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- Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 4) by MaLAguA
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Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 4) by MaLAguA
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 4)
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap Part 4 comments
Operation site - North rooftop - Root[/quote] Cole and Root heading towards the source of the main firepower of the attackers, Root falls behind for a moment, and the sounds of a fight as Cole takes out several duplicates. Root wants to face the duplicator and not the telekinetic, yeah, Voidgrip is a serious threat. Good advice from Cole to Root, the enemies they are facing only care about not killing their client and no one else. Despite what Voidgrip was told to do.
Root's power continues to impress, he could wreck a building easily with the right seed placement. Ouch, Root hates death, even of these duplicates, this situation sucks for him to be in. Yikes, saved from an ambush by Pantho with a warning from Cole. Pantho makes the mistake of trying to flank Cole, should have gone after the rookie instead. Cole is a brutal and skilled fighter, I see why he prefers to not use his powers in a fight. Pantho never stood a chance, was forced back and kicked off the roof, and had too many mistakes, and no chance to adapt fully to correct them.
Voidgrip, underestimating your opposition will cost you. Efreet is annoyed they haven't ended it already, and thinks Voidgrip isn't putting an effort into it. Line of sight telekinesis, what else is Efreet hinting at that Voidgrip can do besides his tele-grap and neck snap?Sunday, November 26th, 2016 - 9:10 pm
Operation site - West rooftop - Voidgrip
No matter how unimportant a mission is you shouldn't slack off or it will cost you. I don't like Efreet's idea of how to handle things. Two Schrodingers taken out while Cole and Root show up to confront Voidgrip and Efreet. Ugh, Voidgrip makes those kinds of threats, he sounds like an edgy teenager. Great, either allow Pollux some flexibility, or Preston and everyone associated with him will be killed, I really hope Voidgrip doesn't get out of this in one piece.
Darn, throwing stars from Cole, but stopped by Voidgrip's telekinetic powers. Ooo, third shuriken and it hit Efreet sending him falling off his elevated position. Root comes out with seeds that burst into vines that latch onto Voidgrip's leg, get that creep! Heh, just a distraction, but a good one.
This fight is awesome, right out of a superhero movie and action movie combo. Darn it! Cole almost had him, leapt to punch him, but a hard telekinetic push sent Cole tumbling back. Cole is in Voidgrip's telekinetic grasp, but Thorn is there with a wooden thorn pressed to his back, forcing him to let Cole go or else. As long as Root has that thorn spike at his back, Voidgrip is contained.
Root is so nervous, please don't let him slip now. Darn, ambush by Efreet uses up Lifeward's protection spell on Cole, close one. Cole disarms Efreet and tries to open fire, but the rifle is out of ammo, and Efreet attacks with his flame power. Ack! Not out of ammo, the rifle is I.D. locked thanks to Efreet's employees.Sunday, November 26th, 2016 - 9:19 pm
Operation site - West rooftop - Root
Crap! Root got distracted and now Voidgrip is loose, Voidgrip gloats and has Root in his telekinetic grip, but Cole hits him in the back with a shuriken. Efreet fires bolt after bolt of fire at Cole, the smoke from his feet an unknown level of threat that Cole avoids just in case. Little red blinking lights on the floor concealed by Efreet's own smoke and a button to trigger them on Cole's vambrace, I love how Cole lured him into this.
Whelp, there goes the floor at least for Cole and Efreet. Both still fight on below, while Voidgrip has a bulletproof vest that protects him from the worst of the shuriken. Reinforcing his shield and thorn spike, Root prepares for the worst. Pantho is back and goes to kill Root by slashing his throat with his claws. Only for Voidgrip to stop the attack, the boss says Root is off-limits, but why?
Root turns off his comm device as he talks to Voidgrip. He knows who each of them is, and that they would only work together if Vince told them to, Root, you have a lot of explaining to do. Root was involved in the mission in 2012 to the MCO facility, he has worked for Vince's group before.
The group is so bad they scare Root into wanting to escape no matter what. Root, you have dug a hole I'm not sure you can get out of unless you come clean with Cole and Lifeward.That night almost five years ago was his first job for Vince’s group, Carnwennan. Back at that time he was just a kid that got picked off the street and dragged into the job as a sort of backup-support while the more senior members wrecked the place… but he was still there, and just seeing the end result of their deeds planted the seed within him: I have to get out of this place.
Root and Hacron were sent to Mexico to become better fighters, this was all part of Vince's plans. Good, at least Voidgrip won't rat Root out to Vince over working for the Syndicate. Says to get the others to surrender as they have no chance against him, and wants Root to raise his hands for some reason. Aww, you creep, just an excuse to launch him off the roof.
Saved by Dragonite, nice lady, she better get out of this alive. Eep, saved with his head up against her breasts, I would be scarlet in the face from that. Root says his comm must have malfunctioned and tells about Pantho and Efreet, and how Cole is in a fight with the fire and smoke wielder. Told about Voidgrip and how his power works the gang leader decides to cut the lights, smart move.
Efreet offering Cole a spot in the Djinns, his war company, oh brother. Cole has done war before and doesn't like it, good man. Darn, he can't grab things through the smoke, but Efreet can sense things that come into contact with it. *reads next paragraph, eyes bug out* Okay, that smoke is a serious threat.Sunday, November 26th, 2016 - 9:32 pm
Operation site - Courtyard, a couple of steps away from the entrance - Cole
Darn it! Caught through the smoke and forced to dodge as it ignites, Efreet is ready with a bolt of fire to launch. A near-miss explosion by the fireball and Cole is on the ground. Censer to the rescue, that meteor hammer with the smoke is perfect for fighting Efreet. With a plan to take down Efreet, Censer keeps the smoke away while Cole deals with him, but Schrodinger has gathered in the north building for a possible attack and they need Cole.
Censer, please don't get yourself killed by being cocky against a deadly opponent. Please listen to that last part of Cole's advice. Efreet tries to blast Cole in the back only to have his aim messed up by Censer's meteoric hammer. Talk about seeing who is the better fighter, uh oh, I have a bad feeling about this.
Voidgrip spying on the fight thanks to the lights still active from the gang, but left wondering where Schrodinger and his copies all went. Sees that Root is safe, and considers him his soldier, but that is the last favor he will do him in this fight, oh, I hope somehow Voidgrip is taken out before the end of this.Sunday, November 26th, 2016 - 9:28 pm
Operation site - West rooftop - Voidgrip
Dang, the experts in deleting data are that close, they need to be stopped before it is too late. Just as he is plotting what to do, the lights go out. Darn it, custom-made phosophorous grenades and he just used one to light up the area. Slipper, Diskette, and Je ne se are caught in the flash, members of the gang aim guns at them, but Voidgrip messes with them to bring them out into the open.
Darn it! A grenade against one of the covers with Voidgrip's power forces it into the cover until it explodes, and all the other covers' repelling fields malfunction, this is bad. Slipper got Diskette and Je ne se inside, arrggh! No, this can't be Checkmate, Voidgrip and his crew and Vince can't win.
Lifeward is going to have a talk with Junkerer about his creations, malfunctions of this level shouldn't happen in actual combat conditions! Ouch, Dragonite is out cold, took one for the team. Declan took off to deal with someone, it had better be to deal with Schrodinger, or else he has screwed them over.Sunday, November 26th, 2016 - 9:32 pm
Operation site - Courtyard, a couple of steps away from the entrance - Lifeward
Crud, Lifeward doesn't remember why she opened fire, Je ne se's power made her already forget about the infiltration and erase crew. And she worked out the reason why, and knows someone has already slipped inside, Lifeward is incredible. Root told to check the hallway, but Pantho was lying in wait and tried to kill him again despite Voidgrip's instructions from Vince. Lifeward hits him with a magic bolt, Root now can find the intruder without Pantho trying to kill him again.
Lifeward versus Pantho, I hope she kicks his ass. Ooo, trying to intimidate Lifeward, Pantho doesn't know who he is up against. Ask Dragonite who is regaining consciousness to get the tablet from her bag and readies her billy clubs.
Cole moves from cover to cover to deal with the Schrodingers, noticing the lights go off outside only for the phosphorous grenade to go off. Darn, that exposed him to the Schrodingers and they open fire, on the run while trying to figure out how many he is up against.Sunday, November 26th, 2016 - 9:33 pm
Operation site - North building, Second floor - Cole
Cole brutally attacks a copy and uses his rifle to take down another, while a second one is pinned to the wall and interrogated. For all the good it does, won't tell if the real one is here, or what their power is. Copies disolved into light and more copies show up, some of them pissed off at what Cole did. Yikes, they offed the weaponless copy, no mercy. Hehe, Cole gets them to talk and brag about how many copies they can make, improving each year. And one of the clones blabbed like an idiot that they aren't in the MCO database, big mistake.
Distract them into talking while he prepares his mini-explosives for a bigger distraction. In a brutal fight, Cole is in his element and these clones have no chance. I would hate to face him in a fight.
Slipper, Diskette, and Je ne se in the building and a threat to keeping Pollux under thumb instead of getting away with his role in what happened almost 5 years ago. Dang, Je ne se's power is dangerous. Odd interference for an electrical read, oh, goodie. Slipper can't phase through the wall they need to get to their goal. Man, the snark from Diskette.Sunday, November 26th, 2016 - 9:39 pm
Operation site - Inside the corridor
Diskette is going to use her cybernetic arm's laser to blast through the wall, she is the only one on that crew with a weapon or combat experience. Saved by Je ne se's warning, they almost got blasted by a laser from Red Gem, Diskette using her metallic arm to deflect it. Syndicate special treatment to make the walls unphazable and indestructible, they do good work.
Slipper talks about taking the target hostage, but Diskette doesn't wish to turn her back on Red Gem, uh oh. Great, Diskette thinks it is his first time using the armor and thinks she can deactivate it if she can get close enough, famous last words for some. Slipper and Je ne are about to take off when Root shows up, Diskette is in a fight with Red Gem and Slipper tries to bluff Root. No go, both Slipper and Je ne se say they should've stayed back. What is with the markings on Je ne se's wrist?
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Dirty Deeds Don't Come Cheap (Part 4) by MaLAguA