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- The World Knows Not by E. E. Nalley
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The World Knows Not by E. E. Nalley
The World Knows Not
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
The World Knows Not comments
Freya, what you have done to Deborah and the others you have made your thralls, you are a monster. Watching this is painful, brainwashing of this level, is there any hope of another telepath being able to reverse it? Running a brothel like this, I hope Freya is taken down someway, somehow.October 21st, 2016
Penthouse, 1160 5thAve, NY, New York
The Old Whateley Homestead! Crap, her plans for revenge have been in the making for years and it seems she is ready to enact them. Setting up a haunted house in Dunwich to keep others from finding out until it is too late, please let her plans fall apart.
Tansy and the children, Junior, Connie, and Stephen, are at a storage unit to get something.October 22, 2016
Berlin Mini-Storage, 82 Jericho Rd, Berlin, NH
Ouch, memories of Lanie.Tansy's eyes fell on it and misted just a bit as she remembered the memories of her lost lover about the object.
A highchair made by Tansy's great-grandfather, someone she never got to meet. Ooo, a little girl on the way. Aww, Stephen is a cute kid with his question and I love Tansy's answer. Ouch, Stephen thought she was mad at them which was why she was having another baby, poor kid. A manakin with the costume Tansy wore when she worked with superheroes.
Kids can see things more clearly sometimes than adults.Tansy cocked her head at him. “Wyatt Junior you know we are all mutants...”
The boy was indignant. “That's not the same as being a superhero!” he declared with all the certainty of a not quite seven-year-old. “There's lots of mutants at school.” That struck Tansy as funny and she laughed.
The old 'Wicked' costume, I wonder how long it has been since that has been worn? Oh crud, Connie wonders if being a superhero is why Aunt Tansy doesn't come to visit them anymore, she remembers Tansy. 3 summers ago, 3 years since they believe Tansy died, except for Tansy and Kayda who believe Lanie died.
God, the pain being brought back, Tansy just holding onto the love she has for the kids and Wyatt to keep it together.
This feels like it is going to be a collision course between the amnesiac Lanie, Tansy, and Ms. Hartford who has a misunderstanding about parts of the situation.Behind the spell, Tansy wondered for a moment about the certainty with which Kayda declared Elaine would be restored and how that would affect the children she loved as her own.
Adam Bruce, a Benedictine monk, has arrived in the U.S. and has to deal with stares at the way he dresses. Edinburgh, 10 hours on a flight that should have taken 7 hours and 15 minutes, yikes. Father O'Reilly waiting for him, and staying at St. Benedict Abbey, I wonder what the purpose of his visit is.October 22, 2016
Logan International Airport, Boston, Massachusetts
An amazing discovery, translation, Celtic if I'm to understand correctly. A work written 1200 years ago, good grief, what did he find? And he is going to Whateley Academy for some reason, oh boy.
Jennifer Kelly had her and Sarah Williams's things moved from New York to that close to Whateley Academy, dang. Please let "Jennifer" get her memories back of her old life. Unsettled about leaving New York, oh no, Jennifer, please let this not be a bad sign of things ahead.October 22nd, 2016
Apartment of Jennifer Kelly and Sarah Williams, The Mill, Berlin, NH
Shameless teasing of a tall college 'hunk', so there is some of the old Lanie in there. Sarah sounds like she wants to move here, yet Jennifer doesn't wish to with the excuse their apartment in New York is rent-controlled. Jennifer has some memories of her old life back, but it doesn't seem she has the full emotional connection to those memories. She is glad the kids are alright but doesn't remember the deal she made with Tansy, the spell by Kayda, or anything involving the mission.
Ms. Hartford shows up, saying her family thought nothing was wrong, oh boy. Oh boy, Hartford is back to her old self and thinks Tansy is someone who replaced Lanie for nefarious purposes. Oh boy, news of being Solange aka Tansy's lover despite having a husband, of the mission she was on. Arrggh! Hartford thinks Lanie went with Tansy on the mission, she doesn't know about the spell by Kayda to switch identities so Lanie could go on the mission because Tansy was too injured at the time.
Thinks Tansy died and Lanie was thrown clear of the blast, so many things from misunderstandings and lies. Hartford thinks a shapeshifter has taken Lanie's place, I hope no one ends up in Doyle or worse when they confront Tansy. And now they think she is behind Carson and the trustees' disappearance in the tunnels, this just keeps getting worse.
Junior and Connie's birthday, yay. Buttercream icing, I'm with Connie on this, that is the good stuff. Nigel, Val, and Karma were there for the birthday party. Aww, Connie helped to bake the cake. 8 years old, they are getting close to double digits. Bikes as gifts, but with rules, Wyatt is a great father. Dang, those are high-end bikes with all the bells and whistles.October 23rd, 2016
Cody Apartment, The Village, Whateley Academy
He even got a bike for Nigel, Wyatt can't get any closer to perfect. Biking until it gets dark, I miss those days as a kid.
Huh, Jennifer is a Certified Gemologist, I wonder if Lanie got that before the amnesia. Big for his age, just how big for their age are Junior and Connie? Looking at Connie sends shivers down her spine, like seeing herself as a child.October 23rd, 2016
Apartment of Jennifer Kelly and Sarah Williams, The Mill, Berlin, NH
Perfect recall, except only the vaguest senses of memory for any time before waking up from the coma, crud. Oh god, the description of what it is like, she needs Tansy to go in and help her recover her memories. Memories of the birth of the twins, to lose that for so long until now. No, it isn't a betrayal, Wyatt is the man you love and you shouldn't feel guilt in any way for having memories of your time together.
Okay, now I hope they can somehow keep Sarah in her life, but have Wyatt, Tansy, and the kids back her in her life as well.“What will I say to them?” Jennifer whispered.
“The truth,” Sarah soothed her. “You didn't remember.”
Bike races, competition even if you don't feel like just to keep up, remember these times well, kids. At the Range 6 Restrooms, Wyatt Jr. notices someone bought the Old Whateley House.October 23rd, 2016
Trail Access Road, Range 6A, Whateley Academy
I hope Laura is wrong about that, though I hope Freya gets messed with by the spirits if there are any.“That's technically the Whateley Homestead. Laura says it's the most haunted house in New England.”
Valerie points out it is getting dark and they should head back, but Junior wants to find out if it is really haunted. *head hits desks* Tansy must have the patience of a saint to deal with him. Thank you, Nigel, for getting them to agree to come back tomorrow to check it out. I only hope nothing happens to these kids, Freya is a nasty piece of work.
Freya shows up and the place is in a state of disrepair still. Nicholas DuPraeve isn't intimidated by her antics, good to have in a true partner and not a brainwashed slave. Ah, so it is just for show, the rest of the place better be in great shape or that is a lie.October 23rd, 2016
Whateley Homestead, Dunwich, New Hampshire
Dang, that door alone, they are making this place into a fortress. Great, she gets to live in the lap of luxury still. Crap, a cave system in and out of Whateley Academy grounds, this is the worst possible news.
*eyes bug out in horror* Nicholas, you have given her a means to terrorize and harm, if not kill, students who were never involved with anything that happened to either of you.“I know several of my labs are undisturbed, even now ten years on,” he told her. “Had they been discovered, I would have been alerted. What's more my access into the Whateley Standing Wave Teleport network is still intact. That is how we will be able to come and go. It's how I was never caught.”
And this is why those things should be changed at least every 4 years, no matter how much of a hassle or work it is.“The master routing frequencies and access codes for the Academy SWTN,” Nick told her smugly. “One of the first things I did when I set up my teleport network was to run most of it through the school's existing network. It didn't flag the traffic as abnormal because it was it's own traffic.”
Arrggh! He thought of nearly everything, I hate smart villains sometimes. Ah ha, the proximity needed to make upgrades to his firmware, is the flaw in their plan since the kids will bungle into Whateley Homestead and probably ruin their plans, especially with Karma along.“Every month,” DuPraeve told her. “And every month, like clockwork, my thrall in the Academy IT department acts on my post hypnotic suggestion, writes out a copy of the codes on his home machine and emails it to a dead drop that forwards it to me. Forgetting he did it after, of course.”
Sarah got a job in Doyle, she is in for a rough start. Raul Tenent, I forget, is he related to Ophelia Tenent? She knows about the students, I doubt you will find any homophobes on staff at Doyle. I like Doyle's philosophy, I wish more hospitals had it. Sarah is skeptical, but this is the reality of Doyle. New students that need to be classified and an M.D. needs to be present, oh boy, straight into the deep end for Whateley.October 24th, 2016
Doyle Medical Center, Whateley Academy
Brother Bruce awake and enjoying a New England fall morning, that traditional monk's habit must be pretty warm to handle the cold of a New England fall. Father O'Reilly was there with an SUV and ready for their trip to Whateley. As few liberties as possible with the translation, I like Brother Bruce the more I learn about him. Laneth's writing! Oh boy, I hope he doesn't wish to talk to Lanie about it or this is going to be a disaster waiting to happen.October 24th, 2016
St. Benedict Abby, Still River, MA
Heh, Christians weren't as prudish back then. Laneth was unusual even by Bean Sith standards.Father O'Reilly nodded thoughtfully. “The...privileges of the Bean Sith are surprisingly...earthy. It is hard to believe she considered herself a Christian woman.”
Hhm, that is curious considering those writings are 1200 years old.The older man chuckled. “Say no more, my son! Tell me, is it just me, or, does her style of writing seem almost...modern?”
“It is remarkably matter of fact, isn't it?” Adam asked, drawing a thoughtful nod from the priest. “There are times she turns a poetic phrase, and there are descriptions...that you'll get to, that come close to full on prose, but otherwise she is very pragmatic. It's what makes other things so strange.”
It might not be that magic was so common in earlier times, but that Laneth encountered it more than most and got used to it. *facepalms* He hopes Mrs. Cody can shed some light on it, the lie of Lanie, Tansy, and Kayda all those years ago is about to be untangled in a spectacular way, isn't it?
Huh, I don't remember if this was referenced in any of the past stories where Laneth was involved. Didn't include it because he didn't understand it, they know about Lanie being Laneth's reincarnation, and Bruce just found out Mrs. Carson isn't at the Academy anymore. Reading her diary for 10 years and hoping to speak with her, why do I get the feeling that bringing this up to 'Jennifer Kelly' will result in Laneth somehow forcing her way up from her subconscious after all these years.“There are several times that Laneth's writings talk about 'speaking with the girl in the water.' It's clear they didn't speak a common tongue as Laneth writes about teaching her Pictish, so she isn't a local, but it happens so irregularly that she writes about her, I can't help but be confused. This goes on over years, but Laneth always writes her as puella which in context would mean a young maiden, significantly younger than Laneth herself.” He sighed and shook his head. “Laneth was sixteen at the time, so, I imagine a young child.”
Poor Connie, all these worries about going to Whateley as a student now that she and Junior have manifested. Especially if there are girls her age, or if she can make friends. Junior is angry they have to go because of the spirits that are attached to them, but Wyatt says it is for the best. Mr. Turner is almost as big as Wyatt, good grief, I knew he was a big guy, but not that big.October 24th, 2016
Administration Offices, Whateley Academy
Ms. Grimes looking at Connie, I would be nervous as well, should have let the kids what the Addams family when they were younger. Wait a minute, I don't remember her having a long streak of white hair on her left side. Ms. Grimes is Connie's new teacher, she better behave, after having the 3 little witches years ago she knows what to look out for. Connie knows how to behave. Ms. Grimes reads Junior like a book, Junior answers honestly, best to let his feelings out instead of bottling them up and exploding later.
This is why I respect Ms. Grimes so much, she knows not to coddle or pander to children, but how to really talk to and understand them on their level.“It's scary, isn't it?” she asked softly. “Having to leave your old school, where you were comfortable and everything made sense. Just because of things you can do that other kids can't, and that's not your fault.”
Bird Boy, it is temporary, he can think of something better when he gets older. Aingidh, Gaelic for Wicked, and Connie looked it up, she is very smart. They can read and write, and Connie is an avid reader.“Ok, Ms Grimes. Do we pick hero names now? Cause I want to be 'Bird Man.'”
Ms Grimes smiled a bit. “I'm afraid there is a company that owns that name, Mr. Cody.”
“Bird Boy!” Connie gleefully exclaimed, causing Ms Grimes to chuckle.
Dam, she is reading at least a high school level already.“I just finished The Fellowship of the Ring, cause we saw the movie with Mom and Dad and I asked what the differences were, and Mom said I should read it and find out for myself.”
Ms Grimes smile was one of deep amusement. “So you did. And what did you discover?”
“They took out Tom Bombadil and Goldberry and the Wights in the Barrow Downs, but I'm kind of glad they did because he didn't make much sense. But Goldberry seemed nice, I liked her.” She shrugged and looked the teacher in the face. “I guess it made the story go faster.”
8 years old and already at a level several grades higher at least.“They can both write in block and cursive, though Connie's penmanship is better than Juniors.” Connie grinned at her brother, who stuck his tongue out at her. “Junior, on the other hand,” Wyatt continued. “Is better at math. He knows his multiplication tables to ten, while Connie is struggling a bit with multiplication and division.”
Hehe, I love this, just a perfect counter. If Ms. Grimes says this will be fun she means it, all these years of experience with children I would trust her even if a supervillain attacked the school to keep them safe.“Is that wise?” her father asked. “Won't that indicate to someone that there is a connection to her mother...? Shouldn't they be more discrete...?”
Ms Grimes arched an eyebrow. “Said the bear Avatar who picked Kodiak as his code name?”
Doctor Cody chuckled. “Touche. I concede, Ms Grimes.”
Ah, having to explain the tunnel system to Sarah, and Doctor Tenent is serious, miles of tunnels down here and the lower levels should be avoided unless you are with someone who knows how to deal with them.October 24th, 2016
Powers Testing Lab 'A', Doyle Medical Center Tunnels, Whateley Academy
'Powers Testing Lab A', I knew those labs were large, but 4 stories high and big enough to hold an Olympic Track and Field area, which is massive. Most of the researchers aren't allowed to know the names of the students, I always wondered about that. That is why they always use the codenames when doing Power Testing, interesting. Hehe, Ms. Grimes reminds you of Morticia Addams, but I don't blame her for not realizing that.
Oh boy, Connie just had to say what her codename means. AIN-geed, cool.
Crud, this is already going off the rails thanks to Connie's sense of smell due to her spirit.Once she could speak again, Connie demanded, “Why do you smell like my mom?”
The innocent question shot through Sarah and turned her blood to ice in her veins. “I do?” she managed, feeling all of the adults eyes on her. “We must like the same brand of perfume.” The expression on Connie's face was clear that wasn't what she meant, but before she could correct her intent, the head of the researchers cleared his throat, tabling further comments on smells and scents.
Diagnostic Spell and Sarah has seen it once in med school, lucky. Now Sarah gets to meet the creator...who is Wyatt, oh boy.
Is that a strong avatar trait, no point of reference for this. Peregrine and he turns into a large falcon, startling Sarah in the process. 50 mph, is pretty fast for a bird form and a big one at that. Dr. Aranis, so glad to see he is still around.“Your hallow is forty six and a half Codys wide. So, tell us about your spirit.”
Thank you for being the voice of reason, Ms. Grimes, power dive testing in the Power Testings Labs isn't a good idea. Dr. Hewley is there as well, yay.
Gah! That is a bit of a tongue twister.“Aingidh, your hallow is forty Cody's and I understand your spirit is...”
“Winyanigmuwatogla,” Connie interrupted. “She's a Cougar.”
Aww, you will get better control with time and training.“Sometimes,” she repeated stubbornly. “Only when I get frightened, or if I'm running and trying to go faster. I can't control it and I don't like it.”
Great, a willful, overprotective spirit.“I just don't. It...it feels funny.” Suddenly her posture straightened and changed and her expression became angry and far too adult for her young years. She spoke and even her voice was older and with a vague accent that was not her normal speaking voice.
“Leave her be!” the new voice snapped. “What gifts I share with my host are not your affair!”
Never anger Ms. Grimes, she would take on the Devil himself to protect or help the children under her care.“These children are in my care,” she went on, giving Wyatt a glance as she did so as if to impress on his spirit he was included in the rebuke. “I have say above yours and only their parents command me! I speak and you both obey! That is the Contract and you both will honor it!”
Comforting and assuring them afterward, if anyone ever goes after Ms. Grimes she will have an army of her current and past children she cared for coming to her aid. A break and Yoohoos, never forget they are just children. Sarah deflects by saying Jennifer is a red bander but retired.“I'm not in the least upset with either of you, Aingidh, Bird Boy.” She favored them with a warm smile. “You're both doing very well, though I think we could use a break?” She looked up at Dr Hewley and, reluctantly, the researcher nodded.
Tansy used to hate Mondays, but now loves being a teacher, how time and experiences change a person. Helping kids out how Ms. Hartford helped her out all those years ago.October 24th, 2016
Devisor Lab (Vehicle) Kane Hall Tunnels, Whateley Academy
Anything less than 30 years isn't enough. Devisor Lab [Vehicles] and thoughts of not letting Wyatt and the kids have any grief over the loss of Lanie.She thought of how her father might be 'enjoying' his time at Otisville Federal Correctional Institute and allowed herself a rare, cruel smile.
Ouch, how much longer until they know Lanie is alive, to have a chance at least to reconnect? Crap, why was Ms. Hartford not made the new Headmistress of the school instead of Geoffrey Mazarin as the new Headmaster? Not wishing to reveal the lie for the pain it would cause her mother to go through after having had to bury Tansy already, oof, tough choices to make all around.
She has gotten a taste for Devisor coffee, Tansy is torturing herself. Melvin Donner is there with Father O'Reilly and Brother Bruce. Gah! The memory rush from Brother Bruce, just how out of it is Tansy to let that happen? A book, the translation of Laneth's diary, I hope Bruce's hopes aren't too dashed when Tansy doesn't have the answers he seeks.
Oh, scheduled the meeting with Mrs. Carson, but they were down in Atlanta and it got pushed back to fall, but Mrs. Carson never mentioned it to them before she and the trustees disappeared. Darn it, Melvin, leaving her alone with them like that. Shed some light on something from Laneth's diary, and Tansy calls to Grizzly who will help as much as she can. This is going to be rough.
About the 'Girl in the Water', but Tansy has no idea what they mean. Brother Bruce wants to speak with Laneth, but Laneth is still with Lanie, this is getting messy.
Darn, he knows more about Laneth from the journal than Tansy does. Tansy is still quick to come up with sound reasoning to get people to stop asking for something.“Madam, you could not be more wrong! Yes, Lady mac Óengusa was a warrior, and yes she fought in many battles, but I have read her mind for ten years. She was a warm, charitable hostess, a loving wife and, had she not been cut short I have no doubt she would have been a doting mother!"
Sarah has an emotional toll from the day of meeting Junior and Connie, they need to set up a meeting with Wyatt and the kids already. Eep, just how close did Connie come to learning Sarah's secret? Yeah, that personality is Wyatt to a tea, both of them like their parents so much. Jennifer already unpacked that much, that was fast.October 24th, 2016
Apartment of Jennifer Kelly and Sarah Williams, The Mill, Berlin, NH
Oh god, she made the really good Chili and cornbread. Already an interview at Jewelers, how will this affect her life if her memories come back more completely? Tells about meeting the twins, their powers, and codenames. Oh crud, the codename, she wants to be free of Wicked, and now Connie has taken a Gaelic version of it, Jennifer/Lanie crying out to God not to take her baby, this is heartbreaking.
Hartford in her BMW as she waits to go into the Private Membership Club that is the cover for the Syndicate near the school. Memories of taking Tansy there 10 years ago, oof.October 25th, 2016
Black Diamond Club 1012 Norman Ave, Berlin, NH
It isn't justice if you assume a lot of things without confirming them before acting. Hindmost there after all these years and still recognized, someone is waiting for her at table 15. No! Not Pierre aka The Warhorse, this will end in tragedy if something doesn't happen. She is going to have Tansy killed thinking she is a shapeshifter who has replaced Lanie, Hartford, you forgot to confirm instead of going on assumptions.“I know revenge is yours,” Hartford whispered. “I'm only after justice.”
A heavy downpour, and Tansy wants to work on Baby Girl and asks the twins to help her, but only Junior does. Connie goes to her room to mope and daydream. The magic mirror from the magic shop, she wishes to see a pretty day and it shows her one.October 28th, 2016
Constance Cody's Bedroom, The Cody Apartment, The Village, Whateley Academy
Wait, that is Gaelic, isn't it? Why is the voice angry? Connie thinks the girl in the mirror is a princess.
What a minute, that look is all too familiar, is this Laneth when she was younger? But how?She had bright red hair that was around her head in a braid like a crown and her dress! It was the most beautiful shade of green with yellow ribbons around the neck and sleeves. Around her waist was a leather corslet and a wide leather belt and from it hung a quiver of arrows and a long knife or a short sword and in her hands was a massive wooden bow.
Connie learned Latin from Grandmother Jody, she is a genius to pick up such a difficult language at a young age. It is Laneth! And that means Connie is the 'Girl in the Water', the mirror is allowing her to communicate with Laneth in the past!
October 28th, 2016
G-Mart 2250, Berlin, New Hampshire
Good to see them distancing themselves from the Goodkinds, only a very small number of good Goodkinds out there, and none associated with that store. Jennifer there for period products, glad to hear the store doesn't use the PA system like Wal-Mart abuses theirs.That feeling had changed in recent years with the corporation distancing itself from its founding family and being as neutral as possible on the issue. The fact that the number of mutants was rising, and thus the number of people who actually knew or were perhaps related to a mutant was also rising and thus would affect the store's bottom line eventually probably had nothing to do with that decision.
Dying her hair because she thinks he makes her look like the criminal Wicked, if only she knew. Supposedly dead for 3 years and the dye company still uses Tansy's image to advertise their product, ugh. A Freddy Mercury song, an image of Tansy on a hair dye product brings back a time when Tansy and Lanie were together in a hot tub drinking a Perignon. Memory after memory of times with Tansy including a combat arena, in the Poe Secret Hot Tub Grotto, another time in space in a hotel room I believe. Talk of Tansy coming to stay with Lanie and Wyatt for a time in Georgia, just be normal people for a while. The display on the memoirs of Laneth is what Lanie sees next and she remembered. Please let this mean she remembers the plan with Tanya and Kayda and can head off the Warhorse before it is too late.
A great return by E.E. Nalley, I've missed your writing. Freya and her partner in revenge, I was wondering when they would enact their plan and it is finally underway. I only hope they are stopped and no one dies because of it. Well, except maybe Freya and DuPraeve.
Tansy reminisces about Lanie, about the deception she has done all these years, worrying about how Ms. Hartford let alone her mother will react. I only hope it works out and they are just happy she is still alive and they can reconnect. With a daughter on the way, I want both grandmothers in her life. Please don't let Tansy be killed by the Warhorse, I couldn't take it.
Connie and Junior turning 8, such a great age to be a kid. Yet they are big for their age and have powers now. Please say there will be friends for them to make at Whateley their age and not just have to hang out with Karma most of the time. And nothing better happen to any of the kids when they investigate the Whateley Homestead or Frey and DuPraeve won't have enough left to fill a matchbox of their bodies.
Jennifer Kelly and Sarah Williams. I didn't like it at first, I missed Lanie being herself, being with her family. But I see now that she is working through some things, working on getting her memories back and reconnecting with her family. And Sarah is a good person who cares about her and her kids. I only hope they have room for Sarah in the family once this mess is all sorted out.
I'm glad Brother Bruce got to see 'Mrs. Cody' and didn't push it when she gave him her final answer. Once Lanie is back and the Laneth is around once again I hope he can come back and get the answers he is looking for.
Ms. Hartford's heart is in the right place, but she has forgotten an old rule of always confirming your suspicions before you set about taking action, never acting purely on an assumption. I hope it doesn't end in tragedy that destroys her along with Tansy and the Cody family.
I can't wait for the next story, you have answered a lot of questions but brought up even more. I hope you feel well enough to write again soon and bless us with your writing again.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- The World Knows Not by E. E. Nalley