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- Just a Happy Christmas Story (Part 2) by Domoviye
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Just a Happy Christmas Story (Part 2) by Domoviye
Just a Happy Christmas Story (Part 2)
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- Dan Formerly Domoviye
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If her past will let her leave is the question.
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Just a Happy Christmas Story Part 2 comments
Flashback into the past, the wedding of Katherine and John, how did John go from someone who can be this dramatic and loving to what he has become in the future? Eloped six months ago after nearly being killed and this is just the official wedding for close friends and family. That is a lot of supervillains and criminals in one location. A restaurant for the party afterward, I love small weddings.Tulsa, Oklahoma
Holy Family Cathedral
June, 1991
In the present, Katherine is at the same church and lights a candle before praying for her husband. Father Garcia knows her pattern that well, I guess she isn't fully in hiding. Going to pick up Shaun and his friends soon, Smile and Jane, oh boy. Uh oh, she knows what Jane did to the crime boss, but not why.Tulsa, Oklahoma
Holy Family Cathedral
Friday, December 21st, 2007
Eep, will the truth come out over Christmas vacation?“John, who is this girl?” she quietly asked the candle. “Is she your daughter? A student? You? Why couldn't you have sent her to me?”
A driver that can act as a bodyguard, Katherine is cautious, I wonder what kind of protection she has gotten for Shaun. Gordon, I wonder how many drivers she has? All that to cover up her connection to Mille and one phone call from Jane has her shaken.
This is going to be some Christmas vacation.She had everything set up to deal with Jane, she just didn't know if she would have to. Or if she could go through with it if there was no other choice.
Another flashback, this time further into the past. Orion the Magnificent blames her for only playing in shitty bars, slappy her hard, he isn't just a pig, he is an abusive creep. She did all that for him and the idiot goes on stage drunk, ruining the act, and blames her, he deserves whatever happens to him. He dares to call her that! She is more restrained than I would be, glad that she is leaving this creep behind.Downtown London, England
Ouch, running off with no real food in her stomach for hours, that creep drained her resources and treated her like that. 22, hungry, and might have to live on the streets, Katherine needs help and fast. Resorting to pickpocketing to survive, after what she has been through I can't blame her. Oh no, clueless blue eyes, dressed like that, don't tell me John is her first pickpocket target. That was too easy for her, why do I expect the other shoe to drop?
An hour later Katerine is eating a big plate of curry, the I.D. from the guy's wallet his name is Richard De Millard, why does that sound like an alias to me? Enough cash to get a flight back to the US, but she swiped his passport as well, uh oh. Crap, the man sat down beside her, with a faint French accent, and he wants his wallet and passport back, it is Mille!
Shaun rushes over to hug his mom, and Jane recognizes Katherine despite a decade and a half since she last saw her. Magali is all grown up and with a family of her own, so that is who Magali is, I forgot her being mentioned in previous stories. Jerald Canali is some lawyer that Katherine has.Tulsa International Airport
Friday, December 21st, 2007
Smile holds Jane's hand as they go over, and Katherine is looking more intensely at Jane than Smile, eep. Magali has a son, Felix, how old is he? Embarrassing things Shaun has done at school, mention of crossdressing in the combat finals, oof, Magali reminded of how she used to be a boy. Katherine Solace, so that is her last name. Mr. Canali and his muscle are told the job is done and head off.
No matter where you go airports will always be crowded. Shaun talking with Magali, Smile chats with Felix, and I guess Jane will just sit in silence for the ride. Ouch, Jane saw the only home Mille had ever known again. Aww, cold, but just above freezing so no snow, that sucks. At least Felix has snow back home in Montreal. Jane and Smile sleeping in the same room for Smile's sake, aww. Just stay out of Katherine's office and they can go anywhere else in the house, nice. An individual pie for each of them, yum.
Another flashback. Mille and Katherine were on a tour of what would become their home. A P.I. license, how did he go from being a P.I. to a mercenary with so many enemies and deaths on his hands? This is after the Detroit job that nearly got them killed, all over a con job, yikes. Mille hasn't had a home since he was 12, don't tell me his parents threw him out for being a mutant or worse.Tulsa, Oklahoma
December, 1990
8 kids! I'm with Katherine, 4 tops.
Boy, Katherine sure had to really love him to put up with jokes like that.“OK, we keep trying until we have a minimum of two boys, and two girls.”
She slapped his chest pretending to scowl. “If you want it that badly, you can have one or two of them.”
Shifting into a woman, Mille grinned. “Well if you insist. I'll just need to find a handsome, wealthy man to have his love child.”
“Do that and you'd better not turn back into a man because I will cut your balls off.”
Laughing, he shifted back to a man. “OK. OK. Four kids, doesn't matter if they're boys or girls.”
Oh boy, Jane having to say all those things to herself in the mirror, this is going to be rough. That third eye and the power it gives Magali is certainly useful. Eep, holding hands to say grace, and Jane reacts that way to holding Katherine's hand. Smile worried about her little brother, not knowing if he is safe or even alive; I hope her parents are caught soon.Tulsa, Oklahoma
Friday, December 21st, 2007
Aww, Felix is 4 years old.
Magali has raised his right, kind and caring. *eyes bug out* Katherine is really generous to Smile and Jane. Ah, she remembers what her life was like when Mille came into it and likes to help people who need it. Smile gives Katherine a hug, dang, you were right about needing tissues.The four-year-old pressed himself tightly to her and said into her side. “You can be my big sister if you want.”
Katherine is exhausted from nervous energy yet can't go to sleep, oof, I know that feeling all too well. She has a good read on Smile and Jane so far. Camera with top of the filter, time to get to work, what are you doing, Katherine?Midnight
A small rented office, hhm. Gerald Dacanay aka the lawyer Jerald Canali, just how many alternate identities does he have? A messenger boy from his current financier, curiouser and curiouser. Threads, someone named Thread is who he is working for, an unusual codename.
Only meeting through a video screen, very cautious. Payment for getting Shaun and his friends home safely in the form of a power item to help in the creation of his new identity.Threads, an information broker, middleman, money launderer and financier was ready to talk.
A green demonic mask.
Not regular tech, not magic or a devise, what is it, a schimmelhorn device?“It's not a devise, and can be powered up in five hours to full use using two car batteries. You wanted something regular tech can't copy, and doesn't use magic or devises, that's the best you're going to get without murdering someone,” Threads replied.
This idiot was the Crimson Claw! Yeah, that identity is beyond burnt, you are a dead man if you use that identity again. Go with Jade Mask and hope no one ever connects you to Crimson Claw ever again. Trying to double-cross two supervillains, there is arrogance, there is foolhardy, and then there is just downright boneheaded like this.“But I was the Crimson Claw. I know how to use hand weapons. This is as far from a hand as you can get. How am I supposed to learn this well enough to use it for New Years Eve?”
“The Crimson Claw is burnt. Your actions in Cincinnati made that persona toxic. The Jade Mask is a new identity that will let you rebuild your reputation.”
Everyone has their cell phone except Felix, he wandered off last time on his own, good grief. Good instructions on where to meet up, when, and what to do if they get into trouble. Jane, don't start thinking like that again, please. Ouch, seeing the hurt Mille left Katherine with, I want to smack him around myself at this point for lacking common sense about the feelings of those he loved.Tulsa, Oklahoma
Woodland Hills Mall
Saturday, December 22nd, 2007
No, it would not be best for everyone if you disappeared. They would get into more trouble trying to find you than if you just stayed. Her eyes shifted blue, Shaun and Smile knew that meant, she was thinking something she shouldn't be. All those thoughts of what to do to escape, yet Jane didn't do those things, good.
Jane, you are Mille, but you aren't at the same time. He isn't what your friends see you as you have changed for the better thanks to them, don't throw it away due to fear. Confronted about when she is going to tell Katherine that she is Mille's daughter, this web is getting more tangled with time. Jane's thoughts about herself, good lord, I wish they good get her to see she isn't like Mille was in the past.
You can't predict the future, or know the threats that will come. You just have to trust your friends to be there for you and able to handle things in their own way.“You can still be Jane.”
She shook her head. “They know who I am now. They have an idea who Shaun is. They'll try to kill me. They'll get you both too.”
Whoa, I haven't seen Smile get angry in a long time.Shaun started to speak only to be cut off by Smile. “Don't you dare decide things for me,” the tiny girl said, her voice shaking, angrier than anyone had ever heard. “I've faced death before. I was strapped to a bloody table with a body five feet away from me, and only a miracle got me out. I saw my mother slit a person's throat. You do NOT get to decide if I can handle something. If you run, you do not get to say it was to protect me.”
I've been waiting for her friends to confront Jane like this, she needs to hear what Shaun and especially what Smile is saying now. Ouch, Katherine still goes out to all their own haunts to try and find Mille or any signs of him. She hasn't given up on him, so Shaun won't give up on Jane. Jane breaks out crying and Smile and Shaun hugs her as she continues to cry, I need a tissue again.“NO BUT'S!” Smile almost shouted. “You've been there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to without any judgment. It's time you realize people are here for you. If you won't tell us why you think you're a monster, then we're just going to have to judge you for what you've done. And all I can say is you've been my best friend. You're quiet and sad a lot, but you've never made me feel bad about my parents, and you've just accepted me even when I've been a crying mess. So let me be your friend now.”
Whoa, I do some of those things when observing things too, guess it comes with nerves and anxiety too. Books about magicians and con artists, good choice, Smile. Best pickpocket and sleight of artist that John ever knew, I can believe it. Okay, how did Felix get into Santa's workshop unnoticed, even as a 3-year-old he must have been fast and sneaky. A lot of fun in Paris, no story for Shaun about it, rats.
Aww, Felix is such a cute kid, and yes, blue hair is cool. Presents, I wonder what they got. Smile did need a bigger wardrobe. Jane got books and clothes, darn, she is still acting in a shy manner around Katherine. Smile enjoys herself talking about her combat final with Katherine and Magali. Everyone but Katherine and Shaun go to see a movie, Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Ooo, private conversation and a lot to talk about between Shaun and his mom. She knows about the Devisor Coffee, never try it or you might not sleep for a week.
That is better than a noise nullifier and draws less attention.“Something like that. People will hear us talking but it'll be very indistinct and almost impossible to understand. In a noisy place like this, it's perfect.”
Oh boy, time for Shaun to be told about the Mille that Katherine knew. She almost lost a leg!
Never steal from a gadgeteer or devisor supervillain, some of them are unstable. *eyes bug out* Healers are worth their weight in gold at the least.“We got a bit too clever and got caught by a supervillain. He decided that torturing us to death was a good response to walking away with some of his fancier gadgets. Those two days still give me nightmares.”
Shaun, what your parents did before you were born doesn't always fit with your image of them now. The MCO agents after Magali, I'm not sure I wouldn't have wanted to do the same thing Mille wanted to, hunting an innocent girl simply for being a mutant.
Seesh, Jane needs to break the habits of her past as Mille if she is going to live a new life.“I was pregnant with you, and from what I was able to piece together, several of our enemies who wanted to get their money back with interest, including the Detroit supervillain, had a lead on us. And your stupid, stubborn, infuriating father thought that the only way to keep us all safe was to turn himself into a target.”
Shaun's eyes widened. Jane had said she needed to get away to protect him and Smile. She'd picked up the exact same habit that their father had.
Arrgh, if only Mille had thought of another plan to deal with their enemies that didn't involve killing, that didn't start him on the path that turned him into a monster. Information broker and middleman, so that is how Katherine can avoid all these things. So she is Threads, no wonder she keeps that identity so secret. Whoa, she is a smart, cautious, and dangerous lady if you make her your enemy.
Fusco used methods to find out about Shaun which even Katherine doesn't know about. Katherine knows the rumor about Jane being Mille's daughter and believes it is true based on how she acts around her.
Tissues needed again.It was his turn to dry his eyes. “She said he was a monster, but he didn't hurt her physically. And when he died he wanted her to have a peaceful life, grow up safely, go to college, have a family. He faked his death in Boston, and died a month later after setting things up for her.”
Her lip quivered, and her voice was shaky. “He- he really wanted her to have a peaceful life?”
“Yeah, that's what she said.”
Tears began to fall, but she managed to smile. “Then he wasn't a monster at the end.”
Reaching out to hold her hand, he cried along with her for the man they'd both lost.
Katherine, what did you just put on Jane's pancakes? Katherine can't go to the zoo with them, rats. Felix likes Smile like a big sister, it has been good for her to be around him. You drugged Jane with something that made her sick, Katherine, what have you done? Pale, the room is spinny, and a little hot, I don't like this. It triggered an uncontrolled shift, crap.Tulsa, Oklahoma
Sunday, December 23rd, 2007
4 small bell ornaments were gifts from Mille to Katherine. Jane was in the guest room reading, Katherine put a tracker on Jane's pajamas, arrgh. Armed with a gun in case something goes wrong, Katherine, when Shaun finds out you did this. Jane can't move and Katherine has questions she wants answers to, there are better ways than this.
Knows things only Mille would, yet Katherine doesn't believe that means anything she has told Shaun is true. Boy, that is an embarrassing secret for Jane to use to prove she knew Mille.
Jane, you can keep with this lie, but the truth will come out someday. Jane knows about Mathew Fusco and his men, Jane shifts again when confronted with that, she probably has blue eyes right now.“Worse,” Jane said in a whisper. “He said that leaving you both was the worst thing he ever did. Without you to anchor him, he lost his way and became a monster.”
Tells the story in a hard and cold voice, I hate it when Jane gets like this. Crap, Jane is crying now as she finishes talking, I wish Louis could do more to help her.
It is getting hard to read through tear-streaked glasses.Katherine lifted her up into a sitting position, hugging her tightly to her chest. Crying, she said, “Thank you, for what you did. But please don't do that again. Ask for help when you need it. Don't become a monster, not for us. I heard that John wanted you to have a peaceful life. If you cared for him, if you care about Shaun, please, don't follow his path.”
“I don't know how to be anything else,” Jane said in a tiny, scared voice.
Oh crap, Jane has shifted again, talking like that about killing her foster parents, I know they deserved it, but seeing Jane like this as she talks about it scares me.“You aren't a monster. You still have time to change. If you don't trust anyone else, please trust Shaun and I. Ask us for help when you aren't sure. You went for two years living peacefully, you can live like that again. John tried to help you, let me do the same.”
“I killed my foster parents.”
Katherine, you are right about Jane. And it hurts to see her do this over and over again.It was as if she didn't know how to ask for help, and maybe even thought she deserved to be hurt.
I need to clean my glasses, I can't see clearly enough to read through the streaks anymore.Cradling the broken child, she let her own tears fall. “Please, ask me for help next time. I swear I will do everything in my power to protect you. Don't become like Mille. Don't let yourself become a monster.”
She felt tears soaking her shoulder. Jane began to shudder, pressing her face harder into Katherine's shoulder. “Why won't you hate me?” the girl sobbed.
At a loss for what to say, all she could do was hug Jane even harder as they both cried.
Jane, you may have come up with that tale, but the pain behind it was all too real.
And there is the real pain of all this.Now Jane knew that Katherine would have done whatever it took to save him.
I hope that part of her that she considers Mille will go away over time. Dang, Katherine is a master planner to have done all this in advance.The voice in her head that she considered Mille. The nasty little whisper that told her to hurt people, to lash out, to hurt herself, it was silent. She imagined the monster in her mind hiding in the darkness, avoiding the truth, keeping hold of its spite and hatred like it was a treasure, because that was all it had left.
It was up to Jane to figure out how to handle things.
Yikes, Whateley would have approved of this if Jane had tried to run away. Funny stories about Shaun, I bet Katherine could fill a book with those. Shaun did a presentation on Pikachu at 8 for a presentation on animals, heh, I might have too if they had been out when I was a kid.“No. You are listed as a flight risk. They're afraid you'll run away, and with your powers and skills there isn't much anyone could do to stop you. So, if I'd had to-” she bit her lip and looked away. “I had a story and witnesses lined up to say you had started feeling better, went for a walk, and never came back.”
Smile and Magali say it was 2 Celsius, and Shaun says it is 35 degrees, too bad he is outnumbered. Jane is helping make brownies and wearing an apron, she is feeling a lot better than she has in a long time. I agree with Katherine, we need to see Jane smiling more often. Baking all afternoon, how many cookies did they make?
Oh god, don't do that to Shaun, Jane. $200 not to tell Cooper about it, whoa, just how much of a killing is Shaun going to make with his dye?“What stories did you tell her, mom?” Shaun asked, dreading the answer.
“Pika pika,” Jane said with a grin.
His face hit his palms and he groaned loudly. “Oh god. Please don't tell anyone about that at school.”
“Ash would love to know there's a fellow Pokemon fan on campus. You'd have so much to talk about,” she teased.
Aww, but Shaun's ideas are good ones. Drawing with the icing, oops, those devisor fugues can be intense.Picking up a tube of white icing he started thinking about how to make a coat that would spray icing out of the sleeve. It quickly turned to a condiments dispenser, and then a way to release chemicals at attackers from over ten feet away.
Magali has a gadgeteer husband who is worse, oh boy, with two mutant parents I wonder when Felix will manifest and what his powers will be. Smile takes on fairy form to the delight of Felix, he wants to have powers like his mom and dad and be able to fly, he is so adorable.
Okay, Magali needs to ask her husband to make a material to pad the floors with to keep Felix safe from himself.“You just might, but only when you're older Felix. You will manifest when your Shaun's age in ten or eleven years,” Magali said very firmly. “So no jumping off the fridge again.”
A safety harness at least for Felix to keep him from climbing too high.“Please tell me you got to him before he went flying?”
“I didn't,” she replied, with a pained look. “I think he has a guardian angel, or he's already manifested and is almost invulnerable. He got a few bumps and that was it. He barely even cried.”
Now that is a very useful specialization to have for a gadgeteer.“Pierre's a gadgeteer with a focus on mining, which has done wonders for his career. He works in the mining industry obviously. He loves his work and we're well off, but when something goes wrong, he gets called in. So sometimes we miss him on the holidays like this year.” She cocked her head and gave a little smile. “But he's happy so we don't complain.”
All that and x-ray vision as well as long as she has her third eye on her forehead open, impressive. A full-time mom and part-time French translator, I can see how her powers help to keep up with Felix.“I can also see infrared, UV, microscopic things down to the size of a blood cell, and if I'm willing to risk a migraine, radio waves. If I didn't have to have this big eye open it would be a lot more convenient.”
Aww, I like Smile's idea of a future job, she would be great at helping out kids in need. Jane thought about becoming a librarian but now doesn't know, aww. I wonder how many students have help from Whateley going back into obscurity after they graduate. Shaun as a civilian with his own business making disguises and clothing, boy, I bet it would have the best stuff for Halloween and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Oh my god, I wonder if any of his stuff is available in Gen 2 at the Whateley store.“Well, I still remember when I had cancer and was in the hospital so much, that there were a lot of kids there with scars, no hair, and other things. And all the kids at Whateley who have GSD and can't really go out in public. So maybe a company that helps them. Affordable clothes to hide deformities while being comfortable. Gadgets that help make things a bit more comfortable for people with harnesses and medical aids. Masks and wigs that are cheaper and cover scars, scales and other stuff. It just seems like a nice thing to do with my power, and I don't need to make a huge profit from the work, since I'll be patenting gadgets for other things.”
I hope Shaun's business becomes a big success, the world needs more people who want to help others with their creations so eagerly. With help from Magali and Smile spreading word of mouth, he is going to be a hit when his business opens. Darn it, you got me tearing up again.He was suddenly hugged by his mother. “When you get a bit older I'll help you write up a business plan and work out the details. And I'll match whatever you put into it as your junior and mostly silent partner.”
A Christmas market in place of the usual farmer's market, I would love to see one of those. They have stuff for everyone to enjoy. Katherine helped get it set up, that is so awesome. Staying at Whateley over Christmas without your friends around can be depressing. I'm so glad that Smile realizes what Katherine and Magali have done to help her adjust while being there for her.Tulsa, Oklahoma
Monday, December 24th, 2007
Aww, Smile blushes when she mentions Cooper is her boyfriend. Summer with him and his parents will be interesting. Oof, the story of how Katherine bought the house with John and she just can't sell it.
I hope Smile takes her up on the offer. Ouch, I hope we get some news on Gregory soon, Smile needs to know he is okay. Scooped up into a hug by Katherine, time for hot chocolate and a chat. Fresh cinnamon donuts and hot chocolate with whipped cream, a good combo.“If you want to talk about them you can give me a call. I know how judgmental people can be, and I know about keeping secrets. I'll listen to you and won't judge. I may even be able to offer some advice.”
Ouch, Katherine didn't think Mille died in Boston, but Jane was there and saw it so now she believes, hoping he's found some peace now.
Any who judge children for the crimes of their parents need to get their heads examined. A present for Gregory, I hope Smile can give it to him soon. Every year she left a present for John under the tree, got me tearing up again.“When your little brother is found, he's going to need help. He'll need someone to look after him, to help him heal, and to face the judgment from people who have never had to deal with anything close to what you and he have dealt with.”
There go more tissues.“Jane,” the older woman said with a sad smile. “She's a fixer upper, who will definitely need a lot of work, but I think with patience and quite a bit of tender love and care she'll be wonderful. Now let's go find something for your brother.”
Jane is in church sitting between Shaun and Smile, she is wearing a white dress, how did Katherine get her to wear that? Ouch, memories of Mille being married in this church. Smile in a dress that doesn't make her look like a kid and bored, heh. Shaun sounds like he is trying to hold onto something familiar alright. I hope they don't visit the church often for Jane's sake.Tulsa, Oklahoma
Holy Family Cathedral
Christmas Eve Service
Oh, it is the sermon by Father Garcia that has Shaun so focused. Forgiveness and redemption. That many assassinations, yikes.
I'm afraid there is no easy answer even in the sermon, Shaun. This is something you will have to work out for yourself.How was he supposed to forgive a man like that? How was he supposed to hate a man like that?
Leaning forward, he tried to find something in the priest's words that would help him figure out how he should feel.
Tic Tac Toe with Felix using her skirt, Smile doesn't know if this is her first time in a church. Working on a Sunday, nope, I don't think your parents ever took you to church, Smile. Yeah, I understand what Smile is feeling about her parents right now, her emotions towards them are still raw, she is concerned for Gregory, and this sermon probably sounds like simple platitudes to something more complex in her life.
Felix keeps being adorable, Santa came and there are presents to open. Shaun is in charge of handing out presents, it is time to see what everyone got. Ooo, Jane has to force her smile upon seeing the silver bell on the Christmas tree, a reminder of what Mille threw away.Tulsa, Oklahoma
Christmas morning
Tuesday, December 25th, 2007
Smile got a fairy nightgown early, she needs all the cheering up she can get. Felix opens a loud and flash toy.
Never get a kid a loud present or they will get revenge when you have kids later on. Smile got a DIY wall collage kit from Magali, now that is a great way to personalize the walls in the dorm room.“This is because I got Shaun that drum set when he was nine, isn't it?” Magali asked Katherine.
Katherine looking as innocent as could be replied, “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Gifts from Katherine to Shaun, Smile, and Jane.
Good quality PFGs, she went all out on their presents.Carefully opening the box, Jane saw it was two matching plain silver bracelets and a necklace. Smile had similar jewellery in gold, and Shaun had a watch and a belt. Each of them came with an odd black pad and a cord to plug in.
This is something they all need, a literal lifesaver of a gift.“If you have all of them on they interact with each other for a stronger longer lasting shield, if you just have one on, it's good for two or three hard hits. Try not to have to use them, but if something happens it's better to have it than not.”
Smile got Jane a large teddy bear to hug and talk to, aww.
A Karedonia bank account with that much money, Jane, you have no idea of how much that is really worth.“A bank account. It has a hundred thousand dollars in it, and it gets about 10,000 dollars in dividends every quarter. Memorize the password then burn it,” Jane said.
Oh boy, Smile is freaking out as it is too much. Katherine asks where Jane got the money.
Jane is so embarrassed now she shrinks to her smallest possible size, oh boy.“Mille,” she whispered.
“How much money did he give you access to?”
Still whispering, not sure how to react, wondering how it had all gone wrong, she said, “About 60-70 million, a lot of it is in stocks and bonds, and there's property too.”
Well, that matter is settled quickly. Her envelope to Shaun has a key inside.“I just wanted you to not have to worry about things anymore,” Jane whispered. “And... I wanted m-Mille's money to finally go somewhere good.”
That made Smile pause. Then she launched herself at Jane hugging her tight as tears flowed. “Sorry for freaking out. I just... It's so much. I panicked. Thank you.”
That is the best gift you can give any gadgeteer or Devisor at Whateley. Aww, Shaun hugs her and she doesn't feel too tight in her skin for the first time in over two years.“No, it's a key to a large lab in the Tunnels,” Jane said, still talking quietly, hoping this gift would go better than Smiles. “It needs to be fixed up, but it's secure and has a lot of equipment you'll need. I'm not sure how good the stuff is, but the security system is top of the line. That key lets you set the biometric locks to you. It's all yours.”
A small crystal bell ornament from Jane to Katherine.
Both crying as they hug and me crying with them.Jane smiled. “Mille would buy a bell every year. It was one of the few things he did for Christmas,” she lied, for once not feeling guilty about it.
It was Katherine's turn to get up and wrap her arms around Jane. “Thank you,” she sobbed. “Thank you for letting me know he wasn't totally lost.”
This story has been an emotional rollercoaster. The fallout from the combat final and others' reactions to Jane because of it, her fears of both losing her friends and endangering them by staying and all the emotions of the 2nd part. It slowed me down, I had to clean my glasses once because of the tear streaks it was so heartbreaking at points and joyful at others.
The Spy Kids need a stern talking to about invading the privacy of other students and ignoring rules since in the real world doing so would make any evidence they gather inadmissible. Jane had to deal with the Syndicate recruiter, Geist, and more just keep pushing her, her physical injuries were bad enough, but her mental and emotional stability got worse due to them.
The lie of being Mille's daughter has worked a bit too well, even Mrs. Carson and the staff at Whateley believe it without evidence otherwise so far. And it has drawn trouble to Jane that she wishes to avoid, I can only hope that further threats will be dealt with by Whateley in a timely fashion.
Smile doing shoulder fairies with Tink, good grief. I hope in the future she realizes that most of Tink's ideas are ones that will get her in trouble and avoid them. Smile needs a safe outlet for having fun that won't get her in trouble.
Majestic and the New Olympians think too highly of themselves, I was glad to see Jane deal with her the way she did. We can only hope they learned their lesson and will leave her alone in the future.
Ferret, I'm so glad he is getting punished even if it isn't for what he did to Jane. That kind of ambition without caring what happens to a fellow student needs to be nipped in the bud now while he is still young.
All of them home at Shaun's place for Christmas. I expected a lot of things, but the scene where Katherine confronts Jane to find out the truth and even drugs her to arrange to do it while everyone else is out, I didn't see that coming. I'm just glad it resulted in Katherine treating Jane well and Jane being happy again and enjoying herself with friends. All the gifts were great, but all that money to Smile, that nearly gave me whiplash with that one, I was as shocked as she was.
I can't wait to read more of Jane, Shaun, Smile, and everyone else in the future.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Dan Formerly Domoviye
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Warning: Spoiler!This was a happy little scene, and I thought it set things up nicely. I liked Magali a bridesmaid and having her called a supervillain.Flashback into the past, the wedding of Katherine and John, how did John go from someone who can be this dramatic and loving to what he has become in the future? Eloped six months ago after nearly being killed and this is just the official wedding for close friends and family. That is a lot of supervillains and criminals in one location. A restaurant for the party afterward, I love small weddings.
I'm also a fan of small weddings.
And a decade of murder, fighting to survive, cut off from loved ones, full of self loathing, and worse, it destroyed Mille.
It's public knowledge that Katherine is a widow. Showing so much dedication to a man believed to have run away and died in a drunken car accident is seen as odd, but smart people just leave that part alone.In the present, Katherine is at the same church and lights a candle before praying for her husband. Father Garcia knows her pattern that well, I guess she isn't fully in hiding.
Katherine has a lot of employees in different businesses, one of the mentioned ones was a limo service. Most of the workers are completely normal, and a fair number are ex-cons being given a second chance in low skill jobs. Some of the ex-cons aren't so 'ex'. Most of them have no idea who she is connected to, but they know that sometimes they need to make drop offs of mysterious packages, drive people who don't talk much around, 'break' machinary for unknown reasons, and the more trusted ones will slip in packs of money into the evening or weekly profits. In return they get really nice bonuses and rewards.A driver that can act as a bodyguard, Katherine is cautious, I wonder what kind of protection she has gotten for Shaun. Gordon, I wonder how many drivers she has? All that to cover up her connection to Mille and one phone call from Jane has her shaken.
And she's shaken because in Sins of The Father, Shaun was brutally beaten for being Mille's son. Having an unknown person that she knows is Shaun's friend, know a special code and then slaughter her son's attackers in a pre-planned rampage has all of her alarm bells going off.
This was mentioned in Tarnished Angels. Mille lamenting how sad it was entering a life of crime for British food.Another flashback, this time further into the past. Orion the Magnificent blames her for only playing in shitty bars, slappy her hard, he isn't just a pig, he is an abusive creep.
Ouch, running off with no real food in her stomach for hours, that creep drained her resources and treated her like that. 22, hungry, and might have to live on the streets, Katherine needs help and fast.
I wasn't really happy with this scene actually. I kept trying to make the meeting between Katherine and Mille interesting and kind of amusing, but Mille always came off as too intense and sharp. Almost scrapped the whole thing, but I like everything up until Katherine met Mille. So I ultimately kept that part in.
It was fun bringing Magali back even as a mostly background character from Tarnished Angel's. She's been mentioned a few times, since then.Shaun rushes over to hug his mom, and Jane recognizes Katherine despite a decade and a half since she last saw her. Magali is all grown up and with a family of her own, so that is who Magali is, I forgot her being mentioned in previous stories.
I didn't want to dwell on it, this is a Christmas story after all, but I was trying to show that Jane is just barely there for the most part, whispering, not talking, and lost. She can't even pull off her usual shy but polite mask.No matter where you go airports will always be crowded. Shaun talking with Magali, Smile chats with Felix, and I guess Jane will just sit in silence for the ride. Ouch, Jane saw the only home Mille had ever known again.
This might come up in a future story, or just more and more hints getting dropped. But stuff that's appeared in story about his past:Mille hasn't had a home since he was 12, don't tell me his parents threw him out for being a mutant or worse.
Father was American who died when he was a child, mother was French. Came from rural France. Was a very smart student, got bored at school but it was better than being at home.
What hasn't been shown is his alcoholic mother who made his life hell. And he manifested after running away.
That was a fun little scene to write.8 kids! I'm with Katherine, 4 tops
Boy, Katherine sure had to really love him to put up with jokes like that.
The Spring story for Just Me is going to feature Smile as the main MC. Fun times for everyone involved.Smile worried about her little brother, not knowing if he is safe or even alive; I hope her parents are caught soon.
Aww, Felix is 4 years old.Magali has raised his right, kind and caring.The four-year-old pressed himself tightly to her and said into her side. “You can be my big sister if you want.”
And Felix is taking a bit from my niece. She was 3 years old at a funeral for her great-grandma. She went around the room to all the old people who were crying, and said "You can hug me to cheer up." Sweet little girl.
Katherine is very rich, a thousand dollars for her is barely even considered pocket change, it's money she finds in her couch cushions.*eyes bug out* Katherine is really generous to Smile and Jane. Ah, she remembers what her life was like when Mille came into it and likes to help people who need it. Smile gives Katherine a hug, dang, you were right about needing tissues.
Katherine is very protective. Hence all the smoke and mirrors about her alternate identity. And yeah, it's a schimmelhorn device.Gerald Dacanay aka the lawyer Jerald Canali, just how many alternate identities does he have? A messenger boy from his current financier, curiouser and curiouser. Threads, someone named Thread is who he is working for, an unusual codename.
Only meeting through a video screen, very cautious. Payment for getting Shaun and his friends home safely in the form of a power item to help in the creation of his new identity.Threads, an information broker, middleman, money launderer and financier was ready to talk.
A green demonic mask.Not regular tech, not magic or a devise, what is it, a schimmelhorn device?“It's not a devise, and can be powered up in five hours to full use using two car batteries. You wanted something regular tech can't copy, and doesn't use magic or devises, that's the best you're going to get without murdering someone,” Threads replied.
I wanted to have a call back and not just make a new villain. The Crimson Claw was available. It fit nicely.This idiot was the Crimson Claw! Yeah, that identity is beyond burnt, you are a dead man if you use that identity again. Go with Jade Mask and hope no one ever connects you to Crimson Claw ever again. Trying to double-cross two supervillains, there is arrogance, there is foolhardy, and then there is just downright boneheaded like this.
Jane really needs to work on that obvious tell.No, it would not be best for everyone if you disappeared. They would get into more trouble trying to find you than if you just stayed. Her eyes shifted blue, Shaun and Smile knew that meant, she was thinking something she shouldn't be. All those thoughts of what to do to escape, yet Jane didn't do those things, good.
And yeah her friends pay attention, Shaun from being taught to be aware by his mother and his reaction to being attacked so brutally. Smile is just very empathetic with people she cares about and her anxiety has made her more so.
With the thoughts of escape, Jane might have tried one of them for almost anyone else, but these are her two best friends. So she doesn't want to risk hurting them, and she's really unbalanced right now, but not in a "I hurt you" way.
Gotta love the self loathing.Jane, you are Mille, but you aren't at the same time. He isn't what your friends see you as you have changed for the better thanks to them, don't throw it away due to fear. Confronted about when she is going to tell Katherine that she is Mille's daughter, this web is getting more tangled with time. Jane's thoughts about herself, good lord, I wish they good get her to see she isn't like Mille was in the past.
You can't predict the future, or know the threats that will come. You just have to trust your friends to be there for you and able to handle things in their own way.“You can still be Jane.”
She shook her head. “They know who I am now. They have an idea who Shaun is. They'll try to kill me. They'll get you both too.”Whoa, I haven't seen Smile get angry in a long time.Shaun started to speak only to be cut off by Smile. “Don't you dare decide things for me,” the tiny girl said, her voice shaking, angrier than anyone had ever heard. ...
I've been waiting for her friends to confront Jane like this, she needs to hear what Shaun and especially what Smile is saying now. Ouch, Katherine still goes out to all their own haunts to try and find Mille or any signs of him. She hasn't given up on him, so Shaun won't give up on Jane. Jane breaks out crying and Smile and Shaun hugs her as she continues to cry, I need a tissue again.“NO BUT'S!” Smile almost shouted. ...
This was a hard scene to write. How to get through Jane's thick skull, without making it sound too easy? And Smile comes in as the MVP once more. Once I got it down, I knew the rest would be pretty easy. ANd there were a lot of tears shed on my end here.
Having had a well behaved 3 year old, I know they can be VERY sneaky. An adventurous and mischievous 3 year old can be a Houdini.Okay, how did Felix get into Santa's workshop unnoticed, even as a 3-year-old he must have been fast and sneaky. A lot of fun in Paris, no story for Shaun about it, rats.
Smile enjoys herself talking about her combat final with Katherine and Magali. Everyone but Katherine and Shaun go to see a movie, Alvin and the Chipmunks.
And I like how Smile goes from being very mature and insightful for her age, to being childish and wanting to see a little kids movie. It just fits her character, trying to hold onto her bubbly and joyful personality from the past to hold back the horror she's experienced. Not allowing the bad to change her completely.
[/QUOTE] Ooo, private conversation and a lot to talk about between Shaun and his mom. She knows about the Devisor Coffee, never try it or you might not sleep for a week.
That is better than a noise nullifier and draws less attention.[/QUOTE]“Something like that. People will hear us talking but it'll be very indistinct and almost impossible to understand. In a noisy place like this, it's perfect.”
Needed to get them some private time, where no one would possibly interrupt them. Having Magali take the others to a movie Shaun wouldn't like was the best idea.
And I liked the devise. It seemed like something she'd use frequently.
I hadn't planned out the reason for their retirement, other than the heat was getting a bit too much for them. So when I decided to put it on paper, I knew I had to make it bad. It will probably come up again in the future.Oh boy, time for Shaun to be told about the Mille that Katherine knew. She almost lost a leg!
Seesh, Jane needs to break the habits of her past as Mille if she is going to live a new life.
Arrgh, if only Mille had thought of another plan to deal with their enemies that didn't involve killing, that didn't start him on the path that turned him into a monster. Information broker and middleman, so that is how Katherine can avoid all these things. So she is Threads, no wonder she keeps that identity so secret. Whoa, she is a smart, cautious, and dangerous lady if you make her your enemy.
Originally with Sin's Of The Father Part 1, I wasn't sure how far to put Katherine into the crime life. But while writing Part 2, it seemed right to have her at least keep a toe in, she's a smart lady. It kind of grew from there, especially after seeing her in action in Tarnished Angels.
The Summer story is going to be REALLY interesting.
And yeah, Jane needs to unlearn her old habits. They're her fatal flaw. Only time will tell if it can be overcome, at least she has 3 people in her corner.
God yes! I went through a lot writing the first half of this story.Tissues needed again.
I actually had this scene planned for over a year. I'd written out the basic scene starting with Katherine knocking on the door and pointing a gun at Jane's head right tot he end. Finally getting to use it was good. And it worked out well. Have a good reason for everyone to be out, so she can interrogate Jane, and maybe shoot her in the head, and have none the wiser.Katherine, what did you just put on Jane's pancakes? Katherine can't go to the zoo with them, rats. Felix likes Smile like a big sister, it has been good for her to be around him. You drugged Jane with something that made her sick, Katherine, what have you done? Pale, the room is spinny, and a little hot, I don't like this. It triggered an uncontrolled shift, crap.
The tracker was actually mentioned for a scene that ultimately didn't get written.Jane was in the guest room reading, Katherine put a tracker on Jane's pajamas, arrgh. Armed with a gun in case something goes wrong, Katherine, when Shaun finds out you did this. Jane can't move and Katherine has questions she wants answers to, there are better ways than this.
I was going to have Jane try to run away after New Year's, and Katherine would realize they had only a few minutes to find her when she sees all the trackers she planted on Jane's clothes and things in the drawer of the guest room.
But with how everything went, the scene wouldn't have fit as neatly as I had originally planned. So no running away for Jane.
And if Katherine thought Jane was a danger, she'd risk having Shaun hate her, to keep him safe. His safety is her number one priority. His love is number two.
As for better ways to deal with it. Potentially yes. But she has the security tapes showing her taking out 30 armed guards, and a cyborg. Katherine is NOT a fighter, even if she's competent with a pistol (It's mentioned in another story she regularly goes to a shooting range), so any fight where Jane can move and doesn't hold back, there's a 99.9% Katherine is dead.
Katherine is very much in the dark about things. All she knows is that this mysterious girl became Shaun's friend, knows things only two people should know and one the people is dead, the girl has clear emotional issues, and she is a mass murderer.Knows things only Mille would, yet Katherine doesn't believe that means anything she has told Shaun is true. Boy, that is an embarrassing secret for Jane to use to prove she knew Mille.
Jane, you can keep with this lie, but the truth will come out someday. Jane knows about Mathew Fusco and his men, Jane shifts again when confronted with that, she probably has blue eyes right now.“Worse,” Jane said in a whisper. “He said that leaving you both was the worst thing he ever did. Without you to anchor him, he lost his way and became a monster.”
Wanting to know WTF is going on is important.
And using that throw back to Tarnished Angels to prove that Jane is not a threat made me smile.
With the shifting, it was just in Jane's tone of voice, eyes and body language. She isn't happy about what she did, it was necessary, but she realizes it was the start of her downfall.
Hard and cold is how Mille survived for so long in a world of monsters. Mille became a worse one. Jane started off as the desperate attempt to mask the monster.Tells the story in a hard and cold voice, I hate it when Jane gets like this. Crap, Jane is crying now as she finishes talking, I wish Louis could do more to help her.
It is getting hard to read through tear-streaked glasses....“I don't know how to be anything else,” Jane said in a tiny, scared voice.
No shifting. Jane is just suffering a mix of self-loathing and realizing how badly Mille underestimated Katherine.
Oh crap, Jane has shifted again, talking like that about killing her foster parents, I know they deserved it, but seeing Jane like this as she talks about it scares me....
“I killed my foster parents.”
Katherine, you are right about Jane. And it hurts to see her do this over and over again.It was as if she didn't know how to ask for help, and maybe even thought she deserved to be hurt.
I need to clean my glasses, I can't see clearly enough to read through the streaks anymore....
She felt tears soaking her shoulder. Jane began to shudder, pressing her face harder into Katherine's shoulder. “Why won't you hate me?” the girl sobbed.
She WANTS Katherine to hate her. That will prove that Mille was right to stay away, and she doesn't think she deserves to be happy.
Every time she talks about her dreams for the future, of what Mille wanted for her, it's focused on peace, not happiness. Having friends and things is fine, it's comfortable and a little happy, but a chance at true happiness, especially with Katherine in her life in some way, she 'doesn't deserve it'. When Katherine refuses to push her away it breaks a part of Mille.
And this scene made me cry a lot. Especially when I made the relatively minor changes in the final draft to make it fit better.
Katherine is very smart, and unlike Mille who focused on becoming a better fighter, she kept up the con act, just going deep undercover.Dang, Katherine is a master planner to have done all this in advance.
Yikes, Whateley would have approved of this if Jane had tried to run away.“No. You are listed as a flight risk. They're afraid you'll run away, and with your powers and skills there isn't much anyone could do to stop you. So, if I'd had to-” she bit her lip and looked away. “I had a story and witnesses lined up to say you had started feeling better, went for a walk, and never came back.”
This was a happy scene and after the heart breaking scenes previously, I really needed it. Having Katherine jokingly say she had to point a gun at Jane's head was my favourite line.Jane is helping make brownies and wearing an apron, she is feeling a lot better than she has in a long time. I agree with Katherine, we need to see Jane smiling more often. Baking all afternoon, how many cookies did they make?
This was a nice little bit of easy writing. I was trying to think of how Jane would act, and I realized she'd start going back to how she acted before the whole Fusco fiasco. Mostly low key humour, a wry comment here or there, and even an occasional grin.
Oh god, don't do that to Shaun, Jane. $200 not to tell Cooper about it, whoa, just how much of a killing is Shaun going to make with his dye?“What stories did you tell her, mom?” Shaun asked, dreading the answer.
“Pika pika,” Jane said with a grin.
His face hit his palms and he groaned loudly. “Oh god. Please don't tell anyone about that at school.”
“Ash would love to know there's a fellow Pokemon fan on campus. You'd have so much to talk about,” she teased.
And Shaun is well off. He's got cash from his mother, and a dye that changes colour when another chemical is added (seen in Sins of the Father), he's making a lot of money from the patent.
Felix added just enough fun stuff to give this story some much needed happiness. Coming up with funny anecdotes from Magali was enjoyable. I'm so glad my daughter was not as active as Felix.Smile takes on fairy form to the delight of Felix, he wants to have powers like his mom and dad and be able to fly, he is so adorable.
There are currently two or three Easter Eggs in Gen 2 stories, talking about a new company with an interesting name.Shaun as a civilian with his own business making disguises and clothing, boy, I bet it would have the best stuff for Halloween and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Oh my god, I wonder if any of his stuff is available in Gen 2 at the Whateley store.
Happy tears are nice tears.Darn it, you got me tearing up again.
I thought having a scene from Smile's POV was necessary. She's done a lot she deserves a bit of a spotlight.A Christmas market in place of the usual farmer's market, I would love to see one of those. They have stuff for everyone to enjoy. Katherine helped get it set up, that is so awesome. Staying at Whateley over Christmas without your friends around can be depressing. I'm so glad that Smile realizes what Katherine and Magali have done to help her adjust while being there for her.
And I wanted Katherine to do something in a Farmers Market. The cash sales are great for money laundering. When I saw that the only Christmas markets for Tulsa were in early December, I knew it was the perfect situation to show things off.
And Smile is observant, she's also very open and upfront about her problems. She doesn't hide from her issues like Jane does, which is why she's a relatively emotionally healthy kid despite her trauma.
I'm going to feel really bad when I break her.
I really wanted to have Katherine explain why she didn't sell her house. It's like parents with a missing child, some just can't bear moving, or even changing the child's room because they're so hopeful that one day the kid will come back, and they can't bear thinking of them not being there to greet them.Oof, the story of how Katherine bought the house with John and she just can't sell it.
Ouch, I hope we get some news on Gregory soon, Smile needs to know he is okay. Scooped up into a hug by Katherine, time for hot chocolate and a chat.
Gregory... I so want to say something but NOPE.
And Katherine is someone who has grown stronger from her trauma. Instead of letting it hold her back, she uses it, plus her very good ability to read people, to try to help those she cares about. She sees kids who her son cares about, so she considers them honorary family. In Jane's case not so honorary.
I used a whole box of tissue while writing this story.Ouch, Katherine didn't think Mille died in Boston, but Jane was there and saw it so now she believes, hoping he's found some peace now.
A present for Gregory, I hope Smile can give it to him soon. Every year she left a present for John under the tree, got me tearing up again.There go more tissues.“Jane,” the older woman said with a sad smile. “She's a fixer upper, who will definitely need a lot of work, but I think with patience and quite a bit of tender love and care she'll be wonderful. Now let's go find something for your brother.”
Jane actually dresses in the most appropriate way for a situation. She may not always like it, but she does not like standing out. So a white dress for an evening church service, she's going to wear it. The fidgeting is more from just being in the church she got married in, making her uncomfortable.Jane is in church sitting between Shaun and Smile, she is wearing a white dress, how did Katherine get her to wear that?
Shaun is going to have a lot of things to work out. And it's not going to get easier for him.Oh, it is the sermon by Father Garcia that has Shaun so focused. Forgiveness and redemption. That many assassinations, yikes.
I'm afraid there is no easy answer even in the sermon, Shaun. This is something you will have to work out for yourself.How was he supposed to forgive a man like that? How was he supposed to hate a man like that?
Leaning forward, he tried to find something in the priest's words that would help him figure out how he should feel.
I wasn't sure how I was going to do a church scene, but I knew I wanted one after showing Katherine at the church in the beginning.Yeah, I understand what Smile is feeling about her parents right now, her emotions towards them are still raw, she is concerned for Gregory, and this sermon probably sounds like simple platitudes to something more complex in her life.
So this was all very much seat of the pants writing with only editing and fixing a few sentences after it was done. I really liked how the three different characters each reacted in different way that fit them perfectly.
Jane, uncomfortable but forcing herself to deal with it. Not believing she deserves to be there.
Shaun, searching for answers.
Smile, hiding her trauma for a change but being very blunt and truthful with herself.
This made me smile.Smile got a fairy nightgown early, she needs all the cheering up she can get. Felix opens a loud and flash toy.
Never get a kid a loud present or they will get revenge when you have kids later on.“This is because I got Shaun that drum set when he was nine, isn't it?” Magali asked Katherine.
Katherine looking as innocent as could be replied, “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
And once I really wanted to buy my nephew a drum set for Christmas, but I realized my brother would kill me and my body would never be found.
At first I was going to show a lot more of the gifts, then I realized it would probably get repetitive and coming up with gifts for everyone would be annoying. So I skipped to the important ones.Gifts from Katherine to Shaun, Smile, and Jane.
This was a bit of a last minute thing that once I thought of it seemed perfect.Smile got Jane a large teddy bear to hug and talk to, aww.
A Karedonia bank account with that much money, Jane, you have no idea of how much that is really worth.“A bank account. It has a hundred thousand dollars in it, and it gets about 10,000 dollars in dividends every quarter. Memorize the password then burn it,” Jane said.
Oh boy, Smile is freaking out as it is too much.
Jane is so embarrassed now she shrinks to her smallest possible size, oh boy.Well, that matter is settled quickly.“I just wanted you to not have to worry about things anymore,” Jane whispered. “And... I wanted m-Mille's money to finally go somewhere good.”
That made Smile pause. Then she launched herself at Jane hugging her tight as tears flowed. “Sorry for freaking out. I just... It's so much. I panicked. Thank you.”
Jane has a large fortune which is only growing thanks to the accountants who are still getting commissions from hiding it, growing it, and taking a regular cut. It's already been shown that Mille would give money to people in the hundreds of thousands range, so Jane sees Smile needs money, and takes a small percentage to help her friend.
She's kind of forgotten how to interact with normal people despite all her attempts to mask things. Now that the mask is partly off, and she isn't trying to hide... everything, she is still trying to find a happy medium, and has no idea what that is anymore.
And Jane shrank from a seizure not on purpose. Stress causes the seizures and she's being hit with the stress hammer a lot in this story, this just set off the hair trigger.
As for Smile, she panicked from the sheer size of the gift. Once she realized that Jane really was trying to be a good friend, and her refusal was hurting Jane, Smile shifted gears and fixed things.
A small crystal bell ornament from Jane to Katherine.
Both crying as they hug and me crying with them. [\QUOTE]Jane smiled. “Mille would buy a bell every year. It was one of the few things he did for Christmas,” she lied, for once not feeling guilty about it.
It was Katherine's turn to get up and wrap her arms around Jane. “Thank you,” she sobbed. “Thank you for letting me know he wasn't totally lost.”
I really wanted to do something with the silver bell ever since I had Mille buy it in Tarnished Angels. This was perfect for it. And having Katherine finding things that proved the Mille she knew wasn't completely lost was important. So I was crying here too.
THANKS!This story has been an emotional rollercoaster. The fallout from the combat final and others' reactions to Jane because of it, her fears of both losing her friends and endangering them by staying and all the emotions of the 2nd part. It slowed me down, I had to clean my glasses once because of the tear streaks it was so heartbreaking at points and joyful at others.
I was trying to work with what had been shown in the past, and coming up with realistic consequences for Jane. The fallout is going to continue for quite a while, but at least Jane has now regained her footing.The Spy Kids need a stern talking to about invading the privacy of other students and ignoring rules since in the real world doing so would make any evidence they gather inadmissible. Jane had to deal with the Syndicate recruiter, Geist, and more just keep pushing her, her physical injuries were bad enough, but her mental and emotional stability got worse due to them.
There's a lot of evidence showing that she is related to Mille. Her calling in a favour from her 'father'. Attacking Fusco. Her fighting style and control over her shifting. Her connection to Shaun.The lie of being Mille's daughter has worked a bit too well, even Mrs. Carson and the staff at Whateley believe it without evidence otherwise so far. And it has drawn trouble to Jane that she wishes to avoid, I can only hope that further threats will be dealt with by Whateley in a timely fashion.
And while Whateley is going with her being his daughter, they have considered the option that she is actually Mille (Old Habits). It's just that her being his daughter is more convenient for them.
For everyone else, while they're working on less info, having the daughter of a supervillain is the most likely option even for the Whateley Universe.
I've got a few interesting ideas for Ferret. Just background stuff that will come up in other stories for the most part, but he'll be making appearances.Ferret, I'm so glad he is getting punished even if it isn't for what he did to Jane. That kind of ambition without caring what happens to a fellow student needs to be nipped in the bud now while he is still young.
I did try to at least point to the possibility in 'Aftermath' where she pulls out a handgun to make sure it is in working order while thinking about Jane and Christmas.All of them home at Shaun's place for Christmas. I expected a lot of things, but the scene where Katherine confronts Jane to find out the truth and even drugs her to arrange to do it while everyone else is out, I didn't see that coming. I'm just glad it resulted in Katherine treating Jane well and Jane being happy again and enjoying herself with friends.
But I knew that once Jane proved that she really knew Mille well enough to share something really private, Katherine would see the girl as a link to her soul mate and fight like hell for the girl.
I will have a fall story for Smile, which shows Jane before everything is revealed.I can't wait to read more of Jane, Shaun, Smile, and everyone else in the future.
A short winter term story is planned.
And I have a big thing for Spring and two for the Summer. After that things get a bit murkier, but it's going to be eventful.
There will also be cameos and things in some other stories.
Thanks for the comments as always Dreamer. I've read them over several times.
Sorry it took a while to respond, Christmas happened and I wanted to make sure to respond with good info that wouldn't spoil things.
Happy Holidays!
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