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- Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 1) by MaLAguA
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Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 1) by MaLAguA
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 1)
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap Part 1 comments
Office space in Boston[/quote] Everyone talking about a man who helped whip an organization into shape, giving him praise. But it also sounds like after just 5 years he is being let go by the company. Mr. Garland is leaving this office, but the speech says he will do right by the organization. Oh crud, just what organization is this?
Barb seems like the kind of person you hate to work with. Ah, Mr. Garland has been promoted. Crap! It's the MCO and he got promoted which probably means he either hid how nice he is or he is a scumbag. Barb is the HR rep, it figures she has this kind of attitude. Early Thanksgiving, I would be thankful if the MCO was replaced by a less corrupt organization.
Someone repeats part of Garland's speech, saying he is a sourpuss of a boss, it figures all the nice things were code for a boss you hate. Pollux Garland unfortunately heard whoever said that, giving them a warning. If your organization didn't put out hit jobs on newly manifested mutants who are scared and confused then some mutants wouldn't put out a hit job on your higher-ups.Sometime later…
Arno, the assistant, talks about mutants knowing their place, great, one of those types. Go after men, as if mutants aren't real humans, Arno makes me sick with the way he talks. Garland was in the Maryland office! They shared an office with Artemis Co., why does that name sound familiar? What kind of research was Artemis Co. doing out there that would spark an attack in 2012?
Mutant allies, what mutant who isn't self-hating would join the MCO with a few exceptions? And a high-level telepath involved in the attack, I wonder who. Arno is taking over Garland's previous role once he leaves, this is bad news for everyone, as he seems less restrained than Garland.
A call from someone Pollux doesn't recognize the number for, he is director of the east coast of the MCO in the US now, eep. Answering and tries to get Arno to leave, but the person on the other end asks the right questions, and Pollux answers truthfully. Trapped in a personal hell, don't tell me, the only reason he survived that attack is he made a deal with the telepath involved in the attack or some high-level MCO member who has dirt on him now.
The client he will come to know, 2 years since they used that nickname, uh oh.
Why do I get the feeling this is someone from a company we wish to destroy. The man wishes to meet Arno, Pollux says he is headstrong like a common foot soldier, oh boy. He wants Pollux and Arno in Concord, New Hampshire, double crude, same state as Whateley Academy, what is this guy plotting?“He’s someone who’s sent occasional work my way… leads and guidelines as he might say.”
A meeting 4 days from now, and he won't take no for an answer about coming to the meeting. Pollux, what have you gotten yourself into? I wish Arno didn't have to meet this client, he may be MCO, but this individual sounds like he runs something much worse.
Two different factions have leverage over Pollux to push him around like this, it must be the kind where he would go to jail, ruin his life with his family, or see his loved ones killed if it got out. Starting to see why he says he is caught in hell. Vincent is the one he calls the devil, is this the other person using leverage against him or is he just a contact he is calling in for help?The person from either faction would call him and ask for a favor over the same leverage.
Black Friday, the day sane people avoid stores and order Black Friday deals from online sites instead. Good grief, this is why I avoid stores on Black Friday, the way people go about shopping is a nightmare and has gotten people killed in the past. Increased guards and it wouldn't be enough, someone wouldn't be stupid enough to try and rob a store on Black Friday, would they?Friday, November 25th, 2016 - 11:56 am
Manchester, New Hampshire
2 dark vans with dulled plaques, nope, I was wrong, someone is stupid enough to try and rob a place on Black Friday. Moving into the crowds, dressed like this, they have planned this whole thing out to hit the bank and as many stores with valuables as they can in a short amount of time, at least that is my guess. People get drowsy and fall asleep, is it gas or a power of some kind?
SMGs, please don't let this turn into a bloodbath. Going for non-lethal first as an option, knocking out the guards instead of just shooting them, so these are pros and probably won't fire unless fired upon first. Robbing a bank and they want the patrons' wallets too, how greedy can you get? Rats, one lone cashier wide awake yet didn't push the silent alarm button before being caught and tied up.
Hacking the computers to do a discrete transfer, taking people's money, who organized all this? Even a man at the door is ready to lock everyone inside if someone tries to escape. Jokes while robbing people, oh brother. Jokes with some of the kids and most stop crying, who is this group and why are they doing this robbery? Easy, as always, how many times have they done this?
And tossing some of the cash out for the hostages to grab, this seems like a game to them. They have a hideout and steal stuff to further outfit it. Arrgggh! All those computer parts, don't tell me they also hack businesses and organizations as well from their hideout. The sound of sirens from the end of the street and they rush to escape, and they plan to make the robberies look like looters who got lucky.
Crap! The leader of this gang is a mutant with psychic powers based on how he messed with the drivers of the two police cars. Oh no, a rookie on his own with his gun drawn faces down the group. How did the leader pull off those bullet dodges, the rookie fired some wild shots that would be hard for most to predict with how fast he did them. Oh, good, no casualties wanted for the operation. The rookie took cover, so the gang will get away unless more police cars are around.
Darn, the other police car's back two wheels are out. They installed a bug program into the bank to monitor transfers and can steal remotely, how long until it is discovered? Ah, more police are on the way, please let them get caught. Open fire to make the police cars back off and the Daytona Slip, crud, they are going to get away, aren't they?
That was a risky move, they could have easily crashed into each other if they weren't practiced or just one driver of a police car decided to go for a ramming maneuver. The leader still gave orders to disable vehicles, no casualties. Duralumin briefcase, sturdy. Special bag of tricks and the leader gets a call just then. It is his brother, the leader missed Thanksgiving with the family for this, good grief.
Declan is the name of the leader and his brother knows the sounds of him being on a 'job'. Declan says he can talk as he arms a sci-fi-looking grenade, his brother says just not to get caught. Identity scrambler, so even if they record his face the image will be scrambled beyond recognition, a good tool for a thief to have. Pres, is his brother's name Preston?
The police cruiser that close, is going for a ramming maneuver! Boosting powers, just how many powers does he have? So he can perceive the world in a form of slow-motion which is how he can pull off some amazing shots and moves, dang. That is some grenade, sold to him by a gadgeteer, aww, so he doesn't make his own gadgets. And they are all but in the clear now, I respect them for not wishing to injure or kill whenever possible.
Pres gave Declan a clean slate, just what kind of position does Pres have to be able to do that? Ah, so his brother was the charming idea guy and used to work with him on 'jobs'. Aww, retired to start a family. Wait a minute, don't tell me the person who Pollux called is using Declan's crew for the job. Decaf and Prohibition, some codenames, I can guess why Declan is called Decaf with his ability to make people drowsy. Sunday evening, yup, they were hired to work for Pollux. A trip to Berlin, oh boy, I hope no one from Whateley is there when this job happens.
Now who is this man on a stakeout. One of these days I will try a crepe as well. Looks out the window to the view, but I couldn't myself, Space Needle in Seattle freaked me out as a kid. An artificial island just for a mall and plaza, oh brother. Those are some powerful binoculars. Looking for Aahil Alaoui, the job Lloyd was hired to do is take him out.Friday, November 25th, 2016 - 9:23 pm
Skylounge restaurant, Dubai
Just what kind of power does Lloyd have that he can kill what he has a line of sight to? A yacht as a getaway vehicle sounds impractical. All those men in the same general area all in the same style of outfit, that are like a beacon you are up to no good. Aahil's group shows up, why are their movements uneasy? Lloyd turned off the HUD on the binoculars. Don't tell me Lloyd has telekinesis and these binoculars are designed to allow him to focus it at even greater distances.
Aahil is dead, his neck broken like that, brutal. Lloyd smiles about being able to kill with just a look, he is a twisted individual. A hitman with ocular telekinesis, so he has to focus his eyes on a target to use his TK on it. What else is going on that would get only a glance at a dead body?
A woman with a high-tech handgun and flash of seeming magic swirling in her other hand, a man who is a gadgeteer or devisor following her. Lloyd knows their faces, but not their names, C and D listers according to what he knows. The man has a retractable minigun on his exosuit and opens fire on another man who's in a suit with a translucent wall blocking the shots. Who is everyone involved in this combat?
Magic lady creates a force field that seems to get stronger and glow brighter the more it gets hit by enemy fire. And she launched at the suit guy and his men like an out-of-control bus. Okay, who placed their hand on the suit guy's shoulder and boosted his translucent wall? Ouch, the impact between the two sends out a huge shockwave, windows shatter, and the running crew is blown down the street and unconscious or dead.
The bounty hunting couple, magic lady and gadgeteer, still stand and close in to finish the job. The leader of the group, most likely the bounty, is still alive. Lloyd uses his binocular's facial recognition software to I.D. him, Francis Ibn Azis. Lloyd! The gadgeteer had a clean shot and you saved the guy. Now restraining cables to mess with the gadgeteer, Lloyd, you greedy cuss.
A mechanical flock of raptor birds is firing the restraining cables, is this Lloyd's doing, Francis, or someone else? A coalition of heroes in Dubai, gadgeteers, and devisors highly sought after. The bounty hunters were too busy with the raptors to go after Francis, but who wanted Francis dead?
The Black Bulletin and Lloyd's codename is Voidgrip. 780,000 for the bounty of Francis, what did he do? The robotic raptors work to keep the bounty hunters in place until the heroes can arrive, and doing a good job despite a lot of them being taken out. Francis and his bodyguards think they are safe now, advanced vehicles show up with heroes to protect the victim of the attack.
Ah, so it was one of the men in the bodyguard service who was the barrier manifestor. Lloyd murders Francis in front of the people who showed up to help, his power once again making others helpless to render aid. Doing that in front of the first responders, you are beyond twisted, Lloyd.
All that in the time it took the chef to make a crepe, the chef was distracted by what was going on outside as well. Eats the crepe, logs into Black Bulletin, and claims both bounties like that. Murderous sociopath, Lloyd, that is what you are.
FullMetalJacket and WindHag rip into Voidgrip for kill stealing their bounty like he did. Black Bulletin needs to be taken down, a place that allows assassination bounties to be placed and fulfilled that easily is too dangerous to let keep existing. Great, nothing they can do as it was an open bounty, he has the recording for proof and they are C-rankers while he is high-level on Black Bulletin.Saturday, November 26th, 2016 - 1:12 am
Good, dry his eyes out, heat, he deserves a lot more, but I will settle for discomfort.
Great, the idiots went too far and there is a log of it. Just had to give him ammo to use against you. Walks to the airport and takes alleyways when possible, a braver man than most.“You’ll put a bounty on me? Someone doesn’t know how being a member of the Black Bulletin works. I can’t have a bounty on my head; the operators of the system will make sure of it and will punish you. Heck, you can’t even try anything against me thanks to this little log we now have.”
Expunging from the MCO database of his old MID, so no MID on him, great. Vince calls and tells Lloyd he has a job to do, oh crap, this is who Pollux called and now he is calling in Lloyd. Vince is the leader of his mercenary side group Lloyd is a member of. The job in Maryland, was it to erase MIDs from the MCO database, or what? It is a huge mystery as to the goal of the attackers still.
Carnwennan, is that their group's name or Vince's last name? And this group is behind Pollux getting promoted, uh oh.
So my theory that Pollux made a deal with the telepath behind the Maryland attack is sounding more and more plausible to me.“It’s the same blackmailing we have on him… of course, considering we had a bigger role to play, theirs is much more damning for everyone else involved. Apparently, said third party happened to be present in the building when we secured Pollux’s allegiance. At the time, Screen mentioned that he had trouble reaching into the security room to copy and delete the footage.”
A mutant who can make copies of themself called Schrodinger, perfect. Those other blackmailers had better hope Voidgrip finds some other means besides killing them to get them to leave Pollux alone. Schrodinger and Efreet, please say the shaman serial killer isn't someone who kills shamans and thus still around since Gen 1. Kill count to a minimum, don't want to mess things up for Whateley or draw attention to the area and thus Whateley.
An assassin has to deal with a threat by not killing them, this will be interesting to see. Mission success not held past 40%, Vincent, eep. Please don't let any of the Whateley kids or staff be in the area when this goes down.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Kirby Hall - The Second Generation
- Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 1) by MaLAguA