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- No Heroes, Part 6: Something to chew on by Null0trooper
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No Heroes, Part 6: Something to chew on by Null0trooper
No Heroes, Part 6: Something to chew on
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- null0trooper
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Nice hint at us getting to see a certain cult commit Suicide by Whateley soon, by showing us the aftermath...
Not all of the aftermath, but hopefully something to look forward to!
"No Heroes" Part 7: After the rain link .
Story Discussion
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
No Heroes Part 6: Something to chew on comments
Dr. Bellows is there for the testing debrief, Belfry knows that means it is something bad. Modified human, introduced the MGC into his DNA before he was born, yikes. Dr. Shandy and Dr. Hewley sure are serious right now, just how badly could this turn out for Belfry?Late Tuesday morning, January 24, 2017,
Powers Testing facilities, Whateley Academy.
Whoever did this to him I wish to see them suffer a fate worse than death for a minimum of 2-3 centuries."Someday, your children may inherit half of your autosomal genes. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose which parts they get. The result would be an incomplete roadmap of your congenital alterations. We can filter out the least viable gametes during in vitro fertilization. In fact, you were probably conceived in a petri dish yourself! Any daughters you have could go on to live productive lives. However, if they manifest as a mutant, I'd expect severe GSD and a lethal burnout as the most probable medical consequences."
"What about boys?"
"Miscarriage by week twenty."
This sounds good in theory, but I don't want to think what he would see out of that eye.Dr. Shandy continued, "With regard to GSD, you have what the public would call a mild instance. The changes to your internal organs are more interesting. Running more metabolic tests can wait for one of our colleagues to become available. Your left eye is innervated, so you should be able to see through it. I'd recommend occupational therapy with a goal of regaining function."
If his power wasn't so useful in so many situations Belfry might not be still around."However! You are definitely a manifestor one, albeit a versatile one. Manifesting 'sweat' to cool down your core without dehydrating demonstrates that. Otherwise, heat injuries during exercise might cut deeply into your endurance levels."
Oh, great, does this mean his organic eye is going to become like the artifact that replaced his other eye?"That'll be a long day or two. Where were we? Right, MATD. We found nephrite deposits in your left orbital socket and cheekbone. Those match the composition of your left eyeball. Your body can't rebuild bone from rocks. Therefore, I think we're looking at a replacement process, similar to your body hair and sweat."
Crap, it is good he is in G2 because Hamper and Damper in G1 would have crossed his path already and possibly messed him up with that shit."That would be helpful, but the risks don't stop there. Active mutant traits can be negated. Should that happen to you, be prepared to seek shelter and immediate medical attention."
Still no idea of what strange eye really is, have they had Eldritch examine it yet?Dr. Hewley spoke up. "Weird is not a scientific classification! However, it could be an artifact of induced metagene activation. If it weren't connected to your optic nerve, I'd compare it to a pearl or a bezoar. Whether the stone is the source of or an amplifier for your esper knacks, you still have them. That can be something to build on. How much you benefit from your time going forward at Whateley is entirely up to you."
That is it for his mutant or paranormal abilities, I thought there would be a little more.
They don't know him very well, do they? Back to the medical center, Benjamin is going to be seeing a lot of that place over the next 4 years.Dr. Bellows added, "You should also put time into social activities. Meet new people, make friends, and have fun while the opportunities present themselves."
"Doctor, the lad speaks five languages. How could he not be in the habit of socializing?"
Professor Choudhari left a note for Benjamin and he is just now reading it.
Okay, so the details in the previous story didn't tell every bad thing about being a generalist manifestor. Scary doesn't begin to cover it. An incinerator in the medical center, with everything Whateley handles I should hope so.Over his earpiece, Colombine said: Now I understand why generalist manifestors are so rare: radiation poisoning and unexpected explosions.
"Next time I'm home, remind me to ask if Mama Kapala would allow me burial in a lead coffin."
Stay on campus for the foreseeable future, rats.Dr. Alfred Bellows' Office, Doyle Medical Center.
Nevermind, Benjamin would be a target for multiple groups right now once those results got leaked. Low recovery rate for teen abductions, if that doesn't scare a kid into staying on campus nothing will."Yes. Are you aware of the value that powers testing results can have to certain parties?"
Even the best of those researchers are a bit too clinical when dealing with students.Dr. Bellows said, "I'm more concerned with loss prevention. Our researchers are good at what they do. However, counseling students after disappointing discoveries is not one of the things they do well. More often, they make matters worse."
They are worried about Benjamin making deals with things he shouldn't be messing with, highly understandable. Rent any or all of that, Benjamin is more practical than most students that is certain. Trust your gut feelings on this, Benjamin.The AI broke in on speaker. "Benjamin, that's not what Dr. Bellows is talking about. Over the centuries, spirits have granted humans almost any paranormal ability you can think of. Dynamorphs are more limited in the range of powers they can offer, but you may survive bonding with one. Other entities may grant power in other forms, for varying prices."
Now if only Benjamin could do a lecture on such things to his fellow students and get them to see it that way. Geez, Benjamin, give Dr. Bellows some credit here, he wouldn't suggest that kind of thing to any gay or lesbian student. Doesn't want to pass his shit onto the next generation, so no adoption, got it. Dr. Delacroix probably knows more than Benjamin on his issues; Imp has a kid of her own and he thinks she would get weird about him being around Karma. No! You never get to call yourself a thing, you are still human and still care enough that it hurts.Dr. Bellows said, "In my years here, too many misfortunate students have bargained for a power upgrade or chased unproven technologies for a 'remedy' for GSD. The lucky ones died soon after. A few of those gaining a spirit via avatar trait or access to ancient rituals have had that work out. For certain values of working out. That doesn't happen often enough for me to recommend those options."
"The first taste is always free. After that, you pay and pay and pay."
Oh boy, with those on his list of materials Benjamin will be more unpredictable.Dr. Bellows said, "I can suggest that you add metaphysical materials to your manifesting practice. If you're going to be on watchlists anyway, you might as well give their owners a good reason to worry."
"That I can do!" A brief handshake and Benjamin was out the door.
Dr. Bellows gets a glimpse into a memory from Benjamin's past. Kees Dekker goes to enter the Batavia Corporation, just how many cover identities has Benjamin had? 3 weeks into his internship, and he hopes to meet the boss today. He trained on a mockup for this, don't tell me he is here to take out the head of this corporation.
Crud, found out and lured into a trap.Nieuwoudt said to the faux intern, "Do sit down. Kees, isn't it? Tea?"
Something wasn't right.
"Yes. That would be..."
"More than you have the right to ask of the man you were sent here to kill? Definitely."
Is it really a power gem implanted in his skull? Brought tea, told to drink up before the disposal team arrives, and the postcognitive vision of Dr. Bellow ends.His owners' purpose was to insert him into this place and trigger the power gem implanted in his skull. So close! At this distance, Nieuwoudt would be left a drooling lump of flesh and Kees dead. There'd be no chance of uncovering evidence for use against his masters. How was it not happening?
Oof, 500 calories consumed or Colombine has a list of people she will call, Benjamin is being watched closely for good reason.Tuesday afternoon, Twain Cottage.
Benjamin, you need to stop beating yourself up over such things and realize you can have a life. Benjamin, let those who care about you do what they can to help even if it means showing their displeasure at what was done to you.It wasn't like he'd ever thought much of being a better father to some kid than, than— No, alone was the best way to go: no chance of anyone thinking about sharing around.
Mature for your age you are, Benjamin, but still a teen who thinks your secrets are too much for others to understand. Peter can understand and still be there for you, Benjamin, stop going to your darkest option about all this. Goes to his dorm room to rest only for someone to start pounding on the door, Cookie tackles him when he opens it and has a softball and bat in his mouth. They sent Cookie to get him to play ball, hehe.The last thing he needed was for The Imp and Victoria to compare notes on their squirrely TA and part-time merc!
Invite Sahar too, and the world might as well implode.
I like how Cookie thinks, smart, but like a child and so sweet. He got Benjamin to play catch with him, got himself and Benjamin muddy, and got a bath from Benjamin before Daniel came back for dinner.Cookie.
Easier to get mud off Cookie than off his clothes, Cookie's creator made him easy to clean when designing his genetics.Crystal Hall.
Oof, that is a horrible feeling. Good advice from Colombine, I hope Benjamin eats enough. Oh god, he is eating more than he expected, starting to feel better, then thinks about the other kids and their lives, how their parents didn't get saddled with 'trash' like him, he needs to see Dr. Bellows again now!"The prevailing air temperature is forty degrees below what you're used to. Also, you've been on the go since this morning. So, if you want to avoid being assigned an institutional dietician, fifteen hundred calories minimum."
"Cee, I know I need to eat. I'm just tired, is all."
Thulia shows up and has English class notes for him.
Boy, his sense of humor is working again. No potato chips, aww."Hey! I didn't do it. No one saw me do it. You can't prove a thing!"
Thulia wishes to know about Powers Testing, they spent their whole time comparing her to Morgana, good grief, those testers need a lecture. Benjamin goes over what happened during his testing, the confidence course had the testers say interesting compared to a baseline. Manifesting up to 3 pounds of lead, iron or steel stretches further, good grief, highly versatile is an understatement. That eye of his leaves more questions than answers.
Oh no, Thulia zoned out and Benjamin made himself disappear, she doesn't remember why she is here and misses Bruce. Benjamin gets her attention.
That power alone is going to have the power testing wonks bringing him in repeatedly to try and figure out how it works. UN blue police uniform, did he change or can the eye's power change people's perception of him instead of just forgetting he was even there? Thulia didn't even recognize him, only when he showed his I.D. did she realize, that is one scary potent ability. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, but you aren't a stupid prize, Benjamin."Not at all! I was ex— I wasn't expecting that. How do you observe what can't be perceived? Doesn't that affect you too?"
It is a modern store on a school campus, not an old shop in an RPG setting, Benjamin. 9-day Uncrossing candles, maybe you should get enough of those to last the rest of the school year, Benjamin. *eyes bug out* Graveyard dirt with no details on where it came from, whose grave, that is just asking for trouble. Just how expensive is the cold iron in the Whateley campus store?Tuesday evening,
Campus Bookstore, Fox Hall.
*facepalms* Any good mystic arts user knows to look for your supplies in the art section first for cheaper prices and they are just the same thing.
I would rather walk more and save cash, I'm with Benjamin on this. Cold iron and mithril, I'm sure Circe would be glad to let Benjamin have a small sample of Orichalcum if he just wishes to figure out how to duplicate it with his manifesting and will return it."Take microeconomics. I'm sure they cover it in that class. Prestige is a related issue. Haven't you ever held out for a more expensive brand or retailer than the one at hand?"
"Quality, reliability, delivery time, and goodwill matter too. Or, so I've been repeatedly told," Benjamin said. "Saving twenty feet of walking in a store? Why bother?"
A thousand dollars a gram plus labor for the mithril, eep. Good idea, get just enough to safely study it and not break the bank in the process. Benjamin, resale of a mithril ring, I would keep it on me with some of the nasties that slip into Whateley from time to time. Paperwork for a license, I'd hate to see the paperwork for the kind of licenses the regulars in the Workshop have to get.
Max tries not to worry about his friends, and he walks in on that. That is how Benjamin is setting up a replacement safe, he has C4 and blasting caps in the shopping bag. This boy is going to give the staff more stress than all of Team Kimba ever did. Good night for a sleeping pill, smart idea, Max.Twain Cottage.
The Workshop sampler has an explosive like that inside it, eep.Thursday afternoon, January 26, 2017,
Twain Cottage, Room 226.
Gah! Are all the people Benjamin knew from his job before coming to Whateley a little bit nuts? That is a strange way for his senses to analyze the substance. And he set it off! Was he blown out of his dorm room into the Memorial Garden?Max could get away with using the same knife for cutting down a charge and spreading peanut butter. Max got away with a lot of things no one else could.
Resembled a meth lab disaster, it is a good thing that was a small sample of the explosive substance. He blew up his desk, good grief.Doyle Medical Center.
From the students inside, that will include you until you and Max's dorm room is repaired. Poor Max needs help to destress from what Benjamin has done and does to himself.Propped up on the examining table, Benjamin asked, "Why do I have to go to Hawthorne?"
"Because the entire building is armored."
"From who?"
I would keep you there for a few days, you were supposed to analyze the substance and ended up setting it off."Son, that is not the same as being healthy. In any case, Dr. Williams is the person you need to convince. Good luck with that."
RDX, he was trying to get the pattern of what it is with his powers, not shock or friction sensitive, and yet he set it off with his scan.
Benjamin, you need to be taught to care for yourself more and not take such risks without more prep. No classes tomorrow for Benjamin, oh boy, Dr. Williams isn't happy about what he pulled."Holding on, to an explosive which wasn't as stable as you'd assumed, with your mind. Would you say that's close to what you were trying to do?" she asked.
2-hour English class and he has to take it through video conference from his hospital bed. Okay, his thinking is messed up right now to scramble it that bad. Max dropped by to see Benjamin released. And finally gets an apology from Benjamin.Friday morning, January 27, 2017,
Doyle Medical Center.
The explosion really did a number on Benjamin. Didn't get there until after the explosion, the door slammed shut due to the explosion, that is some powerful stuff."Apology accepted," he said as he turned around. "But, damn it! I want you to know that walking in to that room, with Pops doing first aid on you, down for the count — I think it took a year off my life."
A spoofed visitor who slams the door when they leave, not too subtle in their exit."On it. Our favorite Punch-ing bag is already going on suicide watch. We can use that for operational cover. I just need to alter the incident codes to account for our spoofed visitor."
Benjamin guessed, "No good visual on the intruder?"
"I was looking over your shoulder right before my terminal was hit. Around here, it could be a prank or more missing calligraphy," Colombine said. "But it could be something else. It doesn't fit Bystander's M.O., but that's only one of the many assholes running around. Officer Takenaka agrees."
Mrs. Bardue got updated information from Colombine, good, I hope she reads Benjamin the riot act. She read it to both Benjamin and Max, they better behave while staying there. Her job has to be one of the roughest for a house parent, kids whose powers in some cases could end their lives at any moment and she is the one who has to comfort them and comfort the other kids when it happens.Hawthorne Cottage.
Conrad Filbert is a good man, I'm so glad Caitlin knows all he does for those boys in his cottage.Twain Cottage.
Please don't say Benjamin's special eye is something Caitlin's Artificer talents can't understand or cause her issues. A shaped charge that pointed out, what did you do, Benjamin?Then there was this clusterfuck. Some of the results didn't jibe with her own experience, let alone her Artificer talents.
Gah! Without Mr. Filbert, Benjamin might be dead."My understanding is that Belfry manifested a parabolic shield at the last second. I had to pull him out of his roommate's desk to perform CPR."
An Artificer making something reproducible and repairable, huh, this will be interesting.Filbert continued, asking "As I was saying: can the wall be put back together such that it fails under a more survivable overpressure?"
"No launching manhole covers into space?"
"If the boy's roommate tries that, I will personally blame you for mentioning that possibility."
"Maybe?" Caitlin said, "It's going to take me more than a couple of days to come up with something reproducible and repairable."
Friday afternoon,
Theory and Practice of the Escape.
Imp cares and keeps informed about the people she is in charge of, she sure has come a long way from her days as a thief.She smiled at his confusion, "Maybe because I read the daily incident reports to keep track of my students and assistants?"
Imp is really concerned, Benjamin is not remembering things he just saw done, he might have a brain injury from the explosion."Take this slip to Dr. Tenent's office in Kirby Hall."
"How did you already have that ready to go?"
"Benjamin? You just watched me write it out. I'm calling an escort for you. Sit."
Half a month isn't nearly enough time to know everything the staff at Whateley does even if you are a former student.Zoe Nesmith-Chibany's Office, Kirby Hall.
Now I wonder what kind of notes got handed around to the staff about certain Gen 1 students. Dr. Ophelia Tenent shows up with Officer Takenaka and Benjamin.However, some of the shared notes were more informal and vivid than she'd expected. Those that came with pictures were the best and some of the worst.
He really wants to see how his powers are developing.Dr. Tenent explained, "Benjamin here is still showing signs of a concussion. I've afforded him what additional healing I can. I'm not convinced he's well enough to sit in on a class, but he doesn't want to miss his shot at the penny test."
The relationship of those two, is like a big sister trying to keep her little brother out of trouble and him whining about it."Yuki said she'd sit on me," explained the problem.
"Only to keep you from hurting yourself, Benjie."
"You say that now! As soon as she sees how wonky the wards are here... I don't wanna be sat on!"
Just how loopy is Benjamin right now? The way he is acting with the penny, I would almost think he is drunk right now. Residual radiation, Dr. Tenent didn't know to check him for that before, oh boy."A basic inflammation-reduction spell, which is interacting with Goddess-knows-what. Benjamin, what are you doing?"
Either his esper abilities give him precognitive abilities that he can't consciously tap into except in this state or Benjamin is out of it. B+ and Benjamin falls asleep right there standing up, whatever the basic inflammation-reduction spell is interacting with acts as a powerful sedative when combined or so it seems."Can I go? I don't want to be sat on! Not when that penny gets lost before, not soon, but not after a long time. It just kind of does? I'm tired."
Benjamin trying to get inside a lab and is told he isn't even on the tech track.Sunday morning, January 29, 2017,
Secure Computing Lab, The Workshop.
Gah! Blackmail by threat of teaching Karma how to bypass the lock on this door, Benjamin, I know you play dirty but that is a nuclear option when using threats."Then you know who's my work-study boss."
"That's an appeal to irrelevant authority. The differences between that and a logical argument probably escaped you."
Benjamin straightened up and crossed his arms. "On the contrary, I assure you. So. You can allow me access now. Or, you could wait until the next time I have to look after a sweet young lass, name of Chambers. She would be most entertained by a demonstration of how to bypass a Gizmatic 3120-series cipher lock with the recommended retina to iris cross-cataloging option. God knows that last bit's sold at a mark-up that amounts to highway robbery, for the value provided."
I would be pale too, the threat of Karma being able to break into that lab any time she wants, yikes. All this to get to Peter and remind him he eating or sleeping well, too engrossed in this project.Standing in the doorway was a pale upperclassman, accompanied by a frazzled-looking Icejack motioning Belfry in.
That wasn't a bluff, either leave the lab to get some food and sleep or he will teach Karma how to break in to force the matter."Peter, back up your shit, secure the rest, and let's go. I'll wait outside for, oh, five minutes before thinking up educational games to play with Susan Moira." Belfry entered a code for the cipher lock and stepped back out.
Wise move for everyone involved."Umm. Right. You go. I'll just add him to the access list before he introduces us to Karma."
I don't think you can load up food with Vitamin R, Benjamin. A red envelope for New Year's, Benjamin sure gives nice gifts. Benjamin! Restain yourself with that kind of innuendo.
Giving Humorless money, oh boy, he might take that the wrong way."I already sent some home to Mom, Reg, Li Hua, Jameson. So, you, Max, Yuki, Miss Barnes, Sifu Wong, Ms. Liebeck, The Imp, um, and someone else."
Aww, he does think of his friends. Peter, with Benjamin's concussion right now he is lucky to remember important details."I didn't say I was going to insult Pete! But I kinda owe Thulia for giving me her English notes. Maybe Billy, Tabitha, Anneliese?"
Sunday brunch,
Crystal Hall cafeteria.
Cute, it is his focused face. Calligraphy with Benjamin in that shape, switch hands now if it is hurting you that much, don't be stubborn!Half the time while Benjamin worked, he stuck his tongue tip out from the side of his mouth.
Darn tradition is going to have you in pain, Benjamin."No. <Xingshu> calligraphy is supposed to be done right-handed. I practice leftie too, but... yeah."
Yuki, please intervene and get these two to start dating officially already!"Maybe," Peter admitted, caught off-guard by the sudden interest in his plans. "I can work from practically anywhere if the reason's good enough. You?"
"Are you asking or offering?"
"Someday you're going to do that and get more than you bargained for."
"Promises, promises. Eat something. If you're good, maybe I'll let you know."
Puck with a peace offering for Belfry, Benjamin not invited to the Pan-Asia New Year's, oh brother. Heh, wasn't sure Icepick could talk until hearing it for themself as Peter chats with Benjamin. Oh, no wonder, information from Esquire should always be checked at least by 4 other sources or directly yourself. 'Liese is right, go over and apologize already, stop putting it off.
Hehe, nothing like a sibling to get you motivated."Fine. Maybe. But I want you to know I expect primo get-well gifts when I wake up in Doyle."
"You're not going to wake up in sick bay. But if you do, I'll ask Ekene to bring them to you."
"The girl with the snakes? No thanks, Sis!"
"Then get your ass in gear."
Puck finally works up the courage to go over, apologizes for tripping Benjamin, and wishes him a happy New Year with a red envelope.
Heard the saying before, but didn't know the particular dialect until now."That's what you'd say in Cantonese: Gong hei fat choy."
I like 'Liese, someone who can deal with Benjamin on his own terms. Those are some hard languages that Benjamin is learning, imo."Aren't you going to open it?"
"That would imply that I don't trust you not to short-change me."
"And your sister would kick my ass."
"How would she know?"
"I haven't given her hers yet. She'd know what happened as soon as she asked you about it."
Heh, you should have seen some of the idiots in the Capes in Gen 1, they prove that is true.Peter said, "Meh. Lots of folks get twitchy around Bad Seeds. That whole heroes and villains schtick, where narcissists and assholes claim that everyone is the 'hero of their own story' because that's how their own minds work."
Benjamin, if Peter knew your history with them he would make sure the ones involved never bother any mutant again, either directly or with help from his family. They do that for the school, without Hartford around their job must have gotten harder."Benjamin," Peter didn't growl, but Benjamin could hear the edge wrapped around his name. "How much of a history do you have with H1!?"
"Technically slash officially speaking, not much? Besides, you should be eating. I don't need an adverse history with your Mom."
No, you are better off not being a telepath like your sister while at Whateley. Kuvuka, his roommate.Puckwidget,
Emerson Cottage.
With mutants in the world I'm even more baffled by skin-color prejudice existing in the Whateley universe. Lukas failed English and speaks mostly Arabic, oh no, I see what you are planning Puck. Calls up his SIs about the matter, heh.Aussie accent, dark skin, and not being a rich exemplar meant damned near everyone found a bone to pick.
Eddie, no, just no, you don't share that stuff with any female you know, least of all your sister."You're not trying to get this person hooked up?"
"No!" Ew. It's bad enough running into the guys in the shower.
"Then don't look at them, Eddie."
"What? Hang on, there. A guy needs to know how he stacks up against the competition!"
"A guy does not need to update his telepathic sister on those details. Fine. I'll ask Marian, see what she knows about it."
Lockdown sirens, an attack on students in Dunwich, who would be insane enough to do that? Peter is working overtime to make sure if the school is hit next they are ready, contacts Colombine about Benjamin who already has him moving.Icejack,
Secure Computing Lab, The Workshop.
Crap, this is worse than I thought, is someone attacking the school? Cellular tower frequency jamming, is this a professional hit?"Already on it. Kurenai is running worst-case assessments against sensor failures."
No one had better die in this attack or Whateley will find out who is behind it and glass them.Security didn't rely on official police or emergency response bands. Both ARC and the Syndicate also used their own in-house cryptography on unpublished frequencies. Just a matter of finding out what the opposing force knew to target and how much separation they put between their positions.
Grabbing Sepsis and heading to Doyle, even with medical-grade backup generators Doyle will need all the help they can get if this situation is as bad as reported.Belfry,
Hawthorne Cottage.
A reminder of the Halloween Invasion for Mrs. Bardue, crap. She isn't going to let the kids be traumatized or hurt this time. Tries to get Benjamin and Max to head to lockdown, but is informed Doyle wants Benjamin sent over. Help at Doyle and keep people safe, Benjamin can do that even in his current condition.Deborah Bardue,
Hawthorne Cottage.
Good thing she said yes. Oh boy, who else in Hawthorne might sneak out to help defend the school?"Otherwise? Belfry would be going in the opposite direction from a hospital and Super-Dance-Party would be setting up a sniper nest on the roof. Everyone sane disapproves."
"Got it. Make sure they actually check in."
Doyle Medical Center.
Poor kid is in almost as bad of shape as Puppet was in Gen 1, if not in worse shape.Benjamin and Max got Sepsis to the Center with battery power to spare for the rack of monitors, pumps, and dialysis keeping him alive.
Sorry, Benjamin, but this time you have to sit out.Almost any help: a staff member relocated Benjamin to a disused room housing way too many hold-down points.
Oh crap, don't tell me this was that idiot's attempt to capture Morgana?"Benjamin, Security reports that Dragonsfyre and Drakaina are in critical condition, en route to Doyle Medical. The school lockdown has an estimated half-hour or more to go. At the very least, Security needs to continue their sweep for additional active threats."
The Cult may say it was a rogue member acting without their authorization, but I don't think Whateley will buy that when they retaliate. Living flowers instead of dead ones, a good idea, Colombine."Step carefully, but I'd like a social network analysis on both primaries including redactions. Security will be looking for leaks and info brokers with a taste for poor life choices, I want context."
"Security's looking into the Cult of the Red Baal."
"Who, if they gave a damn about Whateley, would have done something years ago. Who has a reason to sell short-fused mission data, with enough deniability to get a decent price from the terminally stupid?"
Does this mean Whateley had a student with spider-based GSD with eight arms at one point in the past that had to be restrained?"Why are you holding a set of soft restraints for an octopod?"
Octo? Eight... feet? Spider?
"Ahhhrgh!" The contraption with too many straps and buckles hit the deck. Benjamn asked, "Why wasn't it labeled? What does that make these pad things?"
"Something you shouldn't be handling until it's been disinfected, somehow. Or you can toss it all in the medical waste disposal. Either works."
Devisor coffee dissolves his medicine on contact, yuck. Only class he was allowed to attend.Monday afternoon, January 30, 2017,
Theory and Practice of the Escape.
Just how many students were injured in the attack? Pastel being in a mood, one of her dear friends is in Doyle, I would be upset too.Unfortunately, both Helsing and DragonsFyre, along with Thulia, were still in Doyle. Different incidents.
Benjamin, how much do you know about the incident where Morgana was abducted and transformed?"The lockdowns on discussing the lockdown were loud enough. The OPFOR had knowledge of Whateley Academy schedules, by coincidence or not. They couldn't have just shown up an hour ahead to choose their favorite dormer windows and roof ridges. Calling in a team of mages, that's not a casual grudge, either."
That arrogant shit actually did it, he attacked Whateley students that close to the school. The kill team had backup on standby north of the town, they came ready to kill anyone who tried to stop them. They need to be exterminated."It's got to be somewhat personal, because the girls recognized the ringleader on sight. After that, Morgana's body language was screaming fear as much as Thulia's was shouting rage. Thulia's normally a tough read."
Sometimes you can't escape, best to know the options to use in those cases. Good lord, Benjamin has nightmare fuel in his memories and I pity any telepath that accidentally hits on one of them."That's tough. Maybe go over the town's layout? Everyone knows the place, right? Then, step through how to traverse hostile urban terrain as you encounter it. Given enough lead time, who can bring in roving patrols, surveillance, or long-distance weapons? High ground: is it even on the table? For this class, I'd leave magic out of it but focus on how to go to ground when you don't have close backup."
Late Monday afternoon, January 30, 2017,
Office of Elyzia Grimes, Kirby Hall.
Nice to know department rivalry is alive and well. Wait, this is how the Mystic Arts department keeps itself hidden, a spell that prevents the curved hall leading into its offices from being noticed by anyone who can't see past the spell, I thought it was something more elaborate.Some of the psychic residues and magical graffiti adorning Kirby Hall's walls had to be older than Benjamin. What the maintenance staff couldn't see or touch, they couldn't clean up. Students from one department helpfully pointed out the other department's mischief and vice versa in a deranged tit-for-tat. By some informal agreement, some tags were never set up for removal. To normal eyes, the walls were a shabby patchwork quilt of scrubbed and repainted areas that never quite matched.
Miss Issacson isn't there, why isn't she with Benjamin?
The explosion might have made less noise than when Max cranks his music up to maximum volume.That there hadn't been an Academy bylaw against manifesting explosives in the residential Cottages had come as an unwelcome surprise. Miss Grimes wholeheartedly supported adopting one. On the other hand, the fact that a wall-penetrating sound meter had been epoxied into the wall outside Belfry's and Super-Dance-Party's dorm room reminded her of her college days.
"Ectoplasm isn't stable until you lock in the imposed matrix. By order of operation, you were attempting an ectoplasmic matrix that could be RDX instead of direct production of RDX itself. Be more careful in the future."
*winces* No wonder it exploded.
Oh, that is where Miss Issacson was, easy enough mistake. A black, engraved crystal, discharged of Essence and thoroughly cleansed, that is some material for him to materialize.No, this couldn't be part of the necklace that Caitlin made for herself back in Gen 1, can it?t was more like an artist's impression of a crystal: all artifice. As expected, it lacked scent or taste. It couldn't be scratched. The symbols that had been engraved into the crystal faces were filled with silvery stuff.
Yikes, never have him try to copy something an Artificer has made ever again.Moreover, all things change and all known things end. This... didn't?
If heaven and Earth cannot make things eternal, how is it possible for man?
Short blackout there for Benjamin, helped up by Grimes. Not a seizure, good and bad at the same time imo.So the crystal is a fixed point in time to its moment of creation, dang."You've heard how one has to learn to perceive the one thing in the ten thousand things and the ten thousand in the one?"
That got him a faint smile. "As above, so below. Only the individual viewpoint changes."
By now, even vaguely aware students would have already been on their feet and out the door.
"Change the viewpoint, change the viewer. Then there's this stuff." Pointing to the essence crystal, Benjamin said, "For us, here, it's locked in the moment of creation." He locked his fingers together and mimed being unable to pull his hands apart. "Any force you can imagine hitting it with comes out to nothing because when matters as much as where and how. But now isn't then."
Shoot, I bet in a couple more centuries archaeologists will start finding some more of the adamant items out there.She said, "Surprising then, that the world isn't cluttered up with useful items made of adamant."
"They'd just get buried under a burned city or chucked into a volcano or deep-sea trench. 'If I can't have it, nobody can!'"
"I suppose that is a consolation. Do finish the soda. With the ring you ordered, I'm tempted to ask you to sit or stand in a working circle for your first attempt at scanning it."Ah, you are starting to understand Miss Grimes more, Benjamin. The mithril ring and Miss Grimes doesn't believe he will be able to copy it with his manifestor power."Isn't that usually a bad idea with mages I don't know well?"
"Your lesson for the day is that it is almost always a bad idea. It's rarely a good idea even with those you think you know. However, your contract for delivery is incomplete, and I am under certain obligations in my position as a teacher here."
"There's at least a third reason?" Benjamin eyed the teacher. "But I won't be getting it from you."
He did it, of course he did, tastes like silver, never mention something should taste like something or Benjamin will test it that way immediately. Grimes uses a spell and both rings light up, he manifested mithril! Benjamin slips the manifested ring into a dull metal gray ring he is wearing then puts on the real mithril ring.I didn't see that coming, conjuration overlaps the manifestation trait, very interesting. Another substance she wishes to see if he can duplicate, don't tell me she has some Orichalcum on hand.Benjamin pulled the merged ring off his finger and held it out for inspection. The two metals had braided themselves into one another, dividing and subdividing until they resembled forged steel. The diagnostic flame danced a blue-green celadon bounded top and bottom in mercurial ultraviolet and arsenical rouge.
Raven is talking to Benjamin, this is major.'I avoid making promises I cannot keep.'
What about promises not directly made?
"Those can be the hardest to keep, boy. They're almost as bad as secrets."Good advice. I like Raven, wise, witty, and knows more about you than even you realize about yourself."Before or after digging through records, eyewitness reports, forensics, and archaeology?"
"After. Definitely. Then, maybe, Benjamin Keeling, you'll understand why some in your business receive an honorable interment. Others' bones lay broken and scattered to prevent them ever from being pieced back together."
Two decoy safes and Benjamin knows not to mess with the real safe if he finds it. Raven, no tempting teenagers like that. Now who is Grimes annoyed at? An inlay of orichalcum, I thought she would see if he could duplicate it.Well, it is a material that some consider sunlight and magic welded together into a solid material, complex seems an understatement for it. Good lord, never attempt to copy this stuff again from the source.Inside, it was a massed pipe tattoo compared to the soft chant of silver or the battle cry of steel. Both mithril-containing rings on his hands hummed in a resonant counterpoint with its song.
Orichalcum is that potent of a magical material, good lord. A price on Grimes's head if she interrupted him, and most of the Essence rebounded into the dagger, it changed the dagger! Nikki is here and she examined the ring, yay!"Three hours, followed by another hour sleeping on my desk. During those three hours, you burned through lethal amounts of Essence that you didn't have. Miss Reilly here helped me help you get through that. I would recommend never attempting a de novo manifestation of orichalcum again as it would most likely consume you."
That ring has become an artifact all its own now.Three materials, black, gold, and silver, had been folded and refolded until one could barely tell where one stopped and the other began. The resulting pattern was part damascene, part filigree, and achingly familiar.
The ring is part iron, no wonder Nikki can't shake his hand with it on.Don't get caught up in her glamour, although I hope she has control of it by now. Too late. And he detected her hammerspace, that eye of his continues to impress.The early-twenty-something woman wasn't a 'ten'. With her, ten was the exponent, not the base.
Hehe, she hasn't figured out he is gay yet, so long out of Poe Cottage and she has forgotten a little.Miss Grimes tsked, "For the record, Mr. Keeling's fealty is already sworn."
"Elyzia, why can't I just enjoy meeting a young man who isn't eyeballing my bra size? That's mystery enough without dwelling on the rest!"Yes, retreat before Nikki gets really angry at that comment.Miss Grimes caught the twitch of his lips, "Mr. Keeling, what's the fastest way to remove Miss Reilly's bra?"
The boy said, "Ask." That earned him two scowls. "What? It could work! Oh, look at the time! It was good meeting you both, but I really should be going!"
Gah! Now I'm trying to imagine it, thanks for that, null. A lie for the origin of his ring, just keep the truth a secret, or else everyone with no morals will be after it."Magic? A devise?"
"I've had enough mental scarring this week without trying to imagine a devisor bra."Benjamin, if Miss Grimes finds out she will have a spell put on you to keep any orichalcum from being able to make contact with you ever again. About a dozen Sidhe-type mutants on campus, whoa, a lot more showing up in this generation."What you did back there. You aren't planning on doing that again, are you?"
"Benjamin, please tell me that you aren't!"
"I think... It's best for both of us if I don't make promises I cannot back up. Not around magical stuff."
"That's not the answer I was hoping for."Good idea, but can't he take off the ring and put it back on again or is it stuck on his finger? Dora manages three impossible things at once, nice to see Colombine making friends."Could you place an order for silk- and lead-lined half-finger gloves in my size?"
It is winter and you put on the half-finger gloves, please start using your head more, Benjamin. Over-nighted a pair of these and full-length gloves from Miss Rogers, he must be her best customer in recent years. Heavy-looking filled doughnut, Donut is the best guy at Whateley. Please, we know you would push your powers to make the world's largest pastry to eat yourself if you had Donut's power, Benjamin.Tuesday morning, January 31, 2017,
Freshman English, Kane Hall.Eating that didn't fully wake him up, just how exhausted is he?The mocha chocolate doughnut with dark chocolate icing and devisor coffee filling was sweet, delicious, and bitterly over-caffeinated.
I believe it, that much sugar and caffeine in it would put some people in the hospital."The last time I made one of those was for finals week. You know John, over there? Er, Dasypod? He was awake for three days straight."
"Still good. Compliments to the chef!"
Lukas, you have a friend in your roommate, but he is trying too hard to get you and Benjamin together so he can help you with your English and have someone to talk to. Using the word crazy around Whateley is a bad idea in front of anyone.Lukas Malual.
Harry Potter reference, back before. Oh, good, warned about Humorless.A woman's voice, Ms. Barnes's, called out from behind him, "Have you tried tapping your map and repeating 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'?"
Lukas reached out to shake his teacher's hand. "[i[Avilakoa[/i], Miz Barnes! No, I did not. Would it help?"
I wonder why he chose a codename with that meaning."Avi— Um. Good morning, everyone. I am Lukas Malual. I have chosen the codename Kuvuka, which means 'road crossing'. I am from, I mean, my family now lives in the Northern Territory of Australia."
That is some accent. Oww, woken up using a neural inducer, is a rough way to wake up.A small girl with a flock of items orbiting her head piped up, "Awww. We won't be hold'n' that aginst yew. Nawt too much, anyhew."
Aww, it is someone Benjamin knows and who likes him.< Sergeant Keeling! >
Lukas ignored whoever it was who asked if 'rakhib' was a good or bad thing. He teleported directly to Benjamin and pulled the wide-eyed Twainee into a hug.
Flashback to an incident in the past. That powder-blue scarf is Benjamin's signature alright.Tuesday evening, March 8, 2016,
Southern perimeter, Abu Ajurah Camp, South Darfur.So that is where it came from, the headscarf seemed important to Benjamin, and now we know why.Their interpreter, Yaqub al-Mazari, had presented him the headscarf on behalf of (most of) his squad.
Okay, I do not like Mason already, a bigot to the people he is working with.The Canadian specialist, Constable Harrison Mason, loudly disapproved of the baby-faced sergeant "going native". In turn, Keeling was confident that "sand nigger" was not standard Canadian slang, especially not when referring to another mzungu, but he rolled with it.
Corporal Ally called the stop in, a boy being chased possibly by his mother into the desert, an adult male in the camp trying to shield his daughter from a gathering crowd.In a bad situation you want him to lead, he didn't hesitate when giving orders once. Why are you going after the boy, Benjamin? Ack, teleporter, now that is someone hard to catch. Yikes! Spooked the kid like that and he teleported but fell two meters.Keeling barked, "Juma! You and your men take the crowd. Al-Mazari, details. Bakari, back them up. Komba, Selemani, with me!"
Ouch, in the field has to split up the kid's leg and get him medical care, and the mother acting like her son is already gone.Arrgh, this is why information about mutants needs to be spread even to small communities to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The kid is a mutant, and Mason is an anti-mutant bigot who might kill the kid, and even try to kill Benjamin if he is told what the others saw him do. Ugh, the mother tried to take him to the priest to be exorcised from the way she was talking. Lukas Malual, saved him from the villagers, his own mother's overzealous beliefs, and Mason. And got him medical help, he was going into burnout even before the leg breaking."Villagers say boy is possessed by evil spirit. Recommend we take the whole family back to base, over."
In those eyewitness accounts, everyone involved agreed to lie. Guess what really happened, Mason tried to murder Lukas and Benjamin had to put him down to save the kid's life.Kicked out of police recruit training, sounds like he was a loose cannon waiting to go off with a lot of bigotry.Harrison A. Mason turned out to have been a United States citizen last known to have been discharged from police recruit training in Ohio.
Myra Barnes did her homework on Lukas, and on Belfry who has a lot of explaining to do later.Well, a lot of injuries and recovery time will use up nutrients your body needs to grow, Benjamin. No, no running away even for a short while, Benjamin."How is he taller than me? He's still a kid!" Benjamin was so going to have to talk this out with Miss Rodebaugh Dr. Delacroix.
Oh, crap. Benjamin reliving the incident again as if he was really there. The flashback this bad, and Peter asks if he is okay, Benjamin needs to see Dr. Bellows and go to Doyle, that concussion might be making his brain issues worse. Peter gets Benjamin's food tray off the table and joins him under it to eat, now that is a true friend.Lunch,
Crystal Hall.Don't tell me, not only the attack on students, but some incidents outside the school have them more worried than usual about the students' safety."I hear the Team Tactics classes are going extra rough this year. Might as well give the overachievers a chance to cool down."
Benjamin, stop hiding behind your job and tell Peter how you feel about him already! Oh boy, Peter is ticked the doctors let Benjamin out early.Peter growled, for real this time, "Keeling, when you hear 'hit the deck' you goddamned well better hit the deck like the bitch owes you back rent. Every school year has its own body count. Don't make me have to attend your funeral."
HIs head isn't in the right place, but that concussion is still doing a number on Benjamin, he needs to go back into Doyle to get checked out again."Escape, Dr. Delacroix, Algebra, followed by Psychic Tricks for Newbies after dinner."
"Finish up and we'll see about bumping you up the appointment list."
Food fights and other fights in the Crystal Hall, on days like that I would bring a PFG just to be safe while eating.Peter, one thing you need in a team member is trust, and Benjamin trusts you with his life. Valentine's Day Dance, Benjamin doesn't know how to dance, how did he avoid getting Max to teach him? Heh, loves Colombine's response on the matter."You don't have competition. There were a couple of names floated, but I can't turn my back on any of them. Besides, I've seen you work. No shame in that game."
*hits head on desk* I didn't think it was possible for something to be denser than adamant, but Benjamin just proved me wrong. List all those good things about Peter then say he snores, Benjamin, you are approaching the density of a neutron star."Since you brought it up, who are you going to ask?"
"I've had my eyes on a blond, but lately it's like they don't even see me."
"Are you sure she's not blind? Trust me, it happens."
"Not completely blind, no."
Finally! Benjamin reveals he is not straight and still, they are being dense about the whole matter."You're the blond. Asshole."
"Right. Very funny," Benjamin scoffed. "In all the time I've known you, you haven't checked out a single guy. Mr. Dead Guy, Class of 2019, doesn't count."
"See? A 'no'. Tell me: what would you have done if I told you before? Even I know that straight guys don't cope well with things like that."I'm with Colombine, these two need a clue-building dropped on them already."You're always on a job."
"Since no one's ever shown interest in me, with a few exceptions, I'm not seeing a problem with that."
"Just how many exceptions are we talking about?"
Neither boy caught Colombine's facepalm before she rezzed out.
Miss Ludington says they are almost on schedule, the mess at the Crystal Hall is going to add to their work.Mental Health Department, Doyle Medical Center.
Arrgh, this is why having Louis around was such a big help, he would pick on such things before they exploded like this."Sure. After Security gets their interviews done, we'll be swamped with anger management and trigger management sessions. It's as if we don't have existing patients with appointments to keep."
Good deal for Swiss Hot Chocolate and dealing with Benjamin early. Peter can get a care package from home the same day, just how rich is his family?Miss Ludington spoke up, "Two sealed boxes, today, and you won't rack up a higher tab for your friend."
Dr. Delacroix's Office, Doyle Medical Center.
Oh, this doesn't even reach the top 50 of the most unusual couple situations that have happened at Whateley over the years. Benjamin was so afraid of being friend-zoned that he never asked Peter. Good question for Benjamin, and the response, I'm going to bop you one, Benjamin if you don't stop goofing around with the responses on this serious matter.According to Dr. Delacroix's calculations, her patient was still in the process of repeatedly hitting the mental snooze button to avoid waking up to the fact that relationships exist and he was in one. More disconcerting was that he'd managed to find someone even more socially stunted than himself to have a crush on. How does this even happen?
*hits head on desk in frustration* Please, someone knock some sense into him.Between school and work, when am I supposed to have time for a relationship? Totally unrealistic.
*pulls out clue 1000 megaton hammer and gets ready to hit Benjamin with it*Time to walk back the rambling self-justifications. "Benjamin. The school you attend is headed by a criminal mastermind whose superheroic right-hand man can fly on his own without spells, jet packs, or aircraft. According to multiple government agencies, being a teenage male with a sex drive is not the weirdest thing on your plate, or your boyfriend's."
"He's not my boyfriend! We're just... you know."
A year and a half you have been pining for Peter and said nothing. Okay, someone tell all of Benjamin's female friends about this now.Dr. Delacroix asked, "You've like him liked him for how long?" At this rate, she'd be replacing her stylus again.
"A year and a half."
"Pardon me? I didn't quite catch that."
"A year and a half?"Not a big deal, to someone who cares about you that is a big deal. Yes, get him to talk about Peter's good qualities and maybe he will finally realize he is being a stubborn idiot to not date him."We use paintball guns to assess tactics. A drone is a weapon platform too."
"You have a point there. Any other times?"
"There was that op that sidelined me at the end of summer. He's still kind of pissed about being kept out of the loop by the hospital. I'm pretty sure that wasn't my first concussion, so it wasn't really a big deal."
If these two were any more frustrating I'm sure a certain security officer would have chewed them out about it already. No nagging, no whining, just talk. So close to these two knuckleheads finally dating and another obstacle pops up, rats."Not an idiot," Dr. Delacroix noted. "Definitely a valuable asset. Does he know this?"
"Of course he does. He has to know."
Benjamin was sure of that. Pretty sure, even, but he'd been wrong before.
"Do you usually wait for him to say something before opening your mouth?"
"Maybe? Yeah."
"Have you told him that you're doing that?"
"I should send you a transcript of this session, so you can see how often you don't volunteer a single goddamned thing unless asked. If you two are similar in that regard, that's going to cause problems between, during, and after an op, and all the time in a relationship. That goes for the two of you now, in case you haven't figured that part out."
Benjamin's bad news, at least he doesn't like girls so no chance of fathering children. But still a rough blow to him. With all the medical stuff, and his flesh and blood eye changing to become like the other eye, he is going to need help or he might go back into hiding his emotions more. The fact he wants his body cremated in an incinerator at Doyle when he dies, yikes. And stuck on campus due to information leaks from powers testing that happens despite all efforts to stop it. I didn't realize Colombine has to monitor how much he eats in addition to all her other duties, Benjamin is in worse shape mentally than I realize.
I loved his interactions with Cookie and Thulia, he needs more people in his life who treat him like a regular person. Yes, Cookie is a person, you can't argue with me about this. Regarding the store incident, I can't believe the mystic students won't take their supplies from the art supply section if it is the same exact thing and cheaper. I'm glad they didn't have mithril or orichalcum on the shelves, they would get robbed for those every chance the students had.
Trying to duplicate a stable explosive like RDX with an unstable substance like ectoplasm, Benjamin should have done his research first. At least now he knows why it exploded thanks to Grimes, plus the house rules for Hawthorne while he and Max stay there. I knew he could duplicate the mithril, the orichalcum, I had no idea it was that much more magically charged than mithril. Please say he will get caught before he gets hurt when he tries to copy it again. I loved seeing Nikki again, I wonder if she has kept up with any of her friends over the years.
The concussion, how much longer is Benjamin going to suffer with it? It is making it hard for him to gauge threats properly and react appropriately, if it hadn't been for Peter he might have attacked someone in the Crystal Hall. It is scary what PTSD and a concussion combined can do to someone.
The relationship with Peter, you would think Benjamin would realize it by now, especially after what he did to gain access to the lab just to get Peter to come eat and get some rest. The threat of Karma is not something anyone at Whateley should take lightly. Even after Peter reveals he is gay and Benjamin does as well they are still arguing. I hope the talk with Dr. Delacroix will help move things along so these two can become a couple.
I can't believe Lukas came to Whateley and now is taller than Benjamin. Benjamin better not try to avoid him, they both need a friend they can talk to.
The Cult of Ba'all attack. I knew those cowards would do it, but to strike when Morgana and Thulia were in Dunwich is beyond low. So many were injured, did anyone die in the attack? I want to see how Whateley retaliates against this, I want to see that group destroyed. They struck at their safe place and they need to pay.
A great story with a lot of interesting new things to learn, both about Benjamin and his friends, and some about magical materials and how manifestations try to copy something's function and form. I can't wait for the next story for Benjamin, Peter, Max, and all the rest.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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No Heroes Part 6: Something to chew on comments
Dr. Shandy continued, "With regard to GSD, you have what the public would call a mild instance. The changes to your internal organs are more interesting. Running more metabolic tests can wait for one of our colleagues to become available. Your left eye is innervated, so you should be able to see through it. I'd recommend occupational therapy with a goal of regaining function."
This sounds good in theory, but I don't want to think what he would see out of that eye.
A mountain, an island, a Bear, a Unicorn, a Raven...
The best part is that it's no more magical than any other eye, technically speaking. The worst, that his skull is slowly turning to jade around it.
Mature for your age you are, Benjamin, but still a teen who thinks your secrets are too much for others to understand. Peter can understand and still be there for you, Benjamin, stop going to your darkest option about all this. Goes to his dorm room to rest only for someone to start pounding on the door, Cookie tackles him when he opens it and has a softball and bat in his mouth. They sent Cookie to get him to play ball, hehe.
Cookie's the best pupper. He figured it all out himself! Good boy!
Oh no, Thulia zoned out and Benjamin made himself disappear, she doesn't remember why she is here and misses Bruce. Benjamin gets her attention.
"Not at all! I was ex— I wasn't expecting that. How do you observe what can't be perceived? Doesn't that affect you too?"
That's the perceptual invisibility effect. Being at the center of it, he only knows if he's consciously doing it, not whether it's working or not. Here's where the professional paranoia comes in: Imagine if it's up, he's down, and he needs to be found.
That power alone is going to have the power testing wonks bringing him in repeatedly to try and figure out how it works. UN blue police uniform, did he change or can the eye's power change people's perception of him instead of just forgetting he was even there? Thulia didn't even recognize him, only when he showed his I.D. did she realize, that is one scary potent ability.
Benjamin's a MAN-1. But like Beltane and Robert Rose, he manifests and manipulates ectoplasm, which is psychomimetic substance warped from an undefined elsewhere, defined and manipulated via psycho/telekinesis. That complicates specific testing for warping and esper talents. After spending six months as a police sergeant, that's one of the easier identities for him to assume on short notice. Technically, it's still him with ectoplasmic clothing combined with a more intentional effect.
How much could that continue to bite him in the ass?
Either his esper abilities give him precognitive abilities that he can't consciously tap into except in this state or Benjamin is out of it. B+ and Benjamin falls asleep right there standing up, whatever the basic inflammation-reduction spell is interacting with acts as a powerful sedative when combined or so it seems.
Or, it could just be the will of the Tao.
Benjamin straightened up and crossed his arms. "On the contrary, I assure you. So. You can allow me access now. Or, you could wait until the next time I have to look after a sweet young lass, name of Chambers. She would be most entertained by a demonstration of how to bypass a Gizmatic 3120-series cipher lock with the recommended retina to iris cross-cataloging option. God knows that last bit's sold at a mark-up that amounts to highway robbery, for the value provided."
Gah! Blackmail by threat of teaching Karma how to bypass the lock on this door, Benjamin, I know you play dirty but that is a nuclear option when using threats.
The shortest way between two points is a straight line, probably through a minefield.
I don't think you can load up food with Vitamin R, Benjamin. A red envelope for New Year's, Benjamin sure gives nice gifts. Benjamin! Restain yourself with that kind of innuendo.
It's Peter who's considering ritalin for Benjamin. He's a product of the American Educational Situation, after all. Still, the likelihood of two (barely) sixteen-year-olds passing up on a chance to jerk each others' chains is low to nonexistent. (They each enjoy being able to hijack the other's attention like no one else can.)
"The lockdowns on discussing the lockdown were loud enough. The OPFOR had knowledge of Whateley Academy schedules, by coincidence or not. They couldn't have just shown up an hour ahead to choose their favorite dormer windows and roof ridges. Calling in a team of mages, that's not a casual grudge, either."
Benjamin, how much do you know about the incident where Morgana was abducted and transformed?
Not much, other than it being traumatic. Morgana hasn't had much time to open up about it. He could direct an enquiry to London, but hasn't had a reason.
It was more like an artist's impression of a crystal: all artifice. As expected, it lacked scent or taste. It couldn't be scratched. The symbols that had been engraved into the crystal faces were filled with silvery stuff.
No, this couldn't be part of the necklace that Caitlin made for herself back in Gen 1, can it?
Just one of the essence crystals she gifted the department with. Imagine Belfry inheriting one of the Three Little Witches' essence crystals.

"Could you place an order for silk- and lead-lined half-finger gloves in my size?"
Good idea, but can't he take off the ring and put it back on again or is it stuck on his finger?
His manifestation talent here is normally limited in time and distance to touch range.
Benjamin doesn't know how to dance, how did he avoid getting Max to teach him?
By maintaining a white-knuckled grip on his sanity.
Miss Ludington spoke up, "Two sealed boxes, today, and you won't rack up a higher tab for your friend."
Good deal for Swiss Hot Chocolate and dealing with Benjamin early. Peter can get a care package from home the same day, just how rich is his family?
Peter wasn't, but his father, Butch, was born in Arkham, NH. Molly's from Maine. A rarity for Whateley: they're locals.
A great story with a lot of interesting new things to learn, both about Benjamin and his friends, and some about magical materials and how manifestations try to copy something's function and form. I can't wait for the next story for Benjamin, Peter, Max, and all the rest.
Thank you very much again! You'd never believe how much it matters that people pick up on the little hints and misdirections as well as the broader strokes and themes!
Benjamin and Peter will be having as typical an ISTP/INTP relationship as can be managed between two deadpan snarkers at Whateley. They just needed encouragement to do this "talking about feelings" thing. Been sitting on this for four years Wait til you see who ends up giving them relationship advice.
Will it be smooth sailing?
And, with a quick weapons check, they were off.
Shawn shook his head. It was probably just as well that Benjamin and his date were gay. They cleaned up well, but with romantic instincts like that, what woman would give them a second date?
"I wonder how those two ever got together?"
Taka almost let it go, but said, "In Japan, it is traditional to exchange chocolates. Perhaps they exchanged bullets?"
Magic 8 Ball says, "Don't count on it"
Of course, there will also be complications for the Spring term. Someone's attracted attention.
"No Heroes" Part 7: After the rain link .
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Nice hint at us getting to see a certain cult commit Suicide by Whateley soon, by showing us the aftermath...
The readers won't be left hanging for long on this one.
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"No Heroes" Part 7: After the rain link .
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- No Heroes, Part 6: Something to chew on by Null0trooper