New? Arriving? (09 Aug 2021)
Required Reading:
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You missed a Question
** - questions 41, 42, 42
forty-one on your application which read, "Ah consider mahself to be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.
- The Bear, the Bitch, and Everything
42 and 43, ' Gender, Male, Female, Complicated' and 'My powers or incidents associated with them are transforming/have transformed me: to have no gender, to become more feminine, to become more masculine, to exhibit characteristics of multiple genders.'
- The Case of the Poisonous Patent
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- Rosalie Redd
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- null0trooper
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You could ask the student to retrieve a book for you, to see how she comports herself in a skirt. Whisper was placed in Whitman, not Poe.What happens if one of the big three questions** used to determine where a student is placed isn't answered? Harder with a digital form, but with a dead tree
For other students, the most truthful answer may not be the most helpful.
"I consider myself to be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual,": Yes".
"Gender: Male, Female, Complicated,": "What's on sale?"
"My powers or incidents associated with them are transforming/have transformed me: to have no gender, to become more feminine, to become more masculine, to exhibit characteristics of multiple genders.": "You have no idea."
"No Heroes" Part 4: Story link .
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- E. E. Nalley
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That... is actually pretty close to what I ran with in my fic. I don't need to scrap that seen, Yay!E. E. wrote: The application will in fact let you leave those questions blank. On purpose. If the student does leave them blank, they'll be asked about them on their first interview with their student advisor. IF they're very hesitant about the answer, there might be some digging. But the default choices work for most and a student can always be moved if needs be.
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- Astrodragon
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I'm having a character objecting to # 40, so th data packet shouldn't come into play.
-nubs chin- There's a thought; character who's powers make their sexuality go all over the map.
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- null0trooper
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-nubs chin- There's a thought; character who's powers make their sexuality go all over the map.
Reactive shifter + poorly-controlled empath, like someone from the Martian Chronicles? It could happen.
"No Heroes" Part 4: Story link .
Story Discussion
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1. It's an *application* form. Meaning, you are ASKING for them to LET you go there. Playing ruler lawyer games is no way to endear you to the people you are asking for stuff. Consider if you would be a smartass in a college application, most students would feel pressured to answer in SOME way.
2. Then again, they are circa-fourteen *teenagers*. Few of the non-straight persuasion would be really sure about what they are (there's this big river in Egypt where they keep swimming despite the crocodiles ) And, even if they DO know, very few would be willing to admit it on paper -- unless it has become REALLY hard to hide.
My take is: (a) most of the forms will have those fields filled and (b) applicants will for the most part answer "yes, I'm heterosexual, and no, I'm not changing genders, nossir, what do you mean, what are these bumps in my chest? FAT! I'm only gaining weight, I really need to get into the gym and start a 's that about a river in Egypt?"
And the school wold be more interested in how they answered than what they ostensibly ansered, looking for telltale signs. There's probably a few innocuous-looking question a few items below that are designed to draw some significant clues. There are probably other carefully-designed questions to reveal other noteworthy traits, such as latent Diedricks, hints of sociopathic behavior, stuff like that.
EDIT - I had to go back and rewrite the message. I don't know exactly what happened, (perhaps I used some sort of code I'm used from the old forums that causes problems here?) but whole sentences went to the bit bucket.
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- Kristin Darken
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That means
1. Kids aren't going to put on paper something they're still hoping to hide from parents.
2. Parents might put something on the paper they are hoping the school can address/handle that the kid is too afraid/embarassed about (or too clueless to recognize).
3. Neither is going to put something down that they 'think' will deny access to the school unless they don't WANT to go there. In which case, the reverse may apply.
4. Naivety is ALWAYS a factor.
Fate guard you, and may the Light brighten your Way.
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1. Given the level of (usually justified) paranoia and distrust found in some applicants, I'm sure the people who process the applications are use to some hinky answers on them.
2. The Whateley stories tend to focus on the edge cases, the students who defy categorization in way or another. I'm sure the other 90% of the school applications are filled out by the numbers with little prevarication.
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