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- Alley Cat: Part 1 by Domoviye
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Alley Cat: Part 1 by Domoviye
Alley Cat: Part 1
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Alley Cat Part 1 comments
Shisa is stuck inside, wishing to be outside in the fresh air, but knows she would keep walking with how she is feeling right now, yikes. Whateley her home and her prison, ouch, I hope having some friends will help her like being at Whateley more. Darcy and Kara are there, Kara is told to sit while Mrs. Everette talks with Kara. And Darcy starts sobbing, what happened?Whitman Cottage,
August 20th, 2016
Shisa pretends to be a normal cat to comfort Darcy, she needs to learn to treat herself as kindly as she does others. Glad it works to help Darcy and got Shisa out of her bad mood. Hehe, Mrs. Everette saying they met Shisa and telling Shisa to say hello, priceless.
Micheal typing up a report for Neo Widgets Incorporated, I wonder what type of business he is a part of. Chris thanks Mike for his advice to talk with his parents, sounds like a good employee and a good friend to have. Micheal was called over by Nancy, got her in touch with a lawyer, good advice for divorce from Paul, and called the police, whoa, just how dangerous is Paul? Hit her! Okay, calling the police was a great idea.Cape Coral, Florida,
June 29th, 2015
Got Bob to see a marriage counselor, okay, Micheal either has a lot of good advice or has some sort of power to help him. Fixed Bob's marriage, good for him and Margaret working things out. Okay, who is the harsh voice, already don't like them. Clara, head manager of the local office, great, she is the type instead of trying to help her employees improve just tears them apart over the littlest thing from the sound of it.
Poor Ryan has to deal with her. Threat to get Micheal fired just for coming into her office without knocking, she is a tyrant.
Oh, goodie, she is about to be fired and probably taken to court over the misuse of company funds.“I'm quitting. Today is my last day and this is actually my last five minutes. But I thought you deserved to know what I did two hours ago. I sent a message to head office. It listed your bullying and humiliation of the people working under you, with dates, times and audio recordings. You'd be amazed at how long that took to write up, you are a very nasty person. I also have video of you sexually harassing several of the younger men, threatening them with being fired if they said anything. And as a cherry on top, there's the misuse of company funds for your own personal use.”
Micheal says a pleasant goodbye to everyone, except Clara. A magic 8 ball and it says that to him, don't tell me that ball is actually magic. At least now I know how he was able to give such good advice to everyone and knew their troubles. Magic Mike, so mutant with Wiz trait or something else? Whoa, he has the true spirit of giving and compassion.
Ten-year-old Gregory outside and holding his little sister, are they orphans, homeless, or is their parent in the casino and left them outside? Oh no, it is the latter, Gregory and Gloria are stuck waiting there while their mom gambles away what money she has. *eyes bug out in fury* This guy is pinging my sicko detector in a big way, talking to two kids like that, trying to coerce them into going with him and his girl.Lucky Seven Casino, Seattle,
Late Night,
July 5th, 2015
Smart move to just try and ignore the creeps and let them move on. Hiding in a dumpster to avoid strangers, that they have been put in this position sickens me. Crud, did their dad die or just run out on them? Shisa jumps into the dumpster and after watching them for a moment goes over, and licks Gregory's forehead. Acting as a blanket for them so Gregory can finally sleep, got me tearing up, Shisa is in bad straights herself but still cares for others.
Gregory wakes to find Gloria with her face clean and her hair combed, Shisa did it with her comb. And a twenty so the kids can get some food, she is keeping her true nature a secret, but still caring for the kids like a guardian would. Great, their mom is drunk and lost all her money, blaming it on the slot machine being rigged.
Nooo! Gregory showed their mom the $20 and she takes it to go gambling again, a good deed wasted due to a woman with an addiction. Shisa doesn't like that. Slams the mom to the pavement, and an ambulance is called due to the bleeding. The kids and their mom are taken by ambulance to the hospital, and Shisa takes off. I hope Gregory and Gloria will be okay now and their mom will get the help she needs.
Sarah is stuck in the tent she called home while her parents are at work to keep their stuff from being stolen. 14, all alone, and just wishing to sleep, but unable to due to the noise. *eyes bug out at what Sarah saw just yesterday* This shouldn't happen to anyone, especially children. A man and woman try to take over the tent to have sex in, not even caring that Sarah is there. *eyes red with rage* Slapping a young girl, this man has chosen death!Homeless Camp,
Late Evening,
July 21st, 2015
Yanked out of the tent and beaten up, Shisa to the rescue once more! The creeps are dealt with, Shisa comes into the tent, comforts Sarah and gets her to lie down, and lies by her while purring. Waking up the next morning to her parents coming home, at least she knows it wasn't a dream as Shisa is gone once more.
Magic Mike is in the homeless camp beside a barrel fire and spots Shisa as she leaves the tent knowing she isn't an ordinary cat.
Now I wonder what he means by this.Smiling, he considered what he'd have to do to make things right.
Magic Mike likes to live dangerously, heh.Aurora Avenue, Seattle,
Late Evening,
August 2nd, 2015
Wise advice, not even Superman can help everyone.“Hello again,” he said, not looking at the cat. “Something you need to learn is that you can't help everyone. You'll want to with every bit of your being, but you can't. You'll run yourself ragged, make mistakes, hurt the people you're trying to help. And you'll eventually burn out if you're lucky, or end up dead.”
Now why did MM point how that particular teen to Shisa?“But if you're smart, use your powers wisely, pace yourself, you can make a real difference. Like with that kid there,” he said, pointing at a teen with short red hair, who couldn't be older than fifteen.
Jessie, why are you out here doing this, what happened to drive you to this? Calling Jessie a boy like that, this John is a creep and cheap to boot. Shisa makes Jessie stumble and distracts the John while sneaking into the backseat of the car. Ugh, the creep knows she is underage and still treats her like this, true scum.
Punching her in the stomach just for talking, this man is nuts!
Thank you, Shisa. Ugh, bloodied and he thinks Jessie did it so goes to attack her. And a brutal takedown of the creep by Shisa! Jessie tries to run, but Shisa holds her in place and gives her the man's cell phone after calling 911. At least the creep won't die and now Jessie is safe, so off Shisa goes once again.Jessie cringed as the man raised his hand to slap her. Then the driver seat slammed forward, driving the man's head into the steering wheel.
David's lunch break is almost up and he tries to hurry through the sidewalk pedestrians to get back to work. Forced to avoid Shisa he has cruel thoughts about all strays. A family of tourists with a kid playing catch with a ball, and the kid misses a catch and it goes into the street. Crap! The kid runs into the street after the ball to the horror of David, but Shisa is there. David sees what Shisa does, but doesn't believe it because cats don't have cats. The kid goes flying backward safely towards David who catches him, and Shisa nods at him as he is on the ground after catching the kid.Downtown Seattle,
August 9th, 2015
Wonder if he will realize Shisa is a mutant, or think she is some kind of magical creature or angel in disguise.As the boys family and onlookers came over to him, David tried to comprehend what had just happened.
Luna Wright is afraid due to many things, but most of all it seems she is afraid of losing her grandmother to the cancer that has ravaged her. Dang, got me tearing up, her grandmother is such a sweet woman. Gah! Incense in a room with someone who has breathing problems, Luna having to be the sensible one over her parents sucks. Energy crystals from a so-called magician friend called Moonbeam, parents would have fit into the hippie movement, poor Luna has it rough.Aberdeen, Washington,
August 11th, 2015
Telling your daughter she just has to believe and the magic will work, is not smart when her grandmother is dying.
That is one way to stop a conversation/argument.“So if the Witch Queen comes after me, I just have to say 'I don't believe in magic', and she'll fall over dead?”
An old farmhouse for a home, well kept, but more time and money are spent on a new age wellness retreat built on the former farmland, starting to see why Luna is annoyed at them. Ack! Being forced to eat vegan when you want meat, is child cruelty imo. *eyes bug out* Good grief, Luna needs a way out of there, and soon. Good, applying herself and studying so she can get a real job in the future.
Don't tell me she has manifested and did so before seeing her grandmother, and subconsciously took some of her illness and pain into herself? Or is this just her manifesting now?She'd just gotten the first question done when every nerve in her body exploded in blinding, red hot, liquid agony.
Jamie with his friends drinking, but wishing they would call it a night as he wants to wind down. Wayne sounds like an idiot, the move that got them thrown out of a bar is idiotic. George and Keven are not happy with Wayne either, and the idiot refuses to call it early and is a pig.Seattle,
After midnight,
August 23rd, 2015
Wayne's bottle smashes to the ground and Wayne goes down, blaming a sleepy homeless man and even kicking him in anger. He keeps it up and even gets Jamie, George, and Keven to join in beating up the man. Wayne refuses to leave and starts pouring a flask of alcohol on the man, I know where this is going, Wayne is sick to think of doing this even drunk.
Wayne almost embedded into a wall and falls in a broken heap on the sidewalk, thank you again, Shisa. George pulls out a pistol and Keven a knife, shouting incoherently and looking for the attacker. George is sent flying across the street and the sudden end to his scream suggests he is either unconscious or worse. Keven lunges for the old man thinking he is behind all this, idiot, you wouldn't have been able to beat him up in the first place if he was. Keven's head slams down into the concrete and he isn't moving.
Shisa jumps down from the rooftop and Jamie can only see her eyes. He begs for his life, making a lot of promises to be better and not hang out with people like Wayne. TK claws his forehead and he wakes up in the hospital, Shisa made sure the scars would be big and noticeable. Tells the tale of the attack, and what happened, thinking it was a green-eyed demon. The only one spared.
You got a second chance, use it wisely.“I don't know. Maybe I wasn't worth it. Maybe it thought I deserved a second chance,” he said.
Magic Mike is in an alleyway eating a tuna fish sandwich while humming, wondering where his feet will take him next. Shisa shows up and he offers her half his sandwich, good thing, too. So glad she took the offer, she deserves a good meal.August 24th, 205
Ah, I think he knows what she did to Wayne, George, and Keven.“You know,” Magic Mike said, “being alone too long isn't healthy for a person. People need people, or they'll start reinforcing their bad habits and way of thinking. Sometimes it's not too bad, but with some people it can make them get nasty.
“I've met some people who the only way to deal with them was a good punch to the nose, or worse. But it shouldn't be something a person does without thinking. Having a friend to talk too, to bounce ideas off of, to keep you from going too far, that's the ticket. Then you can keep doing good, without going too far and starting to do something bad.”
Ouch, that kind of life can drive a person made from loneliness. A black collar with a little zip pouch on it is a nice gift for Shisa. And not pushy about the advice he gives, that is the sign of a good adviser.
Luna at her grandmother's funeral, places a tiger lily on the coffin, her grandmother's favorite. Uh oh, bouts of pain that are becoming more frequent, she needs to see a doctor. Not able to visit her grandmother for the last two weeks, ouch.Aberdeen, Washington,
September 10th, 2015
Darn it! And the pain came back anyways, Luna should have been able to enjoy the last two weeks with her grandmother.When she started having her pain seizures, for lack of a better term, it was usually after visiting her grandma. Since the tests had all come back as normal, her doctor had thought it might be some emotional reaction to seeing the most important person in her life dying. So she'd been kept away, only talking by video.
*facepalms* Having her see a doctor, but still doing all that, her parents are adding to her anxiety. Uh oh, after shaking hands with all of her grandmother's friends they all looked a little healthier and more energetic than before, this is bad for Luna. An ugly green mark on her hand and touching it triggers more intense pain than she has experienced in her whole life, crud. All that pain and not even being able to lose consciousness until it ends is a living hell.
Hope Youth Drop In Centre,
September 20th, 2015
It shouldn't be common, I wish it wasn't. Father Liam sees a young girl painting a picture of a grey cat. Nevaeh says it is The Grey Cat and Father Liam asks why so many children are painting her.The art room was full of young children just out of school, taking advantage of the art supplies and snacks the drop in centre offered to the poor and homeless children that were all too common in the city.
Oh boy, one of them has even come up with an origin for her.“If you're cold or lonely at night, she'll come and keep you warm and safe. If you're hungry, she'll bring you food or give you money. And if someone is going to do something bad, she'll beat them up. But you have to be a good girl, and you have to be lucky.” She said this with the same certainty as he would say the sky was blue.
“Why do you have to be lucky?”
She looked at him like he was an idiot. “Because she's all alone. She can't help everyone. Abby says she used to be a human mommy, but she and her children died and now she tries to protect other kids.”
Father Liam thinks things are starting to make sense, believing it is a story spread by homeless kids to give them hope. Nevaeh tells how she met the Grey Cat, saved her brother Jayden from being beaten up by some boys armed with pipes and knives.
Yes, Father Liam, there is a Grey Cat.Patting her on the shoulder, he smiled. “I won't tell them. If she was protecting you, she was doing the right thing.”
Luna is in so much pain it is hard to think clearly, oof. On autopilot and goes down for lunch, only catches bits and pieces of what her mom says, and her mom gives her a white pill to take from the doctor. How did her mom get the cut on her hand? Chicken soup, her favorite, makes Luna want to vomit, that sucks.Aberdeen, Washington
September 30th, 2015
Why is her mom crying while hugging her? How bad have her changes become to cause such a response? Oh crud, she is losing track of time and possibly seeing things. The medicine is keeping her from feeling pain and becoming too anxious, but it seems to be leaving her so numb and dulling her mind. Looking up how to run away, and the ugly green mark is shrinking but the pain comes back. This is a nightmare.
Luna has run away and it was the drugs keeping her as a barely thinking zombie, she doesn't want to go back and has to avoid being noticed by the police. A few hundred dollars, better than most runaways. Heading to the nearest youth shelter and trying to avoid notice, Good lord, her first encounter with the homeless is a man whose mind has been broken.Seattle, Greyhound Bus Station,
November 6th, 2015
Not many facilities that house children under 18, that's ridiculous. Her options don't sound too bright right now. An offer of all that, and she looks like she has mental issues with her gloves on.
Arrrggh! One of the rules in medicine is to listen to the patient and not dismiss what they have to say just offhand. At least this nice woman is giving her advice and help with her current situation.She'd discovered that if she didn't touch anyone at all, she didn't have one of her episodes. No one had believed her back home, they kept trying new medication and remedies.
Trish may be just a little older than Luna, but something feels off about her. Change her name and get a haircut, advice on avoiding being found, uh oh. I knew it! Trish punches Luna, steals her backpack with everything, and runs off, can't trust someone just because they act nice to you at first.
Jordan, how old is she and why is she working as a hooker? That happened to her friend Ellie, some people are monsters. 17 and out on the streets like that. *sigh* An odd-looking man in a top hat seems to point at her and makes her nervous until he walks away. A large cat hides in an overgrown bush, Shisa is here.Early Morning,
November 8th, 2015
A creep following her and asking that, she tries to rebuff him, but he won't seem to take her response as a no. She tries to strike him with her knife when he gets way too close, but he grabs her hand and forces her to drop it. He has a butcher's knife, this guy is a murderer! But then his hand falls to the ground, talk about disarming the brutal way. Then his other hand, as Jordan jumps back.
Before he can let out a full scream he is bisected, brutal, and gruesome, but how many victims did he have before Shisa stopped him? Shisa comes out and returns Jordan's knife to her, can't leave evidence to link her to this. Confirms she is the Grey Cat the kids talk about, not magic, and admits by head nod she is a mutant. Invited to come to Jordan's place, Shisa takes her up on the offer and they run away from the scene of the crime.
Squatting in a foreclosed house and Ellie is awake on the old couch. *eyes bug out* No one should have to live like this. Introduces Ellie to Shisa, I wonder when she will talk to someone again. The more I see their lives, the more I hate our society for driving people to live like this. Rae sounds like she is tiny. And yes, seeing Shisa eat with her hands is a bit surreal at first.
Jordan wakes up to Shisa pressing tightly against her side, she does love sleeping beside or on top of others.
Champ, an exemplar with superman powers, has a VI assistant who informed him of the most recent murder. At the scene and ask his friend Zhao what happened. Crud, they found the creep's remains and there was a witness who thinks Jordan is a witch and Shisa is her familiar. Ah, the story of her saving Jessie from that creep has gone around. And the fate of Wayne, George, and Keven, and the story Jamie told.
Don't like someone going around killing criminals, not even with what they were going to do. *sigh* Too black and white world view. And over a dozen reports with more not reported about what Shisa has done, eep. Champ, if they think you are looking for the Grey Cat the kids will clam up.
Jordan wakes up to eat that, and Shisa seems to have left. Jordan gets dressed and goes to close an open window only for Shisa to show back up with a mouse in her mouth. So-so taste, but food is food. Shisa confirms she is a human mutant, and gets sad when asked if she has a name. Jordan pets her but stops thinking Shisa won't like it, but Shisa signals she does like being petted.Late Morning
No place to stay and no friends, Shisa needs human connection again, I'm so glad she is staying here for now. Ellie, Frank, and Crystal with her 6-year-old twin sons, a lot of people for a place like this. Joey and Luke want to meet the cat, but Jordan corrects them that Shisa is a mutant. Shisa, you can talk if you try, I know it is hard, but you have to try.
They know Shisa only killed to save Jordan's life, the creep was going to kill her first. Ellie, such a childish joke, you are lucky Joey and Luke are upstairs right now. Showing up her power with a harmless stunt, Shisa has been stuck like this for a year, yikes. A year alone, no wonder she forgot how to talk. 15 now and reacts like that to mention of her family. Rae and Asher are two other residents who need to be told, everyone is cool with them. And she will help protect Joey and Luke if they let her stay. I'm so glad Shisa finally has some friends back in her life again.
Reasonable rules for squatting in a house that is going to be torn down eventually. A proper name for her, she will need to think one up. And the last rules are just common sense for living with others and especially when dealing with kids.
Bwahaha, Shisa needed that ego boost. A busking idea involving Shisa, now what could it be? Going out for a burger later, Shisa needs to eat normal human food. Bwahaha, rode on top of the bus, classic. Fitness Planet for the massage chairs and to get cleaned up a good deal. Hyrdo-massage chair, cool. And you are worried about Shisa, it is understandable. The psycho may be dead, but the trauma he inflicted still lives on, I wish Jordan could afford to see a counselor.“I may have a few ways for both of us to get some money. There's the usual panhandling. If you help out with that, we should get a decent haul since you're really pretty.”
She had to laugh as Cat raised her head so her nose stuck in the air and started to strut like she was on a red carpet. The girl would fit right in.
Shisa acting like a child eating a kids' burger, cute visual. Magic Mike is there and chats with Shisa, then Jordan. Ah, he wants Jordan to take Shisa to a really good cat groomer down the street, properly pampered and a haircut, just what she needs. Off Magic Mike goes and Shisa wants to go to the groomers.
The works for Shisa and Jordan still have $40 left from Magic Mike, he is a generous soul. A small mountain of loose hair pulled out, yikes. Good, her hands didn't cause more than office banter. And once more they part as Shisa goes off to do her own thing.
Sandwiches and soup for the hungry youth, good work being done. Father Liam notices Shisa sitting with Jordan, uh oh. Jordan, Rae, and Asher are there, Father Liam gives them a sandwich for Ellie. A tale of how Jordan met Shisa made up for the Father to hear, far from the truth. Yeah, I would want to leave at that point too, teasing friends vulgarly isn't something you want to stick around for unless you are one of the friends. Oh, good, not going to report Shisa to the detective.Hope Youth Drop In Centre
Jordan and friends sitting around passing around a joint, trying to figure out a name for Shisa other than Cat. Shisa takes a drag and is tripping hard and fast, her first time, and weighs so little. Good-natured teasing among the group as they try to think up a name, I hope nothing happens to these kids.
Brett moving towards Shisa and wishing to find out if the Grey Cat is real. Finds out Shisa is the Grey Cat and asks for her help. His mother makes him do what! I don't care how desperate you are, that is wrong on so many levels.Hope Youth Drop In Centre
Late Morning,
November 10th, 2015
Father Liam working on never-ending paperwork to keep the center running. Brett is 7 years old, 7 and his mother... *tries to hold back bile* Shisa jumps on the desk and writes out "Tell him!" and Brett breaks down crying as he starts to talk.
Cradling the sobbing boy, for Brett's sake I would keep those emotions from showing, but it would be very hard.
Shisa has rage in her eyes, help Brett or there is another death. Father Liam says he will and Shisa leaves, never make Shisa angry, especially by harming a child.Turning his head to the strange girl that was still sitting on his desk, he saw she was holding up a message. 'Help him or I will.'
Luna wishes her grandmother was still alive so she could escape to be around normal stuff even for just a few days. Hating everything about Seattle and being homeless, Magic Mike shows up with still sealed deli sandwiches of various sorts and drinks. Black forest ham with Swiss cheese, ah, my favorite too.Downtown Seattle
Early Afternoon
With food and drink, Magic Mike chats with Luna and asks what brings her out there. A small backpack with all those things inside, he lives up to the magic part of his name. Not a superhero, just someone who likes to help, good man. Gets Luna talking about the loss of her grandmother, cancer is one of the worst ways to go. Her grandmother was a wise woman able to see which ideas her parents had were good and which were bad.
If only someone had stopped them, you don't drug someone up until they are a living zombie-like that coasting through life.
I hope he is right about this, if Luna's parents just have her drugged up again it will be an even bigger betrayal than before. Man, how long has he been giving out advice to be so good at it? Darn, Luna didn't listen to his advice, just remembering what life was like back home before she left.“Maybe your running away and having an advocate on your side, will bring them to their senses. People make mistakes, especially if they think they're doing right and someone in authority is supporting them. But the choices a person makes don't have to define them forever. People can change.”
Jordan, Mary, Ellie, and Asher head back to their squat, nice of the workers at the bakery to toss the still good food like that for the homeless. Ellie is up and about again even if she still has bruises, glad to hear. And where did Shisa go off to? Jumping down from a roof nearby, Shisa joins them but ignores Jordan's question.Late Evening
Crud, a girl crying and yelling, a big guy yelling right back. The girl is trying to go home, the creep says she has been living in his house, and using his shit so she owes him, not this type of a**hole. The pimp goes to grab the girl's arm only to be thrown backwards 10 feet. Ellie drags Jordan across the street as Jordan spots Cat bringing out her claws and calls out, she can't kill again, not like this, get the creep arrested. Well, it seems Jordan calling out to Shisa worked, she spares the pimp but leaves him with a broken and bent thigh, and helps the former prostitute make her escape.
Jordan confronts Shisa and gets her to admit she was going to kill the pimp last night. Having to kill to survive, each kill makes it easier to find excuses for the next, then the next. Magic Mike is right about needing a friend. Crud, seeing the evil people do reminds her of what was done to her, no wonder she gets so angry and can't always stop herself.Morning,
November 11th, 2015
Good, she has a line she won't cross. Dang, got me crying with Shisa again.'I've seen real monsters. I don't want to be one. I'm not good. I'm not Jeanette. She's dead. But I WILL NOT hurt someone who doesn't deserve it.'
So this is how Shisa got her name, it is a good one and fits her so well.Rae sat down beside them. “My grandma used to tell me stories about Japan. One of them was about guardians of the shrines. They're cool looking stone cats, called shisa.”
This is why Magic Mike said you need friends, being lonely can cause a lot of other negative emotions. I'm happy for her.Despite the rain, for the first time in a long time, she didn't feel angry. She wasn't really happy, but she could breathe more easily, and the noises of the city didn't make her want to hiss.
Luna huddling in a doorway from the weather, doesn't think her parents are an option anymore. On top of all her troubles her skin is changing color, she thinks with her luck it is a fungus. A man with an umbrella and he makes an offer like that to a teenage girl so of course Luna thinks he is propositioning her. No, no, please let Shisa find her before anything happens.Late Evening
November 13th, 2015
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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- Dan Formerly Domoviye
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I knew this story was going to be rough, so I really appreciate your dedication to writing down your thoughts and feelings.
Cheers and good night.
Darcy and Kara first appeared in Myriad Meetings, by Neomagus.Darcy and Kara are there, Kara is told to sit while Mrs. Everette talks with Kara. And Darcy starts sobbing, what happened?
Shisa pretends to be a normal cat to comfort Darcy, she needs to learn to treat herself as kindly as she does others. Glad it works to help Darcy and got Shisa out of her bad mood. Hehe, Mrs. Everette saying they met Shisa and telling Shisa to say hello, priceless.
They're superhero kids, and Darcy's father was killed by a villain shortly before they were sent to Whateley. It seemed fitting to have Shisa's first meeting with a fellow student be something like this.
I'll admit that when I came up with Magic Mike, I was thinking of the cheesy type show's like Touched By An Angel, Saving Grace and other shows/movies, where someone magical or close to it arrives helps people and leaves.Micheal says a pleasant goodbye to everyone, except Clara. A magic 8 ball and it says that to him, don't tell me that ball is actually magic. At least now I know how he was able to give such good advice to everyone and knew their troubles. Magic Mike, so mutant with Wiz trait or something else? Whoa, he has the true spirit of giving and compassion.
Mike is similar, but he's no angel, and he isn't a mutant. All he can usually do is offer advice, a bit of help, and hope people accept it.
This scene came from a site that helps runaways. They had testimonials from homeless and runaway kids, and one boy talked about hiding in a dumpster at night with his sister while their mother was gone.Ten-year-old Gregory outside and holding his little sister, are they orphans, homeless, or is their parent in the casino and left them outside?
Smart move to just try and ignore the creeps and let them move on. Hiding in a dumpster to avoid strangers, that they have been put in this position sickens me. Crud, did their dad die or just run out on them?
I used that as the base, and added a disappeared dad and a gambling addict mother.
At this point Shisa is just desperate for human contact, and wants to help.
Another scene based on a testimonial. But in this case it was a much younger child in a tent while their mother was off getting food or something. And when they screamed some other people came along and helped.Sarah is stuck in the tent she called home while her parents are at work to keep their stuff from being stolen. 14, all alone, and just wishing to sleep, but unable to due to the noise. *eyes bug out at what Sarah saw just yesterday* This shouldn't happen to anyone, especially children. A man and woman try to take over the tent to have sex in, not even caring that Sarah is there. *eyes red with rage* Slapping a young girl, this man has chosen death!
The rape and violence are unfortunately common in these types of free for all encampments.
Prostitution is extremely common for runaways. Sometimes it's the only way they'll get something to eat. And along that stretch of road, some prostitutes only get $5 for a trick if the night is slow.Jessie, why are you out here doing this, what happened to drive you to this? Calling Jessie a boy like that, this John is a creep and cheap to boot. Shisa makes Jessie stumble and distracts the John while sneaking into the backseat of the car.
I didn't think I made Luna's parents that bad. A bit clueless, but they're making sure she's fed, taken care of, and aside from making her eat what they cook, they aren't forcing her to do what they do.An old farmhouse for a home, well kept, but more time and money are spent on a new age wellness retreat built on the former farmland, starting to see why Luna is annoyed at them. Ack! Being forced to eat vegan when you want meat, is child cruelty imo. *eyes bug out* Good grief, Luna needs a way out of there, and soon. Good, applying herself and studying so she can get a real job in the future.
Don't tell me she has manifested and did so before seeing her grandmother, and subconsciously took some of her illness and pain into herself? Or is this just her manifesting now?She'd just gotten the first question done when every nerve in her body exploded in blinding, red hot, liquid agony.
And when they go too far, it is possible to talk sense into them.
She's mostly being a rebellious teen, and is extremely embarrassed by her parents.
I wasn't sure about this scene at first. I was planning on having Shisa be violent, not murderous. But my muse and instincts were telling me that having her go over the edge fit better personality and story wise. But she has hard limits, that she'd rather not cross.Shisa jumps down from the rooftop and Jamie can only see her eyes. He begs for his life, making a lot of promises to be better and not hang out with people like Wayne. TK claws his forehead and he wakes up in the hospital, Shisa made sure the scars would be big and noticeable. Tells the tale of the attack, and what happened, thinking it was a green-eyed demon. The only one spared.
You got a second chance, use it wisely.“I don't know. Maybe I wasn't worth it. Maybe it thought I deserved a second chance,” he said.
Scarring someone so they remember what they promised is within her limits.
Magic Mike is in an alleyway eating a tuna fish sandwich while humming, wondering where his feet will take him next. Shisa shows up and he offers her half his sandwich, good thing, too. So glad she took the offer, she deserves a good meal.August 24th, 205
Ah, I think he knows what she did to Wayne, George, and Keven.
Ouch, that kind of life can drive a person made from loneliness. A black collar with a little zip pouch on it is a nice gift for Shisa. And not pushy about the advice he gives, that is the sign of a good adviser. [/QUOTE]
He definitely knows what she's done. Once he found her, he's been keeping track of her through various means, which is how he keeps finding her.
And he's had a lot of experience helping people. He's not perfect, but he generally knows how hard to push and when.
Her parents are well meaning, but a little clueless.*facepalms* Having her see a doctor, but still doing all that, her parents are adding to her anxiety. Uh oh, after shaking hands with all of her grandmother's friends they all looked a little healthier and more energetic than before, this is bad for Luna. An ugly green mark on her hand and touching it triggers more intense pain than she has experienced in her whole life, crud. All that pain and not even being able to lose consciousness until it ends is a living hell.
And considering their daughter is regularly falling down, shrieking and crying from pain, I'd want to try anything I could that would help too.
LOL!!!Yes, Father Liam, there is a Grey Cat.
Her mother is crying because her daughter has some illness that no one understands. The medicine they've been given is making Luna act like a zombie. Nothing they've tried has helped, and every few days Luna falls to the ground shrieking in pain.Why is her mom crying while hugging her? How bad have her changes become to cause such a response? Oh crud, she is losing track of time and possibly seeing things. The medicine is keeping her from feeling pain and becoming too anxious, but it seems to be leaving her so numb and dulling her mind. Looking up how to run away, and the ugly green mark is shrinking but the pain comes back. This is a nightmare.
Her parents are doing everything they can think of, including following doctors orders, but Luna is getting worse. What parent wouldn't cry?
There are a fair number of drop in centers for homeless and runaway children. Unfortunately there aren't many beds, and most of them are short term only. It's incredibly difficult in most places to set up shelters for people under 18, or even under 21 in some cases, due to liability and red tape.Not many facilities that house children under 18, that's ridiculous. Her options don't sound too bright right now. An offer of all that, and she looks like she has mental issues with her gloves on.
At least this nice woman is giving her advice and help with her current situation.
In many places, like New York State, runaways aren't even allowed to take a nap on the premises, and drop in centers have been ordered to remove any pads or furniture that kids could sleep on, even if they're open 24 hours a day.
As I was researching for this and other stories, my blood started boiling several times.
This story is set in 2015. Nowadays, Seattle, Portland and California are much worse when it comes to the homeless situation. I could go on for an hour or two about their idiotic policies, but no one wants to hear that.Squatting in a foreclosed house and Ellie is awake on the old couch. *eyes bug out* No one should have to live like this. Introduces Ellie to Shisa, I wonder when she will talk to someone again. The more I see their lives, the more I hate our society for driving people to live like this. Rae sounds like she is tiny. And yes, seeing Shisa eat with her hands is a bit surreal at first.
Self defense is one thing, actively looking for a crime and executing the person when you have many other means to stop them, is frowned upon for a reason.Don't like someone going around killing criminals, not even with what they were going to do. *sigh* Too black and white world view. And over a dozen reports with more not reported about what Shisa has done, eep. Champ, if they think you are looking for the Grey Cat the kids will clam up.
I didn't want to show that all homeless and runaways were bad or desperate. A lot of them just got dealt a really bad hand. So I wanted to have Shisa fall in with people who were flawed, but overall good people.No place to stay and no friends, Shisa needs human connection again, I'm so glad she is staying here for now. Ellie, Frank, and Crystal with her 6-year-old twin sons, a lot of people for a place like this. Joey and Luke want to meet the cat, but Jordan corrects them that Shisa is a mutant. Shisa, you can talk if you try, I know it is hard, but you have to try.
And Shisa really can't talk. Her teeth, tongue, mouth and throat, make it hard for her to pronounce words. She'll work on it, which is why she's able to talk a bit when she first appears at Whateley. But it takes intense speech therapy and a devise that alters her throat to begin speaking normally.
THere are some interesting articles to be found about squatting in condemned houses. It can take years to demolish them and build a new house, thanks to red tape, so people will use them. The smart ones keep it quiet, and aren't usually bothered. The not so smart ones turn them into drug houses, or garbage dumps, and get tossed out.Reasonable rules for squatting in a house that is going to be torn down eventually. A proper name for her, she will need to think one up. And the last rules are just common sense for living with others and especially when dealing with kids.
Bwahaha, Shisa needed that ego boost. A busking idea involving Shisa, now what could it be? Going out for a burger later, Shisa needs to eat normal human food. Bwahaha, rode on top of the bus, classic. Fitness Planet for the massage chairs and to get cleaned up a good deal. Hyrdo-massage chair, cool.“I may have a few ways for both of us to get some money. There's the usual panhandling. If you help out with that, we should get a decent haul since you're really pretty.”
She had to laugh as Cat raised her head so her nose stuck in the air and started to strut like she was on a red carpet. The girl would fit right in.
Part 2 will show Shisa busking and panhandling. It's going to be cute.
The bus part threw me for a loop. How was Shisa supposed to get around with her friends when she's too big for a cat carrier, and finding one would be pretty difficult? Ignore all that, and have her bus surfing. Perfect solution.
And gyms are a common place for homeless to buy memberships for. The TV, wifi hotspot, places to plug in phones, exercise equipment, maybe a pool, massage chairs, saunas, and especially the showers are all useful for living on the street. The ones like Fitness Planet that also give out free food sometimes are especially popular.
I wanted and needed to show that life isn't all bad.Jordan and friends sitting around passing around a joint, trying to figure out a name for Shisa other than Cat. Shisa takes a drag and is tripping hard and fast, her first time, and weighs so little. Good-natured teasing among the group as they try to think up a name, I hope nothing happens to these kids.
Shisa needed to see it too.
This one hurt to write.Brett moving towards Shisa and wishing to find out if the Grey Cat is real. Finds out Shisa is the Grey Cat and asks for her help. His mother makes him do what! I don't care how desperate you are, that is wrong on so many levels.
But I needed something big for Shisa to reveal herself to Father Liam. And this is Shisa's attempt to get her anger under control.
This was the hardest scene to write.Man, how long has he been giving out advice to be so good at it? Darn, Luna didn't listen to his advice, just remembering what life was like back home before she left.
I had to show Magic Mike trying really hard to get her to make the right choice, without it coming off as cliche, yet still have Luna turn him down.
This scene alone took two days to complete, and a complete rewrite.
And this is Magic Mike's biggest weakness. He can only give advice, and try to have the right people in the right place at the right time. He can't force anyone to do anything, and he can't or won't directly interfere.
Luna wasn't ready to listen.
Neither was Shisa at first, but he had time to work on her.
So this is how Shisa got her name, it is a good one and fits her so well.Rae sat down beside them. “My grandma used to tell me stories about Japan. One of them was about guardians of the shrines. They're cool looking stone cats, called shisa.”
...This is why Magic Mike said you need friends, being lonely can cause a lot of other negative emotions. I'm happy for her.Despite the rain, for the first time in a long time, she didn't feel angry. She wasn't really happy, but she could breathe more easily, and the noises of the city didn't make her want to hiss.
I came up with Shisa's name really early in her creation, and I made it for just this reason.
I wanted a character who can handle almost anything and will protect people, because she's been through hell and came out the other side. She's sarcastic, usually distant, and can be a bitch, but if she sees that someone needs help, she'll be there to help them, whether it's simply to provide some support and comfort, or to rip out someones throat.
Shisa and Luna are going to be an interesting pair when they finally meet.Luna huddling in a doorway from the weather, doesn't think her parents are an option anymore. On top of all her troubles her skin is changing color, she thinks with her luck it is a fungus. A man with an umbrella and he makes an offer like that to a teenage girl so of course Luna thinks he is propositioning her. No, no, please let Shisa find her before anything happens.
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