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- Icejack's Very Sucky, No Good, Combat Final by Null0trooper
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Icejack's Very Sucky, No Good, Combat Final by Null0trooper
Icejack's Very Sucky, No Good, Combat Final
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Icejack's Very Sucky, No Good, Combat Final comments
Crap, this didn't end well for Icejack. Sounds like a rough combat final from start to finish concluding with that fall, poor kid.Fall 2015 Combat Finals Week,
Arena 99, Whateley Academy.
Double ouch, the after-combat critic from the judges and an F. Why did he get the one fire escape in that bad of shape, it is almost like he has bad luck or something.Recovery, Doyle Medical Center.
Ophelia Tenent intercepting Carson and her guest for the sake of Raiford, now she is a doctor who cares for the mental health of her patients.Hours later.
Yikes, remind me to never make her angry. Molly Raiford, Peter's mother, oh boy."Not one word from either of you even hinting that this was all Raiford's fault. I've heard the same line of bullshit from every person who witnessed that match, and I'm sick of hearing it. The next armchair quarterback I'm stuck dealing with gets scrubbed up for surgery."
Molly wants to see the electronic records for the school, no wonder Carson wants to keep her distracted. The last time there was a unanimous assessment among eyewitnesses of a combat final was when Wondercute was in school, dang, no wonder Molly is suspicious of Bystander.Office of the Headmistress.
Carson, considering how well Tansy played down her own abilities during power testing for so long I don't doubt that another student could avoid revealing they have a particular power."If, and that's a very big if, Mr. Chalmers acted out of malice, the more pressure we put on him, the smarter he'll become at covering his tracks next time. Is that what you want? It won't speed up Peter's recovery."
Rereading textbooks to prepare for finals, make his suffering stop already! Parents home for the entire break and having to figure out how to ask Ms. Takenaka for pointers without telling the others, Peter, you have more to worry about than that right now.Doyle Medical Center.
Benjamin Keeling and his team reviewing footage covering the accident, 3 so far, I wonder how many cameras captured it.Guardian Resources and Trading Company, Kapalangpur.
With this crew on the case if anything is off then they will catch it.His life had depended on Max 'Dancy Dance' Livingston's near-eidetic memory for details and Yuki 'Kuromu' Takenaka's eye for recognizing patterns too many times to count.
Bystander weighs the same and the fire escape didn't come down on him, saying it is metal fatigue, no, this feels like deliberate damage after he climbed up to prevent being followed.
I knew something was off. The thing folded in on itself, yeah, no way that is just metal fatigue, especially with how Whateley takes care of stuff used in the combat finals."It looks like a demolition job to me."
If it isn't just Bystander though who on the inside would pull such a thing? Bystander going back to check on his work when Icejack was so far behind, highly suspicious on its own. The stage crew should have been told to leave the accident site alone for an investigation, this is sloppy on the staff's part."It should have been designed to do anything but that. Also, it would have to have been inspected before use, or else we're looking at criminal negligence. That's two strikes against that theory."
*winces* Great, if Bystander used mental coercion that makes him more dangerous. Autofocus on foreground action, arrgh, those cameras are a pain. I hope they can find more evidence than just the camera footage.
Carson having to deal with Molly and keep the peace, I pity her job.Monday morning, Second Combat Finals Week,
Office of the Headmistress, Whateley Academy.
A Syndicate agent, oh boy, I almost pity Bystander right now. Vaporware and Illustrated Man, Molly and her husband's codenames I'm guessing."Mrs. Carson, I do believe you're slipping. As hilarious as watching her play 'hello fellow kids' would be, Kuromu is better suited to Security."
Dancy Dance and Cutler, hmm, I wonder what their powers are. Wait, Cutler is another codename for Benjamin. Benjamin is only 15 and his boss lied about him being 24, arrggh. Oh boy, so this is how Benjamin is going to end up at Whateley and near Peter again.
Eesh, is Molly that bad of a cook? Peter is in for a long recovery, Bystander needs to be proven guilty. Take your physical therapy seriously, Peter. Hehe, Peter has to think his mom was in Whitman for his own sanity. Benjamin shows up with the food, and I don't think Butch likes him. Aww, things are awkward because your crush is there.Friday evening, December 18, 2015,
Raiford Residence, Kapalangpur.
Molly wants his team available over the holidays, to get Peter out of the house and doing things, ack, she knows what is doing here. Benjamin offers Peter help and reveals he got run over by a jeep last year.
Benjamin, you sadist, Peter has enough to deal with right now."You didn't notice that I never wore shorts last summer? I'm telling Yuki you asked for her situational awareness training. Very outdoorsy. I'll have to get back with you on that tomorrow. Don't worry, though. She'll love having someone new to boss around."
Dang, I wish we could get contractors to do work that fast. Aww, Peter doesn't want Benjamin to see him in his boxers.Saturday, December 19, 2015,
Raiford Residence, Kapalangpur.
Yikes, another reminder of the limits of magical healing. And now worried that his dad is telling Benjamin embarrassing childhood stories, one of these two needs to make a move already."Stance and posture. They could reconnect the nerves and reset the bones, but the forced healing left my body scrambling for building materials."
Heading out in the taxi with Benjamin and Max, and going out to eat. Salt and pepper count as exotic spices, and Peter's parents need to expand their palettes some. Max stands out once again. And heading to Benjamin's home, I wonder what his mother will think of Peter's injuries.
Max, no jump scares on Peter right now. And Max's sense of humor still leaves much to be desired.Bukit Aseng Cemetery, Kapalangpur.
I was hoping that would be the case. Li Hua is Benjamin's adorable little sister.Mom's a Taoist scholar. She might have ideas for speeding up your recovery if she knows the origin of the injuries.
Oh boy, they know about the mutual crush and are keeping it secret. Naomi Keeling and her husband Reginald, if Peter knew a fraction of their history, oh boy. Doesn't look old enough for Benjamin to be her son.As with Li Hua, there was an undercurrent of mirth to the line. What had the guy been saying about him?
Is that knack the reason why sometimes Benjamin appears older to those observing him?"Especially if the recruit in question has a knack for letting people see what they expect to see." Mistaking Peter's incriminating blush, Naomi added, "There's no shame in making an honest mistake. In any case, Reginald and I are old enough to adopt."
Raised like that, at least his parents missed him in their own way.
Either through taking stupid dares or being too stubborn to ask for help when they need it. Flunked Survival 1, ouch."Are you sure about that? I'd think your most important task is to recover your health. As I recall, boys your age are good at complicating the process."
Uh, no, it is usually those who appear harmless who have a hidden side, sometimes dangerous when they let it out. Eugene would turn on Peter like that, seesh, bad roommate."Nate's pretty much harmless. Losing a match to him makes me look like a complete loser. And, of course, if I say anything in my defense, I'm a bad guy and sore loser."
No, Peter, you aren't screwed, chi is very much a real thing, especially in the WA Universe. Good advice so far from Naomi.
Interesting. A bone-healing powder, now there is something I wish I had when I was younger."There is benefit in combining physical forms with meditation. That is why practices like qigong exist. They can be performed by an ordinary person without driving them insane from boredom and lack of progress."
Benjamin shows up when Peter has his shirt off and says nice, hehehe. Their medicated healing pad, a good reason to have his shirt off. Falling asleep at the table across from each other and Naomi wants to take a picture, but doesn't wish to wake them up, rats.
Ouch, not able to get enough sleep due to jet lag, or is it something else? Eugene is an Iron Dragon stan, I would request a room transfer if it was possible. Why does Damsel avoid Peter in Powers Lab? Ouch, doesn't think there is anyone interested in getting to know him. It is scary to be alone with your own thoughts sometimes.Raiford Residence, Kapalangpur.
Molly is home for breakfast and is running late, ack, don't say things like that around your children.Sunday, December 20, 2015,
Raiford Residence, Kapalangpur.
Gah! Those two need to learn there is an appropriate time and place, but it isn't in front of your child!"Hello, Max? Please, help! My parents are flirting, and I don't want to get stuck cleaning the kitchen table after that!. You don't understand. I don't have a problem with the idea of having a little brother or sister. What I have a problem with is being a witness to the conception!"
Improvised munitions, okay, Max is scary. Max has a good point, gun safety, and training is a good idea for Whateley students to have.
Max talking to Benjamin on a phone. A family had their ancestor's bones exhumed, cleaned, and made sure they are being taken care of. Ack! The bones are landscaping material now, oh boy.Evening.
Good job, Naomi. The way Max reacts there were weapons testing, bad boy."Of course not! I let Mom do the talking. Something about how no one can stay forever bound to their former life. All things in the Tao, y'know. Anyhow, that kind of wasn't the sort of outdoorsy stuff I promised his parents."
Physical therapy is rough, I've seen it with my brother after an accident and my mom after both knee surgeries. Hang in there, Peter, it is worth it.Wednesday morning.
An irregularity in accounting, is never just a small thing.Half an hour later.
And the fact they are trying to contact his parents, something smells fishy here to me."... a routine credit check on your parents' finances suggests that there aren't sufficient funds to cover further therapy. We may even have to turn to legal remedies."
They are being targeted.Ignore the decoy cellular repeater parked in an unmarked van outside the offices.
He isn't even 15 yet, arresting him in connection to suspected criminal activities, bogus officer, and bogus claims all to entrap his parents and use him as a hostage. Taking his shoes and trousers, this is starting to sound like amateurs who found out who his parents are and are holding him for ransom. Benjamin! What is the meaning of all this?
A change of clothes, the place is bugged. Collect evidence of the Raifords' possible work activities, which might be a B&E at their place while they were out shopping.
The local authorities going after Peter's parents and only thanks to Benjamin is Peter not in a room being interrogated right now."No ETA for the parents. We haven't found the son, so we can't tell if he's involved or if there's foul play involved. If he knows his parents' business, our chances of getting any actionable intel are slim to none. But, sometimes kids figure the family money is just owed them and spill the worst possible security info."
How did the officer know about the break-in ahead of time? Having to be on his feet for hours while playing along, Peter is going to be in rough shape later.
Great, Peter dropped off with Yuki and has no idea of what Benjamin is up to."You are so very not the only person with questions here. If you have to ask if you'll like the answers, get ready for disappointment."
Dang, no ransom, no missing persons report to plant until tomorrow. Staying at Benjamin's crash pad and Peter's parents will try to contact him, this mess just gets more confusing. Dang, secure gear for Peter and his Mom, worthless once someone unauthorized tries to use it.Evening.
Peter sleeping in Benjamin's bed, and no idea who is behind this. Whateley neutrality doesn't help if you are dead, got that right. All this guessing as to the motive for the job against the Raifords and Peter in particular.Bukit Aseng Cemetery.
And another reason to suspect Bystander, for all we know Peter's parents might have messed with a relative of Bystander and he wants revenge. Being too trusting with your family's information can be dangerous."Your school's staff sells more data than a middle school coach sells roids. Anyone been extra chummy in class, maybe more interested in your family than they let you in on theirs?"
Peter could feel his cheeks and ears burning as they gave his mistakes all away.
"Please tell me it wasn't Bystander."
Nightmares of the 'accident' with different people involved and results each time, Benjamin is beating himself up over it. Rough night with no real rest, Benjamin needs to take better care of himself emotionally.Thursday morning.
Peter got some rest and is up for breakfast now. And yes, Benjamin can be that quiet when getting dressed. Sunlight and rest, are good for the bones. Playing Christmas by ear, I guess when you run a cemetery that is just how it works.
Benjamin, making a bet like that without telling Peter, way to mess with his self-confidence.
Meep, think very carefully about taking any of their offers. Being a Workshopper is rough in the real world, a PFG at a minimum would be a good investment."The Houses here are kind of like The Families in Chicago, except they've had centuries to divvy up the action. Most of the players in Southeast Asia have a small stake as long as they don't overstep. About the rest... Hm. You know how signing up with a players' guild online makes you an automatic target of one or more others? That. Except, the stakes are as high as it gets."
The vehicle looks like shit on the outside, but a powerhouse and protection for passengers is a good thing. Icejack sounds like he is scary good with tech.
Painful, but very impressive.All told, the session amounted to days of testing and analysis by a competent team. Peter's gadgeteering trait, aided by tools and experience, compressed that into several hours of grueling mental work. He would later compare this exercise to an unguided tour through an all-porcupine petting zoo in shorts.
And already scouted by them for when he graduates, dang."We'll be talking before then. Please remember that Bank Munasiq pays better than Batavia or Guardian."
Ooo, better toys, I would go with Guardian. Electronic dead-drops and Peter has no idea how to do them, oh boy. This is Whateley we are talking about, could someone really intercept calls from this part of the world going to the school without the school detecting it?Bukit Aseng Cemetery.
Peter waking up and Benjamin sleeping in that position, is Benjamin part-cat?Friday morning.
Gah! You don't tell your kids that.The "hidden" message left on Vaporware's system proved that they'd grabbed one of his mother's decoys. Molly Raiford had never told her one and only son to behave and remember to floss. If she had left a message, it would have reminded him that the sofa converts to a bed, and the sofa cushions were meant to provide the perfect angle for something Peter didn't want to think about.
Great, this is not his parents. Benjamin was a victim of child trafficking, no wonder he is such a mess. Someone hunting Peter knows this and tried to manipulate him with limited information, don't tell me Benjamin's old family the Groenwalds are behind this.We're on a job. Will contact you on completion. Whatever you do, don't involve Cutler. Groenwald has ties to known predators. Retrieval arranged on 26th via following contact... alternate rendezvous at...
Ouch, now Peter doesn't know if he can trust Benjamin, Max, and Yuki. Dang, so many people he wishes to get ahold of but has no way to right now. Miss Donner would be a great help in cracking this case.
Losing himself to the Library sounds scary. I hope the Lovely Lady Sally can be trusted. Belvedere and Cyberkitty both show up, yay! Icejack tells them what he knows of his troubles.
I hope this takes down everyone involved in this whole mess including Bystander.Belvedere: It would appear that our interests intersect to a greater extent than we thought. Shall we negotiate?
Dang, fewer options and more questions than answers, but progress is a frustrating situation.
Messing in House business, whoever is doing this is either very brave, arrogant, stupid or a mixture of all three. Going out shopping to bait people watching for Peter into revealing themselves, fun. A crew of small-time freelancers, the magic 8 ball says no chance."New marching orders from Jameson. A confidential source confirmed that someone's been meddling in House business. As a reward, you get to help me carry the groceries we're going out for."
Benjamin and Peter on a ferry, Benjamin with the itinerary. Hotel room, then fly to Changi, then a Whateley rep picks up Peter in Dubai to head back to school while Benjamin goes to do his own thing.New Year's Day,
A Singapore-bound ferry.
Sahar is meeting them, boy, they won't forget meeting her.[/quote]"...either of us catches a whiff of anything squirrelly, I break out a new set of tickets and yell for help."
This started off a bit cruelly, with the judges for the combat final blaming Peter without even checking if the fire escape had been sabotaged, berating him. I'm glad Ophelia Tenent stood up for him and his mother came in, suspecting it wasn't an accident. Benjamin, Max, and Yuki were already on the case before being hired by Molly to protect Nick, they did a good job and I wish the arena crew hadn't cleaned up so quickly after the accident before there was an investigation.
It is fun to see how Benjamin and Peter act around each other, I hope one of them will tell the other their feelings sooner rather than later. Even Benjamin's mom and little sister can see it.
The Raifords certainly are a unique family, especially the way Molly is so...open with her son about a subject matter he would rather they keep private. I hope she and Butch are okay.
This whole set-up to get Peter, getting his parents away, who is behind it and why? What is Bystander's connection to it all? Did he just injure Peter on orders from someone to force the latter situation to happen, did he do it on accident underestimating the damage a collapsing fire escape can do, or is Bystander the mastermind behind all of this and wants revenge on Peter's parents for some past wrong? I can't wait for the next story so we can learn more, cliffhanger mysteries make me want more immediately.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- null0trooper
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Ophelia Tenent intercepting Carson and her guest for the sake of Raiford, now she is a doctor who cares for the mental health of her patients. ... Yikes, remind me to never make her angry.
One thing that was consistent all through Gen 1 was that Ophelia and Liz could speak frankly about whatever was going on. And, she takes no prisoners when it came to her patients.
*winces* Great, if Bystander used mental coercion that makes him more dangerous.
He's got two mutant powers and, as we've seen, the smarter Masterminds are wary of him. Perhaps we can begin to see why. In some ways, I'd say that Bystander and Belfry have similar powers and opposite motivations.
Benjamin shows up with the food, and I don't think Butch likes him.
Molly's trying to get one of the two extreme introverts in the room to loosen up. Butch is amused by how well that didn't go. Have I mentioned what sort of school young Matthew Groenwald was sent to? I'll have to do that some day.
Is that knack the reason why sometimes Benjamin appears older to those observing him?"Especially if the recruit in question has a knack for letting people see what they expect to see." Mistaking Peter's incriminating blush, Naomi added, "There's no shame in making an honest mistake. In any case, Reginald and I are old enough to adopt."
Yes. He's even fooled Sahar.
A bone-healing powder, now there is something I wish I had when I was younger.
I kid you not: Beneficial effect of traditional Chinese medicine fumigation "Bone-healing Powder" in postoperative pain and recovery of neurological function of traumatic thoracolumbar spine fractures: A case-control study
Improvised munitions, okay, Max is scary. Max has a good point, gun safety, and training is a good idea for Whateley students to have.
Max is enthusiastic in everything he does. He also leaves worrying about practicalities to Benjamin, Yuki, and his agent. It's a miracle all three have thus far avoided ulcers.
The local authorities going after Peter's parents and only thanks to Benjamin is Peter not in a room being interrogated right now.
This is from Peter's POV, so he doesn't know what games Benjamin or any unknown parties are playing until afterward.
How did the officer know about the break-in ahead of time?
Once you realize that the officer only looks like the officer who drove away...
Nightmares of the 'accident' with different people involved and results each time, Benjamin is beating himself up over it. Rough night with no real rest, Benjamin needs to take better care of himself emotionally.
Peter's nightmares. "Rough night" is Benjamin's euphemism for "I had another general seizure and would like the post-ictal phase over already."
This whole set-up to get Peter, getting his parents away, who is behind it and why?
Someone informed the Syndicate that here's a kid with a potentially very useful power and skillset. He's not well-connected with the usual competitors and, thanks to his injury he's damaged goods point and maybe easy to isolate long enough for a cheap recruitment pitch. The organization pays for good leads like that.
"The Devil is easy to identify. He appears when you're terribly tired and makes a very reasonable request which you know you shouldn't grant." -- Fiorello H. La Guardia
What Peter, and therefore the tipster, didn't know is that although Cutler was hired through Syndicate channels, that's not who he (or the Territory Police) really works for.
It is fun to see how Benjamin and Peter act around each other, I hope one of them will tell the other their feelings sooner rather than later. Even Benjamin's mom and little sister can see it.
The Raifords certainly are a unique family, especially the way Molly is so...open with her son about a subject matter he would rather they keep private. I hope she and Butch are okay.
Molly has the understandable worry that her son won't just hide his sexuality away but hide from it at the age that most teens start coming to grips with that side of their lives.
According to Dr. Delacroix's calculations, her patient was still in the process of repeatedly hitting the mental snooze button to avoid waking up to the fact that relationships exist and he was in one. More disconcerting was that he'd managed to find someone even more socially stunted than himself to have a crush on. How does this happen?
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- Kirby Hall - The Second Generation
- Icejack's Very Sucky, No Good, Combat Final by Null0trooper