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Crystal Sights Files: The Catspaw by MaLAguA
Crystal Sights Files: The Catspaw (Part 1)
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
The Crystal Sights Files: The Catspaw Part 1 comments
The woman and younger male certainly have their own style. Infidelity request confirmed true, so they are also P.I.s, just what kind of jobs do they do. Timothy is Gus' student, so is Gus just a baseline inventor, more impressive if so. Esme is a psychic, and everyone has a hard time trusting her, aww.
Looking for Randolph Saummers, 19 years old and not seen by his mother in 5 days, uh oh. Det. Rishen of the Maryland police department, I hope their good feelings are right. A missing person with a story to tell, a kidnapping ring, a devisor, that has all my alarms going off.
Gus and Esmeralda head out to meet this woman with a story to tell. Having to ask Clara to take care of her son Vic for a few more hours, how old is Esme's son? An interrogation, eep, with a psychic involved can raise ethical questions. Another call and they know why David called for them, this much an unusual case indeed.
Ouch, all those credentials and still thought of as "legal" vigilantes. All are registered with the MCO, so Gus isn't a baseline inventor. Detective David Rishenbach, try saying that three times fast. A devisor did this to a woman against her will and made her part sphynx cat through some means, this is wrong. Lily McLaren has been made the victim of a mad scientist.
Having to deal with a mugger that soon as well, this poor woman needs help in many ways. Almost killed the creep, good thing that the couple vouched for her with the police. 26 years old and an office worker, her life ahead of her and stolen. Abducted from her workplace when she stayed late one night, and experimented upon, my blood is boiling at the thought of the scum who did this being on the loose. Esme having to root out memories from a traumatized individual will be far from pleasant.
A strong telepath, oof, having to deal with distrust the moment anyone finds out, it is a wonder she isn't an emotional wreck herself. Just because you have power doesn't mean you will misuse it, everyone who is suspicious or assuming is projecting their own feelings. Comsat, and her power is fairly limited for a telepath, I would be more afraid of some of the students at Whateley misusing theirs.
Good lord, this is a nightmare, in a tank being pumped full of devised mutagens. Armor wrapped around legs and arms, and a plated belt, could those clues help find this person. Dang, the place they took Lily might be a temp set-up, they can't get away with this. Experiments involving Animen, you sick *****!
A room that had once been a decontamination shower, only a few places use those. Nice work by Lily in taking down the 2 henchmen in the state she was in. This ordeal, Lily doesn't need any more trouble after what she has been through. Having to relive all that, let Lily rest and recover as much as she needs.
Even a small group can be dangerous, be careful. So many questions as to the goals of this mystery devisor and his accomplishes. Please let it be the best-case scenario. Taking Lily with them, I hope she didn't have a tracker implanted by the creeps.
Timothy, no gawking at Lily. Oscar is a good host, making sure his guest is fed. An abandoned factory, I can only hope there aren't too many in the area. Always best to do the legwork with a good night's sleep. Ouch, Lily just wants to be the way she was before. *eyes bug out* Yes, you will be allowed to live, Lily. Please don't let your darker thoughts take over.
Oh no, she overheard what Gus said and is worried about what will happen next. She needs someone to talk to, to get out of her own head and these thoughts right now as spiraling like this is only going to make things worse. Thank you, Oscar, for showing up to break her train of thought.
Clawed the table, and Lilly apologizes.
Lily, listen to him. You are stronger than you believe. Almost 3 years together as Crystal Sights, dang.“Don’t be,” Oscar said with a cavalier attitude as he set down the plates of food and offered Lily a mug. “You just went through something terrible and you’re holding up much better than expected.”
Heh, Lily is smart, already pointing out why Crystal Sights and its members don't get direct credit. So only one special case every month or so, still good work they do. Lily has a crush on Oscar, I hope this doesn't end with her hurt. And you can see why, the only person not to flinch or do a double-take at her appearance, just treats her like a normal woman.
D-Rob, oh brother. And they moved their operations, darn it! Ticker, boy, wonder how they choose their nicknames. 6 more victims, this D-Rob and his goons need to be taken down hard! They are in a Syndicate hideout now, this just got a lot more difficult.
When Dr. DNA finds out what you are doing, you are toast, D-Rob. At least this devisor knows he is already in hot water.devisor’s way of developing his talent of co-opting experiments
And the victims are in states similar to medically induced comas. *sees red* Make them think you left the city, nope, they are hunting you and won't give up.
Planting this at your old headquarters, foolish boarding on the ridiculous. Using the local gangs to sell it, oh brother.“That we left. Maps of the next city with randomly circled districts and building, maybe some sort of itinerary or clues that we left in a hurry. That would throw them off our scent.”
Well, Crystal Sights have located the previous HQ, but will they see through the ruse set-up by Ticker? Timothy's codename is Concerto, I wonder why. Oscar aka Dart scouting out the area, taking note of the bikers and gang members waiting for something to happen. Asphalt Biters, what a name for a biker gang. Gus aka Livewire never dealt with them, but Oscar does in his free time, good man.
Gus and Esme each check out the structure in their own way. The whole place just looks abandoned and untouched for a long time. Gus' scanner is unique and cool. Oh no, Esme found the planted map. And it is obvious to them it is a fake, especially with how thoroughly the place has been cleaned. The micro camera is impressive. And they have the goon left to watch the location and intel sent to Oscar, Ticker's plan backfired big time.
The goon is packing up to leave and heads towards the biker gang, Oscar continuing to follow and Lily is worried about it, such that she leaves the car to come to help Oscar, good grief. Oscar runs to the rescue and Lily calls attention to herself, this just got a whole lot more complicated. The gang members are ready to fight, the goon trying to get them to capture Lily for him, and Oscar going to capture the goon.
Lily is on the run and Oscar interrogates the goon, and he got TIcker's name out of it, faking being injured to see what the goon does next. Oscar is a brutal and skilled fighter. Now off to save Lily from the goon, she can't be captured again.
Lily wishes to keep Oscar safe, thinking his tales were boasting just because he is a baseline. Courage is doing something despite being afraid, you are going to get a lot of payback against those who did this to you before it is all over, Lily. Whoa, just how fast is Lily running they are having a hard time keeping up? Stronger, faster, more agile, and able to make a leap like that, these gang members won't be able to keep up for long.
Darn, flimsy wooden boards at the top of the fence giving way, so glad she has that cat reflex and lands safely. She just keeps impressing as she outmaneuvers these gang members. Dam it! Lead pipe to the leg and she goes down and surrounded. Ugh, insulting her like that, the lot of them need a lesson in manners.
Oscar shows up and proves his stories were real, skills like that you earn. With Oscar's help, Lily gets the gun and is safely over by Oscar's side. Thank you, Oscar, Lily would regret using that gun even if it is on scumbags like this. Another brutal takedown by Oscar, he should be training others how to fight. A baseline working with mutants, you know if he is the fighter of the group he is a badass.
Oh, I love those kinds of gadgets, the metal capture coils. Livewire has some great gadgets. Comsat's advice is good advice for anyone, move ahead one step at a time. $500 for a bodyguard job, those gang members must regret it now.
Oh, good.But it didn’t matter, Crystal Sights had more than enough to go on with.
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Micro scenes and bad ideas are freely adoptable
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Below is a stream of conscious commentary I type up as I read the story. There will be details from the story included in it. If you have not read the story yet and don't wish to have details of it spoiled, read no further.
Crystal Sights Files: The Catspaw Part 2 comments
'Bluestar' and who is the red streak of light with him making such a commotion?
Crud, that means Bluestar is fighting an evil doppelganger created by an enchanted mirror. And the creeps used the mirror on the rest of Columba Heroic, this is the worst possible situation right now. And on the officers, arrgh.“It was a developing situation. The Tricksy Trio have managed to get a hold of the Negative Mirror and have just used it on the members of Columbia Heroic just outside of the station.”
David officially deputizing Esme for this operation, that helps. Backup heroes, just how many heroes work with the Columbia Heroic? Concerto working on something while Dart and Livewive circle Lily making comments and notes, what are they planning? *facepalms* She wants to work with them, they have outfitted her with her own costume and gear, oh boy. Lily wants to help take down the creeps who did this to her even if it is the last thing she does, let her have this, Esme.
Gah, no way to turn down Lily went she is that close to tears. Egy instead of Egyptian like the cat, cute codename. Dart would want to spar off with a negative reflection of himself, good grief. Lily is right, the other kidnapped victims are in more danger the longer they wait. Crap, the creeps are planning to move operations again, it is now or never.
4 going in with Concerto as mission control, I hope this goes well. A Class D hideout from the Syndicate, D-Rob went for the cheap option and it is going to backfire on them. Dang, a clear view of where might be, Livewire and Concerto together are invaluable. Crud, Lily looking up the Catamount experiments and their life spans, I hope that isn't the case with her.
An open door on the top of the building, with superheroes in this universe that is just sloppy. Egy, trust Dart on this one, your new body has abilities a baseline-trained acrobat would be jealous of. Dang, Dart is strong to get Egy up that high by assisting her. I knew she could do it, the first time is always the hardest as you don't know your own abilities fully.
Dart doing the next wall and throwing her the rope, good, I don't think she can take too much excitement this quickly. *eyes bug out* Dang, I want to see him against Eldritch in a parkour competition. Interesting looking devise. Having to duck out of sight and listen to one of the goons grumble about moving again. Having to keep quiet while in that position, poor Egy.
Ticker is the kind of boss you hate to work for and only do it for the money. Having to keep quiet while all this is going on, Egy has a lot of self-control. Gah! This is getting too suspenseful, Dart moving to attack only to pull back, these mooks movements are unpredictable.
Darn it, the rope gun makes a noise and the mooks overheard it. Egy's poor eyes, night vision, and sudden bright lights don't mix, so glad Dart was ready to ambush this guy. And even temporarily blinded Egy hits the other mook with the rope gun and binds him up thoroughly with multiple shots. Bound up in 4 cables, oof. Now inside and heading to the rendezvous point, I hope Comsat and Livewive had it easier.
3 guards down, cuffed and gagged, I love those cables of Livewive, self-retrieving ammo. D-Rob got the truck and Ticker is upset about it, D-Rob keeps doing things like this and Ticker will find another Devisor to work who doesn't pull things behind his back. Aww, Comsat is concerned Oscar might give Lily an official invite to join their organization. Uneasy with change due to all the crap she has gone through, Esme needs comforting.
A single mother who is being too hard on herself, you are doing your best and that is a lot more than some people can say. Water park or zoo, now those are fun family day activities. Lessons from Dart, are definitely paying off. With the worry over Lily's status, I hope D-Rob kept extensive notes so they can figure out how to help all his victims.
Capture cable and spy camera in one, those cables are even more impressive than I thought. Oh, good, the other matter has been sorted and backup should arrive soon. D-Rob forced Ticker and his men to get him guinea pigs, this sicko needs locked up in the deepest, darkest cell. D-Rob is a power mimic who only works with devised things, which makes him even worse.
Ticker is so pissed he knocks D-Rob to the ground and confirms he is a speedster gadgeteer. Takes weeks of a coma and D-Rob is going to call it quits unless he is paid more and treated nicer, ugh. And Ticker stole Animan samples, that was mistake one.
Ticker, you have chosen a dangerous Devisor to make an enemy of.“Remember that I’m doing this to steal secrets and bring down the place. Truthfully, I loathe those creatures and the attention they get for the sole reason of being.”
Moving operations to the nearest city, nope, not happening. Not letting D-Rob leave after all the shit he has pulled, Ticker doesn't trust him and holds him at gunpoint. Yup, just as I thought this was going to go, Ticker thinks he can get another devisor to perfect the formula, and is going to shoot D-Rob and hand him over to the police to take the fall for this whole operation.
Crystal Sights can't take the risk and make their move. Thanks to Livewire that truck is going nowhere. Darn, the mooks dodge Livewive and Comsat's shots, this is going to be harder than expected. But they don't have their guns, goodie. Ouch, a charge strong enough to send someone flying, I wouldn't go near the cable around the guns either.
Ticker tries to take aim at Comsat, but D-Rob tells him not to shoot the computers or serums, a great hiding spot, Comsat. Dart swoops in and Ticker doesn't lose his grip after two kidney punches, dang. Dart dismantles the barrel and releases it, Ticker thinks he won the struggle, and this is going to be good. Retractable blade and Ticker just can't hit or keep up with Dart to strike him with it.
D-Rob tries to inch over to the lever for the gate and escape on his bike, except Lily comes down from the catwalk and she is furious. Punched by Egy after the idiot says it worked for her, and even still the idiot calls her his perfect creation and how he wants to get a good look at her. She kicks him hard and he is still praising her and himself for his work on her, deranged doesn't cover D-Rob's issues.
He just won't shut up! Ugh, making Egy pause, saying he is the only one who can reverse her changes. Egy doesn't have time to think about the offer and the driver of the truck fires upon her, grazing her waist, but the other bullet hits D-Rob's leg.“You don’t like how you look? I’ll say Egyptian sphynx cat wasn’t my ideal form, it was just the sample one of Ticker’s morons could provide… That being said, it wasn’t a bad choice. No fur meant an easier upkeep when taking you out of the vat.”
The mook is desperate to get the gate opened and Egy's get near him. D'oh! She forgot the advice not to shoot the cable gun close to a wall and it goes flying in a random direction. And now the gun is out of ammo and ruined, Egy is in a dangerous situation. The gate is starting to lift, D-Rob is limping to his bike, and the other fight is just reaching a break, he can't get away!
Ticker just is no match for Dart and almost gets hit by one of Livewire's cables but dodges and lets one of the mooks get hit. D-Rob is getting ready to escape once the gate is opened up enough, this is bad, it can't end like this. Darn it! Despite everything, including Egy's attempt to stop him, D-Rob has escaped.
These mooks, a bonus in pay for each intruder defeated and they suddenly have a backbone again. Ticker is going for Livewire and dodges his shot, crap. Out of ammo and kicked hard by Ticker, the creep is going to use a bladed gauntlet to try and kill Livewire! Until Comsat distracts him and takes the focus off Livewire, this is the kind of teamwork I love to see. The whole situation has gone off the rails, they need backup fast.
The mooks close in on Livewire and Comsat dodges Ticker's attacks but is forced to use the cable gun to deflect an attack done at superspeed, eep. Comsat is struggling with TIcker, I hope Dart can get over to help soon. Bwahahaha, using her telepathic link with Ticker, Comsat is messing with him and it is fun to watch.
I'm cracking up here, I love this.“You’re doing this!” He called out.
<No, I’m your conscience. We don’t talk often,> Comsat mused, a line she’d used before. <You know what would be a good thing to do? Just surrender and accept the consequences for your deeds… Hehehe… I’m so sorry, that sounds so cheesy when I think of it.>
And a great counter to Ticker's attack, he doesn't realize by reading his thoughts she knows what he is going to try, at least it seems like that to me. She is practically toying with him, and he needs a lecture about the evils of his plans. *facepalms* All this because Ticker despises furries, go to therapy, you nutbar!
He is the worst kind of scum. Trying to justify his actions, not having any pity or care for others. I like Comsat, he deserved a lecture even if he ignored the message. All of his mooks are taken down, no backup left, and still, Ticker tries to fight and win, he is an arrogant fool.<Why? She’s no one. I am the one who is fighting my own crusade and who wants what I want. I deserve it for my family’s coffers. Neither her, nor you, nor that coward of a devisor deserves anything.> He spat. <So don’t try to moralize or lecture me.>
And still, he won't listen. And a brutal takedown of Ticker by Comsat is just what he deserves. Darn it, that would have worked if Ticker didn't abandon the gauntlets and made a run for it.<Later let me know how you feel about it. As your plan falls into pieces and you have to contemplate the idea of starting again or changing your life… I wonder, who will you blame? Me or yourself. Because all this was warranted by your lack of compassion.>
Ticker, you need to die for this stunt, throwing mini-explosives at the tanks with the victims inside to escape capture. At least Livewire saved them. Ticker avoids Dart's attack and is already plotting on everyone he will take revenge on, D-Rob, Egy, and Comsat, he is planning on going after her son, this psycho needs to be stopped, and now!
A projectile hits his shin hard, probably breaking his ankle and he takes a tumble at super-speed, good. An arrow, now who fired that? Capture cables with arrows to keep them pinned to the ground, no way you are getting away. Amell just made it here, right on time I would say. The first one Mission Control directed there, good thing too.
A tranquilizer to put Ticker out, thank you for shutting him up. Stephan Amell aka Hunter, I was hoping to see a bow-using hero. Booksmart, more hope on getting Egy fixed or at least knowing if she is stable and not going to die anytime soon. Lily, be happy you stopped them from harming any more innocents with this. Your future will come but enjoy the present, don't let them take that from you. Thank you, Dart, for getting Lily out of that panic attack.
About a week since this all started, whoa. Ticker gave up everything he knew about D-Rob, but the local address was a fake one, which figures he didn't trust Ticker.
Why does Artemis Co sound familiar to me? Perfectly stable and has no signs of degradation, thank you. Yearly check-up in case of nasty surprises, okay. The other subjects are slowly reverting back to normal, but not her, darn it! There was a threshold all of them didn't cross and she did, arrgh.From medical centers for high end research, such as a medical company that went by Artemis Co, to the mutant researchers affiliated with Columbia heroics.
Having to hide her appearance, being an Animan without being a true Animan, why not talk to the original creator of Animen for help? They aren't real friends if they are treating Lily like this, she needs a better job for her own mental and emotional health and well-being. Even lost her apartment. Honorary citizenship on Animan Island, if she doesn't mind being filmed constantly could work, but that is a huge thing to ask someone who doesn't like how they appear.
Honorary MID from the MCO, have Livewire check it for anything they might have planted in it. Crystal Sights invited her to be a member of the team, they are the closest thing to family you have. Therapy sessions with Esme, so glad she is getting these. Oscar is there to pick her up,
At least she has a goal, finding D-Rob.“… So, yeah. They argue that my body is more stable as it is and trying to forcefully undo the changes might prove all the more dangerous. An elaborate way to tell me that there’s no way to go back. Well, actually there is, but I doubt that D-Rob will show up to fix me out of good will.”
Dang, Oscar, is suave and has a way with words. Gus isn't a mutant, I thought he made devises, not devices, have I been misreading that throughout the whole story? Timothy, I would have done the same thing to a bully if I could. No tiger man look for you, Oscar, Lily likes you the way you are. The day-off celebration so Lily is going to get to meet everyone's family.
Ooo, community grill and meal outdoors, I miss those. Aww, Vic is a cute kid and so eager to learn martial arts. Avatar: The Last Airbender, I wonder how many kids wanted to learn martial arts because of that show alone. Aww, no teaching him until he is in high school.
Vic reminds me a little of Razorback's little brother, so accepting of others and not finding anything weird about their appearance.“You look nice,” Vic complimented once the hood was pulled back and the mask was removed and, judging by the way he was fidgeting, he appeared curious enough to reach and touch her.
And it is a welcoming party for Lily to Crystal Sights, making me tear up here. This is her family and they proved it with all they have done for her, and how they cared for her from the start. Mmmm, ribs.
Crystal Sights, I loved learning about the team and what they do through the story. It is a wonder more superhero universes don't have teams like theirs. Livewire's inventions, I just love those cables and all their capabilities. Plus the fact they have families, too often except for teams like the Fantastic Four this is either glossed over or ignored. I loved seeing their families even if just for a short while.
Lily's tale started off as a tragedy, a victim of monsters for their own twisted schemes and a stepping stone to further experiments. I'm so glad Detective Rishenbach brought in Crystal Sights to help her, not only in figuring out the culprits behind her transformation and capturing all but one of them, but how they comforted her in her time of need, treated her like a person, and became family to her. I'm glad she is stable and has them in her life, after everything she has been through she deserves all the happiness she can find.
I hope Ticker gets locked up for a long time, if not for life. His attitude is toxic and has no place in society. And D-Rob, I hope they find and capture him even if he can't reverse Lily's transformation, he needs to be locked up for good.
Seeing their families at the last part, why do I have the feeling in 6 or 7 years Esme is going to have her hands full when Vic manifests, just a feeling. That last part was great, finally getting to see them all relax and enjoy themselves. I just hope to read more of Crystal Sights' adventures in the future.
Thank You for the story comments appreciated and help me know they are being read and liked.

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Glad you liked the story ^_^
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- Crystal Sights Files: The Catspaw by MaLAguA