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- Silent Mountain (Part 4) by MaLAguA
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Silent Mountain (Part 4) by MaLAguA
Silent Mountain (Part 4)
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Silent Mountain Part 4 comments
*eyes bug out* Vic is in that much pain, yet still wants to help the others, though never thought I would see him wanting to kill someone. Minutes since that creep attacked him and left, oh boy. *winces* Never try to drag yourself like that when you have a gut wound. Controls water in that shape, Vic has a lot more willpower than he realizes. Vic, now is not the time to beat yourself up, you had an idea and it didn't work out, move on, your and others' lives are at stake here.Saturday, December 24th - 7:50pm
Silent Mountain Base - Level 1 - Bathroom - Vic
No way of healing the wound or fixing the organ damage, yes you do, Vic, but it is an option you will beat yourself up about using later even if it saves your life. Chad brutalized Vic and wounds him to make him suffer before he dies, that sadist needs to be ended. Memories of his mother and the other members of Crystal Sights are just the thing that gives Vic the strength he needs right now.
Uncle Gus, Uncle Oscar, Aunt Lily, I hope he gets to see them again. Ouch, even a good time with his father, Adrian Silver. Ollie and Josh, time as a runaway in Massachusetts, Caroline coming into his life along with Cole, and all he had learned from everyone.
So something Vic blocked out previously from the tanker incident is where the spirit came from. Trapped in that artifact for who knows how long before Vic came along.He remembered meeting up with Caroline in the bowels of the ship, a place filled with antique curiosity. He recalled being shoved up against a large stone and metal ornament. Watching the dust of colors cloud his eyes for even the briefest of moments…
Vic gasped as his eyes shot open. <That… that’s where the spirit came from!>
Finally, the spirit makes Vic realize it is change more or just give up and die here and now. Vic has to cast a spell but doesn't know how, oh boy. *eyes bug out* I knew the incident with Sterling meant there was more to Vic's powers, but control over blood, is a major thing. Good thing Vic has the spirit guiding him on how to heal himself.<Let me help you!”
<I don’t want to change further…> Vic thought.
<That’s a fool’s wish.> The spirit said bitterly.
<It’s what I don’t want…> Vic started.
<You’re not serious… You’re planning to give up?>
Vic held his silence for a moment as he thought. <I don’t want it… But I have to take it. I have to do it despite the consequences.>
<I’m glad,> the spirit said, sounding stern yet relieved. <You’re injured… I can feel your pain. Get to work on it!>
Some of his nerve endings have shut down, shit, I hope that doesn't cause any lasting problems. Use magic through Vic, who was this spirit when she was alive?
Oof, their feelings towards each other right now, I hope over time their relationship can improve.<I don’t like our circumstances, nor the situation you’re in, but I don’t want to experience another death. You’re the boy who somehow captured me and has tried to rip me apart even in my diminished state.>
Drawing a magical symbol in his shape, he needs all the help he can get. Yikes! Saving Vic's life so soon after they were bonded broke her in several ways, no wonder she has been quiet for so long. Darn, a toil on her and won't be able to talk to Vic for a while. Good, in shape to fight and I hope Vic takes out Chad permanently. That is some healing spell, I hope it won't be months again before Vic hears from the spirit again.
Ack, that pattern of light and darkness would drive me nuts in less than 10 minutes. Raffina, this isn't a test and Leslie needs rescuing along with the real Lightning and Censer. Signs of the fight, and Raffina has stumbled upon the two goons working on the door and the trapped Lightning. Ooo, Raffina found Censer's meteor hammer, this is going to be good.Saturday, December 24th - 8:18pm
Silent Mountain Base - Level 2 - Near VIP lounge - Raffina
Raffina, don't get too reckless right now, you don't know if those two have any allies that could come back at any moment. Good thing the silence field is on or Raffina would have just blown her cover. I understand her screaming though. Leave the cube for now and deal with the henchmen. The Silent Mountain General Manual, smart girl to read that while you have a chance. That manual is extensive, keep it.
Crap! Her plans for an ambush on the two henchmen are down the tubes, and a reflection in the TV warns her of an impending ambush on herself. Crud, it's Barb, and a mule kick by Raffina didn't even faze her. Barb has special grenades on her belt and Raffina dropped the book, she needs help and fast.
Put up a fight before needing to escape, even with some of Cole's training Barb is too much for you right now. Whoa, way too close, Raffina dodges and ducks under a swing from Barb, and shadow portals out of the way of another attack. Raffina uses this to ambush the henchmen and take them out before they can even join the fight; I like her fighting style, fast and brutal when needed.
Raffina flips away narrowly avoiding a blow from Barb, so she goes on the offensive. Dark energy and her mana gathered into her forearms.
If only Raffina could blind Barb with this somehow.A simple concentrated build of essence imbued with the dark… so the damage amounted to little as the amazon just tanked the first hit, with the remains of the element clinging around her form like octopus ink underwater.
Aims for the face, but it is a bluff.
She got Barb to flinch, that means she has a chance in this fight. Cole is an awesome fighting instructor. Kick to the knee and blow to the head, Raffina has got Barb reeling!One hit square on the breast, one on where her kidney would be and one up towards the neck, only to meet up with the woman’s wrist instead.
Crap! Charging up for another dark bolt, and the lights come back on, worst timing ever. Crud, the henchmen, and Barb between Raffina and the hallway, plus they are starting to recover from her attacks. Raffina finds Leslie and Censer and plans to rescue them, but Barb looms over her before she can shut the closet with herself inside.
Grabbed by Barb, thrown to the center of the VIP lounge, and Barb is upon her again with hands around Raffina's neck before she can recover. Raffina better get out of this alive because if Barb kills her I doubt Vic will hold back when he finds out. Hhm, does Barb know Raffina is worth something to her rich father?
A kick that seems to miss its intended target, so why is Raffina still smirking and has her eyes closed? Oh, the kick was a distraction so she could pop the safety on one of Barb's flashbang grenades, Raffina sure is full of tricks. Raffina is free, recovers, and goes to get the book back. Bookshelf knocked over and just in time as Barb rampages towards Raffina only to find the pool of darkness she escaped through shrinking into nothingness. Too many close calls in that fight for Raffina.
Ruben had to report the situation to Steve and Chad, along with guiding Chad to rig things to meltdown the place and turn it back on after they are long gone. Isolating the base, no communications, and cutting off the one that almost got through, was stupid when Cole is involved. Ignoring those warnings, just leaving the kids to die, your group is pure scum.Saturday, December 24th - 8:32pm
Silent Mountain Base - Level 2 - Security room - Ruben
An hour and thirty-two minutes and still dropping, crap! Barb reported about an imp seeing her, the guys, and the hostages. Boy, their intel on Raffina is sure limited if Ruben sees the fight and thinks she can phase through walls and fire projectiles, not even thinking it might be magic. Raffina is not at the barracks, Vic isn't there anymore and Ruben is sending Chad to murder Raffina, this group makes me hope Cole shows up before they escape and ends them if the kids don't.
Great, no way to stop the place from melting down now. Kill all the kids, okay, Ruben, you just went up the list of idiots to end. D'oh! Ruben spots Vic on the security cameras and locks down the barracks so he can't get inside. A low-level water TK who knows how to pick locks with water, doesn't have that in his file, do you?
Vic has some of his gear, an obvious gun, and Root's bag, plus he spotted Chad leaving, goodie. Vic in a run, Ruben tries to message Chad a warning, but the idiot doesn't read it, so walks right into the lounge as Vic catches up to him.
Stuck in the lounge, Root and Josh sit back to back on the table ready to warn each other of anything that might happen. Lights back on and wonder if they should break them for Raffina's sake, a heavy decision. Raffina is back through a portal in the ceiling, I hope she can fill the others in before Chad shows up. Ouch, bad landing, at least Raffina wasn't hurt by it.Saturday, December 24th - 8:32pm
Silent Mountain Base - Level 1 - Lounge - Josh
Raffina's message is pretty clear, how do they not get what she texted? She has to use the book to show them where they are and where she saw Lightning. Good, they are filled in on all the important details that Raffina knows. Raffina is right, you have to act, so get moving. Josh is concerned about finding Vic, this would be the appropriate time for Chad to show up with Vic charging him.
Telepathy, even touch-ranged, is never appreciated until you get into a situation where you can't talk. No! Josh, don't run to Vic, that isn't the real Vic. A red beam hits the fake Vic making him stagger, the others worried they are under attack. Josh's own weapon saves the day as Vic shows up, and Vic goes to attack again, but it seems the gun only had three shots in it before it risked overheating, nice safety feature to prevent that, Vic.
Smoke pellets and Chad runs for it, attacking Vic in the cloud, but Vic throws Root his seed bag and Josh his gun. Nice, easy way to vent the heat, Josh makes great gadgets. Dang, one blast to dispel the heat, that is one handy gun. Josh trains the gun on the fake Vic, then the real Vic, and back again. He has to figure out who the real Vic is without being able to speak, this is going to be rough.
Josh thinks over the options of what to do, so many, and few of them any good. Darn it, power copiers are the worst in these situations. At least Josh knows the risk of getting too close right now, more common sense than some in this situation. Vic reveals his wound including the changes to his already healed skin, something Chad didn't know about. Chad is found out thanks to Vic trusting his true friend Josh, the standoff is over as Josh blasts Chad.
Ooo, shots can also carry an electrical charge, Josh uses this to fry Chad's holographic tech. Chad is hurt and tries to run for it towards the south exit, Root and Vic give chase but the door is descending to seal them in again! Rats, Josh misses the fleeing Chad with his shot and the gun has to vent excess heat once more, Junker needs talking to about how he treats his apprentices.
Raffina is dragged by Josh toward the rest of the team while Vic leans against the door, he still has a lot of healing to do. Vic's telepathic link to everyone makes communications a lot better, Raffina is glad she doesn't have to explain things using her phone's text feature anymore. Josh, Raffina had limited time to explain things to you, she got to the point with the important details.
Vic explains what he knows about Chad and when he first appeared before him. Vic lies about the scales being a patch, oof. With Aloe Vera and some vines to keep them in place, Root's powers are versatile, and the idiot at the Syndicate who tried to force him out will regret it. Staying idle will result in the loss of Lightning and Leslie, and the possible murder of Censer.
Raffina's recount of what happened to her and what she saw. They know about the henchmen, Chad and Barb, but not Ruben or Steve. Plans to go up and rescue Lightning, Censer, and Leslie, but Raffina has an alternate route for them to take. Dang, she thought about the chance the intruders had someone in the security room feeding them intel, thus wanting to check it out. And Vic's thoughts on how they will escape with the loot through the hanger, man, these intruders picked the wrong group of kids to mess with.
Aww, Raffina gives Josh the book, I hope he can figure out how to stop the meltdown. Root's magic is impressive, that weapon may not be the most powerful, but it sure stands out when he grows it. Raffina opens a portal to the other side of the doors, Root goes out so he can smash the lights. Vic's never used his telepathy at a distance, I wonder if it will put a strain on him at all, I suspect he has underestimated his powers this whole time.
No more group portals, rats. Raffina is going to the security room on her own, uh oh. A wooden combat knife is better than no weapon, plus you can preserve using your mana for other things than attacks. A good plan, rescue the hostages, turn off the silence device, and capture the intruders. I hope it works out that way.
Still with the attitude, just admit they are your friends now, Raffina. I hope Ruben is easy to take down or Raffina can ambush him. We are going to need her to fight Steve, Chad, and Barb, the henchmen I think Root will take out easily with his weapon.<I honestly think we’re in way over our heads.> Root shook his own head before putting his fist into the salute. <But we don’t have another choice.>
All three pairs of eyes turned towards Raffina. Her tail swished as she looked away for a moment. She sighed, putting her fist up along with the rest. <Don’t make me look bad, bozos.>
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Kirby Hall - The Second Generation
- Silent Mountain (Part 4) by MaLAguA