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- Chain Gang (Part 1) by Astrodragon & Polk Kitsune
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Chain Gang (Part 1) by Astrodragon & Polk Kitsune
Chain Gang (Part 1)
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Chain Gang Part 1 comments
Crud, the aftermath of the fight, and Erica being chewed out for using the chemical weapon. Not giving up her sources as to who gave her the information on their foe's allergy, not being in trouble for that, good. Still getting punished for using the chemical weapon, oh boy. Very reasonable for Erica to consider that during detention. Everheart can be scarier than Carson sometimes.Sunday 9th October, 11 am, Meetings after the fight
Eisenmadel with Everheart
Ouch, more lecturing. What, Cally's sonic power is considered that dangerous, whoa.Calliope with Tolman
Great, it is going to be a long time before they can do anything even in self-defense without being read the riot act now.Bear in mind we will be keeping an eye on you from now on, and after your time in Hawthorne, we will be considering what else you and your team need to learn.
Yikes, Tolman is harsher with Vic due to his past, and what he might consider options in a fight. Vic worried about how much Tolman knows about his past that she hasn't brought up before. I don't want to know what kind of punishments their kind of actions has brought in the past, do I?Tidestriker with Tolman
At least Morgana has a good justification speech for why they used the allergy bomb. Only getting detention because they used it to protect a teammate, I wonder how the staff would feel if Cally had been killed in a match that isn't supposed to be to the death and her teammates didn't do everything they could to stop it?Dragonsfyre with Ms.Dennon
The mini-tidal wave incident and Morgana using her flames to protect herself, good grief, they need to develop some fabric that is more fire-resistant for her to wear. Seesh, if Morgana has too many costume malfunctions there will be a betting pool and every student who finds her attractive will come to the fights just for a chance of it happening. Ack, that would make Morgana too much like a bad anime character. Reactive armor on a cup, I would expect a devisor at Whateley to wear that as a matter of course.
Acting without thinking to protect a friend, a common rookie superhero trait.Invictus with Dennon
Ouch, true, but still hurts to hear."I see. You do realise that acting without thinking in a fight is a good way to get someone hurt or killed? On either side?"
Dennon has a good point, devisors can make things so dangerous that world governments would freak out knowing they exist. The team is getting detention, but not Laura.Cerulea with Dennon
No, let me have detention with my friends instead, not studying and a test!You will watch a six-hour series of lessons on the proper safety precautions to use in challenges, and then pass the test - if you don't pass it, you will keep watching the videos until you do!
Morgana summarizes what they all went through and how Erica was the ringleader of the whole thing since Everheart was the one to chew her out. Dropbear shows up and apologizes about their bad intel, official Whateley data from combat the Berets have been in. So they are the fall guys because the staff who is supposed to check them for holdouts, even one not registered, before any match didn't do their job, great. And make an example of the first group each semester screwing up like this to discourage others, the school needs to be better about doing their job instead of punishing students for their screw-ups.Sunday 9th October, 12 am, Crystal Hall
Tanya should have fought more to stop the bomb from being used, using someone's allergy against them in a fight unless it is real life and death is never right. Warnings about the potential hazings from the Hawthorne kids and to not push back too hard, those kids have it rough as it is.
Cally, awww, being an empath and picking up on her friends' true feelings despite them all trying to put up brave fronts sucks.Monday 10th October, after classes.
A chatroom on the local network in Hawthorne, a shared secret among cottage mates, the Practical Pranksters, Podcast, uh oh. Pranking the detention students and one of the girls even got on Cueball's nerves, dang. 3 hours to peel themselves out of a mess, eep. Mischief Managed, Harry Potter fan there. They know who is coming and not to provoke them with pranks that go too far, good.
Great, they know why they are in Doyle and are planning pranks on them even now. Ah, so the first day is intel gathering, better make a good impression on them, girls and Vic.
Familiar-looking lobby with a similar design to Poe's, Ayla's gift all those years ago still intact. Thunderous got a sore look on his face upon seeing them, this doesn't bode well. Deborah Bardue, yay, they got married, I wonder for how long now. Introductions all around from M3. Trust me, she will find work for you to do for the full time of your detention each day there.
Jason is an imposing figure of a janitor. Stone-cold and serious through and through, yikes. Warning about the students in Hawthorne, nothing has changed there over the years.
Okay, more dangerous than it was made out to be in Gen 1 from what I remember."If you run into any trouble, run." He pointed down the halls. "When the alarm goes off and an emergency happens, go for the closest exit. If you need to get to cover instead, the janitorial closets and public bathrooms are your shelters for these situations. Don't try to enter one of the student's rooms, you may not know what you're getting into. Deviate from this, and we won't be responsible for the consequences."
Wait, you call him Jason for his first introduction, but then Daryl after that, what is his name? Tanya and Erica going to help clean up Molten's room, while Morgana goes to help give a kid some hands-on experience in magic. Vic is on mopping duty and Cally is being taken to see someone who needs nice company.
Erica is paranoid about all of it, expecting more than simple cleaning duty. A shovel and sledgehammer for the job, their jackhammer is broken and the replacement hasn't arrived yet, cleaning jobs in Hawthorne get intense. A black cloud of soot when they open the door. *eyes bug out* Based on what they see I'm guessing Molten uncontrollably produces magma in his sleep and it hardens once he wakes up and leaves the room.
Lucky to only have waist-high levels today, dang.
My guess was very close, poor kid not having control over that. Precautions and walls are designed to handle the heat, hence why don't break the walls. 90 minutes, good grief, that doesn't seem nearly enough time to complete this job. Tanya can punch the stuff apart but needs to let Erica stand back first, another soot cloud hits her and she is going to need a shower when they are done.“Simple. Molten’s a walking volcano. Once in a while, he ‘erupts’ and can’t stop spurting out gallons of magma. Once the system cools off the manifested superheated sediment, this is the result: a solid block of fused rock.”
Boy, Morgana got a good reason her quick and saw past the surface. Noelle, clear away any ice or snow and help her with her coursework. Why did Deborah smile wider upon learning Morgana doesn't have much training in magic?Morgana just knew that behind that smile, the house mother of Hawthorne was cooking up something nefarious for her.
Thunderous escorting Morgana to Noelle's room, why is he giving her the cold shoulder? Sterile wing like a hospital, *shudders* Graffiti of a super team with googly eyes on everyone, cute. Who's the big guy? You talk about her streaking in the middle of the match and wondering if you will get another show today, get told off and you call her a bitch, ugh. I know they have it hard, but it is hard to sympathize when a guy is being that much of a perv right in front of the girl.
Pinning her against the wall, intimidation, saying they aren't wanted there, great, a pretty hater. Repugnant, his appearance is why he is called that, but his comment about Morgana that started all this fits it. Because of past incidents, he judges pretty girls automatically, at least that is my guess.
Thunderous is cold to Morgana still, a member of the Berets, so the staff is keeping the fact they screwed up by not confiscating the allergy bomb and the team didn't know it would cause such harm from the students.
"The Snowglobe", a cute name for a dorm room. No snow or ice, what is going on? I'm guessing those walls are standard in Hawthorne so the structure can handle a lot more force than most. Aww, a large plush bunny on the bed, so cute. Ah, lesbian, and does she have a spirit that causes her head pain when she gets distracted?
Cold powers and sometimes she forgets and freezes things, no wonder she needs help. Froze some water in the pipes, so there is frozen stuff in need of melting. En-suite bathroom and climate control machine to keep the room dry, they go all-out for the students.
Morgana can go a lot hotter than you can imagine, Noelle, I'm glad she is learning how to control her flames better. The problem is fixed and Noelle can't help but admire Morgana's eyes. I don't like that other voice in Noelle's mind, calling Morgana a devil like that, so glad Noelle thinks she is nice.
Noelle watched the match with Nina and Glee and is still sane, strong psyche. Ah, it is a spirit and Noelle has trouble with her. Awww, she wants to ask how Morgana ended up in her state of undress at the end of the match but doesn't want to seem like a perv to Morgana.
The reason Morgana was sent comes out, and Noelle is happy Morgana is on the magic track as well. Darn, remote learning through the big screen in her room doesn't work in the Magic buildings. She studies and gets homework, but it isn't the same as being in the classroom to learn. Aww, not allowed to actually practice the magic while she is in Hawthorne, that sucks.
Puppy-dog eyes to get Morgana to help her practice magic. Okay, I want to Gibs-slap Noelle's spirit, you don't call Morgana a whore like that! The safety video about all the things that could go wrong with magic, I'm guessing makes all the safety videos shown in regular schools seem tame by comparison.
Cantrips they teach in class and Mrs. Bardue has to consult Ms. Grimes. Excitement about learning and practicing magic, what kid wouldn't be excited? Lady Lightning, Slipstream sounds like a cool superheroine. Ouch, living right across the street from a beach and not knowing if she will ever get to go there again. Ruby Rocks, a music band.
Conditions for casting the light cantrip, Grimes must know Noelle's situation and be concerned about something going wrong. The light cantrip and only practice it until Morgana or someone else Ms. Grimes nominates shows Noelle more, good conditions. Cantrips are still magic, imagine someone specializing in their use and figuring out new ways to use each other. So happy that Noelle gets to start practicing magic, she showed a lot of self-restraint for a teen to not do so until given permission.
Morgana, you read Noelle right, she wanted to do the oath naked with you, poor girl has it bad. Ah, shifting out of her dragonform. Paper, something to write with, and the Basic Magic book, schoolwork, even magic, have a lot in common. It requires Noelle's blood, eep.
Yeah, but normally first years don't deal with anything involving blood. Standard blood kit and they get them from the store, what doesn't the Whateley store carry?This is something you'll need to get used to with magic, quite a lot of stuff, and anything that's tied to you personally uses a blood link.
Ouch, the first time is hard, stabbing yourself willingly is never easy. That was quick and except for needing blood ink very simple.
10 tries to get the light rune drawn down right, they have to be exact, and it must frustrate a lot of students early on. Morgana shows how to create and empower the light rune, now it is Noelle's turn. 1 in 5 times when Morgana first started, dang, so having a lot of essence doesn't ensure empowering runes on the first try. 3rd try Noelle gets it and now there is a lot of practice ahead, oof.
Blood is the most potent link to a person, and dangerous if another magic user gets their hands on yours. Now how will they do blood disposal here, this is something new. That was interesting to learn, I've always wondered how they dispose of the blood not used in the ritual, spell, etc.
Oh no, Vic has to clean up the slime trails Repugnant left in his wake. *eyes bug out* What the heck!?!
Some of these kids are just plain nuts to pull something like this. Last week's recruit had it very rough from these kids and that adhesive compound is scary.“Would be the combination of a low-yield explosive, two gallons of an industrial-strength adhesive compound, and someone’s bright idea of detonating it all together.
Yes, Vic, it happens there way too often. The janitor is working them through the steps so they are in good hands. Huh, the crusty parts coming off easier than expected so Vic isn't in for too hard a job.
Let me guess, the entities in the sub-basement toilet making trouble and had to be calmed down. They probably miss Sara and act up for attention more.It was then that Jason stepped out of the janitor’s closet in a full hazmat suit, hauling a vacuum cleaner behind him. He looked through the window of his helmet: “Because some jobs take priority, kid. You don’t send the rookies for the dangerous jobs.”
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Kirby Hall - The Second Generation
- Chain Gang (Part 1) by Astrodragon & Polk Kitsune