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- Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 4) by Morpheus
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Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 4) by Morpheus
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 4)
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart Part 4 comments
Rough sleep for Chris, I don't think he is going to have any good nights for a while yet. Imp doesn't know how to cook, I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked. PJs that look like Imp's uniform, I would wear them. *facepalms* Imp, don't use those phrases on Chris, please. Oof, so Imp's pendant does need to be recharged from time to time.Manhattan NY, Monday morning, Dec 31st 2007
Huh, very useful item, I could see those selling well.“Minor cosmetic illusion, or so I’ve been told,” I explained with a shrug. “I got it in exchange for a job, about two years ago. It doesn’t change my whole appearance, just my GSD. It hides that and makes me look like I would if I didn’t have GSD.”
Aww, but you like her just the way she is, Chris. Huh, I bet when Darqueheart learns how to make enchanted items she can make something like that for herself.Chris gave a wry smile as though humoring me. “I bet something like that would be really useful for...some of my friends.”
“Like Darqueheart?” I asked.
He blushed at that but nodded. “Yeah. And Monkeywrench.”
Greasy needs to contact Ayla about patents and licensing. Aww, Chris, give Greasy a chance now that he has left Peeper behind.“Like I said,” I told him, gesturing towards my pendant. “You’ve got magic items and spells. There are gadgets and devises that can do wonders with holograms. And there’s one kid at the school, Greasy, who makes this amazing fake skin and some really impressive masks.”
I can't tell if he is joking or not.“There are lots of camouflage tricks that people with GSD can use to avoid drawing too much attention,” I continued. “It’s easier for some than for others.” Then I chuckled and admitted, “For most of my life, I’ve had to make do with Groucho Marx glasses.”
Ooo, a new painting by Imp, I can't wait to see the finished work. Depression, PTSD, and survivor's guilt, Chris needs a lot of counselling and help from his friends to get through this. Distracting him from his grief, you need to find the right thing to distract him with, or it could backfire. A friend who Chris trusts and can talk to, who is Imp taking him to see? Not driving in New York, with the way traffic is sometimes, it probably will be faster to walk.
Imp, trust me on this, anger, being riled up, can only do so much to distract from grief and loss, once it wears off, the crash back into grief can be worse than before. Her disguise is like the one Raph from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles uses to go out in disguise, a classic for a reason, well, with the addition of the sunglasses.
A short subway ride and a brief walk, public transit needs to improve in the U.S. all over. A new condo building, she got invited over for New Year's Eve dinner with her boyfriend and his daughter, boy will Chris be shocked. Makes a pretty good lasagna, marry him already! Melissa opens the door and has no idea Chris is Imp's 'new' son. Boy, that took Melissa a moment to get that Chris is Imp's son.
Yes, tell Ryan and Melissa the whole story, including the reason you gave Chris up for adoption. Ah, yes, the Adamant and Lamplighter incident, oof.
Bwahaha, he thought Chickenhawk was Ryan's actual codename.Then Chris’ eyes went wide in realization, “You’re that Chickenhawk guy…”
Melissa burst out laughing at that while Ryan looked vaguely amused. “Actually, it’s Superhawk, but I can understand your confusion. Christine is notoriously bad at remembering people’s names.”
Christine and Ryan are so cute together.“He was,” I agreed with a grin. “Before I retired.”
“It took a few years,” Ryan added as he put an arm round my shoulders, “but I finally caught her.”
The Mischief Lair, I love Melissa, she is such a goof, but also such a good friend. A normal, but messy bedroom, huh, I thought it would be more colorful.Manhattan NY, Monday later afternoon, Dec 31st 2007
Okay, that many stuffed animals, that seems like Melissa's room.Chris noted that there were a lot of stuffed animals spread around the room, with a good dozen of them being on the bed. On top of the dresser, he saw a pair of plastic devil horns, the kind that looked like they were part of a Halloween costume. However, there was one item in the room that stood out as being a bit out of place.
“That painting,” Chris said, gesturing to a painting that hung on the wall.
The painting was of a cat who was chasing a mouse while the mouse was blowing a raspberry back at the cat. It was whimsical and cartoonish, exactly what he would have expected to see in Melissa’s room, but at the same time, it looked like a really nice quality painting, not some cheap poster like he would have expected.
Yes, Imp is the art teacher for a reason, Chris. She can paint like that and is self-taught.
An artist who always hides stuff in their paintings, no wonder she is famous, that sounds like fun to own one of her pieces.Melissa emphatically shook her head. “No way. Candice Kade is kind of famous as an artist… I mean, she does art shows, and they make puzzles based off some of her paintings...”
“Really?” Chris asked, a little surprised.
“Oh yeah,” Melissa assured him with a broad grin. “And she ALWAYS hides stuff in her paintings. She’s totally famous for it…”
Now that takes true skill and talent to pull off. No wonder Melissa loves that gift so much. Oh crap, Chris tells Melissa about the car accident the loss of his parents.With that, Melissa carefully pulled the painting off the wall and turned it sideways. It was only then that Chris noticed that some of the shadows and background formed new shapes, silhouettes that looked like a woman with horns standing beside a smaller girl who also had horns.
This, this is what Chris needed, someone he could just talk to, let it all out and stop bottling up the emotions he has had about the loss of his parents since the accident. Got me tearing up here.Melissa listened with a look of growing horror and then sympathy, especially once Chris’ tears began to flow. And once Chris was done talking, she just grabbed him in a firm hug.
Oh boy, filling Brandy in on who Chris is and the complicated situation. Now this is the type of thing to distract Chris with, talk with superheroes.Manhattan NY, Monday evening, Dec 31st 2007
Oh boy, telling about the time Chris tried to take down Adamant, how he stood up to Superhawk to protect Imp, poor kid.“Professionally,” Brandy explained, “I go by the name of Brandywine, and I’m with the Shielders over in Jersey.”
I just knew Brandy would needle Imp about that. Give Chris a few lessons since Imp has given Melissa lessons, Brandy is coming out swinging tonight.“Hey,” Melissa protested as she jumped to Chris’ defense. “You should have seen him when we fought those Triangle jerks… He was totally protecting Darqueheart and everyone else…”
“The Triangle?” Brandy said, giving Chris a look of greater interest. “This I have to hear…” Then she paused and began smirking for a moment before she finally burst out laughing.
“What?” Chris asked, looking as though he was about to be offended.
Brandy just looked at me and mused, “YOU have a son who wants to be a superhero...”
I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. “Trust me, I am well aware of the irony…”
Chris with a few pointers from two experienced heroes, I can't wait to see him improve even more. Chris admiring a painting Ryan bought by Candice Kade even before they got together. Hehe, Brandy noticed the same style as the painting Imp gave Ryan for Christmas and thinks she copied the style, this is priceless. I would be with Melissa if I were there, having to hold back the laughter.
Chris out on the balcony, the whole evening had been overwhelming.Manhattan NY, Monday evening, Dec 31st 2007
I forget what Ryan's job is outside of superhero, is he some type of counselor, because he would be perfect for working with teens. Ah, the tale of how Melissa came into Imp's life and her misadventures resulted in Ryan and her getting together eventually. Looked forward to encountering her even when they were enemies, are we sure he wasn't attracted to Imp before the Melissa incidents and just in denial?“It is a little much, isn’t it,” Ryan finally said, his voice low. “I can’t even imagine everything that you’re dealing with right now.”
She truly thought of Melissa as her daughter before Ryan and her even started dating, or at least her pupil who she won't let come to harm.Chris burst out laughing at that. “Imp said Melissa is a trouble magnet…” Then he paused before admitting, “Well, she said we ALL were.”
“You have no idea,” Ryan muttered before his expression turned grim. “One day, Melissa got herself kidnapped by a supervillain, and that was the day the Imp dropped her mask for me.”
Ask her to marry you already!Melissa’s dad merely nodded at that before he continued. “While we worked together, I saw more of the woman behind the mask. I learned that she wasn’t just the impulsive and reckless prankster that I thought. She was kind, and clever, and passionate about art in a way that I’d never realized.” He shook his head. “Before we were done, I’d started to fall for her.”
Doctor Miracle, I wish all heroes were like him.
I can easily see that in how Imp deals with 'superheroes'.“Christine doesn’t really hate superheroes,” Ryan told Chris, looking him in the eyes. “The truth is, I think that she just has high standards for what she considers to be a real superhero, and most heroes don’t meet her standards. I think… she considers those heroes to be fakes or impostors, which is part of the reason she mocks them so hard.”
A lesson some in the Capes Squad at Whateley need to learn along with some others.Ryan stared out into the distance again before explaining, “I used to think that heroes were the good guys and villains were the bad guys. Most of the time, that is true, but not always. That was before I met a so-called hero who liked to kidnap children and brainwash them into being his puppets. That was before I met a villainess who risked her life to save an innocent girl.” He turned to Chris and gave him a wry smile. “I learned that things aren’t always that black and white… and that you need to judge someone by their actions, not whatever title people call them by.”
If bigotry towards mutants with obvious GSD didn't happen, if she could have been treated like a normal human being, Imp has the right qualities, she might have been a hero. Regretted giving Chris up ever since, Chris won't believe that until he hears the full reason why he gave him up, how she almost died, and Chris almost died along with her. Imp cried with worry over Chris, dang, I don't think we have ever seen her cry. Ouch, Chris has a lot of thinking to do, I hope he accepts Imp.
Imp out for a run on the buildings of Manhattan as she leaps from rooftop to rooftop, thinking about Chris who is out shopping with Melissa to replace some things he lost. Hhm, what does Imp see on the streets below that has her interest? Nice costume with a helmet with large ram horns on it. Ram the third, so someone Imp knows.Manhattan NY, Wednesday afternoon, Jan 2nd 2008
Magic helmet, now give him a spear so we can do the Elmer Fudd gag.The young hero, who I assumed was calling himself the Ram since he was wearing the same magic helmet that had been worn by the previous Rams, looked around in surprise before finally looking up.
He knows who Imp is, she knows his real name is Martin, as she found out his grandfather's identity decades ago.
Imp has morals and lines she won't cross, unlike some 'superheroes'.“I’ve never shared that secret or used it against your predecessors before, and I have absolutely no intention of doing so now. I just wanted to get your attention.”
A superhero who hears that and thinks on the matter, nice change.“Take me in for what?” I asked him, allowing a little of my amusement to show, though not too much of it. “I’m not committing any crimes and there are currently no warrants out for me. If you attack me now, it’s without cause…which would make it assault with a superpower. And I may be wrong, I believe that is classified as a crime.”
Attacks a homeless kid panhandling for food over the way she looks, his grandfather was a piece of work. Saved from him by the very professional thief who took her in and trained her, his grandfather drove her into a life of crime!“The first time your grandfather saw me,” I continued, still keeping my tone conversational, “he saw these…” I tapped my horns and gave him a wry grin, “and decided that I just HAD to be some kind of evil monster…and he attacked me. There was no real reason for it, besides the way I looked.”
“You’re making that up to smear his legacy,” the Ram accused, but the hitch in his voice and the slight hesitation let me know that he didn’t quite believe that himself.
I can't stand those kinds of people, like those who become police officers just to have power.I responded with a loud dismissive snort. “Hardly. Your grandfather was a cheap thug who liked to beat up people, and to make himself feel good about it and actually get praised for his actions, he called himself a superhero.”
Shoot, anyone who quits a dangerous job to focus on their family I respect.“He quit being a hero to focus on his family,” I explained. “He knew what was important and he acted on it. I have to respect that.”
I hope she got Martin thinking about what kind of hero he wants to be. Imp, even if he becomes the wrong kind of 'hero', you at least tried to get through to him and that is what matters.“Because I’m curious,” I told him in a pleasant tone. “I wanted to see what kind of a hero you’re going to become. Are you going to follow your grandfather’s path? Your father’s? Or are you going to make your own.”
“Come on down here,” the young hero said, more as if going through the motions than as if he was truly challenging me. “I’ll show you what kind of a hero I am.”
“What kind of a hero are you going to be,” I mused aloud, straightening up on the ledge as I did so. “Do you just want to call yourself a superhero, or do you want to really be one?” Then, I popped a smoke bomb and covered myself with the smoke, activating my chameleon field as I did so and vanishing from view.
Ouch, Winter break cut short for Imp and Chris since teachers have to be back early to get everything set up for when the students return. Lunch with Melissa and Ryan, and Melissa is coming with them back to Whateley, yay. Oof, Chris is now eligible for membership in the Bad Seeds.Manhattan NY, Friday late morning, Jan 4th 2008
She might not talk, but it is going to get out sooner or later. Real New York pizza as a sendoff lunch, yum.“You don’t have to tell anyone that you’re related to me,” I assured him, knowing that it would probably be even worse for him if word got out that he was a teacher’s kid…much less MY kid. “I’ll keep it quiet on my end, at least as much as possible. There are few people in admin and security who know about our relationship now, but they aren’t the types to be spreading that around either.”
Oh boy, the big question from Chris.
Oh, Imp. He needs to learn about what Barney did to you and him all those years ago. At least the next part is full truth, with 'superheroes' like Barney around Chris would have never been safe with Imp.“I was going to quit,” I told him with a sigh. “When I found out I was pregnant, I stopped pulling jobs. I figured, I had enough money saved up to last a couple years, so I could lay low and live a quiet life with you…”
“Then, what changed?” Chris asked, looking uncertain.
“I… I received a very painful reminder that things didn’t work like that for people like me,” I answered with a wince at the memory. My voice cracked a little as I explained, “I had too many enemies, people who wouldn’t let me just retire and disappear. At that time, I had a price on my head, so there were hitmen actively hunting me down…”
That hug from Chris, he won't call her mom, he says that now, but I wonder if that will change in the future.
Okay, you got me tearing up again, twice in the same part of the story.“She was a good mom,” Chris stated sadly. He hesitated for a moment before adding, “Thank you for giving her to me.”
I smiled faintly at that, grateful for Suzie Q yet jealous of her at the same time. “You’re welcome.”
Then, as we began to grab out baggage, trying to act as though nothing had just happened, Chris turned and gave me an odd look before quietly saying, “You know, I think you would have done a good job too.”
At the beginning of this story, I hoped Chris' parents would live, that he could get to know his birth mother and still have them in his life. Hope dashed by a drunk driver speeding through a red light. After that I went through a whiplash of emotions. Sorrow at their loss alongside Chris, anger at the CPS woman bigot who tried to have him murdered by her H1! buddies and the MCO, relief at Imp getting their in time, getting Chris out of there and revealing so much to him.
I don't know if it was a lie by the H1! CPS woman or the MCO's lie, but putting a target on Chris' back after he lost his parents, blaming him for their deaths as if he murdered them, that was sickening. I still wonder if Speedbump was a mutant and misguided idiot, or if his powers come from something else and he just believes any lies the MCO states about a mutant. I was so glad to see Chris beat him, it showed how much he has improved and changed thanks to Ito and Imp's training.
The bounty hunters willingly working for H1! to murder a mutant, scum like that needs to be locked up for their crimes. I hope they get caught on the wrong side of the law soon. What Imp, Chris, and Superhawk did to them wasn't enough imo.
I'm glad Imp is in Chris' life, but I wish it could have been a happy reunion with all his parents involved. Imp is trying her best, she had the right idea to get Chris to Melissa so he could finally talk and let those emotions out, to cry and let it all out. I only hope some idiot at Whateley doesn't dare to taunt him about his dead parents, I don't want to know what might happen or what Chris might do then. I also hope Imp can tell Chris about Barney's involvement in giving him up and Doctor Miracle saving them both sometime soon.
This has been a great story, if a heartbreaking one, but truly great stories normally are. I can't wait to read more of Imp, Chris, Ryan, and Melissa in the future.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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Ack, I forgot that detail. Thanks for the reminder.@Dreamer iirc Imp is not actually self-taught, the crew that took her in got her into art school.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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Getting to know you, in a comfortable setting. First day back in the Crystal Hall is going to be very interesting for Chris.
Running out of charge in the pendant. Why do I have the feeling that that might bite the Imp on her tail.
At least Candice recognizes that Chris will need help from the psych department - I suspect Mrs. Carson does too.
And it's time to meet the (future) family. Chris's reaction when the masks come off will be interesting.
And things went well enough. Good thing Melissa knew how to help get his mind of off things.
Bit of a slip on the identities Chris, but you're still getting use to it. Doesn't hurt that it's with someone who already knows. And the hugs were needed.
I think goofy stories are inevitable as part of the getting to know you phase. The fact that it's only been a few weeks in-world since Candice learned who Chris puts the time dilation between our world and the world of Whateley in sharp focus.
Aegis could do much worse than Chickenhawk and Brandy for mentors on the heroing side of things, with a bit of spice from his mom to temper any bad habits.
And the kids barely keep from spilling the beans to Brandy. She's probably going to facepalm when (if) she finds out.
Ryan having a heart to heart with Chris. The past couple days have been a lot to take in for Chris, but they seem to be getting off on the right foot.
And Ryan gets the core of what Candice is afraid of. It'll take them all some time to settle as a new family, but they all want to make it work.
The Imp meets the latest upgrade in the Ram series. Seems like this one might actually listen and learn. Only one lesson, and a lot of indoctrination to work through, but it's a nudge to think, rather than just acting.
The road trip sounds like fun, even if it'll be off camera. I can't see it being any thing as crazy as the trip to NYC.
The Imp pointing out that Aegis could join the bad seeds. Perhaps he'll give them a quiet apology when they all get back to school. (That scene has been floating around in my noggin for a bit).
And now Chris gets the answer to his persistent question of why. He gets the reasoning with minimal explanation.
And yes, Gen 2 shows that she will be a good mother, even if she doesn't think she'll be ready for it.
Thanks again to Morpheus for telling the Imp's story. It's always enjoyable to see what she gets up to.
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Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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- Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 4) by Morpheus