used to it more easily, but I am not moving to a gender neutral name, just wouldn’t feel right, “Beatrice, Betty for short”
“my new name, it didn’t feel right picking a gender neutral name, that would be like going from one boy’s name to another, so its Betty”
“Ben, Betty, that’s going to take some getting used to, you sure about that name? its distinctly feminine...”
“Yeah I’m sure, I mean its just a name right? And that one sounds... nice, I’m going to have to get used to it too though.”

With that, the forms were sent in, the acceptance letter came a week later, in that time, Dad had already been looking up and booking rooms at mutant friendly hotels, it took a lot of digging, but and it would be a 2 night trip, it would be 1 night, but they’re afraid I might accidentally breath fire in my sleep, it hasn’t happened yet, but better safe than sorry, that and we don’t want to attract attention at the rest areas. Of course after hearing that I finally picked a new name, Mom took that as the go ahead to give a crash course on everything from makeup to what I have to look forward to every month after “Little Ben” makes his exit. not to mention her delight in introducing me to my new portable storage (non)options, otherwise known as the purse, I mean I get that I can’t exactly wear a backpack with that shell thing in the way, but why not, say a utility belt?

“Beatrice?” it still feels funny being called that,
“Yes Mom”
“I know this is a lot for you, but the fact in the matter is all this is going to be important, no one is going to look at you as Ben the boy anymore, but as Betty the girl, and that’s going to mean you are expected to follow a lot of new social rules....”

late August

Betty was still 5’2” but that wasn’t saying much considering how she has to stand, she put on her devisor bra, even as she noticed the beginnings of an all too familiar body feature, on her phone was a notification, “C-cup” she stood shocked, only a few weeks ago she was an A... and not long before that, she didn’t have them at all!.

“Betty! Its time to go”

I got in the van, my seat was leaning back to make room for my back shell thing, the reason taking a plane was not an option, that and because even getting there 4hrs early, airport security, in conjunction with the MCO would cause me to miss my flight, I mean its kinda hard to hide my back, let alone my other features that scream “mutant” I’d be held up just by people saying i did something because they want to ruin my day.

The first day was uneventful, we passed by an outlet mall that Mom would have loved to take me to, I guess that is one thing I can thank my unique appearance for, even as a guy that particular outlet center was a required stop anytime we were in the area.

We got to the hotel early, and checked in, the hotel clerk looked at me and said
“Why aren’t you a pretty GSD case.”
“Uhm, thanks?” that got me nervous and uneasy, I didn’t know how to feel about the word ‘pretty’
“Ah a changeling I take it?”
“Uhm changeling?”
“someone who finds themselves going to a different set of bathrooms after their mutation”
“you have a lot to adjust to, but you’ll get through it”

With that we asked where a friendly place to get dinner was, it wasn’t the best, but they offered lots of variety and large portions, I was strangely hungry, our waiter asked if I was an energizer, to which dad thankfully said “No. Betty here is still changing quite a bit.”

We made it back to the hotel, and I slept like a rock, when I woke up, not only was there shell covering my breasts as a sort of “uniboob” but as I found out in the shower, my testes had receded, I got out of the shower and even in my bath robe, my parents could tell something was wrong,
“what is it?”
“what’s wrong honey?”
even the state I was in, I could respond with a touch of humor,
“You know how people tell others to grow a pair, well I just did the opposite, and I think the rest is going tomorrow “

This of course was not the best course of action, as through the rest of Pennsylvania and half of New York, it was either “the talk” or female hygiene review or pop quiz on social regulations.

We got to the hotel, and we found I was right the next morning, strangely I didn’t feel as bad about it as I thought I was going to, of course since manifesting, I have found that practically EVERY morning brings about new surprises, and low and behold, my feet were covered in scales light blue, sparkling scales. We hit the road and made it to Dunwich a few hours later, which is when I learned that I wasn’t expected to arrive until tomorrow, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that the town outside of the mutant school would be largely friendly towards mutants, or let alone what that meant as it relates to the reason for our early arrival...

“Beatrice” I’ve had that name less than a month and it gets me to stand at attention..
“Yes mom”
“As I was saying, your wardrobe is horridly small for a young lady like yourself, and while your options are still rather limited, we’ve scheduled an appointment with a local seamstress that works closely with the school,”
I was doomed.

end chapter 2
Any Bad Ideas I have and microscene OC character stories are freely adoptable.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #174
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
“Happy birthday, Grandpa!” Miss Powerful said, giving the old man a big, rib cracking hug.

<Oh! You’ve gotten strong, little flower. I think you’re almost as strong as your brothers,> he complained in Spanish, pushing her back a little to protect his ribs which felt like they’d been put through a trash compactor.

<Why don’t you use English?> she asked in the same language.

<I’m an old man, I should be allowed to use my native language.>

She rolled her eyes. “You moved here when you were two years old, Grandpa.”

He gave a big laugh, rubbing her long curly hair. “I just wanted to make sure you could still speak it. Your mother says you always have your nose in Shakespeare and math books with your cousin, little flower. Go find your grandmother, she wants to show you her roses.”

Standing on her tiptoes she gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran off to where her grandmother was sitting watching the festivities with a large smile.

“Grandma!” she shouted, being a bit more careful with her hug. “Grandpa said you wanted to show me your roses.”

“I do, the new rainbow rare roses are just starting to blossom. You’ll love how they look,” the old woman said. “But first can you get my cane, some of the little ones were playing with it and it somehow got under the picnic table.”

“Sure Grandma,” she said.

Running over to the picnic table she saw it was right in the middle of it. Rather than getting on her hands and knees, she grabbed the steel bar holding it together, lifted it up above her head, knelt down to grab the cane and stood back up, ready to put the table back down. Then she realized that everything had suddenly gone quiet. Looking around she saw her Dad slapping his forehead, and her Mom rubbing her temples as if fighting off a headache, everyone else was watching her in shock.

Very carefully putting the table back down, she shuffled her feet for a moment before saying, “OH LOOK! Chocolate cake!” Grabbing a slice, she walked over to her grandmother, gave her the cane and began eating as if nothing had happened.

“Lead the way, Grandma! I can’t wait to see those roses.”
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #175
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
“But Mom,” Rose pleaded, “I’m a mutant. I need to get some special training if I’m going to get this stupid power under control.”

“You’re not a mutant,” her mother replied. “You’re eyes haven’t changed colour, you still look exactly the same. Everyone knows that at the very least mutants eyes change when they manifest. You’ve simply gotten your grandfathers talent with machines. You should be happy and not worry yourself about this mutant nonsense.”

“I looked at my broken lamp yesterday and spent an hour working on it. It works again and uses half the energy. I didn’t even know how to check the energy level until I was digging through Dad’s toolbox.”

“Rose, you’re not a mutant! Now drop it or you’re grounded.”

She started to say something, not sure what it would be, but stopped and took a deep breath. Stomping out of the room, she headed for her computer. If her parents wouldn’t face facts, she would. Typing in ‘Missouri super heroes’ she began looking for ones who might be able to help her.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #176
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: Jay-Arm’s Demon
“Hey Jay-Arm! Can your demon talk?” Lindsey asked the mage-devisor.

Nephandus looked rather embarrassed. “Well, sort of...”

“What do you mean, ‘sort of’?” Jadis asked as she looked up from her book.

“Um... you see-”

“Onomatopoeia!” “Onomatopoeia!” the little demon suddenly squealed.

I apologize for the story, but enough stories referred to the demon as Nephandus’ pokemon that this just popped into my head and I couldn’t get rid of it. So now I’m inflicting it on all of you.
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #177
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Nimbus frowns at the sound of Son Gokayla’s voice calling for him. He marks his place in the book he’s been reading, then poofs into the shape of a small yellowish cloud that quickly flies off toward Master Ito’s island. He pauses only briefly for Gokayla to hop on, and then they’re off, blazing a yellow trail through the sky toward the egg-like headquarters of Capsule Corp. Gokayla leaps to the ground outside, and Nimbus flies back to his home to resume his reading of 88 Laws the IRS Doesn’t Want You to Know About.

Meanwhile, Bunny has come out to greet her old friend Gokayla with a friendly hug. Prince Valensuera sulks out after her and gives his old rival Gokayla a curt nod. “Where have you been?” demands Bunny.

“Oh, you know,” says Gokayla, his hand scratching the back of his spiky black hair. “Just saving the financial world.” His cheerful expression grows serious. “Actually, that’s why I’m here. There’s this new fiend out there, and he’s pretty strong. I’m going to need some help on this one.” He looks meaningfully at Valensuera.

Valensuera scowls. “Do it yourself, Kindkarot.”

Bunny turns on her husband. “Now you be nice! Weren’t you just complaining this morning that you never get to hang out with Gokayla anymore?”

Valensuera looks down and to the side. “Was not,” he mumbles.

“Oh yes you were! Now you go over there and help him save the world again!”

Valensuera rolls his eyes and stalks over toward Gokayla, who smiles.

“Good, good!” says Gokayla. “Buuuut, I don’t think you’re going to be strong enough for this either.”

“WHAT!” shouts Valensuera angrily, completely offended.

“But it’s okay! I’ve learned this special financial trick from the Metamorans that will let us merge our assets! We’ll become more powerful than we’ve ever imagined!”

Valensuera spits. “I’m not merging my assets with you. Go ask Razorbaccolo. I’m sure he’d love to.”

“But Valensueraaaaa,” Gokayla whines, “he’s not wealthy enough! It has to be somebody roughly as powerful as me. You’re the only one who’s managed to keep up.”

“Fine!” Valensuera shouts. “I’ll do it! Anything to stop your mewling! Now how do we do this... merger thing?”

“Great. Okay, it’s easy. We just have to do this dance...” Gokayla mimes out the motions, ending by pointing both fingers out and swinging his arms over his head to the side. “And when we get to here, our fingers touch and we’ll fuse!”

Valensuera looks completely appalled. After a few moments, he turns on his heel and starts marching back into the pastel-colored building. “Forget it, Kindkarot. The market can crash.”

Bunny steps in front of him angrily. “Valensuera, you jerk! What about our retirement fund? And what about little Thumper? Did you think about that? You have to help Gokayla save the financial world!”

Veins bulge and teeth nearly shatter, but Valensuera turns slowly around and stalks back to Gokayla’s side. Biting off the words, he says “Let’s just do it already.”

“Yes!” says Gokayla in relief. “I knew you’d come through!”

They act out a practice run, and then go through the dance for real, syncing their acumen and chanting, “Fuuuuusioooonnnnnn.... ka-ching!”

There is a flash of light, and suddenly where Gokayla and Valensuera had stood there is a new androgynous-faced entity wearing a small black vest with enormous orange trim that is barely decent over its bare and heavily ripped yet slightly feminine chest. Bunny stares appreciatively while this new being flexes its muscles and examines its new body. It looks up and speaks to her in a strangely resonating voice. “Check my holdings. They’ll be listed under Gokaylensuera now.”

Bunny pulls a PDA out of a belt pouch and consults it for a moment, then gasps and lets it slide through her fingers to clatter onto the walkway. “I’ve never seen so many zeros,” she says in a quiet, awestruck voice.

Gokaylensuera smirks. “Sounds about right. Hang tight while I go break some deals over Majin Foob’s head.” A jingling aura of gold flares around Gokaylensuera, then he flies away so quickly that he almost appears to have vanished. Bunny goes back inside to make backups of the security footage; between the blackmail potential and her prurient interest, she feels like she’s just won the jackpot. After all, you know what they say about compound interest.


Elsewhere, high up on Kayda’s Lookout, Mr. Jobejobe tends to the Spiderpalms planted in the plaza. Their legs twitch in pleasure as the warm breeze rustles through their bristly hairs. A slight widening of Mr. Jobejobe’s eyes marks the moment he senses the incoming wealth that has been blazing across the sky and has now sloped upwards until nearly vertical, rising in an exponential growth toward the stratospheric Lookout. He heaves a sigh, then sets down the watering can full of the blood-like nutrient slurry the Spiderpalms require. No doubt it is Son Gokayla he senses approaching, having discovered and used yet another promising investment to multiply his funds with.

Mr. Jobejobe doesn’t bother to notify Kayda, who will have sensed Gokayla’s approach even earlier than he did. Instead, he makes his way into the kitchens and emerges a moment later pushing a cart bearing a heap of his finest cuisine. As he backs away to a safe distance, he frowns. Something is different about Gokayla’s financial profile.

His confusion is resolved when Gokaylensuera lands in the plaza and zeroes in on the cart. “Hey, is this Rothe Haggis?”

Mr. Jobejobe nods with a fake smile while the fused being begins inhaling the meal he’d spent hours cooking before sealing it in a stasis chamber for the next time there were visitors. Gokayla had always been a little uncivilized, if well-meaning, and the addition of Velansuera has only made him more rude. Mr. Jobejobe considers ejecting him from the Lookout, but hesitates when he hears Kayda’s soft footsteps approaching.

Meanwhile, Gokaylensuera has finished consuming a feast that should have been enough to fill a dozen hungry traders. “That was great!” he says enthusiastically. “Was that lichen I tasted in the Rothe Haggis? Nice touch, and the Spicy Cave Cricket Stew was great. Just the right amount of mushroom. You have to share the recipe with Charge-Charge and Bunny so they can make it for us. And that souffle! I don’t think I’ve ever- we’ve ever? Um. It was amazing! I want more! How long-”

The thumping of Kayda’s heavy staff against the floor interrupts Gokaylensuera’s rambling. “You intend to buy out Majin Foob?”

“Of course,” he replies with a confident smirk. “With my assets, he doesn’t have a chance! Just tell me where he’s hiding and I’ll end this in time for seconds.”

Kayda gazes at him with a grim expression. “Why isn’t Razorbaccolo with you? You shouldn’t do this alone.”

Gokaylensuera scoffs. “I’ve got this.”

Kayda shakes her head. “Poor risk management. The odds are-”

“Razorbaccolo would just slow me down, and time is money. There’s no problem.”

Kayda sighs. “At least visit Karson and Hartforobe on your way back down. They’ve got a fresh batch of Securities Beans.”


Back at Master Ito’s island, Charge-Charge is cooking dinner while Glowhan does his homework. Nominally, anyway. In actuality, Glowhan is daydreaming about becoming a powerful Super Salesman like his father. He’s not blind, after all. Ever since Diz he’s been noticing hints of his hidden potential. He’d given N’Zappa a nasty surprise, and even Freyza had noticed Glowhan’s high credit score. But would his mom listen? No! Earlier he was trading stock tips with Tienyo and Jadtzu when she’d caught him and made him return to his studies. He missed the days of training with Razorbaccolo before Valensuera showed up. Just the two of them, out in the wilderness practicing economic warfare. Those were the days. Except for the part about his dad being bankrupt and all, but hey, it had only been a temporary thing until they could collect the seven Banker Balls and wish for a bailout. “I miss you, Razorbaccolo...” Glowhan mutters.

“Speak of the dinosaur...” says a synthesized voice from behind Glowhan.

“Razorbaccolo!” Glowhan jumps up and gives his grinning mentor a big hug.

Charge-Charge turns around and glares at the former enemy now awkwardly returning her son’s hug. Buyouts could make life so confusing! She shakes her head and sighs. “What brings you here, Razorbaccolo? Are you looking for Gokayla? He just flew off...”

“I know. I’m here for everyone else. I’ve sensed a new threat, and it’s going to take all of our acumen to handle.”

“Well, it’s going to have to wait. Glowhan has homework to finish, and then we’ve got dinner to eat.”

“Charge-Charge, this is more important than-”

“Nothing is more important than a good education!” she says with a sharp gesture. “Especially if he wants to be a Super Salesman!”

While they argue, Glowhan slips through the window to find Tienyo, Jadtzu, Chourillin, Yamchaka, and Master Ito waiting outside. “Hurry now,” Master Ito says. “You all get away while she’s distracted. I’ll go rescue Razorbaccolo from Charge-Charge. A good well-placed squeeze should do it! Now go!”


Majin Foob dances around the former home of a pair of tax evaders. They were not good people, but they became good candies. Majin Foob likes candies. Hard candy, unlike fiat money like the Zeni, is real and has real, innate, lasting value. It’s a physical thing that can be traded, held, buried, eaten. Zeni is just letters on a page or bits in a computer. Paper and computers are not tasty enough for Majin Foob, no sir! Majin Foob will convert the financial world from Zeni onto a proper hard candy system and save the day! Whee!

Half a dozen shadows approach, and Majin Foob frowns. “What is this?” shrills his voice. “Foob no like shadows!” Majin Foob tries to turn the shadows into candy, but they only make shadow candies, and Majin Foob can’t eat those. The great gelatinous creature looks up and sees the many traders hovering around him, financial profiles glowing brightly. “Oh, Foob sees. You come to take candy from Foob! Foob no likes this! Foob turns you into candy and makes the world taste good!”

Gokaylensuera prepares to deliver Majin Foob a final warning, but then his blood runs cold. Dancing in the air before him are the candy forms of Chef Peter, Chef Marcel, and Chef André, from the Capsule Corp. kitchens.


Ayla wakes up with a start, his bed soaked with sweat. “It... it was only a dream,” he mutters in relief.

“What did you say, baby?” asks a familiar voice to his left.

Ayla turns and finds himself face to face with Emil Hammond, who is naked but for a pimp hat and a huge gold dollar-sign necklace.


Ayla wakes up with a start, his bed soaked with sweat. He says nothing, stares at the bottom of the upper bunk for a full thirty seconds barely daring to breath, and then turns.

There’s nothing there. But something isn’t right. He turns to the other side. Hippolyta is glaring at him from behind a pair of Groucho glasses.

Ayla sighs. “This is going to be one of those nights, isn’t it.”

“Of course,” replies the top bunk as it develops a mouth and starts slowly eating hamburger helper while Hippy forces Ayla to watch.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #178
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mimeo casually walked up behind the anime girl who had the most delightful powers. She had been easy to spot with her spiky blue grey hair, it was unfortunate she wasn’t with her friends, but her powers alone would be enough to complete his robbery.

As soon as he was in reach he punched her in the kidney, he could already feel the regeneration that would kick in as soon as he hit her.

The girl collapsed the instant his fist touched her. Clothes and fake skin hit the sidewalk and for a crucial few seconds he stood there in shock. At that exact same time, a tiny birdlike figure shot out of the wig, grabbed a hold of him, ripped a hole in his shirt, right around his shoulder, shoved its hands inside to touch his skin and grinned like a child at Christmas.

“HI MIMEO!” the fairy like girl with purple hair and wings squealed excitedly.

He was grabbing the girl trying to pry her off even as he took off running from the obvious ambush. She didn’t come off, somehow she was stuck to his skin, and from the way she was smiling his tight grip wasn’t causing her the slightest bit of trouble. He couldn’t get more than a tingling of the power she obviously had, since she wasn’t fighting him, so she had to be using a PFG of some kind.

“My name’s Tink. After all of this is done can I get your autograph? You’re a villain which isn’t cool, but you don’t kill people so you’re not too bad.”

“What are you doing?” he demanded.

“Well you see,” the girl said still hanging on, smiling as if she was on an amusement ride, “we learned that you were going after Team Kimba. And the school doesn’t like people messing with us students. So you became our school project.”

“What?” he asked, giggling a little in disbelief.

“Well the devisors made a really good glue that’s on my gloves and your skin so you can’t pull me off. The gadgeteers gave me a PFG and a metal frame so you can’t rip me apart pulling me off, or pull my joints from their sockets. Eldritch and Tennyo are flying overhead with a .50 calibre sniper rifle ready to take your head off if you look like you’ll really hurt me, I have a radio that lets them listen into everything we’re saying. Eldritch really wants to shoot you for hurting students, but she was overruled.”

Mimeo began scanning the sky, another fit of giggling overcame him at the insanity of the situation.

“Oh you can’t see them silly. Pejuta gave them some really cool charms that make them invisible, you can’t even hear them. Pretty neat huh?!”

“Yeah, sure,” he said, putting on speed, biting back another laugh.

“We had Shroud pretend to be Tennyo, knowing you’d probably want to go after her first, and with her powers I could hide in her hair waiting to get close enough to get a hold of you. Generator created a really neat delivery system for our trap, and Mobius made a special bag to hold everything.”

Another laugh overcame him, this was getting more and more ridiculous. “Delivery system?” He pulled on her again, but the glue wasn’t letting go, and it had to have spread out, it felt like he was trying to rip all the skin off his arm, shoulder and half his chest.

“Yeah. There was talk about putting it into a bomb but they thought you would run away too quickly to get a big enough dose. So they needed someone who was, and I quote, ‘fast, brave, tough, and absolutely crazy,’ to pull it off. Someone else added stupid, but that definitely isn’t me.”

Mimeo had to stop running as a great belly laugh caused him to bend over grasping his knees. Gasping for air, he found he couldn’t stop laughing.

“So I volunteered. And since I started talking, you’ve been getting a steady dose of something that Jobe whipped up for self defence. She had to strengthen it for you, but it’s working great isn’t it?” she asked, yelling to be heard over his laughing.

He managed to wheeze out “J-Jobe?” as spots rose in his eyes.

“Yeah a bio-devisor. She’s creepy, and she’s going to be the Empress of Karadonia eventually. I heard she used to be a boy, but she had an accident and turned herself into a drow. I wanted to ask her to join my modeling club, but I was overruled by practically everyone.”

Fallling to his knees, laughing so hard it hurt, Mimeo just wanted the girl to shut up.

“So yeah, don’t worry you’ll just black out soon. After that happens the virus in your sinuses will start to die from lack of oxygen. By the time you wake up we’ll have you wrapped up nice and tight and ready to be sent off to prison. And I’ll be getting extra credit, and I can say that TINK THE FAIRY QUEEN, defeated Mimeo. Do you think that will look good on my resume when I try out for the Crusaders?”

She looked over at Mimeo, who was unconscious on the ground, still giggling lightly. “Aw, I don’t think I’ll get my autograph now,” she whined. Speaking to the radio, she said, “OK, guys he’s down. Come on out and arrest him. And can I get some solvent? My nose is SO itchy!”
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #179
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Teri checked her mail box on the way back from class. She’d let it slip a bit considering all the congratulations she’d gotten for going hand to hand with Mimeo, even though she hadn’t really done that much and had never been in any real danger. Still she basked in the attention, since she had been the one to pull it off.

There wasn’t much, a letter and some pictures from Mouser, some junkmail saying she might already be a winner, and right at the back was a large brown envelope. Curious she rushed back to her room and tore it open.

A large picture of a superhero group fighting against Mimeo slid out, in the corner of it was written, ‘To Tink. Here’s the autograph you wanted. When you apply for the Crusaders get them to call me as a reference. Mimeo.’

Teri’s wild scream of joy could be heard in Dunwich.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #180
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

Teri took a sip from a straw that disappered into her belt, as her fallen teammate tried to crawl away from the recently escaped Mimeo.

“Mimeo, it’s been a while,” she said calmly.

“I’m getting on in years, breaking out of prison isn’t as easy as it used to be,” the villain replied. “So I figured I’d get some regeneration to take the edge off my advanced years. I see my reference helped you.”

She took another sip from the straw before nodding, grinning broadly. “Yes it did thanks. Do you really want to fight, or can I just arrest you now?”

“You don’t have any tricks this time, fairy girl. I’ve got what I wanted so I’m feeling generous, you can run away and save yourself a beating,” he replied the grey fading rapidly from his hair.

Giggling Teri took a final big sip from the straw. “Actually I do have a little trick that just finished working.”


Her grin became inhumanly large, her eyes began to glow. “I just drank about a litre of devisor caffiene that would make an elephant stay awake for a week. And it’s starting to kick in. Last chance.”

Mimeo watched with interest as the fairy started vibrating. “This will be fun,” was all he said as he threw himself at her.

There was a small sonic boom as the two collided in midair.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #181
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
Marni leaned forward in the beanbag chair, her nimble fingers making a cornrow in her friends blonde hair. “Tell me if it tugs anymore than this, Rachael,” she said.

“I thought cornrows were suppose to be really tight?”

“Naw. If you make it too tight, you just end up pulling the hair out by the roots. Trust me, I learned all about it from my aunt who does this for a living,” she said. “Anyone else want it?” she asked the four other girls who were sitting around the basement rec room, eating popcorn, drinking pop and watching a movie.

“We’re good Mar. Take it easy and relax,” one of them said. “You don’t have to be like your parents and always doing something.”

“I just like doing stuff with my hands,” she protested. “This stuff is so easy I could do it in my sleep. I think I have a few times when my brothers woke me up before dawn wanting to look cool.”

Laughing they got back to the important things, watching the movie and gossiping.


The hot California sun was just peeking in the basement windows when Marni woke up needing to go pee. Stepping nimbly over the sleeping bags she headed for the bathroom to do her business. As she sat there, she remembered how she had helped her fathers construction crew renovate it four months ago. She’d just done fetch and carry jobs and helped keep track of inventory, but as her father told her, it would be good experience for later in life. She’d just been happy to get the paycheck.

Finishing up, she quietly opened the door, hoping to get at least another hour of sleep. Rachael was doing a pee dance just outside, before Marni could say good morning her friend stopped dead and stared.

“What?” she asked confused.

“Y-y-your eyes,” Rachael squeaked.

She spun, staring at herself in the mirror. Her iris’s were brilliant orange. “Oh crap,” she whispered.

Marni didn’t notice the sound of feet running up the stairs.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #182
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
Turning on the band saw, Rose watched the blade spin while her mind showed her how the gears and motor inside the machine worked. Six months ago she wouldn’t have cared, even now she didn’t get much of a thrill out of machines, but it was the only way to make her brain calm down and she was learning to like it.

Right now she was just making some pieces for a template of her newest project, which if her brain was telling her correctly would be a bracer that could fit under her shirt and expand into something like a shield. She’d actually found the design on the internet, and her brain had decided to improve it, making it smaller, faster and stronger. Why her brain thought she needed it, she didn’t know but it was easier to just go with it. If she ignored it, she’d just start dreaming about the stupid thing until something else caught her attention.

With the basic shape ready, she went back to her table and halted with a groan. Her blueprints were covered in red paint, beside it was written ‘Mutant’. Looking around the shop, she saw that everyone was looking away from her, and the shop teacher was conveniently in his office. Sighing, she went to get some paper towels, she didn’t need the blueprints anyways, they were just there to seem normal.


The next day, Rose made sure to talk with some of her friends close to a Todd’s locker, he was the biggest jerk in shop class and most likely the one who had destroyed her blueprints. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he opened his locker. Once it was fully opened there was a large bang that had every student yelling and ducking, Rose included, it had been louder than she thought.

Turning to face everyone, the boy looked absolutely stunned, everything from his chest down was covered in pink, glittery paint.

Rose was the first to laugh, but she was quickly joined by others, glad to see the jerk get his comeuppance.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #183
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
23 May 2016
Kochi, Kerala, India

Chandi was checking the positioning of her webcam when the notice came in that the connections for the meeting - heavily encrypted and carefully secured by both technological and magical means - were ready, and a quick check of the windows showed that both Nikki and Hikaru were already speaking privately. She smiled to herself; she knew that Amatarasu would be there, of course - she was the one who requested the meeting, after all - but being free to talk to the newest of the Divine Voices was comforting. When she had first emerged and been selected as a Paladin, Chandi had felt intimidated by the senior Voices, though she knew that most of them were only a few years older than she was. It was comforting to have a peer close to her own age in the group.

She ought to talk to Judicator in private after this was over, she thought. Athena was the closest in temperament to her own Patroness - aside from Thoth, but Nasir was a brat whose habits were entirely at odds with his stature - even if her martial demeanor stood in contrast to Saraswati’s placid tone. Savadha had been hesitant to approach the older Voice privately at first, as she was only a Paladin, whereas Elizabeth was an Incarnation, but that reserve had melted since.

And wise it was of you to get past that, Saraswati’s voice in Chandi’s head gently added.

As more Voices came on the screen, Chandi was surprised to see that Bui Hao had joined them. How did she - she alway though of Guan Yin’s Avatar as female, though it wasn’t quite accurate - get away from the Iron Dragon’s guards long enough to set this up? What affect was this going to have on this debate? Chandi shook her head in confusion. She could see that Miyet, Pejuta, and Carmilla were just as confused, and Fey was fuming, while Majestic seemed even more unbearably smug than usual. Did Hera have something to do with it?

Then the eldest of the Voices - in mortal years, at any rate, though of the Divines, the Queen of the West predated even the Sumerian goddess - spoke up, and everyone hushed as Elizabeth Carson’s voice rang through their speakers. Few outside of this group knew that since 2009, her codename was more than a mere affectation; even most of the male Voices were unaware of her role as Ishtar’s Paladin, and the Goddesses gathered in this discussion felt that was for the best. There was a reason why the likes of Imperious and Thunderbolt weren’t included in these talks.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #184
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Damn it, Toni, no! I won’t have time to ask Hao about his great-great-whatever-grandfather!”, she continued to fume as she cut off the phone call, furious that her former roommate was being so rude.

Nikki had no idea how Chaka had found out that Luminous was related to some legendary martial artist named Huang Feihong (or something like that), but pestering her fellow Voice about someone he/she seemed to know almost nothing about was the last thing she had time for when there was a major international incident going on, especially since she wasn’t sure just what June had done to arrange for Hao to speak to them at all.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Malady’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 4 years 1 month ago #185
Malady replied the topic: The Gamer of Gaia
June 12th, 2006

Alex was falling.

Well, he was dreaming that he was falling. He was falling back first. He willed himself to turn over. He could see what looked like a stained glass window approaching.

He landed.

The path of the Servant of the Tao is a difficult one. You will face many trials, but you will not face them with an empty palm

Select what will fill your palm from the proffered items

Alex wondered where the voice was coming from. He saw three pedestals. He approached the first pedestal. On it was a Chinese style jian

The Blade
The way of the Fighter
The power to fight all who oppose
The power to slaughter all who stand against

Will you take the Blade?

Alex put down the sword and approached the second pedestal. On it were what looked like a set of rosary beads

The Rosary
The way of the Mystic
The power to heal all who require
The power to destroy all who deserve

Will you take the Rosary?

Alex again put the item back on the pedestal, then went to the final pedestal. On it was what looked like a set of bells

The Bells
The way of the Protector
The power to warn of danger
The power to announce bloodshed

Will you take the Bells?

Alex put down the bells and thought on what he should take. He decided on the jian. The small spiel about the blade played through his head again, but this time he did not put down the blade.

Very well. For the path taken, there must always be a path forsworn.

Select which of the remaining items you will close your fist to.

Alex approached the rosary

The Rosary
The Way of the Mystic
Forswearing this path will make the learning of the secret arts harder, but make you hardier to the secret art being used against you.

Will you forswear the Rosary?

Alex put down the beads and picked up the Bells

The Bells
The Way of the Protector
Forswearing this path will make blows hit harder, but will aid in blows not landing on you as often.

Will you forswear the Bells?

Alex put down the bells and thought on the choice. He approached the Bells. Again, the new spiel played. Alex did not put down the bells.

Very Well

The stained glass floor shattered. Alex fell again. The new window that Alex fell towards looked like an cherub and an imp intertwined

As a Servant of the Tao, you walk not the path of Light or Dark, but of Twilight. you will face adversity from both sides.

Defeat your foes

With those words, imps and cherubs appeared. Alex somehow knew how to use the sword in his hand. Before he knew it, all had fallen but him.

Very well

The glass shattered beneath Alex again. Alex fell towards another glass floor, this one had what looked like a white girl with glasses, twin ponytails and a winged black panther.

The Servant of the Tao walks alone in their service. Be not mistaken, though you walk this path alone, your path intertwines with those connected to you. Walking this path will bring your destined beloved to the walker.

The glass shattered. Alex fell for the last time, the black void turning a cool blue and the final glass floor had what looked like a Chinese girl and a green sword on it.

Walking this path will change the walker in order to walk the path more easily. Much will be taken, but much will be given in return. The Path has chosen the Walker, but does the Walker choose the Path?

June 13th, 2006

When Alex woke up, he was faced with a wall of light blue text boxes, like out of a video game :
You recover 100% of your HP and MP and are cured of all negative status conditions from having slept well!

Quest: “Dive to the Heart” Completed!

+100 EXP​

+Destiny’s Wave

Level UP!

Alex could also feel a pressure from something that lay on top of his covers. After swipping away the text boxes, he saw that it was a cloth-covered box.

“What is this?!”

A new light blue text box appeared around the box.

Carrying Container for Destiny’s Wave.

1x Destiny’s Wave


A wooden box made to hold Destiny’s Wave. It is warded to keep anyone from detecting Destiny’s Wave.


Original Ending [ Click to expand ]

Author’s Notes [ Click to expand ]

Note to self [ Click to expand ]
Archives: Rubberjohn’s Fanfic + CrystalHall + Mittfh’s Wordcount Spreadsheet

My Patreon. But, support the Crystal Hall 1st?
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Malady.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #186
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
“All right Miss Powerful,” her Dad said using her codename so she’d get used to hearing it, “when the MCO asks you for your name, what do you tell them?”

“I’m Miss Powerful, future protector of all that’s good in the world.”

“And if they ask for my name or your mothers?”

“My parents are dead, because evil aliens blew up my home planet. I’m actually Princess Powerful, and as the last survivor of my species, it’s my job to bring peace, love and happiness to my adopted homeworld. So if you want know my parents name, it will require massive reconstructive surgery on your tongue, teeth and throat to get the right pitch.”

Her father banged his head on the table a few times. “No. Keep it simple.”

“Fine. I’m Miss Powerful and my parents are Mr. and Mrs. Powerful, you can find us in the Yellow Pages.”


Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #187
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“But Liz, we need time to study her! This could be the evidence we need to prove the melder hypothesis!”

With a sour look, Carson replied, “Don’t worry, Filbert, you’ll have plenty of time for that later. Right now, she needs more time to adjust to this, and you poking at her isn’t going help her. Just because a student’s power is rare” - so rare that they had never proven that the sole individual to possess it before, her long-lost friend Harry Holbrook, was in a different category from other Avatars - “doesn’t mean we can ride roughshod over her psychological well-being.”

Dr. Quintain started to protest, but the headmistress stood firm. “I know, we need to study the power to be certain that it isn’t a danger to anyone. But that can wait. Right now, Miss Sholes is in Dr. Bellows’ hands until we can be certain she’s stable enough to do anything with.”

As Dr. Quintain dejectedly left, she shook her head at his single-minded focus. How did he expect a child who had only just started responding after months in a nearly catatonic state, one so prejudiced against mutants that she had to be kept on a continuous suicide watch, to be able or willing to help him with his research?
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #188
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
“Do your parents know your here?” the grey clad hero asked.

“No,” Rose answered, looking nervously at the crowded restaurant that was apparently ignoring the presence of Kansas City’s only full time superhero, Mind Over Matter. “They’re on a little vacation, so I had the house to myself this weekend.”

She saw the disapproving look in the hero’s eyes.

“It’s not like I wanted to lie to them, or take a two hour ride on the Greyhound to get here. I don’t have a job yet, so I’m broke now. Its just that they don’t believe that I’m a mutant,” she insisted. “Even after fixing Dad’s car so that the radiator won’t leak, while improving the motor, and getting rid of the squeak in the shocks, not to mention everything else I’ve done for the last two months they keep saying I’m just talented. I hate grease! If it wasn’t for my stupid brain giving me all these plans and ideas I wouldn’t be doing any of this.”

He motioned for her to calm down, before taking a bite of his salad. “From your emails, it sounds like your a gadgeteer. Have you noticed anything else, getting stronger, eating more, strange sensations?”

“No. I almost wish I did, than I might be able to convince my parents that I need some help. A couple of kids at my school are calling me a mutant already because I decided to take shop class and I’m doing all sorts of things without anyone teaching me how to use the tools.”

“Are you being bullied?”

She shook her head. “No more than most kids who aren’t quite normal.”

Mind Over Matter took a hand size object out of his belt, it looked something like a flashlight. He placed it and a small pocket tool kit in front of her. “Here’s a test to see if your a mutant. This is broken, I’d like you to look it over and fix it. If you could tell me what it is, it would also help.”

“Will it explode?”

“No it’s completely harmless.”

Her mind got to work, and wanting to finally prove she was a mutant Rose helped it along as much as she could.

Fifteen minutes later, she pressed a button making a small red dot appeared on the table. “It’s a laser pointer, but it has something added to it. I don’t know what it is, something to do with noise I think, my brain started to hurt when I tried to think about it more.”

“It’s a sonic devise, that uses the laser pointer to act as a targeting system.” She gasped at the thought of fooling around with a devise, she’d heard in the news that they were dangerous. The hero gave a small laugh. “Don’t worry I took the power pack out of the devise, I wouldn’t want you accidentally making someone soil their pants. So you are a gadgeteer at least. Do you think it would help if I went to meet your parents and talked to them? I wouldn’t tell them that you came here, just that we talked by email and the phone.”

“You’d do that for me? Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Rose stopped thanking him as a possible problem appeared. “You’d come to my house dressed like that?” pointing at his costume.

“Don’t worry, no one will notice me. It’s why we’re being ignored now, I’m making people think we’re none of their business. Who says TV can’t teach you anything.”
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #189
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
“I hate you! This is all your fault.”

Marni sat on the couch clutching her knees, fighting back the tears as her ten year old brother cried with blood and snot running down his face.

“Matthew, don’t say that to your sister. This isn’t her fault,” their mother said, using a warm washcloth to clean up some of the blood from the cuts. “Who did this?”

“Some guys,” he muttered.

“Which guys? Were they your classmates, teenagers?”

Matthew didn’t answer, choosing to glare at his mutant sister.

Marni managed to walk calmly from the room, heading for her one safe place since everything had happened. As she opened her door, her arm muscles twitched and the door slammed open with a screech from the hinges and a crack of wood. Her father came running, still holding the phone that had Matthew’s principal on the other end.

“What happened?!” he asked, staring at the door hanging from her hand.

“I-I-I just... I just opened the door,” she said. The door slipped to the floor with a thud, as she was left suddenly feeling weak and very hungry.

She felt him catch her as she fainted.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #190
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Minion! I have a brilliant idea!” Greasy looked up from his homework to eye Peeper warily. Few times when that phrase had been said last year did it end well. “I know just what we can give the ladies! And all we need is one of the 3d printers, your fake skin, and a scan of my junk. Oh and some of those small water proof cameras we tried putting in the showers last year!”

Greasy sighed and hung his head.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #191
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Greasy are you pondering what I am pondering?”

“I think so Peeper, but where are we going to get hot pants for all the girls?”

“That’s not what I was... Greasy you’re brilliant!”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #192
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Alice stood on the mat for the first day of sparring in Basic Martial Arts. Her opponent leered at her, eyeing her breasts in a way that made her skin craw.

“Hajime!” the sensei shouted.

He grappled her right away, using his superior weight and muscle mass to shove her backwards and out of the circle, making sure to grope her breast before letting go.

Seething she made her way back into position. “You touch me like that again, I’ll make sure you regret it,” she warned.

“Yeah right,” he sneered.


Again he came right at her, but this time she was able to duck out of the way. He still managed to grab her gi, yanking her back towards him. She felt his hand squeeze her breast as his other hand moved towards her butt.

Concentrating she made her body shift. Porcupine quills rose from her chest spearing his hand before he knew what was happening. He jumped back screaming, holding his hand which was peppered with the sharp barbed quills.

“I warned you,” she said.

The sensei came running over, the tiny little man did not look happy. Oh well, she thought, better to get some detention than have to worry about little perverts. Looking at the holes in her gi and sports bra, she made little claws pop out of her skin catching the fabric and closing it up.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #193
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I just realized that I never reposted this. It was originally a stand-alone fanfic, “The Fortunate One”. I was planning on expanding on Serendipity’s story later but I never got back to it (story of my life...). It fits well enough as a micro-scene as it is.

My name is Elizabeth Sharon Black, or at least that’s the name I use now. When I was little, my parents called me Tom, but I never liked that name; every since I was a little girl I knew I am a girl, and lucky for me, my parents actually figured I meant it because they’ve let me be a girl since I was around six or so, all the time. They even got my name legally changed, which is something you normally can’t do until you’re, like, eighteen or something.

Mom says I’m a Two-Spirit, which always sounded wrong to me, ‘cause I feel like I am all girl no matter what my body is like, and anyway I am pretty sure our people didn’t really have the idea of Two-Spirit the way some of the other tribes did. I really don’t know, though, because even though I am full-blooded Navajo, I don’t really know much about our people’s history.

Anyway, I never really fit the stereotype of the Native American except in my looks. My name sounds like it could be anyone, and I’ve never been on a reservation even once, and my parents make a good living so I guess we’re what you’d call middle class; and while Daddy is a jeweler, which sorta fits the stereotype, Mom is a dentist and has her own practice here in Austin. I’ve never had any real trouble for being Native American, except from a couple of jerks in school. I’ve gotten a lot more grief from people about being trans, though most folks don’t know I am not quite a girl in my body so even that hasn’t been a big deal most of the time.

Like I said, I’ve been really lucky. Or at least I have been up ‘til now. Still kinda am, if you ask me. The thing about being a mutant has been more trouble for me this past couple months than all the rest of it combined.

I actually was sort of hoping I would be a mutant, though I knew a lot of people didn’t like them. I guess I was hoping to be lucky and turn into a real girl, like they say some mutants do. I know it’s really rare but I figured I’ve been doing well so far maybe my luck will hold. And it did! I’ve been getting more girly almost by the day, and the doctors think I’ll be all girl in about a year. They did say that I’d have to have an operation on my hips at some point to make sure they grow right, but other than that, yay! But I guess I’m getting ahead of myself.

I knew I might be a mutant for about a year now, when we started talking to some doctors about my transitioning to a female body. It turns out that I have the Mutant Meta-Gene Complex, which is weird because no one else in my family has it, and we checked to make sure my parents really were my parents and everything. So I guess I actually am a mutant in the technical sense, but what’s weird about that is that the Mutant Meta-Gene Complex is, well, complex, so it’s not like it should be able to just appear like that, and I have it in both sets of chromosomes, which they tell me should be impossible. But apparently the MMGC is weird like that; it just sort of started popping up in folks out of the blue, and always shows up as a whole thing, not bits and pieces, so it’s like this big mystery how that can be happening.

But I didn’t really figure I’d be a mutant in the super-powerful sense until the day my eyes turned blue. And I don’t mean like ordinary blue eyes; they are this glowing electric blue, so blue that it is really surprising to most people. I got lucky again, though; my parents had flown me to see a specialist in a place called Berlin in New Hampshire about this new scan thing that they wanted to test, because it was supposed to be able to pick up gender differences in the structure of the brain. And it’s funny, because my eyes changed like the same day I was supposed to get scanned, but the really funny thing was, the scanner turns out to be a devise, and the devisor who came up with it had to be there to make it work. And guess what? She was only a couple of years older than me! And she was a trans-girl too!

Uh oh, that was supposed to be a secret. Sorry.

Her name was Elaine and she was some kind of kid genius, even before manifesting as a mutant, so she was able to come up with this devise that could tell if someone was male or female in their head and I was one of the first it was getting tested on. From what she said, she’d used some devise to make herself a girl, except it was actually someone else’s machine and she wasn’t able to copy it so far, but she kept talking about how bio-transformation was going to be the next big thing in technology and how she was hoping that the brain scanner would pass something called the ‘Devisor test’, which I guess means that even though it’s weird science it’s not so weird that someone else can’t make something that’s sort of like it. She’s trying to get funding for mass production if it passed that test, and even says she has some friends who are really rich who might be able to help her but she hasn’t been able to convince them yet.

Anyway, she and this creepy Dr Gellmar were all set to run the scan on me when I came in with my eyes all blue like that. They kind of argued about whether or not they should go ahead with the test, and if my mutation would screw it up some how. Eventually they decided to go ahead and do it anyway. They found out I was a girl in my head, which I could have told you, but it’s really nice that I could now say that it really was true ‘cause I had the brain scan to prove it.

But what’s best of all is that Elaine says that there’s a whole school for mutants just around there, and she’s a student there herself, and she thinks I can get in to it in September!

So it’s been about two months, and not much has happened except that I’m becoming more and more like a girl like I wanted to, and I’m even a pretty at that, but I’m really excited ‘cause the school has accepted me into the Junior High program for this year. I still haven’t really figured out what my powers are yet, but I know I’m a lot stronger and and run faster than I used to, but that’s it so far. I even feel a bit smarter, which is weird. They say they’ll figure it out in ‘powers testing’ which doesn’t sound like fun but I’m still eager about it since then I’ll know what I can do.

I can’t wait to find out.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #194
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
Miss Powerful walked along the beach enjoying the smell of the sea. Her cousin would be there soon, the high school being further away than the junior high school, so for the next ten minutes or so it was just her and the beautiful weather.

Up ahead she saw a girl who looked like she was maybe ten years old crying, while an older woman stood beside her dialing on a phone. A broken pet carrier sat at the base of a palm tree. Looking up, Miss Powerful saw a cute cat sitting at the top of the palm tree.

“This looks like a job for Miss Powerful.”

Walking over, she smiled brightly. “Hi, is that your cat in the tree?” she asked the little girl.

“Y-yeah. Kit’s carrier fell and broke open, and now he doesn’t want to come down!” the girl sobbed, as her mother turned back to the road looking for help while talking to someone on her phone.

“I can get her for you.”

Without pausing, she grabbed the tree, digging her fingers into the wood just enough to get a good purchase, and began climbing, thankful that she was wearing shorts instead of a skirt. Some people were shouting at her to get down, but she was up the tree so quickly they couldn’t do anything. The cat looked at her, wide eyed in fear.

“Come here, Kit,” she said softly, holding her hand out. “Come on, Kit. I’m Miss Powerful, I’m a superhero here to rescue you.

The frond the cat was sitting on began to sink down. In a panic, the cat launched itself at her, landing right on her face. Miss Powerful suddenly getting a face full of claws, fur and scared cat, shouted and jerked back, right out of the tree.

Hitting the ground twenty feet below, she realized she wasn’t hurt, but even being super tough didn’t stop the wind from being knocked out of her.

Reaching up, she pulled the cat off of her face and placed it in the waiting arms of the girl.

“I saved your cat,” Miss Powerful said.

Getting up she noticed people were taking out cameras, some were already recording her, they were all looking at her with wide eyes.

“Oh boy.” She bolted away, shouting over her shoulder, “Gottago! Getabettercarrierforyourcat!”

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #195
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dr. DNA eyed the applicant for Paramount’s defense forces. While he’d been glad at first that his benefactor had come up with the idea to offer those interested in service custom bodies but a few of the requests had confused the hell out of him. Like the one in front of him. “I’m sorry, did you just say you wanted to be a Ripper like the ones Johnny who created? I have never heard of a species called the Ripper. And why have I never heard of this man if he is so far ahead of me in my own field of study?”

“They’re from a movie, doc. Those Roos where so cool bouncing around in that armor...” the applicant gushed with a grin.

“Thank you, we’ll get back to you about phase two of selection.” Martin Aschner sighed and reached for his head ache medicine. It felt like it was going to be a long day. He turned to the Lynx Catamount man working on a tablet next to him. Jonathan had been trained as an army shrink was there to evaluate the applicants on a psychological level while Martin was evaluating their requested new forms. “Jonathan, please show him out and tell the next applicant we’re ready for them.”


“Oh good show whot whot! I say, it is jolly good of you to offer to make my life long dream come true whot.”

“And that dream is...”

“to create the first all hare Ranger Patrol! Hares are superior fighting beasts, whot! You won’t need to make any more of those mangy catamounts,” Jonathan let out a soft growl the Brit ignored. “I say, are you making any badgers?”


“You want to be a platypus-girl why?” Martin asked cocking an eyebrow at the young woman across from him.

“Um... well... They’re cute?”


“Can my fur be naturally neon green?”

Martin blanched. “Er, no, not naturally. It will be fully dye-able though.”

“Ok, I guess that is better then nothing.”


“Explain to me again what you want. I am not familiar with a Chakat...”


“I’m sorry, but I am not currently working on reptilian hybrids at the moment, let alone ones that replace the legs with a serpent tail. Why don’t you talk to my former class mate Conner Curtis. It isn’t an organic form, but he is working on a cybernetic tail like that. If I do tackle the reptile genome in the near future I will get back to you.”


“Can I have a gold mane and a horn?”

Jonathan leaned over and said in hushed tones to Martin “She wants to be a unicorn, doctor.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” DNA whispered back.


“No, I am not doing amphibian related research.”

“But we wanna be...”


“And Toad!”

“Next applicant please, Jonathan.”


“All right, I can do an avian hybrid, but you will loose the use of your hands as you will have wings...”

“That’s fine, I figured that might be the case.”

“Also miss, you ‘ll have feathers all over your body, a beak, and have a body of a prepubescent so you’re light enough to actually fly.”

“I’ll look like a little kid? Never mind then.”


“no, I can not make you an invulnerable lion man. My process does not grant super powers, and I do not recommend undergoing it then using another devisor’s machine to add powers. Very messy results. Best way to do it is a PFG after the transformation.”

“Yes I can give you a gorilla like form, but I cannot give you telepathic abilities.”

“Can I be huge and purple then? Or maybe a chimp with wings?”

“... Next.”


“I do not work on insects genetics.”


“I wanna have pink fur!”

“You may dye your fur any color you want after the conversion...”

“But I want naturally pink fur! I’m gonna sue if I can’t get what I want!”


“I suppose I could create a Minotaur like form...”

“Can I have four breasts so I have something like an udder?”




“I can do horse hybrids yes, here let me show you...”

“Ewww, I don’t want that! I wanted to be a centaur! I’m out of here!”


“I’m good with that horse man look, but can you make my coat pure white and make my hooves look silver? Oh and give me blue eyes?”

Jonathan frowned and accessed the internet, as the white horse with blue eyes and silver hooves reminded him of something he’d read in grade school...


“An echidna? That is an unusual request.”

“well I wanna be able to make my own monsters...”


“At this time I am only making one species hybrids, so I can not give you a manticore or a chimera.”


“A prong horn? I had not considered doing anything in the antelope or deer families. Let me look into it and get back to you.”


“No, I’m sorry I am not doing duck or mice people.”

“Why not?”

“I do not want to deal with the legacy of Walt Disney.”


“I can do wolverine, but I will not give you metal bones or claws.”


“Ok, Shire in gray, white or lighter gray mane. Anything else?”

“Yeah can I get cybernetic arms and legs?”

“... Not unless you suffer sever injury that require their replacement.”


“You want to be a prairie dog? Why do I get the feeling I’m missing a reference?”


“No skunks!”


“I could probably do a Tasmanian wolf form... let me look into acquiring some samples of their genome. If it proves viable I will get back to you for phase two.”


“I do not want to deal with whoever currently owns the Loony Toons brand, so no I can not do a Tasmanian Devil form for you. And it wouldn’t include any spinning powers any way. Jonathan, would you please go into the waiting room and put in those Wild Kratts DVDs into the entertainment system? Maybe it will help those out there understand what I have accomplished if it is put into terms children can understand and in a medium designed to entertain children.”

Check your local listings for Wild Kratts on PBS. It is an interesting and educational show designed to get kids interested in animals and nature. I’m over 30 but I still try and catch episodes when I remember it’s on. For some reason I see Dr. DNA as a fan.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #196
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
John walked into his devisor friend’s workshop, and looked down as a small creature ran up to him. From its front legs to its rear it looked like a normal cat, but beyond that...

“Hi, Sam! Do you think that you’ll be able to get Tatianna’s animal replicator working properly?”

The devisor shook their head. “I don’t thing so, John. I managed to turn it on, but I simply can’t make heads or tails of it.”
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #197
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“I’m sorry that Rose wasted your time, sir. She is not a mutant despite her fantasies, and we do not need any help in raising her.”

“But Dad!” Rose started to plead.

Mind Over Matter waved at her to quiet down. “Mr. Edwards, I realize that this can’t be easy for you considering all the anti-mutant propaganda, but there is a very high probability that your daughter is a gadgeteer. While that is one of the easier mutant abilities to deal with, there are still problems such as Diedrick’s Syndrome and internal GSD to worry about. Getting her tested by the MCO along with a full physical and psychiatric assessment by a mutant specialist is in her best interest. I can give you the contact information for a doctor in Chicago, if she can publish any interesting results she’ll only charge for her time.”

“My daughter is NOT a mutant,” her mother didn’t quite shout.

“Rose is already being called a mutant at school. If something happens and the MCO is called in, having her unregistered could cause some serious problems for her. And if she tries to travel by plane without an MID, she will be arrested.”

“Rose, go to your room right now,” her father ordered.

She looked around the room, Mind Over Matter was watching her parents, who were glaring at her. With as much dignity as she could muster, she left the room.

An hour later she heard the hero leave.

Her phone buzzed. She didn’t know the number, but opened the message anyways. ‘Rose, this is Mind Over Matter. Keep this number. If there’s an emergency call me immediately.’
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #198
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
23 May 2027
Parsonage, Tsiolkovsky division, Luna
Before the meeting in Braunstadt, I made a stopover to meeting an old friend, Dr. Elaine Cody, for lunch to discuss the funding of an improved FTL drive she was working on. While she and those working with had made great strides in recent years, this latest breakthrough was important for it’s reduction of the energy needed, making it suitable for cross interstellar distances and not just interplanetary ones. If the newly organized Solar Protectorate could begin building its own starships, rather than relying on second-hand merchant vessels purchased at hideous expense from the Cordirans or the Mekh, it would go a long way to securing Humanity’s future.

As I walked up to greet her, I noticed a look of disgust cross her face. She was looking out the window, but I hadn’t seen that part of the avenue so I had no idea what it was that had her so upset.

“What’s the matter, Doc?” I gently prodded.

“Ayla!” she gasped, startled out of her thoughts. For a moment, I thought her fur was starting to appear, but I wasn’t sure. “Ah, Ah was just, well, look.” She pointed to a building across the street.

It was large, even by Lunar standards, almost half way to the inner dome. It was well appointed, if rather garish. The sign read, Dianetics Celebrity Center.

I shook my head at the sight of it. “Well, if nothing else, you can’t say they don’t have audacity. Especially if they chose to put it here of all places. Given the history between Hubbard and Jack Parsons, that has to have been deliberate.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #199
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Of all the tricks the Red Monks taught me, the one I never really got the hang of was how not to get bored when doing the same thing day after day. While I am not much for being hands-on lately - that part of what I told that fake reporter kid was true - I still get the itch to do something from time to time. Sure, I had some fun tweaking Betsy’s nose a few months ago, while delivering a message to that chump Jennings, but it just whet my appetite for a bit of action.

So when I found that one of my burn identities - jeez, how can anyone fall for something as cheesy as ‘Dr. Carter Hall of the Anthropology Museum of Nieu Feithera’, maybe I should just use ‘Professor Henry Jones, Jr.’ next time and see if anyone notices - was getting email. When I checked into it, I found that it was an invitation to the 19th World Symposium on Applied Advanced Technologies - better known as the quadrennial Science Heroes Convention.

I chuckled a bit at that. I had snuck into earlier WSAATs under a varieties of disguises, and had a hell of a lot of fun at them - not only could I give the high forehead crowd a bunch of reasons to chase their own tails, but the convention itself was a blast. You’d never guess from the lab coats and smug grimaces, but some of those guys really can party hard. Which is why I always kept a miniature video camera on my lapel while there...

Ah, what the hell, it sounds like a good way to blow off some steam and make them look like fools a bit more. I looked over the guest of honor list a bit to see what I can think up. OK, let’s see, Dr Amazing - well, of course Messing would be there - Dr. Frank Hardy, Jr. (a criminologist, huh, that apple didn’t fall far from the tree), Dr. Banzai, Professor Doch, Dr. Germahn (kind of stretching the word ‘hero’ again, I see), Professor Quartermane (wait, that kook is still around? He’s got to be older than I am! Maybe my idea that he was in bed with the White Brothers wasn’t so far off after all), Doctor Bruce David Signe (oh, yeah, that’s Jenny Wilde’s kid from when she was married to Terrence Triskel, musta taken his stepfather’s name; according to reports from my agents at Whateley, he inherited both his Mom’s gadgeteering and his Dad’s alchemy as well as being an Ex-6, but he’s a dricker and rager, that’s got potential for my plans), Dr. Osterman (yeah, nasty accident a while back, could be something for me to work with), hey, Dick and Rose Wilde, did the black sheeps of the family decided to trade their trenchcoats and wands for labcoats and test tubes? Oh, I guess not, they’re heading a roundtable with cousin Bruce on “The Intersection of Magic and Technology”, whatever that means (I’m sure that Susan Wilde is thrilled with the twins about that).

Hehehe, this is going to be fun...
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #200
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
“I’m sorry sir, you are not allowed to watch the testing,” the MCO agent said.

Marni watched as her Dad took on a role he really didn’t like playing the scary black man. Two decades of working construction, even after he formed his own construction company, made him intimidating to almost anyone. And in his best suit, he looked like someone who could give a person a very bad day physically or otherwise.

“I know what my daughters rights are,” he growled, pushing his way into the MCO agents personal space. “If you do not let me go inside with my daughter, so I can watch every second of the testing, I will call my senator and he will talk to you about overstepping your jurisdiction. And before you think I’m bluffing, I have him on speed dial because my crew is renovating his summer home right now.”

There was a tense couple of seconds before the agent backed away. “Very well, sir. If you could both come this way.”


Marni came out of the MCO change room, nursing a black eye that came from collapsing after using her powers for over five minutes straight and hitting a table on the way down. Her Dad met her in the hallway, flanked by two MCO agents.

“I didn’t think my daughter would be stronger and faster than me, I’m not sure how to feel about that,” he teased.

“For a couple of minutes, then I want to eat a horse and take a breather,” she griped.

“At least you shouldn’t break anymore doors now that you know how to start and stop it. What’s your superhero name?”

She’d been thinking about that same question for the last two days, ever since her parents had set her up for the testing. Even now she wasn’t sure about it. “Power Up.”

“Your mom will like it. Nothing embarrassing there and it makes sense. When do you sign up for superhero classes?”

“You want me to become a superhero?” she asked, a little surprised.

“If you want. It would be a nice feather in your cap. But as long as you don’t become a supervillain I’ve got your back.”

Throwing her arm around him, she leaned in close as they headed for the car. She hadn’t been to school for a week, and her brothers were getting bullied about her being a mutant, but she suddenly thought that everything would turn out OK. Smiling, she prepared herself to see the world.

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05 Sep 2021 01:03 #397 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #201
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
Samantha Hubbard looked around the small shop. It wasn’t much but it was hers, at least it was hers once she paid off the loans to the bank, her parents, and her friends. Going to the door she flipped the ‘closed’ sign around.
“Simply Exquisite Jewellers is now open,” she told herself happily.
It was still too early to expect customers, so she went to her work table where some of her jewellers equipment rested. Pulling out her sketchbook, she looked at the design a client had sent her earlier that week. It looked like a simple silver ring, but the faint lines that wrapped around the band like a snake would be tricky. That suited her, it was that kind of detailed work was exactly the challenge she loved.
Pulling a silver band from the safe, she began going over every step in her head.

Unknown to her, an email arrived asking if she could do a very detailed job with a special cats eye gem.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #202
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A man wearing a ski mask with a pot leaf design across the face swept through the sliding doors of the Berlin grocery store waving a gym bag. His right hand had somehow been replaced by a bong, and his cape was in the shape of the same leaf on his mask. “I am Dr High! Fill this bag with all the munchies an uh... cash.” as he waved his ‘hand’ around the store began to fill with the distinctive smell of pot smoke.

The cashier exchanged looks with Mrs Carson, who shrugged. “Don’t look at me, he’s not a Whateley grad.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #203
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
the world dissolved to white as the super villain’s timer ran out and the world went black.

“hello Bounty Hunter, your team failed to achieve your objective and the human race died.” the automated voice stated as John lifted his helmet’s face plate. He looked down as he heard metal creaking and he saw that he had crushed the arm rest in his anger. Phasing free of the connections to his suit he flew through the wall and hovered over the blonde still in that chair.

“what the hell was that Kira!? You could have won the sim for us! All you had to do was fly that damn device out of the atmosphere!! But NOOOOOO you just started yapping away!! It’s a damn sim! You didn’t have to save good bye to anyone and everyone until time ran out! You have never been out of the atmo so how did you know you wouldn’t come back or your powers won’t work?” the leader of the 2016 Grunts railed at their newest recruit, his shape shifting slipping, a long blue skeletal tail forcing the snaps loose, as something started chewing the fabric over his torso.

“But the testers I went to...”

“Where hacks!! The Whateley testers say you’re an energizer with pk traits, not a PDP!! And even if you where there have been telekinetics in space before who could fly around just fine! And you have super lung capacity! I know you can hold your breath for hours! That and your invulnerability would have allowed you to survive long enough for someone to mount a rescue op!”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #204
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
New York- November 2006

Imp looked up from her paper as Pinball wandered into the Black Mask. The energizer wasn’t in costume, and was instead looking spiffy in a pant suit. “Hey yah Pin, what’s with the suit?”

“Oh the secret identity was called for jury duty, and well...”

“No, no I get it. I do the same. Say, do you have any family in Cincinnati?”

“None that I can think of, why?”

“There’s some bouncing brat up there giving SPECTRUM and their new kid side kick a headache. Calls herself Madcap, and... it reads almost like she’s a cross between the two of us, just without either of our style.” Imp replied showing Pin the article.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #205
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
Her new coloured contacts made her eyes itchy, but Marni tried to ignore it. Everyone knew she was a mutant, there was no reason to emphasize it by showing her orange iris’s. Putting her books and the pile of homework her parents had gotten from her teachers into her bag, she added a box of energy bars on top of it. She was eating a lot more than usual and if she used her powers, not that she wanted to, she’d need them to refresh herself.

Heading out the door she started the short walk to school. Rachael met her halfway there.

“Hey,” Marni said.

“Hey, yourself,” Rachael said.

They walked in silence for a minute, getting odd looks from some of the other students and a few adults.

“I’m sorry that I let everyone know you’re a mutant. I just wanted to tell my parents, and accidentally woke everyone else up.”

“I know,” she said. “How’s everything at school?”

“They’ve got a bet going that you’re going to look like a monster at the end of the month.”

Marni looked up at the sky, begging for strength. “Well I’m not. I’m going to keep looking just like me, at least according to the MCO.”

“You went to the MCO? That’s the other bet, the MCO is going to arrest you before the end of the term.”

“I got my powers tested, and an MID. They weren’t too bad, a lot like dealing with Principal Snyder. A big stick up their ass, but as long as you shut up and nod at the right parts, not too bad.”

“That’s good. That’s really good.”

“Heads up scum!” a boy shouted from across the street.

Instinctively activating her powers, everything seemed to move in slow motion. She could hear and see so many things, from the buzzing of insects to the beating of Rachael’s heart, she could even see the sweat on the boys face who had yelled at her, it was almost confusing. She watched the basketball, judging the speed, spin, and knew that it was going to hit her head, almost casually she raised her hands, caught it and in one smooth motion sent it rocketing down the street at least a block away to land in a garbage can, knocking it over.

Time returned to normal, her stomach growled. Taking her bag off, desperate to get an energy bar, she noticed that everyone was staring open mouthed in shock.

“Crap,” she said, realizing that there was no way she was going to be treated normally now.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Malady’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #206
Malady replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Uganda’s Sign: If you turn in a report with a dozen misspellings, “I was too close to Uganda. “ will not be accepted as an excuse. There is no “bleed” effect. Unless you are writing near Uganda herself, your writing will not be affected. The next person to blame her because they are too lazy to proofread will be assigned to be her scribe for a week.
Archives: Rubberjohn’s Fanfic + CrystalHall + Mittfh’s Wordcount Spreadsheet

My Patreon. But, support the Crystal Hall 1st?

mhalpern’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #207
mhalpern replied the topic: The Twins of Tech- possible sneak peak

The Headmistress was tapping her foot when we walked in.

“What are we going to do with you two? You do realize the interesting conundrum you present, While Mitchel can still take some remote studies, that doesn’t qualify as a full load you know.”

“We know” both of us said simultaneously, the lab boys still haven’t adapted that sim neural interface yet, but I smiled as we hadn’t lost our touch.

“And I understand you want to take your PE courses as one student in a sense?”

“You do know you two are going to get strange looks when they realise that you Edna are WEARING your brother Mitchel right?”

“Yes, however I get the feeling this isn’t all you called us down for is it, Miss Carson?” I heard from the speaker on my collar.

“No it isn’t, You are in a delicate situation Mitchel, it is unclear how stable your new form is, if you will survive long or destabilize, for lack of a better term, which is why you both are going to see Dr Bellows regularly, starting today, the Mile High Defenders have informed me that you have yet to come to terms with what happened to your parents, and now with this uncertain situation it is imperative that you do.”

I tried to speak, but was interrupted “don’t try and deny it, you need this, both of you.”

The Mile High Defenders are based out of Denver, but they have satellite groups all over Colorado, we ran to the one who’s HQ (hidden in plain sight at their visitor’s center) is right across from the Hotel Denver in Aspen. our home was in a nearby town, but it was still quite the hike...

“I know I have brought up painful memories, but it is necessary, I also have to inform you Edna that your outburst in Ballroom Dancing has placed you on the watch list, and security is going to put your and your brother’s weapons in safe keeping, I don’t think there’s much of a risk anymore but we still have to.”

I was in shock until Mitchel responded for me, “Thank you we understand, personally I would be surprised if the watch wasn’t put in place, and as painful as it may be, it’s time we came to terms with that day, I no longer have Diedrick’s so we don’t have an excuse to avoid the topic, even if I did, I’m already limp”
Any Bad Ideas I have and microscene OC character stories are freely adoptable.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #208
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
While I had a plan to write a full story with this, I figure it is safer to put it here in case I never get any further with it.

23 Sept 2007
Crystal Hall

I was humming along with my iPod, which had cued up an old Moody Blues song about a former self of mine. Alas, poor Timmy, he was a great host: so placid, so intelligent, so inspiring, such a tremendous pain in the arse for the Powers That Be. Oh, I would have preferred a female host, as always, but just as with my current form, he was worth the sacrifice. I mused on how much he loved Switzerland, which was where I had been most of this past summer. Life was indeed good.

As I walked through the food lines, I noticed that Cytherea’s latest conquest - some brainless piece of beefcake whose name I never caught, useful only for sex and bussing food trays - had finally got hip to her shit, and stormed out leaving her with no one to clean up after her. Typical, really. She left the Euro-Promotional League’s table to go sit with the rest of the New Olympians, with an air of someone who was a best mildly amused with what had just happened.

With a smile, I recalled how I had sandbagged her into my own bed, convincing her that I was just a nervous underclassman who was thrilled that she was giving me the time of day in exchange for some help on a Chemistry exam. I chuckled at the thought that she hadn’t realized that I was the one who had played her, nor that by the end of that year I had done the same thing - bedroom antics and all - with every other New Olympian except Knick-Knack, Judicator, and Feral. The only one who had caught on to what I was doing was Athena, and I had Elizabeth over a barrel so she kept mum about it.

I sat down next to the Jobester and watched for a bit. As I ate, I decided that the time had come to put my next gambit into motion, a play I had been planning out for the last two years, ever since I noticed some of my old... colleagues... were already at Whateley when I arrived, back when I was a lowly sub-fish.

After a bit of banter with Jads and Lindsey, I excused myself and made my way back to the fruit stands, picking the items I would need for this particular game. I ran my free hand through my hair - I wanted it to be good and messy for this one - then teleported two of the Golden Delicious apples I had picked up in front of Imperious and Majestic. In quick succession, two more appeared before Cytherea and Knick-Knack, a fifth in front of Tracer, and for a finale I dumped a container of apple sauce right onto Counterpoint’s head followed by flipping him off with a hand hovering in front of his face.

The look on their faces was quite satisfying.

As a bevy of irate deities jumped to their feet and started glaring towards the Seeds table, I teleported into the empty chair across from Chris. It took them a moment to realize I was there, and they were pretty pissed. Things was going like clockwork, so I gave them a bit of a wave before I spoke.

“So, did you miss me?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #209
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
(Miss Powerful’s stories have been out of order, because it’s not as important as with the other stories, but from here on out they’ll be in order. You should be able to figure out where they go without much trouble.)

February, 2006

“Lightning Strike, I’m your biggest fan! Can you sign my book!” Miss Powerful shouted, holding up a limited edition History of the Miami Crusaders.

The superhero gave her a brilliant smile, her neon yellow hair gave off a brilliant glow that seemed to light up the school gymnasium. “Definitely. What’s your name?”

“Could you call me by my superhero name? It’s Miss Powerful,” she whispered.

That got a radiant smile. “So Miss Powerful, do you want to become a hero one day?”

She nodded madly. “I’m only eleven years old so I haven’t manifested yet, but I can’t wait to become a mutant and then I can join the Crusaders! I’m exercising a lot to, and my brothers are teaching me how to fight. I really want to join up because you guys are all so cool!”

Lightning Strike laughed, and patted her shoulder. “Keep up that attitude and you’ll go far. But remember you have to be an adult to join the Crusaders, and you need to do well in school. What are your grades like?”

“I’m at the top in most of my classes. My cousin is a freshman in high school and she lets me do some of her homework with her. Is it true that you got a math degree. I’m not very good at math. I’m really good at English though. I’ve already read Taming of The Shrew, with my cousin’s help. I liked some of the word play, but the guys in it were jerks! I’d have punched them if they tried doing that to me.”

“Instead of punching them, you should get help. Fighting is only good as a last resort, even I don’t like fighting,” the hero said. “I did get a PhD in physics. You’d be amazed at how it helps me in my superhero career, letting me plan where my lightning bolts will hit, how to fly, and where and how hard to throw a villain so he can’t hurt anyone when he lands. But English is great to. We always need someone who can speak nicely for the crowd, and knows how to write things down so people understand how we’re helping them. Everything can be useful, it just depends on how you use it.”

The hero pulled out a pen that looked a little like a lightning bolt and glowed as she wrote in the book. Handing the book back, she gave her the pen as well. “Keep it, Miss Powerful. It’s not often I meet one of my future partners,” she said, giving her a hug.

She staggered away dumbly, a huge smile on her face. Looking at the book she read, ‘To my friend, Miss Powerful! You’ll be one of the great superheroes one day. Your future partner, Lightning Strike!’

“Best day ever!” she murmured to herself.
Last Edit: 5 years 4 months ago by Domoviye.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #210
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
After lunch, I had an office session for Dr. Marley, but as soon as it was finished I raced off for the Fixer’s Patio to see if I could find Jadis. Fortunately, she was already there. I wasn’t surprised that she still seemed shaken by what had happened in the Crystall Hall today; I knew I was.

Looking up at me, she gave me a wry smile.”I was hoping you’d want to talk, Trev. Before you ask, no, I had no idea about any of that. Cheese has always played it close to the vest, kind of obvious why, now, but trust me, I was almost as surprised as you must have been.”


She gava dramatic sigh, and went on, “Victor loves dropping hints about things, almost as if he has Nigma’s Syndrome or something. Once I saw the apples, a lot of his comments started falling into place.”


“Yeah. But the scary part? Eris has worshippers, probably more than even Athena at this point, and while most Discordians aren’t very serious about it, even as a joke their veneration of her might be enough to count. If I am not mistaken, Cheese may well be more powerful than Imperious right now.”

I goggled at the implications of that, but then remembered something the two of us discussed before. “That... might not be entirely a bad thing, though. It depends on the extent to which the relationship affects the god in question.”

“The impact can be fairly significant, actually,” came Sara’s voice from off to the side. “Do the two of you mind if I join you? While I missed that bit of theatre at lunch today, when I heard about it I was certain that you two would want to discuss it, and I could use some intelligent conversation myself.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #211
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
Rose rode to school on her new electric bike. She’d seen her neighbour riding one the other week, and her brain liked it so much she’d gone on the internet to see how it worked. She’d made a few tweaks to make it smaller and prettier, and had it running two days later.

“Cool bike, Rose,” her friend said.


“Did... did you build it yourself?”

“Yeah. I got the design of the net.”

Her friend looked at the bike nervously. “It’s kind of weird how you’re suddenly building all kinds of things.”

“My Dad is always getting me to help around the house, because my hands can get into places his can’t. I’m just doing things that interest me now,” she lied. “Do you want me to make your bike like this? It only costs about fifty bucks for the parts. Thirty if don’t mind it being ugly.”

The nervousness went away. “REALLY? How fast does it go?”

They started talking about everything she could do to improve the bike as they walked to class.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #212
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
“Who knows the answer to question one?” Mrs. Sanchez, the history teacher asked.

Marni raised her hand. She always loved history, and while she’d been getting weird looks all day, she was happy to slip into the joys of the class.

“Anyone?” Mrs. Sanchez asked again.

She raised her hand higher.

“Yes, Troy, what do you think?” she asked pointing at a boy on the other side of the classroom.

Lowering her hand, Marni figured the teacher just wanted to let others answer, she did that sometimes.

“What about question 2?”

Raising her hand again, Mrs. Sanchez chose another student, again, and again, and again.

“Question 6?”

Marni didn’t bother raising her hand, the teacher hadn’t even looked at her once.

When the bell rang, she got her things and went to speak to the teacher. Mrs. Sanchez saw Marni coming, and practically grabbed another student, asking a question about his homework. Watching in stunned disbelief, Marni saw them separate almost as soon as they were in the hallway, and her favourite teacher rushed off casting nervous looks over her shoulder.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #213
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
“Hey Dad, I made the car run on kitchen oil, new or used, and it now gets 30mpg in town, and 38mpg on the highway,” Rose told her dad. Her eyes were ringed with black circles, not only from grease, but because she’d been working on it for the entire three day weekend, with practically no sleep. Her hands were thick with grease and oil, despite having cleaned them off outside.

“Thanks princess. But why didn’t you ask me first?” he asked.

“My mutation wasn’t letting me sleep, so I decided to just get it done. And you and Mom were gone all weekend, so I figured it was the best time.”

“Oh, OK.”

“So, since no other normal fifteen year old girl that I’ve heard about could do this in a weekend, with no training except for half a term in shop class, do you think maybe, possibly, I’m not normal?”


“If I promise to rewire the house and lower our electricity bill by 40%, could you take me to the MCO to get tested to prove that I’m normal. Because a lot of kids at school are calling me a mutant.”


“JESUS CHRIST!” she shouted, storming out of the room to go have a long shower and sleep for the rest of the day.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 4 months ago #214
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful

Miss Powerful looked at her phone which hung from her finger like a strange ring. “Uh, what happened?” she asked herself.

Holding her hand up, she bent her apparently unhurt finger, turning more of the plastic into powder. Giving it a tug, the phone split in two as if it were paper. Looking around her room to see if anyone was watching, she crushed the phone between her palms, there was a crunch, and powder mixed with some thin pieces of plastic fell to the floor.

“Cool!” she whispered to herself.

Grabbing her wooden bed frame, accidentally leaving fingerprints in the wood, she lifted it up. She had to spread her legs to keep her balance, but it felt like she was lifting a pillow.

“I’m a mutant!” she shouted, jumping up and down, denting the wall with the bed that she’d forgotten she was holding.

Putting the bed back down, she carefully made her way to the kitchen, thankful that her parents were outside.

Alone in the kitchen, she picked up the phone and very carefully dialed a number she had memorized a year ago.

“Hello, Miami Crusaders, how can I help you?” a man asked.

“HI! I’m a mutant. I talked to Lightning Strike last year, and I can lift my bed with one hand, and she told me that I could be a hero if I turned into a mutant. So now that I’m a mutant, and I put my finger right through my phone and it didn’t hurt! So how can I sign up to become a Crusader because I’ll do such a good job!” She stopped to gasp for breath.

“All right, thanks for calling, miss. I need to ask you some questions. First do you have an MID?” the person asked.

“No. I just did it. My eyes haven’t even changed colour, at least they were still the same colour when I was brushing my teeth. I thought most mutants had their eyes change colour. I was hoping to get really cool eyes, like electric blue, or fiery red. Maybe even pink. Pink is my favourite colour. Do you think my hair will change colour now. Because that would be cool!”

“Calm down, miss. Have you told your parents?”

“No. My parents don’t know yet. It just happened, I was about to call my cousin, and my finger went right through my phone like it was tinfoil!”

“Do you think your parents will hurt you if you tell them you’re a mutant?”

“No way! My parents are really great. One time I got some pink paint and started to paint the -”

“That’s enough. Now listen carefully, tell your parents what happened and tell them you need to get your powers tested. The MCO in Miami is a good place to go. Just make sure your parents call ahead for an appointment, and be sure to visit our website. It has a section about the MCO, what they’re allowed to ask and do, as well as other important information. You and you’re parents should read it very carefully tonight and make sure you understand everything,” he stressed.

“And then I can join the Miami Crusaders?”

“You can contact us and we’ll see about having you and your parents come by for a visit where a member can tell you about your options.”

She jumped up and down with delight, leaving a dent in the ceiling with her head, not that she noticed. “Can it PLEASE be Lightning Strike?!”

“We’ll try, but no promises.”

“OK! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” she squealed, hanging up.

Running outside she shouted, “Mom you won’t believe what happened!”

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #215
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
“Mr. Kendall, you can’t just back out of the project. We’ve torn apart your living room, getting someone new in will set you back by at least a week, and there is no legal reason to break the contract,” Marni’s dad said into the phone.

There was a lot of half understood mumbling from the other end.

“Money isn’t a problem you paid me half upfront. I can wait for the rest, I know you’re good for it.”

More mumbling.

Her dad’s voice became tense up, trembling with barely controlled rage. “My daughter is of no concern to you. If you want to break the contract, I’ll see you court.”

From her room down the hallway Marni listened with her powers. Lying on her bed, her muscles vibrate with unused energy, she could feel the faint breeze from under the door, the cotton sheet tickled her bare legs. Her eyes were closed, trying to focus only on listening. It was as if she was in the same room as they were. She could even hear the squeak of her mothers chair as she shifted to type something onto her laptop.

“The Kendall contract is dead?” she asked needlessly.

He grunted.

“We’ve lost two contracts now, and at least five potentials. We’re going to have to tighten our belts, but we can keep everything going for at least a year, that should be long enough to let every thing settle down.”

“Damn fools. Just as bad as the damn KKK,” her dad growled. “Don’t you have a book club to go to?”

“I dropped out. They decided to read some anti-mutant propaganda book.”

Relaxing her muscles, Marni’s senses dulled back to normal. Opening her eyes, she saw her brother glaring at her from the door, an ugly bruise on his chin.

“What do you want?” she asked.

He didn’t answer, just walked away.

Closing the door she put a pillow over her face and cried at what she was putting her family through.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #216
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A.N.: This is a deleted scene from a non-Whateley medieval fantasy story I’m working on. This snippet kicks in a few minutes after the protagonist has discovered she has a magic sense, and she’s now trying it out while hovering, after noticing that trying to hover seemed to enhance the sense.

Yes, that definitely increased my range, and I could feel those “threads” shooting out of me again. They were my magic. I was throwing it out of myself, and then somehow it curved around, changed, and reached down to pull me and anything around me up. And now I realized that the sense of “upness” that I’d discovered before was just another part of this, because now I could sense even more lines, these ones coming up out of the ground and reaching past me until I couldn’t sense them anymore. I could see how my own lines came down parallel to those ones. If I tried to move sideways, they leaned, angling so that they pulled me sideways. And I could feel how that tilt related to my surroundings! This was going to make steering so much easier. I grinned, and then I giggled as I felt the spindly lines of my face curve with my lips. I could feel my whole body. It was really weird. It was like... like if you were wearing really scratchy clothes that you weren’t used to, so that you noticed every movement. I hadn’t noticed at first because it had been so weak, but the more this new sense came into focus...

I could feel my own heart. Not very well. I was just a bunch of these lines, like everything else was. Inside me the lines were very tangled, but the tangles were connected to each other in ways I vaguely recognized as organs from the diagrams Deacon Woodson had shown us, even if I didn’t remember what they all were. But there was one big knot of these lines in my chest that I could feel throbbing in time with my heart. Because it was my heart, obviously.

Feeling your own organs is very distracting, once you realize you can do it. I started to feel queasy, and I could feel as my body reacted to the queasiness, which did not help matters. I opened my eyes and landed before I could make myself sick. I needed to let my magic rest more anyway.

It took a minute for my eyes to adjust; I’d had them closed for a pretty good while. The breeze and the comforting sight of mottled sunlight dancing through the forest’s canopy helped me relax. It was a beautiful day. How could it be so beautiful after such a terrible night?

As unhappy thoughts started clawing their way into my mind, I decided that being able to feel my own guts wasn’t so bad after all. It was distracting, but I wanted to be distracted. And now that I thought about it, I could still feel them. With my eyes open. I cursed under my breath. I knew, in a sort of cold, detached way, that I would eventually get over being exiled from Vinebrook. It would always hurt, but I would be able to face it and move on. The distracting and slightly disgusting ability to feel semi-digested food worming its way through my insides was welcome right now, but it wouldn’t be needed forever. Unfortunately, it seemed that I was only getting better and better at sensing it. What was next? Feeling all the bugs?

“Shit.” I could feel all the bugs. Tiny little bundles of lines crawling about on the ground, buzzing through the air, crawling over my skin and in my hair. “Shit shit shit shit shit!” I stood up and started brushing the seven ants off my legs and then shaking the two flies out of my hair. But bugs were everywhere. I’d always known bugs were everywhere. That’s just part of life. But I hadn’t had to feel them all.

I paused. I couldn’t feel them. Well, I hadn’t felt them, when I was flailing about having a tantrum. Now that I’d paused, I could feel them again. I started walking and the sensations blurred until they were almost gone. I couldn’t make out little details like bugs. I could barely make out trees. I closed my eyes and everything came back into focus, more or less. I opened them and the distraction of sight combined with the shifting caused by movement washed the bulk of it away.

I knew it wouldn’t last. I just kept getting better at this. Eventually I’d be able to feel everything while walking with my eyes wide open. I sighed. May as well start getting used to it. Maybe after a while I’d just stop noticing, like my other senses did with my own scent or the feel of my clothes. People don’t notice the mundane. The sooner this insanity became mundane, the sooner I could stop noticing it.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #217
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Noelle glanced over at where Jordan was lurking, a huge grin on her twin’s face was she waited for Noelle to pay off the combat final bet they’d made; sister with the worst grade had to alter herself as the winner saw fit and go out in public that way. Noelle had been hoping that Jordan would collect while the school year was still on going, maybe making her go to the Mountaineer’s Prom (well they had, but Jordan made clear that it wasn’t her reward), but her twin had saved it until summer break and their family hit the Florida beaches. Jordan had first altered Noelle to look like a teenage Scarlett Johansson
and then added her own touches such as purple hair and a wardrobe change.

Gulping Noelle wandered into the small beach side clothing stand, trying to project a confidence she just wasn’t feeling as she browsed wearing a tiny swim suit top and nothing else. After five minutes she began to relax as it seemed most of the other shoppers hadn’t noticed her lack of bottoms...

“Excuse me miss, but I have to ask you to...”

Noelle turned and gave the shop owner a nervous smile. “Yes?”

The man’s mouth moved soundlessly as he looked her up and down, raising a blush on Noelle’s cheeks before he let out a whimper. “Mutant!” he blurted pointing to her featureless crotch.

“Nope, sorry, cyborg. I needed a full body conversion, but between the cost to travel to Japan to have it done and everything else... I couldn’t afford the anatomically correct body. I do normally wear bottoms, but some how I lost them in the water, so here I am trying to replace them...”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #218
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Morgan Wasser stood on the side walk outside Shuster Hall, a late arrival to the 2007-2008 Whateley school year. She’d been to see the headmistress already and now all she was doing was waiting for her tour guide and to be show her cottage.

A girl wearing a buck skin dress hurried up with a grin on her face. “Hi, are you Morgan? I’m Kay...”

Morgan’s spirit shuddered and she ‘voged’ out, revealing the shape of the beast that lived within her. Kay came to a screeching halt, a wicked looking knife appearing in her hand as a large bison also appeared from thin air.

“Mishibijiw.” the girl spat dropping into a combat crouch as the bison scuffed the ground, his head down.

Morgan’s spirit, who she called Missy, bristled, shifting her past the oddly colored cat girl stage that was their usual shared form, and allowing the copper spines along their back and tail stood on end as their claws flexed. She could feel the curved horns jutting from the side of their head. “Ptesanwi.” she felt Missy snarly though their shared lips. “We seek to do you no harm, but if you banish us from the one we have chosen or try to steal our spines...”

The girl, Ptesawi, and the bison blinked and exchanged looks for a few moments. The large hairy beast raised his wide nose and sniffed the air. “They do not carry the dark one’s taint as the one you encountered last year did.” The bison said in English, though he still gave us the stink eye. “Though why a water panther would bond to one not of the Nations...”

“I chose to bond with this one for my own reasons.” Missy replied as the pair shifted back to their human form. Morgan shook their head and took control of their mouth. “Missy saved me when a European spirit that had been preying on children tried to take me. Her bonding with me was unexpected, but we find we suit each other despite my lack of native blood.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #219
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
“So you’ve got superpowers now, cuz.”

“Yep! It happened yesterday.” Miss Powerful told her slightly older cousin. “Isn’t it awesome! I can lift Mom’s car!”

Her cousin looked a little bummed out, and began playing with her colourful patchwork skirt. “I didn’t think my little cousin would able to beat up supervillains. What am I going to do?”

“Ah don’t be like that. You’re still super cool. Now that I’m Miss Powerful, I’m going to need a sidekick. You want the job? Just think Miss Powerful and -” she stopped suddenly. “We’re going to need a cool name for you.”

“If you call me Alfred, Robin, or Olsen, I’ll find a way to kill you. Just so there’s no misunderstandings or anything,” her cousin said.

“How about... Rainbow Girl!”

“Yeah... NO!”

“Fun Time Girl!”

“Don’t make me hurt you. And if you ever call me that, I WILL hurt you.”

“Girl Wonder!”


“Princess Heroic! You used to use that name all the time.”

“When we were children. How about I be the brains behind the operation?”

“Oh, then I can call you Q or Professor! Terrific!”
Last Edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Domoviye.

E M Pisek
E M Pisek’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #220
E M Pisek replied the topic: Miss Powerful
Domoviye wrote: “So you’ve got superpowers now, cuz.”

“When we were children. How about I be the brains behind the operation?”

“Oh, then I can call you Q or Professor! Terrific!”

How about Professor Sunshine?
What is - was. What was - is.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #221
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
“Hey Michelle, what’s going on?” Samantha asked, propping the phone between her head and shoulder so she could keep reading the email, a bowl of cheap instant noodles was open and long since cold on the side of the desk.

“Missing you Sam. You haven’t been down in over three months. The only way I knew you were still alive was the last bank transfer you sent me. Thanks for that, it helped pay for my new car.”

“I’m sorry, I miss you to but I’m so busy with everything and business is going really well. I made up matching necklaces and bracelets for a bride and all five of her brides maids, and I had to do a white gold tiara for the bride.”

“Jesus! You must be rolling in it.”

“I wish,” Samantha groaned. “That paid off my parents, you and the other girls, and a teeny, tiny, insignificant part of the bank. The only meat I’ve eaten for months has been hot dogs. Chicken hot dogs. I’m tempted to set up a few mouse traps for meat that isn’t processed garbage.”

“Yuck! I’ll send you a couple of steaks for your birthday. Any hope that you’ll get real food soon?”

“Yeah, I’ve been talking with this really weird guy on the net.”

“What have I told you about talking to strange men on the net? Don’t you remember Francois?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” she groaned. “Anyways, he’s got this really hideous gem he wants to put on a choker. But it has to be done in a certain way, and he keeps changing the design. If he emailed me more than three times a month, and didn’t promise to pay three quarters upfront as soon as we decide on a design, I’d have dropped him long ago.”

“How much money are we talking about?”

“I could buy a new car with the advance.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #222
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
Mind Over Matter sipped his coffee, he wasn’t in Kansas City or on patrol, so he wearing jeans and a t-shirt, his winter coat by his side, while his powers made everyone ignore the table. Rose sat across from him, her fingers moved rapidly fixing a few little gadgets that needed a tune up.

“How are your parents?” he asked.

“It’s ridiculous. I keep trying to do bigger and bigger things, and nothing. I took a design off the net for an automated lawn mower and created robot that would plow the driveway and sidewalk whenever there’s more than 1 inch of snow. And what happens, they say good work. Nothing else! I threatened to create a gadget that would cut power to every appliance in the house whenever I left, unless they took me for powers testing. Do you know what they said?” she asked.

“Not a chance.”

“Exactly. Do you know where I can find someone to give me a third eye or something?”

He leaned in using his power to put out a calming aura, nothing that would do much more than a bit of incense and relaxing music. “You’re doing a good job of keeping a handle on things. You’re dealing with the bullies and your friends, not getting into trouble, and haven’t caused any accidents. Who cares if your parents are in denial. As long as you keep doing what you’re doing, when you’re a bit older and have your own car you can come to Kansas city and get your MID with no hassles.”

She slumped down. “I just keep thinking something is going to happen and they’re going to arrest me and throw away the key. I was thinking the only thing I’d ever have to worry about would be speeding tickets when I got old enough to buy a car, and maybe getting a little drunk and having my parents find out. Now I’ve got to watch out for all kinds of stuff, and my parents are just making it worse.”

“It’s not that bad, Rose. Once you leave for college you’ll be able to fly under the radar, get a job as an engineer or something, make millions of dollars and you can do whatever you want.”

“I know. I just wish I could get some more support. It’s tough sometimes feeling so different and having my parents refuse to see it,” she muttered.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #223
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“So Kayda, what are you planning on doing for Halloween?” Punch asked as she hung up her own costume in the closet.

Kayda let out a sigh. “Yeah I do, but it wasn’t my idea. Clover was reading Tatanka Tall Tales the other week. He was working in private sessions with the Three...” she shook her head. “You’ll have to wait and see, they want it to be a surprise. I’m just worried that this will blow up in my face.”

October 31st

Kayda gingerly stepped into the auditorium, ducking under the door’s header, Tatanka right beside her. She felt weird wearing the blue jeans and red flannel shirt, not to mention the fact that the Three Little Witches had worked out a spell that replicated the effects of size warping. She would have settled for a glamour that made her look taller, but no that wasn’t good enough. At least she was armed, though it was not the tomahawk she preferred but a heavy headed chopping ax.

“so who are you supposed to be?” Jimmy T, or so the name badge said as Angela Lansbury certainly didn’t look like Jimmy T, asked looking up at Kayda.

“Babe the big blue bison and his human Paula Bunyan.” A larger then he’d ever grown Tanaka rumbled, his fur colored Smurf blue, a smirk on his muzzle.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.
Last Edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Cryptic.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #224
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
“OK, this really is hideous,” Samantha said looking at the ugly brown, cracked and distorted cats eye. The flaws in the centre of the cats eye made her think it was winking at her.

She seriously considered sending the thing back to the client. In the year it had taken to seal the deal, going through twenty different designs in the process, she was out of debt, even if she was still only up to regularly eating hot dogs, actual pork instead of chicken ones. So she didn’t need the money desperately. But how the client talked about the project had intrigued her. The fact that her fridge was full of real food and she could afford to buy a car that wasn’t threatening to fall apart if she sneezed too hard on it was another reason to do the job quickly and move on.

Sighing, she put the cats eye in the special safe that had been installed the day before as per instructions. “Way too much work for a single ugly stone. And a choker? Dear god, what woman would want that thing around her neck.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #225
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
Rachael gave her a silent apology before rushing away. Marni didn’t blame her, it wasn’t safe to be around her anymore. No one was stupid enough to attack her, but that didn’t stop them from harassing her friends, or pulling pranks. Her locker, which was already covered in anti-mutant graffiti that the school was refusing to paint over after having to do it ten times already, was now ripped open. Even better red paint was splashed inside, covering her books, her windbreaker and her gym clothes.

She knew from previous experience that the school would never find the person who did it.

Walking towards the office to report the vandalism, everyone got out of her way. She had never felt so alone.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #226
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Simon DeVille, a name as good as any other that he used, dropped onto a much abused stool at his favorite pub, that was close to the home office, thankful to be back in London if only for a brief while. While he reveled in the complexity of juggling the various identities he wore, doing Covington missions where the pits. The rumors of what that identity could do was hard to live up to even for him, and he had his criminal past to fall back on. He had no idea how the Honorable Lords who went into the game managed to pull it off. Ok so technically he was an Honorable Lord now, but Simon didn’t think of himself in that way as he con man who’s long game left him comfortably in the upper crust of society before the War. In his mind he was still just an orphan who was good at manipulating people, who thrilled at taking bigger and better risks with a goal in mind.

A pint landed with a thump in front of him. “Simon, good to see you are still among the living. First is on the house.”

Simon looked up and flashed the man a tired grin. “Mac! I’d heard you managed to get out on a medical.”

“Mostly. They got me teaching what I can to a mix of Irregulars and Gents. You know the noble type won’t last more then a week in the field if they didn’t get the easy assignments. No offense meant to you.” Mac hastily added.

“None taken. You where saying?”

“Anyway as payment the office authorized one of those Mad types they got working to counter the Nazi’s weird shit fit me with a new leg. Works a treat even if it is a bit to heavy, clumsy, and maintenance intensive for use in the field. Still I can walk again, so I ain’t complaining.” the former spy replied slapping his right leg which reverberated with a metallic clang. Simon leaned over the bar to goggle at the appendage.

“Motion powered, bronze clock-working and steel plating...” Mac said tapping it again. “hurt like hell when he attached it to my stump.”

“I’ll bet.” Simon replied sipping the pint then grimacing at the taste. “this horse piss?”

“Sorry. Supplies been a bit low, else I wouldn’t be serving it. Most of the good stuff I had stashed got liberated for the high muckety types in the army. Said that the likes of us didn’t deserve to drink it.”

Simon stood slowly a grimace on his face. “Really? Men who come back from the field with a need to steady their nerves after sneaking in and out of occupied territory don’t deserve a good drink? I think not. Now tell me, who might know where they are storing the barrels and bottles? And how many of the crew are in town?”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #227
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
12 September 2007

OK, so no one here was entirely sure how Cyberkitty got to be the new club president, but no one in the room - or conferencing through a monitor - could argue that she was the best coder and cracker in the room, bar none. Well, that, and she was a lot cuter than Tinkertrain or Wunderkind. Still, if it bothered any of the upperclassmen, they didn’t say anything.

“OK, let’s start the first session of the year for the ‘133t,” Paige said assertively, “Let’s start by talking about the club name.”

Wirewalker sighed, loudly and deliberately. “Not this crap again...”

“I mean it! Come on, “133t”? That may have been cool in Ms. Hartford’s day, but now it just makes us sound like dorks.”

“We are dorks,” interjected Maze from his monitor.

“Yeah, but no one’s gonna take us seriously with such a stupid name,” said Ringo, though it wasn’t as if Paige needed defending. The name is dorky.

“So what do you have in mind?” I added.

“I think we should go back to the original name. Get in touch with the club’s roots, right?”

“Double-You-Tee-Eff? You think ‘133t is dorky, but you want to use ‘International Brotherhood of Magicians’?”

Yeah, Tink said it exactly like that. What an idiot. No wonder she and Flashbang always get caught at shit.

“I thought it was ‘Insidious Black Magic’,” said Wirewalker, looking up at the picture of the club’s founder and first faculty advisor, Alan Kotok .

Legend says - and with these old-time hackers it’s all legends - that Dr. Alexander lured Mr. Kotok (now Dr. Kotok, no wait, he died last year, right?), the school’s first computer science teacher/system administrator, away from DEC in 1967 with a promise to buy and support no less than four (whoopie) of the brand-new PDP-10 mainframes, hot-shit machines that Kotok had a hand in designing so I guess it was kind of stroking his ego. As one of the founding fathers of hackerdom, he must have thought that helping the students back then form a club like the TMRC back at MIT was the best way to keep the spirit alive. Apparently, Kotok thought that the “Insidious Black Magicians” gag was funny (I.B.M., get it? lame...), but not everyone agreed so it kind of went by a few different names over the years.

On the gripping hand, though, he did manage to get Whateley one of the first ARPAnet nodes just before his sabbatical here ended, and the first that wasn’t a major university or consultancy, so the school was ahead of things almost from the start. Go us.

I came back out of my reverie to find that the motion had passed. Oh, crap...
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #228
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
3 March 1983
Montréal–Dorval Airport

As the setbelt sign turned off and the other passengers started getting their carry-on luggage, Raul reached into his pocket to get his sunglasses. The unfairness of it all came back to Raul as he put his sunglasses back on, turning away from the aisle so others couldn’t see the unnatural indigo of his eyes.

He knew he was a mutant, all the kids in his school knew about it, but didn’t seem to have any actual powers. And now, just days after he learned about it, he was on his way to grandpere Raul’s funeral. Once again, he wondered if it was the news that his grandson was a mutant that had caused his heart attack. He knew it wasn’t true, but the fact that his grandfather had died just around the same time that he noticed his eyes had changed, over a two hundred kilometers apart, shook him to the core, though it did occur to him that if he’d been properly at home in Manitoba when it happened, the distance would have been even greater.

His father hadn’t been able to get out of his parlimentary duties, something to do with Dr. Diabolik’s recent raid on Winnapeg - at least it didn’t spill into the suburbs, he thought, he’d be crushed if anything happened to his home - and his mother was already in Mercier because of Grandpa Raul’s illness, so he was flying alone for the first time. He could hear the mix of English and the somewhat less familiar French bubbling around him, but he wasn’t interested in listening in. However, it reminded him that he’d better start getting used to speaking in French again; grandmere never much approved of speaking English (or Portuguese, for that matter, as she always took grandfather to task when his childhood habits arose), and he suspected she didn’t approve of his father, either. The fact that he had risen to be an MP - a minor back-seat MP, but still - only seemed to make her more suspicious of him. He felt a bit self-conscious of his poor speaking skills, especially given the way his Parisian-born French teacher would berate him for his Quebecois accent and ‘colonial habits of speech’, but he guiltily hoped that grandma was too distraught to notice this time.

As he walked down the gangway, he could see his mother and grandmother at the end of the hallway. He walked briskly towards them, giving Ma a hug and a kiss before doing the same to his grandmother.

But then, as he embraced her, his head began to swim, and a cold chill overcame him. He backed in horror, and in English said, “Grandmother, your, in your chest, there’s...” he shook violently, and pointed towards the small ball of... something he could somehow feel over her heart.

“Speak properly, child,” she retorted in French, “What are you talking about?”

Mastering himself, he answered in the same language, “There’s... when I touched you, I could feel, there’s some, some kind of, you need to see a doctor immediately! I could feel it, it’s a lump, right there...”

His mother and grandmother stared at him in confusion just before he passed out.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #229
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Candler Mansion, Atlanta, Georgia
17 April 1983

Bo Candler tugged nervously at the bow tie his mother had made him wear for church that morning, peeking around the corner before surreptitiously opening the door to his late grandfather’s study to sneak in. He hated the way he was expected to dress, almost as much as he hated the awful name Beauregard Mason Candler, but he couldn’t admit that to his Ma, no matter what. He had been feeling strange for weeks, both physically and emotionally, but he never told anyone about it because he was ashamed of how he was thinking and feeling.

After all, family honor was at stake.

He idly wondered if he was a fairy. That would be bad; he knew that no one had spoken to his uncle Raymond for years after he’d left for San Francisco, no one went to his funeral last January, no one even spoke his name. Bo knew that he had died of something terrible, but no one wanted to say what; he could only guess that it was that new Gay disease, AIDS, which was always on the news lately, but no one wanted to talk about it.

Or maybe he was a mutant, like Asa and Sophie. That would be almost as bad, but at least they hadn’t been kicked out of the family like Ray was. His older siblings did have to go to some school in the North, way off in New Hampshire, but at least they weren’t treated like strangers. Asa was even working for Coca-Cola as a chemist, the first member of the family to work for the company that the family fortune was built on in three generations, and spoke excitedly about designing new soft drinks for them.

Closing the door behind him, he started scanning the old library shelves for the book he wanted. Finally, he found the book he wanted, an old leather-bound printing of Hamlet from the turn of the century.

His mother was in love with Shakespeare, and in love with her new videocassette player, too. Last night, she had cajoled him and Sophie (home for a break) into watching an older film version of the play, the one with Sr Laurence Olivier in it. Sophie didn’t sit still through it, like usual, preferring to speed off somewhere, but much to his surprise, Bo found it fascinating. The part that really stuck out was the character of Hamlet’s girlfriend, Ofeeya or something like that (he had missed the credits at the beginning so he wasn’t sure how it was spelled). Opening the book, he quickly read through it, not realizing how fast he was going, until he got to the third scene, where Laertes (another strange name) was preparing to leave. There he saw it: Ophelia.

His heart quickened, remembering how strange the name seemed, even stranger than Beauregard, but it was such a pretty name, too. If he were a girl, he’d want a name that pretty.

He pushed the thought aside. There were some things you didn’t dare admit to wishing for, not even to yourself.

Remembering how sad the story was in the film, he started crying for the poor, waifish girl torn apart by her love of her brother and her betrothed, driven to madness and suicide. He wiped away his tears and returned to reading, eager to see how the story really went.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #230
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Berne, Switzerland
11 November 1953

“Please don’t take this personally, Simon. Or perhaps I should call you Sean Causewell?”

What was left of my hair bristled at hearing my original name for the first time in decades. “I don’t know, should I call you Shlomo?”

Sidney seemed just as put out by his own given name, shifting the pistol in his hand. “I’d rather you didn’t. I expect you know why I am here, then.”

“I’m guessing it’s the connection we’ve cultivated with the Gehlenapparat. Can’t say I blame you for it, I wasn’t too comfortable getting in bed with a bunch of ex-Nazis but I could hardly afford to pass up an opportunity, wot?”

“Actually, it has to do more with the likes of The Network. Surely you can see the trouble that’s causing people.” Despite the chatty amiability of the conversation, I couldn’t help but worry about the long-dead man, now somehow returned to youthfulness, who was here in my own office to assassinate me. I resigned myself to the fact that he was just that much better than I was, especially now in my old age. Reilly had been my own mentor once, after all, and seeing how he was somehow younger than he was even in 1915, I knew I didn’t stand a chance.

Oddly, the thought that it was Armistice Day came to mind. I guess some wars never do end.

“Sorry old chap, much as I would like to talk over old times, I really do need to get on with this. You’ve built a rather impressive system here, and while certain... interests I am party to applaud your work, MI-6 has asked my group to send a message to the people who support you. As much as they would have preferred to smash your school to the ground, I am afraid that this the most we can do right now. Goodbye, Simon.” With that, he leveled the gun at my head and fired.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #231
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
“Hi Rose, how are you doing?” Mind Over Matter called from down the the street..

“Pretty good, but uh, why are you here? And who’s the lady in the silver dress?” Rose asked as she jogged over to the costumed hero. She was so used to Mind’s powers keeping them unnoticed she didn’t worry that they were talking in the middle of the busy street.

“This is Witch Mabel, she’s helping me out with a possible mutant criminal. Mabel, this is Rose, the girl I told you about.”

“Hello, Rose. You’ve made a very good impression on Mind,” the woman said, smiling pleasantly her chubby cheeks were bright red in the cold.

Rose knew she’d seen the hero before, there weren’t many chubby, older women who looked almost ready to be a grandmother acting as a hero. Then it clicked. “Hey I know you, you and your team got your asses kicked- Uh... I mean... it’s nice to meet you.”

Mind hit his forehead with his palm, while Mabel turned even redder as she said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you to. My team and I aren’t very martially oriented, but we do try our best.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard you guys have a great anti-bullying program. Uh, I’ve got to get going now, lunch break is almost over for school and I don’t want to be late for math class. Good luck with everything, it was really nice meeting you Witch Mabel,” Rose said hurriedly.

As she headed back to school, she shook her head in embarrassment. “Good going Rose, insult the second hero you’ve ever met.” Still she had to admit it really wasn’t her fault, Witch Mabel and her team were most often seen on Youtube under the title ‘curb stomped’, ‘humiliated’ and ‘how not to be a hero’.
Last Edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #232
Domoviye replied the topic: Miss Powerful
“Ready?” Miss Powerful asked her cousin.

“Are you sure no will come in here?”

“Yes I’m sure. I asked the gym teacher really nicely to let me use it after school. Although I may have accidentally signed myself up for the end of year talent show. You’re suppose to be teaching me how to dance,” she said.

“You and I only know ballroom dancing, do you have a partner?” her cousin asked.

“Yeah, not really. That could be a problem,” Miss Powerful admitted. “Anyways, I figured this was a great place to practice some things and I wanted you here to see just how cool this is.”

“And to watch the door right?”

“Would you be so kind?” she asked, giving her best puppy dog impression.

“What are best friends for?”

She hugged her fourteen year old cousin, careful to control her strength so that she didn’t break any ribs or leave bruises. “Thank you! Now I think I might be able to fly, watch me.”

Going to the middle of the gym, she did some stretches, then with a look of concentration ran five steps and jumped. Her cousin watched in amazement as she went ten feet into the air and landed almost thirty feet away.



“OK I’m going to try to reach the other end of the gym now.” Closing her eyes, she tried to visualize herself flying. She thought it would be a lot like swimming, only drier. Filling her lungs with air, she ran as fast as she could and threw herself into the sky. Looking down she saw the ground far below, at which point her every instinct screamed that she was going to fall and break every bone in her body. Her stomach began to churn.

On the ground her cousin screamed and ran, barely escaping the foul smelling mess that hit the ground, followed a second later by Miss Powerful.

“OW!” Miss Powerful said, holding her head which she had cleverly used to help soften her landing.

“Are you alive?” Her cousin called from the door of the gym office.

“Yes. Ow.”

“OK. I’ll get a mop, while you hit the showers.”

“Ow. Can you help me up?” Miss Powerful asked, holding up a dripping hand.

“Um....” the older girl said looking carefully at the foul smelling muck covering the budding superhero. “No. You’re super tough now, you’ll survive.”

“Traitor! You’re no longer my sidekick!”

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #233
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
OK, this is an older non-WA story - not exactly fanfic, but whatever - that I had started about 11 years ago and just rediscovered. I thought some of you might enjoy the fragment I managed to write.

Sue for Peace
by Schol-R-LEA;2

I was coming back from a Mysterious Informant gig - I did it up right, the whole Deep Throat schtick in the underground garage, keeping my face hidden in shadow and everything - and once I was sure I wasn’t being tailed, I did a Scene Change into some more comfortable clothes and decided to take a walk around Lake Merritt before going home. Near the corner of 20th, however, I happened to notice a young girl with long, radiant black hair and a glowingly smooth pale complexion. She wore red and gold robes and an expression of innocent bewilderment. Now, this wasn’t that unusual in Oakland, especially the Oakland in my home Ficton; but the sheer perfection of her appearance set off warning bells in my head. If she’s not a Mary Sue, I thought, then I’ll eat my fedora. Somewhere along the line, I had wandered into another Author’s story.

OK, that’s not to big a deal, really. As an Authorial Avatar myself - a Marty Stu, to you real-world folks - I had no place complaining about other chara’s business, and while I don’t come and go quite as easily as some of my Author’s charas, I figured there had to be some way back to my own Fandom. Still, there seemed something out of place about the kid.

Suddenly it clicked: the robes were from Hogwarts, the school in the Harry Potter Ficton. Whoever this kid was, she was a long way from home, and I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of story would have a teenage witch from Great Britain wandering a major city in Northern California. A bad one, was the obvious answer that leapt to mind. However, rather than risk interfering in a Plot (I’m willing to give the writer the benefit of the doubt, here), I decided to do what I do best - skulk around on the edges of things and watch events unfold.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #234
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
“Rose, we’re going to California for your aunts wedding at the end of November,” her mom said excitedly. “We’ll have to take you out of school for a week, but your grades are so good now it won’t matter.”

“We’re driving right?” Rose asked.

“Drive all the way there!” her mother exclaimed. “Are you kidding. We’ll take a plane.”

“But Mom, I can’t take a plane. Everyone knows that I’m a mutant, if the MCO finds out I could be arrested.”

The smile dropped from her mom’s face. “It’s been over a year now, why are you still going on about that foolish fantasy? You are perfectly ordinary.”

“YEAH RIGHT!” she shouted. “That’s why we haven’t had to replace a single thing in this house since I manifested! Why I can fix some of Mind’s gadgets without even knowing what they are until I’m opening them up!”

“We TOLD you not to talk to that man!”

“He’s the only person I can talk to! He at least listens to me!”


“I’m NOT getting on that plane until the MCO says if I’m a mutant or not! I won’t go to jail because you’re too stupid to see what’s right in front of you!” she screamed.


“GO TO HELL!” she screamed, running out of the house.

E M Pisek
E M Pisek’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #235
E M Pisek replied the topic: Rose
And poof her mother was gone.
What is - was. What was - is.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #236
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
She ran through the dark forest. Sniffing the air, her ears twitched, the prey and the enemy was close. So close. Opening her mouth, she tasted the scent, a mix of blood, death and meat. Her stomach rumbled. That was good a hungry hunter was the best.

Climbing into a tree, using the low branches to help, avoiding any claw marks that the prey would notice she moved like a shadow. Symbols written in white covered her torso, glowing dimly in the moonlight, making her unnatural body appear even more unearthly.

A man wearing the iron studded leather armour of his people appeared, holding an iron sword at the ready. Trophies that smelled of blood hung from his waist. More men followed him, spears, axes, and knives, each covered in blood, runes and talisman ready to kill. They were looking for her village, to steal, rape and slaughter, like they had done to the neighbouring villages.

They were looking along the ground, watching for traps and ambushes, they didn’t look upwards.

With a roar she pounced on them, claws extended for the kill.

Samantha woke up snarling, tasting blood in her mouth, her heart racing.

Taking a drink from the glass of water on the nightstand, she wiped the sweat from her brow. Something cool touched her skin. Looking at her hand, she saw the ugly cats eye pressed so tightly into her palm it looked like it was part of her skin.

“Again,” she moaned in disbelief. She was going to have to handcuff herself to the bed if this kept up. Grumbling, wondering if she could just send the cursed thing back, she made her way down to her store several floors below, typed in multiple codes and used several keys to open the inside door, and placed the thing in its safe.

“Now stay there!” she ordered the stone, while the light made it seem to wink mockingly at her.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #237
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
The bell signalling the end of lunch went off. Marni watched as everyone who was eating under the trees went inside. At the furthest end of the school grounds she just sat there, not moving.

She didn’t know why she went to class anymore. Everyone ignored her, she took notes, did her homework and read the textbook, with no one talking to her, looking at her, or even bullying her. She thought that she might be able to run around naked and no one would say anything.

Her mom had dropped out of or was dropped from everyone of her groups. Dad had gotten into a couple of fights when he went to the bar with his few remaining friends. Their business was losing money, Mom was usually up half the night trying to make the numbers work to keep things going, while her Dad tried to find jobs outside of the county where they didn’t know she was a mutant. Her brother was in fights almost every day.

She looked out over the town she called home. Had called home, it didn’t want her anymore.

No one was outside now. Even the teacher who made sure everyone headed inside had taken one look at her and walked away.

Marni made up her mind. Emptying her bag of everything except the energy bars and her phone she headed for the nearest bank machine. She’d take her money and leave.

It would be better for everyone.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #238
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Open Whateley-style!

Ninja teams show up while we’re in our pajamas
Cocky bastards, kick their asses, Pumpkin we will jam ‘em
And as they flee across our campus, right then we will pluck ‘em
Like a banjo up from Georgia!

With prehensile hair
Check my pulse and my blood pressure, with prehensile hair
Copy notes on your clipboard now with prehensile hair
Hook me up to anesthetics with prehensile hair
Lush prehensile hair

I’m oooon a table innnnside a room in Doyle, hey!
A room in Doyle, hey!
I’m oooon a table innnnside a room in Doyle, hey!
A room in Doyle, hey!

With a magic sword they start to operate -ate -ate -ate -a-a-a-a-a-a-a
Open Whateley-style!

Op- op- op- op- Open Whateley-style!
Op- op- op- op- Open Whateley-style!

Ehhhh, get my surgery!
Op- op- op- op- Open Whateley-style!
Ehhhh, appendectomy!
Op- op- op- op- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh-

A blind kid struts his stuff upon the mats of Ito’s dojo
If he wasn’t wearing robot suit, those threads he’s got would blind ya
Got hit by girl with cartoon hair, one-fifty miles per hour
Could have died, but, now he’ll date her!

Yellow dinosaur
From the outback of Australia, yellow dinosaur
Plays guitar loud in the basement, yellow dinosaur
Robo-voice like Stephen Hawking, yellow dinosaur
Yellow dinosaur

I’m aaaat a table innnnside the Crystal Hall, hey!
The Crystal Hall, hey!
I’m aaaat a table innnnside the Crystal Hall, hey!
The Crystal Hall, hey!

Aim my raygun at this jar of PBJ J J J JJJJJJJJJJJJ
Open Whateley-style!

Op- op- op- op- Open Whateley-style!
Op- op- op- op- Open Whateley-style!

Ehhhh, want my marmalade!
Op- op- op- op- Open Whateley-style!
Ehhhh, it’s chokecherry made!
Op- op- op- op- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh-

Tatanka comes, there’s tea for everyone
Baby baby, ‘round the fire we all nom nom
Bison crumbs, steak sauce on our thumbs
Baby baby, ‘round the fire we all nom nom

You know what I’m saying?

Open Whateley-style!
Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh-

Ehhhh, try this barbecue!
Op- op- op- op- Open Whateley-style!
Ehhhh, open wide and chew!
Op- op- op- op- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh- Eh-
Open Whateley-style!
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 3 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #239
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
“How long until we reach L.A.?” Marni asked the trucker.

“A few more hours,” he responded. “So you really have your brother waiting there for you?”

“Yeah. He told me to visit him if our mom got too much to handle.”

“It’s nice to have family. Do you need a pit stop?” he asked, pulling into a deserted little rest area.

“Nah, I’m good. But don’t worry about me, take all the time you need,” she said, shifting her dark sunglasses to scratch her nose.

They both undid their seatbelts, and while the trucker climbed into the little bed that was behind the seats to grab something she slouched down in her seat trying to think of what she would do once she hit LA. She’d run away without really thinking things through and she’d managed to hitch a ride an hour ago. There hadn’t been much thought involved except to help her family in the only way she could.

She screamed as large hands grabbed her under the arms and dragged her out of the seat into the back of the cab.

“Stay quiet girl,” the trucker said, in what might have been a soothing voice. “We’re going to have a bit of fun, and then I’ll drive you anywhere you want. If you want, you can stay with me as long as you like. I’ll make sure you’re safe and cared for.

“LET ME GO!” she shouted.

“The first time is always a bit rough. Just l-”

She flexed her muscles and slapped him across the face. She could have punched him, her dad had taught her how, but that would have killed him. The slap was enough to knock him off of her. He hit the side of the cab, his cheek an ugly red, rapidly turning green and blue from a bruise, he stared at her in shock and pain, spitting out teeth and blood.

Powering down, she was just as shocked. She’d hurt him with her powers. The MCO was going to come after her now. They’d call her a supervillain and the Knights of Purity would hunt her down. They’d kill her. She had to get away.

“GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!” she shouted, her mind working in overdrive.

“Wha’?” he slurred.


He threw his wallet and phone at her, trying not to get too close. She took the cash out, broke the phone, grabbed her things and jumped out. She hopped back in a second later, grabbed the keys from the ignition and threw them as far as she could. Flexing her muscles, she began running. She just had to run for a few minutes and then she could try to get another ride. It would take him a while to get a hold of the police. She just needed to get a ride before they came looking for her.

Biting back tears she left a trail of dust behind her.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #240
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
“But Mind I don’t want to go to jail,” Rose said into the phone.

“Rose, you don’t look different from a baseline. While people in your hometown know you’re a mutant, no one else does. Just bring a good book and no tools, you’ll be fine,” the hero replied.

She knew Mind Over Matter was right, but she was terrified that something would go wrong and she’d end up in jail for life. Or disappear like she’d heard had happened to other mutant kids. “But what if something goes wrong?” she asked.

There was a long pause. “You’re really scared about this?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I’ll phone the MCO here in Kansas City to set up a powers testing appointment. It will probably be on a weekday, do you think you can get out of school without your parents knowing?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I thought it might be useful, so I learned how to forge their signatures.”

There was another, longer, pause. “All right than, I’ll make the arrangements.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #241
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
“What was that Wendy?” Samantha asked her part time sales clerk.

“It’s closing time. I’m going to lock up and take off,” the college student said.

“What? But it’s only four o’clock... isn’t it?”

“It’s six thirty. You said something about doing work in the back and asked if I wanted anything for supper, you haven’t left your office since then.”

“Oh god! I’m so sorry, I meant to pick you up something but this project got the better of me,” she said.

“No problem, I got a bite to eat before coming to work. Those little blue quartz rings are doing well, I sold five of them to a group of high school girls, I think they’re becoming a local trend.”

She was stalking something through a field of grass. The prey was straight ahead, too busy with its kill to notice her. She silently purred in pleasure.

The blood of the antelope filled her nostrils. Leaping out of the grass she saw the man with his back towards her. He spun inhumanly fast on his heels knocking her out of the air with his spear. Dropping it, he pounced on top of her before she could regain her feet. They rolled along the ground, roaring and cursing.

Finally she was on top of him, straddling his waist. Bending down she kissed him. A purr of pleasure was shared between them. His fingers traced the brands that had been burned onto her body.

“SAM!” Wendy shouted, snapping her fingers. “You spaced out for a moment. Are you OK?”

“Yeah, yeah, I am. Sorry. Too much work. Have a nice night. Do you come in tomorrow?”

“Yeah it’s payday tomorrow, remember?”

“Right, right, right, I remember. I remember. Have a nice night. I have to get back to work.”

With a worried backwards glance Wendy went to finish closing up. Samantha went back to her office/workroom which was covered in half drawn designs, uneaten bags of fast food, and pictures of other times and places.

Sitting down she took her tools and with glazed eyes went to work.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 3 months ago #242
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread: Kobayashi Maru Version 2
Bardue bellowed in his usual subtle style, “TEAM KIMBA! You have ten minutes ONLY to cross roughly six miles of unknown terrain and attack a hilltop fortress with unknown defenses! There is a baseline opponent in the castle you MUST stop before the ten minutes are up! You may use any level of force necessary to stop said opponent before he launches nuclear missiles from U.S. silos thousands of miles away! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?!”

A voice blared from the loudspeakers in the cubicles, “Team Kimba, you’re all ready to go. Please close sim helmets and begin. You’ll have exactly ten minutes from the second you appear in the sim.”

Lancer looked around, the terrain was a bit different from last time, but that was to be expected. He looked at Tennyo and Generator and said, “Just like we planned. Go!”

Tennyo took off straight up rotating so she could get a view of everything around her. It wouldn’t surprise her that their target was behind them.

Generator reached into her purse and pulled out a bolt wrapped in several pieces of nanowire. They were her longest pieces, well suited to her purposes. She tossed the bolt to Lancer, and looked up at Tennyo.

Lancer caught the bolt and looked up at Tennyo, when he could make out which way she was pointing he whispered, “Hold on,” and threw the bolt at the mountain he couldn’t see.

Jann, Jasmine, Julie, and Jamie held on to the bolt as Lancer threw it. Screams of delight would have been heard if they had speaker disks.As soon as they saw the mountain, Jann began steering at it, she didn’t have much time, fortunately Lancer’s aim wasn’t that far off.

The bolt impacted the mountain unnoticed and the J-Team let it go and began looking for the terrorist. It didn’t take them long to find the control room. They surveyed the room from up near the ceiling, Jann pointing out targets for fellow selfs. A few moments later technicians at computer workstations, and the leader found themselves subjected to nearly invisibles garrotes.

“Hello Generator,” the overly-cheerful computer voice said. “Welcome back. It is Thursday, February, 1st, 2007. It is now 10:31 am. Your team is the victor.”

Gunny Bardue looked at Sam and said, “What the HELL just happened there?”

Sam paused as she ran what she had watched again. As she was about to tell Gunny her theory, an angry Caitlin stomped in.

“Damn that Generator,” Catlin groused. “She sent in some nanowire and garroted me and some of my minions.”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #243
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Have you ever wished you had a nicer house? One with a cheery fireplace, cushy furniture, and plenty of space to accommodate all your friends and family? Well, stop wishing and apply today for Princess Jobe’s Home Serum, and we will make the home of your dreams your new reality.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Kettlekorn.

cprime’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #244
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
July 2022
Dreamspace of the Ptesanwi

Kayda shook her head. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Let me find the others so we can break the news.” The teenage girl seated on the log next to her nodded in agreement. She was clad in a traditional buckskin dress, a feather dangling from her braided hair. As the shaman stood up, her wife emerged from a nearby teepee, carrying a rock and several gourd cups. The two embraced before Kayda strode into the moonlit night.

Over the next few minutes, several figures emerged from the darkness. June Franks was the first to arrive. As she stepped into the light of the campfire, the seated girl stood up to embraced the figure. June was the first to speak. “Brenda! I didn’t know you could dreamwalk. Kayda said you had news for us.”

The girl nodded. “I didn’t know until tonight either. How long does it usually take for sis to find everyone?”

“Depends on whether people are dreaming. Kayda knows our dreamspaces well. She’s been visiting them since before you were born.”

The conversation was interrupted when a familiar pair of arms wrapped around June’s waist from behind. “Hey there love. I came as quick as I could.”

Brenda was the first to respond. “Hey dad! Quite the place Kayda has here.”

Pete dropped a kiss on his wife’s cheek before releasing her. “It really is. In a way, it’s almost a second home.“

Deborah spoke from her place by the fire. “I wonder what Danny and Whinape are up to tonight? If I’m lucky, I’ll have time to heat the water before they get here.”

June quirked an eyebrow at the statement. “How are your essence gathering exercises going? Kayda has mentioned the amount of concentration they require.”

Deborah shrugged. “I don’t feel like I’m making any progress, but supposedly I am. I doubt I’ll ever light my well, but the tea just tastes better when I make it the same way she does.”

Brenda narrowed her eyes as she stared across the fire. “Essence gathering is all mental, right? Your belief in the power of our traditional medicine is solid, particularly for one not of the nations.”

“It’s hard to doubt the power when it has saved your life on more than one occasion.”

“It stands to reason that if you believe in the power of this type of magic, your belief will make it easier for you to practice it.”

The idle conversation ended shortly after Deborah moved the stone from the edge of the fire into a large gourd. A familiar voice called out, “Honey, I’m home!” In a slightly strained tone. A moment later, Danny slinked through the ring of teepees, followed by his sister and Wihanape in her bipedal form.

As they settled next to the fire, Kayda gave her lifemate a hug and an approving nod. She stared into the flickering flames for a long moment before sighing. “I can’t think of a delicate way to put this, so I might as well be direct. We have a new family member, and it wouldn’t be fair to Brenda to make her do the introductions. Come on out here.”

A few moments later, a small four-legged creature slipped out from a teepee. It crawled to logs surrounding the fire before shifting. The dark-furred form with white stripes on its muzzle flowed upright, taking a short, stocky and definitely masculine form.

As the other family members blinked in surprise, Kayda spoke. “Everyone, this is Brenda’s new spirit, Hoka. Hoka, meet June and Pete, our mother and father, and our two-spirit brother Danny.”

June and Pete looked at each other before turning to stare at their eldest daughter’s doppelganger. Wakan Tanka sighed and calmly gazed back at the pair. “We’ve been through this before. Would you prefer that her spirit be one of the People’s, or risk the chance of one of our enemies getting her first? I tried to find as compatible a spirit as I could. It’s not my fault that Brenda is a tomboy.”

June sighed. “I know. I’m just feeling like I’m some kind of a cosmic cat toy with all of my children’s manifestations.”

Wihanape snorted at the comment. “Don’t look at me. You have the blood of the shamen in you, and you’re the one who wished about the gender of your children. It’s not my fault you can’t manage your essence.”

As the spirits and parents talked, Danny and Kayda moved to hug their sister. Brenda was the first to speak. “What happens now?”

Kayda responded to the question. “That depends. Do you want to become a male or do you want to try to stay female? I was forced to transition thanks to my BIT, while Danny and Wihanape reached an accommodation.”

Danny interrupted. “In your heart, you know what you want. But what your heart desires and what your mind desires may not be the same thing. Further, you may not be able to get what you desire. When you manifest Hoka, you will manifest as a male, just as I manifest as a female when I manifest Wihanape. The question is the gender you assume when you aren’t manifesting.”

Brenda looked between her siblings. “But I like being a girl.”

Danny chuckled before turning serious. “Don’t knock being male until you’ve tried it. That said, you probably need to take care if you manifest around that time of the month. The first time it happened to me I was stuck for a week and I had to endure two exams in Doyle. That was the last time I joked about certain female issues.”

Kayda added, “If you stay female, Danny’s experience can give us some idea of what will probably happen. When you are not manifesting your spirit, you will probably be a rather butch female. Naturally, when you shift to your hybrid or full form, you’ll be male. If you happen to be manifested when your period would have hit, you’ll be stuck for the duration. While you won’t have to deal with the cramping and such, you will have to deal with the fur and using the men’s room.”

Danny followed up on the remarks. “Something else to be aware of with an animal spirit is that you’ll have that time of the year, not just that time of the month. Not fun, on either side of the fence.”
Brenda furrowed her eyebrows. “How do we know if I’ll change or not?”

Her sister fielded the question. “Powers testing to start. If you have a BIT, you’ll probably be looking at the battle of the sexes from the other side of the fence. If not, the next major factor is how well your hollow matches your spirit. If your hollow is large enough, you can remain unchanged except when you manifest. Otherwise, you will either have to adapt or consider a more drastic option.”

At this comment, her brother chimed in with, “Trust me, you don’t want to fight the integration if your hollow is to small. The headaches were so bad I almost wished I was dead at times.”

Brenda frowned. “Why can’t I manifest as a female badger?”

Danny hugged his sister and responded. “While some spirits have fluid genders, ours do not. The only other option is for you to separate from Hoka, an experience that will be painful for both of you. It will also be dangerous, as you don’t know what sort of spirit will move into your hollow.”

After a moment of silence, Deborah interrupted. “Perhaps a cup of tea would help calm everyone’s nerves?”
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #245
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Kayda! What happened to you?”

“Well, you know how I said I was going through some changes and growth?”

“I thought you meant you were growing as a person!”

“Well, that too. But see, the thing is, I’ve got two spirits.”

“Um, duh? I’m well aware that you’re winkte.”

“No, I mean two spirits. Ptesanwi, obviously... and also Tatanka.”

“...Oh. Right. Well, I guess that explains it.”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Well, that’s kind of- hey, is that a bird in your hair?”

“Yeah, that’s Pteyahpaya. Isn’t he cute?”

“Is he like a pet?”

“More like a mooch, really. He’s been tagging along with me ever since my fur came in, and he, um, he...”

“Hey, speak up, you’re kinda mumbling there.”

“He keeps the bugs off, okay?”

“How’s that work? Does he have a magic ultrasonic birdsong that repels them?”

“No, um, it’s more like... he eats them?”

“Oh, that makes more- wait. So he doesn’t actually repel them? So that means you’ve got bugs on you?”

“No! Only when I go outside, and Pteyah eats them before they build up too much.”

“Don’t they sell bug repellent at Whateley?”

“Yeah, but it’s really bad for the environment.”

“So you use a bird.”

“So I use a bird. Look, it’s traditional, okay?”

“No, Kayda. It is not okay. You have a bird on your head, and I’m pretty sure I just saw him eat something.”

“Can we drop this?”

“Oh, hey, you know what I just realized?”

“...Do I even want to know?”

“Well, you’ve got white fur and a bird friend... just like Snoopy!”

“Snoopy is a dog.”

“Beagle, bison, tomayto, tomahto.”

“Yeah, I’m done with this conversation. Goodbye.”

“Bye-bye Woodstock!~”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #246
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rose walked towards the MCO office in Kansas City. Her parents thought she was at school, and her school thought she was out for a doctors appointment. Only Mind Over Matter and the MCO knew she was coming.

She wished she could have taken her car, she’d been fixing an old Beetle for over a month and it was almost perfect now, but it was still two weeks before she could take her driving test. So it was up to the bus and her feet to get where she was going. Looking at the message she’d gotten just over half an hour ago at the bus station again, she tried not to sigh in disappointment. ‘Sorry Rose, business came up. The MCO is expecting you. I’ll be their soon. Remember what I told you, no names, no details of your life. They’re OK guys, but NOT your friends.’

Oh yeah, he knew how to make her feel calm.

The modest office building that didn’t have any outward sign of who owned it, lay just ahead of her. Pausing to tie her shoe beside a grimy old mail box, she gritted her teeth, she needed the MID, she could do this, she forced herself to keep going. She couldn’t risk getting on the plane like a regular person.

She heard a noise behind her. It was the last thing she noticed before a sharp pain ran through her body knocking her out cold.

cprime’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #247
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
July 2022
Dreamspace of the Ptesanwi
As Danny and Kayda tried to help their sister come to terms with her manifestation, their parents and spirits continued to talk. June snorted herself at Wihanape’s comment. “What do you mean, manage my essence. I’m not a mage. I don’t know the first thing about magic.”

Wakan Tanka calmly responded. “How do you know you aren’t a mage? Just because you haven’t been taught doesn’t mean you aren’t one. If I’m not mistaken, you have the metagene complex, and both your mother and daughter are shamen. Have you ever tried to practice our arts?”

The expression on the elder Mrs. Frank’s face shifted from mild annoyance to introspective throught. “You have a point. I guess I was just never interested in it. A belief in modern medicine and all that jazz. Perhaps... Perhaps I should go through power testing with Brenda.”

Deborah spoke up from her place by the fire. “I’ll call you in the morning to set up a time.”

Pete shook his head slowly. “You really are serious, aren’t you. I keep expecting a punchline to drop, but there doesn’t seem to be one in the offering.”

Wakan Tanka nodded in agreement. “Quite serious. It would be folly to try to imply that there was another avatar in your family when there wasn’t, as such jokes have the potential to backfire quite easily. Such is the peril of being a supernatural entity.”

After a moment of thought, Hoka chimed in, reminding the others that he was present. “Remember, finding an avatar to fill a hollow isn’t a matter of calling up Avatars-R-Us and ordering a spirit out of a catalog. For an avatar to match their host, they need to similar personalities and temperaments, in addition to being the right size and shape for their host. If we were trying to play a trick on you, Hehaka, Mato or Mica would have been here rather than myself. Had things worked out differently, Hnaska might have been selected, but they already have a host.”

Deborah looked down at the now steaming water and began the process of filling the individual gourds. After they were full, she took a moment to clear her thoughts and proceeded with the familiar ritual for making tea. As she finished, a brief flicker of light danced through the cups. She blinked, and then sighed a moment later. “I suppose I should sit in with the two of you when you see Vanity Girl. I see piles of paperwork in my future.”
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by cprime. Reason: Fix formatting

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #248
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Marni looked at her phone. It was shut off so her parents couldn’t call her. She sat huddled in a doorway in LA, having gotten a ride with some college kids who were too stoned to ask questions and too mellow to mess with her.

She thought about going to a drop in centre or something. She’d feel safer, but she couldn’t do that, they’d call her parents and the MCO.

Turning on her phone, she saw that there were over fifty messages from her parents, and even more missed calls. She didn’t read them, just sent a quick message. ‘I’m OK. Sorry.’

Turning it off, she began crying and tried to sleep.

cprime’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #249
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(Sorry folks - this one is a bit darker than the other recent scenes. I’ve put it in spoiler tags, just in case.)

Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #250
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
The crystal was beautiful.

She stared at the choker sitting in the open safe. It was made of black silk. A special type of silver that the client had specially ordered, which felt like nothing she had ever worked with before, surrounded the crystal. The same silver created paper thin silver strands that ran over the silk like spiderwebs, until the fabric was almost hidden. When she’d made the design she had thought it would be virtually impossible to create, but the silver flowed like water under her tools, taking shape almost before she touched it.

She knew the silvery symbols well, she had seen them in her dreams every night. They were part of the creature that ran like the wind, killing, hunting, making love, throwing everything it had into every second of existence.

It was a masterpiece.

Despite the explicit orders not to take any photographs, she had rented a top quality camera the day before and taken some pictures of it. She might never show them to a person, but she had to have them, to remember the beauty that she had created.

Her hands reached out to take it. To put it on. The cats eye looked at her longingly.

Samantha slammed the safe shut and practically threw herself out of the room to get away from it. Running a hand through her greasy hair, she went to her computer to see if the client had responded to her email.


Her eyes went back to the workroom. Just putting it on once would be OK, she told herself.

She was walking towards the choker again.

She turned and ran from the shop, only stopping long enough to lock the doors and set the security system. Five minutes later she was in her apartment taking a shower for the first time in a month. Stripping off her clothes she was amazed to see her ribs sticking out through her skin.

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05 Sep 2021 01:04 #398 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #251
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
(Rose’s story is almost complete for now, and I can’t resist, the next three days will see a new part put up.)

Mind Over Matter walked through the Kansas City police station silently cursing himself. No one had gotten a clear picture of what happened to Rose, and she’d been missing for hours. A door opened and he saw the local MCO director come out of a detectives office.

“Stimson,” he shouted, “I thought you were one of the good ones. Where the hell is she?”

“Don’t you dare accuse me of hurting a child, Mind,” the director snapped. “The Kansas City MCO office is one of the cleanest in the country. We’ve turned over all of our surveillance video from the outside of the building and the lobby to the police, she never came within spitting distance of my building.”

Mind suddenly found himself spun around and standing face to face with Rose’s father. “What were you thinking, telling my daughter to come here by herself?” Mr. Edwards demanded, almost in a rage.

Mind glared right back at him. “I was keeping her from being arrested. When you go on your trip next week, if she doesn’t have an MID she will be thrown into jail and charged. If you had opened your eyes and admitted she was a mutant you could have come with her.”

That did nothing to calm the situation down. “You were suppose to meet her at the bus station, why didn’t you?” Mr. Edwards snarled.

“I was stopping a gang fight. I thought she’d be safe going to the MCO on her own,” he said, his shoulders slumping.

Mr. Edwards sent him to the ground with a right hook to the jaw. “YOU BASTARD! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” he screamed, kicking him in the stomach.

It took four officers to get the enraged father off the dazed and bloody hero. He was still screaming for his daughter as they dragged him away.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #252
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
Waking up strapped a chair, Rose saw a balding, grey haired man desperately moving a joystick and mashing buttons as the room shook and an explosion blossomed on a massive screen.

“Oh, you’re awake little girl. Sorry, sorry, no time for introductions or telling you about my brilliant plan. I’m trying to keep us alive right now. I’ll talk to you soon,” he said, not looking away from the screen.


There wasn’t time to say anything else, he pressed a button and the chair she was strapped to shot into a large tube. Lights and electricity began flashing around her. She took a few seconds to take in the devise, the purpose of it filling her mind, her whimper of fear turned into a shriek of terror.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #253
Domoviye replied the topic: Rose
“It’s time to wake up now,” a kindly voice said, giving her a gentle nudge.

She opened her eyes for the first time in her life. She felt herself smiling as she took in the pretty flowers, grass and bushes that surrounded her. It looked like the perfect place to play all day long. “Where am I?” she asked softly, her voice full of wonder at the beautiful roses and wildflowers that surrounded her.

“You’re in my garden. Do... do you like it?” the voice asked nervously.

Looking up at the speaker, she saw a handsome, grey haired man wearing lovely clothes. She knew instantly he was a nice man who would look after her and give her lots of things to play with. Jumping up she kissed his large nose.

“I LOVE IT!!! What’s my name?” she asked, knowing that the nice man would be able to tell her.

“Your name is Rose Blossom, and this is your home. I know you’ll be very happy here,” he told her.

“Oh thank you! You’re SO nice!” Rose Blossom squealed with joy, kissing the nice man on the nose again. A tiny voice in the back of her mind was screaming at her, telling her this was wrong, but it grew fainter by the second, until there was only peace and serenity. Everything was perfect, and she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

“Now Rose Blossom, lets go make the world a better place.”
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #254
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Finally it has happened,” says Keitaro in an awestruck voice, gazing at the vast open space alongside his two friends. “Finally Whateley has reciprocated.”

“Yes,” intones Souta. “And far more so than we ever could have expected. That they should show their respect for us on such a scale... I am moved to tears.”

They ponder the openness for some time before Takako breaks the silence. “Do... do you think perhaps they might have gone a bit too far? Fujisan is not only important to Yama Dojo. Fujisan is important to all of Japan.”

Souta nods. “We must travel to Whateley and recover Fujisan. And then, perhaps, we should bring home a certain canyon to demonstrate the true greatness of our respect, because surely our past efforts must look like insults compared to this.”

The three friends take one last look and then compose themselves. There is much to be done.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #255
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(Blame Bek for giving me this idea.)

Crystal Hall reverberated as the sonic divisor sang “”Kill the Wabbit” in perfect pitch with a full back up choir, and the iconic cartoon was shown in thirty foot tall 3D behind him.

Tia sat at the underdogs table, growing steadily paler, until with an ear shattering scream she ran into and through the nearest crystal panel, leaving a girl shaped hole behind her.

She was last seen running through Dunwich still screaming.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

cprime’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #256
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Thursday, 27 September 2007 - After Breakfast
Dr. Bellow’s office

Dr. Bellows looked at the two Poe roommates as they walked in in good spirits. After a moment, he gave a slight nod. “How are you doing Danny?”

The teenager shrugged. “Well enough, I suppose. I woke up last night from a nightmare, only for Hank to have to break the news to me that it wasn’t.”

“Did you wake up again during the night?”


“And this morning?”

“I’ve been too busy with the morning routine to think about what happened.”

“I see. How about yourself Hank?”

“A bit bleary from being woken up. When Danny recounted the events, he didn’t seem to be blocking anything out. He also didn’t seem to be on the verge of going catatonic. His reaction seemed to be one of introspection.”

“Why don’t you head on to class. Do me a favor and schedule an appointment for yourself in the next week or so. You’re part of Danny’s support network, and I need to make certain you’re holding up.”

“Will do.” As the PK brick took his leave, Dr. Bellows turned his attention to the avatar. “So. What emotions are running through your head about what happened?”

Danny was quiet for a long moment. “Shock. Surprise, mostly. I don’t particularly feel violated, if that makes any sense. Like it was something that I needed to do. I haven’t interacted with Paige much, so...”

Dr. Bellows interrupted. “Paige?”

“When I woke up last night, I found a text message from her on my phone.” Danny pulled out his phone and looked on it for a minute. “Odd. I can’t find it. It implied that she had pounced me and that she wanted me to take her next time.”

“If you can’t find it, you’re never going to. Paige has a way with computers.”

Danny shook his head. “At the moment, Whinape is loudly purring in my head at the thought.”

“What scared you the most about the experience?”

Danny pondered the question. “I think the most nerve wracking thing about our encounter was the possibility of being stuck in my manifested form until I bore a litter of kittens.”

Dr. Bellows tilted his head. “I assume that you aren’t on any kind of female contraceptive.”

“To be honest, I never thought about it. It’s not something a guy needs after all.”

“But you manifest as a female. And from the way you’ve been taking, it sounds like you are capable of becoming pregnant.”

“So Whinapae claims.”

“Is birth control something that you would like to look into?”

“I suppose it is.”

“Ok. We’ll stop by Doyle before you head off to second period.”

“Do they even have something for gender shifters?”

“I don’t know. If they don’t, they will probably start you on the pill. Once we know what the side effects are and how you need to take it for it to be effective, we’ll probably consider an implant so you don’t need to remember to take the pills.”

“Seems reasonable.”

“Another question for you. You don’t have to answer, but it might help understand your feelings. I will assume that you masturbate on a semi-regular basis.” Seeing a tentative nod, he continued. “Have you ever done so while manifested?”

Danny blushed and fuzzed out before shaking his head, still too embarrassed to speak. Dr. Bellows continued, “Lets set up an appointment for Monday. Your homework before then is to take some time when you won’t be interrupted and try doing so in both of your manifested forms. Just do everyone a favor and try to be downwind from Hawthorne when you do. The last thing we want is a repeat of last night.”
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #257
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Ow! Be more careful!”

“Sorry. And keep your voice down.” Paige shuffles to the left, her head craned back in an awkward attempt to see what she’s doing well enough to avoid banging Danny into any more shelves. “How about now?”

“Yeah, I think I can reach it.” He leans forward slightly and tries not to extend his hind claws into Paige’s shoulders as he gropes around on the high shelf for the spare key to a certain locked cabinet down the hall. “Got it.” But as he’s withdrawing his hand from the shelf, the jar of pickles perched precariously near the edge catches his attention. The urge strikes, and before he can stop himself he’s batted it off the shelf to shatter against the hard tile floor.

“Dammit, Danny!” Paige hisses.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He scrambles down off Paige and the two crouch near the door, listening carefully. “There’s nobody out there, we’re clear.”

Paige shakes her head. “Security’s coming.”

“But I don’t hear anything, and you aren’t even changed yet, so how could-”

“There was a sensor that picked up that jar crashing and tipped them off.”

“How do you-”

“Just trust me, we need to move.”

They scurry quickly down the hall and around the corner, then duck into a supply room. Danny unlocks the cabinet and retrieves a sealed, opaque bag. “Is this the stuff you needed? Nepeta cataria?”

“Yessss.” She slips the bag into a pocket while Danny closes the cabinet. His ears twitch when they step back into the hallway. “Told you,” she whispers as they hurry to the other exit.

A few minutes later they’re crouching behind a juniper bush outside. “Well, that was easy; I don’t see why you needed my help. What is that stuff, anyway?”

“Oh, that wasn’t the only thing I needed your help with. As for this...” She pulls out the pouch tears it open, tipping a couple leaves into her palm. “Nepeta cataria.”

Danny sniffs. “Herbs, huh? Those smell way better than they should. What are they for? Some kind of magic tea like my sister’s always making?” He sniffs again. “They don’t smell weird like the ones she uses.”

Paige grins as black fur starts bursting out of her skin. “Oh no, this is way better than tea. But that’s not a bad idea. Maybe next time.” She raises the leaves to Danny’s mouth and he eats them before he can stop himself.

“Hey! Why did... oh wow, these are good.” He starts purring and reaches for the bag, but Paige holds it away from him and takes some for herself first.

Neither of them hear the bush giggle as it watches the N. cataria take hold of them. With this knowledge, Juniper is certain she’ll be able to entice Danny to join her new and improved Wondercute! One way... or another.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #258
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Threads hopped out of her custom police car and wished, not for the first time, that she had one of the cool super powers that let her arrive on the scene of a crime in style, like flying out of the sky to pummel evil doers, teleporting in with a puff of smoke, or stomping up in a suit of power armour. Too bad for her, the best she could manage was swinging on threads and trying to jump from building to building. That had gotten her a lot of lame spider man jokes when she had first started, and in Winnipeg it was slower than taking a car in all but the worst traffic.

She heard barking and some gunshots coming from inside the warehouse, where the 911 call had originated. While comics and TV said it should be abandoned, the building was in good shape with state of the art security, that probably meant it was owned by a gang and she was about to step into the middle of a turf war.

Her day just kept getting better and better.

Telekinetically grabbing the specially made steel wire from her pack, she sent it up to the roof, tying it neatly around a ventilation exhaust fan that she could sense through the wire. With a thought the wire coiled itself back up pulling her upwards to gracefully summersault onto the roof thanks to her exemplar 3 grace. Going to the door she disturbed a flock of pigeons who were sleeping peacefully in the warm summer night.

A kick to the door and she was inside, looking down at a scene of pure chaos. Over a dozen big scarred dogs were attacking a group of men who were shooting at them, clubbing them and trying to hold them back as they were being bitten and clawed by a horde of mice and rats. Some of them were shooting at a teenage girl wearing a mask who was cowering behind an overturned table.

The gunmen and the dogs were the biggest threat. Judging from the small ring nearby that was stained with blood, the animals were trained for illegal dog fights, that made them almost as dangerous as the gunmen. A dozen wires shot out encircling each dog, tying their legs and muzzles, before snapping off and encircling the next animal or gunman. In seconds the fighting was over. The free wires then joined together creating a net sweeping most of the rodents up. The few that escaped ran for the sheltering darkness.

“Now where is that girl?” She asked herself seeing that the mutant had run for it as soon as she showed herself.

“Come out with your hands up! This is special constable Threads of the RCMP. If you run or fight, you will be charged with illegal use of paranormal powers against a police officer,” she shouted. If this was just a new mutant, it might scare her into surrendering. It was well known that newly manifested mutants could usually get off with a slap on the wrist if they surrendered, but using their powers against a registered hero or officer and they were looking at major jail time.

The sound of running feet was answer enough. Jumping down she ran after the kid, sending her wires ahead of her. She sensed her running for a side entrance, and retracted the wires that were too far away to help, the rest zeroed in on the girl.

And then the rats came, jumping on the wires, gnawing at them, trying to force them down by weight and numbers. Throwing them off let the girl hit the door at a run and keep going. Cursing Threads put on speed, and was out the same door less than twenty seconds later. The girl couldn’t be an exemplar or energizer, she was running flat out and still hadn’t cleared the wide loading area. That would make things easier at least.

Putting on a burst of speed, her wires spreading out from her back like a storm of tentacles, she was ready for the take down. Then something wet and sticky landed on her face. Screaming in disgust, she was suddenly doused in pigeon poop as a huge flock flew over her voiding everything they had right on her head.

She fell on her butt, unable to keep her footing in the disgusting mess, sputtering, humiliated, and needing a long bath, she watched the girl escape through a veil of dripping muck.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #259
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Spoilers for I Think We’re Not in Kansas Anymore pt 2!

Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #260
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
The shop was returning to normal. Samantha was remembering to shower and eat, she’d actually regained two pounds after a week of ravenous eating. Her workroom was tidied up, and she had given Wendy a raise for keeping everything going so well for a month.

Her eyes went back to the safe. “No,” she told herself. “It’s your clients not yours. Just leave it alone.”

Checking her emails, she saw her increasingly desperate messages to the client practically begging him to send someone for the choker were still unanswered.

“Gotta keep busy,” she said, consciously NOT looking at the safe.

Grabbing a cloth she went to clean the display stands.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #261
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
As the group walks down the tunnel to see for themselves about this supposed fragility, a strange tune ululates out of Ty West’s pocket. While he fishes out a cellphone with a confused expression, the rest stop and gape at him as though he’s been replaced by an alien. That Ty West would permit such an interruption during important business, let alone answer it, is unthinkable. Yet, it is clearly happening. This must be the worst sort of emergency.

He frowns deeply as he listens to the caller, then returns the phone to his pocket. “I am terribly sorry for that, but there has been a disaster. I’m afraid I must go. My planet needs me.”

Mrs. Carson puts a hand on his shoulder before he can leave. “Ty-”

“Half of them have already been slaughtered, Liz. This is more important than authorizing the funds to shore up a tunnel.”

“Of course. What I was going to say is that you’re not alone. Let me help.”

Lord Paramount steps forward and clears his throat. “I believe I may be of assistance as well? You provided me with aid a few years ago in the Komodo-Dodo incident, and I insist on repaying the favor.”

“I want to come as well,” says Quintain. “This could be a once in a lifetime chance to study the-”

Paulson speaks at the same time. “Count me in; I’ve always wanted to-”

“Fine!” roars Tywyswyr, his human illusion discarded. “There isn’t time for this!” He snaps his fingers and a swirling blue vortex appears in the wall. “This leads to my ship. Any of you may follow or stay as you will, but decide swiftly. I will launch within the minute.”

As Tywyswyr, Carson, Paramount, Quintain, and Paulson plow through the portal, the remaining humans look at each other for a long moment before they give a collective shrug and rush after them, eager to see the Sthri homeworld and provide what help they can.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #262
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: Victims New and Old
“I have gathered you here today - “

“ - because one of us is the murderer!” chorused the group of young girls. They grinned at Jade, and Pern let out a cheep.

Jade continued steadily, grinning at the interruption. “It’s a new year, so it’s time to rush new members! Anyone meet any good prospects?”

Bunny smiled. “Danny!”

“Who’s Danny?” the non-Poesies asked. Bunny’s smile broadened. “He’s only the most adorable freshman on campus. Let me tell you about him...”

As Bunny waxed effusive, Jade added Danny’s name, and a few others to a nearby whiteboard.

Anna looked up. “I saw Lizzie coming in off the bus with that giant pink stuffed dog. She’s definitely a good choice. But are you sure about-”

Jade nodded. “I’m sure. That girl needs more joy in her life. Ayla was telling us about something that happened a few months ago, and it clicked. It will take some work though.”

The members of the club conferred and agreed. And there was a gleeful light in their eyes as they got down to the serious business of bringing Katrina Tvardovski, code named “Nacht”, into Wondercute.
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #263
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
As the headmistress and her motley group of trustees, researchers, and security walk down the cordoned off tunnel to examine the suspicious fractures in the tunnels, they hear a humming coming from what should be an empty lab. Carson holds up her hand to stop and jerks her head toward the door of the lab. Forsythe nods and gestures to his security officers, directing them to draw their weapons and take up station outside. On his signal they pile through the door. “Freeze! You are trespassing in an unauthorized area! Put your hands on your head and step away from the devise!”

This is followed by a loud zapping sound and a bunch of flashing lights as a ray ricochets out of the room and through the hall, accompanied by assorted screams from several of those present. This is terminated moments later by a small explosion and a nervous “oops.”

The smells of ozone and smoke fill the lab as the devisor within staves off panic, pulls out her phone, and dials. “Hey, so how do you feel about eloping and taking that long world-tour honeymoon we’ve been talking about? Like, right now? Or even better, yesterday?”

“Whoa, what’s the rush? I thought we decided to do that next summer after we graduate?”

“Yeah... but I think doing it now would be best, because I kinda screwed up here and I think we need to get far, far away for a while. Maybe for always.”

“What are you talking about? Whatever you did can’t be that bad. I’m sure that-”

“Honey! I shrunk the trustees!”

“...I hear Madagascar is nice this time of year?”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Valentine’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #264
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Star League Jr. Aftermath

June 15th, 2007 Early Evening

Ashley squeezed Hank’s hand as they walked towards the conference room Star League’s HQ.

Hank asked her, “Are you sure you want me to come along?”

She nodded, “At least for the AAR, we might ask you to leave after that, before we start talking about it with our parents. Are you alright with that?”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure why you want me along at all.”

She smiled up at him, “Because you know Jade, Bunny, and Molly. You even know Anna better than I do.”

“I’ve met Anna. I carried her and her squirrels around. I’ve talked to her a couple times when she came to see Ayla, or Bunny and Jade. I wouldn’t say that I know her.”

The five teens entered the conference room and glanced at the members of Star League. Tabby Cat started to get up, but Falcon put a hand on her thigh and stopped her. He looked at his daughter and her friends, “You wanted to talk to us officially?”

“Um...” Lily started then looked at her friends who all nodded. “I’m not sure if officially is the right word. What we need is some advice, really badly. I mean we...” Her voice dropped off as Hank squeezed her hand.

The adults all got very curious looks on their faces, the same kids that eight months earlier were so cocksure of themselves were now asking for advice. Falcon cleared his throat and asked, “So what’s the problem, and is Hank involved?”

“Hank’s not involved, but he has background information that should be helpful.” She looked at her boyfriend, “Hank can tell them about Wondercute?”

Linebacker snorted, “Wondercute?”

Hank let out a sigh, and explained about Wondercute. He finished up, “So really it’s just a bunch of girls that want to have fun, and goof around in the sims. Oh and defend cuteness.”

Falcon coughed, “Defend cuteness?”

“That’s what they say. Anyway, Ja... er Generator, who is one of my Team Kimba teammates learned a lot in the Winter Term Team Tactics course, and to be honest her craziness and off the wall tactics drive Gunny Bardue nuts.”

Dredz laughed, “I thought he was going to have a heart attack a couple of times during class.”

Hank continued, “Since they formed they have been, well why don’t we just watch some of their sims.”

They spent the next 45 minutes watching sim matches that Wondercute bounced through, driving their opponents nuts. Once everyone had recovered from laughing at Wondercute’s antics. Falcon asked, “So what’s the problem?”

Lily sighed, “Gunny Bardue wanted to teach them a lesson and picked us to do it. They were given a “Crash” Combat Final. We were told who we were facing, and what the scenario was two days before the Final. Then Gunny and Admiral Everheart helped us set them up. Here just watch the Final.”

Tabby noted that none of the kids were watching the monitor, Lily had her head buried in Hank’s shoulder. The others either had the heads buried in their hands or were staring at the ceiling. She stared at the monitor wondering what could have been so bad.

When Phoenixfire cut Superchick’s arm off, someone let out a “Fuck!” Magma looked over at her daughter, and she could just make out the tears flowing down her cheeks.

The scream Dredz let out, was followed by a whimper by the real Dredz. At the end, all the parents were busy hugging their kids, while Hank sat there not sure what he should do.

After all the hugging and consoling, Falcon looked over the kids, “So what exactly is the problem?”

Lily looked at her friends again, “Several problems. The biggest is that none of Wondercute is talking to each other.”

Hank cut in, “That’s not entirely true. Bugs, Generator, and Gateway are. Well sort of, mostly they were crying together.” He looked at the adults, “Bugs and Generator have been friends since day one, and Gateway has been friends with them since October. Gateway roomed with Dragonrider, and she says that Dragonrider barely says anything to her. Aquerna is hiding from the others, and Superchick spent most of Finals week with Dr. Bellows or Dr. Markham.”

Lily gave Hank a squeeze, “The problem with the lesson that Gunny wanted to teach them, was that it wasn’t needed yet. Bugs, Generator and Gateway already know the truth about the real world. They were all there at Ayla’s party. I protected Bugs and a couple others, but well Bugs and Fey are real close and Fey was almost killed. Gateway was part of the fight, and was almost killed herself, plus Bladedancer came within minutes of dying if Generator hadn’t saved her. Generator was injured herself.”

“Aquerna probably doesn’t need it either. Ayla talks about her every so often, and I’ve met her a few times. She’s an underdog, whose family has all but disowned her, and she was the dumpy girl everyone picked on. She was at the restaurant too. Or so I’ve heard. So she probably knows the real world is a scary place.”

“What about the other two” Red Archer asked. At the somewhat blank looks from the kids she continued, “Don’t you know anything about them?”

Hank looked at the others, “Not really. Dragonrider sometimes eats with the rest of Wondercute, but the rest of the time. I-I’m not sure. I kind of remember seeing her around, but not who she is hanging around with. Superchick, she, well she hangs around with the Bad Seeds. I don’t think she is one, she has a real superhero mad on going. But she rooms with Jadis Diabolik, and she seems like she really likes Jobe and the Drow contingent.”

“Drow?” someone asked?

“Uh, dark elves from D&D. There are four of them. Jobe Wilkins made them, well himself and three others. Superchick is probably the only that really needed the lesson, but probably not until she was on a real team.”

Falcon looked at his teammates, then at the kids, “So is there anything else?” They all shook their heads. “So what do want from us?”

All of Star League Jr. started talking at once, before they stopped and Psymod took the lead. “We need to fix the problem, and we need advice how to do it.”

Magma snorted, “Why should you fix it?”

Psymod blinked a couple of times, “We broke it. We didn’t mean to, but it’s our fault. So we should fix it, or least help get it fixed.”

“Good answer. Unfortunately you really can’t fix it.” Over the protests, Tabby Cat continued, “You can’t. You can’t fix people’s emotions. What you can do is help. And now we will give you some suggestions of things to do...”
Don’t Drick and Drive.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Valentine.

cprime’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #265
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
July 2022 - Morning
The Franks Family Farm, South Dakota

A bleery eyed Brenda wandered into the kitchen, following the scent of fresh coffee. June and Pete were seated at the kitchen table. Pete was the first to speak. “Well, that was an interesting dreamwalk last night.”

Brenda gave a wry look at the comment. “Nothing like going to sleep and having an eventful night.”

June took a sip from her mug, then queried “What’s it like having a spirit?”

“Ask again this time next month, and I’ll let you know. Right now, I’m still getting used to the idea that I have someone else in my head.”

“I get that. I think I’m still getting over the shock of having another child who’s an avatar.”

Pete nodded his agreement. “Me too. When were you going to call Deborah?”

“I thought I’d wait until 9 or so. That will give us time to take care of the day’s chores.”

“Think you’ll make it back tonight?”

“I’d be surprised. Probably easier on the sanity if we overnight in Sioux Falls.”

Brenda chimed in on the conversation with, “Once we have a time, I’ll call the Drakes and see if Luke would be able to help out. I know he’ll be excited to hear that I manifested.”

Pete chuckled. “Not to mention his parents.”

His daughter conceded the point. “Them too.”

Several hours later, the morning chores had been taken care of. While Pete checked over the crop sprayer, Brenda commandeered the kitchen phone. Two rings later, and she was talking with her best friend. Luke Drake was a year younger, and the two had practically grown up together. His parents had learned the farming business from hers. Eight years ago, one of their neighbors passed away unexpectedly. The resulting estate sale gave his parents the chance to start a farm of their own.

“What’s the word?” Asked Luke.

“Icimani.” was the unexpected response.

It took Luke a moment to remember the translation. “Oh? When are you headed out?”

“In a couple hours.”

“Talk about short notice! What’s the rush?”

“Powers testing in Sioux Falls.”

“Congratulations. What’d you get?”

“His name is Hoka.”

“So, you’re an avatar? Anything else? Wait a minute. His name?”

“Yes, not that I’ve noticed, and yes. It seems I got stuck with the family curse.”

“Family curse?”

“It started with my brother Brendan. You know her as Kayda.”

“Kayda was a boy?”

“Yep. Apparently she had a rather traumatic manifestation. She never goes into details, but apparently she transitioned in a week.”

“That’s rather fast.”

“Quite. Next up was my brother Danny. He managed to stay male, but he manifests as a female.”

“And you seem set to do the same?”

“Well, in reverse, but yes. Is your mom or dad available? Dad wants to borrow you until Mon and I get back.”

“One moment. I think mom is in the barn.”

A couple minutes later, Sue picked up the phone. “Brenda?”

“Good morning Sue. How are you today?”

“I am well. Luke says that you’re going to Sioux Falls for power testing?”

“I am.”


“Thanks. Might we be able to borrow Luke tonight? Mom and I expect to be gone overnight, and dad could use the help.”

“I think we can spare his talents. You don’t feel up to making the trip solo?”

“I probably could, but mom was talking about getting tested herself.”

“She manifested too?”

“We don’t know. Wihanape speaks as if it may be the case.”

“I see. Please let us know what your cards say.”
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #266
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Marni sat watching people pass by, she had a cup in front of her and a little sign saying ‘Thrown out of my home, please help’, in front of it. She had a couple of hundred dollars stashed inside her bra, but she knew that wouldn’t last long. Any money she could get would help. So far, she looked pitiful enough to have gotten twenty bucks.

A young guy came up leering at her. He did a quick check to make sure no one was too close to them, and knelt down beside her. “I’ll give you a fifty bucks to come with me. I’ve got a crib just a few blocks away.”

She cringed at the thought, he wasn’t the first one to make the offer that day. “Fuck off, pervert! Like I’d want to see your skinny ass,” she said loudly. The first guy hadn’t left her alone until she started swearing at him when he touched her. She was a fast learner.

“Hey, bitch! I’m just trying to be polite, you don’t have to harsh me.”

“Just get the hell away from me.”

People were starting to pay attention to them. That wasn’t good. She didn’t want to risk the police coming along. Grabbing her cup, she tried to walk away. The perv grabbed her shoulder.

“Where are you going, we’re not done talking.”

“Yes, we are,” she said, trying to pull away. She really didn’t want to use her powers but the guy was looming over her, and his grip was starting to hurt.

Two hands grabbed the perv, yanking him back and sent him flying to the ground. “Dagger, go find some meth head to screw, that’s the only type you’ll have a chance with,” the new guy said. He turned to Marni. “Names Tyson, you OK?”

She looked him over. He was dressed in worn out clothes that were a bit too tight, showing off his chiselled body. He had a shaved head and his hands were scarred, but he didn’t look like a jerk. “I’m fine, thanks.”

“You look new, you want some help?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

“All right. If you need a place to sleep, come by Sue’s Diner, just down the street around nine. Me and some friends will be there. You can talk, you like us, we like you, we hang.”

“Just talking?” she asked.

“Just talking.”

“I might see you,” she said walking away.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #267
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
Samantha sat in front of the safe, unmoving.

Two months and no response from the cats eye client. Was he going to come back? Had he died? Did he want the stone back? Samantha impatiently wondered what was going to happen.

She was sitting in front of the safe, much like a cat watching a mouse hole. The dreams were still coming to her every night. At least now that she wasn’t touching it all the time, she wasn’t hallucinating, but the dreams were better than the dull life she lived.

In the dreams she was powerful. She was a huntress. A thing of beauty and passion. Not the boring business woman, who didn’t have a boyfriend, couldn’t do anything with her ugly dishwater blonde hair, had cheeks that were too red, and a nose that was too big.

If she had the stone for herself, she could be different. She could be special. She could be amazing.

Her eyes barely blinked as she watched the safe.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #268
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
“Now remember, just act smooth. Slip your hand in like its suppose to be there, grab the first thing you can and slide out,” Tyson said.

Marni nodded, feeling sick to her stomach. Walking up behind Latisha, one of Tyson’s friends, she flexed and sensed everything around her. Focusing on her hand, she felt the tiny hairs on the back of her hand brush against the side of the purse. Ever so slowly she moved her fingers moving in time with the bouncing purse, listening to the steady breathing of the homeless girl, watching all around her to make sure no one was paying attention. Her fingertips brushed against a wallet, taking hold of it, she slid it out never once disturbing the purse.

Relaxing, she slid the wallet into her pocket, feeling a little sorry as the dull world returned.

Latisha stopped walking, spinning around to give her a disgusted look. “What the hell are you doing, girl? Are you too scared to even try?”

Tyson hid a smile. “Check your purse.”

Snorting she opened up her bag, a second later her jaw dropped. “How the hell did you do that?! I didn’t even feel a thing!”

Marni, forced herself to smile. “I’m just that good,” she said.

“Tomorrow you, Latisha and I can go downtown to get some cash,” Tyson said. “I’ll watch your backs.”


Late that night, curled up on a thin and dirty mattress with a sheet tossed over her in an abandoned house that was so old and broken down only the lowest of the low would live there, listening to Latisha and two other girls snoring quietly,

Marni stifled a sob. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” she whispered.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #269
Domoviye replied the topic: Micro scenes
Sabawaelnu, the premier hero of the Canadian Maritimes, flew onto the stage on a pillar of water, spraying the front several rows of the crowd in warm seawater. She forced herself to smile at the crowd, it was expected, she was important for uniting the community and making everyone feel good about themselves as they went through their useless lives, wasting her time, making her work so hard to keep them safe. Useless scum.

Raising her arms, water surged into the sky, with a thought she twisted it around, creating dancing rings, circles, ships and more. The crowd cheered as she acted like a trained monkey for their entertainment. She took a tiny bit of pleasure in splashing them, not enough to anger them, just a little joke for the audience.

Her eyes fell on two teenagers near the back. Twins, a boy and a girl who were nearly identical, they were walking away from a group of teenagers, scowling at her, making sure she knew that they held her in nothing but contempt. The smile faltered.

Water erupted around her, hiding her rage until she could regain control. It formed into a mermaid like creature the Sabawaelnu, her namesake from Mi’kmak legends. With a watery roar it soared over the crowd leaving a trail of mist until exploded just above the hateful teens. The soaked audience roared in surprise.

Flicking her wrist, the soaked onlookers were left only a little damp, the water rising off of them in tiny raindrops falling into the sky. There was a massive applause.

She gave them a real smile, as she watched the two soaked children storm off, dripping wet as if they’d just climbed out of the Atlantic.

She’d deal with them later.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #270
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Teri woke up bright and early in Poe cottage, having spent the night having a sleep over with Splits and Ruth. Splits roommate had gone home for the weekend it was seen as the perfect chance for the three friends to do some teenage bonding. It had taken a bit of persuading, but since she’d already been sworn to secrecy over some things she’d already seen, Mrs. Horton had agreed after some pleading.

Splits rolled over on her bed, “Good morning Teri. You’re off to have a shower?”

“Yeah, I smell like popcorn and pizza or I’d wait to have a bath back in Whitman.”

“You remember your promise about not telling anyone about our showers?”

Teri rolled her eyes. “Yes, honestly how many secrets do you Poesies have? Do you need a secret handshake to use the kitchen?”

Splits just smiled. “You’ll understand when you try the shower.”

Shrugging, Teri grabbed her washcloth embroidered with roses and her tiny bag of toiletries and flew out of the room. A few of the early risers were surprised to see the six inch tall fairy fly past, but she was a common enough sight that they just smiled and said good morning, or moaned a greeting.

In the bathroom Teri had to admit it looked nice, but she didn’t see what the big deal was, it was just some pretty tiles. Wrapping her hair up in seran wrap to keep it dry, she stripped and flew into the shower only to stop in confusion. There were a lot more knobs and dials than she was used to.

Turning on the shower, she got herself cleaned up quickly, making sure to wash her wings extra well since they were spattered with melted popcorn butter. With that done her curiosity got he better of her. She twisted one of the knobs.

A jet of water hit her in the chest slamming her against the wall. Sputtering and choking, she managed to get out of the line of fire and half blind flew to the knobs. She grabbed what she thought was the right one and turned it all the way off. Five streams of perfumed water hit her from all sides. Desperately she began hitting dials and knobs and levers, trying to find some escape.


Splits looked up tiredly as the door slammed open. Teri hovered in the air, bruised, soaking wet, her hair a wild dripping mess, and her wings were crinkled. “What on earth happened to you?”

Teri spit out a mouthful of water before speaking. “Your shower tried to kill me.”
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Wyverntamer’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #271
Wyverntamer replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
He woke up, excited. Today was the day, he knew it! He had checked the entire building, and the only bugs he had found were those that his parents had put in his luggage to spy on him. He worked tediously to remove the bugs without him coming in sight of the cameras, and constrained his laughter. It would be bad if he was caught now, before he could do it. He crushed every bug, even the ones he was sure were only fakes.

When he was done he removed the second bottom he had installed in his suitcase. He looked around before he pulled the second bottom out, and then ordered a shower kit. He quietly went to the shower, and put a sign on the shower doors saying: “Do not disturb, high need of privacy.” He signed it, with two signatures and locked the shower door. He washed his hair, which turned from white to ash blonde as he washed out the coloring. He got out a brush and brushed his hair until it was long and straight, reaching to his middle.

“It is a wonder what a simple change of style can do for how a person looks.” He said as he looked into the mirror. He grabbed a towel, looked out of the shower. When he saw noone, he ran towards his room and quickly went in it. There he took some items from the hidden part of his suitcase and layed them on his bed. He put them on and ordered a mirror, a tall, standing mirror. He looked into it and saw himself. His parents would be enraged if they saw him like this, dressed like a girl... As she was.

She saw herself, dressed as a girl as she had dreamed she would one day look like. She loved the chance that she had been given by her parents, even if they thought they had done everything to stop her. She was Marie, Marie Rosethorn, and she was free of her parents’ grasp, they couldn’t control her anymore, and couldn’t force her to act like a boy anymore. Wolfgang would be no more, no matter what abuse her parents put her through, she would survive.

“Be careful of plucking this rose, it has its thorns!” She giggled. She loved that she was allowed to giggle. Now to make the changes to get her to be assigned to a proper dorm.
Two things you need to know about me:
One, I’m not my characters, no matter how much I may sometimes act like them;
Two, I really like watching thunderstorms from inside the house, reading, gaming and sleeping.

Wyverntamer’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #272
Wyverntamer replied the topic: Marie Rosethorn
Marie Rosethorn bounced to the administration, she was so happy! Her parents would go crazy, but they didn’t really matter, not anymore. On her way to the administration some people looked at her funny and then they were away, as she was back alone, waiting until the administration had time.

“You there, why are you here? Don’t you know that this place is a private school?” She bounced up until she saw that it was Hardass who was speaking to her. “Well miss? What is it?”

Marie looked ashamed. “Miss Hartford, I have attended classes here for a few days, but just now I have been able to be myself.” Miss Hartford looked unamused. “Who were you then? Someone who was not supposed to be here?” Marie shook her head no, she opened her mouth to speak but Hardass spoke first. “Then why do you not look like anyone who is supposed to be here?”

Marie opened her mouth again, angry this time by the rude interruption. “I was registered here under the name Wolfgang Johan Sebastian Amadeus van Beethoven, and not a single medical record exists that declares I am female, only me, my parents and a doctor know, but he conveniently forgot to put it in the medical records each time my father paid him.”

Hartford opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a call from the headmistress’s office. “Let her in, I’ll talk about what exactly happened. Come in, Marie, was it?”
Two things you need to know about me:
One, I’m not my characters, no matter how much I may sometimes act like them;
Two, I really like watching thunderstorms from inside the house, reading, gaming and sleeping.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #273
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Now remember Abby, this is a special game. You have to run around the field looking for prizes, for every big prize you get two dollars, and every little prize you get a piece of chocolate. Are you ready?” the man asked his daughter.

Abby nodded eagerly, clapping her hands and jumping with excitement, making her brown pigtails bounce. She got to the starting line, not noticing the sign that said ‘DANGER MINEFIELD!” In several different languages.

Her father smiled and shouted “GO!” sending her into the field at a run.

She zigzagged as she ran hoping to find a prize and when she’d run mere ten meters there was a loud boom, and she was sent high into the air to land with a thud on her back.

“YAY!!!” She shouted getting to her feet and brushing the sand off her clothes. “That was a big prize!”

“Yes it was, Princess!” Her father shouted back. “Keep going there are lots of prizes out there.”

For the next few hours the peaceful afternoon was full of explosions and the squeals of glee as a young girl played in the beautiful and exciting field.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #274
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“He really kidnapped Santa Claus?” Abby, the 6 year old brick asked, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and sadness.

“Yes he did sweety,” her father replied. “Now you have to go in and make him tell us where Santa is. But we don’t want all the other kids to know that Santa is missing. So you have to ask for a David Anthony. Can you remember that?”

“Yes daddy. Just tell me where to go.”

He pointed her at the house they were parked beside and opened the door of the specially armoured van. Abby ran out wearing her mask and cape not bothering with the front door door or even breaking a window to get inside, choosing instead to go through the nearest wall to save time.

A big man came running at the noise, his hands grew in size until each one was easily the same size as the little girl. “What the fuck is going on here?”

“Where’s Santa? I mean David Anthony?” Abby yelled.

“Fuck off girl,” moving in to grab her.

“You shouldn’t use bad words!” She said. Grabbing his hand she threw him up, making a convenient hole to the second and third floor as well as creating a new skylight. Jumping as hard as she could she joined the bad man, who was screaming in fear, in the sky. “Are you going to tell me where Santa is?”

“I’ll tell you anything. Just don’t let me fall!”

She grabbed him in a hug and bent her knees a little. “Daddy says you should go limp and roll when we land.”

The bad man began screaming as the ground came up with frightening speed.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #275
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Watcha doing?” Abby asked the big funny looking man holding another man wearing a costume.

“Robbing a bank kid, now go away your bothering me,” the funny man said, slamming the other man face first into the wall a few times.

“My daddy says that’s not nice. You should stop and apologize right now,” she said ignoring the calls from police and others who were watching.

“What are you going to do about it pipsqueak?”

“Well daddy said beating people up is bad unless we’re paid, but I think it would be ok in this case. Because you’re being really, really mean, and you could hurt that guy your holding. So I think I can beat you up, and he won’t get angry. Do you think that’s right? Daddy says I’m his silly little girl sometimes because I talk and talk and talk. He says it takes a crowbar to get me off of something when I start talking. But that’s silly, the last time he used a crowbar to try to get me to leave the circus it broke.”

The villain threw the battered hero away, wondering if the little kid would ever shut up. He puta hand on her face and shoved as hard as he could.

She didn’t budge. She was still talking, even though it was muffled by his hand.

Placing both hands on her he tried to move her, his feet slid out from under him, and she hadn’t stopped talking for a second.

“Do you ever shut up?” he asked.

“When I’m asleep,” she said grabbing his little finger.

“All right, I’m going to take my money and run.” He tried to do just that but she still had his finger, and he couldn’t walk away without losing it. Placing his foot on her chest he pushed as hard as he could.

He might as well have tried moving a mountain.

Abby looked down and saw a dirty footprint on her pink shirt. She scowled as only a six year old girl can. “You got my favourite shirt dirty!” she shouted, her her tiny hands balled up into fists.

He began to whimper in fear.

When the villain came to in the hospital, he was told that thanks to his low level regeneration, he’d probably regain full motion and control of his body with only a year or two of physiotherapist,
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #276
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tracy waited in the doctors office reading a comic, her tall, painfully thin body covered in a hospital gown. The curtains were closed, since manifesting her pale skin had gotten even paler and she burned easily unless she was covered in sunscreen.

The door opened and a short, pudgy Doctor walked in. “Hello Beatrice, I’m Doctor Rancourt,” he said, extending his hand.

She winced at hearing her first name. She hated it, it made her sound old and boring like her grandmother, who she was named after. It couldn’t even be shortened into something interesting. Putting down her horror comic, she shook the doctors hand. “Hi Dr. Rancourt. Could you call me Tracy,? I prefer my middle name,” she said, trying to avoid biting her tongue with her sharp teeth.

“Of course, Tracy.” He placed a thermos mug on the desk and sat down, making sure to show only professional friendliness. She’d seen that a lot over the last few months since manifesting. The MCO said she was an exemplar, but neither they or the doctors could explain why she couldn’t eat much and was ravenous all the time.

“Now then, you haven’t been able to eat more than 17 ounces of food each day, and even broths make you sick to your stomach correct?” he asked.

She nodded, she’d been surviving on protein drinks and IV drips which her body seemed able to use to keep her alive and moving, but she was skin and bones with a ravenous hunger all the time. That combined with her blood red iris’s had made a few younger patients in the sick kids ward scream in terror when they saw her.

He uncapped the thermos mug and her nose twitched at the heavenly smell, saliva flooded her mouth. He noticed her look of hunger. “Try it, I think it will help with your eating problem.”

She had meant to reach for it and take a sip, but something took over and she lunged for the cup instead, guzzling it down, ignoring the trickle of liquid that ran down her chin. It was thick and warm, a little like tomato soup. When she finished, she was amazed to find the maddening hunger was gone.

“Did that help?”

She nodded in shock. Wiping her mouth, her pale hand was red and slick. She felt like she was going to throw up. “Th-this is blood!”

Before Dr. Rancourt could answer she fainted.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #277
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
Samantha opened the safe, holding her breath, afraid if she breathed too hard the beautiful crystal would vanish.

It was still there. It winked hello.

Only a small desk lamp was on, the rest of the store was pitch black. It had been over four months since she finished the choker, and the client hadn’t responded. He had to be dead. That meant she could use the crystal. It was hers now.

Taking it out as carefully as if it was a newborn babe, she felt the power rushing through her hands. It knew its true owner, and it was letting her get a small taste of what it could offer.

Releasing the intricate silver clasp that was done up to resemble a small cats eye, she placed the choker on her neck and closed it again. It was a little loose, but she didn’t care.

Fire filled her.

She screamed as her body shifted. Her muscles hardened, skin stretched and pulled back as claws ripped out of her fingers. Her face felt like water, flowing away from the flat, ugly human face, fangs filled her mouth. Her ears twitched.

She smelled rain in the breeze, heard the neighbours two stories above making love. A scream from outside brought the promise of blood. The tiled floor beneath her fingers felt cooler than she remembered, she had thought it was clean, but she could feel dust and grit on her fingertips. Opening her mouth, she could still smell the perfume of the customers she’d talked to hours before.

Roaring with delight, she ran out into the night, eager to see the world and challenge it.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #278
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
“Hey asshole, what are you doing coming onto our territory?” a big guy asked, his hand in his pocket holding something, while five other guys stood menacingly behind him.

“Fuck off, this ain’t your territory,” Tyson said, moving in front of Marni and Latisha.

“It is now. You owe me rent. I’ll be generous, cash or ass.”

Latisha ducked her head and shoved past Tyson who looked like he was ready to kill someone. “You get me for an hour and then you leave us alone.”

“Naw, we’ve had you already. We want the new girl to,” the guy said.

Marni wanted to throw up. The thought of being groped by the gang members, of being raped by them, she wanted to scream. Tyson was saying something, sounding angry, she couldn’t make out what it was through the rush of blood in her ears.

She moved and the gang never had a chance. They couldn’t get their weapons out before she had them on the ground, clutching broken bones, crying in pain, wondering what happened.

Standing in the middle of them, Marni saw the blood on her fists, recalled the snapping of bones. She threw up. Tyson was at her side in time to catch her as she fainted.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #279
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Back Breaker cast a simple spell to open the lock and disconnect the security alarm on the door of the suburban home. It was a nice place, about what he’d expect of his mortal enemy the hero Iron Helm. For too long the hero had thwarted him, humiliated him, now it was time to get revenge. It had taken over a year to learn the heroes true identity, and it had come at the most opportune time.

He heard the prey humming to herself in the kitchen, the smell of roasting chicken filled the air, Iron Helms wife was obviously preparing a meal for him. It would be amusing to cut off her head and leave it on the table, lightly garnished and ready to eat. The unborn baby in her womb would be an excellent side dish.

Silently he made his way to the kitchen, his muscles tensed to leap on her and torment her for an hour or two before he had to leave.

Stepping through the door he screamed in shock and pain as an energy spear pierced his gut and pinned him to the far wall like a bug.

“Back Breaker? I wasn’t expecting you,” the woman said in a cold voice, while she winced and pressed her hands into the small of her back. Her stomach looked a little like a beach ball under the too tight sweatshirt, which made the energy coursing from her eyes disconcerting.

“Spear Maiden?!” he croaked in surprise, trying to pull the spear from his gut so he could heal.

She walked towards him another energy spear forming in her hands. “Oh, you must have Discovered Paul’s identity, and found out that I was pregnant and his wife. Being stupid, you didn’t put two and two together, thinking I was a helpless baseline and not the other hero in this town who hasn’t been around for a few months.” She gave him a cold smile. “That’s just sloppy.”

“I-i need a doctor,” he gasped.

“No you don’t,” she told him. “But I’m going to need a shovel.”

“You can’t kill me, you’re a hero,” he gasped.

“You came to my home looking to kill me. That makes you a danger to my family, especially my child. If I go to the police with your body, that will be pretty obvious to every villain and criminal who we are,” she said. The spear tip went under his chin, poking painfully into his jugular. “I don’t play nice when my family is at stake. Good bye Back Breaker.”

He didn’t have time to scream.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Wyverntamer’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #280
Wyverntamer replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Adam woke up. He felt it, and his power said he was right. His father had died today, but he had finally succeeded in their family’s struggle. He grabbed his knife and started the ritual.


Circe got a call during her lesson. She had expected this a decade or so later. “Sorry class, but I have to take this call.”

“Hello Circe, no time for games now. There is bad news and there is good news. Bad news, Dad died, good news, he succeeded. I am coming to you for help.” The last thing Circe felt was the sensation that she was falling and someone screaming.


“Circe? Circe? Are you alright?” Dr. Tenent asked, concerned for her patient’s health. Circe shook her head, attempting to get her bearings. “Ophelia, we have a really big emergency at our hands, I need to speak to the Headmistress.”

“What is such a big emergency that you need to speak to me directly?” Elizabeth Carson had walked into the room just in time to hear the last sentence. Circe looked terrible, completely afraid of whatever was happening.

Circe looked up. “Warn every psychic not to mess with the head of the next male student who arrives, and the head of anyone who calls me mother or a variation thereof. My addopted son is coming.”
Two things you need to know about me:
One, I’m not my characters, no matter how much I may sometimes act like them;
Two, I really like watching thunderstorms from inside the house, reading, gaming and sleeping.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #281
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Where are you heading to?” John asked the young hitchhiker.

“New York, you heading that way?” the teenager asked. He looked nervous, not exactly an unreasonable reaction for a kid who couldn’t be more than fifteen and almost certainly just runaway from home.

“I’m going in that direction. I’ve got some business close to there, I can have you in the outskirts by tonight. You keep me awake while I’m driving and I’ll even buy you lunch and dinner,” he said with a smile.

“Gee, thanks man,” the teenager said, climbing in and putting his pitifully small bookbag at his feet. “I’ve been waiting around all morning for a ride but no one is stopping.”

“Call me John, what’s your name?” he asked holding out his hand.


As their skin connected, John let his power lose. There wasn’t any dramatic display, but he instantly felt wide awake and hungry. Putting his hands back on the wheel, he could feel the stream of energy leaving Mark and entering him. Smiling happily he drove away.


John watched as Mark struggled to stay awake at supper, his skin was pale, sweat beaded his forehead, his cheeks which had been a little on the chubby side were sunken in. John watched, faking concern as the teen listlessly ate his meal.

For his part, John felt wonderful. “How are you holding up?”

“I’m just tired. I’ve had a long week. You don’t mind if I take a nap in the car, do you?” Mark slurred.

“Not at all. If you don’t feel better when we hit New York, I’ll take you to the doctor. You don’t want to get sick,” he said.

Mark nodded dumbly.


“Mark, we’re here,” John said, shaking his passenger gently. “Mark, wakey wakey!”

The body slumped against the window. It looked like the teen had starved to death, his skin stretched tightly against his bones, almost no muscle left on his body.

“Well Mark, I guess you won’t get to see New York after all. But look on the bright side you won’t be beaten by your parents anymore either, so it looks like you broke even, right?”

Whistling a jaunty little tune, feeling like a man half his age, John hopped out of the car and grabbed a shovel from the trunk. Finding a nice patch of dirt in the field that was far from any houses and the main road he began to dig a hole. It wouldn’t have to be too deep, he would be heading for California in the morning. Lots of hitchhikers could be found there, and he was always ready to give them a ride.
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Wyverntamer’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #282
Wyverntamer replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Adam looked up, the ritual was completed and he had his family’s power, plus his own, and now it was time for him to get his MID. He hoped that the MCO would attempt to dissappear him, that would cause some good old chaos.


“Umm... Dad, you’re supposed to be KIA, so it is really not a good idea for you to show up on the demonstration of my powers, I will just say that you are still with the screamers in the screamatorium, like I had expected you to be.” Adam looked at the manifested form of his dad’s ‘soul’. They still hadn’t figured out what part of the soul the First one specifically copied, but that would be insignificant. Just like the fact that he was a Wiz-3, at the least, that wouldn’t be noted on this temporary MID.


Adam looked at his MID, this would do for now, until he came to Whateley and got himself a real one with people Circe trusted, that would be enough for him. He looked at his manifested form, and then at his nametag, he found it quite annoying that he was forced to wear a nametag that made it clear it was him, and not just a random passerby who was looking at the local MCO office.


Adam sighed happily, the road to Whateley had been relatively quiet, of course that might have had something to do with the fact that he had manifested the form of a former child soldier, looking both innocent and threatening. He entered Whateley and was almost immediately stopped. “Hey there seccurity, I am expected, Adam, no last name given, new Soldier of Honour, technically Soldier of Greatest Honour Never Once Broken and Awarded Several Important Medals From All Ages and Time Periods Including From Before The Sundering. Want to see my MID?”

The security officer looked a little put off by Adam’s demeaner, so he took his MID from a pocket in Soldier of Honour’s jacket, and handed it to the officer. “Wait, you were not joking about your name? Also, this looks good and it fits with what Circe said.” Adam looked up cheerfully. “Ooh, mommy still teaches here? And where is Mr. Geintz, I thought about his name really hard, but he didn’t come.”

Mr. Geintz then appeared. Next to the security officer. “You can go now, I have warned both Circe and already set up someone to lead him through the facilities. Adam, your father was in Twain, so you will also be there, especially since you appearantly have more control over your power than him.”


The tour was boring, though Adam did give the Homer Gallery a souvenir of his, his awarded medals from his previous lifes. “This is the outfit of the previous Soldier of Honour, my father, I find it a bit outdated to carry around all the medals, so I intend to design a new outfit.” This statement was met with several protests from the dead surrounding him, but he shut them up with threatening to send them to the screamatorium.


“So you are my new roommate.” Adam’s roommate was a GSD case, and he was also an underdog, judging his armband. Adam nodded. “Sorry, I should have introduced me earlier, I am Dunkel, minor GSD, Underdog and I can make people stop seeing color. My name is from before my real power testing, when the people from my hometown believed that I could make people blind, that was before I was tested, but the name stuck, and now I use it to intimidate people... And I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”

Adam smiled and shook Dunkel’s hand. “My name is Adam, and my father was the previous Soldier of Honour, I have his powers in addition to my own powers, and honestly, if I didn’t have my family’s legacy, I would be weaker than you. All I can do is make willing spirits of the dead manifest in this world. My codename is usually shortened to Soldier of Honour because in reality it is Soldier of Greatest Honour Never Once Broken and Awarded Several Important Medals From All Ages and Time Periods Including From Before The Sundering. Talk about a mouth full.”
Two things you need to know about me:
One, I’m not my characters, no matter how much I may sometimes act like them;
Two, I really like watching thunderstorms from inside the house, reading, gaming and sleeping.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 2 months ago #283
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
While idly looking through some old Livejournal posts from a good ten years ago or more, on subjects such as Godomy , Concluded Loins , The Death Eaters’ Manifesto , Legendary Hash Brownies , and The Tent Peg of Homosexuality +5 , I rediscovered this little gem . Not a Whateley micro, but still worth seeing, I hope:

“The Skiffy Masters of old were in touch with the whole of the Genre, and kept the Pulp and the Snark in harmony. But as the Skiffy Order grew and matured, there came an unease with the destructive potential of the Snark, and the balance was lost. The wielders of the Pulp Side wage civil war with the wielders of the Snark, who became known as the SF Lords. Arrogant and powerful, they sneered at the bright cheerfulness and humanistic positivism of the Pulp, instead embracing the darkness of cynicism and dystopia. At length the SF Master Dork Harlan came to rule for many long ages, until the SF were again overthrown. The Skiffy, thinking the Lords of the SF utterly de-storyed, slid into self-congratulatory decadence, unaware of the returning Snarkness that in shadows moved to strike...

Legend speaks of a Chosen One, who will bring balance back to the Genre. Will this Skiffy Messiah save the Skiffy, or de-story them?”

(Oh, one year at Frolicon I once tried to organize a reading of “Hortus Conclusus” on Sunday morning, similar to how some other cons have readings of “The Eye of Argon”. I never went back, though, so I don’t know if it caught on.)
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 2 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #284
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“What the Hell just happened?” Bruce said nervously.

“I don’t know!” cried Thulia, “One moment we’re getting ready for that all-appendages meeting, and the next, it’s total Pandemonium!”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago - 5 years 1 month ago #285
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
20 September 2016
As she came down to see about the note she had just gotten that someone wished to speak to her, Hikaru was surprised to see an unfamiliar woman dressed in the same sort of ‘professorial’ manner favored by most of the teachers, waiting at Concierge’s desk. Once she arrived at the desk, the woman gave a formal bow and address her in Japanese.

“Your Highness, I hope you are well. My name is Sasaki Kaori, and I am a graduate student working for Professor Colins in the astronomy department. I have been looking forward to having a chance to speak with you, but I held off on the request of Dean Shugendo until you had a chance to get settled here properly. It is an honor to meet you.”

“It is good to meet you then, Sasaki-sensei. It is always good to meet a fellow from our nation, when traveling so far from home.”

“Thank you, my lady, though I fear I am not yet a teacher myself. I am honored that you would say so, however. I had hoped that my... dear friend, Sasaki Ami, would be able to meet you as well, but she was, ah, indisposed. She is studying veterinary medicine at the University of New Hampshire and could not be excused even for this, I am afraid.” Kaori seemed to blush a bit at that, and Hikaru noticed that the woman was fiddling nervously with what appeared to be a wedding ring.

“I see... is your friend a relative of your husband, then?”

At this, Ms. Sasaki went pale. “She is, we are quite... close. The laws in some states of this country do allow, ah, unusual arrangements, recently. I did not wish to concern you with my personal life, however. I am certain that you have matters to attend to besides these.”

“Yes, of course. Good day, Ms. Sasaki.” She gave a bow, which Sasaki returned, and she watch the older woman leave.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 1 month ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #286
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
Samantha sobbed in her workshop, ashamed of her human body, of how weak it was, how ugly it was. She’d fired Wendy that morning and her shop was closed. Jewellery didn’t interest her anymore. Only one thing mattered.

The choker laid in front of her. It wouldn’t do, it was too easy to rip off. If she lost the crystal she didn’t know what she’d do. There had to be a better, safer design. No one could take it from her. It was HERS!

She sketched out some patterns, knowing she needed something that would be hard to break and would keep it hidden. An hour later she had the right design. Running to the computer she ordered titanium.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 2 months ago #287
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
Marni scratched her short hair, wishing she still had the pretty cornrows. But keeping her hair clean enough to make them look good had proven impossible in the squat she called home.

Tyson held her close as they listened to a cheap MP3 with even crappier speakers playing some stupid pop song. “You’ve done really good the last few weeks, Mar.”


“No I mean it. We’ve got more money to share, you got the gangs off our backs. We’re doing better now than I could ever believe. And we owe it all to you,” he said, leaning in to look in her eyes.

She looked into his dark brown eyes and smiled. He wasn’t very clean, but she could admire his muscles, his good looks, his protectiveness of his little group. When he leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t resist. A little later when he took her to his mattress, she didn’t resist either.

Wyverntamer’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #288
Wyverntamer replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Adam looked at Circe, who had summoned him to her office. “So, Circe, what did you want to talk about?”

“I wanted to talk about you calling me ‘mommy’ in public, why did you do that, and why didn’t you call me mommy now?” Adam chuckled at the question. “Isn’t it obvious? It was to simply emberrass you, nothing more, nothing less. It also keeps people from finding out what kind of relation we used to have, and what kind of relation we most likely are going to have.”


Adam looked at his opponent, silently conversing with the spirits that were part of him now. Ito-soke, that evil old man, as some spirits said, looked at him and shook his head. “Adam, you are to use your powers, go all out.”

Adam looked at Ito in shock. “No, I won’t go all out, I will not go all out! It would leave this place in ruins and everyone dead! Even mommy... Circe I mean.” Adam than thought and asked permission to a certain spirit. “Allright, I will go as far as I dare to, and use a single spirit.”

His opponent laughed. “You think you can defeat me with a single damned spirit?” And then he paled, as he saw what spirit was used. “What did you call me? What did you call me Samuala Jaco Ahnson?” He turned slightly green. “Gramma...”


Adam looked into the cage, the spirit of Samuala’s grandmother was still speaking, but nodded to him and wrapped up the story. “The winner is Adam, Soldier of Honour!” Ito said as he walked towards him. “So class, what did we learn today?”

“That the biggest bullies are afraid of their grandmothers!” A smartass in the back said it, before realising that he said it out loud. “Oops...”


Adam walked into the Crystal hall, Circe said that the food here was pretty good, so he had to check it out... Ooh, looky there, a reincarnation of Ares, if that isn’t interesting. He walked towards the reincarnations of the olympian gods and transformed himself of into his body at the time, the second naturally female body they had had.

Ares looked up and asked. “What do you want, mortal?” Adam looked down on the sitting Ares and smiled. “I want you to hear the name you are here under and I want to hear the story of your defeat at the hands of a single ‘mortal’.”

Ares looked at him. “The name is Counterpoint now and what did you mean by that last sentence. Are you implying that I lost!?”

“No, nothing like that silly little Counterpoint, I am implying that I crushed you. Back then I was called Diriacia, and I defeated you!” Counterpoint stood up deviantly until he got a good look at the sight of Diriacia and paled, he became as white as a sheet and sat down, shaking in his seat.

Adam walked away and Imperious looked at his ‘son’. “Who was that, and what happened between you.” Counterpoint only looked up and meekly replied. “Evil, that... thing, is evil. Pure evil.”
Two things you need to know about me:
One, I’m not my characters, no matter how much I may sometimes act like them;
Two, I really like watching thunderstorms from inside the house, reading, gaming and sleeping.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago - 5 years 1 month ago #289
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Scott Phillips, no relation to the reporter, was sitting at the counter of his book store keeping half an eye on the goings on of the bi-weakly Game Night. It was good PR to let people try out the games he stocked before they bought them, as it was a pain when the customer bought one and then after one or two games returned the product as being to complicated, confusing, hard to win, an just not what they wanted.

Tonight was a good night; there was a mix of collage students, families with younger kids, as well as a few seniors. His employee, Becca Grant, was move was moving between a cut throat game of Red Dragon Inn that had a half dozen people around the table hunched over their cards and a game of Munchkin that was getting a little on the rowdy side. He didn’t have a problem with rowdy, but he did have issue with drunk in his shop, and one of the collage kids who was at the Red Dragon table was speak in a way that had the feel of a drunken ramble when ever it was his turn. But as Scott was about to stand and have a word with the young man, the offender made a face at the cards and moved one of the counters in front of him “And I’m afraid the Great Drunken Master Zakhan has passed out under the table due to that Orce brew. Please try not to trip over him or let Pookie nibble his toes. I am out of the game, unless you’re willing to let me play test a home brew character? Or let me grab the Pookie deck...”

The table was unanimous in being willing to let him play test the homebrew, which had Scott smiling in amusement. The student grinned as he pulled some cards from the backpack at his feel. “Sweet. And it’s good no one is playing Miss ‘don’t call me a pixie’ Kaylin, cause I think I’ve worked out how to play Wulfric like Pookie is played.” that prompted a groan that the student spoke over “Don’t worry, I used Pookie’s rules as a base, but I changed things. The Barmaid is against Wulfric, unlike how she sides with the killer rabbit, and...”

Scott’s attention was drawn to the small hearing aid like device tucked discreetly into his ear. “Meta One, this is Tower Local. We have an unidentified craft dropping from what appears to be Low Earth Orbit on radar. Intended landing zone predicted to be the Quarry. Local Law requests Meta assistance in case things go hostel.”

“Why is it always Game night?” Scott muttered to himself before touching a button hidden under the counter. “Meta One copies. ETA less then five.”

“Becky, I’m gonna go make a night deposit and pick up some things. You got this until I get back?” he called, prompting a wave from the young woman who was with a blue haired woman looking over one of the Eldritch Abomination type horror games.

Going out the front door, and reflexively locking it behind him, Scott stepped into the alley that ran down the side of his shop and pulled his shirt open...
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.
Last Edit: 5 years 1 month ago by Cryptic. Reason: fixed a few errors

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #290
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
The two bracelets and matching anklets were ready. Made of pure titanium, a jewel the same size and colour as the cats eye, was embedded on each one, almost completely covered metal so only a very careful examination would reveal that they were fakes. The bands were rounded for comfort and covered in thin runes carved into the metal over several days of little sleep and even less food.

Samantha slipped the jewellery on, wincing in pain as the hard metal ground against her bones, barely fitting over her hands. The anklets were easier, but she tore off some skin on her ankles. Looking at herself in the mirror, naked except for the jewellery, lit only by a small fire in a silver bowl on her desk and five small burners on the floor, she prepared to say goodbye to herself.

She pulled a silver knife from the fire filled bowl. The blade glowed a dull red, closing her eyes she pressed the knife into her stomach, just below the ribs. Gasping in pain she drew the knife to the side slicing through her flesh. Fat sizzled under the hot blade.

The knife clattered to the ground, splashing blood on her feet.

Trying to stay conscious through the pain, Samantha took the true cats eye jewel and pushed it into the wound. Her insides burned and twisted. She bit through her lip to hold back the scream of pain.

Obsession forced her body to act when all she wanted to do was curl up and scream. She laid down on the ground placing two carefully designed molds on her stomach, one over the cut, the other one on the opposite side of her stomach. Two more went just above her breasts, a final one, the smallest, went just below her throat, still damp glue held them in place. The five small burners held the special molten silver, evenly divided, waiting to be poured.

Taking the first bowl of silver she poured it over the wound, covering the stone, protecting it, and increasing its power. A shriek filled the room alongside the smell of cooking meat. Shaking in agony, she grabbed the second tiny bowl, and poured it into the other mold. It didn’t hurt as much, all she felt was bitterly cold except for the two blazing suns she’d placed on her body.

Shaking, barely able to stay conscious as her brain screamed for release, she poured the last three, a few drops spattered across her neck and chest.

With the metal cooling on her seared flesh she let herself pass out, smiling at completing the job.

bergy’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #291
bergy replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
‘Costuming? Advanced String Theory? Predicting the Future for Non-Psychics? Wow!’ Tom continued to thumb through the Whateley Academy Course Catalog quietly exclaiming to himself at the courses he would be able to take next fall when he started as a freshman. He knew he shouldn’t be looking at the book in public but it was the center of the city where no one paid attention to anyone else and the only person at the bus stop was a little old lady humming distractedly to herself.

It was when he starting to search for the prerequisites for Law Enforcement Topics when he was startled by a ruckus just down the street. Straining, Tom saw a brightly-colored, spandexed man with an overlarge sword casually cutting cars in half as he charged down the thoroughfare, chased by the police who fired inffectively at him. Tom furrowed his brow in concern at the approaching miscreant. Screaming crowds fled before the man and then Tom knew what he had to do.

Taking a breath to steady his nerves he shoved the catalog into his backpack. He then tugged the old woman into the entryway of a nearby store and used his coat to cover them as the screaming crowd, villain and police passed by. When they were gone the old woman patted him on the cheek with a muttered “such a good boy” and went back to waiting for the bus. Tom pulled out his catalog and went back to working out whether he would need Basic Martial Arts or one of its alternatives.

Join us next time on Scenes You’ll Never See At Whateley when we hear Doctor Deviso say: “No, no! Shut it down! Shut it all down! The experiment is far too dangerous to continue!”

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago - 5 years 1 month ago #292
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Well, Cerulea, I actually have to applaud your self-restraint,” said Morgana, looking down at the pantsed boy with the broken DVD lodged in his rectum, “I would have fried him for that sort of prank, myself.”

Still fuming, Laura replied, “Uhm, well, it’s not the first time someone made a joke about that movie, and I didn’t have any weapons on me...”. Then she blushed, and muttered, “And, I, ah, well, I had a torrent of it myself before I changed, actually.” She sighed and just watched the jewel case liner for the copy of La Blue Girl flutter away on the wind.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 1 month ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago - 5 years 1 month ago #293
Domoviye replied the topic: Marni
Walking behind the well dressed woman, Marni tried not to look out of place. She’d managed to find a nice outfit at a thrift store, and could wander around the better neighbourhoods without drawing much attention. The pickings were better and people weren’t quite as cautious.

If the woman would just slow down a little, she could do a snatch and grab. It wasn’t as elegant as picking a pocket, but she could sell the purse for a good price.

Finally the woman slowed, Marni flexed and felt the power surge within her. Then she stopped dead. The woman turned into a building, and Marni saw a little sign that had been too small and far away to see properly a second before, “Mutant Commission Office.”

Powering down, she started walking again, trying to act as casually as possible. No way was she going to commit a crime anywhere near the MCO.

As she made her way down the block, she heard a cry of shock. Spinning around, a thick black smoke filled the air at the same moment as something encircled her. Before she could power up an electrical shock ran through her body, she hit the ground with a painful thud.

“Daddy,” she moaned as consciousness faded away.
Last Edit: 5 years 1 month ago by Domoviye.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #294
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Meta One to Tower Local, I am on site but out of sight. Activating hero cam. Have LEOs reassign patrols to cordoning off the area, and have them bring up what ever units they have that are power armor certified. Also call in the rest of the team.” Scott said softly into his com as he hung a mile or so above the quarry that the unidentified object had come to rest in. “Mmm, Tower, are you receiving visuals? Tell me you’re seeing what I am seeing, and that I am not hallucinating pastel colored naked pony people whose skin kind of looks like rubber or dried latex.”

“Meta One, Visual is clear. We can confirm that they are pastel colored horse-form beings. Leo command is asking if these are possibly Ani-men?”

“Not unless Dr DNA made a batch while he was high on something. I suppose they could be knock offs who hired Giz’s kid to do the work. As much as I loath to say it, have the LEOs pull back and call up the nearest Knights of Purity lance. There are a lot of these things and I have gone against Warhorse so know what damage Ani-men can do. We also don’t know if they have back up or not.”

“Relevant parties have been informed, Meta One, and are being patched into the com system as they get within range. Tack Z is private scramble.”

/I don’t think these gals are as nice as the ponies Val likes to watch/ Scott thought as he watched the Ponies, as he had labeled them. He could see there where made up of males and females of the species, and that there where some differences in body form that seemed to denote a pecking order. All of them sported some kind of brand or tattoo on their flanks. The ones who looked the most like Animen seemed to be at the bottom where doing most of the work. Scott noted their markins where the least elaborate of the lot. The next tier’s markings where more complex and seemed to be made up of two body types; one which instead of arms had small feathered wings that had two fingers and a thumb. He couldn’t quite tell what the winged ones where up to, other then digging into a few crates and bossing around the basic model Pony. The other members of the second tier each had two horns that resembled those of a bull or ram. The Winged and Horned ones bossed the basic Ponies around equally, and they where not gentle about it. The one that looked to be in overall charge was a blending of the Winged and Horned; she had three Prong Horn like spikes rising from her skull and her wing-arms seemed more robust then the basic Winged. She was also just sitting around directing the chaos without getting her feathers dirty.

Scott absently rubbed at his left ear trying to get at the itch that was bothering him like it did every time he used his powers. “Shit, looks like they’re done setting up and are putting together a raiding party. One of the males just tromped out with what looks like... purple and green dragons? The frack? I’m gonna try and keep them corralled.”

“Good luck Meta One. Meta Two and Three should be with you shortly.”

Scott didn’t reply as his form lit up in a nimbus of green and blue light that crackled and danced as he descended.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #295
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
>All right, this planet is the source of the Choc O Ba, if that smuggler wasn’t lieing out of his third sphincter in hopes of us letting him go.< Afterglow Spark, leader of the pirate band stated as she looked over the pad she clutched in her light purple feathered wings. She pointed to most senior of her Winged subordinates, a small busted, blue skinned specimen who kept her mane clipped short. >Chimera Scurry, take Flitter and fly cover for Rustic Standard. Take the hand scanners and find some of those Choc O Bas. The more the better. Common, take Three Point, the Impalers, and Humo...<

>Mistress!< The pink colored Three Point barked pointing into the air, a massive gun having teleported into her grip. How exactly that worked as they didn’t have a telepad, no one had figured out in the years they’d shipped with her. >Incoming.<

Afterglow frowned as she took in the approaching figure. >He said these beings where primitive. No threat to us...< she growled as energy played over her horns.

The native came to a halt hanging in mid air. It seemed to be made out of dark glass that had wisps of green, blue and red fire playing over it. “I am Pinnacle. Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Afterglow looked over her crew an eyebrow raised. >Any idea what the native is chattering about.<

>Negative Mistress. I say we just shoot it down and if it survives take it to the gladiator pits.< Three Point sad with a sadistic grim.

>Agreed. Open fire.< Afterglow confirmed as she let loose a bolt of dark energy from her horns. Common did like wise with her own blue tinged energy. Three Point’s gun spat out a shell that detonated into a mess of metallic ribbons. Flitter and Scurry hastily pulled metallic backpack’s on and two guns flipping up from the packs as Scurry took to the air and Flitter commanded the Impalers to attack. The scaled beasts let loose with blasts of green fire. Rustic snorted and grunted as she picked up a slab of stone and chucked it at the native.

The native held it’s forelimbs up and a shimmering wall appeared to block the energy blasts. How ever Three Point’s tangle shell managed to pas through and wrap around the native, binding three of it’s limbs.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #296
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I have some more one-shot pieces from the old site that I’m going to re-post here.

excerpted from Sara’s Little Purple Book, Third Edition, 2016
Created Humanoids (Drow, Orcs, Merfolk, etc.)

One of the more disconcerting facts of modern life, for both normal and mutant humans, is the existence of ‘races’ of humanoids which are the result of genetic engineering by bio-devisors. While these peoples are few in number, with the major exception of the drow, their very existence raises questions about what it means to be human.

It is important to remember that, no matter how different they may look from ordinary humanity, they are just as human as anyone else, and suffer from all of the issues of self-image and self-worth as anyone else. The transformation which they have undergone - quite possibly unwillingly, especially in the case or orc prisoners, or merfolk who were struck with the contagious form of the condition before it was brought under control - has, in many cases, brought significant mental anguish, of a sort not easily understood save by other transformees, or those suffering from GSD.

Fortunately, there are relatively few who have voluntarily undergone these processes. Far and away, the most common type of ‘demi-human’ are the Drow, and unlike the Orc or the Merfolk, nearly all Drow have undergone the transformation willingly. The reasons why one would subject themselves to such a dramatic alteration are varied, some being obvious - Exemplar-level strength and beauty, ageless longevity, potent levels of regeneration - other less so. Equally well-known are the down side of drow life. Aside from the rumored ‘Karedonian loyalty programming’ which supposedly is part of the transformation (a spurious claim - while I personally have little use for Jobe Wilkins, I do know that she would not stoop to such means, at least not where the Drow are concerned), the changes in sexuality are notable.

Drow sex is, to put it bluntly, addictive, especially between first-time lovers. A Drow female, on having intercourse with a male for the first time, becomes sensitized to that male’s semen, and is unable to achieve full satisfaction except with that partner. Conversely, the vaginal fluids of Drow females are powerfully addictive (and, for reasons known only to Jobe herself, almond scented), such that lovers of either sex become infatuated with the woman in question. The intensity of this has caused quite a few murders, and no small number of suicides.

For those considering the drow transformation, these facts alone should give one pause. But there is more than this to think about. First off the process is by no means fool-proof; while the use of anti-regenerative drugs has brought to odds of success up to 95%, there remains the possibility of a total or partial loss of memories and personality, or conversely, of a quasi-cancerous runaway reaction leading to a hideously painful death. Even if successful, it is a one-way street; the only way to ‘undo’ the transformation is a mental image transfer, and that only worsens the problem, as there would now be two of you (the drow-transformed original, and the imperfectly cloned copy). Few people, no matter how disappointed with their lives, would be ready to cope with a radically altered self, seeing a new face in the mirror every morning for the rest of their potentially very long lives. The fact that this new face and body is the creation of a teen genius - emphasis on ‘teen’ - may prove more shocking than you would imagine if you were a person of ordinary looks beforehand.

Finally, one must face the very real possibility - due to Jobe Wilikins imperfect foresight in matters mystical - that you will develop some degree of magical affinity, thanks to the fae contributions to the drow genome. All of the comments made regarding Wizards would apply to Drow magics.

Drow females: Be extremely selective in choosing a male mate, if at all. You will be bound to this person for the rest of their life, and more importantly, the rest of your life - which, with a human partner, may be much longer than theirs. It is not by chance that the majority of female Drow are bisexual, nor is it just because it suited Jobe’s fourteen year old imagination when he first created the female Drow form. Furthermore, all the caveats which apply to Exemplars and Regenerators now apply to you as well.

Normals: It is important to remember that a Drow lover did not always look as they do now, and may have emotional issues which linger from their past. Do not be surprised to learn that they had GSD or other disfiguring conditions in the past. Also, nearly 20% of all Drow are transgendered, especially among those who transformed in the first three years of the female Drow serum (before the male equivalent was completed). Be patient with any ‘surprises’ from their past, but at the same time, do not let their past color your view of who they are today.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #297
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Washoma looked upon her latest creation,and found it good.

The body was, in all ways, perfect. How could it not be? Just as she had with her other great creation, the Artificer, the creature before her in the development tube was her own flesh and blood - her genetic pattern, to be specific - mingled with technology and magic in ways which others of her people were unwilling to dare. Washoma refused to be cowed by their fears. This was what those Isokist who had survived the Great Darkness - and had not yet fled with the Telemap beyond the Universe - had sought for all the long, bleak centuries since the opening of the Gateway. The ultimate weapon against their foes.

All that remained was to Bind the new being, as she had done the Artificer millenia earlier. That same Artificer now brought to her the tools for Binding - a simple needle of mithril, and a metallic colored ink - and then arranged the body to be lowered out of the nutrient bath to a working table below.

So intent upon her work was Washoma that she failed to notice the Guards who had come to arrest her. She had not even set the special needle to the Scourge’s skin once when they seized her. She pled with them to let her finish her work, but as she watched the creature on the table begin to stir, she knew it was too late..
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #298
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I, Leonides Augustin Diabolik, am now writing to the world to explain the actions of a lifetime. For all the ‘crimes’ I have been responsible for, I have at all times had the future of Humanity at heart, and have long sought for nothing but to advance the interests of the world as whole. I have acted outside of the law, not out of evil intent, but because there were many things which needed to be done which the governments and corporations of the world were ignoring. I have sought only to bring change for the whole human race, baseline and mutant alike. I do not seek to justify the less fortunate results of my actions, only to explain why I have done what I have, and let history judge me fairly.

I was born in 1936, to Karole and Natalia Diabliku, in the city of Ploesti, Romania. My parents were both well-educated - father was a petrochemical engineer, my mother, originally from Yugoslavia, an elementary school teacher - but not extraordinary intellects. The did, however, see to it that I was well educated from an early age, and even when Romania’s pro-fascist government was drawn into the Second World War, I was already reading such classics as a child could grasp.

In June of 1941, as everyone knows, the Nazi regime invaded the Soviet Union with the intention of wiping the Communists out and enslaving the peoples of that nation. While Romania did not engage in the conflict initially, an incident in which a Russian bombing mission accidentally - or perhaps deliberately - destroyed a Romanian town on the Soviet border brought the country in on the side of the Axis Powers. Many of my earliest memories are of huddling in a bunker as Allied warplanes struck at the oil fields outside of the city. It was in on such attack that my father was killed. This experience - and the realization that both sides were equally responsible for the tragedy that was befalling the whole wide world - left an indelible impression on my mind.

After the war, Romania, like most of the Eastern European nations, was supposed to hold free elections, but the occupying Soviets had them rigged so as to favor the Communist Party. These were hard times for everyone in the country, but because of my mother’s job, we managed better than most - the need for educators was seen as of paramount importance by the Communists, and while they insisted she undergo ‘retraining’ to adapt to the new regime’s view, she was able to continue teaching, which she would do until the day she died.

I, meanwhile, was rapidly proving to be something of as young prodigy, especially in the sciences and engineering. I was able to complete my basic education by the age of 14, and entered University the next year. By the age of 20 I had completed a doctorate in biochemistry, and was working in another in aeronautics when my life took a dramatic turn.

I had written a paper on the subject of space flight and the potential effects of zero-gravity on longevity; it was rejected as too speculative by the academics I worked with, and rightly so, but somehow the work had gotten into the hands of the USSR’s Chief of Rocketry Engineering, the great Sergei Korolev. He arranged for me to be invited to work at Baikonur - a great honor for a non-Russian, at the time - and after several personal interviews with the ‘Chief Scientist’ (I was not to learn his name until after his death many years later, due to the security issues), was put to work on the design of the spacesuits for his forward-looking but highly secretive manned space projects. This, you must remember, was 1956, a time when manned space travel was considered a fanciful dream, and even the Object D Project - which would eventually lead to the Sputnik the next year - was nothing more than an adjunct to the ballistic missile program. The funding for the manned work was being diverted from other projects, initially, and had we been caught it would have gone quite badly. It was only after the success of the second Sputnik that sending a man into orbit was seriously considered a national priority.

Even without knowing his real identity, I got to know the Chief Scientist well, and we would often discuss the human race’s future in space over dinner. However, this did not sit well with the Russian authorities, so in 1960 I was re-assigned to work on engine designs with Academician Glushko, a long-time rival of Korolev’s who made it clear that he resented my close relationship with his former friend. This would lead me to be present at what is known in the West as the Nedelin Disaster, in which a missile caught fire and exploded on the pad during fuelling, killing seventy-one engineers and officers as well as Marshal Nedelin himself. I was fortunate enough to be in the launch bunker when the explosion occurred, but even with the thick concrete walls, I and the others there were nearly roasted alive. I would spend over a month in a hospital recovering from a large number of second degree burns.

I was realizing that the Soviet government saw space travel as nothing more than a way to improve national standing, and had no interest in bringing the advantages of spaceflight to the masses. Worse, it was clear the the Western powers were no different. While the success of Gagarin’s first flight in April 1961 was a tremendous boost to me and the others working on the project, it was growing clear to me that more needed to be done, and that it could not be achieved working as just a cog in the Soviet machine.

Then, in October 1962, came the Cuban Missile Crisis. While few in the Soviet sphere of influence were fully aware of the scope of the crisis, as one of the missile engineers I was partially briefed on the threat of a war breaking out and the need for immediate launch readiness. I was aghast that either of the two major powers would risk so much on such a minor gambit. It was this, more than anything, that convinced me that I had to escape from the Russians’ domination.

I finally got my chance in early 1963, when I was allowed to return to Romania for the New Year’s celebrations. I was able to quickly ascertain a way to get a hold of a small watercraft on the Black Sea, and sailed to Turkey over the course of four days. I immediately turned myself into the authorities, declaring my intention to defect.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #299
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Queen Mab looked over the courtyard from the balcony of the palace, and felt a great sorrow at the loss to come. She gathered herself up, however, and prepared to address the throngs below.

“My dearest children,” she began, “together with the children of my sister Aunghadhail, know that a terrible time has come. Our beloved King has fallen, and soon Atlantis itself may be undone. The Enemy even now gathers his unholy power to strike at us, though it cost his own existence in doing so. The world we have so long cherished has come to an end.”

“But hope springs forth from even this darkest hour. Already I and my wizards work to prepare a place for you in the distant future, far beyond the Sundering that is to come. How I wish I could join you in this distant posterity! But the time of the Fae has come to an end, and if any of us survive, you will find them much diminished from our current heights. But you, dear humans, and you, the Werefolk, shall see a new day when you shall live on. Farewell, dear children, and know that you are cherished.”

Turning away from the crowd below, Mab strode purposefully into the Chamber of the Circle that was prepared for this mighty working they were already begining.

To her surprise, however, she found herself stopped short by three others.

The first of the three to speak was the exiled Ptesanwi, who had led her people to Atlantis as refuge from The Bastard. “My Queen, I thank you for the succor you and yours have given my People,” the godling began, “yet even now that shelter is failing. I have heard of your plan to send the Humans and Weres to a future time, where they could escape the destruction of the Five-Fold Court.”

“I beg you, send my folk with them! The Katchina have already lost all they have and all they were. It is the least that can be done to salvage those few who remain of the People. Can you not see to this?”

Mab saw the desperation in the Black Buffalo Calf Woman’s eyes, and felt her heart melt. “Let it be done. We still have time to change the spell to accomodate your People, but we must be quick about it if it is to succeed.”

“Success is not yet in your grasp,”, interjected Titania, second-eldest of the Nine Queens. “The time you have chosen is too short, not enough to protect those who are to go forth in this manner. A mere hundred centuries will place them firmly in the grasp of the Bastard’s servitors, and even ten times that span will not suffice. We must cast them to a time far beyond even our own long ages if your mission is to have any hope.”

“I see... how far must they travel? An era? Two? More?”

“Much more,” said Lenedhal, youngest yet in some ways wisest of the Queens. “No less than three-score eras must pass before they can find safe haven.”

“Sixty million years?” cried Mab, staggered by the sheer depth of such a time. “No Faerie has ever contemplated such a span of time! Even the Founding King did choose to live no more than two eras! It is inconceivable!”

“It is necessary,” Titania said with a shake of her head. “And there is more.”

“More?” Mab replied, confused.

“Neither the Humans, nor the Were, nor the Katchina, will be able to survive the world they awaken to unchanged. They would find themselves in a wilderness the like of which they would be unable to cope with.”

“The three of us have discussed what must be done,” said Ptesanwi. “We are in agreement. The three peoples must be as one, bound together in a way we can hardly envisage. They will mingle their selves with each other, and only in this way can they survive.”

“They must also be... changed to suit the future world. They shall not arise immediately in the world to come, but must develop - evolve - to live in the changed world.”

“I have foreseen that there shall arise a beast that might serve as their future host,” said Lenedhal, “a simple ape not unlike those from which the Humans and Were had been first molded. This shall be their future: that as an era or more should pass, they shall begin to arise, and over long ages begin to reform themselves to become Human once more. The Werefolk shall be as a branch of this new Humanity, and the spirits of the Katchina shall be borne by a portion among them as well. This I foresee as the only hope of their success.”

“I see,” said Mab, still shocked by this proposal. “Do we have the time to change the Working to accomodate this?”

“Yes, but we must make haste. There is still time for one more matter, however.”

“Yet more changes to the plan? What do you have in mind?”

“Each of the three of us have prepared a... gift, for the reborn Humanity. They must be prepared to face the possibility of a return of the Enemy, and to this end, we shall each grant them a boon.”

“Tell me of these boons...” said Mab warily.

“Mine shall be Insight,” said Ptesanwi, “The time will come when they will need to be every bit as clever as we, and so I have planted in them that their intelligence shall grow beyond what it is today, for a few rivalling that of the Wisest of our era. Not all shall reach this capacity, but for a few, it will make the difference between life and death.”

“And I shall gift them with with Magic,” spoke Titania, “While it will never come to them as effortlessly as it does to us, some - those with the will to master the power - shall be able to learn how to wield it.”

“My gift is the most important,” declared Lenedhal, “the new race shall eventually need protectors of great might, to guard them from the Darkness. To this end, I shall place within them the seed of Power, such that a few among them shall be like unto the Gods themselves in their abilities. Only a few shall carry this potential, and fewer still the gift itself, but when the time is ripe they shall arise among the new Humans in great variety to see them through the trials that lie ahead of them.”

“Three gifts of great wonder,” said Mab at last. “Let us hope they use them wisely. Come sisters, we must see this done before time escapes us.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #300
Domoviye replied the topic: Samantha
Samantha woke up on the floor of her workshop.

The memory of pain made her yowl and clutch at her stomach. But there was no pain now, only strength. The silver seemed to be part of her, the delicate whorls flexed with her skin, there was no edge to it, just a smooth transition from cool silvery smoothness to black fur, tinged white at the tips.

Rising to her feet in a motion as smooth as silk, she ran a hand over her taut new body. She was perfect. Her whiskers twitched at the dust that filled the air. A faint breeze stirred through her fur, making her shiver with delight. Her ears twisted a little to better hear the whine of a mosquito. Closing her eyes, she tracked it as it came closer. Without consciously acting she snatched it out of the air, squishing it her new skin could feel the grit of the insects body as it was ground between her fingers.

Smiling she swore that she’d never be the boring, ugly person she had once been. Now she was going to have some fun. Putting on a sexy dress that she would never have dreamed of wearing before, she made her way out of the shop, ready to start her new life.

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05 Sep 2021 01:05 #399 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #301
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” a female voiced shadow asked as it and another slipped into the men’s locker room and made their way to one of the lockers.

“No, but it should be funny.” was the laughing reply. There was a few moments of fumbleing then a soft click. “Ok, it’s open. Switch things out.”


“Cody, you’re up for your combat final.” Lanie said giving her fiancee a light poke in the ribs. The shaggy haired second year senior looked up from the medical textbook that had been open on his lap.

“Thanks.” Cody grunted as he stood after marking his place with a feather bookmark Kayda had given him as a souvenir of the road trip she, Lanie and Tansy had taken the summer before. Besides being an interesting looking piece of artwork, the beads and a few other pieces of the book mark where enchanted to protect what ever book it was tucked into. Usually her kept it protecting his Atlantian League play book, but today...

Da Bear gave him a light mental Gibb’s slap and growled. “Focus Cody.”

A very bear like grunt was Cody’s reply as he made his way down to the locker room where his costume was stored. It had evolved from the pro-wrestler style of his first four years at Whateley, with Lanie and a few other’s help. At it’s base was still a leotard like garment, but it was now made out of Kevra and one of Mobiu’s utility belts full of medical and magical supplies as well as a few hold outs and distance weapons. Kayda, of all people, had beaten into him that he couldn’t just wade in as a brawler all the time, some times distance was needed to take down a dangerous enemy.

Unlocking his locker Cody frowned at the garments hanging within. “The hell?” he muttered taking a few long sniffs, hoping the Bear’s nose could identify the culprit.

“If you don’t hurry up you will forfeit.” Da Bear rumbled as he projected himself into the real world. The spectral being paused and looked into the locker for himself, and a frown creased his muzzle. “I... oh my. That’s worse then I thought...”

“Thought you’d say that. Could be worse, there could be no pants and just a leather jacket. Or hair dye.” Cody grumbled as he began to strip down. “I hope we don’t get sued for this.”


Cody rolled his neck as he stepped into the arena wearing just a pair of jeans and his utility belt. In his hands he carried a long handled shovel and a dark brown wide brimmed hat. Squaring his shoulder he let the Bear emerge, changing him from a hairy young man into a towering Bear-man. Lifting his head the Kodiak fixed his attention on the Three Little Witches, causing them to shrink back in their seats. He’d done what he could to keep his promise to them, the three where in the Alpha’s after a fashion, as each took a turn on the Alpha Council, but it wasn’t like it was before, and his current get up was their way of showing their displeasure.

Or really it was Clover’s.

Giving the trio a nod he tugged the forest ranger wide brim snugly onto his head before swinging the shovel over his shoulder.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

elrodw’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #302
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
This whole topic of “what’s next for Ayla” got me thinking, and with other things I’ve written, an idea popped into my brain and wouldn’t leave until I wrote the following microscene. It’s one that I can almost guarantee will never be canon, so here goes:


Ayla, I Think We Have a Problem

BKCRMWDJVG felt something tug in his dimension, as if part of him was being tugged through some kind of hole. Slowly, part of him perceived a reality, the world where he’d once nearly established a foothold until he’d been defeated and pushed back by that ... person!

He found a small part of his consciousness within a spell circle, looking at a girl who was so intent on her working that she didn’t notice the intrusion from another dimension. She was working a curse of some kind, BKCRMWDJVG realized, and as he examined it, he realized that the target was the same person who’d defeated him. And by coincidence, somehow the working against his human enemy had weakened the gateway between dimensions so that he could project a tiny bit through to Earth. And now, he grinned maliciously as he realized that he ha a perfect chance for revenge!

Watching the girl work her essence into her very complicated spell, BKCRMWDJVG decided to help. He pulled some extra-dimensional energy and channeled the alien power, mixing it with the girl’s essence, amplifying its power and pushing his own evil intent toward her target.


Ayla kissed his girlfriend that he was lying beside, their sweaty, nude bodies interwined. A strange tingling went through him just as their passion reached its pinnacle, and both he and Addy seemed to be momentarily overwhelmed.

Adalie Vitesse relaxed and leaned back a bit. “You really know ‘ow to make a girl feel special,” she said breathlessly.

Ayla kissed her again. “That was ... intense.”

“Oui,” the French girl responded. She started to wiggle back from him, but then she frowned. “Ayla,” she said, suddenly concerned, “something is wrong.”

Ayla paused to think, and then his eyes narrowed, too. “Yeah. Something doesn’t feel right.”

The pair of lovers eased their bodies apart and looked down. The screams from both of them was heard all up and down the halls of their wing of Poe.


“Say WHAT?” Ayla and Addy gawked at Fey, who’d come running at the scream.

“You’ve been cursed,” Fey said again. “And ... it’s a very complicated spell, but worse, it appears to include some ... extradimensional demonic magic energy that ... kind of scrambled the spell. I really don’t think it’s doing what it was supposed to do.”

“Okay, what does that mean? And how can you fix it?” Ayla demanded.

Fey winced. “It means that ...,” she bit her lip, trying to figure out how to phrase the answer, “that every time you, you know,” she grimaced and glanced at Addy, who was also rather shocked, “when you ... have sex, you’re going to swap ... parts ... with your partner.”

“You mean ... I’m stuck?” Ayla practically screamed. “Like this?”

“And me?” Addy chimed in, in total shock.

Fey winced again. “No, it’s ... it’s a curse. Every time ... you’ll swap parts.”

“What?” Ayla demanded. “You mean to get my ... parts back, I have to ... you know?”

Fey’s roommate Toni laughed aloud at Ayla’s dilemma. “Look at it this way, Ayles,” she guffawed. “You and Addy have a chance to see how the other side lives.”

“Per’aps,” Addy suggested hesitantly, “we should ... you know, to get things right again.”

“But ...!” Ayla protested.

“Can it be so bad?” Toni asked. “I mean, you’ve been doing the shtupping up to now. It’s only fair that you get shtupped for a change!”

“I suppose we should get it over with,” Ayla said resignedly. “You’ll work on a fix?” he asked Fey anxiously.

“Yeah, I’ll get on it. I’ll probably get Kayda to help, too - she’s a little better at unraveling spells.”

As the pair reluctantly turned toward the door, Toni called after them with a laugh. “Oh, Ayles? Until the curse gets removed, you want to be careful. You could get knocked up now, you know, and who knows what that’d do to the spell?”

Ayla’s expression went further into the realm of despair, looking like he was on his way to his own execution.

“And Addy?” Toni added. “Be gentle. It’s his first time, after all.” After Addy led a reluctant Ayla out of their room, Toni thought a moment. “I know a couple of girls on the third floor who’d give anything to ‘experiment’ with Ayla while he’s got that curse.”


BKCRMWDJVG screamed in rage. His attempt to help curse Ayla Goodkind had misfired somehow, making a total hash of the spell. Instead of striking down the Goodkind, his experiment at mixing his dimension’s energy with Earth magic had merely messed up The Goodkind’s body more, leaving some curse burned into his flesh. Now he’d have to start over looking for a way to get his revenge.
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

elrodw’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #303
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Ayla We Have a Problem - pt 2

“So, what are you going to do?” Nikki asked Ayla as she, Ayla, and Toni walked to dinner. Like all of Team Kimba, they were curious about the spat that had happened between Ayla and Addy - which had the two not talking for several several days now.

“I ... I think it’s bad,” Ayla said hesitantly.

“Are you two going to break up?” Toni asked.

Ayla shook his head. “Can’t. Not right now, anyway.”

“What do you mean, you can’t break up with her right now, Ayles?” Toni asked. “Oh, yeah, the business deal.”

“No, that’s not it. The import business is pretty much running on autopilot, and we’ve got a 5-year deal inked.”

“Then why?” Toni pushed into a subject that Ayla was uncomfortable with.

“Because ... she’s still got it,” Ayla mumbled unhappily.


Nikki decided to clarify. “Toni, Kayda and I haven’t unraveled the curse yet.”

Toni’s eyebrows arched wide and her jaw dropped. “When you say she’s still got it, you’re talking about the BIG IT, aren’t you?”

Ayla nodded glumly. “We had an argument after the last time we, well, you know, and she’s had custody since.”

“Which means you’ve got ....” Toni nearly fell over laughing, tears of mirth streaming from her eyes. “And ... .wasn’t the last time you two did the mattress mamba some time ago?”

“Don’t remind me,” Ayla snorted. “It’s been almost three weeks,”

“You do realize that, any time now, you might get a full initiation into womanhood, don’t you?” Nikki tried to speak diplomatically.

“Guys,” Ayla whined at the guffaws and chortles from his companions, “this is serious! I ... I can’t keep it!”

“Then, my friend,” Nikki suggested, “you better figure out some way to apologize and get her in the mood to seduce you, or you’ll be a long-term member of the V club.” Seeing his confusion, Nikki leaned closer to whisper in his ear. “The Vagina Club.”

Toni nodded. “If you want to avoid having a period, you better make nice-nice to Addy so you can .... well, so she can boink your brains out. And toot sweet.”

“We’ll all help you get really dolled up so she can’t resist you, and then you make magic happen.”

“And then you’re going to get this curse figured out so you can remove it, right?” Ayla demanded.

“We’re working on it, Ayles,” Nikki rebutted.

“And Ayles?” Toni added almost as an afterthought, “you might want to go visit Dr. Tenent. For some ... precautions.”

Ayla nodded his agreement with all the enthusiasm of a condemned man.
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 1 month ago #304
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Why am I always the one they try to tie up? I am not into bondage or a damsel in distress.” Scott muttered as a nimbus of energy coalesced around his free hand and formed a short energy blade which he began using to try and cut the ribbons binding him. But like his shield, what ever the ribbons where made of allowed them to ignore the energy he was producing.

“Maybe it’s the universe trying to tell you you’re to much of a stick in the mud Meta One.” a woman’s voice over the coms laughed.

“Ha ha. Pigeon, cut me loose.” Scott grumbled.

“Sure thing.” A dull gray form swooped past Scott, wing ‘feathers’ slicing through the tangle shell with delicate ease, and the barest hitch in Pidgeon’s flight. “Getting better at switching between powers.” he observed as the ribbons dropped away.

“I’m cheating, got some mini anti gravs in my costume now to keep me up when I switch from my PK to molecular break down.” the Package Deal Psy replied as she swooped around those on the ground drawing their fire and distracting them as Scott recovered.

“Ah, I was wondering what Tower was doing in the lab the last few weeks. Besides causing things to explode or be crushed.” Scott nodded as he began to dance through the air and return fire on the Ponies and their pets.

“Three’s here.” Pigeon stated unnecessarily as a big red pickup truck did a Dukes of Hazard style jump over a hill and skidded to a stop throwing up clods of dirt.

“Oi, and we’re gonna hear about his driving from the police again aren’t we?”

“Yup, very likely. I think we just let them take his license and impound the truck this time.”

“I wish we could, but that would mean one of us would have to carry him, and the last time you did that he groped you remember?”

Pigeon grimaced at the memory. “Are you sure Tower can’t ‘accidentally’...”

“Meta Two, we’ll talk it over later off coms. Focus on the fight.” Scott warned as Meta Three, Brewman, rolled out of his truck and let loose with several concussion blasts. Scott wished the team had enough people that they could put him on the reserve roster as every time he took the field it created an image problem for the team. Brewman’s powers where alcohol fueled, and to build up to full powered he had to drink until he was over the legal blood alcohol content level. Which wouldn’t be a deal breaker if his power set had included a power that could assist in his travel. So every time Brewman drove to a throw down, he was driving drunk. Thankfully Tower had outfitted his truck with a KITT knock off AI which while not as wise cracking as the iconic car could and would keep those on the road with a less then sober Brewman safe.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 3 weeks ago #305
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Samantha watched as the wizard she had sought out carried a glowing crucible, careful not to slop the precious molten Mithril, from the burner where he had melted the metal to the edge of the working she sat naked at the center of. She felt disgusted with herself, and tried not to look at her exposed flesh with it’s acne scars and blotches. Across the blemished canvas that was her body the wizard had painted symbols that made her head hurt if she looked at them to long. Her hair, now a washed out brown instead of the pure white she had adored, hung in her face and angerly she swatted it away,

“Do not break the lines yet.” her hireling scolded in a soft voice, “Else the spell will not transpire correctly and the results will end up... tragic.”

“Just hurry it up, I am paying you good money for this procedure.” Samantha snapped.

A disgruntled, unlady like as her mother would say, snort of disgust escaped her nose. Her parents hadn’t even realized she had been gone the whole time she was running with Cobb!! Her family wasn’t as rich as the Walcotts, her oblivious parents did make good money and had thrown it at her to keep her quiet. Lack of money was the one thing she’d hated about being with Cobb, as it was a real step down from what she was used to. She’d even contemplated robbing the house more then once dureing her time with the Monsters, but one of the compulsions that had been laid in kept them from seeking out their families. How that little boy-bitch Gwen had managed to blog to her father... Her fist clenched and part of her vowed to seek that upstart out and make her bleed. Then she’d find that shadowy little brat and do the same to her, maybe leaving both their broken bodies where the Crusaders could find them easily...

Black candles flared, seemingly in response to her mood, their smoke adding a metallic taint to the air as the blood infused wax burned. Inter-spaced between the candles where rounded stones with a spell painstakingly chipped into their surfaces just for this ritual.

The wizard pausing for a moment to order his thoughts, clearing the client’s grumblings from his mind, to review the summoning he had had chosen for this girl. She bore the remnants of a previous biding, but if she was to be believed they one who had done it was that no-talent scientist! Dr Macabre... this whole thing required study, and he made a mental note to look into the matter. Still the girl had a good Hollow, hardly damaged by having what had been there before removed by force... Another thing to look into. If he could replicate the extraction method...

“All right, I am about to begin. Do as I instructed you, and do not deviate from it no matter what might happen.”

Samantha nodded and the wizard began to chant in a language that seemed to scrape out the inside of her skull as he tipped the crucible, letting the molten silver flow and finish the Seal that she sat at the center of. Samantha had taken a look at a sketched out version of the working and it had resembled a Star of Davide in a circle, and that had surprised her. She’d figured the wizard would have used a five pointed star. The whole thing was set up so two if the points where aligned North and South, and both of them had smaller circles within the arms. These smaller circles touched the center of the star, and the circle she sat within. Were the lines touched the material used was glass with silver mixed in...

Samantha’s attention was drawn away from her thoughts as reality seemed to wobble within the small circles and then burst like a... she forced her mind away from pimples and pus, she was doing this so she’d have a perfect flawless body again! She focused on the North facing point and saw that there was now a small wooden box sitting in the center of the circle, and a glance South showed her that there was one there as well.

Samantha gulped, for the first time beginning to wonder if it was a good idea to be trusting a dark wizard who went by the name Devilmaster, who’s name she had gotten off a Dark Web Wizards for Hire site. But when she tried to put her hand down across one of the pure silver lines she found a barrier as strong as stone prevented her.

In a part of his mind that was occupied with the Workings the Devilmaster awarded himself a stop at Mac’s for a case of his micro brew ale, as the girl had begin rethinking the deal and panicking exactly where he had predicted she would. Still, they where at the point of no return as the lids of his Hollow Boxes (curse his son he was calling them that now himself) sprang open releasing the spirits he had chosen for this girl.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 3 weeks ago #306
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Afterglow let out a growl of frustration as more of her crew where taken out by the natives. >Buck this. No amount of Choc O Bas are worth this. I’m out of here!< ducking low she scrambled in an undignified manner into the shuttle. Once in the cockpit she flipped a few switches. There was a solid Chachunk! as she disconnected the storage modules. She didn’t like leaving the active Chamber that had been in the one, but better to leave it behind then her being captured. And the natives wouldn’t get anything from the one inside, as it would be dead shortly. The clomp of hooves on metal caused her to glance over her shoulder to see Tiny, the largest male in her crew, dragging his sister Rustic Standard and Common up the ramp.

>Strap them in. Get the rest, but leave the beasts.< Afterglow ordered, hoping the large simple minded male wouldn’t realize she had intended to leave them all behind. She could see the fight had turned him on and she promised herself some time to enjoy his services once they where back to the mother ship, seeing he was here now. The brute nodded and hustled back out, trusting that his breed’s natural strength and durability would see him through the fire fight. Chimera and Flitter some how managed to make it into the ship, though Chimera was in bad shape with a wing arm cleaved off just below the shoulder. Flitter had something wrapped around the stump, keeping Chimera’s silvery blood from draining from her body.

>Hurry up!< Afterglow yelled as Tiny dragged the last of her people aboard, though Three Point looked down right dead. But that had happened before and she’d bounced back some how. >Buckle in, this is gonna be a fast and ugly take off.<


“Tower to Meta One, Patching Lance Leader into our network.”

“Understood. Lance Lead, Meta one...”

“Designation is Caller, Meta One. I’m the one in the Umpire unit, and will be staying back to act as power relay. What do we have?”

Scott raised an eyebrow at Caller’s tone, which was relaxed and didn’t show any issue with working with the super team who did have mutants on the roster. Pushing the thoughts away Scott replied. “They seem to be making moves to leave, so I’m inclined to just let them go.”

“What?!? You’re gonna let those muties just take off?!” a young man’s voice screeched over the coms, and Scott saw a flying Pitcher rig streaking towards the quarry. Scott let out a groan, there was the fly in the ointment he’d been waiting for. The worst part was he was relatively sure that if they took the Ponies captive the consequences would not be good.

“Pitcher, we want to...” The Pitcher cut Scott off as the suit’s plasma cannon began spitting great balls of fire. His aim was either very good, or very lucky, as the third shot hit something crittical and the shuttle exploded.

“SON OF A...!!!!” Scott railed as he kicked his flight to full power. Setting his shoulder he slammed into the flying power suit and drove it into the working face of the quarry. Ceramics and steel shattered from the impact. “We wanted them alive, and we wanted them to lead them to their main base numb nuts! Did ANYONE authorize you to open fire? And for the record, we weren’t sure if they where mutants or not! We only called you in because we are short handed and thought things would be worse!”

“Meta One... Scott, drop him and come look at this. We need to take custody on this right now before the rest of the lance and the MCO and who knows who else show up.” Pigeon called over the team’s secure connection.

With a growl Scott sliced off the plasma cannon, all the other weapons, and the flight pack before dropping the ruined suit into the bed of one of the massive dump trucks that hauled the mined stone to where it was needed.

“What do you have Pigeon... and where did Brew get to?”

“Better you just come and see, I don’t wanna say over even our private channel. As for Brew, Jessie convinced him he needed to go before the Knights arrived.”

Scott breathed a silent thanks to Jessie, the AI in Brew’s truck, as yet again she proved smart enough to work out the issues the drunken blaster might cause them with the Knights.

Brew had once been a Canadian SWAT office who helped gain control of a rampaging mutant kid in conjunction with a Knight’s lance and a few MCO agents. Once it was all said and done, the kid had disappeared, The Knights and MCO denied their involvement in the situation, and Brew was blamed for the kid’s disappearance. This had lead to his crucifixion in the media. That had lead to his drinking, and the discovery of his powers.

“All right, I’m coming.” Scott said before switching channels. “Meta One to Caller. Stand down, threat... terminated with extreme prejudice. There will be repercussions over this.”

“That there will be Meta One, that there will be.” Scott shook his head at the tone Caller’s voice had taken, a smug ‘you’ll get the worst of it’ tone he’d heard used before.

“Tower, I think our guests are gonna try a double cross, see that the drone cams are leaked to the appropriate places, along with the sound track.” Scott ordered as he touched down near what had been the aft end of the shuttle. Pigeon had a small flash light out ad focused on a metallic cube.

“Roger that Meta One. Leaking now.”

“All right Pidg, what do you ha...” Scott came to a stop as he looked down through a window set into the lid of the box. Through it he could see the head, shoulders, and knees of a naked young woman.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
5 years 2 weeks ago #307
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“We told you to leave, faggot!” said Wayne, who was blocking the sidewalk with a large number of his friends and preventing Taka Ono and his fellow Venus Inc. members from passing. “Get out of here!” he shouted, shaking a fist.

Taka stood his ground as a cool breeze carrying the scent of falling leaves flapped through his gi. “Japan government say stay. Say school important.”

“Then go to some faggy Japanese school! We don’t want you here!”

“Japan government not want in Japan for now. You not Japan government, not important. Move please.”

As the tension rose between the two boys, Alvery worried that they might not be able to scare off Wayne’s posse this time. She wasn’t worried about them hurting Taka, but she’d just spent the last two hours making his hair perfect for his appointment with his prospective agent. If he got into a fight, it would be ruined, and that just would not do. She turned to the rest of Venus Inc. “We need to stall for Security,” she hissed.

Melody sniffed. “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” She reached a hand into her purse, withdrew her Musickal Chain, then pulled the stoic Taka away from Wayne. The other boy had been getting so far into Taka’s space that- She shook her head; now was not the time for crack-ships. “Taka, remember what we’ve been practicing? Go!”

Taka nodded, turned to Wayne, and posed with his forearms framing his face from above and below. “I, too sexy for you men. Too sexy for you men. Men not believe meee.” Melody started making the music while Wayne’s befuddled posse gaped in confusion, not quite sure what was happening. Taka, meanwhile, began to dance and strip out of his top. “I, too sexy for my gi. Too sexy for my gi. Only gets sweeaatyyy.”

The discarded half of the gi landed on Wayne’s face. With a visible shudder of disgust, he flung it toward Melody, but Alvery caught it before it could interfere with her friend’s music. She folded the gi absentmindedly as she watched Melody and Taka’s unexpected performance with a silly grin.

Now bare-chested, Taka spread his arms wide. “I, too sexy for my land. Too sexy for my land, Whateley and Japaaan.”

“Omigawd, this is too awesome!” cried Cassie. She shifted to become a near copy of Taka, threw her own shirt at the posse, and sidled up to him as a backup dancer. Tina and Meredith joined in as well, but they kept their clothes on despite a few jeers.

Wayne finally shook himself out of his shock. “That’s enough, queer! I’m gonna beat your fag ass for mocking me like this!” He took a swing at Taka, but only touched air as Taka dodged nimbly out of the way. Wayne tried again, but Alvery muttered something about him blocking the view and his foot caught on the ground, sending him face-first into the grass next to the sidewalk. At the same time, an invisible force pushed back some of his friends who’d been moving to attack. From the gathering crowd of onlookers, Richard Heath winked at the Venus Inc. dancers.

“I, too sexy for you insult. Too sexy for you insult. No way I fighting with yoouuu! I ronin model, you know what I mean. I do photo shoot in the dojo. Yeah, in the dojo, in the dojo, ne. Do camera kata in the dojo!”

Wayne picked himself up and looked around. His side had outnumbered Taka’s at first, but this spectacle was attracting a lot of attention, including from several adults and at least one member of Security. He bit back his anger and spat. “Fuck. I’m not staying to listen to this fag song. C’mon guys. Let’s get outta here.”

Toward the end of the performance, Taka noticed Hikaru frowning sternly at him from the crowd. He smiled back cockily. “I, too sexy for Hikaru.” She raised her eyebrows and leaned back a smidgen. “Too sexy for Hikaru, and she going to leave meee.”

Hikaru shook her head and tapped on her wrist before walking away, not a word said.

“I, too sexy for this song.” Taka bowed briefly at the applause. “Arigato, Whateley! Appointment time now, very important. Must go with number-one high-speed. Bye bye!”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 2 weeks ago #308
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Early 2009-2010 school year

“Good afternoon ladies a gents, this is Greasy and I am in coming to you over WARs radio and pod cast. My usual co-host, Peepers, has chosen not to be present tonight. Not enough scantly clad ladies he said. Tonight I am coming to you live from the semifinals of the north east regional Parahuman division of the Battlebots global tournament. The top four of this competition will be given a chance to earn a slot in the the championship competition.”

“For those of you not in the know about the Parahuman division; this is the bracket open to those who are mutant Devisors or Gadgeteers, Schimmelhorn Engineers, Princess Jobe, or the the likes of Dr Amazing. Hell this year I think we have a magic based team... Any way, what this means is exotic tech such as force fields and energy weapons can be used in the construction of the bots. Even biologic components or fully organic combatants are also allowed. However there are a few restrictions like adamantium being off limits completely. And as with normal battlebots no projectile weapons, things that can ensnare another bot, or acids. Also the bot can not have an AI or act on it’s own in the case of bio constructs or golems. Our guest judges today are EE “Doc” Nalley, Gizmatic and Gunnery Sargent Bardue of the Whateley ranges. And as always we have hazardous materials trained clean up crews on stand by.”

“Our first match is between Wondercute and Team Rube. Wondercute, with the technical genius of Bugs McCormick, is the current reining champion, and they are returning with their bot Fabrege. For those of you unfamiliar with this egg shaped robot; Fab is one of our few flying entries last year, though hovering might be a better term for it as he doesn’t rise higher then four inches from the ground. As far as weapons go, we have seen it use pretty much everything that is legal, as it is very much a swiss army bot under that pastel painted armor. And Wondercute has had a summer to work on the bot... Be afraid. Be very afraid.”

“Going up against them is a first timer team called the Rubes. The Rubes creation is called The Cube of Doom. Honestly, it doesn’t look like much to me, but then again neither did Fab 1.0 when Bugs and the rest of Wondercute wheeled it out the first time. Still... a giant Rubix cube is not something I was expecting to see. Still I have seen weirder around the school and tunnels.”

The lights of the arena dimmed and Jericho, for once in a nice non-eye hurting suit, stepped into the ring with a microphone and a grin. “A tisket, a tasket, Oh my pretty Easter basket, this egg is about to put you in a casket... in the red corner Fabrege!!!” Bunny and the rest of Wondercute struck poses, bunny ears, head bows, and general hair Things bopping to a beat only they where aware of.

“In the blue corner... This ain’t not companion cube, it is just to damn rude, It will be listed on your death certificate as CoD... Cube. Of. Doom!” The gaggle of freshmen wanna be Robo-joxx tried to look fierce, but all they manged to to was look goofy.

“Red team ready.” Fabrege lifted the few inches from the ground with a faint humm. Seams appeared in the shell and smoke was released as the thing ‘hatched’. When the smoke cleared Fab’s outer shell had become four spider like leg which it rested on, and revealed a smaller egg that had been hidden within. A screen glowed on the surface of the inner egg, revealing a digital Hello Kitty face. All in all it gave the impression of Eve from Wall-E with a few extra limbs and a psychedelic paint job Nodding Bunny slapped the big green button that signaled her readiness.

“Blue team ready.” The Cube shuddered and began to transform. The brightly painted sides chunked, and unlocked to rise into a top heavy Z configuration. The outer bottom rows becoming tank treds as the middle levered the rest of the body up. Parts of the cube’s middle and top rows retracted exposing piston pile drivers that where articulated something like a human’s shoulder joints. The Rube’s driver slipped on an articulated frame and jabbed a few times. The Cube bot’s arms mimicked the movements with power and grace. Rube’s leader nodded and hit the button.

The air hung heavy with anticipation as the starting lights flashed from red, to yellow, and then to green with a soft air horn to make sure everyone knew of the final color change. The Cube surged forward, it’s fists slid back on their pistons primed to scramble the egg bot into the ground. Bugs smirked and nodded too herself as she commanded Fab to hunker down causing it to brace it’s hind legs, and bring the metal armor of it’s fore legs together to protect the inner egg. Bunny winced as the blows denting the metal.

Bunny glanced over at the Rubes, noting their almost eager grins. She’d seen grins like that on some of the Ultraviolents before they went for an Underdog, or any student they thought they could rough up without to much trouble. Anger bubbled up in her and she glanced over at her teammates.

“Releasing the brood.” she stated.

The rest of the girls nodded and pulled out smaller controllers as four smaller eggs dropped from the rearmost leg armor. They landed on the ground and bobbled in place wide side down for a few seconds before the shell ‘cracked’ and thin insect like legs unfolded along with several nasty looking tools. They looked like miniature Buzz droids that some tripping hippy had painted. With bounding chaotic moves, reminiscent of Wondercute’s sim assaults the minibots swarmed CoD, climbing up it’s armor, prying at every seam. And leaving trails of glitter and stickers all over CoD.

“Get those blasted things off.” the Rube’s leader ordered as the driver twisted and turned trying to swat the agile little monsters, but the Cube’s arm design was to stiff to do so easily. So focused on fighting off the minibots Team rube was unaware of Fab lifting up a few inches. As the whole thing began to spin like a top, the legs locking into place in such a way the whole thing looked like a cross between a top and a throwing star . Surging forward the leg blades struck sparks as Fab tried to find purchase on one of the spots the minibots where picking at.

“Well, in true Wondercute fashion, they have pulled a surprise out of their hats.” Greasy breathed as the spinning Fab kept hammering on Cube of Doom. “Set up as it is Fab is a larger version of two of Generator’s signature Devises; Spinner and Kitty Compact... WOO!!! did not expect to see flames shooting out of Cube of Doom! It seems that the Rubes have their flames focused more then most competitors do, giving them more a blow torch rather then a dragon’s belch of fire. I think the Rubes are regretting not giving their bot a way to grapple with an opponent... Ouch!! Fab just got a lucky hit and off comes an arm!! Fab also lost a limb with that hit and most of her minibots have now been crushed under tred. And... Fab just unleashed a cloud of glitter. Not sure what that is gonna do as time runs out on this match. I do believe that unless someone gets in a deciding hit in the next 40 seconds we will have to go to the judges. Wait... something is going on with Fab...”

In the arena the egg shaped bot was folding it’s leg blades close to its body, making the whole contraption look like an egg beater before it toppled over to float horizontal to the ground. Bunny was grinning as the whole thing began to spin on it’s long axis.

“Well, from horizontal spinner to drum spinner, Fab is a versatility bot.” Greasy observed as the egg shaped bot seemed to bounce and delivered a hard hit under Cube’s ‘chin’ knocking the solid bot back and into one of the arena hazards which ripped one of it’s treads to shreds. “OH!!! Cube of Doom is having mobility issues!! And here comes Fab again with another uppercut!”

The arena buzzer sounded and the teams shut the mechanical gladiators down, the Rubes wincing at the fluids draining from their bot’s severed limb. Wonder cute followed Bunny into the arena and began to pack up Fab which was standing drunkenly on it’s three remaining limbs.

“Damn, I though those would hold up better.” Bunny muttered as she looked over the articulated struts that gave Fab it’s spider like look. “Might have to remove the armor on the inner egg to use the metal to strengthen them for the next round...”

Greasy drifted over to the judges table waiting for the ruling. The three nodded and Gunny scribbled their decision onto a small card which he handed to Greasy. “The verdict is in, and the winner by a two to one vote is... Wondercute!!”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 2 weeks ago #309
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Agent Tony Donner sighed as he leaned back in the metal folding chair he’d been given, and looked around the office he was using. He was doing his best to keep from scaring the kids who came to him, but way to many of them had had experiences with the assholes who gave the MCO a bad name. He was a Shepard, and he tried to live up to that title, though more and more he was finding that hard to do. He considered swinging into the office when he was done and seeing if they’d be willing to let him pick up a job application, or maybe could point him to one of their trusties that might be willing to hire him on...

The door opened with a beseeching demand for oiling as it had the last seven time it had been opened. Sitting up Winters straightened his tie and consulted his notes. A glance down at the listed powers showed she was of very low level Exemplar, and while she did have either some psychic abilities or warping abilities, they where low powered and erratic. Still, probability manipulation, or even a smidgen of precog were useful talents.

“Miss Webb, please have a seat. I am Agent Donner, and...” he started to say, only to come to a stuttering halt as the girl’s tanned complexion paled and she began to wheeze. “Shit! I need some help in here! Medical emergency!” he yelled as he lurched over the table to try and catch Miss Webb as she crumpled to the floor. Scattering the instruments he’d brought with him, wincing as some of them hit the floor and broke, Tony landed next to the girl, who he could see swelling up as hives formed on her skin. That suggested an allergic reaction to him and he flicked his hand out, Pulling an eppi pen from the first aid kit he kept next to the Brick Buster shot gun in the trunk of his car.

As he plunged the needle into the girl’s flesh the door was thrown open and a squad of Whateley security leveled their weapons at his head. “Drop the needle, and step away from the girl!” the squad leader barked. “What did you do to her?”

“I just gave her epinephrine! She came in and had an allergic reaction.” Tony snapped as he Pulled the firing pins from the weapons aimed at him, and dumped them into the trash can. “I am my squad’s medic. Get a doctor here now or we will loose her!” At the sound of metal on metal one of the guards pulled the trigger with a disappointing click.

The man blinked and tried again just as a woman with Medusa (the comic character, not the mythological monster) like hair swept in and knelt next to the girl, strands of hair checking pulse and breathing while the woman pulled a few things from a black bag. “Who was in here before she was?” Tenent asked. “There are only a few things this girl is allergic to...”

“Um... Horned Hunter, SwartzElf, and... a cat girl who was trying to get the tag Miss Kitty changed to...”

“Oh blast, I was afraid of that. Miss Webb is allergic to cat girls. Ok boys, get her on the stretcher, and I’ll take it from here. Mr...”

“Agent Donner, ma’am.”

“It’s Dr, Agent. And you did good. We don’t get many check in agents who would have tried to save her.”

Tony shrugged. “Dr, I’m not regular MCO. I’m a Shepard.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

mhalpern’s Avatar
5 years 1 week ago #310
mhalpern replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Note: this originated from a tangent in the “Combat in armor” thread, I felt it was worth a micro scene

Jade’s Star Wars celebration:
May 4th 2008

Poe Cottage
Hundreds of pink child-sized fur costumes came to life, all of them wearing at least one piece of Hello Kitty apparel.

Later in the workshops
“No, that’s not possible”
“For the love of the Force WHYY”

Jinn appeared to be occupying a Pink Vader outfit. “You shale know the power of the PINK side of the force”

(feel free to add more)
Any Bad Ideas I have and microscene OC character stories are freely adoptable.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 1 week ago #311
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
2017 Feb 6
Twain common room

“... anyway, we’ll have to wait for another, I dunno, half hour or so before I can give you the Homer Gallery tour, and it’s too early to break for lunch, so I recommend going through the school handbook. No point in squidding ‘n kidding about just because you didn’t know about some silly sh... stuff.”

Mike could see Bill was confused, so he added, “Sorry, it’s some new slang that caught on last term, I guess it’s from that video game or something. ‘Squidding’ is breaking a rule you didn’t know, and ‘kidding’ is sort of just fu.. messing around even though you ought to know better.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 1 week ago #312
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
OOC: More Icy-Samantha fun!


“What is that?” Samantha hissed as she stared at the spirit that had emerged from the North point box.

Devilmaster spared the spirit a short glance, taking in the hovering form. It hung in the air like an exquisitely carved ice sculpture of a nude woman, though there was nothing gentle or soft about her in spite of her ice blue curves. Her fingers and toes ended in cruel looking claws, and the smile the spirit flashed Samantha was all predatory teeth. Like a trail of pixie dust ice flakes drifted down from the spirit, and as they touched the stone floor it frosted over. Even from without the circle he could feel the chill of the spirit leeching his life force from him. “That is a spirit of winter death. You said you wanted your ice powers back, and while I could have found you something... gentler...”

“No, this is what I wanted.” Samantha replied eagerly as she and the spirit eyed each other.

“You may want to turn to see the other spirit I have for you.” Devilmaster stated, amused as the winter death spirit tried to pounce on Samantha as soon as her back was turned. He mentally lowered the girl’s chances of survival in his head, thanking what ever dark deity he believed in that he had gotten the girl’s money in advance of the ritual. “it is a lesser devil, often referred to as an imp by the initiated. It will restore, refill, and reignite your Well.”

Samantha nodded as she took in the human like creature that hunkered down watching her with very intelligent eyes. Unlike the death spirit the imp was gender less, and really didn’t match Samantha’s idea of a demonic creature as it had no horns or tail, and it was more a gray-tan then the red she had expected.

“This is your last...”

“Do it. Do it now!” Samantha ordered.

Devilmaster inclined his head to her. “Very well then.” he replied before he picked up his chant again. Samantha felt the spell working it’s way into her body, and it reminded her of the first time Dr. Cobb had put her into his machine. Her jaw clenched against the feeling of her body being changed, of something being stretched and prepared. In a way it kind of reminded her of the first time she had ever had sex... Samantha’s musing was cut off as the Devilmaster signaled for her to do her part of the ritual. With out hesitation Samantha slammed her palms down on the glass portion of the working’s lines. Her flesh was pierced, her blood offered as the glass shattered.

Both spirits pounced, and Samantha screamed as the magic in the circle flared.

The Devilmaster blinked the spots from his eyes and shivered as he forced himself to his feet. He looked over the working, noting that the lines where all still intact and had managed to contain most of the energy used to force the spirits into the girl. Where the girl had sat now stood a pillar of ice that stretched from floor to ceiling. He could just barely make out a form encased within the pillar, and he shook his head. “Well, that’s it then. I suppose I should clean up what I can and call the Syndicate to get a disposal team over here to deal with the body.”

Just as he was reaching for his phone it began to ring, playing the tune he had programmed in for his daughter. “Lindsey? Hey, slow down, what’s wrong?” he asked, the hardened black magic wizard falling away to reveal the loving father within. “Ok, take a deep breath...”

A crack like a cannon going off drowned out what ever Lindsey was trying to tell him, and as he spun around the phone dropped from his hand.

“Daddy? Daddy, what’s wrong?”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 1 week ago #313
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Gonna fricken beat their ass for disrupting...” Kara grumbled to herself as she worked her way along the cat walks over looking the Holbrook dance floor. She, the rest of the ICCs, and a few Irregulars from the student body and staff had been assisting campus security with a suspected plot to disrupt the Halloween dance for the last week, and in classic Spy Movie fashion it was at the last minute that they had found the final few pieces of the puzzle. Normally Security wouldn’t have been worried about a few pranks on Mischief night, but this time it looked like this wasn’t a student plot, but a plot by a H1 or some other group to do harm to the student body. Which honestly surprised Kara that anyone would try anything after the 06 Assassination attempt on Sara Waite dust had settled. Way she’d heard it, some of the students with Syndicate connections had tracked down some of the Sabertooths (Saberteeth?) and did Things to them that left very little to bury. And the villain Deathlist was still MIA all these years later.

Her com com chirped and Mischief’s voice came through. “Bamph here, Magnificent and I are still in pursuit of the targets. She’s... she’s riding on top of their car and I’m following her tracker. She’s enjoying this to much.”

“Am not grasshopper.” Imp’s voice whispered back. “I’m pissed off.”

“Whatever. Just find the blue prints they used for their WMD, I have it in sight.” Kara hissed back.

“You need a hand?” HIVE asked.

“Ehhhh.... yes, actually. This does not look like what we where expecting.” Kara replied as she played a small maglight over the device. “I’m not seeing any time... no there is a timer. It’s a bloody candel.”

“A candle? Well put it out.”

Kara licked her fingers and tried pinching out the flame, but it stubbornly remained lit no matter what she did. “Ok, I haven’t tried peeing on it, but nothing I’m doing is putting this thing out.” she stated wrinkling her nose. “I’m seeing... HIVE, I’m sending you visuals. I think this thing is some kind of alchemy construct or some other magical object. Not what we where looking for.”

“Ok, yeah I see that. I’m sending Circe up to help you.”

“Tell her to hurry, the candle is...” the candle must have hit the magic point as there was a soft pop and the device began to spew forth a ghastly pink mist. Kara watched in horror as her costume, Supergirl, began to dissolve. Below her she could see the pink mist having the same effect on the rest of the student body.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 1 week ago - 5 years 1 week ago #314
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
2007-02-19, 21:45
Whitman Cottage
Miyet noticed just how distracted she was feeling, and with a sigh, went to pull up the calendar on her laptop.

Now kitten, Bast rebuked her, you hardly need check the date to learn what your body is already telling you.

She was right, damn it. Miyet sighed again, then went to check the pill bottle in her desk drawer. Crap, she was out of her hormone suppressants, and it was too late to go to Doyle to get more. Well, at least she had the birth-control implant, in case she had another incident like the one last October; she shuddered at the memory of that.

Just then, the door opened, and Galaxy walked in, a scowl on her face. “Goddamn Benny!”, she snarled, as she threw her purse on her desk.

“What happened?” Miyet asked, curious as to what her roomate’s not-boyfriend, Flux, did to piss her off so much.


Miyet understood immediately, or thought she did. Chances are, they were both staring at the gorgeous elf, when one of them decided to get jealous of the other one, despite the fact that their relationship was anything but exclusive.

It was this last fact that now played front and center in Miyet’s mind.

Alisha seemed to be thinking the same thing. After wiggling out of her skirt, she turned to Miyet and said, “I bet you could use a hand getting your mind off things, too,” she purred, “Or maybe some other body part?” It wasn’t hard to see what she meant - or rather, it obviously was hard; one of the first things Miyet learned was that Alisha was not only pansexual, but intersexed as well, with a clitoris significantly larger than some guys’ penises. Miyet found herself purring back.

You really ought to find out who made the room arrangements and thank them, snarked Bast.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 1 week ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 1 week ago #315
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Welcome back to the “Dumbing of Whateley” AU. Feel free to add anything you’d like to it.

Having reunited in the lobby, Sal and Marcie stepped outside the Dunwich railroad station, trying to get one last smoke in before the bus arrived. Unfortunately, someone else was already there, though it looked like she was doing the same, so they didn’t figure it would be a problem.

“Man, this is bullshit. The only good thing about this is gettin’ away from the nuns.”

<Don’t think much of being a mutant?>, Marcie signed back to her old friend. She seemed to be paying attention to the other girl, but she was still listening.

“Nah, Ah don’t care much about it either way, really. It’s more that’s it’s just one more thing to deal with. It ain’t like life hasn’t dumped on me enough already.”

<Never thought you were the self-pitying type.>

“Oh, that’s a load of crap. Anyway, you can bet these assholes are gonna be just as strict as the penguins were. Mebbe worse.”

<No way. This place is supposed to be really cool.>

“I don’t buy it, not with some fancy-ass place like this.” She then added with a sigh, “Listen, if yer gonna be this distracted, we might as well go introduce ourselves, OK?”

Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 1 week ago #316
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A mother and daughter stood outside the wrought iron gates of Whateley academy, enjoying the New Hampshire autumn colors, though the girl’s eyes where glued to the gargoyles that flanked the portal, as if expecting them to pounce as soon as her eyes left them. Her mother smiled indulgently as she stroked the girl’s dark curls. “Come one Kara, we can’t stay out here, I need to go talk to some very important people.”

The girl let out a much put upon sigh, one that should have come from someone much older then her eight years, as she tore her gaze from the blank faced statues to look up at her mother’s face. “You’ve been talking to to many important people this trip. I thought this was just gonna be for you and me.” she pouted, but did start walking forward.

“You know I told you I had to do a few things first before this could be wholly a mother daughter trip.” Samantha James said with an echoing sigh, knowing her daughter had a point. She had planned only two side trips for this trip, but unexpected developments in China had diverted them to Washington. While Kara had gotten to see the sights for the two days that Samantha’s contact within the CIA had seen fit to waste, it had not been with her mother. After she’d finally managed to re-ashore Frisk that yes her people where competent that they could do their job without her micromanaging them, the next stop on the trip had been New York City.

Needless to say Shane Wilkins was not happy that they hadn’t made their appointment, and as a result the shy chinned tech head had been a bit of a dick while her demonstrated some of his new stock for them. Kara wasn’t sure if some of the stuff her mother had bought was just to get the rodent like man just to get out of his snit or if her mother’s mercenary organization really needed enough of the new Sparksuits to outfit all four of their field teams before they tested the suits for themselves. Still the girl thought happily, she had managed to weasel a few more birthday gifts out of the stopover, one of which she was fingering in her pocket at that moment.

“Excuse me Ma’am, Whateley Security, could I see some ID and get your reason for being here?” a man dressed far to much like one of her field agents asked Samantha as he stepping out of a small, but sturdily built security booth. A second look at the structure had Samantha revising it from ‘booth’ to ‘bunker’. She shook her head thinking about how times had chanced since she’d attended the boarding school, back when dinosaurs ruled the world as Kara liked to tease.

“Certainly, Samantha and Kara James, here for a meeting with the Headmistress and the board about donating to the school.” Samantha replied handing over both her and Kara’s Ids which the guard quickly scanned into the system while he contacted someone over his walkie-talkie. “Thank you ma’am. Someone will be here in a moment to give you a ride up to Shuster, though... we where not expecting your daughter...”

“I know, sorry about that. It was a bit of a last minute decision on my part.” Samantha replied as she played with Kara’s hair again, earning an annoyed look for the girl. The guard nodded as a souped up golf cart zipped up and young looking woman in a security uniform motioned for them to get in.

On the way to Shuster Kara leaned forward and tugged on the security officer’s sleeve. “Why are there men in fatigues hiding over there?” she asked indicating a well maintained thicket of trees and bushes. The girl’s question caused their driver to slam on the brakes, with a curse word spat out without thinking.

The Officer stepped out of the cart and leveled her sidearm at the thicket. “Ok, come out of there this instant with your hands up or I will shoot. While I am not authorized for lethal force, I am authorized to carry experimental ammo, and right now I am testing Tangle-tasers. Not only will you be wrapped up in a tangle web shot, it will shock your ass if you struggle against it. You know the rules about recruitment, don’t make me pull your agency from the List...”

“I’m coming out, don’t shoot.” the man replied as he eased himself from the ground. At his voice their guide let out a groan and lowered her weapon.

“Dwayne, damn it. You’re here to ask me on another date.”

“Of course I am Kate, after the fun we had last time.” the man replied as he relaxed and touched two fingers together and cause the face paint he was wearing to fade away.

“You have my number. Use it like a normal guy. Now, git, before I decide to take you in.”

“Ooo, kinky. I’d enjoy you cuffing me to your head...” Dwayne started to say until he realized Kara was sitting watching him, and Samantha’s less then amused Mom Look. “Um, right, sorry. Going now. How about drinks Friday?”

“Call me and maybe I’ll say yes.” Kate replied as she rubbed her temple and got back into the golf cart. “Sorry about that. He’s a security consultant, working on finding our weak spots...”

“I see. Well, pass this on to the chief, my company is qualified, and cleared to operate in this area if you have need.” Samantha stated as she pulled out one of her business cards and handed it to Officer Kate.

“I will ma’am. Dwayne’s harmless enough, but he’s a little the way he is when he gets an idea in his head. Well here we are.”

Samantha smiled warmly at Officer Kate. “Thank you, for the ride, it was very helpful. Kara, give the nice lady back her hold out pistol.” Officer Kate jerked at Samantha’s words, her hand dropping to the small of her back, locating the empty holster where the small hold out Kara was looking over had been stored. Samantha grimaced as Kara reluctantly, but properly, handed the weapon over. “Sorry, this is what happens when she spends to much time with Uncle Moody; she picks up his bad habits. Now is that everything?” Kara let out a huff as she pulled out the gate guard’s wallet and phone from out of her shirt, which caused Samantha to face palm. “Could you return these?”

“Sure ma’am...”


Kara sat in an office chair fidgeting and earning dirty looks from a stern looking woman who’s name plate labeled her as Assistant headmistress A. Hartford as the woman tapped away at her computer keyboards. Kara had already beaten most of the games on her tablet, and she wasn’t in the mood to read or watch any of the books and movies loaded on it so the minutes since her mother had gone into the board room for the meeting where dragging by. She’d tried to meditate like Aunt Mac had instructed her, but some how boredom was derailing it. Opening her eyes she let out a sigh and leaned back in her chair, planning on counting ceiling tiles until her mother got out of the meeting. Shifting a bit, she felt one of her new toys in her pocket, and with a grin she pulled it out, slipping it onto her arm. After the device was firmly attached, skin to plastic so she could hide it under her sleeve, Kara caressed the on button causing the device let out a soft chime reminiscent of the Microsoft start up sequence, but not.

The start up jingle caused Amelia’s head to snap up from her work in time to see a holographic keyboard appear over the kid’s arm and hand.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
5 years 6 days ago #317
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tanya watched in shock as Shisa, the cat like mutant girl, tore down the hall of Whitman, actually running along the wall for several meters to avoid a group of girls. A small rubber ball with a bell inside, jingled madly as she slapped it again, aiming for the stairs. With a yowl that almost sounded like a laugh she jumped after it, leaving a long line of claw marks behind her.

“What happened to her?” Tanya asked.

“Someone left a cat toy full of catnip outside her door,” Toison answered.

There were screams from the sophomore floor, followed by the sound of running feet.

“Now I know what to get her for Christmas,” Tanya said, as the ball bounced back downstairs.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
5 years 6 days ago - 5 years 6 days ago #318
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dr. Choudhari frowned as she looked around the classroom, finding that everyone’s eyes were on a single freshman: the girls with rapt attention, the more numerous boys (mostly) with envy and anger. The boy himself seemed oblivious to them, save for the one girl next to him at the work table, whom he was amiably chatting up.

I warned him about this earlier, she thought. She’d met with him as his student advisor the day before, and noticed the potential problem right away.

She strode up to them, and after rapping her knuckles on the table to get his attention, she said, “Mr. Rosenthal, if you can’t control your glamour better, you will spend the rest of the class in the Security office until you learn to.”

“Glamour?” the girl next to him said with a squeak. At that, her and the other girls started glaring at Joe, while most of the boys now smirked at the Exemplar’s embarrassment.

After giving them a moment to calm down, Mrs. Metal walked to the whiteboard, saying, “Now that that is settled, welcome to Introduction to Fabrication Techniques...”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 5 years 6 days ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 2 days ago #319
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Robert Turner leaned back in his office chair and looked around the mess of storage boxes he was working on sorting through, and the papers, manuals, and books that came with his new job as Assistant Headmaster of Whateley. Stifling a yawn, he swore as soon as he finished with the box of photos he would head home and get some sleep. In pride of place on his desk he placed the picture of Lilly’s graduation, of him and Tabby hugging their daughter. On the opposite corner went a candid shot of the Star League and their kids taken a few years before they’d shipped the lot to the super school. A few other pictures came out of the box and were placed to space out the books on his shelves. Thinking he’d put them all up Robert started to cut the tape holding the bottom of the box together so he could flatten the thing, when a newspaper wrapped rectangle thumped onto the desk top. Raising an eyebrow Robert tore open the paper and sat starring at the photo in the frame.

It was him, his mentor, and his mentor’s partner, a crime fighting team Lilly had never met due to their deaths in the line of duty. Radley Crown’s grin was huge, a heavy hand resting on the young Robert’s cape covered shoulder as Robert knelt an arm around the massive gray furred Great Dane. Radley had been a baseline, but that hadn’t stopped him from fighting the good fight, and it was from him Robert had inherited the Falcon mantle. As for Reggie... well that dog had been something else. Radley had saved Reggie from some lab and the Great Dane had glued himself to Radley’s side. Poor Reggie had been used cruelly as a test bed for various cybernetic enhancements, some of which some how managed to give him near human intelligence and speech. And even with all the cruelty Reggie’s basic cheerful nature was never broken.

Smiling slightly Robert reached for the inter school phone book and looked up a number. “Hi, Mrs. Lindford, Robert Turner... No, everything’s fine. I was just wondering how I could add a few things to the Gallery. Huh, that easy? All right. I’m gonna have Lilly stop in at the house and over night the items. You’ll need to do up two new wax figure... I have pictures, they’ll be in the packet. I want them put up along with the costumes. All right, thank you.”

Hanging up Robert reread the note scrawled in the corner of the picture “From one Falcon to another, may you fly high. Blue Falcon and the Dog Wonder.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
5 years 2 days ago #320
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Stan, Morris... do we have any more durable toilets for Hawthorn? No, no, those where... holed. Yeah, I said holed. He can pee through titanium. No, it’s not corrosive, the stream is like a high powered water cutter. You what? Adamantium toilets? How much did... holy fuck...”

inspired by: dogbertcarrlle’s Copycat story on TtHM
warning crude humor, read where you won’t disturb others
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Esar’s Avatar
5 years 4 hours ago - 5 years 3 hours ago #321
Esar replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Saturday, September 15, 2007 – Afternoon
Emerson cottage, Whateley Academy

The boy was lying in his bed, his head nested in his pillow. Two weeks, it had only been two since his arrival at Whateley and yet it was already hell for him. He should have said no, he could have said no but he didn’t want to disappoint his father and Mr. Walter. His father had been proud when he had manifested into a 6 foot 5 bald giant, weighing around 250lb of muscle … when he was 13. Thankfully he hadn’t grow much during the last year. Still, in his mind he felt like a freak. The tests were clear, he was an exemplar. But not the beautiful kind, no, he looked more like the caricature of a leg-breaker than of an esthete. He looked intimidating, really intimidating. It didn’t help that he had been on edge for a little more than a month, and it didn’t take an empath to see it. He hadn’t been able to get some “personal time” for some time now. He knew that it would be difficult to deal with it at whateley but at the same time he thought that maybe it was the occasion for him to put all of this behind, to be a little more normal. He had only lured himself.

Blake, for it was his name, hadn’t been able to make friends here. Well, the only people who had tried to associate with him were people he didn’t want to be associated with. He already looked like a thug, he didn’t want to reinforce that image by hanging out with people who were pretty much thugs in his opinion. His roommate, Nathan, was somewhat friendly but still he was wary of him. He was not mean but didn’t really invite Blake to lunch with him at his table with his real friends.

Anyway, even if Blake had wanted to be friends with Nathan, there was a “tiny” problem with him. He was a gadgeteer. Why the hell did they have to put him with a gadgeteer? Didn’t they know it would only make things worse? Well … of course they didn’t. It’s not like he could talk about it with anyone. At least, one of the good thing about Nathan was that he wasn’t around the room most of the time. So Blake had time to think, alone, in his bed.

Currently, he was trying to avoid his mental struggles. He didn’t make a good job at it because he thought about his life back home. His father who had to raise him alone, Mr. Walter who was sort a second father like figure, all his father’s “students” who were pretty much training to be futur henchmen for some low-grade supervillain. Of course they didn’t say it out loud but he had figured it pretty early in his life. Contrary to what people could think of him seeing him now, he was far from dumb. After all, for most of his life he had been a small child without much brawn and thus he had to rely on his wit to anticipate trouble and avoid it. He had always wondered whether or not his father had regrets about the way he had lived his life, he was not really a supervillain for hire anymore now that he had been put in a wheelchair after what must have been an epic fight with some superheroes. His father didn’t really want to talk about it. At least he had been able to retire without much problem, using his connections to settle in a new job.

His mother on the other hand, he had pretty much never met her, or rather he had no recollection of her. Still, he was smart and able to put two and two together. Mr. Walter was still an active super villain, that much was obvious and he didn’t really want to hide it or if he wanted to he was really bad at it in Blake’s presence. So one night he had heard his father and Mr. walter talk about his last major asswhooping at the hand of “The Elite”, the local super heroes group. And with the way they were talking about one particular member, it didn’t take a genius to understand that the three of them had a relationship. It became one of Blake’s obsessions, he had no real proof but for him it was clear : he was the son of Dr Bombardier. How cool was that?! He began the creation of his scrapbook, compilling every article he could find about the woman he was sure was his mother. He was proud of his mother. Of course she had left him and his dad but in his mind it must have been because she wanted to focus on saving the world and that sort of thing. So he could easily forgive her, after all, did he really matter if you put the fate of the world in the balance? And one day he would go and see her, maybe he could train with her and become a super hero too? He didn’t dislike his father, but he didn’t really want to follow in his footsteps and he hadn’t really pressured him into anything even if he had been pretty insistent about him coming to whateley because he and Mr. Walter had studied here too. Mr. Walter had even given him a letter of recommendation to join a clique called “the Bad Seeds” but he was not really sure about them. Maybe they could be friends but he didn’t really see himself bounding with them that much.

He definitely couldn’t find peace thinking about this, but it was better than thinking about … that. To make matters worse, Nathan had left one of his failed projects lying on his table. It looked like headphones and was supposed to be some kind of relaxation gadget. It didn’t really work right now, but Nathan was not that interested in it because he had began to work on it before joining Whateley and now he could build far more interesting gadgets than something that would have the same effect as someone listening to whale songs.

Why his roommate had to be a freaking Gadgeteer? Even if he hadn’t been one it would have been already hard to resist the urge, but with spare parts lying around, it was pretty much impossible to not succumb to the tentation. He tried to ignore it, he really tried. But after several glance at it, he couldn’t resist it any longer. He had to leave his bed, sit in the chair and work on it. Of course latter he would regret it, he would be ashamed of it. But in the meantime he could relax and enjoy it. Everytime it was the same, it was like the world had been tuned out. Nothing really mattered except him and his project. He couldn’t understand why Nathan hadn’t been able to finish it or even why he had settle on a relaxation system using simple sound to put the wearer into a semi-hypnotic trance? Even with only the spare parts at his disposal, the headphones could do so much more. Of course Blake achieved the main goal of the appliance, but he also tweaked it to allow the wearer to store his thoughts into a tape.

He was finishing the last touch when he heard someone behind say “You will have to explain to me what it does because i have really no idea. If it works, it doesn’t really make sense to me, so it has to be more of a devise than a gadget “. It startled him, sweat ran down his spine. He had been caught and it was not really a good thing. He turned toward the one who talked to him, but it was obviously Nathan. He hadn’t seen the time passes, he had spent several hours working on the headphones. He hoped he could talk himself out of this predicament.

Blake really showed off his social interactions skills by answering a mere “hu, hello?”, he gulped and tried to gather his thoughts “I am sorry, i know i shouldn’t have touched your stuff but i thought i could make it work and … i am really sorry … “. Blake blushed and lowered his eyes. “Don’t be, i don’t really care that much about it. I am really just interested in knowning what you have done with it and whether or not it is working now.” said Nathan. But he also added “I would also like to know what you are doing in my room? Not that i really mind a pretty girl like you coming here but people might talk if they see you leaving out of it late in the evening, you know?”.
Last Edit: 5 years 3 hours ago by Esar. Reason: Typos (thanks Malady)

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago #322
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sunny let out a whistle as she hovered over the ‘deserted’ warehouse that every hero group knew was really one of those time share lairs, looking over the destruction that had been called in. Touching her ear she said softly. “Hey Big Dawg, what’s Chiller been up to for the last twenty four?”

She could hear the bewildered look on Beauregard’s face as he accessed the computers at their base, likely stunned by how serious she sounded. “Home, work, PR thing, here... was never even close to where you are. Why, what are you seeing?”

“Ice. Lots of ice.” there was a pause and a soft curse. “And the MCO are arriving with the police and rescue squad. Keep Chiller out of sight, or better yet in sight so they can’t snatch him up on us. And see what other ice throwers are in town at the moment.”

“Understood. I have a few things I can rope him into helping with.”

“All right Bee-Dee, I’ll keep an eye on things here for a bit then see what doesn’t get trampled. See if Swash is available and can swing through here or maybe the PD or MCO office to see what they find.” Sunny replied as she watched the responders break out sledge hammers, chisels and a few higher tech methods of dealing with the ice.


Mister Cool, aka Brian Chupp, looked around like the tourist he was, grinning as he soaked in the California sun. Sure he was an ice villain, but he wasn’t like Mr Freeze (Even he had cribbed some of Freeze’s aesthetics for his Mark III suit) and needed the cold to live. No he was more Captain Cold and some times he just needed to thaw out and relax for a change. While he and Amber couldn’t afford, Yet!, one of those Karedonian time share vacations, they could afford a few days on the west coast in a decent hotel in LA. Ok so if he didn’t have a few decent jobs when he got back he’d be eating Raman noodles for the next few months... But the huge smile and barely contained by her bikini top breasts Amber was pressing against his arm was well worth it, even leaving out the sex. Which was freaking amazing! In the first place, but got super hot after a job.

“Whacha thinken, pudden?” Amber purred as she twined her fingers with his, knowing full well what he was thinking about with just a look at the front of Brian’s pants.

“Just that we needed this.” he confessed as he spun her around and kissed her soundly on the lips.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #323
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Ah... Doctor, there seems to be something wrong with the latest back of Horse based bodies.” Dr. Martin “Dr. DNA” Aschner hear over the intercom prompting a sigh from the aging bio-devisor. Forcing himself up from his desk Martin palmed an inject able and pressed it to his wrist. As the liquid hit his bloodstream he felt about ten years younger and there was a renewed vigor to his step as he made his way to the medical wing of his compound.

“All right Anastasia, what seems to be the issue?” he asked his assistant, an attractive Fennic Fox woman, who he hoped would be able to carry on his legacy when his time on Earth was over.

“The latest batch is well below previous batches benchmarks regarding size.” Anna replied bringing up the information on a tablet and showing it to her mentor. She also triggered a command that caused the maturation pods glass fronts to go from heavily tinted to clear, showing the floating naked forms of the developing Ani-men.

“No, no issues here my dear. This batch was a special request.” Martin replied as he looked over the data. “Well actually a little issue, they are larger then I had anticipated...”


“The miniature horse was the base genome used for this batch. The volunteers had various forms of dwarfism in their first life, and a few weren’t comfortable with the thought of being over 7 feet tall. So, these should work out to be about average unmodified human height.”

“Ah, I see sir.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Cryptic.

Esar’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #324
Esar replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Thursday, February 8, 2007 – Afternoon

“Don’t fear, citizens! The Elite are here to protect you from this monstrosity” the declaration was kinda dorky in Blake’s opinion, but Blake didn’t expect much from “The Mighty Paladin”. He was clearly the leader of the group, or at least acted as such, but Blake was relieved that the so called “Paladin” was not also the group’s PR representative. At least this time he hadn’t used his catchphrase “Beware Evildoers, renounce your life of crime or fear the might of The Mighty Paladin”. Had it ever worked ? It boggled Blake’s mind that after so many years of crimefighting, TMP still couldn’t grow out of this caricature of superhero. Mr. Walter had even begun a mug collection, each one with a different TMP “famous quote”. Some of them were hilarious, despite TMP’s intentions.

Anyway, Blake was not watching this video because of him. She was currently in her bedroom, in her brunette form, dressed in an oversize t-shirt. Well, most of her clothes were too large for her presently. This was one of the problem caused by the height difference between her giant male body and her quite small feminine one. Still, it was not uncomfortable. She had not yet been able to gather her courage and go outside to buy clothes that would fit her better. Heck, she had not even been able to leave her room in this body. She had decided that she would only take this form to relax in the privacy of her own bedroom, while her father was out of the home and with her door locked, just in case. If no one knew about it, then it couldn’t hurt anyone, could it ?

She could have stayed a boy today, her transformation had not been triggered by “the urge” as she called it. However she felt that it was more appropriate for what she was doing. Blake was thankful that her breasts were rather small or things could have been awkward. She was lying on her stomach, her arms crossed to support her head, her laptop in front of her. It was one of her weekly rituals, she had to watch every video she could find about “The Elite”. After all she was one their greatest fan, she even had a pin to prove it. She had been part of their fanclub for a few years now, taking part in online discussions about them, making wild speculations all the time about their daily lives and also the true nature of their powers.

Her friends knew about her interest for this supergroup, some of them shared her passion. But even those couldn’t understand why she was so focused on “Dr Bombardier”. After all, she didn’t talk much, she was often behind the others during the fights and on top of that her power armor concealed pretty much every part of her body. If the rumors were to be believed, Dr Bombardier could in fact be a man. But Blake knew better. She knew that inside the armor was hidden the most formidable woman in the world, her mother. Well, at least she had a strong conviction that it was the case.

That’s why she was so invested in the video right now, cheering on her mother. The fight was not that recent, she had already watched it on the news when it had happened but it was still one of her favorite fight, in her unbiased opinion. She already knew the outcome, but everytime she startled when the beast jumped on her mother, its fangs almost piercing her armor. The monster had to settle for gnawing the right arm that had interrupted its charge. Sparks were flying out of the incisions but the flesh hadn’t been bitten. She wondered what Dr Bombardier could feel in those moments and what pushed her to face danger so often. Blake would never have been able to fight this creature. She would have fled at the first opportunity, even in her exemplar male body. Or maybe she would have been too frightened to even move ? She didn’t know and she didn’t really want to find out. Her idea of having a good time didn’t encompass a fight with a giant sabretooth-like creature. Especially if said creature could spit fire out of its mouth.

But she had nothing to fear, her mother’s armor could withstand the monster’s bite. With her left arm she grabbed the assailant by its throat, squeezing it hard in the process, then threw it out of the fray. It fell on its back, hard, but it didn’t seem to have taken much damages. It stood up, clearly enraged by the prey who had denied it its meal. Maybe if it had been able to charge again at Dr Bombardier it would have been successful. But She was not someone who could be taken by suprise twice. She had already grabbed her signature weapon from behind her back, and locked it on her target.

At this point, Blake almost shouted “Thundergun !”. Almost, after all she couldn’t do it every single time she replayed the video. It was a shame the video couldn’t capture the insentity of the shot. Even those who didn’t like Dr Bombardier had to admit that she could build awesome weapons, and the Thundergun was no exception. The weapon seemed bigger than Blake herself, without being an exemplar or wearing a power armor it would be pretty much impossible to transport it without mounting it on a vehicle. The creature imploded almost instantly. No projectile had been fired, no energy had been projected. On the forum they were saying that the Thundergun disrupted directly its target’s molecules, and it only affected the intended target. The science didn’t make much sense, but everyone said that it was a devise so it didn’t have to. It was called the thundergun because of the particular sound it emitted, similar to a thunder strike.

She skipped the after fight commentary added at the end of the battle. The one who had edited the video believed in the popular theory that the creature that had terrorized the city was in fact a creation of “The Masked Degenerate”. Blake already knew it was load of ... gibberish. After it had happened she had asked Mr. Walter if he had been involved and he had said no. And he tended to be brutally honest about such things, he had even added that he was above such display of incompetence. Even as a distraction he would have sent a creature with maybe less raw power but more durability. What was the point of a distraction if the fight was over in mere minutes after the arrival of the intended targets ? Or else you had to swarm them with a lot of those. His bet was on a failed test run of a new weapon.

Blake closed her laptop, knowing that she had to revert to her male body. Her father would come back soon, and she had no idea how he would react if he was made aware of the fact that his son was only his son part of the time. Maybe Dr Bombardier would understand.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Esar.

Esar’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #325
Esar replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tuesday, June 12th 2007 - Morning
Fredonia, New York

Estevan was waiting in his car, he had already parked the vehicle in front of the house he had to visit. How would they react ? He hated to be the bearer of bad news, but it was part of his job. He often wondered whether or not he would have been able to adopt the same attitude regarding mutants if his twin sister, Sofia, had not been one in the first place. It had played a big part in his decision to pursue a career in science, and more specifically why he had chosen to study mutation. He had always wanted to know what made such individuals tick. The mutation fairy had not visited him, but he was quite happy as a baseline. His interest in mutants was not out of jalousy nor out of fear, it was only curiosity that guided him in his research. He was not the most gifted but there were not that many people with his knowledge willing to work off the book without any malicious intent.

He took one last glance at his rear-view mirror, he immediately thought that he should have shaved this morning. He didn’t look professional with his scruffy beard. He mentally hit himself in the head, he knew that the fact that he was a rather young man, compared to most of his colleague anyway, didn’t play in his favor. To be able to help and reassure them, they had to take him seriously first. He gathered up his courage and went ringing at the door.

They didn’t make him wait for more than a minute, the door swung open. A boy, maybe in his late teens stood in front of him. They stared at each other for a few seconds until Estevan introduced himself, holding out his right hand toward the boy. “Hello, you must be Conner ? I am Dr. Quijano, from Barnett College. I work with Dr. Caldwell. May i come in ?”

He didn’t answer right away, yelling first, “Mom, there is someone from Barnett College at the door.”

“Well, let him in” she shouted back.

Estevan followed Connar toward the living room, here was waiting madam Harper. She must have been in her late forties and yet at the moment she looked closer to her early sixties. She was visibly distraught, she had deep bags under her eyes. It was hard to say if she had even been able to sleep for more than a few hours in the last three weeks. Estevan tried to not scrutinize the poor woman too hard but he couldn’t help noting the messy hair and the bitten nails. He hoped that he could bring some reliefs to this family, but he feared their reactions.

“Hello madam, my name is Dr. Quijano and i am working on your son’s case. I am sorry that we haven’t been able to …”.

She interrupted him, “Would you like some tea, or maybe some coffee ? I think i need tea to calm my nerves. And please, call me Elisa.”

“Well, Elisa, i wouldn’t mind some tea myself.”. She went to the kitchen to prepare the beverage, leaving Estevan alone for a few minutes.

The tea did help calm Elisa. She began, “Duncan has always been such a delightful boy. Dr. Quijano, is it my fault ? Have i done something wrong ?”

He tried to comfort her, “We may not know exactly what determine how a mutant will manifest but i fully believe that you are in no way responsible for your son’s current state.” It didn’t work.

“I should have seen the signs sooner. Maybe if we had been able to act sooner …”

Estevan sighed. “You had no way of knowing your son had manifested. His eyes didn’t really change color. And ,while it’s true he put up a lot of weight in a short amount of time, it didn’t necessarily mean that he had manifested.” It seemed she was considering what had been said. She already knew it on an intellectual level, but blaming herself was part of her coping mechanism. Estevan tried to cut to the chase, “Could we go see him ? I would like to observe how it has evolved since the last tests.”

They both knew it had to be done, but it was with reluctance that Elisa agreed, “He is … well, he is in his room ...”

When Estevan opened the door, he was astonished by the sight. He had read the rapport and seen some photos of course, but to see it in person was another matter. Had he not been told it was Duncan’s bedroom, he would have had some difficulties guessing it. The room was covered in thick white threads, layers on top of layers of threads. And in the middle of the room, attached to the ceiling, floor and walls of the room was some kind of egg-shapped thread construction. A human size construction.

Estevan took a portable ultrasound machine out of his satchel and started to scan the casing. “With your own words, could you describe to me how it happened ?”

Elisa had tears in her eyes. She said, “At first, when he began to produce those … threads, we thought it was rather harmless. Of course it was kinda messy but we could cut them. I haven’t met a lot of mutant but i knew that if it was the only result of his mutation, we could live with it.” She took a deep breath and continued, “But after a while, the threads grew thicker and thicker. We couldn’t cut them anymore. One night i woke up to the sound of a scream, i immediately ran toward the source of it. It was coming from this room. I have still nightmare about this. He was there, almost entirely trapped inside that … thing, his head still outside of it. He screamed and he screamed, he begged me for help. But no matter what we tried, we couldn’t liberate him. After several hours … his face was covered too …” At this point, she openly cried. She had to ask, “Doctor … is he … is he alive in there ?”

Estevan looked at his device, the results confirmed his theory. “Your child is alive. On the other hand i can’t tell you whether or not he is currently conscious. For his sake, i hope he is not.” Elisa’s relief was apparent, her biggest fear had been put to rest. “Of course he has had no extensive testing so what i am going to say is only my personal theory. I believe Duncan is a manifestor, and i think he is suffering from a form of Manifestation Augmented Tissue Deformity. The threads that he is able to manifest have formed some kind of PK shell, which is very similar to a cocoon in this particular case both in term of look and function. Duncan’s body is currently undergoing a lot of changes, i can’t predict when it will end. It’s a wild guess but it is possible that his metabolism had already changed more than we could have assumed at first glance. If he had not put on so much weight, he would not have been able to survive his metamorphosis.”

Estevan looked nervous for a moment. “Is there something more doctor ?” inquired Elisa.

Estevan sighed. “Another part of my theory seems to have been confirmed by my latest scan. I don’t know exactly how Duncan will look in the end, but i am afraid that he will have a lot to adapt to.” He paused. “Your son is becoming your daughter.”
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Esar. Reason: an attempt to adopt a better format for the dialogues

Esar’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #326
Esar replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Saturday, November 10, 2007 – Morning
Poe cottage, Whateley Academy

I woke up early in the morning, or maybe it would be more accurate to say that I hadn’t really slept. At all. I was far too stressed to sleep, so many things could go wrong. Far too many ! Would the administration try to screw me over ? Dr. Bellows had said that it would be my choice, but could I really trust them ? And even if they hadn’t talked about that particular part of my mutation, it was not like I had been problem free for the last 2 months. I was not yet on first name basis with Chief Delarose, but I was pretty sure that I would get there with Dr. Tenant before my graduation.

I swear, you make ONE mistake and they have you on watch 24/7. I tried to explain to them, I was not trying to kill myself. It was merely a possibility, but definitely not the intended result. I admit, I may have acted rashly, but the reasoning was sound. Dr. Bellows didn’t share my opinion, he seemed to think it was further proof that I tended to jump to conclusion too quickly. Well, the joke was on him. We were both wrong ! Take that, psychology ! you are not the ultimate answer to my problems ! And now I will have to be tested again, which make it the third time at whateley alone. Hoorah ! As they say, third time’s the charm. Do you feel the excitment in my voice ? Yeah, I am faking it.

Anyway, I was really thankful for how considerate my new roommate had been, and still was, during this ordeal. George had tried to lift my spirit during my somewhat depressive episode. He hadn’t minded my tentative to wear a dress, in my Blake body. He had defended me when part of the freshmen had tried to blame me for Anna’s disappereance. Which had been pretty ironic, considering that I was in fact Anna. And now that all of this was behind me, he didn’t complain about me being a girl part of the time, and that most of the lesbians pretty much hated me. I don’t know how my first roommate would have reacted. Nathan had been nice, even if the room had been a mess during my whole stay with him. I may like to be a girl from time to time, it doesn’t mean that I liked being a maid. So yeah, I would take George over Nathan any day of the week.

For Amber, it was a little bit more complicated. She had been my second roommate, and was technically still my roommate. Or rather she was still technically Anna’s Roommate. But the problem was that honesty should be the cornerstone of any relationship, and I had not been really forthcoming with her regarding the fact that I was still a boy, in spite of the appearance part of the time. This particular revelation had put a strain on our relationship. By that I mean that we were avoiding each other and that I was persona non grata in her/our room.

So this morning, it seemed that George was the only one caring about the fact that I would have to face my father. To say that I was not really enthusiast at the prospect of meeting my father would be an understatement. Even when I was around strangers, I felt that they could see right through me. So with my father ? The man who had raised me ? What chance did I have to fool him ? I feared that one day someone would stand up, point at me and laughed at the freak who couldn’t help himself from wearing dresses. Dr. Bellows called this “paranoia” and that it was born out of “my lack of self-confidence”. Well, it didn’t make it any easier.

Saturday, November 10, 2007 – Still Morning
Crystal Hall, Whateley Academy

“So, they have put you with the nutcases ?” said my father, with a grin that indicated that he was teasing me more than anything else.

Mr. Walter raised an eyebrow. “Well … I hadn’t seen this coming, I admit. But if they think you need it … You don’t object, do you ?”

“Don’t worry, they are nice and not THAT crazy. The administration thinks I have some unresolved issue regarding mom, that’s all. I only have some hours a week of counseling. It barely burdens my schedule and it kinda helps”. I admit, it was a low blow, but it was not completely false and it would cut short the conversation.

I hadn’t expected to see both of them today. My father was, obviously, in his wheelchair. I wondered whether or not he would allow me to tamper with it or, even better, to build him a new one … but that would mean talking about what I could really do, and I was not ready for a demonstration. It was a shame because he really needed it. I had seen the photos from before, what was “standing” in front of me was a shadow of what he once had been. He hadn’t been able to walk for almost a decade now. He was too thin, it was as if he had no flesh on his bones. I felt even more ashamed of myself. He was in no condition to travel, and yet he had decided to see me. And in return, I was lying to him.

Mr. Walter on the other hand seemed in perfectly good health, he was slender more than thin. I was grateful that he had taken the effort to try to be inconspicuous. I do mean try because even if there was nothing wrong with what he had chosen to wear, for a change, he couldn’t really hide his sharp teeth. Also, even with the scarf, i could still see his second jaw behind it.

In a way, it was nice to see that they were still close friends after all those years. They had met at whateley and hadn’t really separated since then. If the same thing could happen to me, I would consider myself lucky.

“As long as you are happy with your cottage, i am fine with it. I have fond memories of Emerson, I hope you will be able to say the same after you graduate, that’s all.” said my father.

“Humpf, fond memories, Chris, really ? I think you are suffering from a case of selective memory.”

“Do you want to talk about your experience at whateley, John ?”

“If we could avoid it …”

“Still, I think we can at least both agree on the fact that thanks to Whateley we have been able to join a rather extensive network.”

From here we, or rather they mostly, began to talk about the different cliques. In a way, I thought at times Mr. Walter was bragging about the famous people he had been able to meet, both in highschool and then in his current “career”. Dad didn’t talk much about what he had done after his graduation, even if he didn’t deny that he had worked for some of the people that Mr. Walter was mentioning.

I became the center of attention once more when my Father inquired about my classes. I admit that I had some difficulties talking about those because I had to differentiate between Anna’s classes and Blake’s classes. I couldn’t really explain to my father why I was on the engineering track. Thankfully for some classes even if I was taking them as Anna, I could still mention them. They were both rather interested by my martial arts classes, and Mr. Walter prompted my father to try to meet Ito-sensei.

Saturday, November 10, 2007 – Not quite noon yet
Whateley Academy

We hadn’t found Ito-Sensei, but honestly Tolman was the next best thing in my book. Dad was practically harassing her at this point about her experience dealing with empowered students. Mr. Walter used this opportunity to take me aside.

“Well, Kiddo, we can finally talk. He doesn’t look like it now but if there is one thing that can really ‘hype’ your father, it’s martial art. He should be occupied for a little while, at least until your ‘sensei’ has had enough of him. I have never been able to really appreciate it myself, for me it was torture. In my magic classes i tried to always be in control, and then when i had to fight they often asked me to let loose.”

My perplexity must have shown on my face because he added “Look, can we be honest with each other ? From man to not quite man yet ?” He sighed and scratched the back of his head, which must have hurt at least a little because of his rather sharp claws. “It doesn’t even get easier with time … Let me tell you a story. You see … it’s about this young boy, he had a secret and … he could hide it but …” He paused, for at least a minute if not more, and then blurt out “Oh, for fuck sake, I am gay. There, I said it.”

I was quite suprised by that revelation, and I must have looked really smart with my eyes wide open. “I would never have guessed”. Brillant, if I had a rock nearby I would have crawled under it. Especially when I began to understand what it could mean in regard to my own secret.

“So you were at Whateley”


“And you are Gay”


“In which cottage …?”

“If you really want me spell it out for you : Poe.”

I facepalmed, hard. I didn’t want to crawl under a rock anymore, I wanted to bury myself alive. I didn’t know what to say, thankfully he was the one who decided to talk. “Look, I won’t make any assumption. I have seen enough things in Poe to not try to take a wild guess at what might have justified your placement. I won’t even ‘force’ you to talk to me about it, but if you want to, I am here. Your father is also here for you. You know he is never going to reject you, right ?” I wanted to nod at that, but I simply couldn’t. “I am serious.” For a moment he looked as embarassed as me. “I was talking about honesty before so … during my time at whateley, my biggest crush was on Chris.” I coughed at that. “I know, nobody want to hear that about his father, but it’s true. He had this … thing. He didn’t take shit from anyone, he was not an exemplar but during his Sophomore year he began to really bulk up and honestly he was quite handsome. We were already best friends at that point. During our junior years, I confessed to him. Even today, it is one of the most frightening things I have ever done. It was not a fairy tale, he was not interested but he didn’t bash me or insult me.” I was quite confused, it didn’t fit the image I had of my father. “I won’t talk about it to your father, I swear I won’t. During my senior year, I have been outed, so I don’t plan on doing the same to you, even if I am pretty sure that your father would understand.”

“How did it happen ?”

“Let’s just say all straight men are not as understanding as your father and that I have bad luck regarding who I am attracted to. Even after my sexual orientation became more or less public knowledge, your father stuck with me. It hurt his reputation quite a bit, rumors being what they are, especially if you take into account the fact that his codename was ‘The Iron Maiden’ … Yeah one day I will explain to you why if you really want to know. Or you could ask your father about it.”
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Esar.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #327
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Head bobbing to the jazz pouring out of my heavy, sweaty earphones, I ride my mighty metal beast across the field toward our rotund and unsuspecting prey. As I draw near, I veer off to the side and hear an imagined sigh of relief as I drive directly away. Then I depress the clutch and the brake. I stop only long enough to shift into reverse before smoothly releasing the clutch and twisting around to peer over my shoulder at my quarry, steering with one hand while the other lightly caresses the warm levers at my side. I press one down while I close the gap, and the hydraulics hiss as the large rear spikes are brought to bear. A depressed clutch and a light touch on the brake slow my approach enough to avoid undue harm to the petrified bale as the spikes pierce through it. A simple tug on the lever raises them and the bale both, lifting them helplessly into the air for transport.

But I’m not done. I press more firmly on the brake and shift back into fourth gear. The tractor growls as I release the clutch, belching hot exhaust into the atmosphere where it will work over the coming decades to warm these northern lands and increase the length of my growing season. Meanwhile, I lurch forward and begin approaching another unsuspecting bale. This time there will be no subterfuge. I line up and close in face to face. The tractor shudders in anticipation as I work the levers to lower the loader arms and drop the forks to rest on the ground. They slide under the bale, and then a flick of a lever tilts it up off the ground while another lifts it clear into the air.

I hum along to the saxophone as I haul my two captives across the field to the close-packed rows of their brethren I’ve lined up along the edge for easy loading into the trucks that will come to haul them away. That’s 98 down and 86 left to go before I move on to the next field. My wide-open doors funnel warm summer air through the cab as I select the next targets, and the sax wails over my droning engine. Life is good.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago #328
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Did three versions of the Reveal of Icy’s power up, not sure which I like better so... Reader’s choice! Pick 1, 2, or 3 on the Discussion thread.

Version 1;

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed Icy stood and stretched again, her form shifting from a human beauty, into a demonic beauty; her skin went from a healthy California tan to a pale blue-white as bat like wings unfurled from her back. The wing membrane, between the supporting fingers, looked like a thin sheet of ice that someone had lifted from a puddle. A sinuous tail grew from her lower spine, flexing and writhing.

Icy’s eyes flared blue as her mouth opened in a silent yawn, her incisors elongating as her fingers became talons, and her feet shifted so she was standing on feet that had two hoofed toes which she now stood on. Pure white feathers of fur fluffed out on her lower legs and lower arms, making her look like she was wearing fuzzy opera gloves and leg warmers.


Version 2;

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed Icy stood and stretched again, her form shifting from a human beauty, into a demonic beauty; her skin went from a healthy California tan to a pale blue-white as bird like wings unfurled from her back. The wings looked like they where made of flat shards of ice carved from the heart of a glacier and as the sun refracted through them it cast the room in the blues and greens one found in centuries old compressed ice. A sinuous tail grew from her lower spine, stopping when it was nearly as long as her legs, flexing and writhing the whole time.

Icy’s eyes flared blue as her mouth opened in a silent yawn, her incisors elongating as her fingers became talons, and her feet shifted so she was standing on feet that had two toes forward and something like a dew claw facing behind. Spun glass ruffs of feathers fluffed out on her lower legs and lower arms, making her look like she was wearing fuzzy opera gloves and leg warmers.


Version 3;

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed Icy stood and stretched again, her form shifting from a human beauty, into a demonic beauty; her skin went from a healthy California tan to a pale blue-white as ice like shards of bone grew out along her spine. A feline tail grew from her lower spine, stopping at about her knees. It flexed and writhed as her ears grew pointed and tufts of fur appeared on their tips.

Icy’s eyes flared blue as they reshaped, becoming vertical slits in pale green orbs. Her mouth opened in a silent yowl as her incisors elongating. Her hands and feet shifted becoming a blending of paw and human appendage. Her fingers flexed, unsheathing wicked claws that where transparent. Icy shook her body as spun glass fur fluffed out over her body coating her in a glittering coat of short white fur with darker blue tiger striping.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #329
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
with apologies to Cryptic

A small device laying in the frozen sands of Pluto began to switch into a more active state, as its sensors picked up something anomalous. The sensor was one of a handful placed in several locations across the Sol system; unlike most of humanity’s space probes, this one and its sisters were not sent by rockets, but teleported into position by any of the half dozen mutants possessing the rare combination of ESP and ultra-long distance teleportation.

This particular probe had been placed in the aftermath of a rather nasty, if brief, extraterrestrial incursion a decade prior. It, and the three others of its type around the solar system, was designed to detect bursts of tachyons which were thought to indicate the use of some kinds of superluminal drives.

After a moment, the outburst of FTL particles subsided. Having collected the information it was intended to procure, it transmitted the data to an orbiter with a more powerful antenna, which in turn relayed it to one of several deep-space repeaters in the Lagrange points of Jupiter. A little more than half an hour later, the scene would recur, though the new signal was less chaotic and weaker, and continued to do so periodically afterwards.

Meanwhile a barely conscious Redundant Digit Three Point One Four cursed to herself before using the last of her strength to activate first her suit’s long-range distress beacon, then the emergency survival cryosystem. Soon, the dwarf planet’s new satellite went cold and silent, save for a single repeated FTL signal.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #330
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tom Bradley sped along the road in a beat up old truck he’d “stolen” earlier that day from a friend of H1. Just up ahead as promised the mutant was being driven to the hospital for a weekly checkup. Pulling up behind the car he stayed close but not dangerously so, waiting for the right moment. The van holding his friends pulled off of a side road following them.

His heart beat with anticipation, as the car went around a bend in the road, he gunned the engine, bracing himself, forcing his eyes to stay open even as instinct told him to close them as the much smaller car filled his vision. The target saw him coming and swerved trying to avoid him, there wasn’t time and the two vehicles collided, the rear of the car crumpled and was thrown off of the road.

Hitting the brakes, Tom tried to bring the truck to a gentler stop as the van full of H1 members screeched to a halt and the passengers jumped out. He heard a shotgun blast. Shaken by the crash, he struggled to undo his seat belt, the gloves he had on didn’t help.

There was the sound of rending metal, someone screamed, more guns went off.

Shaking his head, Tom twisted in his seat, the seat belt still firmly attached and pissed himself as an inhuman shriek filled the air.

Stepping out of the wreck, a creature with the face of a pretty girl and a lithe body covered in an insect like shell took a step towards the shooters. Her eyes were almost closed as if she were asleep, barbs ran along her forearms, her fingers flexed revealing needle like claws. Bullets bounced off her chest and face, leaving only tiny pits and bruises that healed up almost instantly.

Shrieking once more, the creature who was no bigger than a young teen moved in a blur. Blood sprayed across the road as the first man went down.

Whimpering in fear, Tom ducked down in his seat, holding his pistol in shaking hands, praying that the creature wouldn’t notice him.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #331
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tanya and Laura sat on a couch with a big bowl of popcorn in the TV room of Whitman watching a sappy romantic comedy with a group of Whitman girls.
There was a light thump and they looked up to see Shisa settling down on the back of the couch, eagerly taking the lid off a plastic container holding what looked liked little cookies. She purred happily and held the bowl out for them to take some.

With quiet thanks both girls took a few and popped the soft treats into their mouths. The next moment Tanya and Laura were lunging for their drinks trying to get the taste of fish out of their mouths.

Tanya was able to speak first having only eaten one of the horrid candies. Laura was still choking from having eaten the entire handful at once. “What was that?!”

Shisa somehow managed to give a toothy grin. “Sal-mon cat tr-eats. Good, yes?”
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #332
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Meagan followed the adults up the steep path of the mountain a couple of miles outside of Banff, Alberta. Even though she was the youngest at 13, she was still more than capable of keeping up with them having grown up in the Rocky Mountains with years of experience at maintaining a steady pace over rough conditions. The day was beautiful and she couldn’t wait to get out of trees to see the mountains soaring all around her.

“I bet you can’t wait until you’re eighteen so you can join us,” a new member of the group said.

She smiled up at him wishing she was taller even though her Mom said she’d been growing like a weed all through the winter. “Not really. Wing suit flying is cool, but I’ve discovered something cooler,” she replied with an enigmatic smile.

“Try saying that after you’ve done it,” he replied.

The smile turned into a grin, but she stayed silent not wanting to spoil her surprise.

An hour later they made it to the cliff, it was one of the best for wing suits, which made the long hike worth it. Most of the group began pulling out their equipment, helmets, clip on cameras, and most importantly the wing suits that let them glide through the air, reaching speeds of up to 140mph, along with the parachutes that would let them land safely.

Having watched them do it dozens of times, but not being able to join them since she was too young, Meagan waited patiently. She took a seat on the edge of the cliff letting her legs dangle over, not the slightest bit afraid of the steep drop. When the group was almost ready she quietly slipped off her sunglasses, replacing them with blue tinted goggles and stood up grinning as if it was her birthday.

“Hey guys, watch me!” she said, spreading her arms.

As the adults watched in shock Meagan jumped backwards into the open air.

She heard screams of horror, but her focus was on the ground that was coming up with ridiculous speed. Laughing she summoned the wind, letting it surround her body, turning her terminal dive into a long looping flight back up to the cliff.

Floating uneasily in her own personal tornado, she took off her goggles revealing white eyes flecked with flashes of yellow. “ISN’T THIS COOL!” she shouted.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #333
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Face splitting in a huge grin, Meagan danced happily on her own personal tornado, before swallowing fearfully, almost loosing control of the wind.

Stalking through the group standing in stunned amazement at the edge of the cliffs, her father stopped glaring, white faced and teeth clenched tight. Finally he pointed to the ground right in front of him and forced a command out through his teeth. “Young lady! Right here. Right now!” He demanded glaring at her.

Stalling again, Meagan nodded stiffly. Slowly, looking only at the piece of ground her father was pointing to, Meagan lowered herself, whimpering fearfully as her father stepped forward as soon as she landed.

Dropping to his knees, her father pulled Meagan tight to him, causing her to gasp as he hugged her so tight the breath was forced from her body.

“Young Lady,” her father cried into her ear, not letting loose his clasp one iota. “If you every jump from a cliff again without a parachute, I’ll tan your hide from breakfast to bedtime, so help me God, then I’ll find the toughest, strongest rope I can and tie you to a tree to the day you die, do you understand me?” he demanded.

“Yes Daddy!” Meagan squeaked.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #334
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Adam sat at the table enjoying his lunch, admiring the beautiful crystal dome of Crystal Hall, Even after a week of eating his meals there it was still breathtaking.

He waved at his new friends who were coming over talking and joking to each other, holding trays laden down with enough food and drinks to support a small town. Unfortunately just as they got to the table one of them stumbled and his drink landed right on Adams head.

“Oh dude, I’m so sorry!”

Waving away the proffered napkins, Adam smiled, “No problem. I’ve got it covered.”

His skin, clothes and hair rippled becoming colourless for a few seconds and looking almost like damp plaster. The water seemed to be sucked inside, and then the clothes, hair and skin reappeared totally dry and unmussed.

“Cool! How did you do that?”

“I just had my ectoplasmic shell siphon the water into a little pouch, I’ll get rid of it in a little while,” Adam said.

“Wait. You’re just wearing your shell, no clothes?!”

“Um,” Adams face became red. “Yes.”

“And you can just store the water and stuff inside your shell, no problem?”


“Cool, you could like go to the bathroom and no one would even know, couldn’t you?”

“... Yes.”

“Oh man, you’ve done that haven’t you!”

“Shut up!”
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

elrodw’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago #335
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Starting with Jericho and Razorback, it seemed that a plague of offensive fashion had swept through the campus to taunt the girls of the shattered Wondercute team. It also made many of the dining population increasingly nauseated as all the bullies seemed to be in a contest as to who had the most offensive attire as they taunted the once-powerful team.

Now, a couple of bullies dangled from the ceiling, tied up and gagged with pink ribbon in their magically-invoked pastel Sailor Moon costumes, and Gauntlet was trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey served on a large dining table. Others had fled in humiliation, attired in magically-invoked princess costumes and Sailor Moon costumes - all in very ‘cute’ girly colors. Wondercute stood triumphantly on a table, gaudy toy magic wands held up together. “The Power of Cute!” they yelled happily.

And then silence descended suddenly, except for a tap-tap-tap. Heads turned, and jaws dropped, wondering what kind of trouble was going to happen now.

Jericho strode toward Wondercute, wearing a short, sleeveless white dress trimmed in burgundy including the wide collar, flared at the hips almost like a gusseted cheerleader skirt. Elbow-length white gloves adorned his arms, and he wore knee-high, calf-tight, high-heeled white boots. A large baby-blue bow adorned the low V-neck of the dress, and matching blue bows were tied in Jericho’s hair.

The girls stood on the table, looking a little fearfully at Jericho. While non-violent (mostly), he was capable of many interesting tricks. As every gasped in fear, Jericho stopped at the table and slowly raised his white cane, pointing it at the girls like a fencing foil. For several seconds, he held the pose, his expression inscrutible, and his intentions unknown.

Suddenly, the tip of his cane lifted, and with a ‘pop’, it opened and something shot out. Girls nearby shrieked in fright and surprise. The shock, though, changed instantly as hundreds of students goggled at the spectacle.

The Sailor-Moon-esque fashion-challenged devisor continued to raise the tip of his cane, and suddenly, a white flag appeared. “I wish to negotiate the terms of my surrender.” he asked loudly, suddenly grinning as he lowered his head submissively to the crazy girls of Wondercute.
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #336
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mouser picked up the phone and dialled a number, her tail flicking back and forth nervously. “Hi Witch-”

There was some angry shouting on the other end.

“Look, I’m really sorry about that, I didn’t know he was YOUR husband when I kissed him.”

She held the phone away from her ear as more shouting erupted.

“Hey you should thank me, you now know that he’s not only handsome but very loyal.”

Her cat ears went down trying protect themselves from the string of abuse that followed.

“And I’m sorry about your son, but he was twenty three at the time. He should have set the deadbolt so you couldn’t walk in.”

There was a moment of silence, not a calming silence, but the type of silence that occurs just before an explosion to give people time to bend over and kiss something precious before they die.

“Before you say anything else, I”m really, really sorry about teaching your daughter all those things last year, but you have to admit she’s a lot more confident in her sexuality now. So despite you’re financial lose from burning your couch and replacing the rug in your living room, you should admit that you broke even.”

The phone should have melted from the stream of curses coming out of it. Mouser was extremely glad she had decided to phone and not meet the witch in person as the threats grew more creative and painful with every passing second.

When the witch finally stopped cursing, Mouser gingerly put the phone back to her ear. “So I need a favour, can you help me?”
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago #337
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Matt, more commonly known to his gang banger friends as Slash, leaned against the dirty wall of a run down apartment hoping that something interesting would happen.

As he waited he saw a young kid, who couldn’t be older than fourteen come walking down the sidewalk. The kid didn’t act nervous, so he had to be from around the neighbourhood but his being out so late at night without friends marked him as a victim waiting to happen. Pulling out a knife Slash stepped out of the shadows casually cleaning his nails with the sharp tip. “Hey kid, I’m collecting donations for the neighbourhood watch,” he joked, “how much do you want to contribute?”

The kid stopped dead in his tracks, and Slash noticed that a scruffy dog was following at the kids heels. “Do I look like I’ve got anything?” the kid asked.

“You’ve got a dog, I know a Chinese restaurant that pays top dollars for them.”

The dog started growling, stepping between Slash and his victim. THe way its fur bristled and its shoulders hunched made it look like it was getting bigger. The boy grabbed the dog around the neck. “You really don’t want the dog,” he said, his voice was shaky and tight.

“Oh, is it your best friend?” Slash asked, making his voice as condescending as possible. “Maybe I want a new friend to.”

The boy slid forward as the dog took a step towards Slash. The growling got deeper. The boy said something that was impossible to make out through his clenched teeth.

“What was that?” Slash demanded nervously, in the weak light coming from the street lights he could swear the dog was getting bigger.

“RUN!” the boy shouted, his feet leaving the ground as he clung to the dogs neck.

Slash took one last look at the hell hound that was now looking him in the eyes spun on his heels and ran faster than he had ever run in his life. He heard a bark that rattled the windows, and somehow found the strength to put on more speed.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago #338
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Les skidded around the corner into the dark alley, his heart racing and his lungs burning as he gasped for air. A very quick look showed he was out of out of sight of the H1 mob, but the shouts let him know they would be on top of him in seconds. Reaching deep inside himself, he called forth his power. His body and clothes shifted even as he put his back to the wall.

The faster H1 members reached the alley and stormed down it there weapons held at the ready. They didn’t see Les, and he ducked down low to let them go past. The slower mob members however came to a stop, gasping for breath, bent double trying to stay conscious as dots danced in front of their eyes.

“Hey what’s this?” one of them asked. Les recognized the man as his family dentist and whimpered in fear.

“It’s a teacup poodle,” another one answered. “These guys are expensive, I wonder what he’s doing out here all by himself.”

Les didn’t have the energy to fight as he was picked up and examined. Fear had him shaking like a leaf as they checked his eyes, between his legs and scratched his head trying to calm him down.

“I think I’ll take him home with me,” the man who picked him up said. “The owner is probably looking for him and there should be a reward. I’ll split it with you Bill, since you saw him first.”

“That’s really nice of you. Do you think the mutant got away?” the dentist asked.

“Probably, he was running really fast, I wonder if he’s an energizer. I’d better get this little guy home and cleaned up, I’ll put some ads up tomorrow about finding it.”

Les cursed his life in general as he was carried one handed down the street, and wondered how he’d get out of this mess. His fuzzy little tail hung forlornly between his legs and he couldn’t stop whimpering.

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago #339
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Razorback followed his roommate and best friend as Jericho headed towards Wondercute’s table. Jack wasn’t too worried, after all it was unlikely that Jericho would attack them, and given the change in wardrobe Jericho probably didn’t have any of his pranking stuff on him.

As they walked over, he kept one eye on his reflection, the pink party dress he was wearing made it look like he was headed for Clover’s birthday party, or maybe that party he and Reach were supposed to go entertain at next Saturday. He sighed silently, he missed being able to dress up in pretty dresses like this one. Well maybe not like this one, it was a bit immature for him now, but he did miss being able to be pretty or even cute.

Jericho stopped and brandished his cane, before a white flag popped out of the end. Razorback shook his head, he knew that whatever Jericho said now, in the fall he would be back to his craziness.

While Joe talked, Razor stepped forward and did his best curtsy, and it was good despite his body not being shaped for the maneuver. Everyone looked at him in surprise, and he made good use of the distraction dashing forward and grabbing Anna in a huge hug. He set her back down before she could react, turned and dashed off before anyone could stop him.
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago #340
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Mwahahahaha! With my rodent controlling helmet, the sewer rats of Whateley will be mine to command! Nations will fall before me!”


“ Dude! Are you okay? What happened to you?”
“The rats... the rats under the school... At first I thought that there weren’t any. That they’d all been eaten... or scared off. But it was worse. Much worse. There are only a few rats down there, but they’ve been changed... I felt them... their horrible little eyes... their greedy mouths... their clutching pseudopods...”
“Woah. I warned you about the Whateley sewers. Anyone who knows what’s good for them stays out of them. Maybe you should find some rodents above ground.”
“Yessss. No rats. No mice. Squirrels! An army of squirrels! ALL OF WHATELEY WILL FALL TO MY SQUIRREL MINIONS!!!!!”

“And there he goes again...”

To be continued. (By whomever wishes to continue the story of our hapless devisor)
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #341
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“And here it comes! The big squirrel! The lead squirrel! The commander of my armies! Coming through the door right now under my command! And it here .. oh shit ...”


“So Anna, what is it?” Ree asked pointing at the table where what looked like a colander with wires coming out of it and a chin strap was sitting.

“I don’t know. I was going to visit Jerry, and I got lost in the tunnels again. I heard someone, well it sounded like he was drikking out, but I was hoping I could ask him directions. When I walked in, he went dead white, threw his helmet at me and ran off through a vault door he slammed behind him. I was hoping Jerry could help me return it after dinner.”
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #342
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
mhalpern Bad Idea Thread Idea:
A mutant who’s mutation has given them the general appearance of a pigeon... With Exemplar durability. At Whateley he has to avoid getting confused with Real pigeons and drone pigeons, (as well as clay golem pigeons (Whateley version of pigeon shooting)) for those have drastically lower life expectancy on campus for various reasons, he has enough trouble with feline familiars and a few feline mutants as it is...


Shisa sat on a tree branch watching the birds. The birds were mostly ignoring her, despite the fact that she looked like a hungry cat, her coat blended into the shadows of the leaves and the bark fairly well, and her utter stillness made her almost invisible.

A plump, juicy looking pigeon flew towards the tree. Her stomach rumbled and when it was close enough she pounced, catching the bird in her human like hands.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAT! CAT!” the pigeon screamed, flying off at high speed.

“CCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Shisa screamed, hanging onto the surprisingly durable pigeon for dear life as they flew upwards at ever greater speeds.


A while later in the security office Sam looked at the two animal like students who were still trying to recover from shock.

“Derick,” she said glaring at the pigeon boy, “you know you have to wear your badge so people don’t mistake you for a pigeon. This could have all been avoided if you’d followed the rules.”

“But it makes it so hard to fly,” Derick complained.

“Do you want to become lunch!” she snapped.


“And Shisa, with so many bio-devises, drones, animalistic students, shape shifters, and other things, you really have to stop trying to eat the birds.”

“Mew,” Shisa meowed still unable to talk after her ride.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Bek D Corbin
Bek D Corbin’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #343
Bek D Corbin replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

“-and I think that that definitively proves that Irene Jenkins is some kind of mutant, and should be removed from the Middle School for the safety of everyone involved!” Muriel Cassidy finished with a snip. She didn’t really think that Irene was a mutant, but it would serve the little bitch right for what she did to Muriel’s daughter Erma. Besides, for all Muriel knew, Irene was a mutant! No one that age had any right to be that tall, that pretty, that confident, that smart and that good at sports! Muriel pointedly shoved aside the fact that Irene’s mother, Denise, had been just the same way in school. But then, maybe the entire family was mutants! Maybe they’d sold their souls to the devil to be mutants and be better than everyone!

“Okay, that’s a possibility, Muriel,” Jerry Courtland, the chapter president, said placating. “But we’re gonna need a little more than that. I’m not saying that she isn’t a mutant, but you know how it is, if we go off half-cocked, the fu-er, flipping bleeding hearts will get all riled up, and the Jenkins could sue us. Not each of us individually, but this chapter as a body.” He paused and then looked out at the 150-odd members of the Oaklynn chapter of Humanity First! “Besides, we have a real problem to deal with. The captain of the Recon Squad says that they checked out a rumor, and it turns out that Edgar and Phoebe Gillis’ boy, Kyle, who hasn’t been seen in school for weeks, is holed up in their summer cabin on Crybaby Lake. The captain says that Kyle’s turned into a real monster, looks like he could tear a man apart. That’s a damn shame, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. My heart goes out to his parents. But sympathy doesn’t change the facts: mutants like that can snap at any time. The boy’s as much a threat to his parents and himself as he is to all of us. Now, I’m not saying that someone needs to go up to Crybaby Lake with some gasoline and shotguns… we’re not the Ku Klux Klan or anything… No, we’re Law-abiding folks here. What I AM saying is that we need to make a statement, a clear and irrefutable declaration that we will not just stand by as a bunch of wishy-washy bleeding heart nebbishes put our families and community at risk! We’ll need everyone, every member of the chapter here at 10 o’clock Thursday night. We’ll have a sign-in sheet and need everyone attending to sign when they come in and when they leave.”

“And the time listed on the sheet will be 8 o’clock, in case anyone needs a nice convenient alibi for MURDER!” said a loud voice from the rear.

Everyone turned to see who said that. There, seated in the last row of the VFW Hall, with his feet propped up the back of the seats right in front of him, was a stranger. He was tall, dark, strapping and clearly dressed to intimidate. He wore a black leather trench coat over dark clothing with black cowboy boots and a pair of mirrored wrap-around glasses. He regarded them with a smirk of amused disdain.

“And who are you to call US murderers?” Jerry demanded.

“What I am,” the stranger said getting to his feet, “Is your worst nightmare.”

Ethan Berthold, an off-duty sheriff’s deputy got up and drew his .357, aiming it squarely at the stranger. “LOOK. FREAK-” Ethan started to say something very intimidating but the stranger for all practical purposes disappeared. The metal folding chairs between them flew up in a rippling explosion, and the stranger was standing right next to Ethan with Ethan’s gun hand in a painful looking joint lock. The stranger made a twisting gesture and Ethan let out a shrill scream as the stranger took the revolver from his numb hand.

Muriel Cassidy made a dash for the side doors over the scattered folding chairs even as Corey Herrick and Duke Leland came at the obvious mutant menace with guns drawn. Muriel, followed by several other local women, several of whom she’d seen around the area but never actually met, slammed at the doors, trying to get them to open, but they wouldn’t budge.

Duke and Corey advanced on the stranger. “Don’t MOVE, Freak!” Duke roared.

“Shoot!” the stranger snapped.


“I said SHOOT, you dickless inbred backwoods BABOONS!” Duke and Corey didn’t need any more encouragement. They both let fly and clearly hit the stranger. The 9mm slugs did as much damage as the bullets that the nameless routine gangsters fired at Superman did. But the stranger didn’t take the care that the Man of Steel did in disarming Duke and Corey. If anything, he seemed to make sure that he broke their trigger fingers.

Lara Farrell shrilled, “Oh My GAWD, he’s gonna kill us ALL!”

The stranger paid no attention to her hysterics, or the hysteria of other women, and no few men either. He marched up to the stage, snatched the microphone away from Jerry. Jerry objected and took a snap punch to his jaw that knocked him to the ground. Then he deliberately induced an ear-piercing feedback squeal that silenced all objections.

“Okay,” the stranger said with a slightly husky middle-American accent, “the thrilling wham-pow-socko portion of our program is over. Now we get down to the business portion of the program. Each and every one of you is going to pay me one thousand dollars tonight.”

“Or what?” Lloyd Crispin snarled, trying to sound and look courageous and defiant, and almost succeeding. “You’ll kill us ALL?”

“I don’t need to kill you,” the stranger sneered back. “I don’t really care about you unevolved losers, one way or the other. You’re all just a pack of shaved chimpanzees scratching and hooting at each out here in the back of beyond as far as I’m concerned. BUT, there are some people who’d pay good money for one of Humanity First!’s secret membership lists. You all know people in other chapters of H1!; if they can break you, they can find the others, and from there it’s row of falling dominos.”

He pulled a sheaf of papers from a pocket in his overcoat. “I have here the sign-in sheet for this little clambake tonight. I also have snaps of your license plates out in the parking lot. I have pictures of all of you on my cell phone as well. This time tomorrow, I’ll have dossiers on all of you so complete than anyone who buys the information packet will be able to do damn near anything that comes to their mind.

“BUT, they don’t pay that much, and as I said, I don’t really care about you bottom feeders that much, one way or the other. So, if you pay me off and leave Kyle Gillis and his folks alone, or at least let them sell their property and move before you go in with the napalm, I’ll simply forget that you people exist.”

He pulled another piece of paper out from a pocket and taped a large sheet with a 12-digit number and an international phone number printed on it in large easy-to-read letters. “This is my account at iPayoff. Now, according to this sign-in sheet, there are 147 people here tonight. In 20 minutes, there had better be $147,000 in my account. And I DO mean $147,000 completely. ALL OF YOU have to throw in. I don’t want any of this ‘oh, they’ll never know that I didn’t pay up’ crap. If, in 20 minutes, I only have $146,999.99 in that account, I will sell this list. Period.

“So, start checking the guy next to you. Or, if you’re feeling generous, you can toss in an extra grand or two, just to be sure. It IS after all, your life on the line here.”

“And how do we know that you won’t sell that list, even if we all pay up?” Elton Hardy demanded from the center of the audience.

“Because the grand is only the beginning,” the stranger said simply. “You’d better keep those numbers up there, because this is just the first big payment. From now on, by the fifth of the month- allowing for holidays and weekends and like that- you’ll deposit another $100 into that account. Again, if on the 6th of the month, there’s only $14,699, I go looking for a buyer. BUT, if the whole $14,700 is there, then you don’t have to worry that the Junior Prom version of the Incredible Hulk, whose family was burned out by a H1! chapter two states over, will come knocking.”

“Why only $100?”

“Because that’s as much as I think that a bunch of clodbusters like you can spare a month. Okay, twenty minutes, starting… NOW!”

Nineteen minutes and fifty-three seconds later, the stranger watched as his numbers climbed higher and higher. Finally he cut off the squabbling and bickering and one shoving match that was building up into an all-out fistfight with the cry of, “And we have met our goal!” he beamed at them, “Congratulations, the only problems that your digestive tracts have to worry about is eating too much apple pie. Our business is over.” He strolled over to one door, pointed a car alarm fob at it and opened the door. He paused in the open door and added to the assembled, “At least… until the Fifth…”

He left through the door, and the Humanity Firsters sagged with profound relief. At least for a moment, and then the real bickering and recriminations started.

The shakedown artist flew to where his car was parked (after all, even if you can fly, it’s simply easier to drive, and a lot less conspicuous), and stashed the motorcycle locks that he’d used on the VFW hall in the trunk. Then he relaxed and felt very good about himself for a while. Almost every grafter tells himself that he only targets people who have it coming but MAN, it’s good when the suckers damn near hand you justification on a silver platter! That one broad, the real estate broker, who was just itching for a chance to out someone so she could make money reselling their house after she lowballed them so they could get out of town before the lynch mob? Damn creepy.

The key to a good Con is to know your mark’s buttons and pushing them for everything you can. And little piss-ant H1! mobs like had two big glaring red buttons: ego and cowardice. They hated mutants because mutants smudged their ‘God’s favorite children’ self-image. How could they be God’s Chosen, when God gave these strangers those wonderful abilities? And they were cowards; they only had the nards to do anything in big groups, and they preferred to have anonymous thugs do the real dirty work for them, so they wouldn’t get their hands dirty. Ah, Ego and Cowardice; they don’t make people do the outrageously braindead stuff that Greed and Lust do, but it’s a near thing.

There was no market for membership rosters for Humanity First! chapters. It was understood: you don’t lean on dinky little H1! groups like that, ‘cause the backlash would be a thousand times worse than any advantage you would gain. H1!’s Central Office would spin it for all the horror story value imaginable, the Cops and Capes would go totally apeshit, politicians would bend over backwards to show that they were ‘tough on mutants’ and all that crap. People would be selling you out left and right.

But he had an angle.

He liked to call this scam ‘the Royal Nonesuch’, after the game that the ‘Duke’ and the ‘King’ pulled in Huckleberry Finn. The key to this scam was that these yucks would rather disembowel themselves with a broken bottle than admit that they’d been terrorized and scammed by a single mutant. They’d hate to admit it to themselves, they’d rather chug battery acid than admit it to each other, and they’d rather DIE than admit it to anyone else.

And most of them wouldn’t be on speaking terms with each other for a while, not with all that mutual hostility that he’d managed to sew. And even after that died down, they’d pointedly avoid the topic for years. While it was inevitable that a few of them would catch on eventually, the odds were that most of them would be paying off regularly for years until someone spelled it out for them.

And even if they did figure it out, so what? There was no proof that he’d ever been there. Some banged-up folding chairs, a few bruises and a couple of broken fingers. No proof of anything at all. Anyone smart enough to spot the con would realize that they had no evidence to show the cops, and making a big deal about it would only make them look like chumps and weenies. And worse, it would make them visible targets.

With a satisfied chuckle, he transferred some money over from iPayoff to settle up with his bookie. There, he had the legbreakers off his back, and he had more than enough money to get by while he set up his next real score.

Then, looking at his balance, a stray instance of conscience happened. Ah, what the fuck. Every grafter likes to think of himself as a ‘Robin Hood’ now and again. He turned the key on his ignition and started the car. He’d give the Gillises a head’s up that their secret was out. He had a card for Whateley somewhere, and he’d clue them in on that. Hell, he’d even give them a few grand to help them get the kid there. He’d had a good night, and showing a little class every now and again never hurt. He could afford to look like a hero for a change. Hey, it was just beer money.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Bek D Corbin.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #344
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
elrodw wrote: Starting with Jericho and Razorback, it seemed that a plague of offensive fashion had swept through the campus to taunt the girls of the shattered Wondercute team. It also made many of the dining population increasingly nauseated as all the bullies seemed to be in a contest as to who had the most offensive attire as they taunted the once-powerful team.

Now, a couple of bullies dangled from the ceiling, tied up and gagged with pink ribbon in their magically-invoked pastel Sailor Moon costumes, and Gauntlet was trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey served on a large dining table. Others had fled in humiliation, attired in magically-invoked princess costumes and Sailor Moon costumes - all in very ‘cute’ girly colors. Wondercute stood triumphantly on a table, gaudy toy magic wands held up together. “The Power of Cute!” they yelled happily.

And then silence descended suddenly, except for a tap-tap-tap. Heads turned, and jaws dropped, wondering what kind of trouble was going to happen now.

Jericho strode toward Wondercute, wearing a short, sleeveless white dress trimmed in burgundy including the wide collar, flared at the hips almost like a gusseted cheerleader skirt. Elbow-length white gloves adorned his arms, and he wore knee-high, calf-tight, high-heeled white boots. A large baby-blue bow adorned the low V-neck of the dress, and matching blue bows were tied in Jericho’s hair.

The girls stood on the table, looking a little fearfully at Jericho. While non-violent (mostly), he was capable of many interesting tricks. As every gasped in fear, Jericho stopped at the table and slowly raised his white cane, pointing it at the girls like a fencing foil. For several seconds, he held the pose, his expression inscrutible, and his intentions unknown.

Suddenly, the tip of his cane lifted, and with a ‘pop’, it opened and something shot out. Girls nearby shrieked in fright and surprise. The shock, though, changed instantly as hundreds of students goggled at the spectacle.

The Sailor-Moon-esque fashion-challenged devisor continued to raise the tip of his cane, and suddenly, a white flag appeared. “I wish to negotiate the terms of my surrender.” he asked loudly, suddenly grinning as he lowered his head submissively to the crazy girls of Wondercute.

Jade stared at Jericho. Eyes widening, mouth drooping, finally slumping to her knees, her hands coming up to clench in front of her heart as she leant forwards, her entire body pleading.

“You’re not going to play with us anymore?!” she wailed heartbrokenly.
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #345
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Now I give that a ten out of ten,” Kate declared with firm approval.

Jadis paused and considered the scene. Jade on her knees weeping, Jericho slumped dejectedly and nearly all the boys in the room starting to stand. “Nice and public. Posture and pose spot on. Words both pitiful and impossible to defend against. All in all an excellent performance,” Jadis agreed. “And bonus points for choice of target and impeccable timing, her enemy defeated and already reeling, still she found an absolutely devastating added dimension to the humiliation.”

“I give him two more seconds before Jade’s sad eyes melt his brain, and about four before Jack smacks him,” Kate continue clinically.

“No bet,” Jadis sighed watching as Jericho received a staggering bodyslam from his velociraptor seeming friend.
Last Edit: 4 years 10 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus. Reason: spelling

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 10 months ago #346
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sarah Phillips let out a frustrated scream as she looked over the ruined latch to her storage unit. She’d thought the units would be a cheap alternative to an actual honest to goodness “Batcave” some where, or trying to hide her gar around the house where her roommate might find it. But as this was the second break in, the first where the thieves had actually stolen something she needed for her self appointed job and not the decoy stuff she had put in the front of the unit,,, to say she was pissed was an understatement.

Short pointless scene depicting my mood from this weekend. I more or less look after the local girl scout service unit camping supplies and the unit was broken into.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 10 months ago #347
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Inspired by a Bad Idea post.

MCO Officer Smith stared in shock at the young girl before him. “Did I hear that correctly, you want to be known as Flesh Light?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty clever isn’t it. In case you don’t understand,” the girl said slowly and distinctly as if Smith was a small and none too smart child, “it’s a play on words. Flesh Light instead of flashlight.” She demonstrated by making her hand light up in a bright baby blue glow.

“I understand, but-”

“I know all about you guys,” she said. “You’re going to say I can’t have it so I get stuck with some stupid name aren’t you?”

“Uh,” Smith struggled to think of the best way to explain the Flesh Light problem that wouldn’t get angry morality crusaders after him.

“Stop being a jack ass!” The girl said. “I checked, no mutant has that name.”

Smith came to a decision and smiled politely. “You’re quite right Flesh Light, it’s available and I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m very sorry,” he said as he typed in her code name.

Flesh Light grabbed her MID and left with her nose stuck up in the air at browbeating the MCO.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 10 months ago #348
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Ok, I have to ask; has The Flash never heard that the shortest way between two points is a straight line?” Zip asked to no one in particular in Team tactics. Gunny was out sick, Sam was dealing with something Security related, so their sub had them watching superhero shows and applying what they knew of Team Tactics to the situations; pointing out what the TV heros did right and wrong. “What is with him zig zaging all over the place?”

“I think who ever designed the shot wants to suggest he’s fast by making his path look like a lighting bolt.” Ayla offered up.

“Oh. Pass the popcorn.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

elrodw’s Avatar
4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #349
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Since this was so slow, and since Morpheus and I were chatting and throwing out random ideas, this one hit me so I had to share it.


“Mrs. Cantrell?” the girl asked meekly, looking around the lobby of Hawthorne nervously. Slab and Jimmy T and a host of other Thornies were looking at her - some amused as if they knew an inside joke, some disdainful because the girl was a ‘pretty’.

“Yes, dear?” the large black housemother in a floaty-chair scooted up and asked sweetly.

“I’m Lisa Houghlin?” she said quite nervously. “Whisper?”

“Oh, yes, dear. I was told you were coming over for your detention.” Several of the Thornies snickered knowingly, which didn’t help the girl’s nerves. “Follow me.”

“What ... what do I have to do?” Lisa asked, voice quavering as she followed the chair up the stairs to the second floor. “I’ve heard ....” Everyone knew that some of the detentions in Hawthorne were cruel and creative.

“Oh, nothing difficult. Just cleaning up Dust’s room.” She stopped at a door. “He’s in class right now, so just clean up as best you can.”

‘That’ll be easy,’ Lisa thought to herself. She’d been plenty of practice house-cleaning with her mother before she manifested. Mrs. Cantrell opened the door. “Wha ....?” Lisa gasped.

“Dust has a little problem controlling his manifesting,” Mrs. Cantrell explained as Lisa gawked into the room. There was at least a quarter of an inch of dust covering EVERYTHING.

“But ....” Lisa gasped, her jaw hanging as she goggled the messy room.

“The vacuum is in the closet, and there are spare filter bags in the hall janitor’s closet.” With that, Mrs. Cantrell zipped off, leaving the girl to stare at the mess.


Lisa sighed, wiping the sweat from her brow, as she popped open the vacuum cleaner. Around her, the room looked mostly spotless, and she’d gone through four vacuum bags to try to get all the dust picked up. The hardwood on the floor was visible again, and though she was grimy from all the dust clinging to her sweat, she felt like she’d accomplished something.

Tying the bag shut, she wandered down the hall toward the floor’s trash bin. Behind her, she heard someone slam a door, but thought nothing of it; Thornies came and went all the time, like any other students. She had to get help to cycle the disposal chute, because the trash bin was so full, and then she went back down the hall to put away the vacuum.

She pushed open the door, eager to clean up so she could meet her friends in Crystal Hall for dinner, but she paused in the doorway, gasping in shock at the sight that greeted her. “But ... it was just CLEAN!” she practically screamed at the kid with a sloppy mop of hair in grungy clothing sprawled on the bed, a thin cloud of dust rising with his every move. A thick layer of dust already covered EVERYTHING.

“Are you sure, dear?” Mrs. Cantrell’s voice sounded in the hall behind her. Lisa spun, fighting tears.

“I had it all clean!” she cried. “And ... and ... and in just a few minutes, it looks like THIS!” She pointed at the thick layer of dirt. “All my hard work!”

“It’s almost dinnertime,” Mrs. Cantrell said soothingly. “Why don’t you take a break to get something to eat, and you can come back after dinner to get the room cleaned up?”

Crying, Lisa bolted from the floor and out of Hawthorne, while behind her, Slab and Mrs. Cantrell chuckled. “I bet she thought she was going to get off easy for what she did,” Mrs. Cantrell snickered. “I bet she never tries to prank Mrs. Dennon again!”
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert
Last Edit: 4 years 10 months ago by elrodw.

Astrodragon’s Avatar
4 years 10 months ago #350
Astrodragon replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Hmm, so is the next step Invisible Dust Bunnies? :evil:
I love watching their innocent little faces smiling happily as they trip gaily down the garden path, before finding the pit with the rusty spikes.

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05 Sep 2021 01:06 #400 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #351
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
elrodw wrote: Since this was so slow, and since Morpheus and I were chatting and throwing out random ideas, this one hit me so I had to share it.

Lisa sighed, wiping the sweat from her brow, as she popped open the vacuum cleaner. Around her, the room looked mostly spotless, and she’d gone through four vacuum bags to try to get all the dust picked up. The hardwood on the floor was visible again, and though she was grimy from all the dust clinging to her sweat, she felt like she’d accomplished something.

Tying the bag shut, she wandered down the hall toward the floor’s trash bin. Behind her, she heard someone slam a door, but thought nothing of it; Thornies came and went all the time, like any other students. She had to get help to cycle the disposal chute, because the trash bin was so full, and then she went back down the hall to put away the vacuum.

She pushed open the door, eager to clean up so she could meet her friends in Crystal Hall for dinner, but she paused in the doorway, gasping in shock at the sight that greeted her. “But ... it was just CLEAN!” she practically screamed at the kid with a sloppy mop of hair in grungy clothing sprawled on the bed, a thin cloud of dust rising with his every move. A thick layer of dust already covered EVERYTHING.

“Are you sure, dear?” Mrs. Cantrell’s voice sounded in the hall behind her. Lisa spun, fighting tears.

“I had it all clean!” she cried. “And ... and ... and in just a few minutes, it looks like THIS!” She pointed at the thick layer of dirt. “All my hard work!”

“It’s almost dinnertime,” Mrs. Cantrell said soothingly. “Why don’t you take a break to get something to eat, and you can come back after dinner to get the room cleaned up?”

Crying, Lisa bolted from the floor and out of Hawthorne, while behind her, Slab and Mrs. Cantrell chuckled. “I bet she thought she was going to get off easy for what she did,” Mrs. Cantrell snickered. “I bet she never tries to prank Mrs. Dennon again!”

After supper, fighting back tears of despair as somehow even more dust had accumulated in the hour long break, Lisa was running the vacuum cleaner under the bed trying to get the last of the dust bunnies. Suddenly the vacuum cleaner whined and jerked to a stop.

“HELP ME!! I’M BEING EATEN ALIVE!” a girl shouted from under the bed.

Almost in shock, Lisa yanked the vacuum cleaner out and was amazed to see a tiny winged girl stuck up to her waist in the opening. She had on a little hard hat with a feeble christmas tree light, a little face mask, goggles and was absolutely covered in dust.

“Uh????” Lisa said.

“THANK YOU! I’ve been lost in that dust for over a week,” the girl said, managing to extract herself from the bristles. “I had to eat my map to survive after I ran out of rations.”


The fairy girl shook off some of the dust and flew up to give her a hug. “Dust asked me to find some stuff for him under his bed, but the dust was too much and I couldn’t find my way out. Whenever I tried to shout the dust filled my mouth and I couldn’t even squeak. You’re my hero!”

“I-I-I. You’re welcome,” Lisa finally managed to say.

“YUCK! Look at all this dust on me. I have to go and have a bath. If you ever need anything just come to Whitman and ask for Teri!”

Lisa could only watch in utter shock as the fairy flew off in a blur. Finally she was able to speak. “OK. I quit!” she said, letting the vacuum hit the ground as she headed for the door.
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #352
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rachael ran the brush through her hair. A year ago the simple activity would have calmed her, watching the elaborate brass hairbrush that showed a dragon staring down at a defiant princess, feeling the gentle pull on her hair, seeing her dark brown hair go from being a mess to something she could be proud to show off. Her hair had been one of the few things about herself she had been proud of, physically at least.
Now, with her pitch hair looking ink, moving like water through the bristles and her hands, she found her mind wandering.

The moving inky black patterns on her mottled brown, parchment like skin, seemed to be forming something almost like words in some foreign language. Her mind ached trying to decipher them.

Dropping the comb in disgust. her hair no different from when she’d started combing it twenty minutes before, she took one of the old books her uncle had left her. Carefully flipping it to the bookmark her fingers traced over the words that had to be at least two hundred years old. Her pure black eyes moved quickly over the words, trying to discover how she had been changed from a normal girl into the inhuman one that she couldn’t recognize.

elrodw’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #353
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Look, it’s not a lot to ask, is it?” Slab almost pleaded of the girl. “And we’ll pay for your time!”

Lynn, the girl Slab was addressing winced; she was only about 5’2”, a wisp of a girl, with deep blue eyes and wavy black hair. “I don’t know, Slab. I ... I’ve had detention in Hawthorne. Nothing personal, but I don’t want to risk that again!”

“It won’t be IN Hawthorne,” Slab countered smoothly. “It’s down in the tunnels under Hawthorne, and Thuban made sure Security won’t be anywhere NEAR the place.” He smiled down at the petite girl. “And you’ll be in no danger.”

“But ... I don’t know,” Lynn still hesitated.

“Come on, Lynn,” Slab begged. “It’s only three hours of your time. We provide refreshments and everything.” He could see that she wasn’t budging. “Okay, how much?”


“How much do you want?”

Lynn thought a couple of minutes. “Two hundred.”

“Done,” Slab replied immediately.

“Plus a bond of one thousand dollars if I get in trouble.”

Slab started a bit, and then thought. “Okay,” he said reluctantly. “I guess we can get Thuban to post that.” He smiled. “Seven-thirty, tunnel section J-24.”


Lynn met Jimmy T and Slab in the rocky tunnel, smiling. “Right this way,” Slab indicated, gesturing off to one side into a large room. From the noise coming from within, there was already a large crowd gathered, and more were coming behind here. As she stepped through the door, Lynn noted that there were very few who didn’t have GSD of one form or another, among them TK, Nitro, and Truck; she felt a little nervous being a pretty among all of the less fortunate students.

“Good evening, Sssprinkler,” Thuban hissed with a broad grin as he strode easily up beside her. “I’m sssso glad you decided to help usssss. Asss you know, thisss ssssection of the tunnelssss hassss few utilitiessss, so your talentsss assss a hydrokinetic and water manifessstor will be very much appreciated.”

“Um, no problem,” Lynn gulped as she replied. “Where ... um where do I go?” She glanced at several of the GSD girls in bikinis, including the Furies and Desdemona. She gulped again, nervously.

“Over there,” Thuban pointed toward the center of the cavernous room. “Dusssst has already done his part,” Thuban said easily. “You just add the water, and then we can get started.”

Lynn gulped again. How many of her friends were EVER going to believe this? She strode to the large roped-off square and gingerly climbed between ropes, shuffling carefully to avoid stirring up Dust’s fine, powdery manifestation. As she began to manifest water and stir it with the dirt, she heard Jimmy T over a loudspeaker.

Jimmy T’s voice boomed over speakers in the room. “Good evening, one and all, and welcome to the inaugural Faction 3 Mud Wrestling tournament!”
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by elrodw.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #354
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Good evening, Sssprinkler,” Thuban hissed with a broad grin as he strode easily up beside her. “I’m sssso glad you decided to help usssss. Asss you know, thisss ssssection of the tunnelssss hassss few utilitiessss, so your talentsss assss a hydrokinetic and water manifessstor will be very much appreciated.”

“Um, no problem,” Lynn gulped as she replied. “Where ... um where do I go?” She glanced at several of the GSD students sipping at their drinks, then winced when she saw Slab hoisting a keg onto a table.

“Over there,” Thuban pointed toward the corner of the cavernous room. “You sssstand on the outsssside of the sssscreen, and they’ll go on the other sssside for privacy. Bessssidessss collecting the... product, you’ll alsssso guard the sssscreen againsssst those who might want to take advantage.”

Lynn looked back and forth between the screen and the draconic boy. “I... I don’t understand. Collecting the product? I thought I was just here to keep things clean.”

Thuban chuckled. “That too, that too. But assss I ssssaid, we have few utilitiessss here. When we hire ssssomebody for toilet duty, we’re being rather literal.” His eyes flicked away from hers toward a tight-lipped girl dancing from foot to foot next to the screen and glaring at them impatiently. “Ah, it lookssss like you’ve got your firsssst guesssst already. Do try not to sssspill any. Bessssidessss the obvioussss reassssonssss, Larissssa is quite acidic, and repairssss to the floor do come out of your pay.”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #355
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Shisa laid stretched out on a bench outside of Crystal Hall enjoying the war sun. He cat ears flicked a little in the wind that pleasantly tickled them.

She heard some girls giggling, and opened her eyes a little to see what was so funny. But the only thing she saw were students minding their own business. Closing her eyes again she let out a contented purr.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, what seemed like dozens of hands, and things being pressed onto her. Before she could figure out what was happening the attackers were gone leaving her standing totally bewildered on the bench.

As students laughed at her, she looked down and she that she was wearing a ballerina’s tutu, her spotted grey fur was a hideous shade of pink, bows were attached to her tail, and licking her lips let her know that somehow they had put lipstick on her. Her eyes caught a quick glimpse of some young girls in sailor suits running around a building laughing loudly.

Unsheathing her claws, she began cutting the tutu into ribbons. Smiling to herself she began thinking about how Wondercute was going to pay.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #356
Sir Lee replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hey, Toni! How was China?”
“Later. That’s Chou’s tale to tell, I was just the sidekick.”
“OK, and the rest of the vacations?”
“Well... I spent a couple weeks in San Diego with Rip, learning to surf...”
“You? Took two weeks to learn a physical skill?” doubted Hank.
“It’s not all physical, Hulkster. I had to learn to read the waves too. But the actual getting up on the board was pretty easy.”
“How easy?”
“Well... Rip told me to be careful not to humiliate these two dudes, Kelly and Damien, who were like totally competitive.”
“’Like totally competitive?’ Are you sure you stayed in San Diego and not in the Valley?” scoffed Ayla.
“Anyway... on the way back I stopped in Kansas to meet Scott’s parents -- you remember that, Nikki -- before the two of us went back to Baltimore. I had lotsa plans for that. We were going to have a lot of fun, but...”
“But what?” wondered Jade.
“Well... Dad was restoring this old ‘Cuda in the garage, and as soon as Scott found out about this, the two of them spent the whole week with their heads under the hood,” she huffed. “I barely saw my boyfriend until the end of the vacations.”
“So... you had fun, fun, fun ‘til your daddy took your T-Bird away?” snarked Billie.
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Sir Lee.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #357
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Morgana was surprised to find a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties standing outside Circe’s office. She was even more startled when he addressed her in what seemed to be an Oxonian accent.

“Miss Jones? Ah, good, I am Mr. Young. Circe asked me to work with you today as she had to go attend to so emergency.” He smiled broadly, with a face so perfect and a manner so charming that it simply screamed ‘exemplar’.

“Ah, Dr. Young? Do you know what she had to go take care of, by any chance?”

With a wink, he answered, “Not doctor just yet, though I am working on it. And no, I’m afraid not, she tends to be tight-lipped about.. well, everything, really.” He paused, then went on, “I was going to have to speak with you eventually anyway, as a matter of my speciality. For reasons that will become clear, I am one of the more established experts on certain classes of Infernal beings, and my own... history, has led to me being a bit closer to those whom you have been involved with than Miss Mason, who is our other resident demonologist at the moment.”

This didn’t sound good to Morgana, and that must have shown on her face. He hastened to add, “Please do think less of me for that, I assure you I have no interest in calling on those sorts of forces myself. I have had enough of that for several lifetimes, thank you!” he chuckled a bit at that for some reason.

Dragonsfyre, beginning to warm to him, still was puzzled by... “Pardon me for asking but aren’t you a bit young - no pun intended -to be such an expert on this subject?”

Rolling his eyes, he replied, “I am older than I look, actually, though I did... ah, mature quite rapidly after an extended youth. You’ll hear enough about that later...”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #358
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Ta-an-ya!” Shisa said excitedly holding a camera awkwardly in her hand. “I need help!”

“OK, what do you need?” Tanya asked.

“Take my pic-ture! And help me put it on-line,” she said practically jumping up and down with delight.


“Cats are cool and pe-ople pay money for pictures! I can be a mil-lion-aire like grouchy cat!”

“Grouchy cat? That stopped being cute two years ago.”

“I know! So I will be hap-py cat!” Shisa shouted.

Tanya cringed as Shisa twisted her face into a feral smile that would scare children and send adults fleeing in search of pitchforks and torches. “I’m sorry Shisa, I really suck at taking pictures. Why don’t you ask Sequoia ahe can probably help you a lot more.”

As Shisa left in search of fortune and fame, Tanya got up and began looking for some brain bleach.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #359
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
OOC: This is a none Whateley scene from a Star Trek fic I’m writing, which sadly I like, but doesn’t fit the story right. So enjoy.

Jhamel looked over Nat as the Shen emerged from her ready room, the android’s sensitive audio processors picking up on the grinding of Nat’s teeth from across the bridge. “Not a productive conversation?” she asked rhetorically.

“Nope. Some data pusher refuses to change the ship’s name to what I had want, siting that they did give me the name that was on the paperwork, and to change it now I would have to sacrifice my first...” Nat paused, choking down the lump that had taken over her throat. She had sacrificed her first born to the service after a fashion... shaking her head sharply Nat changed up her wording. “We’re stuck being called the USS Arindelle thanks to someone filling out paperwork, while telling their kid Terran fairy tails.”

“Hey, at least they didn’t accidentally change it to something dirty.”

“True... still I had wanted to honor my city of birth.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #360
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Following the Path of Cute wrote: “Yeah,” Caleb responded with a wince as he bent over to see which picture Becky was looking at. It was a picture he’d taken of Lapin, though he could barely make her out in the background. Instead, there was a girl with purple witch hat, who was blowing a raspberry into the camera.

“This picture too,” Becky said, pointing out the cat girl who’d jumped into the picture just as Caleb had been trying to take it.

“Almost all of them,” Caleb admitted with a scowl of frustration. “It’s those Wondercute girls… They’ve been following me around, photobombing almost every picture I take. I mean, I think there’s nobody around, and then BAM…one of them gets in the way. And somehow, they keep ignoring my decoys and coming after me…”

“...Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Becky asked with a predatory grin.

“Yeah,” Caleb said as he aimed his camera at an illusion of Michelle wearing nothing but her hat and some strategically placed Hello Kitty stickers. “Payback’s a Twitch.”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #361
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
It was over! Laura had finally graduated! And it wasn’t without a few challenges along the way, either, though she did wonder why her friends seemed to have so many more issues than she did. She’d never even gotten ambushed once during her four years at Whateley. They said it was because God hated them, and Misty had insisted that “the great author in the sky” was using Laura to prove that he could be nice even as others suffered, but that couldn’t be it. It was probably because they just weren’t friendly enough, and people who aren’t friendly make a lot of enemies. To be fair, it had taken Laura practice to get the hang of being friendly without leading people on, but after that, most of her problems seemed to vanish. Other than the occasional bully, anyway, but they mostly settled for verbal abuse. They certainly never jumped out of the shadows at night and tried to kill her, the way so many people had with her friends. There were still those mysterious perverts who were always spying on her, of course, but they were harmless. Whateley was full of spy wannabees. If you weren’t getting spied on, you weren’t trying hard enough. It didn’t mean anyone was out to get you.

Screeching tires snapped Laura out of her thoughts. She’d been walking down the sidewalk in Kansas City, enjoying the cool night air after a celebratory dinner with her family, but now there was an unmarked panel van skidding to a stop in the road beside her. There wasn’t anything in the street obstructing it, so why was it stopping? There must be something wrong. Good thing Laura was a gadgeteer! She’d mostly specialized in electronics, but she’d picked up a thing or two about mechanics as well thanks to Tia and Hikaru. However, even before she could approach to ask the van’s driver if they needed help, the side door slid open and a pair of solemn men leaped out. She smiled and began to greet them, but instead of smiling back, they rudely gassed her and pulled her inside.

Laura woke up sometime later, mostly immobilized, and looked down to see an unfamiliar woman in a lab coat shouting in German and poking at her organs, most of which were now on the outside. Then the screaming began.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #362
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Laura looked around at the blood and gore and sighed. She hadn’t meant to do all that, but something inside her had snapped, it had taken almost meditating on her friends in Wondercute to push it back down inside her so that the smile returned.

Whispering “sorry” to those parts she thought once had been human, she delicately tip-toed through the mess, seeking out her clothes and her phone. She hoped that her friends would understand her calling them so soon after graduation for some help hiding the bodies.

Well, body parts. Grimacing Laura grabbed her phone and started dialing.
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #363
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Laura peered at the list of Winter classes. “This one looks interesting,” she said to her friends.

Guest Lecture Series
6:00-7:00 pm MWF
Lectures will include
“Making Heroing Profitable” by Big Dawg
“Dealing with Magical Debt” by The Emerald Witch
“Avoiding Collateral Damage” by Harry Dresden
“Managing Heroes with Mental Disorders” by Maxima
“Hiding Yourself from Powerful Enemies” by Kate Daniels
“Dating Outside Your Species” by October Daye
“Avoiding Suspicion with Obvious Disguises” by Edward Verres
“What to Do if a Previously Friendly Holiday Starts Trying to Kill You” by Velma Martinez
and more, depending on lecturer availability

Tanya glanced at the list, eyes widening as she read the lecture titles. “That last one seems a bit overly specific, even for this school,” she said at last.
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #364
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Arcanist Lupus wrote: Laura peered at the list of Winter classes. “This one looks interesting,” she said to her friends.

Guest Lecture Series
6:00-7:00 pm MWF
Lectures will include
“Making Heroing Profitable” by Big Dawg
“Dealing with Magical Debt” by The Emerald Witch
“Avoiding Collateral Damage” by Harry Dresden
“Managing Heroes with Mental Disorders” by Maxima
“Hiding Yourself from Powerful Enemies” by Kate Daniels
“Dating Outside Your Species” by October Daye
“Avoiding Suspicion with Obvious Disguises” by Edward Verres
“What to Do if a Previously Friendly Holiday Starts Trying to Kill You” by Velma Martinez
and more, depending on lecturer availability

Tanya glanced at the list, eyes widening as she read the lecture titles. “That last one seems a bit overly specific, even for this school,” she said at last.

“Running and Hiding from Pursuers” By Norville Rogers
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Astrodragon’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #365
Astrodragon replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Wearing your cape with style” by Astra
I love watching their innocent little faces smiling happily as they trip gaily down the garden path, before finding the pit with the rusty spikes.

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #366
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Astrodragon wrote: “Wearing your cape with style” by Astra

“No Capes!” by Brad Bird
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #367
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Valentine wrote:

Astrodragon wrote: “Wearing your cape with style” by Astra

“No Capes!” by Brad Bird

Demons and ghosts: knowing when they’re real and when it’s old man Jenkins in a realistic costume. By Velma Dinkley

How to run away in 5 dimensions. By Shaggy Rogers and Scooby Doo

How to lead your team into danger. By Fred Jones

Survival and escape tips when you’re a hostage. By Daphne Blake
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Domoviye.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #368
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Fiscal Security for the Evil Mastermind” and “How to Win Patsies and Blackmail People”, both by Thomas Townshend

“So You Want to be a Byronic Anti-Hero” by The Brigand

“Dealing with Hostile Relatives” by Carl Corey

“Imbuing AIs with Magic: Risks and Benefits” by Merle Corey

“Problems of Gender Identity in Paranormals” by Ranma Saotome

“Roundtable Discussion: Dimensional Travel for the Novice” with Merle Corey, John Gaunt, Aahzmandius of Perv, Ecila Mason, Simon Moon, and Lord Champa
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #369
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Natalie!” The principal barked taking off his sports coat. “What do you think you’re doing?!”

As all eyes turned on Natalie, who had no idea what she could be doing wrong, there were gasps of shock, laughter and jaws dropping, several boys and a few girls whipped there phones out and began taking her picture. Looking down at herself Natalie screamed and covered her apparently naked body. A random, almost hilarious thought passed through her head as tears of humiliation filled her eyes, ‘I really should have shaved my legs today.’
The principal’s jacket hit her shoulders and gave her a few seconds of dignity until that to disappeared. She could feel it covering her, and she could even feel her own clothes against her skin but it was completely invisible.
Crouching down trying to cover herself, she suddenly heard screams coming from all around her. Looking up, wiping away the tears she saw that everyone nearby was naked as well. Even stranger the lockers and walls had disappeared letting her see into the nearby classrooms. As panic set in and naked students ran for it, Natalie was knocked flat on her back revealing even stranger things. She could see through the ceiling onto the second floor where students were screaming in fright and holding onto anything they could as the floor had seemingly disappeared.
Feeling light headed and being battered in the crush, Natalie fainted.
Coming to in a hospital bed, Natalie blearily looked under the thin blanket covering her and saw much to her relief that she was wearing a gown. The sight of an MCO officer outside her door was far less reassuring.

GrimGrendel’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #370
GrimGrendel replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“The best thing about being me, there’s so many of me”

Among the dark room only lit up by Ayla’s huge tv, Jade sat there, surrounded by her friends, mesmerized by the scene in the movie. Sure the Matrix as a whole was good, but this scene spoke to her more deeply, as if it were made for her and her only. She drank every last line spoken by Agent Smith, her lips moving slightly as she uncounsciously repeated the words for them to really sink in.



“Oh, come on Ayla. It’ll be fun!”

“I said no. Find yourself another victim.” The movie over, Ayla walked over and opened the light of the otherwise dark room.

“It’ll take just a sec,” tried to argue Jade, her excitement palpable. “I say the quote, poke Jeannie into your skin, and she works your vocal chords to say the end of it.”

“Can’t you see I don’t--” He turned around only to find the little mischievous girl right behind his back. “What?! No, you--”

A finger poked him in the ribs, cutting short to his objections. “Yes, me.” Letting her power do the rest, Jade took a step back as Ayla convulsed for a few seconds, his skin tickled from the inside by Jeannie. No sound came from his mouth, Jeannie closing the chords until time was proper. “Me, me, me!”

Once the tickling stopped, Ayla glared at Jade, angry at being on the receiving end of the prank. He opened his mouth to complain, yet the voice that came out was not his own.

“Me too.” Ayla quickly brought a hand to cover his mouth, astonished that Jeannie had somehow managed to make him sound exactly like Jade. His eyes were throwing daggers at his friend, who jumped and clapped her hands in delight.

“That was perfect! Let’s do it again!”
Up for review: Magpies 1 - Flock (Part 1)

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #371
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Natalie blushed as the MCO officer, a woman thankfully, hirriedly looked away while continuing to enter information onto the computer. Looking down she saw that once more she had removed all colour from her clothes and even her hair this time, making them effectively invisible. Having it occur so frequently off and on for the last week she didn’t even bother covering herself, she just tried to relax and make her her stupid, useless and humiliating power stop.

“Um right, Fade” the officer said, focusing solely on her face, “if you could try to get your power under control, it’s time to take your picture.”

Concentrating as hard as she could with her eyes closed, Natalie felt something almost click. There was a deep sigh, and with a heavy y heart Natalie looked at the female officer who was completely naked seated in the air. The nearest wall had vanished as well, revealing a secretary standing guard pointing and angrily saying something to a person just out of sight.

“Try again please,” the officer practically growled.


With her clothes once more visible, Natalie stood in front of the camera trying to look serious and not cry. She’d gotten off lucky with only being suspended from school once she had convinced everyone that it had been an accident. She even had an offer from another school so she wouldn’t have to stay home for the rest of her life. Things were good, really good, sne just had to get her MID and try not to look like a total idiot, and she still had four months to practice controlling her power.

Things were looking up.

She managed to smile as the camera clicked.

“Oh FUCK off!” The agent cursed.

Looking down, Natalie whimpered in embarrassment as her breasts said hello to the camera.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #372
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Natalie stepped into the little waiting room where over twenty other teens her age were talking quietly, playing on some arcade games, or shyly looking around. From the strange eye and hair colours as well as things like tiny horns, unbelievable good looks, fur and other odditirs she could easily guess they were all going to Whateley. Her parents had driven her to Dunwich, none of them had wanted to even consider the consequences of a young girl travelling halfway across the country alone and occasionally ending up naked. But to ensure she could fit in with the rest of the freshmen they’d dropped her off at the Dunwich train station a little early to mingle and say hello.

Shyly she shifted her back pack and looked around for a friendly face.

As she passed one boy who had a coat that was covered in dust she sneezed.

All eyes turned to her and she could tell what had happened immediately.

“I HATE MY POWERS!” She screamed, crouching down to face the wall trying to protect what shreds of dignity remained.
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #373
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lady Mist carefully peered out of the bushes at the neighbours house. No one was around, the nearest neighbours were a kilometer away and they were blocked from view by the field of corn that stood well above her head. The neighbours had gone to some social group like they did every Saturday and wouldn’t be back for hours, but she was still cautious.
Finally satisfied no one could possibly see her, except for the scarred and evil dog which was her test subject, she summoned the thick mist that she had been practicing with for over a month. It poured out of her sleeves turning anything more than a meter away into half seen shadows. She of course could see perfectly. With a wave of her hand she sent it to cover the backyard. The dog started barking. She flinched and almost ran for it, having been chased by the evil thing everytime it saw her. Biting her lip she pushed the panic down and condensed the mist, watching it shrink, going from grey to an ugly yellowish colour. The dog tried to run away, she chased it for a bit splitting the mist into sections to corner it, then opening up an escape route, only to have it run into yet another cloud.
The numbing affect of the yellow mist made the dog stumble, it’s barking became less distinct, as it tried to run it fell on its face, making her laugh.
Focusing on the mist again, it shrank further becoming a greenish colour. She didn’t let it touch the dog which was lying on the ground, whimpering in terror. She knew this mist would only put it to sleep. That wouldn’t do, she still had some more experiments to try.
She knew her power had to do more than just that, she was special, when she used it she could tell that something was holding her back.
She brought back the memory of the dog chasing her on her bike, lunging at her, making her fall, than looming over her barking just inches from her face as she cried covered in blood. How it had stolen her favourite dolls when she’d visited with her parents and was playing quietly, the dolls had been ripped to shreds and she’d almost lost some fingers when she’d tried to rescue them.
The mist contracted more into something that would barely cover her bed. It was pure black. She lowered it onto the dog who whined and struggled to its feet to run away.
The mist was too fast.
She saw two images, one was the black mist hiding the animal from sight. The other showed the dog twitching and foaming at the mouth.
As it vomited all over itself, she made the mist disappear.
Silently, unable to speak or even move at seeing what she’d just done, Lady Mist watched the dog die.
Sneaking away, she swore to herself that she wouldn’t breathe a word of this new aspect of her power to anyone. Least of all the MCO or her new school. Still the thought of the power she now had made her smile.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #374
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Shisa slunk into Whitman’s computer room as quiet as a shadow. The few residents of Whitman were all asleep, but she wanted to have total privacy.

Turning on the computer her tiny fingers moved awkwardly over the keyboard. Getting to the correct site, she hesitantly typed in a name she refused to use. A gallery opened up on the screen, showing a happy young girl posing for the camera, sometimes alone, sometimes surrounded by friends. She clicked on a picture of a professional looking woman, a tab opened revealing dozens of photos of the girl and the woman in bikinis and towels having a grand time at a beach, boating, swimming and acting silly.

Slowly scrolling through the photos, she angrily wiped away the tears that ran down her fur.

GrimGrendel’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #375
GrimGrendel replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Matis ran to the meadow with all he had, every cell of his body pulling him toward his secret place, his safe haven. The last few days had the feeling of need crescendo to a spike until he could no longer resist the urge nor fight to keep it together. He needed to be there; that was what his whole life was meant for, he was sure of it.

Slowing down among the carpet of flowers, he stood still, awaiting the first rays of sunshine from the lazy sunrise across the hill, giving in at last to the feeling that inhabited him throughout the week.

As light hit his skin, a feeling of peace and belonging took him, even as his skin started to break away like dandelion seeds caught in the morning gale.

When the sun finished its steady rise in the sky, only a pile of clothes remained in the meadow, the boy named Matis dispersed to the four winds.


Every year thereafter, the meadow bloomed in the early spring, golden bell flowers poking out of the last layers of snow and standing tall and proud. The brush of the wind carried the giggles of the fairies birthing from the bells, and before the last hint of white completely disapeared the meadow buzzed with activity, the little pixies taking great care tending to the flora, driven by the echoes of a call long forgotten.

Marvels and mysteries occured in this place hidden away from praying eyes, until such a time the leaves turned red and the wind grew cold. At such a time, one by one the fairies gave their tanks to the meadow before vanishing into the last hints of daylight, their body melting into dandelion seeds carying the next generation.

Cycle after cycle, one wish remained fullfilled. The wish of a boy to be many and all where he once stood alone in the meadow that claimed his dad.
Up for review: Magpies 1 - Flock (Part 1)

elrodw’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #376
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The Underdogs looked up as a new kid wandered through the cafeteria, looking a bit lost. He paused by a table, obviously asking if there were any open seats, but after very obviously scanning him head-to-toe, they waved him on, laughing.

“Might be one for us,” Nate said to Sharpie. “No-one seems to want him.”

“Maybe,” Laurie agreed with a nod as the boy got the brushoff - a little more rudely - from another table.

“I wonder how many tables he’s going to try before he gets over here?”

Anna looked sympathetically at the boy. He wasn’t an examplar, that much was clear. He looked rather average, if one considered long stringy hair like a rock band member average. “Why don’t we ask him?” Anna said. “He might need friends, becuase, you know, he doesn’t look like he’s got any kind of special powers, and the Capes and other groups have already told him he can’t sit with them, so if he has weak powers, he’d fit in nicely here!” she babbled. “He looks like he’s nice, anyway.”

At that point, the boy looked up from the cafeteria maze and saw the table full of kids staring at him. With a glance around, noting all the other tables where he’d been denied a seat, he shrugged and walked over. “Hi,” he said hesitantly with a British accent. “Do you mind if I sit here?”

“We’re the Underdogs,” Nate pronounced. “If you have weak powers, you’d fit in with us.”

“What are your powers, anyway?” Teddy asked the obvious question. “What can you do?”

The boy shrugged. “Name’s Nigel,” he said.

The Underdogs introduced themselves, and described their powers. “But you haven’t told us what your power is,” Sharpie added.

“I’m kind of a freak - a power warper,” Nigel explained.

“I’ve never heard of that,” Anna said. “What does it mean?”

“I kind of ... amplify powers ... of people around me,” Nigel said, wincing. “I can’t do much except for that.”

“Sounds like you’ll fit in,” Nate said.

“Oh, and there’s something I need to warn you about,” Nigel added. “I’m ... a probability warper.”

“Probability warper?”

At that moment, another new student was walking beneath the third-tier when one of the Alphas tripped, falling face-first into a tray, which tipped, hurling a bowl of soup into Kodiak’s face. He flinched from the hot liquid, and as he grabbed at his napkin, he smacked his large plate of mashed potatoes, launching it over the railing.

The new student, hearing the noise on the third tier, looked up out of curiosity, just in time to get the glop of mashed potatoes right in his face. Blinded, he stumbled around trying to wipe off the smeared potatoes, but he tripped, and as he tried to regain his footing, he stumbled into the serving line, hitting Jana who was carrying a fresh tray of roast beef to put in the steam table. as he fell, it fell on him, and a large chunk of the meat, coated with gravy, somehow got into his open mouth, lodging in his windpipe.


“Damn,” Rhiannon said as the Doyle crew pulled a sheet over the boy’s face. “Who’d have thought a mushroom allergy could do that?”

“Now we have to look for another member for our band,” another boy lamented.

Nigel looked distraught at that bit of new. “Let me guess - he was your drummer?”

Sharpie nodded. “Yeah. Why?”

“No reason. Just ... asking.”

“By the way,” Headrush said, “you haven’t told us your code name.”

Nigel flinched. “Eleven.”

Nate and Sharpie gawked at the new boy, then Nate shook his head. “Figures. Now we’ll never be able to keep a drummer!”
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #377
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“So I have to ask; do you think Raven’s naturally a Barbie Girl when she’s blue, or is she just subconsciously modest?” Jimmy T mused from where she (and she was a she at that moment) was cuddled up with Chimera’s male side watching one of the latest X-men movies with the rest of the Thornies.

Her question earned the senior a round of “Huh?” looks.

Rolling his eye Chimera piped up “No nipples or folds when she’s naked and blue people.”

“Hey it’s something a shifter has to think about.” Jimmy said with a shrug.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #378
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
](Inspired by The scene where Diamond Back says Ms. savage wouldn’t allow a Kimba Cornerer setup in Whitman, in the story Call the Thunder by JG.)

Day 1

“Ms. savage,” Tink said, using her best puppy dog eyes, “can we set up some hammocks in the common room like they have in Poes’ Kimba corner?”

“No, I’m sorry but I think it would get in the way of studying and other people.”

Day 1, hour three.

“Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!”

“If you ask one more time, you have to clean all the bathrooms!”

Day 1, hour seven

“Bathrooms are clean,” Teri said. “Now about those hammocks, I can get some love!y pink ones.”

“For the final time Teri, NO!”

Day 1, Hour 15

“Ms. Savage, are you awake?” Teri whispered, creeping softly along the pillow.


“Oh goody! Can we set up those hammocks now? Ack!” Teri screamed as a pillow landed on top of her.

Day 10

“Oh we want a fairy corner! A fairy corner! We want a fairy corner, it would be so cool!” Teri sang as loudly as she could while sitting outside on the windowsill of Ms. Savages bedroom. She had been doing it for five hours and figured another two would make the cottage mother crack.

Day 39

Ms. Savage enjoyed the silence which had been all to uncommon for the last month. Getting Teri detention in the sewers was rather extreme but definitely justified.
As she tried to cover up the dark circles under her eyes, she heard splashing coming from the toilet.

A tiny black hand came out of the hole followed by a tiny body that was wearing a scuba suit and had a small air tank on her back.

It took out a small laminated paper traced something out with its finger and then removed the mask covering her face.

“Hi Ms. savage!” Teri shouted gleefully.”You would not believe how hard it was to fins the right pipes to get here. So can we set the hammocks up now? They should be here by now, I just need to have a quick shower and we can get right to work.”

Ms. Savage slid crying to the floor.

Day 40

“OK Teri how the heck did you get Ms Savage to agree to this set up?”

Teri, who was lying back in her miniature hammock in front of the window, smile?ed broadly, “I just asked a few times. It was easy. So when do you think Ms. Savage will get back from her emergency vacation? I have some other ideas to brighten this place up.”
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Domoviye.

mhalpern’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #379
mhalpern replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Somewhere In the Devisor tunnels
Laura comes across the expanded list of the “Guest lecture series”

“Okay will someone explain to me how this lecture series is possible?!! Ignoring the fact most of these are fictional characters, the list here would imply a few seconds per lecture!”

A fellow student in lab coat, “Oh that, that’s because its done with RIFFLES, Short for Reference based Intelligence For Future Lecture Experimental System, a few years ago a bunch of us tech types, divisors, gadgeteers, technologically inclined exemplars, cyberpaths, got together and decided to work out a way to get ahead of the lecture portion of class and built what ended up being a rather peculiar AI, it progressed from general class material to learning lessons and presenting lectures based on pop-culture sources, anyways a couple years ago the senior legacy was to build a lecture hall for it, its mostly simulated, save for when they actually have a guest brought in, so you can choose the lectures, your graded on papers based on insights from the lectures.”
Any Bad Ideas I have and microscene OC character stories are freely adoptable.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago - 4 years 9 months ago #380
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lanie sighed as she saw who was coming her way. “Listen, Connie, Ah know you’re an attractive gal and all, but there ain’t no way you and I are gonna have a kid together without gettin’ the help of some bio-devisor. Tell your old man to give it a rest.”

Conquest waved away the objection. “This isn’t about providing the great Galasso a suitable heir. This is about your power generator.”

Loophole shuddered at the thought of the Diedrick’s case who ran the school’s Physical Plant team getting his hands on something like that. “Ah am not helpin’ him out in another harebrained scheme to overthrow Carson, y’all hear me? I’ve had enough of his bull just from what he pulled in my freshman year!”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 9 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

elrodw’s Avatar
4 years 9 months ago #381
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The new kids were trying to mingle with the older students as they waited for Crystal Hall to open for dinner. It was only a week into the new term, and it was taking some of the more reticent freshmen a bit to get the courage to talk to the upperclassmen, and the knowing smirks many of the upperclassmen had didn’t help.

“So, do you know if there’s any musical groups on campus?” one of the new freshmen asked a couple of upperclassmen who’d been talking about music and favorite bands and such.

The sophomores looked at the fresh meat and chuckled. “Who wants to know?” one asked with a bit of a sneer.

The freshman cringed, but the other sophomore shook his head, laughing aloud. “Don’t let Sharpie intimidate you,” he said. “He’s just pissed because he didn’t get the music class he wanted.”

“Yeah, I have to take power theory. Power Freakin Theory!” Sharpie exploded. “With my power? Gimme a break.”

“I’m Chuck,” the freshman introduced himself. “And I’m interested in music classes too.”

Sharpie’s expression changed. “Oh? Do you play? I play a pretty mean bass guitar.”

Chuck smiled. “Yeah. I’ve been drumming since I was eight.”

“Wait,” Sharpie and his friend looked aghast. “Did you say drummer?”

“Yeah. I’m ....” He halted, gawking at the two boys, who looked around, then backed away from the freshman almost frantically.

“Drummer!” Sharpie called out, which made everyone else in the area back up.


In the metal shop, Hammermill didn’t notice the unusual smell as he worked at the anvil with his red-hot steel shooting sparks as he struck the bar with his hammer. He didn’t know that ‘Shine, eluding security, had stashed a large jug of his latest moonshine in the large vacant space under the heavy anvil. He turned away to reheat the bar, and as he did, he tripped.

The red-hot bar fell to the floor, and in a rather freak accident, his hammer fell right on it, sending up a shower of sparks. One of those tiny shards of hot metal flew through a tiny crack in the under the anvil, falling down into ‘Shine’s bottle.

One hundred twenty pounds of anvil exploded upward, propelled as if it were rocket-powered, crashing through the ceiling and roof, and it arced neatly on a perfect parabolic trajectory, topping out almost halfway between the metal shop and Crystal Hall.


Dr. Tenent sat in Mrs. Carson’s office, shaking her head wearily. “Damndest thing Ah ever saw, Liz,” she drawled. “If Ah hadn’t seen it, Ah’d have sworn it was a cartoon. Hit by a flyin’ anvil! What a freak accident!”

“I know,” Liz Carson said, nodding sadly. “Third one we’ve had, and this is only the first week.”

“Ah think y’all might want to have a talk with that new kid Nigel again,” Ophelia noted. “Ah’m goin’ t’ find ‘Shine. After that, Ah need a drink!”
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #382
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Brickbat wrapped his enormous bicep around his opponents neck, tightening it just enough that it would cut off any oxygen without actually breaking anything important. For a moment the other martial arts student, who was almost as big as Brickbats own 7 and a half feet, helplessly grabbed at his arm trying to remove the lock only to discover that it was virtually impossible.
Ayla who was supervising the sparring moved in to make sure that the student wasn’t going to pass out or be seriously harmed. Brickbat grinned as he could practically smell his victory.
Then the boys head disappeared.
For a brief second he could see into his opponents body, which seemed to be mostly white ooze, except for a small human eye and half of a pale nose, glaring at him from the center of the body. Shocked, his hold gone, and off balance, Brickbat couldn’t stop himself as his opponent explosively straightened his legs and pushed back, sending him out of the ring.
Punching the mat, Brickbat saw his opponents head reforming in seconds.
“Next time I’m taking your head off,” he growled.
His opponent smirked. “You already did, didn’t help you much did it?”

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #383
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“WooHoo! I’m a drummer!” Extra shouted, his three bodies all shouting and jumping for joy at the same time.

“Awesome!’ his friend, Backup said, clapping him on the back.

“Way to go! When can we watch your first performance?” Replacement, his roommate asked.

“Well,” Extra said, “they’ve been having a lot of trouble finding a drummer, so they haven’t had much of a chance to rehearse. But next month we should have a bunch of songs ready.” He paused, looking at his friends and his extra bodies curiously. “Why are we wearing red clothes?”


“Hey what happened to my favourite shirt?!”

“Oh crap. I’m really sorry, you should change. Like RIGHT NOW!” a small boy said, looking around worriedly.

“Why?” Backup asked.

Before they could get an answer a raging sabretooth tiger armed with cybernetic rocket launchers and a laser beam on its head came bursting out of the ground, mauling and slaughtering the redshirts in a matter of seconds.

“Aw, crap!” the small boy said, as the cyber sabretooth tiger died choking on a femur. “I thought I had it under control.”

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #384
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Nate carried his lunch over towards the Underdog’s Table and saw them all pointing over towards the big exhaust fans where Killstench sat eating alone. He looked for any sympathy, but even Winnie had a resolute look on her face. So he turned and trudged over to sit near Killstench.

Killstench looked up as Nate sat down, and opened his mouth to say something. He closed his mouth and simply slid his tray down to the end of the table away from Miasma.

A brief moment of sadness slid over Nate’s face, before he grinned and dug into his bowl of chili.
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Esar’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #385
Esar replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 – Morning
Devisor Tunnels, Whateley Academy

Peril strolled down the devisor tunnels, following some kind of golden brown spherical devise rolling on the floor. It was very thoughtful of his client to provide this mechanical assistant to help him navigate the maze of intertwined tunnels. Of course Peril had already begun to memorize the layout, after all even if he was not on the engineering track he still had a lot of contact with the plethora of devisors and gadgeteers willing to ask him for help to test their inventions. But still, a lot of them simply expected him to meet them in their labs, without really realising that others could easily get lost down here. Or maybe it was done on purpose, his mind was not really made up yet regarding this.

Anyway, Ayla had been right, as usual when his advices were about business. This term he had been contacted by a lot of technology-minded students, and even if most tests were not as exciting as he had hoped, it was still a way to make himself useful, entertained and rewarded in the long run. Often he was doing this pro-bono, but it was also a way to create a network of clients for latter. They might be currently viewed as nerds at the bottom of the social ladder, but in the future some of them would be the Bill Gates of tomorrow.

As far as he knew, the odds were currently against Bathos. Of course she was only a freshman and lot of things could happen, but she was mostly viewed as a harmless devisor in the grand scheme of things. Her devises were mostly generic and had not much uses as holdouts. A glove using static electricity to remove ingrained stains was not really impressive by Whateley’s standards. Her “spiderbot”, the devise that he was currently following, was her most advanced devise so far. And from what he had heard, she had only built the casing. Some other devisor had programmed the little helper. Obviously, Bathos being a poesie, it was in no one’s best interest to underestimate her. Poe’s usual craziness mixed with a devisor trait could end up badly for anyone who was not prank-proof.

As if to indicate that it could read Peril’s thoughts, the devise stopped and beeped. Fortunately for Peril’s peace of mind, they had arrived at their destination. Peril moved to knock at the door but was interrupted by someone yelling from within the room, “Come in.”

Without having to be told twice, Peril opened the door and was greeted by the sight of a small girl wrestling with a mechanical spiderlike arm that seemed to be as long as she was tall. She didn’t look more than 5 feet tall and her long unkempt auburn hair had motor oil in it, her lab coat was in no better state. Peril stepped in and put down the unruly attachment to rest.

“Thanks for the help. I bit off more than I could chew with this one.” She beamed him a winsome smile, wiped her hand on her coat and extended it in Peril’s direction. “Hi, I am Bathos.”

Peril shook it and answered with a grin, “I kinda figured that one out myself. I am Peril, I hope I haven’t destroyed the thing we were supposed to test today ?”

Looking abashed Bathos lowered her head and muttered loud enough for him to hear, “No, but it was the prototype for the next iteration.” When she looked up a shy smile was back, “Theorically nothing should go wrong with this one.” She grabbed some kind of backpack lying on the table. She sputtered under her breath, “Or else I’m toasted for the combat finals.”
Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Esar.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #386
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Hank looked down from the third floor of Crystal Hall as his brother Jay stomped over to the underdogs table. From the looks on the Underdogs faces, it didn’t seem like Jay would be a member for very long.

“So Hank, I still haven’t been able to figure it out and Jade only bursts out laughing when I ask,” Bunny said, “what exactly are your brothers powers?”

Hank broke into a grin. “You know those pretty flowers thathave been appearing all over campus?”

“No way!”

Somehow his grin got bigger. “Everytime he walks if he doesn’t control himself they pop up around him. Ayla is doing his best to make Blossom his code name.”

Bunny couldn’t help herself she burst out laughing, earning a look of displeasure from Jay far below, which only made her laugh louder.
Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Domoviye.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #387
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“So how’s Blossom doing?” Ayla asked with a smirk.

“I would have thought that was blooming obvious!” Fey got in the first strike.

“It certainly doesn’t seem as though he finds Whateley a bed of roses!” Chaka rose to the occasion.

“Yeah, far from flowering, his friendships seem to be shrivelling up!” Jade inevitably got in on the act too.

“You’re not going to stop them teasing your brother?” Charge asked Hank shocked.

“Not even Lily will defend my brother,” Hank replied unperturbed as he continued eating, totally ignoring Nikki, Tony and Jade.

“Lily won’t?” Charge asked stunned.

“I won’t what?” Lily demanded sitting down next to Hank.

“Defend Jay?”

“The only thing smelling of roses with him is the flowers he manifests, and I’m not sure it’s a mutant power either,” she muttered. “Just a rich soil of garbage and muck he carries around instead of a soul!”

“Gee Lily, tell us what you really think!” Chaka laughed at Lily’s disgusted outburst. “Don’t hold back, we’re all friends here!”
Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #388
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Ayla looked over at Hank, “What’s gotten ‘Blossom’ so pissed now?”

“Besides you buying the Powerpuff Girls so he could use that name?” Jade slipped in.

Hank snickered, then said soberly, “Kody and ‘Lanie asked him to be their Flower Girl, er Boy.”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #389
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Hank looked at the path to Crystal Hall that was covered in the pretty rose like flowers his brother created unintentionally. Unlike the usual patches of flowers the entire path was a river of purple.

“What happened here?” He asked Jade.

“Well, you know how Tink likes purple?” Jade asked in return.

“Yeah,” he said starting to smile.

“She asked me about your brother because he didn’t take her asking him for some flowers very nicely.”

“Oh no,” Hank said feeling a little glimmer of sympathy for his sibling. “You told her what a poopy head he is?”

“Yeah. She took it pretty well.”

The path of flowers expanded into a lake, the fragrance was almost enough to make his eyes water. “And how did she make all of this happen?”

“I told her if Jay didn’t concentrate he’d make flowers everytime he moved. She started giggling and rubbing her hands at that point.”

Hank winced in sympathy knowing what Tink was capable of.

“It wasn’t too bad at first, but then Jay did something really stupid. Even for him.”


They came around Schuster Hall and Hank stopped dead as a sea of flowers appeared before them. Mounds of flowers formed hills ten and even fifteen feet high. Students and teachers could be heard yelling for help. Security was trying to cut their way into the mess unsuccessfully. And very faintly Hank heard his brother sobbing, as a high pitched voice sang “I love you, you love me, we’re one big happy family.”

“Your brother called Tink a freak of nature that shouldnt exist and he was going to rip her wings off if she didn’t go away.”

“Oh god.”

“Yeah,” Jade said, “that was three hours ago. She hasn’t stopped singing or hugging, or dancing with her ‘specialest friend in the whole wide world’ since.”

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #390
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Enough of this!” growled Imperious, irritated at the way this snip of a Goddess was manipulating them all. “You still haven’t told us how you escaped The Foreigner. You weren’t trapped with the rest of us, so how did you manage that?’

Victor gave an unnervingly broad grin, and replied, “Dear Zeus, you know as well as I do that I was never one of your precious Olympians. Like most of the more, ah, chthonic spirits, I was a personification of a specific concept, and while I never was one to turn down devotion, I wasn’t nearly so dependent on worship as you. Who needs to believe in Strife and Confusion? These mortals see Discord all around them every day of their lives.”

“As soon as I saw that the Foreigner was attacking different Pantheons - oh, have you have spoken to Bast’s host here, no, of course you haven’t, that’s the same arrogance that made you a target in the first place - anyway, as soon as I realized what was happening, I lit out for the far North and hid. Several others did, too, by the way. You might want to look up Euterpe, her host is a freshman at Poe right now and even using the old name as her codename. But you? You lot just hunkered down in your temples and thought you could defend yourselves. Foolish, really.”

Jason face was bright red by this point, and crackles of electricity ran across him like St Elmo’s Fire. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #391
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
3 April 2014
Student Union, UNM campus, Albequerque, NM

Lindsey was waiting for Ray to meet her for lunch when she noticed something brush against her shields. At first, she assumed it was Ray trying out a new spell, but when she reached out telepathically for the sender, she found herself slamming into a strong - and completely unfamiliar - psychic defense, one which was distinctly female in tone, with no telepathic element but a powerful empathic one.

Puzzled, she started to look around, both mentally and physically, to see if she could locate the source. She was pretty sure that she and Ray were the only empowered students on campus - they had met a year ago last September in her first meeting of the Empowered Students Association, which Ray had been the sole member of during his sophomore year, so if it was a student, they hadn’t tried to contact either of them earlier.

The new person did seem familiar somehow, though, enough like Ray that Linds had a guess as to who it might be. She also noticed that the person was coming closer... very fast.

The flash of light above her gave Lindsey just enough time to switch from telepathy to PK as Ray’s sister, Kerry, came screaming down from the sky in a flaming heap in front of her. When her vision cleared again, she was horrified to see a massive cyborg standing over her, poised to strike at the prone, unmoving form of Seraphim.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #392
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Hoover Dam

Mindy walked away from the tour group, following her pet bunny Harvey, a holographic image of her followed her parents so no one would wonder where she had gotten off to. As soon as she was out of sight she touched a charm on her bracelet altering her image just enough to ensure they couldn’t identify her.

“OK, Harvey lets go to the control center,” she ordered the rabbit.

After a few moments a security guard came up. “Hi little girl, did you get lost from the tour group?”

Pushing her bottom lip out into a pout, she nodded, playing shyly with the hem of her pink dress. “No. I just really want to see where they make all the power, sir. Daddy says it makes all the pretty lights in California.

“I’m sorry, little girl, but I can’t show you that. But I’ll get you back to the tour group and they’ll show you lots of other cool things,” the guard said kindly.

“Oh shoot,” she said, her pout turning into a scowl. “In that case, Harvey, remove him.”

“Wha-” he didn’t finish, his words cut off rather abruptly as a large shadow loomed behind him. He didn’t have time to scream.


“Stop right there, miss,” a security guard said, wondering how a little eight year old girl had gotten so far into the dam. Then his eyes turned to the white rabbit who had wet red paws and what looked like ketchup spattered on his fur.

“Hi mister. Can you take me to the control center?” the girl asked smiling brightly.


Mindy skipped around the control room of Hoover Dam placing the last of her homemade explosives as Harvey played with last of the guards and technicians. Pulling what looked like a good size TV satellite dish out of her pink book bag, she placed it on the floor and pressed a button. for about five hundred miles in all directions TV screens turned to static for a few seconds before showing a picture of a hooded man, standing in the shadows.

“People,” a gravelly voice said, “I have taken control of Hoover Dam. If you don’t put 50 million dollars into this account,” numbers flashed on the screen, “I will blow it up. You have 30 minutes.”

Her task done, Mindy waited for all of thirty seconds for the phone to ring. Placing a metal clip on her throat she answered it. “Hi, no one is available to come to the phone right now. You have 29 minutes to send me the money,” she said cheerfully in her gravelly voice. “Bye bye!”

Hopping out of the room she headed back for the tour group which was huddled in a small visitors station for safety. Sneaking back in wouldn’t be a problem. She giggled as a small explosion told her someone had tried to enter the control center.
Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #393
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mika looked at her watch and sighed seeing it was time to go home. She was so much more comfortable in her little hideaway.
Standing the bed of fungus that cradled her softened her steps, her own pale brown Flesh looked more like a mushroom than human, far, far different from the almost ebony colouring she’d had before.
Her pets came to her, nuzzling against her bare legs, the gaping holes in their Flesh wad filled with glistening fungus that had revived them. The skulls were bare of skin and hair, mushrooms popped out of their eye sockets, long limber stalks wrapped around their jaws and formed tongues.
“Stay,” she ordered, not wanting to risk panicking people.

She took one last deep breath of the musty air, her newfound senses taking pleasure in the smells and took her leave.

A group of young thugs were waiting for her. Even before manifesting as an avatar the group had been vicious trying to make the neighbourhood as bad as the nearby ghettos.

“What do you want?” She demanded, her voice almost sounding normal instead of the soft whisper it usually was.

“Doing our civc duty and removing the bad elements,” Chuckles, the so called leader said, raising a gun.

There was no time to dodge or try to run, the bullet slammed into her shoulder, she screamed in pain as the bullet dug in.

Before another shot could be fired her pets came bounding out of their home, the bullets and blows of the thugs slowed them down but couldn’t stop them.

“Don’t kill them!” She commanded. “Just hurt them.”

Holding her arm which felt sprained and possibly broken, but amazingly unbloodied, she jogged home ignoring the screams behind her. Despite how comforting the fungus was she wanted her mother to hug her and tell her everything would be all right as she cried.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #394
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Mindy,” Mrs. Severn said striding over to an out of the way corner of the playground where various ‘toys’ were set up, “Timothy says you’re trying to experiment on him again!”

“No I wasn’t, I just said I was going to,” Mindy said smiling happily. “I really just wanted him to get you over here. I need to find out if my lobotomizer works on adults. Oh BUTTONS!”

A robotic dog jumped over the fence a large gun on its back. The gun went ‘Pew! Pew!’ the moment Buttons landed.

“Mrs. Severn what’s five plus five?” Mindy asked.

“...” went Mrs. Severn.

“Yay! It works! It works!” she shouted, dancing happily in a circle.

She suddenly stopped and slapped her fist against her palm. “Shoot! I’m going to have to fix her now,” she said, remembering that if another teacher mysteriously vanished, got maimed or went insane she’d be grounded even if they couldn’t prove she had anything to do with it.

“Buttons, go home and get my mind control necklace. I’ve got ten minutes left to rebuild her brain,” she ordered her robot minion.

With a salute and a little bark, Buttons rocketed through the fence heading for her lab/bedroom.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #395
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Abby carefully jumped into the ball pit making sure she didn’t accidentally hit anyone else. Even though she was a small six year old, she was strong enough to bend a steel girder by accident, and her Daddy had made it very clear that that was a bad thing.

As she tossed some of the pretty blue balls into the air, and only embedded one in the ceiling, one whole was simply vanished and a big robot dog, and a scary looking were rabbit came into the activity place followed by a big guy in a scary mask. She knew who the bad man was, he was the reason she and her Daddy were in town. They had come to stop the bad man who had stolen a lot of money by threatening to blow up a big dam a week ago.

As the children ran and screamed, Abby watched the dog go towards a man who had been busy writing on a computer while his children played.

Abby’s face scrunched up in anger. This was suppose to be her special day off just to play and have fun without having to beat anyone up and now the big meanie had spoiled it. Getting up she made her way to the robot dog, ripping through the bouncy net that blocked off the ball pit.

“You are mine now, Professor Smarty Pants!” the big meany shouted, not noticing Abby.

Abby grabbed the bad robot doggy by the tail swung around in a circle and let go, sending the doggy through a cement wall. “You’re a big meany! And I’m going to stop you!” she shouted, stomping towards the big meany.

“Uh... How did you do that?” the big meany asked, backing up a little bit.

Before Abby could answer, the big meany fired a missile right at her. She grabbed it out of the air and clutched it to her chest so no one would get hurt as it exploded.

“Y-you just took a missile to the face!”

Blowing out some smoke, Abby slapped her ear trying to get the ringing to stop. “Yeah, it was easy. Now you’re gonna get a fist to the face.”

The big meany looked through some of his pockets as Abby grabbed a big post out of the ground and peeled the foam padding off of it.

“Harvey!” the big meany shouted, making the were rabbit jump. “RUN!!!!”

“You come back here!” Abby shouted, as the big meany flew off into the sky followed by the hopping were rabbit and the dizzy robot dog.Seeing that she couldn’t catch them, Abby turned around to see the activity center in ruins, full of crying kids and panicked parents. She rubbed the tears from her eyes and sniffed loudly. “Now I’ll never get to finish playing,” she cried.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #396
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Students get hurt worse than that, every day during martial arts,” Carson pointed out. ( Imp 4: A Teacher’s Tail )


Mads “Metro” Jensen looked up from the new (-ish, a few coffee rings back) course listing, with that look on his face - the one reserved for new ways to add more recoil compensation to the sort of assault rifle he left ‘back home’. He leaned over into his lunch partner’s “personal space”. “Hej, scan this! They’re offering - I kid thee not - Underwater ...”

“No.”, his friend shot back. One might get the idea Thomas Hrafn Jensen was well aware of the mayhem his partner-in-crime was capable of. For example, he was never, ever, well maybe, going to suggest that a certain Thornie must have ‘chewed through the straps’ to get somewhere.

“But you didn’t even hear the rest of it!”

“I don’t have to. You lost me at ‘under’”

“Oh, really?” The arched eyebrow and smirking reply only rated a glower back. “That’s not what I recall from last”

“Goddammit, Mads. There’s a place and a time ...” The blush spreading across Thomas’ face undercut the glower more than just a little.

“You name it luv, I’ll be there!”

“Fine.” sighed Thomas, “Which class is it?”

“Underwater Basket Weaving! It’s offered as an art elective AND P.E. credit, so it’s got to be good.”, Mads pointed out.

“Unh huh. Right.” Thomas tried softening the cynicism a bit, “So where exactly does the class meet?”

“Starting out at ... Laird Hall, Indoor Pool 4. Oh.”, was Mads’ crestfallen response.

Thomas grimaced, “Trying out devisor sanitizers on your gills sounds like something your biologic parents would have tried.” He offered instead, “How about something a bit less painful and life-threatening than that - is there a firearms class that doesn’t that doesn’t put you, Eldritch, and SSGT Wilson on the range at the same time?”

Mads just nodded, chewed on his pencil a little more, and said, “Maybe? Maybe not. So that puts us both in Basic Martial Arts for 4th period, right between lunch and counselling, and on into Magical Theory. Ballroom dance in the evening. Agreed?”

Thomas said, “That sounds OK.” He paused, frowned, and then followed up with “I just agreed to a painful BMA class and a life-threatening Magic lab in lieu of electrocution, chemical burns, and drowning, didn’t I?”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago #397
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“What could possibly go wrong?”: a question encouraged by no known surviving Whately instructor.


As Elyzia Grimes left the infirmary examining room, she paused for a moment to shake her aching head. Her inquiries had resulted in a rambling narrative, courtesy one mildly-concussed student, not much inproved by the dry commentary from the other student who’d accompanied him to the clinic. She almost, almost, pitied whoever had that duo for Intro to Mystic Arts. The Three Little Menaces had cured her of that weakness.

Seeing the martial arts instructor awaiting a coherent explanation of what had just happened, she remarked, “I seem to recall Circe recommending a certain physical education and arts course be held outdoors this term”. At this point, she was ready to share her rapidly-developing headache.

“What bearing would that have had on today’s events?” Sensei Tetsuo Ito crabbed. To be fair, he was glad no one was badly injured or worse, but the head-start against last year’s damages was an embarassment.

“As I understand it, our Mr. Jensen’s aversion to chlorinated pools somehow led to him missing the part of the course description about SCBA gear being a requirement,” Miss Grimes explained. “Or, perhaps, the absence of ‘tasty fishiez’ to be caught in such pools. He isn’t entirely clear on that point, and we both should be glad he hasn’t further elaborated. Yet. Either way, he signed up for your course instead.”


“That brings us to: ‘The capture cage is a simulation for a device that can nullify your powers. I don’t care how that would be done, or whether it is even possible. You will act as if it is true.’ Does that sound familiar?” the mystic asked.

“Of course. Each class is introduced to the concept, without fail. You already know that,” Ito-sensei replied.

“To every one present, no exceptions?”

“Yes. Again, it’s necessary for our students to learn to adapt to all possibilities in a potential fight. Why?”

“Because in this case, your audience included a fire elemental that had already been summoned and channeled by your student,” Miss Grimes noted.

“Should not the spirit have then departed peacefully when the student entered the cage?” like before setting things on fire, the sensei barely left out.

“Not necessarily, as Sorceror’s Contracts can be very literal. By the terms you laid out, both were to act as if the summoner lost his powers upon entering the cage, thereby releasing the spirit, which then was bound by the agreement to demonstrate why losing control of a spirit can be a Very Bad Thing.”, supplied the mystic arts teacher. She continued, “Had the summoner truly lost control, the entire dojo could have been incinerated. That’s notwithstanding the water elemental Mr. Jensen did summon afterwards, before managing to slip on the newly wet floor of the capture cage,” Please, please, let this child not be in any of my classes this semester.

“So, then, we wouldn’t have to replace scorched and/or water-soaked tatami mats,” the martial artist groaned, already picturing future mishaps, “if he’d simply taken Underwater Basket-Weaving.”
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Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #398
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Teri flew across the campus trying to explore every single piece of it before classes started. She’d never been one to hide herself since the grocery store, but she still found not being stared at as she flew past pretty enjoyable. She was passing by the library when she heard something that made her blood boil.

“Hey fairy, looks like you’re sister isn’t here to protect you now.”

She looked down and saw a catlike girl wearing boys clothes staring a little nervously at three large boys. The girl was ready for a fight, but the odds didn’t look to be in her favour.

Flying down Teri got in the face of the leader who had used ‘fairy’ as an insult. “Who are you calling a fairy, you big troll! I’m a fairy and we’re totally awesome, so you’d better apologize to both of us right now!” she demanded, shaking her finger in his face.

“What the hell?” the boy said clearly confused.

Turning her head to look at the cat girl, Teri stage whispered, “This would be your cue to beat up his partners.”

There was a cat like roar and the largest boy started screaming in pain.

Teri didn’t have time to watch as a hand that was as large as she was swung at her. She shot forward, grabbed the boy by his nostrils and flew upwards, throwing him into a tree before he could stop howling in pain and actually hit her. By the time she got back to the fight, all she could do was watch as the two bullies ran away, minus their pants.

“The next time you call someone a fairy there had better be respect in your voice!” she shouted at them.

“Thanks for the help,” the cat girl said.

Spinning around, Teri gave her a big smile. “CAT GIRL! YOU’RE SO CUTE!” she exclaimed rushing in to start hugging her around the neck. .

“GAH! Choking! Can’t breathe!” the girl gasped.
Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Domoviye.

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #399
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Poe Cottage, Sophomore Girls Wing

Toni and Nikki were sitting around, and by sitting around Toni was treating her chair like a pommel horse, talking about their summers, when they heard a zip go past the open door. A moment later JJ appeared at the door.

“Hey Toni, Hey Nikki. How was your summer? I need to talk to you Nikki. I think I’m turning into a Sidhe.”

While JJ was inhaling Toni slipped in, “JJ you’re already a ‘She.’”

JJ stopped, and blinked, then blinked again looking very confused.

Nikki suppressed a giggle, “What do you mean JJ?”

“Not a ‘she’ Toni, a Sidhe like Nikki. Over the summer I was helping my mom, she has this great set of cast iron pans. And when I touched one of them it burned me. I remember you talking about being burned by cast iron. I told my mom about it, but she didn’t believe me.”

Nikki looked over at Toni, who visibly shaking while trying to hold in her laughter, “JJ was the pan hot? Could it have burned you because it was hot?”

“Yeah it was. That makes sense. Good, I didn’t want to turn into a Sidhe. No offense. Bye. I gotta go tell Tara.” And she zipped out of the room.

Nikki sighed and looked over as Toni fell onto the floor laughing hilariously.
Don’t Drick and Drive.
Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Valentine.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #400
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Be the students human, mutant, or other, some aspects of classroom education are near-universal. For example, there’s sometimes a warning shift from an ambient ‘We’re studiously pretending to be studying’ sound to noises signalling ‘Somebody’s in trouble!’ From the perspective of safety, this is generally more alarming in a Mystic Arts classroom than, say, English Lit. However, nearly every Mystic Arts instructor you’ll meet holds ‘Don’t Panic’ as a guiding principle and carries on with a solid grasp on emergency procedures. The exceptions usually die horribly during their first year of teaching.

If Dr. Ophelia ‘Caduceus’ Tenant had her way, ‘die horribly’ would also apply to powers testers who swear that the ‘Wiz-1 Esper-3’ lad in the back of her class is ‘mostly harmless’. But there it was, in the test results, in big friendly letters which they are going to regret. At least he isn’t poking whatever that is on the desk with a stick. Yet. Whatever it was, it certainly had no place in or on the lesson plan. It probably had no place in or on this physical plane.

“Mr. Jensen? Mads? Yes, you. No, there is no one behind you. What do you think you doing?” she carefully asked.

The tow-haired boy looked up, blinking. With a overly cheerful demeanor for someone who’d just been called out for slacking in class, he sing-songed “Giving scritches?”

The boy to his right started a bit as well, but recovered enough to drawl, “Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Before the interruption, Thomas ‘Valravn’ Jensen had been tracing a link from the creature to someone or some thing. Giving Mads’ lunacy more encouragement now was surely not what the doctor ordered.

The inky black quadruped on the desk blinked its disturbingly large yellow eyes. Then it stretched its neck out and over to stare at the humans that had dared interrupt said scritches as if to say ‘Damn straight’.

“Well then.” Thank the Goddess for headache medicine “Now that that’s settled, could you by any chance explain what you are ‘giving scritches’ to, and why it’s on your desk, in my classroom?” his teacher asked. She was sure she’d seen the creature on the campus before, but it doesn’t hurt to break students of bad habits. In this case, bringing unknown entities into the school and playing with them.

“Hm,” Mads paused in thought. “Aside from the lack of fur, or bones,” he then amended, “Not that not having those is a bad thing, now is it?” The human’s choice to continue scritching and petting was judged a wise course of action. “I’m tempted to say it’s someone’s cat. Did you go and lose your pet human?” he asked.

A few students laughed at the exchange, almost so normal as to be out of place here. One or two privately worried that ‘pet human’ may well be the correct term. But only the teacher and a few other people knew that no ‘cat’ had been willing to come near this particular child, without heavy sedation or psychic compulsion, for over a decade - contributing to his assignment to Hawthorne Cottage.

The student/teacher/eldritch horror tableau was soon interrupted by a head suddenly poking into the classroom. Some underclassman brunette with heavy-framed glasses asked, “Has anyone seen my cat, Schroedinger? He was playing ‘hat’ earlier, but ... oh, there you are!”

Once the baby shoggoth oozed off his desk to accompany its own human, the boy turned to his friend, “Hah! You owe me a tenner. There’s nothing like cold, hard,”

“I don’t recall any such offer,” huffed the taller, darker-haired boy.

“Of course, T, I’m perfectly willing to honor it by accepting service,” wagging his eyebrows, “in kind, so to speak,” Mads smirked.

Thomas was unmoved, “In that case, you would still owe me.”

“Would you consider ...”


Just then the bell rang, ending both the class period and the amateur Burns and Allen routine.

*ahem* “Gentlemen. My office. Now would be a good time for both of you,” commanded yet another weary Whateley instructor looking forward to the end of the day.

-- a short while later --

“Did it ever occur to either of you that cats or similar creatures might draw blood if they bite or scratch hard enough while playing?”


*sigh* “Mads, what parts of your class assignment were you working on before it laid down? Or did you get even that far?”

“Ummm. Practicing sigils?”

“Oh god.”

“Not helping, Thomas.”

“Sigils. Any sigils in particular?”

“Um. Well. I think I may have just finished a page of fire sigils.”

“Really? How about taking that page out and, let’s see. Here’s a sterile lancet. So what happens if a drop of your ...” *crash* *scramble* “... blood from a cut were to have landed on that worksheet.”


“With blood - isn’t that kind of cheating?”

“No, because unaltered human blood is not normally pyrophoric. Thomas: you can come out from under my desk now. Mads: do I need to explain further, the value of staying aware of how magical and other safety hazards can interact?”

“... No, ma’am. So if I handed a specially-monogrammed handkerchief to someone with a nosebleed? Or maybe a “

“Don’t even think of completing that sentence.”

“Both of you. Out.”
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Last Edit: 4 years 8 months ago by null0trooper. Reason: “big friendly letters” - thanks mhalpern!

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05 Sep 2021 01:06 #401 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #401
Cryptic replied the topic: Relections and Filters
I was inspired by this picture by Dan Shive: Tedd Mirror . It’s still a little rough yet...


Jessie ran his hand through his short cropped, blue dyed hair as he shambled to the bathroom that linked his room to his sister Ashley’s. She was off at Whateley School for Mutants, having manifested just before the start of the school year, so he felt no qualms about not bothering to put on a robe or checking that the door to her room was locked. Not that locking the door any more would really matter come Summer vacation, Jess thought as he stepped into the shower.

It figured his sister’s powers would turn out to be the ability to phase through things. Jess let out a sigh wondering how his twin sister could turn out to have powers and he didn’t. They had the same infamous father in Captain Condom. But she had manifested and he hadn’t. What could you do? Finishing up he stepped out and dried off.

Dropping his used towel into the hamper, Jess ran his hand over the mirror, wiping away the fog that obscured his reflection. He shivered as a vibration swept down his arm and through the rest of his body. Frowning Jess looked at his hand, noting that he really needed to trim his nails. Other then that his hand looked normal to him, so he shrugged it off and finished up. Walking back into his room Jess felt like something was off about his body, though he couldn’t put his finger on just what it was. Choosing to ignore the feeling he went to his dresser and pulled out a pair off boxer briefs. Shaking them out he lifted his foot from the ground to step into them.

Jess froze, wobbling on one leg as he took in the terrain below his chin. Modest breasts, their nipples stiff, jiggled as he wobbled. Past them he could see his body flow into a modest hourglass form. His legs where long and shapely; femininely long and shapely. The clencher, literally as he could feel the muscles in the region clench in a way he was unused to, was the vagina between those shapely female legs. Jess let his briefs drop and walked to his closet. Grasping the knob, Jess closed his eyes before he swung open the door.

Steeling himself Jess counted to ten before opening his eyes to the sight of...

...himself in all his male glory.

“The hell?” Jess breathed as he leaned closer to the mirror, one hand cupping a breast, the other going to between his legs. He could feel the breast in his hand, and some small part of his mind, one that sounded a lot like his sister, made note that the first breast he’d ever toughed was his own. His reflection mimicked his movements, but seemed to be squeezing nothing at all. The hand between his legs looked even odder as he explored the exterior changes to the landscape. The hand in the mirror was moving through a sparse patch of brown hair while he was feeling only smooth warm flesh. Turning Jess tapped his butt, feeling that it was now fuller, while in the mirror it really didn’t exist. In fact the hand in the mirror stopped before it made contact with flesh.

Resting his back against the door frame Jess ran a hand through his hair as he wondered what had happened. His sister had let slip that there where girls in her cottage that had started out as guys, but it sounded like those girls had taken, or where taking, time to happen. The gender change also seemed to carry with it a warping of form, leaving the nugirl looking less then human. They hadn’t been instantaneous like hers had been.

Part of Jess was surprised he wasn’t freaking out by this turn of events even as his hands ran up his tight stomach to his modest breasts. The phrase ‘more then a hand full is a waste’ ran through his thoughts, and his where a nice handful, a lot like her sister’s. Meaning that a sports bra would let him pass as a guy, something Ashley had done more then once. While he and Ashley where fraternal twins they looked enough alike, prior to her manifestation, that they could pass as each other with a little work.

“I should probably call mom. She’ll have some clue...” Jess said out loud as he ran a hand through his hair again. “After I get dressed.” he added after a moment. Pushing off from the door frame Jess strutted... That had been what was different in his walk! There was a sway in his hips and a bounce in his walk! He was walking like a girl!

“Ash is so gonna laugh her ass off over this.” he grumbled as he passed through the bathroom and into Ash’s room. “Woah... I hope she’s keeping her dorm cleaner then this.” he breathed taking in Ash’s mess. He wasn’t sure what pile of clothing was clean, and what was dirty, and those piles where mixed in with books and the other possessions she had chose to leave at home.

Picking his way carefully through the chaos Jess was relieved to see that their mother had left a basket of clean clothes by the main door. It was only after he had stepped into a pair of light blue boy shorts, and was fumbling with the matching bra, did Jess pause to wonder why he was raiding Ash’s things instead of putting on some of his own clothing. The wondering wasn’t enough to prevent him from slipping on a jean skirt and a white t-shirt.

Blinking he smoothed the skirt over his thighs realizing the skirt and everything felt so... right some how. Blushing he moved over to Ash’s closet, pulling it open with some difficulty. He blinked as her mirror came into view, as the reflection wasn’t what he had been expecting. Instead of reflecting an image of him in an outfit he though was cute, his naked male form stared back at him.

“The hell?” he muttered as he touched the silvered glass.

A shiver went through his body, and the reflection blurred for a moment, then reflected a cute girl with blue hair, and soft curves wearing the outfit he’d just put on. Somehow the reflection looked amused as she took in his nakedness.

“Ok, seriously, the hell?”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #402
Domoviye replied the topic: Relections and Filters
“What’s going on?” Kayda asked Danny.

“What do you mean?” Danny asked in return.

“You’ve got three girls petting you, you’re kitty boy again, but you’re happy and confident. What the heck happened to my miserable little brother?”

Danny grinned and hugged the three girls closer to himself. “I have discovered sex, learned what an orgy is and understand that whipped cream is not just for pie. No longer am I a cute kitten boy. Now I am a sexy cat god of LOVE!”
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Domoviye.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #403
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I’m probably going to burn in H-E-double hockey sticks for this.
Domoviye wrote: He’s the sexy cat god of LOVE, the three girls are anyone he wants.

“Next up in the Crash: Pounce the Tomcat vs. The Power Cats.”

“With this matchup, we can look forward to more visible cleavage and pounding action than we saw with The Monkey Strokes”

“Even with brain bleach on hand, I’m not touching that, oh Greasy One.”

“Neither were The Grunts, thank heaven for long-range missiles.”
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Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #404
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Kayda knocked once waited a second and stepped into her brothers dorm room only to stop dead in her tracks with her jaw somewhere around her belly button.

“I-I’m a sex- sexy cat god of l-l-love,” Danny stuttered, he was in full cat boy mode and was wearing a pair of tight jeans that hid ABSOLUTELY nothing.

“NO! NO! NO!” a purple winged fairy shouted, slapping a twig into her palm. “How are you going to go from a pet kitty boy for the ladies into a stud muffin, with an attitude like that?” she demanded. “Now stick out your chest, get that testosterone of yours flowing and try it again from the top!”

“I’m a sex- AAAAHHHHH!” Danny shouted as he saw Kayda, trying desperately to cover himself.

The fairy flew to the door looking furious. “No visitors while the love doctor is at work. You can get your turn at him after I’m done whipping him into shape!”

Kayda just blinked in astonishment as the door slammed in her face. “Uh? What? Who? Why?” The bizarre scene began to replay in her mind only to stop in horror at what she’d just seen. “Brain bleach. I need brain bleach,” Kayda told herself. “Lots and lots of brain bleach.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #405
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Starlette cruised high over Regina on a brilliant star shaped manifestation that was the size and feeling of a beanbag chair., revelling at the joy of being a superhero in a town where very little ever happened. Sure just helping out the police with basic crimes and getting into one or two Parahuman fights a year wouldn’t make her famous, but she probably wouldn’t end up dead either. After she was done college she could see about moving to Vancouver or Toronto to play with the big shots. For now the clear skies of her prairie home were enough for her.

The peaceful night was shattered by the sound of metal breaking and crumpling. Jumping to her feet Starlette pushed her manifesting into a steep dive hoping to reach the accident before anyone was too badly hurt to save. Her mind was already going over her first aid training and guessing at the most likely injuries for a car accident.

She gasped at seeing six figures standing in the middle of the busy street surrounded by dead bodies.

The largest one, wearing a pitch black body suit picked a car up in one hand and threw it at her as easily as a beach ball. Instinctively Starlette veered to the side easily avoiding it, then the blood drained from her face as she saw the people!e screaming inside the vehicle. Stars appeared around the car slowing it down, desperately trying to save the people from a deadly landing. Even as she struggled to handle the weight and momentum she hit her radio. “Starlette here, need immediate back up, The Savage Six are -”

She was thrown off her star as another car slammed into her. A small star appeared around her hand keeping her in the air. Her eyes widened in horror as the two airborne cars hit the ground, the people in the first car might have survived, the other one...

She let her anger at the senseless murder overpower the grief and horror. Filling the air between her and the A list supervillains with small razor sharp stars, she sent them flying in for the kill.

Monolith waded through the razor storm as the rest of the Savage Six casually walked away intent on their own missions of death.


Rescue crews dug Starlette out from under a transport truck that was embedded in the side of a building the next day. She was cradled inside one of her stars which had kept her alive.

As they eased her onto a stretcher she regained conscious, moaning in pain from the multitude of injuries.

“D-did I slow them down?” She asked faintly.

The paramedic looked away, trying to ignore the wails of ambulances and desperate shouts for help and construction equipment to rescue survivors in the rubble. “Yeah, you slowed them down until help could arrive,” he finally said.

It looked like she was trying to say something but after a few seconds she fell back into unconsciousness, a tiny glimmer of a smile on her lips.
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Domoviye.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #406
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
2016 Sept 26, 3rd period
Laird Hall

Once the students had returned to an orderly lineup at the end of the warm-up stretching exercises, Tolman-sensei started by saying, “Charger, I would like you to spar with someone I have brought in for today’s class. The rest of you watch and be prepared to tell me what Charger did well with and what he could have done differently.”

With this, a diminutive white-haired girl who looked to be one of the junior high students stepped up into the ring opposite Nick. A few of the students snickered, but a few who seemed to recognize her were puzzled.

Turning toward Charger, Tolman continued, “You opponent today is codenamed Ribbon. She is much smaller than you, so you might expect to be able to use your size against her, but you may also find your size makes it harder to reach down to get at her. You both will be free to use full power.”

Once they were both in position, Tolman called, “Hajime!”


As the stunned Nick Brennan, Jr. shook his arms and legs out once the ribbons he’d been bound with dematerialized, Tolman addressed the rest of the class. “In case you haven’t noticed, the point of this demonstration was that you cannot afford to take anything for granted when facing a an unknown opponent, especially one whom you would expect to be weaker than you are.” Turning to the undersized fighter, she said, “Thank you Miss Morgan, you can go now. I know Dr. Aranis wanted you back at his office as soon as possible.”

With that, the child-sized grad student gave her former teacher a proper bow and trotted off to the female teachers’ lockers, an amused smirk on her face.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 3 years 10 months ago #407
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
2007 August 29, 12:15 PM
Crystal Hall

“Man, this sucks.” sulked Clover. “I was really looking forward to rooming with you, too.”

Irene nodded, agreeing whole-heartedly. “Anyway, they already have me in my room in Poe and everything. Stupid parents.”

“Yeah, but, I mean.. is it for real?” said Bethany, sort of cautiously.

“What, that I’m crazy? No way!”

“No, the thing about, uhm, you being inta girls and all.”

“Oh. Yeah, yeah, sorta I guess,” Palantir let her eyes drop. “I mean, I kinds like guys too, I guess, and... I mean, me’n Missy were just playing around! They didn’t haveta freak out about it!”

Irene had already explained how her mother caught her and her old friend Melissa kissing in her room back a few weeks ago, and how both her folks totally had a cow over it. Suddenly, she started crying, and shouted, “I hate them!”

Bethany just looked at her for a moment before whispering, “At least you still got them...”

Palantir’s eyes went wide as she remembered about Abracadabra’s parents, and how they had died in a car crash when she was just little. “I, I... oh man I didn’t..” she stammered.

Then, in the accidental way she often does, Estelle defused the situation by musing out loud, “Hey, if I tell’em I like girls too, would they let me room with you over at Poe?”

Bethany stared at Clover for a moment, then said, “You dummy! They don’t put you in Poe for being gay, they put you there because they think you’re nuts!”

Irene, feeling the spell Mrs. Horton put on her to remind her not to spill the beans, bit her tongue. Finally she said, “Yeah, my folks were totally insisting that it was the school’s fault and demanding that the school do something to ‘fix’ me, even after Mrs. Carson said there wasn’t anything to fix, but my Dad was making such a ruckus they finally gave in and put me there as a ‘helper’ just to shut’em up.” She didn’t mention how Mrs. Carson had pulled a fast one on her folks about that, either.

“Oh, oh yeah.” Clover finally said.

“That doesn’t really sound like Carson, though, does it? I mean, she’s a real superhero and really strict. Why would she do that?”

“I guess she figured it was better’n my folks kicking me out of the house,” Irene said with a shrug. She could still feel the bite-your-tongue spell, so she didn’t say anything else about that. “Anyway, like I said, I kinda like boys too, right, so it can’t be all that bad. Did I tell you about the really cute cat boy they got in Poe now?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 10 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #408
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mid September 2007: Sim Briefing Room 2:

Sgt. Wilson sat casually on the desk in the front of the room, and looked out over the three teams in front of him, The Grunts, Star League Jr. and Team Kimba. “So I guess you’re wondering why I’ve asked you to meet here today.”

Jade piped up first, “Is it because one of us is the killer?”

Sgt. Wilson chuckled, “No. Have you killed anyone lately?”

“Not since last Christmas.”

<(Phase) Not now Gen.>

Everyone was staring at her, “Well it was only fair, they killed me first.”

Sgt. Wilson cleared his throat, “Continuing on. We’re here to discuss Lancer. As I understand it, he’s a member of all three teams and we need to clarify when he’ll be participating in Sims for each team.”

Dredz spoke up, “Hey... knock a self a pro, Slick! That gray matter backlot perform us DOWN, I take TCB-in’, man!”

Sgt. Wilson stared at him blankly, everyone else in the room looked at him like he was crazy. Finally Wallflower spoke up, “Wait, I speak Jive.”

Before anyone else did anything, she slapped Dredz in the back of the head and said, “Speak normal English or I’ll tell Alakazam you’re deeply in love with her.”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #409
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“In the third such incident this year, the Knights of Purity and supporters of Humanity First! clashed with members of the Easterbury Church, who were picketing the funeral of a slain member of the Goodkind-backed Knights. In a statement made after the incident, Reverend Philby, the leader of the church, reiterated the Church’s position that all superhuman powers, including advanced technology, are the result of Satanic pacts. He was quoted as stating, “Everyone knows that these so-called ‘mutants’ are demons whom the Goodkinds themselves summoned from Hell. These ‘mutants’ are no longer human, and neither are the Goodkinds or their Infernal servants.’”

“He furthermore announced the church’s intention to repeat an earlier protest to be held out outside of the Santa Clara headquarters of Intel Electronics, and renewed their claim that silicon chips are actually engraved with Satanic runes which control the minds of their users. Members of the church are forbidden to use any electronic equipment, including those embedded in modern automobiles and other machinery.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #410
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tom slipped invisibly into his apartment and after making sure the curtains were closed released the invisibility spell and slipped off his superhero mask. The night had gone well, he’d stopped five muggings, a potential corner store robbery and scared the crap out of a young drug dealer. Now he just wanted some munchies, a long hot shower and a nice warm bed. He should also call his girlfriend let her know he was all right after his patrol, he wasn’t in the mood for much action but she might be willing to come over and spend the night.

Going into the kitchen he stopped dead, his face turning white.

His fridge was open and what looked like blood stained the floor. Moving forwards he saw a thin hand hanging down, blood was congealed on the fingers and palm.

“Amanda,” he gasped, rushing to open the fridge, praying it wasn’t too late.

As the fridge door swung open Tom once more stopped dead.

“DUDE! I’m sorry about your ketchup! I totally messed up my entry!” his best friend said.

Tom shook his head in complete awe at the situation. “Ed, how did you get into my fridge?”

“Well, ya see” Ed said, waving an empty liquour bottle around. “I was having a drink and I thought to myself, self your buddy Tom needs to loosen up. So I got a bottle of vodka, some orange juice and aimed right for your kitchen table. And I missed.”

“Why the hell didn’t you get out of my fridge?”

Ed shifted a little, which was really difficult to do since he was crammed into a small fridge sitting on and covered in ruined food. “Well I thought to myself, self I really should get out of this fridge. But I was feeling a little hot and I never realized that hamburger buns could be so comfortable to sit on. So I had a little bit to drink and settled down for a nap.”

“I hate you sometimes,” Tom muttered.

There was a flash of light and Ed disappeared, only to reappear ten seconds later, still covered in food but with two full bottles of vodka and orange juice in his hands. “I know what you need. A drink.”

Sighing Tom grabbed two large glasses from the cupboard. “Yeah, I really do. Fill me up.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #411
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Buck Swift, Boy of Tomorrow strutted into Crystal Hall followed by a rather pretty girl who could have been his sister. She was looking at everythign rather excitedly glancing every few seconds at a blocky type object with a mini radar dish attached to it.

Grabbing a lunch tray he handed one to the girl and pointed her at the food and then a table across the cafeteria where some of his friends were sitting.

The people at the table watched in confusion as he grabbed a burger and walked over to them.

“Who’s the girl? You’re sister?” his roommate asked.

“Nope, she’s from another dimension. We accidentally did something that opened up a wormhole and here she is,” Buck said.

“So why does she look so much like you?”

“She is me, kind of. Just with XX chromosome instead of XY.”

“Uh huh. So she didn’t try to kill you or anything? Because in a lot of science fiction alternate dimension clones usually try to kill you or drag you off to fight some really bad people and save their dimension.”

“Nope, we took the third option.”

“Third option?”

“We had sex,” Buck said proudly.

Buck’s roommate and friends looked at him strangely. “But she’s you.”

“Exactly, we’re a perfect match. And she’s hot!” Buck said.

The people at the table looked at each other and quickly decided they wanted to be somewhere else.

“What, I’m a total babe!” Buck shouted.
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Domoviye.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #412
Sir Lee replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Ms. Gillman, we normally don’t allow pets on campus, but since a teacher vouched for you, we are allowing it under the ‘familiars’ exception,” Ms. Hartford conceded grudginly. “However...”
“You are still responsible for the usual pet-related chores -- feeding, cleaning, getting your cat a license and shots...”
“But it’s not really a cat, it’s a...”
“It presents as a cat, so it will be treated like a cat,” smirked Hartford.

Dunwich Humane Society offices, Saturday.
“...I see... and which breed or cat is yours?”
“Poodle? That’s a dog breed, not a cat breed.”
“No, p-u-d-d-l-e.”
“I’ve never heard of this breed. Must be pretty rare. Do you have any documentation to verify that?”
“Just... look at him.” And, in fact, the baby shoggoth had relaxed into its liquid form, resembling a dark puddle of some oily substance.
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #413
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
An exasperated Amelia Hartford stopped and saved her work for what had to be the hundredth unwanted interruption that day, “Yes. What is it now?” she asked as she turned to the latest whining pleb.

“Good afternoon, Ms Hartford. I trust your day has been going well?” The Assistant Headmistress’ attitude in that moment had absolved Elyzia Grimes of whatever guilt she may have held. With a bit of luck, this could prove an object lesson to some of the program’s students as well.

“Administration is working on a tight schedule and limited manpower, as you well know.”

“Indeed, that is why Ambassador Rythax and Merlin only desire a few minutes of your time, in private, to discuss inocculations. I believe ‘It presents as a cat, so it will be treated like a cat’ was the example used in your earlier policy statement?” Pausing to let implications sink in, “By the way, Caduceus ran cross-check of your shot records against a randomly-selected student’s. It seems you are delinquent on quite a few vaccinations yourself.”

“Exactly how randomly, need I ask?” Hartford replied, trying to ignore the tandom growling nearby.

“Clover picked the name out of a hat,” Grimes smiled. It’s hard to get more random than Clover. “Did you know that Metro was completely up-to-date from the last time he visited Africa? His employer at the time was very, very thorough.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #414
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Now listen up mutant,” the H1 leader said. “We’re not all cruel here, we were just trying to get rid of a mutant who had hurt some of the local boys when you interfered. If you tell us where he got to we’ll let you go with a warning. Otherwise...” he nodded at the gasoline soaked logs that surrounded the H.

The mutant seemed to think about it for a few seconds, his breathing was quick, almost panicked and there was a wild look in his one visible eye, the other was swollen shut. Then he spit right in the leaders face.

“Well, they can’t say I didn’t make the offer,” the man said, taking out a handkerchief to wipe his face as he walked away. “Light him up!”

Lit torches were thrown onto the pile, and the mutant was surrounded by a bonfire that seemed to leap up covering him from head to toe. Almost inaudible because of the roar of the flames the mutant moaned and scream.

The leader covered his nose and mouth with his arm, not wanting to smell the coming stench. He had never had the pleasure of being at a burning, and he desperately wanted to be somewhere else, but that wouldn’t do if he wanted to keep his position. So when he was well back from the flames he turned to watched.

The flames seemed to dance, moving unnaturally as the mutant raised his burning hands over his head. The screams turned to laughter. Fire lashed out engulfing the two guards who had their rifles out ready to shoot. The H1 members screamed, some scrambled for their weapons, others tried to run. The leader could only stare in horror as the mutant stepped forward and flames reached out for him.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #415
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Should not Do lists are something we should not give my Muse...

Things Mr. Welch Is Not Allowed to Do in an RPG
2344. Every time the catgirl fails a skill check, I won’t spritz her with the water bottle as punishment

“Hey Molly, can you help me with my elemental summoning later?” Kayda asked as Molly made her way through the new halls of Poe taking in the changes while on her way to Choe’s room.

“Um, sure. But I thought you where pretty good at summoning spirits.” the bespectacled girl quizzed.

“Kinda sorta. I do better with Lakota spirits, not the...” Kayda paused to chose her words. “More abstract types.”

“Ah, ok. So why do you need elemental summoning anyway?”

Kayda let out a sigh. “I want a water elemental to follow Danny around to spritz him when he gets into something that might hurt or kill the cat. Or get it detention.”

“Mmmm might be easier to make a spritz bottle equipped drone or something. Jade can whip you up one. I think she’s managed to get things to last 24 hours over the summer.”

“Yeaaaah... No offense Molly, but you’re the only member of Wondercute I trust to help with this after the other members tried to press gang him into the group.”


Things Mr. Welch Is Not Allowed to Do in an RPG
2016. While extremely cool, my superhero needs something more than just a gun that fires badgers at people.

Cait stared in shock at the weapon that one of the new crop of gun bunny work shoppers had brought in. “Why in the love of all that is Holy are there cages of rabid badgers being brought onto my range?” she growled as she moved out from behind the counter that she had been manning in her role of range assistant.

“They’re the ammo.” the kid said proudly as he hefted the monstrosity that make Cait’s inner Artifacter cringe.

“No. Just no.”


Things Mr. Welch Is Not Allowed to Do in an RPG
2061. Note to self: Pinata golems are a bad idea

“Damn it Jade, quit screwing around with the pinata! This isn’t funny any more!” Lindsey complained as the dragon shaped construct the rest of Wondercute had made her for her birthday chased Pern around the room.


1513. I will not shoot a Great Old One just to say I did it.

“Um, excuse me Mr Gothmog... but can I shoot you just so I can say I have? It would give me a lot of street cred with the Goobers. And I think they’re the reason your daughter is missing...”


2059. Even if I no longer lose SAN around them, no domesticating nightgaunts.

/It says a lot about my life and were I live when seeing two bound Nightgaunts at the entrance to my new school doesn’t phase me/ John Loki Stevens thought as he unpacked in his room in Twain. /maybe I should tell someone about that so I can get a transfer to Poe. Nah, I think I’ll study the bindings and see if I can manage it myself,/


2100. No matter how big these sewers seem to be, we aren’t finding a Shipley’s Donuts down here.

“Are you Jadis Diabolik?”

Jadis sighed and with out looking up from her book pointed to a sign that read ‘If you have a beef with my father, take a number and leave a note with the pertinent details and someone might get back to you.’

“Ah, no. I’m not here about your dad.”

“Really?” the scientist’s homely daughter asked perking up to study the freashthing who had interrupted her reading.

“I was wondering if I could rent some space in the tunnels to open a New Hampshire branch of the Frying Dutchman. I figure with the amount of coffee the devisors drink, they need sweets! I’ll cut you in on the profits...”


2120. Elves Drow do not squirt ink out of their nipples as a defense mechanism.
2121. Elves Drow also do not secrete a foul tasting oil when threatened.

Jobe eyed the slip of paper someone had a fixed to his lab door. “I don’t see the point of the ink squirting, but a fear sweat based defensive measure isn’t a bad idea..”


2123. No regifting cursed items on Christmas.

“Hey, which do you think the Rev would have a bigger fit over when he opens it on Christmas?” John asked Jericho who was the only one willing to sit near the DPA agent in training. “The serpent person skin thong, or the...”

“Give him the horga’hn.” the divisor cut in pointing to a crudely carved figurine poking from John’s bag. “Just add this mark to it.” he added as he sketched out a weird triangle rune.



2172. Even if its beneficial, no changing the number of limbs on a character without the other player’s consent.
2202. When I take watch, everybody must wake up with the same number of limbs as they went to sleep with.

“Jobe, why did Mark wake up with a hand in his pants?” Mrs Carson said regretting her wording as soon as the came out of her mouth as she opened the Doyle medical file on one of the freshmen. It looked like a smaller version of thing from the Addams family was waving out of the front of his boxers.

Jobe frowned as he looked over the picture. “this wasn’t me... did this replace his...?”

“yes, yes it did. He has a urethra openings at the tops of every finger.”


2193. Inspire Courage is a great super power, unless you use it to get hordes of innocent bystanders to bum rush the super villain.

Lt. Mills looked down on the carnage that could have been avoided from his sniper perch, and then back to the so called hero that was preening before the news cameras. The Nashville PD had had things under control, the negotiator had been making head way and it looked like the situation would wrap up with no blood shed past the original guard who’d been injured.

Then the spandex jockey had shown up and then every one had abandoned the plan and bum rushed the building. Mills had apparently been out of range of what ever had caused them to go nuts, and all he could do was watch. Well... slowing his breathing he centered the cross hairs and...

Squeezed the trigger.


2207. We are not stopping the villain with small mammals armed with power tools.
2300. It’s cute when you train your hamster to attack their eyes. Your weasel not so cute.

“Petshop...” Gunny sighed as he tried to massage his headache away as the replay showed a swarm of real odd animals, some armed with an assortment of tools, spewed from her purse and over run the villain’s deference.

“What? It worked didn’t it?”

“It’s not the tactic, but...”

A fuzzy head poked out of Petshop’s pack, and the girl stroked it’s head. “I got this bag from one of the founders of Wondercute.”

“That is what I thought.”


2291. Even if he is “a mysterious entity whose nature is utterly foreign to the fabric of reality” Andy Kaufman does not count as a Great Old One.

“Are you sure Daddy?”

“Yes Sara, I am sure we have no relation to Andy Kaufman.”

“Oh thank Us.”


2311. No matter what it would do to his spell casting chances, I can’t cast shrink on the necromancer’s undies.
2312. You can only make so many called shots to the groin until it’s an alignment check.

“John, what did you do to Wump?” Irene asked softly as the arrogant Death Eater in training swore and dropped his lunch tray to tug frantically at his pants.

“I finally got my Hold out spell working.” John said with a grin. “I managed to tag his skivies during Evasion class. They just went three sizes to small.”

Irene winced. “That makes how many times now that you’ve done something to his groin?”

“Why do you have to make that sound dirty? Going for the family jewels seems like the only way he gets the message.”


2392. The teleporting spiders attacking us are not just going through a phase.

Jobe blinked as his latest arachni-form experiment blipped from within it’s tank to the top of his work bench. “Oookay... that wasn’t suppose to happen.”


1278. An elf wardancer chick in nothing but body paint is totally hot. A Vesten berserker in nothing but body paint not so much.

“So who convinced Fey to run the next few sims in just woad body paint?”


177. Stinking Cloud is a privilege, not a right.
1812. Not using any emission from the barbarian as flamethrower fuel.


“GOD DAMN IT NATE! We’re having a marshmallow roast here!”



1366. I will not use the mass suggestion spell to make the elf babes to make out.

“Oh crap... Sara just walked past the Drow with a mischievous look on her face.” Ayla said looking over the rail from the Kimba table. Fey flinched at the spike of emotions from below as the Drow swarm fell on each other in a orgy.

“This is just wrong... Peeper and Greasy are moving in and getting it all on tape.”


17. Collateral Damage Man is not an appropriate name for a super hero.
1792. Let’s keep the collateral damage to under a billion dollars.

“Congratulations team 4C. Only one other sim team in the history of this class has done more property damage then you, and they had Tennyo on their team.” Gunny growled as he glared at the group made up of Clover, Crimson Comet, and Cheese. “the sim techs are still working out why the computer determined you managed to make California an island. You get one more try at this today. Try not to rival the Kimbas this time.”


2413. The barbarian can still berserk even if he hasn’t had his morning coffee.

“Kid, don’t listen to that ape.” Jericho said intercepting the Twain Frosh after overhearing the conversation the kid and a senior had been having about his roomate. “Razor is a good guy, but he isn’t safe to taunt like he was suggesting. Especially before he’s eaten.”


1313. I will do nothing that tarnishes Hello Kitty’s memory.

“My God... is that a...”

“Yeah a Hello Kitty porno. Jade must never find out!”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #416
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
When the fabulous Imp stepped into Kane Hall, every pair of eyes immediately turned to stare at her. Every single person in security knew who the Imp was, and that she didn’t belong in their offices…at least not without handcuffs. They were also aware that she avoided them like the plague, and would not have come without good reason.

“Hello, Imp,” Samantha ‘Sam’ Everhart greeting the Imp cautiously. “Chief Delarose said that you might show up.”

“And here I am,” Imp exclaimed with a broad grin, then giving a sweeping bow. “Ta da! The beautiful, talented, and fabulous Imp…at your service.”

Someone sitting at one of the desks snorted, “As if.”

When Sam looked at the source of the comment, the individual’s head ducked down to suddenly focus on the paperwork sitting in front of him. After a moment, she turned her attention back to the Imp. “I was told that you might have something for me.”

“Yes indeed,” Imp responded. Then with a flourish, she suddenly held out an envelope. “Here are a few of the weak spots I found around the campus perimeter. You know, places where an enterprising individual might be able to sneak in and out of campus without detection.”

“Thank you,” Sam said politely as she accepted the envelope. “This might be useful.”

But as Sam was about to turn away, Imp cleared her throat. “Of course,” she said cheerfully. “I’m interested in some…considerations.”

“What do you want?” Lieutenant Forsyth asked from a short distance away. He gave the Imp a wary look.

“How kind of you to ask,” Imp responded with a grin, before looking to Sam and turning a little more serious. “I’m looking for an empty room, large enough to use as a classroom.”

“But I thought you already had a classroom,” Forsyth pointed out.

“She does,” Sam said in agreement, giving the Imp a curious look. “Why would you need another one?”

For a moment, Imp just stood there, smiling and swishing her tail back and forth. “I’m going to be teaching a few special topics classes,” she finally explained in a cheerful tone. “Unfortunately, I don’t have space in my regular room for all the training materials, and I can’t very well rearrange my room back and forth every day. That would be WAY too much work.”

“Special topics?” Sam asked with a skeptical look.

“Of course,” Imp responded. “Every topic I teach is special. Anyway, admin says that we don’t have enough available classrooms for me to get a second, but suggested that you guys in security might know where I can get one.”

Sam stared at Imp for a moment with a suspicious look, then her eyes went down to the envelope in her hand. With a loud sigh, she announced, “Fine. I know of a room that just might work for you. From the measurements on file, it should be large enough to work as a classroom.”

With that, Sam went to a large filing cabinet that rested against the back wall. She dug through it for just a few seconds before pulling out a thick file. From that, she took several items, then placed the rest of the file back into the cabinet.

“According to our records,” Sam explained, “when the tunnels were first dug from Dunn Hall, this was one of the first side rooms excavated. It was originally intended as a storage room for the classrooms in Dunn, but somehow, it fell into student hands. The last student to use it died in an accident about four years ago, so it’s been empty and locked with a security seal since. We have no use for it, so here…” Sam handed the Imp a sheet of paper with directions to the room, along with a key for the security lock.

Imp held up the key and gave it an unimpressed look. “A key. How quaint.”

“You may have to clean the room,” Sam said, “but it’s yours.”

The Imp gave a nod and said, “Thanks,” before hurrying off.

Once the Imp was gone, Lieutenant Forsyth turned to Sam and said, “You do know that the last student to use that room was Scrounge? He was a hoarder, who died when a pile of his…collection fell on him. The only reason we still had that room locked up, is because nobody wanted to deal with cleaning it out…”

Sam smiled faintly at that. “Really? You don’t say…”

Lieutenant Forsyth shook his head and chuckled. “If nothing else, maybe the Imp will think twice about making security chase her all over campus.”
The waking world is but a dream.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #417
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The Headmaster looked down at the subdued girl standing in front of him.

“Do you know why I’ve called you in here, Petshop?”

The confused biodevisor shook her head. Wordlessly, the former villain turned his monitor around so that she could read the screen. The website was green, with a logo formed by a pink tentacle in the shape of a cancer ribbon. There was an announcement at the center of the page.

“It is with joy, sadness, and a great deal of bemusement that we announce the closing of this website. For we have apparently fulfilled our purpose. The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is no longer endangered. Scientists are still struggling to understand exactly what made their recovery possible, but our favorite cephalopod has been spotted throughout the entire length of its original range, and quite a bit farther besides. Sightings are increasing rapidly, and it seems unlikely that the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus will be going extinct anytime soon.”

Petshop looked down at her shoes. “Oh,” she said. “That project.”
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #418
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The Imp stood in front of a sturdy metal door, staring at the strange device that was connected to both the door and the frame. This was a security seal, which not only locked the door, but also notified the security office if anyone tried to removed it.

Since this was Whateley Academy, Imp was confident that a number of students could have easily gotten into the room beyond, without disturbing security’s seal. In fact, she would have been quite disappointed if nobody had already done so. After, all, what was the purpose of such a lock, if not to challenge you to bypass it?

For a moment, the Imp considered the seal and how she could bypass it herself. Several options had already come to mind. But then, she looked down at the key in her hand and smiled wryly.

“Well,” she mused aloud, “using a key is a rather novel approach…”

Seconds later, Imp deactivated the seal and removed it, dropping it unceremoniously on the floor. Then she opened the door and felt along the wall, hoping to find a light switch. As soon as she did, the entire room was illuminated. The Imp froze, her eyes going wide as she took in her new classroom, or her new Imp Lair, as she was already thinking of it.

“What the hell?” Imp blurted out in surprise.

She had a hard time making out the full dimensions of the room, because it was already full. From floor to ceiling, the entire room seemed to be packed full of boxes of various sizes and types. She could see hard plastic, metal, and cardboard contains in various sizes, all piled upon each other in what seemed like a random fashion. There were narrow paths open between the rows, though several of the paths had been sealed off due to collapsed stacks.

“I’ve been played,” Imp said in realization, remembering what Sam Everhart had said about her needing to clean out a few things. “I knew I couldn’t trust security.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked over the room again, muttering, “This place looks like one of Doctor Avarice’s stashes…or that warehouse where they put the Ark.”

After hesitating only a few seconds, Imp began digging into boxes, humming the theme music from Indiana Jones. The first box she opened was full of socks, in unopened packages. The next one contained shoes, old and dirty ones that had definitely been used. Further boxes revealed old magazines, ceramic mugs, and parts from what appeared to be disassembled clocks.

“Definitely like one of Doctor Avarice’s stashes,” Imp said in disgust.

Imp opened what she’d decided was going to be her last box, and found it full of children’s books. More than half of them were from Dr. Seuss. She sat down and made herself comfortable as she picked up the book on the top and began flipping through it. As she read, her tail started to swish back and forth.

“So, you want to play games with me,” the Imp finally announced as an evil grin began to form on her face, one that could have been worthy of the Grinch himself. “I like games.”
The waking world is but a dream.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #419
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Felix Fossor,

Ch. 4: Unpleasant Surprises
unpublished draft as of June 2024, co-written with Admiral Everheart

The failures of the Exalted and Lancelot exercises in Fall 1989 were only the first of several unpleasant surprises for the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the next two years. Not only had the newly formed Aegis units failed to live up to expectations, but most of the veterans who were tasked with training teams had reached retirement age. By 1990, several of the most seasoned soldiers, airmen and Marines who had been part of the earliest units, now well into their seventies, were succumbing to age.

The few Vietnam era vets who had survived extra-normal incursions were mostly incapable of continuing the work; the decision not to form Aegis units, based on the incorrect assumption that the demonic intruders encountered in World War II had all been summoned by Nazi sorcerers, left them unprepared for the instances that did occur, and the isolated locations of those had meant that even if they had been the incidents had ended by the time a response could have been mounted.

Then came the one-two punch of the end of the Cold War, and the opening rounds of First Persian Gulf War. While the rest of the world cheered the fall of the Berlin Wall, and sighed in relief as the Sword of Damocles seemed to pass from their heads, the military leaders had to face the prospects of loss of funds and a winding down of missions.

[Need to research the ‘peace dividend’ BS and just how it changed things. Adm. was able to give a lot of details but need to flesh out w other sources, too much TS stuff in what she said.]

[Need stuff on lead-up to Gulf War too - skip to good part]

The sudden appearance of Al Rasheed’s insurgency, and especially their heavy use of mutants and other paranormals, was a huge shock to everyone, not the least because they had declared their intention to hold the ‘liberated’ Kuwait City against both Iraqi and Coalition forces. This was followed by their even more surprising decision to dismantle the petrochemical infrastructure, with Rasheed stating that the ‘dark blood of the Fatherless Foe’ was haram and shouldn’t be unearthed.

[Not sure where to take the whole thing of Al Rasheed’s forces suddenly disappearing and the whole Project Sampson supersoldier fiasco. Too many details? Need to push formation of EQUALIZER and merger of EQ and Aegis further off.]
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #420
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dr. Wavun studied the young couple sitting on the couch. Marriages just after high school were almost always a mistake. No matter how perfect the pairing seemed at the time, youth and insecurity always managed to get in the way.

“Now, tell me,” the therapist said, “what the problem is again?”

The young woman looked up teary eyed. “I’m worried that Benny only loves me for my mushrooms.”

Benny Garcia, boar avatar, made noises of protestation as Alexia Garcia, mushroom manifester, began to sob.

Dr. Wavun silently groaned. It was going to be a long day.
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #421
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Teri, why haven’t you been going to Survival Class?” Headmistress Carson asked.

“But I have been going,” Teri insisted.

“You haven’t been seen anywhere near the class since the first day.”

“Well of course!” Teri said rolling her eyes. “On the first day we were told not being noticed was the most important thing, so I’ve been making sure no one notices me. I expect an A by the end of the term since I’m so good at it.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #422
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Posted earlier by Elrod
Hobgoblins change form, so there’s no real ‘catalog’ of different mage’s hobgoblins. Fey’s have had several different forms. Elle’s have been fanged little snow bunnies, walking pac-men with teeth, and multi-colored little wolves - so far. Wait til she does the miniature pink Yetis :lol:

“Jade, what is that thing?” Tennyo asked.

Jade proudly held up what looked like a cabbage patch sized pink yeti which didn’t seem very happy at the moment. “I found it wandering around the freshman floor. Isn’t he so cute!”

“He’s trying to rip your face off!”

“Don’t worry about it, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. And his fur is so soft! I’m going to call him George.”

konzill’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #423
konzill replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mrs Nelson, marched down the coridor of Dickson cottage and into the dorm room, tacking care not to touch the ball of slidified green slime that had appeared almost in the middle of the door.

The girls sharing the room, where standing, side by side near the window, still in their nighties. Though Jenny was clutching a pink bathrobe.

“you have some explaining to do miss Vaughn”

“Its not My fault, Mrs Nelson,” the girl said, wrining her hands, “ I told jenny not to feed him after midnight.”

“And what where you told about taking your experiments out of the lab?”

“But he was so cute.”

“That will be quite enough, You girls, off to the showers, and I’ll call maintanance to take care of this, before it hatches.”

With that she turned and left the room.

The two girls remained motionless for a moment, as the wardrobe on the left opened and three brown and white furry faces, with large ears and cute button noses.

Jenny signed, looking at them, then back at the glowing lump by the door, “I’m relaly sorry, I’ll help you get them back to your lab before breakast.”
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by konzill.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #424
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Demios looked up from her tray to fix a three eyes glare at the frosh pretty that had plunked her tray down across from her. With Phobos gone it took a serious effort to bring her fear aura to bear, but she managed to get it focused. For a moment it seemed to work, then it reflected back at her causing her to gasp.

“Ah hell. I’m sorry.” the girl gasped as the fear began to build between them. “I just saw a spot that was empty...”

“GET AWAY!!!” Demios roared as she lashed out with her claws. But instead of cutting through the girl’s flesh Demios felt the two of them seen to lift into the air as they merged.

/Sorry. I’m not a mimic... I have no idea why this happen./ Demios heard in her head, the voice fearful and nearly in tears, as those around the Outcast table scattered at the sight of the Fury.

/Just... stop talking and let me think for a moment./ Demios sighed, started that there was no rage, no urge to lash out like there had been before.

“Don’t come any closer Jobe.” the Fury warned as the drow scientist began creeping closer. “We are in control and not a raging beast.”

the combined being looked herself over, noting the differences between how they had looked when it was Demios and Phobos, and when it was Demios and... /What is your name?/

/Kira Mills. My code name is Harmonia cause I can cast a peaceful aura.../

the Fur’s triple eyes blinked. /ok, relax and I think we can separate from each other. Then we’re going to have Joe perform a test or two on us./
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #425
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The Daleks seemed unsure of how to react to the small pile of students that were moaning in pain before them, finally they powered down allowing the Survival teacher Mr. Anderson to strode forward.

“Teri what are you doing?” He demanded.

“Building a fortress of the dead to protect myself,” came the muffled reply.

“And why were you students helping her?”

“She threatened us with flagpole wedgies if we moved,” an impromptu barrier said rubbing his back where several beanbags had hit him.

“Teri you are not suppose to use students as shields.”

Teri flew out of her makeshift fort looking furious. “You said to use the environment to give us an edge, unless you wanted me ripping apart one of your robots, students were the only material available. I’m just following yo-.”

She was cut off as all the Daleks buried her in a storm of beanbags.

“Remember class, you must always watch your surroundings and don’t let yourself be distracted,” Mr. Anderson said. “Teri you get a B minus.”

“Hate you so much right now. Crushing you with my mind” she groaned.

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #426
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sam Everhart sat behind her desk, trying to finish her latest round of reports before the next ones came due. Just then, she heard a knocking from her office door.

“Come in,” Sam said, only to look up and see the Imp come into the room.

The Imp was dressed the same way that she usually was whenever Sam saw her around campus, with black slacks, a red blouse, and a black jacket. However, at the moment, she also had a grin on her face and a mischievious look in her eyes. Between that and the fact that her hands were behind her back, and Sam began to have a bad feeling.

“I am Imp,” the Imp announced proudly.

“I know who you are,” Sam responded, giving her a suspicious look.

“Imp I am,” Imp continued in almost sing-song voice. Then, with her tail noticeably swaying back and forth, the unusual art teacher asked, “Do you like green eggs and ham?”

With that question, the Imp pulled her hands out from behind her back, and revealed that she was holding a plate. She held the plate out for Sam, who could now see that it held two fried eggs and a ham steak. However, the ham and eggs were all covered with a neon green food coloring, which made the entire dish look almost radioactive. Sam no longer ate normal food, but even if she had, she never would have touched the unappealing mess on that plate.

Using the same sing-song tone, the Imp cheerfully continued, “Will you eat it in a boat? Will you eat it on a float? How about a county fair? Will you eat it with a bear?”

“Imp,” Sam started with a sinking feeling.

However, the horned teacher just grinned even more broadly. “Will you eat them on a plane? Will you eat them on a train? Will you eat them here or there? Will you eat them anywhere?”

“Enough of this,” Sam started again, though the Imp merely winked in response.

“Do you like green eggs and ham?” the Imp repeated with a smirk. “Do you like them, Sam I am?”

Then, the Imp abruptly turned and ran out the door, laughing maniacally and leaving the plate of unappetizing food on Sam’s desk. Sam leapt to her feet and rushed to the door, only to nearly collide with Franklin Delarose. Delarose was standing in the middle of the hallway, staring in the direction that the Imp had gone running.

“Everhart,” Delarose started, shaking his head and then pinching the bridge of his nose. “Sam. Please tell me you didn’t antagonize the Imp.”
The waking world is but a dream.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #427
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“MOMMY! DADDY! There’s a monster in my closet!!!!”

“Your up,” my wife said sleepily from the warm comfortable bed.

“Oh come on! I just helped the police bust a drug lab and got shot like five times,” I protested, My voice sounded distorted because I hadn’t taken off my mask yet and I was busy hopping on one foot trying to pull my jet boot off.

“Your job. I have to hold a staff meeting in the morning. You get to sleep in.”

Bowing my head in defeat I made my way to our sons room. It wasn’t fair, just because I was a vigilante and a stay at home dad the rest of the time, and she was the big executive, I was the one who got to deal with all the nighttime interruptions. Stretching out a kink in my ribs, I walked I opened my sons door and struck a pose. “Never fear, Billy! Mecha Knight is here!”

It was corny but my son loved it.

“Daddy, there’s a monster in the closet,” Billy said hiding under the blankets.

Well this was more serious than I expected if my entrance didn’t cheer him up. Using my sensors to avoid the pitiless Lego pieces, action figures and other foot killers, I made my way to the closet and opened the door. “See Billy, there’s noth-”

I had to do a double take as I saw an ugly skinless witch like woman standing in between my sons Superman T-shirt and blue jeans. The sensors instantly told me that spiritual energy was involved. Reaching into my utility belt I dropped a spirit shield at the things feet locking her in place.

“Um, what are you doing in my kids closet?” I asked.

The spirit looked a little startled and bounced off the forcefield. “How the hell can you even see me?” the spirit demanded. “And what is this thing?!”

“Language, my sons right there,” I scolded her. “I’m a superhero and I’ve had to deal with spirits a bit too often. Now what are you doing here?”

“Oh, well, this is awkward,” the spirit replied, scratching its long stringy hair. “Most parents can’t see me, and when they do they freak out, running as fast as they can to get a priest or someone. I’ve never actually had to talk to them beyond screaming and threatening to eat their eyeballs. I’m a fear spirit and I eat childrens fear.”

“Uh huh. So you terrorize children and give them nightmares that will torment them well into adulthood?”

She gave me an offended look. “Well when you put it like that, you make me sound like a horrible monster.”

I started taking the clothes out of the closet.

“What are you doing?” she asked. “If you’ll just take down this magic, I’ll fade away and never return.”

“Not happening. Sorry, but spirits that feed on peoples terror are never good news,” I said. With the clothes safely out of the way, I smiled at my son pulled a devise from my utility belt, tapped a button and handed it to the spirit, my hand easily passing through the spirit ward. “Here hold this for thirty seconds.”

“What’s this and why can I hold it?” the spirit asked holding the grenade up to study it closely.

“It’s a special devise I created using a friends essence and some technology that shouldn’t exist, I call it a spirit bomb.”


I slammed the closet door shut just as the spirit bomb went off, making a loud hissing sound.

“YAY! You got rid of her!” Billy shouted as he jumped out of bed to give me a big hug.

“Yes I did,” I replied proudly. Opening up the closet door, I groaned at the thick smoke that came out and the burnt paint. Closing it quickly I bent down to rub my sons hair. “Let’s not tell Mommy about the closet, OK. I’ll paint it as good as new tomorrow.”

“OK Daddy, you’re the greatest!”

Smiling proudly, I picked Billy up and put him in bed, taking off my helmet to give him a kiss. Some days being a hero, despite all the long hours, aches and pains, and occasional bullet wounds, was awesome.
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Domoviye.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #428
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
So... yeah, fall of ‘61. I was still loosey-goosey after my trip to the wacky ward, and worried about how I was gonna stay dry and figure out what my next turn would be. I was a bit leery of anything too splashy, but I didn’t want to see Lazlo blow all that dough just to see me back in a bottle, so I knew I needed something to do. It was a much for our friendship as anything, but I was sort at a loss about where to go.

Then I read an article in the New Yorker about something crazy: a new computer that MIT had built, a really tiny one about the size of a couple of office desks maybe, and they were letting the student use it without any kind of rules or classes or anything. The article said there were even some high school kids hanging around, and that they’d let them ‘talk to the computer’ late a night. It sounded weird, and even then I knew enough to see that they weren’t talking to it, they were using it somehow. Writing these programs that made it run. Kids!

I’d already had the big tin brains in mind at the time, because it seemed to me like there was something big brewing with them. A lot of companies, banks and car manufacturers and even airlines, were putting a lot of money into getting them, and trying to figure out what to do with them once they had them. American Airlines had this thing called SABRE, which was supposed to make things easier to plan schedules and things like that, GM was talking about using them to help design cars. And then there was the Space Program and military - it sounded like the whole Strategic Air Command was run by one of those huge machines, and that was up at MIT as well.

But this new thing, this small transistorized computer, that looked like a way into the whole inner circle. I had a flight from Chicago to Boston booked within 48 hours of seeing that magazine piece.

Now, I’ve seen some weird stuff in my life, but I was not prepared for this!

I put together a set of fake credentials for a “Professor Arthur Morey” (oh, don’t give me that look, no one caught on to that one) and a arranged for a guy I knew at UCLA to give me a cover as a statistician on sabbatical. I hardly need to bother, as it happened, because I was able to waltz right into the 9th floor office where they kept this “TX-0” thing with nothing more than a business card and a firm handshake.

I couldn’t believe my luck! Not only was there no security at all around this thing, there were a bunch of students - I think the oldest one, Alan, wasn’t even twenty - who were just falling all over themselves to help anyone who was interested in the damn thing. These guys called themselves ‘hackers’, which is where the word comes from, right, and they had already started to create a whole new language, a whole new way of living and acting and thinking about the world, that was just plain bizarre to anyone who wasn’t on the inside. But I was able to get a grip on it, and while it never really felt natural to me, I could kinda see where they were coming from. It was almost like the Monastery, in a way, but at the same time there was, well, real lack of any kind of reflection or forethought or interest in the outside world.

I’d seen that sort of thing in some sorcerer types at times, the ones who really become engrossed in the Craft in a way even other mystics find disturbing, but I never expected to see it in the techno-Disneyland that was MIT.

I managed to learn a lot from them, and not just about computers. I could see that this sort of thing would spread, would become more than just a game for a handful of demented college kids. Even as I was walking in the door, the place was all abuzz about the next new thing - Alan had been working for a new company called Digital that summer, and they were giving an even newer and faster one of these new computers to the school that very week. At this rate, I could already see that they would be everywhere in a few years, though I had no idea just how ‘everywhere’ that would be.

It would be a long time before I really came to grips with what it all meant, and even now there are parts about it that I find almost eerie.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #429
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“There she is,” the Imp said in a bad Australian accent. “The female security officer. She’s a right dangerous critter, but isn’t she a beaut?”

The Imp was crouched down on the roof of the library, hidden from most people by her PK aura, which made her virtually invisible. She stared through a small pair of binoculars, keeping a close eye on her target, Sam Everhart.

A few feet away, Imp’s apprentice Melissa was crouched down as well. She was using her own powers to turn invisible and hide, which made her even more difficult to see than Imp was. However, she couldn’t remain hidden as long as her mentor, and her power faded away, leaving her visible once again.

“Crikey,” Imp exclaimed, still using the fake accent. She gave Melissa a warning look. “Back up slowly, and don’t let the little critter see you. You don’t want to spook the wildlife.”

Melissa giggled and did as Imp asked. “So, what are we going to do?”

“Not we,” Imp corrected her with a grin, dropping the accent. “Me. You

are going to stay up here and learn.” Then, in a deep and dramatic tone, Imp announced, “Watch carefully my apprentice, for I shall show you the true power of the snark side of the force.”

With that, Imp stood up and backed away, dropping the chameleon aspect of her PK aura. She made sure the items she needed were in the satchel she wore over her shoulder, then she took a running leap, channeling the energy in her PK aura to give her jump a little more ‘oomph’.

“WHEEEEEEE!” Imp cried out loudly as she flew through air, making sure that she was loud enough for Sam to hear her. After all, she wanted the cute blonde security officer to hear her coming…and to not shoot her in surprise.

Seconds later, Imp hit the ground, using her PK aura to absorb most of the impact, and rolled in order to deal with the rest. She sprang back to her feet, facing the security officer. Since she wasn’t one to waste a dramatic entrance, she quickly put on the red and white striped stovetop hat that she’d brought with her, only to remove it again in a sweeping bow.

“Imp,” Sam exclaimed.

“Do you like green eggs and ham? Do you like them Sam I am?” Imp sang out, reaching into her satchel and pulling out a handful of Easter eggs, all dyed with various shades of green, and casually tossed them out in front of Sam.

“This isn’t funny anymore,” Sam started, though the Imp continued and cut her off.

“Would you eat it with a spork?” Imp held up a plastic fork. “Would you eat it with a dork?” This time, the eccentric teacher held up a photograph of Roland Williams. “Would you eat them up a tree?” She gestured towards the nearest tree, then gave Sam a wink. “Or would you prefer to eat with me?”

Sam let out an exasperated sigh, not sure how to deal with situation. Imp wasn’t a student, and couldn’t be intimidated into behaving. In fact, Sam had been warned from even trying.

“Easter eggs,” Sam said, looking at the offerings that the Imp had left. She gave the Imp a suspicious look. “I don’t see the ham.”

“What?” Imp asked in mock offense. “You don’t think I’m a ham?”

Before Sam could decide how to respond to that, the Imp turned and ran away…throwing a cloud of green bacon bits behind her as though it was confetti.

Sam just stood there for a moment, shaking her head and wondering how many superheroes the Imp had driven insane with these antics. She was tempted to ask Carson, but feared the headmistress might just laugh at the situation, and this was embarrassing enough as it was.
The waking world is but a dream.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #430
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“MOM!” Petshop screamed.

Her mother came running from the kitchen holding a knife, terrified that her newly manifested daughter had accidentally made a horrible monster instead of one of her cute little creatures. “What’s wrong? OH MY GOD!”

She could only stare in amazement at the red, blood like ooze that dripped from the ceiling, down the walls, and covered every inch of her daughters bedroom and her daughter.

“Mr. Tomato exploded,” Petshop cried. “He tastes like strawberries.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #431
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Pyre looked down at the young girl who had a thick wet mist surrounding her and her young brother. It wasn’t much protection against his plasma, but it was keeping away the killing heat of the fire that surrounded them. He had to admire her bravery, there were no tears, no begging, no trying to flee and leaving her brother behind, she was afraid but she was fighting it every step of the way.

“What’s your name girl?” he demanded, pushing a tendril of plasma through her watery barrier to almost caress her face.

“Angelica Gagnon,” she said, too startled by the burning heat to come up with a lie.

“Well Angelica, you’ve saved your brother today. Congratulations.” He gave a small bow and walked out of the inferno side stepping some charred bones to reach the door.


Ten days later
Angelica flew on a jet of water, far faster than she had ever tried before heedless of the amazed and angry soaked onlookers she left in her wake. The sky was blood red and filled with smoke, she’d seen it from her classroom and once she realized where it was centered she had jumped out the window praying she wasn’t too late. As she reached her street she saw that over half the houses along the little cul de sac were engulfed in flames and firefighters were desperately trying to save the rest. Ambulances raced along the road ferrying the victims to hospitals and returning as soon as possible to get more.

She flew over the chaos, even as the heat evaporated her water and burned her skin. Falling, Angelica created a ball of water under her, using it to keep her safe, pushing her powers harder than she’d ever dared the ball of water slid to her home at the very center of the inferno.

A tall man in red clothes stepped out of the flames. Angelica wanted to scream at Pyre who was smiling as cheerfully as he had ten days ago when he’d spared her and her brother, but the protective water kept her mouth firmly shut.

The murderer happily waved at her. “I said you saved your brother. I never said anything about your parents,” he shouted to be heard over the flames and through the water.

The water ball exploded in response to Angelica’s rage, trying to force itself down Pyre’s throat. She didn’t care if she burned, she wanted to watch the man drown before her eyes.

Plasma turned the water into steam, the heat sapped away her strength. Already weakened from the mad dash from school and manifesting so much water, Angelica fell to her knees barely able to breathe, her clothes smoking and smoldering at the edges. Laughing Pyre walked away wreathed in flame.


“Are you sure you want to take all these classes, martial arts, light weapons, firearms safety, rifle combat, heavy weapons, it’s rather combat focused,” Angelica’s student counselor asked.

Angelica squeezed her hands tightly, feeling the scar tissue that covered her palms and lower legs. “Yes. I need to learn how to fight,” she said.

Sighing, the counselor looked over the list again, with the other classes it was just barely acceptable if hardly balanced. After spending a whole hour arguing over each choice, she saw there was little chance of making any changes now. “Very well, here is your class schedule. If you want to make any changes after classes begin come back here and I’ll be happy to help.”
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Domoviye.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #432
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
This started as a Bad Idea, and then grew. Names have been left out to protect the guilty parties, even if they didn’t feel guilty at all.

Hazing the FNG

As most folks know, reveille watches can be the worst of all. Dull. Dark. Bored watchstanders getting froggy ...
“Awww. Looks like our #1 Ultraviowent wore himself out ‘finding his wolf’. So cyute!”

“You know he’s still going to sneak back in before Filbert notices he was ever outside.”

“Speaking of losing track of time, did Jensen forget to sign out or what?”

“Said he had to take care of, quote-unquote ‘personal business’ over at the nuthouse, but he’d keep the channel open.”

“Hang on there. Check the next nearest camera with overlap. Is that what I think it is, sneaking around near Hodges?”

“Ayep. Too bad Johnson’s so far away. I’d pay money to see him downwind of that.”

“What’s Jensen’s callsign today?”

“Shortstop. He hates it.”

“Too bad. Shortstop, Dispatch. You copy, over?”

“... Shortstop. Read you 5x5, something up? Over.”

“That’s what she said.” “Shhh!” :)

“Roger, Shortstop. We’ve got a couple of IR paints near sensor Forty-two Lima Uniform Echo. One stationary, low to the ground, matches a student ID tag, the other rapidly approaching that position. Are you in position to check that out? Over.”

“Dispatch, Shortstop. Copy two IR targets near Forty-two Lima Uniform Echo. Will investigate. Shortstop out.”


“For a skunk that’s fast!”

Projecting would be the fastest way to scope things out, without waking a comatose friend back up after finally talking him down from a nightmare. My, look how ... long past clock-out. Oops.

Sure enough, someone was curled up at the base of a tree, right in front of a security camera. What. A Dick. From the astral side of things Metro could see a second, werewolfy, impression on the astral. The only other moving life force was much smaller. So we’re sending the newbie on a snipe hunt? Let’s take a look before it snuggles up to wolf-boy.

There was just enough time to get a close look at the long-tailed “snipe” for our hapless patrol to realize that manifesting between a skunk and, well, anything was a bad idea. Between an upset skunk and a badly-spooked werewolf? That was a Very Bad Idea.

“Dispatch. Shortstop. 10-23, You [Something untranslateable, probably involving biologically-improbable acts, including imitating a piñata in violation of International Laws and Good Taste] Shortstop going 10-42. Out.”

“I guess he got a good look at it! Well, if it were dangerous, he’d have called that in, right? Oh, hey, Sarge!”

“If you’re all that bored, you can stick around for the first round of the morning’s uvie check-ins. Give the incoming shift a break. Oh! I almost forgot: I just left word with Mr. Filbert that Bloodwolf and crew need to check in here, in person, first thing today. Everyone cool with that? Shake your heads ‘yes’, boys.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #433
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
In the canon stories, the mental health support staff never seem to have a bad day themselves. Then again, I’d give someone like Tennyo, Fey, or even a mildly-impoverished Goodkind priority access, myself. Lest anyone think the OC gets away scot- and skunk- free:

We No Longer Care If You Have A Nice Day

“Good morning. Mr. Jensen? This is Natalie, with the Counseling Office, yes. Sleep well this morning? Good. Glad to hear that. Really, really.

I’ve just received a pass for your morning classes.

Well, you see, if we have to provide counselling in a closed and warded office to Mr. Hodges regarding this morning’s unholy demonic attack from the foulest pits of Hell, it’s going to be a ‘group therapy’. Did you know his werewolf spirit recognized you in the area around the time of the attack?

‘Oh’, indeed.

It gets better. Some kind soul suggested that this Thing only looked like a normal animal on the material plane, and that you must have scared it away before it could destroy anyone’s soul. No, if I knew who it was, they’d be receiving an Academy Award for saying something that stupidly insane, to a howling werewolf, with a straight face.

No, the camera feeds only show some flickering before the Entity exploded into chunky salsa and other spray. Nice try.

Wait. Did you just claim innocence on the grounds that you were busy at the time watching out for the safety of your best friend and other Poe Cottage residents? That’s almost amusing. Why? Because Mrs. Horton and Dr. Bellows are currently busy themselves, trying to calm a hysterical Danny Franks down from what he thought he saw the two of you up to when he came down the stairs this morning, without going into age-inappropriate details about what the two of you were not up to.

‘Oh dear’ is right. I’ll bet the call light now flashing is from Dr. Tenent, who had been assured (at one time) that her patient would be responsibly getting sufficient sleep each night and NOT staying awake to keep summoned spirits on safety patrols, scaring skunks and werewolves from the astral plane, and whatever the hell else you’ve been up to to make our jobs more difficult.

Hold on, one moment.

My bad. That was Mrs. Carson.

Mr. Jensen, God Himself and all of Satan’s lawyers cannot get you out of this request for your presence. See you soon.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

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Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #434
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“What I would like to know,” Lieutenant Forsyth said, “is how she got through the building, past all of the security personnel, and then both in and out of your locked office, without anyone noticing. Frankly, it’s embarrassing. We’re campus security, and if we can’t keep a single teacher from breaking into our own offices…”

Sam Everhart gave him a wry smile and pointed out, “There’s a good reason why Delarose wanted the Imp as a security consultant.”

“True,” Forsyth agreed with a sigh. “But that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing for campus security as a whole.” Then, he gave Sam a curious look. “But speaking of the chief… What did Delarose say about your little Imp problem?”

“That I am the one who set off the Imp,” Sam answered with a scowl, “so I’m the one who has to disarm her.” She paused at that, then admitted, “But honestly, I think he and Carson have a wager over how this gets resolved.”

Forsyth chuckled at that, before reluctantly admitting, “The office pool is on how long it lasts. I’m down for three more days.”

Sam gave Forsyth a wry look. “Maybe I should put some money on this myself.” She shook her head faintly and let out a sigh. “The problem is, how do I stop the Imp without escalating the situation? I’m afraid that just about anything I do will be taken as a challenge, and only make this game of hers more interesting. My best option at the moment, is to be patient and simply wait her out.”

“She’ll probably get bored of this game soon enough,” Forsyth agreed with an amused look. Then with a chuckle, he added, “Hopefully, in three more days.”

“Last night,” Sam said with a grimace, “I went back to my quarters and found the Imp had been there too. She left an MRE on my bed. Omelet and ham of course, and the whole outside was spray painted green. And then this morning, she left another plate of inedible food on my desk.”

“You have to admire her persistence,” Forsyth mused. However, at Sam’s flat look, he added, “Or not.”

Seconds later, the door opened and someone stepped into the room. Sam tensed for a moment, expecting another encounter with the Imp, until she saw that it was just a student. The girl was dressed in a pizza delivery outfit and had a pizza box in her hand. However, as soon as Sam recognized the girl as Melissa Chambers, that moment of relief was over.

Melissa just smiled cheerfully. “I have a pizza for Ms. Everhart…”

“That’s Admiral Everhart,” Forsyth corrected the girl.

“Admiral?” Melissa asked with a look of confusion. “But there aren’t any boats around here…”

Sam refrained from rolling her eyes…barely. “So, the Imp sent you this time.” The girl looked self-conscious as she shrugged in response.

Forsyth took the pizza box and opened it. He chuckled a little as he said, “Sausage and Canadian bacon, with a couple eggs on top. And the whole thing is smothered with pesto. It actually looks pretty good.”

“Would you eat it in a box?” Melissa asked, reading from a notecard in her hand. “Would you eat it with a fox?” That brought their attention to the picture of a fox, which was taped to the inside lid of the pizza box.

“What did Imp…?” Sam started to ask, only to realize that the girl was already gone.

“At least this time, we get free food from it,” Forsyth commented as he pulled out a slice of pizza, then called out, “Help yourselves.”

With that, the other security personnel who were gathering nearby, all rushed to the pizza before it was gone.
The waking world is but a dream.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #435
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rachael cried in her room. The town hated her, they’d probably try to kill her for what she was. She watched the lights rise from her hand, dancing in the twilight, so beautiful to watch, she couldn’t understand why people would hate her for it.

She listened to her parents in the next room packing their bags. They had told her they were going to leave for a while, her own suitcase was packed and ready to go, but she was leaving so much behind, so many memories and personal things. She began crying harder.

The door opened and her twin brother slipped in. They were almost identical at twelve years old, same height, same features, her hair was longer and she had small breasts where he was obviously flat chested, but other than that they could be mirror images. Through the tears she saw that his hair was longer, almost as long as hers and done up in a ponytail, she rubbed her eyes in disbelief but the image didn’t go away.

“Mitch, what happened to your hair?” she asked.

“No time, H1 is getting ready to attack, the roads are already blocked off,” he said, walking to her closet.

She watched, uncomprehending as he took out a baggy track suit that she only used when they went camping. Unashamed, he took off his clothes and threw the pants on. Going to her dresser he got a sports bra and some socks, taking a deep breath he put the bra on and stuffed it with the socks. It looked terrible, but once the sweatshirt was put on he looked like he had breasts.

“Mitch, what the hell are you doing?!” she demanded, finding her voice.

“They’re not going to let you get away, they’ll kill you and anyone who is with you,” he said. “If they come after me you and Mom and Dad can get away.”

“No,” she sobbed. “You can’t.”

“I’m a lot faster than you are, and I know a lot more hiding places. Rob is going to call the sheriff and say he saw you running north towards the woods, They’ll see me there and everyone will head over there. Then you guys can get away,” Mitch said, his voice quivered a little with fear and he was almost hyperventilating, but his eyes were hard.

“Mom and Dad won’t leave without you.”

“Yes they will,” he said, pulling his phone out of his discarded clothes.

He hit speed dial and Rachael heard her Dad’s phone ring.

“Dad,” Mitch snarled, “what the hell are you doing keeping that gene traitor in the house?!”

She heard their father start yelling, saying that it was his sister.

“She’s a freak. I’m not coming home until she’s gone or dead!” Mitch said, his voice so harsh, Rachael stepped back in fear.

As the shouting in the next room got louder, Mitch hung up. “Get them to leave in twenty minutes. You should have an hour to get as far from here as possible.” He hugged her tightly. “Tell them that I’m sorry for that, but it was the only way to get you guys to safety.”

“Mitch, please, there has to be another way,” Rachael said.

“Please,” he whispered, barely audible over his parents arguing, “don’t waste this. Get somewhere safe and live a long and happy life.”

With a last squeeze, he hopped out the window. She watched him jump the fence, his fake hair flowing behind him and start running into the night.

“I will Mitch,” she whispered to the wind.

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #436
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sam Everhart walked through Arena 99, where she was scheduled to help design a new training sim. However, when she arrived at her destination, she found that Gunny Bardue was already there, and that he had a deep scowl on his face. That in itself was not uncommon, but this time seemed a little worse than usual.

“Problem?” Sam asked.

Gunny nodded in greeting, then answered in a single word. “Wondercute.”

“What did they do this time?” Sam asked. If Wondercute was involved, there was no telling what they’d done to cause this reaction.

“The usual,” Gunny answered, rubbing at his temples to chase away the forming headache. “I put them through a training sim, with a specific tactical lesson that I was trying to drive into their thick heads. But those lunatics ignored every rule of common sense, and somehow managed to finish the sim, while completely bypassing the lesson…and the primary purpose of this sim…entirely.”

“They do tend to think outside the box,” Sam offered, giving Gunny her silent sympathies.

“Think outside the box?” Gunny grumbled. “Those girls are so far outside the box, they don’t even seem to realize that there is one. And THAT is the problem.”

Sam nodded at that, feeling faintly amused by the Wondercute problem, but trying not to show it. “This school is full of lunatics, and not just among the students.”

Gunny barked out a short laugh. “I heard about the trouble you’ve been having with the new art teacher. In fact, I’ve got twenty bucks riding on the outcome.”

“I’m pleased to provide you betting opportunities,” Sam said, giving Gunny a flat look. “If I could only find a way to distract the Imp long enough to make her forget about…” Then Sam paused as an idea came to mind. A moment later, she began to chuckle.

“What?” Gunny asked, giving her a suspicious look.

“I think I know how to solve both our problems at once,” Sam explained with a smile. “At least for a little while…”

“What do you have in mind?” Gunny asked, sounding doubtful.

“I think it’s about time we fight fire with fire,” Sam answered with a chuckle. “Or fight crazy with crazy. What do you think about giving Wondercute a taste of their own medicine?”
The waking world is but a dream.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #437
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rachael’s mother clutched her cheek which was a brilliant red, staring in shock at her daughter.

“Mom, we have to go now!” Rachael said shaking her stinging hand and trying to work some feeling back into her fingers. Grabbing her mothers arm she dragged her towards the door.

“But what about Mitch?” her mother demanded.

Her voice caught in her throat for a moment. “You heard him, he can look after himself. Come on!”

Her father put Mitch’s favourite baseball cap on her head, covering her short hair. She had taken five minutes to cut her long locks before leaving her room one last time. His jacket covered her bound breasts, helping create the illusion that she was her brother. As her father put the suitcases in the car, she slowly dragged her mother out the door.

Slipping into the back seat she slide down praying that she wouldn’t be seen.

A truck across the street made her jump as it roared to life and headed down the street, heading north. She bit back a cry, knowing that her brother had to have been seen. Her fingers tingled and began to glow, she sat on them, killing the light.

They headed south leaving their life behind. And more importantly leaving Mitch behind to take her fate if he couldn’t get away.

More cars sped past, all of them heading north. Rolling down the window Rachael bit her tongue hard enough to bleed to keep from crying. A shot rang out just at the edge of her hearing.

“Mitch,” she whispered, “run faster.”

She couldn’t risk the tears that threatened to fall. If her parents knew what her brother was doing they’d go and try to rescue him.

Her heart died as she rolled the window up.

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #438
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Music played in the background, and the fabulous Imp danced to it, her tail swaying back and forth to the beat as she worked. Most of her attention was focused on the painting and easel that were set up in front of her, but the rest of it lingered on her next prank.

The Imp grinned evilly as she considered what she had planned next for Sam Everhart, but unfortunately, she couldn’t make any progress with that until Melissa returned with the rest of the supplies. So until then, she would have to kill a little time, and what better way to do that than with a little painting.

Just then, Melissa burst into Imp’s classroom, exclaiming, “I got it.” She grinned triumphantly at Imp.

“Good job,” Imp told her, with a grin of her own and a swish of her tail. “Now we can get to work…”

Imp carefully picked up a bucket, which had been useless until Melissa returned, and prepared to make a mess. However, before she could do anything, her cell phone began to ring.

“Hello,” Imp answered the phone, annoyed at the interruption, though it didn’t reach her voice. “Imp’s Road Kill Café. You kill it, we grill it.”

“This is Gunny Bardue,” a gruff voice said from the other end. “How would you like to have some fun?”

Imp grinned, twitching her tail back and forth. “I like fun.” Then, as Gunny explained what he wanted, her grin deepened.

Once Imp hung up, she turned and looked at Melissa, who was struggling to hold onto the small pig that she’d just brought into the classroom. Then, Imp’s eyes moved down to the bucket of green dye beside her, and the container of grease.

“Go ahead and take that pig back where you got it,” Imp told her startled apprentice. “It looks like this prank is going to have to wait a little longer.” Then, she began to gleefully rub her hands together, and with an almost evil grin, explained, “I’ve got a new project to work on.”
The waking world is but a dream.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #439
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hey Teri how was your trip to Disneyland?”

“It was terrible! They wouldn’t let me in, saying something about how I violated their no costume policy. It’s discrimination! I look like this naturally, I wasn’t trying to look exactly like Tinkerbell!”

“OK, OK, calm down. But if you weren’t trying to look like Tinkerbell, why did you cut your hair short and dye it blonde?”

“I wanted to try something different. It’s not like they own this haircut!”

“And the green dress?”

“It was a gift from Mouser, I’m suppose to turn it down because it happens to resemble a certain celebrity?”

“And the green shoes with white fluffy balls?”

“They’re cute!”

And getting an illusion making your wings look like dragonfly wings?”


Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #440
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From the Bad Idea Thread
Astrodragon wrote: Tink could reproduce by fission.
You know, feed her too much sugar and she splits into two Tinks.

What could possibly go wrong?

Fall, 2008

“Check it out I made a cloning devise, you just have to step inside and a second later your clone comes out the other side.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“What could go wrong?”

Suddenly a purple streak flew into the lab followed by a number of auxiliary security members. The laughing streak headed straight for the devise and suddenly stopped.


“Oh God! Get her away from the cloning devise!” the student screamed.

“HEY TERI!” the purple fairy shouted looking at herself.

“HEY TERI!” she shouted back.

“COOL! LETS DO THAT AGAIN!” they shouted in stereo.

Before anyone could stop them they flew back into the devise together. Two seconds later the four fairies flew into it. Two seconds after that 8 fairies, 16 fairies, 32 fairies, 64 fairies...

Fall 2020

The last city in the world was a quiet place of dark colours, full of somber citizens. All around the city speakers played sad music 24 hours a day. The walls were covered in pictures of crying babies, hurt puppies and dying characters from cute tv shows. A dome forcefield protected it from the air.

No one left the city except with the strongest magical and technological protection. For just out of earshot of the sad music, where they couldn’t see the sad pictures, waited an earth spanning cloud of purple fairies who just wanted to play and have fun.

Thus the world ended, not with a bang, not with a whimper, but with a little girlish giggle.
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Domoviye.

Astrodragon’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #441
Astrodragon replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tia walked up to the table, then stopped in horror at the sight of the creation atop Morgana’s plate.

The red-head was finishing what could only be described as a creation with the delicate precision more usually associated with watchmaking. Tia looked down at the pieces of lettuce decorating her own plate, then back at the tower Morgana was just completing.

“WHAT is THAT??” The bunny-girls tone was full of the morbid fascination of someone finding that the chef’s had decided to experiment with roadkill fritters.

Morgana looked up with a cheerful smile. “Oh, this? Uh...its pancake, slices of bacon. pancake, ham, pancake, sausages, and finally pancake.”

Tia just gazed on it as Morgana finally topped the butter oozing down the sides like some sort of primordial lava with a thick layer of maple syrup.”

Bianca was starting at the mound, her own breakfast temporarily forgotten. . “Are you going to eat that?”

Morgana started to nod, then froze. “Oh...no, wait, I forgot something!.”

While the rest of the team looked on, she took a single strawberry from the side of her plate, sliced it expertly in two, and very carefully placed the half on the syrup pooled on the top pancake.

“There! Have to have some fruit, fruit’s healthy for breakfast!”
I love watching their innocent little faces smiling happily as they trip gaily down the garden path, before finding the pit with the rusty spikes.
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Astrodragon. Reason: found error

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago - 4 years 7 months ago #442
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I really don’t want to do this, Rich thought as he steeled himself for what he knew he had to do. With no less than three ragers in the scrum - from where he stood, he could see Bloodwolf, Razorback, and a suspiciously well-armed Koala - not only rampaging across campus, but actively being provoked by the likes of Gore and Systemic, and a ring of other UVs holding both Security and the Wild Pack at bay, he was literally the only one on the scene who could stop it. The fact that it meant doing something he’d come to hate, come to regret even before the Foreigner had come, didn’t change that fact.

With a deep breath, he turned around the corner he had been standing behind, and sheathed himself in a blinding light.

Light mixed with as much divine Glamour as he could muster, that same Glamour he normally did all he could to suppress. Had his power not been so diminished since taking mortal form, those around him would have been immolated; as it was, it stopped all about him cold, staring in awe at him.

“Stop what you are doing and lay down your weapons.” he boomed out in a voice that few mortals could hope to resist.

His face was etched with pain as he did it, but he had resigned himself to the consequences. All that really mattered right now was that Systemic’s sick idea of a ‘senior prank’ had been thwarted.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 7 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #443
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Summer 2021, A Lone City on a Nebraska Plain

The situation had almost, but not yet, deteriorated to the point of allowing surviving members Whateley Class of ‘11 to return to Earth for a reunion. Technically speaking, most of them were just outside the dome already. Unfortunately, those set by the City’s inhabitants to guard against such incursions were expecting someone taller.

“Check this out! From the outside, it’s an exact duplicate of the original Tinkerator Devise. All I need is to attach it to the outer perimeter so that the entrance breaches the forcefield.”

“Why would you do that?” seemed to be a common theme for all present.

The young man presenting the mysterious contraption had an answer for that. “Maybe because the Fairy Horde has leached so much essence from the manasphere that R’lyeh has finally fallen, so it seemed a good time for it?”

“Mads, I think they’re still not seeing the connection,” his dark companion noted.

“... right. So this is a prototype of a device that should help fix your little overcrowding problem. If today’s test goes well, I’ll be able to scale up. After that ... Where’d everybody go?” The inventor looked around in confusion before resigning himself to a limited audience for the test run.

Hours later:

A nearly-tentacular mass of feeds and taps writhed, power drawn in surges and trickles, as decreed by diagrams liberated from arcane formularies.

The force penetrator clamped the mouth of the device to the outer wall. Its foul joinery was sealed with rheoplastic fluids that dripped into the dead ground from hidden crannies where they’d been applied in excess.

From the interior shone a lurid panoply of lights and scenes projected out amidst the wastelands. They mounted into a sordid mockery of a once-familiar world long dead, beckoning to all who dared step inside to sample its promised temptations.

The seemingly-youthful men waited for the noctilucent spectres to further contrast the Unseen against the Known.

First one, then another, brightly-colored apparition approached. They listened. They conferred. They heard a faint, low melody seeping from inside the curious box. Chemical smells tainted with raw dyestuffs and empty calories wafted from within: backoning to long-forgotten hungers. From the entrance, they could spy a lasciviously gaudy “tunnel”. These first scouts called out to more of their kind before finally entering. Some arrived by air, others hopscotched, one had managed to find a pogo stick ... somewhere.

Soon, too soon for the newly-damned, a low series of vibrations emanated from the base of the machine. An assortment of vile powers and fluids began to collect in tinned containers and carefully sealed bottles, only for some unknowable portion to be cycled back into the alchemechanical monstrosity. All through this time, seemingly keeping pace with the pixies’ entrance, came the “tink, tink, tink” of metal filings being collected, dram by dram.

“Turns out you were right after all! Piping Barry White in to the ‘Tunnel of Love’ works much better than anything else I had on hand.”

“I’ve seen, and heard, your gPod playlist before, remember?”

“At this rate, we’ll make a killing on the bloodsilver collection alone. Any ideas for which world to drop off the cloning chamber next? Once we find it.”

“Let’s avoid those in which we’ve run the “troll sausage” dodge. We keep running into Total Ecological Collapse Syndrome before entropy removes all the bio-available carbon from the system.”

Fall 2007, Whitman Cottage, Whateley Academy

Teri’s screams easily overpowered the track that had been looping from her laptop from the time she fell asleep.

“Welcome to Nuka-World, America’s Favorite Vacation Destination!
... and we’re here to make sure you have F-U-N-Fun during your time at the park!”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 7 months ago #444
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The members of Wondercute were all dressed in their fuku style battle uniforms, when they suddenly found themselves in their new surroundings. During their briefing, Gunny Bardue had only told them that their mission for this sim, was simply to capture a supervillain. He hadn’t told them anything more than that.

“Where are we?” Aquerna asked as she looked around.

They appeared to be standing in the middle of a park, with bright green grass, flowers, and bushes. Trees were scattered about, as were a number of large boulders. And then, in the near distance, they could see a cluster of buildings, in what appeared to be a town.

“Look,” Dragonrider said, pointing to one of the bushes, which was moving.

A moment later, an animal emerged from the bushes, though it was like no animal they’d ever seen in a zoo. It appeared to be some type of mouse, except that it was the size of a large cat, and its fur was bright yellow. The creature sniffed the air, then cautiously came towards the girls.

“Ohmygod,” Bugs exclaimed in stunned disbelief. “Is that…?”

“He’s so KEWT!” Generator blurted out with growing excitement.

Suddenly, a loud voice yelled out, “PREPARE FOR TROUBLE, AND MAKE IT FAST!”

The girls immediately turned to stare at the speaker, a woman who stood on top of a large boulder. She had black horns, a devil tail, and tiny scales around the upper part of her face. Most of them recognized her as the new art teacher, the Imp. However, the Imp was wearing a large white shirt, with a big red letter ‘R’ on the front.

Another figure stood up beside the Imp, a boy their own age. He looked something like a monkey, with brown fur over his body, and a long monkey tail. The freshman boy named Monkeywrench, also wore a white shirt with a red letter ‘R’.

“Oh man,” Monkeywrench announced. “This is gonna be a blast.”

Superchick’s eyes went wide, as she exclaimed, “It’s Team Rocket.”

“TO PROTECT THE WORLD FROM DEVASTATION,” the Imp announced as she struck a dramatic pose.

“TO UNITE ALL PEOPLE WITHIN OUR NATION,” Monkeywrench continued immediately after, trying to make a dramatic pose as well, though not as successfully.







Suddenly, a third person appeared on the boulder, a freshman girl whom they all recognized as Mischief. However, instead of wearing the Team Rocket shirts like Imp and Monkeywrench were, she wore a headband with fake cat ears. And with a mischievious grin, she exclaimed, “MEOWTH. That’s right!”

“That’s our mission,” Generator announced with an eager grin. “We have to save the Pokemon from Team Rocket…”

“But isn’t this copyrighted or something,” Gateway asked.

“Who cares,” Bugs told her, grinning broadly as she reached for the giant yellow mouse. “I’ll protect you…”

“Pika,” the yellow mouse started to say, which was immediately followed by a loud *ZAP*.

“BUNNY,” Superchick cried out as the other girl collapsed to the ground, still twitching.

The giant yellow mouse still had sparks of electricity crackling around its body and firmly exclaimed, “Pika Pii.”

“Bwa ha ha ha,” the Imp laughed, before exclaiming, “RELEASE THE KRAKEN!”

“Gotcha boss,” Mischief said as she held up a whistle and blew on it.

A shrill note filled the air, and then suddenly, all the bushes nearby began to move. More of the giant yellow mice began to emerge from the bushes, from behind the trees, and from around the rocks. In moments, hundreds of these creatures had appeared.

“PIKA!” the creatures all cried out as one, while sparks of electricity shot across the field.

“Oh, poo,” Generator exclaimed as a massive swarm of beloved cartoon mascots charged straight at them.
The waking world is but a dream.

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #445
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“It’s only one teacher and two freshmen,” Superchck announced. “We can beat them, no problem…”

The surviving members of Wondercute looked back and forth at each other, noticing that all of them had charred and torn uniforms. They’d barely escaped that field of cute and furry electrocution, though not all of them had been that lucky. Bunny had been lost, buried beneath the massive flood of Pokemon.

“We were freshmen last year,” Gateway pointed out, looking just a little concerned.

“Yeah,” Generator agreed with a grin. “But these ones don’t have any training or experience. It’s actually the teacher I’m worried about.”

Aquerna nodded at that, and in a conspiratorial tone, said, “You know, she’s a supervillain. Not just a pretend one for the sims, but for REAL.”

During the chaos of that last battle, all of them had been so distracted, that they hadn’t paid enough attention to the Imp or her assistants. By the time any of them thought to look, Team Rocket had slipped away. Now, they had to track down their opponents, while keeping an eye out for another Pokemon ambush.

Suddenly, Superchick, who was floating overhead, announced, “I see her. I see the Imp.”

The girls snuck closer and saw that the Imp was standing on top of a small house, all by herself. She was no longer wearing the Team Rocket shirt, but instead, was wearing a black and red leather catsuit. However, she also had on a long, black, and dramatic looking cape, with a high collar, which seemed appropriate for an evil villain. And then, in her hand she held a pitchfork. This wasn’t the kind of pitchfork used to move hay, but the kind that belonged to the devil.

“Superchick. Aquerna,” Generator said, looking at the other girls. “You two sneak around and try to get her from the back.”

“And keep an eye out for Mischief and Monkeywrench,” Gateway added.

As the girls began to approach, the Imp let out a maniacal, “Bwa ha ha ha!” She turned to look at the main group of girls with an evil grin, announcing, “My evil plan is working perfectly. Soon, I shall be the undisputed Imp-ress of the world…”

“You’ll never get away with it,” Superchick exclaimed as she got caught up in the moment.

“Hey, I’m talkin here,” the Imp exclaimed in an exaggerated Brooklyn accent. Then, dropping the accent, she continued, “Don’t interrupt my monologue. Do you know how rare it is that I get to do one of these?”

“GET HER,” Generator called out.

Dragonrider had been getting into position, and the moment the command was given, she swooped down from the air, riding on the back of her dragon, Pern. However, right before she reached the Imp, the teacher vanished in a puff of smoke.

“You won’t catch me that easily,” the Imp’s voice called out, though no one could see the source. “It’s Imp-possible…”

An instant later, Mischief suddenly appeared between Generator and Gateway. “Sorry about this,” she said with a giggle, as she held out her hands and revealed that each clutched a grenade…which she dropped before vanishing again. Generator and Gateway dove to the side, but there were no explosions.

While they were distracted by Mischief and her grenades, Monkeywrench appeared atop a nearby cottage. Like the Imp, he was no longer wearing a Team Rocket uniform. Instead, he wore a loud Hawaiian shirt, with a bandolier full of bananas slung across his chest.

“Bananagram,” Monkeywrench called out, right before throwing a couple of his bananas at them.

The bananas exploded in mid-air, creating a spray of banana scented liquid which fell to the ground. Aquerna tried running towards Monkeywrench, but as soon as her foot connected with the liquid from the exploding bananas, it slipped out from beneath her and she fell onto her face. A moment later, the grenades that Mischief had dropped, finally exploded into thick clouds of smoke that made it difficult to see.

“Smoke bombs,” Gateway exclaimed, then began gagging at the growing smell and holding her nose. “Stink bombs.”

“Who let Miasma in here?” Aquerna demanded as she struggled to back away from the stench, though she had a hard time getting to her feet because the ground beneath her was far too slippery.

Generator gagged and fought to keep from emptying her stomach. “Kitty Compact,” she started to say as she pulled a compact, before going into a fit of coughing.

“Bwa ha ha ha,” the Imp exclaimed, having appeared on top of another building. She looked over the scattered and distracted Wondercute with an evil grin on her face, before commanding, “Pull the lever, Kronk!”

Mischief giggled and called out with an Igor impression, “Yes, master…” And with that, she pulled on a large lever, which stuck out of the side of a building, for no apparent reason.

“Wrong lever, Kronk,” Imp said with a laugh.

Suddenly, all the houses around them began to shake and crack, with the walls and roofs splitting open and falling away, revealing the robots that had been hidden within. In mere moments, the robots had torn themselves free, revealing the large white and pink metal bodies to the stunned girls.

“No,” Generator gasped, her eyes going wide in shock and betrayal, as she recognized the Hello Kitty robots that she herself had once designed for the sims. Then, as one of the totally cute robots pointed its weapon at her, she exclaimed, “That’s not fair…”
The waking world is but a dream.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #446
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sharing out the extra-to the-curricular pain.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007, lunch
Crystal Hall, Whateley Academy

Even with an extended orientation period, the assembled first floor occupants of the school’s over-the-top cafeteria could be a jaw-dropping spectacle. Aside from the relatively normal-looking students among the Underdogs, Nerd Herd, and other social groups used to being pushed to the fringes, there was also the full range of mild- to- moderately- “unusual” students sitting together for mutual support or with friends who weren’t so impressed with the self-impressed on the second or top floors. The only real drawbacks were the noisy, jostling traffic to and from the meal lines, or the proximity to some of the bullies and losers also exiled to the ground floor.

Only three days in, and some wag had added a placard:

Things Which Metro Is No Longer Allowed To Do:
Sit under the big exhaust fans in the Crystal Hall.
This causes Nate (Miasma -- “You’ll know him when you meet him” If they serve chili, you can’t miss him!) to avoid that table.
The rest of us have to breathe air too, you know.

At one of the mixed-menagerie tables, Thomas ‘Valravn’ Jensen stopped eating for a moment, swallowed, and then chuckled liked he’d just remembered something amazingly inept or suicidal that Mads had done, “So, it looks like you missed a trip down old ‘Memory Lane’ earlier.”

The boy across from him looked up from some notes he was going over. He was back on a semi-liquid diet, so it’s not like he’d been needing utensils. “Oh? When was this?” To be honest, Mads ‘Metro’ Jensen would have preferred to be a complete stranger to quite a few of his own memories. Unfortunately, some things just can’t be “processed” with 9mm ammunition.

“Earlier, I had to swing back to Poe to grab my homework and who walked in but Loophole? Eh, she’s one of the TAs for the girls wing, Gearhead, Alpha, you get the picture, “ he added for their friends’ sake. “Abso-frickin-lutely reeking, like she’d spent a few days camping ... with this guy, actually,” he finished, maturely sticking a tongue out.

It was a testament to the time they’d spent hanging out that Thomas caught the puzzled and slightly scandalized look on his ex-roommate’s face. “Do you mean to tell us that a girl, or rather a lovely woman along the classically shapely lines of Loophole, would have ever, em, ‘camped out’ with Metro here? Whenever would this have been?” drawled the much larger, heavily-GSD “boy”. His size and baritone voice was such that one would never have guessed that he wasn’t the oldest at the table.

Mads jerked his chin up and mimed straightening his tie, “What, you doubt that eligible women would have reason to spend time with me?”

The boy sitting next to him, owning a static-shocked hair style and maneuvering his food around a mad devisor’s impression of a mobile Faraday cage said, “We doubt an eligible anyone would. Present company excluded, Val.”

Thomas nodded, then struck back with, “Mads, you spent more time sulking and wishing Yoyo were dead than anything else I could name.”

“You didn’t like the useless slitch either! Only person I’ve ever met that was stupid enough to suggest boosting cars in a war zone.” was the growled rejoinder. “What about Jade?”

“She only slept with Proxie, and dealt with you more as a contractor. I wouldn’t call that ‘eligible’.”

“Or Yuki? Completely professional, as needed.”

“Professional? Er, right. You her type? Hells to the no.”

“A LOT of work went into making that establishment a class operation. I mean. um. What about ... wait. Guys? Why is everyone moving away? I DID shower today,” he turned back to his friend and waggled his eyebrows, “and I’m assuming so did Loophole?” Back to a safer subject.

Maybe, Mads thought, he shouldn’t sit with the UV brassard pointing towards other people at the table. Wrong impressions, y’know.

“Oh, yes. Apparently, Mrs. Carson took Pejuta and Loophole on a field trip. Camping gear and all,” explained Thomas, with a “I know something you don’t know” smirk. “You really should see if she’d tell you where.”

The other boy thought about and piped up, “Maybe I will!”


After the milliseconds needed for the BMA senseis to realize that Metro was still seeing three people to the two of them, there was plenty of open time before Mads needed to officially have his head examined. A Dr. Bellows was the designated sacrificial goat for the week. So the boy headed over to Schuster Hall, not too far from Doyle, to get Officially Told where he could stick his curiosity.

“Liz, there’s a student here who says he has a short, but possibly delicate question to ask, if you have a minute for it?”

Headmistress Carson knew Elaine Claire well enough to smell a set-up a mile away. Even more suspicious was a lack of timely intervention by her own Assistant. It was a little early in the year for “Were you really Superhero X, what a looker she was!” or “Sorry I mistook you for Superheroine Y, whatever happened to her?” or “I have a crush on [ teacher, student, random object or eldritch abomination (last year had been sooo special)]”, so she took a moment to compose herself. “Send them in.” This had better be good.

She was not expecting the politely smiling face of one of the freshmen at the very top of her personal “shit list”.

“Mr. Jensen. What a ... surprise. Please, DO sit down.” She indicated one of the interrogation chairs directly in front of her desk.

“Thank you, ma’am. Could you tell me where your morning class on extradimensional entities was convened, assuming that’s not confidential?” Before the Headmistress of his frickin’ School could answer with a lightning strike at his head, he added, “The reason I ask is that a friend of mine suggested that he’d gotten a downwind impression that I would be very familiar with the location.”

That was not the question Elizabeth Carson was expecting, even with prior hints and warnings from her staff.

“Yes, it is a confidential location, and as you are not one of my students for that class I do have NO obligation to answer that question, Major Gunnison.” She smiled, Check “But I do believe that you are familiar with a certain Training Zone Charlie, and I do hope that you would trust me to have made the appropriate arrangements for its use.” and Mate.

“Charlie. Right. But I was told they were instructed to pack for a field outing?”

Confusion. That’s an interesting reaction.

“That is correct.”

“But it’s a basic survival range. We’d just drag prospects ... out of class.” Ah. The light dawns. “You never told them that you had atropine injectors on hand, or medevac on stand-by.” Seeing the smile and the slow, amused head-shake, one could tell that The Headmistress is quite capable of being a cast-iron bitch when need be. “Or that they were eating the wrong stock.” Ouch. Got it.

She finished for him. “Well. I’m glad we had this little talk, but we both have further appointments today. In addition, I’ll see you tomorrow in class as a guest reviewer for Ms Nalley’s and Ms Franks’ debrief papers.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I. am. a dead man.
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WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #447
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Gunny Bardue and Sam Everhart stood off to the side, watching as the dejected members of Wondercute climbed out of their sim pods and began making their way towards the debriefing room.

“You know,” Gunny commented with a faint chuckle. “I almost feel sorry for them.”

“Almost,” Sam said, nodding in agreement. The truth was, after dealing with the Imp herself, she really could sympathize with those girls. “They never knew what hit them.”

“That wasn’t fair,” Generator whined. “She shouldn’t be able to use our own stuff against us…”

“I can’t believe she got you with Hello Kitty,” Gateway told the other girl. Then she shuddered visibly. “And marshmallow fluff… I know it was just a sim, but I still feel like I have to go wash it off me…extra hard. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to eat marshmallows again.”

“Well, I am NEVER playing Candyland again,” Dragonrider announced. “I drowned in chocolate quicksand…while Oompa Loompas sang about it.”

“Mischief does make a cute Oompa Loompa,” Superchick pointed out with a giggle.

Aquerna just grumbled, “Unicorns are supposed to be nice.”

Once Wondercute had gathered in the debriefing room and had settled into their seats, Gunny put on his game face. As satisfying as it might have been to watch that particular sim, there were still some valuable lessons the girls could take away from it. And it was his duty, and in this case, his pleasure, to make sure those lessons stuck.

Just as Gunny opened his mouth, the room was suddenly filled with music. “I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world,” the female voice sang. “Life in plastic. It’s fantastic.”

All the girls stared at Gunny in surprise, then burst out laughing. It wasn’t until that moment, that Gunny realized the music was coming from HIM. From HIS cell phone. He normally kept the phone in silent mode, and he knew for certain that he had NEVER set this song as a ringtone.

“You can brush my hair,” the song continued to play, “Undress me everywhere. Imagination, life is your creation.”

“One guess as to who is responsible,” Sam commented wryly.

“Damn Imp,” Gunny grumbled as he turned off the phone, earning more giggles from around the room.

Then, to Gunny’s dread, Generator turned to Bugs, and with a broad grin, announced, “I just had a great idea for something to try in our next sim…”
The waking world is but a dream.

Morpheus’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #448
Morpheus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sam Everhart purposely walked across the campus, keeping a close watch of her surroundings but not seeing another person. That was no surprise though, as it was in the indeterminate hours where night and morning blurred together, and most people with any sense were in bed. She had just finished her final patrol of the campus, and was returning to Kane so she could sign out and end her shift for the night.

Just as Sam reached the entrance to Kane Hall, she paused and carefully looked around, though she still didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion anyway.

“Come on out, Imp,” Sam announced. “I know you’re there.”

Sam heard a sound from behind her and snapped around, to now see the Imp standing there. Since the Imp had a smirk on her face and a hand behind her back, she was obviously up to something. Then again, since she was the Imp, it could probably be assumed that she was up to something anyway.

“What now?” Sam asked, keeping her voice and expression even.

“Can we talk inside?” Imp asked cheerfully.

“Would it matter if I said no?” Sam asked with a sigh. When the Imp didn’t respond, she nodded. “Come on.”

Once they were inside, in the main security office area, the Imp pulled her hand from behind her back and revealed what she was holding. Sam had expected another green eggs and ham joke, but instead, Imp simply set a bottle of vodka onto the desk beside her instead.

“A peace offering,” Imp said.

Sam gave Imp a suspicious look, then picked up the bottle. She expected it to be green eggs and ham flavored, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t one of those flavored vodkas at all. However, it was Cat and Hat brand vodka, and had a picture on the front of a fat cat, who was wearing a derby. The reference was obvious.

“You know,” the Imp commented, casually sitting on the edge of the next desk over. “When I was cleaning up my new classroom, I found a certain book. I bet you’ll never guess which one.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief and her tail swished back and forth.

“I think I can guess,” Sam answered wryly.

“Green Eggs and Ham,” the Imp answered with a broad grin. Then she winked at Sam and continued, “To be specific, an autographed, first edition print of the book. It was worth enough that I was able to hire a few enterprising students to clean the room for me.”

“I suppose that was good for you,” Sam said, giving Imp a wary look since she wasn’t sure whether or not Imp was about to try something else.

Imp nodded agreement. “Yes it was. Most of the boxes were just clutter and junk, but there were a couple more hidden gems in the bunch.” She hopped back to her feet, flashing Sam a broad grin. “So, no hard feelings or anything. Besides, that whole sim thing was a lot of fun. Thanks for setting it up for me.”

With that, the Imp gave a sweeping bow, then turned and hurried out of the office. For a moment, Sam remained where she was, waiting for the other shoe to drop. She’d expected the Imp to pull at least one more trick before leaving. However, when Sam looked to where Imp had been sitting on the desk, she suddenly noticed the book that had been left behind. It was a brand new copy of Green Eggs and Ham.
The waking world is but a dream.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #449
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“But what good are my powers if i can only predict sun or snow,and the lotto numbers, which as precog I’m not allowed to play in the first place?” Pouted a chubby young man from Pennsylvania as he watched the other kids in Power theory blow past him.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #450
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

“Ok, does anyone know why Jade keep calling me up giggling to ask if I have or want some BBQ potato chips?” Nikki asked leaning back in her ‘throne’ eyeballing the wall of her friends looking for Jade’s co-conspirator.

Ayla, looking very Euro and content raised an eyebrow. “Even I am aware of the new Geico commercial... here’s the link. You may want to sick your lawyers on them as they are leeching off your image some.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

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05 Sep 2021 01:07 #402 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #451
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Not Canon, but a nice piece that occurred to me ...

“Mom,” Lily asked softly. “Why did you become a hero?”

Startled at the question Tabitha stared down at her only child, before the sincerity of her question bought a smile to her face. “Your father,” she replied reaching out to stroke Lily’s face, siting down beside Lily on her bed.

“But,” Lily blurted. “You were a Master Mind! And then, you said you were going straight! Having a normal life! What happened?”

Tabitha shrugged. “I fell in love. Robert was my life, and then there was you,” Tabitha smiled again. “I was happy. I was in love and I was married. I had a daughter that was my entire world, and then,” tears came to her eyes and she stared blindly. “And then Robert didn’t come home one night,” she whispered. “Nor the next day. Nor the day after.”

Lily stared in horror, allowing herself to be pulled close as her mother absently reached out, trembling as she hugged her.

“No one knew what happened. Nobody would tell me what he had been doing. And I.” Tears freely falling, she trembled as she remembered. “I couldn’t lose him,” Tabitha whispered as Lily stared at her horrified.

Giving herself a shake, Tabitha turned and smile wanly at her daughter, reaching up a hand to wipe away the tears on her face. “So I took you to your grandparents, promised them I’d do all in my power to find Robert, and went out and renewed contacts with my associates from the bad side of Whateley. I went dive to dive from one end of Boston to the other, tracking down all rumours of Falcon that I could, till eventually I tracked down a warehouse I was sure he was being held in. Using all my skills as a thief, I broke in through the roof and sneaked around in the rafters looking for him.”

Pausing, Tabitha sighed and gave Lily another hug. “I found him just as they finished another session of ‘interrogation’, he was unconscious and they were dragging him back to a cell, laughing and joking about what they would do to him when he finally cracked and gave them the information they wanted. After they threw him into the cell, they paused by another one, commenting on how much they’d get when the ‘merchandise’ inside was sold.”

Tabitha shivered. “Merchandise!” she snarled. “When they left, I crept past that cell on the way to rescuing Robert, and I glanced inside.” Tabitha clutched Lily tight to her. “It was children,” she whispered horrified. “Drugged and chained, one little older then you were then.”

Tabitha sat silently staring ahead, before with a smile she hugged Lily to her. “I rescued Robert from his cell, and I dragged him off and was hiding, waiting for an opportunity to bolt, when I overheard them talking about the ‘buyers’ for the children, and what they would do to them. I ... I couldn’t help it. I kept seeing you, chained and drugged and ... I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t skulk away and leave them. Not even for Robert.” She closed her eyes, trembling at the memories.

Tabitha sighed and hugged Lily to her and smiled. “After that, I was always at Robert’s side, making sure that never again would he be alone. Without backup. Without me. Making sure that from then on, he always came home every night.” With a final hug, Tabitha stood up and left, leaving Lily staring after her, deep in thought.
Last Edit: 4 years 6 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #452
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Some suggested Jade scenes that were not used.

Jade beamed happily up at the man behind the customs and immigration desk at Paris airport as she pulled her suitcase along behind her and stepped up to the desk.

“Bienvenue à Paris, avez-vous quelque chose à déclarer?” he greeted her with an answering smile.

Frowning slightly, Jade haltingly replied. “Pardon. Ne comprends, parler anglais?” she asked finishing with a smile and fixing him with her wide puppy-dog eyes and holding out her passport.

Smiling at the young girl’s halting attempt to speak French, the immigration official took pity on her. “Oui, mademoiselle. Welcome to Paris, do you have anything to declare?” he repeated the question in barely accented English, accepting her passport and scanning it.

“Well, I’ve got clothes, and shoes and things in my suitcase,” Jade started babbling as the immigration official absently nodded, only half listening to her while he examined her passport and the contents of his computer screen. “And I have some harmless electronics and stuff, projects I’ve been working on at school, but I left all the guns and explosives and things like that at home, because all of that is like a big no-no to bring on an airplane.”

Blinking rapidly and snatching his gaze up from his screen at the mentions of guns, the Immigration man glanced at the front of Jade’s U.S. passport before looking up and rolling his eyes as she continued, sparing her prattle only a momentary glance before returning to processing her passport.

“And in my backpack I have a change of clothes, some books, gee it was a long flight! I’m so glad I brought them, not to mention my b-phone for its music and videos. And of course, there’s my sister’s ghost. She’s in the backpack too.”

Pausing in the act of giving back her passport, the officer asked cautiously, “Your sister’s ghost?”

“Yeah, she died two years ago and she’s with me constantly to look after me and protect me!” Jade happily declared.

“Oh, I see,” he blinked at her.

“Yeah, she’s always helping me, telling me things, watching over me ...”

“As an older sister should,” the Officer murmured absently crossing himself. “Well, here is your passport. Welcome to France I hope you and your sister enjoy your stay,” he smiled formally at her as he held out her stamped passport.

“Thank you!” Jade said happily gathering back her passport and stepping through the checkpoint to exit.

“Yes thank you!” The officer started and stared hearing a voice seemingly coming from the young girls backpack. Staring after the young Asian girl in disbelief, he watched as a white hand emerged from the backpack and waved goodbye to him as the young girl cheerily disappeared into the crowd of arrivals.

Jade almost shivered in glee as she rolled the sensual stockings up her long Jinn legs.

“You really do like dressing in this suit don’t you?” Adalie asked Jinn in wonder. Looking around carefully she leaned in and whispered. “I thought you couldn’t feel things anymore?”

Jinn smiled and started on her second leg, wiggling in delight as it too was covered in stockings. “I can’t, but Nikki had Jade stretch and smooth a pair of the same stockings onto her legs, she said it would help me understand the mood and wickedness a pair of luxury stockings can imbue you with as they are slid slowly up your legs. And she was right, I do feel wicked and sultry and sexy when I slide on my stockings,” Jinn smiled a knowing grin at the wide eyed stare of Adalie.

“How do you get such a sultry voice?” Adalie pleaded in a whisper as once again Ayla got out of the limo wincing at the pressure his gaff was exerting to keep his panty line undisturbed and his secret hidden.

Jinn giggled. “I just imagine how Nikki would say it if she wanted to melt Hank into a puddle on the floor.”

Adalie blinked. “Isn’t Stalwart Nikki’s boyfriend?” she demanded confused.

Jinn giggled again. “Yes, but Nikki and Toni realised early on that Hank is the perfect gentleman and would never presume not matter what they teasingly suggested to him, so poor Hank became the patsy Nikki and Toni perfected all their feminine wiles on. Sometimes Hank was left not knowing which way was up, and which way was down when they were around.” Smiling delightedly Jinn hopped out of the limo to follow Ayla.

“Have they been doing the same thing to Ayla?” Adalie demanded in a whisper when she too followed Jinn out.

Jinn shook her head. “Ayla’s not much of a challenge to them, so they save it up for special occasions,” Jinn placated her.

“Challenge?” Adalie splurged outraged.

Jinn turned to her and smiled. “It’s a good thing that Lily is a “girl next door with a heart of gold,” by now nearly every seductress on campus had tried her hand at Hank, but without Nikki and Toni’s advantages, none of them have even entered Hank’s conscious as an attempt on his affections.”

“Advantages?” Adalie asked confused.

“Nikki has her Sidhe glamour and her empathy, and Toni is almost as good as Nikki at reading emotions through monitoring Ki flows. Plus they have the advantage of knowing all of Hank’s weaknesses through teasing him from all the way back to that time when a pretty girl pressing against him and fluttering her eyes at him still worked. Nowadays Nikki and Toni have so desensitised him to that, I doubt there is a woman in the world other then Nikki and Lily that could still do it to him.” Jinn snickered wickedly. “And Lily almost has Hank to the point were Nikki’s Glamour isn’t enough to get a response anymore. God he’s soo far gone, Hank hasn’t a chance at all of escaping Lily’s intentions,” she smiled excitedly to Adalie who grinned conspiratorially back at her.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #453
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“I don’t serve mutants here,” the ice cream man said gruffly.

“But- but, I just want to buy some ice cream for my friends,” Teri said, her eyes wide and beginning to overflow with tears. “A-and you’re the only ice cream place at the beach, so I can’t get ice cream anywhere else.”

“I. Don’t. Care.”

That was enough to set Teri off, and she began to wail so loudly all eyes in the immediate area turned to them.

“Mommy, why is that fairy crying,” a little girl asked.

“Hey Mom, why won’t he give that fairy ice cream? She looks nice,” a boy said.

As the ice cream man tried to get her to shut up, more and more little kids started asking why the cute little fairy was so upset, and some of the toddlers began to cry themselves or walked over to try to cheer the fairy up.

“I just want a little bit of ice cream,” Teri sobbed, futilely wiping the tears away with her wings. “I even said please and thank you!”

If Teri had been a monstrous mutant crying, she would have gotten far, far less sympathy. But being a six inch tall fairy straight out of a fairytale or cartoon gained Teri quite a bit of sympathy. As the kids kept asking questions, and a few even shouted at the ice cream man to be nice, with the parents getting more upset at the noise and how the pleasant day at the beach was turning into an uncomfortable learning experience.

“Just give her the damn ice cream!” a father shouted as his daughter tugged at his finger to help the sad fairy.

“Fine. What did you want you damn mutant?” the ice cream man snarled.

“I don’t want it anymore, you’re a big meanie!” Teri wailed, not leaving her seat on the corner of his cart.

“Come on kid, I’m trying to make a living here and you’re scaring away my customers. Just tell me what you want and get out of here.”

His mean tone just made Teri cry even harder.

“For the love of... Here! Take it! Just get the hell out of here!” the ice cream man said, filling a bag with what he remembered from her order.

“I wanted an ice cream sandwich to,” Teri muttered.

An ice cream sandwich went into the bag. “Now take a hike!”

The tears slowly faded to sniffles, as Teri took the bag. She took to the air her wings drooping a little, but she made sure to smile and thank the children for helping her. When she was well away from the crowd, she perked up, smiling happily and began bouncing up and down as she flew. Reaching her friends she tossed them the bag. “Hey guys I got the ice cream, sorry it took so long, but I managed to get it all for free!’

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #454
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
By some measures it was a good thing that, by the time Auxiliary Security Officer Mads Jensen finally got down the hill and dragged his sorry arse up the steps to Hawthorne Cottage, it was well past lights out. He was hoping that that meant the common rooms would be deserted - because he was just too wiped out to head back up to Kane Hall from Doyle to clean up all his gear and soak blood and pine tar off his uniform first. The tremor in his hand as he went to unlock the door warned him that a long day was turning to a longer night.

Some time back, Sam Everheart had mentioned that one of her first nights patrolling on-campus she’d run across a student who’d plowed into a tree because the girl had forgotten that knowing where you’re going is a critical flight skill. To hear her tell it, it was kind of funny, since exemplars tend to be bullet-proof and mostly impalement-

You know, they could very well wait to examine his knee until after he finished yarking up his bootlaces. Hell, that kid is probably still in surg-

Make that ‘until after the bootlaces worked their way up and the rain has died down.’

It was one thing to deal with shooting or stabbing victims being pulled off the street into Mama’s clinic. The few times he’d been in combat, well that had definitely been ‘kill or be killed’. There’s just something about having to help saw limbs, tree, tree limbs, not the other, off next to still living and crying. No. Thinking about that was just worse. Even with all the power he could risk on healing, that wouldn’t have made the pain go away. For someone whose world wouldn’t ever, ever. Damn. Just breathe.

The boy never noticed the warning signal before his medkit fired off a double dose of anti-psychotic and pain-killer.

Nor, thankfully, did he see the look on Mrs. Cantrel’s face as Eldritch and the on-call nurse loaded his unconscious body on the stretcher, leg carefully splinted. The phone call warning her that one of her charges was coming in in bad shape had hurt; the pounding of boots, slamming of a bathroom door, and snap of broken cartilage when he slipped and went down hard simply broke her heart with each terrible sound. The softly muttered “Well, his helmet’s still on. No concussion this time. That’s good, right?” from one of the other ‘inmates’ who should have been asleep, didn’t help. “Right. Like I’d trust Metro with crutches.” Gallows humor, but better.

“You all go on back to your rooms, now.” What kind of world teaches children ‘There but for the Grace of God go I’ so intimately? “We’ll know more in the morning.” But the dawn is still so very far off.
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WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #455
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Gina headed out the door of Dickinson a little early to avoid the rush of students eager for breakfast, She stretched her arms back and let the warm sun caress her skin for a moment before heading off towards Crystal Hall.

Gina headed out the door of Dickinson a little early to avoid the rush of students and so that she could talk to Mr. Anderson before class about some new tricks she’d learned over the summer. She stretched her arms back and let the warm sun caress her skin for a moment before heading off towards her first day of Survival Class for the year.


With a bowl full of cereal and a cup of hot chocolate, Gina took a quick look around the cafeteria to see if any of her friends were getting an early start as well. With a big smile she headed over to the Underdog table and took a seat. “Hi Anna, how was your summer?” she asked.


Gina strolled along the back path listening to the singing birds and enjoying the bit of privacy the trees provided after the bustle of the cottage. Unfortunately her few minutes of peace were cut short when she saw some bullies start swaggering down the path towards her.


“- the MCO gave Jerry and me some trouble at the Miami airport, but Jerry was able to handle it so we didn’t miss our flight,” Anna said, with stars in her eyes. “What about you, how was your summer?”

“It wasn’t as interesting as your summer,” Gina said. “No supervillain fights for me. But I had fun back home. I went, oh no!”


“Well if it isn’t my favourite girl, two for one,” Buster said. “New guy, this is one of the underdogs I told you about. All she can do is make a duplicate, so if you catch her, you can beat two of her up for the price of one.”

A freshman, who looked even stupider and uglier than Buster smirked. “What a useless little bitch. Why is she even here?”

Rolling her eyes, Gina ducked before the freshman could grab her hair. “Yeah, my power is useless. Why don’t you go find someone who’s actually a challenge to annoy or are you too chicken to risk a real fight?”

“Are you going to let her talk to you like that, new guy?” Buster asked.


“Are you OK?” Anna asked.

“Yeah,” Gina said, shaking herself to focus on her friend. “I just got distracted a little. One second.”


Gina took a step back from the bully who was growing by the second until he was ten feet tall and leering down at her. “Oh this is so fair. Your mother must be so proud of you,” she said deadpan.

A hand the size of a desk reached out to pick her up, not wanting to know what the bully would do if he actually got her Gina disappeared.

“Where the hell did she go?! I thought you said she could only make a duplicate.”


“Ugh,” Gina groaned in disgust. A duplicate suddenly appeared beside her.

Anna didn’t even blink at the sudden appearance of the second Gina. “Problems?”

“Ran into Buster and a new bully who is a size warper that’s at least as bad as Buster if not worse,” Gina replied in stereo. Turning to face her duplicate the original Gina said, “I’ll go to survival class now, I seem to have more luck today.”

Anna waited patiently as Gina got up and headed for the door, while Gina slid into the now empty seat.

“So like I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted, my vacation was boring but nice. I went to my grandparents with my brother...”
Last Edit: 4 years 6 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #456
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Everyone, please get out your pens and put your books away, its time for a pop quiz,” the English teacher said.

As the class groaned, the teacher pulled a chair off to the side. “Gina, please come here.”

Teri watched in confusion as a normal looking girl suddenly became two, and the new one walked red faced to the chair.

“What’s going on there?” She asked a sophomore who was sitting beside her.

“Last year Gina used her double to give herself an unfair advantage on her exam. It’s why she’s taking the class over again.”

“Oh! That’s sneaky,” Teri said, imagining what she could do with that power.
Last Edit: 4 years 6 months ago by Domoviye.

Bek D Corbin
Bek D Corbin’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #457
Bek D Corbin replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
12: 35, Lunchtime, Whateley Academy, the Crystal Hall
“Look,” Eddie said intently over the lunch table, “we have to do something!”

“Hey, Gina’s cool with it, and she made the goober look like a complete dork,” Jamal said coolly. “If we go back at him, we’ll just kick it up so’s he’ll feel that he’s gotta come back at her. Let it be.”

“What’s this?” Thorn skated up to the table dressed as a 1950’s carhop, with a large plate of junk food held up properly in one hand. “Let what be? Is Paul McCartney making yet another comeback?”

‘There’s another new bully in the crop of Froshes,” Jolt explained. “A Size Warper, calls himself ‘Maximize’ let Buster talk him into leaning on Gina.”

“What? The CAD!”

Jolt shrugged. “From what she told me, it wasn’t that bad. She was doubled-up and she just merged off the spot before it could get nasty. Gina says let it be, and I agree with her.”

Thorn sat down and resumed his usual (‘normal’ so rarely applies to Thorn) Edwardian mode and said, “’Maximize’, you say? Well of course! A young lady of Miss Regina’s quality and sensitivity would never stoop to seeking revenge on a poor young man who’s had a nervous breakdown! I suggest that we follow Miss Regina’s example and leave the poor soul to his plight.”

“Nervous breakdown?” Eddy asked, confused. “When did Maximize have a nervous breakdown?”

Then a huge figure staggered into cafeteria, swatting frantically at one of hundreds of bright cheery pastel color cartoon squirrels that were swarming all over him. Maximize frantically stomped and swatted and tore at the squirrels, but every time he did so, two more took its place. In one high-pitched nitrogen-charged chorus, they sang, ‘John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt! His name is my name too! And whenever we go out, you can hear the people shout, HEY JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT!YADA YADA YADA YAH! One More TIME! John-”

Thorn took out a large gold watch, checked it and said clinically, “I’d say about 3 o’clock, 3:30 at the latest.”

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #458
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Assault with a horde of cartoon squirrels! Shouldn’t someone report this?”

Thorn did not jump. A gentleman is never so crude, even if there had certainly NOT been anyone behind him so much as a moment ago!

“Help. Police. Murder .” he muttered calmly before piping up, “Of course, my good fellow. If indeed these shadows have offended?”

Before a Midsummer’s Nacht, errr, Dream, could get much further underway, the new kid pointed over to the bully, “Then consider this, and all is mended”

Now it was a hugely confused Slappy SquirrelTM being serenaded.

“I’ve got a twenty on 2:30 if the chorus line switches to “ Tom’s Diner “ Yes? Good. Off we go.”
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WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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JG’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #459
JG replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I found this lying around. You might like it.
* * *

He sat there for hours, simply taking in the peace and quiet, and he could almost imagine his brother sitting nearby, joking with him when the first drops of rain hit him. The heat of the fire, the chill of falling water combined with the cool air blowing in from the north, the feel of the earth below, and the smell of the woods around him found him almost in a trance as the conflicting sensations entered his mind, and he sat unmoving until he opened his eyes again.

“Help me.”

Matt’s eyes snapped open and he looked around for the source of the voice he’d just heard. Except for the falling rain, all was silent. “Please, help me.”

“Hello? Who’s there?” Matt was getting somewhat freaked. The other voice sounded inhuman, otherworldly.

The voice was silent for a moment. “I’m here, with you.”

Matt looked around and then blinked. His hand slid up and found the garnet pendant around his neck. As he did he could feel excitement radiating, from where he couldn’t tell. He let his hand fall and it was all he could do not to get carried away in the waves of crushing disappointment.

He remembered the words of the Sidhe woman, about the pendant being all that remained of a great creature. “Who are you?”

“I can’t remember. It’s been so long I don’t even remember if I had a name.” It was bizarre, finding himself translating alien feelings and impressions, as well as odd images in his head to words.

“Why are you waiting to speak to me until now?”

The voice came, the pain writ large in its tones. “I can only speak to someone being affected by all of the elements of the courts.”

“What courts?”

“The Five-Fold Court, mortal, surely you have heard of them.”

Matt caught himself shaking his head, then said aloud, “No, I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“No matter. The courts are dead and gone. The last person I spoke to said as much.”

“How long ago was that?”

“I believe I still remembered my name, my purpose. It was far too long ago. I have been trapped in this thing for too long, stripped of power, deprived of even my purpose.”

“What do you want from me?” Matt was suddenly very terrified for his very existence, as some powerful thing trapped in an object had been fodder for legend and story the world over. Possessions had been the norm, and never once did he hear a real old legend where the person being taken had kept a part of themselves enough to recover.

“What I want mortal...” Matt braced himself against the fear,”...is to die. I want peace, to not be trapped in limbo and feel nothing. I wish to join my sisters.”
Last Edit: 4 years 6 months ago by JG.

konzill’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #460
konzill replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rachel tiptoed across the sunroom, through the maze of Meccano pieces on the floor. “Do you have to make such a mess?”

“Hay Rach,” her twin brother said without looking up from the gears he was screwing together.

She plopped down opposite him and regarded the contraption. He’d used the windup motor from the Meccano car, and linked it to a gear train, that seemd to be part way to being a circle. “So what you building.”

David stopped, dropping the screwdriver, and scratched his head. then turned the contraption over, to reveal more gears on the other side. “You know what. I don’t have a clue.””

“Mum says we’ve got to be ready to go in ten minutes. Uniforms!” she shuddered.

David picked up another gear, and poked his contraption with it several times. But each time the gear train seeme to jam up. “It’s just part of the Joys of High school.”

Rachel snatched the gear from him, and flipped the contraption back over.. “It goes, here”, she said, slotting it into place. “you’re not the one who has to wear peach! Whoever though peach dresses where a good idea should be. Well should have somthing terrible happen to them, thouse dresses are hideous.”

David nodded, and added another gear. It connected to the one his sister had fitted snd completed the gear train, “Its, missing something.”

“Mercury” Rachel said at the same moment as David said “Quartz”.

“I’ll get a thermometer” David said, running from the room and down the stairs. Rachel was up at the same moment, their feet hitting the steps in perfect unison, only to separate at the landing.

Moments later Rachel returned with her collection of mineral samples. Her fingers ran along the sall compartments, fishing out the clear quartz and Iron pyrite.

David sat beside her, placing a large candy thermoeter beside their collection. He picked out a piece of obsidian from the box, and dropped it beside the other minerals. “that one too”

Rachel nodded in agreement, and positioned the quartz on a metal meccano plate. David put the screwdriver at and angle and tapped the other end with wooden block. The quats split, into three, sections with clear smooth facets along the facture line.

They split shards of quats, pirite and obsidian and then fitting them in among the gears. Four hands working as if they had practiced the motions for hours. Neither of them saying a word, or indeed feeling any need to do so,

Finally the crystals where all in place. Rachel held the broken thermometer above the gear train. Meanwhile David turned the key on the clockwork, and released the catch.

The gear train turned, crystals sending beams of sun light dancing about the room. Slower and slower as the cockwork rand down.

Rachel tipped the thermometer, puring a stream of mercury into the works. It came out not in drops but in a single stream as thin as a human hair. The mercury weaved from gear to gear in total disregard of gravity. Finally looping back to the beginging just as the thermometer emptied.

The Twins watched it for a while, smiling. “That’s just like in my dream”, they said in unison, looking at eachother.

“Hay your eyes, are green”, sitll in unison their voices bleing into one polyphonic whole.

“Rachel, David, get down here” Their mother called from downstairs.

“Jinx,” Rachel said, pulling herself up and away from the contraption. Her brothers eyes looked brown again. “we better get going.”

“Kids,” their mother called again.

“Coming,” they called as the yrun down the stairs. By the time they hit the landing Rachel, with her longer legs, was in the lead, and the spell was broken.

Upstairs the impossible contraption kept turning. Thirty seven gears linked in one continues train. Life went on in th Doyle household. Shoes where put on, and the front door slammed, leaving the house empty. Upstairs in the sunroom the Meccano contraption kept spinning. The crystals glowing faintly in the shadows, and sparkiling in the sun. And the mercury tinkling as it looped around and around.
Last Edit: 4 years 6 months ago by konzill.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #461
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Although she’d been taught that an effective way to start a pre-exam review was to open the floor for questions on key topics, Dr. Ophelia ‘Caduceus’ Tenent was absolutely convinced that neither her college professors nor the Goddess herself had had her 6th Period Magical Theory class in mind.

“Excuse me, I don’t think I heard what you said. Could you repeat that?”

“I said one potential way to exit a Fool’s Circle would be to modify the local gravitational constant in the local frame of reference, such that the curvature of space-time either excludes the subject previously with the warded volume, or the spell’s physical boundaries intersect, disrupting the working. Barring some variation of a heterodyne effect.”

The words escaped before Dr. Tenent could stop them, “Are you insane?”

On reflection, that slip-up boded a much better outcome than the fact that “What can you tell me about a Fool’s Circle?” had been the first question, with 40 minutes left to go.

The student looked over and frowned at the student sitting next to him and grinning like a loon, “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

The other piped up, “However, the Rule of Inherent Flaw doesn’t preclude flaws induced after a casting. In theory, what’s being described is little different from erasing the diagram from the outside. Drawn circles are also vulnerable to earthquakes.”

“Gentlemen, if either of you ever decide to test that method, please warn the faculty in advance so we can arrange to be on a different planet at that time.”

The beleaguered mystical arts teacher mentally counted to ten before adding, “For the rest of you, whoever introduced your fellow student back there to ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ and/or ‘Supernatural’, you have until the end of the day to turn your self in.”
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WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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cprime’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #462
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Main Workshop, Friday before Parent’s Day
Langley Paulson looked around at the assembled collection of Devisors and Gadgeteers. After a moment, he spoke. “It has been brought to my attention that parties who shall remain nameless have scheduled a pie throwing contest for tomorrow on range 4. This contest has been canceled. Anyone caught participating in said contest will face a week of detention.”

The speech was interrupted when a member of security tapped him on the shoulder and whispered into his ear.

Range 4, earlier that day
The delivery van that drove up to the Range 4 bunker was a non-nondescript affair, proclaiming ownership by a ‘Waldorf Bakery’. Driving the van was a similarly non-remarkable gentleman. Standing outside the bunker was a surprisingly alert Lieutenant Trout. Coming to an easy stop, the driver grabbed a clipboard from the passenger seat and hopped out of the van, the engine still running. Lieutenant Trout in turn strolled over to meet the driver. The driver was the first to speak. “’Morning officer. You’re here to sign for the shipment?”

“What is it?”

“Several pallets of specialized non-lethal ammunition.”

“What type of ammunition?”

“Competition grade throwing pies.”

“Who ordered that?”

The driver looked at his clipboard. “One I. M. Pei.”

Lieutenant Trout snorted. “Figures. Can I see your ID?”

The driver fished a red-bordered card from his wallet and showed it to the security officer who scrutinized it before handing it back. The duo then proceeded around the van and opened up the rear rolling door. The Lieutenant was surprised to see that the pallets contained exactly what the driver claimed, row upon row of pie shells filed with some type of cream filling. Shrugging, he held out his hand for the clipboard. After taking a minute to scan the paperwork, he scrawled a signature on it and returned it to the driver.

15 minutes later, the pallets had been unloaded from the truck and were stashed in front of the bunker door. After closing the rolling door, the driver shook hands with Trout. “Pleasure working with you.”

“You too Highwayman. Drop me a line if you have any deliveries coming this way.”

“I will be certain to do so.”

Security Offices, later that day
Chief Delarose growled. “What do you mean, we can’t revoke the booking for Range 4 for tomorrow?”

“Apparently the Imp called it her fee for her pen-test on the administration offices.”

“And the pallets in front of the Range 4 bunker?”

“How was I to know that they’d lock in place until all the ammunition had been thrown?”

“What were you doing there, anyways?”

“I had received a tip about some incoming contraband. How was I to know that the pies were the contraband?”

The chief just shook his head. “You get to tell the range jockies that range four is closed until the Imp’s little competition is over. I’ll take care of notifying the department heads.”

Main Workshop, a little later
Langley Paulson just shook his head after hearing what the security officer had to say. After taking a moment to compose his thoughts, he spoke again. “I stand corrected. Apparently a significant quantity of practice pies were delivered this morning to range 4. The administration was unable to halt this delivery, or return the shipment. As such, the use of this range for test firings will be permitted. However, anyone caught throwing pies at anything other than range targets will still be subject to detention.
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #463
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Teri flew down the tunnel holding Buster by his underwear in the mother of all wedgies, looking for a good spot to leave the bully hanging when she came across an amusing sight, a preteen young girl in a gothic lolita dress, with long white hair and a boy who was cocooned in pink ribbons.

“Whatcha doing?” she asked the girl.

“I could ask you the same thing,” the girl replied.

“Teaching a bully a lesson. It turns out Buster is only really strong if you hit him, and wedgies don’t count as hitting.” She bobbed the unlucky bully in the air causing him to whimper in pain.

The girl nodded in understanding. “I’m doing something similar with this guy, he thought that being a size warper let him pick on little girls. I proved him wrong.”

“Isn’t that Maximize?” Teri asked. “How can ribbons keep him wrapped up?”

“Yeah, it is. I just needed to use a lot more than usual. I’m Ribbon.”

“Teri. I love your dress, I have one like it I wear for special occasions. I should be going, I need to get this guy to the nearest flag pole before the dinner rush starts. Maybe we can play together with some bullies later, I’ll get my own dress so we can match.”

Ribbon nodded and said goodbye slinging the bully over her shoulder, waving as Teri flew past.

“Thanks for annoying me Buster, you just helped me make a new friend,” Teri said cheerfully, giving him a little shake.

Buster didn’t say anything, just groaned in pain wishing he’d never seen the little freak.
Last Edit: 4 years 6 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago - 4 years 6 months ago #464
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Can I paint your face?” Teri asked her fellow Whitmaniac.

“What?” asked the porcelain covered girl sounding confused even though her expression never changed.

“I’d like to paint your face,” Teri repeated. “You look like a pretty doll, but you always seem sad. I was thinking that painting some flowers in really bright colours would make you look really beautiful. I have some stencils so they’ll look nice. I think the rose stencils would look best, but I have a bunch of others that we can look through. So can I?”

The girl cocked her head, cracking the porcelain at her neck, which was the only sign she could give that she was considering the request. Finally, “Thank you Teri, I think I’d like that.”

Teri disappeared from sight and was back five seconds later holding a large zip lock bag full of paint, brushes and stencils. “Yay! I get to be Picasso!”
Last Edit: 4 years 6 months ago by Domoviye.

JG’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #465
JG replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Murphy’s Law #22: Ragers are not toys.

There’s an unwritten rule about picking on the Thornies. You don’t do it. But apparently someone hadn’t gotten the message.

I was walking out to go get food, heading to the Crystal Hall, glad for once that I didn’t have to wear a bra for the next few days and just walked. Unlike most warpers, I don’t usually feel the need to stutter-jump or fly to class. I like walking. It’s relaxing and gives me time to cook-up scenarios in my head that I might someday put to paper. Walking lets me zone out and daydream, my favorite way to pass the time.

However, daydreaming took a back seat when I saw Truck poking at one of the thornies, the fish kid called Ricou. The boy was covered in scales, but was bundled up to protect himself from the cold I merely found to be flannel weather. Truck was poking and laughing at the boy on the quad as I saw a convergence of nightmare.

Truck ignored the irate form of Jimmy Trauger when he flipped Ricou’s water-filled rebreather mask off and laughed while the suddenly-suffocating boy tried to catch the line and put it back on as Jimmy screamed like an I-shit-you-not Tyranid and grew into a chitinous monster that slammed Truck across the way…

Straight into Phobos, wiping the girl out and dumping her face first into the snow at a speed that might have knocked me out for a few days.

Everyone on the quad stopped, then turned as the black hole of nightmare terror suddenly erupted in the center of Whateley Academy. It was like watching a horror movie. Even Ricou stopped trying to get his mask back on as he stopped and stared at the screaming, redheaded, horned, three-eyed, twin-tailed, four-armed Phobos. Worse, the shriek of pure nightmare was mirrored by her black-haired twin sister who was less than ten feet away.

What happened next seemed to occur in almost horror-movie-esque slow-motion as Deimos ran up behind her sister as the world seemed to contract to an epicenter point between the two, and everyone was simultaneously standing adjacent to the monster that pulsed the world and shrieked into existence on the Whateley Quad.

People screamed, a few huddled, rocking back and forth, as an angry God birthed itself into the world from the twin GSD girls who’d lost their minds to pain and rage when Jimmy Trauger slammed Truck through Phobos.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #466
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I suggest you find the “Belle - Bonjour” song on the net and listen to it while reading this scene. Why should I be the only one with that ear worm in my head?


Andi’argana grinned as she turned her face into the morning sun as she stepped out of her home. With a bounce and a slight twirl in her step she headed down the street. “Little town it hi’s a quiet village.
Every day like the one before. Little town full of little people, waking up to say...” she started to sing as she nodding to the neighbors she passed.

“Morning.” first one then another called out. “Good day.”


“How are you?”

Most where of Sidhe decent like her, though more then a few, her self included, showed hybrid traits. It had been a necessity forced on the Colonies long ago for them to have a wide enough pool of stock and to adapt to their new worlds. Di’ar knew some places where only the Court Pure where allowed to enter, and hybrid children born to them where killed as much as the Council objected to the practice.

“Here is the baker with his tray like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell. Every morning just the same since the morning that we came, To this poor provincial town.” Pushing the disgusting thought from her mind Di’ar entered the little store she liked.

“Morning Di’ra! The usual?”

“Yes please, Mon’shir.”

The baker nodded and turned to pull Di’ar’s order from the shelves behind him, his tail flicking to the tune Di’ar had brought in. “Where you off to?”

“The library... I’m trying to do some research.” She replied as she paid for her purchases. While she counted out the required coins Di’ar didn’t see the baker roll his eyes at her. Tucking her things in her carry all Di’ar pulled out a tablet and began to work on it as she walked, still humming to herself. So engrossed was she, Di’ar was unaware of the gossip going on about her.

“Look there she goes, that girl is strange, no question. Dazed and distracted can’t you tell?” a woman with a good bit of feline melded with avian and Sidhe said pointing. “Never part of any crowd.”

Her friend, a woman with a scales and four arms shrugged “It’s ‘Cause her head’s up on some cloud.”

“No denying she’s a funny girl, that Di’ar.” the cat-bird woman agreed.

Coming to the library Di’ar paused long enough to check that she had dawdled long enough for it to be open, the she pushed her way through the door. The librarian, a short green man with comically over sized ears looked up giving Di’ar a fond smile. “Ah! Di’ar! Like always the first you are.” he said before running a hand through his thinning hair.

“Good Morning! I’ve come to continue my research!”

“Scanned our collection all is. At home view it you could.”

“It’s just not the same.” Di’ar sighed as she leaned on the counter. She was about to say more but her words where cut off as the windows began to rattle in their frames. When something fairly close explodes Di’ar and the librarian dropped to the ground as the power went out. Seconds after the explosion Di’ar’s curiosity forced her to get back on her feet and approach the window. From her position she could see the Protectors rushing towards the source, their uniforms flowing from their light duty forms to ones more suited for heavy combat.

Di’ar could see that near the edge of the town a space craft hovered, likely over their energy plant if the fact the power grid had just gone out was any indication, firing weapons at whatever seemed to catch the gunner’s attention. Sidhe that where struck by the beams collapsed to the ground, while the buildings struck by them seemed none the worse for wear. Then a hatch opened in the side of the craft and being either dropped or flew out of the space ship. Gulping nervously Di’ar pushed the door open and hurried out onto the street, hugging the buildings, unsure what she could do, but knowing she should try and help some how.


An almost androgynous looking blue Pergusus hovered near her leader, grinning as the dark purple Alicorn’s stun weapon dropped another of the damned sidhe. “Wow! You didn’t miss a shot Aftergolw! You’re the greatest marksfillie in the whole troop.”

The woman known as Afterglow Spark buffed her fingers on her chest with a smirk. “I know.”

“No beast alive stands a chance against you. And no male for that matter.”

Afterglow nodded distractedly as she scanned the fleeing crowd below them. “It’s true Scurry. And I’ve got my sights set on that one.” she said pointing.

Chimera Scurry cocked her head looking confused at the figure her mistress was pointing to. “That pink one?”

“He’s the one! The lucky male I’m going to enslave in my bed chamber!” Afterglow said already wondering how long this one would last. She wore them out so darn quickly...

“But he...”

“He’ll be the most handsome stallion around. That makes him the best! And don’t I deserve the best!?

“Well of course, I mean you do, I mean...” Scurry said looking frustrated and even more confused by the moment. “That’s a female mistress!”

Afterglow shrugged. “So? That’s what the Conversion Matrices are for.” she paused to eye Scurry, causing the smaller mare to shiver and her mane to stand on end. “I wonder what would happen if we put more then one being in the same Matrix... You’re nearly due for a promotion my daring one...” she added absently as she caressed Scurry’s small bust. “I do miss what you once had, but after you disappointed me like that...”

“I know mistress, I won’t disappoint you again.” Scurry said meekly. “I’d very much like my breasts back.”

“Well then go retrieve him for me! Maybe if you really please me with the rest of this raid, I’ll let you join me in breaking him in.” Afterglow said as she lined up her shot and dropped Di’ar.


Di’ar heard someone grunt “Huh!” as warmth flowed over her body. Cracking her eyes she saw a flaming demon standing over her, and she let out an ear splitting scream as she scrambled out of the box she had been curled up in. As she tried to get away from the in-Sidhe fiend her foot landed on something soft and fleshy, and when she put more of her weight on it she felt pain rip up through it and into her pelvic region. The pain dropped her to the ground, curling her back into the fetal position. Her hands instinctively went to cover between her legs, and she was shocked to find that instead of the ‘burrow under the grassy hill’ she had had since birth, she now possessed a ‘sapling’ thicker around then her wrist, and in it’s writhed state of pain, nearly as long as her forearm. And between her clamped together legs she could feel the added pain of squeezing two apples between her knees. And while the feeling was much disturbing then the new organ she had sprouted and stepped on apparently, Di’ar felt like there was something also wrong with her feet.

“Hey now, easy... Miss. I won’t hurt you.” The demon said as his bale fire snuffed out and the black carapace that had encased him faded away. Blinking against the tears in her eyes Di’ar looked up him, and realized he looked almost Sidhe, though there where some differences. Then something cut through the pain; she could understand him! He was speaking, all be it with a terrible accent, one of the lesser Old Tongues her teachers had made her class learn!

“What... what colony is this?” she asked as she cautiously took the man’s hand, letting him draw her to her feet. She swayed slightly, eyes dropping to the ground. Gulping she released the hand she was holding to mover her new addition out of her way enough to see her feet. Some how she was not surprised in the least to see that her toes had fused together into two thicker toes which where both capped by a dark pink nail. The bones in her feet had also shifted so she now stood on tip toes.

“What are we going to do with him? Her?” a female Di’ar hadn’t noticed before asked, causing the girl to turn towards her. The woman’s attire left little to the imagination and Di’ar staggered feeling light headed as the blood flowed else where.

“Holy Crap! He’s practically poking his chin with that thing!” she woman squeaked as she backpedaled away from Di’ar.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #467
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“So, what made you retire from the demon-summoning business”

“Well, there comes a time in every villain’s life when they realize that villainy is both more dangerous and less profitable then they expected. But the skill set they’ve developed isn’t one that they can apply to legitimate business, so they just push themselves harder, going for that one big break that will let them retire.

Fortunately for me, when I reached this point, I realized that demon-summoning skills are vastly more applicable than those of the average villain. So I packed up my salt and virgin’s blood, and became a contract lawyer instead. Haven’t looked back since.”
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #468
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Saturday, October 27, 2007, Parent’s Day, oh-just kill me now-thirty-hours
somewhere along the south perimeter road

Mikkel Andersen was officially miserable. The weather wasn’t cold enough to warrant heavier clothes; he’d be venting heat plumes that would give his position away. What it was though, was chilly, overcast and wet with rain, and the ground was cold and damp too. He’d been informed that something happening tonight would affect one of his watch list targets, but useful information beyond that was conveniently not available. Some other student on that list had snuck away to the south, but that path led to a village of weres and a stand of trees considered even more dangerous. Than weres. In the forest. Under a full moon like tonight’s. So here the agent stayed, miserably staking out a school, in weather only a miserable Canadian could love, miserably hoping that his last moments on earth didn’t include fangs, claws, and the smell of wet fur.

Security officer Derek R. Johnson was having another rotten patrol shift. He could complain, deeply and way, way off-duty, about what the Academy was meant to do, but not about the foul-weather gear issued to Security. No, the problem was that this year’s “Parents’ Day” was too close to Halloween for the comfort of anyone attached to the unit. Maybe not every mutie needed to be put down - although Johnson had such a long personal list of those that really, really needed to be - but Security and the Range Crew had been hit far too hard last year just for doing their jobs. Instead of acting as part of the team, he’d let them all down by pursuing his own agenda. Now here he was, parolling the south side of campus facing Sector Tango with Auxiliary-my-ass security officer Jensen, supposedly because they’d both survived Class 3/Class X encounters in the past year. Yay.

Mads ‘Metro’ Jensen was feeling the chill as acutely as the others. Other than that, the high humidity would slow down dehydration; that was a plus. He’d known about Thomas heading off to check on Evelyn and Lars, and was looking forward to hearing how his little brother was doing at school. Being one of the school’s geographic orphans, that would have to suffice for his Parents’ Day. Meanwhile, the usual security hazards, Derek R for ‘Robert the Plant’ Johnson included, didn’t take care of themselves. There were no good reasons to slack off on patrol, just nothing interesting going on.

On the other hand, there was no reason not to have some fun with uninvited guests, yeah?

Johnson knew something was up when Jensen suddenly stopped and signalled a halt. “Someone up ahead. Wait here.”

“Understood”, Johnson crouched and double-checked his gear before scanning the area ahead for masked heat signatures or worse. He already knew, from working with the guy, that tracking the smaller, faster Jensen would be a lost cause.

Soon, he heard a very quiet voice over the comms, “Watcher. 100 yards ahead, on your 2. Move up.”

After several tense minutes of commando crawling up to their “guest”, Johnson could nearly see traces of the man. See the officer he was supposed to back up? Of course not. Until ...

“Mr. Andersen... you disappoint me.”

In retrospect, Johnson decided that seeing ‘Agent Smith’ step out of the gloom would have been less frightening than seeing the grinning 14-year-old step out of complete darkness aiming that assault rifle equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. He also decided that the howling coming from the forest was what passed for laughter among werewolves.

OK. Watching the platoon nutcase scare the hell out of the intruder with a movie quote was pretty damned funny.

Huddling under a warm blanket after being dropped off like a mouse dragged in by the owner’s tomcat, Agent Andersen miserably pondered how he was going to report back to headquarters that he’d not only been caught by an American high school’s security team, but that his captor had been one of the very high school students he was supposed to be keeping track of. At this rate, he’d be lucky to be assigned whale-counting along the Greenland coast.
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null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 6 months ago #469
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Kane Hall, later that morning

Security Chief Franklin Delarose looked up from the morning pile of reports, to the other “observers” who’d managed to get themselves rounded up overnight.

“What’s it going to be worth to you, for me to forget to tell your supervisors that you were caught by Commander Chipmunk’s platoon?”
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WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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cprime’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #470
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Whitecliff Technical Institute, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Fall, 2028

Located on the Aberdeenshire coast, Whitecliff Manor was an unusual place to locate a boarding school. Situated on the North Sea coast, the surrounding hills were devoid of any vegetation larger than a bush. While picturesque in the summer, the climate was much harsher in the months of November through March, which just happen to comprise the bulk of the school year.

However, Whitecliff Technical Institute isn’t your usual boarding school. For a school full of devisors and gadgeteers, being located a respectable distance from civilization provides a buffer in the case of the inevitable Diedrick’s episode.

For a newcomer, the focal point of the sprawling building was the entry hall. Milling around on the floor of the hall were roughly 50 students, nearly as many VIs, and a dozen teachers. Opposite the quadruple doors into the building was a grand staircase to a second floor balcony. On the ground level, the staircase was flanked by two pairs of double doors. Three more single doors lined the back wall on the balcony level. The left and right sides of the hall each had two widely spaced single doors on the ground level, and two more on the balcony level, directly over the doors on the ground level. Just to the left of the balcony level door at the top of the stairs and the balcony doors on the sides of the hall were alcoves, each containing a statuary bust.

Addressing the crowd with a calm dignity from the landing on the grand staircase was a lanky exemplar, looking every bit the stereotypical mad scientist. “Welcome to Whitecliff Technical Institute. I am Headmaster Urquhart. For those of you looking for Hogwarts, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place. The goal of Whitecliff Technical Institute is to nurture the skills and talents of the brightest gadgeteers and devisors. We count among our alumni many of the biggest names in the gadgeter and devisor communities. While you are here, you will receive a well rounded education. Before you are given wing assignments, let me give you an overview of the manor’s layout.”

He paused a moment to gauge the attentiveness of his audience before resuming. “You are standing in the Manor’s grand hall. In the evenings and on weekends, this is the social hub of the school. Behind me on the ground floor is the dining complex. Below the dining complex is the library. To the left and right on the ground floor are the classroom wings. All laboratories and workshops are located underground. Above the classrooms and dining complex are the student sleeping quarters. The Men’s wings are to east, and the women’s wings are to the west. Each wing has a wing mother or father. In addition to their teaching duties, they have agreed to live in the manor and to take on the responsibility of watching over the students under their care. Once you have settled into your rooms, your wing parent will take you on a more detailed tour of the school.”

An asian lady who had been standing behind the headmaster took a step forward and spoke up. “I am Mrs. Yoshito, the assistant headmistress. I too welcome you to Whitecliff Technical Institute. Each of our resident wings are named after a Brittish author. For men, the full wings are Wells in the front and Stoker in the rear. On the women’s side, the full wings are Tillyard in front and Shelley in back. Wing parents are Mr. Leslie, Mr. Agnue, Miss. Craig and Miss. Macgillivray, respectively. Mr. Leslie and Miss Macgillivray are the languages department, Mr. Agnue teaches science and Miss Craig is the fine arts department. Our final wing is located above the dining area. Named the Shakespeare wing, the two halves of this wing are commonly called Opheilla and Othello. The wing mother for these wings is our mystic arts department, Miss Forbes.”

After she finished her explanation, the identified teachers climbed the stairs. Each teacher stopped next to one of the busts that guarded a door. Headmaster Urquhart then spoke up, drawing the attention of the students back to the stairs.. “When you are called, please make your way up the stairs to your assigned wing. Once everyone has arrived in their wing’s common area, your wing parent will give you your room assignment.”

One by one, names were called out, with Mr. Urquhart and Mrs. Yoshito taking turns. After a short time, it became apparent that the headmaster and assistant headmistress were rotating between the four full wings, occasionally assigning students to the shakespeare wing, seemingly at random. It also became apparent that many of the students with more severe cases of GSD were being assigned to Stoker and Shelley.

Eventually, the only students left standing were a male exemplar with Pict features and a shy girl clad in a buckskin dress. The headmaster spoke up. “Martin Mackie and Joann Deep Waters, please join us on the landing. As you are both exchange students, I needed a bit of guidance on where to place you. Mr. Mackie, what cottage did you reside in back at Whateley?”

The student spoke as he ascended the staircase. “Emerson cottage, sir.”

“Would you have any concerns about rooming with someone with GSD?”

“No, sir. Some of my best friends are thornies, and I have yet to serve detention.”

“Let’s give you a go in Stoker then. It’ll balance the rooming situation better anyways.”

Mrs. Yoshito then spoke as she focused her attention on the girl. “Miss Deep Waters, I’m afraid you’re the first student we’ve had from Homestake. How are students accommodated?”

“We are grouped into four bands, with each band comprised of four or five camps. Each camp houses about a dozen students. Most of the avatars and weres are in the Cave band, while the Forrest band is the male shamen and the Sky band is the female shamen. I’m part of the Waterfall band, which is something of a catch-all for students who don’t fit elsewhere for whatever reason.”

The assistant headmistress frowned. “That doesn’t help me much.”

Joann fidgeted for a moment, then spoke quietly. “Chief Franks told me to let Miss Forbes know that she was one of us, whatever that means.”

“Would it be more accurate to say that Pejuta said that you were one of us?” The student looked up to see the Shakespeare wing mother descending the stairs. Joann blinked, then nodded in response to the query. Seeing the nod, Beltane continued to speak. “It means a whole lot. Headmaster, may I have her for Opheilla? Melissa could use a roommate while Cynthia is at Homestake.”

Headmaster Urquhart gave an amused snort. “If you wish. You always claim the most interesting students. Miss Macgillivray will be disappointed though.”

“I do wish. Joann, please come with me to your new home for the school year.”

As Joann and Miss Forbes ascended the stairs, the other wing parents disappeared into their wings.
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #471
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Um, Lanie,” said Tansy as yet another pair of girls stumbled past Elain’s open door, mouths firmly locked together, “is it just me or are there a lot of lesbians in your cottage? This isn’t like, the designated gay cottage or something, is it?”

Elaine laughed. “No, no. It’s just, you know how Poe’s supposed to be for the crazies? Well, it is, and we’re all here to support each other. That means we’re used to being open-minded and withholding judgment, so we feel more comfortable being honest with each other. You probably have just as many over in your own cottage, but they’re scared to let anyone to know.”

Mustang gave an amused snort inside Tansy’s head. “She’s right, you know. I keep telling you that all females are bisexual. Especially for us.”

Tansy shrugged and turned back to her breadboard. “I guess you’re right. Besides, a gay cottage would be silly.” She continued placing components, humming absently , while Elaine let out a very quiet sigh of relief.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #472
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“But why?” wailed Brenda Franks. “Why does it have to be a boy spirit? I want to stay a girl! Kayda and Danny got girl spirits! Why can’t I have one!”

Wakan Tanka’s manifested form sighed. “Yes, they did. And they were both very unhappy about that.”

“Then you understand! So why would you do it to me?”

Kayda rolled her eyes. “Brenda, we were trying not to do that to you!”

Wakan Tanka nodded. “When we realized you were coming, Kayda and Danny told me quite firmly that I was not to give their new brother another female spirit, and I agreed with them. It had caused more trouble with them than I had expected, and with you I had more time to prepare. I began searching for a suitable male spirit immediately, and I found one! Sica Wica is very proud to-”

“But I’m a girl!”

“Yes, you are a girl.”

“So if you know I’m a girl, why didn’t you get me a girl spirit?!”

“I didn’t know you would be a girl at the time, and then it was too late. I’d already asked Sica Wica if he’d be willing, and-”

“So what?! Why didn’t you just tell him there’d been a mistake?!”

“Brenda, if you had seen the look on Sica Wica’s face when I broached the idea of him bonding the brother of Ptesanwi, you would not ask me such a silly question.”

“How is that-”

“Brenda, you weren’t there,” interrupted Kayda as she began rummaging through the knapsack she’d brought with to their little pow-wow. “You didn’t see. I so wish I’d been able to take a picture... ah, here.” She handed Brenda a photo of a portrait. “I got a teacher at Whateley to paint this. It’s a pale imitation, but she did her best.”

Brenda examined the image and sighed. “I guess you have a point.” She handed the portrait back and then her expression turned stormy again. “But you could have waited until you knew and avoided that mistake entirely! You had years to pick a spirit!”

Wakan Tanka sighed again. “I have existed for a very long time, Brenda. The years pass by like breath on the breeze. You say that I had years. I had but an eye-blink. One eye-blink’s duration within which to save you from the fate of your siblings. I think that I did rather well, given the circumstances.”

“...I hate you. You are an evil, vile, lazy, manipulative bitch.”

“Don’t worry. That feeling will fade with time. I’ll see to that.”

“...You’ll what?”

“Oh, nothing, dear. Here, have some tea. I always find that some good magic tea helps to bend victims to my will.”


Kayda looked at Brenda with a confused expression. “She said that this tea helps to calm your nerves, and it does. You really should drink it. You’ll have fewer of these disturbing hallucinations that way.”

“I am not having hallucinations! She said she’s going to bend me to her will!”

Wakan Tanka frowned. “I said no such thing. I never bend people to my will. That is what tea is for.”

“Just drink it,” said Kayda encouragingly. “The tea makes everything better, I promise.”

Brenda’s eyes widened, then she leaped to her feet and turned to run, only to bounce off the side of a large white bison. His many gold chains rattled in the night as he slowly shook his head at the trembling girl, then pawed the ground with minor agitation. “Drink your tea, foo!”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Kettlekorn. Reason: Typo

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #473
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tia frowned at the package that was waiting for her in her mail slot. “Now what did Ibby send me?” she muttered, ears drooping slightly as various potential gifts flashed before her eyes, each more expensive and/or slutty/embarrassing then the last. With shaking hands she carried it up to her room and shut the door firmly.

Ripping open the envelope that had been taped to the box Tia flipped open the folded sheet of paper, beginning to realize that the gift (?) wasn’t from Ibby. The printed note read “Not every rabbit needs to be a Bunny. But then again I am splitting hares” it was signed with what looked like a long clawed paw print.

“What?” she asked out loud cocking her head, curious now. It was a matter of moments she had the first box open. In where paperbacks, and running her finger over the spines she read the titles out loud “Red Wall, Salamandastron, The Long Patrol?” Confused and intrigued Tai pulled one out at random and found a section had been bookmarked. Opening to that section she settled back on her bed to read.

Later Hikaru poked her head into Tia’s room as the long eared girl hadn’t been seen for several hours and hadn’t answered her phone. “Tia? Are you ok? You missed lunch, and you haven’t picked up your phone.”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry, I got reading and lost track of time.”

“I see.” the Japanese girl said as she padded further into Tai’s room to find several paperback scattered on the floor. Picking one up she saw the cover depreciated a large badger. “Hmm, this reminds me of one of the other Avatars in my class. What was he going by? Hoka, his code name is Hoka.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #474
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(Two weeks of very limited internet made me go a little nuts. Enjoy)
First Day

“Hey Toni,” Nikki said looking over her roommates class schedule, “what’s this class, Constant Vigilance?”

Turning away from her wardrobe, Toni grinned, “It’s a special class Sensei Ito recommended I take this term. It’s only three weeks, and I’m the only stud- AAAHHHH!”

Sensei Ito came charging out of the wardrobe, slapped a sticker on Toni’s forehead and shouted, “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” before running out of the room.

“What just happened?” Nikki asked, staring wide eyed at the door.

Peeling the sticker from her forehead Toni saw that it said ‘Constant Vigilance!’ in big red letters. “I think my class just started.

Second Day

“I think I’m getting a handle on this Constant Vigilance class. I managed to avoid Sensei Ito three times this morning,” Toni said as she looked over some of the soups available for lunch.

“And how many times did he get you?”

“Two. You wouldn’t believe how devious he can be.”

The corn soup suddenly exploded outwards as an evil old man jumped out of it, screaming “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” slapping a wet, sticky sticker to Toni’s forehead, and ran out of Crystal Hall, leaving a trail of yellow soup behind him.

“Well, I don’t think I’m hungry anymore,” Nikki said, putting down her bowl of corn soup.

Day 3

Toni peered nervously into the classroom checking all corners, walls, containers and students before moving tiger like to her seat, a set of tonfas at the ready to block any attacks.

She let out a sigh as the English teacher walked in. Once class started she’d be safe from the crazy and evil old man.

A hand slapped a sticker on her forehead, and she was dumped on the floor out of pure shock as her chair turned in to Sensei Ito. “CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” he shouted as he ran out of the classroom.

Day 14

Toni was ready for anything, her eyes constantly moving, dodging the very dust that blew on the wind as she made her way to her martial arts class. In the last few days the few freshman bullies who didn’t know her and thought she would be an easy target at the beginning of the term hadn’t made it within ten feet of her before she had them beaten and incapacitated.
But she was terrified of what the psychotic old man would do next.
A twig cracked behind her.
Before she could consciously plan it, she was in a tree that her chi sense showed was free of danger, staring down at the potential attack.
“CONSTANT VIGILANCE!” the tree shouted as a branch slapped her forehead.
She jumped to the ground just in time to see Sensei Ito crawl out of a hole in the tree that she hadn’t seen, and run away, shedding a branch that covered his arm.

Day 22
Toni walked casually down the street as the supervillain fired a thousands of bullets at her from a devised machine gun.

“TONI! DUCK!” Nikki shouted from behind her forcefield. “OR AT LEAST RUN AT HIM!”

“Why? This is nothing,” Toni said almost sounding bored.

Somehow she made it up to the shooter standing directly in front of the barrel and yet still being missed by the hail of lead. Yawning she knocked him out with a slap.

“How the hell did you do that?” Nikki demanded.

“Constant vigilance,” Toni said.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #475
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Ten Years Later

“Hey, Valravn, did you see that cute VI?”

“No. Whatever it is that you’re thinking, just no. We’re just here to make a couple of deliveries.”

“We could introduce Igniarli to Tavi!”

“In front of the new White Lady? Of course. That would make everyone’s day.”

“Of course not. Duh! We wait until she’s not looking.”

“This is why the alumni association makes a point to lose our address.”

“Metro good matchmaker!”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #476
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mrs. Carson’s Office
June, 20??
Mrs. Carson sat behind her desk finishing up the last of her year end paperwork for the Board of Trustees. Once she was done, she could start her long awaited vacation. A knock on her door startled her, as Chief Delarose opened the door and walked in.
“Am I bothering you,” he asked.
She smiled at him, “Unless you are here to report on an invasion or a student riot, no.”
He chuckled, “No invasions, and no riots. The only students left are some ‘Thornies that can’t leave, the few students that have no place to go, and some that have long term projects down in the labs. I’m just here to say ‘goodbye’.”
Mrs. Carson stood up and walked around her desk, “I don’t remember approving your retiring. It’s still sitting in my inbox.”
Frank looked at her, from under his greying hair, “Liz you have to approve it. I’m starting to get odd looks. I’ve been here too long as it is. Ms. Dennon, Mr. Donner and a few others are beginning to ask questions.”
Elizabeth stared at him, “I can have a talk to them...”
His laughing cut her off, “Liz, sure you can, you can talk to the whole staff, but rumors will get out. Besides it’s just the fact that I am a ‘baseline’ is what is supposed to keep the kids in line. If it gets out that I am not a baseline, that’s out the door.”
She sat on the edge of her desk, “So if you are retiring, what do you plan on doing to keep busy?”
Franklin Delarose straightened up and affected a Texan accent, “Well Ma’am, Lt. Jacob McCandles Executive Office First Security Platoon Homestake Academy reporting for duty.”
“Jacob McCandles? Aren’t you dead?” Liz laughed, “Do you think anyone will get that?”
“Ayla Goodkind did. She was there meeting with their Board of Trustees, or at least reasonable facsimiles of them, when I was interviewed.”
Liz jumped off her desk, “I’m going to miss you, Harry.” She gave him a big hug, “So do you think that anyone figured out you really are?”
Harry smiled, “Ms. Hartford confronted me after a week, then she fixed all the records so no one else could. She set up the Jacob McCandles IDs too, so I don’t have to worry about them.”
A tear formed in Mrs. Carson’s eye as he left her office, she still had a bit of a crush on her oldest friend.
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #477
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“All right people; I have some good news, and some bad news.” A red headed Sidhe woman said as she stepped onto the set of ‘A Changeling’s Tale’. Most of it was green screen though the pool and waterfall where practical props. The actress playing Di’ar let out a soft grumble as she lounged naked in the pool while Lillow’s actor was having his animetronic prosthetic adjusted and it’s make-up touched up. Trakar’s actor was munching on a fruit just off stage.

“Let me guess; the writers still have no idea what my character’s powers are?” Di’ar’s actress stated.

“Ok, that’s enough touching that.” Lillow’s actor said shooing away the make up person who had been dabbing at his fake lips. “Vee, this happens way to often. Not that we don’t mind trying new things...” he waved down at his movie magic made mixed genitalia. “I’m finding this character rather fun.”

“Yess, well...” Vee stammered.

“Relax Director, we get it.” Trakar’s actor said as he slid forward to drape over Lillow’s actor’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. “Some times the writers have issues and need to see things played out.”

“All right. Well then places people. Di’ar, let’s try this like you are.... mmm how about Elemental powers.”

“Just me or all of us?” Di’ar asked as she fell into character and the other two actors took their places.

“Just you. OK, cue practical FX...” the green screen became an forest glade reminiscent of a Tolkin flick, but with a vaguely Alien look to things.

“And action. Cue Berrybelle...”

A small Tinkerbelle like being zipped from the greenery, shouting in a high pitched voice that hurt the trio’s ears.

“Whoa, whoa Berry, slow down, none of us can understand you when you talk this fast.” Diar said as she stood, revealing her magnificent molted gray skin. The glowing little woman seemed to take a breath deeper then her little body could hold then released it.

“The village is under attack.” Berry said more slowly. “You have to hurry and go protect it!”

“All right, give me a moment.” Di’ar replied as she stood.

“I ask for the blessing of the Air Court.” Winds swirled around Di’ar’s body drying her as she rose into the air, the lighter places on her skin glowing faintly.

“I ask for the blessings of the Earth court.” the young woman intoned. Seconds after she said it crystals and chunks of ore rose from the ground and formed into armor.

“I ask for the blessing of the Fire court.” came next and energy from the sun settled into the gems, and a flick of her wrist sent a fireball into the waterfall.

“I ask for the blessing of the Water court.” This time there was nor real change, but internally her natural healing ability ramped up into overdrive.

“Finally, I ask for the blessing of the Wood court, and call the Wild Hunt!!” All manner of beasts began to call out from the underbrush and several large wolf like beasts flowed out to stand at Di’ar’s feet....

“Cut!! Ok, we’re gonna save that one, I rather like it. But let’s try a few other things first.” Vee said as the FX’s faded and Di’ar’s actress was lowered on the wires that held her up.

“That one left us in the background with nothing to do.” Trakar’s actor commented.

“Yeah, I know.” Vee agreed. “All right, how about all three of you are Magical Beings...”

Trakar’s actor face palmed as the wardrobe department brought out the costumes they’d teleport onto the cast. “Ok, that is just.... why does my junk have to be on display? Can’t I keep things tucked like it is now?”

“Because you’re the Male champion of Love, so...”

“Nope. Not gonna happen.” Trakar’s actor said shaking his head.

“Ok, find, Plan B. Same general idea, but you three, prior to this, have been chosen to be the guardians of the planet by an ancient Sidhe spirit.” Vee suggested as the costumes changed into form fitting spandex with helmets.

“Ok, that’s better.” Trakar’s actor said with a nod.

“Can we some how blend the male costume with the female one for me?” Lillow’s actor asked.

“Sure, we can do that. Skirt?” Wardrobe asked.

“How about just around the back? And can we go leg less, show off the fur?”

“You object to some knee high boots?”

“Nope, no objections.”

“Ah, why does mine have a big arse cleavage window?” Di’ar’s actress asked. “No, cleavage window doesn’t cover an opening that goes from my throat down to just above my bits...”


“You lot are pervs.” Di’ar’s actress sighed as the window filled in.

Again the green screens became the forest glade and the trio returned to their marks.

“Ok, let’s shoot this! Action!”

Di’ar grimaced as something shimmered in the air, resolving itself into the ethereal face of an Elven woman. “Rangers, you are needed. The village is under attack.”

“Of course it is, it’s Tuesday.” Di’ar said as she and the other two stood, golden gauntlets appearing on their wrists. In unison the trio touched the gauntlets and skin tight body armor and helmets appeared on their bodies. Di’ar’s was bright red, Lillow’s was green, and Trakar’s was jet black. “Summon the Zords!!”

“CUT!! Just found out we don’t have the budget for any kind of Zords. Can’t even do mechanical lions.” Vee pouted. “Di’ar... do what ever you feel like this time,”

Di’ar’s actress rubbed her temples. “All right, I have an idea that might be what you’re looking for. Let me talk to the FX department for a moment.”

After a brief conversation the actors retook their marks. “Action.”

The scene played out much like the first take, but after Berrybelle the sprite delivered her warning Di’ar rose into the air as darkness flowed from the shadows to cloak her naked flesh. “Arise.” she intoned. The soil rippled as things dug their way free. Soon several skeletons and half decayed bodies where bounding ahead of the flying Di’ar.

“Cut. Ok, we’ll get back to you on what scenario we’ll flesh out, and we’ll go from there.” Vee stated.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #478
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Here’s a quick ‘thank you’ to Peter for mentioning GrrlPower. I had been meaning to check out the series out for a while but never got very far in it, until now.

As they watched the folks from Archon and Project Skin Horse return to their respective dimensions (once Molly and Sydney had figured out how to untangle that gateway from the green orb... again...), Journeyman turned to Toni and asked, “Was that really the best way to win your match against Math?”

Chaka shrugged, “You gotta know your opponent’s weaknesses, right? Beside, I figured if he was gonna keep staring anyway, I might as well give’em a good look at them.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #479
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mads ‘Metro’ Jensen looked up from the mirror, convinced that scrying is fueled not by essence, but by sucking all the precious caffeine from the magician’s limited body stores. Pretty much like debugging Java code documented in Esperanto. No one actually does that. We were just checking to see who’s awake. Some people use Gjuha Shqipe instead.

“Hey, Thomas. You think this’ll count towards our scrying homework?”

“I think I’ll go out a limb and say no.”

“Good thing I asked! Um... Why?”

“Because our homework assignment is on different alchemical traditions.”


Thomas ‘Valravn’ Jensen risked taking a look at what his friend had managed to write down so far. He wished he hadn’t.

“Pro tip: Writing ‘Hakim Al-Feyez is a poopyhead’ in ten different languages does not count for credit.”

“Even if it’s true?”

“Especially if it’s true. He’s the guest lecturer that assigned this homework.”

“I... don’t remember that.”

“That was after your chair teleported 10m to the left. Without you. While you were leaning back in it instead of paying attention to class. For you, it was a mild concussion; for the rest of the class it was a Wednesday.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

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Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #480
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mrs. Carson’s latest call to the DPA:
“Sorry to bother you, Jim, but we’ve got a bit of problem on our hands. No, this time it is Miss Harrington and Miss Gilman again.”

“No, they were warned about letting their powers interact again, but this time it was purely by accident.”

“Right now, we still have most of our ‘out of town visitors’ on campus while the two of them and one of the guests try to figure out how to stop their powers from heterodyning.”

“Yes, it is Miss Scoville, again. No, we have Security watching her, we don’t think she will get into Berlin this time. The problem is that while they were trying to close the first portal, a second one formed, and a dangerous criminal used it to escape from the authorities on her world.”

“We really don’t know the details, but from the description given to us by the people from her dimension, she’s something along the lines of a Schimmelhorn scientist. No, she’s not a mutant, at least not as we understand them, but she did manage to make her way off campus, with a hostage.”

“Well, it seems that the hostage is in the form of a gerbil. Yes, more Schimmelhorn stuff, she has him trapped in a small cage. No, he was a gerbil to begin with, someone created him but he does have the ability to transform into a human.”

“I am not sure. Mr. Wilkin, a special agent from her homeworld, recommends starting with any dance clubs and vintage clothing stores in the area. No, I am not entirely clear on why,”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #481
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Several seconds later, while still talking to DPA

“Hold on, Jim... Gateway, stop making portals in my office!”

“It’s not mine!” Molly replied with a squeak. “My portals aren’t green !”

An anthropomorphic dog/squirrel hybrid peeked her head out of the opening, and asked, “Hey, Anna, Doreen wants to know if you can make it to Grace’s birthday... wait, you’re not Aquerna...”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #482
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Previously posted in “Tales of the Barman” , the fanfic series it is set in, as well as on the old forum. I can’t believe I forgot to re-post this here.

It was around 4:40 on a Friday afternoon, and as usual Xander was getting one last round of Shirley Temples for the four girls who were chittering up a storm at one of the tables. “It’s about that time, ladies,” he said gently, laying the last of the soda drinks in front of Rhonda . When they’d first appeared, a few months back, he’d agreed to let them stop by from time to time for some non-alcoholic drinks, as long as either one of the older members of their team were with them, or else that they left before 5 PM. Oh, and as long as they made sure that Slappy didn’t drink anything stronger than Geritol. He was glad that they never gave him any trouble, as he got the distinct impression that they were a lot more dangerous than they appeared.

The humanoid dog/squirrel hybrid rolled her eyes in the way all teenagers did when told something they didn’t want to hear, but she didn’t complain. Instead, she said something in that high-pitched language they shared which made Anna, the youngest of them, blush furiously, while Grace seemed confused.

He never did figure out how it was that both Grace and Rhonda were the oldest one of the four at the same time, but since time-travel appeared to be involved, he didn’t look into it too closely.

Moments later, as Xander got back to the bar, a mustachioed man in his early thirties wearing what appeared to be a very expensive suit came in and headed towards him. “Hello, I hear your name is Xander Harris, right? I was supposed to join someone here for a business meeting tonight and was told to ask you...”

Just then a gleeful screech came from the girls’ table, and the handsome stranger went white as a ghost. “Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! It’s me, Doreen ! Oh wow I can’t believe you know this place too this is just soooo awesome you have just got to meet my friends here it is just oh wow...”

And with that, the newcomer was flocked by the younger members of the All-Squirrel Squad.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #483
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Agent Dulmer looked at the young woman across from him with a slight frown. She had voluntarily come into the Harrisburg MCO offices for testing, escorted by a power stone using hero called Blazestone as well as two other girls to be tested. Why had he been stuck with the boring one? The others had been a Elf and the other had been like that ineffective Wonder Twin that could only take the form of water. No, the girl he had been stuck with was boring. He’d have given his left nut for her to have at least been an Exemplar babe, but Noooo; she looked like a damned boy. And her power testing had proved rather inconclusive. If it wasn’t for the faint mirror like ring around her cornea he’d have dismissed her as a baseline yanking his chain.

“All right miss, what do you want your code name to be?” Dulmer asked as he refocused on the computer before him.

“I want to be called either Alice...” the girl waited as he checked for the name which he signaled was unusable, then suggested “Or Tippetarius.”

“Tippetarius ?” Dulmer asked looking up, his frown deepening. Something about the name was niggeling at the back of his mind, but he couldn’t pin it down.

“Sure, it’s a character from one of the Wizard of Oz sequel books.” the girl replied brightly.

Dulmer let out a grunt, figuring the mutant was screwing with him some how. “Mkay... Huh, that one is available. Tippetarius it is.” the card printer hummed and spat out the MID, the lamination still warm as he passed it over. “I believe the rest of your party is still undergoing testing. You can go wait for them in the designated waiting area.”

“Thank you Agent.” the girl said with a smile as she pounced out of the room as Dulmer brought out his smart phone and tapped in a quick search for her lit reference.

“Tippetarius, called Tip, was a kitchen boy... who was under a spell... really the princess Ozma, true ruler of the land of Oz?” Dulmer muttered casting a confused look after Jess.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #484
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
This scene I had to write up before my Muse let me fall asleep last night. :pinch:

“Geeze Cait, did you have to make the extra dimensional horror cry like a baby while ripping it a new one?” Jericho groused as he covered Sandra, Monica, and Nikki as the three closed a rip in reality a Goth playing with a spell that was beyond their skill had opened. “It was kind of hard to watch.”

“Yes. Yes I did Joe.” tattooed young woman snapped, a hint of the ‘baseline’ willing to go head to head with the Lamplighter for attacking school children leaking out. “It was trying to sell me a time share in a hell dimension. For the low low cost of kids souls and free will. I just wish it had stuck around long enough for me to shoot it a few times.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #485
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Nikki shivered slightly and shifted in her seat to look down over the edge of the level. Her eyes and mystical senses scanned the floor below before settling on a quartet of freshmen. Two looked to be siblings, maybe even twins, though the girl had blue hair and the boy had brown. Nikki’s eyes only paused on them for a moment before being drawn to the violet haired Drow girl standing with them. The Drow girl looked up slowly and Nikki shivered again. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Jobe working herself into a hissy fit over someone somehow copying her formula. Nikki knew though that the girl was not like Jobe’s creations but was somehow of true Sidhe blood. The girl radiated something like Nikki’s own Royal Glamour, though it had a chill of fear to it rather then the Obey Me vibe the red head’s had.

“Woah... I just feel a great disturbance in the force.” Toni breathed as she set her tray down.

“Uhuh.” Nikki breathed as she felt the girl’s illusion spell drop, along with what ever was holding back her full aura. Nikki’s stomach rolled, and she had a feeling if Aungahadhail had still been with her the ancient Queen would have been raising more of a hissy fit then when Jobe had created his Drow formula. The girl, the Sidhe who looked so Drow like, below was something that SHOULD NOT BE! A glance around informed her that those with a connection to the past had all felt it, even Billie who was over in the food like filling her plate.

The girl seemed to nod to herself before light blossomed through the tights she wore and from the cuffs of her shirt sleeves. She rose into the air, ascending to Nikki’s level. Once level with the red headed senior the floating girl just stood there studying her.

“Name your self.” Nikki commanded, an echo of the Queen who Was in her voice.

“I am Di’ar, Descendant of Lady Mab the Third daughter of the Burning Oak, General of the Black Guard...”

“Impossible, Mad had no get.” Nikki found herself saying as a fragment of Aung’s memories kicked loose. “And the Black Guard destroyed in the Sundering.”

Di’ar’s eyes narrowed. “And yet your blood resonates with mine, so you know it is true my cousin. The General lived through the Sundering, unlike the wisps of the spirit I can sense clinging to you cousin. The Black Guard and Mab retreated through a Way before the End to defend what had been entrusted to them.”

“That does not explain the... taint I detect within you.” Nikki said softly.

“You two do realize you’re causing a scene right by chatting rather loudly about stuff you might not want others knowing about?” a red haired bespectacled girl said, causing the pair of Sidhe to jerk in surprise.

“Val, what...?” Di’ar asked, realizing her step cousin was clinging upside down from a support beam and wearing a costume that was some how a blending of Harlequin’s classic black and red skin tight and Janet Van Dyn’s yellow and black Wasp costume.

Val shrugged as she pointedly looked at Di’ar. “And you forgot to wear panties today Di. People are getting an eye full...” she paused and sent a wad of hot pink and neon green webbing to splatter all over Peeper’s face and Greasy’s camera lens.

Val blinked and looked down at her hand, which was still curled in the three fingered squirt gesture Spidy used to trigger his shooters. “Huh, didn’t think that would work. Anyway, Hi I’m Val, aka Skinz with a ‘Z’. I saw you around Poe while me and Tip,” she pointed to the blue haired girl who’s brother was doing his best to project ‘I don’t know them...’ with his body language, “where moving in this morning. I can tell whatever this is.” she flicked her pointer finger from one girl to the other, “is important, but I’m hungry, and this really feels like a ‘do it in private’ talk. So, nice meeting you Red, and come along Di.”

Val leaped from the beam and in mid air seemed to shrink down to doll size as her outfit shifted to look like the Wasp’s complete with wings. A line of webbing shot from her body and stuck to Di’ar’s butt, causing the mini woman to drag her along behind as she bee... wasp-lined for the food line.

“At least we can be sure Poe’s cover is gonna be well maintained.” Toni mused as Billie ambled up with her heaping trays. “So what was that about?” Toni asked as Billie’s tray thumped down on the table top.

“She has the same vibe as Nikkie began giving off after her Blood Bonding with Sara. Sort of.” Billie offered before Nikkie could explain. The red headed Queen’s eyebrows went up in surprise. “You and that girl are quasi-Class X entities.” Billie explained as she smushed down a burger as tall as her forearm small enough for her to get her mouth around. “It’s a vibe that makes me hungry.”

“So Nikkie’s the one at fault for you eating whole herds of meat creatures at one go?” Toni quipped with a smirk.

“Kinda, sorta...” Billie replied around her burger, blushing slightly.

Nikkie let out a sigh as she massaged her temples. “Her claim to be descended from the Black Watch’s general is troubling.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because they guarded the Five Fold’s equivalent of ARC’s Black Sector.”

“Oh.” Toni said softly blinking. “And some how some of that badness leaked out and...”

“Yeah, we need to keep an eye on her and her friends, least we have another Bastard or Necromancer rise up.”

At another table Sandra was shaking her head as she watched Val pull Di’ar after her. “Joe, I think we may have found your successor for the title of Whateley’s Worst Wardrobe...”

“Cool. I can pass on some of my favorites that I’ve outgrown.” Joe replied with an evil grin.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #486
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A lone figure sent the signal out. “IT HAS TO BE NOW. GATHER IN 20 MINUTES. LOCATION BETA.”

Shortly after the message was sent, five figures clad completely in black stood beneath a window outside the building. A window was silently opened and a sixth figure in black slowly drifted from the window and one by one, brought the five from below into the room.

The room was a bit cramped, as now seven figures, six in head to toe black clothing and a seventh in civilian clothes went over the details of their mission. Some of the group could hardly be called friends, but for this job, they would be united. Individually, they had failed over the past several months, but as a group, the plan would be executed with thorough precision. They couldn’t afford to fail. Not this time.

“Are you certain? We’ll only have one chance at this,” the first asked for confirmation.

“I saw what was put in there, in a little over four hours it will be gone unless we extract it first,” a breathy voice answered.

“Okay,” a third figure stated. “Let’s go over our equipment. Container, check. Countermeasures?”

“Check,” the breathy voice answered, holding a small padded bag with multiple compartments to account for every eventuality.

“Tools for access?”

“Check,” a fourth voice responded. The first figure mused that you could hear the smirk through the mask.


“Check,” confirmed a fifth voice, lifting a canvas bag.

“Cleanup and disposal?”

“Check,” responded the sixth figure, floating slightly off the floor, carrying a dropcloth and a large black plastic bag.

“Okay, that’s everything.” The third figure looked at the seventh, conspicuously lacking the comparable height of the other six. “Overwatch?”

“Check. Short, Short, Long, Short, Short from the countermeasure equipment and the rest of you abort. Send the signal that it’s complete and I’ll get what we need,” the seventh chirped.

“Okay team, we start in 2 minutes, and extract in 25. Every knows what they need to do, so let’s maintain silence.” The group of seven nodded and double checked their gear.

“Clear,” stated the seventh in grim seriousness. They were enjoying this a little too much, considering, thought the fourth figure.

The six slinked into the hallway from the room. Well, five slinked, one floated. Thankfully, they’d planned well, the target room was directly adjacent from their staging area.

The fourth figure glanced up and down the hallway as the others pressed themselves on either side of the door. It was clear. The figure removed a glove, revealing an unnaturally pale hand with an immaculate manicure. The first figure was definitely going to ask her where she had gotten it done, or if she had done it herself when this was all over. The pale hand grasped the door handle and it unlocked with a gentle click. They were in. Five slid into the room with almost no noise, thanks to their soft-soled shoes. The sixth figure dropped the ground and walked into the room behind them.

In the room, the group worked quickly, wary that at any moment they might receive the warning from the overwatch and flee through the window. The second figure removed various things from the satchel, trying them one after another. This is where a few of their members had failed before. They hadn’t known the number of sensors and surveillance equipment in the room in case of exactly the type of intrusion they were now performing as a collective. A devisor really was a key to this operation, the only way it could succeed. A few whirrs and clicks from the devices as the group stood still and tense.

“Clear,” announced the breathy voice.

The sixth figure quickly planted the dropcloth to speed any clean up the group might require. That completed, the group looked at their target. The gentle hum of the machine belied the value of the contents within. The group looked to the second figure again, who nodded. The second figure planted a device on the door of the machine. It made an ascending whine before the snap of a relay went off within it. It was open.

The third figure placed the container on the dropcloth, appearing to be a large, multi-layered bento box at the same moment that the first figure examined, then cautiously opened the machine. Within, white containers obscured their contents.

The fifth figure arranged the substitutes on the dropcloth, so the group could work in tandem. One after another, the replacements were opened, plastic and metal placed carefully into the bag held by the sixth figure. The containers were opened one by one, the contents placed in the layers of the bento box container the group had brought to obscure the extraction.

The group had known there was a weight sensor, one that their devisor would be unable to disable, so as each white container was extracted, the contents were replaced with the substitutes they had brought with them, acquired many weeks prior for just this opportunity.

Spaghetti went into the first container. Ravioli went into the second through the fourth (the group weren’t monsters...it was the best of what they brought to replace their prizes). The fifth was filled with something labeled as lasagna, but resembled anything but. A horribly named concoction of macaroni, tomato paste and meat sauce went into the next. Round pasta and meatballs went into the next after that.

And at last, they had found what they had come for. The second to last container was opened, revealing a full Mille-feuille. The contents were replaced with chocolate-covered, cream-filled roll cakes extracted from their cardboard box and plastic wrappers. Goal accomplished, the group elected to leave the last container as is.

The first figure quickly reassembled the bento box, and the dropcloth was gathered by the other four, into the bag held by the sixth. The first figure signaled back to their seventh member that their goal was accomplished. The fourth figure grabbed some supplies from the room before she left, to secure her alibi. Toothbrush, toothpaste, and a sample-size container of mouthwash. She was at the highest risk, so the group had no objections. The group waited for a response signal that the hallway was clear again, before slipping back into their staging area.

The seventh member dashed down the hallway as the six removed their black clothing, depositing it into the black plastic bag, now bulging with the evidence of their operation. The sixth figure took the loaded bag, and sedately obliterated it with her powers. Then, one by one, she deposited the other five back onto the grass below their window of Poe Cottage. Securing the window from the outside, the sixth figure landed amid her conspirators. Thankfully, it had been a green flag day. The operation would have been much harder, and their alibis less secure, had it been a yellow flag day. A red flag day would have made it nearly impossible.

The seventh figure ran around the corner of the building, her small arms carrying a folded cloth. “I got the picnic blanket!” she squealed in delight. Her other hand held a small box of disposable forks, spoons, and knives. The seven unlikely allies smiled at a job well done, and headed toward the lake to enjoy the late summer weather, their prize in tow.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #487
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Evening meal, Euro-Promotional League table, Crystal Hall

“Did anyone else ‘ear that one of the freshman devisors specializes in distilling liquor? What is the world coming to?”

Considering that Adalie’s family has been in the business of making fine brandy for some time, surely she could be excused for rating something like that as highly an outrage as global pollution or Brass Monkey.

Metro piped up, “Does that include rhum, by any chance? I need to get my hands on a bottle or two, and fresh scotch bonnet peppers too, for Fet Gede. Oh! Adalie, do you know if Ayla could help me explain to the cooks what would be good to have on-hand if my cousin shows up?”

Several people at the table stopped eating as the words sunk in. A couple looked over to Valravn to see how strongly he’d object to the insane plan being hatched. Instead he just looked up, “If? Mads, since you’ve been introduced, when has your cousin skipped out on All Saints’ or Imbolc?” Thomas took another bite of his meal before going on, “Are you sure you’d want to serve devisor booze? That sounds ...”

“They say that some of `Shine’s products can even affect Exemplars!”

“ ... dangerous enough for the two of you. Never mind. Workshop coffee too?”

“Nej, that would be for me, and for poor Rorsmand who looks to be in shock.” The Danish magician cocked his head as if inspecting the other boy for damage.

Cytherea was now becoming intrigued by the conversation, “Who is this cousin of yours? Those do not sound like Danish customs.”

“She goes by Brigitte now. We’re distantly related through, em, it’s really complicated.” Thomas smirked as he leaned over to whisper something in Mads’ ear. “Don’t. You. Dare. tell him that, unless you want to wake up wearing a dog collar!”


“That didn’t come out right, did it?”
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WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #488
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cryptic wrote: Should not Do lists are something we should not give my Muse...
Things Mr. Welch Is Not Allowed to Do in an RPG

1513. I will not shoot a Great Old One just to say I did it.

“Um, excuse me Mr Gothmog... but can I shoot you just so I can say I have? It would give me a lot of street cred with the Goobers. And I think they’re the reason your daughter is missing...”

Slowly, gently, Gothmog untied the ingenious web of rope and knots he’d so painstakingly tied earlier. He finished with a soft kiss to his sweet rifleman’s forehead.

“Code Duello, love. The challenged party chooses the weapons. I’ll be looking forward to the rematch.”
Cryptic wrote: 2121. Elves Drow also do not secrete a foul tasting oil when threatened.

Jobe eyed the slip of paper someone had a fixed to his lab door. “I don’t see the point of the ink squirting, but a fear sweat based defensive measure isn’t a bad idea..”

Metro handed Jobe the packaged cheek swab, hazmat label, runes, and all. “I love the idea for approximating almond oil. But trust me on this, you want voluntary control added to the piloerection reflex, and non-absorbant sheets for those occasions.” At the inner door to the lab he turned to add, “Oh! I almost forgot: the sequence also renders areolar glands a bit hyperresponsive, but who’d complain about that?”

Jobe was still trying to task-switch from staring in shock to swearing in outrage, as the freshman cycled back out through doors his security system still claimed to be locked.
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #489
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“So Mrs. Hair Lady said I had to come in here and help you with your leg?”

The blonde girl looked around at the door from the military textbook on her lap. Andrea Elsner was a relatively “cute” tomboy, shorter than the average girl, even in her sophomore year, yet looking closely, you could see she had been working on a fairly defined set of lean muscle. She almost looked out of place in a white tank top and blue jeans, sitting in the hospital bed, a cast over her foot, instead of her usual uniform, either the standard school one when required, or a set of BDU’s when not.

By contrast, the girl with waist-length pony-tailed red hair kept in check with a green tiara at the door was positively adorable, a rather easy task given that she looked to be only around seven or eight years old, and dressed as one might expect. A green pleated cotton “Princess” dress, with accompanying white leggings, black Mary Jane shoes and white opera gloves, gave the impression of a girl still in a love affair with Disney’s clothing. An adult nurse in green scrubs followed behind her.

“You? You’re a healer? Holy shi...” It soon became clear that the only reason Andrea wasn’t swearing her head off was the fact she thought she was talking to an eight year old. “fffffff, doc, it’s not like I don’t want my foot better, but surely there’s somebody older that could do this?” As she raised the blanket so the girl could look closer, the nurse began checking the various machines for her statistics, while the little girl cringed. “Mummy said I’m not meant to be called ‘Doc’ or “Doctor” or anything like that. Said it was special, for people who earned it. People who went through training. IT’S NOT FAIR. I should’a earned it by now. Been healing people for years, bah.” A rather “Muttley from Wacky Races” like grumble came from her throat.

“Ceilidh, you’re a mutant healer who lacks any empathy or esper sense to tell you what’s actually wrong with the patient. And your paragon talent doesn’t cover this. You don’t get to have a special term like that until you train enough to recognise why somebody is hurt, same as your mother did. We’ve had this conversation three times in as many weeks now.” The nurse replied, having placed her notes in the clipboard, and inspecting the foot herself.

“I’m a stronger healer than Mummy! I’m more powerful than her, and I can be the strongest healer ever! It’s not fair! I should be a doctor!” The little girl cried, while placing her hand on the older girl’s ankle. A bright light emerged around her hand, and about five seconds later, Andrea let out a gasp of surprise and relief, as her fractured ankle and shattered shin knit themselves back together. “Can I rip this cast apart for her, or do you babysitters need to check my work again? I must’ve healed about a huntred of these by now...”

“Wow, thanks. That feels great Doc.”

“Mummy said I’m not alloweded to be called Doc” the little girl muttered...
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #490
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Doyle Medical Center, room 119

“So Mrs Hair Lady says you need help with your... oh. Hi.”

The blond page boy hair twirled with how fast the long, rectangular face snapped to the door, the greenish-gold eyes scowling at its entrant, nostril’s flaring and jaw set in anger. “What, in the world, are you doing here? Come to gawk at your fiendish friends’ handiwork? Hmmm?” Bobby ‘Iron Star’ Hastings was most decidedly, not amused to see the little girl at the door. How dare Doyle medical center even consider making use of such an obviously mentally perverted and devious criminal in the making? She’d already been known to cripple two men, one to the point that he’d likely never wake again! It was obvious that she was the stereotypical Bad Seed, just biding her time before she became a villain like her father!

The fact that said ‘crippled beyond saving’ victim WAS her aforementioned supervillain father, and that she’d immediately called the authorities after crippling him, or that she’d only been able to cripple him in response to him performing his villainy to her, was all lost on Bobby. No, to Bobby, it was an outrage that little Ceilidh ‘Siofra’ McKenzie (and what kind of a code-name was ‘Siofra’ anyway?) was allowed outside of some form of ultra-max prison for dangerous powered individuals. Let alone to be at Whateley. Appearance of being an adorable eight year old or not, he knew a hardened criminal mind when he saw one.

“No, you’re not here to gloat, you’re here for some devious plot, aren’t you? Well? I’m onto your games little Missy! I’ll expose your evil deeds, I swear it!”

“That’s enough Mr Hastings. Miss Siofra is here as a student worker, not a detention. Your injury is non-critical, and you’re being abusive. To a girl who is almost literally half your size. As a junior high student, she’s more than allowed to walk straight back out that door if she pleases, and with the weekend field-trip, the next time for a healer to get to you is Monday afternoon. Politeness would be most becoming of a hero right now, don’t you think?” The male nurse in green scrubs pointedly pointed out.

“Only those not in life-threatening danger? So even when making use of her filthy talents, Doyle at least sees her for what she is. A criminal and a villain.” The boy retorted angrily and hastily.

“Or that they see that I’m a phobic UV rager, which means my rages are caused by being scared of things, and I’m scared of the ICU?” The little girl curtly spat. “I’m not forced to do this, and you’re a big mean poopyhead, so you can have fun with your ruptured butthole for the next week. Dave, I’ll be waiting outside the next room. Bye.”

With that, she turned on her heel, and stomped out the room. “Boy, if the weekend of having it burn when you shit and piss doesn’t spell it out for you, you just massively messed that up. You know that, right?” Dave said, as he checked the charts.

“I’m going to kill Nephandus, I swear it.” The boy muttered through clenched teeth. “...Wait, did she just called me a poopyhead?” A cold sweat starting running down the boy’s back, as he considered that yes, she did look to be the right age to be finding things.... “Cute”...
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #491
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Doyle Medical Center, Room 120

Jericho sat dejectedly in the room at Doyle, looking at his hastily bandaged hand. A very slight mistake with his laser dermal, caused as he was overreaching for his coffee cup, knocking it over, and he had managed to cut a huge gash in his palm. As he waited, he racked his brain trying to remember the school’s healers. His friend Band-Aids had graduated, Sandra and Rich were both in detention, Fae was still causing too many hobgoblins to be allowed to work as a healer, even if she wouldn’t have preferred the modelling. He didn’t think Kayda was being asked to heal any male students, if she did heal anyone. He knew Cascade still refused to do a stint in the A&E section, Seraphim wasn’t working in Doyle AT ALL due to the sympathetic reactions of her angels and Lifeline was still being barred due to the circumstances of her failed combat final, that he was purposefully trying to not be learning the details of.

He didn’t personally know of any of the other healers or even any mages capable of performing more than the basest of base healing spells in the school, but he did know that most of them were still pissed off with him, either because of his clothes or his war with Wondercute. He’d only started fighting them to engage them with some light-hearted revelry and silly fun, which he felt he needed after Darwin, but it’d gone too serious and too far so fast. By now it seemed like it was almost a real cross-campus grudge fight.

He wondered who he’d have to take attitude from to get his hand fixed, when the door opened revealing someone he didn’t know. But he didn’t have high hopes from the start. Too young to even be a freshman, if this girl was to choose between him and Wondercute, not even he would put money on himself.

“So Mrs Hair Lady said you had something wrong with your hand? What seems to be the whag?!? Heee, heheheheheheh, hehehehehehehheheheh, hahahahahahhahahha!!”

The small, elementary school sized red-headed little girl in a purple “Disney Princess Belle” style dress, high opera gloves with a familiar red and black armband, and white tights with Mary Jane shoes, carrying an open flask on a neck leash. She had been reading from a comic book when she entered the room, flanked by a tall, heavily muscled male nurse in green scrubs. As she turned to look from her book to her patient, she gasped in shock, and then began giggling, before guffawing madly, before engaging in full blown “Wicked Witch from the West” style cackling.

The slightly tired looking nurse swore, then pulled her head back, grabbed the open flask by dropping his clipboard full of paperwork, and upended it into her open mouth. She was so busy laughing, she didn’t even notice the potent devisor-made sedative flowing down her throat, until her gag reflex kicked in and she sputtered some back out. Enough had gotten through though, that within seconds, her eyelids drooped, she swayed, and then fell to the ground. The cackling only stopped when her head rebounded off the tile, the bruise forming, then disappearing instantly, as she lost consciousness.

Sitting on the bed, dressed in one of his most eye-turning outfits yet, mismatched colours and patterns aplomb, featuring a tye-dye shirt that had splotches of fluorescent yellows, luminous greens, blood reds and angry oranges, a set of plaid trousers in similar colours, ribbons and bangles aplenty, among other trinkets, all arranged to be as vomit-inducingly, painfully eye-searing hideous as possible, Jericho looked stunned.

“Goddammit Jericho, when seeing your clothing causes the danger-trigger ragers to freak out, you need to knock that shit off! We’re running out of the stuff that’ll affect her as it is!”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #492
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Woods outside Dickinson, Saturday Evening

“Please Runic, you have to help me! Your sister is driving me crazy! If it’s not ‘tea party’ this or ‘play with me’ that, she’s running around with her stupid stuffed animals! I haven’t been able to study in the room since term started!” Maggie Finson pleaded, her hands almost pulling out her blonde hair.

“Well Lifeline, you should have thought of that before doing whatever you did to piss Carson off this much. What did you do anyway?” Leanna ‘Runic’ McKenzie haughtily enquired. She sat on top of a low hanging branch, holding out some nuts for some of Aquerna’s squirrels. She didn’t really care, but when she’d watched out the window, she’d thought it was nice to see the little rodents behaving for their ‘big squirrel’, so she’d decided to help the little underdog out with feeding them.

“She’s been... forbidden me to tell anyone, but it’s clear she’s just taking that... that beast’s side. As if moving me out of Whitman and in with your crazy sister wasn’t enough, I’m having to look after all the little brats! Please, you must know some way to get her to shut up?”

“Well, I know one clear method. You won’t like doing it though. Of course, you could just get some good headphones, or use the library.”

“I already tried headphones. She tried shaking me when she thought I was ignoring her, and she says it was an accident, but I’m not so stupid to believe she didn’t mean to damn near yank my arm off. And use the library? Half of the stupid cheerleaders are usually just lounging around in there, and they’re... not forgetting the ex-Whitman thing....”

“You won’t like it.”

“I’m going nuts here, listening to her and her little friends. I swear I’ve never seen such obnoxious children. Please.”

“Do it wrong, and you’ll be in deep trouble. It’s not a good idea to do repeatedly, and you’re liable to get caught.”

“Please, Runic, I’m begging here. I just want some peace and quiet in the room.” Leanna huffed, dropping the rest of the nuts into the foliage, and jumped off the branch, coming face to face with the native American girl.

“Provoke her into a rage. Then heal her. She’s been conditioned to radiate her healing when she herself gets healed, then she collapses into eight hours of sleep. Good luck though. Personally I’d just put up with the tea party. That is, after all, why you’re taking over from Tansy, looking after the little children, right?”

“Huh?” Maggie’s face had fallen flat, and she’d turned slightly pale at the mention of being near a rager.

“Told you that you wouldn’t like it.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Kaitha39.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #493
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Crystal Hall, Sunday Evening,

“Hi Steven! Having fun? Bye Steven!”

The various members of the nerd herd craned their necks to see who was addressing one of them, and almost all turned back to their meals with a dejectedly morose sigh. Normally, any one of them would be happy for their friends if they’d been able to get the attention of any of the pretty exemplar girls. None of them were happy to see an exemplar girl who was still a pre-teen, in a sparkling princess dress, or her similarly attired junior high friends. Most of them were quite relieved as the girls carried on walking, over to sit next to another of their age group.

“Dude, it’s still fucked up that she doesn’t hate you.” Edward ‘Kludge’ Williams spat with disgust, looking towards his fellow ‘mobility challenged’ roommate with daggers.

“You’ve said this before, it’s getting old news Edward. Steven, finish your food, I can’t be fucked with this argument again.” Sebastian ‘Montana’ Terwilliger thundered. Steven just looked down and attacked his spaghetti bolognaise with a renewed vigor, happy to have an excuse not to talk, but Kludge remained glaring at him.

“Nah, Monty, it’s fucked up. And I’m not dropping it. I want this scumbag out of MY room. I don’t feel comfortable sleeping there with him!” The misshapen boy barked. Several of the table went uneasy, as Kludge was somewhat fingering the button on his upgraded wheelchair that controlled the micro-missles he’d installed back in January. Just as the tension was getting thick enough to cut with a knife, Steven swallowed, hard, and looked up.

“You know what Ed? Screw you. I had a visit from Blotter earlier, and he said something interesting. Apparently, you give me any shit about my serums, I’m supposed to ask why you couldn’t get it up with ‘The Blonde’, and why, I quote, ‘A choice piece of ass like her would even be doing anything with Ed in the first place.’ So tell me Ed, who’s ‘The Blonde’ ?”

Kludge’s face fell, and a look of shame came over it, as it did almost all of the sophomore and junior year twain boys. Instead of answering, Kludge shoved his tray forwards, and in lieu of stomping off in a huff, ran his chair at almost swerving speeds trying to get away from the table.

Steven looked around the table, at the looks of shame, and asked in a small voice “So... how bad was it?”

“He’s not going to forgive that in a hurry man. More the first bit than the second. Hella issues there dude. And it’s not something we should discuss in public. Short story? For a week or two, most of the cottage thought we had had a lucky break. That we were allowed to taste the good life. Then Thuban’s girlfriend oversaw some of us looking over the pictures, and reminded them that they’d kinda... been the monsters they look like.” Harry ‘TechWolf’ Wolfe said, in a low voice.

“....So... Blotter told me to shut Ed up... by reminding him he’s worse than me?”

“Essentially. Even worse, his body betrayed him by failing to perform, so there’s the further shame of that. And hell, all of you were just piggybacking on my justice. So shut yer traps. And Wolf, I don’t even wanna hear you start. Doesn’t matter if you were with the 33 that day, you’d have dabbled, so shut up and eat.” Monty laid down the topic, deftly. Nobody saw fit to counter him.

When he was done with his food, instead of waiting for the others as usual, Steven ‘Capsule’ McKenzie picked up his crutches, and began hobbling over to his cousin’s half-sister.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #494
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A farm in Syria

Eliza knew that this would be the day she died.

It didn’t seem fair. She’d only ever tried to do her best, and to love her parents as much as she loved God. In these final moments, it just didn’t seem fair though. All her life, she’d never taken in just how unfair it was. Even when the rains stopped, and the farms struggled, she’d never considered it. Her family had been lucky when the devils first came through the town, and had been ignored. She knew a lot of people had run away, to the west. She’d seen on the TV, back when it worked, the opulent life lived by those godless heathens in the west. She hadn’t really cared though, since she knew that their world could never be her world. Her father had taken the fact they’d been ignored by the devils as a sign that they’d be fine to stay.

“They’re through there! They’re hiding in the storeroom.”

“Don’t let them escape!”

She could hear the devils approaching. It was the third time they’d come to her village, and they weren’t ignoring her family any more. She knew they wanted to kill her, just because she read from a different book than them. This somehow made her unclean, and therefore deserving of death, or worse. That had never made sense to her. All three of the major holy books said to love each other, so it didn’t make sense that people hated and killed each other.

And... just... why... her... ?

She’d always done her best, tried to live a good life, as it said to in the holy books. Well, in the holy book her parents read to her. She knew there were other holy books, but her parents told her they were false.

She knew that the people who read from those books, said the same thing about the holy book her parents read from. Worse, she knew that they were nicer about it, claiming that although the mighty Yeshua the Anointed was indeed a prophet, he wasn’t the final prophet. Eliza didn’t know why, but that sounded better than what her parents said about Mohammed. (Eliza still wasn’t sure if she should add the ‘Peace be upon him remark’ that the Muslims added. Eliza knew they also added it to Yeshua the Anointed, but she didn’t know if she should be adding it in return. Her father hadn’t answered that question when she asked, instead reminding her that she had to help plough the grain fields.) It had almost seemed... rude when her father dismissed Mohammed as merely a crazy warlord who grew up surrounded in many religions, and many gods, and he decided to justify his conquest by claiming he had spoken to the divine, though he hadn’t.

Was there ever even a way to know for sure, who had spoken to the divine? Yeshua the Anointed had lived twenty hundred years ago, and Mohammed had lived fourteen hundred years ago. Neither had actually written anything themselves, nor left any physical evidence that still existed. Everything was second hand accounts, or even third hand if some of the westerners were right. Who could say if what was written was what was said at the time?

So Eliza had decided that she would just try to be the best little girl she could be, and not worry about any of that. She’d remember the sermons, and remember what parts she had to say and do to be accepted, but she decided she wouldn’t think about that stuff. It seemed like the church leader thought about it enough for everyone anyway, and she was just a little girl. The church father could read, even the difficult words of the holy books! She knew she didn’t need to know how to read any more than the directions of the instructions in the cook book, or the road signs so she could help take the cattle to the market.

“They’ve locked the door! Bring up the battering ram!

Eliza hugged her sister Ruth closer, huddled as they were behind the pots. She knew that if they had gotten this far, then her father, her uncle, and her two brothers were already dead. Even little Thomas, young enough that he could barely lift the pistol. They had stayed at the entrance to the barn, hiding inside, to hold the entrance to the bunker with the family’s rifles. It made her feel empty. She’d never be able to hug father again, or to share in the eucharist, or read over David’s shoulder as he taught Thomas to pronounce the words.

She knew that if they were banging in the pantry door, then her mother was also dead. She’d stayed in the kitchen proper with Eliza’s two aunts, hiding the girls in the bottom of the pantry, with sacks of grain between them and the door. It was uncomfortable, being squeezed in, but Eliza knew that it could save them if the devil men looked inside.

As she heard the ram smash open the door, and heard the arabic shouts obscenities about her mother’s purity, followed by the boom, Boom BOOM of the shots she knew that her beloved mother was no more. She wanted to cry, but knew that she couldn’t afford to make the noise, or the devil men would find her and Ruth as well.

Ruth... was too young... to share her concern as deeply.

“What was... in there! In THERE!”

The door was wrenched open, and the sacks removed, and Eliza was dragged out, and thrown across the kitchen.

The blood was everywhere. All over the cooking pots, all over the table. Where her mothers body was. The source of the blood. Eliza couldn’t hold it anymore. She didn’t need to hide from the devil men, because she was already found. The tears formed in her eyes, and she sobbed, the first of many, as the dam broke and she wept over her mother’s corpse, no longer caring that the devil men were raising their guns at her.

She heard Ruth’s voice, but she didn’t care.

She was about to die. The devil men would shoot her, as she cradled her poor mother’s body. It was coming. Any second now. It would come, and she would find out which of the holy men were right about what comes after.

Any second now.

It would come.

Any time now.

“E... Eliza, help me. We have to go. We have to go and meet the Western men. The one in the suit... he’ll take care of us now.”

Ruth... Ruth was shaking her. She wasn’t dead. She also wasn’t in the kitchen.

Where was she? And why... why were her hands the colour of pure snow?
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #495
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Because my own humor is just that twisted:

Later that evening, Back at the Bat Clinic

“Well, Jericho, this could be your lucky day after all!” The forced smile on the nurse’s face didn’t do much to encourage the boy - they’d obviously had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to avoid stapling ligaments and stitching skin back together. Conventional surgery was tried and true, but the healing time plus physical therapy would cut deeply into the gadgeteer’s ability to complete his schoolwork.

Ignoring the boy’s grimace - it was his fault Siofra couldn’t help, after all - the nurse continued, “It turns out that Generator had one of her devises available to be recalibrated for hand injuries. Something about it being a good thing that her stomach wasn’t making the rumblies - the kind only hands satisfy? Someone from Security is bringing it over now, so let’s make sure the wound is clean.”

A few minutes later, Joe Turner was treated to the cheerful sight of Officer Jensen carrying a sealed case marked “Sterile Medical Equipment - Do Not Open Until Needed”, in crayon, and still-drying glitter glue. He’d thought his fate couldn’t get worse until the rent-a-cop started scrubbing up. Wracked by visions of doom and disability, he didn’t even notice the nurse bring in a sterile tray suited to minor injuries or that said rent-a-cop really was scrubbing up.

“I know there’s a doctor on the floor this time of the day. Are there orders for an IM muscle relaxant? I can get Jericho back to Twain if that’s an issue.” Whispered to the patient, “They get all upset if I just slip the injured some painkillers. I’ve even got my own injectors!”

Oh, god. They were really going to do this. Mall cop field surgery, Wondercute medical devise, and all.

Removing the devise from the now-opened case, when did that happen?, “Handy Handlady: Activate!”


It’s Official. The Universe hates him.

The next several minutes were filled with a barrage of medical jargon even the medtech-oriented patient had trouble following. Soon, but not soon enough, the horror show was over.

“Generator does good work. I’ll need to tell her that some time. Handy Handlady: De-activate!”

Once the expended disk fell off, all Jericho had to show for it was a reddened mark, some sore muscles, and a Hello Kitty! styled hand brace.

“You still want to use the hand as little as possible for the next 24 hours. Don’t worry, we’ve already sent notifications that you’ll be wearing this to your House Parent, and to your Workshop instructors in case you want to work on projects over the weekend.”

Jericho thought that was the end of it, but as always there was still paperwork to sign off on, and so forth. Just outside the Clinic doors, he felt a slap on the back of his left shoulder.

“Good going, Jericho. You handled that like a true trooper!” Auxiliary Security Officer Not-A-Frickin-Mall-Cop Jensen loudly announced. The short bastard gave him a tilted half-smile and a thumbs-up before heading off to wherever mall cops go on campus.

Not too much later, Mama Turner’s loud-mouthed son had heard enough laughing behind his back to stop and take stock of where his wardrobe had gone wrong:

Company (blue) Shirt
Company Badge
Company Patch
Company Tie
Duty Belt
Black Pants
Black socks
Shined black shoes

And a fused hand and wrist brace, with metallic glitter complementing the Sanrio motif.

Ballistic-grade rip-stop cloth for the conjoined shirt and pants meant that Jericho should be damned glad that the “mall cop” comment had not been bad enough to skip the front-to-back three-way zipper. Finding out how a freshman would know about such things would have to wait for his so-called “friends” to stop laughing.
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WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #496
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Doyle Medical Center, room 120, Friday afternoon, November

Danny sat in the room in Doyle, waiting for this supposed healer to come. He could have gone to his sister, he supposed, but he didn’t want to. If only because she’d either berate him for ignoring his spirit again, or because she’d find it funny where he was hurt. He felt like killing Gauntlet for pulling on Wihinape’s tail, the damage of which had still remained in his human form, while attempting to shoving his claw where... No, best not to even think about it.

“So, Mrs Hair Lady said that you hurt your tailbone or something?”

The sound of the door opening caused Danny to break completely from the spirit world, where he was studiously ignoring Wihinape berating him for his abysmal performance in the fight. He gazed at the door, where a little red-headed girl looked like a picture in a pink princess dress, a pink tiara, and black Mary-Janes. Wihinape noted to him in a non-vocalised whisper, that her white under-shirt, opera gloves and tights made it so that the only open skin she was showing was on her neck and head. He didn’t know what, but that symbolised something.

Inwardly, he cringed. He hadn’t had much luck with the other junior high students. Okay, the goth silver-haired girl hadn’t given him a second look, much less of a first. But the rest had been some of the worst offenders in what he was coming to consider the “Evil Petting People” - those girls who couldn’t resist stroking him or touching him if he was the slightest bit furry. It was really starting to rankle – He had been told, both by PSA’s by the school and by ‘being raised right’ by his parents, that he shouldn’t touch girls in an overly familiar way if they didn’t like it. So why couldn’t the girls return the consideration?

Gender equality was sometimes somewhat loose, he thought.

“Well, what’s the cringe-face for? Did you hurt your tailbone, or not Kitty-boy? You want to tell me where I should heal?” The little girl seemed slightly... vexed.

“You... you don’t want to pet me first?” Danny was shocked. He had shifted to his half-kitty form, lacking the tail but having fuzzed up. It’d been the most comfortable state to remain, as painful as it still was.

“Mummy and Daddy told me it’s unpolite to treat people different when they have GSD, even if their fur is soft like a cat’s or they look like a vampire’s nightmare. Like, Uncle James is a ‘Beast-Boy’ shifter and we’re only alloweded to stroke his fur if he says it’s okay. He usually does though. We’re not alloweded to touch Uncle Bob at all though... But hey, we’re in the healer building, so shall we be doing some healing? Where does it hurt?”

“You... you’re not just trying to get my defences down, so you can hear me purr, are you?” Danny asked with some small amount of fear. He hated his purring.

“Mistah, I’m sure it’s adorable, but I’ve just been speaking to Iron Jerk-face, and his poopyhead delusions. I’m wanna’ing to do some healing. So unless you want me to just blast you with enough strength to push you into the wall, you wanna just tell me where I should heal?”

“Okay, sorry. Just... Don’t tell my sister about this, will you? I don’t want her knowing what happened.”

“Mummy says I can only talk to Mrs Hair Lady and Dr. Betty about anyone I heal. Besides, I don’t know who your sister is, so there.” She stuck her tongue out at him, blowing a raspberry as well. Danny figured that she must really have no idea who Kayda was, which was a relief, and a worry.

Even though the male nurse with the little girl had him have to take off his trousers in a most embarrassing way, and even though she needed him to shift through all of his forms to get his tail sorted out, for some reason, Danny didn’t think he minded this little girl so much. At least in comparison to the others.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #497
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Dammit, that’s it! Imma so running that bitch down!”, growled the faux redhead, as she glared daggers at Inquisitor. The former Peter Bradford, who had been taking her disgust at her own changeling transformation out on everyone around her - especially the one MTF student in their group who hadn’t been altered in that way by her mutation - turned and sneered.

“Damn it, Carla, no!”

“Oh, yeah? Since when are you such a fan of Mary’s, Ruth?”

“I don’t give a fuck about her, but if you transform inside Poe, it’ll trash the hallway again!”, the RA cried, pointing at the damaged walls and tire marks already on the floor near where Carla had gotten her fenders stuck the last time she changed while indoors.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #498
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Okami-samaaaaa! Ohayo!”

On hearing the young girl’s voice behind her, Hikaru winced and even shuddered a little. Surely that thing couldn’t have made it all the way here on her own..?

Turning to face the speaker, she saw exactly what she feared would be there: a young girl, no more than six from her appearance, in a baseball cap, a red blouse, and a denim jumper, and wearing a pair of oversized eyeglasses. Sighing inwardly, she said (in Japanese, of course), “Arare, how did you get here...?”

The android - a creation of one of her teachers, made when the woman was a student herself and built to look and act like a popular manga character - said, “I flew here, silly! Mama asked me to deliver this to you, she said it was very important.” The robot held up a package longer than she was tall, and resembled a metallic version of the sort of tube which was used to carry posters or architectural drawings... but it also radiated considerable magical energy.

Hikaru’s mind jumped between curiosity about the package, and irritation that Miura-sensei had decided to test out the robot’s latest improvements without saying anything about it to her. “Thank you, Arare-chan, if you could please hand it over to me, you can be on your way.”

“Mama said I could stay for a while! I wanna play around here, it looks like fun! I even made a new friend while I was waiting for you to come downstairs, she’s from China and has a very pretty bell on her tail!”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #499
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Whateley Lakeside picnic site
Sunday October 21st 2007

“Catch me, catch me!”

The younger girls were playing joyfully in the clearing of the picnic area, as their older cottage mates were moving the veritable feast onto the bench table from the baskets. At first, their game seemed like it might have been some form of tag, but it soon became apparent that it had a few extra rules. For one, none of the girls seemed to be actually allowed to touch the ground, as a marker to “The ground is lava!”. The few who couldn’t achieve some version of flight or levitation by themselves, seemed to be using a variety of gadgets and devises to keep aloft. For another, it seemed that the girls were transferring who was ‘it’ by means of silly string lassos.

As Maggie moved to catch Estelle before she crashed into the bench and ruined the food, four young men and one short girl stumbled out of the forest and into the clearing. Each with their clothing in tatters and, in several places, caked with drying blood. On their left biceps, all five wore a black band with red letters, spelling out U-V.

“Heh heh heh, what do we have here? Awww, are the little dollies having a little Barbie picnic?” The boy in the lead asked.

“Wouldn’t it be such a shame... if something happened to it?” The girl added, reaching around the boy in a hug, while digging her nails into his side hard enough to break his skin.

“Bloodwolf. Maggot. Killstench. Hela and Necro. I have you all on video, and it’s going straight to security.” Belinda ‘Crystalline’ Mathews said, pointing to her phone. “They’re already on their way, so why don’t you make this easy and piss off before they get here?”

“Ooooh, that sounds like a challenge. And you know how beating down a challenge makes me feel afterwards, don’t you boys?” Whichever of the boys weren’t salivating due to the thought of the oncoming fight they would start, was clearly made to salivate by that thought.

“... aunt Sammy, who’re they? Can they play tennis with us later on?”

“Um... No, Ceilidh, they can’t. Why... why don’t you take Estelle and Miranda, and go help Maggie get the other basket from Hawthorne?” Samantha ‘Beam’ d’Cruz didn’t so much question, as ordered and shoved the smaller girl in the direction of the buildings. But before the pre-teen could so much as take a few steps, Bloodwolf had shifted forms, and jumped in front of her path.

“And where do you think you’re going, pup? Off to get your mummy? HAH. I’m going to enjoy breaking you... And your little band is pathetic. I’ll have you know that I’ve the spirit of the werewolf. Even if you could hurt me, I’d heal faster than you could believe, and then return it.” He proceeded to grab her forearms, ripping off her own red and black armband, and lifted her to be eye-level with him, in quite a painful grip.

“Is that why you have that scar on you?” The petulant reply came, tinged with a spot of mirth, as the girl looked at his chest through his ripped shirt. “What does that even …. he, hehehehe, hehehehehehehehe, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”

The werewolf’s hands dropped the little girl, but she didn’t fall. She was instead surrounded by a blue glow, as the boy became surrounded by a red one. In seconds, he began screaming in pain, as blood began flowing from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and hundreds, if not thousands of little papercuts began opening all over him, just big enough for blood to flow out from.

The other boys rushed forwards, ignoring the other girls who were slowly, carefully backing away, to join in the fight, while Hela watched curiously from a distance. They managed to cover no more than half the distance between the giggling child and themselves, before they too were surrounded by a red glow. Before they too were screaming in pain, as they began bleeding from all their orifices, and they too received the papercuts. They were then sent shooting off into the lake, as the security forces arrived on the scene, gulping in fear.

A small globe of light came from the group of girls, huddled around the bench, striking Ceilidh in the chest, just as the papercuts on Bloodwolf began stretching into large, deformed sawblade-length slashes.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Kaitha39. Reason: Spelling typo

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #500
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hey, Narns, did you get a look at that horse guy?”

Matt gave his best friend Amy, a curious look. “Huh? No, I didn’t. One of the froshes?”

“Yeah. He looks like one of those animal people on that TV show, the one about that island?”

“Oh...” Matt wasn’t a big fan of Paradise Island, but he’d seen it a few times. “Oh! that must be the guy Toni told me about!”

“Tony? I thought he graduated last year...”

“No, I mean my sister Toni. With an ‘i’. She said she’d gone down to Paradise Island to talk to one of the kids, because he thought he might have some kind of ki powers. Turns out he’s an Energizer, and they’re all confused because he’s the oldest one of the Horse animen who wasn’t, I dunno, transformed into it or something. They aren’t sure what it means.”

“So, wanna go meet him? I mean, he maybe one of the kiddies, but I bet he’s...”

“Don’t even finish that sentence, I don’t want to know.” Matt always wondered about Amy’s tastes, after all, she wouldn’t go out with him, so what’s wrong with her?
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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05 Sep 2021 01:08 #403 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #501
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Whateley Academy, January 1968

Well, I have to admit, I had volunteered for this. I was really surprised to hear that none of the big Mad Scientist types in the Syndicate had done as much with computers as I had; it was an embarrassment, I tell ya. The ones who had? They knew only the ones they built themselves, and most of them were, eh, pretty iffy if you ask me, too dependent on stuff that didn’t really work for anyone else. We really oughta come up for a name for that kind of thing.

Anyway, when the time came to check out just what the school was doing with the dosh set aside for their fancy new mainframes, I ended up with the job. I had no problem with that; if no one else could see how big a deal this stuff was becoming, all the better for me.

After meeting with Dr. Alexander in the main office, we took a ride down one of ‘secret entrance’ elevators to the computer rooms. Once there, I was surprised to be greeted by someone whom I knew.

“Dr. Morey! It’s great to see you again, professor.” I did not expect Alan, the guy who taught me about computers in the first place, to be down here of all places!

Dr. Alexander gave me a bit of a squinty grimace, but he knew better than to say anything. “Mr. Kotok! I wasn’t expecting to see you here... Is that young Dave over there?” I added, pointing to a teen who had been hanging around the AI Lab last to time I stopped by to brush up on the latest tricks - tricks that helped me get one over on a pack of TAROT agents a few weeks later, as it happened. I seem to recall there was a lot of arguing over whether they really ought to be letting a junior high kid walk around the place and fiddle with robotic arms and such, but a bunch of the ‘hackers’ had taken a liking to the boy and wanted him to stay.

“Yeah... actually, he’s the reason I’m here. He started here at the school this Fall, and he got to talking about me with one of the Engineering teachers, so they decided to look me up.”

So, young Silver is a mutant? Can’t say I’m surprised, it was pretty clear from the start that he was doing things no one else could figure out. “He’s a Gadgeteer, then? I hope I got that term right.”

Dr. Alexander interrupted, saying, “That’s actually a matter of some debate among the faculty, actually. Since the school opened there has been uncertainty about whether there is only one such trait, or two. There’s is talk of creating a separate category called ‘Devisor’ for those whose work appears to violate ordinary physical laws. Mr. Silver here is one of those who seem to work from ordinary principles, but in extraordinary ways.”

I nodded; that information was worth the trip by itself. I turned to Kotok again and said, “Well, shall we get on with the tour? I hear you were one of the primary designers of these new model Ten computers, I’m sure you have a lot to say about them...”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Esar’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #502
Esar replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Friday October 13, 2006 :

Alex put a hand against the wall to support himself. He was desperately trying to avoid falling down, with moderate success. Each step was slower than the previous one. At this point he chuckled and wondered if he would make it home before the sunrise or if he would just drop to the ground along the way home and just sleep the booze off. Even he could realize that he had drunk too much tonight and despite his bravado during the party, teenagers were not meant to handle that much alcohol. Nobody was meant to handle that much alcohol. Or maybe those exemplars that Alex had heard of.

Paradoxically, it was in this advanced state of inebriation that he felt that he truely could see things clearly. He was on the verge of passing out from the alcohol when he left the party, and yet no one really cared about him. Or at least not enough to bother to make sure he would be ok on the way home. He was not even sure they would have taken his keys if he had come there alone by car. For all his so called popularity, his jock status was no more than a shooting star burning through the sky. The fall would be brisk and abrupt, causing a lot of destruction in its aftermath. Maybe it was still time to steer the wheel.

As if to extract him from this thought, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned back and found himself face to face with what he had to assume was human or else he would have to question his sanity. The stranger was tall and slender, with piercing red eyes glowing in the night. He allowed a few seconds to pass to let Alex gaze at him and bask into the oddity of the encounter. The eyes were not the only thing that screamed “mutant” about him. Even if in the dark of the night they were particularly captivating, his most distinctive features were rather his second jaw, his grey skin and while it could have passed for dreadlocks what was on his head was definitely not hair but rather some kind of bone-like formation.

This appearance coupled with the red tuxedo jacket he was sporting didn’t leave much doubt about his identity in Alex’s mind.

The obviously GSD affected mutant reached out his hand, “Hi. You must be Alex, aren’t you ? You can call me John, I find the use of codenames in this kind of situation quite impolite. Don’t you think so too ?”

Alex didn’t shake John’s hand, which didn’t make John’s wide grin falter. Those teeth looked awfully sharp to Alex.

He sighed, “Well, it seems politeness is a lost virtue among your generation.”

Still not quite understanding what was happening to him, Alex stammered a weak apology.

“Nevermind, I am ambushing you while you are unmistakably still sobering up. At least you are not puking on my jacket, which I am quite grateful for by the way.”

“You ... You’re welcome.”

“See ? We are already making progress here. It’s the start of a beautiful friendship.” John moved forward and put his arm around Alex’s shoulder, guiding him toward a less lighted alley. “Alex, I must admit that I haven’t come here just to admire your witty comebacks. I have a problem and I am hoping I will be able to smoothly fix it with a simple heart to heart conversation. Easy enough to follow so far ?”

Alex nodded, not wanting to contradict the man and not trusting his voice to not betray his fear.

“Cat got your tongue ? Nevermind, but I will have to hear your delicate voice at one point.” He cackled. “Does the name Blake Newman ring any bells ?” Instantly, John’s voice lost any trace of friendliness.

It hit Alex like a whip. “Yes, he ... he is a classmate.” he answered, almost choking up now that he understood where the discussion was going.

“Would you say that you are both getting along ?” inquired John, his voice still devoid of any emotion.

“I wouldn’t call us friends but there are no hard feelings between us.” tried to lie Alex.

His inquisitor would have none of that. “Bullshit !” he yelled, from both of his mouths, which made the situation even more surrealist. But Alex was more focused on the right hand that had made his way around his neck, lifting him in the process. Claws were slightly digging into his flesh, drawing blood. But what truely alarmed Alex, and quite frankly made him instantly sober up, was the vision of the sacrificial knife that john pulled from his jacket with his left arm. The edge of the knife was glowing red and Alex couldn’t look away from it.

John sighed and lowered the boy to the ground, but still kept his knife out in the open. He matter-of-factly apologized, “Sorry, I try to portray myself as civilised, to fight against GSD stereotypes, but unfortunately as a rager I still have sometimes some outbursts of temper.” He left this last notion hanging the air, as if he meant it as an implicit threat. The grin was back.

“What do you want from me ?!” cried Alex.

“Don’t be like that, it does not suit you. The thing is, normally I don’t mind people like you. I tend to see you as a necessary evil.” He paused, it almost seemed that the next statement was painful to admit. “Unfortunately, I am an hypocrite. See, I don’t care much about other people. But if you target one of the two people I truely consider to be worth something ? I don’t care about the hypothetical place you were meant to play in my representation of the world. I have to interfere.”

Alex’s eyes were still riveted on the knife. He saw the freak raised the hand holding it and brutally plunged it ... in his other arm. In a swift motion the arm was cut at the elbow and dropped to the ground. There was no effusion of blood. He couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. John seemed unaffected by the injury and simply turned his back on Alex.

He began to walk away but stopped to add, “I would have liked to say that it was a pleasure to meet you, but I try to avoid lying these days. As I said at the beginning, it is the start of a beautiful friendship. Or maybe not, who knows ?” He then disappeared.

Alex let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. However his relief was short-lived. The severed arm, still lying on the group started to throb. It crawled on the ground in his direction. And yet his legs refused to allow him to run away. He was mesmerised by the movement of the arm. Or rather what had begun as an arm because the piece of flesh was slowly morphing into something far more ... hellish.

When it launched at him, he couldn’t help screaming.
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Esar.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #503
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Homer Gallery, Tuesday 28th August 2007

Eliza stopped in her tracks, looking around the room.

Her eyes tracked every exhibit, being marveled at the appearance of some of the items, the defunct death rays, the costumes, the portrait she barely spared more than a glance at, and coming to rest on top of the biggest pile of gold she’d ever seen.

It was so much gold, she thought it was so much that not even President al-Assad had as much in the palace! Not that Eliza had seen it. She hadn’t seen anything except for her little farming village, the insides of the westerners transports, and now this school.

By the grace of Allah, what was she doing in an American school? She understood a little bit of the westerner’s language, English, but had no idea at all how to read it, let alone write in it. She could barely write in Arabic. She’d never needed to. Would they need her to convert to using English all the time? Would... would she need to start using that strange western word, ‘God’ instead of ‘Allah’?

Was it okay that she was going to be learning anything, at all? She’d always left that stuff to her father, her uncles and brothers, and to the church leader. Did... did she need to learn anything more?
It was all so confusing.

/It’ll be fine for you to learn, dear one. It won’t be a problem/

Eliza felt like screaming! There it was! That strange voice in her head again! She felt, despite what the man in the suit said, that she must be possessed by one of the servants of the seven princes of hell. Most likely Asmodeus, given what she was told she had done in the bunker by the man in the suit, and the new body she found she could take on. Or possibly Sathanus, given what she had done while they apparently were paralysed, with the hands over their groins.

/I may be a spirit, but I have no connections to any lower plains dear one. And that form is granted to you to protect you from those who would harm us, my host. Do not fear it./

Eliza knew that the souls of those men, if their own beliefs were true, were now in the Islamic version of the pit, for having been tempted by her body. She didn’t know what actually happened there, but she knew they believed that she had been the one to condemned them. But she hadn’t been able to talk to the church leader since the bunker, so she didn’t know if she did carry their sins upon herself, or if they were just wrong. She knew that the Holy Bible held that each man and woman was individually responsible for their own sins, but she didn’t know if some of the blame fell with her.

She wished she could talk to the church leader, or at least her father, to get them to explain these things to her. Though she knew she couldn’t. It was blasphemous to think you could talk to the dead.

“Okay, so, this is what we’re here to see. This is a picture of Lord Paramount, ruler of Wallachia over in Europe. He’s an alumni, and a big donor to the school. But he has a rule that every new student has to see the picture within 24 hours of coming onto campus, so here we are.”

Eliza wished that Ruth was here, at least. She knew that Ruth had come to the states as well, but she was being looked after by some normal American family, not being shunted to this school. She wished she understood more English, written down, so that she knew what was written on the pieces of paper she had signed – with her own signature! - to be able to attend. The man in the suit assured her she had no obligations to come work for him when she was done, but she knew he expected it. She didn’t even understand who he was, he’d introduced himself as something like “An agent of the ‘Seeing A’” or something. She didn’t understand his English words enough, and he hadn’t had the Arabic to confer the idea clearly enough. But he would only find a home for Ruth if she put her name on the paper, so she did. Ruth needed looking after now that mother and father were with Allah, so she did what the man in the suit said, and now she was at this... was the word “school”?

/You’ll be able to see your sister again Dear One. I can feel where her soul is. And this school is both necessary and dangerous. It has much to teach, but would be unsuitable for one as young as your sister. Do not worry for her./

Eliza felt like screaming again, to hear the voice. But it too, thought this place was a good thing. Eliza didn’t know if that was good or bad. She so wished she could talk to the church leader again.

How decadent the west must be, that they can not only afford to let each and every child, even the girls, have time to go to school, and not also work in the fields! Let alone the decadence it takes to make a school whose entire lot of students were possessed by demons to grant them powers!
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 5 months ago by Kaitha39.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 5 months ago #504
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A little something to feed the demon ducks, with the idea that maybe Eliza had Mrs. Hawkins for her class advisor.

Schuster Hall, Whateley Academy
First day of classes

Eliza was having a little bit of trouble getting to class without being jostled by, or being pushed into, one male student or another. The slight reassurances she’d had that modest behavior might not be an alien idea here, gained from being placed in a girls-only dorm, had been rapidly erased. Yet she persevered and arrived at her next class in time to hear the teacher start his lecture.

“Good Morning, everyone. My name is Mister Williams and I will be your instructor for American History 1. I see that there are a number of unoccupied seats matching the number of students still standing around. Would someone care to explain this behavior before I start assigning seats?”

One of the girls still standing said, “Mr. Williams? I’m sorry, but if I have to sit next to that creepy guy in the back over there, I’ll have to drop the class!” Some students around the room nodded in agreement.

“Is that so? Mister,” the teacher nodded toward a back corner of the room. “Yes, you. What is your name?”

“Madz Yensen” or that’s what it sounded like to Eliza. Another of those coarse Western names she’d be expected to remember. The boy looked nearly as uncomfortable as his name sounded to her.

‘Remember child, your name may sound equally unfamiliar to the others,’ sounded the voice inside of her head.

Seeing something he did not approve of, Mr. Williams went on, “Jensen. It’s bad enough that I have one of you in my class; I will not tolerate you disrupting my classroom further. Whatever you’ve done to alienate so many of your classmates, that stops now. For the moment, the rest of you hold on. It seems I have another problem student: Eliza, I can’t pronounce this. She’s from the Middle East and may need translation help. I don’t suppose any of you reprobates ... Yes, Jensen, what is it now?”

“I know some Arabic.” Actually, the boy looked like the one of the least likely persons on earth to speak the language: dirty blond hair, pale skin, slight frame, almost pointed eyebrows over mischievous green eyes. The glasses framed in reinforced plastic hooked to not-quite-pointed ears? If he wanted to look trustworthy, he was trying too hard for too little success. On the other hand, the way his tie was tied and the way his shirt and jacket hung over hidden body armor, matched men whom Eliza’s father had pointed out as al-Mukhabarat.

To complete the image of decadence, there seemed to be something going on over his head, certainly not a halo. Eliza didn’t blame the other students for avoiding this one.

‘He wears illusion. Perhaps to avoid more trouble than he already attracts?’

He is a sorceror?

Williams said, “Good, she can sit next to you and you can share notes. So, Eliza, are you present, so we can get this over with?”

The boy looked around and said, in ʿAmmiya, <Eliza? The teacher wants you to sit by me. Do not worry. It is for instructional purpose only.> Eliza gave her location away when she nearly laughed at the image of this very Western boy speaking like a Cairene truck driver.

The boy’s gaze was appraising, guarded, not inappropriately forward as most boys his age, nor openly contemptuous as she’d seen in other Westerners’ eyes. In this she was reminded not only of the secret police, but of those times when little Thomas had been bullied by the other children in town and was trying his hardest to not let their parents know.

< Are you truly a sorceror? I have been told you use illusions. >

Smirking a bit, the boy replied, < Did not Imam as-Sadiq say that the Holy Prophet has ordered, “The Muslim sorcerer must be killed and the infidel magician must not be killed.”? >

It took a few minutes to find students willing to sit near them. Certain boys seemed as likely to be uneasy as the girls objecting to his presence. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t kept himself clean ... but as the class progressed she imagined being near some distant battlefield - cordite, tear gas, petrol, woodsmoke, saltwater, ice, sweat, blood, death. Disturbing, but she’d become far too used to these things in her life back home.

At the end of the class, neither student rushed to the door. What would be the point, when the rest of the class seemed to be trying to get away from the ‘raghead’ and the ‘uviefreak’ in the back? Also, she was more tired than she’d expected to be from trying to decipher the other kid’s accent. He wasn’t completely fluent, and some of the idioms he used? It was certain that he had not lived in a polite part of Cairo.

< Eliza, may I ask where you are from? >

< Syria. We used to live in the northeast, before the devil men came. My father, we had a farm, but > Eliza could not stop the tears from falling.

As Eliza wiped her eyes Mads asked, gently, < Who is left to you now? >

< Only my sister. She lives with another family in America so she can be safe. > Even though it left her sad, she knew it was for the best.

< You studying here assures her safety, yes? Such things are important in life. > The boy nodded to himself. Maybe he had family he hoped to keep safe? Moving to a more neutral topic, < A farm you said? My... > “how do I say foster?” < mother took me to a farm once. They even let me try one of the flame-throwers! >

Flame-throwers??? Merciful Allah! < What kind of farm was that? >

< Soybeans, I think. Dangerous business away from towns. >

< Where? > Such demon-infested places would be good to avoid!

“Ehmmm...” < Tribal council lands. Used to be called Manitoba? I think it is called that now. >

‘My dear, I think that young Mads is far, very far, from where he calls home.’
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #505
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cell Games Tournament Ring
Island off the coast of Unspecifiedistan

“So, now that you’ve defeated the youthful Pokemon master, Ash Ketchum, what do you plan to do, Cell?”

“Well, Mr. “Firecracker”, for starters, I’m going to wash the blood of those adorable creatures he sent to their death off of my ring. And if you don’t get out of my way, I might just use your blood to do it. No, wait, that would just make an even...”

“Wait a moment, folks! Yet another challenger has made their way to the ring!”

“Oh, for... seriously, what part of, ‘face me in a challenge to the death on Sunday’ didn’t people understand?”

“Take a look at this, ladies and gentlemen! This amazing blue-haired woman just flew into the ring like a superhero! This is incredible!”

“You’re doing that, now? Really? For fuck’s sake, I’ve been flying around the whole planet and you’re just noticing her?”

“Hey, asshole! I guess your that Cell guy, huh? I kinda gotta kill you now, OK?”

“Sure you do. Who are you supposed to be, anyway? Ryoko?”

“I... OK, so I look like Ryoko. It’s kinda a long story, so skip it. I guess I should tell you my name, though, right? They call me Tennyo... well, when they aren’t calling me ‘The Star Stalker’ or ‘The Destroyer’ or ‘The Universal Scourge’ or any of those other things, I guess.”

“I seeee... Isn’t that Japanese for ‘Angel’? How appropriate...”

“No, actually it’s more like a sort of...”


“Fine, fine, never fucking mind, OK? Let’s just... hold on, something’s up...”

“I cannot believe what I am seeing, Folks! Some sort of huge sea creature has just emerged from the ocean and is walking towards the ring!”

“Wait, is that Cthulhu? Well, color me impressed! I didn’t think I rated a challenger that impressive. I may have some trouble beating him actually. No seriously, I’m actually kind of wondering about it. I mean, he’s a god. I don’t think I’ve beaten a god before. Is it even possible?”

“Sure. Like this.”


Tennyo teleports over the head of the High Priest of R’lyeh

“Oblivion strike!”

“Oblivion what?”

Cthulhu gives a shriek that shakes the whole world and begins to disintegrate

“Wait. What the fuck did I just witness?”

“OK, back.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You just... one punched a fucking god! You completely destroyed him!”

“Yeah, sorry about that. It’s sort of what I was made for. Man, Sara’s gonna be pissed that killed one of her relatives...”

“I... I... I...”

“Hold on! Is this gorgeous red haired woman yet another challenger?”

“This might not have been such a good idea after all...”

“Hey, Cell! Sorry, I gotta get going, Fey just told me that Headmistress Carson said if I’m not back at school in ten minutes, I gotta do detention again! See ya!”

“Holy shit. I think I just dodged a huge bullet there.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #506
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
June, 2008

“Leanna! Slow down!”

The 1998 Renault Clio II rushed through the corner of the road, as it joined onto the motorway, at almost 75mph, with the two redheads in the front seats, weaving through the lanes to find a place in the traffic. The paperwork for her provisional license had been sent the day after Runic’s 16th birthday, and thanks to the leeway a small piece of laminated plastic bought her with the Whateley admin in terms of driving courses, she’d been ready to get her B-class the second she turned 17. Well, the second after she got the return form from her theory test, which she passed.

She’d trimmed the line on the practical, with fourteen minors, but no majors, as the British instructors had significantly less patience for impatient driving than the Whateley instructors had, and in recognition, her parents had named her a driver on her mum’s ten-year-old, 2.0L, 172horsepower five-door hatchback. Her dad wasn’t so much worried about the hit his insurance premium had taken, adding a teenager to it (though thankfully, a girl. He didn’t even want to know how much more it’d have been for a boy) or the possibility of wrecking the car. He was endlessly trying to get his wife to upgrade to a more modern, more safe car, possibly even one that had been ‘upgraded’ by his brother in law. What he was worried about however, was whether his daughter could invoke her shield spell in time if she clipped a curb or any of a hundred things she could do to lose control of the wheel.

If he’d actually attended Whateley after they started the defensive driving courses, he wouldn’t have worried, but being an ‘old fossil’ (even if he had yet to gain his first grey hair) did have it’s disadvantages.

As the car was pushed to rev up past 85, he laid a hand on his daughter’s shoulder from the backseat. “Your sister asked you to obey the speed limits, dear. A request I somewhat agree with.” For a moment, the only response was a quick glare at the occupant of the child seat buckled next to her, before Runic let the car drift back down to 70, and she took the middle lane, watching as four BMW’s and an Audi passed by on her right in less time than it takes to write it. Nobody took the left lane, that was for trucks and lorries, and slow old gits who couldn’t go more than 60.

“FINALLY! Thank you! This isn’t one of the school’s cars you know! It’s a baseline car Leanna! We’re pretending to be baselines, remember!?!”

‘Yeah, yeah, whatever. Brat, the pair of you can both fly faster than this rust bucket.’ Runic thought, but didn’t dare to say with her father in the back seat.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 4 months ago by Kaitha39. Reason: Edited because I thought the limit was five minors, not fifteen.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #507
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Wow,” said Bob. “That’s an absurd amount of torque. Like, a useless amount. If you try to use even a fraction of it, your tires are just going to slip.”

“Maybe with your tires,” said Alice. “Yours are made of rubber. Mine are made of glue. Glitter glue. And glitter sticks to everything.”

“That’s... no. Just no. The world does not work like that.”

“Sure it does.”

“No, it does not. You’re an idiot.”

“Insult me all you want. It’s just words. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to my tires.”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #508
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Laura awoke groggily on a Saturday morning. She was still a little out of it from the small party in Melville the night before. Tia was being pretty generous with the money she was making from modelling. You know, that thing she used to insist she wasn’t comfortable with, even if the brand was paying for a lot of her tuition.

Bailey was still sleeping, so Laura grabbed her bathroom kit and went through her weekend morning routine. She was definitely going to remember the noise canceller this time. Bailey was awake when she got back, looking a little out of herself. As she was getting dressed, she noticed that there was a large cardboard box sitting her desk.

“Bailey, what’s that,” Laura asked pointing at the box.

“Hmm,” Bailey answered in a daze, “Oh, Mrs. Horton brought it up for you, but you weren’t here. It’s kinda heavy.”

Curious, Laura didn’t bother finish getting dressed and walked over to the package. ‘This Side Up’ and ‘Fragile - Handle with Care’ stickers on the sides and top. There was a note attached, it looked like Tanya’s handwriting.

“Laura, we hope this came on time, if it didn’t, we’re sorry in advance. We saw it and knew it was for you. Take good care of it. Love - T & T & H,” with a hand-drawn bunny next to a heart and a red sun with rays pointing outward.

Under where the note had been taped were three simple words: “Product of Karedonia”

Suddenly very excited, Laura pulled the tape off the box and opened the lid. It was probably some Giz-thing she could reverse engineer! Maybe even one of the latest models. She was definitely going to thank Tia and Hikaru at breakfast. Tanya must have helped them pick the right one.

Right inside the box was an invoice, a plump foil packet, a quick user guide, and piece of styrofoam. Tossing the user guides to her bed (no self-respecting gadgeteer read those!), she looked at the foil packet. “Solution Refill Mix.” Curious, Laura tossed it onto the bed after the instructions. She opened the folded invoice, wondering what Gizmatic product required a fluid solution. It was a gift invoice, so no prices were listed.

Prickles 2.0 Complete Starter Kit - Light Blue - 01-256-000147

Due to hygiene reasons, no returns will be accepted. Thank you for understanding.

Prickles? Laura thought. She hadn’t heard of that one before. Maybe it was some sort of neuralizer or nerve disruptor. She’d love to see how it compared to her own weapon designs.

With a happy giggle, she eased the top styrofoam piece out of the box to see what the three girls had gotten for her.


Five minutes later, after finally calming down, Laura grabbed her phone to make a series of very angry phone calls. The lock screen showed, “8:28 AM, Saturday, April 1, 2017.”


Bailey thought it was best to never repeat the series of words she heard next. In polite company, among friends, or otherwise. It was fortunate that Laura had made the device attached to the door of their room that prevented any noise from escaping when Laura and Toni were “studying” together. Bailey scrambled to get the remote and turned it on before Laura woke up the rest of Poe.

She also thought it was fortunate that her roommate was so angry that she didn’t think about leaving the room with one of her inventions.

This was going to take a while, so Bailey picked up the Quick User Guide while Laura continued going ballistic.


After Laura had finally returned to her normal shade, she looked over at Bailey, still reading the Quick User Guide in horror, her face and ears an incredible shade of red. Jimmy or Vic could probably help, but there was no way she would or could ask them about this. Her face threatened to go nearly purple again. Toni? No way. She’d probably want her to try it!

“Bailey?” Laura said icily. Bailey jolted from Laura’s tone, throwing the pamphlet in a flutter. “Go see if Morgana and Bianca are awake.”


“This cannot be allowed to stand, and we probably have less than 12 hours.”
Last Edit: 4 years 4 months ago by Katssun.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #509
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Mama,” asked Angela as her mother tried to decide on an outfit for the day, “what does the writing on your chest say?”

“Um... nothing, dear.”

Angela gave her an angry pout. “I can read better than that, Mama! It says... it says ‘I atta... atta-ack...’”


“Liii... lit-tle...”

The Sidewinder CEO covered her scarred chest and forced a smile. “Wow, you’re getting very good at reading, Angie! You’re so smart! Now, why don’t you go get yourself a cookie while Mama finishes dressing?”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #510
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rosa Beretta had been the CEO’s Executive Assistant long enough that she felt there should be few things left that could surprise her about her employer’s clientele and associates. Although in this case, if she hadn’t met this courier before, she would have already summoned Security. She had done that the first time he’d brought something in. The boss had found it hilarious and quoted something about ‘meddling in the affairs of wizards’. The company’s head of security was still holding a grudge.

The courier was wearing a suit this time, and still he managed to look like a lost schoolboy.

“Does the package require special handling?”

“I wouldn’t open it except in a completely isolated and shielded location, but that’s me. I believe the instructions were sent SEPCOR.”

“Good idea. Oh, good! The CEO’s off the telephone and can see you now. I’ll check for the correspondence while you two are in your meeting.”

“Thanks, love!”

“Rafe! How’s it ... ? Woah! Looking good, chummer!”

“Mads, my eyes are up here, remember? It’s Rachel Hodges now, in case you’re wondering.”

“Right. Someone does very good work. A little bit of weight forward over the hips, but still ... “

“Sit down. And no, we’re not going to compare scars.” Rachel smiled, and that was the most frightening thing: not seeing her old predator’s leer, but a fraggin’ smile! “...not for another few months!”

“Months? Um. Sitting now. Sitting is good. I. um. Congratulations are in order, then!”

“I think so. When I lost the ‘wolf a couple of years back, I’d thought that was the end for me.”

“I’m still sorry there was so little I could do.” Before Rache could disagree, loudly, again, “I know: it wasn’t my fault. But, yeah.”

“But nothing, spyboy. That last package you brought in a few months ago? The full genetic reassignment treatment. The past is passed for good.”

“I can see that. I wish I could tell you how happy I am for you”

“My nose is still sensitive enough to tell me that. That, and the fact that you didn’t sleep alone last night. You still need to buy that man of yours a ring.”

“Not you too?”

“’World’s smallest fiddle’, bucko. Now, what am I signing for?”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #511
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Gunther Wicks grinned over at his buddy Stew Avery and got a nod from his fellow mutant. “Lighting it up.” Gunther said as his hands danced over the cobbled together control panel of the craft the pair had built out of parts they had scavenged from the local aviation graveyard. With a chug and gurgle the bell shaped generator fed power to the lift system and the saucer shaped air craft rose from the desert floor.

“We did it Stew!” Gunther laughed as he slapped the shoulder of his skinnier buddy. Stew nodded and slipped a pair of sunglasses over his overly large black almond shaped eyes, their arms tucking behind slightly pointed ears.

“Let’s take her for a lap and then test the porter.” Stew stated, his words not quite an order, not that Gunther would have noticed of it had been.

Picking a direction Gunther sent the flying saucer zipping along and in minutes the desert was giving way to farm land, which prompted a whistle from the pilot. “Faster then I expected, and I didn’t feel any Gs when we accelerated.”

“Yes, yes, let us find... ah, there. Beam that up.” Stew said pointing to a herd of cows below.

“Let me see if the stunner works first, I don’t wanna pull one up and have it wreck your work shop.” Gunther replied as a green beam lanced down causing most of the herd to fall over on their sides. “Beaming.... and it’s in...’ he glanced over his shoulder and pouted. “And you’re gone.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #512
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“I have had a seeing!” says the prophet. “The one called Kayda shall suffer no more angst for the time being!”

“Who the fuck is Kayda, you stupid hag? I was asking you about Kayla!”

“I have had another seeing!” says the prophet. “I have seen that to see the one called Kayla, additional jelly donuts will be required!”

* * *

“What’s that?” asks Kayda, pointing at the wire-wrapped hoop carried by her friend.

“Well,” says Lanie, “Ah call this the Destabilens. See, Ah’ve had this theory about how to see through and disrupt certain types of mystic disguises. So, Ah built this. You just look through it like... like... Huh.”


“Well, Ah think Ah must’ve miscalibrated this. It’s showing you as a boy. Hang on, let me just...” She turns a few small knobs and presses a button, and the devise hums. “What in tarnation...”

“Lanie, why do I feel itchy? What did that thing just do to me?”

“Well, um, y’all are, um... C’mere.” She grabs Kayda and hustles her into a bathroom.

“Hey!” shouts Kayda as she sees a boy in the corner of her eye. “This is a girl’s bathroom, perv! Get... get... out...”

“So you are seeing what Ahm seeing, then?”

Kayda moves her hand and watches the familiar boy’s hand mimic the movement on the other side of the mirror. “Lanie,” she says slowly. “What. Did. You. Do.”

“Well like Ah said, this thing shows the truth behind certain types of illusions, and it can emit a pulse that destabilizes the EM matrix and ends the spell. See, Ah got the idea from Dashboard’s hard-light projectors and some of the parallels we’ve noticed between magic and-”

“Lanie. Why am I male again?”

“Well, if Ah had to guess, Ah’d say you were inside a tactile illusion this whole time, and my Destabilens just disrupted it.” There’s a tense, awkward silence that Lanie eventually interrupts with a question. “So Ah take it this is Brandon?”

Just then the doors open and a freshman girl walks in, sees Brandon, and screams. “PERVERT!” She delivers a swift kick before spinning on her heel and marching away to find a safer bathroom.

Lanie shakes her head as Brandon rolls on the floor clutching aching parts that he hasn’t felt for months and is now much too acutely aware of. “Ya’ll are gonna need so much more therapy.” She pulls him to his feet and helps him back out into the hall, heading toward Doyle. “C’mon, let’s get you to Dr. Bellows before they try finding an excuse to drag you off for powers testing or medical treatment. Ah think you’re going to need him more than Hewley or Tenent for the time being.”

Suddenly Brandon’s legs give out and he nearly hits the floor before Elaine takes his full weight and hefts him back up. “I can’t be male, Lanie! What about Debra! If I’m like this...”

“Hush. Let’s just get you to-”

“Hey Lanie!” shouts Flux, who quickly closes with them, Risk in tow and whistling appreciatively at Brandon. “Who’s this handsome hunk of human? Yum!”

“Damn it Flux, back off!” Lanie shouts as Brandon starts to shiver and mutter incomprehensibly. “This one’s off limits! That goes for you too, Risk!”

“No, that’s fine, we get it,” says Risk as the two boys see Brandon’s state of upset. They turn and leave, Flux humming When She Smiles while they disappear around a corner.

“So much therapy,” grumbles Elaine as she hauls a now catatonic Brandon into Doyle.

* * *

“Alright, hag. Here are your damn donuts. Now, what can you tell me about Kayla?”

“I have had a seeing!” says the prophet. “I’ve seen that these are the incorrect donuts! To see Kayla, I will require jelly fillings! Not cream! Jelly!”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

E. E. Nalley
E. E. Nalley’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #513
E. E. Nalley replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Kayda clutched at Elaine and sobbed harder, wailing in grief and ultimate suffering. The red head did her best to console her friend but the tears just kept flowing. “It won’t stop!” she wailed. “It never stops! Every...every time I start to feel hap...happy....<hic!>” The poor girl was crying so hard she’d given herself the hiccups.

Dr. Bellows kept his voice calm and soothing, grateful for his training and hating every time he had to use it this way. “It will be alright, Kayda, I promise. We won’t let him hurt you any more, but you’ll have to tell us what happened.”

The dusky skinned girl wailed again as the physiologist stood and went to his desk drawer. He got the doll he kept there just for this purpose and came back to the seat next to the two worried girls. “It will be alright, I promise, Kayda! We’ll just take it slow. Here. Take the doll. Now, show me on the doll where Elrod gave you angst...”
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
Thomas Jefferson, to Archibald Stuart, 1791

elrodw’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #514
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
As Doctor Bellows talked to and Lanie comforted Kayda, a knock sounded on his door. “Excuse me a moment,” he said to the girls, then opened the door. One of the powers lab technicians wheeled in a cart, on which sat a strange devise with a lot of wires leading to sensor pads.

“What is that thing?” Lanie asked, ever curious about gadgets and devises.

“It’s a brand new Angst-o-Meter (TM), which will help calibrate how much distress you are in, as well as where, and that will help me treat it.” He turned to the technician. “I can take it from here. Dismissed.” The technician spun on his heels and left the room, pulling the door shut behind him.

“Well, Kayda, do you want to give this a try?”

“It’s ... it’s harmless, isn’t it?”

“Perfectly. I just put on these sensor pads, and the machine reads your A-wave pattern ....”

“A wave?” Lanie asked curiously.

“Angst waves.” Bellows shrugged. “We couldn’t come up with a better name. Anyway,l it reads your A-waves an gives me a readout. The level of distress registers on this meter.” He pointed to an old-fashioned analog meter dial in the face of the machine. A paper trailed from it, on which the A-waves would be recorded and plotted for analysis. Altogether, it looked like something straight out of a B-grade 1960’s sci-fi movie.

“Okay, let’s try, if you think it will help.”


Dr. Bellows gawked at the smoking remnants of the machine. “That’s ... that’s impossible!” he stammered over and over.

“Ah told you her angst-level was high,” Lanie said, her hand rubbing the Lakota girl’s back reassuringly, while stealing glances at the machine. All the recording pens had snapped to levels off the chart, and the analog needle had not only zoomed past ‘10’, but had gone to the peg so fast and hard that it wrapped around the stop - registering at least, according to Lanie’s best guess, well over ‘11’. And that was before the machine gave up the ghost.

“Now what?” Kayda whimpered, still feeling distress at her last angst and tremendous fear about what would befall her in the future.
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #515
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
elrodw wrote: “Now what?” Kayda whimpered, still feeling distress at her last angst and tremendous fear about what would befall her in the future.

“Welll.... we could stick you in cryo down in Black Sector for a bit and see if that helps matters.” Dr. Bellows offered as he surreptitiously served himself a stiff one.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #516
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dr. Bellows looked up as Kayda walked into his office. “Hello Kayda, I haven’t seen you in a while and I was wondering how you were doing.”

Kayda looked down, “I’m sorry Dr. Bellows, but I’ve been a bit busy.”

“Well just remember that I’m here whenever you need me.”

“Thanks, but why did you want to see me?”

“We fixed the Angst-O-MeterTM and we wanted to test it on you again.”

Kayda looked at the devise that she had previously broken and sighed, “OK, I guess, but if I break it again don’t blame me.”

Dr Bellows smiled as he began hooking up the sensor pads, “I’ve been assured that it can’t be broken.”

With everything set, he flipped the switch. The needle, that had previously swung up to 11, barely twitched. “Huh,” he said as he rapped the machine to make sure it was working. “It seems that you have dealt with your angst. That’s good.”

The needle twitched up a couple of numbers as Kayda wailed, “Who’s got time for ANGST? If I’m not being tutored by Mr. Two-Knives I’m in magic tutoring. If I’m not there, Sensei Ito is pushing me in Martial Arts. If not there, Gunny Bardue has me in Sims with one of my THREE training teams, or I’m tutoring Ayla in advanced math, or off to whatever dimension Mrs. Carson has dragged me and Lanie to. I barely have time for my regular classes, let alone work on my car with the Gearheads!”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #517
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Nothing works!” said Danny to his sister as they walked through the quad. “We’ve tested everything! Skintight clothes, natural clothes, even clothes made out of my own hair! We even tried gluing them to my skin and they still got left behind when I shifted! And it hurt! This is hopeless!”

Anna bit her lip as they passed by her. On the one hand, Danny had a cat spirit. A big cat spirit. A big scary cat spirit that probably could eat a squirrel like it was a cute, scared, fuzzy little nut. But he was also so cute, and his spirit was trying to be friends, and anyway he just sounded so miserable. Anna took a deep breath, caught up with them, and tugged on Danny’s sleeve. “I know it’s not my business but I have an idea and I think it’ll work and if it does it’ll just be really cool but maybe it won’t but I hope it will because even though you’re kind of scary sometimes I know you’re thinking about joining Wondercute and we could really use your help because there are other cute boys who won’t join us because they think we’re girly and maybe if you were a member they’d think about it and... and I’m rambling, sorry, you just still make me a little bit nervous please don’t eat me.”

Danny blinked a few times as he processed that, then looked at Anna with a hopeful expression. “You have an idea? What is it? I’ll try anything!”

“Really? Okay, stay right here! I’ll be right back with it!”

“What do you think she’s going to have me try?” he asked Kayda as they watched Anna dodge through a variety of little witches on her way across the quad. “I can’t think of anything we missed.”

Kayda smirked. “A pet squirrel.”

He shook his head. “I’m being serious, Kayda.”

“So am I! You can’t shift clothing, and when your try it falls off. What if it didn’t fall off? What if it had little hands so that it could hold onto you as you shifted? What if-”

“No. I’m not wearing a squirrel on my gonads.”

“You said you’d try anything!”

“Yeah, but I can’t go for that. No can do.”

Anna eventually came back carrying a hoodie. A Hello Kitty hoodie. “Here, try this, Danny! I’m sure it’ll work!”

“Really?” said Danny with a raised eyebrow. “I’ve shifted with hoodies on before. They don’t work, and they’re easy to get stuck in.”

“This one will work! The power of cute compels it! Just try it, please?”

“Fine.” Danny took the hoodie and carried it to the nearest bathroom, careful to keep the Hello Kitty imagery folded inside the hoodie as he traversed the quad. Kayda and Anna waited outside, and Anna’s nervous expression broke into a smile when they heard Danny shout “No way!” from inside the bathroom. Then he popped his head out the door. “It worked! It totally worked! What’s different about this hoodie? Is it magic? Devisor cloth? Do you have one with Batman on it? What about pants?”

Anna bounced on her toes, nerves forgotten. “I have an idea for your pants! Come here, turn around, and hold still!” He did, and she felt nervous again, but for a different reason. She pulled the Hello Kitty sticker from her pocket and peeled it off the backing, but then balked at the critical moment. She couldn’t just touch his butt like that! “Kayda!” she whispered. “You do it!”

With a big grin, Kayda took the sticker and slapped it onto Danny’s rear. “Ow!” he shouted. “What was that for!”

“Luck!” said Kayda. “Now try shifting!”

“But I just shifted with these pants and it didn’t work! Slapping me isn’t going to change that!”

“Do it,” Anna and Kayda said in unison.

“Fine, fine.” Danny returned to the bathroom and came back a minute later. “Almost! The pants shifted, but not my underwear, so when I shifted back I had to juggle the pants to get the underwear back on... but never mind that, how did you do it? That wasn’t a normal slap, was it... magic? Is that what the whispering was?”

“Not magic!” said Anna. “And I knew this would work!”

“Knew what would work?! You have to tell me!”

Kayda laughed. “You’re not going to like it, Danny.”

“I gave you a sticker!” said Anna. “Well, Kayda gave you a sticker because I don’t really know you and I have a boyfriend and that’s kind of a private spot, but it probably could be on the side or the front or wherever you want it I think.” She pulled out another sticker. “Here, put this one on your, um...” She switched to a whisper. “On your undies.” She continued in her normal voice. “You’ll need to buy some real Hello Kitty clothes though, because stickers on your clothes are kind of tacky.”

“Hello Ki- You’re telling me the secret to shifting clothes is to use Hello Kitty clothes?! That makes no sense!”

“Yes it does!” said Anna. “You’re a kitty boy, so you can only shift kitty clothes! Duh!”

“But... but...”

Kayda grinned. “Guess who’s getting Hello Kitty patches for his birthday? You’ve got a sewing kit, right?”

“Pretty sure cougars do prey on bison at times...”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #518
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Late November 2007, Doyle Medical room 120.

“So... Mrs. Hair Lady says you need help with your... oh. Hi. Going to be a jerk again?”

The blonde page boy locks twirled around in shock, again, repeating the same action from a fortnight ago. Similarly, the shortening of the lips, squint of the eyes, nostril flare and tensing of the muscles, all indicating anger, were just the same as previously. His charred and burnt white bodysuit could be seen beneath the remains of his manifested iron-plated armour, which was extremely dirty and broken in places, making it unsure where the reductions were due to the damage of his fight, or where he’d altered it from last winter’s finals.

While the jeers had died down over time, he still couldn’t completely shake off receiving verbal taunts when his back was turned. It was, apparently, hilarious to the cowards who couldn’t say anything to his face, that he’d lost to not only a gadgeteer, not only a tiny little French girl, who had just gotten out of the infirmary, but one who didn’t even bring her own gadgets! She’d completely destroyed him with just the standard workshop tools, and she’d done it because she was pissed that he chose form over function.

The first thing he’d decided to do on getting back as a junior, was get rid of the trash. All of the trash. He’d stripped his armour down to just the bare minimums. He’d gotten rid of a few of the hangers on that were pretending to be his friends (well, not the girls. A guy needs some joys in life!) He’d stripped out the applications for the FSHA that weren’t going to pass muster, even if Lady Liberty was technically now the leader. He’d made an effort to strip himself of the prejudices that had lead to Pendragon, that stuck-up arrogant Brit, to passing him over. He’d managed to keep the ...unprofessional thoughts... as an internal monologue, though he knew he still needed a lot of work there. Whatever, not like the faggots really mattered. And to cap it all and get the reins of leadership he’d been denied back, he’d decided to rid the campus of those filthy little urchins with outright criminals for parents, the Bad-Seeds. Starting with erazing that little nancy-pancy thief, Nephandus. It should be easy, not even the other Bad-Seeds seemed to like him. Well, except for the crazy little insane bitch standing in front of him.

“You. How did I know that I’d be saddled with you.”

His almost-question only earned him the kind of put-upon, disgusted pout that can only come from the face of a little girl who thinks of something as a piece of dirt on her nicely washed, pure white dress. One of which, an empire waistlined party dress with big puffy shoulders, Ceilidh was wearing, along with thigh-high tights, opera gloves, a pair of white ankle boots, and a belt with a pink rose broach.

“Because, Iron Jerk-Face, it’s Friday. I’ve been doing the rounds every Friday since the start of term. It gets me out of Maggie’s way when she wants to go see those Whitman writing friends of hers. So what, are you going to calm down, or do you get another weekend of fun before some other healer gets to your... broken pelvis? How did you break your pelvis while wearing your armour?”

The boy looked down, ignoring the question as he muttered “I’m going to kill Nephandus, I swear it.”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 4 months ago by Kaitha39.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #519
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
November 2007, Woods past the ringroad outside Twain,

“Steven. I am going to say this slowly, in our common language, in the middle of the fucking trees with no distractions, so you can understand every syllable of what I ask.” Oh shit. She was using still using English, and not Gaelic fortunately, but with a RP accent. She never gives a “good news” sentence in an RP accent.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, HANGING AROUND BLOTTER?!?” Well, fuck Leanna, I’m not sure they heard you in China, you stupid fucking bint. It’s my hips your sister broke, not my ears! Thank fuck we were in the woods outside Twain, instead of somewhere more populated, like the Quad or Crystal Hall. I do not want people asking why “Mr. Viagra” is hanging around “Mr. Drug Merchant”, and I’m fairly sure he doesn’t either.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I quite heard you there, could you speak up?” I said, just to fuck her off. Well, I got what I wanted. She got fucked off. She also pushed me over, picked up my crutches, and threw them out of reach. Maybe this “conversing in the woods where nobody can see” wasn’t as smart as I thought. Family sympathy was not being considered here.

“Listen here you fucking southern bastard. Blotter is bad news, he’s basically the ringleader of ‘Le Carnival’, which is the fucking drug barons here. If he wants what I think he wants, you fucking well better tell him to sod off! Your shit is bad news, as you already know, and he won’t make it better!” She tried giving me the stink-eye to emphasise her point, but she wasn’t anywhere near as good at it as our combined Aunt. Aunt Rachael, who took me in after Mum threw me out, is the world champion at the stink-eye.

“Consider me listened then.” She just glared harder at me, and gripped the pleats of her school skirt. Not a good sign. “And in the meantime dear Cousin, point a? Please suggest some friends in Twain for me to hang around with instead of Blotter? The freshman are either too self-centered about their GSD, too distrustful because I don’t have GSD, or just too self-righteous about what the serum did. Sophmore and Junior? Eddie’s still being a prick, Harry and Seb are covering for me, but the rest of the upperclassmen have too much shame about some event with “The Blonde” that they won’t tell me about, to even give me the time of day.” She did that thing where here eyes dart from side to side as she tried thinking, and coming up empty. She still didn’t stop glaring at me though.

“I don’t care about your social life Steven. Don’t get involved with Blotter. It won’t go well for you, and I’ll be sure Judge Roberts learns of anything he needs to!” Well Golly Gee Leanna, you didn’t basically already say that did you! And Judge Roberts can go choke on his stupid wig, the bigotted prick.

“Also, point b? Would you mind giving me back my crutches, since you know, good job on physically beating up the cripple. I sure hope Daddy is proud of you.” That earned me the expected shaking of her arms, the expected huff of air, and the expected walking away that I expected it to. She really wears her “push here to piss off” buttons on her sieve.

Shit. She picked up the crutches on her way out. There’s no way I can even follow her, let alone chase her down to get them back. And now I’m here, resting against a tree, unable to stand up, with only some stupid squirrels for company.

Why did I want to meet in the woods again?
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #520
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Yolandria wrote: Peeper wouldn’t get involved really. Unless girls got involved.

“Hej, Froggy! Could I borrow the Thornster for a mo’?”

“You demanded for it, WARS has it! LIVE! It looks like the FSHA’s own Iron Star and the Bad Seeds’ Pretty Evil Boy,”

“Peeper, judging that book by its cover, a better title might be Pretty Evil Woman.”

“That’s right, folks! Iron Star and Nephandus have crossed the gender lines to give us the catfight of the century. What the?”

“It would seem your prayers have been answered. That, sir, is indeed a regulation mud pit.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Nagrij’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #521
Nagrij replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

(A term meaning extra, an omake is often a comedy sketch where the canon characters of a series act out of character or break the fourth wall. It is not canon, and should not be considered so.)

A camera was trained on an empty room. The room sported an all white interior; white floors, walls, and ceiling. Slowly that changed; the floor changed to grass, the walls changed to show trees in the distance, a bush faded into existence, and the ceiling became a sunny skyscape.

Slowly, cautiously, a teenaged girl dressed in what could only be a bunny costume walked in. She was missing the head of the costume, but had the ears to pull off the look. Said ears were up and swiveling, and the tail the costume sported moved in a suspiciously organic way.

“You better come through, this is a stupid idea.”

A blue hand moved into the camera’s view and gave a thumbs up as a girl’s voice answered. “Come on, just imagine the happy faces of all the little boys and girls out there!”

The girl stopped, stood up straight and directed a flat stare back at the camera. “What little boys and girls?”

“No one, really, but you need to smile! Think of it as practice, you’re trying out for a Cadbury account!”

“But I’m....”

“It’s fine, just do it! Read your lines!” The girl behind the camera interrupted.

The bunny-eared girl blinked and looked at an index card. “You actually wrote lines for this?”

“Go ahead! We’re rolling now!”

With a sigh the girl tucked the index card back in the basket and hunched over, bringing her sizable ears back up and plastering a smile on her face. She removed an egg slowly from the basket, made a show of looking at it, and placed it into the bush out of sight.

Then she started visibly and faced the camera. “Oh, I didn’t see you there! This egg is hidden - our little secret, okay? Have a hoppy easter!”

The ears laid flat back as the girl straightened again. “Have a hoppy easter?!? That was the best you could come up with? You actually had time spent writing this, to set all this up, and that was the best you could do?!? And what’s this bit about being a superhero?!? I don’t even have any powers, Laura - there’s no way I could pull this off! ‘Hopping powers?!? Really?!?”


The girl threw the basket, eyes flashing. There was a surprised screech as it hit something alive. The girl didn’t even turn to look. “No no no. You know what? I’m done. No pfg is worth this!”

The girl stomped off, shaking her tail out of the costume to reveal the racing suit underneath.

“Oh come on Tia! I’ll throw in some carrots and strawberries! And some chocolate!”

The girl ignored her, walking out of range. A moment later a blue girl stepped into range and near the camera and sighed. “Great, now who am I going to get?”

Another girl, this one clearly Japanese, walked with deliberate poise on her very high heels into camera range. “Having problems, Laura?”

The blue girl turned. “Oh, Hikaru. Yes, Tia quit on me! There goes my idea for a new Easter kid’s show! Hey, I don’t suppose you’d be willing to...?”

“No.” A tug and a clothes rack appeared, the newcomer grabbing an outfit without looking. “This, however, is possible.”

The chosen outfit was a bunny suit... from Playboy.

“This is supposed to be a kid’s show!” The blue girl shouted as the other girl sashayed out of range of the camera with a laugh.

If you like my writing, please consider helping me out, and see the rest of the tales I spin on Patreon.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #522
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I spray the the fire extinguisher at Fran as she writhes and screams from within the flames, “Stop! Stop it!”

“I’m trying, Fran! I’m trying to make it stop! Try rolling! You stopped and dropped, but you gotta roll!”

Suddenly the flames surge and a roaring jet of fire nearly roasts my hands as it rushes past. “I swear to God, Zach, if you don’t get that extinguisher out of my face I’m going to melt it off you!”

“I don’t know what kind of painkillers they’ve got you on, Fran, but you’re on fire! I’m trying to help you!”

Another jet of flames shoots out near my hands. I don’t know where they’re coming from, but I drop the extinguisher in shock and jump back. “Crap! Hang on, Fran, I’ll-”

She lunges forward and kicks the extinguisher aside, then holds her hands out towards it and another one of those jets launches out. No way. I gape for a moment, then it occurs to me what she’s doing. I dive behind cover just in time. There’s a loud bang and the clatter of metal bouncing off things, then Fran screams again, this time at a higher pitch.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #523
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Doyle Medical Center, Sunday afternoon, Sept 30th, 2007

Mads Jensen had been dutifully working on making up homework assignments for a couple of hours now. Otherwise he was sure to go insane from boredom before being released from “observation” (Doctor-doublespeak for ‘Don’t do that! Don’t even think about doing the other thing either!’) He’d even reverted to old habits and was running Kew’s audio feeds in the background.

“Okay everyone, search for clues. I’ll take the desk.”

Oh, no. Nononononono.

Which gateways were the signal bouncing in from?

Signal strengths?

Aaaaand the Sekret Squirrels were currently in close proximity to the room everyone knew Security had handed over to Imp ages ago.

The authoritative voice of cluelessness again caught the young mage’s attention. “We have a mole. One of us is working for the Imp.”

The nearest wall was too far away to pound his skull into it until blessed oblivion took over. He didn’t even have Thomas around to make snarky bets on the wall’s prospects for survival.
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #524
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hey Reach, Spark nice costumes.” Jimmy said with a grin as the pair ambled up to the Halloween judges table.

“Thanks though the eye patch is driving me nuts, even though Jenny rigged it so I can see through it.” Harley replied as she adjusted the white painted Mickey ear hat she was wearing. Jenny blushed as she ‘nibbled’ on a fake PB and J sandwich.

“So is this a group costume with the other Cadets?”

“Ah, no. They got stuck with what the Imp picked out for them to wear...”

And the rest of the Cadet costumes are up to the rest of you. :P
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #525
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Neat, sweet, a groovy song. You’re invited, come along?” Jimmy T managed to ramble out, as neurons misfired across his brain.

Caduceus stifled a giggle, “Oh dear, it looks like you’ve broken the Jimmy Toy!”

It wasn’t that the sophomore was scantily clad, but her leopard-print super-suit leotard with matching tail and kitty ears was more along the lines of something Chaka might wear. On the other hand, her partner-in-crime’s green rimmed sunglasses, orange shirt, red-violet ascot, green jumper, purple pinstriped pants, yellow shoes, and green socks combination screetched to a halt just short of a Jericho-level violation.

Kenya laughed as she handed over the entry forms, “Jimmy’s the first person younger than my parents to figure it out.”
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Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #526
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
1998, Crystal Hall

“Megan, what are you doing in line again? Didn’t you get enough?”

The blonde starlet turned to her brunette friend, her high cheekbones and sharp jaw set in confusion. “What do you mean Melody, we’ve just got here?” The group of girls at the start of the food line nodded in agreement, all alike in confusion.

“But... I just saw you get your food? Well... I mean, you got a lot more than usual, but I assumed you were just... you know, comfort feeding for your... monthly.” The six-foot-two blonde hissed, looking around for any cute boys who could have overheard. It’d have put a cramper on several of her weekend plots for the several gadgeteers she had eating out of her hand if they knew she wasn’t ‘available’. It was a difficult balancing act since she wasn’t the only one playing some of the more geeky lab coat types for holdouts with promises of female attention, without having to actually go through with the more fugly ones. But the cute ones, however....

“No Melody, we just got here.”

“Oh. So... who’s that sitting over there with the nerd herd?”

The girls all looked, and saw a near body double of Megan sitting, slouched as if trying to avoid attention, in a boy’s uniform that was so ill-fitting that it was bordering indecency. Megan pondered for a second, then the proverbial light bulb lit and she strood over, visibly steaming.

“DAVID. How dare you! Why are you... well... WEARING ME?!? I’ve told you, I am not your plaything! STOP IT. This is bordering on harassment!”

While the girl being yelled at sunk lower, such that she was in danger of faceplanting into the bowl of porridge before here, the rest of the hall grew silent, eager to see the show. A light blue wall appeared before the two, and the boy to the right of the cowering twin stood up.

“Megan, I understand your position. He understands your position. But for the third time this month, you know he needs breakfast before he can shift back if he shifts in his sleep. And for the fourth time this month, when they wake up in a girl’s form, Mr. Filbert requires any shifter in Twain to use the private bathroom next to his apartment. For the fifth time this month, they can’t control who they dream of.”

Seeing that his friend’s attempts at mollification weren’t working to diffuse his crush’s anger, the girl looked up. “Um... well... Megan, look at it this way, don’t they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery? And you are so very beautiful, is it anyone’s fault you’re the girl of my dreams?”

“David... are you trying to get me to kill you?!?”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #527
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Did you not listen to Earth Mother’s warnings about the dangers of magic users?” -- Mrs. Elizabeth Carson.

Each year the various “Introduction to” courses included a number of shared lectures. One of these selections was the mandatory introduction to Whateley’s Code of Magical Ethics. Each year, seemingly without fail, that particular lecture was routinely evaluated as having the least noticeable impact on student behavior. In this regard as many others, the best the Mystic Arts department could say to this is “We’re Number One?”

One of the other selections well-known for invoking a near-universal feeling of “Why do we even bother?” among the department staff is the lecture “Regarding the Dangers of Magic Users”. Why this lecture would be given to said magic users, and not about them to the rest of the student body, preferably before said magic users practice their charms upon said student body, is one of Whateley Academy’s many mysteries. However, one of the lecture’s pedagogic benefits was a last chance to see voluntary looks of shock and horror etched into the demeanors of so many of the arrogant little wankers getting ready to infest mystical academia for the next three to four years.

This year’s Sixth Period Introduction to Magic Theory class looked to be hardly any different. The student Teacher’s Assistant was discreetly wondering if she had looked so gobsmacked when it had been her turn. The teacher, Dr. Ophelia Tenent, would deny feeling too much satisfaction at shocking the (practically) mundanes - there had been too many times that she’d had to treat those students who’d ignored these very warnings. Closing out the lecture, she finally surveyed the residents of the back row. There in the corner sat one student for whom she held the dubious honor of being both academic advisor and primary care physician, Mads ‘Metro’ Jensen. Currently, he was attempting his best “Who, me?” look of beatific innocence. A shaft of light had broken past some clouds to shine on him as if to say “Oh, hells yes, him. Right there.” Next to him sat Thomas ‘Valravn’ Jensen, currently glowering at his companion. Ophelia suspected that he’d been making an itemized list of the warnings and checking each one off in succession.

Seeing they had the teacher’s attention, Thomas raised his hand and asked, “Were you two married at some point?”, now pointing at Mads.

“No, Mister Jensen, we have not had that dubious misfortune. Do you think I left anything out?”

Thomas looked over to his now pouting companion, “Volcano.”

Mads objected, “That was NOT my fault! In fact, I was hiking up a mountain at the time. Good weather for it, too!”

“Cape Town, South Africa. In June.”

“er, I was hoping to avoid any tsunami? Ferocious and unpredictable things they are!”

“Party to conspiracy, and accomplice after the fact. I rest my case.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #528
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Kayda 10-5 wrote: “I don’t know,” I replied with a grin, “If God had meant man to be on the water, he’d have given us gills and flippers!”

Next day, a girl walks up to Kayda. “Hi! Call me Gilly!” She has blue hair, green skin, pointy teeth, gills, and flippers.
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #529
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Arcanist Lupus wrote:

Kayda 10-5 wrote: “I don’t know,” I replied with a grin, “If God had meant man to be on the water, he’d have given us gills and flippers!”

Next day, a girl walks up to Kayda. “Hi! Call me Gilly!” She has blue hair, green skin, pointy teeth, gills, and flippers.

“Gillian Anderson”

JG’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #530
JG replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
August 27, 2007, Whateley Academy

Miranda Nichole Mahren looked at the stone gargoyles with teary eyes. Her parents hadn’t even come to say goodbye, leaving her to be delivered by a lawyer on behalf of an older brother she’d never met. She never would meet him, either. Erik Andrew Mahren was dead, killed on duty some time during the previous year, here at Whateley Academy.

The Alaska State case worker wasn’t a pleasant woman, eager to get her here to this piece of nowhere, then leave her. Miranda knew the woman didn’t dislike her, but she was afraid of the telepathic ten-year-old who made cars fly occasionally.

She didn’t notice the walk across a well-manicured school ground. The lawn was maintained, the forestry deep and nearby that reminded her of home, somewhat caused her to tear up and cry a little. Her older sister, Cally, used to chase her around the woods when she was tiny, pointing out the small animals she would learn were part of the world. She missed the petite, purebred dalmatian named Daisy and her clever antics. She missed watching the dog flaunt that she thought she was smarter than all of the stupid humans.

As the path drew to a close, she noticed a red flag flying, but didn’t know what it meant. The fancy buildings and old-world architecture made Miranda aware that this was not home. She couldn’t go back, her parents wouldn’t take her back, not after she turned out a mutant. Her daddy had blamed Erik for bringing the “taint” into their home, breaking the family.

It was all to cover up what happened. She’d grown up thinking that Erik had set out to ruin her happy home. When she started manifesting, she learned just how deeply the story might be wrong.

It had begun simply, and innocently. She simply answered questions people asked, or talked to them when they spoke. It was only later that she figured out that they hadn’t said a word. It got worse, much worse from there, to the point where the only person she could find comfort in was her mother. Even then, what will this do to my family was the question on her sister, Cally’s mind.

Then the arguments started. Then the fights started. And when the weird things started happening and Cally panicked and ran, her father had removed Miranda from the home and dropped her off with Child Protective Services. Thus began the long, spiral nightmare her life had become.

“Miranda, I said are you ok?” The social worker got her attention.

She has been so caught up reliving memories and guilt she’d not realized that they had entered a building, a nice office area with a severe blonde woman who reeked of mean as the social worker dragging her along.

Even through the tears she nodded and wiped her eyes. The severe woman looked at her and pointed at the couch. “The Headmistress will be here shortly.”

“Here’s her files and admission paperwork. I was told that the will stated you to be the person who handled her entry from start to finish.” The social worker didn’t have a name to Miranda, didn’t even have much of a personality. “The funds in escrow were transferred this morning.”

Oh wonderful, another clueless bureaucratic idiot from nowhere, here to drop yet more work in my lap. The blonde gave the woman a dismissive wave. “Go, you’re done here, the longer you hang around the more in the way you are.”

The tone of the blonde’s thoughts terrified Miranda, who had never encountered someone who was so calculatingly hostile. She cringed and mentally quailed as the case worker brusquely left, relieved to be done with her charge as Amelia Hartford picked up the file jacket like it was made from pure poison, then opened it.

For a brief moment as Miranda listened to the woman mouth her name in her head, she heard her family surname echo in the cold-blooded woman’s head for almost a minute before disbelief, then astonishment and more than a little sympathy began bleeding out as she turned and really looked at her.

Oh my god she looks like him. Miranda saw an image of a rather severe man in a uniform of camouflage, with a hard face and terrifying demeanor with the hat worn by the evil men who turned boot camp recruits into Marines. Miranda had no doubt that the image she saw was the face which she had never seen before, that of her dead brother. He was the man whom had set aside the money in his will to pay for his siblings to come to Whateley Academy in the event they, or their children manifested as mutants.

Miranda started to cry.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago #531
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Imp raised an eyebrow as a foursome wandered over to the judges table. Bacon was easy enough to recognize as he had essentially came as himself, just with hunks of pineapple stuck to his hide and carrying a large apple. Whitesnake had a large fake beak covering the lower half of his face, and a costume covered in blue and white feathers. He was also ‘trapped’ in a cage made of bone. Dawn had dyed the fur on her lower legs black and from the knees to under her skirt where dark gray. She wore a matching gray super suit top. Imp shook her head as it was clear that it wasn’t a female top as while it wasn’t low cut, parts of Dawn’s anatomy where still trying to pop out of the fabric. To finish her costume Dawn had in some wicked predator teeth, some large thick rimmed glasses, and a dreadlocks wig. The final of the four some took Imp several moments to recognize as Adam had shifted to look like a humanoid mercat and was wearing a hula skirt and coconut bra.

“Ok, Tamune, Pumbaa, and Zazu I get, but you...” Imp said raising an eyebrow a finger aimed at Dawn.

Dawn took a deep breath and said “How can you not know who I am? I am freaken Shenzy the hyena.” the voice change she wore around her neck shifting her voice to a good imitation of Whoopi Goldberg’s voice.

Letting out a laugh Imp mused “Hmm... this gives me an idea...”

Later while the official bands where switching Adam and Bacon scrambled onto the stage as Imp took over the sound board and lights. With a grin Adam let out a loud “Luau!” before starting to hula around Bacon. “If you’re hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat / Eat my buddy Pumbaa here because he is a treat. Come on down and dine/ On this tasty swine/ All you have to do is get in line. Aaaare you achin’ ”

Bacon popped the apple out of his mouth and gave the crowd a tusky grin. “Yup, yup, yup.”

“Foooor some bacon?”

“Yup, yup, yup!”

“Heeee’s a big pig”

“Yup, yup.”

“You could be a big pig too. Oy!” Adam finished with a hip thrust before the pair dived off the stage.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #532
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
22 Sept 2007, 7 PM
Hawthorne Cottage, Mrs. Cantrell’s apartment

Mrs. Cantrell and Mr. Geintz were discussing some of the proposed upgrades to the cottage when he suddenly paused. “Sorry, but I’m being paged.” he said with a smirk, “I’ll be back as soon as I find out what’s going on.”

Moments after he disappeared, there was a banging at the door. Cantrell opened it to find a frantic Inductance staring at her.

“It’s Amy oh god another burnout she was in my room with Paige she was an energizer today so Paige brought her over to hang out and it was great but then she just sorta fell over and I got scared and I came right here as fast I could I know how bad that s but you know that and I didn’t know what to do and...”

“Calm down, child, calm down,” Cantrell said, hoping to get the junior high student to stop panicking. “Paige must have called Fubar, so I am sure he will help.” Being ‘paged’, indeed.

Just then Louis reappeared. Seeing Karen, he added, “I see you’ve already heard. I just informed Nurse Morgenstern, she should be in Karen’s room now. I also contacted Dr. Guitterez at Doyle to be ready in case Roulette needs to be transported for further treatment.”

Inductance’s eyes went wide, but Cantrell just asked, “Do you think it is that bad this time?”

“Probably not, but it is better to be ready in case it is worst than it seems. Pardon me, I’m going back to help.”

Cantrell sighed, then turned to Karen, saying, “Miss Taliesin, I need you to go over to Antenna’s room until this has been taken care of. Is that all right with you?”

The child nodded, as she expected her to. She’d seen the way the younger girl - despite her past as a boy - had been spending a lot of time with Brian over the past ten months. With that, she headed down the hall to see what she could help with. She hoped that the plan to move her to Poe now that she was gaining better control of her energy absorption wouldn’t hurt that budding relationship.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 4 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #533
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The wind howled through the trees, and freezing rain pelted the gray, somber building. Even inside a chill gloom pervaded. The forboding weather, when combined with the mild soporific that had been slipped into their recent meals, left the building’s guards much less alert than usual.

But that did not matter much, for even if the guards had been at their most alert, they would have been unable to pick out the four figures stealing through dark in their mottled grey and black cloaks. The four blended into the shadows as if they had been born there, and not even the keenest cat eyes could spot them.

But that did not matter either, for the guards’ patrol patterns had been subtly altered to leave a corridor of blindspots where no guards were present at all.

The building had other defenses, of course. Technological marvels and supernatural mysteries shrouded the edifice. But those too had been thoroughly subverted. Burglaries, bribes, muggings, and one particularly adventurous seduction that would keep the four thieves from needing to pay for their own drinks for years, and the buildings’ secrets were theirs for the taking. And they were, in fact, taking.

The team had planned their targets well. Their replacement facsimiles were almost indistinguishable from the real items without instrumentation, and there was a very good chance that it would be years before anyone realized that a theft had taken place, much less who had taken it.

Nonetheless the thieves did not let down their guard. As one of their number dealt with the final vault door, the others took up positions around the room and neighboring hallways, as watchful as the oblivous guards around them were careless. But even so their eyes could not be everywhere at once. And so when a man silently appeared in the middle of the room, his addition was not immediately noted.

He was a thin man, of moderate height with a sleek, wiry build. He had a long face, a sharp nose, and a expression of mixed surprise and exasperation that did not go at all well with his thin triangular beard.

And apart from the water now dripping onto the floor he was completely and totally naked.

Every time. Every single time. If it’s not the shower, it’s the toilet. At least it’s not as bad as last week - Anna still hasn’t forgiven me...

The man touched the small bracelet he wore at all times, and instantly garments appeared around his body. Superficially, they resembled blood red priest’s vestments accompanied by a large brimmed red hat, but upon closer examination it became obvious that these clothes were designed for much more strenuous activity than most religions required of their clergy.

The appearance of the clothing finally drew the attention of the four thieves. Even with all their preparedness, for a moment they could do nothing but gawk. The man grinned at the familiar shock on the unfamiliar faces.

“At this point I’m supposed to verify that you are indeed breaking the law, and possibly ask you to come quietly. But we’re in Black Lock at two in the morning, outside the mystic artifacts vault. I think that’s enough verification, don’t you?”

The words were enough to jolt the thieves out of their paralysis. As one unit they went for the strange man. On the whole they preferred to avoid violent altercations, but they were just as practiced at them as they were at every other facet of their less then legal profession. Unfortunately for them, the man’s quip had been meant to encourage that exact response, and he had begun moving before he had finished. First one, then the next went down sprawling with their hands cuffed behind their backs. The third was quick to follow. The fourth, knowing discretion to be the better part of valor, did not try and rescue the other three, but instead made for the exit. Just when the shadowy possibility of safety seemed within reach, the red man appeared before the last unfortunate thief. Just as swiftly as the fight had begun, it was ended.

The red robed hero whistled as he looked at the small pile of gizmos, gadgets, and armaments he had stripped from the glaring thieves. Still not a word had passed their lips.

“You guys prepared for a great many things,” the man said with a grin. “Unfortunately for you, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.”
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson
Last Edit: 4 years 4 months ago by Arcanist Lupus.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #534
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
13 Dec 2015
Fort Dix, Trenton. NJ

Captain Peters looked at her monitor and frowned. I just knew it! One day in the new bars and the shit hits the fan!

Focusing, she found herself inside a synesthetic analog of the local military network, reaching out from the base and off across the mid-Atlantic region, with tendrils of her senses reaching as far as Cleveland, Providence, and Washington, D.C.

There, she thought as she adjusted her perspective to firewalls around a cluster of DoD servers. She found them under attack, and about to collapse. She jumped into the fray, shoring up the firewalls and sealing off most of the non-essential entry points to the base in question - though she was even sure which one it was at this point, which was concerning in and of itself.

As the current wave of the attack receded, she could see the cyberspace weaponry that was being used by the intruders. She could see that they were familiar... and mentally cursed. They were familiar because they were an older version of a tool she seen in use before. Shifting perspective so she could get more information on the attackers, she found the traces that she was looking for, and when she realized what it meant, she could feel a rising anger.

OK, this is serious.

She jumped back to the firewall, and after reinforcing it some more, she did a quick check of news feeds, quickly finding what was doubtless the reason behind the attack.

This startled her so much she ended up falling out of cyberspace entirely. This was huge, and she had a feeling she was going to end up in the thick of this mess even after this particular problem was fixed.

She went to shoot off a series of encrypted messages. First, her superior officer, to inform him of the situation and her surmises about the cause, and requesting permission to contact certain outside parties about the matter.

This was followed by one to Aladdin, an outside contractor who was already cleared for most of the information, and requested additional support from outside the military network. While composing it, she realized that there was simply no way the next two people would listen to her, or anyone else wearing a government uniform, so she took the risk of telling him about the specific tools that were being used, who created them, and most important, who were using them.

She might not be able to work with the Twins directly, but she had no doubt that Aladdin would let them know as soon as he could do so unnoticed. Her frown turned into a tight grin; the MCO bastards were going to really regret this shit.

She had the third written and was composing the fourth when Major Casston’s reply came in - all clear. She got the one to Mrs. Carson out and finished the one to the Queen; this one didn’t cover the details of the attack, but was instead meant to inform the Restored Court about what had happened the night before and how it could affect the balance of power.

Brianna felt a momentary sense of relief, but knew she couldn’t stop. She leapt back into cyberspace and the next stage of the battle.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

MageOhki’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #535
MageOhki replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
No AI support for the poor Captain? Odd. AI’s are online and working, at least the big installation AI’s

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #536
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
And to think I’d imagined I was being lucky. It wasn’t even my job, I was just checking some things out for a friend. A friend who was giving a big cut, the kind of score I was going to need soon, but still, just giving a friend a hand.


Most people don’t know about the problems some female regenerators have with pregnancies. Oh, they always stay as healthy as ever, protected by their overactive recovery and immune systems.

But that’s the problem. Their mutations don’t protect the child. It isn’t common, but some regenerators simply can’t carry a fetus to term.

It depends on other factors, though no one is really sure what all of them are. The problem seems to increase with the degree of regen, up to a point, but then plateaus and maybe even reverses, though there haven’t been enough pregnant high-level regenerators to be sure. Exemplars never lose a planned child, but most never have an unwanted one; it seems to be something to do with the BIT.

GSD seems to increase the risk. The further you get from the baseline, the greater the chance that the regen will decide the fetus is an invading infection.

So they miscarry, usually in the first month.

I was somewhere in around eight weeks when I realized I was pregnant. I hadn’t even had morning sickness, I only found out because I was gaining weight and asked a Black Clinic doc to check on it while I was in for a routine physical. I couldn’t have been more surprised than if he’d told me I was turning into an octopus.

I knew the odds. I knew how lucky I’d been so far.

What I didn’t know was that my luck was about to run out.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #537
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Somewhere, nowhere near Whateley Academy, but only a stone’s throw away, technically

A cloaked and armored figure stands still, looking into the abyss at his feet, listening to the icey blade-filled water far below. Behind him, a more statuesque female, one native to the Ironwood lands. He winces at the delayed splash.

“Ayep. That’s gonna leave a mark.”

“Was it necessary to conjure an anvil marked with runes and sigils spelling out ‘Acme Anvil Corp’?”


“Yet you claim no relation to my ex-lover.”

“beep beep?”

“Next time? Use a bigger anvil.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #538
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
I saw Ayla around the punch bowl with a smirk on his face. Following his glance, I saw Selkie and Plas in the costumes they were wearing earlier. I looked back to Ayla, and his grin grew. Suddenly, I made the connection.

Hey, I didn’t see them together earlier. Once I did, though, I was pretty sure who put them up to it.

Heather was wearing a red hoodie and an old-fashioned blue dress. In her hand was an equally old-fashioned picnic basket. That one was easy enough to get.

But even I had trouble placing Jody’s costume at first, until I remembered one of the old, dead rappers Vin loves so damn much. She had deliberately puffed out her body so she looked about 80 pounds overweight. She had a pair of striped parachute pants, a baseball cap turned backwards, oversized horn-rimmed sunglasses, and a fake gold medallion spelling out “B.I.G.” To this was added - ‘incongruously’, I should say, thanks for that word No Fun Guy - a fake wolf snout.

OK, the joke was worth a giggle, even if it was a bit, y’know, blackface-ish (er, though she wasn’t actually wearing blackface, so...? Ah, never mind.). I wondered if anyone who wasn’t from Poe would get it, though. Or anyone who wasn’t exposed to twenty year old music. Or anyone who wasn’t deliberately trying to catch up on fifty years of pop culture like Phase was doing. It did confirm a rumor that was going around the cottage, though.

And I was sure that Red Riding Hood was going to get eaten that night.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #539
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dickinson hallway outside the Common Room, Sunday 2nd December 2008

The two juniors looked inside, being careful not to be seen, at least by more than just the short red-head leading the sewing circle. She was sitting in a chair, holding up a pattern she had carefully knitted into a jacket liner and was currently sewing new patterns into with a variety of threads that almost glistened in the light.

To most with a sense of fashion, it would look gaudy, as it alternated between the white base and various writings, each in their own shade of pink, purple, or lavender coloured thread. To the magically active, however, they would recognise most of the writings as components of old runic magic. The act of being sewn into the material with a specially prepared thread would mean that each could be filled with essence, and once the spell expended, could be refilled with essence to be used again. To the girls in front of her, it merely looked pretty.

“I owe you two a bar of chocolate each for this.” Maggie ‘Lifeline’ Finster sighed in relief. “They were driving me nuts, and now I might actually get time to finish my ‘Intro to Protective Spells” coursework before finals start...”

“Careful Maggie, promises between mages have to be kept, remember. That includes both mutant and baselines. And isn’t that how you got into this mess with the brats in the first place? Stupidly promising things that weren’t very smart to promise in front of Carson?” Leanna ‘Runic’ McKenzie replied with a smirk. She received a scowl and a hiss in response, widening her grin.

“So the rumours are true! Hehehe. Though I don’t know why you didn’t make up with the crazy albino Alaskan at least. Doesn’t she regularly take the tykes on fun trips for detention? Besides, I got the idea from the head knitter herself. Farming out homework like this, why didn’t I ever think of it before? It’ll keep her quiet for days... And Mum’ll be thrilled she has something to do that’s peaceful and quiet. Much better than any of Steven’s suggestions...” She shuddered in remembrance. That boy knew too much about sedatives for her tastes.

In front of the girl sitting in the chair, sitting on the floor, were seven little girls, and one very, very sullen looking boy in the other chair, each with their own materials. Either a handkerchief or a sheet of cotton, and their own needle and thread. Most had made a start, writing their names into the clothes. The boy had rather markedly made less progress, spending more time complaining about this being “girl’s stuff” and hating the fact that he was the only male junior high student, than he did on his task.

On the edge of the row of girls, however, Ceilidh sat with her scarf hanging in the air in front of her, supported seemingly by two blue hands that appeared from nowhere and disappeared from the wrist down, as she carefully wove a pattern of a pink heart into it.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39. Reason: Typos

Angeldude’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #540
Angeldude replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
This is my first post outside of New Arrivals and my first creative writing since High School English. I have some plans on turning it into a full WhatIF but wanted to test the waters here first. Please leave feedback on what’s good and what could be done better; as I said, I’m new to this.

Continued here .

Just ready to crash for the night, I go through my standard reality checks. I may not be able to get lucid dreaming consistently, but I have gotten it once of twice and it is really cool when it does happen.
Finger counting? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Nothing.
Time? Seems consistent.
Still need glasses? No change there.
Telekinesis? (I have in fact used TK in a dream.)
As I try to move some books off my desk, which normally fails when awake, I hear a faint whistling sound. I stop to try and focus on the sound but it goes silent.
“That was weird.” The other checks failed so I figured I must have just been imagining it and fall asleep.

I get up the next morning and head for breakfast.
“Good morning, Johnny.”
That was was my mom. “Good morning,” I reply back unenthusiastically.
“Wait! Turn and look at me again.”
“What? What is it?”
“Go check yourself in the mirror and tell me what you see.”
“Ok?” This is weird. I wonder what could be so important about my reflection.
“I don’t see anything,” I yell from the bathroom.
I hear my mom sigh and she come into the bathroom with me. “Weren’t your eyes green before?”
“They were?”
“You’re so unobservant!”
Ignoring my mother’s remark, I take a look at my eyes in the mirror, and now they seem to be a light shade of blue. While blue eyes themselves are normal, these just seemed a little too bright for a normal person. That and normal people don’t have their eyes spontaneously change colour, assuming what my mom said is true, which it usually is.
“Do you know what this means?” my mom asks me.
“No. What?”
“This could mean you’re a mutant. You probably shouldn’t go out in public until we know what’s going on.”
“Ok.” I’ve heard of mutants before. Mostly as superheroes and supervilains. Does this mean that I had some sort of super power? That could be cool. This could also have something to do with that whistling last night. If only I knew what that was. Aside from that, not having to go out shopping and heading out this summer sounded great. More video game time for me!

I head upstairs to play some video games, but realized that I should probably investigate that strange whistling noise. If that’s connected with the possibly of me being a mutant, it should be reproducible. After all, that’s what science is about!
I find an old book to focus on, and try to will it to move towards me. Like before, I start hearing the whistling, but not much else seems to happen. Maybe if I just try pulling harder?
I focus on this book and the whistling starts getting louder, and amazingly, the book actually starts shaking.
I lose focus from the shaking the book makes. Was I really moving the book with my own mind? Do I really have telekinesis?
I focus again even harder. The whistling starts again and the book starts shaking, and eventually, flies off the shelf completely and lands on the floor in front of me. I did it! I brush some loose hair out of my eyes. I wonder what else I could move like this, before looking back at the bookshelf. The other books haven’t moved much, but the loose papers that had been nearby had been scattered all over the place. I guess I was so focused on the one book that I failed to notice everything else that happened. That’s not good. I should probably clean that up before my parents see what happened. I quickly clean up the mess that formed and wonder what this new power meant for me.
Insanity: for when normal just isn’t interesting enough.
All ideas free to use. You can probably make better use of them than me.
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Angeldude.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #541
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A dog-eared* excerpt from The Magic, The Cray-Cray, and You

It is not unknown for some, in the course of their pursuit of the mysteries, to attract Essence into themselves without ever lighting their Well nor ever countenancing the use of what others call magic. Through its natural attraction to itself, this may cause the Essence naturally generated by others to be drawn into themselves. In some instances, they may also boost this generative function in one or more persons, albeit at some cost to their natural lifespan. Curiously, those so boosted may strongly resist efforts to intervene on their behalf. Nonetheless, if Essence so gathered is reshared - for instance, like the Light of those rare Illumined is shared amongst their disciples - this may be a boon to some around them. If not, this may instead doom many of those around them.

It is also not unknown for obsessions and mental fixations to cause both generated and indrawn Essence to be held, immutable and unusable. At first, this may only damn the beneficial flows of Essence, costing the holder their good luck and health. The Wise are kept well-employed in temporarily relieving the ill-wealth (Not ill-Wealh, as the Welsh have proven quite capable of being miserable on their own volition, whether they posess many sheep or few.) It may be considered a symptom of this cycle that the afflicted far prefer to pay a minim in the present and a fortune over time, than to address the problems at their roots and thus retain some of that fortune to their own selves.

Then there are those that hold tightly to Essense thus jailed, like a blind miser hoarding ever more fairy-gold, until such time as the inner phantasms with which it is become intermixed do manifest around the holder. Curiously, such ephemera may hold their Creator in such regard as to prey on their neighbors or kin instead. Thus are many imps and minor demons born through stolen or, sadly, given power.

* verified through DNA analysis, to the disappointment of some cat-haters
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Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #542
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Laird Hall, After-School Flight 1 class, September 2008

“Now class, until our more inexperienced members can get used to maintaining altitude, we’re going to restrict ourselves to flying no more than five to ten feet off the ground. That distance is marked on the wall by being below the blue section.” Eugene Buttons pointed at the nearest wall, though all of them had been painted in the same segments. Starting from the ground, each five feet up the wall was clearly and distinctly painted ascending through the rainbow - Violet at the bottom, red at the top of the thirty-five-foot wall. “If you find yourself in the blue section, don’t panic or make a fuss unless you need help, as you could distract someone and make them fall. Just lower yourself back to the indigo section and carry on. When everyone can hold themselves steady at that height, we’ll move on to basic directional movement.”

One boy, who had the appearance of an anthropomorphic polar bear - if that bear’s fur were constantly sticking out on edge and wearing a Hawaiian shirt and surfer shorts- grumbled and sighed. “Mr. Buttons, why am I in the beginner’s group, doing this... this kiddie sh...stuff?” He pointedly looked over at Little Bee, wearing a jumpsuit and backpack that had several distinct nozzles coming out of them, and Siofra, who was wearing her usual Disney Princess attire. “I can already fly on my own, not like them!”

“Because, Ursine, this is Flight 1. The ‘advanced group’” he pointed to the other group through the window, where Mr Winslow, normally a maths teacher, was over watching students going through a flying circuit of hula hoops he was telekinetically holding in the air “are in Flying 1. That means they have already had this ‘basics course’. And I would think, given that you’re now the only landbound person in the room except myself, that you would wish to spend more of our practical application time practicing, not arguing about your course placement, which you should be discussing with your academic advisor, not myself.”

He turned away from the bear-man, to look at the six female students in his class. “Little Bee, go easier on your thrusters. You’re overcorrecting, which is making you have to burn more fuel to correct again. Siofra and Sarah, dears, maintain your calm. Focus on the hands, picture the hands supporting you, instead of trying for a shell. Shells can come later for telekinetics, as they require focus. Danielle, looking good, but try to control your electrical flows tighter. You don’t want to arc into some nearby metal and short yourself out. Mei-Xiu, you’re doing really well, keep it up. Eliza, try to relax. Don’t worry about staying in one spot more than staying airborne.”

He turned again to the boys, where Ursine had joined the group in mid-air, still grumbling beneath his breath, and making sure to take a position such that he was furthest from the girls. Eugene tsked as he considered how he would break through the lad’s reluctance. The boy’s respect for studying was apparent when he told the class the course was pass or fail, even if that requirement was merely about gaining a student’s aviation license.

Still, it beat the headache about putting in the paperwork for the foreign students. The two Brits, he knew how to apply to the CAA for the special ‘underage’ permission for mutants, but he only hoped the CIA returned the naturalisation paperwork for his most insecure student before he had to apply his end of things. It was bad enough that she still thought she was possessed by a demon.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #543
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Some bright, sunny morning, Kane Hall

“Who in their right mind would allow a challenge match in Arena 77 between - and I quote - Bloodwolf’s Pack - unquote - and someone calling himself Bigby Woolfe? For that matter, why wasn’t I warned about it last night?” The security chief’s lone cup of coffee was calling out to its brethren to join it in the crusade against his stomach. “I suppose I should swing by Doyle Medical and see how the poor guy is doing.”

“I called over there about 15 minutes ago. Killstench and Maggot have been released to go back to their cottage. Bloodwolf should be fully recovered today, tomorrow at the latest.”

“What about their opponent?”

“For reason known only to themselves, the Spy Kidz decided to follow him after the evening fight.”


“Mrs. Carson has already sent Mr. ‘Woolfe’ packing, so we’re hoping that Bloodwolf can help track them. They’re kind of lost.”

“Lost where?”

“They went into the woods and and down the dell. Except for Reach, he called in from the M. T. A.”
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null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #544
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A Mother’s Day, The Iron Wood

All in all, it had been a good feasting, if a bit heavy on the meat. And fish - never forget the fish! But it had been years on years since she’d had children around, to surprise, pain, delight, and annoy her by turns. A pity that her daughter could not celebrate the blót - always too busy, she was - no thanks or praise to old Shifty-Eyed in this hall! After the meal and a couple of hours of inappropriate tall tales and other stories, the boys had ended up in a puppy pile in front of the fire. Her sister-wife’s children’s children wore their two-legged forms, while her own boys wore their birthright fur or scales. She smiled at the recollection of poor Jorm trying to figure out where to nudge in to soak up the most warmth without roasting.

So the woman sat in her rocking chair, weaving with needle and yarn, and savoring the last of the night’s mead. In the morning, the young would take their leave, whether for chores or work or a distant destiny. But for now, they were where they belonged - safe, sound, and under a mother’s watchful eye. Woe betide any spirit, wight, or demon - aye, and petty god as well - who’d have it different.
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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Iwasforger03’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #545
Iwasforger03 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mother’s Day, 2007

Carefully, the last of the flowers floated into place. It was no fitting memorial for the lost, but… it did fit, just the same. It fit, because it was the effort of the heart. It fit because it was an act of genuine love and remembrance. There, atop a lone rock between two trees, overlooking a vast forest and wilderness, the flowers were arranged. The message carved into the rock was not one visible to the naked eye, but rather the work of another kind.

Dice sat and looked at the flowers, lilacs and lilies, carnations, roses, and Irises in a rainbow of colors, but mostly blue. His mother had liked blue. Hollow leaned against him, her head on his shoulder, as they sat and looked at the display. “Happy Mother’s day, mom” he whispered. She echoed it.

Etched into the rock with magic, invisible to the ordinary eye, was a simple message. “I love you mom. I miss you.” Together, the two of them sat, thinking of the joy they could not feel, the love they could not experience again. Forever separated by circumstances beyond their control, their mother’s lost to them. Today was Mother’s day. But they could not celebrate it. Still, they had done what they could.

“We won’t give up,” Hollow whispered from his shoulder. “I promise we won’t give up mom. We’ll survive,” she whispered. The sadness and love and ache in her words was reflected in his mind, and Dice felt it all. He revelled in the sensation of her emotions as he felt his own rise up to meet them. Together, they sat and remembered and finally, they smiled.
I am a Sexy Shoeless God of War - So suck it CP!

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #546
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Her breath slowed as she looked around the corner of the wall, and found the dead bodies of her friends. It was Samantha’s that caught her attention most of the three, as the blonde, tanned beauty had not only died with her eyes open, but screaming, and her face had stuck in that pose. Frozen in place by the ash cloud flash settling around her, then being surrounded by some weird liquid to create a rudimentary statue effect.

Neither Belinda or Carlie had fared much better, but at least they had died face down, so the pained expressions weren’t visible.

“Come on, we’ve got to press on. We still need to reach the safety of the base.” She knew she should move, to lead her last teammate on their path. She knew that her danger sense was key to their survival now that it was just the two of them. She knew that she should have been taking the lead, as they crept around these ruins of a city that was dying. She knew that she could have saved them. If she’d been leading, instead of Belinda, she might have picked up on the incoming bus that had cut their group’s shield in two. It had been too much to expect it to cover that far, and her companion had warned she didn’t have the ability to make a strong one of that size. If she’d been leading, though... She might have kept them together.

She felt it as she was pulled backward, and spun to look at her remaining teammate.

“Focus Rachel. We need to get to the base or all of this was pointless, and I need you to lead the way. Don’t think about what’s happened, think about what needs to happen.”

She knew her friend was right, but she also knew that it was her friend’s fault that they were even doing this. And... And it didn’t make sense. Why were they here? Why were they running through the city anyway? She looked over her shoulder, at the statues. Her friends were dead. Why? What were they doing here?

“Come on Rachel, get in the game and focus. It won’t end until we get to the base!”

She heard her friend talking, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t turn her head from Samantha’s look of agony. She didn’t understand it. The energiser brick should have been able to take a bus of that size. She’s done it before. But the bus had knocked her clean over and hurt her friend. She couldn’t get over it.
She couldn’t work it out.
She couldn’t tear her gaze from her friend, even for the ever more frenzied cries of her remaining one.
She didn’t want to hear it anymore. Didn’t want to be here anymore.
She didn’t want to hear anything anymore, not even that obnoxious laughter that had been in the background since they left their broken car.

All of which meant, she couldn’t move as her power told her about the building rebar that was hurled at her head. Even with her friend tugging on her arm at the time, she stood still, even as the metal bar pierced her ear and shattered her skull in half.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #547
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sim debriefing room, Whateley. December 13rd, 2007

“Okay ladies, that was just pathetic.” Gunnery Sergeant Oscar Bardue started his sentence in his customary drill instructor roar before he took a second to look at the five junior year girls sitting on the bench. Four of them were closed in on the fifth, who had her face buried in her hands as she silently sobbed.

Too many sims with the Grunts and Capes, in addition to the other finals, had acclimatised Oscar to his role as “Drill Sergeant Nasty”, he briefly thought as he saw three of the girls turn and outright glare at him. Then he remembered just why he had this job, why he had to turn fragile teenagers into hardened military veterans. If he didn’t, the world outside this school’s walls would, and not in a degree of relative safety.

“Beam, take Telequinesia to Dr. Markham at Doyle. The rest of the team stays for the debrief.” He waited for the expected “Si, Senor Bardue” and watched as the two Iberians took their leave. Or more adequately, one pulled the other, outright crying at this point, to her feet and almost lifted her out the door. Almost as soon as they were gone, he noted the first incoming complaint he expected was forming on the British girl’s stance.

“Before you say anything stupid Runic, remember that the point of these finals is to test you for the real world. A realistic situation that you might find yourself in is completely fair game for our tests. Tests that the group of you failed miserably!” He proceeded to tear into the girls in his customary style, noting their poor tactics, poor execution of the tactics they did use, inability to properly stealth, inability to even attempt to take out the ‘Dark Pheonix’ when they could have done so easily, and the way how they had basically fallen apart as soon as they were engaged. He saw the defiant fire in the Scottish eyes die out as he proceeded, though he knew she would still have one final problem.

“Sergeant. Thank you for your assessment. We will take it under advisement.” He noted that she had slipped into that stupid, overblown attempt at Received Pronunciation that she did when she was extremely pissed off. “However, I would like to enquire who had the position of our red team. If it was indeed my sister, I fear we may need to have words with my parents.”

Gunnery Sergeant Bardue regarded the girl for a second, considered, and then bellowed “Jinn, get in here!” When the girl appeared, lacking a face or any human body and just appearing as a cloak, he almost facepalmed.

“Yes? Did you have another group of poopyheads I can be a DP for? It’s so fun, and that one! I never knew laughing that long was so... so funny! Oh, hiya Carlie, long time no see!”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #548
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lunchtime, October 23rd, 2007

It was the normal pandemonium in the Crystal Hall. That is to say, organised chaos as almost seven hundred super powered teenagers tried to get lunch, even with them being split across two periods for it. While they all technically could fit at the same time, it did make for enough of a squeeze that frictions inevitably bubbled over. So common were they that the uninvolved students treated each one as a source of entertainment. Mostly.

One such “mostly” incident started out as almost a repeat of a situation almost ten months prior. While the teenagers mostly chose to ignore the junior high students as being beneath their notice and attentions, if not only their stature, it was not to be the case today.

“Hey, hey kids! Where do you think you’re going? You can’t sit there! Don’t you know anything?” The two girls, both looking like small children despite being older, both wearing very, very elegant dresses with ribbons in their hair, turned around in curiosity to see who was trying to tell them what to do. And it was a good thing they were curious, or else they might not have quite laughed as loud as they did. The boy in the lead looked so stupid, that the redhead burst into giggles just from looking at him. All the classical attributes of the stereotypical superhero, as if a lifelike drawing from a cartoon appropriate for their apparent age. Tall, broad shouldered, but so muscled that one wondered how he could actually move. A reasonably handsome long face, if not for the lantern jaw with a cleft that the smaller girl’s hand could have actually fit into.

But his clothing!

Apparently having learned at least a little from his ridicule of the last year, the boy was wearing a blue knitted jumper that had a golden “B” on the chest incorporated in the weave. But it was the kind of knitted jumper that was obviously done by Grandma. His safety pinned cape of yesteryear was replaced by a mantle of higher quality, but he clearly had not taken Edna Mode’s advice on capes, as it’s broach was decidedly not of a “quick release” quality, and would have choked the boy if pulled. He retained his yellow belt with it’s “B” buckle and the yellow galoshes, but the jeans had given way to a more spandex type of trouser.

Bravo’s compatriots didn’t fare much better.

Long John was wearing a sleeveless vest over a wife-beater undershirt, apparently having realised that just like Reach, his stretching caused the arms of any shirt or jumper to warp and deform. Following the same “design philosophy”, he wore a pair of wide shorts and ankle length, steel toe-capped hiking boots. A mantle similar to Bravo’s covered him, with the same kind of broach. Hyper had apparently done slightly better than either of the previous two, wearing a school issued grey super-suit specially designed for speedsters to reduce their aerodynamic drag, with its special accompanying footwear, though he also had one of the mantles.

“What do you mean, we can’t sit here?” asked the white-haired girl, looking quite resplendent in her silver and purple bouffant gown, though more attentive onlookers may have been disquieted by the skull pins attached to ribbons on her wrists and a choker. The red-headed one, in a green dress that was just as adorable as her companion’s, but between the high opera gloves, tights and a high-necked shirt left only her face uncovered, just carried on giggling.

“That’s the table of the Bad Seeds! You junior high girls should be down on the first floor, where we can keep an eye out for you!” The enormous ass brayed. “You little kids shouldn’t be hanging out with those despicable villains!”

“I say sirrah, upon what evidence do you mean to slander our good names?” came from the table where several boys and girls were sat, though the ivory-merchant garbed blonde pretty boy who jeered it was quickly “ssssh”ed by the white haired girl to his left, who was keenly watching the interchange not ten yards from them. The black haired girl to her left, normally bereft of expression, was grinning madly in anticipation, though the first girl looked somewhat worried.

“He might be a twit, if youll pardon my french, but he’s right. You wanna tell me what they’re supposed to have done, that means you’re bothering me?” Alyss asked, already becoming more than annoyed with Bravo.

“Wha? You mean you stupid kids don’t know? They’re the kids of super-villains! You can’t sit with them, who knows what they’ll do with ya!” In less than a second, the redhead had stopped her childish giggling, though nobody who knew her took it as a good sign, even with her petulant cry of “Hey!” in her normal voice announced that she was still lucid.

“You saying there’s something wrong with being related to villains?” Alyss’s voice had turned decidedly icy, a glare creasing her otherwise beautiful face.

“Yeah, I am. Everyone knows that it’s only a matter of time before they become as bad as their parents. It’s in their blood. Everyone knows it.” Long John supplied. “They’llneverbeanythingelsethanvillains.It’safact.” Hyper added. Speaking faster than could really be understood. Ceilidh began giggling again, but it wasn’t the same kind of innocent childlike girlish giggle from before, there was an audible edge of tension in it.

“You’re saying that everything a child does, is because of who their parents are? That no matter how they raise them, how much they try to control themselves, it’s the parents’ fault, and that no child is in control of their own self?” The furious tone in Alyss’s voice was sharp enough that bystanders sitting at the nearest tables, sensing the inevitable, began trying to discreetly back away.

“You’re saying that children can’t be any better than their parents? That who your father is, decides your fate?” The cracked, high pitched voice visibly disturbed the three boys, coming in a breathy gasp around the giggles. “You’re saying that I’m evil, because of my biological sperm donor?”

Bravo, actually seeming to have understood that he’d offended the little girls, if not outright provoke the one he was finally noticing had a certain red and black armband circling her left bicep, tried to use his energiser eyebeams on her. The nearest bystanders stopped any hint of discretion in their attempts to get out of the way, as the tense giggling turned to a flat out cackling that sounded more appropriate coming from a hyena. All three of the boys found themselves surrounded by a red glow, as even Alyss turned to view Ceilidh with a raised eyebrow. Bravo was clearly as surprised as everyone else, however, when the beam didn’t make it more than three inches from his face, reflecting off the edge of the red glow and hitting himself in the chin.

If Long John or Hyper attempted to do anything to help their leader, nobody noticed, as they stood stock still as the red glow tightened around their bodies. All three of the mantles shot into the air, bringing the boys with them as they began gasping for air. The red glow solidified around the capes, then the hands and feet of each boy, as they screamed in pain. Blood began to swell from underneath their fingernails, as each hand looked like it was being crushed, as their noses started bleeding.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #549
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Animation lab? We have an animation lab?” the sophomore turned to his friend, puzzled.

The friend in question looked thoughtful for a moment. “I bet it’s one of those two annexes by McFarlane.”

“Oh, yeah, Fleischer and Miya-whatsit, I always wondered what those were for...”

“Right idea, wrong kind of animation,” came a female voice from one side. Rez continued, addressing the original querent. “Hey, Wirewalker. Yeah, unless you’ve taken up drawing, you want the Lasseter Advanced Imaging Lab, down in the Workshop.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #550
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(Sorry, posted to the wrong place, I forgot that I had gone back to this thread to fix something. I need to pay more attention. Could one of the mods please delete this?)
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

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05 Sep 2021 01:08 #404 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #551
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
???, October 23rd, 2007

Reality came back to me in splotches. White and purple ceiling? No. Just white, the purples are moving. Right, that means I’ve gone cra-cra again. Fuck. Okay, stage one, what’s the last thing I remember? Being in the food hall, going to sit near Mr. Nephy! Then some idiotic jerks came up.. and that’s when it goes fuzzy. So they’re probably wounded by crazy-me. Well, fuck them. I’m stuck looking as a child and I go crazy when people try to hurt me. Which means they actually don’t mind attacking an eight-year-old? They can get bent. I’m not going to heal them, if I didn’t already, no matter what Dr. Markham or Dr. Tennant tell me.

Okay, stage two, where am I now? I can hear waterfalls, hushed conversation... and the clicking of cutlery? I’m probably still in the food court. Why haven’t they moved me? If the spots are purple, I should’ve been out for hours? As the purples faded out, the flushed angry face of my half-sister filled my vision. Great. I’d rather have the purple spots. How long is she going to rant at me now?

“Ugh, Leanna? What happened?”

I sat up, so I could pretend to look around in a daze. People eat up the confused little girl routine. So, as I expected from still being in the cafeteria, the endless eyes of the rest of the students in the Crystal hall were almost locked on me like mice looking at a hawk. Gawkers, nobody willing to get involved now that it’s over, and this big giant is included in the discussion. I dunno who he is, but he’s looking around like he’s the big man on campus. Great. Okay, take stock: my clothes aren’t even stained, though my shoes are on the floor. Okay, so it didn’t get too violent. My lunch tray is still on the table, and it’s contents of toad in the hole and chocolate cake intact, though my milk had spilled on the floor. Okay. So in addition to Aunt Jadis, Aunt Lyndsey, Mr. Nephy, and their assorted friends in the immediate crowd, there’s the giant man, my sister, Aunt Phillipa and Aunt Sammy. I wonder where Mr. Rack went? They usually sit with him.

“Um, what happened was that you put on a very entertaining show, but I’m afraid the Bavarian judge declared that it wasn’t quite up to Master Robert Rose’s last year.” Mr. Nephy was obviously trying to smooth things over. It would help the image if I smiled at the praise, so I did. People love the idea of an easily pleased little girl.

“Shut up J-Arm, you’re not helping” came the decree from Aunt Jadis, as she glared first at the pretty boy, and then at Leanna. “Ceilidh, what you did was give three rather idiotic jerks a rather deserved beat down before Kodiak” she pointed at the giant, “tried to restraint you, and you threw him four foot in the air.” Well, I knew I got stronger when I was crazy, but really? That guy? Fuck. What’s that going to do for the image? “Which means security will definitively want to have a talk with you. But it’s nowhere near as interesting as what Cascade did. Phillipa, would you please care to explain?”

“Don’t.” My sister said. “Just go to our table, I’ll sort this mess out.” she added, trying to push her friend away. Not being an exemplar, nor having any other form of super strength, and trying to push away one of the better toned and athletic female members of the Dragons, Leanna didn’t get very far with it. Great. She’s slipping into RP. Well, I’m due for a rant that’s at least ten minutes long.

“I don’t need you to defend me from She-Beast, Runic.” The Hong-Kongese girl hissed. “Jadis, what I did was a completely standard healing blast. Totally unfocused, no definition. To a normal person, it’d do nothing more than a single aspirin would. Utterly useless normally. Given to Siofra here, it will knock her out of a rage, by means of years of conditioning. So if she’s raging, hit her with a heal and it’ll turn her into like, a super beacon of healing power, as she spends her energy on it.” Great, so if I went healing spirit bomb, why wasn’t I asleep for eight hours? “If Runic didn’t have her head up her arse about this, the first thing she’d have told you to do about you recruiting her sister would involve learning the basics of a healing spell. It would have been better than the tantrum you threw, wouldn’t it?” she ended with a venomous look at Leanna. Well, I didn’t see any tantrum, but like, DUH Leanna.

“So... like, who was the poopyhead who caused it? And who’s you?” I still need to do something nice to Jade for giving me the ‘poopyhead’ thing. It’s made the image so much easier to maintain when I insult people with it.

“No. The first thing I should have done was forbid this entire thing!” Sure thing sister, like you could forbid me anything. “Young lady, you are not to associate with the Bad Seeds, and this is the kind of reason why!” No, because it makes your life slightly harder is the reason why. “They have targets on their backs! And your bloody boyfriend there” She pointed at Mr. Nephy, “bloody well deserves them! Even the decent ones, like Jadis and Lyndsey, have targets on their backs! You’ve already got one target on your arm, why did you think you needed another on your back?!?”

“Well, thank you for the lovely appraisal of our...”

The four verses of “SHUT UP J-ARM” intermingled, creating a rather pleasing note. Oooh, Mr. Nephy isn’t going to like that!
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39.

Iwasforger03’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #552
Iwasforger03 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Standing in the rain, with his head hung low
Couldn’t get a ticket, it was a sold out show
Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene
Put his ear to the wall, then like a distant scream
He heard one guitar, just blew him away
He saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day

The screams in her head woke her up right on time, as usual. She rolled out of bed and turned to stare at the clock/radio her grandmother had given her for her birthday last month. It really was a nice present, she thought, as she ignored the screams and howls in her head and listneed to the music. She slept really deeply. The music wasn’t really loud enough to wake her up, but it was loud enough to wake up her imaginary friend. He HATED the music. Hated it so much, and his screams would wake her up each morning. Surprisingly, they couldn’t keep her awake each night. She found it odd, but had never really tried to figure out why.
Bought a beat up six string, in a secondhand store
Didn’t know how to play it, but he knew for sure
That one guitar, felt good in his hands, didn’t take long, to understand
Just one guitar, slung way down low
Was a one way ticket, only one way to go
So he started rockin’, ain’t never gonna stop
Gotta keep on rockin’, someday gonna make it to the top
And be a juke box hero, (got stars in his eyes) he’s a juke box hero
He took one guitar (juke box hero stars in his eyes)
Juke box hero, (stars in his eyes) he’ll come alive tonight
In a town without a name, in a heavy downpour
Thought he passed his own shadow, by the backstage door
Like a trip through the past, to that day in the rain
And that one guitar, made his whole life change
Now he needs to keep on rockin’, he just can’t stop
Gotta keep on rockin’, that boy has got to stay on top
And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes
He’s a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes
Yeah, juke box hero, stars in his eyes
With that one guitar (stars in his eyes)
He’ll come alive, come alive tonight, woah
Yeah, he’s gotta keep on rockin’, just can’t stop
Gotta keep on rockin’, that boy has got to stay on top
And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes
He’s a juke box hero (aah aah aah)
Juke box hero, (aah aah aah) juke box hero, he got stars in his eyes
Stars in his eyes

She hopped out of her bed and started putting the sheets in order as the music played.

I’ll kill you for this, girl! No, first I’ll murder your mother! I’ll use your little weak insignificant body to do it, too! No, better! I’ll kill your grandmother! I’ll tear her limb from limb, starting with her fingernails! The screams will be REAL music. THEN I kill your mother, your father, your brothers… and then we go out, and we find these foreigner musicians, and we rip their fingers off one by one. Then we torture them for DECADES! We’ll conquer this little world, for ME! For KRONOS! KING OF TITANS! GREATER THAN GODS!

When she was finished fixing her bed, she started to get dressed. She picked her favorite black and white dress. It matched her hair afterall! She put her pins on and did up her hair with the pretty little skullclips. She added a pink bow to the ensemble as she worked. Then she pun about, looking at herself in the mirror.

You look horrid, puny human! Ugly and putrid and wretched! Her friend Kronos howled as she walked out of her room and skipped cheerfully down the hall to the kitchen, where her mother was making breakfast. “Hi mommy!” she called as she skipped into the kitchen.

“Abigail, what have I told you about skipping in the house?” her mother asked sternly. Abigail came to a stop, shamefaced, and looked down, rolling her feet and holding her hands behind her back, a picture of abject little eight year old girl sorrow.

“I’m sorry mommy, You said to not to. I was just so excited,” she explained in her mournful voice.

Ugh. You don’t even SOUND appropriately abject in apology. I can’t believe this!

Her mother smiled. “I know dear, but no skipping in the house. Now sit at the counter, breakfast is ready!” she commanded cheerfully.

Truly, I cannot fathom why she believes these blatantly false lies of yours!

Abigail, not skipping, hopping quickly up onto the high seat at the counter, where her mother set her a plate of beautiful pancakes. She dug into them with vigor and excitement, demolishing them faster than any little girl should. “These are great Mommy! Mommy, can Kronos have some too?” she asked happily.

“Of course dear,” her mother replied, setting a second plate down in front of her daughter, he hungrilly ate that plate as well. “And did Kronos like the pancakes too?” her mother asked.

Of course not! I couldn’t even taste them! Even if I could, I wouldn’t like them! Disgusting things you humans create. Not proper food at ALL! Pft. You call this breakfast? Where’s the meat?

“Oh yes mommy, he liked them alot!” Abigail replied with a smile. “They were quite tasty. More please?” she begged.

Her mother smiled and laughed, and set a third plate of pancakes down in front of her daughter. She marvelled at how much her daughter could eat now. She’d only manifested a half a year ago, but already, at eight, she could devour enough for several adults without slowing. They were just fortunate nobody had caught on yet that her dear Abigail was a mutant. “This is your last plate, then you have to get ready for school.”

“Yes mommy,” Abigail replied, already halfway through the plate.

Ugh, school. That moronic drivel will rot your brain, Kronos muttered. Actually… yes, yes! Go to school! Rot your brain! Rot it to the core, so I can take over! He cackled.

“Behave Kronos, or I won’t play your favorite music on my headphones on the way to school,” Abigail admonished him in her mind. Abigail really didn’t understand the music at all, all the wailing and screaming, but Kronos liked it, and as much as she enjoyed teasing him constantly, she knew it was wrong to not be nice to him sometimes. After all, he didn’t ASK to be stuck with her. “And stop lying about not being able to taste the pancakes,” she added as further admonishment. “I know you love them.”

As if I would love those disgusting round pieces of griddle cooked flour and sugar and cinnamon… he muttered.

“Don’t make me play MY tunes instead. I know you’ll hate it,” she threatened him.

He let out a massive sigh of defeat. Very well. I admit it, I CAN taste them, and they ARE delicious. There, satisfied?[/i[ He asked in a pout.

“Yep!” She replied cheerfully as she hopped down and scurried off to grab her bag and shoes.

“Abigail, hurry! It’s time to go!” her mother called.

“Coming mommy!” Abigail replied as she used her powers to speed up and grab her things and pop up next to her mother before she had finished speaking.

“Very funny dear, but no doing that at school, ok?” her mother instructed.

“Yes mommy,” Abigail replied, and as soon as she was outside the house skipped her way to her mother’s car. It was another bright sunny joyous morning, and she just wanted to hug the world. Just like ever morning since she met Kronos! He was the bestest imaginary friend EVER! She smiled brightly as Kronos bemoaned his fate and muttered about how he hoped at least something interesting might happen at school. He was such a bad liar, unlike her. She knew he liked those pancakes, every time. He just didn’t want to admit it. She put her headphones on and turned on Kronos’s favorite music as her mother drove to school, and she felt him settle in peacefully in her head as he listened to people screaming in greek about death and chaos and destruction.
I am a Sexy Shoeless God of War - So suck it CP!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Iwasforger03.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #553
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Kristin Darken wrote: If you want a pet that can hold Essence, function as a third (or even fourth) hand in casting, communicate more than basic commands and emotions... and so on... then you wait to get a familiar until you are older, more experienced, and can summon a familiar with all the skill and power at your command.

Ideally, if they can provide stealthy scouting through the astral plane, and defend themselves (or you, because they kind of have a vested interest), and maybe more than just a skill or two, that’s even better.

February, not this year, Detroit

The young magician (obviously, as he’s still working in his foster Mom’s spare bedroom) was getting a bit frustrated, “Look. I just need you to commit to a couple of simple favors to be determined ...”

A very unimpressed air spirit was having none of this. The dweeb barely even managed the summons. Binding? As if. “Are you out of your warped little human mind? No!”

“Let me put it this way, I need to get this settled ASAP, and you’re the only person that showed up.”

“So? I should care about that why?”

“We’re up against a blood mage and some gang members!”

“Good luck with that! I’ll be ... far, far, away.”

“I prefer negotiating, but this time I think I’ll have to insist.”

A nearby spirit enjoying the contest of wills immensely, “I should sell tickets to this little drama!”

Both: “SHUT UP!”

Hours later

“Mads, what the blazes have you been up to?” The house owner, a rather formidable troll and shaman in her own right, looked in and got a better, um, view. “Who or what the HELL are YOU, and what the HELL do you THINK you’re doing with MY SON???”

“Huh? What? You.” Looking down at the badly hurt magician under him, that’s not incriminating, at all, coming to the realization that he felt like he was hit by the same runaway bus. “You ... what did you do to me?”

“I’M asking the questions IN MY HOUSE. YOU start answering NOW. I’ll deal with the kid when he wakes up.”

Let’s just say it’s some third world-ish country, and the facility technically doesn’t exist. Perfect place for a 15-y.o., yeah?

“So, if you could just check out who or what’s inside, while we prepare to breach?”
“I’m gonna regret this.”

Moments later

“Okay, so there’s -”
*CRASH* rumblerumblerumble
“Goddammit, Mads.”
“Time crunch? Er, maybe the room with the vault door is more important?”

Not much later, in case the ADHD mage manages to reposition the APC. Because, he will

“Y’know what? Screw this.”
*lighting crackles and the thunder rolls*
“Um, I take it the heavily-armed crispy bacon behind the charred desk is no longer a problem?”
“You’re welcome.”

Months later, at stately Whateley Academy

“I am not a pet!”

“Does that mean I get the dog collar and chain back?”


“Goddamit, Mads. Do you even think before you open your mouth? ... No!”

“Doctor Tenent, could you explain again what the differences are amidst Calling a Familiar, Constructing an Ally, and a Formula of the Spirit Pact?”

The teacher glared at two student in the back corner of the room, while reminding herself not to invoke the Sliding Scale of Stupidity. This end of term review just kept getting longer.

Valravn still raised his hand to volunteer: “People actually mourn familiars when they die.”

Every empath in the room cringed.

“Dr. Tenent, my apologies, but we,” the student next to Valravn gestured to the two of them, “... need to Talk. Outside. Now.”

As the pitched yelling commenced down the hall, Beltane spoke up, “As you can see, and hear, all three options tend to be more amicable than marrying a bloke. As I understand it, Valravn is correct: losing a familiar can indeed be emotionally devastating. Later on in your studies, you’ll learn about Faust Syndrome - spirit allies often take the worst abuse in those cases. Breaking pacts, as your teachers have told you before and will tell you again, can be mutually fatal. Well, hello Miss Grimes!”

“Ophelia. I believe these two belong in your class,” an unamused Miss Grimes spat. “Afterwards, I will wish to remind them which behaviors are acceptable, and which are disruptive and subject to disciplinary action.”

“Thank you, Elyzia. I will be happy to see to it. As I was going to say, before the interruption, ...”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

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Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #554
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
6 Jan 2017
A dark-haired girl appearing to be in her early teens hurried through the first floor of Poe with a speed that belied the white cane she carried. to Mrs. Horton’s office at Poe. Dropping the small bag she was carrying all her belongings in, she turned to face the dorm mother.

“I am sorry for the delay in arriving. Circe should have told you I was coming, correct?”

“Ah, yes, you must be Kimberly Papadimoulis? I understand that the trip from Toronto was delayed, just as you said it would be.”

The blind girl nodded. “Yeah. Fortunately, my name is sort of, you know, easy to deal with. I understand that Jamie Carson said the same thing, eh?”

Mrs. Horton was a bit unnerved, even though she’d been told about her specific Avatar spirit. “Ah, yes. I will have Flower get you into your room, then. Fortunately, you aren’t the only shifter changeling this year. She’ll take you for...”

“The tour of Homer Gallery? I’ve seen it of course,” she said with a grin, “But rules are rules, eh?” Inwardly, she was consulting her spirit, who in turn was doing some ‘shop talk’ with the late Mrs. Potter...
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Bek D Corbin
Bek D Corbin’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #555
Bek D Corbin replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

Dad: “Be nice to the nerds; you never know when you’re going to need a death ray in a hurry.”

“Keep your promises and your threats. If you say that you’re going to burn down a house if you don’t get 10,000 dollars in three hours, then in three hours and one second, you’d better be 10,000 dollars richer, or that house had better be TOAST!”

“Never negotiate if you can help it. Always remember, ‘Let’s Negotiate’ really means, ‘we’re stalling for time.’”

“Never let the other guy call the shots on anything. Whenever you can, make sure that you set the terms, and that they favor YOU.”

“Never explain yourself. Unless you’re lying through your teeth.”

“Almost everyone lives a lie, to some extent. They just don’t live very good lies.”

“Lying is an Art, and like most fine arts, there is a time and a place for it. You don’t plunk down and start painting in oils on the freeway during rush hour. Whenever possible, tell the truth; in the first place, it’s simpler that way; you only have to remember the facts. In the second place, the truth usually is more effective than lies. And in the third place, there’s no more useful asset for an artful liar than a reputation for bedrock honesty.”

“It never hurts to be polite. And it often baffles the hell out of them.”

“Most people are sheep. They know that, and resent the hell out of it. USE that.”

“Always have at least three escape plans for every project. Nobody wins every time. Accept that. Hell, incorporate that into your plans. If at all possible, try to wrangle it so that, win-lose-or-draw, you walk away with something.”

“Learn the rules. You can cheat more intelligently that way. The American Legal System is the one of the great cheats of all time!”

“Life is a banquet- so cut in line! If you don’t, all the good stuff will be taken by the greedy bastards who DID cut in line! Let the chumps settle for the crumbs!”

“Insist on the best: the best food, the best clothes, the best cars, the best wine, the best women, the best henchmen, the best weapons, the best lairs, the best information, the best technology. Quality always pays off in the end! No half measures- they always bite you in the ass, eventually.”

“And always, remember: Money won’t buy you happiness. But it beats the HELL out of being Poor!

Mom: “Make an enemy; don’t wait for them to pick you. You’re going to make enemies, just by the fact that you’re breathing, so pick an enemy who will be an asset, rather than a liability. Indeed, we’re defined more by our enemies than we are by our friends. But pick very carefully; we’re better served by our enemies than by our friends. I’ve lost several friends, but the only enemies that I’ve lost are dead. This enemy should be someone who looks very formidable, but is someone that you could run rings around if you want to. But don’t run rings around her; let her think that she WINS. If she thinks that she’s losing, then she might figure out how you’re manipulating her. But if she keeps making the same mistakes, but appears to WIN, then she’ll think that they weren’t mistakes.”

“Never shit where you eat. If you can’t walk away from it, don’t do it.”

“Don’t mess with good people. Fortunately, good people are few, far between, and the bastards are the ones with the real money.”

“Never give a sucker an even break. Just because a comedian said it doesn’t make it not true.”

“When someone says, ‘play fair’, what they really mean is: ‘play by the rules I set’, which is another way of saying: Let me Win’.”

“Learn how much is enough. And that cuts both ways. If you know how much is enough, then you won’t be in the position of shutting down an operation, only to start it up to go back for more. Going back for more is just this side of knocking on the Police Station door and saying ‘arrest me’. Conversely, one of the stalest old stories in jail is ‘I would have gotten away with it, but I got greedy’.”

“People tend to see what they either expect to see, or what they want to see.”

“NEVER fall for your own line of bullshit. Hitler did, and see what happened to HIM?”

“You don’t owe anyone anything except loyalty. And even then, only to those who have earned it.”

“If you’re going to scapegoat someone, then scapegoat someone who has it coming. Fortunately, most people have it coming, and then some.”

“Never mistake having the job and title for being in charge. And I’ve found that being the Second-in-Command has most of the perks of being in command, is a lot less strenuous, and if you work it right, can be even more rewarding and a LOT less dangerous. There are all sorts of people who insist on being the boss; but as long as they THINK they’re in charge, they’re actually very easy to control.”

Gran’Pere: “Always remember that a new trick is only new ONCE.”

“While I have, of course, a taste for the Classics, I cannot in all conscience recommend them all to you. However, I can whole-heartedly recommend three: Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War, Machiavelli’s The Prince, and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. While this era is a never-ending cascade of change, these three works speak of evergreen verities, foremost of which is the craven essential nature of Man.”

“Do not consider the Morals of a situation, but rather the Ethics involved. Morals are essentially emotional, and usually based in some petty bigotry. Ethics, on the other hand, are rational things, based in necessities. Examine an Ethic, and you usually find something that benefits both parties; examine a Moral, and you usually find a crass prejudice.”

“Always listen closely when someone speaks loudly and passionately against something; odds are that you’ve just found their secret vice.”

“Never do anything that you are reasonably sure that your confessor won’t be able to absolve you of. I am almost 200 years old, but the reason that I have survived this long is that I’ve never lost sight of the fact that in the final analysis, I am mortal, and will eventually have to face the Ultimate Court.”

Gramma: “KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. It’s an Engineering trope, but it works nicely for Crime. Whether it’s a Con, a Raid, a Distraction, a Snoop or a Racket, it simply has to be simple, or it won’t work. A complicated plan may work once, but that’s just a fluke. Oh, you can add all kinds of bells and whistles and distractions you want, but the very core, the basic crime, should be so simple that it simply won’t occur to most people.”

“Fancy technology and superhuman powers are no substitute for a good plan; especially a good getaway plan.”

“Never steal what people need to live. In the first place, it’s low. In the second place, it’s usually not worth the effort or trouble. In the third place, nothing stirs do-gooders up like trying to take away the family’s farm. And in the fourth place, it makes you enemies, the kind that just don’t go away.”
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Bek D Corbin.

Malady’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #556
Malady replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
From Siblings & Savages (Chapter 1)
“it would hold many times the essence any similar item might hold without exploding.


At the fixers table, four girls were meeting up.

“So, you want me to charge these? What are you offering?”

“How about... three spells, from each of us?”

“Only if Nephandus is watching...”



“So, they went to you to fill their wands...”

“They offered spellwork and not to bother me, and I’d be using my tap anyway! At the very least, I’d be getting more essence out of it! How could I say no?!”

“True... So, you set them to charge overnight?”

“Yes! I didn’t think they’d blow up! It was supposed to stop once they were full! Who could have predicted that?! ... Okay, any precog could have, but still!”


Damn you, Hollow Man. Damn. You.
Archives: Rubberjohn’s Fanfic + CrystalHall + Mittfh’s Wordcount Spreadsheet

My Patreon. But, support the Crystal Hall 1st?

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #557
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Some weekday afternoon

Metro walked in to the Hawthorne common room, and was pleased to see who was studying/relaxing there after classes. “Eldritch! Got a minute for a question or two, other than this one?”

Eldritch started to answer, ‘Shoot’ before realizing just which student she was talking to, “Yes. What’s the question?”

“Dr. Tenent lent me this ‘essence crystal’? Because I’m having a rough time with this whole ‘Well’ stuff. So ... how much essence can this thing hold, and how will I know it’s fully charged?”

“It can hold many times more essence than you’re likely to be able to put into it in a year. What’s your Wiz rating?”

“The power testers say 1, maybe. Circe says 3 but possibly 4 in a few years. One of those ‘your mileage will vary’ arguments.”

“One to three, you can go crazy with it. Don’t worry. You’ll know when it’s charged.”

“Wiz! Thanks!”

A few days later

Eldritch took a break from her latest projects, policed the work area, and headed outside not so much for a smoke but also to shake that cooped-up feeling from being inside more than she liked. One of the messages on her cell phone was from Caduceus, asking her to stop by her Kirby Hall office after 6th period was over. She’d be waiting. That was a little bit odd, but schedules being what they are ...

“What’s up, Doc?” she called out as she walked into the teacher’s office. One student was still there with the instructor, so she started to turn around and come back later. From the ‘guilty as sin’ look on the kid’s face it had to be a disciplinary matter.

“Oh, no you don’t. Caitlin, this also concerns you.”

That didn’t sound ominous at all.

“I believe you’ve already met Metro. And this,” she pointed to the pulsing, hovering crystal giving off flashes of red and green, “This is ‘Bob’. Bob, this is Miss Caitlin Bardue, who is also responsible for your?”

‘Creation? Uplift, perhaps.’ Bob prompted.

“I believe both terms are appropriate.”

The student put in his side of the story, one that wasn’t selling very well, “But all I did was charge the crystal! Honest! I might have been a little unsure about stopping, but glowing and hovering seemed a good sign that it might be full up.”

‘That may have been more than adequate. Perhaps. Am I to understand that the crystal matrix is adamant?’


‘I see. Then, Doctor, I believe I will be residing on this plane for some time. At least until the energy matrix dissipates enough to sever the link between myself and the boy. I wouldn’t recommend doing that in a single step, as this continent seems fragile.’

Continent. Fragile. Right.

“Well then, there should be enough space in Metro’s room to stay with him. We could file a Familiar Boarding Form and Release.”

‘I would prefer to think of the boy -’


‘Mads, as a student or apprentice than as a familiar. They have such short life spans. Tragic.’

“I’ll see what can be arranged. It just happens that Caitlin also resides in Hawthorne Cottage. The three of you should have plenty of time to get to know each other and bond as colleagues.” Translation: You really screwed the pooch this time, Cait. “Well then, why don’t the three of you head off to dinner? If anything comes up, this isn’t my specialty” nor my problem, “but Elyzia Grimes will be happy to assist you three.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

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Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #558
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
First day at Whateley

“I’m singing in the rain!” Splash!
“Just sing in the rain!” Splash, splash!
“What a glorious feelin’” SPLASH!
“I’m happy again!” Splash! Splash!
“I’m laughing at the clouds!” Splash!
“So dark up above!” Splash! Splash!
“The sun’s in my heart!” Splash.
“And I’m ready for love!” SPLASH!

“Put Buster down now!” A Whateley security officer yelled from the shore of the little lake.

Teri looked at the officer and saw a number of golf cars pulling up, unloading even more officers who didn’t look happy. “What? Who’s Buster?” She shouted back innocently. “I’m just singing and playing in the water.”

“The student you are holding!”

Teri looked down her mouth opened in surprise. “Oh! I totally forgot I was holding him. SORRY!” With that she dropped the large bully right into the middle of the lake.

The officer face palmed, it was going to be a very long year.
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #559
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Heather sat scrunched up into as tiny a ball as possible, trying desperately to not touch anything, as her Dad spoke to the two superheroes.

“We’re trying to help her as much as we can,” her father said, “but she can’t seem to control her powers. And, and, we can’t afford to keep fixing everything, and she can’t go to school like this.”

She bit back a sob that threatened to escape. She was thankful he hadn’t said how she had fractured her mom’s arm with an eraser the day before. She was a dangerous freak.

The superhero known as Grinder looked at the MID, his eyes looked confused behind the visor. “It says she’s only a warper 1, how is she dangerous?”

Before he could answer, Heather felt her body tingling. “No! No! No!” She cried grabbing her knees even more tightly.

The chair she was sitting on zipped out from under her, sending her tumbling to the floor as it crashed into the wall leaving a large crater. The chair itself was a mangled wreck that looked like it had gone through trash compactor.

Moaning in pain from her bruised tailbone, Heather brushed the desk with the back of her hand. There was a scream and a hideous shriek of grating metal as the desk moved forwards at almost 800km an hour.

She looked up too see the superheroine Paulette Bunyan braced against the wall holding the desk with both her hands, straining to keep it from crushing her, even as she grew in height and strength.

The tingling passed and the superheroine let out a gasp of air.

“She can control momentum on the horizontal plane, according to the MCO,” her dad said, tiredly. “Please, you have to help her.”

Heather didn’t hear any of this, she was curled up on the floor, trying desperately to not hurt anyone else.
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #560
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Broken Angel stared down at her plate of food, trying to avoid eye contact with her parents. Seeing them look away from her face and body was worse than looking at her grey skin which looked like it had been shattered into a thousand pieces and glued back together using pure darkness.
Her bone wings dug uncomfortably into her back. Her black shirt covered the ugly cracked bones and hid the ash that coated them. By making the bones lie flat she could appear a little more normal. For the millionth time she asked an uncaring God why she couldn’t have turned beautiful.

“So I’m going to that new school next week,” she said, breaking the silence. “Do you think we could go out to get some supplies? I need some new face paint if I’m going by train.”

Her parents looked at each other, the table, their laps, everywhere except her. “We’re not sure that’s such a good idea, sweety,” her father said.

“We don’t want you getting hurt,” her mother said, backing him up. “I’ll get you everything you need tomorrow.”

“OK,” she said, sinking further down I to her seat, wincing as the bone wings clattered on the wooden chair.

“I don’t want you to go away,” her little brother said.

“Hush Micky, she’s going to a school where she’ll be with others who look like her. You should be happy for your sister,” her Dad said.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he kept looking at her like she’d disappear the moment he looked away. “I want to go with her! She takes me flying at night and she gets rid of the monsters under my bed with her magic light.”

Now they looked at her, and it was her turn to look away.

“You’ve gone flying with your brother!” her mother practically screamed.

“Using magic in the house!” her father bellowed. “Get to your room right now, girl!”

She fled, scrubbing at her eyes so she could see through the tears as her little brother howled.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #561
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Valentine wrote: I wonder if Star(not so)bright will try any of her antics on Team Awesome? Because at that point Alyss’ retaliation gloves will come off.

October 27th, 2007
Woods outside Dickinson, Whateley

The six little girls ran through the trees, the five smaller ones chasing the sophomore as she tried to reassure her little friends at the same time as she avoided colliding with a tree until the geography ensured she had no option to avoid doing so. Instead of being caught with nowhere to go, however, Anna jumped, kicking off the tree trunk to her left as she vaulted into the top of the middle of the five trees that bracketed a small ridge in the ground, her squirrels all making similar motions to dart up the trees as well. As she went, she made significant eye contact with a junior year Wizard girl, as if to say “You owe me for distacting them.”

“Awww, she’s going! How can we catch them now?” Morgan dismayed, his shapeshifting making him a strange pastiche of the girls, with long blonde hair that fell to his waist, pale skin that looked like it’d never seen the sun, his face taking on one girl’s nose, another girl’s chin, and his eyes sparkling baby blue.

“It’s not fair, I bet their fur is so soft and cuddly! I wanted to pet them!” Revekah cried.

“Miranda! Ceilidh! Why aren’t you following them! You two can fly can’t you?” Ember stomped her foot, looking impatiently at the two girls who brought up the rear.

“Um... I still have trouble with what Mr. Buttons says is “Alty-tude control.” Ceilidh almost whispered: “Last week I broke the ceiling, so now I have to do Doyle on Monday and Wednesday as detention...”

“Look, let’s just go back to the Crystal hall. Murphy will probably know something fun we can do.” Miranda suggested, dodging the question of her flying abilities. The others perked up at the mention of Murphy though, the Alaskan warper did have the best ideas for fun things to do. As the girls ran back to the main school, they only got about halfway across the quad until they heard a familiar, though unliked, voice call out: “What’s the matter little girlies, did you all forget to change your nappies?”

“Don’t respond to her, don’t look at her.” Revekah tried to suggest, as Starbright and her two flunkies laughed at her ‘joke’. Sadly, Revekah’s attempt at peace-keeping was ineffective, as her four companions turned and glared at the girl. “Oooh, have the little babies lost their wittle tempers? You brats should remember who your elders are! Show some respect!”

“I’ll show you respect.” Ember muttered as she remembered all the pranks the girl had committed, and before she was even aware of what she was doing, a towering inferno rushed around the three older girls. It was quickly doused, however, and when the steam cleared, both Starbright and her larger friend, Luxurous were huddled against the hydrokinetic Aqua, who was slumping as a result of calling up so much water so quickly.

“THAT was uncalled for, and quite rude! You girls still need to learn your lesson, it seems!” Starbright called, throwing out a beam of light that hit Morgan and Ember square in the face, throwing both of them backward to the ground. Instantly after, she cringed, as she recognised the giggling, cackling laughter emanate from the girl to their right. She attempted to throw another beam at the four foot two rager, but a red shield blocked it, sending it straight into Swartzchild, toppling the Californian gravitational warper who was watching fearfully from the edge of the quad. Before Starbright or Luxurous could do anything else, they found themselves trapped in a red aura, and they began to scream in pain.

“Miranda, stop her! She’s going to kill them!” Revekah whispered to her friend, holding as still as she could so as to not attract the rager’s attention.

“Give me time. She’s already in the madness place. That’s harder to push back in.” Mahren answered, holding just as still.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #562
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
lunch at Crystal Hall, Whateley Academy

A freshman looks up, over? from his personal HUD, “Hm. Says here on the ‘trix that Whateley U doesn’t have anal probing as a feature yet. That’s odd, yeah?”

His friend across the table, who’s now reconsidering that particular life choice as he chokes on his hamburger, thinks further, and immediately wishes the term ‘boneless pork rectum’ was not part of the English vocabulary, asked, “How do they know this? No, wait. WHY would you even look that up?”

“I didn’t. It just came up navel-gazing along a fuzzy search.”

“Where you looking to have this procedure done?”

You know those times when you realize that you’ve just said the worst possible thing to the worst possible person in the worst possible place? Yeah, that’ll fit, won’t it.

“You volunteering?” the first speaker asked, waggling his eyebrows as if ‘Yes’ were the correct answer.


“Was that ‘No, you don’t want to do it’ or ‘No, you’d prefer to have it done’?”

“Yes!” Wait, what did he just say ‘yes’ to? And by whom?

On second thought, putting mayonnaise on a juicy, medium-rare hamburger was a very bad idea.

Surely this would be one of those situations in which crying would not be thought unmanly?

‘Manly men crying’ was absolutely, positively the wrong thing to be picturing in his head right now.

The other mused, “What the article doesn’t say is whether that would count as ‘carnal relations’ if performed as a medical or research test procedure. Maybe if a paraphilia is involved, but it doesn’t say. Not very helpful is it? “

“Wh-what’s a paraphilia?”

“I’m glad you asked!”


“I see someone wants a dog collar this year!”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #563
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Miss, you have to show us your energizer ability before we can issue you your MID.” a frustrated male voice said over the intercom, the words echoing in the mostly empty room were a young woman stood with her arms crossed.

“Look, can’t you just take my word for it? It’s not like I’m trying to leave something off...”

A new voice came out of the speaker, this one gruffer and angerier. “Look you freaken muti, do the damn test our we’re locking you up for refusing...”

the tirade died when a blast of energy destroyed the speaker and a good portion of the wall. And the three behind it. But the girl who had caused all that destruction was oblivious to it as she inspected her shirt. “Damn it, this shirt and bra are destroyed. I guess my next costume goes the Power Girl route and I deliberately have a hole in the front.” she grumbled. “Hey, you guys have a t-shirt in the gift shop I can buy?”

OOC: yes boob blasters. I blame this on it being nearly 1 am as I write this.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #564
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Heard in Advanced Computer Programming

“Dude, did you just code the Machine from Person of Interest?”

“Ummm.... no, I think I just spawned Skynet...”

I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #565
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
OOC: Not sure yet if this scene will end up in Reflections or it’s sequels as canon

Val hunched against the falling snow, muttering dark curses under her breath about having to attend school where a ‘little snow’ meant about a foot of the white stuff rather then a few inches, as she waited for Jess to emerge from the shifter’s cottage.

“Sorry, for the wait.” Jess stated when the bundled figure emerged. “It feels damn weird having my balls back after going a month with out them.”

“It’s to early for TMI...” Val groaned.

“They get in the damn way more then you’d think.” Jess continued over his friend’s comment.

“Jess, if I ask why you’re a guy right now, will you shut up until I have caffeine?”

“Laundry day.”

“You’re out of girl’s clothing, that’s why you’re a guy?!?”


“Lazy bastard.” Val muttered before looking Jess over again. “If you hadn’t told me I wouldn’t have guessed you where a guy right now. Costuming class is really working for you.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #566
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mary and several other girls looked up in surprise as a dorm window shattered above them, a small black and purple shape came screaming down and there was very loud gasping from the second story dorm room.

“What in the world?” Mary said, reaching down to pick up her diminutive roommate. “Teri, what are doing?”

The tiny fairy looked up at her, shaking her head to clear it, which only made her slick hair cover her face. “Nothing.”

“Why are you wearing a latex suit,and what are you covered in?”

“None of your business,” the fairy said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go finish up some business.”

With that the fairy took a shaky jump and flew back to the broken window, where she was met with a happy girlish giggle.

Mary looked at the slimy residue left on her hand, as her friends tried to figure out what was going on. Sniffing her hand, she suddenly held it as far away from her as possible. “Guys, I’m going to go wash my hands with bleach, could one of you boil some water for me? And if any of you have some brain bleach that would be really great.”

NJM1564’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #567
NJM1564 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cryptic wrote: Heard in Advanced Computer Programming

“Dude, did you just code the Machine from Person of Interest?”

“Ummm.... no, I think I just spawned Skynet...”


Ctrl + A, Delete.
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by NJM1564.

Mister D
Mister D’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #568
Mister D replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
NJM1564 wrote:

Cryptic wrote: Heard in Advanced Computer Programming

“Dude, did you just code the Machine from Person of Interest?”

“Ummm.... no, I think I just spawned Skynet...”


Ctrl + A, Delete.

“Dude! Did you just delete the internet?”
Measure Twice

Dreamer’s Avatar TOPIC AUTHOR
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #569
Dreamer replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mister D wrote:

NJM1564 wrote:

Cryptic wrote: Heard in Advanced Computer Programming

“Dude, did you just code the Machine from Person of Interest?”

“Ummm.... no, I think I just spawned Skynet...”


Ctrl + A, Delete.

“Dude! Did you just delete the internet?”
“Uhm, not all the internet. Just all the porn sites and...Facebook. Should I go hide in a nuclear fallout shelter now or is that enough to save me at this point?”

“I don’t think anywhere will be safe for you. With the number of students on campus who use Facebook alone who will wish to find out who took it out, you could be in the bunker designed to protect the President of the US in case of an end of the world scenario or world war and they would still get to you. Though knowing the students on this campus, you will be lucky to simply be sent to Doyle with injuries.

“Just exactally what do you mean by that? It isn’t like they can make me disappear, not with Carson and her staff around.”

“No, but you have to remember. There are ways to mess with someone without harming them or which risk killing them and a lot of students here at Whateley have such means at their disposal.”

“I’m going to end up having to live in Whitman by the end of this, aren’t I.”

“If you’re lucky.”
Thank You for story comments appreciated and help me know me they are being read and liked. :-) Note: My story comments can’t nor are trying to replace reading the stories, simply my way of enjoying them and letting the authors know I enjoy them.
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Dreamer. Reason: Thanks to elrod pointing out it was too short for a micro scene, added on what I could think of.

elrodw’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #570
elrodw replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The last couple are more like comments thread or the quad, not micro-scenes here .....
Never give up, Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggert

NJM1564’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #571
NJM1564 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dreamer wrote:

Mister D wrote:

NJM1564 wrote:

Cryptic wrote: Heard in Advanced Computer Programming

“Dude, did you just code the Machine from Person of Interest?”

“Ummm.... no, I think I just spawned Skynet...”


Ctrl + A, Delete.

“Dude! Did you just delete the internet?”
“Uhm, not all the internet. Just all the porn sites and...Facebook. Should I go hide in a nuclear fallout shelter now or is that enough to save me at this point?”

“I don’t think anywhere will be safe for you. With the number of students on campus who use Facebook alone who will wish to find out who took it out, you could be in the bunker designed to protect the President of the US in case of an end of the world scenario or world war and they would still get to you. Though knowing the students on this campus, you will be lucky to simply be sent to Doyle with injuries.

“Just exactally what do you mean by that? It isn’t like they can make me disappear, not with Carson and her staff around.”

“No, but you have to remember. There are ways to mess with someone without harming them or which risk killing them and a lot of students here at Whateley have such means at their disposal.”

“I’m going to end up having to live in Whitman by the end of this, aren’t I.”

“If you’re lucky.”

“Maybe Fubar will let me hide out in his tank.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #572
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Vancouver Canada

Readjusting his goggles, Jian Hui reached into the mouse cage whispering softly in Chinese to calm the animal and injected the fine needle into its rear leg. The mouse squeaked and struggled to escape, which made Jian thankful he’d bought the extra tough latex gloves as the claws nearly tore through to his skin.

The needle came out and he gently put the mouse into a smaller separate cage away from the other mice. That done he quickly hit a timer, more for his benefit as the video camera he had on would time everything for his later report. Taking up his notepad he started writing down his observations.

‘Test subject: Mickey’
‘.5 cc of synthetic adrenal hormone Batch #130, injected in left rear leg.’
‘No noticeable signs of changes after 1 minute.’
‘1:23 minutes, breathing rate increased, muscle spasms.’

After five minutes and three pages of observations, he jerked back as the mouse jumped at the side of the cage hard enough to shake the plastic.
“What are you doing Mickey?” he asked, leaning in close to see the mouse baring its teeth and jumping at him again. “Not good,” he muttered.

Leaving his room he went to find his cat, confident that the video camera would save everything important. On his way back with the cat cradled tightly against his chest there was a loud crash. Rushing into the room he saw the cage was on the floor and the mouse was slowly pacing back and forth on the floor. Putting his cat down, Jian went to the closet to get a shirt.

That proved to be a mistake.

The mouse saw the cat, let out an ear piercing squeak and charged the cat. The cat for its part saw the crazed mouse and fled for its life.

Letting out a long stream of Chinese curses, Jian raced after the two animals trying to get close enough to catch the mouse in the old sweat shirt.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #573
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Science World, Vancouver, Canada

The superhero glared down at Jian, who stared sheepishly at his shoes as heroes, police and paramedics tried to deal with the large number of people that were happily staring at their hands, giggling at clouds and acting very mellow.

“Care to explain yourself kid?” He demanded.

Struggling to find the right English words Jian raised his head determined to at least look the hero in the face, like Westerners did. “I don’t mean harm. Came to show doctor, Dr. Mary Shuang my invention. It why I leave China. It make people happy, maybe stop people who be sad all the time.”

The hero rubbed the top of his nose. “How did this chemical get loose?”

“I am late, ran up stairs and fall, glass break.” He showed the hero the broken vial, and the residue from the evaporated hormone that was still on the floor.

“Damn tech mutant,” the hero muttered. “Do you have an MID at least?”

“Yes,” he said, quickly pulling it out. “I called Tigao. It mean Improve. I improve the body.”

Taking the card, the hero wished the kid had waited an hour before gassing dozens of people, he’d been looking forward to going home after pulling a double shift.

Jian looked up at the science world building. “Is true I banned from Science World forever?” He asked.

“Yeah,” the hero said, “I’m pretty sure that this is a bannable offense.”

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #574
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Friday 28th September 2007, sixth-period BMA class, Laird Hall

“Holy, did you see that?” “See it! The big lox is such a slimeball, I want to give her a high five for it.” “Great, you want to be, like, her friend? She can lift him, and she’s like, so completely nutso. Like, certifiable even! Like, why do we have to shower with that crazy bitch!” “Guys, she might be strong, but she’s still like any other toddler. Distract her with a teddy bear and she’s fine!”
The Dickinson girls muttered among themselves as they watched the smallest girl in the class pick up, one handed, the six foot three heavily-muscled exemplar leech by his kneecap, from where he had previously thrown her to the floor. Micheal ‘Biggus’ Python, had so thoroughly annoyed most of the young women with his cringy pick up lines, flexing of his biceps, and insistence of ‘showing you the time of your life this weekend’ that seeing anyone wipe the floor with the exemplar three, manifestor two-c was satisfying to them. Whether the hilariousness of seeing the four foot two girl swing him by his ankles could overcome their fear of the pint-sized rager was another thing, however.

As his body flew outside the circle but was caught slowly and safely by a blue hand that came out of nowhere, Sensei Ito called “Yame” and announced the win. As the big guy tried not to pout and show his disappointment too much, he shook the little girl’s hand and walked back to his spot. A second later, anyone paying close enough attention would hear him mutter to the boy to his right “Give me a break, I ain’t goin’ full bore on someone as small as her. Besides, the armband man, the armband.”

“Next up, Miss Ovell vs Cinderhooks in the left circle, Kaitha vs Thundershock in the center circle, and Juiced vs Mr. Jefferson in the right circle. No powers for the first round.” Sensei Tolman called. The six got up and walked to their respective places, and bowed to their opponents. The Dickinson girls turned to the center circle, but kept an interested eye on the Whitmaniacs in the left, and the Emerson/Twain match on the right.

As the first round, it was quickly apparent that both members of the center circle were rookies. Exemplar memories meant the girl’s forms were perfect, even after only three weeks of classes, but the executions from one combo to the next were sloppy, had no flow, and it was clear that Kaitha had very little idea of what she should have been doing at any moment. The boy’s moves weren’t as crisp, and frequently had poor form, but where she stumbled on what to do, he was always on task, flowing from one move to the next. Had they equal strength, it would have obvious that he could overpower her, as he finally did by driving her back out of the circle, even as she blocked each of his punches and kicks.

“For the second round, use of powers is allowed. Mr. Jefferson, keep it controlled. If we have to use the extinguishers again, you’re going to be cleaning it up.” The pyrokinetic gulped, but nodded.

As soon as Tolman called out “Hajime”, Thundershock gathered his hands in front of his navel, then thrust both palms outwards, letting out a yell as he thrust a lightning spark directly at his opponent, who’d been removing a clasp on her arm and pulling out a small sheet of paper. It hit her on the sleeve of her gi, and snapped her back to the edge of the circle, the spark dissipating into the air. She abandoned the spell sheet, grinned, and stood waiting in a ready stance, daring him to try again.

Sensing some form of a trap, he didn’t give in to the bait, but launched forwards in a repeat of the punch combo that had won him the last round. Again she blocked each blow, but didn’t move backwards this time. Getting frustrated, he again pulled out the electricity around his hands, clearly trying to use it as a make shift tazer. But when he tried punching her again, she caught his fist, and all the electricity flowed along their entwined hands, causing him to fall to a knee.

“Let go of him firebush, it’s too much.” She spoke in a voice that wasn’t hers, as small lobsters wearing top hats began to form around the two, rushing around towards the crowd, where the ‘hero track’ boys and girls jumped to stomp them out. Thundershock used his grip to swing the girl about causing her to fall outside of the circle, and ending the hold, just as Ito was calling to put a stop to it.

“Iron Knee, Iceberg, good work on protecting the crowd. Thundershock, if you’re up against someone who can absorb electricity, for goodness sake boy, don’t feed them! Kaitha, control your hobgoblins! In the future, don’t eat so much.” Tolman said with a grimlet eye as she watched the pair pick themselves off the floor, and the boy, unlike the previous occupants of the circle, turned down the opportunity for a “good match” handshake.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #575
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Disclaimer: Insults chosen in this scene are meant to be used to show the stupidity of the morons using them. The author is secular, and believes all religions have the right to be worshiped in their own places. Especially considering the acts of last week in Manchester, show each other love, not hate.

Grounds outside Dickinson, Saturday 1st September 2007

<”How are you enjoying your new home, Eliza?”>
<”It... it is a bit much to take in, Semiramis. I feel so... lonely, without Mother, Father, the boys, and Ruth. And I haven’t been able to go to confession since... since Father David... If only I could at least see Ruth again, it would feel better.”>
<”I cannot guarantee anything, but I will speak with Agent Paulson. I don’t think the company would mind at all to arrange some video chats with your sister. If anything, they’d probably prefer it.”>
<”Would you? Please? These Westerners are... nice, I suppose, but I struggle with their language, and the only one who tries any Arabic at all is as possessed as I am.”>
<”I’ve told you before, you are not possessed by any demon or devil. Your soul still belongs to you.”>
<”...I’m sorry Semiramis, I just... I feel I am in the grip of one of Sathanus’s court.”>
<”You are not. But... there is a church on campus Eliza, if you would like me to show you to it. The main priest is a Protestant, but Bishop Wooster runs the Roman Catholic masses. I know it’s not the same as speaking to a fellow Melkite, but your churches are in communion, are they not?”>
<”Really? I... I feel like”>
“HEY! What the hell are you two stupid towel-heads doing!”

The two girls paused in their roaming of the paths, conversing in their common tongue, as the five boys approached. Gauntlet, who had shouted the interruption, drew himself up to his full height, as Buster and Crunch straightened up behind him. The other two boys were a moment later, puffing themselves up as well, not even noticing as Buster took in the taller girl, and stopped still, uncharacteristically thinking about the situation for once.

Sahar simply came to a rest, unfettered, and rose a grim eyebrow. “Yes?” The icy, cold word brought Gauntlet up short, as he recognised who was wearing an al-Amira, and common sense caught up with him. He briefly warred between not wanting to pick a fight with the “Evil Eye”, and not wanting to look like a chump by backing off in front of the freshmen. In the end, stupidity won out, and he brought out the manifested claws from which he took his name, and he searched all two of his brain cells for something clever to say.

“You filthy heretics, going around, blowing up stuff and being terrorists. How dare you come to our country with your filthy hands and your filthy religion? All you people know how to do is be shitty dregs, guttertrash who can’t even accept how much better we are!”
<”Semiramis, I don’t know what they’re saying, are we in danger?”>
<”Not likely Eliza, though I suggest you do nothing. I shall handle them.”>

Sahar remained unflinching and turned disinterested. She had heard worse insults than that when she was on the Beirutian streets. It barely came on the register compared to how she had insulted herself after she turned upon her blonde angel the year before last, until her sensei brought them back together. Still, if her walking companion could understand what she was being accused of, it wouldn’t do well for the girl’s self-esteem.

“Gauntlet. Buster. Crunch. And... Switchblade? Centurion? Two new faces upon this land. Hmmph. If you walk away now, it will be the end of it. We will not have to have words with Mr. Delarosé. If not... you three who know me, would really challenge me? And filthy religion? Know that Eliza here is a follower of Jesus Christ, Peace and Blessings upon him, and Islam is a religion of peace. I’ll not suffer lightly the likes of you besmirching it.”

Crunch, in a rare display of thought, was the first to back off. “Come on guys, there’s no fun to be had in these two. Stupid towelheads will just be boring anyway.” Centurion however, picked himself up bigger, and smirked at his new friend. “You can go if you’re scared of the little muzzie cunts, Crunched. But I’m not. Heathens or heretics, don’t care. All that comes from those shitty lands is oil and death. Vermin.”

‘So be it.’ Semiramis Vesmarran thought. “Allah ar Rahim will understand.”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Kaitha39.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #576
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“So, you don’t have any powers except healing people?” Cinderella asked.

“Not a one,” Saving Throw replied.

“And no holdouts either?”


Cinderella looked at her glass sword a little nervously. “This doesn’t really seem fair.”

Saving Throw got into position on the mat, “Don’t worry about it, as long as you don’t cut my head off or pierce my brain I’ll survive.”

“Hajime,” Sensei Tolman shouted to the fighters.

The two freshmen fighters circled each other cautiously. Saving Throw dodged a few feints by Cinderella, psyching himself up as she tried to make him jump out of the ring without actually seriously hurting him. After about thirty seconds the glass sword stabbed towards his chest as she began to press him harder.

Instead of dodging or jumping back as she’d planned, Saving Throw moved into the thrust grunting in pain as the blade pierced his shoulder and actually came out through his back. He hadn’t expected it to hurt quite so much, for a few seconds he was paralyzed as his nerves screamed at him. But he’d felt worse before, pushing through the agony he used the slightest touch of his healing power to numb the pain allowing him to move again. His left arm was useless, but his right was OK, he curled his hand into a fist.

Cinderella stared in horror at what she’d done, her eyes focused on the blood dripping down the blade. She never saw the punch that broke her nose and sent her sprawling out of the ring.

Letting out a scream, Saving Throw pulled the sword out of his shoulder, falling to his knees as the pain once again left his body almost powerless. As students and the teachers gathered around, he put a glowing hand on his shoulder and sighed in relief as the wound knit itself back together. That done, he carefully knelt beside the sobbing girl and touched her nose, which healed even more quickly than his shoulder.

“Ready for round two?” he asked lightly, ignoring the blood still dripping down his gi.
Last Edit: 4 years 3 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #577
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cinderella watched her newest opponent in BMA cautiously. “So, you’re an avatar with a dog?”

“Yep, Avatar 1,” her opponent replied, rubbing a hand through his hair sheepishly, while his mangy dog scratched at some fleas beside him.

Creating a glass sword she took her position. “You’re not going to do anything weird like throwing yourself on my sword are you?”

He looked at her like she was nuts. “No!”

“OK, thanks.”

As Sensei Tolman told everyone to begin, Cinderella watched the dog go from being about knee high to the size of an SUV.

“Whimper,” she said, raising her sword.

“I’m also a manifestor, say hi to Mutt,” the boy said cheerfully as the dog looked down at her.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #578
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Are you OK?” Heather asked Cinderella as they stepped into the ring for the sparring match. “You look a little twitchy.”

Cinderella held her two swords in front of her. “I’m fine. What’s your power?”

“Warper 1, it’s pretty simple,” Heather admitted, pulling a towel from her belt.

“Why do you have a towel? It’s not animated or anything is it?”

“Nope, just a towel.”

“Hajime!” Sensei Tolman said.

Cinderella didn’t wait for the attack, she rushed in to put the girl down as quickly as possible.

The girl just raised her hands spreading the towel out and smiled apologetically. The towel shot forwards catching Cinderella around the chest at about forty miles an hour and kept going. She slammed into the padded wall and slid to the floor trying to remember how to breathe.

“Ow!” she groaned.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #579
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cinderella looked at her newest opponent in BMA, a sweaty Asian boy who was busy putting his water bottle away, and wished she was anywhere else. Her ribs still hurt from the day before.

“You make glass, correct?” the boy asked.

“Yes. And you’re a gadgeteer?” she asked in return.

“Shi, yes.”

She looked him over carefully to make sure he didn’t have any holdouts, but there was only his gi, which wasn’t very baggy and didn’t have any pockets or belts. This might actually be an easy one. She took her position and waited for the fight to begin.

The second the sparring started the boy was moving, he didn’t punch her or try to throw her like she expected, he simply touched her repeatedly on the arms, the face, the body, even her hands. She managed to cut his leg forcing him back with a wince of pain. As she moved in to take advantage of the opening, her skin began to itch as if she’d fallen head first into poison ivy.

Dropping her sword she scratched at the blisters that were rising all over her body. She was so busy scratching she didn’t even realize the boy had picked her up and dropped her outside the circle.

“No worry,” she heard the boy telling Sensei Tolman, “she will be better in five minutes. My chemical safe, and I just need drink it once make my body itchy. Good, yes?”

She started to cry.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 months ago #580
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hi Cindy, I like your sword it’s like a magic one!” the fairy said.

Cinderella looked down at the six inch tall fairy who was bouncing on her toes like it was her birthday.

“Fuck this!” she shouted throwing her sword down. “I’m switching to Survival!”

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #581
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cinderella looked over the creepy 5’5” boy, almost literally: black bodysuit under his gi, BCD specs, and the entire spectacle was capped off with blond velvet-covered antlers.

“What did they say your powers were?”

“WIZ Number 1. And, I can breather underwater!”

“Hajime,” Sensei Tolman shouted to the fighters.

Cinderella sidestepped to avoid giving the boy mage a good shot, while forming her sword. Before she could get a good cut, he yelled “Catch!” Cinderella ducked - no telling what he’d be throwing at her. Spell slip? Smoke Bomb? His lunch?



Cindy never even saw the spirit he’d summoned behind her, even after he tossed it his stun gun.
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Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by null0trooper.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #582
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cinderella looked at her newest opponent in the sparring circle and felt like giving up without a fight. It’d taken almost everything Sensei Tolman had to convince her to stay, to convince her that she WOULD get better. It eventually ended up going down to the level of “If you give up, then they win” to keep her in class, reminding Cindy of what awaited her at home if she couldn’t protect herself.

“... Seriously? The second fight back and they give me you? Are they trying to make me quit?” She muttered, stifling a set of tears, as within seconds of Sensei Tolman starting the match, Cinderella found herself being raised in the air by a mass of blue hands so numerous she couldn’t actually see through the normally transparent set, and found herself gently placed outside the circle.

“Miss Martial-arts lady said I’m not alloweded to make anyone cry....”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #583
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The girl looked like an easy target, walking alone well away from the crowds of students who were making friends and exploring the Whatley campus. With her head down, long bangs covering her eyes, her plain baggy clothes, she was just inviting the bullies to come at her.

Lynx jumped out of a tree, snarling loudly, twisting his catlike face into a terrifying visage. Two more bullies stepped out of the bushes one began juggling blue flames, the other had foot long razor sharp talons of red and black energy coming from his hands.

“Is the little girl lonely?” Lynx asked.

The girl looked like she was trying to speak, but nothing came out.

“Cat got your tongue?” The bully asked, stroking her chin.

The girl turned away, at least she tried to, Lynx grabbed her by the waist forcing her to stay put. Leaning close enough for her to smell the blood on his breath, he smiled. “Maybe you need a protector? Someone to keep you safe from all the bad people on campus. We could do it. We’d love to do it for a pretty girl like you.”

She jumped as his hand went lower.

Despite the laughing of his friends, Lynx was able to hear the girl whisper something, with a hoarse, cracked voice, clearly not used very often. It made no sense at first and so Lynx didn’t have any warning of what was about to happen.

“Welcome to my world.”

Lynx hit the ground screaming as for a single second his worst fear came alive deep in his head. He was too busy screaming and begging to realize his friends were screaming just as loudly and desperately as him.

The girl looked at the bullies making sure there physically OK even as they cried. Satisfied they’d learned their lesson she continued on her way, finding comfort at being away from the crowds, alone with her thoughts and the peaceful sounds of nature.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #584
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hey girls how was the trip?” Grace Conner asked as four young ladies ambled out of the train station.

“Wanna go home.” Jess groaned as she lugged her suit case along the side walk.

“The ride sucked. The car smelled like feet and barf.” Ash grumbled in an identical tone as her some times brother.

“Also didn’t help it had no air.” Val Phillips added glancing at her cousin Andy who just shrugged.

“I slept most of the trip. though like the others I want a hot shower to wash it away.”

“Oh. Um well that might be a bit of a problem. A water main broke and most of Kutztown doesn’t have water...” Grace flinched at the rather creative language the four mutants used.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #585
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
6 Sept 2007, 0845
Whitman Cottage

Looking around the common room of her new dorm, Alice’s head sank a bit further into her shoulders. OK, so there were other girls with GSD here, too, a lot worse than hers really, but she still felt painfully self-conscious. clutching the Russian Blue to her chest, she shuffled off towards the front entrance, figuring to head to the cafeteria before going towards the library.

“Hey, I like the cat. I didn’t think any of the new girls had a familiar. What’s his name?”

Surprised, she started, then turned to see an older girl with a silver-blue fox wrapping around her neck. She’d seen the girl earlier, but hadn’t spoken to her yet. She held back from saying anything now, too.

With a cocked ear, the stranger continued. “OK, not much of a talker, I guess. I’m Becky, by the way, just in case you’re wondering. I go by the handle Foxfire.”

“I... uh, I’m Alice, ah, Alice Sage. Uhm, my code name is Sagacity. My familiar, ah, I call him Cativostok, I know it’s really silly but, well, he likes it so...”

“Yeah, I call mine Slyboots so I guess I’m no one to talk. But it’s not a great idea using your real name in your codename, just saying. Not my call, though. I’m going to be a TA for Intro Magical Concepts, so I assume I’ll see you there?”

Alice nodded. Adjusting her goggles, she continued, “I’m not a really powerful magician though, Wiz-2 they think?” the tone in her voice made it sound as if she wasn’t sure herself. “My main powers are Psi, ah, psychometry mostly, but no one is sure if that’s really a separate thing or part of my magical talents.”

“Really? Yeah, that’s an odd combo, I can see why they wouldn’t be sure before you’d done more powers testing. Anyway, if you’re going to breakfast, you can come along with me and my friends, OK?”

A shy smile crossed her face as she nodded again.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #586
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
6 Sept 2007, 0845
Twain Cottage

Looking around the common room of his new dorm, Bob’s head sank a bit further into his shoulders, all the way down past his collarbone. A pair of tusseling... somethings flew through the space it had occupied and bounced off a wall, continuing their scuffle without noticing the new cottagemate they’d almost knocked over. Bob lifted his head with a grin. “I love being a turtle!”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #587
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Eh, you’re giving me this washout to fight? That hardly seems fair. She’s on her last legs in this class as it is.” The short, yet muscled boy said, looking down at the dejected little girl standing at the circle, trembling in emotion. Her gi still had bloodstains in it, her long blonde hair was ruffled, halfway coming out of the ponytail, one eye was blackened and the track marks from crying remained on her cheeks. As she sniffed mightily, almost turning to flee to the changing rooms to escape, the man listened to the shorter man next to him, then unleashed a massive cry of laughter. Turning to the girl, he brayed “Ha, okay, we’re both manifestors, right? Okay, I’ll match you. Glass for... well, as near to glass as I can manage. I can’t really get the ectoplasm to do glass as well as you do. Come on little Cinderella, give me your best shot. Or else you can go back to your step-mommy, to go do her dirty dishes and wash her floors like the little wench you are. Or... should I say, you can go back to your step-daddy?”

The comment, however he’d meant it, hit a nerve, and the blonde girl glared in anger. The tears continued, but she stood a little straighter, a little more set in position, and a little more defiant. A saber formed in her left hand, and a shield in her right, and she took a ready stance, the shield high and the saber tightly held low.

“Ha! Good response little wench! That’ll show those evil ugly stepbrothers of yours!” Aiden announced, forming his own set of a shield and saber, though his set wasn’t as shiny, nor as see-through. “Come then, show me what you’re made of!”

He made a lunge for her, clearly aiming for the center of her chin, which she deftly blocked with her shield, and though he spun with the movement to turn into a slash at her temple, she again prevented the strike. The pattern repeated, with the boy attacking again and again, with every hit being deflected by the shield until one final redirection forced the boy out of the circle. As the girl had almost retreated entirely behind the shield, she was momentarily surprised by the call of “Yame!” from the little Japanese man, and had to blink as she saw where they were.

She had won! She had won a round for the first time!

“Okay, for round two, you come at me.” The boy said, a grin on his face.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Kaitha39.

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #588
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Wait, so you’re telling me that when you collect all of the probability warpers on campus into a small space their powers actually cancel instead of heterodyne? What are the odds of that?”

“We have every probability warper on campus in the same location. Odds really have no meaning any more.”

“Point taken.”
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #589
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Wait, so you’re telling me that when you collect all of the probability warpers on campus into a small space their powers actually cancel instead of heterodyne? What are the odds of that?”

“100%! They are probability warpers, there is no chance they are going to let the part of the world they’re standing on blow up.”

Malady’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #590
Malady replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Why is the ground shaking?”


“... Okay, maybe not an earthquake. What happened?”

“The probability warpers just fell into the tunnels.”


“And it turns out that a scared Clover’s luck doesn’t cancel out with everyone else.”

Archives: Rubberjohn’s Fanfic + CrystalHall + Mittfh’s Wordcount Spreadsheet

My Patreon. But, support the Crystal Hall 1st?
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #591
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hi Mr. Williams! Is it true you used to be a superhero?” Teri asked, surprising the large professor as he walked across the quad.

“I was,” he answered, watching the crazy fairy carefully.

“Cool! My bestest best friend Pucelle told me all out you. But we have a question?”

“What question would that be?” Williams allowed his guard to go down a little, it was always gratifying to get the proper respect from students.

“Well we wanted to know if you can fly?”

He chuckled, fliers always thought that flight was the most important power, well he could set her straight. “No I can’t, bu-”

She cut him off, “How about super speed.”

“Well no, but I ha-”

“So how did you get around the city to fight crime?” Teri asked. “Did you shout Taxi! Fighting crime here, can you give me a lift?!”

“Now hold on!”

“That must have been embarrassing. Sorry I’m late officer there was a traffic jam on 5th Street. And do you have change for a twenty? The taxi driver doesn’t.”

Williams turned red with rage, which the fairy completely ignored.

“Pucelle says you’d have another problem. With how big you are how did you even fit into a taxi?” She began miming trying to squeeze into a too small car. “Just need to get my leg in and the rest should fit. Maybe if I go in head first? No that doesn’t work. Butt first? Oh curse you chocolate cake, you are my bane!”

Williams was no longer just red, he was incoherent with anger, growing double in size.

“Of course I told Pucelle that you’re probably a lot thinner back then. But she said you were probably just as fat, only you hid it better. Yipes!” She shouted, flying upwards to avoid getting swatted out of the air.

She watched the teacher spitting curses in her direction, and with a laugh flew away, coming down near the corner of a building where her roommate was watching in shock.

“What did you do Teri?”

“Nothing,” she replied, “just asked some questions.”

“When you have to take his class later he’s going to kill you.”

“I can handle that, Mary. Right now I hope he just remembers Pucelle, who is taking his class.”

Mary looked at her curiously. “What does Pucelle have to do with this?”

“Let’s just say that girl had better listen the next time I tell her I’m not interested in her angsty, woe is me attitude to GSD,” Teri answered rubbing her hands together gleefully.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #592
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Basic Martial Arts, Thursday afternoon, Laird Hall, Whateley Academy

“I’m writing out a pass for the rest of the day for you, Miss Mouser, with the expectation that you will spend the time recovering in your room,” Sensei Tolman spat out.

She turned to the other half of this foul-up, “Mister Jensen, as you seem to be the most proximate cause of your classmate’s ... problems ... you will see to it that she gets there.”

Mads was personally of the opinion that he should be commended on the improved accuracy of his stunbolt, in place of the implied reprimand. How was he to know that StarDim’s shielding was magical and not standard PK? Or that even after getting enough juice through to knock the slitch out, it would ricochet off that neutronium-dense skull?

Leaving Laird Hall, he noted that A) it was a “Green Flag” day, and B.) it just wasn’t worth sticking to the tunnels with a punch-drunk loopy fairy swinging from his antlers.


The freshman boy wondered mournfully if he’d have enough time before Drill to check for foot prints.

“Are you wearing a tree? Tha’s cool. Have you ever thought about modeling?”

Metro hurried up as if all the Drill Instructors of Parris Island were on his ass. Speaking of which -

“You must be Metro. Sensei Tolman called ahead. Could you step back a bit?” At his height, or lack thereof, Teri’s new uneven parallel bars routine was dangerously close to eye level for the Whitman house mother.

“Yes, Mrs. Savage?”

“Just. Never mind. Teri’s room is on the first floor, down that hallway. Try not to let her dismount through the door.”

Several dizzying minutes later:

“... and this is Pucelle!”

“Pu- ... er, I’m not touching that line with a ten-foot polearm. Her.” He jerked his thumb up at the new micro-gymnastics champ-in-training, “Where? Please?”

“Hmph. Bad enough to have a pretty like you pretending to have GSD with those fake horns, but you simply have no business being here. Furthermore, it’s Pucelle, as in Joan of Arc or the ‘Pucelle d’Orléans’.” The Whitman girl then helpfully tried to correct his cranial accessories, as visions of another hospital visit danced before Mads’ eyes.

“Ack! No grabby! Attached!”

“Did someone yell for me?”

To be fair, Mads had seen worse than Grabby’s tentacles, but his eyes still bugged out, mostly pleading Please get the Tinkerbell imposter off of me! “Let me guess, it’s a Special Tink Delivery. Right this way.”

Pucelle was still ranting about differenced abilities, cultural and somatic appropriation, and how white European male privilege somehow factored into that the whole time Metro and Grabby were working at prying Teri off the portable swing set and tucking her into her bed. On the way out, the boy edged around the murky font of common room pontification before making a mad dash for the tunnel entry.

Hannah sighed at the unfairness of it all. “Congratulations, Puce. Now even the Thornies are running away from this place.”
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Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #593
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Damn it Reilly, why weren’t you available for Little Miss Sunshine? Letting Ellison do that shit is just criminal!”

Fey let out a deep breath. “So would destroying the Power Testing labs.”

Eldritch paused, and gave the other teacher a hard stare. “Explain.”

“I have been avoiding Okami. For very good reason. She has even more cause to be angry with me and my people than Kayda did, and I really don’t think it is something that she’s going to forgive.”

“Jesus... what the hell happened?”

“I don’t really know the details... I still have some of Aunghadhail’s memories, and some things do jar new ones loose, but all I know is that the gods of the Rising Sun had never been at peace with the Western Court, or the Eastern Court for that matter. And... I’m not sure, but I think they might... might blame the Sidhe specifically for the Sundering. I don’t know why, but I think, well, that they had reason to.”

She paused, then, with another sigh, added, “And also because of you.”

“Me?” Caitlin spat, then she stood there nonplussed. After a few moments, her eyes went wide. “Crap. I’ve seen how she reacted to me being an Artificer. Yeah, I can see that... even if you didn’t know, she’d blame you for that, I can see what you mean.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #594
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Danny sat glumly at his table surrounded by girls who thought he was a pet and not a real boy. Until he manifested he never thought that he’d feel so feminine with girls pawing him, he hadn’t even thought it was possible.

There was a commotion from the main doors of Crystal Hall, and suddenly the petting hands were gone with the table rapidly emptying. Looking around he saw that his unwanted harem, who ever thought he’d think that, were rushing over to see a new boy.

From his vantage point, Danny saw a boy wearing an eye patch with several scars that simply made him look more manly. A black cat tail waved behind him drawing the eyes of the girls and several boys. He was slim, yet muscular, his every motion spoke of power. As the girls surrounded him, the new boy ignored then, cutting his way through the crowd like a shark through a school of fish.

“I hate that guy!”

“What?” Danny asked.

A boy he shared some classes with pointed at the new guy. “Greebo, he stole my girlfriend this morning.”


‘Oh, who is that?’ he heard slut kitty ask in his mind.

Danny felt himself shift to his female form.

‘NO! NO WAY in HELL!’ he shouted mentally as Slut Kitty walked towards the new boy.

“Hush Danny. You’re about to see two masters at work.”


Jarjaross’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #595
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Ito-soke?” One of the techs said to draw the teachers attention.


“Don’t you think you went a bit far with Cinderella this year?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“Sir you turned her into a rager.”

Ito considered the statement as he looked back to the arena. Putting Cinderella through the crash for combat finals might not have been the best idea. He’d meant to show just how far his ‘weakest’ student had come. Maybe instead he’d shown them the monster she was hiding inside.

Her opponent was off on one side. They had set her up against a high level regenerator to keep things as safe as possible. He was currently unrecognizable, stabbed through the gut with a glass sword, which had sprouted thorny vines throughout his entire body. If he really wanted to he could move, but that would break the glass wrapped around his bones, cutting him more and more. It would only add to the agony of his body trying to push the glass out of his body. At least that is what they hoped it was doing, it might be regenerating around the vines making them even harder to remove.

The ANTs weren’t in much better condition. Some were ripped to shreds by the glass she had attacked them with. Growing spikes on her armour to be broken off and left in their bodies, the ones that didn’t go down quickly had the same glass flowers growing from them as her opponent.

Those were the lucky ones. The ones in the initial assault, before she had gone mad. The arena looked like Pompeii. Everything covered in a sheet of black glass, like some kind of explosion had gone off. Soldier and civilian alike frozen in time beneath a fractured field of horrors.

In the epicentre of the destruction stood Cinderella. Her normally clear, almost white, armour now black and stained with blood. A beautiful garden of obsidian pumpkins grew around her as she waited for the verdict. She knew she had failed. Whatever goal the goal of the test was, it was lost beneath the destruction.

“Was the conversation they had at the beginning recorded at all,” Ito asked.

“Yes,” the techs responded before playing the visuals as well.

“Well at least I got a pretty lady to fight with. Maybe we’ll need to work together eh, I could see getting along with you for a long time.”

“I’m sorry. I can only stay until the clock strikes twelve.”

“Pause it there,” Bardue ordered, “Does anyone know when she went mad? Was it twelve minutes in or…?”

“Once she got hit the twelfth time.”


“She was fighting normally until she was struck a twelfth time,” Ito repeated.
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #596
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Felicis Fossor, draft of 12 Sept 2025

One of the biggest headaches was the decision to merge the long-dormant Majestic Group into EQUALIZER along with Aegis. The main reason for this was that unlike Aegis, which had mostly dealt with extra-dimensional threats in combat zones, Majestic was primarily an inter-branch intelligence agency, working mostly with Naval Intelligence, DIA, and civilian agencies under the CIA’s umbrella. While they were military, this was more historical than practical - the lack of a follow up to the 1953 incursions left them investigating smaller, less visible incursions (primarily under the Blue Book espionage overflight response cover), most of which involved mortal extraterrestrials rather than Class X entities.

Because reports of these were rare, usually came in long after the event ended, and often turned out to be some sort of home-grown paranormals rather than extraterrestrials, they had been relegated to being a clearinghouse for information rather than an active field unit. They spent as much time generating misinformation, trying to keep the idea of aliens and a government cover-up in the public eye to try and shake loose anything they might be overlooking. They went to great lengths to create fake ‘sightings’, simply out of a desperate need to get people come forward with real ones, even going so far as to take over the Groom Lake AFB testing grounds after it was decommissioned in 1992 to serve as a ‘Potemkin Village’ for people to fuss over.

The idea of rolling the much-derided ‘MIBs’ back into an active unit was met with skepticism on all sides. The actual decision was only made when a fourth incursion by the so-called ‘Martians’ took place in 1997, with the same combination of massive damage and little long-term effect as in previous cases. The lack of a suitable response to the attack, along with the fact that Majestic were still unable to collect significant evidence from the invasion site afterwards, meant that they were disbanded and their equipment and personnel were split between the EQUALIZER and Delta Prime units, where they were read in and placed in Intelligence roles.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #597
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dickinson cottage, first day at Whateley

“Hey, are you two from Canada?” A new girl with cotton candy coloured hair asked.

“Yeah, why?” Meagan asked.

The girl beamed with delight. “I met a Canadian during the summer, do you know George?”

Before Meagan could explain that there were 34 million Canadians spread out over a country larger than the US, her companion answered.

“George from Canada?” Calla asked, the tiny smile pasted on her face turning to one of sadness. “I’m really sorry, I just got a message from my Mom this morning and, well, George died yesterday.”

“Oh my god! Really? How?”

“A moose ate him,” Calla said, somehow keeping a straight face. “My mom said he might have survived that, except he froze to death in the snow before the Mounties could get to him by dog sled. I’m very sorry.”

The girl looked stricken and walked away muttering that he couldn’t be dead.

Meagan looked up at Calla​, “You’re a bitch, you know that right?”

“She needs to learn, Ask a stupid question, get a sarcastic answer,” Calla replied with a satisfied smirk.

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #598
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A Monday Morning Late in the Fall Semester 2007:

Alicia makes her way sleepily to her first period art class. “Mornin’ Miss Imp.”

Imp yawns back, “And good morning to you Alicia. How was your weekend?”

“Long, the Ghostwalkers had two Sim combats, but we won both.” Alicia looked up at Imp, “How was your week... Nevermind. Congratulations.”

Imp blinked, “Congratulations? Congratulations for what?”

Alicia grinned mischievously, “Ya’ll see.”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #599
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Liz Carson looked out over her desk at the two Kimba members that were seated in front of her desk. The attractive redhead was biting her lower lip uncertainly, while to her left the much smaller girl was fidgeting with what appeared to be a paper clip.

Frowning, Liz Carson cleared her throat and the two girls looked up at her. “I have read Officer Everheart’s report, but I would like your version of the incident.”

Nikki Reilly looked at her with those big, deep violet eyes, trying to look meek and unassuming. It wasn’t these puppy dog eyes Carson feared, rather the ones she knew would be coming next. “It really wasn’t my fault,” Nikki explained, “I was only trying to cast a mild wind spell to cool my coffee...Jade was the one that did it.”

Carson looked over to the other girl.

Jade Sinclair rolled the dice and cast her +10 big, sad puppy dog eyes at Carson. “I was bored, I was only playing around a little.”

Carson shook her head, Team Kimba would be the death of her, she just knew it. “You were bored,” she said, ire dripping from her words, “so you thought you would entertain yourself by juggling pepper shakers. Is that correct?”

Jade swallowed hard and meekly let out an barely audible “Yes ma’am.”

Looking down at the report, Carson continued. Because of your antics, Miss Reilly ended up sneezing in the middle of the spell, is that correct, Miss Sinclair?”

Jade rolled for Initiative, hoping this casting of puppy dog eyes would go better. The roll failed, as Carson continued to glare at her.

“And the resulting storm of hobgoblins got loose, escaping from Crystal Hall?”, She pointedly inquired to the cowed girl.

Jade swallowed hard again. “Y..yes Ma’am”

Sighing and looking at Fey, Carson spoke. “Miss Reilly, next time please just blow on the hot coffee, okay?”

Nikki looked up uncertainly. “Yes, Ms. Carson”

“As for you,” said the headmistress, with a note of irritation “ Miss Sinclair, I expect a 5-page single-spaced report on the dangers of interrupting a Mage’s spell. Furthermore, I believe that formal hand-written apologies to Mr. Carlyle and Miss Parsons from BOTH of you would be appropriate, seeing as they had to clean up after your little mess. You are dismissed!”

Nikki and Jade quickly turned and fled the office as quickly as possible.

Staring at the door, Liz Carson shook her head, and then opened her drawer and pulled out some Deviser-made migraine medicine. “That Team Kimba will certainly be the death of me”, she mused.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Rose Bunny.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #600
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A challenge for micro scene writers. Come up with the funniest possible situations arising from this situation.

“Everyone remember you are being given this free day in Boston because you have all proven to be responsible students,” Lillian Dennon told the students who were packed into the bus. “Do not lose your partner, do not cause trouble, and when you do get into trouble make sure to keep it from making the evening news or the newest net meme, and call me or one of the other chaperones. Do you understand?”

There was a chorus of replies and nodding heads.

Despite that, Dennon wanted to run for her life, what was Carson thinking letting so many students wander Boston freely?


“Hey all my wonderful fans out there! It’s me Mike, and have I got a treat for you!” the internet prank sensation chuckled gleefully into the camera. “I’ve got over three dozen fans, fellow pranksters and helpers ready to go around Boston playing tricks on the unsuspecting public.”

He panned camera around revealing people dressed up like ghosts, preparing blood packs, putting props together and discussing plans with their fellow pranksters.

“Lets go have some fun!”

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05 Sep 2021 01:09 #405 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #601
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lillian Dennon was eyeing the Salon Bar on the corner, wondering exactly how long it was going to be before she needed to make use of it wares when her phone rang. Sighing she retrieved it and pressed answer. The kids had barely left sight of the bus, how bad could it be?

“Miss! Miss!” a scared voice called almost hyperventilating. “Murphy must have run through a cemetery or something, there is corpses stumbling around everywhere! Miss! Miss! What do we do?!”
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #602
Sir Lee replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“What is it now?” Dennon grumped at her phone.
“Uh, Ms. Dennon... we were at the zoo, and Mezzo decided that it was a good place to get a few more animal forms into her repertoire...”
“Oh, no. Don’t tell me, she became an elephantaur and burst out of her clothes.”
“Uh, no, she was careful to not use animals that are too big... and we helped to keep her covered until she turned back into her satyr form. She really liked the special shoes, they really worked well to disguise her legs, by the way.”
“Get to the point, girl. What happened.”
“Well, she tried a chimpanzee form and... she was too tired to turn back.”
“Cover her the best you can, get her into a cab and come back here.”
“Too late, ma’am. The zoo crew saw her... and they think she’s an escaped orangutan!”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #603
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Phoenix Spiritus wrote: Lillian Dennon was eyeing the Salon Bar on the corner, wondering exactly how long it was going to be before she needed to make use of it wares when her phone rang. Sighing she retrieved it and pressed answer. The kids had barely left sight of the bus, how bad could it be?

“Miss! Miss!” a scared voice called almost hyperventilating. “Murphy must have run through a cemetery or something, there is corpses stumbling around everywhere! Miss! Miss! What do we do?!”

In the background, Ms. Dennon heard one of the other students, “Oy! Not zombies, dude.”

“How would YOU know? You’re just a freshman like the rest of us!”

“They’ve still got souls attached, that’s how. Ask Ms. Dennon if she wants me and Val to fix that.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #604
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Phase: “Zombies... again with the zombies.”
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #605
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Miss Dennon says you don’t get to cure the living zombies ... Holy mother of god! Where did you come from?”

“Enchantés. Come, Brad, let us show them ... what you’ve got.”

“Not if I strangle you first, Frankie.”

“That’s the spirit, Baby!”

The Frank-n-Furter doppelganger sashayed over to one of the zombies. Good thing the undead don’t have personal space!

“How do you do, I see you’ve met my - new handy-man.”

That left knee really, really shouldn’t be going *there*. Even on a zombie now dressed for the Transexual Transylvania Reunion. Wait until he finds out the new tux doesn’t come with a zipper.

Meanwhile, “Brad” is vigourously shaking another zombie’s hand while hitting the poor schmuck’s psyche with his confusion power.

They’d nearly collected an entire Floor Show before Frankie’s commlink pinged in AR: all unsecured recorders tracking the festivities were now overwriting their video media with DEADBEEF. Why release the magic smoke, when there could be more tears later?

Within five or ten minutes, someone had dragged out a boombox with the necessary songs, the crowd’s panic had given way to mirth, and the confused, confuddled, and all now out-numbered pranksters had no choice to join in.

After all, what could be more innocent, more wholesome than a Rocky Horror flash mob? (As opposed to running around in those outfits and getting either mugged or bashed?)


“I’m still going to strangle you for that!”

“Moi? I’m just a sweet transvestite, from ... oy! Can’t. Breathe!”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #606
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Bert Kade straightened his polo shirt and strode away from the zoo, a faint frown on his face. His classmates were so immature. Climbing into the badger exhibit to wrestle with the poor animals? Impersonating chimps? Dressing the otters in sailor fuku? What were they, children? Bert tsked as he walked. His mother would probably approve of such childish nonsense. Well, she could just swallow her disappointment and get over it. He was going to be an upstanding member of society whether she liked it or not.

He slowed as he passed an elderly tour guide near an old building who was reciting the history of Boston’s role in the abolition movement in a creaky, droning monotone. Bert smiled and casually joined the drowsy looking group. This was more like it! As he listened in rapt attention, his tail began to swish. Or at least, it tried to, confined as it was in a pant leg.

Delilah Stephens, grandmother of six, snapped out of her stupor as movement caught her eye. She squinted at the boys pants, then shook her head. “Just the breeze,” she muttered. Then the pants twitched again, and again. Her eyes widened and she let out a loud gasp. “Young man! Don’t panic, but I think there’s something in your pants!”

Bert turned and frowned at the old lady. “That is highly inappropriate, ma’am. Please cease ogling my behind at once and kindly keep your perverted attempts at flirtation with minors to yourself. I am trying to enjoy this lecture.”

“You- but-”

“I’m not going to ask you again, ma’am. Stop talking about my butt.”

“T’be fair, it’s a right nice bottom, it is,” said a new voice from down around Bert’s midsection. He turned to see that short upperclassman girl from Dickinson standing there staring at him appreciatively. And now other people were staring and commenting as well, even the tour guide.

“Thanks a lot,” he hissed. “Now undo it!”

“Undo yer bottom? Right ‘ere and now?” she hissed back, looking scandalized. “Bliddy hell. And here I thought you Yanks were all prudes!”

“You know what I mean! Your compulsion. Remove it!”

“Or what?” she said with a smirk. “Or you’ll tell your dear mum? She’d laugh ‘er own arse right off, I bet!”

“No doubt,” muttered Bert. “But I could go tell Ms. Dennon that you are inciting sexual harassment of a minor.”

“I wouldn’t have to distract ‘em that way if yeh’d keep yer cute little tail under control!”

“You- You didn’t just use your...”

“No, I didn’t.” She paused and adopted an evil grin. “Do you want me to? ‘Cuz I bliddy will!”

“Ahem!” said the tour guide, who’d ambled up next to them both without them realizing. “Will you two inconsiderate lovebirds please take your flirtation elsewhere? I am trying to educate people here!”

“That’s alright, windbag, I was just leavin’. B’sides, I got me a bone to pick with them rotten wankers over there,” she said, pointing at a mixed group of people in skeleton and zombie costumes who were closing in on Lindy- no. No, Bert was not his mother. They were closing in on Calliope. Well, they were, until... until the short girl whose name he could not remember and he refused to substitute with a nickname gave a holler and they turned their eyes toward the pair of them. Then their eyes shifted solidly to him, only they weren’t looking at his eyes.

Bert shook his head as the girl stalked off toward them. Ignoring the old lady who seemed to be struggling to keep her eyes on the tour guide instead of Bert’s rump, he tried to get back into listening to the lecture. Unfortunately, his efforts were dashed when a horse boy came crashing out of the wall and tumbled through the group to finally find rest in the middle of the street. “Bogus, dude,” said the large senior... Nick. That was his name. “Totally bogus.” Nick climbed to his hooves and winced at the crowd. Before he could apologize, another throng of people dressed as skeletons spilled out of an alley behind him and began shrieking at him. “Whoa, guys. That’s pretty gnarly. You with Old Man Sulfur back there?” he asked, pointing over his shoulder at the hole he’d emerged from.

That was when something large began climbing out through the hole. All those people who Bert had heard calling him and his mom devils or demons had clearly never seen anything like this before. It stood twelve feet tall and had big curly ram’s horns, lumpy blood-red skin, flaming eyes, and the most horrendous mustache Bert had ever seen. To say nothing of the smell. Bert smiled apologetically at the tour guide, then cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted over the screams. “Thank you, sir! It was fun while it lasted!” Then he turned and calmly walked away, ducking under a thrown skeleton before turning a corner back to relative sanity. He very pointedly ignored the deep, rumbling, ear-raping voice of the demon and its comment about his tush.

His peace was short lived. The more people he passed, the more catcalls he got. Seeking solace, Bert ducked into an office building. The receptionist began to challenge his presence, but then she just sort of gave him a silly smile and let him pass. He heard the sound of her falling out of her chair just before he made it into the elevator. After hitting the button for the top floor, he turned to the mirror and forced himself to unclench his fists and soften his glare. Bert Kade was not his mother. He was a civilized, high functioning member of society. He would deal with this like an adult. Several deep breaths brought his calm back, just in time for the doors to slide open.

Bert stepped out into what appeared to be a lobby attached to a rooftop diner and gift shop. He smiled as he approached the large windows overlooking Boston. Smoke was rising from several points around town, and more than one elephant was flying through the skies. This was all his immature classmates’ doing, no doubt, but Bert didn’t allow it to upset him. He was above such things.

A group of businessmen walked up to the next window, and Bert held his breath. While several of them did briefly drop their gaze to his bottom, none commented and none stared. He let out the breath and smiled again. He was among professionals. People of class.

That was when the most distinguished of the lot received a phone call, and Sir Mix A Lot belted his magnum opus across the lobby.

* * *

“Mommy’s little boy!” squeed The Fabulous Imp from behind her x-ray binoculars as she watched her wonderful son systematically liberate the entire tower of valuables. He made several dozen errors along the way, of course, but he’d learn with time. The important thing was that he was finally through that rebellious stage! She put her binoculars and her phone away and hummed to herself as she returned to her bike. Now, if only she could get little Ernie to stop trying to eat Rubber Ducky... Maybe hot sauce would do the trick.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #607
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Yes? You’re at the aquarium? And it is being attacked by an Aqua-maniac and an army of lobsters? And Tennyo wants to know where she can get a ton of melted butter... Ask Phase, she’ll know.”

OOC: A nod to the chaos Diana started over on Twisting the Hellmouth.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

cprime’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #608
cprime replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
2 PM, a block from the dropoff point
Lillian Dennon paced back and forth in the cafe where she had set up shop. She had yet to receive a call from any of her students. She’d been checking Hero Watch every 15 minutes, the news headlines on the hour, rebooted her phone twice, and was pondering asking Liz if Cyberkitty could check if there were any shenanigans going on with the Boston phone system. Nothing had happend, and that was more disconcerting than the alternative. For the 20th time, her eye scanned down the student roster. She was missing something, she knew it. Then her eye caught the second to last line, reading ‘Clover’ and ‘Jynx’.

The other patrons of the cafe looked up as the otherwise healthy looking woman fainted into her table.

Elsewhere in Boston

Froggy and Thorn exchanged high-fives as the prankster trio they had latched onto started to reset for the next go around. They had (literally) stumbled across the vampier/hunter skit as it was wrapping up and decided to latch onto the pranksters for the day. It’s amazing how quickly you can redecorate a fast food joint with a bit of ectoplasm. Word had spread through the Whateley students like wildfire, and at least 3 other prank teams had some of their fellow classmates riding along.
Is your muse looking for inspiration? Send them to Parkerville! Welcome to Parkerville is the latest edition in my series of writing prompts.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #609
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Somewhere in Boston:

Anna Parsons ran down the street, screaming. Using her parkour skills, she still could not escape the black cloud of death that followed her. All seemed lost, until she saw the open manhole cover. With a pout, she dove into the sewer. It might smell terrible, but it was better than the cloud. Who in their right minds had given Miasma a dish of Boston baked beans??
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Jarjaross’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #610
Jarjaross replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jericho wondered why he was called to the alphas private meeting room. He’d missed the last meeting from being down with a cold and no one would tell him what happened.

“Ah, Jericho, good to see you,” Wyatt said, already sitting in a chair, though not at the head of the table, “take a seat.”

Jericho, just to be contrary, didn’t take the offered seat at the head of the table.
“So whats this about?”

“Remember back at the begining of the year when you said you’d take the alphas from me if I didn’t run them properly?”

Jericho nodded, “yeah as a joke. I doubt I could muster the support.”

“Well when we held the elections for the new head last week we took that as you accepting Ayla’s nomination of you.”

“No. No, no, no, no. NO!”

“The vote was unanimous, you are the head of the Alphas as of next week
My dreams take me to far off lands and times of distant past and future. They tell what has been done, what will happen and who I am. They show me things beyond the machinations of any man. Tell me, what are dreams to you?
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Jarjaross.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #611
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jade sat on the front step of Poe, clearly sad and upset. Returning from breakfast Tennyo saw her roommate and came over to give her a hug.

“Jade, what’s wrong? Hippy threaten to feed your Kimba plushie to Razorback again?”, She inquired.

The diminutive girl looked up at her best friend. “It’s even worse than that, onee-sama... I found out that we are getting a new student.... and.. and...” Jade started bawling, “ and... and.. she really IS a Radioactive Condor Girl... that means I can’t use it anymore..”

At a loss for what to say, Tennyo simply hugged the distraught girl.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Phoenix Spiritus
Phoenix Spiritus’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #612
Phoenix Spiritus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Gunny Bardue frowned as he pulled up at the Whateley main gate in the converted armoured van and the Chief of Security himself stepped out of the small guardhouse. Pressing the intercom button Bardue frowned through the thick armoured glass.

“What’s the problem Franklin? Caitlin’s gizmos are holding strong, we’ve not had a peep out of the radiation monitors the whole way.”

Chief Delarose grimaced. “I’m afraid we had a leak, somehow the student body found out about our new girl.”

“So? We’re putting her in that specially prepared room in Hawthorne. We’ve had plenty worse students before this, what’s the big deal?”

Franklin sighed, took a deep breath and looked his friend in the eye. “I’m sorry Gunny, I really am. But Jade found out, after Admiral Everheart banned her ‘Radio Active Condorgirl’ gizmo from the Sims from ‘here to the heat death of the Universe’, well now Jade’s gotten all of Wondercute together, and they’re gonna recruit our girl here to their Team the moment they can get close to her.”

Franklin slapped the side of the van, turning back to the guardhouse and waving them to open the gate, valiantly hiding his delight and glee until Gunny Bardue had recovered enough to put the armoured van in gear and drive through the gates.

“You’re so evil,” smirked the normal lead of the contingent of security at the gate after he watched his boss come back to the guardhouse, his evil grin so large it was probably giving all the precogs on campus the willies. “I can’t believe you hiked all the way out here just to deliver that news to Gunny.”

If anything, the Chief’s grin became larger. “After I got pipped running down to tell Hive what was happening?” Franklin laughed. “There was no way I was gonna miss seeing in person Bardue’s horror when he got informed.” With a final chuckle and a casual salute, Franklin turned and set off jogging, returning to the paperwork still needing to be reviewed waiting for him on his desk.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Phoenix Spiritus.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #613
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Hank, we need your help,” a freshman poesie said looking nervously into the sophomore common room.

“Me? Why?” Hank asked getting out of the new hammock Ayla had bought and team Kimba had organized.

“It’s your sister Blossom, she won’t come out of her room.”

Hank sat right back down. “Can’t help you, sorry. I’d just make it worse.”

“Sister?” Riptide asked.

“Blossom?” Jade asked giggling.

Hank answered Rip first. “Turns out my brother Jay is an exemplar, a level 1, maybe a weak 2. After he got beat up by those bullies for all of his flowers, she had to be healed and he lost something very precious to her. They moved her here last night. And after I talked with my parents yesterday, explaining that Jay was already being called Blossom, it was decided that it would be easiest to make that her new name.”

“Is she a pretty girl?” Fey asked evilly.

“Beautiful rose coloured skin, hair like dark red rose petals, willowy with just enough curves to make her interesting, and she smells like a garden,” the freshman answered. “A lot of girls are interested in her.” From the predatory smile on her face, the freshman was already fantasizing about Blossom.

Jade jumped out of her chair. “Come on! It looks like we have a job to do cheering Blossom up! And we can give her a complete makeover!”

Hank sat in his hammock for a moment as Jade took off. Finally he got up, heading for the door. “This I have to see.”

Team Kimba and friends didn’t quite run down the stairs. As sophomores they had an image to uphold, but in less than 30 seconds the room was empty.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #614
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Stroke of Midnight, Thursday, October 18th, 2007
Fields Family Farm, Eastern Tennessee

“Beeeholld my creeeeasshion!” shouted Dark Eldritch as she kicked open the barn doors, a half-empty jar of devisor whiskey sloshing in one hand. Inside the barn, lit by thirteen differently colored torches glittering off as many empties, was a four foot diameter sphere made of a waxy pink material that was faintly translucent. Eldritch turned to the younger and much less wobbly girl standing beside her. “Now, my loyalll mini-minion! Ani- Anmani- Amnimute- Oh jussh make it be alife!”

“Shit!” yelled Bladedancer at the sight of the creepy black sailer fuku the girl was wearing. She had a pitch black kitten mask hiding her face, but the style, the body language, the overall ambiance... “That’s Generator! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!”

Chain Lightning’s whip lashed around the girl’s neck with a sizzle, stunning her even as he gave it a sharp yank to break her spine, but it was too late. She’d already pressed a sticker to the ball, and it was now rising into the air.

When gateway appeared beside the object and Igniarli doused it in flames, Eldritch cackled. “Yesh! Use fire! More fiiire!” She thew her whiskey at the orb and then reached behind her back to draw out a flamethrower, which she used to bathe the other side of the rapidly melting sphere in napalm. The straw in the barn caught as well, and Eldritch laughed harder as she lost focus and began to twirl and sing, oblivious to her own clothes going up in flames. “We goin’ ‘til tha worl’ shtopss turnin’ while we burn it to tha groun’ tonight!”

“Put out the fire!” yelled Gateway as she called off Igniarli. “They want it molten!” Bladedancer threw a spell slip into the air, and a sharp wind blew most of the burning goop from the orb’s surface. Meanwhile, Chain Lightning used his whip to drag Generator’s rapidly healing body into the burning straw while Eldritch was distracted by whirling about and setting fire to the barn itself, one hand spraying napalm from the flame thrower and the other spewing magical fire from a specialized ley tap.

The orb, now thoroughly gooey, began to reshape itself into the form of a comically large sword. A comically large sword that was still partially on fire. Several mouths appeared along the flat, and a horrible voice burbled forth. “Let us cross blades, Dancer!”

“Go ahead,” shouted Geomancer, who was frantically shifting ley lines away from Eldritch’s reach. “We’ll keep Eldritch distracted while you deal with that!”

Bladedancer nodded, then rolled aside as the pink sword tried to behead her. It repeated its challenge to match blades, but she ignored the taunt. If this was being animated by Jinn, cutting it wouldn’t help. She needed to scatter the material outside of Jinn’s range. To that end, she raised her bow and nocked an exploding arrow.

The muttering sword bent out of the way and then suddenly reversed its shape, the hilt becoming the blade even as it thrust at Bladedancer. She cursed, caught by surprise, and dodged in time. The sword twisted as she landed and knocked her bow out of her hands. “I must taste your blade!” it shouted, taking another swing.

Bladedancer stumbled back, frantically parrying with Destiny’s Wave while she reached for a spell slip. Even without her bow she could just throw an explosive arrow, but she was too close. She needed to open some distance first. She batted away another swing from the wax as she grasped the slip she was looking for. Then she was yanked off her feet.

“I want Chou inside me!” screamed the wax sword as it enveloped Destiny’s wave and Bladedancer’s arm, hauling her into the air. She dropped her smokescreen slip and tried for one of her arrows, but she was too slow. The wax sword flowed swiftly and encased her completely. Unable even to scream, Bladedancer watched helplessly as the wax forced her arms together above her head and wrapped her other hand around Destiny’s Wave, putting it into a two handed grip. Then it receded from the jade sword, leaving the jade blade bare while keeping the hilt and her hands locked firmly in place within the wax blade.

“Oishi,” murmured the wax sword as it rotated slowly in the air, appearing to survey the battlefield. It didn’t need to rotate to see things, but it seemed thematically appropriate. Eldritch and Gateway were swinging from the barn’s ceiling as the older woman pursued the younger through the hayloft, and Chain Lighting was frantically trying to snare Eldritch with his whip. The sword turned finally to Geomancer, who was taking advantage of the shirtless shitfaced golem’s distraction to prepare a spell. That just would not do. It’s mouths opened once more. “Yo, Dawgs!” it bellowed. “I heard you like swords!” It adjusted the shape of its pommel to correct its balance, and then it began to spin.

Something hot and wet splattered onto Eldritch’s back. She paused in her chase to look over her shoulder, and her face broke into a huge grin. “Ya liddle shits ‘re hitting tha fan now!”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Kettlekorn. Reason: I can grammar and splel I promish

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #615
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Wait...Tansy almost became a 1950’s fairytale princess mutant?! Little birds flitting around, landing on her finger, carrying owls in baskets, drowsy bunnies trailing after her, and being Aquerna’s best friend ever?

Several years ago

The spirit was barely sentient enough to notice the visitor. It was swimming in its pool, listening to the waterfall emanating feelings of peace and calm, basking in the feelings of life and tranquility that were returned to it by the local animals.

But as the visitor sat at the edge of its pool, where the mist of the waterfall would caress her cheek the spirit stirred itself and investigated.

The visitor was not calm, not tranquil, and as far from peace as it was possible to be. The spirit cringed at the feelings of self loathing that clashed with its own being. Hesitantly it reached out, focusing all of its power on cheering the visitor, teaching it how to be at peace with itself.
It screeched as its essence was pulled into the visitor, wrenching it from its home.

‘Worthless Tansy!’

The spirit shrank back as the words and feelings flayed its essence.

‘Fat Tansy!’

‘Useless Tansy!’

Desperately it summoned the animals that lived under its care, trying to stop the hatred and disgust that threatened to rip it apart.

‘Who’s there?’ the visitor demanded.

The spirit responded by sending forth calm feelings, even as part of it scrabbled against the walls that confined it.

‘A spirit? I have a spirit in me?’ the visitor asked itself. ‘I’m an avatar!’

As amazement filled the visitor the spirit allowed itself to relax, the anger was lessening. No longer in agony the spirit reached out to examine its captor, marveling at the essence it provided, feeling its own powers expand slightly with the promise of more.

‘THAT’S IT?! THat’s all you can offer?’ it’s captor raged. ‘Peace!’

The spirit threw itself at the walls expending energy it couldn’t afford to waste in a maddened frenzy.

‘What good are you? There are avatars who can work miracles and the best you can do is summon little animals!’ the hate filled creature screamed, kicking a chipmunk so hard the little creature slammed into a tree and squealed as its back broke.

The spirit realized it couldn’t escape and did the last thing it could, what it lived to do. Reaching out the visitor the peaceful spirit forgave it.


Tansy Walcott, more commonly known as fat Tansy, stupid Tansy, worthless Tansy, fell to her knees staring at the dead animal that rested on the grass just a few feet away. She could feel the spirit inside of her, terrified, hurt, and weak. Yet rather than trying to escape it was holding her, forgiving her even as she was destroying it.

For a moment it felt just like when her mother held her, before she’d become so sick. The moment stretched out, becoming a minute, then five, ten, twenty. The feelings of forgiveness and peace, even love, grew stronger.

Tansy couldn’t say when she started crying.

Hours later, her face red, her designer blouse soaked and ruined by her tears, she got back up to her knees and scraped a small hole in the ground for the chipmunk, carefully burying the small animal. Standing up, Tansy walked calmly back to her fathers summer home, she no longer thought of herself as worthless. She was fat, she wasn’t pretty, and she knew she had a lot of work to do if she wanted to make herself someone she could respect. But as she hugged herself, the spirit that now lived in her let her know she wasn’t worthless.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #616
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Christmas, Tansy’s freshman year

Tansy stared at her father, the calm, almost peaceful expression on her face hiding the contempt she felt for the man.

Since her manifestation, of which the hallow inside her was merely the first power she’d gained, her body had changed, which had helped alter her personality. She was slim and beautiful, so beautiful she would have been intimidating to most people. However her features were soft, a smile came easily to her lips, and her bright blue eyes could calm the angriest person.

Her father had seen the changes in her, had seen how she treated the staff as equals, no longer delighted in tormenting others, and would greet the worst insults with a sad smile and a disapproving shake of her head. He thought that made her weak.

“Let me see if I understand you father,” she said calmly. You want me, a fourteen year old girl, to seduce your partners and competitors, so that I can read their minds and share their corporate and personal secrets with you?” Unlike every time she’d spoken to him, she was not smiling. Yet to her father the peaceful expression that refused to leave her face seemed weak and helpless.

“Essentially. It’s time you used your talents for something good, instead of being an incompetent little girl,” her father said, staring her down, challenging her to disobey him.

Half a year ago, Tansy would have agreed. Hoping to make her father notice her, to win some approval, to get back at the world that shear believed hated her so much. The half hour ‘conversation’ she and her father had had, combined with the talk the night before over supper, had pressed all of her insecurities, making her feel worthless. Only the calming affect of the spirit within her had kept her from breaking down in tears.

Now the spirits tranquility, combined with her own sense of worth she’d spent the last few months building up kept her voice steady and her blue eyes firmly on her fathers face even as she reached into her blouse pulling out a very good recorder she’d hidden there.

She smiled as her fathers eyes widened and his face turned red with rage. Turning the recorder off she placed it back within her blouse. “I believe some changes are in order, Mr. Wulcott.”

To people like her father tranquility was a weakness in others. Tansy had come to realize that keeping calm and staying balanced meant she could act with more decisiveness and certainty than anger ever did.

As her father tried to bluster and threaten his way out of the mess he’d made, Tansy waited patiently for him to realize she had him firmly over a barrel. She wasn’t going to let him turn her into a tool or a thing ever again.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #617
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Early Fall, 2006

Tansy watched Team Kimba march into Hawethorne, their heads held high despite getting detention for the Midday Melee with the Alphas.

Even the little girl called Jade who still had bruises from the vicious beating Ares had given her which had caused the whole feud was limping along refusing to look beaten or cowed.

Saying goodbye to some of the Thornies she had been talking to, Tansy went over to greet the freshmen. She knew Fey already from Venus Inc. but her focus was on the short girl who was apparently a Goodkind, and according to her friend Jadis, was actually Trever Goodkind.

“Hello everyone,” she said giving them a smile and letting her peaceful aura wash over them. “I must say most people serving detention at Hawethorne aren’t so eager.”

The black girl, Chaka stepped forward. “We did the crime, now we’re ready to do the time.”

That earned one of her best smiles. “Well, I’ve talked with Mrs. Cantrel, and even though I’m not a Thornie myself, I explained what happened and she’s agreed to take some pity on you guys, so no bathroom duty.”

She waited a second for the sighs of relief to stop.

“You still have a lot of work to do, and bathrooms duty isn’t entirely off the table,” she warned.

Mrs. Cantrell came into the room, eying the newest ‘help’ critically.

“And here is your overseer,” Tansy said with a grin. “However Ayla if you’ll come with me, I’ll show you your punishment personally.”

Ayla watched her carefully, her expression was hard and very wary. Exactly like Trevor had watched her when they’d gone to school together years before.

She took him upstairs and when she was sure no one was around Tansy turned to look at the girl, her eyes full of shame. “Are you Trever Goodkind?” She asked.

“Yes, and you’re Tansy Wulcott,” the girl said in return.

For the first time in years Tansy felt ashamed, her eyes going to her feet. “I’m sorry,” she said, “for everything I did. You didn’t deserve it, and while I’m not asking or expecting forgiveness or anything else, if you or your friends need help, just ask and I’ll see what I can do.”

Ayla looked at her as if she’d grown a second head. Her expression lightened a touch and she nodded. “Thank you.”

Smiling in gratitude, Tansy went to a door that was more like an airlock. Handing over the hazmat gear, she stifled a laugh at Ayla’s shocked expression. “You were always good in school, so you get to tutor Puppet. She’s expecting you and I’m sure you’ll have lots to talk about.”
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #618
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Kyle stared at the old style lantern that the Colonial Cosplayer had handed to him before going PIFT! into dust like a vamp staked by Buffy.

“So... do I have to recite some oath or something before i get the green long johns and visit Oa?”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Iwasforger03’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #619
Iwasforger03 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
May 24th, 2007
Whateley Academy, New Hampshire

“Look, I am not going on date with you!” she screamed, and it felt loud enough to vibrate the window panes nearby.

“I know! I’m not asking for a date! I just wanted to share a fucking movie!” he screamed back. Just a movie. The sequel to one of their favorite films! “”The new Pirates film comes out tomorrow!” Watching the pirate films, despite the violence, had been one of their most enjoyable film experiences. Despite their frequent discussions, their loud disagreements, Pat had always enjoyed Jack Sparrow’s clever attempts to avoid fights he didn’t need to have. He might not enjoy the fights he did have the way Dominic did, but he did enjoy the character. Or, Dominic reminded himself, she did. Or she had…

Dani had stopped shouting, and was looking at him, no, she was glaring at him like a queen from above, very angrily. She wasn’t yelling though. “I… I’m not going, Dominic. Thank you, but NO,” she insisted, walking away. He watched her go, and hung his head. One of the trio of girls who were walking with Dani gave him a sympathetic look, the other two just glanced worriedly between the two of them, and then they walked away.

“Dani!” the girl hissed as she ran up to his old friend, but he turned away and walked off. The whole gang of the Grunts were going, but she assumed he wanted to take her on a date? Date… Pat? I mean Dani… I mean… she’s a beautiful girl. Gorgeous, beyond drop dead amazing, near the top of the top for Whateley, which is very impressive, since Dani wasn’t actually an exemplar. At least, the docs had been pretty sure she wasn’t. I’d love to date a girl as beautiful as that, as smart as that, as convicted as that, but… date Pat? He couldn’t do that to his friend. Even if they hardly spoke anymore, he still couldn’t. Pat wasn’t into guys. It was that simple. The rumor mill, and the very few times he did get to talk to Dani, said she wasn’t dating any of the girls either. He had no idea why, but…

It didn’t matter. He deliberately switched his walk from a trudge to a stride, forcing himself into step as he headed for Crystal Hall. He’d simply have to report the attempt was a failure. It wasn’t even like she’d be the only girl there! Then again, she’d be the only pacifist. Maybe if he’d said it was a group invite at the start?

The boy, or rather young man, known as Dominic “Mule” Sellers walked back to Crystal Hall looking far more confident and intimidating than he actually felt. His mind kept turning over where, exactly, he’d gone wrong, and why Dani would even think he was asking her out on a date. Why? It really didn’t make sense.

As a result, he missed all the forlorn looks the object of his thoughts gave his retreating form once they were sufficiently apart.

For her part, Dani could only huff in annoyance. She knew she owed him an apology, but her temper as a girl had only gotten… worse. She hadn’t hurt anyone, but it was sometimes hard to remember her own beliefs when she got angry. Violence solved nothing, but neither would she let people avoid the pain of their own decisions. If you poke a dragon and get eaten, then you just had to accept you were an idiot.

Marie and Jasmine both shook their heads as they walked behind her. They didn’t know about her past, nor why she and Mule knew each other. Of course it would look like a date! If he wanted to ask, he should have sent an email, or caught her in private, or something! Patrick was dead! He couldn’t just go walking up to a beautiful girl, invite her to a movie, and expect it to sound like anything else besides a date! Still… she… she regretted yelling. She regretted not apologizing.

“You shouldn’t have yelled at him like that, Dani. I know you’re stressed about Mrs. Carson forcing you to do Combat Finals, since you’re going to have to fail, but you didn’t need to take it out on Mule!” her roommate, Bianca, admonished her. Bianca was a beautiful girl, five foot nine inches of raven black haired european exemplar beauty. She had startling golden eyes and just the cutest fangs. She was also staunchly heterosexual. Had Dani still been the fat reject she had once been, Bianca wouldn’t be within a hundred feet of her intentionally without absolute necessity playing a part. Pat would have wished for it to be different, but not at the expense of her current form. She was still required to see Dr. Bellows weekly because he just didn’t get it! Yes, the body of Anandani Kumari Choudhari was female, but the mind of Patrick Ollie Stiles controlled it.

She’d never be the man she was. There were lots of upsides to being Dani. She had way more friends. She wasn’t fat. She could run more, and she could enjoy her food without feeling guilty about her weight. She got to look at all the pretty girls in the bathrooms at shower time… even if that wasn’t feeling like all that much fun anymore. Girls were pretty, but something just… something just… it was frustrating. Intellectually, she knew which gender she wanted to be and which gender she wanted to be with, but her biology just did not get that. Dr. Bellows didn’t understand either. He was trying to help, bless him, but he simply did not understand. The very fact this body wasn’t interested in women was one more reason Dani knew it wasn’t really her.

Dani loosed a suffering sigh and gave Bianca a sad look. “I know, Bia, and I’ll apologize to him later… eventually. I… may have done emotional violence against him,” she admitted, making herself cringe. “I just needed him to understand that I…” Bianca set a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Bianca did not know that Dani had once been Pat, but she did know Dani had no interest in boys and that Dani had once been male. She’d figured it out last semester, within the first month of their rooming together. Dani might not have made it this long without doing something stupid, if she’d gone without any friends she could at least confide that much in.

“You should go,” Bianca suggested, causing Dani to pull up short in shock. “Apologize for yelling, and agree to go to the movie with him. He said it’s not a date. You’ve never explained how you and Mule are friends, but I can tell he cares. He just wanted to go to a movie with his friend, Dani. Just go with him,” she urged.

“You and Mule are friends? Wow! Has he taken you along on any of the Nations camping trips or anything?” Marie asked excitedly. “That would be so cool! I wish I could join, I’ve always wanted to experience stuff like that,” she admitted.

“You can,” Dani and Jasmine both replied at once. Jasmine blushed and motioned to Dani with a smile. None of her three friends were into girls, and while Marie and Jasmine didn’t know about Dani crossing the gender line, they were fine with her not liking men. They had similar interests to Dani. Jasmine was a sophomore in the electronics classes, and Marie was in magic arts. Dani nodded. “The Nations aren’t exclusive to only Native bloodlines. You can’t vote on the council without being a registered tribe member, but regular membership isn’t restricted,” she explained.

Marie blinked. “Oh cool! Maybe that means I’d be ok afterall!” she said excitedly. Dani smiled, glad she’d been distracted from talking about Dominic. “Oh, but yeah, if you’re friends, just go with him! I mean, there’s nothing wrong with having guy friends you aren’t dating, Dani. I hang out with lots of guys at home I’d never date,” she stated.

Marie wasn’t an exemplar, but she was on the higher end of the non-exemplar beauty scale. Oh Marie, you don’t realize it, but most of those guys would really rather that you did Dani thought to herself, but she didn’t say it out loud.

“Be a friend, admit you took it all wrong, and apologize. If he’s as big a man as he always tries to look like, he’ll probably apologize as well. Besides, Mule sure as hell didn’t look interested in that when he walked over here,” Jasmine noted. She was the cute one of the group, not beautiful, just not unpleasant to look at. She often joked that at least she didn’t have She-Beast’s problems. Dani thought it was an unfair comparison to both girls, but she was very deliberately quite far outside the social circle of the daughter of Dr. Diabolik, so she didn’t bother to speak up about it. She did try to get Jasmine to see she wasn’t ugly. Self-harm was still harm, but she didn’t think “defending” Jadis was a good way to do it.

“What do you mean?” Dani asked. She hadn’t really noticed Mule until he walked up to her, she’d been focused on reciting some spellwork.

“Well, I mean, he kind of unconsciously checked out all of us, including me,” she said. “Started with Bianca, then Marie, then me, in descending order, but you? He didn’t seem to see anything but your face, I’d say.” Jasmine was very good at reading male body language. It was a trick of her esper power. That trick had probably done more harm than good for her self-image at a school like Whateley before she met her current boyfriend. Jim was a nice sort, another tech guy who wasn’t super pretty, but was fairly handsome. He was a freshman, but seemed like a nice guy. He was also more than a little focused on Jasmine, which is what caught her eye. He could see other women, but he didn’t pay them half as much attention as Jasmine.

Dani mulled over Jasmine’s explanation, before admitting with a sigh, “Alright, I’ll go talk to him.” All three girls gave her a glowing smile, and grabbing her hands and arms, began hauling her back towards Crystal Hall, where hopefully the GRUNTS were still eating. This week is just going to be hellish… Dani thought to herself.
I am a Sexy Shoeless God of War - So suck it CP!

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #620
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
September 1941,
Halifax, Canada

Malcolm ran for his life, not caring that practically everyone of his compatriots were risking their lives trying to buy him time to escape. They had known the risks when he’d convinced them to join, and they knew he was the most important member for Abwehr’s organization in the city.

He saw his safe point just up ahead, an old warehouse that was being rebuilt to handle war supplies that were flowing through the city to Britain. If he could get inside there was a secret entrance to the sewers and he could be out of the city heading to Montreal by morning where a new identity awaited him. Despite the pain in his side and his heart which was threatening to burst, he found the energy to run faster.

Just a few feet from safety Malcolm screamed in terror, tumbling and rolling to stop at the feet of a woman who had just landed in front of him. In the dim light of the moon he could see she was wearing some kind of one piece suit, her face was smeared with some dark liquid and her hands were wet.

She leaned down, moving more like a wild animal than a human, placing her face inches away from him. He pissed himself looking into her eyes. Madness filled them.

An inhumanly strong hand gripped the back of his head holding him still even as she leaned in and kissed him. Warm blood filled his mouth, coating his lips and cheeks.

The second she let go, he was on his feet running back the way he came screaming for help. The police would only arrest him, the monster who was laughing madly as he ran would kill him. He saw three people walking down the street and almost sobbed in relief. The brief bit of calm died quickly.

Gunther, one of the strong men he’d hired was walking stiffly in front of the two other men. Something was wrapped around his neck, looking closely it seemed like a snake, but the black flesh didn’t reflect any light, it sucked it in. The black... thing, was connected to a shirtless man. Bullet holes perforated his chest, but no blood came from the holes. Two tentacles came from his shoulders, somehow Malcolm could see the crude sutures that connected the unearthly things to flesh.

The other man was small, baby faced and chubby, a weakling that Malcolm wouldn’t pay more than a second or two of attention to if they met on the street. Yet the man was walking beside the monstrosity as if it was a typical Sunday morning.

“Are you Malcolm Dickey?” the chubby man asked.

“Yes,” Malcolm answered. He clapped his hand over his mouth as he heard himself speak. He hadn’t wanted to say anything. Turning he began to run again.

“Stop,” the chubby man said, barely raising his voice.

Malcolm stopped so suddenly he actually fell over.

The man spoke again, sounding quite happy with himself, “All right Lieutenant Barker, the gunman is all yours, we’ve got who we need.”

Vomit covered Malcolm’s shirt and pants, his mind refused to comprehend what happened to Gunther as the tentacles tightened and convulsed. The only thing he could really see was blood spraying across the damp street, and then some bloody rags fell to the ground.

He screamed when hands reached around him, female hands ran over his chest and a voice purred in his ears. “I like this one, he’s so strong, and his screams are pretty to listen to. Can I keep him?”

The chubby man knelt in front of him, “That depends, if he tries to fight, we’ll have to give him to Barker. If he doesn’t tell me everything he knows, you can keep him.”

“Please, for the love of god, just give me to the police,” Malcolm sobbed.

The chubby man clicked his teeth and shook his head almost sadly. “I’m sorry Malcolm, but you’re a spy, bought and paid for by the Nazi’s, you don’t get the Geneva convention. And after getting four of our convoys shot to hell, well, I’m sorry but our commander is a little bit peeved with you. So we were given carte blanche to do whatever we wanted. And my associates as you can see, have rather violent tastes. It’s going to take quite a bit of work convincing them to hand you over to the police, especially when just making you disappear after picking your brain will make things so much easier.”

“I’ll tell you everything! EVERYTHING!” he screamed as the woman licked his cheek.

“Now that’s the spirit!” the chubby man said with a grin, patting his leg. “Meanad, let him go, it seems our good friend Malcolm is going to do the smart thing,”

The woman made a little mewling sound of disappointment but let go of him and backed away. He could still smell the blood that covered her clothes.

“Now Malcolm,” the chubby man said sitting down beside him and throwing an arm over his shoulder as if they were friends, “I don’t need much, just your list of contacts. Don’t worry about writing them down, I have a very good memory.”

“I-I-I-I...” Malcolm clutched his throat in horror as the names caught in his throat. “I’m trying! I can’t-” he throat tightened almost making it impossible to breathe.

“Which strings to pluck, my little puppet?” the chubby man looked at him with dark, almost black eyes. “Here we go. Remember why you can’t speak, Malcolm and tell me.”

Bile rose in his throat as he heard what sounded like the voice of god spoke directly to his soul. He remembered meeting a Nazi agent, there was a blinking light, and a voice that straight to his brain telling him to never reveal what he knew to the allies. “I was hypnotized. I can’t tell you what I know,” his voice held no emotion in it.

“Huh, well now this gets tricky,” the chubby man said. “I’m going to take a few minutes to let you think about things, then I’m going to talk to you again, and you’d better have some answers for me. Otherwise, I’ll let Meanad play with you for a while and before you die, Lieutenant Barker will eat you. I’ve been told he eats peoples souls with his arms, I don’t personally know if that’s true, but it sounds dreadfully painful. So you think about things for a bit and see what you come up with.”

As the man began to walk away he stopped, turned and looked directly in Malcolm’s eyes. “And don’t you move. I don’t want you trying to run away or kill yourself. That will only make my friends angry and I won’t be held responsible for what they’ll do then.”

Trying to move his arms and legs proved virtually impossible for Malcolm. All he could do was watch the monster with the tentacles stretch and flex as the holes in his body healed, and the mad woman swing around a dark lamp pole like a young child, giggling madly. Trying to see something sane, he managed to turn his head slightly, now he could watch the man with the voice plunge a needle into his neck. When the needle was withdrawn, shaking hands dropped it to the ground, and the man bent double vomiting onto the street. The man then staggered away to lean against a building, placing his head against the cool bricks.

A few minutes later the man returned, smiling and seemingly normal. “Now Malcolm, my good friend let’s try this again.”

Malcolm’s vision was filled by the image of the mans dark eyes.

“Tell me the name, address, code name and shoe size of everyone connected to your spy ring.”

Something in his brain snapped. With blood flowing out of his nose like a waterfall, Malcolm told the man everything.


Theodore got to his feet, clutching his head. Malcolm stared straight ahead his eyes blank of any thought or emotion. “God, I hope this was worth it,” he muttered to himself.

Meanad loped towards the empty shell, grinning like a loon.

“Meanad, go to sleep!” he ordered before his partner could touch the body, there had been more than enough blood spilled that night.

Meanad twitched and slumped down to her knees. The woman who looked up at him had tears in her eyes. “Are we done?” she whispered.


Reaching into her clothes, Margaret pulled out a flask and took a deep swig of rum, rinsing her mouth out. Once it was clear of blood she drank half the flask in one long gulp.

Lieutenant Barker was busy putting on a spare shirt and gloves from the backpack they’d dropped just before dealing with Malcolm. With the tentacles fed, the man was back to what they called normal, and the shirt and gloves even made him look human.

“Did we save the Dominion once again?” the lieutenant asked bitterly.

“Yes we did,” Theodore said, feeling exhausted. He hadn’t signed up for this, but he’d been one of the special people who could help destroy the Germans. After a year of doing things mortals shouldn’t be able to do, he wasn’t sure if he was human anymore.

“Margaret,” he asked gently, “can you spare some of that for me?”

She pulled a second flask from somewhere. “Here, it’s all yours, I’ve got more.”

Silently they walked away into the darkness heading for their car. Each one wondering when their insanity would end.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #621
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Monster Dispatch Case #3847590668

Call me unprofessional, but if it were up to me many of our accounts would be filed permanently under DENIED. Or, maybe they could be jobbed out to one of the overseas firms. Lower quality, perhaps, but Dream knows some of their agents would take any old job. Looking over the pass-down notes on file, I’d say that this sleeper would top that list. Even the department COO had gotten involved, leaving a caustic note directing any further requests from the sister straight to Nightmares, Inc., as beneficiary.

My heart sank when I read the trouble report filed months ago by the Silver City Guardians Agency, recommending the account be closed out permanently, counter-signed by Jude. Hell’s Bells! That guy even handled Oncology and Epidemic cases on a regular basis. My own trainers had recommended handing the hard-case reinstatements to newbies - give them some experience with unresponsive clients. So, I took a chance on our latest Lennie-n-Squiggy team. Maybe they could conjure up something more frightening than a non-alcoholic kegger?

I’ll admit it was a stretch. I honestly did not expect to see them march back into the office, grim-faced and greener around the gills. For that matter, I shouldn’t have given Squiggy a chance to sucker-punch me. If I’d had internal organs, that would hurt!

By the next evening, word had gotten out, so I knew I was going to have to cowboy up and eat this field assignment myself. I hate third-party request assignments! You’re always stuck going in cold, with only sketchy details ... at least a family member would list the client’s best fears! But no, I got bupkes to work with. Never mind that the address info listed a bed, but skipped the fact it was in an intensive rehab ward.

How the hell am I supposed to work with a gel suspension bed? I asked myself as my pastrami and rye made a repeat command performance, facedown over the head. I forced myself to go back in after I got cleaned up. Vomit hasn’t been scary since that “posessed demon-child” flick with the catchy tune and the the pea soup.

“Are you here for me?” the kid got out around the breathing mask.

I boomed out, “Yes, I AM!” in my best monster voice, all gravelly- and growly- like.

“Will it hurt?” he asked, “Cause I’m okay with that.”

I’m left no longer sure we’re on the same page here, but I’m supposed to be a pro, “Of course it will - as I chew away your fingers and toes!”

“Do I still have those? I can’t feel them anymore.”

“Let us see!”

Finally, I gave up and checked the patient charts, ‘Phalangeal and tarsal replacement surgery TBD, pending bone and tissue culture ripening.’ Flipping through the other reports, plans for debridement, grafts, bone resetting and traction, and other adult fears, my stomach reminded me that it remembered exactly where it put my breakfast. Wanna see?

My noncommittal “Hmmmmm” was answered with “Please! Please don’t go!”

“What? Monster here, yeah? I come and go as I will!”

Dreamers alive! The boy was in tears.

“Please? You don’t have to kill me if you don’t want to. I’m kind of used to it. No one else answers even my prayers anymore. Just - could you stay a while? It’s so lonely here, waiting.”

“I suppose I could bend the rules. This once. If anyone asks, you’re afraid of snakes! I’d never hear the end of it from the guys back in the office if I drowned in hydration gel.”

So it went, well into the summer: one lost, hurt, little boy and the monster in or under the hospital bed. A nicer monster would end the story there, but there are people responsible for reopening the case and I am feeling oh, so, inspired. Sweet dreams!

Sweet dreams, indeed. :twisted:
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

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Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #622
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Off The Coast of Vancouver Island

Andrew slowly swam through the waters of the Pacific shining a light on the ocean bed looking for anything interesting that may have been brought closer to shore after the huge storm earlier in the week. He’d only just entered the water, so he had at least forty minutes of air before he had to return to the boat. Spinning in the water he made sure his older brother was still within sight. They should be closer according to their father, but they’d been diving for years and didn’t always follow the rules.

Swimming a little ways away into deeper water Andrew let his mind wander, almost entering a trance. The dark waters were comforting to him, allowing him to move as easily as a fish. Grinning he went farther out, chasing some sea life, studying some cold water coral that pockmarked the seabed, and having a good time.

Then the headache hit him. It was a bad one, flaring up behind his eyes. His eyes went to his air gauge, but it was still well over half full. Now that he was paying attention, he realized his heart was racing. He wasn’t getting enough oxygen, looking around he couldn’t see his brother anymore. Taking the regulator from his mouth he checked to make sure it was working properly and wasn’t blocked. It seemed OK. Putting it back in he tried to think about what could be causing the problem.

He was feeling light headed, his movements getting jerky.

Cursing himself he realized he should have been swimming for the surface already. The ocean spun, and he couldn’t tell which way was up. Panicking he kicked towards where he thought the surface was, seeing double he plowed into the sand.

He tried again, and thought he was at least going in the right direction.

He wasn’t getting any air from his regulator. He was gasping, panicking and kicking madly getting nowhere.

His blurry vision saw something like an egg made out of water approaching him. A watery tendril touched his hand and his panic died away. As did his need to breathe.

“Help my child,” a voice whispered.

‘I must be dreaming,’ Andrew thought to himself. ‘I’m dying from lack of oxygen and this is all just a dream.’

“You are dying. My child is dying. You can save yourself and my child, just agree to protect it,” the voice whispered again.

‘Who are you?’

“A dead courtier of the Western Court. The last on this planet.” The whisper became almost franticb “Please agree. I used everything to save my child when the oceans burned, and my protection is almost gone. Please, protect my child.”

‘Western Court? I’m dying aren’t I?’ That thought rose calmly in his mind.

“Yes! My child can save you, as you can save my child. It will not harm you.”

‘Why me?’

“Your kind was the first among the surface servants for the Undine. I know you can protect my child. I do not have much strength left. Agree to protect my child or you will both die.”

Andrew could feel the panic coming back, his body was convulsing as water entered his lungs. He could feel the Undine, whatever that was pulling away, the egg of water was shimmering, losing its cohesion.

‘I agree,’ he said, realizing he didn’t have any choice.

There was an exhausted sob of relief and the egg encircled him.

His last memory was of the water exploding.


Andrew woke up floating in the water. The comforting weight of his scuba tank was gone, and for a brief second he panicked searching for it, until he realized he wasn’t breathing. He could see the sun through the water, and instinctively knew the surface was only three meters away. Kicking his feet a warm current encircled him and sent him surging to the surface.

Leaping out of the water, he landed on the waves and stood upright as easily as he would on solid ground.

In awe he looked down at his body and saw that it was silvery water, his legs ended at the knees, his feet and lower legs lost in a motionless wave. Long fingers tentatively touched his body, it felt like jello. The shock made him lose concentration and he lost his shape falling into the water with a splash.

He could feel himself spread out in an inhuman shape, more like a blob than anything. Somehow Andrew shut his eyes and concentrated, trying to remember every detail of his body.

The sun had set by the time Andrew became human again. He knew he had succeeded when water filled his nose and he became heavier, sinking in the water. He kicked to the surface and gave a whoop of glee as his lungs filled with air.

The cheering ended abruptly as he realized he was out of sight of land, had no idea where exactly he was, and he was naked.

Treading water he tried to turn back into water. It was strange but offered more chance of survival.

Near Seattle Washington
Late the Next Day

A slim, humanoid shape, watery being staggered out of the ocean. As it put its foot on dry land it turned into a naked teenage boy. His skin was greyish from exhaustion and he didn’t seem to notice the crowd of beach goers staring at him in horror, he took a few shaky steps and collapsed face first into the sand.

When the police and medics got him onto a stretcher and into an ambulance he still hadn’t woken up.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Domoviye.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #623
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
US-8, Somewhere Between Tuscon and Yuma

Cell phone locked to her ear, Becca Thomas was trying to console Amber...again. Amber had broken up with Aiden for the fourth...fifth? time, moving all her stuff out, and then, if her usual pattern held, she’d be texting him again 20 times a night, telling him that she missed him and that her heart didn’t feel full unless they were together.

Every. Fricken. Time.

Becca admitted to herself that she’d never quite felt the way with Trent that Amber got with Aiden. But it was kind of annoying to repeat the same pattern over and over. Then again, Amber had vouched for her to the cops back in high school that she was pretty sure the weed the found in the car came from her skeezy brother, who had already been arrested for possession and dealing a month before. Friends didn’t betray friends.

Becca failed to noticed that in helping Amber through her regularly scheduled drama, that she had been tailgating the Volvo S60 in front of her for the last 25 miles.

As Becca listened to Amber’s issues with Aiden feeling “distant” when she forced him to watch Walking Dead with her for the third time, she noticed a hand pop out of the sunroof of the car in front of her, glittering ruby nail polish visible on each of the raised fingers. She stopped listening to how Amber compared Aiden to so-and-so (she didn’t watch the show), and watched as the upraised hand splayed out the fingers. Enjoying the heat of the air?

The raised hand closed into a fist, and this time, four ruby fingers came up. Becca’s concentration snapped to the car in front of her, Amber’s familiar wailing now secondary.

The hand closed again, and only index, middle, and ring came up.

The hand closed, two fingers returned.

Amber was bitching about...god know what, Becca mused, transfixed by the bizarre owner of the car in front of her. Becca felt...weird. Dread? No. Apprehensive? She didn’t even know what that word meant. Anxious? She took pills for that. Weird? Close enough.

The hand closed. Only one finger remained. It wasn’t the index finger. The hand dropped to a fist, then formed into a pistol shape. Becca, transfixed, watched as the ruby-coated thumb dropped behind the hand.

And on the side of the road a saguaro...literally exploded.

The hand raised again into a fist, and five fingers spread out.

Becca pressed the brakes, dropping back a good ten car lengths behind the Volvo, and resumed helping Amber through her latest crisis. The hand in the Volvo’s moonroof disappeared.
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Katssun.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #624
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Attention Bio-Devisors; the person who created the Puppy-Monkey-Babies has detention in Hawthorn and helping the sewer team until they graduate. If the identity of this person isn’t brought forward by the end of the week ALL OF YOU have this detention. The rest of the student body is allowed to destroy these abominations when they come across them. Bounty of 50 dollars will be paid for each head brought in.”
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #625
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Grace Conner rubbed at her face thinking it was to darn early for this kind of talk as she glanced over at Katie Phillips, then over the three children around the kitchen table.

“Jess have you never wondered how I met Captain Courage, your father?”

Her currently female child scrunched up her face. “No offense mom, but I try not to think about things like that...”

Grace rolled her eyes at that. “Before I met him I was on my way to Paradise Island to see about becoming an Animan. If I hadn’t met him at that bar you and your sister would have been born with spotted fur and tails.”

That dropped Jess’s jaw to the table.

“Grace, does that mean your kids qualify to be Bad Seeds, as their father is one of the biggest child support dodger in the world?” Katie asked before sipping from her mug of coffee.
I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #626
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Now that we have your class schedule settled, there is one more thing I need you to attend to,” said Mr. Lodgeman with a somewhat apologetic tone. “Since this is your second year at Whateley, and you have not specifically requested a by on combat courses, you will be required to join a training team.”

Miyet groaned. Lodgeman had brought the topic up before, and several of her friends had, too, hell, even Firewoman had even mentioned it before she left. She wasn’t looking to dodge the training schedule, far from it, but...

She sighed. “I still haven’t really found any teams that would take me.” It was a flat out lie, of course, but the truth was that most of the teams she would have wanted to join were full already, and the others were... well, not so great.

With a sympathetic smile, he shook his head and replied, “I know of three teams that have asked for you specifically.”

That surprised her. “Three?” Both Wondercute and Power Cats had been bugging her at the end of last semester, and she’d done everything short of beating them away with sticks. “Which ones?”

“As it happens, a representative from one of them is waiting to speak to me, if you would like, I can have her come in.”

Miyet nodded, dreading what came next. To her surprise, however, the girl who entered through the wall - not the door, the wall - was unfamiliar to her.

“Uh... hi. I’m Greer Walker...” she said, hesitantly, using the pseudonym Alex had insisted she use. “Ah, you can call me Miyet.”

“Oh, thank God,” said Lemure, “You have got to help us. If I don’t get at least one competent person on our team, I’m gonna die!”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #627
Sir Lee replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Something that came to mind after the “Ayla buys Tibet” joke in another thread...

The Iron Dragon headquarters, somewhere in China...
“So,” the Iron Dragon inquires of his corpulent general, “What is this I have heard of a Westerner in Tibet?”
“It’s true, my Lord”, the Duralumin Salamander responds. “I tasked my lieutenant, Nylon Gecko, with researching the details. If you would like, milord, he could give a presentation now...”
“Ah, your lordship” the tall, thin lieutnant begins, “It seems that your attacks on the Communist government of China succeeded in seriously depleting them of monetary reserves. They are getting desperate, and accordingly, are looking for new money sources. They accepted an offer from this American tycoon, Ayla Goodkind, for a sizable chunk of Tibet, including major cities like Lhasa. The terms of the purchase give the new owner considerable privileges, making it an independent country in all but name. Miss Goodkind is using the territory as a sort of private spiritual retreat -- she even invited the Dalai Lama back and offered him the Potala, with the proviso that he would tutor Miss Goodkind in meditation techniques in lieu of rent.”
“Unacceptable. A Westerner -- an American at that -- holding a part of Asia as a colonial fiefdom? I thought we had gotten rid of such nonsense almost a century ago. Redraw our strategies, retaking Tibet is now a priority.”
“Ah, Dad...” interrupted Silver Serpent.
“Not now, Chu Lan. Daddy is planning an invasion.”
“DAD! ixNay onyay ethay invadingyay ibetTay!” whispered Silver Serpent.
“Eh? Pumpkin, I appreciate you taking an interest on my campaign, but this Western encroaching cannot be tolerated!”
“Dad... I know Ayla, from school. Messing with her is a bad idea.”
“Now here, daughter, she may have some mutant powers, but it’s not like we don’t have our own...”
“It’s not that. Yes, she is rather formidable on her own, but her friends are seriously bad news. One of them is the Sidhe Queen. Another is the Soke-no-Do, you know, the one who woke up Oolong just for kicks a few years ago? And then there’s Tennyo, whose power level is so off the scale that it’s not funny. Not to mention Jade... Dad, you would not look good in Hello Kitty. But that’s not the worst part. Dad, Ayla is friends with her.”
“’Her?’ Do you mean... the Handmaiden?” a sudden chill descended the Iron Dragon’s spine. “How close are they?”
“Dad, they were roommates.”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.

E. E. Nalley
E. E. Nalley’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #628
E. E. Nalley replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
July 1, 2010

In a burst of static, simultaneously for dozen television and radio communication satellites which had been hacked in the months previous had the Trojan left behind activate and every broadcast television channel and radio station was drowned out and replaced with the image of a powerfully built man wearing a black double-breasted tunic with a vaguely military cut and white piping. On the left breast was a silver medallion of the international biohazard symbol and black leather gloves that came up to his mid forearm were revealed when he gestured. His face was covered in a black cloth Hood through which only his intensely gold eyes glowered.

“People of the world, I am your sovereign Night Death. I speak to you as a warning to the pathetic fools who call themselves your leaders. I hereby proclaim myself Emperor of the world and I give your United Nations 24 hours to surrender and yield their powers to my authority or I will unleash a plague that will eradicate all human life on this planet save for myself and my loyal followers. Unless the United Nations announces its unconditional surrender in 24 hours you will all die! Any attempt made on our royal person or our followers and minions and I will eradicate all life on this planet. Any show of resistance to our will and I will eradicate all life on this planet! This is your only warning! Surrender and submit or die!”
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
Thomas Jefferson, to Archibald Stuart, 1791

Valentine’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #629
Valentine replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jet slunk back into Poe, and saw Toni coming down the stairs. “Hey Toni,” she called out.

Toni bounced over to Jet, “How’s Cyberkitty doing?”

Jet frowned back, “I don’t know. I got a 404 Error.”

Toni’s face went blank, “Huh?”

“Paige Not Found.”
Don’t Drick and Drive.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #630
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jean-Armand lurked around the corner from his trap. It was a red flag day, and a perfect opportunity to enact his plan and gain access to Madskillz’ files, ensuring that his next attempt to secure an angel from that girl wouldn’t gain the attention of Security this time.

He had seen what a small amount of the substance would to do the fairy girl, and knew she’d be the perfect distraction. She would be forced to use the tunnels today, and the ensuing chaos would provide the perfect distraction. He chuckled to himself about the brilliance of this plan, though Jadis and Belpheobe had both dismissed it as stupid. They’d see.

The large plate of macarons under a glass dome, twice the normal amount of sugar in the buttercream, stood a few corners from the Crystal Hall elevator. Jean-Armand had labeled it from the Beret Mafia as a fundraiser, a small collection box claiming that it would sponsor a trip to New York to visit the Impressionist exhibit.

“Ooo, cookies!” exclaimed the voice around the corner. That wasn’t the fairy girl, Jean-Armand noted with growing dread. They had no reason to use the tunnels!

“Toni, No!” hollered another voice, the Goodkind girl, if Jean-Armand recalled correctly.

“Mmrrm?” replied Toni Chandler’s voice. “Buff iz onry free fur a dollah!?”

Well...it didn’t go entirely as planned, mused Jean-Armand, but the end result was still the same. He couldn’t wait to gloat to Jadis.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #631
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Overheard during lunch at Whateley Academy’s Crystal Hall:

“Here we go: National Council of Sorcery Registration Boards path to Certification for Sorcerors”

“That doesn’t sound pretentious, not at all.”

“ ... One should take note that ‘reciprocal agreements exist among the United States, Canada, and Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.’

It looks like the way to go is to start through this program on your UK citizenship, then finish up with the usual recommendations, character references, and - for certain - pass your language competency requirements. You could even rent a room from my parents and go to University of Aalborg for that!”

< What’s wrong with my Danish? >

< It’s perfectly good, for a back-country Swede. >

Obtain a Four-year Degree from a National Association of Sorcery Professionals Accredited Program.”

“Sounds like the usual. Licensed medical practice requires that much, just to start Med School.”

“Accredited schools being guaranteed to be listed on another page on the site, five years out of date, contact registrar for updated standings. Beware of the leopard.”

“That’s a bit cynical, isn’t it?”

“My first language is bureaucratic obfuscation.”

“I thought it was Acronymic Militarese”

“Related dialects, equally opaque.”

Gain and document the required experience:
All 54 U.S. jurisdictions (50 States, plus Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands)
accept the Sorcery Experience Program (SXP) - Which requires 3 years continuous licensure.

“By the time you’ve documented all that ...”

“Leave your cameras on, let the evaluators earn their pay?”

“That’s cruel. I like it!”

Sorcery-related degree holders can meet the education requirement through documenting two times the SXP requirements (7,480 hours).

“Just under four full-time years, if you can find the work.”

“Who gets away with 40-hour weeks starting off?”

“Frenchmen. And mages.”

Pass all divisions of the Sorcery Registration Examinations

Meet any extra jurisdictional requirements.

“Translation: Avoid Pennsylvania. They’ve got some odd laws on the books.”

“That would be in comparison to?”

“Just saying. Some things are legal elsewhere, even in Kentucky!”

“Including first cousins?”

“That’s Tennessee.”

Have your National Council of Sorcery Registration Boards Record transmitted to the jurisdiction where you would like to be licensed.

Integrated Path to Sorcery Licensure

Participating programs include:

Bromwell College
Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Thaumaturgy
Miskatonic University
Raft College
Rutgers University
Princeton University
Salem Academy*
Sarah Langley College
Tulane University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Chicago
University of Florida
University of Los Angeles
University of Sedona
University of Southern California
University of Washington
Whateley Academy**
Yale University

* via Memorandum of Understanding with Harvard University
** via Memorandum of Understanding with Miskatonic University

“If they’d ever visited Campus, that would read ‘Disintegrated Path ...’”

“Non. I ‘ave ‘eard that Misk U’s Magical Arts and Archaeology Program has a worse safety record than the Workshop.”

“Oh god.”

“I don’t think he makes house calls to the Miskatonic Valley except in Wrath Season.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #632
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The Banshee’s Tale wrote: “Above and beyond everything else, you should trust me because I can and will help you, to the very best of my ability and every thing we discuss will be held in the strictest of confidence. No one at this school has the power to compel me to disclose anything you tell me and should I volunteer it I will rightly and justly loose my license to practice. Whatever secrets you have are absolutely safe with me.”

“Don’t you mean that you would lose your license?” asked Tansy.

“No, I mean precisely what I said. If I disclose anything you tell me, I will will be compelled to take my license to practice off of its leash and allow it to roam freely as its ancestors once did, to kill and be killed upon the winding paper trails lacing the verdant coffee grounds of the Hell of Bureaucratic Obstruction, whence it originally came before I domesticated it. I do not think I could bear the loss and loneliness this would entail. I’d sooner run my own heart through the paper shredder than permit my poor license to face one alone upon the Teak and Oaken Plains.”

“Are... are you sure you’re sitting on the right side of that desk?”

Dr. Markham looked at Tansy with a bemused expression. “I’m sitting in the middle of the desk.” She pointed to the laptop screen on the right side of her desk and leaned forward to whisper. “That’s the monitor. He’s the one who reports me if I give away your secrets. He’s pretty nosy for somebody who doesn’t have one.” Her eyes flicked to the screen for a moment before snapping back to Tansy. “But don’t tell him I said that. He’s very sensitive, and if his feelings get hurt he’ll clam up and keep me from getting any work done until IT can come over with some laxatives.”

“I, um, I think I’ll be leaving now...”

“Okay, Miss Leaving. Now, will you tell me why you’re here?”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

NJM1564’s Avatar
4 years 2 months ago #633
NJM1564 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Kettlekorn wrote:

The Banshee’s Tale wrote: “Above and beyond everything else, you should trust me because I can and will help you, to the very best of my ability and every thing we discuss will be held in the strictest of confidence. No one at this school has the power to compel me to disclose anything you tell me and should I volunteer it I will rightly and justly loose my license to practice. Whatever secrets you have are absolutely safe with me.”

“Don’t you mean that you would lose your license?” asked Tansy.

“No, I mean precisely what I said. If I disclose anything you tell me, I will will be compelled to take my license to practice off of its leash and allow it to roam freely as its ancestors once did, to kill and be killed upon the winding paper trails lacing the verdant coffee grounds of the Hell of Bureaucratic Obstruction, whence it originally came before I domesticated it. I do not think I could bear the loss and loneliness this would entail. I’d sooner run my own heart through the paper shredder than permit my poor license to face one alone upon the Teak and Oaken Plains.”

“Are... are you sure you’re sitting on the right side of that desk?”

Dr. Markham looked at Tansy with a bemused expression. “I’m sitting in the middle of the desk.” She pointed to the laptop screen on the right side of her desk and leaned forward to whisper. “That’s the monitor. He’s the one who reports me if I give away your secrets. He’s pretty nosy for somebody who doesn’t have one.” Her eyes flicked to the screen for a moment before snapping back to Tansy. “But don’t tell him I said that. He’s very sensitive, and if his feelings get hurt he’ll clam up and keep me from getting any work done until IT can come over with some laxatives.”

“I, um, I think I’ll be leaving now...”

“Okay, Miss Leaving. Now, will you tell me why you’re here?”

Razerback I didn’t know you moonlighted as a shrink.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #634
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Can I see your credit card please?” Renee asked the hotel guests.

The card was handed over and from the looks of it and the couple it was loaded. Typing the number into the hotel computer she took a second to flick it around in her palm memorizing the three digit security code on the back before anyone could even see the movement. Handing the card back she continued the check in without any problems.

Once the guests were gone and she finished the tiny bit of work necessary, Renee took a minute to zip around the hotel lobby sweeping and dusting the entire area in a fraction of the time it would take a baseline.

As a speedster and low level exemplar the hotel job was boring, well beneath her abilities, but as she thought about the lovely ermine fur coat someone else’s credit card would purchase next month, she had to admit that it had its perks.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #635
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“This is going to suck,” Jenny Mizushima said as she stared at the table set up in the Dickinson cottage kitchen.

“Why do you say that?” Her new roommate, Rebecca van Jones asked. “You’re just materializing food, it’s easy isn’t it?”

“Do you know the legend of Uke Moche?”

Rebecca shook her head.

“My grandmother told me most of the old Japanese legends, and she told me that Uke Moche was the goddess of food. She could make any type of food imaginable, and even after she was killed her body turned into all kinds of food so that The Japanese would never go hungry. I thought she was a legend, and a dead one at that, but somehow I got her spirit, and I make food the same way she did,” Jenny said with a groan.

“And this is bad why?”

“Watch and learn.”

Jenny opened her mouth impossibly wide, and suddenly a freshly plucked turkey fell on the table. Gagging, Jenny let loose a stream of fruits that somehow all hit a gallon size bucket. A string of curses was cut off by a long trail of perfectly made noodles. Holding onto the back of a chair for support more food erupted out of her mouth. Finally it ended and Jenny was able to close her mouth, allowing her to rub her aching jaw and wipe away the sweat dripping down her face.

Taking a big drink of water Jenny looked at her roommate with runny red eyes. “I have to do that everyday or I get bloated and it comes out in an even bigger rush. If I’m lucky it will become easier once the spirit has settled in.”

Rebecca stared wide eyed at the heavily laden table and then at her roommate. “I don’t think I’ll ever eat again.”
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Domoviye.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #636
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Bianca walked up to the MMM table to find a Tia shivering in fury, trying to remove the odd ‘hat’ some prankster gifted her with. Watching as Lapin stormed out of the dining hall, she took the seat the other girl had just vacated.

Laura, focusing on some calculations she was scribbling to the point where she was apparently oblivious to Tia’s departure, said to no one in particular, “Do you happen to know what the cycle rate for that damper was? I might be able use that to counteract the effect, even if it is partly magical.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Glyph replied, “But that was a bunny with a pancake on her head.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #637
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Razorback slinked into the corner, afraid. He knew that he would eventually pay for his little prank, he just had not expected something on this scale. Looking around campus, all he could see were students walking around, wearing shirts and baseball caps that said ‘I am not a hat!’ on them. How Headrush had gotten Ribbon to co-operate, or the entire student body for that matter, He did not know. Worst of all, Jericho had somehow made copies that flashed different colors for the rest of the Outcasts to wear. Looking around, he slunk off to hide under his bed until it was all over.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Rose Bunny.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #638
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(The bullying idea is shamelessly taken from Elrod’s story What’s New Pussy Cat)

Wednesday, August 30th, 2007 - Before Supper
The Quad, Whateley Academy

Teri watched with growing anger as the boys surrounded her cottage mates. Their words could have been considered nice, but the way they were leering and crowding the Whitman girls was anything but. Because of her size she was being ignored, which just made her more furious.

“Didn’t you jerks get in trouble yesterday for this same crap?” Mary asked, her wings out and surrounding her in shimmering black feathers that seemed more like a 2D computer drawing then real.

“We’re just talking,” one of the bullies said. “And we’re hoping that being in the presence of such fine gentlemen as ourselves will keep you from running into any of those bullies who might want to hurt you. How are your ribs feeling after that bastard Rotti hit you?”

When the bully smirked and reached out to stroke Mary’s cheek and the rest took another ‘casual’ step forward Teri couldn’t hold herself back anymore. Flying down she got right in front of the guy who was trying to touch her roommate.

“Hi! I’m Teri! What’s your name?!” she asked, making sure she sounded super happy and excited.

“Centurion,” the bully said, jerking back and answering before his brain could figure out exactly what was going on. “What the hell are you?!”

“I’m a cute little girl who is looking for a big, strong hunk to protect me!” she said flying in close to give his nose a kiss. Then she made a face, “Blech! When was the last time you washed your face?”

“Hey, I just had a shower,” Centurion said. He looked around for support as some of the girls giggled and his fellow bullies smirked.

“Oh well that’s something. I’ll just need to buy you some good soap,” Teri said, patting his cheek.

“Wait, what?!”

Teri flew back a foot to look him in the eyes. “Well if you’re going to be my boyfriend, proper hygiene is important. I don’t want to be laughed at because my handsome and strong boyfriend is all stinky.”

That turned the giggles into outright laughter, which only made Centurion more embarrassed. “I’m not your boyfriend!”

“But we’d be perfect together,” Teri insisted, flying down to his waist. Everyone watched in horror and amazement as she patted his crotch. “See, you’re just my size!”

At hearing the six inch tall fairy say that, Centurion’s embarrassment turned to fury. “You lit-”

Not having seen Teri take out Rotti the day before, Centurion didn’t realize just how quick or strong Teri was. Instead of moving as he cursed her, he just raised his hand to slap her down. Not braced or prepared in any way, Teri hit him in the chest like a tiny cannon ball, sending him flying, relatively unhurt, several yards away. She was already flying to knock the next bully back when she stopped in midair completely unable to move.

That lasted all of ten seconds when Mary’s wings spread out and she gave her best impression of a whirling dervish, using her wings as clubs. The other Whitman girls took off running or joined in on the fun as security and the student auxiliary came charging over to prevent an all out brawl.


“Five times in four days, Teri. Are you trying to set a new record?” Chief Delarose asked.

Teri shrugged and gave him an incredible set of puppy dog eyes. “What can I say, my break up with Centurion was messier than I planned. I wonder if he’ll call me to make up?”
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Domoviye.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #639
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
MID interviews, MacFarlane Stadium

The assigned MCO officer looked to be in good shape and retained a military bearing. Mads ‘Metro’ Jensen deduced that either the man was a relatively new hire (though he looked a bit over the expected age for that) or he was a field agent newly rotated to a desk job. Neither option boded well in the teenager’s mind.

“Good morning. I’m Officer Michael Atkins, of the MCO. Have a seat Mister Jensen.”

“Pronounced ‘Yensen’” ‘Great. Didn’t even notice that he had a foreign student on the sign-up.’

“Jensen. Right. We’ll be conducting this interview within a silence generator’s field. The information that you give us today will be protected under international law and under the Privacy Act of 1974. Do you understand?”

Metro replied, “I understand that said privacy act has more to do with tracking how many places the information is known to have been lawfully distributed than it has to do with controlling that distribution. Also, I understand that its applicability to non-governmental organizations’ activities - such as the MCO - are even more limited than that.”

Metro paused to sigh, the continued, “With regard to privacy, outside of a few European jurisdictions, ‘international law’ has more bark than bite. In numerous countries, there is little the MCO can do to safeguard the information it holds, and even less recourse in case of compromise.”

“Look. There’s no need for hostility here... “

“Hostility? No. Of course not. Part of the job you are expected to do is to gather as much information about me as you can, regardless of other arrangements. Another part of that job is to desist from exceeding the various legal limits of that information gathering. If you still wish to consider that ‘hostile’, we can agree to disagree. If you wish to escalate beyond that, I believe that both parties are entitled to legal representation or mutually-agreed arbitration.”

“Have it your way, then. We can reconvene tomorrow morning at 8AM.”

“Very good. 8AM tomorrow, it is.”

“The envelope, please.”

“No, sir. You, Sir, have terminated the interview already, and so there would be no legal record of receipt.” Seeing some agitation in the man’s aura, Metro cautioned, “Should you attempt coercion to obtain the contents of a certain sealed letter ahead of tomorrow’s appointment, I am fully prepared to press charges. Good day, sir.”

Afternoon break, MacFarlane Stadium

“Mike! How have the interviews been going for you?”

“One of the first muties on the schedule lawyered up on me, the arrogant little prick. Get this, the freak had a pair of little horns like a reindeer. Can’t wait to see someone mount his head on a wall.”

“Hah! What would the little plate read under it?”

“’Metro’. More like ‘Roadkill’ if you ask me.”

“That rings a bell for some reason. Hold on.” A minute or two of searching yielded a mix of interesting and disappointing notes. “Mike. You said the kid lawyered up, right?”

“Yep. Said if I thought he was being hostile we could have lawyers or an arbitrator sit in.”

“You’ve called in one of the legal team, then.”

“No. It can wait until the end of the day, pull someone in from Boston to put the little shit back in his place. No biggie.”

“Your funeral.”


“Forget I said anything.”

0700, In front of Kane Hall

“Good morning, Mr. Atkins, I’m Randolph Crume, here to help with the hostile interview you requested a legal rep for. The school’s set up a secured conference room over in Schuster Hall. It’s a bit closer to the opposition’s home ground than I’d prefer, but this did come at short notice.”

“That’s fine by me. It’ll make a bigger impression on the others when we send this one packing with his tail between his knees.”

“Most likely. More than half of the students you were scheduled to see are now booked for that location.”

0730, Schuster Hall Conference Room

It became clear to the two MCO officials that the school wasn’t above playing hardball itself when the headmistress herself opened up the discussion.

“Gentlemen, I’d like to thank you for responding to the requests for legal representation registered by some of our freshmen. I would offer my services as arbitrator, but I suspect your superiors would consider that a conflict of interest -- as would I. Therefore, I would like to introduce you to Mrs. Marissa Walcutt and Mrs. Solveig Holm. Mrs. Walcutt is a member of the New Hampshire bar, while Mrs. Holm practices international law in London and Copenhagen. They’ll be joined later by a Mr. Johnson, who hopes to see to the Canadian Defense Force’s interests this afternoon.

Mrs. Walcutt, Mrs. Holm, may I introduce Agent Mike Atkins, MCO, and Mr. Randolph Crume, legal council for the MCO. I would also like to inform you all that while this room is shielded and has been swept as of this morning, it would be advisable to consider the remainder of the building as unsecured. If there’s anything further needed, please feel free to ask my administrative staff.”

With those preliminaries out of the way, Mrs. Carson left the lawyers to their devises. This would be a good exercise of Marissa’s recovery - one that was well within her skills. On the way to her office, she noticed the student who’d prompted the schedule changes walking into the building’s foyer. Judging by the look of him, he was on his meds: stone cold sober, brain revved up from a nootropic that helped with both his magic use and his PTSD flashbacks, and in pain from caffeine withdrawal because it doesn’t combine safely with Workshop-strength coffee. If the MCO agent had any humanity, he’d recognize the signs of a building migraine and not push the student too hard. Otherwise, he’d be drawing back a stump for poking the cranky crazy one.

Twenty-five minutes into a thirty minute time-slot, Amelia Hartford buzzed herself into the Headmistress’ Office. The twinkle in her eye alone would have sent ninety percent of the student body running, had they any instinct for self-preservation.

Elizabeth asked, “I take it that things are going well in the conference room?”

“Let’s just say that one of our charges has a poetic grasp of Arabic.”

“His inspiration?”

“As suspected, Agent Atkins attempted to put a DFA on a student MMID. The student in question is practically an underdog with no criminal record, not a rager, and - according to their own equipment - not even a mutant; all this transpired in front of a representative of his home government. Expect the phones to be busy as several interested parties become very unhappy. I didn’t have to lift a finger!”

“What set the student off?” Mrs. Carson wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know, but it didn’t hurt to ask.

“Defaulting back to ‘Baseline human’ blanks his MID power ratings because everything else could be attributed to one spell or another. The resulting unofficial WIZ-0 rating puts him below the Three Pests and Mugwump. “

“You know we’re going to have to show that MID during combat finals.”

Amelia smiled even more, “Yesss. Yes, I do. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens afterwards.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #640
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
MID interviews, MacFarlane Stadium

Eliza looked at the man in the suit with a perplexed expression. She had wondered about the sense of this plan, as it felt as if it were inherently deceptive, which would surely be a sin under the eyes of the Lord. She wouldn’t have gone along with it at all if she had not been given permission from the Conduit to the Heavens, whose mortal name was Kerry, but in truth, she didn’t have to be deceptive at all, when it came to it. She was pleased that she didn’t have to lie to act out the plan. Lying was definitely a sin under the eyes of the Lord.

The plan had been to hold as much information back from the white-devil as she could because they, being evil, would only use the information for evil purposes and to hurt her. It was decided by her friend Sarah that she should use her foreign appearance and poor grasp of the westerner’s language to do this, but those two things didn’t have to be faked to execute it. It had all been natural. Her olive complexion, coupled with the Shayla her friend Semiramus had gifted her, caused the white-devil in the suit to almost immediately start out with insults, losing his temper, and with it, his powers of enunciation.

Eliza considered whether it was necessarily a bad thing that she could only recognise one word in every five he spoke. While it was probably good for her mental health, she felt, it punctuated the lack of progress she was making in the westerner’s language. No doubt she would have to spend more time with Mister Smith over the coming weeks.

She just hoped that she didn’t have to have the possessed boy join her. She had been convinced, mostly by the words of the Conduit, that neither she nor most of the school was truly possessed, but that boy...

Well, to say that the only reason she spoke to him at all was the fact they could speak in Arabic, wouldn’t be a sin under the eyes of the Lord.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Kaitha39.

E!’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #641
E! replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Somewhere inside the Whateley tunnel system.

Ribbon silently walked down the unfamiliar tunnel. Using her exemplar memory, she knew this was a part of the tunnels that she had never used before. Nor any of her friends. Holding up the blank business card to her right eye, it revealed a glowing line in the darkness. The neon green line invisible to the naked eye stopped at a nearby doorway beckoning the little girl in. “Almost like a cheap horror movie.” Alyss thought as she moved to the mysterious door.

Giving the door a once over, you could easily walk by it. No handle, no markings of any kind, only a small little slit big enough for a business card. Already having the card in had Alyss put in it the slot seeing no other option. The door then slid open revealing the interior. Stepping in the gothic girl was in awe that such a place could exist here inside Whateley. Pool tables, Blackjack, and even a fully stocked bar albeit with no labels on the bottles.

“Hey! Who invited the diaper queen!?” a voice bellowed out from one of the pool tables. Followed by a roar of laughter from every part of the room.

Alyss gritted her teeth and clenched her fist trying not to let the laughter stab through her. “Not even in the darkest corners can I escape from it.” The goth thought while counting her breaths.

“I did!” A skinny pale red head yelled out while touching Alyss’s shoulder. “And if you got a problem with it you can take it up with management. So do any of you have a problem?”

The room fell back into its hum of music and murmuring. As Aylss asked the mysterious red head “You’re Bill?” pointing to the neon sigh the hung above the bar Bill’s Billiards and More.

“Gosh no, Billy is my brother. The name is Birdie.” The redhead responded extending her hand.

“Ribbon.” Aylss responded shaking the girl’s hand.

“Cool I like it. And if you’re wondering why you were invited into our little slime ball, Hippy dropped a hint that you were looking for a place to drop some cash on Texas Hold’em.” Birdie explained. “So be sure to get her something nice with your winnings.”

“You know Hippy?”

“I know Hippy very well.” Bridie said with a wink. “Oh and be on the lookout for AP. He’s the head dealer for tonight.”

“What does he look like?”

“He’s got a name badge, but he does have a crown on his cheek.” Birdie described the boy.

“A crown? Was he in a gang or something?” Aylss questioned raising an eyebrow.

“Something like that…” Birdie responded. “Now go mingle! See who you can steal money from tonight.”
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by E!. Reason: spelling and grammar

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #642
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Welcome, Whateley, welcome!” shouted Mr. King. “Now, I know you’re all here for Outcast Corner, but they’re running a little late tonight thanks to a surprise sim. So, while we wait for them to escape from Mr. Bardue, I’d like to introduce somebody new who’s finally feline ready for their big debut!”

The audience groaned when they saw four members of Wondercute emerge from backstage. Several people got up to leave even before the girls could finish setting up their three TV-headed mannequins. However, as the girls departed from the stage leaving only a fuzzy Danny Franks behind, the audience heaved a collective sigh of relief. Even the people who’d gotten up returned cautiously to their seats when they saw that Danny was struggling to peel off the large Hello Kitty stickers from the front of the mannequins.

Mr. King loudly cleared his throat and Danny looked up. He motioned impatiently for the catboy to come up beside him, and as he did the screens on the mannequins flickered to life. One showed Danny’s normal face, one showed Danica, and the third displayed the head of a cougar. King patted the real Danny on the shoulder and then gestured at the boy and the mannequins backing him. “Without further ado, I give to you Danny Franks, the One Cat Quartet!”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Kettlekorn.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #643
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tuesday Evening, November 13, 2007

It started innocently enough...well, okay, it actually didn’t.

Michiko Shugendo led the two identical girls into Liz Carson’s office. Amelia Hartford followed, as usual. Oddly enough, the often-arrogant crown princess looked uncharacteristically contrite. Her companion, Belphoebe Blackadar-Wilkins looked nervous, but her expression hid a very faint smile, presumably directed at the princess due to her current disposition.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, Princess Jobe?” asked the headmistress with a smirk.

“I may have had a...containment accident,” the normally haughty princess muttered. The mood in the room changed instantly.

“What KIND of containment failure? Be. Specific. Anything I don’t understand, I’ll have you clarify.”

Michiko noticed Jobe’s thighs gently rubbing together nervously as she stood before the three administrators. She snorted softly. No snark? Her pride really was wounded by this, whatever it was. Michi kept otherwise silent as the gaze of Liz and Ms. Hartford bored into the drow princess.

“Well...Belphy and I had sealed up my personal lab space, and it seemed that one of the spy kidz managed to gain entry into the lab before I had sealed it without my knowledge.”

“They should know better by now,” the headmistress fumed. “Which one of them was it? Names.”

“One of the newer ones? The tragically plain girl.”

“Carrie Porter?” Michi interjected. The twin girls looked at her with confusion. “Geist?” The blank looks continued. Well, she was reasonably sure, given the nature of the description of a squirrel gaining access to the considerably heighten security and appropriate warnings on Jobe Wilkins’ lab space in the tunnels. A deep breath transitioned into an exasperated sigh.

Belphy continued. “We both looked around the area, and it was the usuals passing through for a red flag day, Diamond, Razorback and Deimos, that black-skinned horned girl, Bloodwolf, though there was that one girl passing by stooped for some reason...we were able to secure the labs pace like we usually do.”

Michi was sure of it now from the description. It was Miss Porter. She nodded to Liz and Ms. Hartford as a signal.

“So, please describe to me the nature of the pathogen that has escaped your typically vaunted controls,” asked Ms. Hartford.

“Well...it was a work in progress,” Jobe stated humbly. “It was meant to be both a successor to my crowd control strain, and also an intermediate to a project that both I and Belphy are under an NDA for, prohibiting us to discuss in particular detail. You understand. I can confirm that it is a targeted strain.”

“Targeted strain? Against whom?” the headmistress asked, her inner English teacher rising.

“Individuals with an active metagene complex,” Jobe replied, rubbing invisible circles into the carpet of Liz’ office with the toe of her designer heels.

“And why exactly did this result in a quote-unquote, containment failure?” Liz asked.

Jobe huffed, “The strain was propagating under a filter hood in order to be applied as the basis of two different projects in a number of agar plates. I am willing to admit that, given my particular reputation around campus after the events earlier in the year,” she said, glancing at the girl next to her, “That most students know better by now that to attempt intrusions on my lab. Belply and me took appropriate precautions.”

“Belphy and I,” the headmistress interjected. Michi knew Jobe was better than this. The girl really was flustered by the turn of events that had gotten around her stellar professionalism with safeguards.

“It is airborne, it is contagious.”

“What!?” blasted both the headmistress and her assistant at the same time.

“Deatils,” Ms. Hartford pressed. “Incubation period. Symptomatic duration. Effects. In order please.” Michi noted that for once, Amelia was actually far angrier than Liz. She remembered that the assistant headmistress had requested the entirety of the week of Thanksgiving off, and the week after. Oh, Michi thought as she made the connection. To her credit, the crown princess of Karedonia replied in a highly consice and clinical manner.

“Approximately 48 hours, another 36 hours, and largely limited to debilitating sneezing fits. Once it settles in soft tissues and begins incubation in the nasal cavity, countermeasures are pointless.”

“Elaborate please,” added Liz.

“My standard bacteriophage tied to disrupting those strains with the unique marker I apply to my work. I injected Belphy and myself routinely during development, it is airborne after all, and once we realized that my laboratory was compromised, I provided the same treatment to Jads, Nacht, and Superchick.”

“Why did you specifically provide a countermeasure to Miss Diabolik, Miss Cooley, and Miss Twardovski, and not inform Security and our offices sooner?” Liz asked of the two girls.

The crown princess gave the headmistress a look, returning to some of her habitual entitled dignity. “I’ve learned over the last several months that is far better aiding Jadis than attempting to let nature take it’s course when she’s involved. You understand. Jadis is my Loophole,” the princess cutely sneered at the headmistress, gaining some of her usual air back. “Kate, well, you know.”

Belphy nodded emphatically. “And a happy Misty is a happy Jadis. A happy Jadis is...well...you know.”

“I’ll reiterate. You have not provided your unique countermeasure bacteriophage to Doyle, Security and Administration...why?” asked Liz.

“After an hour, the strain is self-sufficient in nasal tissue. No amount of antibiotics will stop it in time before it becomes symptomatic and contagious. The effects are...relatively harmless. It is strange that it doesn’t appear to impact baselines, so Security should be fine. It was intended to affect baselines as well.” Jobe quickly started muttering to herself and jotting notes in her PDA.

Ms. Hartford turned to Belphy, “Miss Blackadar-Wilkins, when did the breach occur, by your estimation?”

“Last Thursday, shortly before lunch. Oh...it’s probably spread through the whole student body. None of the squirrels were at lunch on Sunday, nor were the two freshie prankster girls, and the magenta elf who claims she’s not Sidhe was sneezing like crazy.”

Thursday Evening, November 14, 2007

Michiko Shugendo was panicked. The student body had, largely, gone through the full course of the virulent strain ravaging the Academy. But it was doing a number on the staff. Security thought it was hilarious, she glowered at the screen before her. Easiest two days they’ve had in the past several months, Delarose had said. The more recent hires seemed to be particularly amused.

Michi was the last one in administration that had yet to succumb, after isolating herself for the past two days as instructed. Immediately after the meeting with the girls, it seemed like Amelia had deliberately gone out and get infected, so that her travel plans wouldn’t be impacted, bringing the plague to the staff exactly in the timeframe that Jobe suggested. Acting as headmistress with Liz out, Michi shuffled around the staff as best she could. She had staff from Doyle covering some of the more specialized topics, but for the general education classes, she was three short. A lot of the students had been skipping, even after they recovered, but since most of them were healthy by now, they had been returning to their classes. Security was busy corralling the student body that had been cooped up for the past few days and were getting their frustrations out on each other. She didn’t dare bring any of the parents she knew wouldn’t mind covering. Whateley was effectively quarantined for any mutants.

Hopefully Liz wouldn’t fire her for this she fretted...and she dialed the number for the Vermont Board of Education.

“Hello, Janice? It’s Michiko Shugendo. I could be better. You? Glad to hear it. So, I hate to ask, but do you know if you can find out if any of those in the county substitute pool have active military security clearance? I know, but we’re having a bit of a staffing crisis here, and it’s the quickest way to determine whether they’ll keep quiet about...you know?”
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Katssun. Reason: literally littered with typos!

Arcanist Lupus
Arcanist Lupus’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #644
Arcanist Lupus replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Inspired by the conversation in the Gates of the Garden thread

“I heard you got thrown at the last Renaissance Fair.”

“Ug... don’t remind me. I’d been bragging that the Devisor gene therapy I’d given Jenny would keep her steady under any circumstances. So for the last joust of the weekend they put me up against someone riding a velociraptor”

“Someone’s been cloning dinosaurs? Haven’t they seen Jurassic Park?”

“No, not a clone. A mutant with bad GSD from what I understand. But that wasn’t the problem. Jenny didn’t exactly like being in the presence of an ancient carnivore of course, but she trusts me.”

“So if it wasn’t the dinosaur...”

“It was the rider. Those clothes he was wearing... I-I can still picture them. Every time I close my eyes, there they are. Waiting.”
“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy.” - Spider Robinson

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #645
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rottie sat in Twains day room glaring at the tv. The new dent in the wall and his barely audible growl were doing their job ensuring he wasn’t disturbed by anyone making wise ass comments about being beaten by a fairy. But he’d probably need to break another head before curfew to ensure the lesson stuck.

“I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK...”

The growling grew as he heard Jericho singing in the stairwell. He knew better than to go after the blind devisor, even if the little shit had been singing that song off and on for the last three days. Apparently having your head used to break trees was funny.

The few boys in the dayroom looked very carefully in his direction and seeing his twisted, growling face quickly exited. His sensitive ears twitched as heavy footsteps came into the room.

“Unless you want a fight, leave,” he growled.

“I always want a fight, but not with you,” the newcomer said.

Rottie turned to look at the boy and saw one of the older bullies who was dyed blue from head to toe. “You’re Buster right?”

“Yeah, and like you that damn fairy has pissed me off.”

That earned a chuckle. Buster had tried to bully the fairy in the tunnels and been thrown into a vat of dye a gadgeteer had been working on, he was still trying to remove the indelible dye a week later. “Not much we can do about it, she’s damn near impossible to catch,” Rottie said.

Buster smiled cruelly, “Not if we work together. She’s made a lot of enemies, and we think she deserves a bit of payback.”

Turning off the tv, Rottie spun the chair around. “I’m listening.”

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #646
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Crystal Hall, Lunchtime

“Can I have your attention please!” Teri shouted, her voice amplified by a fellow Whitmaniac.

Most of the Whateley student population turned to look at the diminutive fairy curious about what she might have to say.

“Last night, every garbage can in Whitman exploded, causing a huge mess. We know that some Dickinson girls did this. Talking to some older students it’s almost a tradition for Dickinson to prank us. Congratulations, tradition upheld,” Teri said, giving a small clap.

Quite a few students burst out laughing, and a handful of Dickinson residents stood up to take a bow.

“Usually Whitman would retaliate on a small scale, going after whoever they thought were the perpetrators, or just ignore it. Well we freshmen thought about that and are going to take a different approach. We will not retaliate this time, in favour of keeping the peace.”

Several students snorted and nodded as Teri admitted that the freaks were too scared to challenge the pretties.

“HOWEVER,” Teri shouted, “if this happens again we will punish all of Dickinson. For two weeks we will prank every single floor, many, many times. In the third week, at some point I will enter Dickinson at night, with a large thermos of devisor coffee. At which point I will drink the coffee and the fun will begin.”

The evil giggle made many of the students look at each other nervously, most shook it off and started laughing at the uppity freshman. What trouble could a little freak fairy do?

Three weeks later

Mischief peeked through the Dickinson kitchen window and seeing the coast was clear teleported inside. Invisibly she put some fish still wrapped up in the fridge with a note saying ‘Calla’s Don’t touch’. A bag of flour that had sandwich bags full of powdered jelly beans, a bag of sugar full of dye packs, a can of baking soda with itching powder, and a bottle of honey that contained several stink bombs went into the cupboards.

Holding back a giggle Mischief teleported out and casually walked away. She couldn’t wait to see if her ideas worked.


“Are you sure prancing Whitman was a good idea?”

“Of course it was. What are the femme freaks going to do about it. We have all the windows and doors rigged so nothing is going to get inside without us knowing about it.”

“Well if you say so.”


Teri quietly unzipped the backpack and slunk out into the Dickinson dorm room while the owner of said backpack was in the bathroom.

Stretching her wings, she flew up to the ceiling and moving a tile slipped into the dark opening unseen.

The next morning

Anna yawned as she waited in line for the shower. For some reason it seemed to be taking longer than usual for the girls to get clean.

As she waited she saw one girl who had just gotten out of the shower and dried off, stop and pat her skin. “Why am I so sticky?” She asked.

Anna became more curious as two other girls who had already had showers came back combing their hair which seemed gelled in places, and wiping their hands on some wash clothes like they were sticky.

Suddenly a girl in the far shower screamed and jumped out. Her hair and skin were neon purple.

Backing away Anna tried to avoid getting trampled as more girls came in some because of the screaming, others yelling that they needed another shower.

Making her way back into the hallway she saw the girls from one floor up come racing down the stairs holding their noses. “DON’T GO UP THERE!” One shouted. “It reeks!”

As the girls made there escape, there was a pop and the stairway filled with powder. Anna jumped back just barely avoiding the powder. She ran for her room as she saw the girls who were caught in the madness start to scratch madly at wherever the powder had touched.

Getting inside she slammed her door shut got dressed in record time and jumped out the window. THere was no way she wanted to be caught in that mess.


“Teri we know you pranked all of Dickinson today, if you just admit it, you may get off with just a long stint of detention.”

Teri smiled up at the officer. “Prove it,” she said.


Two weeks later

The girls from Dickinson cottage did not look very pretty.

Two weeks of interrupted sleep, attempts to catch the insane Whitman freshmen, stink bombs, rotting fish in the ceiling, itching powder, dyes, ruined showers, and more had taken its toll.

They knew Teri wasn’t the only one behind the pranks, but they couldn’t seem to catch anyone. Whenever they thought they were about to there was a distraction, a prank, or something that would make them take off in the wrong direction and the girl or girls would get away.

They were more than ready to throw in the towel but the Whitmaniacs refused to consider it.


“All right girls, this is the final week. Teri said she would do a direct attack on us, this is our chance to catch her and make her pay. Is everything ready?”

“We’ve got everything set up. We’re going to get her this time.”


That night

Dickinson was bustling with activity all night. Girls patrolled the halls, rooms were checked at random, devises and gadgets whirred and beeped to make sure nothing happened.

The next morning the cottage was prank free, but the girls were exhausted.

End of the third week

“So... tired.”

“Just one more night. We can do this! I need more coffee!”

“Want to sle--- zzzz”


Teri flew outside of Dickinson, fighting not to laugh as she watched lights being turned on and watched the girls fumbling around trying to find her.

She looked at her watch and cackled as the fireworks start.

On every floor of Dickinson they had planted devises and gadgets that were set to old fashion clocks with gears and springs that worked as perfectly as any electronic timer. They were well hidden inside walls, in the ceiling, under beds and furniture.

They went off at the exact same time turning on every hidden booby trap, and setting off every possible detector in Dickinson.

As the bug and electronic detectors alerted their users of the sudden wave of emissions, holograms, sound effects, smoke bombs, and flashers went wild. Monsters roared from blinding lights. Smoke covered doorways and then revealed gateways to hell. Bats flew at girls heads. And a hologram of a little purple fairy laughed and flew through every hallway leading people on a merry chase.

And in Whitman cottage the freshman girls laughed their asses off watching the whole thing thanks to numerous hidden cameras.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Domoviye.

E!’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #647
E! replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The dinosaur stalked through Twain cottage until he got to his blind friends room. Twirling the letter between his scaly fingers. “Jericho! MAIL CALL!” The raptor chirped sounding like a robot. Before passing the letter to his friend at his desk.

“Okay, R. Lee Ermey.” The blind divisor responded taking the letter in hand.

- What is it? - The raptor signed earnestly.

“Why it’s a letter Pinky. A letter from the Illinois Public Transportation System….and apparently I am banned for life.” The boy said paraphrasing the letter.

The raptor chortled a laughter in response before signing. – Be careful the MCO might lock you up now! –

“No, this is exactly what I wanted.” Jericho explained as he pulled out a map from behind his desk. “I have been banned from every major city’s public transportation system. Most of them were easy. Just sending a photo was enough. Some were more difficult, but just showing up in person set them off. Now…I move onto the last city on my list, my magnum opus!”

- Which is? –

“Austin, Texas. I have no idea what their breaking point is, but mark my words, I will find it!”

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #648
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
September, 2016

Darcy Gleason sat on a bench in the quad and sighed. Three more. She removed them with three quick flicks of her fingers.

She realized that twice a week wasn’t good enough until she finally got used to all...this. She tapped her phone to add a reminder to stock up next time she went to the campus store.

Curling the next section of her waist-length black hair, she located two more split ends. She was starting to get pissed. It had never been this bad when she still had silky blond hair. Was it New Hampshire’s air? Was she still stressed of getting run out of town in Virginia? That was back in April! Was it her classes? Was is that she felt so useless compared to everyone else around here?

“Getting into a funk again isn’t gonna help this,” she mumbled, and ran the PK claws on her index and thumb across each other, neatly removing the next two split ends. She grabbed the next section and started twirling it around her fingers as a satyr girl and a black girl with a hoodie over her uniform, hood up, walked into the quad.

“Okay...that’s one thing I don’t actually miss,” laughed the girl in the hoodie to her friend.

Darcy looked up and saw the two girls looking at her work, and she saw...something under the hood. A security guard spotted the pair and stalked up to the two girls. “Green flag day miss. You don’t have to have your hood up.” Darcy noticed the girl flinch, and the satyr girl calmly tried to assure her friend.

“It’s okay Ekene.”

“But...they’ll see...” the other girl stammered, seeming to curl inward and lose a lot of the confidence she had when they two had joked about Darcy’s split end hunting.

“Nobody will mind, or if they do, I’ll have Adam show ‘em why,” the golden-haired girl chirped. The girl reluctantly pulled back her hood, revealing a girl with beautiful facial features and six green writhing snakes on her head where there should have been hair. She cringed as Darcy looked with curiosity. The blond flicked her head to the side and squealed. “Adam!” She ran off, leaving her friend standing embarrassed and awkward next to Darcy. The girl tensed and prepared to flee.

“Wait!” Darcy cried out, and the girl turned.

“Your...snakes,” Darcy bumbled out, trying not to offend the girl. The girl, Ekene, Darcy surmised, stifled a sob and prepared to run again.

“I said Wait!” Darcy yelled out, and grabbed the girl’s wrist. The snakes coiled and hissed at Darcy, but she wasn’t bothered by it. “Are you taking care of them properly?”

“Huh?” Ekene gasped, tears starting to well up in her eyes and she tried to get out of Darcy’s grasp.

“Carson, he’s my cousin, he liked to keep a lot of snakes. I mean like thirty of ‘em, and he’s a weirdo and all, but he treats them like someone else would treat kittens. Gosh, I’m babbling, aren’t I? Anyway,” Darcy moved her hands to Ekene’s upper arms, out of the reach of the clearly upset and annoyed snakes. “Sometimes, they wouldn’t shed properly and he’d have to pick off some of the leftover bits.”

Ekene looked even more embarrassed, knowing that she had a few spots.

“So, I guess what I’m trying to say, if you don’t mind, could I, maybe, you know, help you?” Darcy blushed, despite herself. “I was in my second semester of cosmetology at my tech school in Virginia when I manifested. I kinda miss it. Whateley’s classes are fun and all, but...”

Ekene’s panic had started to wind down thanks to Darcy’s calm demeanor about her snakes and equal embarrassment, as Darcy’s inner gossipy stylist started to come forth.

“My aunt and uncle, she’s totally his trophy wife by the way, they took me in some place called Westport Connecticut. He’s rich by the way, hedge fund stuff. Anyway, they got me my MID and shipped me up here. The Waynesboro Sherriff don’t know I’m here, and Mom, and Dad, and Aunt Emily ain’t saying a thing. But I’m babbling again! Ekene, right?”

Ekene nodded, somehow completely forgetting about how she had been starting to break down after Dawn abandoned her. “I could use the help with them,” she gestured at the hissing snakes, “But, they can bite and their venom is really strong.” Ekene took a few deep breaths and her snakes finally calmed down.

“Hmm...” Darcy dropped her hands from Ekene’s arms, now that the girl wasn’t going to flee at the attention. “I got an idea!” Darcy beamed, which got Ekene’s snakes agitated again. “I know this boy in my algebra class, he’s one of them gadgeteers, and he was showing off his messenger bag made out of this ‘kevra’ stuff. Was bragging that its really resistant and stuff, and we can make stuff out of it here at school, though it is really expensive outside of Whateley.”

“Won’t they puncture through?”

“Hmm, dunno,” Darcy shrugged, not letting these problems get in the way. She found a way to be happy again here in freezing New Hampshire, darn it. Nothing was going to stop her now. “I’ll see if I can Henry to stick some plastic bits on it or something. Like the stuff in Daddy’s hiking boots so the snakes don’t bite him when he’s out hunting white-tails. It’ll be like gloves for coloring jobs, just...for biters.”

Ekene couldn’t help herself in the force of the girl’s bubbly enthusiasm and a smile soon grew on her face.

“So, conditioner for me, soft-tipped tweezers, talk to Henry, some sand, some mineral oil, washcloths, a towel, hmm...” Darcy tapped the list into her phone. “Let’s see...does Saturday after lunch work for you?”

Ekene thought about her class list and nodded.

“Whitman bathroom?”

“Sure. Second floor. I’ll let Mrs. Savage and the RAs know. We can meet in the common room.”

“Not the cafeteria?”

“Well...I guess that would work too.”

“Great! I’ll see you then!” Darcy zoomed off toward the campus store, practically skipping.

Early October, 2016

By the third session, Ekene and her snakes trusted Darcy’s hands enough that she didn’t need the kevra armored gloves anymore. A couple of other Whitman girls asked Darcy for help, and there was a rumor that some girls in Melville were looking for updos before their next social.

Things were looking up for Darcy. She’d have to get a few books on her tablet, and maybe a few practice foam heads. One of the mage girls on her floor said she should invest in a micro-furnace from one of the girls in the labs, but she didn’t know what that had to do with cutting hair.

Late October, 2016, Dunwich

Wendy sighed as she closed the cash drawer at the reception desk of Cordell’s. Suzy and Mrs. Cordell came up to the desk.

“What’s wrong Wendy?” Suzy asked.

“That’s the third one. She just came in for a color job and some highlights, and she didn’t reschedule for next time,” she looked at Mrs. Cordell, “What’s going on at Whateley?”

“You think someone is undercutting us?” Suzy asked. The other two looked at her. “No pun intended. It’s not funny.”

“Well, whoever it is,” said Wendy, “He or she is pretty sloppy with layering. The ends are great though. Not a single split end on that girl just now!”

“Do you know anyone on campus who might know?” Mrs. Cordell looked at Suzy.

“I heard there was some big staff shuffle, but I can try Nikki. She came in last month for a touch up. Singed ends, again.”

Mrs. Cordell, “Call her, let’s see if we can find a new part timer, or maybe even expand onto campus itself.”
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Katssun.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #649
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Arena 99, Whateley Academy

This evening’s sim run for Outcast Corner had left Gunny Bardue in a rare mood. Instead of waiting for a normal debrief, he ended up storming out into the arena himself.

“Outcasts! What the HELL are you doing out here? The stated goal was to capture the FLAG!”

Razorback stifled a bark of laughter as he brought his forelimbs up in the classic “I dunno” pose. The others seemed desperately torn between confusion, mild outrage, and full-on laughter.

Steaming, Bardue addressed the token non-robotic Blue Team member (in case psychics needed someone to play with), “And YOU! What do you have to say for yourself?”

From where he hung, arms crossed as if to claim I am having no part in any of this, the student questioned reached back with his left hand to pull a medium blue cloth from where it had been stuffed into his back pocket. “Do I LOOK amused? Besides,” the boy then pointed to where his duty shirt was stuffed in Razorback’s mouth, “Teeth.”

The rest of the Outcast Corner team finally lost it when Gunny Bardue shook his head, “Don’t explain. I don’t want to know. Just... put Metro down.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

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Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #650
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Flying at a sedate speed for her, only a fast run for a normal person, Teri skimmed along the bushes, stopping occasionally to smell the flowers. It was at one such stop, that she found herself surrounded by five bullies.

“Hello, do you want to play some more?” she asked, smiling.

Buster, who had a bad make up job covering his dyed blue skin smirked. “Yeah, we do.”

Taking a reclining position in the air, Teri’s grin became even bigger. “You do realize I can fly, and you can’t, right?”

The werewolf like Rottie let loose a barking type of laugh. “That’s why we’ve got Goop. He’s an expert skeet shooter.”

Spinning to see who Goop was, she saw a boy in the center of a mass of greenish, slimy jello. Somehow her grin got even larger. Flying over to Centurion she hugged the handsome boy. “You’ll protect me won’t you, my big handsome stud muffin!”

Scowling he tried to grab her. “The only thing I’m going to do is rip your wings off.”

Narrowly avoiding his hands, she flew into his shirt. “That’s not nice at all. Our movie night is now officially cancelled, you big meany!” As she finished talking, Centurion found himself being lifted into the air at high speed.

Goop fired off some of his slime covering Centurion who was busy cursing and swearing at the fairy. Safely covered by Centurions shirt with his body acting as a shield, Teri flew towards the slime thrower and cheered when she felt contact. Gripping the shirt even harder she ripped it off of the bully and flew out the other side of Goop with a loud POP.

Throwing away the slimy shirt, Teri checked to make sure she was still clean, then stuck her tongue out at the bullies. “HA HA! You’re too slow to catch me!” With her taunting completed, Teri was across the Quad before the angry chasing bullies were even able to reach full speed.

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05 Sep 2021 01:10 #406 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #651
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
And in Whitman cottage the freshman girls laughed their asses off watching the whole thing thanks to numerous hidden cameras.

Melissa trudged in front of the security guard, her stomach rumbling from having been hauled out of the breakfast line, along with several other Whitman girls. She was a little bit worried about how much trouble they were in, but she hadn’t seen Teri being hauled off, so she didn’t think it could be too bad.

Well, until she realised the guard wasn’t taking them to security chief Delarose’s office, but to the administration office. She began to rapidly rethink how she’d have to play this one out when she saw Miss Hartford’s face. While she was accustomed to seeing the assistant headmistress in an unhappy or even angry mood, the woman was deathly pale, almost in shock. Melissa didn’t know whether it was a good thing that Miss Hartford didn’t even say a word to her, as she was pulled straight into Mrs. Carson’s office, where her heart sank.

In the front row, standing on top of the chair with a guard holding a capture net over her, was Teri, also looking pale and subdued.

“Miss Chambers, take a seat.” Mrs. Carson voice was tight, tense, and angry. When the last of the girls had been brought in and seated, the headmistress lowered a screen, where the girls were ‘treated’ to a set of views they all recognised; the intensive/emergency care wards in Doyle, where it seemed that a good dozen young girls occupied the focus of activity for the medical personnel.

“This prank war has gone too far.” Mrs. Carson proclaimed, still with her back turned to the girls.

“The girls you can see here were the first victims of your activities last night, and consequently, the furthest away from its conclusion, except the three at the end. The injury count at the moment stands at thirty-three, yet there have been no lethal fatalities so far, but that was a close thing. While most of the injuries sustained were healed during the encounter, three children had at least one cardiac arrest last night, with a fourth undergoing several as she attempted to defuse the situation. Ten girls are currently being force-fed nutrients for stage three Total Cellular Starvation.” The view changed to another ward, where they could see those girls strapped into bed, a row of needles inserted into their arms, being fed a purple coloured sludge through the lines. Not one of them moved more than shallow breathing required.

“The only reason the casualtiy figure isn’t higher is that the rager you instigated happens to be a class 6 beacon healer. Don’t breathe a sigh of relief at that Miss Chambers, she’s in stage four Total Cellular Stavation.” The seated girls who hadn’t already, went completely ashen faced at that news. They all knew that stage four meant the body had actually eaten through an organ severe enough to cause it to fail. “She will eventually recover. But she’ll be kept in a medical coma for as long as we can keep her there, until she at least has two kidneys and a pancreas again. It is fortunate that the rager is the only casualty that won’t make a full recovery by tomorrow lunchtime, but it was a close thing.””

“It has come to my attention that several other, more enlightened, countries actually have made provoking a known rager a criminal offense. If that were the case here, the five of you would be facing federal charges of intent to commit mass murder, since there are currently six known ragers inside of Dickinson who could have been triggered last night. We were fortunate that five of them were already awake, so they weren’t as startled as the one who caused all of this. As of now, any feudal interaction between Dickinson and Whitman is over. There will be no retaliations. There will be no escalations. I know you five assisted each other in this campaign of terror, so you will each be performing two month’s detention. I will decide later where and how you will spend those months. Get to your first classes. Now.”

Even without the thunderous edge to her voice to provide the need to get away, the five girls scrambled to their feet.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Kaitha39.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #652
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Oh my gee, what?” /cough/ cough/ “Ewww.”
“Ugh, that’s disgusting.”

I would start by saying those were the sounds I ‘awoke’ to, but that kinda implies I actually woke. A more accurate thing to say might be that those were the words I heard while semi-conscious. My eyes refused to open at first, and when they did, everything was all... weird. Like, shimmery and flimsy. My mouth tasted like I’d fallen over on a beach and swallowed a load of sand. I tried to move my hand up to rub them, but found it was strapped down in like, four different places.

‘Wait... was I back at Rotswell?’ As the thought came up, it was immediately replaced. What the hell was Rotswell?

“Ewwwww, ugh, oh. I think I’m gonna barf.”

I dragged my mind away from that Rotswell thing, all that was coming up was a memory of being held down and a white tiled ceiling away, and walls that felt soft. Why would walls feel soft? I focused on the voice. It was female, and young. Not as young as I am, but not an adult. Focusing on it let me realise it was in front of me, and I found I could open my eyes all the way by forcing them to look forwards. A teenager, maybe one of the freshman or sophomore girls, though as I knew, looks didn’t count for much, was crouching in front of my hospital bed, fiddling with something underneath, pushing it further beneath the bed.

“Ugh, what the hell is going on with her stoma... Oh! You’re awake. Hi. Um... please don’t be scared. You can’t afford to be scared. You’re okay, yeah, see, you’re okay. You’re gonna be fine! I’ll just... um, I’ll just go get a doctor now. Don’t freak out, okay? Your body won’t be able to take it.” With that, she straightened up, turned, almost tripped on something on the floor, and actually ran at the wall. I thought she’d hurt herself if she ran into it, thinking she seemed quite clumsy after almost tripping on whatever was on the floor, but instead, she just ran through it like it wasn’t there.

Great. What the hell have I done now, and how long is Leanna going to rant at me for it?
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Kaitha39.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #653
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Alfred Bellows sat at his desk, shuffling papers, when there was a knock at his door. He beckoned the person to enter, and watched as a petite girl poked her head uncertainly into the room.

“Am I disturbing you, sir?” She asked in an uncertain voice.

“Not at all, first day of school is always hectic, but I always have time for a student.”, He looked at the girl, not recognizing her. “Miss… I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name, and not all incoming students files have arrived yet.”

“Lucy… Lucy Marie Jensen”, The girl stuttered.

Dr. Bellows smiled and motioned for the girl to sit. “So, Miss Jensen, how may I help you?”

Lucy, swallowed hard and then spoke in a somewhat sad voice. “I’ve been having problems, and I thought I should come to see someone about it.”

The Doctor nodded and motioned for her to continue.

“You see, I grew up on a farm, just my Father and myself, my mother was never really in the picture. Things were fairly normal, but then I manifested over the summer, and discovered I have a little brother. The first time I met him, he hurt me rather badly, if not for my regeneration, I would have died. Ever since, he’s always there, I can’t get away from him. And he always hurts me. I couldn’t even get away from him here. He came with, and I’m afraid he’s going to continue to hurt me. I’m never going to be rid of him. There isn’t anything I can do.”, She began to sob.

Dr. Bellows handed her a tissue. “If he’s that dangerous, perhaps we can talk to security…”

Lucy only sobbed more. “They won’t be able to help, nobody can. He’s like a parasite, I can never be rid of him, and he just clings to me, taking from me and making my life miserable.”

The sad girl looked at her tissue, noting that there were a couple drops of blood on it. “He’s coming, there’s nothing I can do…“

Suddenly she sat straight up, her back arching as her chest burst wide open. Dr. Bellows didn’t have sufficient time to dodge, as he was pelted with bits of heart and lung tissue, broken bone fragments and torn muscle. He wiped the blood and gore off his glasses and sat stunned as a 6-inch creature that looked like a cross between a snake and a fetus sat on his desk.

The creature looked at him, and frowned. “Great, Sis is badmouthing me again.” The thing looked back at the girl, she had a gaping hole in her chest, the back of her spinal column and ribcage could clearly be seen.

The small worm-like thing looked at the stunned Doctor. “Can I tell my side of things now?”, it asked.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #654
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
December 23, 2016

Emily Perez sat at the kitchen table with her daughter, sister and niece. White Christmas was playing on the small kitchen TV, but none of them were really paying attention to it. Her husband Esteban was by the stove, helping himself to another hot buttered rum, before heading back to the living room. Esteban and her brother-in-law Jason were having a Die Hard marathon in the living room with the boys, as tradition. They’d take over the big TV later for a Hallmark movie.

Her niece Darcy babbled on about all the strange, no, Emily caught herself, unique children Darcy had met at the school she and Esteban had helped send her to. It seemed far longer than the eight months back when her sister Carolyn had pleaded over the phone to help hide her daughter from the sheriff and the MCO back home. Darcy’s “little adventure” earlier this week, before her parents and brother arrived this morning, hadn’t helped the sensation she’d been looking after Darcy for years. It really was like night and day from when she had sent the girl along to some mysterious boarding school in New Hampshire. To Esteban’s mother’s credit, one daughter was enough after all!

Of course Emily had assisted her niece in April without a second thought. It was all too familiar to the way her mother had run her out of the house when she brought a specific Puerto Rican man home from college with her. The same one who just vacated the “Kitchen of Estrogen and Acetone.” He’d pay for that later.

“...and they got in so much trouble, Mr. Turner gave them detention in the sewers!”

“The sewer...” Carolyn arched an eye at her exhaustingly enthusiastic daughter.

“Yeah, it’s like, THE worst! Usually they made me shovel the sidewalks that aren’t heated.”

Carolyn’s parental gaze, probably capable of bringing super villains to heel, immediately bored into the girl, who somehow managed to stay cheerfully oblivious as she rifled around in her nail kit for the right colors. A large black velvet mat had rolled out on the table so Darcy could work on each of their nails tonight. Emily silently thanked the girl’s remarkable professionalism for not chancing the future of her Ethan Allen breakfast table.

The uncomfortable silence was broken by Emily’s eldest son Carter, who came in for another soda, but she saw him eyeing the rum. Her 20-year old cracked the can open as her niece dropped a large felt bag on the velvet mat. The contents of the bag made a strange noise. Glass beads?

“Hey, Darcy? Do you mind if I see your MID? Never seen one before.”

“Sure!” she chirped, and paused in her current excavation of green gels in the over-packed kit to pull a plastic card out of her simple black leather purse. Carter flipped it over in his hands and read the information off it before looking at his cousin.

“Beautician, huh?”

“Yep! They let me change my codename!”

Her son placed the ID back on the table with a soft click and went back to the movie with his father and uncle. A few moments later, Darcy had apparently found the two shades of green she’d been hunting for and looked at her cousin Valeria.

“So I’m thinking pink background, lilies on the fingers and roses on the thumbs?”

“You can do all the small details like that sweetie?” Carolyn asked, her disapproval temporarily suppressed by Darcy’s ever growing repertoire.

“Totally! I practice on my friends. So like, Maggie, she wants them redone once a week. Fran’s usually good until you can see the nail growing out. But it’s not like I’m allowed to charge or anything! Honestly, I’m almost getting better at this than hair.” Darcy looked back at Valeria, “I think...one gem on the thumb in the middle of the rose is enough bling. Especially if it’s the first time you’ve had stuff attached.”

Valeria nodded with a mouth full of hastily-consumed oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, the 13-year old excited about her first set of gel nails.

“Okay, I think I have two small rubies in here still. Maggie doesn’t end up with a lot of those, and Fran usually likes me to use them because red and gold goes well with her hair,” Darcy grabbed the felt bag and dumped a small portion of its contents on the table. Dozens of cut diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds glittered on the velvet covered kitchen table. She began picking through them, locating a small red one quickly and putting it aside before dumping out another handful from the bag.

“Are those...” Carolyn asked. Emily thought the same. They certainly looked like the real thing. They weren’t rhinestones, that’s for sure.

“Hmm?” Darcy looked up as she plucked a second diminutive ruby from the pile.

“Jason?” Carolyn called, “Could you come into the kitchen please?” The disapproving gaze once more burned lasers at her daughter. This time, Darcy was frozen by her mother’s stern look as her father and uncle walked in. “I think you better start explaining yourself young lady...”

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #655
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Monday November 5nd, 2007
Crystal Hall, third tier

“Hey Mr. Render, what’s wrong?” I’d been hoping it would a quiet start to the first day of the week on campus, but as I ascended to the Bad Seeds table, Mr. Ray and Uncle Jean-Armand were scowling at each other over their breakfasts.

“Huh? Oh, nothing you need to know Pip-squeak. Stuff for us big kids.” Gah, I don’t like the way how this guy seems to think that just because I’m in junior high, I’m not important! He treats Aylss just as bad! And she’s counted in the freshman year!

“Mr. Render, are you going to tell me, or do I have to take my gloves off?!?” I did not pout. Pouting is reserved for children having tantrums and grown women attempting to weasel something from grown men. I merely insisted that he volunteer the information, with my expression. Or at least, that’s how Aunt Alex would say it. The way she says things can be a little weird sometimes.

“It is a travesty, little one. The injustices the lesser members of this school would perpetrate upon our completely honest and fair venture are grave indeed!” Yeah, sure Uncle Jean-Armand. I’m might be a gullible little girl, or so I’d have you believe, but even I recognise that your objection means you got caught doing something.

“Shut up J-Arm. Now she knows something’s wrong.” Damn, my expression must have slipped, because Mr. Ray noticed. “Short version is that some of the new members of the cape squad are jerks, and felt the need to show off the size of their cocks.” Uncle Nathan said, from next to Mr. Ray. “But you don’t need to worry about it. We dealt with it splendidly. By the way, you still up for some runs on Saturday?” Wow Uncle Nathan, I almost couldn’t see you try to change the subject there.

“As long as Leanna doesn’t put her foot down, sure. I’m finding it really fun. Kinda hard to resist flying when I do the big jumps, but it’s entertaining at least. But are you certain you want ‘little baby bottle’ there?” His response was to do this weird hand movement that I’m sure would mean something to his skater friends, but was lost on me. “Don’t worry about it. The hooligans is just a name. We only care for the feel of the run. Big macho guys are actually outnumbered by little girls there. You’ve met Gateway and Aquerna, right?”

“Ummm... I’ve met Miss Anna, but I don’t know who Gateway is.” I tried not to look nervous. Who was Gateway and what could they do? Was that someone I needed to watch out for?

“Gateway is a second year Dickinson girl. She rooms with Lynds.” Aunt Jadis supplied, not even looking up from her book as she drank some coffee. “Magic user, can cast summoning spells easily. Neutral on the hero/villain thing, but she’s one of the founding members of Wondercute, so you need to be careful.”

“Hey! There is nothing wrong with Wondercute, is there Pern? You just don’t have the good sense to appreciate cute like we do, Jadis!” Aunt Lindsay pipped up, with Pern raising his head from her shoulder, where he’d been getting petted. “Oh, of course not Linds, but I’m thinking about Ceilidh’s trouble with touch telepathy. Don’t want her getting too overstimulated now, do we?”

You know, I’m not sure if Aunt Jadis was attempting to mollify Aunt Lindsay there, or get in a stealth dig at me. I haven’t been around the Seeds that long, but as the sort of default “Team Mum”, by virtue of being the one keeping a sort of, not really, leash on the others, I get the feeling she has to snark a lot to not go crazy.

Or it could be the exposure to ‘Snark Queen Kate’. Probably that one.

I decided to take the high road and change the subject again. “So... Anyone seen where Jericho is today? I wanna know if I’m gonna be safe to go back downstairs for more food.” Uncle Jean-Armand sniggered. Miss Jobe and the drow actually laughed. Even Aunt Jadis got a little smirk.

“You mean is he going to be safe from you, and then in turn, if you’re going to be safe from his rager friends? Don’t worry, he’s been and gone. And he was even wearing somewhat normal colours, though our little friend Ribbon might have put those over him. Still looked like he was doing the ugly wardrobe thing on purpose though.” Mr. Ray said through his own grin.

“Ugh, don’t remind me of that. Aunt Lindsay, can I borrow Pern for a hug? I can feel a rage coming just from the memory of his clothes.” Okay, I couldn’t, but Pern still jumped from her shoulder to my lap, resizing to be just bigger than a cat. His scales weren’t the most comfortable thing to cuddle, but he was very warm. You could almost just melt into him with his heat.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Kaitha39. Reason: Jobe should be “Miss” not “Aunt”. Cause she’s still a jerk.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #656
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lucy Jensen looked around uncertainly as she held her tray of food. She had arrived early to check in with the medical staff and the house mother over at Hawthorne. She had had one embarrassing incident already, scaring her new advisor and counsellor with an unexpected outburst.

Opting for a table that looked out of the way, she sat down. Nearby there was a group of kids looking at her, one girl kept glancing over at her. She was a cute girl with brown hair and eyes, not an exemplar by any means but still cute. She looked as the girl nudged another one of her table mates,
a young asian girl with long black hair that couldn’t be more than 9 or 10.

The girl got up and walked her way. Lucy fretted, ever since her manifestation, she hadn’t really had any friends. Partly because of her being a mutant, and partly because her long-lost little brother kept embarrassing her.

“Hi, I’m Jade!”, the young girl said, in a cheery manner. “What do you do? my codename is Generator, I’m a devisor, and I have regeneration, and my sister is sort of a ghost.”, She looked Lucy, “I couldn’t help but notice your Rainbow Brite shirt. You like Rainbow Brite?”, she asked excitedly.

“I..it’s okay, I guess. I… I sort of go through clothes really fast. This was all I had to wear.” Lucy stammered, “I… I’m called Host. I’m just an exemplar with high regeneration. I have a brother, but he’s kind of a big pain.”

“My friends and I are in a group called Wondercute! You should join us, we defend the power of cuteness, and we watch anime and talk about cute things and beat up on the poopyheads here that pick on people because they are the enemies of cute!” Jade just babbled on.

Lucy looked around, hoping someone would save her from this midget motormouth. There was nobody around that looked willing to save her. Just about then she felt a couple of drops of blood trickle from her nose.

Jade looked at the girl in front of her. “Are you okay?”

Suddenly there was a squelching sound and a loud pop. Jade looked in horror as the girl in front of her literally exploded, covering Jade in blood and entrails and organ meat.

A loud scream carried through the largely empty hall as Jade and Wondercute fled in pure, unadulterated terror.

A small worm-like creature sat on the table, taking in the surroundings.

“At… at … least that … got … her … to stop… “, A small smile crossed Lucy’s lips before she passed out.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Rose Bunny.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #657
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Doyle room 218
Friday 24th November

“So...Mrs. Hair Lady tells me you broke your... oh HEY! HIYA MISTAH COSPLAY!”

The little girl, dressed in a Disney(tm) Belle dress, yellow tights and gloves, with an actual rose tucked into her hair, threw open the door as fast as she could, and ran to jump up at the boy who was sitting on top of the bed. The boy had, at one point, been wearing a rather tight muscled t-shirt that seemed to be designed to pick out and highlight his toned body, some denim jeans, and some actual army issue combat boots.

At one point anyway. Before the point in time where he had decided to pick on the underdogs without noticing the unassuming form of a ginger headed, freckled young boy standing in the middle of the pack while they haggled the cost of Fixx upgrading Chimera’s Kilt. Centurion had just noticed the foursome standing without a care in the world, smirked at Legbreaker and Anvil, sauntered over and pushed the devisor/gadgeteer to the ground, knocking over the (currently) female Yang as he fell.

It had taken Jimmy T all of three seconds to turn into an eight foot tall Godzilla facsimile and rip the shirt to pieces as a sharp claw pulled Centurion’s arm out of its socket, ripping a severe gash as he tore through the boy’s flesh before he could even power up.

“So tell me Mr. Cosplay, who did you try to beat up today?” Ceildih cried as she jumped on the bed and cooed over his shoulder, which had been hastily bandaged by the Doyle staff. She yanked and pushed the boy’s torso too and fro, as she seemingly tried to get a better angle to look at him from.

“Siofra, you’re not allowed to ask people that. And stop moving him goddamnit.” Dave, the male nurse said from the doorway. “You’re not meant to make people hurt more. It’s part of the Hippocratic oath. Just heal him already.” His admonishment was met with an overdramatic pout and a full-body sigh, with the kind of annoyed exultation of “okaaaaaay” that only an eight-year-old girl can manage. As she raised her hand and shot Centurion with a beam of light, he gave her as deathly a glare as he could, though he said nothing.

It became harder and harder to keep it up though, as underneath his bandages his flesh knit back together. He tried to keep it up even as he breathed out with his relief, and managed to at least keep scowling at her as she finished, jumped down from the bed, and yelled, almost as loud as she could at him. “Oh, you have to tell me at dinner what happened! I just gotta know how you got hurt Mr. Cosplay! I mean, I gotta find out who the actually really scary people are on campus. You know, I mean, anyone who can beat up such an awesome warrior as you, has got to be a great fighter!”

Throughout it all, Centurion said nothing, but scowled even harder as the girl turned, gave Dave enough of a real salute for it to be debatable whether she was trying to be mocking, and then became covered in blue hands that picked up by her wrists, ankles, knees, armpits, waist, and hips, and carried her out of the room. Slowly. Almost so slowly there was little point in doing it instead of just walking out.

“Do I need to ask what the hell was that about?” The confused nurse asked as he began checking the charts, doing his due diligence in defeating the bane of all workers everywhere: Paperwork.

He almost didn’t get an answer, until in a very, very quiet voice and somewhat mulishly, Centurion spoke: “I was responsible for why she got her armband, and now she’s trying to be a little bitch about it in the most annoying way possible.”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #658
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Los Angeles, California
January 18, 1994 (One day after the Northridge Earthquake)

“Bendis, get your platoon down to California State Univerisity, North Ridge, now. A mutant is causing problems at the emergency food depot and the police are asking for back up. Over,” MCO supervisor Rictor said into the radio. He would have liked to go himself, but he was busy using the new MCO power armour for search and rescue. Even in the relatively cool January weather, with the AC at max, he was drenched in sweat and breathing in dust that made its way through the intake system, as he helped hold a pillar in place while rescuers dug a woman out of the debris.

By all rights he should be back in the emergency MCO headquarters, but with all the damage to the city the higher ups had everyone running around doing what they could to help out. And with the communication suite in his command armour, Rictor could direct everyone from anywhere in the city as long as the MCO blimps stayed in the air.

“This is Bendis,” the radio crackled. “Getting weird signals and interference, please rep-” the static filled message was cut off by an agonizing scream and died abruptly.

“Bendis, report!” Rictor shouted into the mic. Tapping a button he opened up the frequency to the rest of Bendis’ platoon. His demand for information was cut off by the sound of metal being ripped apart, screams and the shrieking of birds.

Frantically he looked at his monitor trying to see who was close enough and equipped to help his platoon.

“BOSS! On our six!” his wingman shouted.

Unable to drop the pillar without killing the woman and her rescuers, Rictor switched to the video camera in the back of the suit. A hundred metallic birds flew in the sky, their claws, wings and beaks gleamed razor sharp. In the center of the flock stood a blue knight in full armour, steam rose from the joints and it held a sword that glowed a horrific red.

Rictor dropped the pillar ignoring the screams that abruptly cut off and bolted for cover. Keying his radio he was met by screams and pleas for backup.

The knight, who was only known by the slaughtered MCO units he left in his wake, ignored the bullets that flashed against his forcefield. Raising an arm he pointed at the five armoured MCO agents and his birds attacked, cutting them open with lasers, claws and wings. Rictor tried to help, firing grenades and explosive rounds into the mass and at the knight, but it wasn’t enough. The birds ignored their losses, while the knight casually walked towards him almost daintily stepping over the butchered bodies of the MCO and anyone foolish enough to fight back.

Knocking the gun away, the knight picked Rictor up by his neck. All that he could do was pound at the arm which was as effective as spitting in the ocean.

“You people hurt and murder children,” the knight said in a booming voice. “Face your judgement, murderer.”

Rictor howled as the sword cut through the best armour the MCO could create, piercing him through the stomach.

As the birds watched ensuring no rescue would come, Rictor saw his murderer fly into the sky.

His dying screams joined those of his fellow agents on the radio.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #659
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
(I’ve watched videos trying to prove each of these ridiculous ideas for the last week at work while folding laundry, my brain kept turning them around into a story. Enjoy.)

April, 2008

The four students wearing identical black and white uniforms sat at a table eating their lunch, rolling their eyes and shaking their heads in disgust as a fifth member of their merry little band excitedly talked with a well dressed man who was just as excitedly showing her a tablet and pointing at different things. Their supervisor, a well dressed blonde woman was trying not to laugh as the conversation went on.

“You see, Teri,” the man said, “the Washington monument really is a sign of the conspiracy. It’s an obelisk, those were used by the Egyptians and the ancient Syrians to celebrate their gods, and the Nephelim king Nimrod. This is a sign used by those in charge to show who is really in control, and as part of their ritual design of the city of Washington. And you know how we know this?”

“How?” Teri asked, grinning as the secrets of the world were imparted to her.

“It’s masonry.”

Her forehead furrowed. “You’ve lost me.”

“Masonry, the Masons. George Washington was a Mason, they’re part of the Illuminati. That’s why we have all those hidden images on our money,” he insisted.

“Oh,” she replied the truth dawning.

“And do you know who is really behind the Illuminati?” he asked.

“No. Tell me!”

“The reptilians. After the Nephilim were destroyed in the flood, the Reptilians arrived and at first they started to try to mate with humans, but they couldn’t.” He pulled a picture of a tiny humanoid mummy with an elongated head up on his tablet. “See, this is proof of it, the Atacama humanoid. See the strange skull, and the tiny size, it’s only 6 inches tall, but it was at least 7 or 8 years old when it died. How did it survive so long?”

“I can’t believe anything would be that tiny!” Teri said in shock.

“Exactly. The head shape is clearly reptilian in origin. But it didn’t work, so the Reptilians had to begin shape changing and turning our leaders against us, creating their debased religions and secret societies. They’ve only recently managed to manipulate the human genome enough to create mutants.”

“But what about the Nephilims? I thought you said they were the creators of society and the first religions?”

“They were,” the man insisted. “But they were destroyed in the flood because they were so evil.”

“What did they do?”

“I’m glad you asked,” he said, pulling up yet more pictures. “They destroyed most of the world, from their city in Atlantis. Here, see this mesa, now look at this tree stump.”

Teri looked at the two pictures, one of a giant flat topped and smooth sided mountain, the other of a tree stump that looked remarkably similar. “They look alike!”

“Exactly. Before the flood and the disastrous destruction of the Nephilim, the world had trees dozens even hundreds of miles high, but they were cut down and destroyed. The deserts we see today are the dust and debris left after that deforestation. Even the tallest trees today are nothing but bushes that survived the devastation. And we can see this all over the world, the mountain ranges, groves of trees shattered for god alone knows what. Volcanoes are the toxic waste dumps that are still burning to this day.”

“But I thought that volcanoes and mountains were caused by tectonic plates shifting and moving.”

“That’s what THEY want you to believe. Just like the transhuman cyberneticists want you to believe the Earth is really round.”

A dark skinned girl rubbed her head awkwardly. “Teri stop encouraging the crazy man. Next he’ll be talking about demons infiltrating society, instead of just killing everything and driving the survivors mad.”

“But they are!” he insisted, pulling up yet more pictures of Asian girls wearing horns and shoes that looked like hooves. “Look in Japan how they worship Lucifer and the demons. They’re trying to make demons cute to bring in worshippers.”

All of the students looked at their supervisor who was now looking more annoyed than happy.

“I believe that that has been quite enough,” the woman said. “Is everyone done their lunch?”

Everyone nodded, and Teri got an almost inhumanly large grin. “So we’re going now? Can we show my good friend something really fun, Ms. Imp?”

The woman looked around carefully, a mischievous grin coming to her lips. “I think that would be appropriate.”

Reaching into her purse the woman did something and the illusion dropped.

The mans grin turned to horror as he saw a tiny fairy flying less than three feet in front of him, two horned demons, one a dark black the other with scales on her cheeks and forehead, a girl that looked to be half cybernetic, a hulking stony girl, and one who looked like a humanoid lizard watching him with varying degrees of disgust and amusement.

“Y-y-y- AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” he screamed turning to flee.

“Well that was fun!” Teri said as the illusion returned.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Domoviye.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #660
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Alyss was enjoying the cool fall air. She walked the path from the quad, passing Whitman. In her peripheral vision, she saw something move by a tall maple. It was a girl. Cautiously she walked over.

The girl was crying. When she got close, she saw the reason why. The girl was sobbing and hugging her knees. There was a puddle of dry blood on the ground, and scraps of what looked like various tissue and organ meat. Her shirt was torn to shreds, and she was trying unsuccessfully to tie the bloodied scraps around herself, to cover her bloody chest.

“Excuse me, Are you okay? Pardon my French, but what the fuck happened here?”, Alyss inquired.

The purple haired girl looked up with large teary indigo eyes. “It’s n...not my ffault. My brother… he... I … “ The girl was wracked with sobs and couldn’t continue.

“Um, my name is Alyss, and if your brother hurt you, tell me where he is, and I’ll have a word with him.” Alyss cracked her knuckles.

“L…Lucy. That’s m …my name. And he’s in here.”, She pointed to her chest, which Alyss noticed was rather flat, and had a scar across it that was slowly shrinking.

“My Power is th..that I’m a Regen 7, and when I… was … I’m … a Twin, and my brother lives inside… in my chest. He… he has to come out each… d...day… kinda rips me apart to do it. It hurts, and I’m running out of shirts, and … I can’t affort to get the blood out of all my underwear and pants, and I buy new shirts every day. I… I’m on … a scolarship, b…but the cost of clothing is gonna make me h….have to drop out … if ... if I can’t… “

Lucy whimpered and put her head down.

“That’s seriously fucked up… pardon my French again. I might just be able to help you though.”, Alyss said with a smile. “One of my powers is that I can make things out of fabric that I can manifest. They only last a day, but if you give me your sizes, I can whip up some stuff for you in emergencies.”
Alyss pulled out her phone, and handed it to Lucy, so she could put her number in.

Lucy stood up and went to hug the young girl in front of her, But she stopped, realizing she was covered in blood. Alyss shrugged, and concentrated on making a simple black tee for the girl to wear, until she could get inside. Taking her phone back, Alyss smiled and said goodbye, happy that she could help someone.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Rose Bunny.

Cryptic’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #661
Cryptic replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Sara leaned back in her chair eyeing the young man seated across form her. The Youngling GOO was grateful for her rescue from that circular Limbo she’d been folded into years ago, and she was repaying the rescue by overseeing, of all the clubs, the Goobers. But the Old Man had a point; the last few Goober Grads hadn’t lasted long due to their shoddy training under Englund and his successor. She wasn’t thrilled with the position, but she had to admit that flipping the bird at a mechanization of a few of her more destructive relatives did feel kind of good.

Tapping her VI interface Sara skimmed over the student file for the young man, and Goodber recruit across from her. “So, Simon, it says here you are an Avatar who is immune to the effect of Class X exposure. May I ask how you came to possess your spirit, and what it might be? And how the hell you learned you where immune to stuff that makes your brains leak out of your ears?”

Simon shrugged. “I found an old journal that my Grandfather had inherited when we where cleaning out the house after Gran passed. It belonged to his mentor, the man that introduced him to Gran, and gave them the money to get married and go to collage. When I opened it, I guess I picked up his spirit somehow. It was either the book or the garden gnome. Or the stuffed parrot...” he trailed off looking thoughtful as he considered what might have let him connect to his spirit. “Maybe the sun glasses or the boots? Not sure why Gran let Grandpa kept those nasty boots...”

Sara nodded slowly as she leaned back in her chair. “You’re not the first to pick up a spirit from an artifact. So what makes you feel like you can hack it as a Goober, and you still haven’t explained the class x note.”

“Well ma’am, it’s kind of tradition for the family. Granpa and Gran did it, my mom, their daughter, did it, and my dad’s distantly related to the guy Egon Spangler was based on. Standing up to what wants to fuck over humanity is in my blood. And um... ma’am, The Old Man is a might agitated being around you. May I ask what you are?”

“The Old Man?” Sara asked softly, her skin rippling slightly as she put the pieces together. If she had had a stomach she would have been sick to it at that moment. “Your codename is Henderson, and your spirit is...”

“Yessum, Old man Henderson...”

“... He Who got Hastur High before Banishing It.” Sara finished softly, loosing control of her human form. Instead of being driven mad by her True Class X form, Simon Wifflehaus leaned forward for a closer look.

I am a caffeine heathen; I prefer the waters of the mountain over the juice of the bean. Keep the Dews coming and no one will be hurt.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #662
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“That’s not fair!” The boy in fatigues exclaimed. “She brought in a whole range bag! I was told only my regular equipment and any holdouts.”

The instructor looked at the boy with a flat expression, bordering on annoyance. “Our records show that Beautician has had that equipment registered with campus security for at least a month.”

“Yeah, I carry my kit everywhere!”

The boy looked confused. He knew the haircut girl was an underdog, and thought she was in survival. He hadn’t heard of her being in any Team Tactics classes, or combat classes of any kind. “Well...make sure she didn’t put anything extra in there!” He tried to save face as best he could.

“Do you mind?”

“Nope!” Darcy chirped and unzipped the large olive drab bag with colorful appliqués and patches sewn onto it, revealing an assortment of combs, clippers, aerosol cans, and a disturbingly large collection of nail polish jars.

“Is this acceptable to you?” the instructor asked.

The boy goggled at what the perky girl had brought into the arena. A smug look crept on his face. “Looks fine to me, thanks.”

The two teens headed in separate directions and prepared for the match to begin. The freshmen Grunt checked the settings on his railgun while Darcy twirled her hip-length black hair around and around before pinning the mass behind her head with two metal chopsticks each topped with a glittering purple gemstone.


“I bet haircut girl doesn’t even get a single hit on our boy!” said another boy in Grunts uniform. The hulking student with GSD next to him agreed with a nod.

“We’ll take that bet,” said the Hispanic girl in a lab coat in the seats behind them.

“You’re on!” The four students launched the betting app on their phones and had the money transferred to the bookie escrow. Nearby, others followed suit with wagers of their own. When the transaction was locked, the dark-skinned girl in Grunts fatigues known as Green Zone started giggling. “There’s no way that idiot remembers that my micro braids get redone every three weeks!”


The match began and a milky smoke filled the arena, but a clear view was shown to the spectators. It looked like they were going for a large scale urban raid scenario. Darcy had her bag on her shoulder, and looked for a safe building to enter. Survival had taught her there was no way she’d last out in the open, not with her abilities.

A twisting vortex of disturbed smoke bloomed just above her head, and Darcy heard a loud pop. It was a good thing she had put up her hair with the chopsticks she was given by that junior high French girl. They magically produced a large ‘electro...magnetic?’ field. ‘Static dynamic?’ ‘Magno-dynamic?’ ‘Stagno-magnetic?’ Either way. The higher the velocity of a metallic projectile, magnetic or otherwise, the further it got deflected from her head. Or something. It was way above Darcy’s head, literally and figuratively. It was magic, it mostly worked, it kept her from getting singed hair, the sticks kept her hair up, and they looked pretty. That’s all that mattered to her.


He’d missed. How the hell had he missed!? He had a solid bead on her with his quench gun. The sights were calibrated, he checked them once a day for finals. You never knew when you were coming up. He could still see her, center of mass, through the gun’s optics.

He knew it. She was cheating! Or she had a PFG. An evil grin appeared. No PFG survived had more than two consecutive shots from the quench gun. He shifted it to burst mode. It would be cooling for three minutes after, but he wouldn’t need it after her got her.

He sighted her body through the smoke. At this range, the second shot would be aimed at her head from the recoil of the first. He added a mental note, recoil compensator for the next upgrade on the gun.

He lowered the first shot to her knees, and hoped the arena safety systems held up.


She felt a blast of air between her legs as a deep furrow appeared seemingly out of nowhere a foot in front of her. The shockwave of the shot passing caused her to wobble, and the successive blast was deflected over her head. Darcy heard two quick pops, one after the other. Still, Darcy stumbled, landing on top of her bag before ending up on all fours. The impact caused one of the pins to fall out, and then the mass of her hair splayed out around her like streamers.

Darcy panicked, just a little. She didn’t have time to find the lost pins, so she scrambled across the ground into her destination, a mocked up storefront. Darcy ran to the back and into the service hallways, getting time for a quick breather.

Darcy pulled the bag off her shoulder, and unzipped the slender compartment at the base of the bag. She slid out the thing, two plates sandwiching a bundle of electronics she didn’t understand and a battery too small for general use. She didn’t have time to use the AC adapter. Darcy rezipped her bag, grabbed a few things from the main compartment, and trotted around another corner. She tossed a few of the polish bottles toward the first corner and approached the opposite wall.

She pressed the plate against the wall, then rotated the upper plate counter-clockwise. It clicked, mounting to the wall, then she rotated it back clockwise, activating it. A faint whine emanated from the contraption. Hopefully the battery would last long enough. She jogged down the hallway, looking for an escape.


He barged into the shop, noting that the door to the service corridor was open. There was still two and a half minutes left on the cooldown of the quench gun, so he slung it over his back. He briefly considered drawing his sidearm, but since haircut girl was mostly focused on fleeing the area, he pulled out his Z7 Riot Control Baton instead.

He paused at the door, checking the corners. As he charged down the hallways, he noticed that there were scattered jars of nail polish on the floor. She had definitely come this way. Eager to put an end to this, he blasted around the corner, only to see a squarish object mounted to the wall, before he felt nothing but heat.


The howl of pain was heard right through the arena shielding. The two girls, one in lab coat, one in fatigues, called out simultaneously.

“Called it!”

Green Zone in particular, practically glowed with pride. Her man-portable Active Denial System had a better battery than she thought. She’d given the thing to Darcy as payment and for beta-testing, thinking that she’d use the AC adapter to keep would-be attackers away from her until the police or DPA could arrive. She had never imagined that Darcy might use it in a defensive/offensive manner, but Darcy was nothing if not unique.


The two instructors were busy chewing out her opponent as Darcy looked at the folded paper slip in her hand that revealed ‘B-’ as her grade.

“You got high marks for switching to non-lethal weaponry as well as aiming in a way that she had a higher chance of survival, but I cannot emphasize enough that you need to check your corners! What if it hadn’t been non-lethal? What is it had been an IED or a claymore? You’d be paste! I expect a higher standard from you.” The instructor’s gaze shifted to Darcy.

“Beautician. We’re glad to see that you opted to handicap yourself with non-combat items that you routinely carry and while your use of the tools at your disposal was admirable, once you were cornered, that was the end of it for you. I recommend that you consider taking Basic Martial Arts, at the very least, before you graduate. We will, however, commend you on using the bottles to ensure that you lured your opposition into the trap you placed. On the other hand, you lost your equipment that was clearly instrumental to you lasting through the initial attack.” Darcy was handed back the two jeweled chopsticks. “I also recommend that you consider a jumbo hair-clip or scrunchie be added to your bag.”

“Yes ma’am,” Darcy responded. She noticed that the boy next to her had reddened skin from the plate-thingy that she was given by his own teammate. Darcy fussed through the contents of her bag until she found the bottle of skin cream. As the two walked out of the locker room, she handed the small bottle to her opponent, who took it without a single word.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #663
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“No, that is totally out of the question!”

“But Arnold, he might be able to help Alana.”

A fist hit the table. “They caused it. Do you have any idea what this freak might do to our daughter?! Haven’t they done enough damage already?”

Alana flipped the switch on her sound dampener, not wanting to hear the ongoing argument of her parent. A curse escaped her lips as she reached for a tissue to wipe up the blood that leaked out of her cracked, scarred, skin. The tissue was followed by special skin cream, specially made for burns. Moving more slowly, trying not stretch her skin anymore than she had to, she rubbed the cream in gentle strokes sighing as her dry skin cooled and became a little more supple. Her phone buzzed, letting her know it was time to take her pain medication again. She ignored it, the medicine numbed her mind, she could gut the pain until it was time for bed.

The cream treatment done, she picked up her tools again and set to work on her project. Her parents thought she was working on model robots, she had gotten specially made boxes implying just that, but the work was all hers.

With the screwdriver held in her thumb and forefinger, the only fingers still usable on her right hand, she tightened a screw on the audio devise that was in the base of the devise. Once satisfied it was holding the wire in place, she sealed it up and took a deep breath it was the moment of truth, seven months of agonizing labour to reach this point. Awkwardly she put the glove like devise on her right hand. Clamps pressed against her skin, holding it tight as the velvet like fabric went all the way up to her elbow. She had to adjust it a little so the sockets fit into the nubs of her fingers.

Once it was in place she switched it on the audio devise, twitching her muscles a single clear note hummed causing the sonic attuned metal to shift along the physics that she had created. The long silvery fingers of her new hand clenched into a fist before spasming into a a flurry of manic activity. Alana relaxed her arm and slowly the movement stopped. Carefully she thought about moving her fingers like she had before being burned. The fingers moved tentatively, twitching and jerking around, but they weren’t completely out of control.

Hours later, dripping with sweat, her arm stiff and cramped, Alana wrote her name in small neat letters.

Tears fell down her cheek as she planned her next move. With two fully working hands she could do the more intricate work that her body required. Pushing her wheelchair away from the desk, she stared at the remains of her legs, already imagining them covered in the silvery metal, letting her walk, run and dance once more. She didn’t care what her parents might say, she was going to be whole once more.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Domoviye.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #664
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lucy sat at her usual table on the lower floor of the Crystal Hall cafeteria, she was getting used to the solitude, at times she really didn’t mind it. She picked at her ham sandwich and was poking around at the chips, when she noticed a girl looking around uncertainly.

The girl was certainly a fellow freshman, and had that new look to them. She was holding a tray, and uncertain where she should sit. She saw Lucy looking in her direction and took that as an invitation to come sit down. Lucy nodded to the girl and gestured for her to take a seat.

“Hi, I’m kinda new here, I don’t really know anyone. Is it okay if I sit here? I saw you are alone, and thought it’d be nice to have company. My name is Trisha. What’s yours?”

Lucy looked at the girl, She wasn’t an exemplar, but she was cute, in her own way, She was maybe a couple inches taller than Lucy, and kind of thick, in that healthy but slightly overweight way. Her mopish brown hair fell down over her brown eyes.

“So, are you new here too?”, Trish asked in a bubbly excited way.

Lucy looked at her. “Y… yes, I’m new here t…too. My n… name is Lucy.”

Trish giggled with glee at making a new friend. “So, what do you do? I mean, what sort of powers do you have?”

Lucy squirmed uncomfortably. “I… I’m an Exemplar 3, and I have Regen 7. … Most people know me here for something else though… it’s kind of embarrassing…”

Trisha leaned in. “Ooh? It can’t be that bad…”

Lucy bit her lip. “ I sort … well, when I was… in the womb, I… I sort of absorbed my little brother… and now we… well, we are both mutants, and he occasionally… well… you ever see alien?”

Trish nodded confused.

“Remember the chest-bursting scene?”

“Yeah?… oh… OOH!… yikes.”

“Yeah”, said Lucy as she looked down. “My code name is Host, because of that.”

Trish gulped. “I don’t have my MID yet, I think I’m going to choose Backslide as my codename, because I’m a warper. I can push everything in a 50 yard radius away from me.”

Lucy looked up. “That sounds cool. oh, lunch is nearly over. I should get ready for class.”

Trish looked at her watch. “Yeah, I should get back to the testing, it was nice to meet you!”

Lucy watched as Trish got up and turned away. Her new friend walked away, with a slight wiggle that in the tight outfit she was wearing, clearly showed off a behind that would put to shame J-Lo and any number of Kardashian sisters.

“Hm… Maybe she should rethink using ‘Backslide’… “, Lucy pondered.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Rose Bunny.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #665
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dickinson Cottage, Late-October 2016, morning

Darcy was running her fingers through her absurdly long hair and occasionally removed a tangle with a wide tooth comb, like she did every morning as Viola Hartigan put on her makeup on the other side of the room. The only saving grace was Darcy actually knew how to take care of it. Viola probably would have begged to get moved if Darcy was one of those girls that just had like, gross, super-long hair. Ick. Darcy was humming to herself again.

God, she hated her.

Things had been so much nicer at the beginning of the year, when Darcy had been quiet, passive, and depressed. Viola got a lot of studying for her mystic arts classes done when Darcy spent most of her time moping on the benches in the quad or silently watching movies in the common room off to the side by herself, or just lying there on her own bed. It was basically like having a single. It was awesome.

She had even considered letting Darcy hang out with her, eventually. Darcy wasn’t an exemplar like she was, and she had made it a point even before she manifested to keep a slightly dumpier girl around her for comparison. It’s why she stayed friendly with some of the Whitman girls. Darcy would have been a good addition to her growing pool at Whateley. Why stay a 10, when you can look like an 11 or a 12 because of the person next to you?

At least, everything had been great until that day in September.

Darcy had come back from the quad...happy. And she’d been annoying as hell ever since. She couldn’t stand it. True, Darcy was in the room even less than before, but it didn’t seem right to her. Darcy was popular somehow, even when she was so useless. There were still ways Viola could enjoy herself. She still swore way more than normal around Darcy, especially while she did her homework when Darcy was in the room. It was funny watching Darcy start blushing, just from some unnecessary colorful language. What a little girl!

Someone knocked in the door. Viola rolled her eyes and pushed down the scowl she so deeply wanted to show. Same time every morning.

“I’ll get it!” Darcy chittered. Of course you will. Idiot. It’s the same time every day. Sure enough, Darcy’s sophomore friends ‘Cambion’ and Fran poked their heads in the door.

“Breakfast, Dee?” asked Fran. “Wanna join us, Viola?” Viola looked at them through her mirror, and noticed the giantess’ slight frown of disapproval toward her roommate. Good, at least the gadget-skank and she were on the same page.

“No thanks, I’ll meet up with some of the Whitman girls like I usually do,” she answered, carefully filling in the space between her two eyeliner swooshes, forming a perfect cat’s eye.

“Bye Vee! See you after classes!” Darcy chittered as she put on her Burberry jacket and left for breakfast with that towering amazon of a gadgeteer friend of hers and her roommate. The door clicked shut behind them.

What. The. Fuck!

The two sophomores had taken Darcy to Boston over the weekend and she came back with that jacket. Viola wanted to steal it and mail it home, but she was certain that bitch ‘Cambion’ would notice it missing. Even Darcy might notice. It wasn’t goddamn fair! Ever since mid-September, Darcy had gotten detention no less than thirty times. Thirty! Yet somehow, somehow, administration had approved a trip for her, Fran, and that bitch Cabochon to spend the weekend in Boston.

She finished her other eye and admired her handiwork. Perfect. Darcy had her hair, Viola had her makeup.

Now to complete the rest of her morning routine. She padded over to Darcy’s side of the room, and rummaged around in the box of “thingamabobs” that Darcy kept under her bed. All stuff from the lab girls, and even a few of the boys. Viola dug toward the bottom of the box, and grabbed two of them. She’d pass them to her boyfriend Andrew during English, and he’d check to see if they were gadgets or devices.

It was a pity that Andrew hadn’t turned out to be one of THOSE Vanderbilts, but he still made her feel good when they made out in a nook near his lab space in the tunnels. And of course he had his uses. The gadgets he’d take a look at, take some notes, and then return them to her to toss back in the box.

The devices? They had expiration dates, naturally, so she sent them off campus and they were “magically” converted into Viola’s growing college fund. Darcy had no clue what she had, and Viola was pretty sure that Darcy didn’t even care what was in the box. It worked as a system, but there was still one problem.

Darcy’s bag.

Darcy’s little “range bag,” full of her hair and nail supplies, was actually heavily warded. The other thing of Darcy’s with any magic to it in their room was Darcy’s microfurnace. She dumped sealed bags of hair into and vented out their window. Even if Darcy took all the right precautions from a mage’s perspective, Viola would never let that bimbo touch her hair. But that fucking bag!

Viola didn’t know who the fuck did it, she wasn’t sure that Darcy even knew, but the only person who could open the zippers on Darcy’s bag, was fucking Darcy. And that was the big problem.

Viola wanted the hair chopsticks that Darcy got a week ago. They were in the bag.

Some little French junior high girl down the hall had given Darcy those. God knows what the hell for. Darcy had put them on once or twice since she got them, and Viola felt the significant working that had been applied to them. She’d asked around, and one of the upper classmen said that her friend swore that the French girl had gotten help on crafting them from Miss Reilly. Sister of a friend of a friend sort of thing. She couldn’t believe it! THE Miss Reilly, helping out a little exchange student, for a gift to that vapid whore Darcy!

But Viola was patient, and Darcy was a moron. Eventually she’d leave them out. Then they were all hers.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Katssun. Reason: whoops, can’t spell!

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 4 days ago #666
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
May 12th, 2007
12:10 AM
Near Dunlap, NM

To say that things had not been going right for Robert James Hawkins Junior the past few weeks would be an understatement. Like most young boys, he was physically and socially awkward, and noticing girls for the first time. One girl in particular, Tiffany Brooks. Tiffany was everything he dreamed of in a girl. She was tall, attractive, and smart. She had a stellar personality. There was only one thing wrong with Tiffany, he lived very firmly in her friend-zone.

The past couple weeks changed that, however as things beyond Robert’s imagination happened. First, he had gotten the nerve up to talk to Tiffany, second, he died and came back a mutant. A mutant girl. That second part being the more unusual of the two occurrences.

Two weeks prior, Bob was on his way home from school when it happened. He had been warned a thousand times not to go near the old Brisby place. Everyone knew that old man Brisby hadn’t come back from ‘Nam with all his marbles, but cutting through his property
saved Bob nearly 10 minutes time getting home. He had done it time and time again, however today was different. Brisby actually saw him this time.

Bob ran as hard and as fast as his skinny legs could carry him. However fast he was, it wasn’t fast enough to outrun the rifle shot.
Bob felt the impact, and crawled away, slipping under the barbed wire at the border of the man’s property. He limped and dragged himself for the next mile, reaching home and passing out on the porch.

When Bob had awoken a week later, things had felt different. He soon had found out why. During that time, he had begun to run a temperature, a dangerously high one. That wasn’t the only thing though, while he slept and fought off the fever, his body began to undergo changes. He had gone from a slender, scrawny boy, into a slender, shapely young girl.


Tiffany saw Robert every day at school. He was a nice guy, if somewhat clumsy and awkward. She liked him, but only as a friend.
She had no real attraction to boys. That was just as well, being close to 6 foot, she towered over everyone in her grade, boys and girls alike.

She was walking past the Brisby place that day, and had heard the shouting and gunfire. She was far enough away from the house that she wouldn’t be seen, but she did see something else. Something that froze the blood in her veins. It was Bob, and he was bleeding. She followed him to the house, and went with his parents when they went to the emergency room.

She stayed by his bedside every day, until visiting hours were over. When he began to change, she was stunned. First that it was happening, then by how pretty he was becoming. During that time, She observed quietly as Bob’s mother cried and her emotions were all over the place. She watched as Bob’s gung-ho ex-military father grew more and more disgusted.

When Bob woke up after that week, they talked and she consoled him about how his father had disowned him. She talked to his mother, telling her that no matter what Bob, or Bobbi now, looked like. That was still the child she had given birth to. When it came time to check out, Bobbi’s mother signed him out.

They reached the house a short time later, Bobbi’s dad was on the porch with a shotgun, his Humanity First pin proudly on his chest. Robert Senior aimed it and took fire at his former son.

Tiffany had instinctively reached her hand out to protect her face. She needn’t have worried, as a barrier appeared around her, deflecting the bullet. The bullet ricocheted and hit Bobbi, tearing a fair-sized hole in her shoulder, one that immediately began to close and heal.

The two of them were stunned and scared, and took off. Robert Senior, for his part, hesitated for a second before jumping in his trusty old Ford. He chased them through the back stretch of the property, towards the railway tracks.

Tiffany led them on, if they could reach the other side, the train they heard in the distance could cut off pursuit and give them time to escape. Running as fast as they could, they made it to the tracks, but Mr. Hawkins was on their tail. The train was roaring toward them, and they risked getting stuck on the wrong side. throwing caution to the wind, Tiffany and Bobbi jumped in front of it. Tiffany cleared the tracks.

Bobbi was not so lucky, the train clipped the young mutant, throwing her almost 30 yards. Tiffany picked her up, seeing the mangled stumps that remained of her legs. She carried her newly female friend as far away as she could. They hid in an old abandoned barn, as night fell. In that time, Bobbi was shaky and delirious, but more astoundingly, she was growing back her legs. Leaving Bobbi behind, she made her way home for supplies, but when she got there, she found the local H1 posse camped out.

They were fugitives, and they had to go somewhere, but they didn’t know where. The MCO would certainly be after them, and H1 definitely was.

High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 4 days ago by Rose Bunny.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #667
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lunch, October 29, 2007
Euro-Promotional League Table, Crystal Hall

It was only a matter of time before the hottest question on campus made it’s way to the Beret Mafia table. Some were more prepared for it than others, particularly those from conservative backgrounds or those from places where the holiday was celebrated by different traditions. “What are you going as for Halloween?”

The Whateley Academy’s own tradition was to encourage classmates to go as someone or something they aren’t, assuming they know who or what they are. With omni-shifters like Jimmy T running around, that was a legitimate question, most days. For others, like Razorback, the list of viable options was more limited. However, as a result of the previous year’s events, there was one common theme to most of this year’s plans, and that was to be well-armed and armored.

“... So, guys. What are you planning for Halloween?” asked Kismet after detailing the well-thought-out theme she’d come up with for the Vindicators- one they almost certainly wouldn’t be following.

Rorsmand looked over at the freshman he was supposed to be minding for his government, and cringed.

That was a mistake.

Metro piped up, “I was thinking of something classic, like a rock star!”

Rorsmand face-palmed. As far as Kristian could tell, Mads’ idea of a slammin’ rock concert involved mosh pits, broken bones, blood, and maybe a nice little post-show riot. He resolved there and then to beg, borrow, or steal a PFG before the 31st. The table became suspiciously quiet.

When he was ready to re-open his eyes, Kristian had to blink a couple of times to verify they were working. Across from him, now sat a tall, slender, modestly-endowed, tanned woman with long ash-blonde hair, wearing a strapless one-piece, opera-length gloves (For the sake of his blood pressure, he was almost glad that he couldn’t see the ankle to hip leggings,) all in quicksilver and form-fitting as it the clothing had been sprayed on. The air around her had a faint hint of lavender, vanilla, and warm, clean skin. He didn’t even hear the near-misses and collisions that answered the unasked question as to whether all the right curves were in all the right places.

“Too much?” the vision asked, leaning forward slightly as Kris’ brain struggled to function without a blood supply.

A voice next to Rorsmand asked, “Bror, when did you start liking Maria Mercurial?”

She answered the youngster, “I did live in Seattle for a good time. It just comes with the territory.” If bourbon and recently-worn velvet had a voice, it would have been hers.

Cytherea coughed politely as she stood up to bus. her tray, “I think you should keep that one in reserve.” Walking past, she leaned over and purred, “But DO keep that one. For me?”

The woman smiled knowingly, “D’accord!” before morphing back into the wiseass Thornie they were generally almost used to.

Valravn whispered something into the magician’s other ear.

“Really? Consider that a done deal!” came the delighted reply.

‘Let’s make that a PFG, riot gear, and spare ammo - all by the 31st’
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #668
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Are you all right?” Alana asked the boy sitting next to her. She wished that she could remember his name, he looked cute, but she’d always sucked at names, and as the new girl in school she had already been introduced to dozens of new people so her brain seemed to be well past it’s name limit.

The boy nodded a little too quickly, his head practically a blur, spraying sweat all over his desk. “Fine. I’m fine. Just a little hot.”

She had trouble believing him, but not wanting to draw attention to herself she just nodded and went back to reading the assigned book. Her reading didn’t last long as a quiet, thumping noise drew her attention back to the boy. His face was now a brilliant red, and his hands were vibrating against the desk. Her jaw dropped as she saw that the desk itself and everything around him was vibrating just as quickly.

Raising her hand, not looking away from the excruciating expression on the boys face she shouted, “Mr. Wentworth! There’s something wrong with him!”

The English teacher ran towards them the second he saw what was wrong. The other students turned to look at their corner, backing away as the desk and the boy began to rise in the air. Some were screaming and heading for the door, others ducked under their desks, Alana found it impossible to move, her right hand covered her mouth, as her other hand reached for her book bag. A voice in her head screamed at her to run.

Before she could put the thought into action the boy and his desk exploded.

Alana found herself lying on her back, her ears ringing. She felt hot. Raising her right hand, she was reminded of the time she had burnt hamburgers on the BBQ. Using her other arm she pushed herself up a little to see her legs several feet away where her desk used to be. “I liked those pants,” she whispered in dismay at seeing the beaded blue jeans turning red from blood.

A student looked down at her. He was cute, she wished she could remember his name. He was saying something about not moving. That was silly of him, her legs were at her desk, how was she going to move?

She leaned her head back and thought about how she would have lots to tell her old friends once she got back home. As the screaming in the room got louder she started writing the email in her head. Before she got past the first line she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #669
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Alana wrapped her coat closer around herself, ducking her head to keep the rain out of her face. Every step gave a soft chime as her silvery feet moved to the sound. The sonic metal she had devised was hidden under clothes and soleless shoes making her appear ordinary, and not the cybernetic freak her father accused her of being. Her silver glove that went over the remains of her mangled right hand tapped a tune on her thigh as she considered her next step.

Going home wasn’t an option, her father had made sure of that. With the current anti-mutant climate, she wasn’t sure what would happen if she turned herself over to the government, it wasn’t like she could hide herself unless she wanted to be crippled again, and that would never happen.

What she needed was a place to turn into a lab. All she needed were some basic tools and electricity than she could build the tools she’d need, grow the crystals which let her create her sonic metal. With that, she could start selling her devises online, they’d have to be one shots, testing showed that they stopped working anywhere from a week to five months after leaving her, but she had enough ideas that she could make a couple of thousand dollars from just one sale. Shaking her head, she had to grin at the thought of supplying supervillains with weapons. She wasn’t going to lie to herself that people buying one shot sound mufflers, sonic grenades, and area affect stunners would be the good guys, at least not at first.

As she was musing about the future, she was jerked off her feet as a hulking teenager ran past and tried to rip her backpack off of her back.

Her devised arm gave a shriek grabbing a strap with inhuman speed and gripping it with the force of a hydraulic press. The teenager looked at her in surprise, and pulled harder yelling threats right in her face.

Alana literally dug her heels in, keeping her balance, and got her normal hand on the pack.

“Let go, you creep!” she shouted.

He didn’t let go, Instead he raised his fist, which looked to be as big as her head, and got ready to beat her down.

Her metal hand reached up and touched his temple. The fingertips vibrated for a moment sending sound waves right through his skull and into his brain. For a moment the teenager stared at her, glassy eyed, than he slowly toppled to the ground, snoring.

“Stupid jerk!” she spit, before taking off at a run.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #670
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
December, Westport, CT

Agent Melina Hauser entered the small interview room of the Westport PD after driving up from the MCO branch offices in Stamford. A young woman sat at the table, twirling segments of her very, very long hair around her fingers, and removing the ends of strands with what looked like PK claws into a small sachet. The Wesport Chief had called the MCO in accordance with procedure over a “little incident.” Agent Hauser was simply told that the file would be in the room with the girl. Sure enough, a manila folder was placed on the table across from the girl, her MID sitting next to it.

Agent Hauser set up her laptop, and looked at the girl.

“Good Afternoon. I’m Agent Hauser from the Stamford MCO. You are?”

The girl dropped the lock of hair and nervously looked at her. “Da…err…I’m Beautician,” the girl smiled, her eyes flicking to the MID on the table before she dropped her gaze and fiddled with her fingers. Nervous? Good. Nervous mutants often gave up more information than they should. That would give Milena the edge she might use to bring the girl into their custody, depending on the crimes she had committed. Judging from the girl’s reaction, this one would be easy to break.

Melina picked the MID up, and began looking over the information on the card.

Beautician. PK-1. A nobody. Little threat, she wouldn’t even need to call for backup.

Techniques: Layering, Undercut, Plaiting, Micro braiding, coloring, manicures…okaaaay.

Was this a fake? Melina typed in the data into the MCO system. This appeared to all be official. The data matched exactly. She looked back to the card.


“What the fu-”

Melina doubled checked the laptop. It matched. She looked to the girl and saw a sheepish blush. In an instant, Melina flipped open the folder. The police report listed a misdemeanor for…”Unlicensed cosmetology. $500 fine.”

Milena slid the card back across the table, where the girl caught it, somewhat awkwardly. She pressed her fingers deeply into her temples.

“Just get out.”

The girl popped open her purse and slid the MID back into her pocketbook. “Thank you ma’am. I promise it won’t happen again. At least until I’m licensed. And then it won’t be a problem! Err…I guess I mean…”


“Thank you ma’am!” The girl fled the room, back to the rest of the police station, presumably to wait for her parents to pay the fine.

Milena sighed. What had she done to deserve this?

Earlier that year, Berlin, NH

The girl looked quickly at her MID, and a huge smile blossomed on her face. She crammed the card into her purse, and fled the office as quickly as possible.

The two interns smirked at each other. The girl had been so happy that she was allowed to change her codename, she hadn’t even bothered reading the rest of the card.

The two interns each raised an arm, and gently bumped fists.

“Next!” called the one on the left.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #671
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jennifer Kelly frowned. “So you’re telling me I’m married to this putz?” Kayda nodded while Wyatt rolled his eyes. “Well, what of it? I don’t remember that life, and I don’t want to. It’s gone. Dead. Kaput. I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m not going to flush the life I do have down the drain for the sake of a memory.” She wrapped an arm around Sarah’s waist. “I’m happy with what I have. Leave us alone.”

Kayda gasped and tightened her grip on Deb’s hand. “But, but cuwe!”

“What the fuck is a cu- forgetaboutit. Don’t even want to know.”

“Too bad,” growled Wyatt as he reached out and flicked her in the forehead.

“What was that supposed... to...” She trailed off as the healing magic worked and memories started unfogging. “God damn it.” She could remember everything now. That stupid glow Trevor had when everything first started going wrong. The way old man Buffet began to vomit at her birthday party a year later. The day six months after that when it all finally caught up with her and she first noticed her boobs coming in, that she was becoming herself. The weeks with Hammond. The escape and ensuing slaughter. The four miserable and terrifying years at Whateley. Her plot to get revenge against Trevor by slowly ruining the lives of his friends, one by one. The stolen ID and subsequent impersonation. The lab. The explosion.

“Lanie?” asked Tansy tentatively.

“No.” Her flesh seemed to ripple, and then an entirely different woman was standing there, orange irises glaring daggers at Wyatt from behind frizzy brown hair. “Denise. Denise Goodkind.”

Tansy gasped. “Falsarium?”

“Jenny...” said Sarah worriedly.

“You know,” muttered Denise to the unwelcome visitors as she gave Sarah one last squeeze, “I was happy here. I really was. For the first time in almost a decade, I was happy.”

“Baby, it’s not too-”

“But I don’t get to be happy, do I?!” Denise was shaking now. Tansy tried to soothe her roiling emotions, but her power just slid off Falsarium’s mental shields. She reached out to try physical contact, but the other woman leaped back out of reach. “Oh no you don’t, bitch! I was going to save you for after Trevor, but after what you’ve taken from me? You burn here and now!”

She raised her arms and flames raged forth to splash harmlessly off Kayda’s shield. Wyatt growled and began wading through the blaze. Then it vanished, revealing Sarah pinning Denise’s arms to her side in a bear hug as her own sleeves smoldered. “I love you, Jennifer Kelly.”

“My name is Denise. Get out of my way, Sarah.”

“I don’t care. I love you.”

“No you don’t! You don’t know me! I’ve-”

“You have baggage, I get it. But baby, I’ve seen you without it weighing you down, and you’re beautiful. My beautiful Irish Rose.”

“I’m not Irish. I’m a shifter.”

“And I’m not Nubian, ethnically speaking. None of this matters. I. Love. You.”

“This... this isn’t even me! I mean, it is now, but I used to be... I used to be a guy.”

“I don’t ca- you what?” Sarah started to pull away for a moment, then shook her head and tightened her hug. “Whatever. Don’t care.”

“I murdered my parents, Sarah.”

“I’m sure you had good reason.”

“Well, yeah, but you deserve better than-”

Sarah tightened her grip further until Denise couldn’t do anything but wheeze. “Shut up. You remember being Denise, and I guess that time sucked, but Denise has been dead to the world for three years now and the world didn’t stop turning. She can stay dead. Leave her baggage behind. Be Jennifer Kelly. Be my Irish Rose. Be the real you, without all the shit life put the old you through. Be my love.”

Denise wheezed some sort of quiet reply that made Sarah smile. A few moments later their passionate kiss was interrupted by a gruff throat clearing. They both looked up to see Wyatt Cody frowning at them in his heavily singed flannel. “Forgetting something, Falsarium?”

“I’m not Elaine, Kodiak. Get out of my apartment.”

“No, but you had her ID and her face! Explain yourself!”

“What’s to explain? I wanted to tear Trevor apart, one friend at a time, piece by pathetic piece. Step one was to destroy Night Death’s antidote as Wicked, but Walcunt here showed up and got it out ahead of the explosion. Or so I thought.” She shrugged. “If that was your wife in disguise, then she’s dead.”

“So, you caused that explosion,” whispered Wyatt. “You killed her...”

“Oh shit.”

“NO!” screamed Tansy as she threw herself in front of Denise. Wyatt’s eyes widened, but his claws connected with her torso before he could abort the swing. As her guts spilled out, she looked down in horror. “The baby,” she gasped with her dying breath.

“What baby? What are... you... shit. Shit!” He spun around to rage at the room in general. “Okay, great, now that I’ve just killed my presumed dead lover who was pretending to be my actually dead wife along with an unborn child I didn’t know about, in the apartment of the amnesiac villain who killed my wife and then semi-accidentally impersonated her for just long enough to get my hopes up... now that all of that’s happened, are we quite the fuck done with the fucking ass pull reveals for today?”

“Language, Wyatt!” snapped a high pitched voice from the hole in Tansy’s eviscerated corpse. As the other five watched in confused horror, a tiny blond humanoid form crawled out and wiped its face on Tansy’s blouse. “Alright, somebody fill me in on what’s been going on. Last I remember, Ty interrupted our inspection of the tunnels to go fight an extra-dimensional invasion of his homeworld. We fought, we lost, our survivors were captured, and then... Where are we?”

“Liz?” called another high pitched voice from within Tansy. “Did you make it out?”

“Yes, Amanda! Are the others with you? Tell them to hurry! I can see a calendar and it’s already November!”

Kayda gasped. “Mrs. Carson? Is that you? Why are you chibi?”

Carson spun on her heel and paled. “Kayda. I should have known you’d be involved in this insanity.” She straightened to her full five inches and raised a stern finger at her former pupil. “What have I told you about magic rituals!”

“But... but I didn’t...”

“Oh? You didn’t perform a deep identity replacement ritual on the late Ms. Walcutt here while she was pregnant with her first son who was conceived in deceit born of self sacrificial kindness?”

“What does that have to do with-”

“Will you never get it through your skull that actions have unforeseen consequences? Let me guess, Tansy interposed herself between Wyatt and... is that Miss Goodkind? Right, of course. So I’m guessing Denise was finally having a redemption moment, correct? This was the cost of your spell, Kayda. In helping Tansy to give up her own life for the good of another, you caused her to be drawn here where she could do that more literally. This combined with the death of the aforementioned son of specific circumstances at the hands of his own father completed a blood ritual opening a passage through her for a group of selfless individuals to return home.”

“But why are you chibi?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. Wyatt! Pull yourself together and call Whateley. I need to speak to Sam. Deborah! Stop hiding behind Kayda and Wyatt and bring us some handkerchiefs and a bowl of water.” She turned to face Denise and Sarah. “I assume that this is your residence? Excellent. We will require large amounts of food, pronto. Preferably in a form that’s mushy. Oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, Soylent, mashed potatoes, anything of that nature. Don’t worry, we’ll clean this mess for you. Kayda! You remember the spells for getting blood out of textiles? Heal those burns on our host’s arms and then get to it.” She turned back to Tansy’s body. “Amanda! What is the holdup? The portal won’t stay open much longer!”

Another small blond head wormed its way free of Tansy’s guts. “You do not want to know, Liz. It has been dealt with. They’re all right behind me now.” As soon as she finished pulling herself free, a poodle-sized dragon burst out and began shaking his wings off, flinging blood everywhere. Half a dozen others followed, most wearing grim, haunted expressions.

As the others used the water and handkerchiefs to wash themselves, Hartford moved to Tansy’s head and patted it as her slow tears streaked through the blood of her protege coating her face. “Liz can say what she wants,” she whispered, “but this was ultimately my doing. I groomed you for this, you and Kayda both. I hoped we’d never have to use the fallback you provided, but I had to be prepared for every possibility. I’m sorry that it required you to die, but the rest of us together will be able to do far more good for humanity than you would have on your own. The math is clear, but I don’t have to like it. I will remember your sacrifice. You did good, Tansy. You did good.”

“Eldritch did WHAT?!” screamed Carson into the phone.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Kettlekorn.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago - 4 years 1 month ago #672
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Amelia Hartford looked at the student sitting before her and sighed. These sorts of incidents always seemed to happen when Liz was away. She shook her head and addressed the crying teen.

“What were you thinking? Taking on 6 bullies at a time, not to mention that four of them are on the ultra-violent list! It’s a miracle you didn’t get yourself killed!”, bellowed Hartford.

Lucy Jensen mumbled something amidst all the sobs. What it was, Hartford didn’t make out, but it caused the girl to escalate her sobbing into a full-on crying fit. Amelia decided to change tactics. Stepping out from behind Carson’s desk, she came around to the girl and put her arms around her.

“If you tell anyone about me giving you a hug, I’ll deny it. But what were you thinking?”

Lucy sniffled and took a tissue from her handbag. After she dried her eyes, she started to explain. “ I really c… couldn’t help it.”, she said in her shy voice. “A…after my brother and I re-integrate, He falls asleep, and I’m usually… v…very drained. It was a nice day, and I decided to take a rest under a t…tree. That’s when they came up and surrounded me. I t..tried to get away and to call security..b..but they took my phone and crushed it. Pl…pl..p… please don’t send me away, I’m sorry. I d…didn’t mean it. “

Amelia wasn’t used to this touchy-feely stuff, but she did her best to comfort the girl. “I’m not going to expel you. Detention certainly, but the students you fought are well-known around campus as bullies and trouble makers. My only concern is that you might end up on the Ultra-violent list for this, yourself.”

“I… I .. really didn’t m..mean to hurt anyone, I was just trying to get a..away.” Lucy, said in a defensive tone.

“Be that at it may, you did stab Counterpoint repeatedly with, I might add,… your own femur!”

“I’m sorry, but if… that wolf guy hadn’t torn off my…leg I…I wouldn’t have. And I …I have grown my leg back, see?”

Amelia looked at the pale white skin of the girl’s leg, a noticeable tan line evident at the point in which it had been severed.

“I will be talking to Bloodwolf, once he regains consciousness. Killstench and Maggot are too scared of you to say anything, except for some babbling about how you flogged Buster with your own entrails…”

Lucy looked at the ground. “I…I did sort of do that. But.. he was trying to… hit m..me.”

Amelia shook her head. “Okay, okay. I’m going to consider this matter settled. One week’s detention, to be served helping the groundskeeping staff.”

Lucy looked up, wiped the last of her tears away, and hugged Hartford, who hugged the sad girl back.

“Again, I will deny any and all hugs.”, stated Hartford. “Oh, one last thing before you go, where are Strongarm and Legbreaker? Campus security hasn’t been able to locate either one to question.”

“I… I didn’t do anything… well, I did chase them some… while… holding some of my discarded ribs… You might check w…with Dr. Bellows. I… I think they might have gone to…to see him.”, Lucy turned and looked at Hartford through the long hair that was falling down over her face, smiling wickedly. “They seemed to have been a might bit upset.”

Amelia Hartford ushered the girl out of the office, and grabbed the wastepaper basket. After emptying her stomach, she recalled the look on the girl’s face. Amelia would be getting no sleep that night.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 1 month ago by Rose Bunny.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 1 month ago #673
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Morning, Ground Floor, Crystal Hall

Mads ‘Metro’ Jensen was rather pleased with his lot in life as he carried his tray - with real food! - over to an open spot at Bloodwolf’s table. He’d have preferred to hang with the other Thornies, but Jimmy T woke up supersized and, well, it’s just not safe to get between him and food at such times.

Hell. Maggot and Necro both looked like they’d seen their own ghosts.

“Morning gents! Mind if I join you?” Everyone looked to Bloodwolf, clearly hoping for a “no”.

“Suit yourself, “ the werewolf avatar replied, daring the others to embarrass him. “Running late this morning.”

“I ended up working graveyard.”

“So you heard about yesterday.”

“Ayup. I have to ask though...”

“There’s a question that Security missed? Color me surprised.” Bitter? He hardly even knew her.

“Pfft. Only the obvious one. What on earth and all of God’s own hells possessed anyone to go along with one of Buster’s ideas?”

“Sounded like fun at the time.”

“Should’ve had yourselves checked for mental coercion. Because, Buster. And Counterpoint. Fun?”

“We get it. Bad idea.”

About this time, Metro decided that going back for the silverware he’d forgotten to obtain would let his prized breakfast lose its freshness. That would not do! The guys stared as a pair of razor-sharp knives appeared from practically nowhere. Smiling, the boy went to work on his meal - one which had the bad manners to twitch a couple of times before finally dying.

After a few slices he looked up into three sets of wide eyes. “What? It’s a common name. They’re not even related to me!” “Hah!” the boy exulted as he pinned the fish’s tail down to the table before it could flop again.

A few more bites of tasty fresh fish were enjoyed before he looked up to see Jimmy waving him over to join him now that both tables were empty.
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Rose Bunny
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4 years 4 weeks ago - 4 years 4 weeks ago #674
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Caitlin Bardue walked into the teacher’s dining room and grabbed a bagel and some coffee. Seeing Nikki Reilly sitting alone at a table, she walked over and sat down.

“Hey Nikki, I’ve been having some problems with one of your students, he keeps swearing blood oaths against random students on the range. I’m afraid that it might not end well.”, The gruff range warden stated.

Nikki sighed. “Kids will do stupid stuff like that. Send them to me, and I’ll talk to them. We don’t need someone becoming the next Hekate, or worse, the next me, when I was that age.”

Caitlin frowned and nodded. “Say, whatever happened to Hekate anyhow? I know she fooled your curse, but I never heard what happened after.”

Nikki paused and put down her fork. “Well, I couldn’t just kill her, there would have been karmic repercussions. Sealing her magic would have been a solution, but there are ways around that. I finally thought of a solution. You know the saying about ‘keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’... ? I thought of an idea, and since Fubar’s old tank wasn’t in use anymore...”

Caitlin interrupted. “WHAT DID YOU DO?...”

Nikki looked at the instructor with a wounded expression. “No, nothing bad... besides, I think she likes being a goldfish.”
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 4 weeks ago by Rose Bunny.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 4 weeks ago - 4 years 4 weeks ago #675
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“What it would mean to be tagged as UV?” Wyatt perceptively finished his question. When the boy nodded, Wyatt explained what his freshman year had been like with the UV armband.

“So, after nearly killing a junior who’d started a fight with you, and then just kept provoking you, they made you wear an ultra-violent band for the rest of the year?” Danny asked the hulking senior.

“That’s correct. For the rest of the year, no one wanted to fight me. Not sparring in BMA, not even in a simulator, not a single person anywhere on campus wanted to. It was the loneliest time I’ve spent here, before or since.”

“But I don’t want to fight anybody! I just want the bullies to leave me alone!”

“Can’t help you there, sport. I’ve never been bullied. I may have beaten up a number of kids like you for the Alphas, especially once I became one of Freya’s enforcers, so the best I can tell you is not to upset the more important folks on campus. Mrs. Carson can send you down to muck out sewers for a week or two, but upset the wrong upperclassman and you’ll be eating through a straw until they get you patched up.”

“Could you tell me again, then, what else goes with a UV band?”

Wyatt thought for a moment - there wasn’t much to it, really, “There’s the daily check-ins, and you have to wear the band so it’s visible at all times... “

“Babs told me that Jimmy T has one modified so he can attach it to a book bag or purse when he can’t wear clothes.” Lanie clarified.

“Of course, Security has a tote-board set up listing the various UVs and their relative threat rating. Hm. You’ll also tend to be punished more severely than other students for the same impromptu scuffles, but you can still book Arena 77 for a refereed fight. You don’t see either one happening much because the punishment for picking a fight with an ultra-violent is a bit more severe too.” And Kodiak would know, right?

“Aside from that, it’s also much more of a hassle to go off-campus if you’re on the longer list of kids not allowed to leave without a counter-signed pass from Admin. Good luck with that if Mrs. Hartford is one of the ones you’ve pissed off. Even some of the obvious GSD cases in Whitman and Twain get to go into town every month or two...”

“Holidays too, assuming they have a place to go. Since you’re a freshman, don’t worry about Thanksgiving. Unless you already have a MID, you’re going nowhere.”

All in all, Danny left the discussion more than a little traumatized.

It turns out that being on the lookout for the school-sanctioned bullies also helps one notice things about the people around one. For example, two of Danny’s roommate’s friends wore UV-style bands. When he asked Hank about Jade and Billie, Hank reassured him that while Billie wouldn’t hurt a fly - maybe annihilate the Eastern Seaboard under certain conditions, but not deliberately hurt anyone - it probably wasn’t safe to personally antagonize her best friend and roommate. At Phase’s estimate, and discounting the mythos-corrupted weres fought by the Wild Bunch, Generator had at best the fourth or fifth highest off-campus body count, behind Tennyo, Fey, Metro, and Bladedancer. On the bright side, Metro was the only one not legally deputized in Boston.

It would be some time before Danny felt comfortable sleeping alone in Poe Cottage.
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Last Edit: 4 years 4 weeks ago by null0trooper.

Katssun’s Avatar
4 years 4 weeks ago #676
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Outside Fort Wayne, Indiana, August 7th, 2007

Stacy Yates walked into the living room after a long hot bath and saw her son eating a waffle cone ice cream treat, getting peanuts all over the carpet. At least it wasn’t the chocolate slivers on the microfiber couch, she rationalized.

Considering that he had just used four months’ worth of allowance on a PC Interface card for the oscilloscope he got for Christmas…Stacy checked her purse first, and quickly counted the bills. He’s gotten smarter, she thought to herself. Stacy turned back to the bedrooms of their modest ranch and grabbed five objects off Jordan’s desk.

She returned to the kitchen with her prize, muttered a few words and unlocked the liquor cabinet. She pulled out a 2005 and put the five objects into a plastic sandwich bag before securing the liquor cabinet again. She sighed. It was too soon to send him, and she still had this under control. Next year, maybe. Gavin was working ten hours of OT a week already so they could start saving, but…they’d work something out. Stacy opened the bottle, poured a half glass, and placed the bottle in the fridge before heading to the living room.

Jordan was watching a rerun of Future Weapons, again. Stacy thought she had blocked the channel, but Gavin must have unlocked it after getting annoyed at always putting the code in so he and Jordan could watch Man vs. Wild. Stacy didn’t blame him, Jordan would just figure it out on his own soon. Which is exactly the sort of reason why she was right here, right now.

“Jordan Dietrich Yates!” she boomed, causing her son to spin away from the television. “Where, exactly, did you get that ice cream?” She was rewarded with his deer in the headlights look. Stacy suppressed a smirk. Her son stammered a response, and not the one she hoped to hear.

“I stole money from your purse?”

“Try again, little man, I already counted it.”

“Uh…Brendan paid for it!”

“Your friend Brendan is at camp for another week, unless you forgot?”


“I’m gonna guess that your Rectified Phase Inducer generators found their way onto the side of the ice cream truck that I heard from the bathroom about ten minutes ago.” Her son looked at her in shock. She’d correctly identified the name of his latest invention. Pfft, like she didn’t have access to the Wifi logs. Salted, SHA-2 encrypted, 34 character password protected. Her son glanced down the hall toward his bedroom. “Don’t bother, little buster,” she said, draining the rest of her glass. “The remote is in the cabinet with the four little cubes.”


“Let’s try this,” Stacy’s Cheshire smile grew steadily on her face. The one she saved just for her son, and husband after Lodge nights when he should have gotten a ride from one of his coworkers. She folded her arms over her chest, the stem of the glass gripped between her index and middle fingers. “You clean your room, and wash the dishes for a week.”

“But maaaaawwwwwwwm…”

“You certainly will if you want them back. Unless you can figure out how to light your well, which you can’t, or figure out how to get enough essence and the cantrip and the coda to unlock the cabinet, which you won’t, or get your sister to help you, which she’s can’t. Yet.”

“Aww….man!” her son whined, and stomped over to his room, the pilfered ice cream forgotten on its wrapper on the coffee table.

“And you’re grounded for a month!” she craned her neck and called after him.

“Geez!” she heard grumbled from his room, then hearing a pile of parts clatter all over the floor. That should keep him out of trouble for a few weeks.

Stacy went back to the fridge, poured herself a full glass of Mommy Juice, and sat down on the couch with a crime novel.

God, she hoped Cora wouldn’t be this difficult in a year or so.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 weeks ago #677
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Morning, Crystal Hall Cafeteria, Whateley Academy

Lucy Marie Jensen, also known as Host, found herself sitting alone again at one of the ground-floor tables. She’d been told that this was the usual area for the Thornies and GSD kids to sit, so there should be more people around, but not many of them were raised on a working farm and used to getting up at the crack of dawn for their morning chores. She wouldn’t be used to the hour yet, but having to regenerate back from the dead every day had the odd side-effect of resetting her biological clock to her new times zone.

The young mutant quietly sat then, with her morning coffee and breakfast, waiting for her body and her brother’s to wake up. The doctors had explained that the caffeine would no longer physically work for her, but keeping up her morning routines as best as she could helped her feel just a little bit more “normal”. The early September morning was dawning clear. It would be a good day for most outdoor activities, so of course it had to be a school day. I wonder how Dad is doing? I could always send an email, I guess.

So the girl was completely lost in thought, which left her open for just about any schoolyard pranks or bullying. Sure enough, she heard a *thunk* on the table across from her as someone dropped a packet of something on the table, followed by a barely-controlled coffee cup descent. Great. Either this is someone who didn’t get the memo to avoid me. Or it’s some jerk here to make my life miserable.

No worries, Sis. I’ll protect you.

Good to see the tapeworm was awake. If things got rough, they could cause a nice bloody scene and escape while the jerk was wiping blood off his face. And then she’d have to replace another blouse.

The intruder looked... shorter even than Lucy was. Not by much, but going by her guess that he was another freshman, the boy was probably well-aware and insecure about the height difference. Maybe a weight difference too, judging by the pale, almost lilac skin of his face - skin that didn’t have enough baby fat remaining to hide his underlying features. Compared to Jeremy Lundegren back home - if Jeremy had some nordic ancestry, this guy must’ve been straight off the boat. Maybe even just off the boat this morning, as tired as the kid looked.

“Good morning. And you would be?”

“Oh! Right. We haven’t formally met, have we?” There was a pause as the boy visibly chased thoughts moving faster than the rest of him could track. He finally reached across the table for a hand shake, “Mads Jensen. Pahss-, er, um, I guess I’d better get used to ‘Metro’ before someone comes up with a worse name.

“Lucy Jensen.” She gripped his hand. He had a surprisingly firm handshake. Most early teens either gave the ‘dead fish’ handshake, or tried to impress people with their strength by clamping down hard. Her father’d warned her that neither type of guy who did that was entirely trustworthy. “My MID says ‘Host’. My brother’s reads ‘Tapeworm’, so yes, you could end up with worse.”

You need to work on those coping skills, Sis.

The boy mused with a grin, “Jensen... Where have I heard that name before?”

An esper herself, Lucy could guess by his expression that he’d gotten an answer to that question, and it was probably rude enough to suit.

“Hej! You’re the bodice-ripper up on the freshman floor, yeah?”

“I do not wear a bodice. Nor do I rip them!” The nerve of this guy! Now she remembered where she’d seen him. Going by the UV band, and the places around Hawthorne she’d briefly seen him, he was probably one of the campus bullies working off his latest detention.

Want me to bite him a few dozen times? These teeth aren’t just for show!

No. Not yet. Maybe he’ll take a hint and leave.

‘Metro’ followed Lucy’s line of sight to his white UV band. “Oh, this? I think I set a new school record for getting on the ultraviolet list.”


“However could that have happened?”

“For one thing, it was ready for me even before they revived me from the medical coma.”

“Why were you in a coma?”

“’Cause I got stabbed. ‘Tswhy I’m taking BMA. Um, you don’t mind of I eat this, here?” He motioned to the packet he’d brought with him.

“Oh no, go ahead.” Somewhere else, preferably.

“Thanks. I’m never quite sure whether it’s better warm or cold, what with the blubber and all.”


“Just out of curiosity, why were you stabbed?” With some of the city kids Lucy’d read about, it could be anything from drugs to prostitution. Even the guys,

“Not entirely sure. Some sort of ritual sacrifice? Anyway, I objected, he insisted, I objected some more, and now here we all are!”

Wow, Sis. That’s somehow even worse than what you’d been thinking.

“Your brother’s looking talkative this morning.”


“You’ve got two auras, and one of them’s male.”


“So how do you like Inmate Central?”


“’Host’ is listed among the regular freshmen rooms.”

“So, you have been working your detention off at Hawthorne!”

“Nope. That’s Kane Hall. Security. I’m just a floor or two below you, with some of the other special environment folks.” He squeezed out more of whatever-it-was to eat. Looking more closely at the labels, she realized that the set of ‘special meals’ could intersect ‘poison’ and possibly hazmat.

Minnesota was looking and feeling light-years away, right about then.

“What can I say? Mrs. Cantrel’s nice enough, and most of the other kids. But when your brother has a habit of bursting out through your chest, it gets kind of lonely. And expensive too, what with blouses and shirts taking the collateral damage, and the blood stains.”

“Does he have to come out that way?”

“Yes. Really, he does. He needs an hour a day outside or we both suffer for it.”

“Hunh. Beats sleeping in a bathtub I guess.”

“At least that way your shirts probably stay clean.”

“Nah. If I’m too excited or upset, my skin dumps fatty acids and oils all over. Good when a policeman, for example, tries to grab me, not so good for keeping clean. Throw in pheromones, everyday dirt, etc., and I end up showering at least two, three times a day. You did notice no one is in any hurry to sit here?”

“I... thought it was just me.”

“Doubt it. Anyway, why not let your bror out while you’re in the shower? Saves wear and tear on the clothes. There’s a couple of spells that could also help with cleanup, but I don’t know jack about enchanting stuff for other people. Not exactly my style.”

That could work, you know.

“I’ll think about it.”

Finishing up whatever unholy concoction he’d been consuming, Mads stood up. “Sorry to dine and dash, but I’ve got to brush my teeth after eating this stuff. Good meeting you, and, Oh! If you have the cash, it’s easy to get blood and other bodily fluids out of some ballistic fabrics.”

“How would you know?”

The boy grinned a truly wicked grin, fangs and all, and tapped the UV band on his arm. “Experience.”

I’ll be taking a raincheck on it for now, but I still think one of us should chew his kneecaps off. Just saying.
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Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 3 weeks ago #678
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
My daughter really likes Slender Man (she has seen his picture on Roblox) and was telling me how she wants a Slender Man plushy yesterday during a long car ride. This is the story I developed from that.


Melody skipped along the path of her new school, feeling really cute in her pink polka dot dress and matching bow, while gazing in wonder at all the cool students who were flying, jumping and running around. The only thing that spoiled her mood was that she was the youngest student at the school, being just six years old.

She saw a big dog like boy walking down the path, his head looked just like her Daddy’s dog back home. Smiling wide, she waved at him, “Hi, you look cool!” she said.

The dog boy leaned down, his mouth hanging open as if grinning. “You think I’m cool?”

“Yeah, I have a nice doggy at home who looks like you. He’s my best friend. His name is Freddy. He sleeps with me every night and sometimes he kicks me out of bed.”

“Oh really,” the boy said sweetly. “Does he growl like this?” He got right in her face and growled just like her dog once did when a bear wandered into her backyard.

“Yeah, he does!” she said, giggling.

The boy looked confused for a moment, growling more loudly he placed a huge hand around her head and lifted her up. “Does Freddy ever eat you up?”

“You’re hurting me!” Melody shouted, squirming to get out of his grasp as his nails dug into her skin. “Put me down or my friend is going to get you!”

“Yeah, I’m sure your imaginary friend is terrifying.”

“Slendy! Help me!” she screamed.

Rotti felt a cold shadow cover him. A black tentacle caressed his cheek. Looking over his shoulder, he saw a pale faceless man who writhed unnaturally in the light breeze staring down at him. A long boneless arm rose up until two sharp fingers pointed at his eyes. Tentacles ran across his body, just brushing his fur, they felt unclean, leaving him covered in filth that sunk beneath his skin.

He tried to speak, but only a whimper escaped.

Very carefully and slowly he put the girl on the ground.

The tentacles moved away from him, winding around the tiny girl protectively.

“You made my friend very unhappy. You should run away now,” the girl said, walking over to the abomination and hugging his leg.

Rotti didn’t need to be told twice, he bolted for the trees.

Melody looked up at her friend. “Thank you Slendy, you’re the best.”

An enormous hand stretched out, taking hold of her own tiny hand. Together they walked along the paths of Whateley, the girl pointing out all the cool things, while the creature beside her silently watched for any sign of danger to his charge.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 3 weeks ago - 4 years 3 weeks ago #679
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lucy walked around the quad, feeling happy. The pest had chosen during her shower to appear, sparing her clothing any damage. An encounter with Ribbon had resulted in a cute knee length denim skirt and matching long-sleeve shirt for the day. She walked around, enjoying the crisp autumn air. She paused and sad down on a bench and watched the other students.

Razorback was chasing Metro around, which caused Lucy to smile.

Jericho came running from the direction of Crystal Hall, yelling “Give back the teddy bear!”

Not knowing what was going on, and positive she didn’t want to know, Lucy just got up and walked in the opposite direction. She saw the girls of Wondercute walking towards her. The one with the dragon on her shoulder looked up and pointed at her. Immediately, the entire group turned in unison and hurried off in the opposite direction. Lucy grinned, then shook her head.

She was gaining quite the reputation, and it was all the slug’s fault. He was napping, of course, and she could hear him snoring in her head. He was dreaming, and images came unwanted to her mind, via their telepathic link. Images of him as he thought he would look like, if he had been normal looking. He was muscular and she admitted, he saw himself as quite a hot guy. He was back on the farm. He strode into the barn, and waiting for him on a blanket was Fey.

Screaming in her head, Lucy wished that ‘mental bleach’ was, in fact, a thing. That little pervert hitchhiker. He didn’t even have genitals, but he did have a libido, to her regret.

She looked around, and Lucy saw another girl sitting under a tree, the tree that the UVs and bullies had harassed her the week before.
She walked over and looked down at the slumped over girl. She was short, probably only 4’8” at most, she was a little on the chubby side. She was bigger than Lucy in the bust, but not outrageously big, maybe a high B or low C cup. Her hair was a mottled tan-brown, with bands of lighter and darker shades. She had dark eyes, surrounded with black markings, her nails were claw-like. The most remarkable feature that Lucy could see though was the long furry banded tail that peeked out from under her red tartan dress.

“May I sit?”, Lucy asked the crying girl. After the girl nodded, Lucy tucked her skirt under her, and sat down beside her.

“Lucy Jensen, Host” She said, introducing herself.

The Sad girl looked up. “Aggie Smith, Tanuki” the crying girl said in response.

Lucy bit her lip and frowned. “Are you okay? I noticed you sitting here and crying. I often come here myself. Especially when I’m having problems.”

Aggie looked at her, the girl was certainly pretty. She had cool colored hair and eyes, she was a little flat-chested, but she was certainly gifted with Exemplar beauty.

“What sort of problems could you have, you are as pretty as you are? I got short and fat thanks to my stupid powers. ‘Spirit of the Tanuki’… None of it is worth it, not even the magic.”

Lucy nodded in sympathy. “You don’t look bad, you are very cute. I’ve seen others with worse GSD. Do you know who Razorback is?”

Aggie nodded before Lucy continued. “I have my own issues with my powers. I am an exemplar, but I’m also in a situation where my symbiotic brother lives inside me. He spends 23 hours a day inside me, where I can feel him squirming around. We have a telepathic link, so I can hear his thoughts, especially while the little pervert dreams… Then there is the other hour. He has to emerge once a day and spend an hour outside of me. Which he does in agonizing chest-bursting fashion. It would kill me if I weren’t a Regen 7. And by the time I’m recovered, He has to re-enter, by crawling down my throat and tearing out through my esophagus.”

Aggie turned pale, but then bit her lower lip. “What do you know about Tanuki?”, She asked.

Lucy thought for a second. “Aren’t those a type of raccoon dog from Japanese folklore? Supposedly they use magic to play tricks, I know I’ve seen pictures of statues and drawings. They are always standing up and showing off their huge testi…. oh… oh! You poor thing… “

Lucy wrapped her arms around Aggie, comforting the girl, who was now crying even harder. She was determined that she would be Aggie’s friend now, and help her in any way she could.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 3 weeks ago by Rose Bunny.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 3 weeks ago #680
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Rorsmand looked up to see Metro walking back to the table, FAR too pleased with himself.

“Mads, where’s the teddy bear?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” liar

“Fine. Could you at least tell me who Razorback is chasing?”

“Looked like Aegis to me. Originally. Maybe not at the moment. Things happen, you know.”

“Are you saying that Aegis, Mr. All-American Hero, stole someone’s teddy bear?”


“What did he think he was grabbing?”

“Something maybe less ‘All-American’ that Outcasts shouldn’t give dear, sweet, innocent Miranda Mahren?”



“Can you estimate when Aegis will start looking more like Aegis and less like you?”

“About the same time that the sex toy he’s carrying is within 20 yards of anyone attached to Security who isn’t Razorback.”

“And what would the sex toy happen to look like?” This is like trying to get a coherent story from a three year old!

“A bone... of sorts. English is interesting that way.
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4 years 3 weeks ago #681
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A few minutes later, the entire cafeteria heard a loud, feminine, shriek of outrage:

“METRO, YOU ARE ONE DEAD SUNOVA -- [ dropped carrier ] --

Rorsmand stopped eating for a moment, realizing he hadn’t been thorough enough.

“Miranda. What is she carrying?”

“Probably a teddy bear.”

“And what does the teddy bear look like?”

“That depends on who you are.”

“So why is Eldritch coming here to kill you?”

“I’d guess that’s because she’s old enough to see the teddy bear as... an implement of joy, so to speak.”


“And Miranda may have just asked her dear older sister why I handed it to her?”
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4 years 3 weeks ago #682
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Brixton, MCO office
13 December, 1995

“How goes the riot?” Dalton asked, finally finished dealing with the young mutant who needed one of the new MID’s. It was a useful tool no doubt, but trying to get the damn machines working, testing every mutant in the district, and dealing with all the questions and demands was wearing the MCO office thin.

Catherine muted the tele, “Looks like they’re going to have some cleaning up to do tomorrow. And the police are being called in from all over the city to deal with trouble.”

Rubbing his temples Dalton took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Let’s hope that’s the worst of our trouble, I don’t want to have to call in AEGIS if we’re called out. They’re still acting like bloody wankers over the MIDs’.

Whatever Catherine had been about to say was cut off by the sound of birds singing just outside the windows. Every window.

“What in the world?”

As Dalton got up to see what was going on, metal birds burst through the glass, instinct sent him flying to the ground covering his head as he rolled under his desk. There was nothing he could do as shrieks of pain filled the air, his side arm was in lock up, and his pistol, even with the anti-brick munitions, would be as effective as spitting in the ocean against the hundreds of birds filling the air.

The shrieking and chirping stopped, the silence broken only by an occasional panicked scream that was quickly cut off and the dripping as some liquid hit the tiled floor.

Getting to his feet, Dalton only had one thought, run. If he could climb out the window and get across the street, he could hide in a building. He could call for help. He could find some tiny bit of sanity in an insane situation.

He whimpered when he saw a blue knight, steam erupting from its joints, tear its way through the brick wall. The large metal sword dripped with blood, two metallic birds rested on its shoulders.

“What is your name?” the knight demanded.

“Dalton,” he whispered. He had read the reports about the knight. Attacking during disasters, riots, when everyone would be busy. The knight didn’t leave anyone alive. His senses seemed to become supercharged, he could smell the blood dripping from Catherine’s throat, feel every bit of debris under him, see the panicked crowd across the street hiding from the metal birds that flew along the street.

“Dalton, you will give your fellow murderers a message from me. For every child killed, I will avenge them ten fold. However, if you murderers disband, if you beg forgiveness and publicly admit your crimes, the killing can stop within the hour.” The knight leaned so close, Dalton could feel the heat rising from the metal helm. “Do you understand?” the knight demanded.

He couldn’t speak. He tried, but his throat was closed. Instead he nodded.

That satisfied the knight. There was a sharp whistle and the birds which had killed everyone else in the building flew outside. The blood covering their razor wings fell on Dalton like rain.

While he covered his face, trying to regain some control of his body, Dalton heard a car screech to a halt. There was a shout about the police. Then there were screams.

Dalton crawled under his desk again, praying to god that it would end.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 2 weeks ago #683
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Office of the Headmistress, Schuster Hall, Whateley Academy

“I’m sorry. Whoever it may have been that told you about Whateley Academy should have also told you that our admissions policy is quite exclusive. Your daughter’s grades...”

Ava tried to remain hopeful, “Mrs. Carson, if it’s only a matter of grades I assure you that Abelyn’s grade can and will improve here!”

“That may be so, but while an excellent academic record would help her qualify and maintain a scholarship, there are none that I am aware of that she would qualify for. To be blunt, our tuition fees are very expensive, much more than an artisan blacksmith and a potter could expect to afford.”

Paul tried another approach, “We’ve sold everything we had, except for what’s been coming to Abelyn. Some books, her tools, some personal belongings. We...” The broad-shouldered man’s cell phone rang. Discourteous as it must be, he saw the number and said, “Mrs. Carson, I beg your pardon, but I must needs take this call.”

“By all means,” the school headmistress granted. As hard as this interview was- on her as well as the distressed parents- she could afford to be graceful.

“What happened? Is she... oh. Oh, god.”


He turned to answer his wife, “M-Miss Lucy was just found. They burned her out.” The person on the other end of the line had had more to say, “What’s that? You already did? No. It’s all right, we’ll make arrangements before heading home. Good bye, Jimmie.”


“Ava, Jimmie went ahead and shipped Abelyn’s belongings up here. Mrs. Carson, I realize I shouldn’t ask this of you and your school, but could Abelyn stay until the end of the week? We need to tend to Miss Lucy’s burial and Abelyn, well, they’ll be wanting her signature and all... “

Mrs. Carson’s compassion warred with her conscience. The tipping point, meager as it was, was that the couple had to have known something about the school for them to have come here. There’d be no mistaking the return addresses on whatever was coming: for some that would be tantamount to waving a red flag. She took a chance.

“One week, and that’s all. We’re not a hotel. I keep getting the impression that you don’t understand that even if your daughter were to manifest as a mutant, there no reason to believe that she would be a danger to herself or others.”

“We do understand that. These days, it don’t take much to be branded a mutant, or worse, in some folks’ eyes. They’re the dangerous ones to my eyes, if you were to ask me.”

“Paul and I, we cannot thank you enough for doing this for us, but thank you.”

After the poor couple left, Liz Carson couldn’t shake the feeling that she would never see the two again. She updated her clipping services to include mentions of the family or other odd news that could be related to them, then went back to work. For the first night at least, Abelyn Elliott could stay in the guest quarters, but sooner or later she’d be forced to face what the school was about, simply as a matter of eating meals here for a few days.

The first news that found its way to her inbox was a death notice regarding Lucretia “Lucy” Armstrong’s tragic death in an accidental fire. But houses and barns don’t burn just themselves down to the ground like the photos showed in the summer, without an accelerant.

The second news item was more local. That evening, Abelyn Elliott had been taken to Doyle Medical Clinic suffering from a dangerously high fever.

The third waited until morning: a news article about a Jimmie Filiatreau, Army veteran, being killed by burglars breaking into his house.

Elizabeth Carson had been a working hero for too long not to hope for miracles. She’d also been at her current job too long not to prepare for giving a suddenly-homeless child the worst news for a child to hear at any age. Her hands felt a little numb, then, when an urgent call was forwarded from Louisville to her office. The money left in the estate wasn’t much, but what price sanctuary?
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4 years 2 weeks ago #684
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Early Fall, 2017

The Workshop, Metals and Fabrication Labs

“Bro! Did you hear? This year’s steampunk kid brought his shop along with him! Let me tell you, from what I’ve seen of the main package it’s got all the right curves in all the right places. I wish I had something like that to unwrap.”

“Just because he’s got a good anvil that doesn’t mean his hammer’s any good.”

Wasn’t that a sad but true fact of Workshop life?

“True. But I’ve got a hunch that once he gets going, that’s going to be a two-bedspring bay.”

“Pssheah, right. Last one the metal shops had, it left with Smithy. The seniors I knew back in my freshman year said she was a thing of beauty!”

“Smithy really put out, too, if you...”

On that cheerful note, a tall, well-built man, wearing an upscale but not outrageously expensive suit, walked up to the bull session. He was accompanied by a group of adults, and with Murphy’s Law in full effect, the odds looked got that they were prospective donors.

*ahem* “Gentlemen, is that any way to speak about one of our alumni, and a lady at that?”

“A Lady? I thought she was American?”

*kick* “Hey, watch it!”

“Um, well... Hello, Mister Turner! What brings you down here to this corner of the Workshop?”

“I was showing some guests of the school around. Now it appears I have a disciplinary action to settle.”

“But we were just talking about Smithy and her shop?”

“She didn’t have many alloy patents, but good luck affording them! And the knives she turned out - I’ve seen pictures...”

“Yeah, I heard the school once rescheduled a combat final so she could finish a project. She was that good.”

*kick* “Ow!”

“And what was this about bedsprings set out in the work bay?”

“Oh, GOD, no!”

“Huge safety violation...”

“’Specially with a working forge!”

“The bedsprings were on the wall! Hers was the last bay at the end there, and people kept walking into the wall at the end of the tunnel.”

Before the guys could either dig themselves a deeper pit to bury themselves or get detention for trying, an Indian woman wearing western clothing suited to professional fashion (to the point allowed by safety standards) under a standard labcoat hurried up to intercept whatever trouble the kids were bringing down upon her Labs.

Professor Choudhari greeted the visiting Assistant Headmaster, “Good afternoon, Mister Turner! I must apologize for my delay - one of our better-prepared incoming freshmen is still setting up and we needed to discuss additional ventilation requirements.”

One of the gentlemen in the ‘guest’ group remarked, “I was under the impression that the Workshop’s facilities where among the best in the country!” Did the school need more money just to meet standards, or was it still one of the top facilities to nurture inventors and engineers?

“I assure you they are, but traditional forges and smelters are normally constructed outdoors. We’re underground for the school’s security, so adjustments periodically must be made for students working to extend those traditions.”

Two of the three students’ eyes glazed over at the fraction of the discussion they were interested in.

“A smelter? Woah.”

“Custom alloys...”

The professor turned to the gossipers, “By the way, gentlemen, please make yourselves more useful and break out two bedsprings. This is Smithy’s cousin we’re talking about.”
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Rose Bunny
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4 years 2 weeks ago - 4 years 2 weeks ago #685
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A work-day in the life of Ernesto Adrianza

5:00 AM

Ernesto Adrianza got up from his bed and shuffled to the bathroom for a shower. He got dressed in his uniform and headed into the kitchen to have some breakfast. One bagel and some cream cheese later, he was out the door and on his way to work. He loved his job, and every day brought new challenges. He never quite knew what each day would bring.

5:30 AM

Ernesto arrived at work, and punched into the time clock. Giving a nod to Stan and Morrie, he walks to the assignment board.
He had been assigned to general maintenance for the day, and was to be the “on-call” duty member. He smiled at that and relaxed, in other words he gets to sit at dispatch until he is called to a situation. Grabbing some coffee, he settled in, knowing that while he will be busy, at least he won’t have to go down into the sewers like Stan and Morrie.

5:55 AM

A call from Hawthorne Cottage. Ernesto often dreaded these calls, as Hawthorne could be very dangerous, He had learned that the first week on the job when he was called in to fix a leak in one of the basement bathrooms.

Arriving at Hawthorne, Ernest checked in with Mrs. Cantrel. “Buenos dias, Signora Cantrell. What seems to be the problem today?”, He asked in a friendly manner.

Mrs. Cantrel smiled. “Nothing too serious today Ernesto, Lupine clogged one of the drains in the shower area with her fur.”

Cantrel escorted Ernesto to the bathroom, where Ernesto quickly went to work. It took about 5 minutes to snake the clog out and reassemble the drain plug. After Ernesto finished, he washed his hands thoroughly. He smiled and thanked Mrs. Cantrel when gave him a fresh-baked apple muffin on the way out.

6:10 AM

Ernesto sat at the on-call desk, eating a muffin and drinking some coffee.

6:37 AM

A call from Poe Cottage. Ernesto was wary of Poe Cottage, due to the fact that it had a reputation as the “nut house” of Whateley Academy. Many was the time he had to report there for such strange things as replacing warped floorboards from an unexpected indoor thunderstorm, or repairing something damaged in the many “heated disagreements” between Hippolyta and Lancer.

After consulting with Mrs. Horton, Ernesto discovered that a casualty of the prank-war between Generator and Beltane had been the stair railing on the third floor. Ernesto called back to the Maintenance Fabrication department for a new railing to be constructed, using the measurements on file. After informing Mrs. Horton, Ernesto thanked her for the hot M&M cookies she gave him, and informed her that a team would be there to install the new railing within the hour.

7:10 AM

A Plate of cookies (minus one) was placed in the Maintenance Department break room. Ernesto returned to his desk and ate a cookie.

7:45 AM

Ernesto received a call that a bio-hazard clean-up was needed on the Quad, SE corner.

Ernesto knew who it was almost immediately. He had met the young girl responsible on her first day at the school, and knew that she couldn’t really help causing the problem. He didn’t hold it against her, she seemed quite embarrassed by it, and it bothered her.

Donning his re-enforced kevra sealed suit, he hurried to the site. Sam Everheart was there maintaining a cordon around the area. Ernesto smiled at the young girl that was sitting nearby, covered with a plastic blanket to protect her modesty.

“Ah, Senorita Lucy, I see your little brother has been making a mess again. It’s no problem, I shall have everything taken care of in no time.” He smiled at the girl, and went to work.

Everheart had noted where the body parts had landed, and Ernesto very carefully picked up the bone fragments and pieces of organs and assorted other tissues. Having made certain all the contaminants were carefully picked up and cleared away in bio-hazard containers, he went to work spraying the area with a Devisor-made bio-neutralizer. After several applications, the area had been sterilized.

Ernesto took the sealed containers to the incinerator for secure disposal. After dropping his hazmat suit off at the autoclave at Doyle, Ernesto returned to his desk.

8:50 AM

Ernesto arrives back at the on-call desk and contacts groundskeeping to replace the grass and flowers killed off during the sterilization.

9:20 AM

Ernesto takes a coffee break.

9:35 AM

Coffee break over, Ernesto returns to the on-call desk.

9:37 AM

The team working at Poe calls in the railing job as completed. Ernesto logs it in the log book.

10:22 AM

A call from Kirby Hall. Ernesto never liked it when it was a call from Kirby Hall. Magic was outside his comprehension. Kids throwing around vast amounts of mystical power worried him.

Ernesto arrived at Kirby, and walked over to Circe, who seemed to be frowning. The back wall for one of the summoning rooms was blown out.

Circe walked over. “Ah, Ernesto, prompt as usual. We appear to have had a slight… incident. One of the freshmen thought it would impress the teachers to summon a Hell-beast and try to contract it to themselves. Unfortunately, it didn’t like that. I need to go help Chulkris, Grimes, and Fey. But if you would be a dear and have someone here to repair the wall, I’d be ever so grateful.”

Circe ran off in the direction of the woods, as explosions could be heard in the distance. Ernesto shook his head and got out his Walkie-talkie. Five minutes later, a demolition team arrived and began to tear down the ruined wall and clear away the rubble. When carpentry arrived, he left the job in the hands of their foreman, and returned to the on-call station.

11:30 AM

Ernesto clocked out for lunch. He then walked over to Crystal Hall and got a BLT and some seasoned fries to go, along with a cup of coffee. Stepping into the break room, he noticed the cookies were all gone. He washed the tray and took it with him back to the desk. After lunch he would return it to Mrs. Horton.

12:30 PM

Ernesto walked over to Poe and returned the tray to mrs. Horton. Taking the opportunity he checked on the new railing, and found everything to be satisfactory. Upon returning to Maintenance, he clocked back in, and sat back down at on-call.

12:45 PM

Circe walked into Maintenance.

“Ah, Ernesto, Your team is doing a wonderful job on the repairs. I baked this yesterday, but please have some in thanks, and make sure that your team gets some when they are done.”, said Circe, in that sultry way that she had.

With that, the imposing woman turned and walked out. Ernesto examined the pan in front of him, and pulling up the lid, the smell of baklava hit his nose, filling it with that wonderful aroma. Ernesto took a piece, and then put the remainder in the break room fridge, with a note on it for the teams working on Kirby Hall to each take a piece.

1:27 PM

A call from Dillon Chapel. Ernesto didn’t like going over to the chapel, not that he wasn’t a religious man, quite the opposite. He was a God-fearing man, and went to church every Sunday. More his reason for dread was Reverend Englund. He never cared for the man’s fire and brimstone interpretation of a wrathful God. Ernest believed in the philosophy of a forgiving God.

When he arrived, Englund was there to greet him. “Ah, Mr. Adrianza. I have a slight bit of a problem.”

Englund walked him over to a small shed, where the Reverend pressed his own paper for the sermons.

“It’s this mill, you see, one of the cross beams has gone askew on the treadle.“, The Reverend stated, matter of factly.

“Senior Englund, it should not need to be fixed so soon. Salvatore just repaired it last week. If you would not treat it so harshly, it would work better without jamming all the time.”

The Reverend looked angry. “I just called you to fix it, I wasn’t expecting some sort of Spanish Inquisition.”

Ernesto just shook his head. “Si senior, nobody should ever expect that.”

With a sigh, Ernesto pulled out his tools and began his work. It took an hour, but he managed to get the mill working again.

2:30 PM

Ernesto returned to the on-call desk, there would be no treats from Reverend Englund.

2:54 PM

The team working on Kirby Hall called in to report that the wall had been repaired and that the painting crew could come and begin work. Ernesto called down and dispatched a crew of painters to Kirby Hall.

3:30 PM

Ernesto clocked out. It had been a busy day, but a good one. He grabbed Circe’s empty baking dish and washed it, he would drop it off at Kirby and give the wall an examination before heading home.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 2 weeks ago by Rose Bunny.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 2 weeks ago - 4 years 2 weeks ago #686
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mid-September 2007

“Guys! We really need to get some plans down for the international fair if we want Canada to have anything decent,” Pristine said, trying to bring order to the arguing mix of students.

“I still say we should have something about the early Canadians,” Calla, a freshman insisted, pushing a stray bang behind her ear. “We can build a replica of one of the clipper ships, maybe bring in some stuff about the Vikings. It can even show off some of the early contact with the Natives,” she said, looking for support from both Pristine and Slapshot.

“But that’s just the Maritimes,” a tiny freshman who went by Wind Dancer said. “What about the prairies and Alberta? We’ve done a lot for Canada.”

Kew rolled her eyes. “You’re all forgetting about Quebec, We were there first, and as one of the founding nations it’s important to show at least some of Quebec’s culture. Ace feels the same way.”

“What about the modern stuff about Canada. Show off the many different cultures of Canada that have come from all over the world?” the martial artist Shuttle asked.

“Well I think,” Captain Canada started to speak, only to be shouted down by the group as the argument roared back into life.

Pristine slapped her hands together getting everyone’s attention and silence, again.

A Chinese boy in a lab coat who had been sitting quietly off to the side finally spoke. “I thought Canada was about being friendly, and getting along. Why do you have such big argument about this?”

“Sorry Adrenal, you haven’t been Canadian very long, so you haven’t learned some of the intricacies of Canada,” Pristine said.

“The most important being mutual hatred of everyone else in Canada,” Calla said.

Adrenal looked very confused. “What? I do not understand.”

“It’s simple,” Wind Dancer, the tiny Albertan girl said, “Alberta is the best province in Canada, and one of the richest. So we’re better than everyone else and deserve a lot more respect than we get. The rest of the Prairies can ride on our coattails because they’re usually cool.”

Slapshot chuckled. “Yeah right, you hicks are too small to matter. Ontario is far better than you, without us Canada would fall apart. You should all be thankful we let you stick around.”

“OK there Slappy,” Kew said. “If it wasn’t for Quebec, Canada wouldn’t have any class at all. And we’re the only reason you Englishmen didn’t join the US. And we all know the best Prime Ministers have been from Quebec.”

“J’men calice des politiciens,” Calla swore. “You should listen to the Maritimes more, than you Westerners wouldn’t screw everything up.”

Adrenal looked even more confused.

“All right, I’ll put it in simple terms, without the insults,” Pristine said, giving the worst offenders the evil eye. “The Maritimes are unhappy with the rest of Canada, because they’re so small and think no one listens to them. Everyone ignores the Maritimes because they are so small, and they’re constantly asking for money from the rest of Canada.”

“We actually kind of like Alberta, they have enough Maritimers working in the oilfields they’re practically an honorary member of the club,” Calla conceded. Wind Dancer gave her a thumbs up in return.

“Quebec hates English Canada for not being French, and English Canada hates Quebec for not being English.”

“You English would just screw up the language if you tried to be as good as us,” Kew teased.

“If I may continue?” Pristine asked. “Ontario doesn’t realize that the rest of Canada matters, and being elitists wonders why it has to deal with the peasants.” The Prairies being the bread and oil basket of Canada think they deserve more respect, which no one gives them because they’re just a bunch of farmers and rednecks.”

“And proud of it!” Winder Dancer shouted.

“And what do people think of BC?” Adrenal asked.

“You’re the weirdo’s who get high and make Toronto look normal,” Slapshot said.

“And everyone, including Ontario hates Toronto,” Shuttle said. “Don’t worry the feeling is mutual.”

Captain Canada finally spoke up. “Toronto doesn’t hate everyone. You’re too far beneath our notice to even consider.”

“So you see, every part of Canada is too busy hating the other parts to spare much hatred for the rest of the world, which is why everyone thinks we’re so nice and polite,” Pristine concluded.

“But why does Canada stay together if you hate each other so much?” Adrenal asked.

“That’s easy,” Calla said. “No one wants to become American.”
Last Edit: 4 years 2 weeks ago by Domoviye.

Rose Bunny
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4 years 2 weeks ago - 4 years 2 weeks ago #687
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lucy wandered around Crystal Hall, taking in the sights. The pest was perched on her shoulder, It had been a good thing that Ribbon had been nearby to provide her a long dress to wear back to the dorm. A quick shower and she felt as good as new. Granted, in about 45 minutes, he’d have to go back in. Sitting down at her usual table, Lucy looked over her lunch. Regen took a LOT of calories, added to that was the fact that her brother couldn’t eat like normal, but rather had to leech nutrients from her. Back on the farm, she could feed 3 or 4 people on what she had in front of her.

Lucy looked around and saw Tanuki looking around uncertainly, clearly at a loss for somewhere to sit. Lucy waved Aggie over, and indicated she should sit with them. The short girl looked at Lucy, then with trepidation, at the creature sitting on her shoulder. She shrugged and walked over. Carefully gathering her loose flowing ankle-length skirt under her, Aggie sat down.

Lucy smiled at Aggie and began the introductions. “Aggie, this nightmare fuel is my little brother, Donnie. Donnie, this is Aggie. We met the other day while you were asleep, and forcing your pornographic dreams on me, you little pervert.”

Donnie did what constituted a shrug for him, since he lacked a neck and shoulders. “What can I say? Fey is hot!”

Lucy and Aggie sat and talked about classes and boys and music, with the occasional interruption from Donnie. After a while, Lucy noticed a girl covered from head to toe in shiny black latex, over which she was wearing her school uniform. She had on a pair of goggles, and what appeared to be some sort of filter mask.

Lucy pointed to the girl with a gesture of her head. “Who is that?”

Aggie looked quickly, before turning her head back. “Oh, that’s Motherload. I’m surprised you haven’t encountered her before. She lives over at Hawthorne. Don’t you live there?”

Lucy nodded. “Yeah, but I really don’t spend a lot of time there, it can be pretty depressing, at times.”

Aggie Turned and motioned for Motherload to come over. “Hey, Angie! Come on over, I have someone I want you to meet!”

The tall, curvy girl came over. She was very shapely, and looked like some fetish Doll lover’s fantasy. She had to be close to 6 foot tall.
She struck a very imposing figure. Sitting down, her head turned towards Aggie, and then towards Lucy, she seemed to be staring. Lucy realized she was looking at Donnie.

Aggie introduced the girl. “Angie, this is Lucy, and her brother Donnie. Guys, this is Angie.”

A very Vader-like hiss came from the mask, and then a soft, gentle voice. “That.. is your brother?”

Donnie approximated a frown, which isn’t easy with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. “Hey!”, he exclaimed.

Lucy nodded. “Yeah, I’m called Host. Most of the time, Perv-boy here lives inside my chest cavity. But he needs to come out for an hour or so each day, which he does in a very… painful way.”

Donnie huffed. “I said I was sorry this time!”

Lucy flicked him in the face with her finger, which caused him to hiss at her. “Anyhow, If not for the fact I’m an Exemplar and a very high Regenerator, I’d probably die from it.”

Angie looked at Donnie, after another hiss, she asked, “And what about you?”

Donnie smiled, those ferocious fangs showing. “Besides a telepathic link with big sister emo here, I am a Warper and an Energizer, I can essentially make myself into a super dense bullet, and fly at things at high speed.”

Lucy looked at Angie. “How about you?”

Angie’s head tilted down, and her shoulders slumped. Her mask emitted another hiss. “My mutation is kind of difficult to talk about.”

Angie sighed, and after another hiss, she continued. “When I first manifested, it was after my cat brushed against my shoulder. I felt an irritation and pain, and I went upstairs to sleep it off. When I woke up in the morning, I had a large swollen bump on my shoulder. My parents took me to the doctor and after x-rays and examinations they discovered it was a… for lack of a better term… womb. They kept me in isolation and monitored me. The growth grew and got bigger. After several weeks, it burst and the kittens were born.”

Aggie had evidently heard this story before, but Lucy and Donnie sat there, mouths gaping.

Another hiss, and Angie continued. “After that first incident, I was kept in isolation, however on a couple occasions flies managed to get into the chamber and when they landed on me, more blisters formed. After a few days, those popped and maggots fell from them.The doctors diagnosed it as “Genetic Adaptive Syndrome”, which is a fancy way of saying that when I come in skin contact with any other animal, I absorb its genetic pattern, and my body starts to gestate a copy. After a while they developed a crude version of this isolation suit for me.”

Aggie slid closer to the tall girl and gave her a hug. Angie tussled her hair. There was another hiss. “After that, I was allowed to return home, but there was an accident. I was in the shower one day, and I slipped getting out. I fell and hit my head on the sink. My mother had heard the commotion and rushed in. I was okay, but in her panic, she touched me. Nine months later, I gave birth to my little sister.”

There was a pause, and everyone slid over to hug her. Another hiss indicated that Angie was about to say something. “Thanks everyone, but I’m okay. Mom and Dad are raising her back home, while I’m here. It’s tough. I have a daughter via my mother that genetically is my sister, I can’t hold her, I can’t touch her. But I still love her. That’s why I’m here. Whateley has some of the best geneticists and medical personnel in the world, If they can’t find a cure for me, nobody can.”

Sensing the somber tone at the table, Angie’s filter mask hissed again. “Guys, don’t feel too bad, It’s not all bad… I mean, I can also lift a truck over my head… so there is that.”

The tension broken and lunch nearly done, everyone said their goodbyes. Donnie and Lucy slunk off to find a private spot to re-integrate.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 4 years 2 weeks ago by Rose Bunny.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 1 week ago #688
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Pejuta rounded the alley’s corner and swore as she skidded to a stop. All she needed to do to win the sim was escape, but this was a dead end. She was exhausted, and the Grunts were closing fast, somehow able to see through her ghost walking spell. She was out of arrows, had lost both tomahawks, had been disarmed of her knife, and was forbidden to use Tatanka for this scenario. She and the rest of her team had managed to ruin Slapdash’s armor, take out the baby Grunts, and seize the artifact she’d been tasked with stealing, but now she was the only one left standing. The rest had been picked off one by one, and Pejuta was struggling to stay upright as she glanced frantically around the alley looking for an escape that didn’t exist. She only had one choice left. “Alright, Gunny!” she shouted at the reddening sky. “You wanted offensive magic? Well, here it is!” She took a trembling swig from her special flask and began to cast.

Slapdash kicked off a dumpster and bounced over a pile of broken pallets to land in Pejuta’s leg of the alley. As he hit the ground, Mule burst through the side of a building with Bunker behind him while Bomber and Lancer dropped into the alley from above. “You’re cornered!” called Mule to the shaking girl his team had run ragged. “Surrender!”

“Kiss my hairy ass!” shouted Pejuta as she released her spell. The walls of the alley squirmed and became hot, sweaty flesh, and she staggered aside to reveal that the dead end of the alley now featured a large, quivering sphincter. Pejuta gritted her teeth and used the last of her essence to recast her shield just as the sphincter gave way, spewing over a million gallons of steaming diarrhea into the alley like a manhole sized fire hose. “Eat shit and die!” she screamed as the fecal flood slammed the Grunts through the opposite wall.

When Mule and Lancer finally pulled themselves out of the reeking mess, Pejuta was long gone. They just had time to hear the last echos of Gunny’s sadistic laughter rolling down from the evening sky like thunder before the sim went black and the soulless voice of the system informed them they’d lost.

“That’s my girl,” Gunny whispered to himself as he rose from his seat in the control room. He allowed one last chuckle before putting on a scowl and stomping into the debriefing room to give everybody a thorough reaming.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 1 week ago #689
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The Witch grinned eagerly as she drank the last dregs of her beloved frappuccino. In approximately thirty seconds her new plaything would enter the Crystal Hall. Grooming this cat’s-paw was proving to be particularly pleasurable, though she couldn’t quite put a finger on precisely why. His connection to Kayda Franks, perhaps? His budding friendship with Solange and the leverage that provided? His soft, luscious fur? The way he-

“Hey!” shouted Mary as she set down her tray and lunged across the table to seize her already vibrating friend’s drink. “You know you can’t have this stuff!”

“You’re too late!” she cackled.

Mary scowled at the empty frappuccino bottle. “Dammit, Teri!” She began admonishing her diminutive friend on the perils of hyperactivity, but the Witch was too busy watching the doors to pay any attention. And the other doors. And the doggy. And the open doors that Danny Franks was cautiously walking through.

“KITTY!” she screamed as she launched herself into the air and wove through the students at the blistering pace of a hummingbird on meth. “Kitty kitty pretty kitty itty bitty flitty kitty!”

“Kill me now,” Danny muttered as the fairy girl draped herself over his rapidly fuzzing head and began scratching his ears.

“That’s basically what I’m doing!” the Witch said cheerily. “I’ll wear you down and build you back up and then you’ll be my pet minion forever and ever and ever!”

“Please don’t.”

She smiled and pulled a maroon collar with a bell on it from her genuine Möbius brand handbag, then slid down his face to show it to him. Danny stared at it in horror as her vibrating intensified, and then she vanished in a blur to secure it around his neck. “This kitty’s mine, hallelujah! This kitty’s mine; so fine!” She punctuated the song by kissing the back of his neck before zipping around to kneel on his shoulder. Danny tugged awkwardly at the padlocked collar as she scratched behind his jaw with a giggle. “So, Kitty, now that you’re mine I can’t keep calling you Kitty. You need a name!”

“I have a name,” he said. “It’s Danny! And get this thing off of me!”

“How about Princess? Or Boots? Mr. McSnookums? No, wait wait wait, I already know the perfect name!”


“Donald! Don for short!”

“My name is Danny.”

The Witch fluttered down to hover in front of him, resting her head on his throat as she reached around to massage his neck. She could feel his purring rumbling through her body as she used her wings to press herself against him. It was so soothing. “You are a very good kitty, Donald!”

“I’m Danny.”

“And you aren’t just the best kitty, Donald, or even the best kitty-Donald! You’re the best Donald, kitty! Oh yes you are! You are! You are the best Don! The very best!” She zipped up to hug his cheek as she transitioned into song. “Like no Don ever was! To catch you was my real test! To train you is my cause!”

“I don’t need-”

“We will travel across campus, plotting far and wide!”

“Teri! Everyone’s looking at us!”

“No other Don can comprehend the power of nine lives!”

“Teri! Stop it!”

The Witch unlatched from his face and hovered in front of his stomach. “Little Don-Don is cranky! He must be hungry. Oh yes he is! I hear those rumblies in his tumbly!” She darted up and grabbed him by the collar. “Come on, Donald! You need your breakfast so you can grow up to be a big, strong minion! I mean pet!” She continued in a sing-song voice as she dragged him to the food line. “Now eat! Now eat! This is a very important treat! It’s time to take pancakes, bacon! Now eat and eat and eat!

“Okay! Okay! I’ll get some food! That’s what I was trying to do in the first place before you started harassing me!”

“Good kitty!” She released his collar and patted his nose as he got in line, then she started racing around his head in circles. “Very good! So good that while you’re doing this, I’m going to reward you with a good grooming!”

“I- what? No!”

She made a cartoony tire-skid sound with her voice as she stopped in front of him with a shocked expression that rapidly transitioned to a disappointed pout. “But I thought you like it when I groom you?”

“In private,” Danny hissed.

The Witch burst into a mad grin. “Oh, is that all? I’m not going to take your clothes off in the Crystal Hall, silly! I’m grooming you to be a minion, not a stripper!” Before he could question that, she pulled a cat brush out of her bag and darted under his shirt. “See?” called her muffled voice as she began running the brush through his fur. “You’ve got all the privacy you could dream of! And it’s oh so warm and soft and cozy in here!”

Danny’s eyes twitched as his peers jeered, sneered, and leered. “Teri!” he hissed over his purring. “Cut it out! Everyone’s staring at me! And some of them are whistling!”

“Don’t worry!” the Witch giggled before launching into yet another song, this one a little bit slower than the others. “I’m a little fairy flirt, but they can’t see beneath your shirt! So don’t worry! Be happy! ‘Cause when you worry your purr will stop, then you won’t make good minion stock! Don’t worry! Be happy! Stay furry and happy, now! Oooooo oooo ooo oooOooo oooOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo... Don’t worry! I’m brushing out my kitty’s fuuuur... Be happy! I’m iiiinside his shiiiirt... Don’t worry, be happy!”

“Teri, I swear-”

“No!” shouted the Witch as she popped her upper body out through the neck of his shirt. “Don’t swear, Don-Don! Swearing is dangerous and I need my pet kitty minion.”

“You keep calling me your minion,” Danny muttered nervously as he stepped forward in line and finally got to start slopping food onto his tray. “What do you even need a minion for?”

She extricated herself fully, snatched a strawberry from his plate, and then flew up to his ear to stage whisper. “I need your help so I can out-sexy that whore Fey! And I need you to be a better Don-Don than Don so I can show him what-four and what-five and what-six. Oh oh oh, and we also need to prank my old teacher, so don’t freak out when I start following you around with the pooper scooper! I need supplies for the prank and they don’t always sell what I need at the campus store! Also, I require many cuddles and somebody to sneak frappuccinos to me past Mary the Meddling Meddler!”

“I’m not doing those things.” He glanced around nervously, then added in a whisper, “Except the cuddles. Cuddles are nice. But I’m not doing those other things.”

The Witch laughed giddily between bites of the strawberry. “That’s what they all say! But try to understand; try to understand; try, try, try to understand... I’ve got a magic plan, Don-Don! Ohhhh, you’re in my magic hands.”

“I’m doomed.”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

E!’s Avatar
4 years 1 week ago - 4 years 1 week ago #690
E! replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Inside the magic classroom the freshman students were murmuring to themselves about the unknown 5th year senior who was supposed to be the teacher’s student aid. Just then the teacher with dark hair and eyes so old only those in front could see strode in. She waved the rowdy freshman into settling into their seats, before starting her opening statements of the class.

“Now, I’m sure all of you have had the chance to meet Kodiak. He is one of our 5th year seniors, but the other one has volunteered his time away from his own classes to help tech up and coming mages. So please welcome my new TA, Tom the Lich.” Circe exclaimed to the class and inflecting with her voice that the unknown being should walk through the door.

Tom didn’t walk through the door. Instead a small boy got up from the back of the classroom and walked towards the front. His black hair slicked back the same shade as his Whateley blazer and trousers. The class began to giggle at the thought of this small boy being their teacher. He certainly didn’t look like it. When the boy got to the front of class, his body erupted in green flames burn away his disguise. Leaving behind a seven foot tall skeleton wrapped in robes of pure night, and a pair of light blue flames flickered with delight in the eye sockets.

“Hello, I’m Tom. I like death, destruction, and raising the dead. I hate cute things, Generator, Team Kimba, Wondercute, Generator opps…already said that….Umm…Yea soo history lesson. I’ve been around since the dark ages. Around 800 years, and I’m looking for a new apprentice….Someone to pass the torch if you will…You won’t really learn anything. I’ll just take over your body and eat your soul. This body is nothing, well nothing but bones that is.” Tom said pointing to his own ribs letting the silence of the class slice through him. “Any questions?”

One freshman girl raised her hand. “Yes, you in the back.” Tom pointed out.

“Umm…I want to join Wondercute, does that mean you will hate me?” The small girl asked fidgeting in her seat. Only to be pushed deeper into her seat as Tom walked to her silently like death.

With a flick of his skeleton hands a small green cloud of smoke puffed into existence before being waved off. Left in the middle of her desk was a small tub of opened ice cream. The girl looked at in awe, as the frozen cream inside was jet black with hits of green.

“NEED A SPOON?” Tom insisted handing the girl a solid ruby spoon.

Taking the spoon with trembling fingers the girl took one small slice of the ice cream and put it in her mouth. Letting the cream melt in her mouth. Not tasting anything she dipped the spoon into the tub again for a bigger chunk. This time however the moment the ice cream touched her tongue she threw herself to the floor clutching the sides of her face. Her mouth disobeyed her brain locking down on the horrific taste. She forced herself to swallow.

Just then an explosion of glitter and smoke. Jade strode through the hole in the wall dressed in her sailor fuku outfit and screamed “STOP! ENEMY OF CUTE!”

Tom simply hissed in response his normal cool blue eyes red with fury and evil. Turning himself into a giant shadow and flew out the window and escaped the cute crusader.

Jade spotted the fallen recruit in the middle of the class. Running over to the newest member. Jade held the limp body in her arms shaking her trying to wake her. The girl was weak. The cute had been sucked out of her. “What did he give you?! Tell me!” Jade screamed. The girl could only point weakly at the tub of ice cream. Dipping her finger in the tub Jade then licked it clean. Waiting for the taste to hit her.

“Black licorice and wasabi ice cream…..TOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!! ” Jade screamed shaking her fists at the ceiling before running out the hole in the wall.

“So is class cancelled….No? Yes?”
Last Edit: 4 years 1 week ago by E!.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 week ago - 4 years 1 week ago #691
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
The Witch looked up from her bed as her slave entered the room. “Did everything go as planned?” She asked.

“Yes, Mary,” Teri answered, hovering in midair, head down, eyes black. “I was able to join the Cutettes, they don’t suspect anything.”

“Good, and how did Danny take it?” the Witch asked, a smile coming to her face as she felt the true emotions of the little fairy through their bond.

“About as well as you expected, Mary.” Tears formed in her eyes now that she was alone with her mistress and didn’t have to project the happy go lucky image of her mask. “I humiliated him in Crystal Hall by forcing him to wear your collar. Some of the girls didn’t want to laugh but as soon it was in place no one could stop laughing or wanting to pet him. Then I saved him from some Juniour boys by flying him away professing my love for the,” she stopped a second to sob, “the cute kitty around half of Whateley.”

The Witch started to laugh as she relived the moment through her slaves memory. “Excellent, that little freak will be begging for help by the end of the week.”

“Please, Mistress,” Teri began, “You promised to help me get back to my family. I’ve done everything you wanted.”

“I never promised that, I promised you’d find happiness again. You simply assumed I’d help your parents come to terms with your freakishness. But I do keep my promises, so... Slave you have done a good job, be happy. And forget all about your family, they don’t matter.”

Teri silently screamed as her memories faded away. It only lasted a moment though as sheer bliss at knowing she’d pleased her mistress overcame her. Falling onto her bed, she stared happily at the wall, her mouth stretched into an oversized grin.

The Witch ignored her slave/roommate, the little freak would be silent until she was needed. She chided herself at not thinking to remove the memories of Teri’s family earlier. She had to allow the freak a little more autonomy than she had with her previous slaves to avoid suspicion, but the constant moaning about her family had grown bothersome. The Witch wondered how much more she could alter her slaves memories before it become too noticeable.
Last Edit: 4 years 1 week ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 1 week ago - 4 years 1 week ago #692
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Everyone is looking at me,” Mary muttered.

“Only because you look so hot,” Teri said just as quietly from her perch on Mary’s shoulder.

“Sure, everyone knows, grey skin with black lines through it is the must have look this season. I should get some more makeup,” Mary said, tugging at her sleeves to hide more of her skin.

“If you don’t stop that,” Teri warned, “I’m going to go through your closet and steal everything that isn’t shorts, t-shirts and skirts. You look great, now own it!”

Whatever Mary had been about to say was left unsaid as they saw Aegis harassing a Whitman girl. “Teri! Don’t-” But it was too late, the fairy had disappeared.

Hoping to keep her roommate out of trouble, Mary straightened her shoulders and strode forward trying to look as confident as possible. Aegis had only seen her with makeup on, looking like a normal girl, so if she acted fast she might be able to resolve the situation while the ass was still confused.

“Come on Blair, let’s get away from this asshole,” Mary said, wrapping a protective arm around the girl who had bright yellow canary feathers and a small beak. Both girls began walking hurriedly away.

“Hey! I’m not going to let you villains get away that easily!” Aegis shouted.

“Fuck off, numb nuts!” Mary shouted back, feeling her cottage mate shoulders begin to shake. “The only villain here is you.”

“I just want to get to class, ASSHOLE!” Blair squawked. “I didn’t ask to look like this!”

Aegis didn’t get the message, ranting about super villains he stormed after them and grabbed Mary by the shoulder.

“No touching!” Teri shouted from around Aegis’ feet. She had gotten a nylon rope from somewhere and using her speed wrapped it around the boys hand two or three times before he could blink. Then she was flying backwards, wrenching the boy away from Mary, and dragging him behind her.

While Aegis screamed bloody murder, he was was hauled over to a tree, and hung by his arm as Teri tied him very securely to a branch. Satisfied with her work, Teri grabbed him by his nostrils and said, “Aegis, the next time I see you bothering a Whitman girl, I will turn you into a human pinata. GOT IT?!”

Not bothering to listen to his reply, the fairy flew back to the two girls giggling madly. “So anymore bullies I can beat up today?”
Last Edit: 4 years 1 week ago by Domoviye.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 1 week ago #693
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“I understand where you’re coming from,” said Louis with a sad smile. “I used to hate running. But now I actually miss it, cramps and all.”

Christine winced. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be insensitive. But God do I ache! Caitlin is imp-lacable!” She chewed the last of her pasta. “Speaking of lakes, a good hot soak is what I need. With bubbles. First thing when I get home.” She signaled to Dave to bring her bill, then groaned when he just nodded and headed to another table first.

“Tell you what, Christine. You don’t need to wait for him. Tonight’ll be on me. You just go ahead and get out of here.”

“That’s sweet of you, Louis, but I can wait.”

Louis frowned as the presence he was sensing continued getting closer. “No, Christine, I mean it. Go on home and get that bath. You deserve some relaxation.”

“Look, he’s almost done. I’m not going to imp-ose on you. I know about that lawsuit with the plushie company. You have enough to deal with as it is.”

Louis sighed to himself. If he’d been paying more attention instead of moping earlier, he’d have had enough time to convince her, but now it was too late. Even if she agreed to let him pay right now, she wouldn’t quite be out of here fast enough. He shrugged and added a bowl of illusory popcorn to his projection as she paid the bill. Maybe there would at least be some imp-ressive fireworks to watch.

Just as Christine finally turned to leave, the door of the Brown Moose opened to admit Williams. She stiffened and they glared silently at each other for a few seconds as conversation died down, then she threw a smoke bomb and vanished from sight. Well, from most people’s sight. Louis could still sense her standing there as Williams gave a disgusted snort and headed toward an empty table. Christine began creeping slowly toward the doors while conversation resumed, careful not outpace her chameleon effect. Not much of a firework show, Louis supposed, but that was probably for the best.

“You know,” said an off-duty security officer at a nearby table, “that’s really the best power.”

“Really?” said his incredulous companion, wrinkling her nose as she waved her hat to fan away the smoke. “I think it stinks. It’s very inconsiderate to use it indoors.”

“No, not the smoke. The teleporting.”

“Oh. Yes, that part would be nice.”

“Nice? Think of how much time it would save! It’s damned amazing is what it is!”

“Well, that’s a bit hyperbolic, but yes.” She set her hat upon her head and fished out a few bills for the tip, and then the two left their table. “Eliminating transit time would be quite convenient.”

The officer laughed as they walked obliviously past Christine, still slowly working her way toward the door. “In the time it’s taking us just to leave the restaurant, I bet she’s already teleported directly into her bathroom, ditched her clothes, and hopped right into the bath.”

“A hot, ready bath she could have drawn in advance by teleporting home briefly near the end of her meal.”

“Exactly! God, she is so lucky! I’d kill for a good hot bath right now. Chasing these kids around really wears a guy out, let me tell you.”

“Murder won’t be necessary. I happen to be in possession of a suitable bathtub, and I’m certain we can find a means to entertain ourselves while we wait for it to fill.”

Christine moved another slow foot across the floor while the doors swung shut behind the lovebirds. Louis suppressed a chuckle as he watched her glacial progress. After a few minutes he had his projection get up and push the door open, and he smirked as she slipped through it with him. Leaning casually toward her invisible ear, he whispered, “They’re already in that tub, you know.”

“Lime Jello it is.”

Louis laughed. “Before you commit to that, Christine, I want you to know that you’ve been a bad influence on me.”


“There was a bottle of hot sauce near the soup Rick was preparing for Williams. I may have accidentally spilled some.”

Christine grinned. “Jellogeddon averted.”

“That’s a relief. You have a good evening, Christine.”

“You too, Louis.”

“Oh, I already am. I tricked Centurion into turning up my pool’s heater when he served detention earlier. There’s going to be a huge mess for Aegis to clean up tomorrow, but it’s so worth it.”

“Wait,” said Christine as his projection began to fade. “You mean you’ve been soaking in a hot tub this entire time?”

Louis winked and disappeared.

“Lime,” Christine muttered to herself as she resumed limping home. “Definitely lime.”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 1 week ago #694
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Monday late morning, Oct 29th, 2007, The Quad

“Mads, is the school really supposed to let overgrown vatjobs like that bully the little kids?” Lars was getting the idea that Fen and Mads hadn’t been as overprotective as it originally looked.

“ehm, No. Keep an eye on ‘em while I call it in - in case the cameras didn’t pick up.”

Lars did as asked, noting that his brother - wizkid or not - was now angling towards the escalating altercation. So too, was another guy who had just left the cafeteria. On the bright side, he’d been told that many of the kids with the cos-sculpted looks were usually faster and stronger than the norms, as if they had been cybered up at the same time. In this case... ouch!.

“And that, lillebror, is how NOT to take a punch.”

“I know. ‘Can’t hit what ain’t there’. Holy f--!”

“Word of warning. Ember practices on the heavy weapons ranges for a reason. Miranda’s control’s getting better, I see. Hang back a minute and copy visual?”

“Null sheen on that”

“Thanks! Oy! You two stick around. Chibi evil, I will tell the Evil One and the Greater Evil Bitch if I have to.”

Both girls realized that they weren’t in a lot of trouble, not from the Auxiliary Security kid. The other guys? That was different. Miranda giggled, knowing how badly appalled her sister would be if she repeated half the things she heard crossing the boy’s mind.

The kid yelled back to his own younger sibling, “Lars! Change of plan: watch the vic until the morning shift gets here?”

He then turned his full attention on Bully No. 1, “Ron Stoppable! How nice of you to drop in. But if you don’t stop moving, your face and Mister Nine Millimeter are going to be having an intimate conversation.”

“You little piece of-”

“Ah ah ahhh! Ladies are present, I’m with Security myself, and you are going to go peacefully with the boys and girls in their nice pressed uniforms, or else.”

“Else what, maggot?”

“That will be Our Little Surprise. Self-defense y’know.”

“Jensen! Would you please stand down? We’ve got this.”

“Hi, Officer Mendez. Top of the morning to you! Perp here says he wanted to spend some personal time with Maggot today, anyway.”

“Oh HELL no, you freak!”

“Stoppable - shut the fuck up. Jensen - Just. Go check on Aegis. He’s right over ... Madre de Dios! There are two of YOU, too?”

“Nah. My little bro’s just visiting. Larceny, what you got on the flatscan?”

“I’m calling it a concussion in addition to the obvious. Help me roll him into recovery position?”

“Sure. I’ll hold the head and neck... Officer Simpkins?”

“Got it. You young ladies hang here for a minute. Aegis in a bad way this time?”

Chris woke up again to hear the tail end of “... do it now, the surgeon will have to re-break it all to pull bone shards out of the sinuses.”

That sounded like a very good reason to pass back out.

Waking back up to the biggest lady doctor he’d ever seen reaching for his face, and OMG she was greenish gray and she had horns!... Chris decided then and there he’d died and was in hell, before passing back out again.

He repeated the sentiment later that evening to one of the doctors. She assured him he was not in Hel, because a Certain Problem Student of hers was getting Detention the next time he took someone, no, anyone there again. Then she added a note to her patient’s chart that he should be evaluated for blood pressure problems, on the basis of his recent fainting spells.
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Bek D Corbin
Bek D Corbin’s Avatar
4 years 1 week ago #695
Bek D Corbin replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Ray ‘Render’ Banks greeted the small grouping of new kids with a polite smile and said, “Okay, now that you’re all here, let me welcome you all to the Bad Seeds hang. Yes, we’re all the children of various supervillains. You don’t have to hang out with us and nobody needs to know who your parents are., But we ARE a resource that-”

“That’s NICE,” sneered one of the new girls, a sleek blonde who, to Ray’s practiced eye, had ‘budding exemplar’ written all over her. With frosty blue eyes flashing, she and a gorgeous girl with the features of a classic Mediterranean beauty and the body of a fitness model, stepped forward. “Because, it seems that that information is now common knowledge! Sophia and I have not only gotten shoehorned into Poe Cottage- when I know that my Dad was actively lobbying to get me into Melville- but they put the two of us together in the same room! Some chick named ‘Goodkind’- and I mean, GOD, a Goodkind at Whateley? What’s THAT about?- she has dossiers! On BOTH of us! Now there’s no way that the Administration is gonna violate confidentiality to a student, so the question IS: WHO’S IN CHARGE OF YOUR SECURITY?”

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
4 years 6 days ago - 4 years 6 days ago #696
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Crystall Hall
15 May 2007
“Man, Jack was just driving me nuts all spring break!”, exclaimed Lucille, referring to her younger brother. “I’ll bet he’s planning something nasty of when we go home next week, too. He’s the biggest brat ever! I swear, if he ends up at Whateley too, I’m gonna freak!”

Anna and Mindy both gave her odds looks, though very different ones, but it was Anna who spoke up first.

“Oh, c’mon, it can’t be that bad. I mean, I’d have given anything to have a younger brother or sister. There’s got to be something cool about it...”

Suddenly, Washout, who had a look of horror on her face, pushed away from the table and stood up. Looking around, and look of both pain and determination on her face, started walking. The junior was visibly shaking as she walked towards the table where Kayda Franks was talking with Elaine Schroepfer.

Back at the Underdogs’ table, everyone watched this, stunned. Moments later, Dismiss gave a look of realization, and seemed to shrink visibly as she seemed to suddenly be fascinated with the plate in front of her. Everyone, even Alan, seemed surprised, and gave her questioning looks.

“What?” Trish finally spat, then stammered, “I... don’t really know what’s up, I just... listen, I can’t talk about it, you have to ask Mindy, OK? She... please, just don’t push her, I don’t think she’ll, uh, just let it go, all right?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 4 years 6 days ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
4 years 5 days ago #697
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“My parents died,” spat the Imp.

“No,” intoned her white and green clad antagonist. “I am your parents!”

“NOOooo... wait, what’chu talkin’ ‘bout, Sphincter? I had two parents. I only see one Sphincter.”

“No, you see one Asterisk, but the Asterisk is a very inclusive symbol. Research regular expressions; they’ll show it to be true!”

“I guess regularity is important when you’re a sphincter, let alone one this full of shit.”


“So how’d the two of you become one? Did you just stuff your heads so far up each other’s asses you got stuck?”

“We were renewing our vows when we put on the rings we’d had made from a rare gem. As the rings slid into place, there was a flash of green and white light. And then...” He gestured at himself.

“By our assholes combined,” shouted the Imp, “I am Captain Sphincter!”

“Exactly, but with less cheer and a lot more horrified screaming.”

“I imagine. And where’d you find the sense of humor?”

“Well, the screaming wasn’t exactly good for business, so I saw a therapist about it. He was useless, but I met a comedian in the waiting room.” Asterisk peeled off a glove to reveal a shiny blue hand bearing a wedding ring. “You could say he rubbed off on me.”

“Blue skin, huh? Please tell me you’re not hiding a green mullet under there too.”

“No comment.”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Domoviye’s Avatar
4 years 4 days ago - 4 years 4 days ago #698
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Inspired by my daughter today.

“Daddy make a normal face,” Angelica said, trying not to laugh.

“Like this?” Dennis replied, stretching his face so his chin was down near his chest and his eyebrows were high on his forehead.

His daughter covered his face with her hands, struggling to stifle her giggles. “No your normal face!”

Curling his lips inwards, puffing his cheeks out, and opening his eyes as wide as possible, Dennis grinned and managed to say, “OK, this is normal.”

By closing her eyes, Angelica managed to not laugh. Putting her hands on her hips and glaring as best she could with her eyes shut she said, “DADDY! Look. Normal. Now!”

OK, sweety. Just a minute.” Concentrating, the skin on his face turned into purple scales, his eyes went a dark amber with hourglass pupils, his nose and mouth merged into a small muzzle, and the brown hair on his head became soft quills covered in birdlike down of brilliant red and blue. “I’m normal now.”

Opening her eyes, Angelica looked him over closely. “Good. Don’t change again.”
Last Edit: 4 years 4 days ago by Domoviye.

null0trooper’s Avatar
4 years 4 days ago #699
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Playing Dress-up with Épinette

Maybe the time of year was to blame, but Talia (short for ‘Natalya Jane’, formerly ‘Jay’) Declan did not recall her brother being thrust headfirst into the world of menswear with anything close to the enthusiasm being rained down on her. Whereas Mom took the opportunity to pass on all the accumulated wisdom that Hannah had escaped, Lily and Amy at least took some pity on her. They waited until Jimmy T and Metro had thoroughly traumatized her with just how closely an omni-shifter and an illusionist could scrutinize, critique, and advise, regarding clothing meant for the opposite gender - assuming either boy had one. Only then did the two young women drag Ribbon over to play dress-up, and help the newly minted young lady get a feel for the clothes and accessories she might want to wear.

‘Anya, I thought girls just dressed nice to look good and sometimes impress a guy. To hear everyone here talk, it’s a game that’s more cut-throat than high-stakes poker!’

‘Judging by your memories of poker, that’s a more civilized game. The details have changed over the years, but a woman’s wardrobe is no less complicated now than a tsarina’s armoire or a boyar’s armory.’

‘Did women back then carry as many knives and holdouts as Metro’s recommending?’

‘I did say that poker was more civilized, didn’t I?’

As it turned out, the inevitable shopping expedition started with Rogers’ Fabric Boutique in Dunwich, as Doctor Beaulieu needed to procure clothes suited to her height and build. Five-inch titanium-reinforced stiletto heels were impressive on a woman who was practiced at wearing them with a skirt cut to just the right length. That they could double as weapons...


‘Oh, yes.’

Evelyn and Cecilia were able to talk both Declan ladies into a couple of dresses neither one would have dared try on. However, an up-and-coming Army officer’s wife in D.C. needed evening wear. Even if her daughter did gain control of her powers without needing to attend Whateley, there were formal evenings in her future now as well. But the cost of tailor-made dresses?

“Cecilia,” Evelyn caught the shop-owner’s attention, “He’s not getting away with whatever he called in, so let’s hear it.”

“Believe it or not, your older son wasn’t the only cook stirring the pot. He did request I release some fabrics for your use and did suggest that the Declans could take advantage of his lab allowance for Costuming I. “

Mrs. Declan mused, “That sounds... rather expensive. He honestly didn’t seem the sort of boy to bother much with such things.”

Talia shook her head. Some of what Mads considered acceptable daily wear was almost as mentally scarring as Jimmy Trauger’s tips for how to pull the ensembles off, and Alyss’ encyclopedic knowledge of how to remove them in tight spaces.

“Mrs. Declan, without going into confidential details I can safely say that Mads Jensen’s more expensive tastes usually involve concealed body armor. He does have a couple of very good suits, if I say so myself.”

“Mads. My brother, not in a uniform?” Lars remembered seeing him in uniforms from school and work, but otherwise it was Chez Goodwill.

“Lars dear, business and evening wear are practically uniforms. The key is figuring out the uniform of the day for the location and the job.”

“I still have trouble picturing him with a tailor.”

“Once you stop growing so fast and we can afford it, you’ll be wanting to retain a couple of trusted tailors yourself. Ill-fitted armor makes for a miserable time of it, and you’ll want any personal gear where you can get to it. “

“What about when he, um, you know?”

“Did anyone at that school ever discuss how easy it can be to trace a magician via personal items?”

“Oh.” Lars’ eyes widened. “Ohhhh. That’s sneaky.”

“If that’s settled? Ladies, I’ll warn you in advance that some of these designs came from the musings of a sixteen year old boy...”

It took very little time for the Declan ladies to notice that said teenager had some very unique? perspectives on modern feminine fashion. Combined with Cecilia’s sense of style, knowledge of construction techniques, and uncanny ability for identifying Mrs. Ryan’s moderating influences, what might have been a simple fitting became a master class in fashion.

“Cecilia, I think that somewhere between Talia’s hemline and mine we might find something we both can wear...”

“Heh. You could hide a shotgun under a dress that long!”

“Son, that’s why god invented roomsweepers.”

“... could stop a bullet or two, you’d still have some hefty bruises.”

“Couldn’t I just wear a vest instead?”

“Under a rugby shirt or sweat shirt, maybe. Ballistic vests aren’t considered formal wear where we’ll be living.”

“Toe caps and metatarsal protection? What for?”

“Some newly-minted Lieutenants only think they can dance. I wish I had a pair of shoes that sturdy when I was younger.”

“No. No. No! No, way!”

“Just try the outfit on. You might be surprised. At least any pollen will brush right off.”

“Oh my gawd.”

“So! Talia. What plans do you have this weekend?”

“YOU are going to be on a plane, young man.”

“New Year’s plans?”


“D.C., with family, young lady.”

‘Can we cook, or what?’

‘I’m so glad the doctors have us on the good drugs! Did he just make a pass at me in front of our parents?’

‘I notice you didn’t say no.’

‘His brother’s wierd enough for three people and a midget, but I can think of several girls who’d’ve said yes already.’

‘As we’ve been saying: it’s cut-throat competition from here on out.’
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
4 years 4 days ago #700
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
June 18th, 2007
3:15 AM
Little Rock, AR

Bobbi looked down at Tiffany, The taller girl was asleep, her head in Bobbi’s lap. Bobbi gently stroked her girlfriend’s hair. They had been on the run for over a month, The MCO still hot on their trail. In that time, the two girls had become close. The previous night, they made that tentative step past friends, and became lovers. Tiffany stirred, Smiling as she slept, secure with her lover.

Bobbi gently extricated herself from the role of pillow, and slunk to the boarded up window. The house they were in was dilapidated and condemned. Bobbi and Tiffany had been making their way east. Tiffany had called her mother and step-father, and had been told that things were still very dangerous in New Mexico. They loved her, but didn’t want her hurt. If they could make it to New Hampshire, her mother’s elder sister lived in Concord, and would take in the two. It was a long way, but neither girl had much in the way of family past their parents, and Aunt Frannie was the best bet.


Tiffany woke up to find that Bobbi had gone out scavenging again. It was dangerous, but being wanted, they couldn’t get jobs, even under the table ones. They had made it this far hitching rides, and hopping trains, but a couple days ago, they had a scare. A trucker had promised to take the girls as far as Memphis, but when they had gotten to the middle of nowhere, he attempted to attack the girls, looking to sexually assault them. Fortunately the girls were stronger, and fended him off, but they had been left miles away from anywhere. After climbing onto the back of a semi, at a small truck stop, they had made it to Little Rock.

Bobbi returned and saw her girlfriend still sleeping. She had managed to pilfer some pre-made sandwiches and a few candy bars and sports drinks from a gas station. The girls sat and ate in silence.

Tiffany frowned. “Bobbi dearest, I love you. I get so worried when you go out. Please let me help!”

Bobbi looked at the girl of her dreams. Tiffany was 6 foot tall, and blonde haired with ice blue eyes. She was a D cup, and had curves that supermodels would be envious of. She stood out too much. Bobbi had been gifted with exemplar looks, herself, but hers were easier to conceal. She stood at a little over five and a half feet tall, with brunette hair and hazel eyes, she was a C cup herself, her hips and waist provided above average curves, easily the type that would normally be considered for the ‘hottest girl in school’ type.

Bobbi leaned against her girlfriend. She had not been feeling that good. Her stomach ached, she felt tired and irritable. She felt a wetness in her underwear, and something dripping down her leg. Cautiously, Bobbi undressed and then she nearly screamed. She would have, if Tiffany hadn’t covered her mouth with her hand. Stroking the crying Bobbi’s hair, she held her sweetie until she fell asleep.

Tiffany resolved then and there to do her part. She carried her sleeping love to the nest of old blankets that had serves as their makeshift bed. First things first, they needed new clothes, water, and essentials. Both girls had been wearing the same clothes for a month. They smelled pretty bad, Tiffany admitted. Bobbi had no body hair, but Tiffany felt grossed out by her unshaven legs and pits.
Yep, she would need to fix this situation, and fast.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

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05 Sep 2021 01:11 #407 by DanZilla
Replied by DanZilla on topic Micro-Scenes 2015-2021
Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #701
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Heh,” the cashier chuckled, holding up the large bottle of cheap water, “did you know Evian water sells for 4 bucks, and this only sells for a dollar fifty.”

“Really,” Clark answered trying to sound interested, knowing he should make some comment, but having no idea what to say and no energy to worry about it.

“Yeah, I guess it’s because of the fancy bottle. It’s a square, and what water is square?” The cashier said, trying and failing to make polite conversation.

“Ice cubes,” Clark answered without really thinking. He faked a little smile he didn’t feel.

The cashier looked at him for a second, and then burst out laughing. “Hey you’re right. I never thought of that.”

“Have a good night,” Clark said, grabbing his bag of drinks and leaving the little all night convenience store. He amazed himself at how cheerful he sounded. Reaching his car he sighed, trying to find some connection to reality, something that would make him feel alive again.

Sliding into the drivers seat he pulled onto the street and drove to work. He saw the road leading out of town and wondered what it would be like to just keep driving until he was out of gas, and then to get out and hitchhike somewhere, anywhere at all. He’d travelled the world when he was younger, he could do it again. Or he could hit the road they laughably called a highway and see just how fast his car could go around the hairpin corners. That would be interesting for a bit.

As the CD played a song he knew off by heart, he let out a scream at how his life had turned out.

Then he signalled and made a turn into his work place. The building was dark and he knew it would be a long, slow night with little to do.

He was early so he sat in his car, trying to work up the willpower to go inside. He could feel the ropes tying him to the town he hated getting tighter, If he didn’t do something soon, he’d never leave. He’d grow old, bitter, and hopeless, an empty husk who could only live on dreams of the past and the crushed hopes of a future that had never come.

Getting out, he made sure to lock his door, stretching out the moment where he could pretend in the darkness that things were different.

Striding across the parking lot, he pasted on the smile that he used to greet his co-workers, thought of the witty things he could say to make them think that everything was all right with the world.

He was so lost in his little world he never saw the streak of light shooting through the air that destroyed the main entrance to his workplace.

Staggering to his feet, his face sunburnt, his clothes ruined, Clark didn’t think only reacted. He saw a man in front of him wearing a costume, ‘The Silver Streak’, a voice in his mind told him, and ran to his side. His first aid course taken years ago, but kept fresh from studying came to the fore. His hands reached out to find a pulse even as his mouth asked if the superhero needed help. That was important to avoid getting sued if something went wrong.

Then Clark saw the piece of steel sticking out both sides of the hero’s neck and noticed the growing pool of blood soaking into his pants. There was nothing he could do.

A gauntlet of black metal rose from the rubble of what had been the front desk and the surrounding wall. Dark red blood was dripping from the cracks.

“Shit,” Clark whispered seeing the super villain. He couldn’t remember the guys name, some big shot from Vancouver, halfway across the country. But he knew that the villain liked a large body count.

His instincts screamed at him to run, to hide. Something else made him look at the body of the fallen hero, he didn’t know what he was looking for, a weapon, a shield, something. The adrenaline pumping through his veins made everything seem to move in slow motion, it felt like the last time he’d stopped a street mugging years ago.

His hand found a braclet under the long elbow length glove of the hero. He ripped at it, the metal chain shouldn’t have broken, it was thick and felt like steel, but it had all the strength of a brittle twig.

The villain groaned, finally clearing the debris away so he could look around.

Clark scrabbled away from the hero and the villain, shoving the bracelet into his pants pocket while his body blocked it from view. The villain didn’t waste time with words. A shaky hand rose and fired a bolt of energy into his back, sending him flying through the outside brick wall and the front of a car.

Clark laid there on the twisted metal and the remnants of the front seat, trying to catch his breath wondering why he wasn’t dead. He smelled burning meat, and realized that his pants were on fire. Patting out the burning material he felt the braclet burn his palm. Pulling it out again, he saw the jewel in the centre glowing a sullen red.

He heard the villain screaming in rage tossing the hero’s body into a wall. “WHERE IS IT?!”

Very quietly, Clark put the broken braclet into his other pocket and got out of the car. There was a thick chunk of cement lying on the ground with a piece of rebar sticking out of it. Grabbing it, Clark grinned ferally. He remembered that the Silver Streak had had super speed.

The grin got bigger as he ran at the unsuspecting villain, his impromptu weapon ready to swing.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #702
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“I don’t get it,” said Mary as she squinted at Teri’s Halloween costume. She’d expected her to go as Tinkerbell, Navi, Thumbelina, or Paul Bunyan. Something that made sense. This? This was nonsense. She had a tiny version of one of those signs that people sometimes wear covering everything but her head, arms, and feet, but it didn’t have any recognizable logos or slogans on it. Instead, it featured a beige background with an eye-watering series of concentric rectangles, each a slightly darker shade of beige than the one containing them. Each rectangle had illegibly small text above and sometimes below the next rectangle. “Are you supposed to be one of those index cards libraries used to track things before computers?”

“They had libraries before there were computers? Why? That makes no sense!”

“Of course they had libraries before computers, Teri! They’ve had libraries since ancient times. Ever hear of the Library of Alexandria?”

“Isn’t that in Canada?”

“No! Ancient Egypt!”

Teri frowned in confusion. “But if they didn’t have computers, why did they need libraries?”

“To read?”

“You can read in a library? I thought they were just where you go to print things when you don’t have a printer.”

“I- You- Yes, Teri. You can read in libraries. They’re full of books. That’s the whole point! If you go past the part with the computers, there are rows and rows of shelves. And those shelves are where all the little books live when people aren’t reading them.”

“Oh! Cool! Little books are exactly what I need!”

“No, that’s not what I... you know what? Never mind. I give up. What’s your costume supposed to be?”

“I’m a nest,” said the proud little fairy.

Mary cocked her head. “I still don’t see it. A nest made of index cards maybe?”

“No! I’m a nest of quotes! Duh!”
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #703
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Lucy waved to Mr. Adrianza as she walked past. He was always nice to her, even after cleaning up her… issues. Walking into Crystal Hall, she saw a girl looking around uncertainly. She walked over to the girl.

“Excuse me, are you lost?”, she asked in a friendly manner. The girl turned and looked at her. She was about Lucy’s height, with ice blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair up in a ponytail. She was slender, with slight curves. She had freckles and a tan. Lucy could tell it wasn’t one of those kind of tans one gets from idly laying about in the sun, no this was more like the hard working in the sun sort of tan.

She extended her hand to the girl. “Hi, they call me Host. I just got here a couple weeks ago, myself.”

The other girl took the offered and and shook it. “They call me Fidget.”

Lucy saw the usual gang filtering over to their first level seat. “Want to join my friends and I? we are about to have lunch together.”

Lucy led her over to the group’s table. One by one everyone filtered in, Backslide was first. Tanuki and Motherlode arrived shortly after.

Lucy stood up and introduced everyone to the new girl. Greetings were exchanged and then everyone sat down and small talk began.
eventually the subject turned to powers. after a recap of everyone’s powers, the new girl cleared her throat and fidgeted uncomfortably.

“My name is Jordan Owens. They… call me Fidget, I’m a Gadgeteer and an Exemplar.”, she said. “I grew up in Montana, on a sheep farm. My Great-Aunt and my Dad were there for me. When I manifested, Dad got scared. My mother had been killed by a mutant, and my big sister is a mutant. She graduated last year.”

After introductions and powers discussion, the group settled down and enjoyed lunch. The conversation lightened up, and turned to the usual things that teenage girls talk about, clothes, make-up, boys. By the time lunch was done, Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Rose Bunny.

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #704
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Concentrating as hard as he could, Joshua firmly bit into the burger his parents had picked up at some roadside restaurant. Gratefully he felt his teeth tear into the bun and meat. His stomach growled hungrily, and his parched mouth seemed to come alive as the condiments and juice of the meat brought him some much needed relief.
He saw his mother watching him, the look of fear and nervousness disappearing as she saw him chewing. His parents were already done their meals since it had taken him over twenty minutes to just pick up his burger.
Smiling with delight he swallowed the bite, and trying to keep his excitement at simply eating from making him lose control, he took another bite.
His moment of victory was destroyed as his father hit a pothole. Trying to remain in his seat while eating was too much and Josh found himself flying through the back of the car. He hit the road, which felt no harder than a waterbed and started rolling as cars drove through him.
As soon as he came to a stop, halfway through the hood of a truck, he jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could towards his parents car. He didn’t bother dodging the cars which had come to screeching halt, there wasn’t any point as he passed through them with no more substance than a ghost.
Jumping through the back window, he grabbed the seat and willed himself to become a little harder. “Drive!” He shouted needlessly, his father was already pulling back onto the road, making the engine roar as they left before the police or MCO could be called in.

Staring at the fallen burger and the fries on the backseat, Josh forced himself to forget how hungry he was. He could eat later when they stopped.

Katssun’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #705
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

For the third time this week, Jill Wilbur looked to the empty desk to her left, and hoped Madeline, the office gossip, was wrong. It was, like, super rare, but sometimes she got it wrong. Then Jill heard his voice and her heart sank.

“Good Morning Desiree! Morning Tom! Morning Hank. I got Sweetheart Donuts! Morning Jill!” J.D. Hassett passed by her desk with three boxes of donuts. The boxes were from Sweetheart Donuts, the really good donut place the next township over. Problem was, J.D. lived on the far side of this township. He never brought them in, but usually complained when people brought in donuts from national chains instead of Sweetheart’s.

“Morning J.D.” Jill replied automatically, noticing that his eyes lingered on the desk next to hers and a slight smug expression appeared at the middle of his lips. He tossed one box on the file cabinet outside her cubicle next to the Finance inbox and resumed his announcement as he barged down the aisle.

“Good Morning Adam! Got Sweetheart’s! Morning Brendan! Rick...Good Morning...”

Jill swallowed hard and glanced back at Ernie’s desk. He hadn’t been seen since lunch on Tuesday. Rumors had flown he got picked up by the MCO. Jill had known. Ernie told her over IM a few months ago that he was a PK-1...but Jill didn’t know what that had actually meant about him until she had looked it up late Wednesday at her apartment. Yesterday, the emails started swirling. Worst was the one from HR that Ernie’s severance checks should be mailed to his emergency contact, his parents in Wisconsin. Jill had no idea how Hank, and by extension Madeline, had got ahold of that one. It had only been sent directly to her to process, nobody on Cc. Jill had hoped it was like a car accident or something.

She’d liked Ernie. He was quiet, sure. But he always helped her when she asked for it. Like the time she couldn’t find that one pesky formatting error in her forecasting spreadsheet macro. The one she had to make from scratch because Sales didn’t know their head from their asshole, and couldn’t keep track of their travel hours if their jobs depended on it (it did, by the way). And Ernie had made the best banana bread.

But something had changed the last two months. Ernie had gotten irritable. Instead of being friendly with everyone nearby, talkative, he spent almost the entire day listening to music on his headphones. When she finally asked him over IM, Ernie admitted that he was pulling out the dental card from his wallet when J.D. had been nearby, complaining to Rick that he got screwed over by an injury or something. Some fantasy football nonsense instead of work as usual. But Ernie’s MID had fallen out of his wallet onto his desk. He’d snapped it back up as quickly as possible, but he said he’d seen a cocky look from J.D. He’d seen it. They were pretty obvious from a glance, Jill admitted back. Depressed, Jill turned back to her financial estimates, hoping the focus would distract her. It didn’t.

It was about two hours later that J.D. came back around, holding a cup of coffee, and a sprinkled donut. But he wasn’t alone. Security had come with a copy paper box, and started packing up Ernie’s personal things. “Doesn’t it just feel...more productive around here, finally?” J.D. asked Desiree, “Like there’s just less distractions around.” The smug satisfaction on his face made her fume.

That was real rich coming from J.D. He spent half of each day badmouthing others and complaining about the work he had to do, and usually wasted all of Tuesday talking about fantasy football with Rick, and his jerk buddy Gavin from security.

Jill felt sick. Madeline had been right. It was last month that J.D.’s proposal to the Senior Managers hadn’t gone so well. Of course he hadn’t prepared at all, since he spent most of his week on fantasy football and blaming other people for his failings. Still, on the cost-estimate slide, there had been a pretty big error in his projections. Ernie had pointed it out, and Mr. Sykes from Purchasing confirmed it was off by a significant margin. But Ernie interjected that even with the error, J.D.’s overall assessment was correct. Madeline said that J.D. had ranted to Tracy for hours after that meeting.

Snapping back to the present, Jill just sheepishly smiled at J.D. He didn’t hate mutants in particular, she knew that. Tracy, who worked a cube over from him, had said his laptop has a disgusting rotating set of backgrounds. They were like, “90 percent” paparazzi shots of heroines. Shots of Crucibelle’s behind, Dr. Thunder in her form-fitting suit, a close of up Lioness’ cleavage. But there was even a newer image from a perfume ad with a redhead who was clearly underage. It was just gross, Tracy had said.

Jill believed her.

As the guard, thankfully not J.D.’s friend Gavin, packed up the last of Ernie’s things, Jill sighed deeply. Not even 10:30. She sighed again. Well, it wasn’t the end of an accounting week. It would be okay. She just couldn’t stand watching J.D. gloat a second longer. Jill fired off a quick email to her supervisor, and proceeded to make a show of it. She grimaced in front of J.D. and Desiree, placing a hand on her lower abdomen as she walked over to Madeline’s cube.

“Maddy…do you have any heating pads?” she asked, fake cringing again. “I took some medicine, but it’s just not helping today.” Jill knew that Madeline never used heating pads, so there wasn’t any risk of her actually being given one. Asking the office gossip ought to prevent any rumors that she was upset specifically because of Ernie, even if it was the truth.

“Sorry, Jill, I’ve never needed them for…that time.” Lucky, Jill mused to herself. She faked another painful cramp, earning a look of sympathy from Madeline. “Geez, Jill, you should really take the day off if it’s that bad. I could tell everyone you had a bad reaction to Indian food.”

Oh God! She’d never live that down. “That’s even worse Maddy!”


“Whatever. You can be honest with the girls. I already told Walter I wasn’t feeling well today.”

“Whatever you want darling…”


Jill grabbed her purse while J.D. was still being a real asshole to Tom. “Headed home, Jilly? Donut for the road? They’re Sweetheart’s…just like you.”

“No thanks. Diet.”

“Your loss…”

Jill stormed out of the office and slumped back into her Nissan. A bottle of sauvignon blanc would go a long way to helping her forget this day. Maybe two. That, a hot bath, and a good cry.

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #706
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“I hate these hick towns,” Agent Jackson muttered as he drove over the cracked and pothole covered road.

“Why? I thought these little places were pretty good for dealing with mutants,” Allen, his new partner and trainee said, looking eagerly out the window.

“Some of them are,” Jackson admitted. “In a lot of them you can wave some money around and the people will tell you anything you want, half of it made up just so they can get more money. In others they’re so terrified of mutants, our job is usually to collect a corpse. But then you’ve got a few where as long as the mutant is friendly and doesn’t show off, they look at the MCO as outsiders going after one of their own. So mostly we either spend all of our money on a wild goose chase that pans out maybe thirty percent of the time, or we get told lies and never find the person we’re looking for. And even then we still spend money on those lies because there’s a chance they’ll be true.”

Allen didn’t say anything but he got a really thoughtful look on his face as he scanned the town.

They pulled up to a restaurant and bar, the only place that had any activity in the late evening, and where they’d gotten a report of a mutant working as a waiter. Getting out Jackson made sure his sidearm was concealed but still easy to reach.

Stepping inside he saw a crowd of about twenty men near the bar, drinking their beers and jawing about sports. A few family’s sat around the edge of the restaurant. They had a weatherbeaten look to most of them and their clothes were mostly jeans and plain t-shirts, which made Jackson and his partner stand out in their crisp suits.

All talking stopped and the bartender turned the music off before ducking back into the kitchen.

A big, bald man with a bit of a gut, stood up still holding his beer. “Gentlemen, are you looking for a drink?”

“No sir,” Jackson said, trying to keep things nice and formal. He pulled out his badge and held it up for everyone to see. “We’re with the MCO, we’re here to speak to an unregistered mutant. Just a formality to make sure he isn’t dangerous.”

“And did you gentlemen happen to talk to the sheriff about this.” the bald man asked.

“Since this isn’t an official matter we thought it was best to keep this informal. It saves on paperwork and there’s no reason to make this seem more serious than it is,” Jackson lied. Once they had the mutant alone they could provoke him into doing something stupid and take it from their.

The man smirked. “I happen to know a thing or two about the MCO, and one thing is that you can’t come waltzing into my town asking questions without the say so of the sheriff. And since I’m the sheriff and I would sooner ask a rattler for help, then call the MCO, I’d recommend you just get back in your car and drive away.”

“That’s not strictly true,” Jackson started.

“It’s true in this town and for about fifty miles in every direction. We all know how you made that girl over in East Carson disappear a while back. You aren’t taking anymore of our children unless they’ve killed someone,” the sheriff said.

“We are trying to keep people safe, just like you,” Allen said.

The sheriff turned and walked to the bathroom. “Well then you’d best get to work,” he said before disappearing.

Jackson grabbed his partners arm. “ Let’s go.”

“But we can’t just leave it like this,” Allen insisted, not noticing the look of the crowd or how the families were making their children look away.

Jackson reached for his sidearm, “We’re lea-”

He never got the chance to finish as the bar tender and the cook each broke a chair over his and his partners heads.

When they came to a few minutes later, sitting in their car, the sheriff was crouched down staring in the window. “Don’t you gentlemen worry,” he said cheerfully, “even though no one got a good look at your attackers, I’m going to question everyone to get to the bottom of this. But for your own safety I’d recommend leaving town. Don’t worry I got all your information written down and can contact you whenever I want.”

Rubbing his head, the concussion kept Jackson from saying anything, he simply nodded and fumbled with his keys to start the car. Ignoring the sheriffs happy wave of goodbye, Jackson hoped he’d be able to reach the nearest town where he and Allen could check into a hospital to deal with their injuries. The sheriff was right, waiting around in town for help would be a mistake.

“I hate these hick towns,” he mumbled.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #707
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Toronto Canada, 1965

Big Joe stood in the middle of Yonge St. staring at the vigilante through the narrow eye slots of his armour, the enormous metal axe that was his main weapon swung idly in his right hand. The newspaper reporters were busy snapping pictures as the police tried to clear the street, but it was the meeting everyone had been talking about for weeks ever since the vigilante calling himself the Canuck had made an appearance.

Now the armoured policeman and the superhuman vigilante hero would talk, and maybe fight.

Inside his handmade armour, the pilot was sweating. He’d fought a few super criminals, but they were mostly wizards or weak science experiments gone wrong. Now he faced a power house who had torn a criminals car in two. He wasn’t sure if his armour could handle the strain. He took a moment to touch the picture of his wife and then hit the button for the loudspeaker.

“Canuck,” he said, his amplified voice echoing off the buildings, “you’ve done a lot of good in the last few weeks, but Canada doesn’t have a place for vigilantes.”

The masked vigilante rose into the air hovering just a little higher than Big Joe’s impressive ten foot height. The simple red and white bandana sewn onto the red hood covered most of his face making it impossible to see his expression, but the body language said it all, he wasn’t listening. Despite that Big Joe continued.

“Come with me to the station, and we will sign you up as a special constable. We’ll teach you the laws, proper procedures, you’ll have back up, and even a regular pay check. You won’t get that working alone.”

‘Please, please, please, agree,’ Big Joe silently pleaded.

“And what if I say no?” The Canuck asked with a faint English accent.

Big Joe felt his stomach clench with fear. Still he forced himself to continue. “Then it will be my duty to take you in. We must keep the peace, and vigilantes are not above the law. I’ve seen the good you’ve done so far, working with me and the police here you can do so much more.”

“I doubt that. I doubt that very much.”

“You’d be surprised about what we have to offer, let’s go somewhere a little more private where you and I can discuss things, and see if we can work something out.” Even as he said the words, he knew the vigilante would refuse. He’d seen similar reactions from criminals who could be offered a great job and a future but would throw it away for one more chance at scoring it big, the violence, the living on the edge, the chance to show society they could live by their own rules was too intoxicating.

The Vigilante rose higher into the sky. “You can’t offer me anything I don’t already have. I’ll keep these streets safe, and hand over every criminal I catch to the police. But that’s as far as our partnership will go.”

The snipers on the roofs surrounding the street heard their cue and took their shots. The bullets couldn’t break through whatever shield the Vigilante had, but the noise and the sudden, unexpected attack threw him off balance. As he jerked around trying to find the person who shot him, Big Joe fired off his anti-tank missile straight into the vigilantes back. That managed to hurt the seemingly impervious man, making him fall to the road clutching his ribs.

Rushing forward Big Joe raised his axe and pushed his mechanical arms to their limit bringing the blade down onto the vigilantes head.

The vigilante raised his hands and caught the blade, wrenched it from Big Joes grasp and tossed it through a building.

“Shit,” Big Joe said jumping back and firing every gun he had point blank into the man.

As the crowd scattered, the police opened fire to support Big Joe. The two titans ignored it as they grappled throwing each other along the street as if they were rag dolls.


Big Joe crawled out of his armour which was little more than scrap metal, the mask that hid his face was dripping with blood from a nasty gash along his temple and his broken nose. An officer helped him climb awkwardly to his feet and leant him a shoulder to lean on as they walked to the fallen Vigilante.

Police, the ones who hadn’t gotten injured in the fight, were wrapping the unconscious and badly beaten man in chains that typically moored cargo ships while medics hung back until they were sure the prisoner was secure.

“Damn,” Big Joe wheezed. “I wish he’d been smarter.” He tried to say more, but he hurt too much. Instead he let himself be half carried to a waiting ambulance where his wounds could be taken care of in peace.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #708
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Project Serenity Logbook


My new Mundanity Emission System continues to outperform the Boredom Emission System across most metrics, especially error recovery. It does seem to interact sub-optimally with magic-induced hallucinations, however. While performing today’s second period lecture, I was midway through the egg juggling phase of my standard Tuesday test pattern and thinking about lunch when I was struck by the realization that the topology of a pitahaya extruded into five dimensions would make a reasonable facsimile of the Waite-Hendricks Manifold in its meta-isoclinic configuration. While attempting to extend this relation to other configurations, I experienced a distraction induced error in juggling, resulting in a plurality of eggs being given trajectories intersecting with my vegetative pupils. I really must commend Richard for his advice regarding the suggestibility waveform in the MES, as it performed outstandingly; unlike the spectacle this incident would have caused if I were still using the BES, the MES allowed me to simply shout something incoherent about Beltane and then resume singing the lecture. I examined the video footage afterwards to get the precise timing: within 3.2 seconds, all but one student had sighed and resumed the glazed state, heedless of the eggs soaking into their clothing.

The outlier, Flytrap, had been exposed to one of Absinthe’s glamour charged fairies during her brief moments of startled lucidity. Rather than losing focus like the others, he instead rose from his seat and began using notebook paper to scrape the egg off his pants while muttering about somebody called Birdo. That codename is unfamiliar to me, so I presume it refers to a fictional or mythical character. At any rate, when he finished cleaning himself, he looked up and quite clearly witnessed me watching him from atop my unicycle as I continued the lecture. Fortunately, he seemed to attribute the sight and sounds to another hallucination. He disposed of his soiled papers and returned to his seat, and after a few minutes his eyes were no longer tracking as I gesticulated. The total duration of Flytrap’s lucidity was 218 seconds. Upon completion of the lecture, he left the classroom grumbling about Beltane as vociferously as his fellow classmates. If my math is correct, I believe that Beltane and myself are now even.

Further testing will be required to determine whether magical hallucinations in general override the mundanity field, or if it is something particular to Absinthe’s glamour or an interaction with Flytrap’s warper abilities. For that matter, other sorts of illusions and hallucinatory effects should be tested as well. That new lab assistant, Roulette, let slip recently that she has been known to bake the occasional batch of special brownies. Perhaps her expertise in this matter will prove beneficial. Otherwise I may have to risk soliciting volunteers from Le Carnival, and Security is still monitoring me after the last time.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Kettlekorn.

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #709
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cheyenne, Wyoming

“Where is the backup?!” Officer Shepard shouted into the radio, trying to ignore the dead and dying that covered the street.

“The National Guard is at least an hour away. We should have a hero team there in fifteen minutes,” came the response.

Leaning around the overturned police car, Shepard saw the bird like rager stab the Cheyenne heroine Calamity through the shoulder with a wickedly curved talon. The woman screamed and began desperately kicking against the feathered chest trying to break free as she shot a pistol point blank in the mutants face.

“Not soon enough! Where is the SWAT or MCO?”

“Dead or wounded. Yo-”

Lightning filled his vision hitting the two combatants. The shockwave tossed Shepard through the air, breaking his radio. His body was numb and every hair on his body was trying to stand on end. He stared dazedly at the cloudy sky which didn’t look capable of throwing lightning. Coughing he looked back at the fight, the rager was on its back smoke rose from its chest, it was trying to pat out the flames burning its feathers. His eyes went to Calamity who was throwing up, her skin a brilliant red.

He rolled onto his knees and crawled to the police car. The shotgun was close to where he’d dropped it, picking it up he used it to get to his feet. Leaning against the car, he propped the gun on a wheel and took aim at the rager.

The rager shrieked and came up, its deadly talons ready to kill. Calamity staggered, trying to get to her feet, but fell to her knees again. Raising her pistol, she rocked from side to side, smoke rising from her skin.

The shotgun would never kill the rager, but it would distract him buying Calamity some time. Shepard took his shot, the recoil nearly took him off his feet. Leaning into the shot he fired again.

He got off four shots before the rager was on top of him. He felt the talons tearing into his stomach, a miracle kept the shotgun in his hands, another one let him raise it up to fire a shot that snapped the beaked head back. A split second later Calamity’s pistol fired and Shepard got to watch the ragers eye explode as a bullet destroyed it and entered the brain.

As Shepard and the rager fell, he distantly heard Calamity scream. Painlessly he hit the ground, his eyes still open, the last thing he saw were the roaring flames leaping from her body.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Katssun’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #710
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Arcata, California

Jessenia Dia still couldn’t believe the outpouring of love that her newly adopted home continued to give her. The small city in Northern California had been the first to offer she and her family a place to stay when a missionary from the Sisters of Mercy had put out a request to relocate her family from Nicaragua.

The Stolitz family had been a little hesitant once they’d seen her, but after a few weeks, Jessenia felt like Rupert, the youngest, would do anything to defend her, and Wendy felt like a friend she’d known for years.

There had been rumors of both the MCO and DPA poking around the city, but oddly enough, the townfolk had come out in unison to deny that she and her family were anything more than a Humanity First rumor. Now that the Dia’s had lived in Arcata with the Stolitz’ clan for 4 months, Jessenia was finally starting to feel like her life had returned to normal, like before she had manifested. Almost.

Jessenia spent most of her time translating for her parents and little brother. It was hard to remember that while things were easy for her as an Exemplar-3, the transition would never be so easy for her parents, both nearly in their late 30s and having barely spoken any English in their life. Joseph was picking it up rather quickly, thankfully, and had been making friends with the Dumas twins next door.

“Jessie, breakfast!” Rupert called down the hallway. Shaking the distractions, Jessie pressed her three sets of limbs together and offered a quick prayer to St. Alban for the mercy she and her family had been given. One of these days she would get a handle on using just one pair. She shrugged into a pair of jeans and tied off her halter top before she headed downstairs for breakfast.

Though the Stolitz family pretended it didn’t bother them, at least not anymore, Jessenia was still self-conscious about the way she ate. She sat down at the table, her six arms not really having any idea how to handle themselves. Harriet Stolitz put a plate of steak and eggs in front of her, and she smiled that carried though all six of her front eyes. She quickly grabbed the fork and knife with her second set of arms and, as discretely as she could, injected digestive juice into the steak before settling back into her seat. She dribbled a little bit more onto the eggs and waited as the rest of the two families sat down for breakfast. Rupert was having cold cereal as usual, while Wendy was content with a toaster pastry and a glass of orange juice. Jessenia felt awkward as her stomach juices went to work on her meal. There really wasn’t anything else she could do in the meantime.

Thankfully, Wendy broke the silence and the two shot back rumors about their classmates, while Wendy’s parents complained about the local zoning board. Her own parents sat at the breakfast table confused at the rapid-fire English, but she’d bring them up to speed later.

Her own breakfast had taken long enough to pre-digest, Jessenia picked up the ball of meat and eggs with her spoon and let her inner chelicerae flick bits of the protein down her throat.

One day, she hoped she’d get used to this.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Katssun.

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #711
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Gary, did you hear something upstairs?” Margaret asked, looking up from her tablet.

“It was probably just the dog,” Gary replied, rubbing his eyes and putting a big bowl of popcorn on the living room table. He wondered why he had made so much, usually he and his wife only had a small bowl each but there was enough there for at least four people. “Weird.”

Margaret leaned towards the stairs. “I’m certain I heard someone up there, it sounds like a child crying.”

“You’re right, I hear it to.”

Together they went up the stairs, following the crying to the guest room. Pushing the door open a little they saw a teenage boy comforting a younger girl.

“Who are you?” Margaret asked, as Gary looked around the room wondering how the kids had gotten inside.

“Mommy!” the girl shouted, running over to hug Margaret.

“Oh Sandy, why are you crying?” Margaret asked.

“I-I...” the little girl stumbled to a halt.

“She fell and hurt her knee, Mom, Dad,” the boy said.

“Well I’m glad you were here to comfort her Mitch,” Margaret said, giving him a smile of approval.

“Come on kids, I have popcorn waiting downstairs,” Gary told them.

“Great, we’ll just get cleaned up and be right down. And don’t forget we’re going to go clothes shopping tomorrow, Sandy and I have both outgrown our old stuff,” Mitch said.

“Right, you both are growing like weeds. You need lots of clothes.”

“And I could use a new bed.”

“Oh yes,” Margaret said. “I’ve seen your bed in the basement and it’s a miracle it hasn’t fallen apart yet.”


Mitch watched their ‘parents’ go back downstairs, and breathed a sigh of relief. Turning to his sister he gave her another hug. “You’ve got to stop crying so much, Sandy.”

“But I miss our real Mom and Dad,” she said rubbing her face on his shoulder.

“They don’t want us anymore, so these nice people are going to have to do until we figure something else out. Don’t worry, I’ll always be with you. I won’t let anyone hurt us,” Mitch assured her, kissing her on the cheek.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #712
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
2007 October 30, 1955

Security Auxiliary Mads Jensen was feeling oddly on edge as he and his companion walked along the southwest edge of campus in the deepening twilight. Not that this was unusual itself, but... he just had a weird sense that shit was about to hit the fan again. Maybe it was the stories about last Halloween - or just the approach of the Thinning of the Veil itself.

It was probably nothing. Once whichever one of the Turd Squad assholes was going to be relieving him and Officer Forster showed up, he’d head back to...

A glimmer of light caught his eye.

Turning, he gaped as a lime-green portal opened up before him, disgorging a girl some years younger than him in a blue and yellow track suit. The girl gasped for air for a moment, then scrabbled at the odd device on her forearm, before passing out. He heard shouting and pistol fire, and a laser bolt from the other side of the portal barely missed him just as the gateway closed.

Deja vu... thought Mads, staring at the fist full of bottle caps that spilled out of the new arrival’s hand.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #713
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
JG wrote:

mhalpern wrote: You know I kinda want to see them try to use Ribbon as a hostage, because despite appearances, she’d be the worst hostage EVER...

No, I’m pretty sure the Imp would actually be the worst hostage ever.

Whateley, Early December

Teri flew alongside the road leading to Dunwich, keeping close to the trees and bushes to keep herself from being seen. Since the school hadn’t given her a pass into town for Christmas shopping she had to do it discretely. She didn’t know why they were giving her such a hard time about it, Unstoppable had made such a pretty Christmas tree. She hadn’t even shoved the pole up where it belong to hold him in place, she should have been rewarded for her restraint.

A red wall rose up in front of her.

“Oh pretty!” she squealed, seeing that she was in the middle of a red hexagon. Sitting in the air she watched a group of adults come out of the woods.

“Is that a student?” a man wearing a red suit asked.

“Yes it is,” a pretty woman answered. “My contact gave me a photo with her in it. What’s your name girl?”

Spinning upside down just to mess with her, Teri chirped, “Teri! What’s yours?”

“Heaven. Now we don’t want to hurt you-”

“That’s good. You’re pretty, and so is this hexagon. Are you making it?”

“No. Pay attent-”

“Are you new teachers? Are you going to get me in trouble for not staying on campus? Because I have totally good reason to be off campus. Mary, my roommate is feeling down. And she really likes this type of chocolate bar you can’t get on campus. So I was just hopping out to get her one, because that will make her feel really happy. I promise I wasn’t going to do anything bad, like dumping that mean boy who threw a snowball at me in the snow again. And I wasn’t going to dig my way into a snowmans head and scare little kids by pretending the head is haunted either. I learned my lesson the third time. And I won’t go-”

The group shared a confused look as Teri kept talking, and talking, and talking. Finally Heaven shouted, “TERI! You’re not in trouble for sneaking off campus.”

She let out a big sigh of relief. “Great. So is this some kind of test to see how ready I am to beat up bad guys? Because if it is, I think I failed. But I demand a retest! I didn’t know this was going to happen, and it’s totally unfair, five adults against one student, and attacking from ambush. I can’t let something like this lower my martial arts mark, I am doing so good in that class, I’m expecting at least an A. GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE! I’ll prove to you I can handle anything. Come on, come on, come on...”

“Teri. Shut up. Why can’t you listen. If you’ll stop talking for a minute.” Heaven tried to get the girl to shut up in vain. It didn’t seem like the girl knew how to shut up.

“Stop talking!” Jackalope shouted, grabbing the tiny fairy in his gauntlet.

Looking up at him innocently, Teri smiled, “All you had to do was ask. I know when to shut up. It’s not like it’s a hard thing to do. See I’m shutting up. No one has to tell me twice. You won’t hear a word out of me.”

He gave her a couple of hard shakes, grabbed her by the ankles and pulled down so her mouth was covered by his finger. “Now maybe you’ll listen.”

“Hm-mph,” Teri said.

“Teri, pay attention,” Heaven said. “We are looking for Imp, do you know where she lives?”

“Hm-mph, gph tf ths t-th, dffpht fkltws, ssswthee-”

Slapping her forehead, Haeven looked at the sky as if asking for strength. “Jackalope, please let her speak.”

As soon as the finger moved enough to let her speak understandably, Teri shut up.

“Well aren’t you going to tell us?”

“Tell you what?” Teri asked.

“Where the Imp lives.”

“But I just told you,” Teri said. “Did you want me to write it down for you? Because if you do I’ll need a pen, paper and my arms. But I’d be happy to write it down, I know that not everyone can remember things as well as I can. I know that everyone thinks it’s impossible for me to be smart because of how small I am. But my brain works really well. Does your brain work well?”

“Jackalope, persuade her.”

Jackalope squeezed his gauntlet with a sadistic grin. His gauntlet started to glow.

“OH! AH!” Teri gasped. “A little harder with your middle finger please. Oh that’s so nice. I’ve had a cramp there all morning. Have you ever thought about becoming a masseuse? I know a lot of pixies who would love this.”

“Is she insane?” the Hexagon demanded.

Crimson Kid began to glow. “Give her to me, I’ll make her scream.”

“HOT POTATO!” Teri screamed, slipping out of the green gauntlet the second it loosened to pass her around. Instead of flying away into the sky or the woods she made a beeline for Heaven’s bosom, sliding in between the warm fleshy globes like a fish in water, much to the embarrassment of Heaven and the astonishment of everyone.

“Oh this is so warm! I could stay here all day!”

“Get out of there!” Heaven shrieked, reaching into her coat and top.

Teri dug her claws into the sensitive flesh, making the woman yelp in pain. “NEVER! You made me get all cold staying still outside, so now I’m warming up.”

“What do we do now?” asked Provoker.

“Well you could ask nicely how to get into Whateley, I can’t wait to see what happens once you get there,” Teri said from her special place of honour.

“I am so going to kill the Imp as slowly and brutally as possible once this is over,” Heaven said.


Just After Dark

“You’re sure this is the place,” Provoker asked, staring at Heaven’s cleavage from which Teri’s head emerged. “The map says it’s forbidden.”

Teri nodded happily. “Sure, they just don’t like people going in there because the Pixies will eat them. I go in all the time to play hide and seek with them.”

“Then you won’t mind guiding us, will you?” Heaven asked.

“Nope, it will be fun, and security won’t bother you until you come out the other side. They have sensors there to keep students out. Are you ready for the sensors?”

“They won’t be a problem.”

“How about dinosaurs?”

“Dinosaurs,” Crimson Kid asked.

“Yeah, we’ve got one, and a giant spider, and a dragon, and a Sasquatch, and a couple of angels, and a succubus. Than there’s two grizzly bears, a mountain lion and a buffalo. And we have a snake girl, and a girl who looks like a Hindu goddess, and another who looks like a demon. And there’s at least one elf queen, and a couple of dark elves. And we’ve got an anime girl and a part time vampire queen.”

“We can deal with anything that comes up,” Heaven insisted. “And we don’t plan on meeting anyone except Imp anyways. It’s a school, how hard could it be? Now Jackalope, Hexagon and Crimson Kid you will go through this forest and take out the security center. After you’ve done that come around and meet us at the Imp’s apartment.”

“OH! OH! OH!” Teri shouted. “Can I go with them. This will be fun to watch!”

Heaven slapped at her breasts trying to hit Teri’s head only to smack her own flesh as Teri slide down. “You’ll stay with me where you won’t cause any trouble.”

“Aw! You’re no fun!”


Ten bottles of beer on the wall, tens bottle beer, you take one down and pass it around and 9 bottles of beer on the wall,” Teri sang quietly.

“SHUT UP!” Heaven hissed through gritted teeth. “We’re here, if you don’t want your teachers and friends getting hurt, you will SHUT UP!”

“OK,” Teri said, pushing herself up from her warm, if sweaty position, so she could see the fun.

Heaven and Provoker had made it to the fence and the tech villain was busy using some fancy devise on the fence. A minute later he cut a hole in it and slide through followed by Heaven. They both touched a devise on their arm turning themselves invisible.

“Oh this is going to be exciting!” Teri hissed through her hands, giggling like a school girl.

“Are you that excited to see your teacher get killed?” Heaven asked.

“Nope, I was just waiting for the Headmistress to show up,” Teri shouted, pointing at the sky.

There was a flash of light and the invisibility devises shorted out, revealing the two villains to Headmistress Carson. Teri seeing her cue took off, taking Heaven’s coat, shirt and bra with her as she did.

“Hi, Headmistress, I can explain everything! I really wasn’t sneaking off or anything I was kidnapped!” Teri exclaimed, apparently not realizing she was holding several articles of clothing that were far too big for her.

Heaven created her wings and holding her sword with one hand tried to cover her naked breasts with the other hand, too furious to talk. Provoker raised his own gun, but he wasn’t pointing it at the headmistress, instead he was focused on the teachers and security who were advancing on them from the woods and buildings, encircling them.

“Teri, we’ve been tracking you since you left the campus, we’ll discuss your punishment later,” Carson said motioning for the girl to move. Focusing her attention on the two villains her eyes flared with anger. “As for you two, we managed to drag your three companions out of the glade before they were lost forever. They should recover soon. You can come peacefully, or you can spend the next several days in the hospital beside them. Decide now.”

As the villains dropped their weapons, Teri waggled her butt at them from behind Carson’s head.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 10 months ago #714
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
2007 October 31, 1330
As the rest of the school - and Ophelia - prepared for Halloween, Raul Tenant was checking on the newest ‘special guest’ of the school. They had got her out of the jumpsuit she was in, but had to cut the cloth off around the right arm where something that appeared to be a wrist computer of some kind was attached. They couldn’t tell if it was actually attached cybernetically or not, but they couldn’t find a way to remove it either, and didn’t want to scan it with a CT or any kind of devise scanner unless they were certain doing so wouldn’t harm the patient.

Nurse Hatfield has told him that she was showing signs of wakefulness, so called he Dr. Cannell, the psychologist who had agreed to handle her case, and asked him to come down in case there were any problems. He arrived just as the girl, who appeared to be about thirteen years old, started to open her eyes.

“Where.. I... “ she groaned.

Tenant gave a nod to Cannell, who told her, “You are in a safe place. This is a hospital not far from where you first showed up here. You will need to rest, but we will have to ask you some questions.”

She looked at him oddly, as if she was having trouble following his words. Groggily, she replied, “OK... I gurss... sound strenge, like diffint dial... dia... talking.” She seemed to struggle with the words for a moment.

Dr. Tenant proceeded. “That’s all right, I think you may be far from home. Can you tell me what your name is?”

“Prenda... no, not like da, like in dee Capader... I’m, I’m... Apprentice Scribe March Wilzon.” she finally forced out with great effort of will.

No sooner did she say that than a look of dismay came over her face. “They took... took ma ranking... not in Broserhad no mo, mut..mutant... oh no... that, th-... da makeen in dee vawl take my, my...” Sobbing, she tried to turn away from the two doctors, eventually falling back to sleep.

Dr. Tenant called for the nurse and told her to let Dr. Cannell know when the girl was awake again. As the two doctors left the room and walked toward Raul’s office, Tenant said, “Well, Roger? What the Hell can you make of that?”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 10 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #715
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Note: I was going to wait a bit longer to post this, but I really can’t resist the urge to move things forward. Damn muse. I have one more part almost ready, but after that it’s anyones guess if I will continue this.

August 12th, 2286
Brotherhood of Steel F.O.B., Berlin Freehold

March Wilzon tried to keep his... no, her eyes turned down to the ground, not wanting the see the hateful stares of the two Knights who were guarding the ancient jail they had her locked up in. One of them was her uncle March, whom she was named after. Not that it really fits any more she thought bitterly. She tugged at the cuffs of the old Vault 70 uniform she had awoken in. Presumably, she had put it on - along with the Pip-Boy, though how she’d gotten it on was anyone’s guess - sometime during the month she was trapped down there, after the expedition went south. It was all a blur, now.

She knew that the only reason Paladin Wallace had kept her alive after she mutated was because of the machine she built in the frenzy she went into as her body changed. No, not the machine, the people who came through the machine. Whoever this ‘Precentor Kingman’ was, it seems that in their universe, like hers, there were those who saw themselves as having a mission to protect others from themselves - and from the Tech that was left behind by their ancestors.

She felt like she had failed everyone, especially Uncle March, who had been the one to recommend that he - she - serve as Scribe Collins’ apprentice on the expedition into this region.

Despite all, she couldn’t help wonder about some of what she had overheard the people from this ‘Word’ had told Wallace. How could it be the 23rd century in one world, but the 31st in another? How could both of those worlds be the same Earth, and what was this stuff about a ‘re-conquest’? While she was as educated as anyone born to the Brotherhood, despite her poor start in life, it seems that the Old Americans hadn’t know anything about portals through space and time. She was even more puzzled by the communications she had gotten from yet another world, rantings of some madman calling himself ‘Cave’, or something like that.

She shuddered to think of all those super-mutants she knew her own family had hunted down and killed in the name of the Brotherhood of Steel in the time since Arthur Maxson had found their unit, so long cut off from the rest, and brought them back into the Brotherhood... and now h- she was one of THEM. Self-loathing warred with survival instinct, and with this odd new impulse she now was driven by, this need to build. To create. To devise things never see before.

She wanted to know why they hadn’t executed her yet, but was afraid to find out.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #716
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Whitman Cottage 2016, late fall

Mrs Savage looked over the very short email a third time as she waited for the new student. There was virtually no information except that the girl, named Cherry was a Freshman Energizer with a PK field. They had even gotten the age wrong, claiming she was five years old.

The door suddenly blew open and a purple haired fairy came flying in like a bat out of hell.

“Teri!” Mrs Savage exclaimed. “What a... Pleasant surprise. What are you doing back here?”

The fairy stopped and stared at her for a moment before breaking into a grin. “Hi! You must be Mrs. Savage. Mom has told me all about you! And I’m Cherry. Teri is my mom slash clone.”

“Uh,” Mrs. Savage said.

“Yeah, just after mom left Whateley she laid an egg and three months later I popped out with all the basic memories! I’m five years old and going to high school already.”

“Oh. Joy.”

Sparks suddenly shot out from Cherry’s head. “Mom said you’d say that. Don’t worry I’m not as fast as she is, instead I got these cool electricity powers!”

“I’m so glad to hear that,” Mrs. Savage said.

“My sister Jeri is hoping she’ll get fire powers. And Rosemary wants probability powers. And Carrie can’t decide if she wants super strength or to be a wiz.”

“Just how many sisters do you have?”

“Right now just four, but the newest egg should hatch any day now. Mom lays one egg a year.”

Mrs. Savage excused herself for a moment to go to her apartment. Pulling out a large bottlE of gin she took a large gulp straight from the bottle and took a moment to compose herself. Taking a pad of paper out of the drawer she began writing her resignation letter.

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #717
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“I don’t like your face, dickweed.”

Derek looked up at the teenager who was at least a head taller and a hundred pounds heavier than he was. From the bruises on his knuckles the older boy was used to fighting. Still, despite being maybe 140 pounds wet and being little more than skin and bones he smiled.

“You have a problem with my face. How about this one?” Using his hands he stretched back his lips forcing his jaw to open impossibly wide. With a slurping, sucking sound his head slid down to his neck, revealing a mucus covered green face that began to inflate. Fangs easily five inches long erupted out of his gums, spikes popped out of his flesh like zits, almost randomly across his face. His brilliant yellow eyes were bloodshot, staring hungrily at the teeager. A lamprey like tongue jerked out of his mouth smelling prey.

“How do you like this face, dickweed?” Derek asked.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

NJM1564’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #718
NJM1564 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Domoviye wrote: “I don’t like your face, dickweed.”

Derek looked up at the teenager who was at least a head taller and a hundred pounds heavier than he was. From the bruises on his knuckles the older boy was used to fighting. Still, despite being maybe 140 pounds wet and being little more than skin and bones he smiled.

“You have a problem with my face. How about this one?” Using his hands he stretched back his lips forcing his jaw to open impossibly wide. With a slurping, sucking sound his head slid down to his neck, revealing a mucus covered green face that began to inflate. Fangs easily five inches long erupted out of his gums, spikes popped out of his flesh like zits, almost randomly across his face. His brilliant yellow eyes were bloodshot, staring hungrily at the teeager. A lamprey like tongue jerked out of his mouth smelling prey.

“How do you like this face, dickweed?” Derek asked.

The taller boy starred ad Derek with a strange expression on his face. Thin suddenly hearts appeared in his eyes and faster that most could fallow shoved his tongue down Dreks throat.
“Dammit Derek you know better than to do that in public. It took a week to dislodge the last one.”
Derek mumbled an apology.

Bek D Corbin
Bek D Corbin’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #719
Bek D Corbin replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread

When is it okay to sabotage your Mad Scientist father’s emergency escape teleport booth, so that he merges genetically with a common cockroach?


Not A Guinea Pig
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Bek D Corbin.

null0trooper’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #720
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Dear Guinea Pig,

A prudently risk-averse, dare I say even “paranoid”, Mad Scientist can be expected to “gallantly” allow his tragically beautiful daughter to escape first with her good-for-nothing Significant Other, followed by his dutiful guinea pig lab assistant. This just happens to be sufficient to sweep even Giz-PortamaticTM booths clean of vermin.

According to some reports, one might consider dropping a force-hibernated member of Periplaneta sp. into the offending employer’s mane on your way out via a different exit. It is not advised that you return to salvage the property, but you should know this already.
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #721
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Karen Hillbrad gave a look of disgust at her friend Melanie Chylds, sitting in the dirt outside Range Four where her Aunt Cait had unceremoniously dumped her.

“Jeez, Mel-Mel! What the hell were you thinking!”

“I wanted to see the barrel better...”

“By looking into it?” Karen cried, gaping in disbelief at this. And they call us Poesies crazy. This was dumber than anything she’d done herself, even back when testosterone poisoning was messing her up.

“Give it a rest, Kar, she’s not a military brat like you,” interjected Jilly, who was walking towards them from the direction of the cottage she and Karen both lived in. “Reckless Melly at it again, huh? If I hadn’t seen it with my own mind, I wouldna thought even you’d do something that dumb. That’s worse’n the time we went caving in Sector 22,” she added, remembering all too well the ass-chewing she, Mel, and Jazz got over that bone-headed stunt.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #722
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
March was startled out of her reverie by the arrival of Paladin Wallace and the odd robed figures of Melva Kingman and her acolytes. She sat up straight out of habit, before she remembered that she was a prisoner - not even a prisoner, a mutant, one of the poor devolved creatures left by the Great War, less than human.

“Well, rested, I hope,” Wallace sneered. “Despite what has happened to you, I think that we can, ah, overlook some issues with you for now, provided you help us. Precentor Kingman has been telling me of the rather remarkable technical achievements of her world, and we have agreed that, in the interest of Humanity in both of our universes, we can arrange a transfer of knowledge and equipment.”

Pausing briefly, he continued, “It seems that in her world, they have developed powerful bots...”

“BattleMechs,” Kingman corrected.

“Yes, BattleMechs. They have built and fielded vast armies of these BattleMechs, and the faith she represents, the Word of Blake, just retook Earth itself from heretics who had turned against their beliefs. She has assured me that, if you can build a large enough portal, she can order through several, uhm, Lances?”

Kingsman nodded, so Wallace went on. “Yes, lances of these mechs and other powerful weapons that have no equivalent in our world. In return, we - you - will tell them all you can about this portal of yours.”
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #723
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Doyle Medical Room 210
Friday afternoon, 4:20

Sarah lay on the bed, trying her best to rest, despite the pain in her foot. It was annoying, in that she both tried to focus and not focus on it. She didn’t want to acknowledge it because, oh hey, pain. Pain is bad. But on the other hand, it was the only thing she had to distract herself from both the boringness of the ceiling and from her regret/shame that she’d chosen to attack the boy there.

One year spent mostly as a girl couldn’t override the other thirteen years of being told not hit another guy in the junk, or of remembering just how much it bloody well hurt to be hit there.

Also, the satisfaction of seeing the “face of ultimate pain” on that dickhead Aegis wasn’t enough to let her forget how monumentally stupid it is to use hollow-boned legs to kick with. Next time, she thought, she’d have to shift out of whatever form she was using for her flying practice, and into something actually built to fight with. It surely wasn’t that hard a thing to remember: Sarah knew she couldn’t shift a limb that was injured, and besides, walking around as a mix of a raven and a human wasn’t all that practical when she wasn’t trying to fly.

It hadn’t even been worth it, really. She might have been able to take the would-be hero out before his stupid delusional ranting about villains made her cottage mate explode into “her bad crazy place”, but she’d snapped her shin bone doing so. And though she’d effectively ended the confrontation, it hadn’t even helped, since that bastard Thud had taken advantage of the distraction her low-blow created and jumped Aegis, stomping him into the ground and throwing his body at the little kid. And THAT had been enough to set her off.

Still, at least the midget rager had ignored her to attack the boys. Well, the other boys, though it’d been at least a few months since she’d shifted back to any form resembling that weakling Reece. Variable Template Shifting was exceptionally handy like that, even if she had enough form viability to experience first hand the monthly downside of being a girl.
Still, she hoped to be able to learn to recognise it before her period started. Just like she couldn’t pull her attention to the broken bone to shift it out, she found that those “delightful few days” meant she was effectively form locked for the duration.
And on the other hand, it certainly made it easier to stay in Dickinson, where she got to shower with exemplar hotties and live full time as a girl, without worrying if tonight was the night her secret got found out. She’d never felt so good about getting arrested than after the first night on campus, seeing the relative sanctuary in a simple cottage dorm. She was just managing to lose herself, and more importantly, her pain to the memories of the simple joy of a movie night sleepover when the door opened, revealing her flying practice partner.

“So... Mrs Hair lady tells me you broke your foot kicking some poopyhead in the junk?”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #724
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Damn it Randi, pay attention! Were you listening to anything I just said?” an exasperated Metro growled.

Seeing Spindrifter making eyes at Aegis again, both Valravn and Jump rolled their own. What is with her and hero types, anyway? For a self-declared ‘evil sorceress’, she seems to have an overly-romantic taste for the “belligerent sexual tension” thing. Of course, that’s assuming what she said about her past was true, which, well, for anyone other than the three at the table with her, it might have seemed a bit of a stretch. As it was, Thomas had to warn her not to talk about at least one other universe she’d been to in front of Ayla.

200 years old and still a star-eyed teenager was the thought going through all their minds as she continued to pine over that idiot.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #725
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Devisor tunnels, main chemistry workshop
Saturday afternoon,

As Ceilidh looked around the laboratory from the safety-box, she was a bit awestruck at all the numerous paraphernalia, the numerous test tubes and fume hoods stood over most of the desk, as her step-cousin went to work filling tubes from nothing, then placing them into a chilled workstation where he could use waldos to move the tubes together. He clearly would have preferred to just hold them himself, but he only had two hands, and the crutches he needed to stand with wouldn’t hold themselves.

“But Steven, what are we doing here?”

“I told you Ceilidh, I’m about to make the most revolutionary breakthrough in the history of chemistry! If I get this right, I’ll be able to make room temperature superconductors at a fraction of the cost your uncle does. And when Mum sees me using my powers for more than just.. you know, that, then she’ll have to take me back!”

“But what do you need me here for? You’ve got the waldos. You’re not even asking me to move stuff for you. And why am I behind all this glass, while you’re over there?”

“Um... well, that’s the safety glass box. Technically I should be behind it too, but unlike the real devisors, I need to be hand-on with my materials. The lab supervisors set it up so we could have a healer on hand if things... um... if this doesn’t go right, and you don’t heal me within a minute, then... Well, to put it one way, at least Eddie won’t be able to give me shit about only being on crutches while he’s in the full chair...”

He saw his step-cousins look of disapproval, the kind of pout that only an eight-year-old girl can REALLY achieve, and quickly backpedalled.
“It’s too costly to do this with real materials if it doesn’t work, so I’m manifesting the precursors. When I repeat this with independent materials for the gadgeteering, I’ll be behind it, I promise!”

“If I have to heal you for this, I’m telling Leanna.” She thought for a minute before adding “Also Daddy. Daddy first. And Uncle Robert, regardless of whether it works.”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #726
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Canadian Far North, 800 miles from the geographical North Pole
Canadian powers based Prison, The Cooler

“Welcome everyone, to The Cooler,” Locker said, smiling happily from his podium in the covered courtyard.

His enthusiastic greeting did not go over well with the thirty-two prisoners who had just been dropped off along with supplies for the prison. Looking at the men and women, he saw a whole mixture of emotions, from fear to rage to a calm acceptance, and of course from the smartest ones curiousity.

“My name is Locker, I am your warden, and also the designer of this prison. And as such I will explain some basic details. This prison is easy to break out of physically. Teleporters will of course wear their inhibitors at all times, but otherwise it is relatively easy to bypass the security. However it is now summertime and temperature outside is at the freezing point. It never gets warmer, and in the long fall, winter and spring temperatures are typically at minus 30 degrees Celsius and even colder during the long nights.” He let that sink in for a minute.

“But some of you are thinking that you can survive cold temperatures, so you can escape. You may try, if the guards don’t like you they’ll even open the door to let you out.” Locker paused again, relishing the looks of disbelief. “But we are on a very small ice covered island, with hundreds of kilometres of sea and ice between us and the nearest land. The nearest islands are barren rocks were nothing live. The nearest community is over three thousand kilometers away in terrain that has killed many people. If anyone leaves, those handful of tiny communities of a dozen or so Inuit, are notified and on the lookout. They get fifty thousand dollars if they report an escapee to the government so they will be very interested in finding you. Anyone who lives to see them will be met by one or more superheroes who will be teleported into the village within five minutes.

“You will also notice that everyone here is wearing clothes more suitable for a Florida summer, the only cold weather gear we have is locked up as securely as our weapons and they all have a multitude of trackers on them. We get a supply run twice a year, dropping off supplies, workers, and prisoners, as well as taking out workers and prisoners who have completed their sentences. They are heavily guarded. So if you want to take a chance and escape, Good luck.”

His smile grew as he saw the realization of just how screwed they were became known to the prisoners. “We have had fifty escapes in ten years. Thirty six of them came crawling back, freezing, hungry and near death asking to be let in. Three managed to be found by people who were looking for them, two died in hospital, one survived with severe organ damage from starvation. One, one person managed to make it all the way to civilization, after he was recaptured and brought back here he has refused to attempt it a second time. The rest have vanished from the face of the earth. We’re not looking for them.”

The gate to the main prison block opened up. “Please remember, we don’t have enough supplies to go around. You will have jobs in the hydroponics farm, clothes making, general repairs, manufacturing and administration. If you don’t do your jobs, we may not have enough food to last the winter, clothes to wear, machines to keep in the heat, clean water and the other essentials of life and comfort. In that case, we will let the other prisoners know who is to blame when they only have half rations and are shivering in their blankets. Please follow the guards as they call out your names. I hope we can all get along.”
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Domoviye. Reason: Changed a SINGLE BLOODY MILE to KILOMETERS! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!!!! ;)

Kaitha39’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #727
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cambridge University, United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Friday, October 23rd, 2037

The large group of twenty-somethings lazed around the lecture room, awaiting the teacher. Most were seated, but turned to have conversations amongst themselves as the hour ticked past, generally relaxed as they waited. At the door, two redheaded women peered inside the window, one in her early forties, the other a teenager. If one were to hazard a guess, they’d probably assume a mother and daughter, though both would have hated that implication.

“I’m not sure I want to do this anymore, Leanna.”

“Ceilidh, you’ve faced some of the worst supers in the world, stared down monsters, without raging I might add, you’ve worked as a medic of some sort or another for almost three decades and were an ambassador for the trade agreements when the country split in two. Why the hell are you scared of students? You’ve done this lecture three times already.”

“Because the supers and the monsters didn’t expect me to beat them up, and all the ministers knew I could if they didn’t keep it civil. These? These are your problem children Leanna, and I hate giving this lecture.”

“Well.... I’ll give you milk and cookies and let you stay up an hour past your bedtime if you do it?”

“That stopped being funny twenty years ago, and even if it didn’t, it lasted all of five days in boot camp. Bitch. Fine.” As the elder watched from the doorway, the younger entered the classroom and felt all eyes upon her as she walked to the lectern. Not one face on the students didn’t radiate surprise, confusion or amusement, to see someone who looked ten years younger than them stand in front.

“Um... are we in the wrong room? I thought this was supposed to be a university? I didn’t sign up to do daycare.” asked one skin-headed boy in a purple polo shirt and slacks. Several of the people he’d been talking with laughed, either nervously or maliciously. In response, the girl at the front of the room sat down on the lectures stool, while all various blackboard chalks, whiteboard pens, and electronic pointers and projection instruments floated themselves out of her bag and around the air.

“Assuming you’re supposed to be in ‘Biology M203, Mutant powers and their impact on Medicine, Baseline Edition’ then yes, you are in the correct room. I am not your normal lecturer for this course, that would be my elder sister, but this dog and pony show has been proven to get you all to realise that when mutants are in play, nothing can be taken for granted. You may address me as either Doctor Siofra or Captain Siofra, and yes, in fact, that is a Medical Doctorate, which I earned the hard way serving in the Royal Navy. Incidentally, I prefer Doctor since I spent far more time as a Lieutenant than a Captain.

In response to the daycare banter; I’m approximately double the age of the youngest person in the room, despite what I look like, so it’s possible that, if I hadn’t been busy working either in the Military, the NHS, or various government agencies at the time, I could have been your babysitters..

So. Now that I have all of your attention. Who can tell me the most critical necessity that any mutant, no matter the classification, needs to have in order to work in our beloved National Health Service?”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Kaitha39.

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #728
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Early winter, 1991
Backroad fifty miles west of of Phoenix, Arizona

“Can you take the shot?” Agent Scobbie shouted to be heard, while trying to keep his car steady with his partner standing on the backseat trying to shoot from the open sunroof.

“Steady,” came the reply. “Pull back about three yards.”

Easing off the gas, Scobbie watched the car they were persuing pull ahead slightly. There was the boom of the rifle and a small hole appeared in the back window. Then Scobbie was hitting the brakes and swerving wildly to avoid hitting the car as it spun off the road and nearly rolled over.

As soon as they stopped, his partner was out the door, his rifle left behind, with his pistol drawn. Scobbie was right behind him. They circled the car guns raised ready to shoot. Coming up on the drivers side, he saw the former MCO nurse struggling with his seatbelt as blood poured from a deep gash on the side of his neck.

“Where is the mutant?!” Scobbie demanded.

“Go... to hell,” the nurse muttered.

His partnered signaled him and pointed at the passenger seat. Leaning in he saw some purple slime jiggling under the seat.

“That answers that question,” he muttered, and put a bullet in the nurses head.

The shot echoed in the car and the slime seemed to leap upwards beneath the seat.

The seat bucked upwards as ninety or so pounds of compacted slime that was secreted into every possible crack and open space, turned into ninety pounds or so of human flesh and bone. Metal creaked and bent a little but the bolts held it together. The young mutant girl who had been hiding there wasn’t so lucky.

Even Scobbie winced in sympathy as he heard bones snap and the anguished shriek as the girl found herself crushed in a space far too small for her. He shifted his arm and put her out of her misery.

“I thought we were suppose to take her alive,” his partner said.

“Unless you had a green mushroom in your pocket, that wasn’t happening,” Scobbie replied. “Come on, lets go call the clean up squad. How many more mutants escaped from the facility?”

“Four. We’ll follow up some leads on the last one tomorrow.”
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Kettlekorn’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #729
Kettlekorn replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Carmen rolled her eyes at the warden’s spiel. Three thousand miles from civilization? Utter tripe. Even if they were right in the middle of Santa’s Bloody Workshop, three thousand miles would take her clear through Canada and land her in Duluth, Minnesota. In other directions, it would take her past Russia into the Heilongjiang province of China, or the Ukraine, Switzerland, or even the middle of France. Maybe he’d meant kilometers, but even then, three thousand of the silly little things would be enough to put her nearly in Anchorage, Alaska.

Not that Carmen had any intention of leaving just yet. Staying three steps ahead of ACME was hard work. She deserved a vacation, and the Cooler was the last place anybody would ever expect to find her, what with how it was precisely where they planned to put her if they ever caught her. As though she’d ever let that happen. And when she got bored and left, why, she could just take it with her! It would be her next big heist.

Locker finally finished his speech, so Carmen favored him with a wink, adjusted her fedora, and sauntered off to find out what this Arctic resort had for drinks.
I am the kernel that pops in the night. I am the pain that keeps your dentist employed.

Katssun’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #730
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A wooded thicket, Southern Ohio

Linda quivered in terror in her little hole under a tree. She could tell through the holes on her back, the ones Dr. Virani had called them “tympanic membranes,” that the search grid was getting closer and closer to her hiding spot.

She’d known that her parents hadn’t been happy when she’d manifested, the eight 3-inch holes in two rows that ran down her back were pretty disgusting, and also very sensitive. She could only wash them in the shower gently with her fingers, anything rougher than that made them hurt, and made her head pound from the disorientation.

But, things had continued without anyone in town noticing. She wore looser tops, and never really sat back into a chair anymore. Linda had to admit, all other things aside, her mutation had done wonders for toning her core. Junior year had gone great, and she even had Seth Moore, captain of the basketball team, invite her to junior prom, though she had worn a high-collared sleeveless dress instead of the backless gowns that most of the other girls wore. Mom and Dad had even started to get used to the fact that their daughter wasn’t totally normal, but still fit in as if nothing had ever changed.

Everything went wrong when her brother Garrison had come back from college that summer. Dad had broke the news to him on the way home from Pitt, and according to Dad, Garrison had taken it really poorly. Her brother had joined a frat out in PA that had strong ties to both Humanity First! and the Knights of Purity. Worse, Garrison was being rushed, so to speak, as a Shortstop for the KoP. Pretty much the worst thing possible for Linda.

Once he’d gotten home, and saw the holes on her back firsthand, Garrison had gone ballistic. Genescum, and far, far worse he’d called her. Two nights ago, Mom said that Garrison was ashamed that he had a “tainted” line, proven by his sister’s ‘corruption,’ but was thankful to The Lord that his blood hadn’t been polluted by the Sins that their family clearly carried.

It was only days later that Garrison had killed Dad for having a, “tainted” bloodline, with flimsy evidence, at best. Mom lost it, and as far as Linda knew, was with the Ohio Highway Patrol, reporting her son had murdered his father. Her brother had convinced the Sheriff that Linda was a rager, and Garrison had immediately arranged for the local chapter of Humanity First! to start looking for his genescum sister. He also called the Proctor of the Knights of Purity Chapter in. They’d managed to rally the entire town against her.

So, here she was, hiding in a filthy, dirty hole, waiting for the search team her own brother had organized to find her and kill her. Desperation consumed her.

Linda focused on the membranes in her back; she’d sliced off the remnants of her t-shirt with a pointy rock to expose them fully, and noticed that there would be a short gap in the search party between several large trees. For a few moments, there would be only a single person between her and the safe side of the search grid. As long as she was quiet, and quick. She carefully picked through the sticks next to her, rejecting a few of the soft rotten branches until she found a rigid piece of deadwood.

As the man close to her passed her spot, she surged out of the hole. She’d never told her parents, but the membranes in her back weren’t just extra ears. They could also project vibrations, and the middle-two sets were the best at it. Linda blasted out a discordant tone that was at the very least disorienting, and often debilitating. It bounced off walls for sure, but trees were just as good. The young man stumbled and grabbed his forehead, trying to shake off the noise that was beyond human hearing.

Linda worked a leg between his own and then smashed him to the ground from behind. She pulled the stick against his throat as hard as she could. She noticed that even the scuffle through the leaves had gone unnoticed by the nearest two searchers. What followed was the incredibly long time it took to choke the life out of the young man. Not a single though outside of “escape!” entered her mind as she waited for his heartbeat to fade through the membranes in her back.

At last, she flipped him over, and stopped. It was Nate Weston, Seth’s best friend and the point guard of the basketball team. On the one hand, she was horrified. Nate was funny, and while she liked Seth a lot more, she couldn’t really understand how Nate would have joined the search. Nate had never given the impression he’d hated mutants. All the time she had been hanging off Seth, the topic hadn’t ever come up. Not at the dairy bar they spent every weekend in town at, not swimming at the quarry, not even on the very long ride to the Lake right after school had ended where they’d spent the weekend and Linda had become a woman.

But deep within, there was a part of Linda that relished what she’d just done.

She fled past the search grid, not knowing where she’d end up. East, maybe.

Sir Lee
Sir Lee’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #731
Sir Lee replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“ The nearest community is over three thousand miles away in terrain that has killed many people...”
“Excuse me, Mr. Locker. Surely you mean three hundred miles, don’t you? I mean, three thousand miles would put us smack dab in the middle of the United States.”
“Well, if you want to go all technical with it and talk as-the-crow-flies distances with perfect great-circle navigation, yes, that would be about right. But in practical terms, it might as well be three thousand. Because walking there, and more importantly, finding the places would be about as hard as walking from San Diego to Boston. No roads. No signage. No supplies. No GPS unit. We are so close to the North Magnetic Pole that compasses are pretty much useless, Navigating by the stars or sun up here is also a non-trivial skill. Oh, and no land for most of the way. Yeah, there is ice, but that’s treacherous footing, especially nowadays where the ice sheets are less permanent than they used to be. You have a choice of freezing, starving, drowning, falling into an ice crevice and being crushed when it closes, being mauled by a polar bear, or being swallowed whole by a sperm whale or orca.”
Don’t call me “Shirley.” You will surely make me surly.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Sir Lee.

Katssun’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #732
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
A scummy bar. New York, New York.

Linda wasn’t sure that there was any kind of place who would hire someone like her, but she was desperate for money, hungry, and needed a place to live. It had been two years since she fled her hometown in Southern Ohio, a mob driving her away at the behest of her brother, who had framed her for murder of their father. Linda wished she could get revenge against her asshole brother, but…

She’d spent the 18 months pushing back that little part of her that had secretly enjoyed killing her way out of the search grid. The part of her that whispered to her every night since that she should simply kill her brother in the middle of the night. She was stronger than he was. Faster. And her ‘extra ears’ on her back would ensure that Garrison would never even know. Once she finally came for him, that is.


Fact was, Linda was out of money, hadn’t eaten for a day and a half, and could use a shower that wasn’t the result of a borrowed bathroom stemming from a one night stand. She felt gross, really wanted a hot bath, and worst of all, her goddamned period had started. Her entire life was packed up in a pilfered Coach backpack.

She couldn’t afford to screw this up.

Erica, her contact when she had been subcontracted for recon jobs, had provided a referral to the opportunity of a lifetime. A relative lifetime anyway. Erica’s only requirement was that Linda would feed any particularly juicy gossip she learned back through her. Linda knew that she had been doing work for the Syndicate while Erica played dumb.

So, Linda waited, dressed in a clean plain white tee and her hip hugger jeans for the interview. Erica had called it an “audition” though. She’d arrived thirty minutes early, and while she had certainly wanted to spent the last of her cash on a Blackberry Martini, she was holding back and drinking soda water with lemon.

Exactly on time, a man and a woman approached her booth. A blond with golden hair, and a very, very generous chest and a nondescript man sat down side by side. The man spoke first.

“Erica forwarded an application for you. You have zero prior experience, which is a minor hit, but I’ve been told that your capabilities might benefit the business…”

Linda wasn’t sure how to answer. Following Erica’s advice over the phone, she fell back on honesty, but her nerves started getting to her and she began babbling. “I can sense heartrates for sure, and with practice, I’ve gotten pretty good at guessing when someone is agitated, or just faking it. Though, I really need to have my entire back exposed in order to pull that off.” Linda turned toward the pair, showing off the eight holes that ran down her back.

The blond looked to the man, and then responded first, “Regarding modifications to the uniform, I doubt that will be a problem.”

The man turned back to Linda. “I agree that you seem to be a good fit. If you pass the probationary period, and don’t get involved with any of the customers, this could be a very good place for you to get back up on your feet.”

“Uh…thank you. I won’t let you down.”

The woman handed Linda a bracelet, and a business card for a place called Simply Faboo where she could pick up her uniform as well as have it altered the same day. “Wear the bracelet at all times on shift, and the rest we’ll cover during your first shift tomorrow night.”

“But no one told me where this business of yours actually is!” Linda said with panic.

“Don’t worry, head to the general area. We’ll find you.” the man said cryptically.

“Welcome to the Black Mask team!” the blond chirped as the two got up and left Linda wondering what the heck she was getting into.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Katssun.

Katssun’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #733
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 13, 2007

Stacy Yates pulled open the doors to the Home Ec room, her twelve-year old daughter Cora in tow. She knew she was just barely late to the PTO meeting, but Jordan had been a pain in the butt again, littering the living room floor with breadboards, resistors, and whatever the heck the little black half-roundish things were. Stacy regularly read Jordan’s forum posts and unsubmitted patent applications to figure out what trouble he was getting himself into, but honestly, the component-build stuff was her husband Gavin’s territory. Thankfully, it looked like the group hadn’t really organized. Clutches of mothers and fathers milled about the room, gossiping and socializing. Cora wasn’t the only child who had been dragged to the meeting either, there was a group of them off in a corner, playing with white stuffing and felt scraps.

The smell of fresh-baked brownies assailed her, another mom she didn’t recognize pulling a batch from the classroom oven. Tracy’s idea to have the meeting in the middle school’s Home Ec room had really increased attendance, and Stacy could smell something extra in the brownies. Nothing illicit, but was it a hint of cardamom and a healthy dose of cinnamon? Stacy definitely wanted the recipe. She could also smell orange zest from the frosting bowl on the counter. Someone had pulled out all the stops, huh?

“Stacy!” squealed a…healthy woman, to put it politely, who rushed to the door to greet her and Cora. “Oh…your daughter is an angel, as always!” she said, brushing her knuckles against Cora’s cheeks. Stacy took a deep breath and waited for it. Cora began muttering a curse that would bring unspecified horror on the overweight woman. Stacy snapped her fingers in her daughter’s face and rubbed her head, mussing up the hair between Cora’s pigtails. Cora went into a huff, her spell interrupted, and began smoothing out her hair, having to retie the left side completely. The essence her daughter had gathered scattered, harmless once more.

“Oh…what a little treasure! What grade is she in now?”

“She’s in 7th this year. But it’s Boy’s Night today, so Cora’s with me while Jordan and Gavin grunt, belch and fart and so on back at home.”

Helen blushed at her brusque language, but she still understood Stacy’s joke before changing the topic. “Oh my gawd, Stacy, you have to try Mrs. Staedtler’s brownies. She’s pulling out the second batch now. They’re to die for.”

“Mrs. Staedtler?” Stacy asked.

“They just moved into the district, shortly after the 4th of July, along with their twin girls, both in elementary. Several of us have had playdates arranged with her daughters. The twins really are a terror unless they’re separated. Even so, you’ll adore her, even if your own kids are a little older than hers. You both have that sort of…blasé detachment to raising little hellions.” Helen explained, her hands doing much of the explanation. “No offense,” she quickly added at the end.

“None taken. You have no idea the trouble these two give Gavin and I, day after day, after day.” Stacy glanced down at Cora, who had finally managed to smooth her hair back to her own satisfaction. “Go ask Mrs. Staedtler for a brownie, sweet pea. Manners. Please and thank you.” Cora nodded and dashed off toward the kitchen part of the classroom. The mysterious Mrs. Staedtler still had her back to the rest of the PTO gathering as she transferred the second batch of fragrant brownies onto a mesh cooling rack.

Stacy figured that she’d introduce herself to Mrs. Staedtler, grab a brownie for herself, and especially, make sure Cora wasn’t up to something nefarious…funny, she hadn’t been told the woman’s first name.

“Mrs. Staedtler? Stacy Yates,” Stacy introduced herself, but noticed that the other woman stiffened, dropping the knife she was cleaning to clatter in the classroom sink. The other parents of the PTO didn’t seem to noticed the disturbance, and that was when Stacy’s awareness shifted to her mage-sight and she finally noticed the complex spell. As near as she could tell, it reacted to Mrs. Staedtler’s emotional state, pushing aside recognition when paired with the caster’s emotional distress. Mrs. Staedtler was mellowing out any reaction that embarrassed or angered her. Thankfully, Stacy’s shields were up at all times, a habit since Cora had lit her own well. It only takes two empty cookie jars back to back to know you can’t trust your own daughter.

As the woman woodenly turned, Stacy was drawn back to her years at a very particular school in New Hampshire.

Angela Ryder…no, Angela Staedtler, apparent mother of two, looked upon Stacy Yates, née Jezierski, with surprise and barely contained hatred.

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #734
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Mads was just finishing lunch when he heard the sound distinctive footfalls behind him.

Oh, her, he thought. Well, he knew this was going to come eventually, especially once he saw her talking to van Maas the day before.

“Ah, you’re Metro, right? I wanted to ask you about something.”

“OK, sure.”

“It’s sort of weird... I ran into Cheese the other day, and he said something about watching out for family ties. He wouldn’t tell me what he meant, but he said you would know what he was talking about. What’s up with that, anyway?”

With a sigh which was echoed by Valravn, Mads replied, “Well, let’s say, hypothetically, that there was a student here... maybe a few students here... who have, uhm, unusual family backgrounds? Yeah, that’s a good way to put it. Unusual.”

“I take it that - hypothetically - you might be one of these?”

“It’s possible. It is also possible that a certain changeling,” this got her attention, and garnered a bit of panic, “might be distantly related to someone - someone now long dead, of course - who happened to be related in turn to a certain legendary creature. Say, one whose female parent was a nominally male god.”

The girl went pale, saying “I don’t like where this is going...”

“Good. Now, let’s also suppose that this individual has other ancestors from a bit more southerly clime, say, somewhere in Central Europe around the Mediterranean coast?” The poor child was shaking in terror at this point, as she turned to face the table where Imperious held court.

“Let’s say that these ancestors had an ancestor - two, actually - which bore a remarkable similarity to that Nordic one mentioned before. Both of whom were in turn related to certain divine manifestations?”

The shaking got worse, but she managed to squeak out, “What does that all mean?”

Shaking his head, Metro finally explained. “It means that you are, on a certain spiritual level anyway, related not only to myself and Victor, but to that lot over there as well,” pointing to the ‘Lympies, “by way of both Pegasus and Chiron.”

After a moment, he then added, “Oh, and to Phase, Envy, and Vamp, too, but that’s something else entirely, really.”

At this, her confusion turned to anger and distrust. “Ayla, and Alex? and Fina too? Is that some kind of joke?”

“Sadly, no. Let me put it to you this way: have you seen the movie The da Vinci Code?”

At this point, Sted’s eyes blinked repeatedly and her jaw did jumping jacks, before some part of her brain decided that the best response to all of this was to pass out.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

mhalpern’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #735
mhalpern replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
This is something that was brewing in my head earlier

Your hint to what is going on the saying that inspired this is “Honor amongst thieves”

October 31st, 2008 (or later), The Village

Meticulously applying the makeup scar over his left eye, using cosplay videos he watched when she was in class. He had to be extra careful because he wanted to surprise her by going as someone from some newer material, and there might have been a little visual wordplay involved, he just picked up the costume to ensure there was no chance of her seeing it too, considering her previous profession, it was impossible to surprise her any other way. Hesitantly he put on the gold contacts to help complete the look...

While most at the school would argue that he needs fire abilities to really complete the look, for him that wasn’t the point, it was more to convince the two most important women in his life, he does in fact have a sense of humor.
Any Bad Ideas I have and microscene OC character stories are freely adoptable.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by mhalpern. Reason: made another hint or two more apparent and added another

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #736
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Elden Carson sat behind the desk, in intense thought. Someone had been targeting the children. He turned his back and looked out the window at the grounds of the Whateley Sanctuary commons area. There were several children out, running from their barracks to the infirmary, or the mess hall. The dimensional incursions had started a few weeks prior, mysterious troops in black body armor carrying advanced weapons had breeched the school. In that initial attack, only one of the refugees had been lost, Nicholas Reilly, also known as Top Hat.

Three more Incursions had happened in that time period. Anna Parsons, aka Chipmunk, was the next student killed. Erin Carlysle, aka Quokka, was murdered soon after that. No children had died in the most recent raid, but that was only due to the brave sacrifice of Circe, who gave her life to save them. Carson had tried everything. The hero, formerly known as Champion, called in investigators from the United Nations, The Canadian Government, and the Provincial Government of Free New Hampshire. Expending many favors, the investigations proved fruitless. Some saw this as an attack by the United States, in retaliation for Canada’s annexation of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Michigan during the North American War.

With a sigh, Carson called in his aid, Amelia Diabolik. The widow of the famed would-be villain entered. She had bags under her eyes, and her hair was hanging limply to her shoulders, a sign she had not had time to rest lately.

Elden turned to his assistant. “Amelia, I have an idea on how we might be able to save these children... but I need your help.”

Amelia Diabolik turned to her superior. “Sure thing, what’s up sir?” She inquired.

Carson looked at her with a grave face. “I need a team of our best... We are going to break into the UN Security Detention at the Hague and free Gizmatic.”

Amelia turned pale.”Gizmatic? But she’s too dangerous to be allowed out.”

Elden Carson nodded and sighed. “Desperate times call for desperate measures”

( If anyone wants to continue this little “Elseworlds”, feel free... I wrote it, but didn’t know where to go from there.
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Rose Bunny.

null0trooper’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #737
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Two young men quietly walked along a long-disused path in the New Hampshire woodlands outside of the Whateley property. Though he’d hate to admit it, not being harassed by the Grove’s protectors made the area seem less inviting, not more. However, that also gave him a couple of options that he’d normally be denied.

“Hej, Val. Let’s find a good spot for laying low while I run a recce.”

“If anyone’s going to scout ahead it should be me.”

“I’d agree with that if it weren’t for a couple of relevant details.”

“Such as?”

“Such as, I have more experience piloting drones, and much more experience with running VR, hot or cold.”

“I can fly much faster than your micro-drones.”

“But they’re inanimate and not affected by simple exclusion wards.”

“... Okay. How’s the battle armor checking out?”

“The fit is slightly off. Other than that, everything checks out nominal.”

“That’s one good thing in our favor. What about heading to the Grove’s coordinates? We could set Eldritch’s anchor stone there, and anyone following it across to us would be in for a rude surprise.”

A third voice joined the conversation: “Now boys, is that really the polite way to greet visitors?”

Both Valravn and Metro turned around to see a woman “of a certain age”, dressed in a tweed jacket and skirt combination that effectively shouted “Ivy League Professor”. In fact, change a few gender details, and either young man would have been willing to swear it was Fubar’s psychic manifestation - save for the fact that someone doing that could look however they damned well pleased.

“Fubar? No. You were close though. I go by Snafu when I use a code name at all. Now, whatever should we do with you two? You’re hardly twof of our usual refugees.”

Metro volunteered, “You could let us do what we came for - set up monitoring and observation of ... a group representing shall we say overly foreign interests?”

Snafu asked, “What makes you think these foreign interests would be operating so close to Whateley?”

“Maybe the fact that you just posed a leading question to encourage us to mentally list the reasons in our surface thoughts?”

Snafu smiled back at Metro. “And here I was, enjoying that recipe for something called ‘devisor brownies’. No. I think you very much need to meet Champion. Or rather, Champion needs to meet with you two. Welcome to Whateley Sanctuary.”

Metro nodded his tentive agreement, the ancient lyrics “Come in, she said; I’ll give ya shelter from the storm.” circling in his head.

The apparition guiding them in smiled, “I do love Bobbie Dylan’s songs, what few that were ever recorded. It’s interesting to hear them in a raspy male tenor.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #738
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Team Kimba sat in the debriefing room dejected. It should have been an easy victory, even trying to play down their strength. It had gone so very wrong, and they would hear about it. They did not look over at their adversaries, preferring to take their punishment and get out of there as soon as possible.

Sam Everheart walked in and looked the two teams over. The Rejects were smiling and talking amongst themselves, while Kimba looked defeated and dejected.

“Okay, time to break down that little massacre. Even though we held Tennyo and Chaka out of the conflict to balance the sides, Kimba had an advantage in experience and firepower, yet you lost handily.” She stated, looking directly at the members of Team Kimba. “My first question is to Phase. You are the group’s intelligence operative, and as such what was your first mistake?”

Ayla looked Everheart in the eyes and answered succinctly. “I should have entertained the possibility that Tapeworm was somehow in play”

“We had medical personnel in with them, should they need to re-integrate, but yes, you should have. That oversight cost Fey, didn’t it Fey?” Everheart switched her glance over to the sidhe royal, who was looking directly at the floor.

All that Nikki Reilly could mutter was a quiet “Yes ma’am”.

“The fact that Tapeworm ambushed Ms. Reilly so easily, and took out your strongest member in a matter of seconds should tell you something.”, stated Everheart, in an angry voice.

At that moment Jade let out an involuntary giggle, remembering the image of Fey struggling with trying to fight an opponent that had dove down her cleavage and inside her armor.

“Miss Sinclair, I would hot be in a laughing mood if I were you. In this scenario your best option for fighting would be to maintain distance and use your weaponry to strike from range. With the exceptions of Backslide and Tanuki, none of your opponents can strike reliably at any sort of distance. Instead, you waded into the heart of the melee and tried to go hand to hand with an exemplar with higher regen rating than yourself. What were you thinking?”

Jade stopped laughing and meekly uttered, “I guess I wasn’t”.

“And that’s why Host broke your neck and severed your spinal cord”, Everheart said in a clearly angry manner. “I’m not even going to say anything about why Phase thought that Backslide was an appropriate opponent. Tanuki picked you and Shroud apart with spells while you were focused on trying to get past the push radius.”

Ayala opened his mouth to comment, but thought better of it.

Everheart kept going. “As it happens one of you pick the correct opponent. Lancer’s decision to face Motherlode was a sound one, as the strongest member of your team, He could deal with her being a High-level exemplar. That being said, that was the only thing your team did correctly, and once the rest of you were taken out, Lancer couldn’t stand up to their combined strength. Team Kimba, I want a 10 page summary on what you did wrong, and what you could have done differently, due Tuesday. You are dismissed.”

The members of Team Kimba slunk out of the room. Watching them go, Everheart turned to the victorious team. “Now for your team, you did well for a first sim run, taking out a superior force...”
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Rose Bunny.

Katssun’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #739
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Hye-rim woke up on Sunday morning, and as usual, a book nearly wedged into her face. Today was the big day. She took a deep breath and rose out of bed to start her morning routine. She closed the book and returned it to her collection. She quickly made her bed and then slipped out of her silk and lace nightgown as she padded into her private bathroom.

At the center of the room was her most beloved possession, a gift she’s asked her father for in advance of several birthdays and holidays worth of gifts. A porcelain and brass clawed bathtub. She filled the tub full of hot water the first time just to warm it while went about her other business. Filling the bathtub a second time, Hye-rim sank into the water and considered her options for the seventh day in a row.

It was a only three months ago that she had manifested as a mutant. It wasn’t that much of a surprise to be honest, her auntie and uncles had both manifested, though it had seemed to skip her father, not that he minded, he was so busy with work. Her friends at school thought it was cool, but Hye-rim wasn’t as enthusiastic. On the one hand, who wouldn’t want superpowers? On the other…there were responsibilities and obligations to be met.

Yoo-joo-unni in the next building over had told her that she was blessed, though Hye-rim was reluctant to admit it. Unni insisted that Hye-rim’s manifestation meant that she didn’t have to get any work done, on her eyes or anywhere else, and was clearly jealous. As she dipped into the warm water of the tub, Hye-rim recalled all the trouble she went through during registration. Unni might be envious of her appearance, but the bureaucratic nonsense she and her parents had gone through overrode most of that.

“It’s not that easy…” she muttered to herself in the tub.

As Hye-rim went through her normal multi-stage morning skin care routine, Cleansers, scrubs, toners, essence, and plenty of moisturizers, her thoughts drifted back to her decision today. Daddy had told her that she didn’t necessarily have to stay in Seoul or even Korea to continue her schooling since she manifested as a gadgeteer, and that had been good news for Hye-rim.

Se-Jun-oppa had gotten so stressed out, and after he did poorly…even Yoo-joo-unni was freaking out a little, and she didn’t have exams for two years! Hye-rim was good at History, English, Hanja, and spoke passable Japanese from watching so much historical romance anime. Still, she had only recently gotten better at math, and her sciences. Most of that seemed to due to her abilities, which certainly didn’t help on tests any. She wouldn’t end up going to any of the top schools. Not with her grades.

Daddy had asked her his brother in Los Angeles if he knew any International Schools in America that Hye-rim could study her passion, history. Considering the projects Hye-rim like to work on, America seemed like the best choice if she wanted to avoid the CSAT. Uncle had asked around at the building supply firm. Uncle had said the owner himself recommended this expensive private school on the East Coast of America.

But a week after that, a second set of letters had come. Each of the five from a company in Japan, who wanted to give her a full tuition, including room and board to an International School of her choice in Japan. The only requirement was that she sign an employment contract when she graduated. She’d be closer to home, easily able to call her parents and friends back in Seoul without having the half-day difference. The offers were very tempting, and Uncle’s recommendation was so expensive…

Finishing her skin care routine, Hye-rim tossed a slip over her head before browsing in her closet. No need for a modernized dress today. She leafed through her collection, selecting a cream jeogori and her favorite blue and gold chima. She’d go to her favorite park, well within walking distance from her family’s apartment.

Tapgol Park held so much history, the national treasures it stored, and Hye-rim loved how green the park was. Hye-rim had always demanded her mother or brother take her here whenever they had free time. Yoo-joo-unni didn’t like the park very much, she said it was stuffy and depressing, but since he was so close to western restaurants and many businesses, they’d often go together and then get a snack on their way home, or spend the afternoon watching movies nearby on the rental store’s plush couches. Oddly enough, the other reason Hye-rim liked Tapgol Park so much is that being in Jongno-gu, she never got strange looks when she ran around the district in her hanbok clothing. At school or in the more modern parts of the city, some people even assumed she was a defector from the North! But here, there were many tourists and residents wearing rented hanbok as well, so she went largely unnoticed.

Hye-rim reached her favorite monument in the park. The solemn face of the Sam-il Monument drew her towards it every time. When Mama had told her what it represented back when she was eight, Hye-rim had become obsessed with history. Joseon dramas were her guilty pleasure along with historical anime, but first party accounts of the Forced Occupation had become her obsession. The Eulmi Incident, the short-lived Empire, the Annexation and the struggle to overcome it…she lived and breathed it. Manifesting hadn’t changed any of that. Her latest project was proof of that. Hye-rim brushed her fingers along the names until she landed on her Great Uncle. She closed her eyes and took in a few deep breaths, hoping to center herself and make the right decision. She opened her eyes and noticed that a number of the other visitors were staring at her. Embarrassed, she rushed back home and returned to her room, stopping only for a bag of hotteok on her way.

The six brochures sat side by side on her desk, with her project propped up between her desk and bookshelf. She glanced over each of the Japanese offers, her temper building with each one. Great Uncle had died protesting Japan’s influence over Korea. If she went to any of these schools, it wouldn’t be any different from when her people had been glorified slaves to the zaibatsu!

Hye-rim looked at the last brochure, the one forwarded by her uncle in Los Angeles. It would be expensive, but her family had enough money from Daddy’s business. Daddy’s company had picked a lot of the work and contracts after the fallout of the Cheonji-Dong redevelopment scandal, but she’d figure out some way to pay her parents back somehow. She just knew it.

She grabbed her current project and admired the work she’d done modernizing it, while retaining its connection to Korea. On its end, it stood just barely taller than her 163 cm. She’d upgraded the frame, and modified it to a falling block breech loader. She admired her cheonbochong, made from scratch and a few machined key parts she had mail-ordered. America was the land of cowboys, no? Glancing back at the paperwork to check the name, Hye-rim decided that she would go to this…Whateley Academy.

Katssun’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #740
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Fort Wayne, Indiana, October 31, 2007

Gavin Yates opened the door to reveal two little girls, age nine dressed as pirate queens, their father escorting them in a remarkably well done Jack Sparrow outfit.

“Give us all your booty, or you’ll walk the plank!” the twins said in a perfect, almost creepy unison. Gavin gave the girls each a generous handful of peanut butter cups. They squealed in delight as they each surveyed their take. Gavin looked up at their father, Wesley Staedtler.

“You down for the Colts Pats game on Sunday?”

“Absolutely. You, me, Frank, Paul, and Jordan at Chamberlain’s. Like usual.”

Gavin figured he might as well ask. “You watching the girls tonight?”

“Yep. You watching the house tonight?”

“Yep. How bad do you think the two of them will get? The bake sale was bad enough, but they really are going too far.”

“Don’t I know it. Angie is super pissed, but even so, I figure no worse than a three.”

“Out of ten?” Gavin guessed.

“No, Richter Scale.” As if he had jinxed it right then and there, Wes looked to the south where there was collection of trees. There was a soft boom, and Gavin felt the windows of the street shake.

“Damn kids and their M-80s!” he bellowed, hoping to cover for the fight their wives were having on Samhain.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Katssun.

Rose Bunny
Rose Bunny’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #741
Rose Bunny replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
October, 2016

Sean Murphy sat on the porch, it was a wonderful day. He had come over to see his favorite ladies. As he sat and enjoyed it, Essylt came through the door and put her hand on his shoulder.

“Uncle Sean, Mom called and they will be back in a little while. She’s totally playing up the doting grandma role right now.” Essie said with a smile.

Sean looked at her, in the years that passed she had grown into a lovely woman, strong and independent and kind. He had stepped down from heroing, age was starting to creep into his bones, a little arthritis was settling in. Oh, he still came in and trained with the others, but he had decided to get out of the active hero business. He certainly had been thrilled when Essylt had taken his place on the team.

Looking at his replacement in the Overseers, he felt a certain pride. His thoughts began to drift, but then he heard the phone ring.

Essylt came out and handed him the phone. “It’s for Mom, but I think you should take it. “, she said offering him the phone.

She listened in, knowing already what was going on. The person on the other end had filled her in. She stood behind him, her hand on his shoulder as she listened.

Sean took the phone. “Hello Kayda! So nice t’ hear from ye!”, He said jovially. “What? They did what? Why weren’t we informed sooner? I know she left t’ join all of ye in South Dakota, but she was still our friend as well. But with the Mythos magic... Is she alright?”

Essylt noticed that he was choking up, She calmly rubbed her hand on his shoulder, a silent reminder that she was there to lend him strength. He patted her hand gently as the call continued.

“I see, yes. I understand. Jake and Vanessa will do a good job. Yes, I hope ta see you soon as well. Send Deb all my love. Goodbye.”

It was at that moment that the car pulled up, He watched as LeAnna, his closest friend, got out and helped her grandchild out of the car. They gathered their packages from the shopping trip and headed toward them. She saw the tears on his face and Essylt’s look of concern and support.

Instinctively, she asked the question, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

Sean looked at her and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Nothing is wrong Lass, something wonderful has happened. Valerie is back with us!”
High-Priestess of the Order of Spirit-Chan

Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Rose Bunny.

E!’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #742
E! replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Arena 99 Simulation Briefing Room.

“A Theme Operative Scenario?” Kayda questioned the two instructors.

“Yes. This time you will be learning about history up close and personal! You will be dropped into Occupied France D-Day + 4.” Gunny yelled at the 5 students and one man dressed like a high schooler.

“Are we bringing our holdouts from this time period? Or do we have to come up with things in 1944?” Loop asked as Interface nodded in agreement.

“You will be given time to sort out equipment while the simulation is loading. Oh, and Kayda we are trying a new AI program that will behave like Tatanka. You’ll have to talk to it. So please don’t try to break it.” Everheart answered.

“Ok, so what’s the mission?” Kodiak inquired.

“You are to help support 101st Airborne take the town of Carentan. The OSS has deemed it fit to throw you lot in with them. Because they have intercepted a message that two Volkshelden operatives, Scales and Sword, have been dispatched. Along with an Angsthandler called Obelisk.” Bardue briefed the room.

“Six on three sounds like an easy time for me.” Interface laughed before getting punched in the arm by Zenith.

“Why…Why would you feel the need to say that?” Zenith chastised the young man. They all knew Gunny kept the cards close to his chest, this wouldn’t be a straight fight.

“Any other questions?” Everheart added.

“What about force strength? What are we going up against?” Kayda questioned.

“Unknown. Fog of War. Every German military unit west of the Rhine is mobilizing.” Bardue explained. “Now suit up!”

While the team shuffled out of the briefing room and into the Sim pods Everheart and Bardue moved into the next room where another team sat waiting for their own briefing. Gunny shared a nod with Caitlin as he walked into the room. Sensing her rage he looked at the others on the team. Counterpoint, Judicator, Metro, Valraven, and AP. He could tell she didn’t like to be in the same room with the New Olympians, but Carson specifically asked for these six.

“You all have the esteemed privilege to run a Theme Operative simulation against Team Phoenix.” Bardue shouted. “Now, Couterpoint and Judicator. You both are the Volkshelden Sword and Scales. Eldritch you’re going to be an Angsthandler called Obelisk.”

“What about them?” Caitlin asked pointing the other three boys in the room.

“Metro, Valraven, and AP are going to be Schattenherren for this scenario.” Everheart replied.

“So we don’t get a change of codenames?” Metro playfully jibbed at the teachers with a smile.

“No, you do. You three will be called Stag, Crow, and Warthog. And your mission will be different than the others. Your mission is to eliminate the Flag Heroes, and to disrupt enemy supply lines.”

“What about our mission?” Judicator demanded.

“Your mission is to support the Schattenherren and stop the advance of the Allied forces.” Bardue replied.

“Equipment?” Eldritch asked sitting up in her seat now interested.

“Eldritch, you will be issued a MG42.” Everheart replied taking a look at her tablet.

“Hitler’s Buzz saw. Nice.” Valraven countered with a wink.

“Counterpoint, Judicator you two will be issued StG 44s. Metro, Valraven you both will be issued M1s and Thompsons.”

“I thought we were German?” Metro looked around quizzically.

“The Shadow Lords were masters of espionage, sabotage, and assassination.” AP answered. “Anyone who was in there sights got the ax.”

“And you AP. You get the MSS-41 AT.” Eveheart continued to explain. If she looked up she would have seen the confusion that was on the scarred boy’s face. Until Eldritch leaned over.

“It’s a bullpup antitank rifle. Probably good for taking down high exemplars.”

Max nodded his head in understanding as Caitlin stared down the brand burned into cheek. She knew better than to ask if there was a story there. Looking at the runes covering her own body she knew there was one.

“Now, if you’re all ready please hop into the sim pods.” Gunny informed the makeshift team opening the door to the hall.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by E!.

Katssun’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #743
Katssun replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Arena 77, Winter 1990

Angela Ryder looked away from the scowl of Elizabeth Carson, now officially the new Headmistress and tried to hide her shame. Mrs. Carson was a role model to her, and she hated that she had disappointed her. It was all her fault.

Across the arena, she glared at that arrogant bitch Stacy Jezierski. What was her damage anyway? So she had stolen Clark from Stacy back in Junior year. Big deal. As usual, Stacy had taken it way too far.

“Girls, are you absolutely certain it needs to come to this?” Elizabeth Carson asked. The two had viciously attacked each other, socially, physically, and emotionally over the past year. Their feud had eventually become disruptive to much of the student body, so Mrs. Carson had given them a choice. Generally leave each other alone, enforced by security, or finally get it over with and duel in the arena. Both girls had jumped at the chance to finally put an end to things once and for all. A real fight, with no threat of detention or expulsion?

“Fine,” Mrs. Carson grumbled, back in the present. “The winner will stay in her classes and the other will withdraw and be placed in work-study until graduation. Any interaction between the two of you following this duel through graduation, regardless of outcome, will result in immediate expulsion. Am I understood ladies?”

“Yes Ma’am,” both girls responded in unison. Mrs. Carson herself was officiating the match, to make sure the two girls didn’t kill one another. So Angela had caused Stacy’s uniform to disintegrate in the Quad when it was 20 below? Stacy had spread rumors she was a whore. Angela still had Psychic Arts students asking if she had time for a quickie. Of course Angela had retaliated, creating a tonic that had Stacy fidgeting and openly fondling herself for an entire day. It had gone too far when Stacy had planted a spell slip that had melted her prized possession when she had put it into the common room player. A network quality VHS of The Witches of Eastwick. Angela was working on an appropriate spell when Mrs. Carson had ordered them both to her office that morning.

During an assembly at the beginning of the term, Mrs. Carson had strongly suggested that the entire student body adopt codenames last year, after she heard rumors about the expansion of an organization that would allegedly police mutants. But she had insisted that costumes and codenames were mandatory. The arena staff and range crew had located a scrambled satellite transmitter connected to disguised cameras in the arena late last year. Then they’d found another set a few weeks ago. Though all of the equipment had been destroyed, the student bookies had spread the word that the channel was still available, and bets were still readily accepted.

Mrs. Carson looked to her. “Lennox, are you ready?” Angela nodded, and pulled out a few cards from the top of her prepared deck. “Winnow, are you ready?” Stacy nodded, closing her sawed-off shotgun. Angela had complained minutes earlier that Stacy’s weapon was lethal, but Stacy had somehow convinced Mrs. Carson that she was only equipped with non-lethal rounds.

Glaring at her opponent again, Angela compared outfits. Stacy wore tapered cargo pants, black knee boots, a tucked-in denim shirt, and a black leather jacket with admittedly nice shoulder pads. A belt with shot shells and a few pouches rounded out the outfit. Angela had wanted her costume to be a lot of chiffon, felt, or velvet, but she ended up with an off-the-rack skater dress, shorts underneath, and a fanny pack. Other girls in Dickenson had tried to convince her of leggings and leotards, but she just couldn’t bring herself to wear something so form fitting. Both girls just wore simple domino masks to obscure their features.

The Headmistress sighed deeply, and simply took a few steps back before spitting out, “Begin!”

Stacy immediately raised her shotgun vertically, and fired off two shots, one directly above her head and the other over Angela’s head. Angela flinched at the loud boom uttered by the weapon. Those were not non-lethal rounds!

“Those are hot loads!” she shrieked at the Headmistress, distracted and dropping a couple of her cards. Mrs. Carson only looked at her impassively, as if Angela should be prepared, regardless of any cheating her nemesis might do. Meanwhile, Stacy had snapped open the side-by-side and replaced the two shells she had just fired into the air, locking the action in place. Angela fumed, and noticing that she had lost the key cards to her spell, threw the rest aside and drew as much essence as possible. It felt a little weird, but starting incanting an enervation bolt that would stagger, if not drop Stacy to her knees.

Angela flung the bolt toward Stacy, but Stacy’s arm swung out and tracked the barely visible bolt, before firing a relatively soft, low-powder shell at the bolt itself. A white spray barked out of the shotgun, and Angela’s bolt dissipated, much to her surprise. She tried a firebolt next, aimed towards Stacy’s pants, but another white spray eliminated that as well. Stacy had continued directly toward her, her lips silently repeating something. Angela couldn’t tell exactly, but she knew it was an incantation. She saw Stacy snap the shotgun open, and Angela drew another nine cards from her prepared deck, the next grouping of spells. Angela laid down the cards with the appropriate incantation as quickly as she could. Stacy was just loading another set of black-plastic shells into her gun. She’d beaten her this time.

Except…something was definitely off. Angela’s well wasn’t replenishing. At least, not correctly.

Angela glanced at her forearms, and noticed a faint coating of black dust. Lacking a better way in the moment of it all, she licked the top of her wrist. A reminiscent taste of blood came back. Raw iron! The distraction had given Stacy all the time she needed, and she fired another two overhead shots, spreading more of the iron dust everywhere in the arena. What the hell was she doing? Angela could draw essence in orders of magnitude more than Stacy. Whatever this strategy of hers was, it would only affect her more. Right? Angela fixed the cards out in front of her, and started drawing on her own well.

Stacy had reloaded again, Angela noticed with a white shell and a red shell. Stacy was still muttering to herself constantly, which made Angela nervous. It was too far for her to read Stacy’s lips to tell exactly what it was. But it couldn’t be good. It would come down to who was the better caster, and Angela had Stacy beat on speed for years.

Brushing the falling iron dust off the cards, Angela completed her hasty working, one of her favorites and most practiced. Any spell invoked within 30 feet of her would be rebounded back to its caster three-fold, while she was free to continue normally. Angela fired off another enervation bolt, though Stacy intercepted that one too. That was fine. Now Stacy was in range. Angela worked on a webbing spell that would keep Stacy in the field. Once Stacy tried to burn herself out of the webbing, she’d scorch herself instead!

A loud crack and a shower of sparks aimed right at her face cut Angela off. She shrieked and covered her face, though she held onto her cards for the webbing spell this time. Angela started running through invoking spell as quickly as possible, before Stacy had time to reload. But Stacy wasn’t reloading. She was right in Angela’s face instead, still muttering to herself, no…chanting! Angela recognized a few lines of the incantation, it dealt with freedom of movement. Angela brought her hands up to hit Stacy in the face with faerie fire which would give her enough time to invoke a shock spell, but instead she received a shovel punch to left side of her liver. As she doubled over, trying to hold in her lunch, she never even saw the butt of the shotgun that knocked her out.

Anne’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #744
Anne replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Jazz carefully got off of the hospital bed and made her wobbly way to the bathroom. She was terrified of what she would find there, not so much of the change that she had been wishing for, but that she would be pretty. Being pretty and being forced into either the foster system or having the social worker who had just departed manage to convince her mother to take her back would most likely mean that someone would try to (and she had to admit, probably succeed) to make her become a ho.

Before she even looked in the mirror though what she caught of her reflection from the corner of her eye was not encouraging, she was sure that wars had been fought to win the presence of women who were as beautiful as the glimpse had been. But an over full bladder over ruled every other thought that she had until she had relieved herself.

Only when she had taken care of the call of nature did Jazz get up and face her new self. The girl she saw in the mirror did not disappoint. She was terrifyingly beautiful. Going into the foster system or back into the ghetto where she had lived would be the equivalent of suicide.

“I can help you learn to be safe,” the voice of Ash in her mind told her.

Tears filled Jazz’ eyes, she had wanted to be a girl. But not necessarily one so pretty as to certainly be sought by men of violence.

“Maybe I don’t know enough about your world, Jasmine,” Ash said, but surely there must be some way to make sure you don’t become a slave.”

Jazz wanted to rail and say, ‘Not in my experience,’ she only said aloud. “How can I possibly escape?

“I know what is edible in the woods,” Ash assured her.

“Then I run!” Jazz whispered to herself.
Adopt my story: here
Nowhereville discussion
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Anne. Reason: Italics.

Domoviye’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 11 months ago #745
Domoviye replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Tanzania, Africa

Hiding in the shadows as far from the window as he could get in his tiny house Jura stared angrily at his chalky white skin. His name meant regret, and that had been the one constant in his life, regret at his albinism keeping him out of the sun, regret that he was taunted and forced from school as bad luck, regret at being a burden to his parents, and now regret that killers were in the area looking for albinos to create lucky charms.

The night before, Friends of his father had told them that an albino girl had been killed and skinned at a nearby town and strangers were asking about other albinos, offering money for information. Since then he’d been scared, feeling hot, his muscles twitching almost at random, and just feeling strange.

No one they trusted had been willing to risk the wrath of murderers to hide Jura until the danger was past. Even Jura couldn’t blame them, it was just another regret in his young life.

Trying to find some peace, he got up to get his older brothers old school math book to study from.

“There he is!” A man shouted pointing straight at him.

Jura saw the rifle on the mans back, the machete on his belt. With most of the villagers farming their fields and away from home, there was no one except old people and young mothers and their babies who could help him, rather than put them at risk Jura ran to the other side of the house and jumped out the window, bolting for the field of tall grass where he might be able to hide.

He made it fifty feet before he was tackled by a far larger man.

Screaming he fought back as best he could while three more men came over and grabbed his limbs holding them in place as the first drew his machete.

He closed his eyes, still screaming, wondering if they’d at least let him live after taking his arm or leg.

The blade came down, but at the exact same moment the man holding his arm somehow slipped. The sharp blade dug deep into the mans back and Jura felt hot blood splatter against his body.

The four murderers recoiled in shock, allowing Jura to scramble to his feet. The smallest of the men drew a small sub machine gun and opened fire, trying to keep their prey from escaping.

Jura tripped on a branch, landing hard and screamed as bullets flew over his head. The killers screamed to when the spray of bullets hit them.

The firing stopped and Jura saw that only the shooter was still alive, the others were bleeding on the ground from obviously fatal wounds. He began running again.

He heard the last man charging after him, only to stop suddenly with a scream and a loud thump, followed by a howl of pain.

Jura risked a glance backwards and saw the man writhing on the ground, a large hunting knife in his gut.

He could only stand there in shock at what had happened. All four professional killers were dead by their own bad luck. As the villagers came rushing out of their houses and from the nearest fields to see what had happened, Jura hoped they wouldn’t demand answers from him, his mind was frozen in amazement. All he knew was that For once he had no regrets.
Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Domoviye.

Anne’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago - 3 years 10 months ago #746
Anne replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Here’s a prologue of sorts for No One Wants to be Different:
June 27, 2008
Spang!! A bullet caromed off the side of the school near the door where Jason, (Jazz to his few friends) had nearly exited at the same time as the shot. Jazz ducked back from the opening his heart racing at the near miss, although the bullet hadn’t necessarily been meant for him if he’d been hit by it he would have been dead just as surely. Jazz’ move was just in time to collide with LaToya, one of the few girls of his age who were still going to school.

“What’sup?” she asked shoving him none too gently against the wall.

“Drive by, I think,” Jazz said.

“Gonna stay here, ’til ya starve?” the girl who was both big enough, and ugly enough that the pimps in the neighborhood left her alone asked a bit brutally.

“Nah, try another door,” Jazz replied.

“I’ll go with you. No reason to get shot today,” LaToya commented as she turned and headed for another exit from the building.

Jazz had to run to keep up with the bigger girl. At least, he reasoned as he followed along, she’d be more apt to be hit than he would be if the shot wasn’t random and he could hide behind her. She was somewhat older than him but that really didn’t mean much. Jazz was the smallest of the freshmen in the school and would continue be, unless he had a growth spurt, the smallest of the people at the school the next time it convened when he should be a sophomore.

Eventually he did get away from the school and to his home across a no-man’s land of disputed territory. He wasn’t shot at, though he did detour around at least one body and several drug deals as well as some hos coming out to start trolling for Johns.

Coming home he passed his mother and sister as they made their way to the street to join the prostitutes there selling their bodies in order to fill their never ending hunger for drugs. There has to be a better way, he thought as he entered his tiny section of the apartment, it really wasn’t even a room just a corner cordoned off by a hanging blanket that pretended to keep him from knowing about the various men that would rut on his mother and sibling for the night. Still for some reason, exhaustion and sleep took him early and he didn’t see the usual parade that night. A low fever kept him abed for a couple more days, then summer break began in earnest, meaning he had 12 weeks without school to keep him away from the various problems of the neighborhood. Not that they didn’t invade the school, after all the shot that had changed his direction of exit on the final day of his freshman year was far from random or rare.
Adopt my story: here
Nowhereville discussion
Last Edit: 3 years 10 months ago by Anne. Reason: Minor changes.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
3 years 11 months ago #747
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Waitrose’s Supermarket
Wednesday 25th May, 2033

As the pair of girls moved through the fish aisle, several of the nearby shoppers paused to look at the girl pushing the shopping trolly, until they met up with a nearby man with a walking stick who could have passed as their father. It wasn’t that rare to see either a teenager nor a child taking the trolly for their parents, indeed, most children over ten seem to take pride in being big enough to do so. And with his disability, most of the gawkers would probably have lambasted them if they didn’t. But it is a bit strange to see someone under eighteen actually taking things off of the shelves and chillers and placing them into the collection without direction.

“You know what I miss about being in service, Lieutenant?” the redhead in a bright yellow summer dress asked the man in a polo shirt and shorts.

“I’m sure I’m about to find out Surgeon Captain. Lucy, did you find the cream?” Steven replied, smiling at his actual daughter guiding the conveyance.

“Yeah, and also these really cool cheese things!” The black haired girl in an equally bright red summer dress replied. “But Aunt Ceilidh said I’d have to eat all my brussel sprouts and carrots to be allowed them, so I didn’t get them.” A glare was quickly shown and deflected. “Hey, Molly wants her to eat all the vegetables, and she doesn’t need to pick up bad habits from watching me be a human black hole. If she manifests as an exemplar, she can eat all the terrible cheese things she wants.”

“... I wish you wouldn’t encourage hopes on things she can’t control Ceilidh. Lucy, your aunt, though showing her usual adeptness at blaming your mother, is correct, Lucy. You need to eat all your vegetables if you want to grow up big and strong right?”

“No. I can just stay a child forever, like Auntie Ceilidh!”

“...Be careful what you wish for kid.” The thirty-eight-year-old teenager muttered under her breath.
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

null0trooper’s Avatar
3 years 10 months ago #748
null0trooper replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
As sometimes happened when the sim trainers had a point or two to deliver, each of the Red Team members rezzed in at slightly differing times and places. In this case, “Sword” and “Scales” arrived inside the chosen command center location... for certain values of “command center”. At least it had some confiscated supplies, maybe updated maps, and a good view of the main roads entering town. And running water - can’t forget the luxuries in 1944.

“Obelisk” and “Warthog” came into the sim on the roof of the building after virtually being kitted out. One might suspect this was intended to give Caitlin more of a chance to adjust to working on the same planet as Counterpoint. Each took their time to survey the area the best they could for good places to set up a sniper’s nest or ambush.

“Stag” and “Crow” were dropped off a modest distance from the meeting place, the better to get a feel for the place and time. Or, maybe they’d annoyed Gunny Bardue and company a bit more. Their uniforms were not endearing them to the locals, but an “I saw those two Wehrmacht in town on such-and-such day” makes for something to build an alibi on when the two strangers’ arrival is reported back wherever. Nonetheless, as Mads let the two of them in through the locked door, he was humming a decidedly out-of-period song .

Judicator was the first to snipe, “Took your time, didn’t you? And what are you two idiots doing IN uniform, and German uniforms at that?”

“Not getting stopped by any German soldiers still running antipartisan sweeps in town,” Valravn remarked while Metro meandered over to the maps already spread out. “You’ll also be happy to know that while the physical security here is laughable, nothing seems to be taking much interest in this place from the astral, yet.”

“Which only means that we may be afforded some time for recon before heading out,” Mads added.

Counterpoint disagreed. “I doubt that. Most sim runs are limited to thirty minutes or so, an hour tops. Best we cut the crap and take the fight to the losing team!”

“Which will be us, if we go off half-cocked,” objected Judicator. “We need a strategy in place so that we engage on our terms, not theirs, nor by accident.”

Mads: “Or the sim jockeys could adjust the time steps in our virtual world, and intersperse jumps when little or nothing it being done directly, so that four days or more of simulation fits the allotted time outside it.” The squabbling godlings stared at the interruption. “What? I have played game in VR belore!” He went back to reading the map.

AP went for the important question of the day. “What do we know about the opposing forces?”

“We have units of the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions approaching from the northwest, northeast, and the east. Highly trained and well equipped paratroopers. Team Phoenix has Kodiak, Loophole, Zenith, Interface, and Pejuta. On the face of it, Interface seems the odd man out in terms of not being a high-rated avatar and/or exemplar, but he holds his own in most of their sims. Those are the assets we know of.” Judicator finished.

Eldritch frowned. “Knowing my adopted father, there are sure to be surprise assets we don’t know about.”

Mads nodded at that - he’d been on the receiving end of mid-training improvisation. “Which all comes back to whether we think we know the order of battle based on history, we don’t. Not yet. So if there’s a nice quiet spot for me and “Crow” to crash and someone willing to keep watch while we’re out, we can start on the basic recon, maybe even pick up on the flag heroes. After that, we start our footwork and infil. If we get lucky, I might be able to pose as some Joe stuck on KP duty.”

“What good do you suppose that will do us?” asked Judicator/Scales.

“Bored grunts gossip. Also, the supplies aren’t as heavily guarded from the cooks as the petrol is guarded from everyone!”

“Still not seeing it.”

“Luv, see that intact railroad line and bridge to the southeast? Cherbourg is lost to the Reich for now. Let’s not make it easy on der Amerikaner, eh?”

“What. Does that have to do. With cleaning potatoes?” The strategist wanted to know, as an ill-favored light dawned on Eldritch.

“Not potatoes. Flour. And a carefully-controlled wind to disperse a few hundred pounds of it. Impractical.”

“Not so impractical when you can have an air spirit help out on the dispersal, and if it’s used to cover for a flashy combat spell or two. Even an electrical spark might set the cloud off!” Mads concluded.

‘Scales’ again objected. “If you can pull off that sort of social engineering, you’d be better off hitting the heroes where they’re billeted.”

Mads shook his head. “If I can find it, and if I can then bypass the camp’s security on the VIPs, which likely goes two ways, me alone against two monster bears and a white buffalo is a bit dodgy.”

That said, it was soon agreed to see how the first, astrally-projected recon panned out, while the others worked out their roles and strategy for the coming conflict. Judicator remained worried that the two freshmen would lead the opposition straight back to them, Carson rcommendation or not. Suprisingly it was Counterpoint who stuck up for the kids.

“Jude, the Clinic lets the two of us spar for part of our misbegotten ‘physical therapy’. I’m very, very good at blind-fighting as you well know. But if that sorceror has any time to prepare, he will not be perceived or found unless he chooses it. It’s almost as irritating as his slow skills progress, but it sure beats the planned activities.”

AP asked, “If the guy’s able to do that, shouldn’t another WIZ like Pejuta be able to pull the same trick?”

The others answered without hesitation: “Yes, “”Yep” “Maybe”

“This is going to be one of those ops then. Wake me up when they get back, or whatever they do.”
Forum-posted ideas are freely adoptable.

WhatIF Stories: Buy the Book

Discussion Thread

Schol-R-LEA’s Avatar
3 years 10 months ago - 3 years 10 months ago #749
Schol-R-LEA replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
“Well,” said the skinny redhead as she removed her goggles, and turned towards her roommate. “I can’t find anything yet. You sure you don’t want to bring Paige or the Admiral in on this? I’m still not used to the cybernet in this world, and they’re both better than even a genius like myself.”

As Randi went to speak, Mads cut her off. “No way. We can’t afford having them asking too many prying questions.”

At this point, a frustrated Jump interjected, “Uh, I get the whole opsec thing, but it would help if I could understand you, too.” At this, both Randi and Edward looked a bit shamefaced, for having ignored the friend who, among other things, was responsible for one of them even being there.

Mads blinked. He’d forgotten they’d been speaking Japanese; hell, he’d forgotten again that he could speak Japanese. He wasn’t sure where he’d learned it, and Thomas wasn’t talking about it.
Out, damnéd Spot! Bad Doggy!
Last Edit: 3 years 10 months ago by Schol-R-LEA.

Kaitha39’s Avatar
3 years 10 months ago #750
Kaitha39 replied the topic: The Micro-Scenes thread
Cambridge hospital interview room C,
Saturday, August 4th, 2007

“Okay, so, ‘Sarah’, from the top. You’re claiming that over the past year and a half up to tonight when you committed manslaughter via self-defence, you’ve been performing entrapment for peodophillic sex via various methods of prostitution, copious use of drugs, including class A’s, multiple counts of breaking and entering, grand theft auto, and being an accomplice to your boyfriend performing all of the above, except for the manslaughter, of the, ah, let’s say ‘client’, that you, ah, defended yourself from. And you still don’t want to give us your real name?”

The teenage girl, her face pale and knuckles white from where she gripped her shoulders so hard she would have drawn blood if her skin wasn’t reacting to her own actions, merely shook her head. Most occupants of the room would have sat down on the chair, and it was where she started. But halfway through the “interview” (very pointedly called an interview, and not an interrogation) she got up to begin pacing, finally sitting down on the bare floor, back to the wall. Her eyes were glazing, her left leg straight on the ground while her right bent upwards for her elbows to rest on as she hugged herself.

WPC Jenna Jenkins had almost asked her to resume being seated when the girl in the grungy strapless tube top, fishnet leggings and “Daisy Duke” shorts had gotten up, but between the girl sprouting black feathered wings, that slowly lost the feathers as she paced, then armour plates in random positions on her body, before finally sprouting and shutting eyes around her head as she paced, such that the WPC was always in a visible spot, the older woman felt it better to let the girl continue her story uninterrupted. A mutant runaway that’s talking is a mutant runaway that’s not caving in your skull, as they say. Especially as they were moving into the part where she had met Ryan, the thirty-seven-year-old pimp she had battered unconscious after she killed her ‘john’.

Not to mention, it probably would have spooked the barely-out-of-school lawyer the office had sent over. The twenty-something girl in a suit may have been little more than an intern, but if they wanted a story out of the teenager tonight, she was the best “legal counsel” they had on hand. And the story they wanted, because they knew from the security recordings that Ryan, Sarah, and the so far ‘John Doe’ corpse were not the only people that were in the hotel room they found Sarah in that evening. And of course, since everybody and their mother is a godamn armchair lawyer nowadays, the girl had refused to talk without “proper legal counsel” present.

“Even if I gave you my ‘real name’, you either wouldn’t believe it, or you’d try to call my parents.” The girl shuddered, and instead of the armour plates, she slowly erupted in a weird effect that made her almost blend into the background like a chameleon. It almost startled the WPC into pressing her panic button, until she realised that the effect had started around the girl’s face, chest, and groin. Her limbs were the last to fade, the parts of her body that could be used to ‘entice’ vanishing first. If the girl had been naked, it would have been almost impossible to see her. Rather, it became somewhat unsettling that now her clothes seemed to ‘float’ while ‘inflated’ in mid-air.

Clearly, the girl couldn’t shift her clothing with her. The intern, as Jenna was identifying her, looked scared out of her mind at the latest transformation.

Just as her brain was registering that Sarah wasn’t being a threat, even though she now looked more like the cloaked form of the Predator from the films, Jenna also realised that there was a story there, and she bet that Ryan wasn’t the first form of sexual extortion the girl had faced. To put it politely, shifters with control issues were the ultimate losers at poker, their bodies basically becoming mirrors for their emotions. That the girl was trying her hardest to become as invisible as a chameleon, meant that whatever she felt for her parents, she REALLY didn’t want them to see her.

“Okay, okay, Sarah. You don’t have to give me your name. Or anything else to identify yourself. But you have to know, that depending on what happens, you probably will have to tell someone eventually. I don’t know, at this moment, how it’s going to play out, but I can tell you, the more co-operation you show, the easier and better it’ll be for you going forward.”

There was a tense silence before a voice called from the floor, seemingly disembodied.

“You realise by now that I’m a shifter, yeah? I mean, you obviously know. So... If I were to tell you. Um. I mean, you know that Sarah isn’t the name I was born with. So... If I were to point out that, um, I can, for instance, do entire body changes, so that I can look like anyone, that’s not a surprise, right?” As she spoke, the girl slowly changed back to visible, each syllable seeming to give her a bit more confidence.

“So... If I were to say that I started life as a boy, you wouldn’t, you know, think I was lying, would you?”
Any stories or Characters I put out are available to write around. Feel free to borrow them!

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