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- A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 3) by Astrodragon
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A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 3) by Astrodragon
A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 3)
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I think I remember that Bad Idea. I approve.
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Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
A Tale of Two Dragons Part 3 comments
The Imp, Vanessa Barton, Ms. Dennon, and Sifu Ito, oof, they are going to be detailed on their combat review. Ouch, all those ways to get things into the arena and put fellow students' lives in danger. The Imp is going to recommend certain classes for Thulia, *silently screams in fear for Thulia's schedule and free time*.Sunday 17th December, One of the Security Offices, morning
Thulia is going to get more experience with humans in such situations, uh oh.
Ouch, not enough time to properly prepare. Using or likely to use her wings, she needs some sort of retractable covering for the spot her wings would come out to protect that area. All great suggestions from Ito, if only Laura had time to make a PFF for Thulia before the combat finals.Thulia frowned. “I’ve only been here a few weeks, the default gear I have is much more suited to a magical attack than a physical one, and in an environment with more essence available. I had intended to observe the combat finals to get a better idea of what would be best needed here.”
Mrs. Ryan's costuming class, at this point, I don't know why it isn't a required course freshman year, teaches useful skills. A special weapons class with Tolman will be interesting. More prepared healing spells, any caster who can prepare those should know to prepare as many as you can spare essence for. The Sims, if she doesn't have to hold back everyone will find out how truly destructive she can be when she lets loose.
That is an understatement, imo. A more experienced student with a suitable power set, if not Morgana then I wonder who. Let the psychological damage mess with Gouyasse, whoever put him up to this can pay for his psych bills.Ito looked thoughtful. “I think we will need a specially tailored program for her, to allow for her current abilities and to make sure she learns the ones we want to teach her. “
Lower back is still sore, ouch, Thulia needs to take it easy for now. Hehehe, going with a robe and Morgana points out the obvious. Ah, so Morgana has plans for her new costume already. A robe with a long split skirt is a good choice. A spell for the robes to deal with getting her wings out, but not leaving herself exposed, now I'm curious. Nice test kits the labs have.17th December, Poe Cottage, Morgana and Bianca’s Room, afternoon
Morgana, do you know how many tricks a smart or clever mutant could pull to wreck a tank without needing to deal with its outer armor?Thulia patted Morgana’s hand. “That’s sweet, but I’m not that delicate.”
Her partner put on one of her mulish looks. “After what happened? I’m not taking any chances with you that I can avoid. Even if we have to buy you a tank.”
A cradle or holder for her pad, is a good idea. Ah, designed to work with her magic-based pad to handle tech interface issues, I'm starting to wonder what Thulia can't make. Betsy, I don't like that answer about whether you have a death ray built into your phone or not.Monday 18th December, Frosh Workshop Lab Area, Afternoon.
Oh no, not Elliot and Marty. What Thulia is making is a proper invention, you arrogant intellectual! Trying to raise a multi-weapon at Thulia after what happened in her combat final, Elliot must have a death wish.
You try to raise a weapon in the direction of someone, that is threatening them whether you intended to or not. Effective threat, I don't think Elliot or Marty will mess with Thulia anymore if they have even a speck of survival instinct.“I didn’t mean anything! I wasn’t threatening you, honest!”
Elisia waves Thulia to a chair, Ms. Grimes is glad to see Thulia fully recovered from the incident.Tuesday 19th December, 4 pm, Ms. Grimes’s office.
Thulia, I wouldn't turn it down, plus you have more experience with these things and magic than most Juniors and Seniors at Whateley. TA for the class and trust Grimes on this, you are the most qualified for this at Whateley. Course credit, nah, Thulia would just love to help others learn and the honor of helping her favorite teacher at Whateley.“Good, then if you are willing, there is a course I’d like to be involved in, it should fit into your schedule. I will be running a class in Portals and Gates for Dimension Travelling and contacting Entities. It’s for Juniors and Seniors normally, but I want you involved in a somewhat different way.”
What, they don't assign homework over Christmas break...nvm, I just thought of all the students rioting if they did that. Erica, Morgana is female and a teenager, but that doesn't mean she is a refined lady now. Thulia asks that question of Morgana when she is eating that much sausages and hams, how does she keep a straight face?Thursday 22nd December, Crystal Hall
End-of-term dance and Morgana has that all planned, she really wants to look her best for Thulia. You would have to be dumber than Peter Griffin to insult Morgana and Thulia after Thulia's combat final. Ah, so Thulia goes to visit her parents and then comes to visit Morgana and her family shortly after Christmas, sounds like fun.
A box of fancy chocolates from Brita to Thulia, no one likes Gouyasse, even those he hangs out with seem to only tolerate him. A spell to detect poisons and such, Bianca has some good and sensible spells in her arsenal. Ooo, a surprise dress, I hope Morgana doesn't freeze up when she sees Thulia in it.
Ack! Bianca has to get her hair and nails done, plus pick a dress and it might not be white. Morgana is right, stressing yourself out about packing and not forgetting anything most often leads to something important being forgotten.
Fairyfire, what are you up to? Ah, yes, the dance troupe. Oh no, that smile from Morgana, duck and cover! Thulia is interested, shows off her fire magic, and is told about a meeting and trials after Christmas. Morgana will be at every show if she knows what is going for her.
Oh boy, Thulia's roommate is going to have to leave for a while. The tease-flirting, these two are so cute together.Thulia pouted. “It’s only a dance costume, what were you expecting?” Morgana’s eyebrows made that clear.
“Oh, OK, you can check. Maybe a private demonstration first?
Alfred Bellows calls Mrs. Selkirk, it is about moving Thulia in with Tanya next semester. Morgana is emotionally fragile due to the incident where Thulia was almost murdered. Ah, all good reasons for Thulia to move in with Tanya, I hope it works out.Thursday 22nd December, Dr Bellows Office
Everyone is there except Tia, I wonder why. And never tell Tavi to do something, he will always do it in a way that is far from serious. Darn, so Tia went to the Melville cottage salon. Morgana! Never put Tavi in charge of looking after people.22nd December, outside the bus stop for Dunwich, 10 am
In a salon used to Whateley students, claw nails are probably the least weird things they have had to deal with. Watch out when getting your horns shined, or they might get mistaken for landing lights from the shine. Vic is that fussy about his hair, I wonder what he was like at barbers as a little kid. Hehe, no one is going to let Morgana forget the kind of dress Thulia wore on their date as they walked around the school.
Dress fittings, what are you up to, Morgana? Very devious dragongirl, shoot, I'm scared of what would happen if Jade shows up and gives Morgana lessons in...well, anything.Ms Rogers's store in Dunwich
Morgana has good taste in dresses.
I'd be surprised if she doesn't have spies come to her for outfits that are effective disguises and protection as well. 10 minutes to make a dress, Cecilia's power impresses as always. It's a trap! Just kidding, Morgana is having a dress made for Laura and Tanay as Christmas presents and for all they have done for her. Aww, cloaks for herself and Thulia.“I do try to merge appearance with durability for Whateley girls, it’s always seemed a practical choice.”
Laura, she is your friend and wants to do something nice for Christmas. Just go with it.
MC Poe girls and friends in the foyer, Morgana already making good use of her cloak. Vic and Tanya are cute together, please don't let his upcoming physical changes ruin that. Yes! Show the world your love for each other.22nd December, Poe Cottage, 6 pm
Max Livingston working against a deadline. Benjamin returned to his residence, will be in the office later today, and what is with the 3 poppies to send to him? Flowers are ordered with a message of some sort due to the 3 red poppies. A tuxedo with colors to compliment Dafira's skin tone and Ekene's scales, clever.Room 226, Twain Cottage
Holbrook Hall has Christmas decorations and lights, but the color scheme on those poor Reindeer, is Jericho visiting? They have weird Christmas decorations at Whateley. Anyone who breaks the peace with antics like on Halloween with be in huge trouble. Morgana, alcohol is bad in excess and you have seen what Americans are like with their food. Bianca and TInker, Laura and Antonia, ah, young love.
Morgana, after what happened to Cally they have a right to be worried. I like Thulia's strategy towards food, get as much as you can on one plate.
Ack! Don't put poor Smokey through that. Wilder and Rachel are dancing, there will be no bodies in their wake as they are happy right now. Ah, gossip about why Laura was excused from having a combat final. Okay, that one can't be true, P.E. class for Pole Dancing would never get past the new headmaster or assistant headmaster.
Oh god! Petshop discovered Final Fantasy and made her own version of Chocobos.
Sure you did. Okay, I need to know the source of that last overheard conversation.“So what went wrong in your Devisor Practical?”
“Look, I meant to do that!”
Pastel and Helsing don't have dates, but Emiko does, heh. Aww, Helsing likes Grande but is not ready to date yet. Yeesh, I forgot how brutal Pastel was in her combat final to that guy. Pastel gets Helsing to dance with her in hopes of attracting some guy's attention. Aww, Helsing knows how to slow dance, but not what Pastel is doing.
I think more than a few people's jaws dropped upon seeing Emiko decked out like that.At that moment, they both saw Emiko walk in with Red, and their jaws dropped. The modest Japanese-Canadian was wearing a tight black dress that hugged what few curves the girl had, her makeup looked perfect for a night of clubbing, and her short black hair was done up into a cool-looking pixie cut.
Eep, Emiko has a roommate with that kind of dream and lets herself be given a makeover by such a girl. Pushing some boundaries, so it is Emiko who has to push Red out of his comfort zone to live a little. Strawberry as a nickname, these two are so adorable together.
Guys and girls without dates, just chatting, watching the dancers, and gossiping. Good lord, the rumor mill sure has a lot of stuff wrong. Oh no, gossip about Laura and Antonia, they better not mess with the cute cinnamon rolls.
Great, some perv has that kind of dream involving girls from Whateley including Wilder as a girl in the dream. Devisor bra! *winces*
Whover said that should have to sit through a multi-hour safety lecture on why we don't mess with antimatter. Eep, the last of the guys to get their breasts removed after the devisor chocolate incident.“Look, we all know telling us we can't use antimatter on a planetary surface is just H&S overreacting, right?”
Nooo! Pat, don't do it. Don't let Gravedigger apply to join the Transgender Alliance, this will only end in tears and pain.
Listen to that feeling!What the kid had said was quite true, there was just something about this particular issue that gave him an odd feeling of disquiet. Nothing he could quite put a finger on, but...
Ugh, Thulia doesn't need a UV armband, that was self-defense.
Poor Noelle in that Christmas sweater, all just to avoid her mother's wrath over not following her traditions.
Thulia isn't used to this kind of dancing, and Morgana reminds her they are teenagers. Max is here with Dafira and Ekene, nice entrance. Morgana steers Thulia under the mistletoe and tells her about the tradition. Okay, who was betting they were a couple? Or was the bet they would kiss before Christmas break?
The Unladen Swallows set up for their, Cally their singer with traditional Christmas Carols and M3 in front of her in case of trouble. Oh Christmas Tree in Italian, now that is different. Traditional carols in Italian, I would love to hear her sing them.
The Grandmaster talks about the report on Morgana Nephandus compiled. Oh, good. Master Orlun isn't the one in charge of if they go ahead and try to take Morgana either while at Whateley or off Whateley school grounds as it would risk their wrath.23rd December, a secret meeting hall buried deep under London
Master Domon tells them of what happened to the Tong of the Black Madonna after threatening the parents of one of the students. Smart man, Whateley would wipe you out if you went after Morgana and those she cares about. Oh, great. Orlun suggests a deniable action while Morgana is off Whateley grounds, he is going to have to do it on his own and with no help from the rest of the order. Whelp, bye Orlun, it wasn't nice knowing you.
A very nice and practical gift for Bianca with her situation. Ceri and Ree's gifts next, just how much did Morgana spend on everyone in total? Cards and chocolate for everyone else. Almost time for Morgana to go, may Orlun learn a most harsh lesson for going after Morgana on her Christmas break.23rd December, Poe Cottage, Bianca and Morgana’s room, before lunch
Energy bars for the trip, same time on the road as flying to get to Boston International, ouch. That is a lot of hub airports. Morgana and Thulia's vacations are all planned out, and portals are easy for Thulia, I wish it was that easy for humans. Thulia meeting the parents, hehe, this is going to be either a mess, a laugh riot, or they will be fully accepting and start asking embarrassing questions of the couple.23rd December, Crystal Hall, lunchtime
Not the side door for 'Special Passengers'. Having to put her athame in a special box, oh boy, it is like they don't get the concept of an athame. Can't use it as a weapon or it ruins it for its intended purpose. Such a secure box, security theater, when a simple stone or ring with the right enchantments could be far more dangerous than even a bomb. MCO officers under the watch of a Whateley teacher, they better behave.Boston International Airport.
A 7-hour flight, the pain, the pain. Tabitha is on her way home and has the seat by Morgana, at least they have good company for the flight. Okay, I don't even live in London, but driving a car into it sounds like a nightmare from what little I know.
Talk of Morgana's combat final, the kind of idiots that stay at Tabitha's family's hotel. Morgana doesn't like clothes shopping, the other day was an anomaly, for her girlfriend and friends. A day shopping with Tabitha, oh crud, that is going to be the day Orlun makes his move, I just know it. Morgana's big sister along, oh, Orlun and whoever he hires is going to screw this up and get annihilated by Whateley for breaking the accords.
Morgana gets her athame out of the box, Tabitha being wary as she watches the crowd at the airport. Ceri aka Ceridwen, I've missed seeing Morgana's big sister. Time for Tabitha to head on home separately.Saturday 24th December, 0800, Heathrow Airport
Ceri wonders why Morgana shows an interest in shopping, Morgana explains. No, not new clothes, not with Ceri along! Whiskey to give Tim, a good gift. And a simple family Christmas together.
A tale full of ups and downs from start to finish. Thulia's flight evaluation was fun, and Thanagila is a great leader of the flight club. Master Orlun and his dealings with Nephandus, I hope that slimy little toad suffers before Whateley eliminates him for going after Morgana when she is off school grounds.
The combat finals are always interesting, this time it was the idiots choosing to backstab after teaming up and Gouyasse who screwed up big time. That was the 2nd most brutal fight in Whateley's history for combat finals. Seriously, I want to know who the mysterious benefactor who stopped him from being shipped off to the MCO on attempted murder charges is. Who told him to target Thulia like this?
Thulia's first day of school, at least wasn't all stress and troubles. Donut's act of kindness, time with Ms. Grimes, and work on the silver disks were at least good parts if not more we didn't see.
Morgana making that water wand, is one of the students with intelligence and common sense, noting to keep her opponents guessing and never reveal all your tricks at once.
I like Flower, she is silly and a good friend to Morgana. The lesbian and bi girls hot tub party, I'm glad to see the tradition has continued. I could feel Thulia starting to stress out as the questions kept coming until the girls backed off.
I wish Shutterfly existed in our world. I would love a pair of the sunglasses that Morgana got for herself and Thulia.
The details about the MIDs and hidden data on them that the MCO can access. *shudders* That one would have me up at night trying to figure out how to hack the card and not get caught.
With the follow-up on the One Ring incident and Thulia's advice and help, I hope Caro can get a working ring made before the Spring combat finals. I want to see a good ring made with dragonblood the right way in action!
The Ambrosius Academy in the UK and Dr. Fairfax have me worried, are they connected to the Order that Master Orlun is a member of in some way or am I being paranoid?
The punishment for Thulia, having to clean the gargoyles and no visits from Morgana while doing so, seems a bit much considering the circumstances. Plus I bet Imp just wanted them clean so she can do that brooding pose on them we see her doing later.
The mystery of their new clubhouse and who owned it before them could come back to bite M3 in the butt later. I just hope it isn't anything major.
It is sad to see what has become of Nefertiti under the influence of the Amazons, how far she will go, the temper she didn't seem to have before just raging now. Please say something is going to happen eventually to resolve that situation, as I can't stand seeing people brainwashed and made to hate people they used to love.
I can't wait to see more of Morgana, Thulia, the rest of M3, and their friends in the future.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Astrodragon
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Thulia is going to get more experience with humans in such situations, uh oh.
Ouch, not enough time to properly prepare. Using or likely to use her wings, she needs some sort of retractable covering for the spot her wings would come out to protect that area. All great suggestions from Ito, if only Laura had time to make a PFF for Thulia before the combat finals.Thulia frowned. “I’ve only been here a few weeks, the default gear I have is much more suited to a magical attack than a physical one, and in an environment with more essence available. I had intended to observe the combat finals to get a better idea of what would be best needed here.”
They dont give an in-detail review like this to everyone due to time. But seeing what happenned to Thuli...
Her partner put on one of her mulish looks. “After what happened? I’m not taking any chances with you that I can avoid. Even if we have to buy you a tank.”[/quote] Morgana, do you know how many tricks a smart or clever mutant could pull to wreck a tank without needing to deal with its outer armor?
You dont want to see a dragon in a tank?

Monday 18th December, Frosh Workshop Lab Area, Afternoon.[/quote] A cradle or holder for her pad, is a good idea. Ah, designed to work with her magic-based pad to handle tech interface issues, I'm starting to wonder what Thulia can't make. Betsy, I don't like that answer about whether you have a death ray built into your phone or not.
Oh, there is a lot she cant make. Who doesn't have a death ray as part of their i-phone??
What, they don't assign homework over Christmas break...nvm, I just thought of all the students rioting if they did that. Erica, Morgana is female and a teenager, but that doesn't mean she is a refined lady now. Thulia asks that question of Morgana when she is eating that much sausages and hams, how does she keep a straight face?Thursday 22nd December, Crystal Hall
Her gf is Morgana, and her sidekick is Bruce. She does understand sarcasm.
22nd December, outside the bus stop for Dunwich, 10 am[/quote] Everyone is there except Tia, I wonder why. And never tell Tavi to do something, he will always do it in a way that is far from serious. Darn, so Tia went to the Melville cottage salon. Morgana! Never put Tavi in charge of looking after people.
Morgana is fine with putting Tavi in charge of people as long as shes a safe distance away.
Holbrook Hall has Christmas decorations and lights, but the color scheme on those poor Reindeer, is Jericho visiting? They have weird Christmas decorations at Whateley. Anyone who breaks the peace with antics like on Halloween with be in huge trouble. Morgana, alcohol is bad in excess and you have seen what Americans are like with their food. Bianca and TInker, Laura and Antonia, ah, young love.
The decorations were set up by teenage gageteers, what sort of colour scheme did you expect?
Guys and girls without dates, just chatting, watching the dancers, and gossiping. Good lord, the rumor mill sure has a lot of stuff wrong. Oh no, gossip about Laura and Antonia, they better not mess with the cute cinnamon rolls.
Some of the quotes are quotes, some are just rumours. Which is which I'm not saying...
A very nice and practical gift for Bianca with her situation. Ceri and Ree's gifts next, just how much did Morgana spend on everyone in total? Cards and chocolate for everyone else. Almost time for Morgana to go, may Orlun learn a most harsh lesson for going after Morgana on her Christmas break.23rd December, Poe Cottage, Bianca and Morgana’s room, before lunch
Remember, she won $1200 betting on Thulia...
The combat finals are always interesting, this time it was the idiots choosing to backstab after teaming up and Gouyasse who screwed up big time. That was the 2nd most brutal fight in Whateley's history for combat finals. Seriously, I want to know who the mysterious benefactor who stopped him from being shipped off to the MCO on attempted murder charges is. Who told him to target Thulia like this?
Oh, that? It was OOH LOOK, SQUIRREL!
The Ambrosius Academy in the UK and Dr. Fairfax have me worried, are they connected to the Order that Master Orlun is a member of in some way or am I being paranoid?
You're being paranoid.

The mystery of their new clubhouse and who owned it before them could come back to bite M3 in the butt later. I just hope it isn't anything major.
I can't wait to see more of Morgana, Thulia, the rest of M3, and their friends in the future.
Next up will be the story of the Xmas holidays. What could possibly go wrong?
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- Astrodragon
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looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...
?? FA, FO?
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looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...
?? FA, FO?
FAFO= F**k Around (and) Find Out.
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looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...
?? FA, FO?
FAFO= F**k Around (and) Find Out.
also known as why you don't touch the boats (the FO for the USN has been not leaving the offending nation with a Navy since after the war of 1812)
Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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- Astrodragon
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looks like someone is committed to the FA with Whateley, the FO phase will be interesting...
?? FA, FO?
FAFO= F**k Around (and) Find Out.
But Elrod keeps whimpering and tell me the dragongirls shoulnt do that at Whateley...

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- null0trooper
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Mrs. Ryan's costuming class, at this point, I don't know why it isn't a required course freshman year, teaches useful skills.
Most kids really won't need a "uniform" in their future life, just give 'em three steps toward the door. However, some identity concealment is required in the Arenas.
Max Livingston working against a deadline. Benjamin returned to his residence, will be in the office later today, and what is with the 3 poppies to send to him? Flowers are ordered with a message of some sort due to the 3 red poppies. A tuxedo with colors to compliment Dafira's skin tone and Ekene's scales, clever.Room 226, Twain Cottage
Max can be a gentleman when the situation calls for it!
Poppies are for remembrance.
Ugh, Thulia doesn't need a UV armband, that was self-defense.
It's easy to forget that UV status isn't a punishment, but a warning that fools ignore to their sorrow.
E.E.'s explained on the old boards that kids on Security's UV list don't just have daily check-ins, but are provided therapy and anger management counseling. Worry more about those charming sociopaths and psychopaths that can hide their games and intentions.
Talk of Morgana's combat final, the kind of idiots that stay at Tabitha's family's hotel. Morgana doesn't like clothes shopping, the other day was an anomaly, for her girlfriend and friends. A day shopping with Tabitha, oh crud, that is going to be the day Orlun makes his move, I just know it. Morgana's big sister along, oh, Orlun and whoever he hires is going to screw this up and get annihilated by Whateley for breaking the accords.
The Dieulafoys aren't exactly operating Fawlty Towers. More like safe houses for those in the know. Although there was this one gomer who walked in wearing a police uniform...
On the other hand, what are the odds that Morgana's going into the big, bad city without both gadgeteers lojacking her?
"No Heroes" Part 7: After the rain link .
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Mrs. Ryan's costuming class, at this point, I don't know why it isn't a required course freshman year, teaches useful skills.
Most kids really won't need a "uniform" in their future life, just give 'em three steps toward the door. However, some identity concealment is required in the Arenas.
and many of them are directly or indirectly bullet proof at least to an extent, so they can just walk away from angry rednecks after getting friendly with their wives.
and yes "give me three steps" is now playing in my head.
Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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- Kirby Hall - The Second Generation
- A Tail of Two Dragons (Part 3) by Astrodragon