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× This section is for Second Generation stories, predominantly from the student body from Fall of 2016 to Spring of 2020.

Stepping Out by Null0trooper

13 Feb 2024 01:00 #3375 by DanZilla
Stepping Out can be found in the Gen 2 section or by using the link below... and please remember our authors are doing this for the response they get... please leave comments where you can for appreciated stories or if you have anything to bring to the conversation.

Stepping Out
The following user(s) said Thank You: Mister D

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13 Feb 2024 10:07 #3379 by Dreamer
Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.

Stepping Out comments
Warning: Spoiler!

Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked. :-) Note: My story comments can't nor are trying to replace reading the stories, simply my way of enjoying them and letting the authors know I enjoy them.
The following user(s) said Thank You: DanZilla, null0trooper

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13 Feb 2024 13:23 #3380 by null0trooper
Welcome to the Psi Club

What did Tabitha's baby brothers do to the microwave?

Two words: Baby + Shark

Dathomiri, she doesn't mean the race from Star Wars, does she?

Yes. Stella's a dyed-in-the-wool Star Wars fan. And, Tabbie's family is well-connected with both sides of the law, as well as governmental agencies.

Okay, I would avoid that class demonstration at all costs if there is anything greater than a 1% chance of that happening.

I've seen two versions of that x-ray diffraction equipment, at different schools, and heard of one lab fatality.

It reminded him of some things that happened last year, ouch, no wonder it triggered a panic attack. They put Hadrian and Swerve as roommates, yikes, I hope there aren't any receptive empaths on their floor. Oh crap, he tried to build a shelter when a tornado hit and it got taken down around him, didn't it? Kent has seen some of the signs, good to have people around who notice and can help.

Mark's having to deal with survivor's guilt + not only being blamed for existing, but also for not having done more. Kent's had more local support for his issues back home, but not so much at Whateley.

Pour Choices

Wait a minute, the person plotting earlier in the story, cast a spell to make people susceptible to acting like their costumes!

This was Enemyoffun's idea. Once I started looking for ways to push folks out of their comfort zones, I realized it was a perfect fit for a Whateley Halloween.

What's really a miracle is how a scrawny Chinese kid could become a finely-tuned dancing machine and international emcee? I mean, what are the odds?"

He has a good point, he also has a big ego it seems.

Max is enthusiastic, first and foremost. But, he understands that there are reasons for the folks close to him to hold back on guided closet tours. He's no angel either.

Yes, blackmail photos of Gideon, good idea, Peter.

Stabby the Ceiling Roomba Rides Again!

The Hungry Ghost Festival sounds fun. Hehe, how many people react that way when they find out Benjamin lives in a cemetery before Max says there is a house on the property?

Reactions... vary.

what are Tabitha's powers doing to the wards on the hall?

Perhaps something to do with protecting hearth and home, and embodying the ages-old rules of hospitality that even Sunny would think twice about breaking?

Climbing up those, Peter has good strength and dexterity to pull that off when they are stowed away. And the SS are trying to spy on him, Mouse has fallen trying to follow him, how many times for he think she needs to go to Doyle the next time?

Icejack is a Bad Seed, after all. He's also 15 and not above buzzing sneaky people with his cam drone.
Will he escape his unfortunate nickname? Guess who's "Burn" :)

And for the uniform, he had help and you should ask him why he chose that costume.

Er, yeah... Someone hasn't told certain people that he got shot in Darfur.

So many people at Whateley who have been saved by Benjamin now.

He wouldn't be alive without Max, Yuki, Sahar, and Colombine. Among others. Even on illicit jobs, looking out for your team and minimizing unnecessary collateral damage is part of the job.

Stomping Grounds

Soundoff, how does she have a military MID and that second team affiliation if she is a resident of the UN?

Maria's a US citizen, but the Whateley JROTC unit has settled on a UN blue beret as common headgear among the represented nationalities. Also, the MCO's a little US-centric, so MMIDs have blue borders. Her VI software can read lips and ASL.

Tabbie's a UK citizen and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland isn't ceding anything to the MCO beyond minimums required by treaty. You Yanks should have thought of that before rebelling.

Evey, you are a corruptive influence on Tabitha.

I like to think her father makes up for that.

Thursday morning, December 8, 2016,
Underclassmen Combat Finals, Arena 99, Whateley Academy.

Ophidian aka Ekene against...oh no, not him. He is going to annoy her, I just know it.

Or, he could demonstrate that he's more than a song-and-dance man. He's been in the business since he was eight or nine. When one considers that the inspiration for Kapalangpur was Roanapur , it's little surprise that his fighting style is more straightforward than Yuki's or Benjamin's.

Original idea
for a

Does Icejack have a roommate named Peter, he was listed as Peter in an earlier scene and now as Thomas 'Icejack' Raiford.

This was a typo. I changed Icejack's name to Peter while these two combat finals were sitting on my hard drive.

A great story and a lot of catching up with characters we haven't seen in a while. With all the connections to Benjamin, I almost forgot how many people he has saved and how many of them are now at Whateley. It was fun seeing new students like Hadrian, seeing them work on their powers. Seeing them have classes together, and work on Halloween costumes. Then the Halloween party, I should have suspected the mysterious figure from earlier did something, but until it came up again I didn't figure out he most likely cast a spell to make people susceptible to acting like their costumes.

It was a fun Halloween, even Sun Wukong showing up, though is he the one who cast the spell or was it someone else? As he/she seemed to behave during the party. The Darby brothers, I can't believe there are people like that still around in this day and age, willing to pick fights over a war that ended over 140 years ago. Or do they just like picking fights to be assholes?

The combat finals were interesting. I should have seen Soundout's doublecross coming, but she was supposed to be learning teamwork, and showing you are willing to doublecross an ally is a horrible idea in the military circles. I at first thought the Ekene and Max combat final was an Indiana Jones reference, but their costumes threw me off. The German officer with his talk of a black one, as in a snake, and the golden statue, made it clear it was one. Nice work with the Star Wars and other references in the story.

Great work, null and everyone else who worked on this story. 2nd longest Whateley story I've commented on. I can't wait to see more of everyone in the future.

Thank you very much, not solely for the kind words but also the attention to details I was worried that would get lost in the shuffle!

A pleasure, as always!

"No Heroes" Part 7: After the rain link .

Story Discussion
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dreamer

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13 Feb 2024 16:12 #3381 by null0trooper
This kind of deserves its own answer:

What skill did Max master that the Bricks in Lillian Dennon's Brick class could work on?

Far too many folks who get strength/endurance abilities identify as bricks/brawn/muscle and proceed to limit their world to "I punch it" or "I shoot railgun!"

Max hones his skills at being Max. So he cranks up the enthusiasm, energy, everything to 11 whenever he can. He scours the Whateley equivalent of Youtube for out-there ideas to try out or improve on. He's the guy driving a getaway car with the sound system rated on the Richter Scale. He can be that mechanic or armorer that your second cousin knows, the failure analyst who can apply that EX-3 memory and visualization ability to recreate an entire infil/exfil plan in his head, or the choreographer (it's all about moving masses through patterns in space and time) who hit on your sister. He's the guy your security detail dismissed as some idiot in search of a village. Or the tacky tourist who's tanking property values just by standing at the bus stop.

Max is also the guy who doesn't hug you when you ask for it, but when you need it too much to say.

"No Heroes" Part 7: After the rain link .

Story Discussion
The following user(s) said Thank You: DanZilla, Dreamer

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