Reference Materials (10)
Sir Simon DeVille
British swindler, forger, smuggler, blackmailer and all-around Upper-Crust Cad.
DeVille Academy
In 1921, Sir Simon DeVille opened the DeVille Academy in Lucerne, Switzerland, which trained gutter urchins from around Europe (and later the Globe) in the fine art of Espionage and Covert Operations.
Heaven and Hell
So, you're dead. Kaput. Shuffled off the mortal coil. What happens next? Why, you go to your afterlife of course. But what's in store for you? Well, depending on how you lived your life, you will find yourself either among the ranks of the Damned or the Saved. But what if you want a bit more excitement in your life than just experiencing the afterlife that you earned? As it happens, both Heaven and Hell are looking for souls to become new Angels or Demons. You see, the two sides got into a bit of a war a few thousand years ago. Eventually a truce was brokered, but at the cost of strongest warriors on both sides. In addition, the population explosion on earth has naturally lead to a major influx in souls coming to their doors. Stir in a dash of magic potential, and you are bound to find yourself drafted to become the new Demon (or Angel) on the block.
The Heaven and Hell universe was introduced by Maggie Finson with her story 'The Recruiter' and is set in the In Nomine system.
WAU Disclaimer: The In Nomine Role-playing game is a Steve Jackson Games intellectual property. We don't own or have any say in the trademarks or property rights associated with the games or universe. These stories are not sanctioned or canon. Rather, they are simply set in that environment... similar to fan fiction or to building a campaign setting to share with friends.
Foundations of the MCO
In order to understand the MCO, its rationale and corporate culture, you must understand how the MCO came about, the things that happened to bring it into existence.
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 3)
2 weeks ago
Sigh of relief... Out of the mire and home safe. you had me sweating just a bit there.
2 weeks ago
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 1)
1 month ago
Thank you, Morpheus. I have been awaiting further Imp adventures, in particular, her progeny. I've ...
1 month ago
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 2)
3 weeks ago
Loving the story thus far. You always leave the reader wanting more, and you never disappoint. The ...
3 weeks ago
Imp 9: An Imp-eriled Heart (Part 4)
Damn. A very sad tale, yet also incredibly heart-warming. Thank you for sharing it with us! Though I ...
More of Imp's past is revealed, with both sad and hopeful reasons explaining some of the things we've ...
It Matters to Me, part 1
1 month ago
Thanks for this new post. I was beginning to worry.
As always a great story.
1 month ago
Last Orders (Part 1)
2 months ago
Wohoo! My favorite draconic duo is back! Always a pleasure.
2 months ago
Last Orders (Part 2)
1 month ago
I just can't stop myself, I simply have to say...."Won't someone give that poor girl a hand?!"
1 month ago
Pop Goes the Weasel (Part 2)
2 months ago
Nice chapter
2 months ago
The Perils of Penelope (Part 1)
2 months ago
Funny, interesting, and a very good read!
2 months ago