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A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 3) by Astrodragon

16 Apr 2024 00:00 #3457 by DanZilla
A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 3) can be found in the Gen 2 section or by using the link below... and please remember our authors are doing this for the response they get... please leave comments where you can for appreciated stories or if you have anything to bring to the conversation.

A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 3)
The following user(s) said Thank You: null0trooper, Mister D

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16 Apr 2024 02:06 #3458 by mhalpern
in the middle of reading

Warning: Spoiler!

I think I remember that Bad Idea. I approve.

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16 Apr 2024 02:32 #3460 by mhalpern
looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...

Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable

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16 Apr 2024 03:41 #3461 by Dreamer
Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.

A Tale of Two Dragons Part 3 comments
Warning: Spoiler!

Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked. :-) Note: My story comments can't nor are trying to replace reading the stories, simply my way of enjoying them and letting the authors know I enjoy them.
The following user(s) said Thank You: null0trooper

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16 Apr 2024 05:29 - 16 Apr 2024 05:31 #3462 by Astrodragon
Thank you for the comments, Dreamer.

Thulia is going to get more experience with humans in such situations, uh oh.

Thulia frowned. “I’ve only been here a few weeks, the default gear I have is much more suited to a magical attack than a physical one, and in an environment with more essence available. I had intended to observe the combat finals to get a better idea of what would be best needed here.”

Ouch, not enough time to properly prepare. Using or likely to use her wings, she needs some sort of retractable covering for the spot her wings would come out to protect that area. All great suggestions from Ito, if only Laura had time to make a PFF for Thulia before the combat finals.

They dont give an in-detail review like this to everyone due to time. But seeing what happenned to Thuli...

Her partner put on one of her mulish looks. “After what happened? I’m not taking any chances with you that I can avoid. Even if we have to buy you a tank.”[/quote] Morgana, do you know how many tricks a smart or clever mutant could pull to wreck a tank without needing to deal with its outer armor?

You dont want to see a dragon in a tank? :P

Monday 18th December, Frosh Workshop Lab Area, Afternoon.[/quote] A cradle or holder for her pad, is a good idea. Ah, designed to work with her magic-based pad to handle tech interface issues, I'm starting to wonder what Thulia can't make. Betsy, I don't like that answer about whether you have a death ray built into your phone or not.

Oh, there is a lot she cant make. Who doesn't have a death ray as part of their i-phone??

Thursday 22nd December, Crystal Hall

What, they don't assign homework over Christmas break...nvm, I just thought of all the students rioting if they did that. Erica, Morgana is female and a teenager, but that doesn't mean she is a refined lady now. Thulia asks that question of Morgana when she is eating that much sausages and hams, how does she keep a straight face?

Her gf is Morgana, and her sidekick is Bruce. She does understand sarcasm.

22nd December, outside the bus stop for Dunwich, 10 am[/quote] Everyone is there except Tia, I wonder why. And never tell Tavi to do something, he will always do it in a way that is far from serious. Darn, so Tia went to the Melville cottage salon. Morgana! Never put Tavi in charge of looking after people.

Morgana is fine with putting Tavi in charge of people as long as shes a safe distance away.

Holbrook Hall has Christmas decorations and lights, but the color scheme on those poor Reindeer, is Jericho visiting? They have weird Christmas decorations at Whateley. Anyone who breaks the peace with antics like on Halloween with be in huge trouble. Morgana, alcohol is bad in excess and you have seen what Americans are like with their food. Bianca and TInker, Laura and Antonia, ah, young love.

The decorations were set up by teenage gageteers, what sort of colour scheme did you expect?

Guys and girls without dates, just chatting, watching the dancers, and gossiping. Good lord, the rumor mill sure has a lot of stuff wrong. Oh no, gossip about Laura and Antonia, they better not mess with the cute cinnamon rolls.

Some of the quotes are quotes, some are just rumours. Which is which I'm not saying...

23rd December, Poe Cottage, Bianca and Morgana’s room, before lunch

A very nice and practical gift for Bianca with her situation. Ceri and Ree's gifts next, just how much did Morgana spend on everyone in total? Cards and chocolate for everyone else. Almost time for Morgana to go, may Orlun learn a most harsh lesson for going after Morgana on her Christmas break.

Remember, she won $1200 betting on Thulia...

The combat finals are always interesting, this time it was the idiots choosing to backstab after teaming up and Gouyasse who screwed up big time. That was the 2nd most brutal fight in Whateley's history for combat finals. Seriously, I want to know who the mysterious benefactor who stopped him from being shipped off to the MCO on attempted murder charges is. Who told him to target Thulia like this?

Oh, that? It was OOH LOOK, SQUIRREL!

The Ambrosius Academy in the UK and Dr. Fairfax have me worried, are they connected to the Order that Master Orlun is a member of in some way or am I being paranoid?

You're being paranoid. :)

The mystery of their new clubhouse and who owned it before them could come back to bite M3 in the butt later. I just hope it isn't anything major.


I can't wait to see more of Morgana, Thulia, the rest of M3, and their friends in the future.

Next up will be the story of the Xmas holidays. What could possibly go wrong?
Last edit: 16 Apr 2024 05:31 by Astrodragon. Reason: mistakes
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dreamer

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16 Apr 2024 05:33 #3463 by Astrodragon

looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...

?? FA, FO?

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16 Apr 2024 06:28 #3464 by OtherEric

looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...

?? FA, FO?

FAFO= F**k Around (and) Find Out.
The following user(s) said Thank You: mhalpern

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16 Apr 2024 10:26 #3465 by mhalpern

looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...

?? FA, FO?

FAFO= F**k Around (and) Find Out.

also known as why you don't touch the boats (the FO for the USN has been not leaving the offending nation with a Navy since after the war of 1812)

Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable

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16 Apr 2024 10:31 #3466 by Astrodragon

looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...

?? FA, FO?

FAFO= F**k Around (and) Find Out.

But Elrod keeps whimpering and tell me the dragongirls shoulnt do that at Whateley... :P

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17 Apr 2024 00:49 #3467 by null0trooper

Mrs. Ryan's costuming class, at this point, I don't know why it isn't a required course freshman year, teaches useful skills.

Most kids really won't need a "uniform" in their future life, just give 'em three steps toward the door. However, some identity concealment is required in the Arenas.

Room 226, Twain Cottage

Max Livingston working against a deadline. Benjamin returned to his residence, will be in the office later today, and what is with the 3 poppies to send to him? Flowers are ordered with a message of some sort due to the 3 red poppies. A tuxedo with colors to compliment Dafira's skin tone and Ekene's scales, clever.

Max can be a gentleman when the situation calls for it!

Poppies are for remembrance.

Ugh, Thulia doesn't need a UV armband, that was self-defense.

It's easy to forget that UV status isn't a punishment, but a warning that fools ignore to their sorrow.
E.E.'s explained on the old boards that kids on Security's UV list don't just have daily check-ins, but are provided therapy and anger management counseling. Worry more about those charming sociopaths and psychopaths that can hide their games and intentions.

Talk of Morgana's combat final, the kind of idiots that stay at Tabitha's family's hotel. Morgana doesn't like clothes shopping, the other day was an anomaly, for her girlfriend and friends. A day shopping with Tabitha, oh crud, that is going to be the day Orlun makes his move, I just know it. Morgana's big sister along, oh, Orlun and whoever he hires is going to screw this up and get annihilated by Whateley for breaking the accords.

The Dieulafoys aren't exactly operating Fawlty Towers. More like safe houses for those in the know. Although there was this one gomer who walked in wearing a police uniform...

On the other hand, what are the odds that Morgana's going into the big, bad city without both gadgeteers lojacking her?

"No Heroes" Part 7: After the rain link .

Story Discussion
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dreamer, mhalpern, Mister D

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17 Apr 2024 02:49 #3468 by mhalpern

Mrs. Ryan's costuming class, at this point, I don't know why it isn't a required course freshman year, teaches useful skills.

Most kids really won't need a "uniform" in their future life, just give 'em three steps toward the door. However, some identity concealment is required in the Arenas.

and many of them are directly or indirectly bullet proof at least to an extent, so they can just walk away from angry rednecks after getting friendly with their wives.

and yes "give me three steps" is now playing in my head.

Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable

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