Silent Mountain (Part 6)

Canon: Second Generation Oct 21, 2024 Hits: 296
Author: MaLAguA

Just a Happy Christmas Story: Part 1

Canon: Original Timeline Oct 15, 2024 Hits: 969
Author: Dan Formerly Domoviye

Silent Mountain (Part 5)

Canon: Second Generation Oct 08, 2024 Hits: 1049
Author: MaLAguA

-Of Pranks and Finals (Part 3)

Canon: Original Timeline Oct 01, 2024 Hits: 1600
Author: Morpheus

Silent Mountain (Part 4)

Canon: Second Generation Sep 24, 2024 Hits: 1501
Author: MaLAguA

Pop Goes the Weasel (Part 1)

Canon: Second Generation Sep 17, 2024 Hits: 2022
Author: Amethyst

Of Pranks and Finals (Part 2)

Canon: Original Timeline Sep 10, 2024 Hits: 2388
Author: Morpheus

Silent Mountain (Part 3)

Canon: Second Generation Sep 03, 2024 Hits: 1882
Author: MaLAguA

The Doomsday Protocol

Library Aug 27, 2024 Hits: 2300
Author: E. E. Nalley

Of Pranks and Finals

Canon: Original Timeline Aug 19, 2024 Hits: 2520
Author: Morpheus

Tia versus the Gorn

Canon: Second Generation Aug 15, 2024 Hits: 1930
Author: Nagrij

Dragons in Winter

Canon: Second Generation Aug 13, 2024 Hits: 2497
Author: Astrodragon

Silent Mountain (Part 2)

Canon: Second Generation Aug 05, 2024 Hits: 2400
Author: MaLAguA


Library Aug 02, 2024 Hits: 3351
Author: Bek D Corbin

The Knight is A Lady

Library Jul 30, 2024 Hits: 2964
Author: Morpheus

Silent Mountain (Part 1)

Canon: Second Generation Jul 22, 2024 Hits: 2667
Author: MaLAguA

Displaying items by tag: Off Campus

Tuesday, 02 April 2024 00:00

The Dastardly Daughter


There is sexual assualt, not detailed, but it happens and is heavily discussed. There is also a fair bit of violence.

Monday, 25 September 2023 19:00

Smile! (Part 1)

Warning: There is self-harm and mental illness in this story.

Friday, 08 September 2023 19:00


"... It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again
—Billy Idol, "White Wedding"


I was nervous. I'll admit that. Maybe even a little bit frightened. This was my first time breaking the law, well breaking the law with intent. If everything went right and according to plan I'd be a criminal, of the international variety. It sounds impressive doesn’t it?

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“... and that's the story.” I babbled looking at three women in front of me, the fourth person was still behind me holding a knife to my throat. However I was now inside the villa and not much had changed in the main room since I was last here, the entertainment centre was newer and larger, oh and someone had put down some canvas that I was standing on. Which explained why I had told my story so fast and in such a high pitched voice that likely all the dogs nearby had run for the hills.

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I had alot to think about, in a short time I had been kidnapped, become a mutant, died at least three times, changed sex, my mother had been killed and I relived it in her head or my head, been told I was a prisoner on a submarine, the only person who seems to have any redeeming qualities is one of my kidnappers, oh and apparently I smell.



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When people talk about Karedonia depending on who they are various images pop up in your head. Massive engineering project and Wonder of the Modern Age, shining example of how a supervillain can turn over a new leaf, hellhole of human rights abuses, the place to do cutting edge research, newest resort hot spot in the world, wretched hive of scum and villainy, the money laundering capital of the world (a fact much in dispute among other tax havens), pioneer in deep earth mining, a brave social experiment...etc etc. Basically Karedonia is a bit of everything to everyone. What they don't talk about is how to find it. Most people don't need to worry about that bit, they just board a plane and it's the pilot's problem, or a boat and it's the captain's problem, or have their minions take care of it. You get the idea. 

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Thinking about things from the benefit of hindsight I'm realizing the thing is I don't know how my story begins, with Mom's long career in supervillainy, or with me and my sister, or when I was attacked?


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The day had started badly for a lot of people. It wasn't getting better.

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A few twists and turns led to a standard interview/interrogation room in a distant way I noticed the smell of new paint and bleach. My hand cuffs were locked to the table and someone did something to the collar device that I guessed was affecting my powers. The room kinda faded out a bit as I just grew more tired, all I wanted was to be left alone, why doesn't this stop, I just want it to stop.

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People talk about having choices all the time, or doing the 'right thing', I keep trying not to go off on their pointy little heads, looking back on it all I never really had a choice until all my choices had been made for me. I'm pretty much over that now but I still find myself thinking about that in the oddest times, like now.

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Tuesday, 13 December 2022 00:00

Parish 2: Off the Books

A Whateley Academy Omake

Parish 2: Off the Books



If you think this is bad, you should see the other guy.

Monday, 12 December 2022 23:00

Parish 1: Buy the Book

A Whateley Academy Tale


Parish 1: Buy the Book



"It's a place where a wish will be granted
Come, you'll see I'm right
It's a force that will live on within you
Dark as day is light"

—Epica, "Terra Sancta"

In a world already complicated by mutants, mad scientists, and magic, Mason Goodwin is about to learn that the best-planned rituals might not be where he finds himself.

Tuesday, 02 August 2022 00:00

A Strange Fairytale (Part 3)

Teri has finally found the help she desperately needs, and Mouser has promised to do all she can to help the lost, little fairy. But even with new friends and the start of a family, it is far from smooth sailing.

A Whateley Academy Tale


Part 3: Arabesque pour une Garrison Chinoise



Shadowing an office-bound employee should be child's play for an AI capable of tapping any electronic device the employee touches. Colombine has two weeks to learn the high-stakes game said employee is playing. How Benjamin plans to cash in his chips and who's looking over his shoulder remain a mystery.

Monday, 27 June 2022 08:00

Triptych, Part 2: Count Zero Concerto

A Whateley Academy Tale

Part 2: Count Zero in Concerto



Just before midnight, January 6, 2017,
Elmendorf Air Force Base

"We are on standby for take-off. The seatbelt light is on. Passengers, please return to your seats if you haven't already."

Benjamin was still dead to the world, and if it weren't for his seatbelt, he would have slid out of his seat by now. Colombine amused herself by sabotaging Kota Kobayakawa's attempts to call out on his phone despite security restrictions. The various numbers he'd tried to reach could be extended into a useful exercise in social network analysis. Once they were clear of the air base and Anchorage, she let him try his luck with the extensive cell coverage in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.

Monday, 13 June 2022 08:00

Triptych, Part 1: Solo Bransle for A Minor

A Whateley Academy Tale

Part 1: Solo Bransle for A Minor



In which Benjamin Keeling and his personal assistant, Colombine, set off on the journey to his new school. He's traveling in good company and high spirits, even as he dreams of another life.

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