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- A Dragon is for Life, not just for Xmas by Astrodragon
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A Dragon is for Life, not just for Xmas by Astrodragon
A Dragon is for Life, not just for Xmas
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
A Dragon is for Life, not just for Xmas comments
Lack of worry around a holiday with her parents, Thulia lucked out.December 25th, morning, Dragon Standard Time
Rats, so close. Quiet about the combat final, I hope that doesn't come back to bite you in the butt later, Thulia.‘How are you getting on at Whateley, dear?’
Always a bit chilly, sounds like a Southern person when they go far up North. Too young to drink, different cultures on Earth, the one in America is too strict with it and thus makes it tempting to their youth to break that rule. Nooo! Not questions from her grandmother about her relationship with Morgana, I hope Thulia survives that encounter. Probably easier than meeting Morgana's parents.
Morgana home for Christmas, gets in her robe, and goes downstairs where everyone greets her. Color-changing material for Rhee and Ceri, oh boy, happy little inventors now. A towel with little dragons on it, at least the silly gift is practical. Whoa, cool robe Morgana got for Christmas.December 25th morning, Morgana’s home
What kind of snacks do they have in British movie theaters? Oh god, Ceri saw some of the combat finals due to a feed they get of them at AEGIS, she saw Morgana's and Thulia's combat finals plus a few more. I would give Thulia a round of applause myself for that tail attack.December 28th, early evening, Ceri’s car.
Oof, emergency lights and a fire nearby, I hope it isn't too bad. Crud, building on fire and it is spreading, I hope they let Morgana help out. AEGIS ID card, I like Ceri, use what assets you have. The inspector says they are waiting on more people and equipment, and some people are trapped in the building, Morgana needs to go in now or this could end in tragedy. Morgana can go as long as she follows orders, I hope there aren't any anti-mutant bigots on the firefighter squad.
A woman and child are trapped on the first floor and they need to bust down a wall to get them, Morgana is perfect for the job. Fireproof blankets to protect the innocents, directions to head to find them, let's hope something drastic doesn't help to make things a lot worse while Morgana comes to the rescue.
Crap, the stairs are in that shape, please don't collapse when Morgana comes back carrying the woman and her child. Hehe, the little girl looks at Morgana with wide eyes, children love those who look like fantasy characters. Oh boy, the girl first, and then come back for the mother, please don't let anything go wrong. That was a close one on the stairs, now I'm worried they will collapse as she is bringing the mother back out. Nope, collapses on her way back to get the mother and clings to the wall with her claws. Oh, good, outside wall for the room the woman is in and Morgana has an idea.
Yeah, in this situation do not try to burn a hole through the wall. Claws to carve out the shape of an opening, then punch, kick, and tear at the bricks until there is a way out, smart. Hold the woman and leap down 15 feet, Morgana shows she has the heart of a hero once more. Both are out safe, if a bit shaken, and the girl is alright and being checked over. Good thing she took off her clothes except her underwear for that.
Seesh, if you are untrained you listen to the professionals, this isn't an action movie where you go off on your own and try to be the lone hero. So glad Morgana is the type who listens. Cleaned up and short statement back at the station and she gets to avoid the news vultures, good deal. Quick and neat, now if only it was that simple in the U.S.A. for good samaritans.
MCO ambush at the station, those scum. Wait, I bet it isn't the MCO, I bet it is that idiot trying to capture her for the Order. A black SUV isn't the typical vehicle for MCO. I hope the sergeant and other police can rescue Morgana.
Ceri is pissed off and with good reason, the cop who just let them leave after flashing a badge better get chewed out and more. Ceri uses her AEGIS badge to get these idiots working to find Morgana or else. Ceri calling up AEGIS, let's hope someone competent can rescue Morgana. Great, phone calls and the waiting game for answers from the local police station and MCO on the matter. A liaison team with meta support, I wonder who that team will be.
This set-up all to contain Morgana, either the MCO is very corrupt or someone in the MCO is working for Master Orlun. So it is the MCO, they still could have a mole who is working for the Order in their ranks. So, these idiots might not know everything about Morgana's fire, if she can break it out she could melt her restraints and the cages to break free.MCO basement, secure prisoner holding.
Taking the clothing of a teenage girl still seems very skeevy to me. Electrocution if she tries to call forth her flames, is torture and against the Geneva Conventions! At least she remembers being drugged until she went unconscious from them. Heh, do you think the MCO cares about the law if they can target a mutant? Oh crud, illegal operation, one of the MCO 'holding cells', they aren't trying to disappear her, aren't they? They want to interrogate her, what the hell is this about?
These morons are accusing her of setting the fire! They are idiots and bigots. She states the truth and they still think she arranged the fire, paranoid delusional like this shouldn't be allowed in the MCO.
Good advice, never give in to the illegal interrogation tactics of scum like this looking for a confession or anything they can twist into being a confession. Shock her when she tries to stay silent, I hope these scumbags are locked up for life for this. An American accent, so an American MCO agent illegally operating on British soil.Well, one thing Bianca had told her was how to deal with this – Either say nothing at all, or make useless comments that went around in circles while saying nothing at all. It was surprising what useful tips you picked up rooming with a Mafia Princess.
Morgana tries to think over her limited options to escape these scumbags. Fire is out, electrocution is too much for her to handle. Ooo, corrosion spell from Bianca, that is very useful if she can get the restraints on her arms to loosen. *winces* Those restraints are too tight if she is bleeding from struggling against them.
Ceri waits for an AEGIS SUV when the team in it shows up, Agent Baskins, Waterwitch, and a driver, aww, I was hoping for at least one more member to the team. Nice, a silver pendulum with a hollow interior, and with Ceri's blood Waterwitch gets to work on locating Morgana.2230, Outside the Lodden Valley police station in Reading
Even if the spell fails they have plans to track down Morgana by other means including Bast or Baskerville to track her down by scent, AEGIS is very prepared. Waterwitch found her, these American MCO creeps are toast. In the MCO's Bracknell office, so they have her in the basement area most likely. Ooo, the rest of the team is coming, this is gonna be good.
Just a small plaque to state it is the MCO office, good grief. The male receptionist lies right to Agent Baskins' face about not having any mutants there right now, with how worried he is you know he is lying. Idiot MCO agents try to lie about having no mutants there, probably stalling for time so they can escape with Morgana out a back entrance.Bracknell MCO office
Another AEGIS team and Bast is there and annoyed, these MCO idiots are in huge trouble. George Rumpole, I was wondering when he would show up again, so glad he is here to have Morgana's back. One of the MCO agents turns pale, George scares them that much, good.
This might just be even worse for the MCO than what happened with the Boston office.“I have here a Writ of Habeas Corpus in Ms Jones's name, properly attested by a Judge. I also have an order to bring her immediately to the Crown Court in Reading, to be examined in front of the court there.”
I love it when lawyers are on the side of good and know how to get at those who break the law and think they can get away with it.“We don’t need one, not for a dangerous mutie like this!”
The lawyer coughed politely. “Without a warrant, you are guilty of Arbitrary Arrest. Even if you claim she is some sort of terrorist, you are required to get a warrant certifying this to allow an extended period of detention with the permission of the police.” He didn’t move, but his eyes got a lot colder. “The MCO does not have extralegal powers to override UK law in this fashion, so unless you present Ms Jones now, I will have no option but to require the use of whatever force is necessary to make you comply.” He smiled in an innocent and totally unbelievable manner, without even seeming to notice the heavy mob backing him up. “Whatever force.”
Director Cummings is a scumbag, upset they were found out and now will pay for their actions.MCO Headquarters, London
At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if the British government further restricted the MCO in Britain with a warning that another incident like this will see them kicked out completely from the country and they will find other means to deal with their own mutant citizens.Superintendent Harris, whose station they extracted her from by force, is NOT happy. He’s already launched formal complaints about our action. Now he’s been in touch with the Chief Constable, who is equally unamused about us taking her out of the police station as we did. Especially as he got dragged out of bed about it.
Ah, Director Cummings wasn't behind this mess, it was the idiot American MCO agent who pulled this without authorization and screwed everything up for them. Agent Prendergast, that complete moron, I should have known only an idiot of his caliber would pull a stunt like this.
Cummings isn't wrong, the moron tried to do things like in rural America in the UK, of course, it was going to blow up on them all.“Burn him. We ship him back to the States on the morning flight and claim it was the actions of a rogue agent, who’s been punished and sent back in disgrace. Which it pretty much is, it’s all his fault after all.”
The MCO would die if their acting skills were required to survive. I hope AEGIS doesn't let the MCO get away with shipping Prendergast back to the States and washing their hands of him to excuse the whole incident. Morgana is traumatized again because of one asshole who thinks all mutants are evil and the MCO in Britain needs to pay for it.Bracknell MCO office
Morgana is a mess, no one likes feeling helpless yet for the second time in her life she had to endure that for an extended period. Heh, Morgana is right, no one in the MCO building would have left alive if Thulia had shown up to rescue Morgana, best someone else came to the rescue. Sleep on Ceri's floor tonight, scared to wake up alone, I want Prendergast head on a planter for traumatizing her like this!December 28th, Morgana’s Home, late evening.
Tim sees right to the heart of the problem, it reminds Morgana of what the Order did to her too much. AEGIS better do something about what happened or Ceri will use her skills to do it her own way, I would to avenge a sibling.
Morgana is doing better, and teasing about Thulia being with Morgana, heh, sibling teasing. Ah, an unnamed mutant rescued a woman and child, so Morgana is in the news, but no details about her. Morgana, Whateley tends to look on students working with authorities to save lives favorably, so unless the new headmaster has a problem with it you are in the clear.December 29th, Morgana’s home, breakfast.
Hehehe, gird your loins, I'm with Thulia, I don't know the origin of the expression. Oof, having to travel that far from the gate, I wouldn't want to navigate it on my own either. Aww, worried about meeting the parents, they will love you like a daughter.December 29th, the Dragongate close to Avebury Circle, 10 am, Britain.
Ah, dragon greeting I'm guessing. Hehehe, tell about her trip home and how Morgana and she have been getting along.December 29th, Morgana’s home, 11 am
A gift from Thulia and even permission from Grimes for it, a big magic item I bet. A spear like Thulia's, Morgana is going to need lessons on how to wield that safely now. And it is a spell staff like Thulia's as well, now that is a magic item. Only two spells on it and Thulia has to teach Morgana how to embed other spells into it, cool. One to meld the staff to Morgana and a structural reinforcement spell as part of the spear, already better than most staves.
And that bumps it up to epic level in my eyes.“I’d like to put the other half of the attunement spell on her while I’m here, if I may.” She opened her purse, bringing out a small flat box. “That way once it’s done it's part of her, and she can draw it to her whenever she wants.”
Seems simple enough for the other half of the attunement spell once it is explained. Heh, Tim already has an area where he does his own spellcasting that is perfect, it figures. 'Nothing that complicated', bwahahaha. Hhm, a ring to boost his magic sight, Tim is prepared. Dang! An attunement that makes something a part of you and lets you summon it to you with a spell, I bet more than a few students at Whateley would pay to learn how to do that attunement.
This gets more impressive the more I learn about it.“No, it’s not dangerous, The only difference is that if something were to damage the staff, I can’t actually mend it. I have to heal it instead, it’s basically a part of me after all. Oh, and it cannot be separated from me if I don’t want it to be.”
I can see why you wouldn't want the risk of any outside influence in this kind of attunement. Well, it is a sigil being bonded to her, I figured it would burn like being branded at least. The pattern will be sore for a little while, so like a tattoo, or at least similar.
Practice summoning it and sending it away, like anything it takes practice. Takes a few minutes for each part, but with practice, she will be as good as Thulia. Doesn't show up on detectors or spells, now that is a huge reason not to teach this to Whateley Academy students, too many of them would abuse such an ability.
Morgana got Thulia presents for Christmas, aww. Ooo, the glasses she commissioned and other things that work with them. Google Maps on HUD for flying, now that is a great gift. And all that information for fliers as well, so useful. With a small microphone for text and speech, Morgana went above and beyond for Thulia's gifts.
AEGIS New Year's Dance invite, so Morgana and Thulia use it and Ceri goes as Jim's SO. Watching the London New Year firework display from the roof of the building is part of the dance, good planning. Never let Devisors build fireworks. *shudders* Morgana and Thulia sleeping on the floor together, hehe.December 30th
Oh no! Clothes shopping with Ceri, run for it! Ah, good, they can go in dragonform and not have to hide.
Ceri, Thulia isn't from Britain or from Earth, she doesn't know the local terms for things.“Yeah, Paddington works, it's central and there are plenty of Ubers. I’m not sure if I want to trust you two on a tube.”
“What’s a tube?”
Ceri facefaulted, to Morgana’s snickers.
Meet up with Tabitha who isn't used to seeing them without horns. Ooo, the good magical shops, I wonder what kind of shops London could have. Ceri, no teasing your sister in front of her girlfriend. Oh no, Ceri and Tabitha shopping for clothes for Morgana, give Morgana strength to endure it.December 30th, Paddington Railway Station, London.
Hehe, in a shop and they can sense magic, I would be as excited as Thulia and Morgana as well. A pack of old, large tarot cards and they want to go with Morgana, those will be useful in future adventures. A dragon-themed set as well, Morgana found a rare treasure. An old-fashioned wrist bracelet that Morgana could enchant to use in her healing, another great find.
Dang, that crystal ball is another rare find, Morgana and Thulia found great deals.Mainly a 6” crystal ball made of rock crystal, on its own stand. Tabitha recognized the little micro-fractures that meant it was the real deal, although surprisingly large. “I don’t actually have a crystal ball, and while this one needs recharging, it works with local essence, it will be interesting to use. This – she held up a rather plain mirror, nothing special but with a lovely antique surrounding – the mirror is just a plain mirror, I want it for the frame, I can mount a proper working mirror in it later.”
Now onto...clothes shopping! Dang, may not be too sexy but in that outfit, a lot of people will be looking at Thulia. Tabitha knows the area well for all their shopping needs. I wonder how much jewelry Morgana is going to end up with after they are done shopping.
Nice choices, Ceri. Tabitha, I think you just like that skirt and used Whateley cold weather as an excuse to buy it. Good lord, are you trying to Morgana ogled by everyone in that outfit? Thulia, no, don't go with what Ceri and Tabitha suggest, they might go overboard! *facepalms* I knew the clubbing outfits would have little fabric if they left it to Ceri and Tabitha. Darn Tabitha's poker face.
Oh Morgana, you sweet summer child.She’d been the one to remind them that they’d need appropriate makeup to go with their new outfits, and Morgana was starting to worry that Tabitha and her sister seemed to be getting along far too well, in the arena of shopping. And she’d been innocent enough to think that just Laura on her own had been bad enough.
Oh, good, so they didn't get Morgana a whole jewelry box worth of accessories. Dragon earwraps fit their theme so well.
Back at the hotel with Tabitha, coffee, and a snack so they can visit and take a later train back less crowded with shoppers, smart move. Ceri is probably right about the restaurant at the hotel.
Ceri has their whole trip to get the dance planned out, and staying at Ceri's flat. I wouldn't be surprised if nearly everyone at AEGIS is in on a bet about Morgana and Thulia getting close and personal. Ceri is kind of scary at how detailed she gets when planning things.December 31st, Morgana’s home, New Year's Eve.
Jim, AEGIS engineer and Ceri's boyfriend, and the only non-mutant out of their group. Ceri helped with their makeup, if any adults hit on Morgana or Thulia so help me...December 31st, 9 pm, Cari’s flat, New Year's Eve.
No demonstrations or nasty signs, boy, it is different than America. Eep, good thing Morgana had her cloak, cameras flashing with no concern for people's privacy. Mingling and chatting with strangers. *does an imitation of Gossamer and runs through multiple walls screaming as I try to get away*
Forced to meet a big group of strangers, one of my personal nightmares. Dragged over to meet Arthur, who was part of the rescue, Gloria says not to tease her, Arthur Smith aka Pendragon, the leader of the superhero team who rescued her from the Order. Gloria is pregnant, when did that happen? Trevor aka Warspite, is another member of the team that rescued Morgana.
I wonder what kind of juices are exotic or interesting-sounding to Morgana and Thulia.
VID in the Plane of Fire from how Thulia is bowing to him.“Ladies, I have the honour of introducing Lord Panavictorix, Draconic Ambassador to the Court of Kings James.”
I see why she shortens it to Thulia. Ah, so he is in favor of the exchange program with Earth that Thulia is the pilot student for. A card in case they need their services in the future, dang.Lady Thuliafaraxorics
Okay, now you have me worried.Pity I hadn’t had that before Xmas. I did look at Thulia, who was still looking a bit boggled by the meeting. “Love, what have we done that makes people like an ambassador interested in us?”
She shrugged comprehensively. “I have NO idea. And that itself worries me.”
Time to go to the roof, Devisor space heater, now there is something a lot of people could use in the winter. A small glass of champagne to toast the New Year in, nice to be able to join in the toast. The fireworks display and the smoke wafting in remind Thulia of home, good, no one ruined it for them.
2 am and time for a mile walk back to Ceri's place, the odds of getting a cab at this hour are ridiculous. Ceri and Jim both have Tasers, and Morgana and Thulia are dragons, I pity the idiots who try to mug them. Hehe, Ceri encourages Morgana and Thulia to cuddle up to keep warm, someone needs to teach Ceri how to be subtle.
Oh boy, Thulia in that, I don't know if much sleeping will happen tonight. Laura, you are a great friend to Morgana for suggesting these clothes to Thulia. They have waited so long and now things are heating up, oh boy. A good shoulder massage is just the thing to help with tension from stress and anxiety from social situations. And that is the last I describe anything in this scene, time to give these two their privacy.January 1st 2017, Ceri’s Flat 3 am, London
Finally, they were able to be together completely. These two are just too cute together.
Ceri is the encouraging big sister every girl needs.You don’t think we made too much noise? I wouldn’t want your sister to be disturbed.”
Morgana just grinned. “Know what she said before she went to bed?”
Thulia shook her head.
“Enjoy the futon, and don’t get her pregnant.”
Thulia gave a small half-smothered laugh. “We’re both girls, how could one of us get pregnant?”
I wiggled my eyebrows at her. “True.”
AEGIS wants to see them, no details, but it isn't anything bad. I hope they have nailed the MCO for what happened. Ceri's boss and George Rumpole are there, it is about the incident with Morgana that a**hole Prendergast did. Darn, can't make her a member of AEGIS as she is too young.January 3rd 2017, AEGIS headquarters, 11 am, London.
CIvil Rescue and aiding the emergency services sounds perfect for Morgana in the future. Junior division, but for 16 to 18, rats.“Let me explain, then. You can’t join AEGIS full-time until you are 18 for legal reasons. We do have a number of branches of our organisation, despite what the tabloids say it’s not all about running around in a spandex supersuit. Your sister, for example, is looking at joining our Research and Support section once she graduates. We also do things like Civil Rescue, aiding the emergency services, and some people are consultants with us on various matters. We aren’t going to try and pressure you into any of them yet, but you might like to talk with us again once you’re finished at Whateley. There are all sorts of niches to fill, and one of them may suit you. If not, we won’t press you.”
Do it, Morgana, or someone worse than Prendergast will come after you in the future, I just know it. Oh, good, Morgana is going to look it over first, sensible, most people tend to rush through contracts and not read them in detail.“Now still being under 16 is a bit more tricky. We can’t recruit you directly, but we do have a procedure for people like you who might need our assistance. It's basically a training role, and there would be some minimal reading we’d ask you to do, but it doesn’t involve you actually working for us. It’s really just a way of allowing us to give you an MMID tied to us, and that should ward off the MCO. How does that sound?”
Ooo, I like George's idea, stick to the MCO, they either pay her or get dragged through the court and lose more money in legal fees. 500k pounds tax-free, that is over $600k back in 2017. Yes, get a Swiss Bank Account for that money.
A great story, I loved seeing the presents they got for each other. Practical and what each of them wants and needs. Plus that staff/spear, the more I learned about it the more it sounds like a legendary magical item at least from D&D. I hope Morgana gets taught how to wield it properly and soon.
Prendergast, for some reason that name sets me off. like read stories with him in it before being a scumbag, but I can't recall which Whateley stories or if he is a newly named agent in this story. What he pulled, even in the United States would have been big trouble for the MCO, calling someone a terrorist is a serious accusation. I hope somehow he gets what he deserves for all this.
The shopping, I loved the magic store, Morgana and Thulia found such great things there. The clothes shopping, I can see why Morgana dreads it, with Ceri and Tabitha teaming up she stood no chance. At least no one made a perverted comment to her or Thulia about their outfits at the party, always worry that will happen.
The events back at Ceri's apartment, it is about time they got to be together fully. They are soulmates and it shows. Though what Ceri said to Morgana, she has a twisted sense of humor, doesn't she.
So glad AEGIS and George worked out a way to get Morgana more protection so the MCO can't mess with her like this. And the settlement to not drag them into court, boy, when she gets back to Whateley I can just hear Bianca suggesting some stuff to invest in.
I can't wait to read more of Morgana and Thulia in future stories, along with seeing more of Ceri, Tabitha, George, and the AEGIS crew.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Astrodragon
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A few clarifications :
What kind of snacks do they have in British movie theaters?
They are quite different (and more edible) than in US and Canadian theatres
Seesh, if you are untrained you listen to the professionals, this isn't an action movie where you go off on your own and try to be the lone hero.
Unfortunately quite a few teens do. Team Kimba comes to mind..
It was obviously the MCO, not the Order, as they had her restrained based on her MID and powers.
Of course it will take years to enchant the spear to the level of Thulias spell staff, its like getting a powerful laptop and having to write all the software yourself
No demonstrations or nasty signs, boy, it is different than America
They dont get as many, and its New Year, a happy crowd.
Okay, now you have me worried.
would I do something like that?

Though what Ceri said to Morgana, she has a twisted sense of humor, doesn't she.
Shes a techie AND her big sister...
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- null0trooper
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It's basically a training role, and there would be some minimal reading we’d ask you to do, but it doesn’t involve you actually working for us.
It's not like they could plant a constable in one of her classes.
"No Heroes" Part 7: After the rain link .
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- Astrodragon
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called it on the spear. Morgana's only mistake was not requesting the presence of legal counsel
ehy would she do that??
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called it on the spear. Morgana's only mistake was not requesting the presence of legal counsel
ehy would she do that??
With her experience? she wouldn't. but its not exactly unprecedented to have preemptive legal counsel available among Whateley students, usually that's with Bad Seeds like Jadis, but even so, it's not like it's a bad thing in her situation
Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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- Astrodragon
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Thulia is definitely overthinking things with regards to the ambassador. there aren't that many dragons in her age group, so when one is active on another plane, it is the job of the relevant ambassadors to know about it,
yes, shes being overly paranoid here, but it was a sock it was the ambassador rather than the Order
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- Astrodragon
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called it on the spear. Morgana's only mistake was not requesting the presence of legal counsel
ehy would she do that??
With her experience? she wouldn't. but its not exactly unprecedented to have preemptive legal counsel available among Whateley students, usually that's with Bad Seeds like Jadis, but even so, it's not like it's a bad thing in her situation
Now shes more tied up with AEGIS she has excellent legal council available
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Thulia is definitely overthinking things with regards to the ambassador. there aren't that many dragons in her age group, so when one is active on another plane, it is the job of the relevant ambassadors to know about it,
yes, shes being overly paranoid here, but it was a sock it was the ambassador rather than the Order
not like the Order is that secretive, at least not among fire plane denizens, they clearly have to report to relevant authority figures. Sure they may be primarily an intelligence apparatus, but nothing about the project Thulia is involved in benefits from covert operations. At least not her involvement- she isn't exactly subtle anyways, she may be used as an information courier but they likely have better options in most cases. She only was involved in Phoenix because no one else could be made available in a timely manner due to the political situation the father was in.
Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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yup, she doesn't have THAT much to worry about from the school she did everything that could have reasonably been expected of her in the situation right, followed up by getting more tied up with AEGIS in response to doing everything right having not been enough. At most a light grilling for the benefit of those that don't know the full story and may take an abstaining to address her appearance on the news as tacit permission for other things, with a major pat on the back.
called it on the spear. Morgana's only mistake was not requesting the presence of legal counsel
ehy would she do that??
With her experience? she wouldn't. but its not exactly unprecedented to have preemptive legal counsel available among Whateley students, usually that's with Bad Seeds like Jadis, but even so, it's not like it's a bad thing in her situation
Now shes more tied up with AEGIS she has excellent legal council available
Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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- Astrodragon
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yup, she doesn't have THAT much to worry about from the school she did everything that could have reasonably been expected of her in the situation right, followed up by getting more tied up with AEGIS in response to doing everything right having not been enough. At most a light grilling for the benefit of those that don't know the full story and may take an abstaining to address her appearance on the news as tacit permission for other things, with a major pat on the back.
called it on the spear. Morgana's only mistake was not requesting the presence of legal counsel
ehy would she do that??
With her experience? she wouldn't. but its not exactly unprecedented to have preemptive legal counsel available among Whateley students, usually that's with Bad Seeds like Jadis, but even so, it's not like it's a bad thing in her situation
Now shes more tied up with AEGIS she has excellent legal council available
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- A Dragon is for Life, not just for Xmas by Astrodragon