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- Stepsiblings Fall Finals by MaLAguA
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Stepsiblings Fall Finals by MaLAguA
Stepsiblings Fall Finals
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Stepsiblings Fall Finals comments
Enough snow to dissuade the usual joggers, boy, winter sure hits hard there. A glove of water made from the snow he forcefully melted, Vic's skill with his powers is improving. Okay, I would be a little freaked out at sudden knowledge from a spirit inside me as well.Saturday, December 10th, 2016 - early morning
Whateley Campus
You may be upset at the spirit over the physical changes happening, but the power boost and new powers are probably going to save your or someone else's life sometime soon.His original rating left him with only a lifting capability of seventy or eighty kilos with effort… However, without actually picking up on it, he'd gone over that limit… multiple times, with the most recent memory being the water spire he used to cover Morgana as she melted the ring.
The other thing was healing. When he got his fingers broken by Gwen, he found them fully healed in a matter of days instead of the usual couple of weeks. This was the incident that got the doctor in Doyle on his case.
There also appeared to be the potential to do magic, judging by some of the metrics reported, but when tested by the magical arts department, he was still unable to ‘gather essence’ properly… yet.
Ouch, the more he taps into the spirit's power the more he physically changes, no wonder he is hesitant to use it unless pushed to by circumstances. Vic, looking like a monster and being a monster are two different things, your true friends will stick by you no matter what. *Vic thinks over the idea of being a villain* No. *hits Vic with rolled-up newspaper*
Considering how long that spirit has probably been around without a hallow, I would guess it might be more there than Vic realizes, but needs a long time to recover enough to communicate. Ow, the picture Cody painted is vivid, that poor spirit. Okay, those additional things happening, Vic needs more help to keep his sanity at this rate. Yeow, so injuries can speed up the physical changes as well.
Wondering if the testing done by Doctor Gutierrez might accelerate the transformation, Vic, you need to tell these worries to them. For rest and relaxation, Vic needs to be taught meditation or some other means of helping with stress. A wristwatch-like device to monitor his energy, psychokinetic, and magic output until Winter break; I wonder what it will show.
Vic, Caroline acts almost like a 2nd mother to you, she wouldn't want you to be reluctant to reach out to her for help when needed. Ooo, good thinking, Dr. Gutierrez. New MID, that was fast.
Oh, thank you, I was worried about the telepathy being revealed to the MCO, they seem almost paranoid about those with that power recently. Oof, wants to drop out of BMA due to the risk of injuries, but no good news on a solution to the spirit changing him physically and it might happen even if he doesn't use his powers, I would hate to be a receptive empath near Vic right at this moment.“Your legal guardian, representing the syndicate, asked us to tamper with your stats, at least with the report we would present to the MCO. We barely made it in time. Your hydrokinesis is conditional on the spirit which, so far, is still too early to change the rate. While your telepathy was left on the side since, well, the MCO is a bit on edge on that rating, regardless of the level.”
“Thus, your rating lists you as TK -2 Av - 1 to 3. That’s to be defined.”
Of course, the monitor is waterproof, they knew who it was being given to wear. Maybe Doctor Gutierrez should have told him the ranges for when he was using his powers so he might not worry as much. *sigh* Vic, even without a BIT when a spirit causes changes to their host it is close enough to a BIT to be extremely dangerous to try and reverse them. Whatever gives you hope in the meantime, hold onto it.
Eep, all that thinking about what might or might not happen, etc. Tanya shows up, she is definitely a morning person. Kisses him on the cheek and turns red as a tomato, Tanya, you are too adorable. Tanya going to check up on Sterling, I hope something can be done to bring her back. Reveals his arm to Tanya and how it got that way along with why, that is progress, and he is opening up. Vic still hopes there is something that can be done about it, or at least says that to Tanya.
Please, listen to her, Vic. Already manifested doesn't mean you can't go through additional changes due to outside triggers such as a spirit for an avatar that didn't previously have one, encounters with supernatural entities [look at Fubar as a prime example], or even something like a devise triggering something dormant in you like the two guys who are becoming girls due to Laura's chocolate.“I don’t…” Tanya started, her eyes must’ve seen a look on Vic’s face as the next thing she did was lean in closer and put her hand on his, with a look about her that seemed to concentrate her concerns. “Vic… that’s not how this usually goes. Once a change starts, it’s usually a one way ticket. I think there are still some girls in Whitman that hope that their changes will revert or that there is a fix.”
Vic, the moment someone figures out you are a mutant, no matter how baseline you appear, all those plans can be ruined just as easily as having GSD, MATD, SMMS, or something else that makes you look different from a baseline. Ouch, Vic feels like he is going to be pushed into a life of crime as a part of the Syndicate due to this. Mad scientist transforming people against their will, idiot, he could have advertised and gotten volunteers for that. Vic, if there is someone who will love you no matter what it is Tanya.
Is this a dream or a memory? Vic opened a lock using precise control over the water, who were the people around him, cheering him on, timed his opening of the lock down to the second. Antauro Urresti, the leader of the gang of criminals. A combination lock and a heavy padlock, crack the combination in 20 seconds, this is a dream of another time, but different. Dang, the dream has sound stop and everyone freezes in mid-motion, never seen that before.???
Stops a rift in space in the dream and rushes towards it, as the dream shifts. A stranger, female.
If these are the kind of dreams Vic has been having no wonder he wants them to stop, confusing and a bit scary from the perspective of the dreamer.The best he could do was call it a mist in the shape of a human: two arms, two legs, a torso and a head. It sat down with the legs crossed with the ‘gaze’ focused on the magical circle on the ground, not even noticing Vic’s clear presence as he stepped closer past the round space.
Whoa, what is the figure talking about, who is this Brother who has it so easy? Abyss beloved, have to train harder, and she wants to go home, don't tell me the spirit is female. The spell was of ice, tried to copy her brother, which sounds dangerous if distracted. Vic and the spirit try to find out who the other is, feeling each other and the spirit is definitely female, oh boy.
The spirit sounds like she wants to leave him, but with the broken speech, it is hard to tell.“Leave me! I’m not… taken… Ingrate vessel…,” the voice said, her words coming as faded or mixing themselves with her old language. “Where… what…”
“Leave me!? That’s what I want too!” Vic snarled.
Crud, looks down and joined by the stomach, she is caught in his hallow and too weak to leave, and he can't forcefully expel her without consequences to himself, or so it seems. Wake up at 3:30 in the morning, he is going to have a hard time getting any more sleep tonight.
She has regained enough strength to answer him, I wonder how long it will be before they can communicate while Vic is awake completely.“Are you there?” he asked as he laid back again, closing his eyes.
And as he dozed off, a quiet voice answered with a begrudging ‘yes’.
Tuesday, December 13th - late morning
Whateley Arena Outside.
Pretty good assessment of what the Combat Finals are, imo. Yeah, Combat Finals are 'safe' like a trained tiger, best to be wary in case something unexpected happens. Running across Gwen Silver, not the most complicated relationship someone has had with another student at Whateley, but in the top 10 at least.It was like a super BMA/survival exam, at least that’s how Vic saw it.
First time to talked since the Tangle, good grief, these kids need to work on their communication skills despite the awkwardness and issues. Vic, you need to tell her even if it will become obvious in time. Not wanting to get injured too much is a common concern when it comes to Combat Finals, with too many Ultraviolents, and others just wanting to let loose. Dereck Seaver aka Megaton, son of Gigaton and Lifeward.
Great, he is Gwen's teammate, talks about Vic crashing them, and acts possessive toward Gwen, ugh. Ouch, memories of Gwen as his stepbrother and best friend, to how she is now, no wonder Vic ran away at his age. Gwen, don't you dare tease Vic about being taken in by Lifeward. Dereck, you poked the bear when the bear had already had life pile on him, crappy first weeks at Whateley, mind control, the Cally incident. You should feel lucky he didn't finish the job and isn't a killer at heart.
The tale of how Vic ended up on the streets isn't for you, Dereck. Even when he tries to be polite to VIc, Dereck comes across as a bit creepy and I'm afraid of what he might do if Gwen even does something he doesn't like. Gwen, please become more insightful for Vic's sake. And them hanging out with you around, awkward isn't enough to describe it.
And you are dating him now, oh Gwen, please don't tell me you think you can fix him. Oof, Gwen, why did you have to ask Vic that right now? He isn't in the right mindset for that. Yikes! His dad knows he is at Whateley, a retired detective who still has the skills.“He is… a jerk,” Vic noted once he left.
Gwen sighed. “I know… But I do think he’s getting better. You know? One of my first fight in this school, outside of BMA, was against him. I happened to get onto his bad side by standing up for my friends and I ended up taking his challenge.”
Vic is going to have to have a conversation with his dad sooner or later, but right now his fears over what the spirit inside him is changing him into having his full attention. *winces* Vic, to think of himself that way in his family just because he only has his dad left from his original family. Ow, that one hurts, to lose his mother and be sent to live with a father he doesn't know and the family he made away from them.
You can take care of yourself, Vic, but you shouldn't have to. Goes to email his dad, only to be sidetracked by an email from Caroline about staying with her for Christmas break.
Oh no, don't tell me on those dates and after Dereck is going to be there, that sounds like a potentially explosive situation.<That being said… I’m afraid there’s something I need to tell you about the 23rd and the days after…>
At least Megaton is smart enough to have a costume that is practical to his power set. I knew it! I knew Dereck would be with mom and little sister till after Christmas.Tuesday, December 13th - late morning
Whateley Arena
Seesh, no wonder Dereck has such an attitude, mom barely in his life and his dad so busy most of the time.“The week before and after New Year’s he’s moving about for hero conventions and doing PR work for the Heroic Alliance. He’s going to be all over the west coast from what I heard.”
Event roulette, oh boy, a new way to torment the kids in Combat Finals, not knowing what you might face until your Combat Final is about to start. Retrieve a gem from a supervillain's lair and then escape, standard superhero stuff. Yikes, no wonder took out the robotic minions so fast.
Robot sentries in the room they have to go into, a patrol heading their way, they didn't make this easy at all. Ouch, the old sneak through the air vents and they are built for it. Megaton, no perving out on a mission even if she is your girlfriend. Megaton, this is a combat final, results and not showing off your powers when it might cause you trouble is the point.
That is a wide hanger, just how many of those robotic minions could fit in there at once? Stuffed with hostiles and a bruiser unit as well, oh boy. The villain shows up with more robots surrounding him, seesh, stack the deck for the villain. A good, simple plan by StarSentry, but it doesn't account for how tough the bruiser ANT might be. Oh brother, Megaton wants to take out the ANTs while StarSentry goes after the villain and the gem, gloryhound for his father and superhero association.
Megaton rushes in before she can agree, takes out 2 robots with his metal boots, and then slices up some more with blades from his gauntlets. Creates a shield, but it is a strain to keep everything together, showboating will always bite you in the butt. StarSentry to the rescue, she took off one of the large robot's arms, brutal. Thrown and controlled shield to take out more robots by Megaton, but gets hit in the stomach by a blast and uses the shield to block another. He needs lessons on effective use of powers in combat, not showboating, and defensive fighting when outnumbered.
StarSentry has the gem and Megaton hits the button to open the door, time for a daring escape. Dang, she did all that, StarSentry is good. Dang it, Megaton, putting on a show and getting the mission done are two different things, learn the difference. He is so upset about the show being only 20 seconds, not enough to show off, so StarSentry puts the gem on the ground and says she is betraying him, she is a good girlfriend.
Oh god, Gwen is really hamming it up.
If he didn't get the hint at this point, I don't think even a meteorite-sized clue hitting him would make him get the point. Have to beat some sense into her, Gwen, you are too good to him.“What was that? Are you going to give up? And not put up a show for me?” StarSentry said the hint appearing too heavy about her as she assumed a fighting stance.
Confusion and amusement at the staged act from the audience. Vic's facepalming is just too perfect. Tanya, you need lessons on seeing through deception, my dear.
Eh, chewed out by Gunny to cheer up her boyfriend, I like Gwen will see this as a win. Dang, the staff just had to use the ANTs to ruin their fun and make them finish the scenario with 4 minutes to spare.And yet it was obvious that neither was taking it seriously… which probably annoyed some of the members of the staff.
Vic's combat final now, Gwen and Dereck out low-passing grades for their stunt, eh, they are teens, let them have fun sometimes and not worry about the outside world. Vic, that suit is better than you realize. With only the belt for water storage, Vic is going into his combat final with a handicap. Wisp, uh oh, watch your back, Vic.Thursday, December 15th - late morning
Whateley Arena Outside
Shoulder massage from Corrine Leigh aka Firestep and Gayle aka Thumper, I wouldn't want to leave that either, Wisp. Thumper, I would love to see your bigoted ass get beaten up again. Oh boy, Wisp BMA is kinda weak, they think Vic's powers are weak, and this is going to be a surprise for Pearl and the audience. Hhm, Wisp is the most reasonable out of this group and not a manhater like Thumper.
Wait, Firestep actually went to Stark to do a nonflammable chemical treatment for her long pants so she can use her powers without worrying they will get burned, never saw that coming. Thumper, telling her to do that, you shouldn't care what Brita and the other Amazons think. I really don't like Thumper's influence on Wisp, she seems like she could be friends with MMM without Thumper around.
Pearl's orbs of energy are dangerous if you can't avoid them. Fantasy-inspired royal scenario and Pearl is happy about this. Well, this is an interesting scenario and the map view for 10 seconds, I hope they can remember enough of it to avoid the dragon at least. Great, the item has to be brought back in working condition, no idea if the knights are safe, or if they can circle around the maze.
A castle courtyard, man, the Combat Finals are just short of a full Holodeck experience without the safeties. NPC desk and the ANT make the gates to the maze open. Vic wishes to work together, but Wisp has a length of rope and has it held between two of her orbs, holding onto them allows her to fly up onto the wall of the maze.
Standing on a brick column between the walls of shrubbery, she has a plan to keep moving this way while searching for the long northward passageways. Gayle told her not to trust Vic, but he hasn't done anything to show he is untrustworthy yet. Two knights show up and have armed bows aimed right at Wisp, I knew taking a shortcut would have consequences.
She dodges the arrows thanks to her orbs and lands hard enough on the ground to hurt. Vic offers her help standing up, but Wisp is still stubborn about his offer for help. He offers to work together, yet still, she doesn't wish to. She memorized the first half of the map to the center, Vic memorized the back half to the center at the fountain, they need each other to get through this. Heading on a pathway to the right, one of Wisp's orbs for light and looking out for threats, I hope this works out.
Vic calls out to Wisp as two creatures are catching up on him, guard dogs or wolves, oh boy. Turn left up ahead, and hope it is the right path. Ouch, they might be thin but crashing into an armor has to hurt. Quick reaction by Vic with a water-covered fist to take out the knight. While Wisp bashed her energy orbs into the wolves over and over. The lid of a barrel makes a good makeshift shield, good find, Vic.Clocktower: 11:18
What happened to this poor girl involving dogs in the past?“Yeah… I am. I just don’t like getting hunted by dogs.”
They made it to the stone fountain, halfway through the maze. Barrel lid to block an arrow shot, Vic was smart to take that along. Things run at half the time, hhm.Clocktower: 11:24
Jumped by another wolf and knight, Vic has to use up his water to shield his arm from harm by the wolf. Knight down, then wolf with combo attack by Vic and Wisp. Close to their destination and they finally make it, with 25 minutes to spare. A clock on a pedestal, it figures. Delicate, shouldn't fight over it.Clocktower: 11:32
Great, Wisp thinks she has gotten penalized for some of the things she has done and will get bonus points for turning in the MacGuffin alone. She doesn't know and doesn't want to risk it, asks Vic to hand it over, not wishing to hurt him. He surrenders and hands over the clock, Wisp goes to run off and still makes the two orbs she left behind explode in shockwaves.
Wisp, if you hadn't betrayed Vic you wouldn't have to worry about him being hot on your trail. Takes out two knights and clears the hedge away to the fountain, great, she might just get away with this. Vic trips her up with a water whip, but she breaks free and falls, drops the clock only to save it with an orb that she sends flying. Oops, concentration is broken along with the orb and Vic gets the clock before it can hit the ground and rushes towards the fountain.Clocktower: 11:37
Darn, Vic gets tripped up by two of Wisp's orbs. Heh, good use of the clock as a shield by Vic to ward off Wisp using her orbs against him. Vic reaches the fountain and causes the entire volume of water to rise, the alarm on his watch goes off, and the numbers are red, this is bad. Releasing most of the water gets the alarm to stop, oh boy, how much did that accelerate his transformation?Clocktower: 11:40
Wisp still believes what Thumper told her, good grief. Oh boy, Vic is damaging the clock inside his water orb, he doesn't want to fight, so he gives Wisp the option of working together or failing. She agrees to work with him and promises to not betray him, oh boy, she will regret it if she does. Dam! He removed and then restored the parts of the clock he removed using his water orb, which takes very precise control.
Great, knights approaching and the lanterns all blown out. Good thing Wisp power can generate light and be used for offense, defense, and utility means. Dang, so close and a large dog latches onto Vic's arm. Vic gets the clock safely on the ground and it seems as though Wisp is taking the clock to run again. Only for her to attack the dog with all three of her orbs and save Vic.Clocktower: 11:55
She helps him up and they make it in time, but Vic kept one part out of the clock as insurance. The Silver Minute hand, Vic hurries to put it back on and they place the clock down to deliver to the clockmaker at almost the last second, passing the test.
Vic with his coat on, waiting at the school gates, three hours since his friends were ferried to the airports and he bid them good "till next year". A kiss from Tanya as she is picked up by a family friend to head home along with Shisa, I was wondering where she was going for Christmas break. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for Gwen along with the message for their dad.Friday, December 23rd - afternoon
School gates
Ooo, I wonder what fun plans Toby and his other Twain friends have for after the holidays. A wave and thank you nod from Pearl aka Wisp, he got an A and she got a B, good, I hope she learns from this not to listen to Thumper's advice on combat finals in the future about betrayal being a good idea.
Caroline shows up to pick up Dereck, a nice short meeting between her and Vic while she waits. Ack, left with only those things, is someone taking Vic on a camping trip before he heads up to Caroline's for Christmas? Cole shows up in a black sedan, and what does Vic need to be ready for? Unique friends, heh, that seems like an understatement.
Huh, Cole says Vic's combat final was one of the more interesting ones. All because even after Wisp turned against him Vic barely touched her, he went for a peaceful resolution even after betrayal. Eep, Caroline told Cole the basics of what Vic is going through. Nope, I don't remember that black spot over a white base, just the green giving way to a white, so it has changed some more.
Glamours and holograms are good ideas for the future, but take Cole's advice and just don't think about it for now. Miss Walker, who is this mousy girl and how did she get mixed up with the Syndicate? Her eyes flashed red, a promise to help her.
So, a promise to help her gain better control so she isn't reading people's thoughts all the time, I see why she took the offer.“Vic, this is Leslie Walker, also known as Day Dreamer. She’s a high rating Telepath who seems to have a bit too much of an easy time reading other people’s thoughts. The organization has deemed her as valuable and has extended an offer to her, the same as you. The two of you, plus another pair of junior initiates, will be undertaking the same trial.”
What trial and why wouldn't it be safe? Oof, judging her looks and chastizing yourself immediately, sucks to be around a telepath like her. Touch telepathy and when he tries it with Leslie, ouch. The feedback loop of his own thoughts due to how Leslie's telepathy works, never try that again with her. Practice tuning out thoughts as they near the drop-off location, this is going to be rough. Oh boy, now Leslie knows Vic's big secret. A quiet camping trip with Cole along, no way!
And you just jinxed it.How bad could it be?
Man, Vic is getting hit hard by the changes, the spirit, and the dreams involving the spirit. Whoever this spirit was when alive I hope Vic doesn't fully change into her twin, though at this rate it might just be his fate. I still think based on his dream image she is some form of Atlantean.
I'm so glad Vic has his friend there for him, Tanya knows and will stay by his side, and he has Caroline to help him out. I just hope none of the physical changes happen too fast for him to adjust. The power boost though, we have seen him lift the contents of a fountain now, just how much water could he manipulate if he had the full strength of his spirit backing him?
Gwen and Dereck's combat final was fun to read, what she did to cheer him up even if it cost them a good grade was a good thing. He seriously needs counseling to help him with abandonment issues due to his mother being out of his life mostly and his father being away due to work so much. As for Gwen, I knew she had a lot of power, but dang, normally the bigger ANTs don't go down easy.
Vic and Pearl's combat final, I love how Vic worked with her, showed her could be trusted, and even after she betrayed him he still worked out a peaceful solution to work together so they could both get a good grade. He is a rare sort. And I hope Pearl will learn to realize Thumper's attitude towards males is going to ruin a lot of potential friendships for her if not worse.
A camping trip with Cole and other Syndicate recruits, one of which can read his thoughts that easily. You really like having Vic learn hard lessons, don't you? I hope they all come out of this intact, that last thought by Vic has me worried.
I can't wait to read more of Vic, the rest of M3, and everyone else in the future.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Stepsiblings Fall Finals by MaLAguA